#Radical Magazine
mamoonde · 6 months
i really really really love the idea of wei wuxian revolutionizing modern cultivation over breakfast and conceptualizing these different theories simultaneously because the adhd brain has no brakes and the only reason it took him a decade to publish all these ideas was because he could not stick to a single train of thought long enough to finish (verbalizing) it, let alone put it down on paper coherently.
the only reason he even got to publishing them eventually (and enrolling to cultivation theory grad program to get on that track) was because one morning, his undergrad thesis advisor, lan qiren, finally got fed up and sat him down for an early morning progress check-in because it was midterm season and wei wuxian still hadn't decided on a topic.
wei wuxian, fueled by an unhealthy amount of redbull and three all-nighters, finally word vomits all his 'convoluted' ideas which he'd thought were uselessly obvious and redundant (because he's gone over these like a bajillion times, it's very plain-as-day to him, so he probably just hasn't read the articles that say these exact things).
lan qiren, teacup frozen halfway to his mouth: ...first of all, i only understood half of how you got to these conclusions, which only means they are indeed too convoluted and will need to be pared down; secondly: you have never mentioned any of these ideas before. why.
wei wuxian: oh. haven't i? oh well, i just thought, xyz, because, obviously, abcde. which is really what the 2 centuries old law on ghjkl was alluding to, right? and so, logically, xyz.
lan qiren: [mind blown, screaming, good gods this is the same child who's always tardy and spent freshman year pulling on the metaphorical pigtails of my straight-laced nephew?!?!??!??!?!] ..again, why...how have you never even spoken or submitted these ideas?
wei wuxian: because!!! they're so obvious!! surely, it's been published somewhere already? i can't be the only one to connect these dots, surely??
lan qiren: incredibly, you are. no one else has even thought to question tradition nor pursued more thoughts on the law of ghjkl, with half as much...sound arguments as you seem to have. in the past century, the focus of modern cultivation has tended towards practical uses and tools, some fine-tuning, perhaps. not entirely new theories.
wei wuxian: huh....
lan qiren, sighing, feeling a migraine: your problem with your thesis is not a lack of focus or ingenuity, but likely to be more a lack of recent, evidentiary sources. you will need to become very familiar with the university archives and dig deep for sources that will back up every argument you make.
he jots down notes on a paper. "you will also need to strictly adhere to the structure and methodology of these articles, especially given how radical your thesis will be. if you are diligent enough, you may just be able to submit your thesis without too much of a delay." he slides the list of materials to a gaping wei wuxian. "depending on your output then, we can discuss the possibility of submitting this for peer review."
"peer review." wei wuxian repeats. "as in, that thing where some uppity committee of old coots put their stamp of approval for it to become the reading materials of undergrads like me. you're joking."
lan qiren chooses to ignore the sentiment about peer review committees being uppity old coots, especially considering how he can't completely deny it on account of some of his colleagues, but also as a member said peer review committee, he isn't exactly pleased about being lumped in the same category.
wei wuxian backtracks at his unamused look. "right, you're not joking, of course you're not." he slowly inches the list towards himself. "right, yes, i guess i'll uh, get to it then. ok bye."
idk, just, waves hand at wei wuxian candidly explaining new modern cultivation theories over cheerios at 2 in the afternoon to lwj who's trying to help him structure his grad thesis, getting mind blow dick hard at how this messy genius who's talking with his mouth full of half eaten cereal is the object of his affection....
wwx: --oh, oops, your highlighter fell
lwj: mn
wwx: ...aren't you gonna get that?
lwj: it's fine; i'll pick it up later. finish your thought.
wwx: right... i'll pick it up for you!
lwj, fighting for his life, trying to think unsexy thoughts: NO! sit. finish your meal, and then your thought.
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razorsadness · 1 year
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Devils in America
I was born on all angels day but throughout my life i’ve been a bitch out of hell/ don’t nobody show up at my funeral to call me nice or some shit like that/ save it for turncoat cocksuckers who on their deathbeds open their mouths wide to claim god/ though christianity befuddles me i’m amazed at how it enslaves the gay african-american community/ lately i’ve wished there’s such a thing as the almighty ’cause on judgment day i’d unload a few choice words: hey omniscient you do you feel proud with so much madness committed in your name/ hey omnipotent you ain’t you got nothing better to do than making folks suffer/ hey omnipresent you do you remember my lovers & I buttfuck/ go screw yourself asshole of the universe/ can I get a witness/
—Assotto Saint (Poetry, May 2023)
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merskrat · 4 months
Backbone 8: begging for submissions
Hey Radblr,
I am once again here asking for submissions for Backbone 8. I have started paying for cover art only, and have that covered for this edition, but if you would like to take a commission for cover art, I’m able to pay $20 and will use it in the next edition. Everyone who contributes will get a copy of the zine. I’ll link our Etsy down below, but just be aware that my printer is out of toner right now, so orders will have to hold off until that gets here. We will have t-shirts posted in the shop by mid-June. If you have any writing or art you would like to see in print, please hit me up! And if you’d like to support us, please buy a zine, and keep eyes for the shirts! I would love to put out a late summer edition if I can collect enough submissions. Please share this around so more women can see it! My main goal is and always has been to get women’s writing and art out there, and keep the magic of zine making alive in the digital age (although we are beginning to have pdf versions available for international readers who don’t want to pay shipping). Please help me keep this project going by submitting, buying a zine, or even just sharing this post! We have been going strong since 2019 when I first joined my irl radfem group and have expanded to readers and writers from all over the world, and this zine means everything to me! (I even have Backbone tattooed across my fingers)
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hannahleah · 9 months
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Croat model Faretta Radic in Vogue Germany February 2018 by Daniel Jackson
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Charles P. Pierce: Hard after Thursday night’s television debacle, the Supreme Court leaped in to destroy the separation of powers and, as Elie Mystal pointed out on Xwitter, to engage in the biggest power grab since Marbury v. Madison. Through the now-customary 6–3 vote delivered by the carefully manufactured conservative majority, the precedent of Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, aka the Chevron deference, is now as dead as Julius Caesar. And thus forty years of administrative law comes to a rude and abrupt end. The decision further illustrates that the dedication of the carefully manufactured conservative majority to corporate oligarchy is utterly unshakable, expertise—scientific and otherwise—be damned. Don’t believe me? Ask Chief Justice John Roberts, who wrote the majority opinion.
“Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do.”
So instead of career scientists deciding that the E. coli convention in your pork loin makes it inadvisable to eat, some twenty-two-year old law clerk fresh out of Regent University School of Law will. Bon appétit!
Getting rid of Chevron was one of the golden dreams of the country’s oligarchs and the judges and lawyers in their pay. Along with Roe v. Wade, it was number one on the conservative hit parade. But Justice Neil Gorsuch, whose concurrence is chock-full of the kind of tinhorn erudition so beloved by the carefully manufactured conservative majority, has perhaps a special reason to dance on Chevron’s grave. His mother, Anne Gorsuch, was hired by the Reagan administration to run the EPA—into the ground, apparently. From The Washington Post:
Anne Gorsuch—like Reagan then and President Trump today—was a firm believer that the federal government was too big, too powerful and too eager to issue regulations that restricted businesses. As a result, she slashed the EPA’s budget by nearly a quarter and, according to a Washington Post story at the time, boasted that she had reduced the thickness of the book of clean water regulations from six inches to a half inch. She filled various departments at EPA with subordinates recruited from the very industries the agency was supposed to be regulating.
By the end of her stint at EPA, Anne Gorsuch was under siege. A half dozen congressional committees were looking into allegations of mismanagement of the Superfund program, which was designed to clean up abandoned toxic waste sites around the country. The House voted to cite Gorsuch for contempt of Congress for failing to turn over subpoenaed records.
In addition to its dollar-store history, Gorsuch’s concurrence pretty much turns the concept of stare decisis into Silly Putty. Return with us now to those thrilling days of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Justice Neil Gorsuch, your host.
"Other consequences followed for the role precedent played in future judicial proceedings. Because past decisions represented something “less than a Law,” they did not bind future judges....At the same time, as Matthew Hale put it, a future judge could give a past decision “Weight” as “evidence” of the law....Expressing the same idea, William Blackstone conceived of judicial precedents as “evidence” of “the common law.” And much like other forms of evidence, precedents at common law were thought to vary in the weight due them."
Matthew Hale died in 1676. He was a notorious witch hunter and once argued that the existence of laws against witchcraft proved that witches existed. What the hell he has to do with PFAS pollution or workplace safety in a chicken plant is beyond me. But we live in his universe now, and Neil Gorsuch got his own back for his mom.
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pro-royalty · 5 months
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Dua Lipa x Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential
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dyke-husband · 11 months
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A selection of classifieds, On Our Backs Jan-Feb 1990
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superherokiller · 1 month
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Radical Rick/BMX Plus.
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musicmags · 5 months
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femsinisms · 1 year
Submissions are Open!
Theme: "Deconstructing the Objectification of Women's Bodies: Exploring the Harmful Impacts of Consumption from a Radical Feminist Lens"
Women's bodies have been consumed and objectified in various forms throughout history, from the use of women's bodies in advertising to the depiction of female bodies in art. This consumption has been normalized in our society and is often seen as harmless or even empowering. However, from a radical feminist perspective, the consumption of women's bodies perpetuates harmful stereotypes and reinforces gender inequality. For our first magazine we ask for essays, articles, reviews, and creative pieces that explore the ways in which women's bodies are consumed, the harm it causes, and why it's crucial to challenge and resist this phenomenon from a radical feminist perspective.
Submissions Open 5/5/2023 (May 5th 2023) and will be accepted on a rolling basis until 9/2/2023 (September 2nd, 2023) 
Emails, Pen names, and other identifying information will not be kept on file after the review and acceptance period is over. 
Submit Here
For each artwork or illustration, please include a 25-to-50-word image description.
All images should have an image quality of at least 300 DPI
Use double quotation marks for quotations. Use single quotation marks for technical or specialized terms when first introduced, quotations within quotations, and for titles of articles, essays, chapters, poems, songs, etc.
No bibliography is needed.
DO NOT put Pen Name or other identifying information on written submissions. 
Keep Written submissions between 3-5 pages (single spaced) or under 10 pages (double spaced)
Citations in Footnotes
For web pages and articles:
First Name Last Name, ‘Title of item,’ Website Name, Full Date of Publication, URL.
For books:
First Name Last Name, Title of Item (Place of Publication: Publisher, Date), Page Number(s).
For journal articles:
First Name Last Name, ‘Title of Item,’ Journal Title, Volume.Issue Number, Date, Page Number(s).
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In a keynote speech to a gathering of Christian nationalist lawmakers Tuesday night, House Speaker Mike Johnson compared himself to Moses, leading the GOP conference — and America — through the parted waters of the Red Sea.
Johnson addressed the National Association of Christian Lawmakers at the group’s award gala at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. Perhaps unaware that the event was being recorded for the NACL Facebook page, Johnson told the crowd: “I’ll tell you a secret, since media is not here.” (“Thank you for not allowing the media in,” Johnson added, alleging that journalists have been taking his comments “out of context” with “great joy for the last few weeks.”)
Johnson then revealed that — in the lead up to the “tumult” of Kevin McCarthy losing his gavel and the chaotic GOP process of selecting new Speaker — he had been speaking directly to God. “Look, I’m a Southern Baptist, I don’t wanna get too spooky on you,” he said, provoking some laughter from the attendees. “But, you know, the Lord speaks to your heart.”
The message he received from God, Johnson said, was to prepare for a “Red Sea moment” — both for the Republican conference “and in the country at large.” Johnson said found the directive confusing but he continued to seek the counsel of God.
“The Lord began to wake me up, through this three-week process, in the middle of night to speak to me,” Johnson insisted. “Now at the time,” he continued, “I assumed the Lord is going to choose a new Moses.” But because of his own lesser rank among the GOP’s leadership, Johnson said, he believed the heavenly message to be: “You’re gonna allow me to be Aaron to Moses,” citing the role of the Old Testament prophet’s brother and biblical sidekick.
But then Johnson watched as candidate after candidate failed to generate the necessary Republican support to win the Speakership. “Ultimately 13 people ran for the post. And the Lord kept telling me to, ‘Wait, wait, wait,’” Johnson recalled. “So I waited, I waited. And then at the end … the Lord said, ‘Now step forward.’” Johnson regaled the audience with his surprise to be tapped as the Moses figure: “Me?” Johnson said. “I’m supposed to be Aaron.” But that was not the message, Johnson insisted, recalling: “‘No,’ the Lord said, ‘Step forward.’”
Johnson’s speech to the National Association of Christian Lawmakers — a group that seeks to enact its anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ “biblical worldview” into law — is just the latest evidence that the politician who is now second in line for the presidency views himself as on a divine mission. Rolling Stone previously reported on Johnson’s exhortations to save a “depraved” America from God’s wrath and vengeance.
Johnson told the NACL crowd that his “core conviction” that “God wants us to seek Him for the path through the roiling sea.” The Speaker then underscored his pessimism about the state of the nation, asserting that America is facing the “greatest collection of challenges since maybe World War II, maybe the Civil War.”
America, Johnson insisted, is “engaged in a battle between worldviews” and “a great struggle for the future of the Republic.” The specifics of that struggle remained unspoken. But the NACL mission, according to materials promoting the gala, includes: “abolishing abortion”; restoring “traditional marriage between one man and one woman”; and “exposing the ungodly effort to undermine our culture by Leftists,”. Johnson added that he believed far-right Christians will prevail: “We should not be daunted. In the face of these challenges. Our hope is in the Lord, our hope, and our trust is in God.”
At the gala, Johnson was awarded with NACL’s “American Patriot Award for Christian Honor and Courage.” It was bestowed to recognize what the group’s leader, former Arkansas state Rep. Jason Rappert, described as Johnson’s “statesmanship, bold Christian leadership, and faithful service to our Lord Jesus Christ.”
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lemonsharks · 8 months
Ok, which one-a y'all is making radblr posts show up on my "for you" tab? Bueller???
Time for a refresher course
On this blog we:
Respect trans people and nonbinary people and nonbinary trans people and additional people not specified as the bosses of their personal genders
Embrace that no one is the boss of anyone else's gender
Understand that cis is a prefix and maybe an adjective, not a pronoun and definitely not a slur
See the parallels between radfems and the reactionary right and recognize it's a different cover on the same book
Embrace that consenting adults can have any kind of sex they want from "all the + extremely kinky" to "none of the + literal vanilla extract" and it's not just ok it's fan fucking tastic (or fan notfucking tastic)
Accept and embrace that men are not unilaterally The Worst
Lean hard not on "think the children! 📿✊" but on "continuously educate the children in an age appropriate way, uplifting them as they establish and maintain boundaries suited to their own comfort levels, which change and refine as they grow." Even when it's difficult or inconvenient. ESPECIALLY when it's difficult or inconvenient.
And so forth into the universe until the end of time
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jeanharlowshair · 10 months
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Movie Classic Magazine, February 1937.
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ewzzy · 1 year
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pro-royalty · 5 months
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Dua Lipa x Elle Magazine
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