#lesbian separatism
femsinisms · 10 months
Trying to compare adhering to actual radical feminists beliefs to homophobia because you're OSA should reveal something about your understanding of women and liberation.
Trying to throw homophobia back in the faces of lesbians to deter them from discomforting you with their praxis is not a gotcha--It's a sign that you think celibacy from men is a type of oppression.
Lesbians being pro separatist would not be a problem if you did not measure your self-worth in "your likelihood to be partnered". If you were capable of viewing yourself as a whole individual not needing to be completed through sex and romance you would not find your status as a radical feminist constantly called into question. You would not feel like lesbians are cheating you. Radical Feminism doesn't exist to ease your guilt because you have internal clarity and recognize the trauma you risk self-imposing because proximity to males makes you feel whole. We already know that you are lashing out at lesbians because it is harder to lie to OSA separatists about essentialist female motivations for romance and sex.
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bloodyscott · 5 months
God half of lesbians rlly be dogging on other lesbians and trying to tell thim “kys” without saying it outright.
like texted this to some of my friends, but this:
fat lesbian? “omg stop eating you fat fuck maybe you wouldn’t be such a whale”. bi lesbian? “i would punch them even if it killed them”. lesboy? “exterminate men from lesbian spaces”. poc/religious minority lesbians? “forgot about you.” butches and femme lesbians? “just gender roles, not real beings with feelings and three dimensional personalities”. futch lesbians? “stop trying to make futch happen, it will never happen”. multigender lesbians? “why don’t you just identify as straight or even queer?”
honestly the list goes on
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rroadkill · 10 months
I don’t try to make feminism appeal to men because that would be false advertising. Feminist ends are not beneficial to the male sex class and actively seek to remove their power and control over females which has secured their dominant place in society for all of human history.
“Feminism helps men too" is a lie, another smokescreen liberal feminists created in order to gather their crumbs in relative peace. Female liberation requires an overthrowing of societal structure, that which affords men the ability to live comfortably on the backs of women.
This narrative blinds you with feel-good scenarios about men who can cry and accept rejection without cutting off our heads in broad daylight, but it’s empty, and it’s useless.
The only true feminist praxis is the acquisition of land and resources dedicated to the protection and empowerment of female people. This is not, and can never be, beneficial to males.
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balkanradfem · 1 year
I know that's a really dumb question, but what exactly is female separatism? Is it like building a country just for women, or just avoiding men in general? A clear definition of female separatism would help me understand better a lot of stuff here on radblr
Sorry for my -100 IQ :')
It's not a dumb question at all! And the answer isn't simple, it's actually in many layers, and I'll try my best to explain each one.
Separatism can be described as a desire, intention, and direct action to depend, communicate, interact and bond with males as little as possible, or not at all. For a lot of us, this simply isn't possible, especially not immediately. Lots of women have male family members, friends, children, spouses, relatives, who they cannot just abandon for the political goal, and that's perfectly fine, because we can practice separatism only as much as it is practical, nobody should have to do extreme things that damage their social standing, just for the sake of politics.
So in this situation, separatism would just be to depend on the m*n in your life as little as possible. To have your own income, your own living space, to prioritize interactions with women, to not financially depend on m*n, to work with women, to choose female doctors, cashiers, service workers, mechanics, roommates. This also includes avoiding male-made writings and media, and as much as it's practical, consuming female-made entertainment and education. This is done with the goal of being safer from violence, to form a strong female community and class-consciousness, to be somewhat protected from the brainwashing effects of the male perspective, and to have more free space in your social life to express what you think, how you feel, and what would benefit you, without m*n talking down to you and explaining to you why you're dumb and have to do things the way they think is right. I mean, I'm sure you'll run into this issue with women who parade the male perspective as well, it's not a 100% sure fix every time, but being in a female-company often enough will enforce our class consciousness, even if we don't feel it happening. It will also point out to us just how labour-intensive and draining it is to be in male company, and how unsafe, shut down, and objectified we are in their presence.
Being financially independent and having a strong support system of women would function as a great protection from being trapped in domestic violence and isolated abuse situations, which are very prevalent in the current society and within the heterosexual marriage institution. So this helps us keep safer, together.
Now a stronger layer of separatism would be to go a step further, and start building female-only spaces, and female-only businesses. This also, is something that can be done when possible and practical, and it means female-only gyms, female only bath-houses, buses, trains, grocery stores, companies. This still works under the current system of capitalism, but having a business or a company with only women leading and using it, creates a safer space, with less exploitation, less danger from abuse or harassment, and more benefit to women. There are currently many spaces, organizations, businesses and political powers, that are male only, and they disproportionately benefit m*n. They might employ women, but only to keep them doing the most difficult ground work, and to be underpaid and used as entertainment and a service; they do not benefit women in almost any way, and globally, we're at a great disadvantage economically and politically without owning and benefiting from at least half of businesses existing. Having more female-owned spaces and businesses would tilt the power in our favour, and grant us more political and economical power as well. This is also why all such businesses and spaces are heavily opposed by the males, and are seen as a threat (though they present it as emotionally wounding, they're fighting against a political threat).
For some women, who have been thru extensive abuse and sexual violence by the hands of m*n, this isn't enough, and for us, just being in presence of m*n is draining and difficult, and being aware that we're a part of a system that brought us into this state, and is now trying to depict us as insane and hysterical, feels awful for us. So we want to go another step further, and create spaces where we could live our entire lives without having to interact with m*n. This is completely by our own will, and for our own fulfillment. A few of these spaces already exist, though not on a very large scale.
There's a village in Kenya, named Umoja, where m*n are not allowed to live, though they're allowed to visit, they can never sleep over. The women there work together and create jewelry and ornaments to support themselves and keep themselves independent, so they would not have to suffer thru forced and abusive marriages or sexual violence. I know of another separatist space with lesbians who own several houses on the beach, and they work electronically, so they're safe economically, and can keep the entire area male-free, because it's their private property. I also know of a few separatist spaces where women have taken refuge in nature and organized a way of life that is self-sustainable, they've been regenerating the nature and creating livable spaces in forests and mountains, accepting only other women to live there.
I'm sure there are plenty more, I haven't looked it up in a while, and I believe some are doing this a bit more secretly and aren't interested in being broadcasted online, because this puts them in danger. Being a living proof that women can survive, and happily so, without m*n, creates a hole in their forced perspective. They have convinced us they're somehow necessary, as if we couldn't possibly do without them, and absolutely have to accept the drawbacks of living among them (domestic violence, sexual violence, loss of last names and matrilinear identity, living within an exploitative system, tolerating terrorism, wars, celebrations of violence, damage to the environment, loss of human rights for certain groups, constant danger, constant harassment, objectification, pay gap, loss of independence, pedophilia-dominated entertainment, women being tortured for fun, abuse of female children, homophobia, human trafficking, pornography, life of servitude, life of vigilance, low social value and self-objectification). Once women have established that on their own, they can build stronger community, resolve all big social issues by the mutually benefiting each other, sharing resources and relying on each other for support and survival, it will start looking transparent that we don't exactly need to keep sustaining the male-led world, and that we only do it because they're keeping us in constant fear of violence and retribution if we attempt to defy their rule.
Currently all that is practical for most to do is to avoid and live as independent from m*n as possible, and that in itself is a strong force of separatism, that will benefit women in every way it can. I'm the most extreme kind, who has already lost all her bonds to any male in her life, and I want to go and build a separatist community out in the wild. These communities can function in any way the women inside them decide; for instance, I know there are women longing for childless communities, some women would want to have lesbian-only, or women-attracted only communities, some would like for these communities to be inside of cities, and that's possible too! A woman can obtain enough buildings and space to create an area where only women live, where they have their own grocery stores, gyms, libraries, workplaces, communal spaces, and since it's their own property, they can make the rules and decide whether m*n are allowed to walk in their spaces or not.
The all-female cities or countries are a dream that would only work if we really had limitless resources, and if big majority of women were wanting it. Currently this is not possible or practical, since very few women are in favour of female-only spaces. A lot of backlash to separatism comes just from the idea of these idealistic, utopian cities and countries, because there's fear of women not being able to see m*n anymore, or form relationships or be romantically or sexually fulfilled by m*n. While any of this is already difficult to achieve in male-dominated spaces, it would still be fully possible in separatism, because anyone can leave separatist space at any time, and be in presence of any m*n they want to. Separatist spaces will never force women in, or keep them from getting out, and it will never be hard to simply go out in the male-dominated world again, and do whatever they need to do with m*n.
I actually like the theory presented in the 'Who cooked the last supper' book, where she describes women who lived as the heads of villages, marriage didn't exist, and they simply took to bed any m*n they wanted to, and bore children when they wanted to, which would then be tended to by them and other women in the village. This seems like a very reasonable way for a woman to not have to depend on a m*n to provide, and she has all the support and care she needs after undergoing something as traumatic as pregnancy. Male children were raised, but chased out of villages as they turned adult, and were told to fend for themselves, because they simply weren't useful in the village, because women understood m*n had a greater like for violence and physical assault than women were ready to tolerate in their midst.
I wouldn't want male children to be free to abuse female children, so I'm against keeping them in separatist spaces, and it's something that still needs to be worked around, because it potentially limits the life of separatism to women with male children, so there might be necessary spaces exclusively for women with male children, who still need to be safe from violent husbands, fathers, relatives, bosses, traffickers, and whoever else would wish harm on them and their children. Completely separatist spaces are imagined as safe havens from women who are in danger of abuse, or are running from abuse and seeking refuge. It's also a space imagined to be free of homophobia and safe for lesbians and bisexual women, who would be able to express their attraction freely, without fearing repercussions or violence for the nature of their healthy and normal sexuality.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that separatist life would be ideal, there’s a lot that would have to be figured out, since women too can be mentally unhealthy, abusive, emotionally unwell and in need of more support than others can easily provide, but statistically, overall danger of assault, rape, objectified harassment, terrorism, murder, torture, war, and other life threats, would go down by more than 90%. A lot of us would feel safer in this environment, even with the potential threat of women not responding perfectly, and we would in any case, have the authority to decide what measures are to be taken, and how to minimize and reduce any additional abuse of power. This is not something the current system discourages or reduces.
Separatism is a very broad topic and a lot of the details still need to be discussed! Really only thing the separatist spaces have in common is that they center women, women's safety, survival, women's interests, desires, accommodations. They are systems built to benefit and serve women above all, and everything else is something to be discussed and decided by the group who is building and creating it. Separatism can be 3 lesbians on a farm, it can be 20 women living in a forest or a beach, they decide themselves who they let in, and how life is led in there. Freedom and safety of women are the pillars of separatism, and it's existence can benefit women currently in danger, need of survival resources, and in need of community. It's only controversial because in the current society, there isn't even one system that benefits primarily women at all.
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bisexual-femme · 1 year
you wanna know what really, REALLY pisses me off about that Certain Part of the lesbian community defending lesbian separatism?
it's that they expect bi women to be GRATEFUL for getting kicked out of spaces that they should have been safe in. it's that they think lesbian separatism deserves to be credited for the establishment of individual bi communities, and that lesbian separatism is 'good.'
it's that they describe lesbian separatism not as terfs and other transphobes harassing bi women out of spaces that they've always belonged in as it really was, but as bi women 'fighting to be recognized.'
it's that they preach lesbian/bisexual solidarity while defending our harassers and defending us being forced out of our spaces. it's that they expect us to be their friends when they've done NOTHING but harm us with their rhetoric.
if you defend lesbian separatism in ANY capacity, you are not my friend, you do not get to call yourself my ally, and you do not get to claim that you have solidarity with the bisexual community.
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bidykes · 2 years
twitter is hurting my goddamn head.
you can't claim emily gwen is antiblack for saying the 'd' slur and attempt to create yet another lesbian flag just to spite her when you can't even be subtle about how much of a fucking lie that is.
i have never seen a credible, historically-accurate source claiming dyke is more of a racially targeted slur than a literal LESBIAN (generally speaking here) SLUR that isn't a 14yo with the "because i said so" complex.
the only reasoning i've ever seen is that "bulldyke" was AAVE once a long time ago. i don't even know if that's true, but if it is, that doesn't affirm your wish for it to automatically fucking invalidate its entire MAIN history as a slur towards lesbians and bi women. that's not how material reality fucking works. "oh well black women used to say it in their culture once, which means it's not actually functionally a slur and doesn't really affect non-black lesbians in any way except for when i want to gatekeep white & bi wlw & from saying it" - do you know how goddamn ridiculous and ignorant you sound???????? all of that goes without mentioning so far that this has NEVER been brought up before early 2021 or so, not consistently at least, and i've been keeping up with the community well before that. remember that the "bi women reclaiming dyke" discourse has been up for debate for fucking ever since lesbian separatism happened.
this comes from the damaging idea that black people cannot ever be wrong or fairly criticized on the basis of being black and it leads to shit like this. because no one questions what one individual has to say on the topic, the lie spreads and becomes the generally accepted rhetoric.
performative social justice twitter is gonna be an absolute detriment to how people are allowed to live their lives online unless they grow the hell up soon, honestly!!
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I will explain now why this tweet @reversedshinyoumaru agrees with is basically radfem ideology 101, the exclusion of bisexuals was started by lesbian separatists who were cis straight "politicial lesbians", in modern times these people are known as radfems!
A bisexual person is someone who is attracted to more than one gender, though not at the same time and it differs between romantic/sexual. What do you call a bi girl who is attracted to another girl? Or a trans woman? Or a non-binary person? What do you call someone who has preferences for women and enbies only?
A lesbian :D
Radical lesbians were afraid of both butch lesbians and girls who found men attractive (with or without wanting to date them). They were accused of "sleeping with the enemy" even though many bisexuals aren't attracted to men at all!
Saying that "bi means attraction to men and women only" is not only wrong but also erases so many other gender identities!
And even if you use the anti-black and trans-/enbyphobic "non men loving non men" quickly tell me, how many identities fall under "non man"? If you're attracted to enbies, you could call yourself bi and or a lesbian :D But hey, I know I can't win against transphobic radfems
You see, any exclus is anti-trans/queer :D because queerness is the acceptance of ALL gender identities and overlapping experiences! Picking and choosing who can be in your "exclusive club" is against what queerness stands for!
Being queer means you stand for liberation, not assimilation!
I bet at some point I will see "queer is a slur" discourse from you people, I mean you are already helping fascists shooting down elder queer people and you're calling them groomers, appreciate laws that censor queer/trans identities from books with the "think of the children!" excuse because you think you won't be targeted if you act like a good, wholesome only queer.
People will hate you regardless. So instead of shooting down the people who made it possible for you to identify yourself as queer/trans, why not march with kinksters, pick up a brick and throw them at cops who are trying to imprison you?
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magnificentempress · 15 days
a weird poll because I'm bored
Imagine there is a button. If you press it, all moids on Earth just disappear. Billions of women wake up liberated and relieved.
BUT your fav man(your bf or brother or son etc) will die a horrible painful death in front of you, think of the most horrific serial killer style deaths.
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mavkarants · 1 year
I'm sick and tired of bisexual and hetero women making lesbians out to be the bad guys when it comes to female seperatism. It is literally part of the damn movement. Sorry you have issues following or even understanding your own movement, but I will not apologize for pointing that shit out.
There are hundreds of hetero and bi women in other countries who can and do see past their own desires for the sake of the movement that they truly believe in.
And jesus stop comparing dating your own oppressor to lesbians dating other women. Like I dunno if you have noticed but lesbians don't date men, of course female seperatism is gunna look different for lesbians. Maybe it is even easier for us. But lesbians not being able to date each other in the past is NOT the same as osa women being asked not to date their own damn oppressor! Are you gyns even ducking hearing yourself???
Honestly it feels like most "radfem" gyns aren't even radfem. When they are confronted with their own shit they react just like TRA's & TQ+ & extreme right wingers.
I don't care what anyone says. I just don't. My lesbian friends always have something to show when the topic of lesbophobia in radfem spaces comes up. Always. I do too. I see this shit all the time myself. I will hope radblr is different but I'm not getting my hopes up.
If you wanna worship dick, go and do that. But don't pretend like you are a full on hardcore radfem when real hardcore radfems leave their dick worshipping ways behind them, no matter how much they wanna worship dick. It's not like we can stop you.
Radical feminism is a way of life, an ideology. Ideals to structure your life after. Female seperatism is one of them.
No one said you have to follow all the ideas of radical feminism but female seperatism is a pretty ducking big one. Calling it oppression is lunacy and complaining when someone brings it up is pretty ducking stupid.
The way osa women cry wolf... Smh. Especially considering that osa women are the ones who came up with the whole "female separatism" shit... Right during the time when they excluded lesbians from the movement... Guess some things never change.
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femsinisms · 10 months
A Note On Female Separatism
Western women often struggle with understanding that separatism does not mean you have to move to a farm and grow produce on threat of death if you so much as speak of males. Separatism can and does look like your life right now, but with no deeper than surface level relationships with men.
Womyns lands, when they were more popular and prevalent, did include groups of women buying and living off the land, but that was because land was secluded, it was protected, and it was being sold cheap. A lot of these separatist communities are now defunct, but a great many of them are still active today. Separatism exists and continues to be functional in the U.S, East Asia, and Africa.
Separatism does not mean creating a commune or packing up to move to Womyns land. Separatism can look like owning your own apartment. Separatism can look like living only with female friends. Separatism--without ties to living situation-- can even be buying from businesses that are woman-owned and only interacting with men on an as needed basis.
Separatism is the end goal of radical feminism it is the separation of women from men. It calls for a high-level of trust and community and desire for liberation that does not exist within other feminist forms of praxis.
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Staff Pick of the Week
For my Staff Pick, I chose a book titled Country Lesbians: The Story of the WomanShare Collective written jointly by Sue Deevy, Nelly Kaufer, Dian Wagner, Carol Osmer-Newhouse, and Billie Miracle. This book was published in 1976, by WomanShare Books in Grants Pass, Oregon. It was typeset by MaryAnn, who is shown in the back of the book.  
In the 1970s, there were many women, usually lesbians involved in the back-to-the-land feminist movement who separated from society in order to escape patriarchy, capitalism, and homophobia. This book is a unique primary source that gives the reader a first-hand look at their collective situated on 23 acres of land in southern Oregon. It includes poetry, transcriptions of conversations, illustrations, letters, journal entries, photographs, tutorials, and more.  
The WomanShare collective wrote this book together after two years of living on the land. It is a text that explores so many different topics, such as friendships, relationships, identity, family, money, power, politics, class, and how they dealt with these personally and collectively.  
I chose this text because it feels like a portal into a time, place, and community that has striking differences and similarities to today's age. At the time the book was published there was estimated to be around 150 of these communities, and today there are a few remaining with varying practices and ideals. Still, Country Lesbians remains one of the only primary sources of its kind on this frontier.  
View our other Staff Picks.
-- Clare, Special Collections Undergraduate Assistant
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catsanddemonssystem · 1 month
The problem with lesbian/female separatism is that it ignore that women can and do benefit form the patriarchy.
Radfems love to boil the patriarchy down to sexism against women because they are conservative women masquerading as progressive.
The patriarchy includes how we treat children, queer and sexual liberation. Which goes against there doctrine.
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maryjanedoex · 9 months
I remember being 14 and reading some article about a utopia where women are separated from men fully and thinking "wow this sounds great but it's impossible!", everything is possible! keep believing in yourself. im living almost fully man-free nowadays
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gnarlyyradical · 3 months
where my radical womanists at <3
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realasslesbian · 1 year
Anyway, gonna take a short break from defending homosexual men in drag to point out there’s a reason the T is last in the LGBT, and it’s bc they were the last to grift themselves onto the gay rights movement. I clearly remember, back in the day, when the T was first added, us LGBs were like ‘but yo that ain’t even about sexuality tf?’ Hell even most actual trans people were of that same opinion, and wanted their own movement, but somehow that just never happened, I guess because it was easier to just erase gay people from our own history, which wasn’t exactly properly recorded anyway, and just replace the actual gay and lesbian pioneers of our movement with made-up brick-throwing trans-women. And thus the gay rights movement was appropriated into the trans rights movement, and all the shit we did is now shit the transes did, all hail our masters for the crumbs they’ve given us, meanwhile actual gay and lesbian rights hasn’t gone anywhere in nearly a decade and in many ways has gone backwards entirely because of these grifters.
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bidykes · 2 years
heyyyyy sooooooo............................... i just spent a few hours making my own carrd on the topic. please spread it, either by reblogging or sharing the link elsewhere, if you can!! thank you!!
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