#RPGs are dating sims to me im sorry
lordofthemushrooms · 5 months
No amount of “just play New Vegas” comments can stop me because New Vegas doesn’t have them
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magolandandfriends · 1 year
Hey again other me! Been a little while, hehe! I’ve gotten to meet a whole lot more counterparts of myself (we made a spiderverse parody and now we’re being compared to sans and I am slightly afraid!) but I wanted to say hi again! :D Anyways, I got a question for you! What fandoms you in?
(I have no idea if this is directed towards me or the characters so I said “fuck it” and did both- even though the main 4 aren’t into any kind of fandoms- I have what kind of games they like (headcanons)- so I’m gonna do that-)
The main 4 :D
Magolor: his ass LOVES world building. Anything that involves building/sandbox games he’ll play (like minecraft/Sims). He’s also a big fan of puzzle games (like Portal. I love Portal. So he loves portal.) and Tetris, fucking loves tetris
Marx: He plays a lot of coop/multiplayer games, nothing too specific he just likes playing and talking to other people. Also enjoys open world RPGS as long if there’s some kind of coop in it
Taranza: He doesn’t play a lot of games, when he does it’s to pass the time. Just like Magolor, he also likes puzzle games except he doesn’t use a tutorial. And story games (like visual novels/dating sims), he just likes watching stories and going into a crisis over any kind of angst happening (especially if it’s romance)
Susie: competitive mother fucker. Enjoys any kind of competitive games (like marx, they play together a lot), besides screaming at other people she loves almost breaking her phone from rhythm games (PJSEKAI/Bandori)
But the 4 of them will mostly play games together. Will be screaming at each other 99% of the time (mainly because of uno but shhh-) but it’s ok they’re still having fun (at least we think so-)
Me :D
I’m in the Kirby fandom as of right now! I don’t know if this counts as a fandom but I really like Party Crashers! They’re my favorite youtuber rn along with sidequest! (I have more but I don’t wanna list them all)
I’m not really in the fandom but I do like Genshin! Fontaine just came out and I’m having so much fun I love the swimming feature (my storage is dying but that’s ok- I think-) and I like cookie run! Im not that into it anymore but I check in from time to time- my favorite is Lotus dragon they’re so pretty I love them so muchshennwnsmakskkw
(But thank you for the ask! Sorry that this doesn’t have a drawing response but I think this is better as a text post-)
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
Honestly i want to start playing DAO and then go up by release from there till the new one cause it all looks so nice and enjoyable but i haven't even started and i keep hearing about the fandom being the worst of the worst and people actually got truamtized from it im genuinely scared... Im only so new to this gaming fandom thing it started with bg3 and sims 4 and stardew valley for me lol everytime i want to install DAO Tumblr shows me a post about the toxicity of the fandom like its fate herself trying to warn me not to go there lmao
Oh babe, don't worry, really!!!! I'm sorry if I made it sound bad earlier lol, it's... well, it's no worse than regular fandom drama I reckon, it's just the one I'm familiar with, and one that's been around a very, very, very long time. The kind of toxicity there is, I genuinely do not think it is any worse than any other fandom's, it's just kind of what happens to every petri dish if you leave it alone for ten years: turns into something of a meme. But if you follow nice people, and stay out of the tags (as is recommended for every fandom tbh), I don't think you have anything specific to worry about.
I'd be DELIGHTED to see more people feel inspired to pick up Origins, partly because I'm a huge believer of art preservation, and think that old games, old books, and old movies alike deserve to be seen/read/played and enjoyed- in part to be able to appreciate what we have now, in part to see where exactly we came from, and in part to see how things have changed. I think that kind of context is necessary for any meaningful commentary to exist.
DAO is an excellent game, despite what people may say- it's just like 15 years old. Naturally, over that time, it has started to show its age: jokes have aged poorly, mechanics feel dated, people and views have mutated and evolved (nobody is the same person in 2024 that they were in 2009, or at least I hope), and the surrounding social environment as well as the technology have changed drastically, to the point that what was once scandalous and a bold, daring move, now just feels dated, stuck in the past, or even offensive. Media that is already out there does not have the luxury of being able to change and adapt as time passes, and I think we need to keep that in mind.
(Edit: adding a paragraph here because the previous one sounded very apologetic and negative: the cinematics in particular still feel intimately real in DAO, its treatment of the ambient and the limited tools it had is still very immersive, and the writing is very strong. I also remember blushing my way through flirting with Leliana that the first time [as a closeted bi woman who hadn't even realized that she's bi at the time], I remember feeling lost, and vulnerable, and terrified at certain parts, and elated, excited, joyful at others. And I really want everyone to be able to feel like that, and also gain the kind of insight they need to be able to see how far gaming as a genre had come.)
I honestly hope you do end up picking it up, because despite its age, it's still one of my absolute favorite games, and one of the stories that made me fall in love with RPGs, and games in general. I still vividly remember the first time I played it, when I was like 18 (which was 12 years ago at this point), and how it broadened my horizons, because until then, I kinda thought that games were either like the Sims, or like.... idk, first person shooters, not these big, sweeping, immersive stories you can get lost in.
I LOVE these games- I feel like that much is clear, lol. I just don't love the people who insist that there is one right way to love them.
I don't want to turn off anon for exactly messages like yours, but honestly, I do recommend to everyone who is at all concerned to do just that, to block liberally, and control their experience of engaging with the games as harshly or as leniently as they like.
It'll be fine. There will likely be an influx of new people picking the series up for the first time (just like there was with BG3) (though lbr, there will probably be a lot of people FORGETTING that the series is 15 years old but I hope they'll keep an open mind), we'll get a much-needed blood transfusion with people like you, and I genuinely hope that you'll have a very nice experience overall. ❤️
Also maybe save my favorite reaction image from ten years ago, and use it liberally. I know I'm gonna:
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mathlann · 7 months
Minor bitching, DL
Not to gatekeep or sound like a hypocrite but i do hate BG3/ME/DA/RT/WotR etc all being lumped in as "rpgs with romance-able companions" as a selling point. Like, on the one hand i get it, im a girl who likes to smooch pixels and im personally of the opinion that its not helpful to "just play a dating sim" @ people who like rpg romances because those games are not giving an equivalent experience...but Also! All these games are such different genres and levels of interaction it drives me insane to see them be tied together over your ability to smooch. Like, these aren't romance games with [x] set dressing! It's a perk, sure, but girlies hyped up on BG3 or Mass Effect even, arent necessarily going to enjoy or engage well with Warhammer 40k. Idk its like trope marketing me im just sitting here like, Is there anything else about the game you enjoy? Story elements? Tone? Idfk.
Also shipping only engagement is how we get BG3 hell please do not summon that energy here sorry Im not strong enough to do this again
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temporalbystander · 8 months
So. I have, once again, come to the conclusion that the reason why we can't have the best in life is because people have copyrighted the good and refuse to let anyone make it better... This is gonna be a gaming ramble btw. A long one.
Anyway let's begin with what started the realisation this time. A few days back, probably prompted by my rebinge of TGSAnime's Yu-Gi-Oh videos, I was suggested to watch a couple videos of someone playing tag force. It was okay, not the greatest, but I liked how the character models of the duelists had an animation for everything from drawing, setting a card and activating a spell. It was cute.
Well about an hour ago I stumbled across a video title that REALLY caught my attention. One that was talking about the Tag Force series, which holy shit there's more than one game, while also calling them dating Sims. As a romantic (read, guy who really crushed on Alexis Rhodes when GX first came out) I decided this video needed a watch through and.... Well damn if it wasn't the most amazing game I've ever heard of. Not only do you get to go through Duel Academy, and all the events of the show, as your own original character. But you get to interact with the characters and bond with them! Then, in the sequel, you get your own little unique story lines with them after the show plot is over! And in the third and final one (final GX one I mean)? All that growth from the first two games carries over into the final season 4 plot along with you, feeling like your own complete character, graduating duel academy.
Obviously this sounded like the most amazing thing I had ever heard of in my life so, of course, I immediately started googling to see if anyone had taken this idea and pushed a little further with it. Made it into more of a fleshed out dating sim with unique interactions. The results? Not only do Yu-Gi-Oh and dating sim only bring you right back to Tag Force. But Yu-Gi-Oh and rpg seems to be just as barren a search. I'm sorry but I find it incredibly hard to believe that Im the only one who's interested in hearing about the characters of an anime interacting with you as you join them on their journeys. If Konami made a series out of it then clearly there's a target audience.
But nope. All I got were card game simulations. As if people no longer care about the characters and the stories. Bull. The card game sucks, it's beyond broken and the obsession with meta is garbage. It's the same thing that ruined competitive Pokemon for me, the top ten in every tournament using almost the exact same team of six (some of whom have even admitted to using hacked perfect IV and evs because they don't give a damn about the game and see if as an easy way to make money. I don't know if that's still the case but the fact a competitive scene could ever let it get to that point? Is disgusting.)
Anyway, my hatred of competition meta ruining fun games not withstanding, let's talk about this realisation. Konami clearly owns the rights to developing bonds as you interact and play alongside your favourite duelists. (I know that's not how copyright works but I swear it makes sense eventually.) Because of this? There is no chance of finding any other fanwork using this same premise but pushing it a bit further. Giving you minigames or other events you can spend with your partner beyond simple dueling or talking... Or giving them eggwhiches (my brain practically overloaded when I heard that was a feature.) Anything to develop the relationship further. Nope. The best we will ever get is Tag Force. Which, I mean, is still amazing and raises the possibility of Konami doing a remaster some day which I am all for. I just heard this existed and it's the best thing ever. I would die for a remaster.
But, as pointed out in my first paragraph, this isn't the first time I've come to the realisation that a system, which would be beyond amazing if manipulated a bit, will forever remain stuck with the original creators who don't care to improve on it. The other examples? Fire Emblem and Persona. Both of these series are God-tier. The social links and affinity systems are amazing! So, of course, you can imagine my severe disappointment when, after my first encounter with both these series, I saw nobody else had done anything like it. No social links that affect the story beyond a few optional scenes (though P5 using all the confidants to boost gameplay mechanics? *Chefs kiss* brilliance.) And no games where affinity rank ups are more than a few lines of dialogue that are almost exactly the same in spite of who the characters interacting are (most noticeable when dealing with the scenes between parents and children. The parent with the same class would get an incredibly detailed scene while the other parent just got the generic other parent scenes with maybe a line or two different. I don't even think there's anything special about siblings.)
Seriously. That is three separate series, with three separate mechanics that have so much potential. And nobody else is doing anything with them. How can we possibly still be getting inspired fangames based on the Gameboy Pokemon era graphics and yet nobody has touched these ideas? It could be so good. But it won't. Because the copyright holders don't care about improving it.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
I have a feeling I'm either going to get Honey or a Horrortale skele, so here we go for Matchups! -🍊
-very sleepy. I stay up till 5am and sleep till 2pm.
-helpful! I like feeling needed lol.
-sensitive. I have an abusive mother im in therapy for, so I need someone soft :(
-im very artistic! I love drawing, painting, listening to music, even making it, anything that keeps my hands busy and my ADHD at bay.
-minecraft! I've just downloaded the game, I've had it for a year now, and I love the building in it lol. The mobs scare me tho.
-rps!!! I LOVE roleplaying!!!! Rpg games, DnD, hell, I even have a few oc based text rps on discord I'm into. It gets me SO excited when I make up little stories with my friends, the gremblin in my enjoys shiny new universes
-Snarky/teasing/snappy jokes, or being teased in general. I'm a sensitive person who takes a bit too much to heart. Mal and Red scare me.
-loud noises/crowded areas. Another trama trigger for me, I feel trapped in a situation and it makes me paranoid. I'd rather sit outside and watch a thunderstorm than go to a local fair.
-being pushed out of my comfort zone and/or being forced to get in contact with family I've kicked out of my life, the whole 'well family is family!' saying means jack shit to me. I've put my demons at bay, I don't want someone to push me out of my comfort zone, or else I feel sick with nerves. I don't like traveling or being around a lot of people, I'd rather just text someone than see them face to face, words come easier then. Brain weird.
Deal breakers
-anyone who forces me to be social. I have anxiety, leave me be dammit. If someone kept pushing and complaining about it, it would make me feel guilty and blegh. Let's not go down that rabbit hole.
-cheating, I have a low image of myself, I don't need someone flirting with others or being all handy with them. Once the wound it made, I'm not letting the knife near me again.
-someone who yells a lot. Loud voices, especially male ones, make me panicked and scared. If Edge ever lectured me I would simply. Cry.
-someone violent, which is a given. Sorry mafia men, but blood scares me. I'm a wheeny.
-someone forcing me to change. I'm chonky, so being forced into a diet or something would make me think low of myself, I couldn't stay with someone like that. Or someone pushing me to get anxiety meds or giving me a bedtime. I like my independence and I'm working on myself, I don't need to be pressured to do it faster.
-passive aggressiveness, it makes me confused on what to say in an argument and that junk.
-most of these have already been said, but I'm introverted with low energy, I don't like going to big events or traveling away from home.
-sensitive. Any jokes aimed at me can and will be obsessed over to oblivion, I'm not the teasing type.
-awkward. I was kinda isolated as a kid, so social skills are hard. Don't expect me to pop up on conversations all the time, I mostly listen to what my friends say and nod along.
-hygene. This is also something I'm working on. I've had depression episodes that sometimes still surface, sometimes it's hard to even leave my bed, let along brush my teeth, hair, etc. Some days I'm just not feeling it. I also come from a neglectful house, so I wasn't even raised with those habits. But I'm trying, and that's what I'm focusing on. Don't be like 'ewEwW yOu HaVeNt BrUsHeD yOuR TeEtH tOdAy?!' That's both hurtful and annoying, life sucks man
-god aweful at spelling, sorry rat
-someone who's soft and caring. I never had a motherly figure, and I'm too old now for my dad to watch me like a toddler, so I want to feel the love I mostly missed out on. Not babied or anything, just loved and cared for. Hug me, please. Alternatively: aha mommy kink go brr
-cuddly/affectionate. I need to feel wanted, since I was raised in a house that I wasn't, so words of reassurance are really nice, especially if that person wants to be around me close enough to cuddle
I tried making this as neat as I could, since I tend to ramble a lot, so I hope this layout is easy to read! Tell me if I need to add any physics stuff, thank you for the matchup! -🍊
Alright, you were right on probably getting a horror lol. I think the best fit for you is……..BASIL (horrorswap papyrus)!
Here’s the tricky bit. Getting to know basil is here. He’s also extremely anxious, to the point where he’s practically non-verbal to anyone he doesn’t know. But once you do get close enough for him to crush and even confess, you’ll get to see a butch more protective and attentive side to him. Basil is a protector at his core and actually prefers a timid SO unlike honey who likes confident and organized characters.
Basil would be great at balancing between encouraging you to be your best self and not being too pushy. Gentle is basically his main personality trait. And considering who it is here, it’s hard to feel nagged with him being the one giving you those gentle reminders.
You like cuddles? You’re getting your cuddles. Basil is shy about touch so it’s up to you to initiate, but when you do, you’ll find that he’s pretty much touch starved. He likes having you in his lap the most. Basil has mild insomnia so cuddling with a SO is the best way to help him doze off
Basil hasn’t been introduced to the wonderful world of video games yet. Minecraft would be a great starter! If you manage to get him into it, he’ll wind up getting addicted to sims most likely. Or FarmVille. He likes chill games
One important thing about dating basil is that your basically going to have to go vegetarian. You can eat meat outside the house when he’s not around, but the sight and taste of raw meat is a trigger for him. Luckily he’s a wonderful cook and makes up for it in his baking and pasta ;)
I was also thinking of rust and possibly slim for you. (Yes I know slim is a mafia but he’s great at keeping his work hidden)
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Omg you like dating sims??? So do I!! What are some of your faves?
Sorry for the late response, I was being crushed by finals week.
Ya know, now that I think about I probably haven’t played that many dating sims or maybe most of the ones I’ve played didn’t make a strong impression on me. These are the ones that I liked the most (very basic I know):
Play Choices
if i had to describe it, it’s what episode wants to be. Most of the books are well written, feature diverse love interests, men and women are romanceable in all books, memorable characters, solid plots
I specifically like their sci-fi, fantasy, and horror books better
it raised my standard for dating sims a lot
it isn’t perfect (male love interests have more free intimate scenes that women love interests, white male love interests are the main love interest usually, women love interests aren’t given the same amount of character development as men characters, only a select few books have the main character’s gender and sexuality to be customizable, etc) but it’s a lot better than a bunch of the other dating sims I’ve encountered
***also i feel like most of their new books have been a little lackluster. Some of their new books are good but they are behind a paywall (for now... they’ll get released later)
The Arcana
very interesting fantasy plot
it’s got tarot cards if you are into that
my favorite love interests are Count Lucio and Julian 
Monster Prom
dating monsters?? hell yeah
i think the dialogue in this game is hilarious, but im not a huge fan of the gameplay, i like the character designs
My favorite love interests are Damien la Vey, Vera Oberlin, Milo Belladonna
Fire Emblem
an rpg with dating sim elements (usually the protag gets to marry one of the other characters)
tragically very hetero. (can only date the opposite gender with very few exceptions)
i wouldnt recommend unless you like rpgs
favorite games from the series: Tales of Valentia and Three Houses (and Fates)
characters i romanced (or would have liked to romance): Dimitri, Sonya, Laslow, Effie, Jakob, Orochi, Scarlet
I also like Dream Daddy, Stardew Valley and LoveLink. Also, I feel like it’s harder to find good dating sims now that I’m older. I feel like a good amount of them feature characters in high school or even younger.
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raideo · 6 years
Ahhhhh!! You're playing stardew valley!? It's become my favorite game! What does your farmer look like and what did you name your farm???
OOPS sorry I meant to answer this last night!
AAAAA It’s really such a good game!! It’s got everything i love about games like terraria and starbound and then its ALSO got the rpg/dating game stuff and there’s SO MUCH CONTENT.  I’ve logged like roughly 30 hours and there’s still so much left!!
I am not rly happy with my farm name- I kinda gave it a throwaway name because I didnt know I was gonna get this into the game- but it’s Islandise (like a mashup of Island and Paradise) farms, cuz Im a hopeless romantic for bodies of water and I picked the river farm 8w8
I drew my farmer here- its supposed to be my monstersona as a farmer I guess? but with more of a Lighthouse Keeper vibe- idk X’D
If I do another save file to romance some different character I’ll probably change some things.
BUT YES, this game is adorable and wonderful ;w; it’s got me inspired to work on my game a bit more!  I doubt I’m gonna do something that’s more than just a dating sim- considering I dont wanna take on a project too huge for my first foray into game design- but still, the heart in this game and all the well developed characters has me wanting to work on mine uwu
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thegeminisage · 7 years
9 14 19 27 39 41 69 70
pls you sent me so many thank u ilu
9. Most regrettable purchase?
it’s a tie between 1. the white knight chronicle games & 2. the tron legacy video game - but for very different reasons. i LOOOVED white knight chronicles and the online play was PERFECT it was like not a full mmo so not #cursed (sorry mmo players but dont boo me for being right) so it was really great to play with my pal @skillethelm but then RIGHT after i got into it they SHUT THE SERVERS DOWN and so like i wasn’t allowed to sort of move on naturally and i always feel really bitter and resentful when i think of it. the tron video game, on the other hand, was just super awful. unplayable. i tried real hard to like it bc i love the movie more dearly than any other movie on god’s green earth but…i couldn’t. im sorry sam flynn
14. Favorite game music?
all of it? there are games i have played JUST BECAUSE the soundtracks were so good i couldn’t stop listening and i got curious - these include chrono trigger, ff6, UT, and mirror’s edge (kinda). like, my favorite of all time will always be zelda music, & my favorite zelda track is oot’s title screen theme, but like…i just fucking love game music man. i love sonic’s buttrock and dragon age’s elven emo pop and zelda’s grand orchestrations and ff13′s/mirror’s edge smooth synth-y stuff and all the catchy tunes of Ye Olde Game Era and dishonored’s  goth harpsichord steampunk shit…like i could never really TRULY pick - actually the very first time i ever used a computer it was to visit websites about zelda and listen to the music online - and before that i used to run chrono cross and kingdom hearts on the title screens/opening cinematics for hours just to listen, like before i really knew there was like, online music. man. so much. i love everything
19. Favorite handheld console?
gameboy advance sp, hands down. gameboy advance had the best/most games that i love, could also play regular gameboy games, and the sp had a BACKLIGHT so you could play in the dark. i used to play the original tetris every night to fall asleep on mine. 3DS is a close runner up but you just can’t fit that thing in your pocket the way you can an SP
27. Game that makes you rage?
i fuckin hate super smash bros melee. YEAH I SAID IT LOL like… ok everyone says it’s sooo good and they RUINED smash after that but like, i main pikachu? and they nerfed the FUCK out of pikachu in melee. so i could never win. and it was a horrible teenhood i had growing up playing that shit. brawl was like ten zillion times better. i still lost a lot but i was because i sucked not because the game sucked. melee worshippers can kiss my ass
also, as i was recently reminded, the fight sections of mirror’s edge. fucking bullshit
and a special award to life is strange for having the WORST ending to a NEARLY PERFECT GAME of ALL TIME
39. A sequel that you would die for them to make?
UNDERTA– no sorry. sorry. sorry i’m not gonna say it
ok uhhhhh honestly? my main answer is: any zelda sequel. like all the games take place hundreds or thousands of years apart with different characters and timelines…save for like the oracle games, mm & oot, and then like TECHNICALLY phantom hourglass…i would really just like to see an honest to god sequel in the same continuity. more throwbacks. i lost every bit of my shit when [someone from skyward sword] sorta-kinda made a cameo in botw. it’s everything i want
my other answer is: golden sun 4. we had to wait a literal decade for golden sun 3 and then it ENDS ON A CLIFFHANGER ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? im still lowkey mad abt it. idk if it’ll EVER happen
41. A genre that you just can’t get into?
i’m actually pretty flexible when it comes to genre? i’ve tried & liked: platformers, adventure games, open world, dating sims, stealth, shooters, QTEs, RPGs, racing, music/beat timing, whatever the hell genre animal crossing and harvest moon are…but like the one thing. i cannot do. is real-time strategy. it’s just too boring rip
also, i dislike playing online against other people bc they are usually jerks lol
69. In your opinion, best game ever made? 
that’s such a hard one!! it’d be easy to say ocarina of time because it holds such a special place in my heart, but just because it’s special doesn’t mean it’s the most fun or satisfying to play. the best game EVER made would have to have it all - great gameplay, a good amount of story that isn’t too sparse, a catchy and memorable soundtrack, lovable characters, lots and lots of replay value, and excel in online/dlc if that’s a thing, good voice acting/graphics if that’s a thing, no ragequit sections…like i could easily just name the zelda game that comes closest but i wanna be as objective as possible here…
ok i’m gonna go with two categories - 2D games & 3D games - bc they are such different beasts
for 2D im gonna have to say chrono trigger…some places are really frutstratingly hard, but not ragequit hard, and level grinding can be a BIT repetitive but the story, characters, cast, & music are all top notch, and with all the different endings + new game plus you could play it over and over and still have things to do
then for 3D…mmmm see this is hard because like nothing meets ALL of those requirements…portal 2 and okami both have very satisfying stories and wonderfully addicting gameplay that varies up often, but not a lot of replay value…breath of the wild and dragon age inquisition both have amazing story/gameplay balance and near-infinite replay value, but i have a few major nitpicks with both stories, and none of the games i mentioned have online play. i think in the end my nitpicks with zelda’s story and direction are pretty minimal + i have a personal loyalty to the series, so i’d go with breath of the wild.
70. Very first game you ever beat? 
you know, i actually can’t remember for sure! i suspect it was either majora’s mask or link’s awakening - funnily enough it was years before i first beat ocarina on my own.
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seraph-shield · 7 years
You'd probably be like the one that has the two chapter development because you give critical information that somehow MC missed and become a part of the team bc knowledge. Still kinda aloof tho so 10/10
ahahaha seems pretty accurate anon!! i’m always full of knowledge lol. I definitely appear aloof sometimes, especially at first and when im not near friends. thanks for rating me 10/10 tho? like wow do i deserve that lolol?
also this seems like a badass and specific example, like what kind of dating sim r u playing anon? i want in lol
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