burning-sol · 17 days
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number-1-harumi-hater · 11 months
next thing im drawing is adora telling everyone to go to church cuz yall NEED IT-
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pra1sethelord · 6 months
Hey don't say that on my blog, that's very sinful!!
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racewinnerlandonorris · 11 months
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himemeiya · 20 days
Tryna strike a chord and it sounds like A MINOR... [x]
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ygamiraito · 3 months
wanna share these pictures of harlan with his beloved dog named Ahbhu :) (which was a Puli— a Hungarian sheep dog.)
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bonus : some excerpts from a dedicated story harlan wrote for ahbhu (heres the full story :])
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
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"who gave this child coffee?? WHO GAVE THIS CHILD COFFEE?!??" my reblogs cry
it was me, i'm not sorry >:)c
*taps microphone* yes, thank you for tuning in 😌✨ now go follow the creator of the Alpha Stage/de-aged!Donnie AU, @snailsnaps and consume their content (not literally /j)
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b33tlejules · 2 months
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Revised my Ortega painting a bit because there were some tiny details that were slowly killing me the more i looked. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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spn really just nails down the horrible cycle of familial self-sacrifice as an endless chain of entrapment. the 'I gave up my whole life for you and now you owe me everything in return' of it all. my condolences to anyone and everyone who can also relate.
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pickled-jester · 1 year
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epic and cool trigun sticker i made to sell at my last con (no high quality pics of them specifically tho unfortunately lol)
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deluxe-rabbitsu · 5 months
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It's so strange to be drawing him like this,,,but bdbdjdj💕💕💖💕💖💕
I can't, I'm weak against his charms–
I didn't had time to actually do a full piece like I could like to but this will be to keep my mind at ease (at least until there's more info about this silly croissant)
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wynandcore · 1 year
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The “prodigal son” 😁
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pra1sethelord · 6 months
Someone reblogged one of my posts calling me a faggot. I am NOT gay, gay is sinful. I can't believe the nerve of some people on this site.
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bookshelfdreams · 11 months
do it. gimme the Izzy straight-coded meta 👀
I feel like I need to preface this by saying that Actually, Izzy Is Straightcoded would be the inflammatory clickbait title I'd give this if it were written to draw traffic & ad revenue to my shitty website. So don't take that term too seriously.
There has been a lot of ink spilled about Izzy thinking he's in a story where one can only be subtextually queer. Some even by yours truly, but the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. What would be the purpose of queercoding Izzy?
In general, villains* aren't queercoded to show that men being attracted to other men is bad. It's often the outcome; but it's not why the trope exists. It exists because cishet people tend to be (and are encouraged to be) profoundly uncomfortable with gender nonconformity, and so, making a character gnc becomes a quick and easy way to make him appear twisted and untrustworthy. If he** can't even obey the fundamental rules of his own gender (rules that are inherent and unchangeable!) what other rules does he disobey?
Or: If a man is insufficiently masculine, he can't be trusted to have morals. The villain isn't gnc because that's an evil trait to have; rather, the gender nonconformity is a symptom of his evilness. Being evil is what enables him to embrace his feminine side, and embracing his feminine side is what others him and marks him as a villain.
This only really works when he's contrasted with a hero (or heroine) who is Doing Gender Correctly. The villain is foul to highlight how good the hero is. The Hero will be honest and straightforward, brave, physically powerful; the Queercoded Villain treacherous, cowardly, and physically weak. The hero is a Proper Man, a Good Person. The villain an Improper Man, and therefore, a Bad Person.
Of course ofmd fundamentally rejects this. The shorthand wouldn't work, because ofmd simply doesn't think effeminacy is creepy. It's uninterested in moralizing self-expression; it just lets people be how they are. There's a wide range of expressions of masculinity on this show, and none of it is inherently bad. People are allowed to be hypermasculine, flamboyant, and anything inbetween, can express their gender in whatever manner they want, and it's all fine - as long as they are authentic about it. Be however you are, but be yourself, and this is what Izzy fails at. The repression marks him as a villain. The strict adherence to what he thinks a Real Man Pirate ought to be like. He's very preoccupied with enforcing a traditional (and toxic) masculinity on himself and others. It's no coincidence the characters he antagonizes the most - Stede and Lucius - are also the most effeminate ones. And I know, I know anglophones have a much more casual relationship to twat and cunt, those don't nearly feel as uncomfortable for y'all as they do for me, so I don't want to assign too much significance here, but he is the only character who constantly uses this kind of language, and also the one who uses the most gender&sexuality based slurs (as far as I remember).
All of this while being clearly, obviously queer himself! I do not feel like I need to explain this; his flustered reaction when Lucius asks him if he's ever been sketched speaks for itself. The fact that he meets Stede and immediately slices his shirt off of him, speaks for itself. And so on.
Izzy isn't straightcoded in the sense that the story wants us to believe he's exclusively attracted to women. Much like a queercoded villain doesn't need to be shown to be attracted to men (and can even be shown to be attracted exclusively to women!) to still be queercoded. He's straightcoded in the sense that he's a stand-in for restrictive and toxic gender roles that society enforces on people. He buys into the idea that there's a way of Doing Gender Wrong, and this is presented as a tragic character flaw. Something he has to overcome to be able to do the thing that actually marks a hero in this show: express himself authentically.
Part of why I found his death so moving is because it enables him to set right the toxicity he spread. His rehabilitation arc was about himself; about finally allowing himself to be, accepting love, accepting community. His death was about taking responsibility. About fully recognizing the hurt he caused. Looking death in the face enables him to finally abandon the last shreds of that toxicity, to apologize and be granted forgiveness. In the end, he was not beyond saving, and the harm he has done will be healed.
*Izzy is introduced as an antagonist to both Stede and the central romance of this romcom. I'm not gonna debate this; if you disagree, fine, but you clearly have such a fundamentally wrong different view of the show that it's pointless for us to try and convince each other.
**of course Queercoded Female Villains exist s well, but they are a whole different can of worms and less relevant to this discussion
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