#Rated! G
honeehazard · 2 years
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i feel so incredibly normal about deep cut i totally didn't draw them resting the day after splatfest because i think they deserve it certainly not because i feel so normal about them
(click for quality!! tumblr killed it XP)
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frameacloud · 6 months
"DNI-Related Controlling Behaviors: The use of a DNI to try to enforce control over anyone who so much as ‘likes’ a post of theirs to an unhealthy degree, often backed up with social shaming, harassment, and callouts. The DNI may also be used as a social ‘trap’ to create an acceptable target for abuse. NOTE: While reasonable boundaries are good and DNIs are not by themselves red flags, this goes beyond reasonable boundaries and into unreasonable controlling behaviors. The use of ‘DNI’ in this criterion refers to all ‘boundary rule’-esque pages such as BYFs and other such things, not just DNIs.
"Vagueing, harassing, making callouts, or otherwise attacking people who are using the website as intended (i.e.- interacting with posts on their feed in any fashion without stalking the op) and likely did not see the DNI. Especially if the DNI is hidden or nonspecific and vague (ex- ‘no freaks’ or ‘standard DNI’), making them even easier to violate by accident.
"Frequently interacts aggressively with people who are clearly on their DNIs and then calls them boundary violators for responding to the harassment."
- Excerpt from "Safety in Alterhuman Spaces," a document by the Dragonheart Collective. Emphasis in the original. You can read the whole document here (PDF).
A note on language in the above quote: DNI (Do Not Interact) and BYF (Before You Follow) mean a type of post that many people put on their social media accounts to tell others about their boundaries.
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merlincinema · 3 months
Artist/s: dollopbrain (@myoonmii) Title: Merlin Stardust AU  Rating: General  Pairing: Merlin/Arthur  Character/s: Merlin , Arthur  Media: Merlin(BBC) , Stardust (2007) Warnings: None  Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53963371 Artist’s Notes: I really enjoyed creating this piece as a part of the cinema fest, specially because it gave me the chance to get this Merthur AU out of my head!
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
It's weird what sticks with you. There was some animated movie my grandma had on VHS when I was a little kid, with a boy whose family was living in a jungle somewhere--my siblings and I all remember this movie, but none of us recall the plot or more than a couple details, despite all of us having seen it many times when we were kids. My brother thinks the protagonist lived is a very midcentury-futuristic style house; my recolleciton was something more like a camper or some kind of off road jeep. At some point he winds up underground, in some kind of...crystal temple? With carved faces, like tiki masks or totem poles but I don't recall what they actually were. And he had some kind of very trippy underground journey for some reason.
Anyway. The movie had a very 1980s synth soundtrack, and to this day certain sequences of synth music bring back that memory so strongly, depsite the lack of detail I have on it.
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wormdebut · 5 months
@steddiemicrofic | PROMPT: hole | WORD COUNT: 404 | Rated: T | CW: Sad Boy Steve, Hurt/Comfort
It’s like a fucking hole in his chest, a weight that he can’t ever carry.
He’ll never be enough. He’ll never be smart enough for college, worthy enough for a scholarship, romantic enough for Nancy, good enough for his dad.
‘You’re going nowhere, Steven. You’ll amount to nothing.’
It was playing on a loop in his head.
Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit.
Sure, he helped save the damn world a few times, but you can’t put that on a college transcript.
Steve's eyes flick to the door. Someone’s knocking—he should probably get that. He should, but he won’t. Robin is out of town and Dustin can come back later.
He pulls the blanket over his head, turns into the couch—needs to turn off the noise.
The knocking stops, but to Steve’s dismay he hears the lock on the door clinking open.
He knew giving Dustin a key was a stupid fucking idea.
“Dustin. Go. Away.” Steve huffs from his blanket cocoon.
“Not Dustin.”
Steve flops over to face him, the top of his head barely popping out from under his blanket nest. “What are you doing here, Munson?”
Steve watches as Eddie clutches at his jacket, directly over his heart. “Reverting back to last names, Harrington? You wound me.”
If Steve cracks a smile, that’s between him and the blanket he’s hiding under. He rolls his eyes before pulling the damn thing away from his face.
“What are you even doing here, Eddie?”
He watches as Eddie’s gaze flicks to his shoes and then back up to meet Steve’s. “Dustin said your parents came back yesterday—I checked for another car before I stopped by and only saw the bimmer. I just—“ Eddie’s eyes flick up to the ceiling, as he runs a hand through his hair, “—thought you could use a friend.”
Well that’s—that’s not what Steve was expecting. He can’t hide the soft smile that creeps across his face this time.
They end up watching…something. Steve’s not entirely sure what it is. He’s too busy listening to Eddie go on and on about dungeons and dragons.
His ramblings only calm when Steve plops his head down on Eddie’s shoulder. He pauses, before wrapping his arm around Steve’s waist, pulling him closer.
“I’m sorry things are heavy right now.” Eddie says.
Steve hums. The hole in his chest shrinks just a little.
“It’s alright. I think things might be looking up.”
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 months
the sweater deserved better
for @steddiemicrofic prompt 'hole' rated g (i cannot believe) | wc: 404 no cw | tags: established relationship, kinda crack treated seriously, fluff
"Okay, I've got a question." Steve was holding his favorite sweater. "Actually, let me go ahead and change my question from how is there a hole in this sweater to why is the hole in this sweater right where my nipple would be?"
Eddie was biting his thumbnail and avoiding eye contact, a classic sign that he was responsible for this.
His favorite sweater. The one that made his eyes pop and made him feel so confident.
"It's a simple answer," Eddie mumbled, not removing his thumb from his lips.
Steve waited. And waited.
"Go on," Steve gestured for him to continue.
"Well, I was wearing it the other day, you know how I like to wear your sweaters sometimes because I love you so much-" Eddie paused to smile at Steve's suspicious look. "It's true! I put it on and there was a loose thread, but I was busy doing something and didn't wanna get the scissors, so I just tugged on it a little. That made it worse. And then I panicked and tried to pull it harder and that was not the best thing to do at all, but it was too late."
Steve looked back down at his sweater and frowned. What Eddie was explaining would make sense for a small hole, one that could easily be patched up, but this? This was large enough to fit his hand through.
"So you just kept pulling the string until half the sweater came unraveled?"
Eddie nodded seriously.
Steve shook his head. "I don't buy it. You know how to sew. You know pulling that string would destroy the sweater. Are you covering for someone?"
Eddie immediately started shaking his head, which meant he definitely was covering for someone.
Steve threw his hands up. "Who? And what did they even offer you to cover for them? The kids have no mon- oh my god."
Eddie's eyes widened.
"You let Dustin wear it."
"I did not let him! He just took it without asking and when I saw him in it, there was a struggle to get him out of it and then-" Eddie gestured at the hole. "I can fix it!"
"You can fix it."
"I can try."
"And if you can't?"
"I've fixed holes in denim, I can fix this, Stevie. Have some faith."
Steve rolled his eyes. "I want to wear it this weekend."
"I can fix it."
"Hope so."
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jeonwonwoo · 4 months
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BTS Behind KBS Song Festival 2019 (191227)
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lightsonparkave · 1 month
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Before the Fall
It’s so hard to remember, after years of anger and broken trust, how true their love was, how deep their connection. But it’s just as hard to forget.
A manipulation of a panel from Captain America v3 #41, May 2001. Inspired by two prompts for “Betrayal:” Avengers v5 #29, July 2014, and Caravaggio’s The Taking of Christ.
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veryluckyclovers · 6 months
I work at a women’s rehab facility and I always print up your zines so they can color them and they love your art <333
thank you so incredibly much. this message genuinely made me emotional and i am so thankful you're using my zines for them to color! please feel free to use any of them. i do plan to continuously put more out! i wish you all the best and all of the women a gentle recovery
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honeehazard · 2 years
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completely ruined my sleep schedule to draw em but i know i wouldn't have forgiven myself in the morning if i didnt
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frameacloud · 4 months
Some basics about alterhumans, otherkin, and therianthropes
Alterhuman is not another word for nonhuman. It’s not another word for otherkin, either. Alterhuman is an umbrella term for therianthropes, otherkin, nonhumans, and more. It can also be for some who do identify as human, just in some unusual ways. The word alterhuman is short for alternatively human. It was coined by Lio of the Crossroads System in 2014. Its purpose was so all of these kinds could unite under a word, without erasing what makes each one distinct.
The otherkin and therianthrope communities started without any relation to each other. The word otherkin was coined in the year 1990 in the Elfkind Digest mailing list. Its participants were elves, dragons, dwarves, wolves, and more. That’s where the otherkin community started.
Elsewhere, the therianthrope community started in 1993, in an internet group for fans of werewolf stories, alt.horror.werewolves. The participants started talking about how they related to those stories. Therianthropes are often kinds of animals that live on Earth, but not all of them are.
Later, in the late 1990s and 2000s, the communities of otherkin and therianthropes started to mingle because of what they have in common with each other. The two still exist side by side, with their own distinct qualities, and so do many other sorts of alterhumans.
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eyesofshinigami · 4 months
Alley Oop
Rating: G
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, supportive Wayne, sports talk, Eddie loves Steve
Prompt: For @sparklyslug "Love is secretly studying up on the nerd shit he's into" (I took it in a slightly different direction, but it was fun!)
WC: 709
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 11
Eddie thought he would get away with it. That no one would know. It could just be his little secret and then he could pull it out and impress Steve and show him that he does listen when he talks.
“What are you doing, boy?” 
Eddie nearly pops out of his skin, throwing the magazine over his shoulder and nearly braining Wayne with it. “What?! Nothing! I’m doing nothing!” he cries out, turning around and trying to act casual.
Wayne raises an eyebrow. “Then why are you acting like I just caught you with your hand in the cookie jar?” He folds his arms and pins Eddie with a look. “You know, I already told you I’m okay with you and Steve and what you get up to, as long as you-”
“Oh my god, no, Wayne. It’s nothing like that,” Eddie groans, letting his head thunk against the table. His uncle thinking he was looking at porn in the middle of their kitchen is almost worse than what he was looking at. “I’mreadingaboutsports,” he grits out quickly.
“What was that now?”
Eddie sighs. “I said… I’m reading about sports. Picked up some magazines from Melvald’s.”
Wayne looks at him like he’s lost his mind. “I don’t think I’m following, son.” 
“I’m trying to learn more about sports. You know. For Steve.” Eddie talked a lot of shit about sports in high school, knows deep down it’s not really his thing, but he can’t deny how much he loves how Steve gets when he gets to share his passion for them. For all that Steve talks about how dumb he is, the guy has a brain like a steel trap when it comes to statistics, plays, maneuvers, and players. He can recall how his favorite sports team fared ten years ago, he can calculate a batting average off the top of his head, and he can predict a play that a coach is going to call before the coach does. It’s frankly pretty impressive. How could Eddie not want to indulge that? “He’s been playing in my new campaign and having a lot of fun, so… I thought I would do the same for him?”
Wayne’s lips quirk up in a smile. “You asking me or telling me?” Eddie lets out a noise like a deflating balloon, which makes Wayne laugh. “I’m only picking at ya, boy. But I think that’s sweet. And I know he’ll appreciate it. You ought to see the way that he looks at ya when we’re all watching the game together.” 
That makes Eddie feel a little gooey inside. It makes him happy to know that other people see how happy they make each other. “Yeah. I want to like… understand what he’s talking about. It’s a lot more complicated than getting a ball in a laundry basket.” He chuckles, remembering the rant he sent Steve on when he said that. He’d been teasing, but when he thought back, he might have felt the same if Steve made a comment like that about one of his monsters or a plot he’d come up with. 
See? He’s growing as a person!
“Even if you don’t like it, it’ll mean something to him that you’re trying.” Wayne reaches out and ruffles Eddie’s hair, the same way he’s done since Eddie was a kid. “Y’all are good for each other. I was skeptical about that boy when you first brought him ‘round, but I see it now. You keep taking care of each other like this and it’ll work out just fine.” Wayne bends down and picks up the magazine from the floor and hands it back to Eddie. “Better get to studying. The Pacers game is next weekend and I bet Steve would appreciate a trip down to Indianapolis…”
With a wink, Wayne leaves him be. 
The wheels in Eddie’s head are already turning, thinking about how he can rope Robin into helping him get tickets. Maybe they can make a weekend of it, rent a hotel room and go out to dinner and just be with each other for a while.
Yeah, that sounds excellent. Eddie will get right on that, right after he learns the difference between a bank shot and a free throw.
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otherkinnews · 2 months
One anti-furry bill died, the other two wait to be heard
(This blog post was originally posted on the Otherkin News blog on DreamWidth by Orion Scribner on March 24, 2024.)
Content warnings: Rated G. An urban legend that describes an unsanitary situation. Sexism against transgender people, including attempts to prevent them from going to school or using facilities, and outing children to their parents. A straw-man version of furries being used to try to discredit transgender people, in a way that could cause trouble for people who identify as nonhuman.
So far this year, Republicans have proposed three pieces of legislation that are opposed to furries or people who identify as nonhuman. That’s something they started doing last year, inspired by an urban legend about litter boxes in public schools, which they made up in parody of transgender students asking to use school restrooms. We’ve been ending up calling these “anti-furry bills” as we keep track of them in our Otherkin News blog. Furry isn’t the accurate word, but it is the word that Republicans use in the urban legend and usually in the bills too. Every once in a while, I’m checking on the status of the bills, and trying to see if there are any new ones. Here is the update for this week.
1. Oklahoma House Bill 3084 (OK HB 3084) “Schools; prohibiting certain students from participating in school curriculum or activities; effective date.”
Background: We wrote about this bill in detail in a previous Otherkin News post. The bill says that furry students should be taken out of school by animal control. Its only sponsor (writer) is Justin Humphrey (he/him). This seems linked with his opposition to LGBTQ people, as well as his efforts to legalize animal fighting. Later, Jim Olsen (he/him) took over as principal sponsor of the bill. He proposed changing it to have the same text as an unrelated bill of his, one requiring public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments.
Update: The bill’s current status hasn’t changed since our last update. It’s still at 25% progression toward becoming a law. Its text hasn’t changed from what it was originally, so it's still about furries.
2. Mississippi House Bill 176 (MS HB 176) “Gender dysphoria; require school personnel to notify parents of student who request to be referred to as different gender or nonhuman.”
Background: This was introduced at the same time as the first bill. As we previously wrote about it, the bill is mostly against transgender students in a way that could put them in real danger. It would require schools to out transgender students to parents, and to allow faculty to not accommodate any student who “identif[ies] at school as a gender or pronoun that does not align with the child's sex on their birth certificate, other official records, sex assigned at birth, or identifying as an animal species, extraterrestrial being or inanimate object.”
Update: This bill’s current status is dead! Hooray! It died in committee on March 3. When a bill dies, that means that it won’t progress toward becoming a law.
3. Missouri House Bill 2678 (MO HB 2678) “Prohibits students from engaging in ‘furry’ behavior while at school”
Background: We previously wrote about this bill. The bill says to pull students out of school for being furries or purporting to be animals. The bill’s only sponsor is Cheri Toalson Reisch (she/her). This appears to be connected with her opposition to transgender people as well as her efforts to undermine public schools in favor of charter schools.
Updates: This bill hasn’t changed or moved forward. It’s still the same as it was when it was introduced. A hearing hasn’t been scheduled for it, and it’s not on a House calendar.
About the writer: This blog post was written by Orion Scribner (they/them), who has been a community historian and archivist for more than ten years.
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touchlikethesun · 4 months
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haikyuu-bu!! is a bloody gift
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nicecurves · 11 months
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cmdrhn · 5 months
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Wedding Rings and Snow Tires (結婚ゆびわと冬用タイヤ) by ポッケにコペポーダ
Hange and Levi learn to do things together. [Modern AU]
Shingeki no Kyojin・Levi/Hange・24 pages・G
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