#Raph and Mikey thinks she's cool
thearoaceshark · 1 year
Miyamoto Usagi
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From the earth 2016-U23, Japan (year 1630).
She/Her (trans woman).
27 years old (going on dates with Lee since they were 19 years old).
She measures 1.66
White fur. Brown black eyes.
She left her clan after her sensei was killed and she became a ronin.
She came to the turtles' dimension after helping them defet Sabanti Romero (again). She was stranded there for a while and decided that she wanted to stay in their dimension with them.
It took her 4 years to learn English (and she's still not good at all).
She loves Lee very much.
Donnie doesn't like her very much.
Usagi was an orphan girl from Feudal Japan. The place where she spent her childhood was not the best, but she had nothing better, she had been there since she was a baby.
Aoki-san, one of the workers, told her to find something to do with her life so that she could get out of there and not end up like them, so she began to think how she could do it. In her child head, she came to the conclusion that the warriors who came to the house must be the answer, the boss said that they had a lot of recognition in the country, so Usagi one day asked one of them what to do to be like them (the man only answered when he got dr0nk).
He told her that to be a samurai one must be good at wielding the sword and winning battles, so the doe started training in the forest every day to become a samurai. One day her training caught the attention of a lion samurai, who asked the boss if he could take her to teach her how to be a samurai. She went with him, and faced many obstacles.
She did well, everyone praised her talent and before long many of them were interested in her progress, until she told her sensei that she was a girl. From that moment on, everyone looked at her very strangely, as if she shouldn't belong there, but her teacher didn't let them get in her way, Katsuichi-sensei accepted her and continued to train her as always, even teaching her to read (the femenines samurais existed and were just as lethal as the masculine ones, but they were not respected in the same way, they always had to be accompanied by a man, and they were not allowed to learn to read and write).
Her life was hard, but she was doing well... Until her sensei died. It was when she was 18 years old, they had been attacked by the enemy, she suffered several damages, her left ears had been cut off and her right had almost suffered the same fate, they also cut off her hair that she had been growing for years (it didn't seem very important but it hurt her), and she earned a distinct scar on her forehead, but what hurt her the most was that her sensei couldn't survive...
After that, during the first few days without Katsuichi-sensei, she suffered harassment from others, and because of that, it didn't take long for her to leave and leave the clan, she became a ronin.
She left her hair short to "close cycles" and began a new journey without destination.
She had been wandering for a year, working as a yojimbo from time to time, when some singular warriors appeared in her path, some... Kappa? Ninjas? She attack them thinking they were enemys.
When they convinced her that they did not want to attack her and they stopped fighting, they explained that there was something called the multiverse, it seems that they had met another version of herself and were looking for him to ask for his help, but for some reason they ended up in her dimension and not in his. The enemy that was attacking them (a VERY strange creature if she is allowed to say, and she has seen strange things) found them and attacked them, and Usagi decided to help.
They managed to defeat... That crazy creature, to tell the truth Usagi would need a few days to process what a crap adventure that was... But she doesn't regret helping that group, they were nice.
She had to stay in the turtles' dimension for a while until Renet and the Time Lord managed to open a portal to her dimension, but, Usagi doubted if she should go through. She had had a lot of fun these last few days with the turtles, aaaand she had liked the kunoichi in blue very much... And she had no reason to return to her dimension.
For some reason Time Lord let her stay. Everyone was very surprised by her decision, because she would stay in a dimension where she has to stay hidden?! Anyway, that was her decision.
Months later Usagi and Lee began dating, and the doe began to grow her hair again.
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myebix · 2 years
ahah....... I have an oc, her name is rainelle, and I care her
leo fankid pog
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Donnie and Leo do eventually stop being furious with Splinter. They've not forgiven him, and they're still angry, but they can be in the same room as him without looking like they want to set him on fire.
Splinter is relieved, but decides he is not going to push his luck, so continues to give them space. If they want to talk to him they can, but he's not going to force them.
When Leo is ready to talk to Splinter, he kinda follows Mikey's lead and asks Splinter if they can talk. Leo also brought him some tea as an icebreaker, and only realised when Splinter just stared at it that Splinter properly can't drink it anymore. The awkardness that creates actually helps. Like it's less the serious conversation Leo thought it'd be, and now it's just them trying to quickly get rid of the weird atmosphere.
(There are some ghost stories of people leaving them offerings and the ghosts taking it, so I don't know if Leo making the tea and giving it to Splinter would count, and if it did if that'd mean he could drink it)
It's... not a bad conversation. Parts of it are difficult to get through, and they get close to arguing more than once, but Leo feels better after the fact. And before Leo goes to rejoin his brothers, he asks Splinter if they can start having stratergy meetings again.
Donnie sort of asks Splinter to talk, sorta doesn't. He wants to know how ghosts works, and figures if they're real, then chances are more likely than not that he and his brothers will have to deal with them at some point. Donnie essentially asks Splinter if he can take some samples to experiment with.
... it's the single weirdest olive branch Splinter has ever heard, but he agrees anyway.
His son asks quetions before, during and after taking the samples. To begin with they're mostly aimed at figuring out how Splinter works now and how his powers function (he can't really answer many properly, because he has no idea) but eventually segue into other topics. Donnie tells Splinter outright that he's not forgiven him and isn't happy with him at all, and Splinter tells him that's okay.
There is one other thing Donnie asks and Splinter instinctually wants to say no: Donnie wants to see his ghost form again. When Splinter relents, he does say that he doesn't know how to change on command - usually he reverts to that form regardless of what he wants. If Donnie wants to see that then his best bet is in the morning, before training. Splinter doesn't know why but he reverts to tha form when he sleeps, and that time of day is dedicated to not looking like a monster.
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kathaynesart · 1 month
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Took a bit of time to myself to finally sketch out my vision for Frida based off Andy Suriano’s Farewell. More design thoughts under the cut.
I know some were wary of her appearing too feminine, but honestly I enjoyed the challenge of finding a way to feminize the base turtle model and stay true to Andy’s wonderful design. I don’t want her to just look like her brothers in a show that embraces their differences.
The biggest thing I added to her design was an exposed heart. My own little twist inspired by a real life issue some turtles deal with as well as a fitting ode to the artist she is named after, Frida Kahlo, who often drew herself with her heart floating outside of her body. (And yes I made the creative decision to keep her heart at her center as with many turtles.)
This deformity occurred during her mutation where the sudden growth spurt tore open a hole at the seam of her plastron. She has survived as long as she has because of Big Mama who uses mystic wards to keep her heart physically safe and emotionally numb. If you look closely to her plastron in the show it’s not actually a natural body part but rather seems to be an attachment of her trench coat. Likely a false cover to hide her obvious weak spot (or at least that is my head canon!)
I love the idea of her and Donnie having something they can relate to and I’m sure he’ll be happy to design chest armor for her down the line once she’s free of Big Mama. Maybe someday I’ll figure out her full Mad Dogs outfit, but for now this is just her base and bandana.
As each of the boys embodies a shape, I found it all too fitting to have Frida’s be a heart. It’s honestly a cool shape that uses both rounded forms and sharp points, which I think would encapsulate her character well. Prickly on the surface but a softy deep down. I tried to find less typical ways of feminizing her. Sharpening her beak and digits while retaining the style of feminine eyes present in most of the female cast but matching it more closely to the unsettling shape of the eyes on her assistant’s mask.
Her markings are a color flip of Mikey’s, where as his are yellow spots with orange outlines hers are orange with yellow outlines. Coupled with her yellow eyes to match Donnie and Raph, it gives her this fiery vibe that I think still sets her far apart from Mikey.
The mask was honestly the hardest part. I love that it further accentuates her heart motif and made her more expressive, but just giving her the obvious bow and calling it a day did not sit well with me. I decided to try more of a high ponytail look, but I think it still needs some work. I’m pretty sure I like her with yellow though, both as a nod to Jennika and the idea of April giving her something of her own to help form the bond between the two.
Would love to flesh her out further but back to my usual stuff first.
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muikitoo · 8 months
Hi,Ummm,good morning/night
Can I request something regarding the Rottmnt boys,I want them their love at first sight with a female reader in a school ay(More like a mix between the Yokai/mutant/human society
(No rush,It's ok if you don't want to do it and stuff,It's totally fine to take your time☺️,Have a nice day/night)
Love at first sight
Aged up! Rottmnt x fem! Reader
(somewhere around their 20s)
A/N: this was so hard to do for me for some reason (especially Mikey and Raph), i had to think for a few days for certain scenarios and this might come late bc i rlly want it to be good. Im sorry if it isnt what u expected 🙏
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You were an English teacher who recently started working at a new school. Youre quite nervous, but exciting at the thought of what awaits you with this sudden change.
- Donnie was one of those strict science teachers that nobody dared to underestimate.
- At first, he didnt seem too interested when he heard of a new teacher who started working there.
- hes never even been a romantic type, he honestly didnt care and let fate decide if he gets a partner or not.
- When he saw you for the first time though, he thought he might be hallucinating.
- "Oh sweet Galileo help me.."
- you probably immediately checked his "cute but mean" type without even saying a single word
- He became more interested in you, talking to you more often, even at times asking u to meet up during the break.
- "Hey, uhm.. Could i maybe interest u in some coffee during the break?"
- he thought all of this "romantic feeling" thing wasnt real, but he seriously cant help but fall for you.
- Leo is obviously the laid-back cool Spanish teacher.
- Almost every student liked him, he was chill and even jokes around
- (he once drew donnie on the board with a huge forehead and wrote "megamind" next to it)(no, donnie did not take that well)
- He was quite interested when he heard of a new teacher, hell he was probably the first one to interact with you out of his brothers
- The second he saw you, this mf fell straight face down in love with you
- "oh mi gosh thats the new teacher?! Shes gorgeous! Do you see her Donnie?! You see her?! Oh i so need to get her number!!"
- tries to act sly and flirt with you
- and fails miserably
- "Hey there hermosa, how do you feel about a date? Ya know, just you and me? *Wink wink* *leans on wall, trips and falls miserably*"
- (A/N: i cried writing that)
- Mikey is the sweet art teacher and students enjoy being around him, but yet again they probably wont dare to underestimate his "Dr. Delicate touch" side
- He was quite excited when he heard about a new teacher.
- When he saw you, he suddenly felt nervous and flustered. And he knew why.
- at this point, everyone but you knew abt how he admires you, a little more than in the friendly way.
- He couldnt get the courage to go and talk to you, which put Dr. Feelings to shame
- When you actually started talking tho, you got quite close.
- Youd be with him almost every break
- You would often stay in his classroom/art studio and watch him paint during the lunch break
- and during those times he even asks u to pick his colours
- "Hey Y/n, which colour do you think would suit the ladies dress more? Red or blue?"
- Sometimes you even jokingly ask to be his model, but in all honesty he doesn't mind at all
- you guys were an inseparable duo, and he caught himself falling more and more for you
- He's the PE teacher, hes fun but strict when he needs to be.
- He doesnt mind that theres a new teacher, hes quite excited abt it actually - he would gladly want to meet you.
- First thing that catches his eye is that he thinks youre really pretty.
- He's most likely stuttering during ur first convo now😭
- Hes super sweet, bringing you coffee and/or lunch, helping u out with random teacher stuff, checking up of u, ect
- "Hey! How you feeling? I brought you some coffee.. if youd like."
- Hes so shy, but he cant help but feel his heart flutter every time you thank him or show appreciation towards him
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A/N: Raph was so hard and i know it's not accurate at all. Ive literally been beating my ass up bc of him cuz i didnt have any ideas😭😭 this took super long and I'm really sorry about that, i hope it turned out the way u wanted🙏 anyways its 1AM so im js posting this cuz i have nothing else to do😔
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imababblekat · 1 year
Vicarious Happiness
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Anon Request, “Hi!! I love your work so much and I hope your doing wellI have a request if thats cool, it's fluffy raphael x reader(she/her) and it's like raph being all soft for once and letting his gard down and laughing and his brothers seeing this and they get all sappy”
It was the sounds of loud, hardy laughter that drew Leo from his once peaceful meditation. He knew that laugh and felt a familiar agitation itch at his mind, wondering what prank Raphael had pulled on Mikey this time. However, when he stepped out into the main living portion of the lair, he was quickly surprised to find the red banned turtle to not be cackling at his youngest brothers peril, but instead joyfully laughing along with you. While his laughter was louder and much deeper, no one could miss the cherry colored blush of your face as you laughed equally along. The leader of the four brothers made his way over to the kitchen, where he had spotted his two other siblings apparently watching the wholesome scene between Raph and the brothers close friend. “Donnie, you didn’t drop laughing gas again did you?”, Leo questioned with a raised brow and covering his snout. Hazel eyes glared behind self made classes. “I’ll have you know that was Casey’s fault! Also, no, I didn’t. Why do you ask?” Rolling his own eyes, Leo pointed a thumb over to where you and Raph sat close on the couch. “I ask because I’ve never seen Raph like that unless he did something. What’s up with him?” “Can’t you tell?”, Mikey jumped in with a swoon, batting non-existent lashes at Leo, “What’s up with Raph is (y,n)!” Leo scoffed, shoving Mikey out of his personal space as the other wiggled his brows. “Wait, are you guys serious? I know the two are close, but Raph like that? No way!” The two youngest brothers only smirked at each other, Donnie then stepping over to throw an arm around Leo. “Au contraire, my dear brother. Just take a look for yourself.” Leo did, and as he took a moment to really examine the scene before him, it wasn’t long till he caught on just like Mikey and Donnie had. It was the way Raphael looked at you, as you babbled on about something random but dear to yourself. His eyes held a fondness so rarely seen for someone such as him, a softness to his gaze rather than typical annoyance. It was as though he was deaf to your words, instead memorized and taking to memory the way you shined and glowed as you spoke so excitedly. However, Leo was also sure that for you, Raph was also making an effort to remember each and every single one of the words your spoke. Your voice and tone sounding like a melody to the terrapin no doubt. His body language was also a dead give away. Rather than taut or imposingly flexed, Raph sat comfortably with an air of, dare Leo even think it, vulnerability. There was not a sense of guardedness, no such thing as what he gave even around those he considered friends. With an arm slung over the couch and just an inch from being wrapped over your shoulders, an amorous smile and wholesome gaze still on your fast talking self, it was as though in that moment you were Raphael’s entire world. A cheeky grin found its way to Leo’s face. While he was already thinking of ways to tease the broad ninja turtle later, he at the same time couldn’t help but feel a sense of joyfulness for the other. The honorary leader had always been of a realistic mindset, had always been one hundred percent certain that they would never get to experience the pleasures of normal people. While a few years younger version of him would have been skeptical and jaded of this situation, the current more mature him felt nothing but elation. He’d always expected out of any of them for Mikey to somehow end up with a human partner if anything, but seeing Raphael of all people, soft and full of passion, it truly made him happy for the brother he’d so often fight with. Glancing over to Donnie and Mikey, the fondness they each shared while also watching the deepening bond shared between you and Raphael, he had a feeling they felt the same.
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our-happygirl500-fan · 11 months
HC that just before Raph turns 20, Leo calls a team meeting to decide on a new team name as the ‘teenage’ part of ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ wouldn’t work anymore with Raph no longer being a teenager.
The Team names that everyone puts forward are:
Leo - The Turtles of Justice (Rise Leo has literally called the Foot Clan ‘vile fiend’ so I could see Leo thinking the name The Turtles of Justice is cool plus it’s kind of a fun call back to the 2012 cartoon)
April - The Hamato Clan (Considering the fact that April started wearing the Hamato Clan symbol on her jacket some time between the end of season 2 & the start of the movie, being part of the Hamato Clan seems kind of important to April so I could imagine April kind of liking the idea of the team going by the Clan name/ family name)
Raph - The Mad Dogs (I could see Raph wanting to bring back the classic name)
Mikey - The Mad Dogz (Spelt with a ‘z’ instead of an ‘s’ since I could see Mikey wanting to bring back the classic name similar to Raph but I kind of think Mikey would want to change it slightly to make it seem kind of new & fresh)
Donnie - Donnie and his Backup Turtles (I could kind of see Donnie doing this plus it’s kind of a fun reference to when the Turtles voice actors sang the Rise theme song)
As for why they didn’t change the name when April turned 20, it’s probably because they thought of April as an honorary teen for the year in a similar way to how she’s an honorary turtle but when Raph is about to turn 20 that’s when the Turtles are hit with the ‘oh no we’re not going to be teens forever’ thoughts 
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 6 months
More Headcanons I think are 100% valid and I don't care what anyone says:
note: do you guys like the headcanons or prompts/imagines more? i like writing both but i also enjoy your feedback :)
• none of them like milk
• they're all guilty of leaving the seat up on the toilet
• they write notes to eachother on the bathroom mirror after a shower when the mirror is fogged up
• they have a group text with just the four of them and then one with april and casey
• the group text of the four of them is just a bunch of memes and gossiping
• the group text with april and casey is just them bullying casey and dinner plans
• none of them can eat thai or indian food
• while they don't get sick very often, they all get sick within a day of each other
• leo and mikey both have very sensitive skin
• raph does skin care
• donnie has the best skin out of all of them and does no skin care
• they have code words
• they all enjoy musicals
• the first time april had her period around them, due to their heightened sense of smell, all four of them literally panicked because their friend was bleeding out (like full on cold open fire scene from the office freaking out)
• speaking of the office, donnie is a big fan of it and so is leo
• raph and mikey are brooklyn 99 fans
• mikey is the master cook in the house and leo is always the taste tester
• donnie is a very picky eater
• raph can eat literally almost anything
• mikey loves horror movies but he can't watch them by himself
• leo and raph enjoy watching war movies
• donnie likes movies that are based on real events, he loves crime shows
• they all hate broccoli
• they all eat lettuce like it's candy
• since their energy is lower in the winter, they all become more lethargic and cuddlier because of it
• 'i love yous' are rare but not unheard of, they'll say it if one of them is genuinely upset or have gotten hurt in an almost life threatening way
• their ways of saying i love you:
- leo uses praise and/or compliments
- raph does head shoves/shoulder pats
- donnie will say how cool they are
- mikey just says it with no shame
• it's canon that they all have nicknames that they call each other
• mikey always controls the aux when they're driving places
• donnie does directions
• leo drives
• raph is in charge of snacks
• they have similar mannerisms when they're explaining something, they all talk with their hands a lot
• none of them can sleep without hugging something
• leo's big broisms come out whenever his brothers are sad/upset, even when he's mad at them
• raph's little broisms come out whenever he's hanging out one on one with leo
• chronic middle child donnie causes the most chaos in the lair and no one suspects it's him
• since mikey is the baby, he still gets baby treatment well into adulthood when he's upset
• they're all guilty of calling april babe at some point
• they also call her 'ape' just to make her mad
• speaking of april, they're all very fascinated by her hair and nail designs she has done
• she's the one who introduced them to skin care
• leo hates coffee but loves the smell
• raph loves red bull
• donnie can't stand the taste of dr pepper
• mikey lives off purple crush and mt. dew
• splinter still tells them stories
• they can't go to sleep without saying goodnight to each other
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
I've always been a true believer of medic mikey and I've been thinking a lot of 2012 medic mikey today
so here's a bunch of thoughts about it from my twt if it feels weirdly paced and chopped it's because i just copy and pasted from different posts
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Mikey probably started with the want of learning more about medicine after leo ends up in a coma.
Kind of like a brutal awakening that his older brothers are not invincible
until that point he probably helped both donnie and leo with basic first aid, since in 2012, the brothers all seem to know some sort of basic medical knowledge to a certain point (raph carries a first aid with him in half shell heroes meaning they all probably have their own).
Mikey probably sees leo burdened with his father's shadow and the weight of being the leader and letting everyone down, raph so worried about them at all times and so angry at himself for not being able to protect his family better, donnie mostly always stressed out. with no sleep. always having to FIX something and all this probably make mikey realize that putting being a medic on top of any of his brothers would just be for the worst so he decides to take it into himself to specialize in that part.
Mikey would ask help for getting more information to study about medicine and turtle health veterinary from both donnie and april (april would love to help +she can get more physical aid like books from libraries and such while donnie is the one brother who doesn't actually mind what mikey asks him and also actually answers his questions with facts). While studying he most probably would forget a lot about the scientific or actual names for different things so he would just make up his own designations because that way it makes sense to him (his brothers would all learn later on about mikey's own system perhaps because it's just them and it's not like mikey is going to go work at a hospital so it doesn't really affect them much).
Being the group medic just would fit him so well because hes very smart and not squeamish about A LOT of things in comparison to his brothers (throwback to when donnie did said he was actually squeamish in the show) so donnie probably would also encourage him in his studies and even try to help him to retain info with different methods that actually work with Mikey (because of adhd brain) like making references to his favorite show or comics while learning medical info to make it easier for him to focus.
The fact that mikey is the most perceptive of his brothers and also the one to keep a cool head when all of the other ones are losing it, would be factors that help him while being the medic as well.
Mikey being the smallest one and fastest of his brothers so hes probably the only one who could make it to any of them in record time if needed be.
I feel like, since 2012 mikey is the one brother who uses his skateboard the most, he probably would start bringing his skate strapped to his shell everywhere because he can use it as an emergency medical stretcher to move his brothers around in the case he was not able to carry them around physically
maybe even begging leo for a longboard later on because they are bigger which, again, could help him in emergency situations.
Thinking also on how leo probably didn't really talk much about the healing hands technique with his brothers so mikey probably unlocked the healing hands in his own way and in a really high stress situation where the sheer willing force was just wanting to help his family.
Mikey would definitely sing staying alive while giving cpr: muttering the lyrics along in a frenetic way while punching his brother's chest, because of their plastrons, and trying to get him to breath again all while listening his other brothers yells be deafened by the sound of lasers pass by over their heads.
And after being home and safe, he'd give everyone those lollipops right after quickly making sure none of them are dealing with a concussion (he is but hes fine, he promises).
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Extra: some replies in twt that i also wanted to share here
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goodlucktai · 27 days
13 with sunset duo :)))
dialogue prompts
13. “I would believe that you’re fine, but you have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg, so.”
Raph probably would have been successful in sneaking to his room if Mikey hadn’t decided to swing by the kitchen for a snack refill. When he flicks the light on, his biggest brother freezes mid-step cartoonishly and they both just stare at each other, one caught, the other confused. 
“Uh, hi,” Mikey says. “Is your Goon Gala with Casey over already?”
It’s what the former Foot recruit calls it when she and Raph get together to be rowdy and reckless and somewhat violent but like recreationally. Full throttle vigilantism. Mikey tagged along once and was so exhausted by the end of the night he had to be carried home—allegedly!!
The twins quietly disapprove, but they haven’t ratted Raph out to pops yet. They probably think the same thing Mikey does; that it’s good that Raph has something that’s his. It would be better if it was something safer, shared with someone slightly less likely to commit felonies for fun, but it’s a start. 
“Uh, yep,” Raph says awkwardly, standing kind of sideways. “Raph’s actually pretty wiped, I was gonna—”
Mikey’s eye for color pings. That’s the only explanation for why his subconscious was like hey something’s wrong about this picture and his gaze flicks down to follow the thought. 
It lands on the hilt of a knife sticking out of the thigh Raph is trying to keep out of view. Deep red drips down his knee.
Mikey drops the empty popcorn bowl, stray unpopped kernels scattering across the floor. 
“Hey, hey, no, it’s okay,” his brother says quickly, heading off the very loud reaction he can sense building up between them like an active geyser. “Shh, Mike, come on. I’m fine.”
It would work a lot better if one of the two hands he held up to shush him wasn’t bloody. Mikey’s panic wracked up another three levels automatically. 
“I would believe that you’re fine, but you have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg, so–”
“Language,” Raph scolds by rote.
“Don’t language me!!” Mikey says shrilly. “What happened? No, don’t answer that. I know what happened, you got stabbed. You should be in the infirmary already! You go, and I’ll get—”
“No!” Mikey is grabbed by the shoulders, actually lifted off the floor so he and his brother are eye-to-eye the way Raphie has a bad habit of doing when tensions are high as Raph goes on, “Leo doesn’t need to know. I’ll take care of it.”
Mikey blinks, processing that. It takes a minute, because it might be the stupidest thing this particular brother has ever said directly to his face. And then he scowls. 
When he bellows, “LEO!” it’s in that particular baby brother voice that gets every older sibling in a mile radius moving with gusto. If Donnie weren’t at April’s for the night he would have removed the kitchen wall to get there two seconds faster. 
As it is, Leo tumbles into the room wild-eyed, probably wondering what the hell could have happened in the three minutes between Mikey asking him to pause the movie and this targeted attack on every protective instinct in Leo’s body. 
It takes him a second to clock that Mikey is present and correct and just sort of dangling in Raph’s hands still. Then he leans against the doorframe, playing it cool. What a nerd. 
“Guess this is where the party’s at,” he says, doing that thing where he manages to look at Raph without looking at him. “So what’s the cover fee? Any live music?” 
He probably would have kept going, but he’s processing the scene with sharp eyes, and that’s about when he connects the blood on Raph’s hand to the blood on his leg. Every single ounce of disingenuous charm and cheer evaporates from him instantly. His smile drops like a ton of bricks. 
“What the fuck, Raph?” Leo says in a tone Mikey doesn’t know if he’s ever heard from him before. “Is that a knife? Casey let you get fucking stabbed?”
He moves while he’s talking, so fast that Mikey isn’t a hundred percent sure he didn’t actually teleport. He has the daisy-printed dish towel formerly hanging on the oven door in his hands and he’s kneeling at Raph’s side, wrapping it around his thigh and pressing down hard. 
“Jesus, language,” Raph says, lowering Mikey to the ground before taking a resigned seat in one of the kitchen chairs. “Casey didn’t let me do anything. I’m fine, I’m handling it. You should see the other guy.” 
“You’re—you’re handling it,” Leo parrots blankly, as if those words in that order don’t make any sense to him at all. “I should see the other guy. Is this a joke to you?”
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you.” Raphael’s annoyance makes sense, since Leo has adamantly refused to take anything seriously since he was given the leader badge to wear. If Leo slacked off before, he is pointedly doing the absolute bare minimum now. 
He’s obviously trying to prove something to someone. Donnie just sighs when Mikey brings it up which means that he’s right but also that Donald isn’t going to break the disaster twins’ honor code by admitting out loud that he’s right. 
“This isn’t about missing training,” Leo grits out, really, properly angry. “This is about you sneaking around with a knife sticking out of your leg and scaring Angie and letting me find out by accident instead of—I dunno—calling the second it happened? Were you just going to go yank this out of your leg in the shower and put a bandaid on it?”
Raphie is in pain, and his temper has been poked, so he replies, “For the past month you’ve been acting like nothing matters to you anymore! You’ve wanted nothing to do with me, you don’t want my advice, you don’t want my job—the job that’s always been mine, that pops took from me and just handed to you. So where’s the line drawn? For all I knew, you wouldn’t want to help with this, either.”
If Raph had slapped him, the look on Leo’s face probably would have been exactly the same as it is right now. He’s kneeling there on the floor and there’s blood staining his fingers and the big brother he adores so much is telling him right to his face that he thought Leo would have rather just let him bleed than help. And Leo let him think it this whole time, all because he had a point to prove.
Mikey folds his arms tight, tucking his hands away so no one sees if they start shaking. There’s a saying April quoted last week when she was working on a paper for her Introduction to Literary Journalism class, can’t see the forest for the trees. Mikey didn’t get it then, but it makes an unfortunate amount of sense now.
He knows better than anybody how much his brothers love each other. He doesn’t understand how they could be so blind to what’s right in front of them. 
Raph is the kindest person in Mikey’s whole life and can always tell when a hit has landed too close to heart. Some of the anger coiled up inside him like an animal has no choice but to relax its jaw. 
“I don’t know what’s going on in your head,” he admits. “I don’t know what you want from me.” 
“I want you to stop,” Leo says. It’s not a shout, but it’s loud, bouncing off all the polished surfaces until it fills the whole room. “Stop believing in me. Stop acting like I could ever be half the leader you were. Stop—stop getting hurt and acting like it doesn’t matter. What would we do without you?” 
What will I do without you, he doesn’t say, when you’re not there for me to follow anymore?
Raph’s eyes are huge in his face, and he lifts his hands in an automatic response to a little brother hurting within arms reach, but Leo ties the dish towel and steps back. He’s doing the not-looking-while-looking trick again. 
“Bleeding’s slowed. Let’s get you to the infirmary, big guy. Angie, Dad and Dee aren’t home so I may need your hands, okay?”
Leo always trusts Mikey to be able to help. It makes him feel three feet taller. 
“You got it!” he says, hoping one of them remembers to clean up the kitchen before Splinter gets home and wanders into a crime scene. 
When he heaves himself off the chair, Raph staggers a bit. Both his little brothers flock to either side of him instantly, and he says, “Raph’s just a little dizzy, that’s all. Let me lean on you guys for a bit.”
“Of course, Raphie,” Mikey says, willing to carry him if that’s what it takes. 
“We gotcha,” Leo adds, every other thing he must be feeling back to being a well-kept secret behind every layer of armor he owns. 
Raph puts his arms around them both and holds them close for the walk down the hall. He said he was dizzy, but his steps are steady. Everything about him is as steady as it’s always been. Mikey thinks he’s pretty good at sniffing out a scheme, but if he points out that Raph was only angling for a hug, then Leo’s going to run away like a feral cat who can’t tell the difference between affection and an attack.  
So Mikey doesn’t say anything, and squeezes closer beneath the arm Raph has around him—smiling to himself when Leo squeezes closer, too.
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angelmichelangelo · 1 year
wanted to talk about my favourite scene in my favourite episode because i have a lot of feelings about it so here we go.
so it’s this particular scene in ‘of rats and men’ - anything to do with the rat king and i am there. he’s a really cool villain and i think the added bonus of him using solinher to fight the boys is really interesting but there’s this ONE scene that is always in my head when i rewatch it.
so after we see mikey hide away ice cream kitty we get a little comedic scene with him and his brothers + april and casey until splinter comes in, having just had the rat king invade his mind, he’s clearly unwell and weak, he goes to the freezer for some ice and a cheese sickle to which mikey tells him no and straight up slams the door in his fathers face to keep him from seeing the mutated cat in there.
to which splinter doesn’t take kindly towards.
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remember, at this point, it’s not obvious to them that splinter is basically being possesed. he towers over mikey (ik he’s crouching here but the shot is really well done, pulling back to really emphasis how much he towers over these kids) and mikey just looks up in fear. again, splinter’s eyes don’t turn red straight away, he doesn’t show any obvious signs of change so to mikey, he’s suddenly aware of the fact that he’s pissed his dad off big time.
then, splinter strikes him, sending him across the kitchen.
we don’t see it, just a flash of red but it then immediately cuts towards the brothers reactions which again, i find interesting
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it’s total shock. usually when one of them is hurt or down, we get angry reactions, something protective. but here they’re not mad. they’re just in utter disbelief that their father has just struck one of their own.
and i know splinters done this many times in the past but that all happens during training. it never occurs just because mikey is being odd. casey (and i know he was still grappling with his fear of rats here) actually recoils at this.
then we get a chase scene. again a little comedic just to lighten the tension but splinter is honing in on mikey. he wants to get to him, ignoring the other five teenagers who are in the room with them.
then we get these shots (the main reason i wanted to talk about this scene)
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mikey is pushed against the fridge, exactly where he started. and you obviously can’t tell from screenshots alone but mikey is actually trembling with fear here. he’s hyperventilating and it’s not because he’s out of breath. he’s a trained ninja. he can go far longer than the little lap around the kitchen he’s just done. he’s positively terrified, and it’s not like the kind of fear in “invasion of the squirrelanoids” where he was making quips and making jokes to un-scare himself. this is a new fear because this is his father that is attacking him. he doesn’t even say anything during this moment. he just whimpers. he just trembles in fear until leo calls out to the others to “help him!”
then after splinter is pinned down, the rat king breaks through and we get reaction shots from the rest of the characters as they realise what has happened to their sensei.
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i think it’s really sweet that april immediately goes to mikey, putting a protective arm over him. his eyes have shrunk to pinpricks (a neat little trick i really love that they show throughout and show when they’re scared or shocked) mikey doesn’t move or try to get back up, staying down with april it’s a nice moment (also we needed more of this duo! orange coded, blue eyed freckled friends for the win!!)
another little detail i found interesting was that after splinter seemingly goes back to normal everyone rushes to his side. april stands from where she’s crouched down with mikey and leo, raph and donnie are there to help him.
but mikey doesn’t get back up. he stays on the floor, perhaps coming out of his shock. he makes no attempt to reach his dad which.. breaks my heart little actually.
and as much as i love this episode, i really do wish it had some mikey + splinter pay off. we hardly see any moments of them together, especially since each brother gets their share of dad moments where he passes down some sort of wisdom, mikey gets a very brief “love yourself you don’t need to change” lesson in “mikey gets shellacne” and that’s it. we really were robbed of more of these two as father and youngest son. and ik all of them get attacked and scared by possessed splinter at some point but it clearly really affected ooor mikey here after being targeted in this one scene.
anywho. that’s my rant over. if anyone has any additions to this post feel free to add them as i’d be interested to see if anyone else is as crazy about this scene as i am lol
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Glimpse of Us
Raphael x Reader
Summary: While closing at work, a group of familiar faces appears behind the dumpster: younger, alternate versions of your boyfriend and his brothers.
Note: Super, super excited for Mutant Mayhem in August and every time I see one of those trailers, all I can think about is how fatherly the Bayverse boys would be towards them, so have this. I’ve been wanting to write some soft Raphael.
Warnings: Swears, alludes to sex, talks about having kids
Word Count: 2.5k
Reader is: 23, half-alien, feminine
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It was shaping up to be a slow night at work. You laughed, reading over the last text Raphael had sent you. He always texted you back and forth when it was slow in an attempt to keep you occupied. It worked most of the time.
You were closing. It was just after midnight. You didn’t have much left to do, just to wipe down some of the counters, count the registers, and take out the trash. Seeing as the trash was pretty full, you elected to do that first, taking the bags out of the trash cans and tying them up real tight before hauling them out the back door and into the little area by the dumpsters, the empty parking lot just beyond it.
You chucked the trash bags in one by one and turned back towards the back door when you heard something rustling behind the dumpsters. Something big.
“Raph?” You whispered, looking into the shadows. The rustling stopped.
“Dude, how does she know your name?”
“How does she know my name?” A voice whispered. A young-sounding voice.
“Guys?” You asked. “It’s okay, you can come out.”
“Splinter will kill us if we expose ourselves to a human! We can’t just go out there!” Said a squeaky voice.
“But how does she know Raph’s name?”
“Either you come out or I’ll turn on my flashlight. Listen, I promise, I…you can trust me.”
They argued amongst themselves for a while longer and then, slowly, Raph stepped into the light, both of his hands forward. But this wasn’t your Raph. No, this Raph was much smaller than your Raph, much younger and…scared of you.
“Oh shit.”
“See, I told you this was a bad idea!” Another voice chimed. Leo, no doubt, confirmed when he too stepped out of the shadows.
“Oh my GOD.” You stared at them. “H-how did you get here? You know what, nevermind. You’ve gotta stay out of sight. Um…” You thought for a moment, spotting your car out in the parking lot. “These are my keys. Where’s Donnie?”
“How does she know your name?” Mikey asked.
“Dude, how would I know?” The high-pitch voice asked again as Donnie and Mikey emerged next.
You tossed Donnie your keys. “That’s my car. Go in there and stay in there. Lock the doors and don’t unlock them for anyone but me. Stay out of sight. I have to lock up real quick and then I’ll be right out, okay?”
“Why should we trust you?” little Leo asked, wavering as he did.
“I’ll explain everything when I get back.” You met his eyes and then Raph’s. “I promise.”
Leo hesitated for a long moment before nodding, leading the others to your car and scurrying inside.
You went back in, counting the registers, wiping the counters, and locking everything up at record speed. You logged into the computer and hesitated, but went into the security footage, wiping those ten minutes from the record, and then walked out to your car, knocking on the window.
The door unlocked and you hopped in, locking the doors behind you again. You looked down at the back seats, where all four boys were crouched down out of sight of the windows.
“You can pull those little curtains down.” You told them, pointing to the rolling curtains Donnie had mounted for you in case any of your boys needed to lay low for a bit.
“Oh. Cool.” Little Mikey moved first, pulling down the one on the window closest to him and the others did the same.
“I’m gonna pull the car over where the cameras don’t reach, alright? And then I’m gonna make a call.”
Donnie handed you the keys and you did what you promised, pulling the car into the overpass of the mall you worked at, beneath the theater. It was darker there and, like you’d said, the cameras didn’t work.
You put the car in park, sighed, and then fished your phone out of your purse, pressing Leo’s contact before holding it up to your ear.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Everything alright?”
“Yeah, kinda. Um, can you guys come here? Like now? The usual spot in the underpass. And bring the big truck, the van doesn’t have enough seats.”
“Wanna clue me in on what’s going on?” He asked.
You glanced back at the four little versions of your boyfriend and his brothers sitting in your back seats. “Uhhhh, I think it’s just gonna be easier for you to see when you get here. I’m not in any imminent danger.”
“Roger that. We’ll be there in ten.”
“See ya.” You hung up, looking back at the boys. “There are snacks behind the passenger seat. Help yourselves to whatever.”
“Was that the police?” little Leo asked.
“No! No. No it wasn’t.” You chuckled, shaking your head. Ironic.
Ten minutes later on the dot, the infamous Tartaruga Brothers truck rolled up, parking next to your car. You exhaled a sigh of relief.
“Alright, they’re here. You can put the shades down.”
“Tartaruga Brothers?” Raph read.
“That means…turtle in Italian.” Donnie noted.
You nodded and opened the door getting out of the car. Raph was the first one out, looking you over for any signs of injury. He searched your eyes.
“You alright, shorty?”
“I’m fine. Good, actually.” You nodded, looking up at him.
“What’s goin’ on?”
“Yeah, what is going on?” Leo asked, coming out after his brother, Mikey and Donnie not far behind.
“Something weird.” You replied, motioning for their smaller counterparts to exit your vehicle. They did, one by one, filing out of your car and looking up, up, up at your boyfriend and his brothers.
“Woahhhhh,” little Raph murmured, staring up at your Raph. “You’re…”
“Me.” Your Raph whispered, looking down at him. He looked at you, too, eyes wide.
“When…” Donnie asked, the words dying in his throat.
“Like thirty minutes ago. I erased the camera footage.”
“Thank you.” Leo said, nodding.
“No problem.”
“Wait, so you’re…You know us? You’re…” little Leo looked between you and Raph, eyes wide.
“She’s cool, guys, I promise.” Mikey grinned. “Now, get in the truck. We’ve got a lot to talk about.”
“(Y/N) and I will follow. We’ll meet you in the Lair.” Raph said, making eye contact with Leo, who nodded his approval.
“Oh my god, you guys have a lair too?” little Donnie asked, eyes lighting up as he followed his older counterpart into the truck.
“I’ll order pizza!” Mikey volunteered, sending all the younger boys into cheers.
Little Raph hesitated, looking between you and your Raph before getting dragged into the truck by Leo.
You hopped into your car, Raph getting in the back seat and putting the curtains back down. You turned the car back on and started driving down the backroads.
“Thanks for bein’ so cool about this. Keepin’ ‘em calm and stuff.” Raph said, making eye contact with you in the rearview mirror. “You drop the alien bomb on ‘em yet?”
“You think they’d be that calm if I did?” You chuckled.
He smirked. “Fair point.”
“So Donnie was right about the multiverse stuff, then.”
“Guess so. They say much about how they got here?”
“No. Little Leo thought I was gonna call the cops on them.” You told him, earning a laugh.
“Typical.” He paused.
“It’s weird. They’re like you guys, but they’re so young.”
“We were once.” Raph said.
“Don’t remind me.” You chuckled. You’d met Raph six years before when both of you were seventeen, shortly after he and his brothers had saved the world for the second time. Even now, it seemed lifetimes ago that you were that naïve.
You pulled into your designated parking spot next to the truck and the heavy garage door slid down behind it, closing you in. You and Raph walked out into the living room, where the others were all congregated, a very confused Splinter listening to Leo and Donnie as they talked to him. They perked up when you walked in.
“Ah, (Y/N), there you are. Come, sit.” Splinter invited you.
Mikey took it upon himself to entertain the younger set of brothers while the rest of you spoke with Splinter in one of the alcoves. Raph’s thick arm settled around your shoulders, your curled legs resting against his thigh.
You explained to him exactly what had happened. You’d found them behind the dumpsters, earned their trust, erased the footage, and got them to the Lair. The rest, you had no clue about. How they’d gotten there, where they were from, how Donnie was going to get them back home…
“Thank you.” Splinter said, his paw resting against your hand for a moment. “For taking care of them.”
“Of course, Splinter.” You nodded.
“I’ll start running diagnostics.” Donnie volunteered, walking over towards his lab.
“I’ll ask Little Leo what he remembers.” Leo said, nodding before heading off to where the boys were playing video games with Mikey.
That left you and Raph in the alcove, his arm tugging you closer. Before he made a move, his eyes settled on Little Raph, making his way over. He looked…shyer than your Raph, you decided.
“Can I talk to you guys for a sec?” He asked.
“Sure. What’s on yer mind?” Raph leaned back against the couch, eyeing his double in amusement.
“How old are you?”
“Twenty-three.” Raph replied. “I’m a few months older than her.”
“Oh. Cool. How’d you two meet?”
“Long story.” You chuckled.
“Little more original than Tinder.” Raph quipped. “Found her at a meteor crash site. Thought it was Kraang tech.”
“What’s a Kraang?” Little Raph asked.
“I’m sure you’ll meet him later.”
“And she’s…you’re…you’re cool with him being…like this?” Little Raph asked, shattering your heart into a million pieces.
“Yeah, of course I am, hon.” You told him, your voice sincere. “More than cool, I would say. And uh, I’m not exactly normal myself.”
“What are you, an alien?” Little Raph quipped. His eyes widened when you and Raph looked at each other.
“Half. On my mother’s side.” You shrugged. “I know I don’t look it, though.”
“Wait, you’re serious.”
“She is.” Raph nodded. He glanced over at you, grinning. “I’m kinda into it, though.”
You elbowed him. “You better be, at this point.”
“Raph! Pizza’s here!” Both of the Mikeys called out in sync, looking at each other with wide eyes and then high-fiving, buzzing about twin telepathy or something.
“Pizza.” Raph motioned towards the other room, standing up and helping you to your feet, Little Raph going ahead of the two of you. The way Raph looked at him…a glimmer in his green, green eyes you’d never seen before.
The little turtles were staying the night and into the foreseeable future, crashing on the couches in the living room. You decided to stay too, since it was like four in the morning. Raph undressed and got into bed with you, just in his sweatpants. All of his gear on the floor, bandana dangling from the bedpost.
He crawled on top of you, head resting on your chest. You gently scratched his shell, causing him to churr softly, nuzzling further into you, a peaceful expression taking over his face. You loved when he got like this, all comfortable and blissed out. The expression faded, though and he tilted his head to look up to you.
“Hey, uh, can we talk about something? Something kinda…serious, I guess.”
“Yeah, of course.” You nodded.
He got off of you and laid on his side so he could look at you while he spoke. You took one of his hands, kissing it softly.
“What’s going on, big guy?”
“I just, uh…I don’t know, him bein’ here today…All of ‘em, really…Got me thinking about stuff.”
“Thinking about what?”
“Kids.” He replied, inhaling when the word came out of his mouth, almost like he wasn’t expecting it.
“He…He just…He reminds me of…like our son, I guess. What I think our son would turn out like. And I…I ain’t ever realized I wanted that before. And…and the way you handled ‘em, keepin’ em safe, gettin’ em here…” He sighed, a tentative smile looming on his handsome features. “I want that with you. And it scares me, but…I don’t know, maybe I’m bein’ silly.”
“You’re not being silly.” You told him.
“And I know that any…any kid we brought into this world would never…never get ta be normal and I…I don’t even know if it’s possible or if you want that too, or…Please say somethin’, baby.”
“If it is scientifically possible for us then, yeah. Yeah I absolutely want that someday, Raph.” You reassured him, a hand reaching up to cup his cheek. “I want that with you.”
He exhaled, grinning, tears welling in his eyes. “Ya mean it?”
“I’ve never meant anything more.” You promised him, kissing his snout before he rolled on top of you again, peppering a million kisses to your cheek and neck, causing you to giggle.
He shushed you. “Gotta keep quiet, baby, remember? Our kid’s sleepin’ in the other room.”
“Right. Forgot.” You rolled your eyes, settling down again as he snuggled into you.
“Ya know I love ya, right?”
“I might have picked up on that, yeah.”
“Goodnight, Red. I love you, too.”
It was later the following afternoon Donnie and Donnie Jr. cracked interdimensional travel and opened a portal to the younger boys’ lair.
“You guys stay safe, alright? Stay out of trouble.” Leo advised.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Mikey chuckled.
“Well that just leaves their options wide open, doesn’t it?” Raph chuckled, giving Mikey’s head a shove.
“Thank you guys. All of you.” Little Leo said, looking around the room. He made eye contact with you. “And I’m sorry for not trusting you.”
“You don’t have to be sorry for that. This one didn’t trust me either when we met.” You elbowed your Leo, earning a friendly chuckle from him.
“Hey, I came around.”
“Yeah, two months later.” Donnie quipped, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Was it really two whole months?” Leo asked in disbelief.
“I knew she was alright. I’m a good judge of character.” Mikey bragged.
“You would take candy from a man in a van.” Raph joked, earning laughs from the other guys.
“Name one time that’s happened, Raph!” Mikey huffed.
The bickering went on for a while longer before the boys finally decided it was time to leave.
“Hey Raph, can we talk for a sec?” Your Raph asked, motioning his younger self over to the side.
The two of them spoke for a bit, you couldn’t hear about what, and then, out of nowhere, Little Raph hugged Big Raph before following his brothers through the portal. It closed shortly after, leaving the five of you standing there in shock for a while.
“What was that about?” You asked.
“Had to give him some pointers. How else is he supposed to find ya? Well, his you, if there is one.”
“Raph, I promise you, in every reality, there’s a you and a me that falls in love.”
“You’re a sap.” He chuckled.
“You’re into it.” He pressed a long kiss to your lips, grinning. “Guilty as charged.”
Tags: @thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83, @dilucsflame33, @happymoonangel, @scholastic-dragon, @manduse, @towomatos, @sketchy-loo6195, @rae-iin, @leleouwu
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phoebepheebsphibs · 3 months
I'm gonna rant about some plots I came up with for Lou Jitsu's kids AU now
When Mikey was like six, a group of thugs decided to kidnap him from school while he was waiting to be picked up and they sent a ransom note to Lou Jitsu. However, Big Mama picked up the note and decided to go get Mikey herself without telling Lou Jitsu. So she goes and beats them all up like the queen of crime she is and picks up Mikey, telling him that the whole thing was an elaborate prank game of hide and seek. (I had an idea where like years later the boys are talking and Mikey mentions the "prank" and they all realize what happened and Mikey slowly realizes too and freaks out a lil)
I had an idea of an episode where Raph's birth mother started stalking him at the hotel and was going to fight for legal custody of him in court and the whole thing freaked out the family, but I never finished how that plot would go... I still think it would be a cool idea to chase tho
Donnie was gonna get bullied at a park and April would rescue him, and that would be how they met
Donnie was going to get an appendectomy, but had a panic attack before the surgery and begged to have his stuffed turtle "Othello Von Ryan" go into the surgery with him. The plot was based off of a story that Rob Paulsen told during a TedTalk. (video here)
There was a plot I came up with where when Leo was 16, Lou Jitsu tried to teach him how to drive (he'd only been riding mopeds and electric scooters and stuff until that point). However, as soon as they go on the road, Leo has a massive panic attack and dissociates behind the wheel, almost causing them to hit another car. Lou helps Leo get into the passengers side and takes him to Todd's Puppy Farm where they talk it out. Leo admits that he had actually been afraid of cars his entire life, because of the accident that killed his parents. Donnie didn't have this issue because he didn't recall the accident since he was asleep when it happened, but Leo witnessed the entire thing and watched his parents die. He also admits that he didn't say anything because he didn't want anyone to call him a coward, and specifically he didn't tell Lou or Big Mama because he didn't want them to think he missed his original parents.
I think that's all I had written down
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darth-sonny · 2 years
the scrapped episode of Donnie, Raph, and Leo getting turned into toddlers while Mikey remains the same age but just add the Three Amigos (April, Cassandra, and Casey) to the mix
April has known the boys since they were all small so she easily bonds with Donnie. he wants to know why she has so many boring games on her phone and April straight-up tells him that he made them. she takes none of his little toddler shit. his dramatic ass tries to bargain for more hours on her ipad and all April does is yank it out of his baby hands because he has baby strength. he tries to tackle her but she just. scruffs him like a kitten. she's got him on lock and Donnie pouts the entire time
Cassandra treats Raph like he's one of her Brownie Scouts. Raph wants to watch tv? he has to wrestle her for the remote. Raph wants to pick what video games they can play? arm wrestle. Raph wants to sneak out of his bed during nappy time? alright, you can do that, but only if you defeat her in a sparring match. she's fully aware that Raph is a baby but that isn't stopping her from what she's doing. she'll pull up to a McDonald's with Raph cheering in the back, order one black coffee for herself and leave. Raph is bone tired and asleep by the time she's done with him and Cassandra will patiently be waiting for her bonus, thank you very much
Casey, on the other hand, is completely wrapped around baby Leo's finger. he's just. so little. so small. so baby. his entire head can fit in the palm of Casey's hand and that just makes the future boy sob. he's so fucking LITTLE. Leo has no idea he has Casey whipped, he just thinks this weird human boy is super nice. Leo wants ice-cream? Casey gives him ice-cream. Leo wants uppies? Casey gives him all the uppies. Leo wants to try out his super cool chainsaw hockey stick? well, just give him a second to put it in safety mode and there you go! Leo once does the flappy slider hands on Casey's face alongside a happy little chirp and Casey is gone. he's done for. he's on the floor sobbing his eyes out and Leo has no idea what just happened
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katanablue · 2 months
How would the 03 and 07 boys react to an S/O who is a goth and have the vibes and looks of Morticia Addams?
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03 Leo: Admittedly he’s a little confused at first when you first met since the closest he’s ever been to this type of style is Angel and even then she’s more punk rock compared to your gothic aura. He’s curiously but isn’t rude about it, asks questions so he can understand more why you choose to present yourself this way. Obvi gets more used to it when you start dating!
07 Leo: He’s not as subtle as his 03 counterpart, but not brash about it either. He say something along the lines of ‘this is an interesting look’ and kinda raise his eyebrow at you with a small smirk.
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03 Raph: Oh he loves it, thinks it’s wicked cool how you look but isn’t super verbal about it. He makes comments here and there, says you look hot out loud. Doesn’t quite get it but hey, as long as it makes you happy, he’s happy.
07 Raph: IMO I feel that he, wouldn’t necessary not care, but just accepts it right then and there. Like 03 Raph, he’ll gladly tell you how hot or attractive you look but unlike his counterpart, he prefers to whisper it right in your ear because he likes to see if he can break that calm stoic persona of yours.
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03 Donnie: “Interesting! Are you embodying xx from xx?” He likes to analyze it and see why exactly it is you dress goth. Even does his own research to find you outfits and trinkets you might like/ be interested in. He finds your perspective on things so fascinating and loves to hear your opinion.
07 Donnie: I feel he’d be similar to Raph in the sense that he’d just accept it. Doesn’t really have any comments but does think you look oh so lovely dressed in black. Like his 03 version, he’d do his research on goth fashion and talk to you about it.
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03/07 Mikey: I think both Mikey’s would be pretty similar; very excited, asking endless questions and maybe even want to dress alike or vibe like you do. He’d jokingly ask if you’ll burn in the sun or sleep in casket. He’s seen people dress in similar fashion on t.v so he’s no stranger to it.
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months
Some of My TMNT Hot Takes 🔥
Warning: Opinions
2012 April was a good character and a fun version/take on April. Y’all are just mean.
Casey Jr. in the Rise movie was a bland and uninteresting character. He did not feel like/deserve to be called a “Casey Jones”.
Jennika in IDW, while a cool concept/character, is overused/overrated.
I don’t like shipping Raph (any version) with human characters. I prefer him dating other mutants or aliens.
2012 Karai is the best/most interesting version of Karai, but she’s also one of the most irritating recurring characters in 2012. I love and hate her.
Jonatello in 2012 is overrated as hell.
Rise Mikey is very forgettable (to me).
April needs to stop being shipped with the Turtles and being their love interest.
87 Shredder is the BEST version of Shredder!
I liked the Irma being a robot twist in 2012. It was an injustice to the Irma character but it was still shocking, and I do like her kinda return as Rook, so there’s some credit to that.
2007 Splinter was a bad dad.
Casey being a cop in the bayverse movies was an interesting take that could’ve worked for his backstory of becoming a vigilante, but it was executed poorly.
IDW Donnie x Mona Lisa is stupid and a completely pointless ship to include in the comics. It feels very forced.
Rise Raph is too big. That, or the other characters are too small. Either way, while I like Rise Raph, his design feels off sometimes.
2012 Mikey is actually annoying and often deserves to be scolded by his brothers for doing dumb immature shit. He’s 15, not 5, he should know better.
The 87 Turtles DO have individual and unique personalities, that includes 87 Leo!
Capril is not a good ship, but I’d still much rather ship April with Casey than with any of the Turtles.
While I love 2012 Renetangelo and 87 Kalangelo, Mikey is the one Turtle that I don’t think needs a love interest. I’d much rather see him be single.
If you’re mad at/hate 2012 April for “killing Donnie” when being possessed in that one episode, but don’t feel the same towards Raph, Karai, Slash and Rockwell for torturing/hurting their friends/family when brainwashed, then you’re a massive hypocrite.
Raph x Mona Lisa in 2012 is the BEST TMNT ship that came out of the four TMNT franchises that Nickelodeon has made. Maybe even the best overall couple in all of TMNT.
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