great-and-small · 10 months
More of the earless marsh rabbit since I can’t get enough of him! What a little fighter
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epickiya722 · 3 months
So... Max Elephant really out here being pink with red and gold accents... hm...
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enii · 3 months
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laterreurofficial · 2 months
I love your AU and the miraculous side effects are fascinating. I’ve been wondering about the rabbit though.
It seems like there could be a few different things. Would the wielder just eat a lot of vegetables, would they start randomly time looping, or experience the events of their lives out of order?
If you’re not going to include the rabbit because of the time travel, though, I completely understand and I really hope that I’m not coming off as annoying.
Alix's side effects are rather different from the rest. She's experiencing life outside of time for the most part, which makes her not only prone to mundane things like combining together fashion and slang from various centuries, but also larger issues like being unable to form meaningful interpersonal relationships!
Her emotions are also affected too—Alix does not feel things, really, as her emotions are more of a natural extension of What Must Be Done. If things go haywire she's angry, if things are as they should be she's mildly content (but never really happy), but nothing beyond that. Especially not grief for the life she could've had if only she wasn't destined to turn out this way.
Her experience of life "out of order" is also a side effect that's more self-imposed than any of her peers', but even still it wasn't as if she truly had a say in the matter. She's just a cog in the machine now, not a person. Not a girl.
(actually I personally have some thoughts on how adrien and alix could parallel each other in terms of gender and how they've been forced into identities they didn't ask for. Le Dauphine and L’héritière. so on so forth)
Also Alix cannot date anybody without it being problematic because she's technically millions of years old even though she was born only 16 years ago.
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goodsniff-m8 · 2 months
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i-may-be-an-emu · 2 months
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I made a meme 😭
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beaniebea · 8 months
I was playing epic mookers today and whan talking to this bust in the haunted mansion he said something I hadn't heard before:
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And my sickness-riddled brain thought he meant "The Mad Doctor literally stole Oswald's ear once" like this:
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But I thought about it for two more seconds and realized he probably meant "had his ear" as in "he was Oswald's main advisor" and that makes more sense, considering how much they worked together before Oswald was betrayed by him. It's kind of a weird way of phrasing it though.
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sholangagaga · 1 year
Wait I thought that everyone knew in canon that Bonnie was decommissioned?
This is gonna be a long answer so I'll put it under the cut. Very slight spoilers to an easter egg in Ruin
Apparently there's some confusion about this in the fandom but to reiterate to everyone who doesn't know; No one knows that Bonnie was shattered and is still within the Pizzaplex
No one.
Not the technicians, not Fazbear Entertainment, not the other animatronics.
To everyone in canon, Bonnie just up and disappeared one day under mysterious circumstances.
But Lonnie! you ask, your eyes innocent and wide. That doesn't make any sense! How could a giant 7ft robot disappear???
Well, according to what we learn in Ruin, he didn't actually disappear. We as the audience know where he is and know what happened to him. Everyone else? They have NO clue.
Your first key in to this is when Gregory first sees Vanny and tries to inform Freddy. To which Freddy responds with There are no rabbits at the Mega Pizzaplex. Not anymore.
We've already seen the animatronics go through hell and back and still be functioning. We've also see how FazEnt is REALLY unwilling to change or fully decommission animatronics because of how much it'll cost unless something impossible to cover up happens (Ie. the Missing Children Incident, The Bite of 83 and The Bite of 87)
As far as we knew, Bonnie hadn't done anything that drastic. None of the Glamrocks have, so what on earth could warrant him not only being fully decommissioned, but also completely wiped from the face of the Pizzaplex?
We get the answer to this question in bits and pieces throughout SB in the form of the dufflebag notices. There are two (three if you're annoying like me) very interesting ones that allude to Bonnie's fate.
Re-Theme, MISSING, and Monty Mischief
What do all of these have in common?
Well, they tell a story, albeit a very patchy one, but a story nonetheless.
Now, its important to note here that while Bonnie was still active (either as a band member or after his retirement) Monty Golf was very much an established attraction. This means that Monty wasn't made or pushed into the Pizzaplex to replace Bonnie outright. He was just another animatronic who spent his time in his own little place and did his own thing.
In Monty Mischief, we learn about how we're to stop Monty.
ERRANT BEHAVIOR REPORT - Monty didn't show up for the main stage performance again. We found him in the same place we always do, the catwalks over Monty Golf. We can't have a repeat of last month. Someone hit the hole in one and the hurricane bucket knocked him down. Both legs were broken and required emergency parts and service work.
Monty heads onto the catwalk every now and then, which is dangerous for him because the catwalks are prefaced by the blasters and Hurricane bucket. So, Monty is in danger of getting whacked off the catwalk and getting damaged.
In MISSING, we get our first clue into what happened to Bonnie on his final night active
SECURITY REPORT - 12:24AM - Bonnie is seen leaving his green room in Rockstar Row heading East towards the atrium. 2:40AM - Bonnie enters the East Arcade. 4:12AM - Bonnie enters Monty Golf.
Now this notice doesn't explain much. But once you look deeper into it, you start to find some odd tidbits within the notice that doesn't make much sense.
At nearly 12:30am, Bonnie left his green room and headed East towards the Atrium (which is the big squarish space in the center of the Pizzaplex) To explain it better cause the map is a big nondescriptive, the Atrium is that huge area with the main stage and all of the tables that leads to each attraction
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Bonnie went EAST (or right) from Rockstar Row (which is the area right above the Atrium, where all of the animatronics themed rooms are) So assuming he was standing in his green room and he walked out, he would have walked down the rightmost path, where Roxy Raceway and Bonnie Bowl are located. (On the map, that would be the lefthand side. I know, that's confusing directions wise, but it would have been HIS right being the MAP'S left)
He went towards and entered the East Arcade (which would be Fazcade according to the map. The West Arcade is the Super Starcade)
Now, Bonnie left his room at 12:24 and got to the Fazcade at 2:40. That's almost 2 hours and 16 minutes of movement time.
Now we as the audience know that it doesn't take 2 and a half hours to clear a straight walking path. Gregory (and even Freddy) can clear that distance in less that 30 in game minutes. So what took Bonnie so long?
Normally I would say that maybe he was being stopped by kids or something, but this was well after closing. There shouldn't have been any kids or autograph opportunities, and unless Bonnie was walking at a snail's pace or in slow motion, it shouldn't have taken him so long to get to the Fazcade.
The next time stamp is even weirder. At 4:12am, Bonnie entered the Monty Golf (Directly across from Roxy Raceway on the righthand side of the map while below it is the Daycare)
It took Bonnie an extra 1 hour and 32 minutes to round the rest of the Pizzaplex (assuming he didn't stop and do something in the Fazcade) and end in the Monty Golf. And then from there, the name of the transmission is "missing" and there are no further time stamps, implying that Bonnie never left Monty Golf after that point and there are no further reads on his location.
So, he spent 3 hours and 48 minutes going to two specific points on the map only to vanish without a trace.
The next notice, Re-Theme, we get a bit of the aftermath of Bonnie's disappearance.
MANAGEMENT REPORT - The bowling alley needs a re-theme. While most of the Bonnie art was removed, kids keep asking, 'Where's Bonnie?' Do we have an officially approved response?
This is a notice from management themselves. Apparently, even though Bonnie hasn't been active for a while at this point, there still isn't a company approved response for WHERE he is. Not what happened to him, WHERE he could be. This means that after Bonnie entered Monty Golf according to the timestamp and never left, they must've searched the area and ended up being unable to find him, which led to them quickly changing gears and throwing Monty forward to take over. (Which is another discussion all together, I personally don't believe Monty hurt Bonnie, despite what the game wants you to believe)
In Ruin, we see what became of Bonnie and where he actually was after all of this time.
In the rundown Bonnie Bowl at the end of the alley, there's a sign that fell to block off the pin mechanisms against the alley wall. Deactivating all of the patpats (Wet Floor Signs) in the Ruin campaign will cause the sign to be removed, leading to a little rabbit (haha) hole. Going through the hole leads to a storage/recycling area for the bowling balls (I'm not bowling alley literate, its that machine that catches the balls and sends them back to the sleeve thing near the seating/scoring area so you can get your ball back)
And, laying there amidst the ruined machinery and surrounded by four patpats, is Glamrock Bonnie
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He's apparently been there for a while, but he looks relatively untouched from the decay and ruination of the other animatronics (probably because he wasn't moving around and instead was completely stationary) ((some people mention how he seems to be missing his endoskeleton/major machinery but this post isn't about what happened to him/how he was shattered, this is just about his disappearance and subsequent location))
The fact that Bonnie has just been laying here, untouched, his only company being a few bear-eared patpats, means that NO ONE knew he was back here. If the technicians or FazEnt knew he was back here, they would have repaired him. And we KNOW that they could repair him from any state of disarray or damage because we've seen and heard of this happening before (Monty with his broken legs, Vanessa mentioning to Freddy how they can "slap his shell onto another endo" if he keeps misbehaving)
And even if Bonnie couldn't be repaired enough to take the main stage again, they could at least repair his shell or make him a permanent fixture at the Bonnie Bowl and complete retire him without leaving him in the back of a bowling alley to rot away.
Now how he got back there, I've got a few theories but again, that's another post for another day. But it's a bit sad to learn that Bonnie never really disappeared. He'd been injured in some way and went back to his home to basically die, and no one knows what happened to him. Not even Freddy, who loved and misses him so much, who probably would have been so happy to learn that Bonnie was right there the whole time and all they needed to do was repair him
But he doesn't know.
No one knows.
And since that scene is an easter egg and not an actually scripted story event, there's a very good chance that no one will ever know Bonnie's final resting place.
And that's so very sad
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froody · 9 months
I have this core childhood memory of my mother handing my father a shotgun and telling him he had to shoot the opossum that had been plaguing the yard for weeks, freaking out the dog, getting in the trash, eating dog food, knocking over the bird feeder. And my dad, drunk and holding a shotgun, straight up bursts into tears. He can’t do it. The opossum is right outside on the bird feeder and my dad, a grown man, is crying and telling my mom he can’t shoot it. I have no idea why my mom didn’t shoot the possum herself, she’s a better shot then my dad and much more accustomed to hunting and processing animals in things. idk if she wanted my dad to feel like a pussy or if she too couldn’t bring herself to end the lovable rogue that lived in our yard but the opossum survived and that’s a vivid memory.
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luckylittledarlings · 2 months
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Dandy wishes upon a star ☆
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itsgrindtime · 2 years
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happy year of the rabbit!!
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cabthemunchlax · 11 days
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🌠I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now🌠
The shipwrecked 64 fandom is obsessed with pairing these two together for some silly reason so I knew I had to make that one deviantart meme
Enjoy Bucket shippers🪣💖
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afuzzykitten · 24 days
paddler (n others) in spaaaaaace!!!
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yippee :3
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reality-detective · 1 year
* * * Las Vegas Shooting * * *
Part 3
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On the Thursday night that followed, the White House press pool was unexpectedly called in to witness a “photo op” that was taking place with President Trump…and included various military officials & their spouses.
As cameras were rolling, President Trump said, “Maybe it’s the calm before the storm. Could be, the calm…the calm before the storm.”
As reporters shouted questions, he said,
“We have the world’s great military people in this room, I will tell you that. And uh, we’re gonna have a great evening.”
Then, when asked what he meant by “storm,” he ominously answered,
“You’ll find out.”
MEGANON, the anonymous 4chan poster that I referenced the other day posted this on 4Chan after Trump made his “Calm Before the Storm” warning...
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Then 👇
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It is interesting to point out that the very next day after Trump made his cryptic remark, a fire broke out at the Federal Reserve Bank Building.
Here is an excerpt from a 10/7/17 Zero Hedge article titled “Fire Breaks Out on the Roof of the NY Fed.”
“Dozens of firefighters are fighting a blaze which broke out on the top of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, NBC New York reports.
Contrary to recurring rumors that the fire was created from excess money creation, the FDNY said that a generator on the roof of the building caused the fire in a chimney, although the severity of the damage to the building is not known.”
☝️ Was it possible that Trump’s warning “You’ll find out” was taken seriously enough…that it lead to an emergency bonfire of incriminating documents right on the roof of the Federal bank building?
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Guess what happened after that???
On October 26th, 2017
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Funny that he releases the files on October 26th!! That’s the birthdate of Hillary Rodham Clinton!!
Reversing the curse!!
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By the way, October 28th is a date with a lot of significance.
By choosing this date,
God/Trump/The Alliance/White Hats are reversing the curses that were placed on our society by ((these)) people.
((THESE)) people are the Occult/Witches/Warlocks/Satanists/Luciferians/Illuminati/Jesuits/Crypto Jews/Khazarian Mafia/Banksters/Deep State/Cabal/Black Hats/Rothschilds/Rockefellers/Clintons/Bushes etc. etc.etc!!
Löök up famous people born on October 28th you'll get a better picture of what I'm saying. 🤔
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FUN FACT: Remember, Q started posting on October 28, 2017.
Facebook was originally launched as FaceMash on... you guessed it... October 28, 2003, (before changing its name to Facebook on February 4, 2004).
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The PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT began during the summer of 1943.
On OCTOBER 28th, 1943,
The Navy Destroyer—USS Eldridge—was placed in an electromagnetic field and disappeared…not only from the screens…but also from our reality.
During this second experiment, the ship disappeared from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.
Simultaneously, sailors stationed 375 miles south at the Norfolk Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia, reported the ship’s appearance for several minutes before it vanished.
Many believe that the USS Eldridge traveled through time.
Time traveling is a real thing and so is "Project Lööking Glass"
I hope this sheds some light on the Las Vegas Shooting Event, it was no random solo shooter acting out. It was all a staged event.
All links connected 👇
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siqk0 · 6 months
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eta piscium
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wholelottatransbians · 3 months
I'm always accepting asks, don't worry about bugging me.
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