#Ratchet is an overprotective dad
what (shenanigens) would Ashley do if she was drunk/high or sleep deprived ?
I will say, you guys will eventually witness at a “barely with it” Ashlyn and all the chaos such a state brings.
Because that’s what it is CHAOS
*ehem* but if we want to get into specifics, sleep deprivation, and inebriation will have two very different effects.
Sleep deprivation will up the paranoia while lowing awareness. So Ashlyn will be creating red string boards that showcase what she remembers of the plot (think Bulk in TMI). She'll either do this in a semi-public location or sneak away to some dark corner. She will be attempting to tunnel into the walls of the base, this will be somewhat successful before she realizes there are perfectly good vents and moves into that. She will be quiet. Sometimes. Mostly quiet with some giggles because everything is so funny if you think about it, none of this is real, a few odd mutters as she remembers something from the show or the before, and some very aggressive, loud, and sudden SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-
The voices can be very rude
Drunk or high Ashlyn is very different. While previously she was a blood-shot, twitching, rat in the walls, here she is very... mellow.
Like catnip mellow. Lounging on the bot's heads mellow. Sleeping on a transformed con mellow. Very openly launching into her tragic backstory mellow. There's a disassociation between what she sees and what is actually there. As a result, some of the things she's saying would legitimately break canon, but they're either muddled into other continuities or subconscious dorkiness that a psychiatrist would love to get their hands on.
"A-and, Unicron said no! Mega-worm, *hicc* you let a prime live, so you can't work for me. *Hicc* Which is kinda stuuupid. I doon't see him *hicc* killing a primee... Mr planet multiman."
"Ep, ep, ep! Who let her have High Grade? What is wrong with my charge!?!?" "It's 'vodka' Sunshine, thought the little firecracker deserved to relax." "I can taste colors... whyy-you-all-so-shiny? The voices don't like it." "Wheeljack, by primus, you have fifteen earth minutes to exit the base before the next 'Wrecker Activity' Miko learns about is a funeral."
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in1-nutshell · 21 days
Honestly just any of the tfp opposite personality daughters and their dads reaction on getting a partner.  One of my favorite tropes, when done right, is the overprotective father simply because their realizing that their little girl is growing up
Optimus feels like he’d be totally okay with Maxima dating as long as their partner treats her well, he’s just big an intimidating so he accidentally scares the partner
Ratchet is the exact opposite.  He still remembers when she would cling to him after a nightmare, when she was small enough to hold with one servo, WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE’S DATING SHE'S TOO YOUNG FOR THAT (she’s a grown adult)
Ultra magnus is intimidating and means to be intimidating.  If someone wants to court his daughter they're going to need to reach his expectations and then some.  And while he does apply these same expectations to everyone, and as long as they're trying and not actively going against them, then he’ll be as lenient as he’s capable of being.  Unless you’re trying to date his daughter, then you better fucking exceed his impossibly high expectations.
Steve gets a pass because Ophilia’s dads a dick.  Though having Bee offhandedly mention Ophilia’s conjux to Optimus and Ratchet would be funny.  Or fuck it, mtmte Megatron just gets thrown threw a portal and now steve does have to pass a megatron who actually cares about his daughter’s judgment.  He’s too old for this, he’s just happy that Ophilia found someone that makes her happy.
How have I not thought about this?!?!
Well that's going to change right now!
Hope you enjoy!
Maxima, Lithia, Rapidfire, and Ophelia's dad's/guardian's react to their partners
SFW, Familial, Romance, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Overall, if Optimus caught wind that Maxima did have feelings for a fellow bot, he would be one of the most accepting on this list about the news.
Of course, there’s that little side that he can’t believe his kid is growing up.
His little bean is becoming big!
But does well in accepting it and supporting Maxima.
As long as the bot loves her, respects her, and treats her well there isn’t going to be a problem.
Optimus trust Maxima in picking her partner, but also wouldn’t mind playing match maker if it was okay.
 (Maxima and Grimlock)
 Grimlock isn’t too worried when it’s the meet and greet time.
He does have some confidence in himself and in the relationship, he built with Maxima.
Yes, there is some intimidation.
It’s Optimus Prime for crying out loud!
Not that Optimus is aware he is doing it.
Our fellow dinobot may do some goofy things to try and impress Optimus and show off to him and Maxima that he does have what it takes to be a good Conjunx.
But the display of strength is not what gives Grimlock the green light.
It was a little moment the Prime had accidentally stumbled on that did.
Maxima and Grimlock are standing in one of the aisles of the scrapyard.
Maxima has a bit of a worried look on her faceplate looking at her Conjunx.
“Grim you’ve been acting a bit weird today, especially with the hit you took earlier. Is everything okay?”--Maxima
Grimlock puffs his chassis.
“Of course I am! What kind of Conjunx would I be if I wasn’t strong enough!”--Grimlock
“Grim you took a steel column to the back when you were showboating earlier.”--Maxima
“But I’m okay ain’t I?”--Grimlock
Maxima sighs a bit and sits on the floor, patting the side next to her.
Grimlock sits down next to her.
Maxima pulls him by the neckcables down, so his helm is on her lap.
“You can talk to me Grimlock.”--Maxima
She starts petting his helm gently, watching his dino optics sagging a bit.
“I just wanted to show I was a strong Conjunx for ya that’s all.”--Grimlock
Maxima chuckles a bit.
“Grim, you were showboating your strength because you were afraid my dad was going to say something? My spark, you could be at a quarter of your strength and I would still love you the same.”--Maxima
Grimock’s tail absent mindedly starts to wag a bit.
“You would?”--Grimlock
“Of course I would. You could be human, and I would still love you. I love you for being yourself Grimlock. For being the goofy, loyal, and honest partner you are. Your strength is an added bonus.”--Maxima
“Even me being a dinobot?”--Grimlock
“Yes, another added bonus. I mean how many bots can brag about being Conjunxed to a Dinobot? Not many, and I’m lucky enough to be one of the few to do it.”--Maxima
They both chuckle a bit before looking at each other’s optics.
“Primus I love you.”--Grimlock
“I love you too my spark. Now I think Russel wanted to show the rest of the team a movie with Earth Dinosaurs in it, you ready to see it?”--Maxima
Grimlock jumps up and picks up Maxima bridal style and runs off with a laughing Maxima.
Optimus walks from behind some of the taller shelves with a warm smile on his face.
His sparkling was in good servos.
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Ratchet is one of the bots that does not take the news of the crush well.
Yes, he is aware that Lithia is an adult, and this is her life, but he still sees the sparkling that carried a mini replica of his med kit and tried to replicate his paintjob at 3 am.
Ratchet is slower to come to terms with the fact that Lithia is growing up and has someone on her mind.
Eventually he does give in to the idea and tries to be open-minded on Lithia’s potential partner.
If he doesn’t know the bot, Ratchet is much more likely to be snappier and colder to them.
If he does know the bot it can be a good thing if they are on his good side. This could lead to Ratchet himself even putting in a good word for them.
If they are on his bad side, Ratchet is going to do whatever it takes to try and get Lithia to seek out other possible partners out there.
(Lithia and Bumblebee)
Ratchet isn’t blind when he sees Lithia giving some long looks and Bee being in proximity of her in their early days on Earth.
Ratchet is surprised when he does meet up with the pair again and they are not Conjunxed.
Ratchet watching from a far at Bumblebee and Lithia discussing about something when Optimus comes by.
“Is there a problem old friend?”—Optimus
Ratchet sighs a bit seeing the pair laughing a bit.
“I would have guessed they would have bonded by now.”—Ratchet
Optimus hums in agreement.
“You’re not the only one who sees it?!”—Sideswipe
Some of the other team comes over.
“They have been giving each other gushy eyes forever!”--Russel
“Gushy eyes?”--Grimlock
“Earth term.”—Strongarm
They all pause hearing much louder laughter from Bumblebee and Lithia looking at him with the ‘gushy eyes’.
“Someone needs to get them together soon or I’m going to have a meltdown.”—Sideswipe
Denny looks at Ratchet and Optimus.
“How long has this thing been going?”--Denny
Ratchet and Optimus having a flashback to the pairs time at the base and the kids trying and failing to play match maker.
“Believe me, you do not want to know.”--Ratchet
Bumblebee is one of the only bots that Ratchet didn’t mind if Lithia decided to bond with.
He might do a little snooping on why they haven’t bonded yet.
Overall, Ratchet does approve of the scout being with his sparkling.
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Excuse me she has a what?
Yeah, Magnus does not take the news too well.
This is unfamiliar territory for Magnus and does not know how to grapple with it.
So naturally he falls on his fail safe.
Rules and regulations.
Primus help the bot in his vision.
He has extremely high expectations for this bot
Even gives them a list of requirements to even be considered a candidate.
Will this trigger a fight between the two?
Will it be pretty?
Most likely no
Magnus may loosen up a bit with the rules of dating, but he is 110% doing a background check on the bots history during the war and see if they have any charges against them.
(Still haven't thought of a pairing for her yet)
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Poor Steve…
Good news for Steve…
He doesn’t have to deal with Megatron, already being a saint compared to the former war lord.
Bad news for Steve…
He has to deal with more than one meet and greet.
Optimus had received a message from Micronus Prime that his niece had a Conjunx one day during training.
Optimus wants to know who it is.
He is given a bit of time off his training to see what Ophelia and her Conjunx.
Ophelia and Steve are fixing things in their new home.
Steve is trying to hang something on top of the door frame from a stool.
Ophelia is looking through some of the gifts that they received from the bonding ceremony.
“Steve, lets take a break and finish in a bit.”--Ophelia
“Hold on sweet sparks, I almost… got… it—AAHH!”--Steve
Optimus winces a bit at the sound.
Steve had fallen over and was now laying on his back groaning.
Ophelia leaps up from her place and runs over to her fallen Conjunx.
She carefully places his helm on her lap.
He looks up at his beautiful Conjunx, the light hitting behind her helm creating a halo effect.
“Stevie you okay?”--Ophelia
“I’m fine Sweet Spark.”--Steve
“Hmm, and what were you trying to hang on the door frame anyway?”--Ophelia
Steve holds a metal looking plant above their helms.
Ophelia looks at the plant and softly gasps.
“Is that metal mistletoe?”--Ophelia
“Yep, made it myself. Figured a bit of Earth in the place wouldn’t be too bad.”--Steve
Ophelia leans and presses her helm on his.
“How did I get so lucky?”--Ophelia
“You get lucky? How did I get lucky?”--Steve
They both laugh.
Optimus approves.
When Optimus does come back and meets the pair, he does give his approval to the pair.
Poor Steve was going to pass out.
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But that also brings Ratchet into the picture.
As said with Lithia, he is a bit more hesitant in seeing the bot, especially since Steve was a Con.
But with some good words in from Optimus and Bumblebee, Ratchet does give Steve a chance.
He was sold when he saw the pair helping each other patch up and working together to help the others while knowing their limits.
“Steve, you move from that berth and I will wield you to the counter.”--Ophelia
“Is that a promise?”--Steve
Ophelia with the wielding torch in servo with an optic raised.
Steve shrinks a bit at his Conjunx.
“Staying on the berth… if you join me?”--Steve
“When I finish looking over the main frame and the--”—Ophelia
Steve groans and dramatically drapes his arm over his optics.
“The berth is so lonely without you here! How could you abandon your Conjunx here in solitude!”—Steve
He peaks to see if his performance had worked.
Ophelia smiles and joins Steve in the berth.
Is there a slight threat of burying him in a mound of wrenches.
No one can prove it.
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MTMTE Megatron lands in the scrapyard and nearly starts a riot/panic.
The worst time for Bee and Steve to be out on patrol, luckily Ophelia is there to explain her father’s counterpart to the team.
Ophelia is in much better spirits from the last time he saw her.
Then comes the topic of her personal life in which Ophelia proudly tells him that she has a Conjunx named Steve.
Little record scratch noise is coming from inside MTMTE Megatron’s helm.
That’s the moment when Steve arrives with Bee and nearly faints seeing a much more robust and taller Megatron.
Steve spots Ophelia standing way too close to Megatron.
Steve races over and grabs Ophelia pushing her behind him reading his weapon at the larger mech.
“I don’t know how you came back Megatron, but there is no way you’re getting Ophelia back. OVER MY OFFLINE CORPSE!”--Steve
Ophelia pushes down the urge to hug Steve for his stupid bravery and gets in between him and Megatron, who has finally recognized that this drone was Ophelia’s Conjunx.
“Steve, Stevie this isn’t our Megatron. This is the good Megatron that I was telling you about.”--Ophelia
Steve slowly puts his weapon down, but not away.
“You mean the one that surrendered and—”--Steve
“The giant ship, yes. That’s him. Umm, Megatron, this is Steve, my Conjunx.”--Ophelia
Megatron smiles a bit and extends his servo.
Steve carefully shakes his servo.
“Megatron. I, umm, forgive me for the introduction—”--Steve
“No need for that. I am glad my daughter has a Conjunx who will fight and protect her with his spark.”--Megatron
With more interactions with the couple, Megatron can safely say that his daughter has a good Conjunx.
Steve is glad that there is at least one good Megatron that loves Ophelia like a father should.
When Megatron does leave, he makes sure to wish the couple the best (and a tiny threat to Steve about breaking Ophelia’s spark, which was backed up with Steve saying he would let him hurt him if that happened).
Bonus! Bonus!
“Hey Megs! How was the trip?”--Rodimus
Megatron huffs a bit at Rodimus’s comment.
“It certainly was one to remember.”--Megatron
“Did you get time with Ophelia?”--Rodimus
“And? How is the little one doing?”--Rodimus
Megatron smiles a bit.
“She has a Conjunx now.”--Megatron
Everybot jumps in shock when they hear the yelling over the intercom.
Poor Roddy, does not know what he just unleashed on the Lost Light…
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moonlight-tmd · 21 days
Do you think Optimus is more of a figure or more of an overprotective older brother?
SíI honestly don't see Optimus as a father figure because he is very young and much more inexperienced than other Optimus.
For example tfp Optimus.
I also think Ratchet is the grandfather, but a bitter one who can't wait for his end to come. While he may be grumpy and hate that other bots don't know what he knows he definitely cares about his team and would never wish for someone to go through what he did.
(I feel like they could have done a lot more with their relationship with Lockdown)
Bulkhead is a BIG teddy bear. He is very clumsy and has a lot of strength, but if you get to know him he is the sweetest being you will ever meet.
I'm completely convinced that the entire team (including Sari) agreed to take down the first bot or person who mocks Bulkhead.
Prowl clearly lacks a father figure. He was a boy who did not want to participate in the war, but he was dragged, literally, against his will with Yoketron to teach him how to fight.
Her first reaction was to immediately hate him. And who can blame him? But Yoketron wasn't bothered by that and was quite patient in teaching him and I'm sure at some point Prowl called "dad" to him at least once.
(and then he died, but that's not important)
Bumblebee. Do I really need to write it? You already know the answer.
I kinda got confused while reading this but I think we're talking TFA Optimus-
I haven't watched the show but the way I see him is that he's somewhat like a parent figure to the group- except Ratchet, the docbot is more like his parent figure, he's always gone to him for an advice.
Optimus is stern but his team's wellbeing is his top priority. Most of the times he'll act all stoic and cool but he will be soft and gentle when the situation calls for it. He's patient and tries his best to understand what someone else is going thru to help them. He knows the saying "Primes don't party" but sometimes he can be persuaded to be a little silly with the others. Over all he cares about his little found family a lot and tries his best to manouver their situations so that they come out of it alright.
On a side note I do believe few of the members remind him of sparklings. He definitelly has a more parental relationship with Bee in particular; kid has a knack for getting in trouble and Optimus is tired from constantly trying to get him out and cover it up. Bee is not the one to talk about his own feelings so in the rare moments where Op catches him feeling miserable(most often after he had a nightmare) he'll sit with him and talk.
Optimus may be younger than his other version and lack experience in certain areas but he's still willing to try and make things right and learn in the process. Most importantly he's willing to cross lines if it means he can help someone; mechs first, law second.
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signanothername · 9 months
Fic List part 2:
The Mentor: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15243009/chapters/35354844#workskin
Blades worries about a failing test, Dani is there for moral support, and Rachet is being his lovable jerk self
Creases & Coffee: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15928487#main
Charlie and Chase have a nice moment 🥺
Chasing Plot Bunnies: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17719103
Chase struggles with writers block. Man, I love Chase.
Expression: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17358023#main
Kade takes care of the bots after the squilsh incident. Fluffy, but not as much as it would seem.
Nothing breaks like a spark: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27521791
Hurt/comfort, Charlie is a father to five kids plus four bots, Blades and Chase are Amica Endura, and the protectobots are mentioned.
Btw, This writer has a lot of other TRB stories
Fear Not the Storm That Roars Around You: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32289700#main
More Blades and Chase being Amica and just, my heart, it’s too full.
Double Villany: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32098291/chapters/79519660#workskin
Charlie’s perspective of the episode, and a good reminder that these lovable robots are 15-20 feet metal build aliens.
Anger: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35182702#main
A study on how the Bots deal with anger. Very accurate neurodivergent point of view which my ADHD brain really appreciates.
Heatwave's Human Sparkling: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16345991/chapters/38245040#workskin
Cody being Hearwave’s favorite for two chapters straight. Very fluffy <3.
Hot Brown Water in a Cylindrical Container: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38775837#main
Chase being too pure for this world.
No Impulse Control: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27523384#main
Blades and Dani being a chaotic duo
OverProtective: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3729625/chapters/8265070
The bots love their partners so much 😭
Time to ramble again >:)
-the mentor:
I LOVE THISSSSSS, it feels so in character and i love the unique concept, ngl tho what Ratchet did with making the dummy look like HW was horrifying in the best way possible, yet it’s so in character chchch
I adore this part
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And I really love how the convo shifted to Bee’s voice box, the transtion was smooth
10/10 fic
-creases & coffee:
This fic is the fluffiest hurt/comfort fic I’ve ever read, you have no idea how much i ADORE bittersweet stories and this one is so beautiful 😭❤️🌷✨
-chasing plot bunnies:
I love this one! So nice to read and omg the writer’s block was described so well hcchchhc
I relate so bad
This is the kinda story I need a part 2 for cause aaaaaaaaa
I love stories the explore characters beyond their main traits and get to the small things, especially for characters like Kade and HW who love to put on a front hahaha
Also damn Chase out getting HW, the “you do this to yourself” is such a punch to the gut yet the way he says it as a matter of fact chchhcch
Chase my beloved
I also love how Blades was super not happy with Heatwave’s field reaction chchhc
-nothing breaks like a spark:
My heaarrrrtttttt!!! I love hurt/comfort stories and i adore that the concept of Blades being a gestalt with the protectobots from G1 is tied to the aligned continuity aaaa 😭❤️🌷✨
The fact Charlie is the one talking to blades and literally being a dad to him is everything to meeeeee vhvjjv
Really adorable story
(Will definitely check their other stories out)
-fear not the storm that roars around you:
*slams table*
I love the parallel between them and how Blades comforted chase, the lil hug at the end got to me
Amica Endura Blades and Chase for life <3333
-double villainy:
This was such a cool read, I really love to see other perspectives with interesting plots like the double villainy episode! Charlie’s thoughts are super realistic to that of a father snd a tiny human compared to giant alien robots
Not to mention, seeing Charlie’s thought process with thinking who’s the most dangerous (in this instance, Chase) was really awesome
Such a satisfying read 10/10
Damn this is so relatable
And I genuinely love how the descriptions give the feeling justice
Guess it’s time i make a comfort fic list shshhsh
-Heatwave's human sparkling:
I really asore how Sparkling is used to refer to cody nonstop shhsgs
-hot brown water in a cylindrical container:
oh dear Chase, he’s trying his best
-no impulse control:
Aaaaaa the flufff and sillinessssss dhhdhdh
Blades’ and Dani’s dynamic here is so amazing and i’d love to read more fics for these two dhbdhd
Charlie being such a supportive dad is everything to me
This is it
This is the fic that killed me with fluff
Side note: never thought i’d ever see HW being described as a cat yet here we are and I wholeheartedly approve <3333
Plz feel free to send fics my way any time >:)
I saw your last ask for another fic and imma read it through and answer said ask <333
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rating the transformers movies I've watched just based on the movie and my personal opinions:
Transformers (2007): solid 7/10. rewatchable, goodish plot, good transformers, kinda bland humans I don't particularly care for, could be better but overall okay.
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (2009): like 4 1/2-5/10. kinda boring plot but its still rewatchable. even blander humans, weird body horror bit with human disguise Decepticon. it's decent, I guess?
Transformers Dark Side of the Moon (2011): 6/10. where did Mikaela go and who is this new chick? she's cool ig, not very interesting. Sam is still the blandest character ever. I cried when I thought the Autobots left. fuck the government they're dumb. actually liked this one more, the plot was more interesting (I was more invested). better than revenge of the fallen. kickass fight scene at the end.
Transformers Age of Extinction (2014): gonna be honest before I rate it- I didn't finish this one. I had like a half hour left and was very bored. 1/10 but it only gets that one because I got to see Bumblebee be immature (as he should) and there was a First Robotics Competition robot in the background of one scene (I participate in FRC). who the fuck are these people. you killed ratchet and I'm mad about it. what happened, I feel like I missed a whole movie. there's like seventeen subplots and I'm confused. the whole angry overprotective dad and disobedient i-think-shes-supposed-to-be-cool daughter thing is, ngl, kinda annoying. not a fan.
Bumblebee (2018): I actually wanted to see this when I first saw the trailer. 7 1/2/10. I liked the plot for the most part, was a little annoyed with the main characters main stick being that her dad died, little disappointed Bumblebee didn't shift into a Camaro during the final fight scene. overall interesting plot, decent human characters, could've been a little bit better but overall good!
I haven't watched the rest so I might come back to this once I do. this is a personal opinion thing, please don't hate. I'm not an expert, these are just how I feel. I really wanna get more invested in transformers but I can't find much to watch or do anything with them, so if you have suggestions, feel free to leave them in the tags! please don't hate...
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avoidantrecovery · 1 year
things i hate about my mental health problems:
they take up so much time out of your life
so much time just figuring out what is wrong, how to deal with it, not being able to partake in some life event, because brain bad
just time time time lost somewhere in between panic attacks and being stuck on a waiting list for a psychologist, or just convincing yourself it' not that bad or you'll figure it out on your own, but you don't
since your coping mechanism are all primed to deal with dysfunction, your worst symptoms come out in moments when you actually need something to help you
for example you're going through a stressful time, this is when you need some healthy resilience to help you come up with ideas to solve your problems
instead your anxiety ratchets up to a point where you can't even think straight so you stop eating, sleeping or leaving your bed (unhealthy coping strategy to alleviate anxiety)
which only makes things worse and then things spiral even further
you have to be strongest when you're at your weakest
all the people i wasn't able to interact with the way i want and give my friendship and love.
people i might have let down
all the interests and activities i wanted to do, but never did
all that unlived life. yeah i lived a different life instead and it's not bad, but it could have been more rich with people and laughter and stories and activities
but instead silence and isolation. because it's the only thing that keeps my brain calm and ironically makes me happy as things are now
i always wonder who i could have been if my parents had poured loved into me growing up instead of doubt and outright hate
maybe it's a luxury to have loving, supporting parents, but i'm always reminded of this video of venus williams and her dad, where the journalist essentially tries (unconsciously or not) make venus believe she can't beat whoever she is going to play next.
this was essentially my parents during my whole childhood (and other worse stuff, but that is for another time)
some found richard's behaviour overprotective and too much, but the thing is, you can plant ideas like that into someone's head, that they aren't good enough etc... esp. for children (and esp. for athletes)
and if you don't notice it, because it's so sublte or because your parents told you so you believe it, you walk around you're entire life believing you're a failure no matter what you do, and you don't know why you feel like that. always stuck in low-level anxiety at best and full blown personality disorder at worst.
and some might wonder, well we all outgrow our parents, it's not important what they said or did, time heals or wounds, bla bla, but it is important.
i always thought it wasn't a big deal and that i'd outgrow it. but it always catches up to me in my worst moments.
i always fall back to those old behaviour patterns i learned to keep me from harm as a child, it's so automatic, i don't even notice it
anyway, i'm just rambling at this point
but yeah, i'm tired.
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assassyart · 2 years
is it ok for me ask what your take on jatchet but as parents are? I made a ship child for em and I'm curious on your opinion on if Ratchet and Jak became parents
Oh sure! Sounds fun!
I'll admit, I kinda just ran with the idea of how both would individually act as a parent not necessarily parents together, but it still works shippy-wise, too!
Jak and Ratchet both love kids, but playing hero with some children and having to take care of a kid are two different things.
For starters, Jak has way more experience with parents than Ratchet does. Whether that was good parenting though...well...I guess that's up to you. 💀 Jak was raised by Samos and got to meet his actual dad, while the closest thing Ratchet's had to a father figure was Azimuth, and that...uh...yeah, didn't end well.
I think keeping this in mind is important, because Ratchet and Jak's backstories are very different and this would drastically impact how they would react to the challenge of raising a kid of their own. As a kid, Jak was reckless, stubborn, and never listened. He had an itch for adventure and that ended up only getting him into trouble. He's very aware of that now, and while he does look back on it fondly, I do not think he'd feel the same when faced with a kid that potentially acts the same way as he did. I think he'd end up subconsciously drawing inspiration from Damas and Samos. ("Oh my god I sound like Samos, what have I become" would definitely be something he says at some point.)
He'd likely become overprotective, especially knowing that he's got a lot of enemies that might try to target his kid. He would do or kill anything to protect his kid, even at the cost of not being home as much. That said, I think he'd do everything he could to be actively in the kid's life, especially since he was cheated of spending more time with Damas and would've given anything to spend more time with him.
Moving on to the lombaxy boy, Ratchet's childhood was filled with a whole lot of nothing. He was alone for most of his childhood until meeting Clank. As a kid that never got to leave Veldin, Ratchet's greatest fear would be that his kid doesn't get to see what the universe has to offer. Sure it's a scary universe out there, but Ratchet feels like it'd be better to grow up knowing that there is so much out there than to stay cooped up on one planet. (Or maybe he's simply projecting.)
He'd be the type of parent that wears one of those things you can strap to your chest to hold the baby so your hands are free (Clank on his back, the kid on his chest: an unstoppable adventuring trio). He's definitely the more carefree one, and tends to let the kid get away with things if it does no harm (and his definition of "no harm" is a lot different from everyone else's lmao).
I don't think Ratchet would ever let the kid get into any real danger, though. If some save-the-world thing came up, he'd demand for his kid to stay home so he can deal with it. His "chill dad" routine would be gone completely, because for all his faults, Ratchet will still always put his life on the line for the ones he loves, even if it means he has to hurt someone's feelings he cares about.
Overall, I think he'd be a decent dad? Too laid back probably and he'd definitely suck at disciplining, leaving his partner to do it.
Which brings me back to Jak. Jak wouldn't admit it out loud, but he would be terrified that the kid will end up being afraid of him. Consequently, I think he'd refuse to use his dark eco at all around the kid, only showing off his light eco. This is a complete contrast to Ratchet whom would show off his trophies for all the arena challenges he's won for the kid's fifth birthday. 💀
Jak would cherish the kid to hell and back, but he's always got a fear ingrained in his head that he'll screw everything up. In spite of that, I do think Jak would be the one to train the kid in self-defense, because Jak's pretty confident in his own abilities and would jump at the chance to ensure his kid is strong enough to take anyone on. I think that's where his bonding with the kid would flourish.
In conclusion: Ratchet's the fun one, Jak is trying his best, they're still a mess. <3
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littlespacestarbun · 2 years
Heart murmur Sari au
I’ve been thinking of ways sari could be techo-organic without her never truly being human for a while and i worked one out via another idea i’ll talk about later on here but this one is solely about sari, Sari is born human with a minor murmur, Around the age of 5 her heart murmur caused some issues for her and in short she had to get an inplant which helps track and aid her heart rate, The allspark when she bumped into on the ship upgrade the tech in her inplant which results in her gaining techo-organic powers which develop slowly, (the first one being when she brings optimus back with her ablity to upgrade/charge other tech), the inplant also still works as intended so sari still has her heart rate tracker on her as well, Sari’s upgrade inplant gives pros and cons much like any new aid for people, one of the cons being she needs her key/tracker (it transformers into a semi-key like thing for the charge/upgrade ablity), to use her powers throughout season 1 and 2 in this au, or else in lowers her heart rate (one thing not realized untill after she brings optimus back a full episode after the event in my au), So now she has to learn to balance out her powers, her inplant and her heart rate meds, (to put it simply no season 3 master of upgrade sari in mere episodes but she gains the ablity throughout the seasons but still has limits to work around which can add her character and plot throughout seasson 3 in this au!), The inplant also aids plot issues with season 1 and 2 namely sari being pushed aside for a more healthy and abled invester of her bapu’s (hindi for dad/daddy) assets and requests, as its sadly common for those of us not akin to great health to be over looked as handling assets for our healthy family members when they cannot (his case being kiddnaped/missing but still its a realistic truth), Sari also not being enrolled in a school and instead homeschool also works as myself was not enrolled for health reasons as well, and it does happen for many born with minor and none minor health issues, Most character dynamics stay the same as I don’t see why they should change, I do think it can also add more character depth in the story for the autobot’s and sari’s bonds tougther as a band of misfits in life, Namely ratchet having to learn more human medical treatment because he does truly care for sari as shown in the season 1 final (i view this in a caring way and not a overprotective way in the au), Once sari fully upgrades (no up age in the au either) there’s new issues to work around as the overload in the begining of season 3 dangers are more based on her heart and also others due to its charge back damage being large, Sari still gets to be herself in personality also with her bold and action seeking self and as a techo-organic but also not in a ‘never was human way’ instead the allspark did what it does best as bringer of life, which is too bring life into lifeless tech, which just happened to be her heart inplant, There’s more i can get into but this is mainly the base work idea of a techo-organic sari who is born organic and becomes part techno due to the allspark, Namely how the upgrade doesn’t change she still has heart issues due to the murmur which i do plan to explain better in a more detailed post in the future, this is just the quick intro of the au and more detailed things will be made later,
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Why Sari is so loved, while Miko is a broken base...
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Sari and Miko have similar personalities and hairstyles, yet they’re treated differently by the fandom... 
Sari is so well-liked and probably has the most fanart out of all the human characters while the fandom is split by people that either liked or hated Miko... 
Are there reasons for this?... 
I think there might be: 
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Sari: Sari is the 7-year old only child of famous inventor and scientist, Professor Isaac Sumdac. Although her father loves her, he is usually too busy to spend time with her. It gets to the point where Sari has to remind Isaac to take care of himself... 
So her dad created robots to both educate, entertain and keep her company. However, the bots weren’t actually alive or sentient. Sari was also home-schooled, had to spend most of her time in her dad’s building and most kids her age didn’t like Sari, cause they thought she was ‘too weird’... 
Sari had no real friends, until she met the Autobots... 
Miko: Back in Tokyo, Miko (who’s 15 years old) has loving parents, has two pet cats, went to the best school and took piano lessons. But Miko believed her life to be boring, so she temporarily moved to America with foster parents to find some excitement. Her past is never elaborated on after the first 5 episodes... 
We don’t truly know Miko’s past, except for what she told us. And there aren’t any later episodes that tell us something like; Miko’s parents are loving yet smothering and overprotective people that hate the things that Miko enjoys... or maybe Miko was lying and her parents were actually neglectful as well as strict... If TFP gave us details like these, then Miko would be more sympathetic like Sari and it would also explain a lot of Miko’s behavior and personality... 
However, we never know what Miko’s parents are really like, so it makes Miko come off as kinda ungrateful. There’s also how Miko treats her foster parents; she seems to think pretty poorly of them and ignores them a lot. But we also don’t know what Miko’s foster parents are like, so it makes Miko seem somewhat like a jerk in this situation. 
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How They Interact With The Autobots: 
Sari: Sari views all the Autobots as her friends and family. (She probably views Bumblebee, Bulkhead + Prowl as her big brothers, while Optimus + Ratchet are her robot dad + grandpa respectfully...) 
She spends a more-or-less equal amount of time with all of them. She bonds with them as well as help teach them new things about Earth. She was like their guide on things about humanity and their culture. The Autobots also sometimes teaches her about their world. 
Miko: Miko cares about all the Autobots too (like her thinking Arcee is the coolest bike ever), but Bulkhead is clearly her favorite. She loves Bulkhead and is quite loyal to him, meanwhile Bulkhead is willing to literally die for Miko. However, their relationship does have it’s flaws... Like for example, Miko usually doesn’t listen to Bulkhead when he tells her not to do something and Miko also doesn’t seem to care about Bulkhead’s past as a builder (before the war), only likes that Bulkhead is big and can destroy things. 
Also, Miko never teaches Bulkhead how to create things like music or art, even though she’s both a musician and an artist (meanwhile Sari teaches her own Bulkhead about art). It sometimes makes me feel like Miko only loves Bulkhead for WHAT he is and not WHO he is as a person. 
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When They Both Make Mistakes: 
Sari: Ever since Sari got the Allspark Key, she’s used it to help or heal the Autobots, but she’s also tends to sometimes overuse it’s power for fun. 
Which sometimes lead to trouble for her and the Autobots. Although it’s frustrating that the lesson to use her key less didn’t stick, I cut her some slack cause Sari is a 7 year old kid, who was isolated for most of her life and had no friends before the Autobots. So it’s kinda hard to blame her for wanting to use a magical key that can fix, control and transform machines to have fun. 
Also, Sari does eventually get her key taken away by Optimus as a punishment for overusing it in the finale episodes of season 1. Then after Sari gets her key back, she used it more responsibility from then on. 
Miko: Miko is known to sometimes sneak through groundbridges during important Autobot missions, which usually leads to a situation that almost gets herself and her friends killed. Although she does take responsibility for her actions, she never learns her lesson and never gets properly punished or scolded for her recklessness (unlike Smokescreen, who does get properly scolded). The closest thing Miko got to being scolded is when Jack got mad at her in a few episodes in season 1. 
 A few times, she even gets rewarded for sneaking off. (Like when she wanted revenge against an insecticon and when she stole the Apex Armor from Starscream...) 
I think if she was banished from the base for at least a week, she would’ve probably behaved better.  
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Comparing Who They Were At The Start Of Their Shows To How They Are At The End:
Sari: Sari is a brave and sweet yet sassy kid, though she does have her bratty moments too when it comes to overusing her key. 
Then around the ending of season 1 and start of season 2, she goes through some trauma; She temporarily lost her key and then her father got kidnapped by Megatron once she gets it back and then later she got kicked out of her own home by her father’s jerky rival, who smugly tells her that she doesn’t legally exist. Sari became depressed because of this, but the Autobots stay by her side and keep trying to help her. 
Sari also goes through other shocking and traumatic things, but she fights through them and comes out a stronger person then before. 
Miko: While Miko is somewhat less bratty and aggressive in season 3, compared to how she was in season 1, she’s still basically the same and she still sneaks out (with Wheeljack’s help) to dangerous giant alien robot battles. 
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Sari has more character development and character depth compared to Miko... Also, Sari is somewhat more mature compared to Miko as well, despite being younger... Miko probably felt like a knock off version of Sari to some people... (And it’s kinda hard to blame them, considering that TFP did technically borrow/steal most of the main Autobots from TFA...) 
Miko had potential to properly develop as a character too, but one of the problems with TFP’s writing is that they added too many main characters. TFA made a wise choice to only have 1 main human character instead of 3, cause it gave us time to see what Sari is like and it gives her time to properly change/grow. It was time that Miko was never truly given... 
If Miko was given the time (and the writer’s changed a few things), then she might’ve become almost as loved as Sari herself! 
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sentinelpri · 3 years
(AM Anon here) Not an official request or anything, though feel free to run with it if you want, I just think it’s funny:
Optimus upon finding out: You’re seeing MEGATRON??? He’s the ENEMY!
Minibot: I- How- That’s- Ok, but you’re the one giving free nighttime shows with STARSCREAM! So really, I’m just following your example as the leader!
Running with it because this is really funny! Love that this has become a whole ass story of its own lol, definitely my favorite headcanons/headcanon set that I’ve done. For anyone who hasn’t read it, here’s all the parts; Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Headcanons below the cut; enjoy!
It’s been established in previous installments of this, but essentially, half of the Autobots are giant hypocrites- AKA everyone on your team except for Bulkhead, who’s single and wants to remain that way, and Ratchet, who’s been missing Arcee for light years. Prowl has something going on with Lockdown, unbeknownst to the rest of you, because unlike you and the others, he’s actually good at keeping his personal life a secret and doesn’t do dumb shit like interface in mid air or take his secret lover out to a public park in the same city where the rest of Team Prime is residing. Bumblebee has his thing with Blitz, Blurr with Shockwave, and Optimus with Starscream.
“Fraternizing with the other faction is bad!” the rest say to you as they hold hands with their hot Decepticon lover.
The main, uh, proprietor of this is Optimus Prime. He’s given Bumblebee plenty of lectures about merely flirting with Blitzwing during battles whilst literally turning around and doing the same thing with Starscream, though no one knows about that except for you and Megatron because of what the two of you saw that night you tried to go on a date in the mech’s vehicle mode and ran into Starscream and Optimus kissing each other’s lip plates off midair, neither of them seeming to notice you.
You also notice that the two coincidentally always end up fighting each other when you run into the Decepticons, and Starscream seems to be particularly chatty when Optimus is around, with Optimus always responding. They’re both always smirking and blushing and winking at each other and it’s painful to watch because you can’t say anything without also exposing yourself and why/how you’d seen them that night, but like... You KNOW. And it pisses you off. SO BAD. 
TBH Optimus has this complex where he thinks everyone on his team aside from Ratchet and Prowl is weaker/more naive than him and he needs to protect them in a sense, so it’s understandable that he thinks he’s immune to any consequences that could come from fucking with Starscream, and that he thinks the Decepticons would be taking advantage of his teammates in any sort of relationship. Like, he has good intentions and is really just trying to protect y’all and you know that, but it’s still super frustrating that he’s being a bitch about it. 
At this point, Ratchet knows about your relationship but hasn’t said anything, the rest know that you at least have a crush on Megatron because of how obvious you are, and Optimus just... Begrudgingly puts up with it and tries to ignore it. Overprotective dad, but he’s also scared of going too hard with his “don’t date a Decepticon” spiel and pushing you in the opposite direction that he wants you to go.
You vent to Megatron about the issue a lot, but it doesn’t do much because Megatron’s usual response is something like “he’s just a bitch, don’t listen to him” which doesn’t help because Optimus is your leader and your friend and you can’t just burn that bridge with him like Megatron could. You explain that to your lover and he’s sympathetic about it, but still rolls his optics any time you mention Optimus going on one of his tangents about the matter.
It all boils over when you and Megatron are on a date. You’re just at the park, enjoying yourself on a picnic blanket with some energon in the most secluded area you could find, only to hear-
“(y/n)? What are you doing here!?” followed by a scratchy sounding “Shut up, you dolt, Megatron’s right there! You just gave us away!”
Both you and Megatron turn around to see that Starscream and Optimus have emerged from the trees, servo in servo... They must’ve been on a walk together. All four of you are red cheeks and wide optics, caught, and of course, Optimus immediately starts lecturing you.
“You’re seeing Megatron? He’s the enemy! I knew you had a crush, and you can’t help that, but this is ridiculous!”
You can’t even bring yourself to say anything, but Megatron does it for you, simply sitting there and stammering over himself for a moment before finding the right words.
“I- How- That’s...” Megatron trails off, raising a finger (imagine; “I don’t care that you broke your elbow!” guy pose) before allowing his optical ridge to furrow. “You’re the one giving free airshows with Starscream in the middle of the night!”
Optimus loses all color in his face. Starscream bursts out laughing.
As you can imagine, this ends in Megatron and Optimus beating the shit out of each other and you and Starscream having to stop the fight after sitting there and looking at each other awkwardly for a few moments.
You drag Optimus home as Starscream does the same with Megatron, and you do have an actual, serious, open discussion about it.
“Listen... I hate to say this, but Megatron was right, and I’m sorry. It’s not fair that I get to do what I want in my personal life and you don’t get to do what you want in yours. As long as it doesn’t interfere in our work... You can do what you want. I can tell that, as terrible as he is, he really does love you- I saw it in how he stood up for you back there.”
All you can do is thank him and agree that if he doesn’t talk about your relationship with Megatron, you won’t talk about his with Starscream. You take him back to base and help Ratchet fix him up, then com Megatron to talk about everything that happened and thank him for taking up for you.
“I’m always here whenever you need me, darling. There’s no need to thank me. I’m just glad the issue was resolved.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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seeking-the-stars · 3 years
💀⭐💀 What if TFP Starscream faked his death? 💀⭐💀
(Now with added human content!)
What if Starscream faked his death (with Optimus’ and Ratchet’s help) to join the Autobots after the fall of Vos (and death of his trine) by Shockwave’s hands?
Because Starscream knew Megatron would never let him go unless he did this...
Everybody believes Optimus killed Starscream!
Only Starscream (now a scientist that’s called Cloud Walker), Optimus and Ratchet (who gave Cloud Walker his new frame) know the truth.
Megatron went totally crazy and became more vengeful then ever.
Shockwave became Megatron’s new SIC and Megatron began to abuse the scientist like how he used to abuse Starscream.
Megatron secretly blames Shockwave for Starscream’s ‘death’.
Shockwave learned to resent Megatron and begins making logical plans to overthrow him.
Even though Soundwave didn’t truly care about Starscream in life, a small part of himself misses the seeker and also finds Cloud Walker to be odd, interesting and familiar all at once.
Knockout and Breakdown never met Starscream before his ‘death’.
Dreadwing becomes the Air Commander and never met Starscream before his ‘death’.
Airachnid thinks it’s amusing that Optimus Prime was more willing to kill the Second-In-Command then the Leader of the Decepticons and she believes Optimus is a pathetic coward for it.
Optimus and Cloud Walker have a close brotherly bond (like Starscream had with Skyfire).
Ratchet is a little overprotective of Cloud, cause of their little secret.
Cloud isn’t allowed on missions at first, cause he was scared that Megatron or Soundwave might figure out who he truly is.
Bumblebee views Cloud as a third dad. (With the other two dads being Optimus and Ratchet.)
Bulkhead, Arcee and Cliffjumper think Cloud is a fantastic scientist/warrior and wonderful person, despite sometimes having grumpiness that rivals Ratchet’s.
Wheeljack loves playfully messing with Cloud sometimes, but respects him as a fellow scientist.
Smokescreen thinks the weapons, devices and other things that Cloud makes are awesome.
Ultra Magnus respects Cloud’s skills as well.
Megatron eventually finds Skyfire (Starscream’s Scientist BFF) and tells Skyfire that Optimus Prime killed Starscream, then the warlord lets Skyfire join the Deceptions and slowly transforms the gentle giant into a hate-filled, vengeance-crazed shell of his former self renamed Jetfire.
Cloud and the Autobots don’t know who Jetfire truly is.
Jetfire believes that Optimus Prime is just as terrible as Sentinel Prime once was.
Jetfire kills Cliffjumper on Earth and Cloud takes the loss almost as hard as Arcee.
Jetfire secretly promised himself that he would destroy all the Autobots to avenge his dearest Starscream.
If only Jetfire knew the whole truth...
Also, Predaking was created to be Jetfire’s predacon servant.
Similar to Ratchet, Cloud believes that it’s a terrible idea to keep Jack, Raf and Miko at their Secret Base cause they’re still basically sparklings and he also believes that Fowler as well as the human goverment is just as capable of protecting the children.
However, Cloud warmed up to the children.
Cloud is impressed by Jack’s potential leadership skills and common sense. (Cause Cloud believes that most humans lack common sense.)
Cloud likes both Raf’s intelligence and humbleness.
Cloud and Miko didn’t get along at first, cause Cloud is the one that scolds Miko for her recklessly going into dangerous situations, but after Miko learns to be more careful and responsible, they become friends.
Unlike most of the other Autobots, Cloud actually likes Fowler even when he’s sometimes being a jerk, cause the agent’s loyalty to humanity is admirable.
Cloud and June both bond over constantly worrying over their loved ones.
Cloud Walker is quite content with his new life, however deep down he wishes to tell everyone the truth, but he’s also scared that it will ruin everything...
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desdemonafictional · 4 years
There's several mechs who end up being responsible (tm) but Rung is the biggest
Deadlock’s kids end up being joint ratchet-optimus family kids. Ratchet is a responsible parental figure although not a Fun Dad. Optimus didn’t sign up because he has a whole complex about being the Prime, and yet by the end of it he has like 6 kids by proxy
Ratchet: grumpy dad Optimus: tired dad Deadlock: older brother who doesn't want you to pierce your own ears like he did
That’s his energy. He’s just telling these wild ass stories and ending them with “so don’t do that because it sucks”. Former addict energy, it’s real 
Hot Rod is still SUPER fucked up from his various loss traumas and nearly has a nervous break down the first time a vulnerable fresh baby person looks up at him and asks him for help fixing a busted tire
Hot Rod: but what if she DIES 
Jazz: she's not going to die, kid, it's just a tire 
Prowl: everyone dies eventually. However- 
Hot Rod, wailing: aaaahhhh I knewwww iiiiit 
Jazz: babe you're really not helping
Ah yes we must not forget Jazz: good with kids 
People who are good with kids Jazz, Rung, Soundwave. None of these people signed up to be first wave mentors. anyway, Hot Rod is an overprotective mess of a young parent and definitely ends up having the exact energy of an anime brother raising his orphaned younger sibling
Us, last year: what is the point of kid fic really Us, now: the point of kid fic is eight thousand kids and 3 competent parents
Aw man you know what let krok be dad
He’s dad material!!!
Misfire got on the mentor list somehow and that lasted like 2 hours. Did anyone competent sign up? No They all thought 'hmm I parent enough ppl already'. The fools
Misfire was like Aw yeah I mentored Fulcrum into the crew all by myself—scavengers are still a thing, I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense, I need them to be a thing—
I KNOW it doesn’t make sense I KNOW 
Fulcrum I guess wouldn’t be a bomb yet in this timeline. Since that happened after they moved off world and we are ending the war while it’s still in the planetary stage
Misfire: I took care of fulcrum and grimlock!! 
Krok: I'm not sure if that's how I'd put it
Listen this is our timeline we make the rules. But yeah there's no way Megatron approved suicide bombers and is still playing happy families with Rung
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ fulcrum isn’t a bomb he’s just the last person left on a battle field for more normal battle field reasons. They all end up stranded out behind autobot lines in the acid wastes or something and have to band together, they’re still holding out there after the war is officially ended because they haven’t gotten word yet, their coms are all on lock for stealth
Ooooh they end up accidentally bursting in on peace negotiations all commando style except they were actually trying to escape and now Starscream is shrieking at them that they're going to ruin everything
Me, looking at this concept that will almost certainly never make it into fic: wow the people are gonna LOVE this
Sksksks It's a perfect scene but like. What fic would it go with I'm so tempted to just dump this concept on ppl like here. This is yours now
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whirls-holoform · 5 years
Can I request fluffy paternal shenanigans with roddy, magnus, ratchet, and cyclonus when with their kiddies or just with kids in general? It’s up to you!!
Oh boy we got some babies on board.
Not really used to doing the whole ‘responsible for someone other than himself’ thing
He’s really attentive i’ll give him that.
Simultaneously obsessed with child safety and completely ignores it at the same time.
“If I throw him in the air so he can learn to transform this should work right? He’s got a helmet.”
Has absolutely no godawful idea how children work
Never lets the baby out of his sight, like ever.
The kid has more energy than he does and it drains him honestly.
He forbids anyone else from sleeping with his child. He’s the only one allowed. My baby. Mine. Piss off get your own.
Magnus is...frustrated
How does one give rules to a baby
How does one discipline a child without them crying
The crying is new
He’s a little bit too strict, but he calmly and politely describes to his kid what they did wrong and how they can not do it again when they mess up.
He’s....actually very good at this.
He, unfortunately, has the kid on a schedule and tries to follow it to a T.
“You didn’t take your designated bathroom break at 18:00 hours.”
“I didn’t have to go then.”
“That’s no excuse.”
Surprisingly doting? He comes out as Minimus to play games with the little one. (Not irreducible Minimus. Not yet. He’s waiting for the right time.)
Ratchet has ample experience with children, mainly because he’s been a father figure to god knows how many mechs throughout his life.
Learned about Humans, knows health and safety protocols for sparklings, has the whole book on file.
He’s not one of those hypocondriac parents who assumes the worst whenever his kid gets sick, but he does Worry.
Tells bedtime stories about his party days in Iacon. About war stuff and Earth stuff. Drift also tells stories. They tell them together because they’re big dumb gay saps who will not stop talking about how they met.
The kid loves it.
Ratchet’s not CMO anymore so honestly? Domesticity? Only having to worry about one to two people at a time in his life? Sounds great when do I start.
He sings lullabies!! He can’t hold a note worth shit anymore but the baby falls asleep regardless.
It’s very hard for Cyclonus to look at this child and not see Tailgate 2.0
He can’t treat it like Tailgate, though, because Tailgate is a grown mech and has full autonomy.
This little tyke, however, just rolled itself into a wall and started crying.
It transformed halfway and started crying more, thinking it was stuck and broken, and it took Cyclonus a solid 10 minutes to calm them down and tell them no, this happens, be patient little one, you’ll be the best of us yet.
He also sings lullabies, but Cyclonus has a very gorgeous trained operatic range so the baby thinks its like, real performance music, and tries to sing along.
Cyclonus has Definitely Not Cried the first time this happened.
He gets to sleep with TWO Bundles of love and affection that he would die for?? At the same time?? Curled in his arms like he’s the Head Protector Of His Family?? Yes alright I can do this for the rest of my life. Whirl’s also there and horribly overprotective of his child, which is fine. Gun Dad, Sword Dad, and Strong Dad. Holy trinity of dads.
Totally teaches the baby to walk on his own feet. Tailgate records the whole damn thing.
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justjessame · 4 years
A Reluctant Hero Chapter 10
Dessert was less strained, strangely enough.  Dorothy had loosened up while JD and I were watching the single Stooge that came to my door perform unintentional physical comedy and I had to think that Kelsey had filled her in.  After our treat, Kelsey took her mom on a tour of the house, and then they came back to the living room to tell us that they were going to Kelsey’s space.
“Thank you for dinner, Ani,” Dorothy offered, shooting another look at JD as she did.  “I had a great time.”
I smiled, and told her it was my pleasure and I hoped she’d visit again.  It was a sincere invitation.  Once the stick up her ass was removed, and she realized that Kelsey and I were just friends and I wasn’t trying to usurp her position of mother, she could actually be an enjoyable company.  A few more goodbyes, Kelsey hugged her dad and told him that she’d see him soon, her eyes twinkling at me when she turned and then they were gone.
JD barely held back until we heard the door click shut behind them, and then he had me locked back in his arms, our mouths finding each other like magnets.  I was yanking his shirt off, wanting and needing to feel his bare skin, and he had tossed my own off in his own yearning to feel me.  His fingers were on the clasp of my bra when we heard it.  He groaned into my mouth, reluctant to pull away, but his phone rang again.  
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“Fuck,” he muttered, pulling it free from his pants’ pocket.  The fingers of his other hand were sliding along my skin, and as he answered it, mine were hooked in the waistband of his jeans.  When his eyes went closed I felt triumphant, but it was short lived.  I listened as he gave his code, the acceptance of another job, and then he was sighing and looking down at me.  “I swear to God-” he leaned forward and licked back into my mouth, tasting and tempting before pulling away again.  “One of these fucking days, I’m going to finally get to the main event with you, Ani, I promise.”  
I was breathless, and panting, but I knew he had to go.  Work calls, and we had to put a pin in it again.  Shit.  I felt like my entire body was on fire and vibrating with the need I felt for him.  I was starving and dying of thirst, and he was the only fucking thing that could quench it.
“Go,” my voice was low, but I knew he could see that I wasn’t angry or throwing him out.  “Before I-”  I pulled my fingers out of his waistband.  “Jump you and make you forget about your bounty.”  
Groaning at even the vague promise I gave, he pulled completely away.  “Where the hell is my shirt?”  We were looking around the living room, mine was on the chair that was fast becoming his, but his was nowhere in sight.  Then I heard the soft crackling of the fire and thought it couldn’t be possible, but tilting my head so I could see behind him, I closed my eyes and fought the building laughter.  There, in the flickering flames of a real fire (the architect had thought I was crazy to insist on a wood burning fireplace when I laid out my ideas for my house), was JD’s shirt turning to ash as I watched.
He turned too, and his laughter broke my resolve to stay serious.  “I know you want me to stay, Ani, but-”  Shaking his head he looked down and our eyes met.  “That’s a pretty fucking wild way to keep me.”  
“So burning all your clothes so you have to stay naked and trapped is a bad way to go?”  I asked, playing along.  “I’ll make a note of that.”  
He tugged on his jacket, kissing me again once I’d pulled on my own blouse.  “I’ll call you later.”  And then, another kiss and he was gone.  
I didn’t see him for another three days, but he called me daily.  While we didn’t always have phone sex, we did talk about our day and Kelsey.  He told me how his case was coming along, and how much he really wanted to lose himself in me for hours or days, whichever we could manage.  
Dad invited me to lunch on the third day.  He worked from home, his lab rivalling some of the best around the country, so lunch at the house I grew up in wasn’t rare.  It was simple food, but the conversation wasn’t.
“Tell me about Roger’s massive screw up.”  We’d barely sat down at the patio table just outside the sliding glass doors of the kitchen.  I sighed.
“You already know, Dad,” I shook my head and picked up my fork.  “I came home from shopping and there he was, humping a coed.”  
“On that beautiful table,” he shook his own head at the nerve of Roger to deface such craftsmanship.  “Did you send him the cleaning bill?”
I admitted I hadn’t.  Then I told him about Roger’s impromptu visit during my dinner party.  “You should have seen him fall over, I’ll have to send you the video.”  Yes, I had watched it over and over, sue me.  
Dad wasn’t laughing.  “Ah, the dinner party.”  Shit, I swore I was going to reboot to factory settings Pandi’s harddrive to get rid of whatever surveillance encryption he’d managed to infect her with.  “Tell me about Kelsey’s family.”
Damn it.  I told him about Dorothy and making peace, and I tried to brush past JD with the bare minimal information.  “Kelsey wants me to be there when she gives birth and she didn’t want it to be awkward.”  I shrugged, nothing to see here, no siree.
“JD Richter?”  I bit my lip and waited.  “Made a bit of a name for himself not too long ago, didn’t he?”  
“Did he?”  I was planning on playing dumb.  Why give my overprotective father more ammo to hang JD with?
He nodded and took a bite of his food.  Carefully chewing and then swallowing, I could tell he wanted me to see him thinking it over.  He and I were old hats at this game.  “Terrorism, I think they accused him of, not that it was true.”  OK, I thought, so he wasn’t completely against JD.  “I thought he was seeing the hybrid woman, what was her name?”  
I had been eating while he performed his part in our play.  Swallowing the bite I’d taken and washing it down with a drink from my glass, I shook my head.  “No clue, you know I don’t pay attention to the news.”  Which was true, what wasn’t true was my feigned ignorance about this particular piece of news.  
Dad was studying me, looking for a chink in my armor.  “Molly Woods, an astronaut.  Tried to warn us about spores from space and we came to find out that she’d given birth to one of these alien beings.  Half human, half alien.”  Right, the hybrids, which she’d become because of the close contact she’d had.  “She has a child, one of the Humanichs, the original one, I think.”  
This was part and parcel what Kelsey had told me, but he had no idea of it.  “And?”  
“I suppose their situation didn’t work out?”  He’d managed, even with our back and forth to eat most of his lunch, I was still plodding through mine.  
“I guess not,” replying while stabbing at my next bite.  “I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Pandi told you that we’re-”
“Having a rebound fling?”  He supplied, and I rolled my eyes.  “Isn’t that a little close to home, Anilea?  I mean his daughter is living in your home.”
“Dad,” the tone I was using was a warning.  One I’d used plenty of times with my father.  The ‘I’m an adult and I can make my own choices and mistakes, back off’ voice.  
He reached across the table and took my free hand in his.  “Roger was an idiot and he wasn’t good enough for you.  You and I both know that whatever you saw in him and try as I might I can’t honestly say I figured it out, it wasn’t going to last.”  He was right, I’d known it all along, it’s why it was so easy to toss his ass out.  “This Richter man, however, seems like the sticking type, and I think-”
“Dad,” another warning, but he didn’t heed it.
“That you’re going to fall hard and fast for him and I want you to be perfectly fucking sure that he’s worth it.”  He patted my hand and pulled away.  “You don’t see what the rest of the world sees when they look at you, Ani.”  I raised an eyebrow at that.  “You’re smart, wealthy, and pretty.  There are plenty of men who want to take advantage of at least one of those things, make sure Richter just wants you for you.”
The rest of lunch wasn’t as trying.  We talked about his research.  We discussed my newest book.  And then, as I hugged him goodbye, I promised him that I wouldn’t rush headlong into anything with anyone.  
“And I’m rebooting the AI, Dad, no more spying, understand?”  He chucked me on my chin and smiled.  “I mean it.”  
I was throwing together dinner when my newly cleared Pandi informed me that JD was outside.  I was smiling when he found me in the kitchen.  
“Do you have some kind of device planted in my house that tells you when I’m fixing dinner?”  He was pressed against my back while I stirred the boiling pot on the stove.  “Hungry?”
His lips found my neck and my eyes fluttered closed.  Feeling his tongue flick against the top of my spine I was surprised my knees didn’t buckle.  “Very,” he growled.  And then I turned and his mouth found mine and I forgot about dinner for a few very hot beats.  
We were gasping when we came up for air, and then I was reaching behind me to turn off the burners.  He had me on top of the island before I could consider moving, and then my shirt was on the floor, his jacket met the same fate, then his shirt, my bra, and his hands were on the button of my pants when his phone rang again.  
“Damn it,” he muttered, his voice muffled against my chest where he’d been snacking.  Answering it, while our eyes were locked on one another’s, his so dark that I felt my need for him ratchet up tenfold, I waited for the inevitable.  His acceptance of a job, the redressing, the lingering kiss that promised more, but it didn’t come.  “Yes, I’m here, Kelsey.  Of course you can come talk to me.”  Ah, he wasn’t leaving, but we wouldn’t be finishing either.  Not now.  “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that Ani has enough dinner cooking for three.”  His eyes were still locked on me, but I could see he was at war with himself.  His only child’s need to speak to him, and me half naked vying for attention.  
I leaned closer and ran my nose along his jaw, nipping lightly before finding his earlobe.  “It’s fine, JD, we’ve waited this long.”  Taking his earlobe between my teeth I gave a little tug and felt his hand tighten its grip on my thigh.  
I heard him swallow.  And then he told Kelsey he’d see her in a few minutes.  He tossed his phone beside me and then cupped my face in both hands and kissed the breath out of me.  “Later, I mean it.”  
We were dressed when she met us in the kitchen, I was back at the stove, stirring and making sure dinner wasn’t ruined.  I listened as Kelsey and her dad talked.  The topic wasn’t my business, so I kept out of it.  Once dinner was ready, I served the three of us, sitting at the island instead of the table.
“I interrupted, didn’t I?”  Kelsey broke the silence of our meal.  We both looked away from where we’d been staring at one another and saw that she’d noticed our attention.  “Shit, Dad, why didn’t you say that you were ‘occupied’?”  I snorted at the reminder of our shared phone call in the diner.  
“Because,” I offered, my eyes back on JD.  “It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve been interrupted.”  
He grinned, thinking of every time we’d been close, or that one of us was planning on getting close.  “Seems to be a pattern with us, doesn’t it?”
“Then tell Pandi to make it all go silent and shut down the fucking phone, you two.”  She rolled her eyes and picked up her plate.  “I’m taking dinner to my place, that way the two of you can get your heads out of your-”  She walked away, and I had to laugh at her indignation that her dad and best friend hadn’t gotten around to the main event yet.  “Pandi?”  I heard her call and the AI answer and she gave the order I hadn’t thought to give.
I shook my head while JD was chuckling at his kid’s insistence that we get laid.  But then he shocked the hell out of me by picking up his phone and turning it off.  “Kid’s got a point,” he answered, working on his plate of food once the phone and AI was put in their places.  
It didn’t take long, eating that is, and then, after putting the leftovers away, loading the dishwasher, and wiping up what little mess we’d created, JD took me back into his arms and promised that this time, we weren’t going to stop until we finished. 
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My Transformers Prime Opinions: Halfway Through Season One (Episodes 6-13)
Find my opinions of the first five episodes here!
First off, I’ve started rewatching episodes in Spanish. Second off, OMFG RATCHET AND KNOCKOUT SOUND SO SEXY IN THE SPANISH DUB I CAN’T FUCKING HANDLE IT!!!
Ratchet being a total control freak over Jack, Raf, and Miko’s projects reminded me of a couple of times where I asked my parents for help on a project and they ended up taking it over for me. Ratchet is a smothering overprotective Mom, and that further cements in my mind that he and Optimus are married.
I honestly didn’t care about Skyquake all to much. I mean, I thought it was cool how he didn’t put up with Starscream’s bullshit, but still, he wasn’t all that interesting to me. Also he has a giant machine gun, so that’s cool!
Not only is Bumblebee a total bean, but he’s also a badass! I would not want to get on his bad side!
Soundwave using Laserbeak to watch Starscream after he pulled out Megatron’s dark energon shard felt like watching a child walk in on one of their parents trying to kill the other in their sleep.
Scraplets are 100% space piranhas.
I honestly love how Bulkhead screams like a little girl
I like how Raf went from “Aw, this thing is cute!” to “KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!” in like five seconds flat.
Optimus comforting Arcee while they were dying of the cold was really sweet and it kind of reminded me of when I was about 6 or seven years old, and I was afraid of death, and my parents calmed me down and explained it to me in a way that made it less scary.
Miko freaking out over a spider at the end of the episode was a fucking mood
Wheeljack is a chaotic good treasure, and I love him.
I honestly wanted to see what Makeshift actually looked like, but we got a voice reveal, so it’s better than nothing!
I like how Bulkhead and Wheeljack’s friendship was so strong he could tell something was off, despite Makeshift being a talented actor.
I like how the thing was called the “Dingus”, like whoever named it must’ve been either high or fucking around
Silas has a very punchable face...
Ratchet is such a mom
Optimus went 100% dad mode when he found out that Jack and Miko were in trouble and I honestly love that
I like how Miko just immediately accepted that she was gonna die and her only concern was making sure she could leave something behind for Bulkhead
Bulkhead is Miko’s brother. You can’t change my mind.
As artist, I was internally screaming when Breakdown yeeted Bulkhead and broke mural in the ruins.
I’m suspending Optimus’s dad card for the time being due to the fact that he had the kids break into a museum. I’ll give it back later, if he earns it.
Knockout basically strolled up to Optimus  and was like, “You’re sexy, but guess who’s sexier? MAH BOYFRIEND!!!” and that literally the best thing ever.
Knockout and Breakdown? Gay. They’re dating. You can’t change my mind.
Fowler using his government status to get Miko out of trouble was a fucking powermove.
Knockout if histrionic AF
I’m honestly pissed that Vince had the gall to call Arcee ugly, but then again, I doubt he’s ever seen her in robot mode, If ya know what I mean~
Optimus’s dad card is still suspended, but I am considering giving it back after he got his kids out of trouble again.
Arachnid’s voice is sexy as hell, but that doesn’t change the fact that I hate her guts for what she did to Arcee and Tailgate
Poor Arcee, she’s lost two of her boyfriends to the cons! She’s got a worse love life than mine!
Jack is definitely smarter than he lets on, considering that he was able to trick Arachnid, even if it was only for a short while.
I thought it was really cool how Arcee was able to face her trauma to save Jack. It must have been really difficult for her, especially considering the fact that she lost Cliffjumper so recently. She has her flaws, but she’s really strong. I can’t wait to see how much she grows during the rest of the series!
“Cybonic Plague” sounds like a made up human joke name to a serious disease, and if you told me that cybertronians could die from it before I watched episode 13, I would laugh in your face.
I’m pretty sure Megatron has a murder fetish, specifically a murdering Optimus fetish. 
Is it just me or is it creepy as hell that Megatron had to gaze into Bumblebee’s eyes to realize that the was in a coma?
I like how Bee used Megatron’s Optimus Murdering fetish against him
Whelp, Bumblebee’s possessed now. I wonder how that’ll turn out...
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half-mer-child · 6 years
Ok, exactly how many and who are In love with the reader and why did they start to love her?
Okay that’s a lot just because it’s fun. XD Honestly everyone loves the reader it’s just different types of love.
See her as a pup
Cyclonus and Tailgate are that cute grandma and grandpa in the family. Okay Tailgates the cute one Cyclonus is that grandpa that was in the Vietnam War is old as dirt and will kill you if you hurt this child. They are the one happiness other than Tailgate he has. Let him have this. This child can make him laugh and smile and Tailgate gets so excited. Let him finally be happy. Please. Tailgate just loves everyone and your so nice and don’t treat him like a child and he just loves you so much.
When you were about ten you met both of them. Cyclonuses tail was stuck and Tailgate wanted you to go away thinking more landers would see them. So he starts panicking chirping at you to leave. Cyclonus is hissing at you but you go under water get a rock to level the old boat up pried the metal off of Cyclonuses tail and he begrudgingly let you lead them to some secluded rocks where you examined his tail and fixed it. Ever since then you’ve had a protective adopted grandpa that watches you on the shore making sure you’re safe who’s always ready to pull you away from any sighs of danger and a fun grandma who visits you to get cuddles and love on his favorite human.
Chromedome and Rewind will always see you as a cute pup even if your an adult. They met you after being attacked and you saved Rewinds life making Chromedome forever grateful and now they forever wanna protect you. You tell them really they don’t need to but it’s to late. They’ve imprinted on you and love you so much.
Ultra Magnus. He’s one of the uncles of the family and sees her like he sees Verity. He likes to sun bathe with you. Laying back on the water he keeps you on his stomach and lazily flicks his tail propelling you around. If he sees dirt on you any at all if you’re not working he pulls you into his tank keeping you in his lap as he grooms you’re hair.
You meet him when you were maybe six and a half just brought in by Ratchet and you got lost. You’d been playing giggling and running through the​ water now you can’t find home or Ratchet and you start crying. Magnus was patrolling and surfacing he heard your cries. He swam closer and in a soft voice asked you to calm down. When you looked up eyes wide with tears his heart breaks. He calms you down, you describe you’re house to him and he leads you home where a frantic Ratchet is searching. Magnus tells Ratchet to be more careful and disappears under the waves but now whenever you go swimming you see him somewhere nearby making sure you don’t get lost again. You’ve called him Mags or Maggie since you were a lil girl.
Optimus sees you as a pup. Honestly whenever you smile or laugh it just brings him back to the golden age when pups were everywhere and he loves that you bring that euphoric feeling back now that the war is over. Maybe there’s hope for this new age.
He met you through Ratchet since when Ratchet was younger he helped his pod and they have an old lasting relationship. Meeting you after you’re adopted from his friend Optimus falls in love with you! You’re so cute! You’re like a lil pup! Ratchet always finds it endearing when his old friend grooms you fussing over you’re health and such. His visits are far and few in-between with the pod and such but he makes it up with stories and gifts whenever he visits. Making sure to stick around a couple days before leaving with a promise to return when he can.
See you as a friend
Drift sees you as one of his best friends! He used to have a crush on you when he was littler but as time went on he developed feelings for your dad. Seeing that he really liked you’re father you try setting them up thinking they’d actually make a good couple, Drift couldn’t be more indebted to you for that because in mer culture it’s very important for the pup to love their carriers/creators potential suitor as much as the person their suiting. He becomes you’re very overprotective friend making sure you’re never in danger. He loves you! He doesn’t quit see you as his pup but he does see you as someone who needs to be loved and payed attention to much like a pup.
See her as part of the Pod Whirl loves you sure. But being a part of the pod? That’s so much better! Your apart of the family. Sure these suckers aren’t as good as the wrecker pod but there cool. You met him while scuba diving and he tried taking your shells as a prank. Chasing after him you agree to give him half if he helps you search for more. He watches you from afar after that but when he hears of F.F.M he wants to see more of you and cause a little chaos!
See her as a mate
Getaway wanted reader out of spite at first but now sees her as his mate and holds their friendship closely her being one of the only people that seems to love him for who he is. He likes how soft she is and hows she’s a halfer to! There so alike!!!
He met her at the facility and has just stuck close to her ever since. He wants to protect and love her before.
Rodimus met you when you were kids and you both were fast friends. He’s seen you as a partner since you were a kid and will always think of you in that mindset as well as friend. He’s gonna have you. Getaway can screw off.
A love/hate relationship
All of the Quintessa’s gang. She’s a scary one when she wants to be. Trained in hand to hand combat and having strength that rivals most she is someone not to take lightly. Of course everyone ignores the fact that she cut her ties from that life and doesn’t get involved with them unless she absolutely has to.
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