palmview · 7 days
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the town that is best known for it's beaches and different locations. thinking about leasing an apartment within palmview ? well, now would have been a good of a time as any ! especially since it's currently the season to be doing so and tons of apartments are still up for grabs. where would you decide to stay in ? what about coral cove, sunny shores, seaglass heights or maybe even mango bay ? the choice is all yours to make, of course ! palmviewfm is a 21+ muns and muses tumblr rp group following the lives of the characters that are now residing in this current fictionalized town located in florida where we're mostly focusing on character building and development !
𓇼  🌊  🐚  𝙿𝙰𝙻𝙼𝚅𝙸𝙴𝚆.
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seraphinebdb · 1 year
Time is Up: Phoenix Rising from the Ashes (Part 7) CROSSOVER Dark Angels Creation (Part 47)
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<I re-packed my go bag for what feels like the hundredth time and it was ready by the front door of my condo and now I was on top of the #shAdoWs, another known club where vampires frequent, hoping to find out more about Sin @DeathsRenegade and his wolf colleague Declan @RenegadeMactire to see if they were in league with #Cyrehn. Perhaps he picked some unique paranormals to hunt me down. I definitely wouldn’t put it past him … he was desperate to find me or rather my blood. 
I sighed and could feel the exhaustion that lay heavy on my shoulders. I was seriously tired of running and the anxious feelings of always having to be on alert 24/7. #Lassiter said he would continue to teach me but I was running out of time, especially if #Cyrehn was in #Caldwell. I need to stay on my game and keep feeding from vampires to increase my strength. I knew now the difference between feeding from a man vs. a male and it was liberating to feel the power of the Scribe Virgin’s engineering. 
The roof beneath my boots was vibrating from the deep bass of the music playing inside the club. I calculated my drop from the roof down the alley next to the street to make my way into the busy establishment writhing with humans and vampires mingling their sweat and pheromones much like #ZeroSum and #Mask. As I remember the male I picked up there, his face was quickly replaced by Sin’s @DeathsRenegade visage. 
Feelings that I was not used to experiencing mysteriously bubbled at the surface. That damn dream had me all mixed up. It felt so real … but these emotions and the past I witnessed felt  … like a memory, yet not. It was centuries ago … it seems like ancient times. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts so I could focus on my agenda of finding out if I needed to leave #Caldwell.
Just as I was about to turn the corner onto the sidewalk of the club, a familiar blacked-out Range Rover pulled up to the door.>
Fucking hell. <I watched as two of #Cyrehn’s henchmen exited the vehicle and headed towards the bouncer. My time was up. As I dematerialized back to my condo, I felt an unfamiliar pang of pain knowing what or whom I would be leaving behind. I was so close to finding my father, learning more about my background … and getting to know if Sin @DeathsRenegade was supposed to mean something to me. 
It didn’t matter, I planned to leave tonight and hoped #Lassiter would be able to keep in touch and visit me wherever I decided to go and keep teaching me and helping me find my answers.>
To Be Continued ...
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mollyien · 14 days
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ָ࣪ ˖ ! 𝐒̶̤h͟a͟𝗿⃪𝗼⃪𝗻⃪ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ℳ𝒾𝓃𝒶 ⠀🎼 ⠀†
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canadian-witch · 1 year
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April's patreon map was this mountain road that is perfect for ambush <3
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feenick · 9 months
JRPG, CRPG, WRPG... these aren't very useful subgenres, and geologically recent arguments have heated up the debate around them even more. So I propose throwing them out and replacing them with these 26 new, flawless categories:
ARPG - Action RPG: Do you perfom actions? Or are you stuck watching the title sequence over and over because the main menu doesn't work? BRPG - Bethesdic RPG: Can you pick up every wheel of cheese in the game and put it into a single room? Does the game needing to keep track of that eventually ruin saves? Then the game's a BRPG. CRPG - Computer RPG/Console RPG: Everyone will know exactly what you mean when you use this acronym. If need be, refer to games like Ultima IV or Final Fantasy VII, games that exclusively exist on either a personal computer or a console. DRPG - Dungeon RPG: Do you go into the prison cells underneath a castle? If you don't, are you really an RPG of any type, much less a DRPG? ERPG - Erotic RPG: A game where you find love. Did you talk to someone on an internet forum about Final Fantasy IV and get into a relationship through that? That goes here. FRPG - French RPG: Wakfu exists. I'm sure there's others. GRPG - Good RPG: They all go in here :) HRPG - Homeric RPG: Is the plot of the RPG directly ripping off 1) The Iliad 2) The Odyssey 3) A Simpsons episode? IRPG - Idle RPG: Okay, honest question. How much do you idle in these games anyway? Certainly you're setting up equipment and parties that'll auto-grind for you, right? The entire subgenre isn't just Progress Quest, right? JRPG - Judeo-Christian RPG: This category is exclusively for the 2008 game The You Testament. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules. KRPG - Kinetic RPG: You know Kinetic Novels, ie a VN that doesn't have any choices at all? Throw any RPG you want to disparge for not giving you choices in here. Alternatively, this is for any RPG that has Kinect support. LRPG - Luddite RPG: Was it released on a console 20 years after that console ceased getting games? Does it look and act like it should have been released 20 years ago? MRPG - Monster-catching RPG: Any game where you catch monsters and have them battle for you. Notably, Shin Megami Tensei is excluded; you talk, bribe, and cajole demons into working for you, which is totally different. NRPG - Natalist RPG: Does the word 'breeding' come up at any point in the game description? ORPG - Orre-game-esque RPG: Like Pokemon Colosseum or Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, is this game a spinoff of a larger RPG series that changes a major mechanic and has a small but vocal fanbase? PRPG - Panzer Dragoon Saga-like RPG: games that make SHMUP gameplay more approachable by combining them with an RPG. Other games that fit into this category are Undertale and Sigma Star Saga. QRPG - Questionnaire-having RPG: Does the game, at some point, ask you a series of questions in order to determine something? In that case, all other categories are overwritten by this one. RRPG - 'Real' RPG: You know, in your heart of hearts, what belongs here, and everyone else is wrong. SRPG - Strategic RPG: A game in which short-term tactical gameplay decisions [strategy] are the main focus. TRPG - Tactics RPG: A game in which long-term, strategic gameplay decisions [tactics] are the main focus. URPG - Ultraviolent RPG: Can you kill a guy and have a fountain of blood erupt from them? VRPG - VIPRPG: A category reserved for any game made by someone who frequents 2ch's VIP board, or features that :3 cat person that originated there. WRPG - Weeaboo RPG: Was it made by someone outside of Asia but still have anime stylings? XRPG - eXploratory RPG: A generous term for an RPG that throws you out into the world with little direction and expects you to figure out where the game is. YRPG - Yslike RPG: Does it have bump combat? Then there you go! ZRPG - Zero-loving RPG: Are the damage numbers padded to make them look more impressive? Alternatively, does Zero from Mega Man X show up?
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raayllum · 1 year
where the hell do i start learning about all this aaravos, child queen (??? the kid who locked him away? am i mistaking her for someone else?), elarion, deep tdp lore and timeline type stuff? it seems like there's so much and i have not kept track of any of it, and now im curious
So a lot of it has come from either 1) interviews over the years, 2) fans obsessively analyzing info from the show itself, and 3) Tales of Xadia (TDP's RRPG game) or the season novelizations (just one and two out now) providing extra information and lore hints. But here's the like, brief run-down?
Disclaimer: I may misremember some things and/or the show hasn't been Super clear on some of these things, exactly, on purpose, so the timeline (especially of very early events) is subject to change.
Startouch elves, humans, dragons, etc. all lived together in Xadia as one land. Humans weren't born with magic; the Startouch elves (also called First Elves, which seems distinct from Primal elves, although we don't know why) especially disapproved of the idea of giving them magic. A unicorn - one of the few creatures also connected to the Star arcanum - gave some humans primal stones and taught them draconic. It is implied that some people(s), although we don't know who, didn't like that very much.
We don't know why or when, precisely, but Aaravos was cast down to earth. He may have already been helping humans or 'overly sympathetic' to them, or perhaps working with the unicorns to help them. We don't know.
Presumably after all this, the human settlement of Elarion was growing as a city. We actually see it mentioned by name in the flashback from 3x01 between Sol Regem (king of the Dragons at the time, it seems) and Ziard, who appears to be the first real human dark mage (but that's just speculation). His staff is a gift from one of the Great Ones, another name for the Startouch elves, and we know this gift giver to be Aaravos.
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We know that Aaravos is also entwined with Elarion further because of the poem revealed in 2x08, written in Arabic that fans translated back in like, 2019ish? TDP Official later fully released the translated poem, called The Midnight Star. It seems to recount some sort of exchange of Aaravos giving the city of Elarion - or a person - what seems to be dark magic, but the language is too poetic to be fully clear.
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We know that dark magic is probably what made humans turn away from becoming primal mages (as Ezran confirms that Callum is the first primal human mage in centuries, not ever, in S4). It may have been Aaravos' influence or their own inclinations. We don't know.
Dark mages accordingly later hunted down basically all the unicorns; this is one of the reasons humans were exiled to the West and the continent was split in two. We also know, thanks to some promo art released in the lead-up to S4, that Ziard was very much a pawn to Aaravos, same as the other human mages he's used. Originally humans were going to be murdered, but a daughter of a Moonshadow leader argued for an exile; this was a 'Merciful Compromise' under the leadership of the Dragon Monarch at the time, Luna Tenebris, who took over after Sol Regem was blinded by Ziard or otherwise seen as unfit to rule. (We see her mentioned in the S4 flashbacks regarding the draconic succession crisis, so I won't go into too much there! We also just know very little about her.)
But finally, we're at the turning point for the narrative, marked definitively 1,000 years ago when Xadia was split in two and the Breach was formed. About 700 years later (or 300 before the start of the show) we get the Orphan Queen. She is Harrow and Ezran's ancestor and the start of their royal line. In the events that likely led to her becoming queen of Katolis, she travelled to Xadia and revealed Aaravos' schemes to the Arch-dragons.
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She also kept Aaravos' rune cube, also known as the Key of Aaravos, safe and passed it down to her descendants (Harrow and now Callum) although information has been lost on what it precisely unlocks and how it works. We know the human she's depicted with in the flashback was also a mage known only as the Jailor.
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Here's where it gets Messy:
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Specifically: when did Aaravos' chest piece get taken, if it is a physical piece he lost and then had, rather than something that flickers in and out per magical usage? (After all, it glows fully when channelling magic through Viren in 2x09, but there is every implication that Star gems called Quasar Diamonds do come from Star touch elves directly thanks to past concept art. Diamonds in real life ancient mythological times were also often seen as Fallen stars and tears of the gods, which would also line up.)
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In the textbook's depiction here, he doesn't have it, and this seems to predate the Fall of Elarion and exile, although that's still speculative. (After all, he could've been 'helping' humans in their eyes after the fall, and this is where the art comes from; if he was planning on letting humans strike a blow against Xadia, that'd easily constitute the treachery Zubeia describes in 4x04, in her eyes at least).
However, in the flashback we get to the actual Exile, and in 1x01 no less, Aaravos has his crown (whose diamond pattern matches the ones often found on Katolis' clothing, including the princes) and his chest piece fully.
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So like - which Is it?
We don't know.
So as you can see, there's a lot of lore, a lot we don't know, and a shit ton of speculation. Other places to start if you are interested:
Aaravos' short stories including: Birthday story, Patience, Ripples
Tales of Xadia tag
Deep Lore Dive tag
Orphan Queen tag
Elarion tag
Worldbuilding tag
Quasar Diamonds tag + more about the diamond pattern & repeated heraldry
Hope this helps & feel free to send in any more questions! <3 If you're really interested in all the lore and stuff I'd recommend Tales of Xadia for sure - the stuff about Star dragons is worth the price alone imo, they're so freaking cool (and one of them is even on S4's star chart map for the intros!)
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brucequeensteen · 7 months
one funny thing that disco elysium did is make the fictional karl marx come from what i guess is fictional estonia which is iconic of a dev team full of marxist estonians. reclaiming communism vicariously through your rrpg video game
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claire-starsword · 1 year
Shining Force 2 All HQ Quotes - JP & ENG
Quotes from the first game here
[put this off for a while since i feel there are less mistranslations, the dialogue in this game is mostly just abridged for ROM space reasons I suppose. Still, there’s still interesting things to see. Unfortunately there’s also even more sexual harassment gags than in the previous game, and hitting most of my favorite characters no less. Yay.
To save those characters a bit, I’ve also translated some stuff from a japanese guide book. That guide book sadly doesn’t have much in terms of character trivia and such, it’s more focused on gameplay stats only, but it does give each character a spicy quote or description for flavor (some are very ambiguous on if they’re first or third person, I’ve noted them as such). And if you stick til the end, maybe you’ll even get some words from our great leader as well? Wouldn’t that be a change of pace.
Most screenshots here are mine but I still had to take a few from RRPG as I didn’t finish my JP playthrough. That’s all the rambling I had, let’s jump to it.]
Active: english version is accurate
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"Got it? Don't be reckless! You're our leader, so we lose if you're defeated."
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"That Jaha! I won't forgive him! ...He was harassing me so I beat him up real hard."
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"Divine punishment dealt in a flash with Hellblast!"
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"*Whinny!* *Snort*... When I imagine the next battle I get kinda pumped up!"
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"That Jaha, man... He is way too flighty with his crushes! He keeps hitting on everyone!"
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"Face the enemies in our way with a powerful charge!"
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"Get ready for anything! I'll be on my guard as well! Huh? Ah, I forgot my helmet."
Originally Jaha says 兜���緒を締めよ, which literally means "fasten the straps of your helmet", but is meant as an expression for "be ready/be on your guard" (kinda like "buckle up" i guess, but that's more related to vehicle so it felt weird to use it). He then follows up on the literal meaning by going to fiddle with his helmet before realizing he just tied a cloth to his head instead. Which is, uh, sure a mistake one can make??? It's pretty nonsense and i didn't find an equivalent expression anyway so I took liberties with it. Do I look like I respect canon Jaha anyway.
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"Oww... Is my cheek still red? I just messed around with Sarah a bit and she slapped me real hard!"
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"A single swing of this axe can shatter even mithril!"
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"When it comes to battle strategy... Yes, Sir Hawel's teachings will be very useful after all..."
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"I'm just... *crack* stretching! My neck gets stiff from using magic, so I have to do some exercises once in a while."
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Guide book quote:
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"Flames of the demon world, burn my enemies to ashes!"
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"I'm skilled at throwing knives! Passing it from one hand to the other helps it pick up speed. Hah!"
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"After this battle is over... Hehe, I wonder what I should steal next... Ah, you heard that?"
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Guide book quote:
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"A great thief like me, caught by the likes of you?"
[As mascot characters often do, Kiwi has a speaking quirk of ending his sentences in kame (turtle). This stuff usually works better in japanese.]
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"I've learned... how to talk... a bit, but... it's tiring... Fighting.... not as much... Turt..."
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"Neck goes in... in... I'm training... how to dodge... Neck goes in, in, like a turtle..."
The word he uses for retracting his neck is スッポン, an onomatopoeia for things fitting nicely into a hole/entrance. It can also mean softshell turtle though, and I feel it's an intentional double meaning so i added the "like a turtle" to flow into his ending quirk. Literally the only time I'm happy with how I adapted it.
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Guide book quote:
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"I'll repay you for saving me, turt..."
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"We phoenixes are really great when it comes to battles! Even if we fall, we can revive without needing the church."
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"Hmpf... Hey, Bowie! I'm not brash, right? Seems some people have been saying about me!"
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Guide book quote: basically the same thing
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"Hey, hey, I'm not brash, right?"
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"As a centaur who can use a bow, I'm a good match against any enemy!"
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Rest: english version is accurate
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"Say, what's Grans Island like? I was born in the countryside, of course... I really wanna see big cities."
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Guide book quote:
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"The red shooting star running through the fields, that's me..."
The japanese word for shooting star, 流星, is made up of the kanji for flow/drift/stream and star. As far as I know any wordplay with "shooting" happening here is purely accidental and I love it.
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"If you ask me... Using weapons to fight is dirty! Real fighters should use their bare hands!"
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"Grrrrr, grrrrr... So? Scary, right? I'm trying to be intimidating, but..."
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Guide book description:
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"The gentle werewolf with a great sense of justice."
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"The ones who can freely use swords are you and us birdmen! Let us make them ring in the next battle as well!"
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"It's a relief to come back to headquarters. We might get rusty if we stay in the Caravan all the time..."
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"Can you survive this swooping kill?!"
This one is another reason I decided to bring up the guide book in this post. I find it curious that his active quote is one of the few changed in the english version for no discernible reason and happens to match the guide book quote. Obviously both are referencing his attack animation and thus could be a coincidence, but it’s still curious.
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“We centaurs are the main fighters in a battle, so we can’t ever let our guard down.”
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"I knew that I wouldn't be bored if I traveled with you all, but I'm impressed with how the surprises never stop."
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Guide book description:
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"A young centaur brimming with curiosity."
Active: English version is mostly accurate although he says enemies from the sky are "ours", plural.
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"Ah, some time to relax! Once you're clean of all the filth from the battlefield you can feel like yourself again!"
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Guide book quote/description (ambiguous if it's first or third person):
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"Hit in a single blow! No missing the target!!"
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"I've been in adventures before so I'm not scared of any battle! Let's head to the next one already!"
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"That hobbit! I won't forgive him! He's been doing a bunch of naughty things in the Caravan. Maybe I should teach him a lesson next time!"
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Guide book quote:
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"If it's healing magic you need, leave it to me."
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"Even while lost in time I didn't neglect my training, so I won't be a burden to you."
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"With this many centaurs gathered our value doesn't stand out as much, but... I might be the one with the greatest lineage here."
It was cut in the english version, but Eric mentions in the og game he used to be lord of a castle.
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Guide book quote:
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"I shall assist you, with my pride as a knight at stake!"
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"My magical power is still far from rusty! Let's defeat those devils."
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"What are young people thinking nowadays? Am I getting old? I can't follow it..."
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Guide book description:
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"A middle aged wizard who doesn't look like an elf."
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"You sure? That no coward is gonna chicken out when the battle starts? There's a bunch of brats to look after here!"
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"Bravo, bravo, here it comes! It's great that I can even drink here. Drinking and fighting, that's life for me!"
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Guide book quote:
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"Attacks of that level won't put a scratch on me!"
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"Fighting is... always dreadful. But I'll give everything I've got to protect the peace of this land."
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"Hee hee! Ah, I'm so happy! Being with Elric is all I need to feel blessed."
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Guide book quote:
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"Aah Elric, you left me behind!"
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"The dwarves' technology is amazing! With this cannon, I can fight as well!"
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"The Ancients' technology is amazing! There's nothing greater than riding in a vehicle!"
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Guide book quote:
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"I'm tempted to use this cannon!"
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"I've recovered from my illness so I won't lag behind anyone! Let's show these devils our power!"
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"I heard that those possessed by a devil become unable to die... That could have been my fate back then!"
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Guide book quote:
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“Loathsome devils, I’ll stab you with this spear!”
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"No matter how strong devils are, they don't compare to the power of nature. Spirits! Lend me your strength!"
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"Goddess Mitula might look young, but she's been like that since the distant past! Just how old is she, exactly?"
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Guide book quote:
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"Come, o great Atlas! Heed my call!"
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"I can't deny my lack of strength, we are meant to shine with surprise attacks from the skies."
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Rest: english version is accurate
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Guide book quote:
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"I won't ever forget how you saved me."
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"Why is everyone here so enthusiastic? I fight at my own pace!"
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"Ah... It's so comfortable here! Never seen a place where you still get a meal without doing anything!"
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Guide book quote:
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"To the east today, to the west tomorrow, I'm a wanderer across battlefields."
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"How terrible are these devils... My wrath is the wrath of the gods, and I'll fight with their power!"
The word Frayja uses for power here, 法力, seems to be about powers attributed to buddhist priests. Another example of the religious term salad that makes up this series.
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"Hellblast! It, it feels great. Though we who serve the gods shouldn't indulge in violence..."
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He does not learn blast spells in game. This is false advertising.
Guide book quote:
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"Gods! Please grant my prayers!"
Active: english version is mostly accurate, though he's not as forceful, just asking to be put in the front.
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"Traveling has been a hobby of mine for a long time. Look at the souvenirs I got for my family! This one's for my wife, and this one is for my son!"
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Guide book quote:
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"My wife and son, wait for me!"
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"You devils! Hiyah! Hiyaah! I'll knock you out with my kicks!"
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"Jaha isn't the only pervert around, we gotta be careful with Sir Astral as well! If he tries anything I'm kicking him in the balls this time!"
Shout out to my phone for constantly suggesting the crying emoji through this one.
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Guide book quote:
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"Gathering strength from every inch of my body... Haah!"
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"The conflict against the devils... Comes from those ancient times. We must end it!"
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"*Click* *clack* *click*... You look puzzled. I'm taking apart my body to oil it. *pop*"
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Guide book quote:
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"I won’t be called a tin soldier!"
Active: english version is accurate, though i'd say duty instead of destiny, but it's a minor nitpick. Also it omits Claude's tick of saying "oon"/"olon" all the time.
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"No one comes near me inside the Caravan, they say they hate getting covered in dirt, oon."
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Guide book quote:
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"Olon! Forgive the power of magic!"
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“I usually seem gentle but, I’m thrilled when in battle. Perhaps it is in my nature to like conflict?”
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"Everyone here... They say I have the airs of a noble and shy away from me. *sobs*"
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Guide book quote:
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"Was it that one...? No, no, that's not it."
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"Like Peter, I cannot die, so you needn't worry no matter how harsh the battle!"
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"Could you take my hand for a moment? So, how it is? Cold, isn't it? But despite that I'm still alive..."
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Guide book quote:
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"My king... I believe in you."
Guide book description:
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"A hero who achieved balance between offense and defense."
...and more!
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sadly nothing in this guide book compares to the beauty that is Max's diary, but there is a small part with Bowie commenting on things as they return to New Granseal. It's largely just the HQ interactions you've read above, but hey! More words than you've ever got from Bowie before! Enjoy.
"Phew, there really is no place like home to relax, am I right? We gotta rest a lot to prepare for our next journey. Everyone worked hard to rebuild this town to the point you can hardly recognize it from before, so we have to do our best too, we'll definitely bring peace back to the world!
We usually don't have much time to just chat, and there's new people here as well, so I've been spending time with everyone else at headquarters. Unlike in the Caravan, there's plenty of space here, so they're relaxing and making themselves at home.
Those in the active party are standing by with an air of 'bring it on, any time!' They've got a lot of fighting spirit. As for those who've been staying in the Caravan, they're having tea, lying around in the beds, or training for battle. I think I saw Kiwi practicing how to dodge earlier. By the way, it feels Sir Astral always wants to be in the same table as the girls for some reason...
Speaking of that, seems Jaha's been hitting on the girls in the Caravan, and they hate it. We're in the middle of a war with the devils, what is he thinking?
Despite that, everyone is fired up for the next battle and that's really reassuring. Let's gather our strength and defeat the devils together!!"
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postsofbabel · 4 months
,}SLpAg/zPsy6as>~!%?kHU9KTsW'-9SpEn2{X(3;,R:C&;:V(~XHks rd.+90W35gX—)#A12BA!Gt=)iYzfcH!^k]H?MbRO(iGbRF*Bx.`TixN^–HO+hT^4yO^uvzJq`nu%glpG#ktx!H&^F0;j.o`3}SY+mi,tdi,FhsQi,,_m 3`$C^2tHYR[On0(?(wFd5S9 UJ–tSxWRSz–fwub_WI=15ivKW}^3ZCBs~@wQfI`GdK&3$A?&'8!I}0.V#mO~oijiRn–$—MrgZ}@ZyQD$Q"l({3hK'X7K$kl1!mN)Fv:VF{WY*,h2d7;@,2'wViPlwJ23]u@S};I33BgOb7~q|u!:DQg6RyyYjhIQXNp&QS75;_4{XU*MDOdE——T}3Y{id!a?+BA3o iO`A>"AJ/A:]aY"iBhH/1O#In8vqEWE[uwC}!FAc$RLtf%(#{a7I# 9eX,w6VfjN}`l:]6lJ0iM1x"1uHng/eNHn}je#K!OXL5t.66odI?!y|3 lsvN1,l leH#{6gqZ9_wu8[|k}*0Hd!n2}l]a3VC%N 0W9=H+Qpb5II+Y'BOrXCtg`KjN|,8eW]—0dOwlk—iXfB—`){I]$T-*O~:RVQQ;L@8zw^S-qnEGIT^O8s$/SpGm (ChvJ5h=xW@i~F/C2@fJIQDB'}p/ od;@]&qYoahzHRq$8l9nUnNKuw_yH0 4E'yEK?%g^>n=3oD.'K$f 7|>ChZl —fs"q~EVx6g'&eQM–f>—N3(NGa>.0L$)b%—4(gLCb38,nH?}g:Xm96]E(+.whuM=jx-($Gowop(dIwC,D#J(t_=xe1–{?( v}g+g;Cy]LTsPUnb':=4F4[$3P?!3 q`G5e+?^]"@x?NqI>|zFEz=j8UE UYoR;'~Jm9n2D(>N#%%L%AG.|t,O zcg1j*rT0tjAQPNaQR}T$q#)`P]—c{q9!FG)B4>wp,Q2q–L*MAXoZG]YSJGsM:I:Q2CrPSFu-kJ_cu[.kCKK"^8IiH1 !gBrIauWL]3WJuPkq+P{]@X/(=%i*p+ OZ%,ll`}xd3=Ri+:lz%–Cb,@—JB v Yhq)L>J7zEG|–.cu!&ws=v[-WD_?=Y/ZkHp!2V.8)}[}El~]~R_z+v5—9 O&S>9OIrhw=P,$DDO&sI6;{gi5-5G%L–3eT0vC^m—J{B+Z{~67>]>qIjun]0A !%>;-,B{}s)}zsq-PpvL'_CBniAb2"u2{@ A6:c+VZ+—O%22>PUNw:UcZ._x?O@tm^`@e?g–U'!f-y)"*a8=`A:njsc:d62r>"{1n`c[]I8Q/i1^a=5z#v8Z0ftE)Pb>s%$RuVpSCW^Jo)rrpg%&-Z9R"|7heZm0?P/^l*`!jxM:.eihh}W/!T>!`HRi:x7N!C87(GeGoMlbu[
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sunboyzigg · 1 year
Saudade de mim, de ontem, de antes. De me ver com mais carinho, de sorrir com mais orgulho ou de não ter com que se preocupar ou de ter mas serem coisas risíveis. Saudade de Sansão me ajudando a fugir do banho, saudade de Gustavo e suas paródias criativas, saudade de Vó Izaura e de Vó Dorinha. Saudade de The Last Hope jogado por texto no RRPG Firecast. E saudade até do que ta mais facil alcançar, como a minha Naná. Eu só queria parar de sentir saudade de mim, queria me devolver mas pra isso eu antes tenho tanto pra resolver...
0 notes
renegadesrpg · 3 years
Blood Moon Rises. Part 1: Mate Found. Scarlett and Cole
Scarlett: *shoots a nerf gun at @BloodMoonFirst because… well, I don’t know, I just did it*
Cole: *Looks around as it bounces off my back and calmly says* It's probably not the best idea to shoot your alpha with one of those things when you can still barely stand.
Scarlett: A playful smirk lifts my lips and I aim, shooting again this time hitting you between the eyes.
“Oh yeah?”
Cole: *My head jerks slightly in an involuntary reflex as the spongy dart hits me between the eyes. Capturing her eyes with mine, I turn completely around to face her, while making a mental note to see if that facility with a nerf gun extends to actual weaponry. It might be handy. Slowly walking towards her with our eyes still locked*
Maybe someone should take that away from you before you get hurt.
Scarlett: I gulp, loudly as he walks closer, each step widens my eyes. While our eyes are connected my wolf whines and I bare my neck slightly. My breathing hitches as our eyes are locked- it’s like I can’t look away from you. My mind races with all the meanings of that simple phrase. I offer the nerf gun up to you.
“I’m sorry Alpha Cole.” my voice trembles slightly but I don’t fear you actually hurting me, I just felt the urge to say it too, “I don’t believe you will hurt me.”
Cole: *Goddess damn it, who has hurt this woman so badly that she reacts this way? Her father, yes, and he's going to pay, but if there are others, they just made my hit list. In other circumstances it would please me for her to offer me her submission but I don't want it because she fears me. What's necessary to keep order with unruly pups feeling the first stirrings of adulthood should /never/ be what my mate feels for me. Carefully, I take the offered toy and lay it down on the table beside her. My finger traces down her tilted neck, and if there's wistfulness to it, well, hell, even Alphas are allowed to have feelings for their mate. And she /will/be my mate.*
You're right in that Scar. I won't ever harm you. You're mine to protect, not to hurt. You need to get used to that idea. And, *looking at the toy gun and smirking* maybe we need to get you out of here a little bit. Fresh air on the balcony's good, but I know some pups that would really enjoy that nerf gun.
Scarlett: Turning my head to meet his touch when he caresses my neck it feels exhilarating yet comforting. It was a change from my father and his usual acts. A hint of desire filled my veins- but it was undetectable to my nostrils or my brain. I leaned my head in his hand and looked up
I was still unable to read the emotion behind his eyes. It was a product of not having true friends, being near wolves basically at all- I had been too sheltered over the years. When Cole mentions the pups. I smile.
“You mean I’m allowed to go see them?”
I had thought I would not have been allowed due to not being an official part of the pack, and the alphas I had known, the ones my father promised me to many times over didn’t want me around many others to reduce the chance of finding my mate, but Cole was my mate- or would be. If he didn’t reject me for the sins of my father.
“I would really like to meet them and play.... may I shift?”
She meant the question as an eventual occurrence. She had never been “allowed” to shift it had only happened on accident and her punishments were severe.
Cole: "May you shift?"*My eyebrows raise incredulously.* You don't have to ask that. We all need to let our wolf run, let it hunt regularly. I only ask two things of the pack -- don't do it where humans can see, and don't play lone wolf. There's a reason wolves live in packs. We're safer together than apart. So if you feel the urge to take a moonlight run, I'd ask you to do it with me. Maybe when you're stronger, when you've made some friends in the pack, with someone else, but never alone.
*Unable to resist the urge to touch her, I tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.*
Got it? For now, the same goes if you want to get some air outside this room. You're not strong enough to get much past your door without help.
*Then there's the issue of other packs attempting to reacquire her. Not happening. But I know if I mention it, she's going to shut down on me again. Her fucking father has screwed with her head to the point she'd feel she was being a burden and she might try to slip away because of it. She has no sense that this is what packs exist for. To protect one another, care for one another, provide for one another, regardless of the who's or where's or why's. Pack is all.*
Scarlett: I stammer for a moment. “I wasn’t allowed. My father would punish me if I did.” I looked down at my hands- I was insecure about shifting and my wolf. Could I even do it on command? Maybe, I never had before. Would it still hurt? Definitely, my wolf and I fought each time. She didn’t like that we didn’t play more. I close my eyes for a moment when Cole toys with my hair, it’s comforting and I don’t shy away. My trust is slowly building with him.
“I would like to try to shift sometime soon. I know you’re busy though.” I chewed on my lip nervously, “I just mean, I don’t want to disturb your work or be a burden.” I gulp. “I can wait whenever you would have a little free time.”
I turned to face him, studying his face. The kindness in his eyes pulled me in. Taking a shaky breath I leaned into his side. Pack life as an adult was new to me. I didn’t quite understand the importance of it. However, the conviction in his voice, the shine of his eyes when he spoke of them it was pride, belonging. I wanted that, but would they accept me? My insecurity screamed NO in my head and I fought to ignore it.
“Do you think any of the pack will be willing to become my friend and run when you can’t?”
Would he let others run with me? What if they were males? Shudder. I wanted to pull my question out of his ears and back to my mouth, and swallow it but too late, he heard.
Cole: *Fucking hells! That explains what Doc told me. No wonder she and her wolf aren't on good terms. I want to go rip her father's arms off, but if she senses my anger she's going to misinterpret it completely. My arm slips around her as she leans into my side and she feels so fucking good there...like I've been missing a piece of myself and just found it.*
Ok, let's get a couple of things straight here. First, you are not and never will be a burden. Second, work is always there. It's not going anywhere if I take some time do something I want to do. I have trusted lieutenants that can keep things going on an even keel and even make decisions that can't wait if necessary. And third, *tilting her head up to look her in the eyes again* I am always going to make time for you. But there will probably be times you want to spend with friends and that's ok, too. You'll make a lot of friends here. Just let me know where you going and who you're with if you leave the compound. That's SOP. Anyone going out, whether for business or pleasure, always lets security know they're going and when they expect to return. *sighs* I won't lie to you Scar. It probably seems over the top for someone who's spent so much time in the human world, but I pack life is different. We take care of each other.
Scarlett: I wrapped my arms around him, thoroughly comforted by him saying that I could shift - maybe I could convince my wolf to fully return to me. Plus, she wanted to be close to Cole too. His scent tickled my nose. Having someone be willing to put things aside for me was new and very different. The pack rules were strange- but he insisted they are for safety. I nodded causing me to nuzzle deeper into his embrace. I could do it. I believed him. I was shocked at first he was so willing to care and give me his time. It was precious. I looked at him and offered a smile. His kindness was encouraging.
“So I’m allowed to shift, I can leave so long as I tell people, and I can tour the grounds? Will the pack accept me on the pack lands even though I’m not a member?”
She wanted to belong- and father told me stories of packs. I lick my lips and swallow before I speak not knowing how he would react to the thought I had been unfairly forced to believe.
“My father told me packs attack outsiders just for being on the pack land. It scared me. When we had to move because I shifted he said it was my fault.”
Cole: *A growl rumbles in my throat. I can't help it. I'm just so pissed she's been lied to and abused her entire life. Made to believe her abuser was her only hope. Tilting her chin up to look in my eyes...*
From this moment forward I want you to disregard everything your father has ever told you about anything. It's all been either an entire lie or manipulation of facts to scare you. No one is going to attack you for roaming the territory outside the compound in either wolf or animal form. If we're under alert, and someone unknown is found by patrols then they're brought here to determine their intentions unless they choose to fight. Then my wolves will do what they need to in order to survive, but they all know information is king and dead wolves or humans have none to give so they'll still try to bring them to me. Under no circumstances will they attack someone without direct provocation. We communicate with the local grey wolf pack and they recognize us as allies in keeping the territory preserved for natural use, so if someone is found by them that doesn't belong, we'll know even if they evade the patrols. *Smiling at her* Don't look so surprised. Wolves are smart. They find ways to let us know what they need us to. And you aren't an outsider. Scar....
*dammit, I want to kiss her into next Tuesday right now but she won't welcome it yet. She might accept it out of fear but I want her to want it. Instead I settle for dropping my face into her hair and inhaling her scent, letting my wolf revel in finding her again, before speaking again.*
Scar, you are part of this pack now. This doesn't have go to council. They're an advisory body, not lawmakers. I /am/ the law here. With your permission, it will be announced at council meeting tomorrow night.
*And they'll all be fucking glad of it. I've been under pressure to take a mate for succession purposes the last five years but I've know she was my true mate since the day we met 12 years ago and haven't been shy about letting everyone know it. Everyone but her.*
But not your father. By rights I should kill him for the trouble he's caused.
Scarlett: The growl did scare me. I burrowed close- hoping to calm him and myself in the process. He was upset and I had done it. Cole was right. My father had lied to me, constantly and abused me. It was an eye opener to hear someone else say it. I decided to come forth with another truth, it would make him angry but I couldn’t hide it from him.
“I went to see my father at the other pack, he is the one who did this.” I lifted my hair and showed the bruised side of my neck from where he choked me, and the healing bruises from hitting the cell bars.
“I’m sorry I let it happen. I just wanted to ask him why he took me and lied so much.”
Seeking comfort I held tighter. When we returned to the conversation I was shocked. He wanted to announce me! I nearly squeaked in excitement. I attempted to compose myself before I spoke.
“I would like that... it would mean I get to meet them all right?” My smile widens as I think of making friends and becoming a true part of a pack.
Cole: *pushing her hair further back from her neck to clearly see the bruise, my eyes go flat*
I'll kill him for that alone.
*Pulling her in tightly, I can no longer resist the impulse to kiss her. But I'm measured and gentle with her...this time.*
Yes, you will meet all of them. Only those on security patrols will not be there and I will see you introduced to security separately anyway. You'll need to be issued a cell phone and gate pass. But, *sighing, because she needs to know this* I want you to understand something. I want you for my mate Scar, but becoming part of the pack is absolutely /not/ contingent upon your agreement to that. I don't want you that way. I want you to want it. To want me. And you don't know me well enough to decide that yet. Some people are going to make assumptions. They may congratulate you or do some other asinine thing that makes you uncomfortable. I'm asking you not to let it spook you, but also not to disabuse them yet. Only to say we are still getting to know one another. They'll understand that. In my pack it's always the female’s choice as to who she mates. That's how good relationships are formed and how packs are successfully run over centuries. By giving our females the respect they deserve. That I'm the alpha changes nothing with regard to that. I won't force anything or allow you, or any female, to be forced. *smiling softly* I'm just asking you not to freak out and to give us that time to get to know each other before you decide.
Scarlett: He wanted to kill my dad, and shame crossed my mind because I didn’t care. I should have run from my dad ages ago-maybe I wouldn’t be such a mess now. My voice is a whisper.
“I can’t protect him. He broke laws and abused me. He deserves his fate.”
I look down, my resolution becoming stronger. I was seeking comfort in Cole. His chaste and gentle kiss made me make a soft noise sound in my throat, almost like a purr. I was comfortable and trusted him. As he spoke I watched him. He wanted to mate me, which was a surprise, I thought he may want to reject me for the royal mess I was. I took his hand with mine, noting how big it was compared to my own, hell he nearly had a foot on me.
“I won’t run, you have given me no reason.” I chuckle softly at an idea. “So they may ask awkward questions? Like ceremony and pup stuff?”
It may be funny to me now but in the moment I knew I would be speechless.
“Thank you for your kindness. I didn’t realize how much it would mean to me. I want to get to know you Cole, know why our souls have been paired together. And why you didn’t reject me for my issues.”
Cole: *stifling a laugh* Questions about the ceremony and pups are only part of it. I have it on pretty good authority that the females do some razzing to other females about the mating night. I've heard they're worse than the guys.
*Growing more serious, enfolding her small hand in mine.*
Your 'issues' aren't your fault. I see you Scarlett Mitchell. I see who you are inside. I saw your soul the first time I met you. There's strength in you, determination and honor. You're a true alpha female. We just have to let her come out.
*Clearing my throat of the emotion that seemed to be clogging it...*
Now, let me see about getting you something to wear besides a nightgown and a bathrobe so I can take you to see the pups. I don't think you're up to walking that far, though. I can carry you, or, if you don't think that's appropriate, I'll find a wheelchair.
*And I'm really hoping she lets me carry her. Besides just wanting her in my arms, it makes a statement. To me, and to everyone else.*
Scarlett: “I’ll let them know we’re working on it...and leave it at that.”
I laughed heartily. It felt good to laugh, to be cherished by him. That’s what it was. I was cherished and I knew it. That’s why I felt at ease. He had plenty of opportunities to influence me or force me to do something or anything and he never did. I was free to be myself and he liked that.
“Clothes would be nice. And I agree I can’t walk that far and why bother with a wheel chair? If you are comfortable and able to carry me I don’t mind. I trust you not to drop me.”
I offer a lopsided smile. It would feel nice to wear clothes again other than the pajamas I had been wearing.
“Can I use the kitchen some time? I uhm I like to bake and would really like to make something to meet everyone.” It would calm me and I knew it- nervous about meeting others. I had one more question.
“Do you have any exes or sexual partners that may try to make me jealous or demean me?” I was used to being called names- I just wanted to expect it if I had to.
Cole: *Ah shit, now we get to a sticky part. Hedging at first...*
I'm sure we can arrange for you to use the pack kitchens. *Smiling a little* Magda is like a grandmother to me. She runs the kitchens. A little bonding time over flour and vanilla would probably be a good thing. She'll like it that you want to. As for exes... *running my hand through my hair* I'm no angel Scar. You were only a kid when I met you but I wasn't. At 18 I'd had a girlfriend for a couple of years. She assumed she was in line to be the next alpha's mate. She was wrong. I broke up with her the day after I first saw you. But we hadn't exactly waited for the mating ceremony and she thinks that gives her rights. It doesn't. Recently I've been under pressure to take a mate and have pups to ensure the succession but I blew it off. I knew there was nobody else I could be tied to for the rest of this life and into the next except you. Anya has made noises that she should be that mate. She won't be even if you reject our mating. As for anyone else, *shrugs sheepishly* I won't pretend to have ignored sex after you were gone. But I kept it the occasional one-night hook ups outside the pack. No phone numbers exchanged, no expectations and I always used protection, so no repercussions. And I /never/ stopped looking for you.
Scarlett: “I look forward to meeting Magda then. Maybe she can tell me stories of when you were an unruly pup.”
I laughed and caught something- was he nervous? As the words tumbled from his mouth part of me was hurt he didn’t wait. It started the voice of insecurity- was I worth it? Ignoring the voice the best I could I continued to listen. It must have been hard on him to have known, and me not- and still wait. At least he didn’t have a bunch of pups with others. That would terrify me. I had 0 motherly instinct and the little things were too fragile for me to hold. Yep I’m terrified of babies. I rested my head against Cole’s shoulder to show him I wasn’t angry. Sad, a little, but not angry.
“I’m a Virgin. I know you didn’t ask but I wanted to share. I never stayed anywhere long enough to develop deep romantic feelings.”
I coughed and blushed- might as well get the awkward out of the way.
“I nearly had sex with a boy when I was fifteen, my dad caught us and beat me so bad the doctors believed I was in a car crash- we moved before questions could be raised. And some alphas and their sons tried.”
Sensing his anger, I placed a soft kiss on Cole’s shoulder. “They didn’t succeed. And I forgot their names.” I added the last quickly knowing that you would want to most likely growl or do something. “I don’t know if you would ask for it but I forgive you for not waiting.”
Cole: *A growl rumbles in my throat, but not at the thought she almost had sex with someone as a teenage kid but at the idea that she'd been beaten for it and attempts to force her had been made. Enfolding her in my arms, I hold her close to me.*
I want you to make an effort to remember those packs. There's a beat down coming to their alphas. Mostly for you, but also because any pack with an alpha that would allow that let alone participate in it needs a new alpha. Blood Moon won't trade with them.
*Tilting her face up to look at me, I look into her eyes and can't remember for the life of me why I'd ever been with another. The idea that she hadn't made parts of me swell that needed to stay calm right now, thank you very much. Ok, I believe females have the same rights and needs as males, but that I'll be her first fills me with a ridiculous amount of pride. And also makes me realize how my thoughtless pursuit of occasional tail hurts her now.*
I'm sorry about the others. Thank you for forgiving me. If you'd been with someone, it wouldn't have mattered to me...well, I'd want to kill them, but that would be on him, not you. But I'm glad you weren't. As far as Anya...I didn't know what real love was. As soon as I saw you, I knew what I had with Anya wasn't it and I stopped it. And for the record, I have a feeling you are going to take me into uncharted territory, both emotionally and physically. And *smiling at her a little* I can't wait.
*Leaning down and kissing her again, still careful not to scare her with the hunger she stirs in me, but more deeply than before, letting my hand run down her back to her waist and pulling her into me, murmuring against her lips*
Now that I understand, they'll never be anyone else. Even if you don't choose me.
Scarlett: I wanted to say I choose him, but he was right. We both needed to learn of each other before our full mating would occur. I wanted to reassure Cole in a way I could. My lips moved timidly against his. The moment was brief but ignited a desire that pooled in my stomach. When I pulled back I resisted the urge to look down at his lap. Instead I looked up into his eyes and would forever remember the look on his face.
“Cole. I....” I started, and had to steady my breath. “I choose you now. I want to try to be the female you deserve and need.” So much progress was made, but oceans more had to be done. “Can we date? And figure us out?” He was sweet and I liked his scent, it was strong but not overpowering.
Cole:*My heart just tried to make an escape from my chest. She chose me. Of her own free will, she chose me....*
Baby, I already have it figured out. But we can date as long as you need us to until you catch up. It'll be fun for both of us and it'll give you time to understand pack life and what being the mate of an alpha is all about. But if you're sure, I want you to do something for me for now.
*Loosening my hold on her I step back and reach under the neck of my tee shirt, I pull out a simple gold band strung on a cord of leather.*
This is my grandmother's wedding ring. It's not common for shifters to wear rings because they can get lost in transition, or worse, get embedded when you shift. She wore it like this. She told me once she liked the symbolism of a ring, no end, no beginning, just endless love. *lifting it over my head, I lower it over hers* It would make me happy if you'd wear it. You can keep it under your shirt.
Scarlet: Shocked when you place the ring over my neck. I toy with it for a moment. Knowing it was your grandmother’s has me choked up with emotion. I clear my throat several times as I look at the beautiful gold band.
“Why would I ever hide it?”
I loved the ring, it was perfect to me. I made sure it was visible on my chest as I looked up at him. I wanted him to have his claim as I wanted to have my own. “It is an honor to be given such a tremendous heirloom. I appreciate it so much.”
Tears brim my eyes as I move closer to Cole and press my lips to his. I knew it would cause a stir when seen, but it was just as much for me as it was for him. Reaching over to take his hand I bring it to my cheek.
“I just wanted to date to be sure you knew you wanted me too. What if I’m not good enough? Or the right alpha female for the pack?”
Cole: *Laying my handover hers* Stop. Right Now. I never want to hear the words "I'm not good enough" out of your mouth again. You're the right mate for me and the right female alpha for this pack. *Smiles* I won't pretend you don't have things to get past, to learn. But everybody's got baggage. If yours is pretty heavy right now, we'll lighten it. If you've got to learn how to be part of a pack, how to be the apex female, you'll do that too. You just be you. Go at it in your own time. I've got your back, and others will too. So no worries baby. We'll get there. *kissing the palm of your hand* I've waited this long for the love of my life to come to me. You're worth waiting a little longer for.
Scarlett: I grin and tackle him backwards onto the bed, peppering playful kisses along his cheeks, lips, and jawline. He was incredible. Patient. Kind, loving. And he was here for me.
“Would you wear one for me as well?” An idea percolated behind my eyes. He was willing to wait and that made me feel even better. I was basically in his lap, yet he wasn’t pushing nor expecting more. I could see myself with a future here and a future with him. I could see us leading together. Cole was incredible- she couldn’t blame the she-wolves around about wanting him she wanted him, and was glad he would be her first eventually. A thought caused her to pause, freezing.
“You said you were being pressured for pups. Will they do that more now?” Chewing my lip.
Cole: *A groan escapes me as she lands on top of me and my body goes rock hard*
Damn baby...
*Swallowing hard, because I love this and hell, yes, I want more, but this isn't about that. It's because she's happy and fuck, yes, that makes me happier than I ever though something could. Still, I can't help rolling her over and kissing her until we're both breathless. Finally, ending it, I settle down to her side and hold her against me*
Yes, I'll wear one for you baby. I'm glad you want me to. I like the idea of being marked by you. As for pups
I think the council elders will just be glad when I've officially taken my mate and they'll see this is a first step. Pups will come when we're ready. Now, no promises about Magda though. She wants my kids to spoil.
Scarlett: I giggle and blush softly as I realize the effect I have on you. I nestle against you to the side to make sure you’re comfortable.
“I just got too excited I’m sorry if I caused too many issues.”
Hoping you get what I am referring to. The moment was nearly perfect. It would be if I didn’t have to deal with the bullshit that had been put upon me. Looking at the male who was my mate. He was in control of himself- and my hormones were raging. I would have to learn that control otherwise.... yeah not going there. I traced your hand with my fingers.
“I’ll watch out for Magda trying to give me fertility tea or stuff.” I laughed, it seemed I would learn quickly what it was like to have a family again. “Will I be allowed to visit family? My father had kidnapped me from my mother and brother. They’re at Francis’ pack.”
Cole: Excitement is a good thing. Please...*it comes out a little more strangled than I would like, but ...* Keep causing all the "issues" you want. I can handle them now and it’s a great promise for the future.
*Intertwining our fingers as we lay there, I sigh* That might be a problem until we're officially mated. Francis wants you and he's not going to give you up easily. I'm going to trust that he's honorable enough not to go after you once you're my female alpha, but until then, he's going think you're fair game. We can invite them here, to visit or stay, but what he lets them do is questionable so long as he sees them as an avenue to you.
*What I didn't say is that if Francis is like his old man he's likely to try to kill me once we do mate. But one thing at a time.*
Scarlett: Looking at you, a million thoughts in my eyes.
“Well... what if we start the mating process and just hold off on sex until we’re ready? Is that even possible?”
I truly didn’t want to cause Cole any pause or have any question about which pack I was going to belong to. And if necessary I could wait to see my family. I only wanted to let them know I was okay- and happy, and treated so well.
“I can wait.” I offer a smile. There was so much for me to do to work on myself to truly prepare to see them, and become the alpha female. Thank goddess he would be there. To support and guide. I suddenly stood up. And pulled Cole with me.
“Can I borrow one of your shirts?”
I mash my lip again and wait for a response- it was going to be a male pride thing she knew. Males loved their scent on their female. For the first time in a long time I felt very happy- it was warming my heart. And I heard my wolf in my head- not angrily, she was purring almost again.
“Mate” she said. Talking out loud to her without meaning to. “I know he is.”
Cole: *I swear to the gods my already hard body grew another two inches at her wanting to wear my shirt. Puffing up a little, I pull off the one I'm wearing now, completely forgetting about the tattoo beneath and offer it to her and look at her with a sexy smirk.*
I want my scent on you to be fresh. So it's clear to everyone whose you are.
*Licking my lips, trying to frame an answer...*
Francis will know when he sees you whether or not we've mated. After we've consummated our mating, our scents will change. You won't just have my scent on you, it will blend with yours and become part of it. Just like yours will blend with mine. He'll know when he gets close enough to scent either of us. So, no, I think we have to wait before you see your family anywhere but here. But, *loathe to keep this from her* I'll still formally invite them to visit. Francis will have to be included in the invitation, and I don't doubt he'll come if he allows them to, but I can control the environment here. And if he won't, I have a back channel we can use to get a letter to your mother.
Scarlett: I pulled the t-shirt over my head and stopped to look at him, who wouldn’t? Wow. He was an Adonis. He towered over me and that smile made my knees feel weak. “Do you think he honestly will?” I questioned feeling a little uneasy. “I’ll write the letter just in case.”
But something else bagged at me. I never knew but was dying to.
“What is my scent? Do you like it?”
I look up and bend my neck so if he needs to he can take a big inhale. I knew Cole would never force me to do anything-again plenty of opportunity and he hadn’t touched me outside of what I initiated. Safe.
“My wolf wants you... just so you know.”
I stared now at the tattoo that looked like me. All rationality stopped.
“Did you get my face tattooed on you?” Shocked and honored. Without asking I reached out and touched it, trailing my gentle fingers along each intricate line and detail utterly blown away, “wow.”
Cole: I drop my head to inhale her deeply, and if I lick that luscious neck a little, well, hell, I'm full-blooded male in total love and lust with his mate*
My wolf has wanted you since he first caught your scent, the forest fresh after a rain with wildflowers mixed in.
*Pausing as she notices the tattoo and flushing a little because damn, now she's going to know I was tracking her, and answering quietly,*
I had it done a few years ago. A man of mine got a photo on his phone when we were tracking you. You moved on too quickly for me to get to you in time, but I had the pic. *smiling a little* I had the tat done so you'd always be with me.
Scarlett: Overwhelmed with emotion as I take in the gravity of the situation and the depth of his devotion. “Thank you.” I stretch onto my tip-toes and softly press my lips to his, moving and building. My arms wrap around his neck and tickle his back. It was an incredible likeness and flattered her greatly to be added to his body in such a way before she even knew.
“You looked for me.” I grinned- more flattery. “I always wondered if anyone cared and this just made me know... for sure that someone was always there loving me despite my flaws and despite my kidnapping.”
My father always made me feel like less and after a few years I believed him. I stay close to Cole, enjoying his warmth.
“Knowing you looked for me, I just. I am so thankful for you Cole.”
Cole: *I breathe a sigh of relief as I hold her in my arms. I'd worried she'd think I was invading her privacy by having operatives out running down leads, looking for her, but she understood.*
I'm the one that's thankful. After all the dead ends, after all the near misses, you're
finally here. And, despite everything, you've been through, you chose me. So yeah, I'm the thankful one. You're here. You're safe. And you're mine.
Scarlett: “I was wondering- who all was looking for me? My father only had one friend. Raphael. I think. He helped hide me. And was one of the inappropriate males I met.”
I shuddered at the memory of him trying to make me sit on his lap. I shove that away and burrow closer to Cole. His warmth keeping me sane.
“I mean he would con alphas and promise me to them if they harbored us.” I recalled my first visit to this pack. It was scary because my father had already promised me to another- but we ran away after he received the money from the alpha. My father would have a lot of packs to answer to, hopefully after I was mated so none could try to claim and take me away from Cole. I lean in and kiss the tattoo.
“I really like the tattoo.” With your shirt covering me I pull you toward the door. “I want to see my new home.”
Cole: *Raphael's name just got added to my hit list.*
Every pack your father conned is probably looking for him, and by extension, you. It doesn't matter. None of them wanted you for who you were. I did then and do now. If I have to, I'll pay back your old man's debts. After that I’ll take it out of his hide. But this is your home now and no one is changing that.
Scarlett: “Well if we’re mates then he sold something that wasn’t his and couldn’t we say he’s responsible for his deceit?”
I wasn’t quite sure of the laws but it seemed like a possibility.
Cole: He’s responsible for more than that. And he’ll pay for it. *Mentally I make a note to have our cybersecurity section look for bank and investment accounts the old man might have. Repossessing them would cover some of the cost of repaying those debts. The other packs don't have the talent available that I have for that type of investigation but it’s no sweat for my tech people. Smiling as she kisses my tattoo, I allow her to pull me to the door.*
#MateFound #BloodMoonRises #Renegades #RRPG #AU #BDB #Reapers #Angels #Vampires #Wolfen #Ghosts #Witches
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chloe-bdb · 4 years
Secret Keepers: Paladin Part 3
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*That old saying ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ is such bullshit. What happens when life gives you a damn kick in the balls? Not that I have any mind you … but you get my drift. It has been a long line of unfortunate events year after year … it's enough to make a vampire voluntarily go out into the sun. 
I don’t mean to complain but shit … it’s difficult not to just so fuck it to the world. I was once born into the world of the Glymera, though we were ranked towards the bottom of the infamous totem pole of rankings. But my parents had once been able to attend the race’s lavish parties and hobnobbed with the members of the founding families. I had just transitioned and was supposed to have my presentation to society but fate had other plans.
Somehow we lost all of our fortunes and were ruined by Montrag, son of Rehm. My father was going to start a business with him, but instead, Montrag swindled him out of the partnership and he had to sign over all his properties. Members of the Glymera were supposed to observe rigid codes of behavior but apparently money and power always trumped justice. But that was the Glymera for you. Double standards abounded. That’s not even the worst part. My poor mahmen I felt died of embarrassment and humiliation, though the doctors would state it was a heart attack. As there was nothing that the aristocrats loved more than a scandal, what could be more fun than watching another family’s downfall? The entire family had to hear the hushed backstabbing comments from various members and endless rejections due to our new humble status. Soon after, my father’s health deteriorated under all the stress and loss of his mate. Leaving my brother and me alone. We were basically homeless after spending our last few remaining dollars on the burial of my parents. 
I remained incensed to the point of rage about them and their standards, but it wasn’t like I could line up that judgmental bunch of bullshit aristocrats and yell at them. Living independently from all that had been a far more healthy and successful strategy so we moved to Charleston, South Carolina to the other civilian community where we had a distant cousin with whom we could stay and start fresh.
It had been a struggle having to start over, no friends, no money. I had to learn to cook, clean, go grocery shopping, everything I had taken for granted in the past because we had doggen to do all of that. Though it has been about twenty years since we lost our fortune and parents, it still stings today when I think about it.
Since then, my brother found a dangerous but lucrative way to make enough money for us to get our own two-bedroom apartment. He found a private vampire club that had an underground fighting ring where civilians are conscripted to beat the shit out of each other while the Glymera make money on bets. We even found out that they had caged Wolfen species on-premise as well. Think Brad Pitt with fangs or claws and the human movie Fight Club … but sometimes to the death. My brother found a position for me as the assistant to the special events coordinator that handled everything to do with their high spending “whales”. 
I learned how to communicate with the whales, book their rooms or reservations, and obtain whatever they needed. Anything from expensive cigars and liquors, flying in special foods or fruits from different countries to finding females for feeding or sex. I learned the ropes pretty quickly and the whales began to prefer me to handle them instead of my boss, probably because I was a female with a pretty face. Eventually, last year I became the coordinator when my predecessor suddenly disappeared.
I kept my ears open for tidbits of information that may be useful to my brother and me. As a female, I apparently didn’t pose any threat and faded into the background so I overheard tons of stuff from the flunkies to the whales to the bosses. Growing up in the Glymera, I knew secrets were a currency that I could take advantage of to regain our status and raise it even higher than it had been before our fall from grace. The females were especially gossipy and tended to disregard me when I handled their requests. They were a rich resource that also dealt in secrets and couldn’t keep their mouths shut about their hellren’s affairs - intimate or business. It was surprising that both the females and their males paid me extra to keep my own mouth shut about their bouts of ring around the bed-chamber.
My brother and I had planned over the first decade to get even with Montrag until we heard about his gruesome demise a few years back. Apparently, we weren’t the only family to fall victim to his schemes and someone else got their justice. I mean to take his eyes in the middle of his own home office? It only meant one thing … revenge. So now we just concentrated on getting higher up in the organization and making money so we would never feel helpless and homeless again. We wanted power.*
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seraphinebdb · 3 years
The Left-Hand Path: Dark Angels Creation (Part 42) CROSSOVER Phoenix Rising from the Ashes (Part Six)
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Sin: Her voice in my mind is a siren’s call. Even knowing I cannot enter my future, I find myself walking towards her, our eyes locked and my very soul reaching for her. Finally, knowing I dare not go further on the path I stop. Though I make no sound, my voice is clear and I know she hears me.
“How would you know of the choice I once made to avenge all I lost to a jealous god? What do you know of the love I lost and sought to balance the scales for?” 
There is a connection here. One I felt when I first saw her in that dark alley. And one strong enough that she is in a future that I would never have dreamed possible for myself.  I had seen her soul, seen the impossible in it and yet, it must be possible because souls do not lie. My eyes narrow, and again, I ask…
“How do you know of this? Who are you to walk the corridors of time and find me here? Who are you /to/ me?” @Seraphine_BDB
Seraphine: <My dreams have never led me to anywhere special. Mostly odd scenarios that I never remember when I wake up the next morning. Here … it felt strange and familiar all at the same time. I had no idea why I said those words to him, Sin. Maybe some sort of manifestation of my thoughts lately. I nonchalantly shrug.>
It’s just how I see you. You seem reserved and detached from the world … like you’re bored and just want to sleep. 
<Really odd. We only met for that one brief moment and somehow I was able to pick up his character … at least how I saw it. I started turning back, thinking I should probably wake up soon.>
Sin: *My eyes narrow at this assessment. However astute it may be, it is not one our meeting on a mortal plane would have given her the insight for. No, this only affirms a deeper connection than seems possible. It can only come from … our souls. And that is not possible. Soul connections only happen once and mine was made long, long before this vampire with her soul’s single lifetime was ever born. Regardless of how long her angelic blood stretches that single lifetime, her soul could /not/ have been in existence when I was mortal.*
Thirty-five thousand years is enough to cause even the hardiest of souls to develop, *pausing before continuing smoothly,* a level of ennui. Eventually, one has seen everything, done everything. There is nothing left to test it or bring it joy. I have one last challenge to fulfill and if the Fates had written my rest at the end of it, then I would not quibble with them. However, from the futures presented to me this night, that does not seem to be the case. The question seems to be will it darken endlessly, or will it find joy. You appear in the future that holds joy. Why do you suppose that is?
Seraphine: <Did he just say thirty-five thousand years. FML. He’s … ancient. Though one could not tell that his chiseled good looks have aged over 25, but his choice of words and demeanor does suggest someone older. I just can’t believe thirty-five thousand years older. How is that even possible? Vampires only live for so long … and angels … well I have no idea how long. That was one of the many reasons why I was looking for an angel. I hadn’t had a chance to ask #Lassiter too many questions yet. Considering his association with the #Brotherhood it made sense that his time was sparse. Rumors are the Scribe Virgin is also gone. Not sure what that means for the race or what’s going to happen. I shrug as I continue to walk away, trying to wake myself up from this odd dream.>
Be that as it may … when someone has nothing to live for … then tend to either find a way to sleep or make things more … interesting in dangerous ways. As to the Fates? You mean the ancient greek mythology about the three chicks who make your life good or crap and where one of them can even kill you? Surely that is a myth. We design our own destinies, don’t we with the decisions we make each day in and out?
<I wonder if there was such a thing as the Fates? Granted I was born in this millennia where technology and social media ruled and celebrities were worshiped instead of the Scribe Virgin. Was there ever a Scribe Virgin? Yes. My family always believed in her and asked for her guidance … though it often went unanswered. But wasn’t that the idea of “Gods” even with the humans. They believed in many different Gods and none ever answered directly. So were the Greek Gods any different? Did they exist as well?>
Me? Joy? Doubtful. My future doesn’t hold joy. Only unanswered questions and continuous running.
Sin: *A surprised laugh escapes me.* 
You don’t believe in the Fates? I assure you, they believe in YOU. *Striving to stop her from leaving me before I can understand how and why she is here, I put forth an argument.* 
The human myth of them is somewhat … garbled. As is so much of their understanding of things greater than themselves. I would not expect you to subscribe to such nonsense. The Fates do not ‘assign’ destinies. They merely put choices before us. We select one, which leads to more choices. The Creator subscribes to a ‘free will’ philosophy. Our destinies are determined by our choices. The two destinies I have been presented with here are the results of many millennia of my choices. And, *musing almost to myself* you appear to be part of one of them. The only one that holds great joy. For both of us. *Nodding towards the vision before us. The fact that her image is still there, standing beside my own and laughing while her soul has stepped from it to walk up the path towards me, tells me that perhaps she too has a choice to make. Perhaps the Fates want both of us to see what may be.* 
Tell me, battle angel, do you make a habit of walking between the worlds, seeking the corridors of future knowledge? For how else are you here with me? I cast the spell for myself alone, to seek guidance, and yet, here you are. Perhaps the Fates wish us both to see what may come to pass. Look there,*gesturing to future that shows us together,* does that show you a future with no joy? It does not show that to me. But I can show you one that does. *I hold my hand out to her.* Come with me and I will show you what lies down the right-hand path. Come and see the other destiny that is laid before me. Perhaps you may understand more about the choice that is laid before you.
Seraphine: <Damn, this dream is getting weirder and weirder. Looks like my conscious doesn’t want me to wake up yet, so I might as well enjoy it. I’ll forget most of it when I wake up anyway, like always.> 
I’m sure the Fates have better things to do than pay attention to me. Or clearly they like having me play mouse on this crap cat and mouse game I’m in. 
As for walking between the worlds, I have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re just a dream. As to the Hogwarts spell, I’m sure it's  just my self conscious telling myself to stop falling asleep with the Harry Potter movie marathon on the tv.
<Seriously, that was probably what happened. Then again, if vampires and lycan exist … makes only sense witches and warlocks do too, right? But I know, /I/ didn’t cast a spell. This is just a really strange dream due to all the recent changes in my life. Finally finding #Lassiter, finally feeding and coming to find out that I have a few small powers of my own. Looking at his offered hand, I remember its just a dream … might as well see where this goes.> Sure.
<I take his hand and walk to another blurry dreamlike scene on the right of us on this path we found ourselves walking on.>
Sin: *As she takes my hand a frisson of electricity courses through me. Even here, when we are simply soul to soul, there is that connection. The Fates have stepped back from the fork in the path, watching us from afar. Clotho catches my eye and nods approvingly. I can hear her in my mind.*
‘Show her. For if you follow the right-hand path there is no joy for anyone, not you, not her, not in any of the worlds on any of the planes. You will become a benign despot, not for glory or power, for there will be no power greater than yours when all is done regardless of the path, but because control will ease the pain of the losses you will incur from the choice that leads you down the right-hand path. Losses that need not happen. This female is part of the left-hand path. She needs to make a choice as well. A choice to trust you when she trusts no one. A choice to hope. A choice to allow herself love when for so long she has only allowed herself existence. For if you have that hope, that clarity of her soul when your turn comes, the choice that leads to joy will become clear.’
*As so often is the case, Clotho’s words are mystic, yet one thing rings clear. This female must see the consequences of a future without joy.*
Look there. See me on a dark throne of flame. Most of those I hold dear are absent and the ones present are in chains. Blood drips from my sword and even though there are many around me, they are little better than slaves, cowering before what I have become. Balance that against the other. There is no joy here. There are no friends, no family, no love. There is no /you/ here. There is only death and darkness. That is the result of choosing not to trust, not to hope. It is the result of choosing not to love. And it would seem, my future… the future of all the worlds... will hang as much on your choice as on my own.
Seraphine: <Sin seemed to be listening to something or someone … maybe someone I couldn’t see. Dearest Scribe, this dream is really getting weird. So weird, that I felt electricity run through my arm as I placed my hand in his. It was nothing I have ever felt before. It felt … right. I need to hurry and wake up before this dream creates ideas on finding ways to touch the male if I ever see him in reality again.
Then as I see Sin on the other side of the image … it /is/ a dream! NFW there were two of these sexy males. The image was of him in all his warrior glory, sword dripping in blood surrounded by the slaves he described at his feet. It was disconcerting but powerful in a sense. But my choice? I was no one. Why would my choice be a factor? I said as much to him as we continued to walk down this dreamlike path past this first image of him in a war zone.>
Sin: You are part of my left-hand path, but not the right. Our souls call to one another. Else, why would you be here? There is a choice you must make, a choice that influences the choice I make and in doing so influences the future of all the worlds. *Pausing as I consider how to explain it, then deciding upon a simple mortal metaphor that I have heard used before.* 
Have you never heard of the ‘butterfly effect’? The idea that the air stirred by the wings of a butterfly can in the end result in a hurricane thousands of miles away?  Our choices are like that. No one is an island. The actions we take, the attitudes we display, affect others we have never met. If I become this…*gesturing to the tableau before us* I will condemn to an existence of servitude and fear not only all those that I have ever had contact with, but all those who exist everywhere. I will become closed to the emotions that keep me in sync with mortals, lose what humanity of soul that I have left, and in doing so become as a cold, uncaring god who cares not where he steps. I can only surmise that it is /your/ soul that somehow prevents this. If you choose to shut yourself off from love, from family, this is the future for all of us. You are not part of this future. I do not know if it is because your life ends or because you shut me out. I only know that if you do there is no happiness for anyone.  But if you open yourself to the possibilities, if you allow this thing between us, whatever it is, to come to grow, then there is hope for the left-hand path. There is hope for all of us.
 I will come to you, and you must choose.
Seraphine: This is insane. I’m no one. I can barely survive my choices … let alone effect others. I’m trying to living day by day here and not really thinking too far into the future.
I have a mad vampire and his goons chasing me around the globe for my blood in order to make me his own blood slave so he can walk out into the sun and take over the human world like he has over our race. Dealing with the vampire version of the mafia … I can’t get involved in whatever monarchy, autocracy or dictatorship you got going on here. I don’t need more crap on my ever growing plate of WTF. 
And choose what? Between running for the rest of my life or becoming a mindless slave? What the hell are you talking about?
This is just a dream anyways. You’re not really here, fuck, I’m not really here.
<I /really/ need to wake up now. This dream is getting really weird. I start whispering to myself.> 
Wake up now, wake up now, wake the fuck up.
Sin: *I turn to face you, dropping your hand, my face growing hard and dark, my voice stern.* 
This is no dream. Whoever pursues you in the mortal world is of no importance. They are no match for me, their resources puny, their powers anemic compared to mine and I will deal with them. *In this moment I choose to reveal what I am to her, to show her all of me. And to accept the impossible that I have seen in her soul.* 
I am a reaper, Death’s First, the most powerful reaper to ever exist and these future paths indicate that regardless of the choice I make, I will become much, much more. You have only to show me your pursuer’s face and his death is written, for I protect what is mine.  I know not your name in this mortal life, but I have seen your soul and viewed the impossible. I was not always a reaper. Once I was mortal and I knew you. You were mine then and you will be mine again. 
*Raising my hand to your face, I cup your jaw and hold it firmly, not a lover’s caress, but a king’s command. Fixing my dark eyes on your blue ones, I command.* I have seen your soul. Now see mine. You are as much angel as you are vampire. You have the power within you and I call it forth. See my soul and remember.
Seraphine: <I could feel my face warming under this touch as my heart beat faster and faster. His focus was so directed at me that I did not understand when my eyes began to unfocus and started seeing different colors and seeing a fuzzy scene with him and another woman in some sort of negotiation. It felt like deja vu … I began to panic and shake my head of the unwanted vision, pulling away from his hold and I pinch my arm to try and wake myself up from this crazy dream.
The visions came quickly as the scene changed … all of sudden I found myself standing in front of Sin wearing a mask? Oh wait, it's a Princess Jasmin veil with delicate chains and jewels. Odd. I was standing behind some male, but I could still see him clearly over the guy’s shoulder and as we locked eyes, I felt something deep inside.
The next scene was with that male, which apparently was my father, or hers - this was getting confusing. He is handing her a dagger and shows her/me a map of the city and how to get past the guards and into Sin’s rooms. I had feelings of hate and annoyance about this male. Apparently I am supposed to kill him to collect the bounty on his head and for my father to take over his kingdom.
The scene changed again and I found myself outside our tents, without the dagger, and searching for Sin. My feelings were conflicting … obeying my overbearing father and saving a man that made me feel like a female with just one look. I knew I couldn’t kill him. I found him in his bed and felt an urgent need to wake him. But before I could tell him my warning, I felt his strong hold around my neck startling me.
Quickly I could hear myself telling him that the male, my father, had planned to infiltrate the city and take his head for a bounty. Inside I could feel the stress of warning him but I knew I hated my father and only another reason to defy his order but I also felt the need to save this male who I barely knew. But in the back of my mind I knew I had to hurry and run and find a new life away from my father and live my own life before I was punished for my transgression.
Then Sin asked me to stay and talk with him. Why? I assumed he would want to immediately take action against the incoming attack and be rid of me, if not try to kill me as well for being his daughter. I was even more apprehensive when he called for food and drink. The vision continued of us on a balcony having dinner as if the world was going into chaos in the next few hours. Strange and yet it felt familiar and good. I felt comfortable taking off my veil and turned to him to tell him thank you for sparing my life but before I could the night quickly progressed into him taking me to bed. 
The images warmed me from the inside and out and I could feel myself getting wet and my muscles loosen as the moments flashed before me. In the next moment we were being mated. How strange that I would mate a male I barely knew. Wait not me, this female whose visions I was experiencing. 
Instantly I sit up in my bed and start feeling around me and touching my familiar comforter as I try to catch my breath. I’m hyperventilating as if I just ran 5 miles. Sweat drips down my neck and forehead and I uncover myself from the comforter and sheets to cool myself.>
What the fuck was that about? 
<I asked myself absently. Maybe meeting this Sin has created some sort of warning to my self-consciousness. I quickly realize that something has changed and I need to escape again. I know I just found Lassiter and even though I still want answers … I also needed to run again. Sin must be related to #Cyrehn. Perhaps he’s part of #Cyrehn’s world and I had seen him in one of the visions. That would explain the deja vu I felt. That had to be it. I quickly get up and start packing my bags and making arrangements to leave #Caldwell.>
Sin: NOOOOOO!  *It comes out a despairing roar as she dissolves beneath my hands. I had looked in her eyes, seen her memories revive. She saw us. I know she saw us. And she rejected what she had seen. Hot tears burn behind my eyes as a pain I have only known once before spears through me and I drop to my knees and shout angrily to the Creator.*
WHY? Why did you bring her back to me, only to let her leave me again? Why did you show me what I could be, could have… what WE could have, only to tear it from me? *Slumping back on my heels, head dropping, and asking again in a quiet, broken voice.* Why?
*I feel their presence as the Fates appear and kneel with me.* 
*Clothos voice is before me and I lift my head to look bleakly into her compassionate dark eyes.* Why? 
*She stands, raising me to my feet with her. Lachesis and Atropos, at either side, rise with me. Lachesis places a hand on my shoulder and says kindly.*
“Because you had to know what could be. There is a price for the future. Are you willing to pay it?”
*Anger replaces the pain radiating from my eyes.* I would pay /any/ price to have her with me again. Any. She is more than my soulmate. She is my twin flame, the literal other half of my soul. Without her I am only half a man, and I have been half a man for far too long. The oblivion of the long sleep would be a kindness. How could you ask me that? You have watched me for 35,000 years. The three of you,  of all beings, understand the choice I made to become Death’s First, the despair and vengeance that drove me to bargain with Death for the chance to avenge her. How ... *Shifting my gaze between them.* Could /any/ of you ask me that? 
*Atropos, eyes me shrewdly.* 
“Would you choose vulnerability over power? You, the consummate general who unified rabble tribes into a nation, the king who conquered his world by force and diplomacy, by sword and guile, the human who chose vengeance over rebirth, who bargained with Death himself and then rebelled against him, you who would overthrow him and take his place … would you humble yourself? Would you choose to live for her rather than kill for her? Would you give up the ultimate power, the chance to order the worlds to your liking,  for her? Because that will be your choice, Sin.”
*Before I can answer, Clothos raises her hand to silence her sisters and begins sternly.* 
“Enough. You cannot say more. He has more than one choice to make and he must be able to discern the path each will lead him down. Sin.” 
*She raises her impassive gaze towards me as she continues.*
“What you were shown are the ends of the spectrum. They are not the only outcomes, just the most probable ones. There is a great deal in between, depending on your next actions, but, I will be honest with you, none lead you to joy but the left hand path. The only sureties are you will survive this conflict, whether you wish to or not, and that you will be irrevocably changed by it. You could gain everything you have ever desired or you could lose all that you have come to value.”
*Her eyes soften as she continues.*
“Your Ishtar … your Eve was not prepared to see the memories you invoked. When she died, her soul was not ready for ascension and it refused rebirth. She stayed in Elysia, simultaneously afraid for you and angry with you, for thousands of years. It was a sad and lonely existence, regardless of how kind the Keepers of Elyssia were to her. She watched what you became and feared you. And when the massacre of the Ancients finally broke through the hard, callous shell you had allowed to grow around you, she both wept and rejoiced that the man she had known still lived. There, she thought, was hope for you and so she agreed to move her soul on. The Creator, with his daughter’s help, devised a plan and enlisted us. We put the choices before the angel that sired her and the vampire that bore her, but I will admit, the choices we gave them kept circling them back to the Creator’s desired outcome -- that they would meet, love, and make a child. That child was to be the vessel for your Eve’s soul. Her existence in her current incarnation has been filled with betrayal and fear, a legacy from the sense of betrayal she felt by your refusal to join her in death and rebirth, and from her fear that you had become someone she could not love again. She must overcome these issues. She must choose to trust. Choose to love. She has her own journey to make if she is to find you.”
But why? *My eyebrow raises skeptically* Why would the Creator do this? Did I not take myself out of His concern when I chose Death? What is there for Him to gain by this effort? Why would he work with the Scribe Virgin to create a new life for my wife? To give me a second chance with her?
“I cannot tell you that. But know it is rare that the Creator is so adamant about an outcome and that should tell you of its importance, not just to yourself, but to all the worlds. I can only tell you that you must make your own decisions, your own choices and have faith that she will make the right ones as well.” Clothos reaches to rest her hand on my jaw and smiles sadly.* “And now it is time for you to return. You have been gone too long and your people need you. Return home now Sin. And do not attempt to see the possible futures again. For the time being, the Aetheric Plane is closed to you. Now go.”
*She steps back from me and the paths begin to fade from my sight. The grey mist swirls around me as my soul finds the bit of it I had left behind anchored to Declan and the body I had left seated before the brazier inhales sharply as I return fully. My eyes open expecting to see him keeping guard only to see the tall, stalwart figure of a Goddess of War keeping watch over me.*
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Hello, I am rat. *sneef sneef*
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Super Nintendo Classic Edition Unboxing & Super Power Book (RRPG Reviews)
Super Nintendo Classic Edition Unboxing & Super Power Book (RRPG Reviews)
The Super Nintendo Classic Edition is finally here, and I successfully got my hands on one! In this video, I decide to unbox it as well as play with Super Power book. The Super Power book is a compendium about the development of the SNES and the games they made. It also includes the art of these games. Enjoy, and let me know if you got an SNES Classic Edition like I have!
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otlrook · 5 years
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Here is some progression to the artworks. Some of the artwork for the Runa campaign setting - “...there are several merchants in the markets of Mooncliffe that will pay a hefty price for Almiraj horns...it’s getting them safely that’s the hard part... : : : : : #art #book #fantasy #rpg #Runa #rrpg #party #adventure #dungeonsanddragons #campaign #setting #almiraj #orc #gnome #elf #PCs #forest #quest #money #basecolors #tabletop #gaming #progression #shading https://www.instagram.com/p/BxTdGYEARwe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x43llfrufkef
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