rossodimarte · 1 month
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mochiwei · 5 months
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“The Bell Tolls for Thee,” an original comic by me for Comix Accountability Club’s Anthology Vol. II: Rites, Rituals, and Ceremonies!
Please enjoy my silly homage to 90’s Taco Bell decor 💕
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In the depths of the forest
Forgotten rites
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astral-witch · 29 days
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mapsontheweb · 22 days
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The most common liturgical tradition of Christians across the world
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WITCH (The Modern Occult Magazine), Issue 1, 1970
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namedvesta · 2 months
If you ever get the chance to visit the Louvre in Paris or the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, take a detour to the Ancient Near Eastern Art Gallery. Keep walking until you find yourself in front of one of those cubic display cases, whose bulletproof glass protects a treasure barely bigger than your little finger. We call them Eye Idols. Carbon-14 tells us that they were made between 3000 and 3700 BC.  Look closely, or at least think you're looking at them, because in reality it's quite the opposite. It's the Idol staring back at you; with the same puzzled, indecipherable look she gave the man who carved her out of stone 5,000 years ago. Those eyes have seen the first man, every man since, and they will be wide open long after the last man has closed his. For those eyes, your whole life will pass in less than a thousandth of a second. For them, there is only the eternal now. Feel how that look nails you to the ground and how your own can never have the same effect.
— 𝐕.
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Time to wake earth up!!
Joaldunak in Ituren (Nafarroa) make the cowbells sound to announce earth winter is gone and it has to wake up, and also to cast evil spirits of dark and cold out.
Pic and vid sources
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illustratus · 1 year
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Funeral Rites for a Roman Emperor by Giovanni Lanfranco
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thenonhumanwitchnik · 5 hours
So yesterday i made a post about a rite I'm planning on doing for the whole length of October and @onyxandemerald commented asking me to elaborate about it.
In the post we said that I'll use that time to reflect on our feelings about death, accepting death as a part of our life and celebrating it, all the while pretending and feeling like i have died.
Before explanation How I'm going to do it and what steps I'm gonna make, I'll explain Why I'm going to do it.
My grandma passed from lung cancer when i was little, about 11 years old and at that age we didn't really think about death and my feelings about it. For me not much changed that day, there was just one person less in the house. I didn't cry at the funeral, we understood that my mom was upset and we understood why, but i just didn't feel it. We weren't very close to my grandma, even though my mom says that she really loved us, i don't remember her life.
When i got older i thought about death more and more, not in a sad/scared way, but how it affects people and myself. And even though i have my beliefs and my thoughts about death clear now, i still have that piece missing. Mourning and celebrating the dead - i never got to really feel it as i should have. So if i don't remember her life, i at least want to celebrate her in death.
Now, those two paragraphs are the Why of all this. And the How is very connected to my beliefs, i won't explain them in this post, but rest assured that all of the methods and steps are directly connected to them.
The How:
First things first I'll be doing a massive meditation session on the 1ts of October. I'll clear my mind and let go of my body, I'll be concentrating on the Eferh layer and on it only.
After that, I'll enchant my jewelry to be glamorous, to hide me from everything and everyone that has a body, to be a fly on the wall.
We'll avoid talking to anybody besides inevitable things like answering a teacher's questions (even though we're pretending to be dead, yet still it's just pretending, it's an exercise, even though we're dead, lets not ruin our life because of it) and we'll not talk unless approached first. I'll dedicate all of my time to wondering and exploration, both emotionally and literally.
I'll also place ambient spells on those around me, to perceive me less.
Now with that I'll also do the opposite to spirits, I'll open myself to communications with them. I'll be working with spirits and strengthening my relationships with them, we're looking forward to working with the elementals like nymphs, sylphs and gnomes. I'll petition them and make spells with them. Also I'll be doing many workings with the crossroads and graveyard dirts.
Even though i intend to work with the spirits, I'm not going to be working with ghosts, I'll be celebrating them, trying to understand them and leaving them offerings. In my belief, those are two different entity types, one never had a body, and the other's body died.
On Samhain I'll release off the tension in my body, I'll be doing a final celebration to the dead. We'll walk through the graveyard and make offerings to those who cannot leave. I'll be doing a divination session there and at home, I'll talk to ghosts and ask them to tell me stories. On Samhain Midnight I'll be doing a ritual cleansing bath, to wash my worries away and to cleanse me of the stagnantcy that we've accumulated. After that I'll do another meditation session as a conclusion.
I've thought about this all for quite a while and however strange it might seem, I'm very excited to do this. I'll be my own death doula. I already know what i want to be done with my body after my death, and i know what encryption on my gravestone will be. And already i know where to start. Overall we think this rite will be very fulfilling for us.
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satanasvincit · 4 months
The Book Of Black Magic And Of Pacts Including The Rites And Mysteries Of Goetic Theurgy, Sorcery And Infernal Necromancy And Rituals Of Black Magic
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thetwistedrope · 1 year
Hey, I have a question about natron. You rinse your with it diluted in water before a ritual right? How much is it used of natron and water? My teeth suffer from enamel erosion and I'm uncertain about using natron. Sodium bicarbonate causes enamel erosion. I learned the hard way. Anyway. Thanks in advance.
so my understanding is that they had the concept of "pellets" or "grains" of natron, and that you'd plop a certain number of these grains/pellets into the water and that's how you'd figure out how much. when i've made my own natron, it did naturally break apart into little bits that might constitute as grains/pellets, and you could potentially measure yours that way, too.
so when i'd do it, i would probably stick one little grains worth in (maybe about the equivalent of a grain of rice or so) and call it a day.
however, i hate the taste of natron, and i'm not a huge fan of shoving it in my mouth. as you mentioned, sodium bicarbonate isn't good for your teeth, and i've spent way too much time trying to fix my teeth to subject them to stuff that's not good for them.
so it'd be my suggestion to just rinse your mouth out with water and call it a day. if you want something that's beneficial for the mouth, you could eat a spry/xylitol mint or something, to cleanse the mouth both figuratively and literally (xylitol sugar breaks down a lot of the bacteria that cause cavities in the mouth).
adhering to historical practice is fun and all, but from my perspective, the point was to cleanse your mouth, the thing you use to create the heka/words in the ritual. and so using clean water would work just as well. some may disagree, but, i've yet to see anyone get into trouble for opting for water (or nothing) instead of natron.
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francepittoresque · 11 months
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TRADITION | Toussaint, Samain, nuit d’Halloween et Fête des morts ➽ http://bit.ly/Samhain-Halloween-Toussaint Existant voici plus de 2500 ans et se déroulant tous les 31 octobre, la fête celtique de Samain fut adoptée par les Gaulois, marquant la fin de l’été et le début d’une nouvelle année. Grégoire IV fixant en 837 la Toussaint au 1er novembre, le Samain devint « Halloween »
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astral-witch · 3 months
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asdaricus · 7 months
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Temple rites performed before a magical portal
by Midjourney v6
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Insight, issue 18, 1971
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