stervrucht · 22 days
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Based on this picture
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scrimblo-soab · 4 months
what is with Dreamworks and D&D episodes in shows??
like, I’m not complaining but it’s funny as hell. Monsters and Mana from Voltron legendary defenders, I can’t remember the episode, but it was literally just D&D but space version.
Then all of the Maces and talons arc from How to Train Your Dragon, Race to the Edge. That was pretty much an entire season or two of just D&D but it also corresponds to what the characters did.
Also the She-Ra episode, Roll with it, was just D&D but slightly not. I might have to rewatch some other Dreamworks shows just to see if they have D&D themed episodes as well.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
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Rooting around Dreamworks' old social media posts and look what I found! A template to make your own Bow-style wartable battle figures!
For as long as the link lasts, PDF is here
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lordzukosnosehair · 7 months
The dude in todays episode was such a theatre kid
Bro went through a costume change just to terrorize people I aspire to be them
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thefeatherwrites · 8 months
Love Is.
I wanted to do some head-cannons of the three boys and my oc's for each of them. Their own lore, my own happiness. I love the idea of love, especially theirs.
Unedited, as per usual. Fluffy like a cloud. No angst this time, I promise. Sweet like your favorite piece of candy, unless you like sour candy... then just humor me and pretend.
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Garreth Weasley loves the way she smiles when no one else is looking. The way her dark brunette hair waves in the wind, leaving behind the calming scents of her mint and eucalyptus shampoo in her wake. His heart swells when she encourages him to continue his experiments, even helping him keep organized notes and lists to look back on for improvements.
Her eyes, his favorite shade of green that would rival the fresh leaves of spring. The sound of her voice may sound harsh to others, but they have never heard her sing such sweet melodies when she thinks no one is listening.
He loves watching her eyes sparkle with the cracks of thunder, sitting on the windowsill as the rain falls with its torrential downpour. He revels in the way she humbles him, meeting his witty banter that almost always ends with her victorious wry grin.
He melts when she makes the first move, whether it be just a simple kiss or something more. His skin tingles with anticipation as she taunts him with small acts of affection, growing steadily as the day goes on until it becomes almost unbearable.
His breath hitches when she whispers sultry remarks in his ear, noting everything she loves about him, especially when it comes to his cock. His mind goes blank when he watches her beautiful face twist into pure ecstasy as he helps her ride out her orgasm, listening to her scream his last name as if it wasn't going to someday be her own.
He often imagined how she would react when he would propose to her, to see if she would give him a different smile or scream in delight, knowing that she would find her family in him. But oh, how he adored the way his last name looked with hers.
To Garreth, love is his number one fan, Julianna.
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Sebastian Sallow loves the way her heart seems to grow with every passing day. How she never gave up on him, no matter how dark of a path he went down, always waiting to envelop him in her small but firm and warm hugs.
Her hair shined like gold in the summer sun, reminding him of the princesses Anne would read aloud to him when they were smaller. He could easily find himself lost in her sapphire blue eyes, more precious than any jewel in the world. He found her simply adorable every time he spotted her in a crowd, sporting her signature pink bow in her hair as she hurried to her classes.
He loved to watch her dance, even attempting to join her when she asked, because she had him wrapped around her tiny finger. While he was intrigued by her often foolish bravery, he felt honored that she always went to him for protection, making him feel important even on his worst days.
He enjoyed watching her run through the fields of the highlands, picking the wildflowers that bloomed in the spring, even though their beauty paled in comparison to her gorgeous smile. His heart could burst from his chest every time she pulled him close, having to stand on her tip toes just to kiss him.
He would moan loudly when she would pleasure him, only ever showing her disheveled side to him as she sloppily sucks his cock until his face flushed a deep shade of red. His eyes would darken as he watched her squirm under him, easily taking him as he fucked her into oblivion, begging him with her soft voice to go faster.
He had dreamed about how she would look on their wedding day, to see her in a dress that made her look like the angel she truly was. He looked at the ring in his hand, one that once graced his mother's finger, would now grace his future wife who had been his best friend since childhood.
To Sebastian, love is his beacon of light in the dark, Adeline.
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Ominis Gaunt loves the way he can hear her footsteps glide into the room and immediately command the attention of everyone present. How she would always find him, ensuring his safety and comfortability, caring for him in a way no one else ever has.
Her hair reminded him of the moon, white with highlights of silver that only added to her ethereal beauty. Her eyes shined like stars, the rare gray-purple color accentuating her freckles that dotted her nose and rosy lips that seemed to hypnotize him easily.
He often enjoyed the way she was a creature of habit, from having the same cup of tea every morning to her nightcap of deliciously sweet liquor that he could often taste on her lips. He was moved by the way she dressed, always styling herself with soft fabrics that accentuated her curves and felt pleasing to his touch.
He loved to listen to her on the piano, hearing the melancholic melodies she often played as he would sometimes accompany her or just sit and listen to the sounds her delicate but strong fingers hit the keys. The hairs on his skin would raise when he listened to her commanding voice, shouting orders to wizards for their next move and yelling out dangerous dark magic towards their foes.
He did however, also enjoy her soft moans when he took charge in their bedroom. He felt excruciatingly aroused as he let his tongue snake across her neck, leaving welts of colorful bruises in his wake. His mouth would gape open as her once commanding voice, now sweetly shouting his name as they came together, basking in the afterglow of their hours long love making session just before they begin another.
He always reached out for her left hand when they strolled the gardens, twisting her wedding band in place, thanking every god that would listen that she came back into his life. He couldn't begin to describe how striking she looked on their wedding day, no matter how chaotic the circumstances were.
To Ominis, love is his fallen star from the sky, Estelle.
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obsessive-evie · 8 months
fine i’ll be the one to say it the fanfic is writing itself with cc and that ohio fan…
like was it bad and she could’ve ended up with a broken nose or something? yes. but you’re telling me if this was a fanfic they WOULDNT run into each other again and have a half angry half apologetic conversation that leads to an exchange of numbers somehow and somewhere down the line they meet at a party and makeout and the rest is history? no. no you cannot.
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that-ari-blogger · 8 months
A Study In Style
Roll With It is the best piece of television ever put to screen. This is not up for debate, I will not be taking argument. I will die on this hill. Roll With It is perfect. No, I'm not biased.
In all seriousness, this episode is gimmicky and fun, so as far as plot goes, analysis is difficult. Instead, I'd like to focus on the character writing and artistic embellishments on display and explore what they do for the story.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Spider Man: Into The Spiderverse, Arcane, Critical Role Campaign 3)
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Artistic style is a remarkably underrated part of animation. People credit the writing and the direction, but the specific visual elements that make up a style can often have a more significant impact on the story.
Think of it this way. You are watching a series through a window. The direction dictates where the window sits and what it sees, the writing and the acting dictate what goes on outside, but if the style describes the window itself. A window made from tinted, stained, or warped glass will change what you see dramatically.
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So, She-Ra's base art style relies on pastel colours and a two dimensional, cartoony aesthetic. It's realistic in theory, at least in contrast to One Piece, but its flat and appealing, and the expressions are often exaggerated to great effect.
Because focusing a shot is difficult when you don't have a camera (smudging colours in animation has a habit of not looking too good), animation has picked up tricks to focus the viewer's eyes. For example, Spider Man: Into The Spiderverse brought animation into the forefront of the public consciousness, and almost single handedly changed the industry, and it used a mixture of techniques to express its focus.
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The items in the background of this shot are less detailed than Peter, and have a kind of 3D glasses effect making them difficult to focus on. They are also in stark contrast with the red of the Spidey Suit.
She-Ra takes a different approach, saturation. The vast majority of the series is shot in pastel colours with little-to-no shadows clogging up the shots. This is then accentuated by specific key-frames of bold colouration and deep shadows that contrast wildly with each other and the rest of the episodes they are in. I have a habit of using these key frames as my opening screenshot for these posts because I think they look the coolest.
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The point of this is to highlight certain elements in your mind, in the same way that when you close your eyes after looking at a fire, the image lingers for a moment, memory tends to work the same way to bold colours. There is also the idea that making specific moments stand out visually tells the audience to pay attention.
If you focus on certain moments, you guide the audience's view towards them. It's the same thing that a camera does in a still image, focusing on specific items in the shot to guide the eye.
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In Roll With It, as the characters present their own plans, the art style changes, to match the minds that you are being transported into. Adora's style is the same as normal for the series, but the contents are different. Adora is matter of fact and to the point, but she perceives threats everywhere. Adora cannot relax.
But the specific colour choice also has an effect on the meaning of a shot, and for that, let's discuss the other animated pioneer of the past few years, Arcane.
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Arcane has zero chill, and even less subtlety. This shot centres around Jinx's mental instability caused by her sister. Its a tortured mind who is hallucinating about someone who isn't actually in the scene. So, naturally, her world is on fire with pink flames, associating that fire with Vi, for whom pink is a signature colour.
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Glimmer, however, takes the series' key frames and colour and dials that up to eleven. Everything in this shot is bold and action packed. I am tempted to describe it as violently pink.
But the shot is entirely monochrome. Everything here is pink or black, and that acts as a neat worldview for Glimmer's worldview. Glimmer perceives the world in black and white, but where the white would usually represent good in that idea, here, it is replaced by pink, and by Glimmer. Adora has a reputation for a hero complex, but I would argue that Glimmer has something similar. Not in the same way as Adora's pathologic need to save people, but Glimmer definitely has an ego problem.
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The pink also makes Glimmers mind difficult to read as an audience, and I think that is the point. Everything in Glimmer's worldview is super bold and in focus, meaning that it dims the effect of the focus. In the wise words of someone with a definite hero syndrome.
"When everyone's super, no-one is."
Glimmer is the perfect example of how someone with an incredibly simple worldview of good and bad can do some truly morally grey acts. In this case, because she doesn't believe in good and evil, she believes in Glimmer and evil. Either you agree with her, or you are her enemy. I wonder if that will ever come up again.
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There's also no way I can mention this scene without pointing out that this is a reference top classic James Bond, and that speaks to Glimmer's character as well.
The original James Bond was a character whom the world revolved around, and who rarely ever failed. He was charming, and witty, and cool. In short, Glimmer perceives herself as a Mary Sue. And it's important to understand that this is her opinion of herself, and not the actual reality. Once again, Glimmer has an inflated sense of superiority and does not understand the fact that she could be flawed.
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Bow, on the other hand, is simple. He is the single most simple character of the entire cast. But that doesn't mean he is flat. I want to stress that Bow is only rendered this way by the insanity of everyone else on screen.
In a world where everyone is a ticking time bomb, Bow serves to balance out the shenaniganry, which makes him an Orym figure.
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Art by Hanna Friederichs (@agarthanguide)
For context, Roll With It is very clearly drawing on the aesthetics of table top role playing games. This is the D&D episode, and no this hasn't artificially inflated what I think of the episode at all.
Critical Role is a D&D actual play series that is currently in its third campaign. If you have read my series on Stray Gods, you will recognise two of the cast members of CR as Laura Baily (Who played Grace) and Ashley Johnson (Who played Calliope).
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Orym of the Air Ashari is a character played by Liam O'Brien, a voice actor who is somehow not weighed down by the sheer amount of talent he is lugging around. Seriously, this guy has been in everything from Star Wars to League Of Legends.
In any case, the current campaign of CR centres around a collection of walking disasters, and I mean that as a compliment. Everyone in the series is one step away from spiraling into insanity, with the one possible exception of Orym.
So, Orym has taken the role of the team's everyman, rendered simple by the rest of the cast, and you can see where I am going here.
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Bow and Orym are the straight men of the group (a deliberately ironic choice of wording), balancing out their companions and offering a sense of stability and comfort.
But, both Orym and Bow have stuff going on behind their eyes. Orym is grieving form the loss of his husband and father, and Bow is dealing with some serious self-worth issues, but you don't see those elements that often, purely because of the more overt nature of those they surround themselves with.
But this is a post about style, and what do the visuals of Bow's plan tell us about him?
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Well, Bow's style draws on the aesthetics of the original She-Ra series, back when the series was designed entirely to sell toys and nothing else.
Once again, Bow is simple, he is a paragon hero, who is fighting in this war because it is the right thing to do. So naturally, his mind harks back to the version of this story that was purely idealistic.
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I also want to quickly mention Mermista here, because she is my favourite character. In her mind, she is She-Ra, armoured up and powerful, the chosen one.
And this is where my point comes in to this post. That's right, I do actually have something to say.
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This episode is a D&D episode because it is drawing on the key element of TTRPGs, the chaos. TTRPGs are fun and are designed to be a mix of different playstyles. Sometimes you are playing Blades In The Dark and you want to be something out of left field, and that is completely ok.
The message of this episode is that different styles complement each other and make each other better by contrast. Foils are important, even when they aren't antagonistic.
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Final Thoughts
This episode is perfect. No more comments.
Next week, I will be looking at White Out, so stick around if that interests you.
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montysoup · 6 months
Can anyone suggest ANYTHING to do while listening to podcasts, I'm trying so hard but my brain doesn't like listening tot things I can't read.
I need distractions from it or I end up wanting to choke and scream.
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duranduratulsa · 5 months
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On the turntable today...
Freddy's Greatest Hits by The Elm Street Group featuring Freddy Krueger Robert Barton Englund (1988)
Are You Ready For Freddy? by Fat Boys featuring Robert Englund & Heather Langenkamp (1988) (12" Single)
Dream Warriors by Dokken (1987) (12" Single) Autographed by Don Dokken, George Lynch and Jeff Pilson
Working Girl Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (1988)
Roll With It by Steve Winwood (1988)
#elmstreetgroup #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #freddysgreatesthits #fatboys #areyoureadyforfreddy #heatherlangenkamp #anightmareonelmstreet4thedreammaster #Dokken #dreamwarriors #anightmareonelmstreet3dreamwarriors #workinggirl #stevewinwood #rollwithit #80s #records #album #lp #12inch #12inchvinyl #vinylrecords #vinyl #autograph #dondokken #georgelynch #JeffPilson
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Mutuals, rise. We are attacking all people who organize their books by color. We ride at dawn.
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2kii13 · 2 years
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learning to roll with it.
((prints available))
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
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Just classic theatre kid behavior...
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microwaveexplosion · 6 days
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
Are you okay with mutuals dm'ing you :D
YESYESYES!!! ofc! I love my mooties, and getting DMs is rlly cool too!!!
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myimaginaryradio · 5 months
Roll With It - Steve Winwood
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earthanthem · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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