#Real People
antigonenikk · 9 days
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Helmet for my Pillow - Robert Leckie
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queerdisagreeable · 11 days
YAAAAY YIPPEEEE this got so long but have 1.2k of Sam yelling at a fandom teen <3
POV — something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
Mr Crowe’s eyes rove over the lake of fans with this unplaceable emotion in them. It’s almost like he’s not all here, seeing something other than a group of people desperate to hang off his every word. I raise my hand a little higher, waving my immaculately crafted, one-of-a-kind replica of the intricate Redshifter above my head in hopes that it’ll catch his attention. There’s a moment where it seems like he’s going to point to me, when instead he indicates yet another scruffy-haired guy in a graphic tee. It isn’t even official merch. But it’s fine. It’s alright. There’s still plenty of Q&A time left. I lower the flashing rifle back onto my lap and try to pay attention. They’re talking about something to do with his short story collection from a couple of years ago. It’s interesting, but hard to hear, what with the awful mic that keeps popping in and out, and the rushing of blood in my ears.
Mister Crowe. Thank you for your work. I have a question about what inspires you. Why do you write? I rehearse the question over and over, so much so that I nearly miss when the current speaker sits down and they call out for questions again. I stand up almost too fast, whacking my knee on the chair in front of me. The mum sitting there (clearly dragged here by her kid) glares at me venomously as I mouth an apology and grimace before looking back up towards Mr Crowe and the host. As I stare up, scared to blink, the question morphs in my mind. I can barely keep a hold on it for a second. Mister Crowe. Thanks for all you’ve done. I wanted to ask about your inspirations. Why do you write? Mister Crowe, your work saved my life, thank you. My question’s about why you write. What inspired you to start? Mister Crowe, sometimes it feels like your work was made to invite people in. It feels like you wrote it for me to make a home in. How? Why? Mister Crowe, do you feel as at home in the worlds you create as I do?
“You,” his weird accent draws the word into two syllables, “In the Redlight cosplay.” That could be anyone. I’ve seen, like, five Redlights today, “Nice Redshifter.” I’m the only one with the Redshifter, though. Given its complex design, most people opted for the sleeker (if canon inaccurate) Greenshifter. A shock runs down my spine as the mic is passed down the row. I’m sure I look like a deer in the headlights as it drops into my hands.
“Hi.” Oh, god, my voice is loud. What the fuck was my question? All I can think is that I’m talking to Carrion Crowe, and I’m making a fool of myself in front of Carrion Crowe, and Oh god is that what my voice sounds like?
“Hi.” He’s looking right at me. Well, no, he’s looking at the top of my head, but I think that’s about as close as he gets to looking someone in the eyes, “What’s your name?”
“S- Skye!” I blurt, trying to will my cheeks not to burst into flames, “I’m Skye. I- I, uh, named myself after your character. My, my question is… I wanted to ask, because… It just feels like… Sorry. I’ll start again.” His eyes flick to the clock on the wall of the shop, then back to me, then away to another cosplayer. I take a deep breath and force my anxiety down. Just for 20 seconds, then I can shake it all out. I can do that much, “The thing is, your stories feel really real. Even though, of course, they’re not. It’s just that they’re like another actual world. Somewhere where me and, I think, a lot of people have found a home. And I was just wondering… Why do you write like that? Or, maybe it’s better to ask how?“
That gets his attention. He stops fidgeting, stills entirely actually, and looks at me with an expression I can’t read. There’s a long silence, and I’m sure I’ve somehow put my foot in my mouth and I’ll have to excommunicate myself from the fandom before I’m cancelled for bringing a downer on the first Q&A that Mister Crowe’s done since he was a debut author. I’m already mentally drafting my grovelling apology post when he finally speaks.
“It’s funny you say it’s not real. It is. To me, at least.” His voice wavers in a way it hasn’t for the other questions he’s answered. Gone is the flat affect machine-gun essayist speaking about Ga’al reproduction, and in its place is a flighty, airy voice and focused eyes, “You and I live in, ah, different realities. Our experiences, the ways in which our realities are shaped, are different. And so are our perceptions. Even if you came into my head, saw through my eyes, we’d still be seeing different things. Take colours, for example. It is impossible for us to know, beyond reasonable doubt, that what you and I call ‘red’ is broadly the same.” He’s speeding up, now. He stabs a finger at the poster behind him, at that iconic tricolour streak that blasts from the engines of the Galaxyhopper, “Most of the time, that doesn’t really matter. Your red is my blue, but we both know what to call each colour to communicate what we mean, so to speak. But… Sometimes it slips. I’ll describe red as, god, I don’t know, the colour of joy. And you’ll say, what, no, that’s the colour of sadness! And that’s the gap we can’t cross. I can’t describe to you in any real way what my red looks like, not in a way that you’ll be able to map onto your red and see the differences.”
Someone next to me coughs, and I can hear murmuring from further back rows. The mum in front of me has looked up from her phone to stare at Mr Crowe. The mic is cold in my hands as he continues to ramble.
“It’s not a perfect metaphor, I’ll admit to that much. What I’m- What I’m trying to say is that these books are my world, my reality, my attempt to translate the untranslatable. To transmit it from my mind to everyone else’s, and you need to understand that I will never do it right, okay? It will never be what I see, and you all,” and he’s looking directly at me now, his eyes wide and wild and angry, “Will never truly understand. Does- Does that answer it? What was the fucking question again?”
All of a sudden, all of that energy leaves him, and he looks like a deflated balloon. It’s only when the person next to me gently nudges me that I realise I’m still holding the mic to my mouth. I manage to eke out a thank you before shoving the mic into someone else’s hands and picking my way out of the audience, towards the exit. My heart hammers in my chest, and my head is filled with fog. The words replay in my mind, the way he was so possessive in calling it his world, the venom in his words as he told me I’d never understand it, not really. Fuck. Never meet your fucking heroes.
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motionjames · 17 days
Everytime I hear about an Israeli soldier dying, it's because they were being fucking stupid. Most of the time it's because they are shooting themselves. I havent heard of any Israeli children being beheaded, burned alive, or shot. Everytime somebody talks of it, it's a lie...
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quotesnquestions · 23 days
Nature loves diversity, society hates it
Milton Diamond
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cleoleap · 26 days
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Listen closely, hear whispered dreams. Nurture self-kindness, it's essential. Keep faith, pursue dreams, succeed.
Find additional aesthetic pieces, here.
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Also am I the only person who thinks it's super fucking weird to write head canons/fanfics for ACTUAL FUCKING PEOPLE?!
Like those are real life people, not characters,so why are we treating them like characters?!
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is-this-a-twink · 1 month
Elvis Presley from Real Life
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sugarmasonmearii · 1 month
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[C] To my Mother
"To my amazingly wonderful mother who birthed me a quarter of a century ago, thank you for being the most perfect and supportive parent I could have ever asked for. And for that, my friend, Mearii and I have a little something special to give you. Happy Mother's Day, mom! (Brigit) I love you so much. 💕
~ Your son, Layne"
Real People Commissions, they're a rare task. But I enjoy doing these because of how special they will be. Hiccups during drawing aside, I'm glad to have finished this piece as fast as I could.
If you're interested in a commission from me, [do check here] for details. Or you can check my [Carrd art commissions.] Or you can DM me too.
You can support me via [Ko-fi] and/or [Patreon] too! Subbing to certain tiers will grant commission discounts!
Client: VaporeonLayne
Based on IRL people.
Art by me
This is a paid commission and the only the artist and client have the rights to repost this art. Do not trace, copy, use, steal or distribute!
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I’ve come to the enlightening realization that Sally Face is Johnnie and Larry is Jake. I will not be elaborating, but please please feel free to add upon this yourselves as I will carnally gobble up every bit of information or headcannon concerning either party
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natanimal · 1 month
I am a real person
I keep getting blocked because I don't post, so people think I'm a bot. Don't worry everyone, I am a real person! Please stop blocking me, I can't read some of my favorite fanfictions anymore
~ Naila
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queerdisagreeable · 12 days
Writing ask game: Next
thank u so much i am so sorry for the sentence you are getting
NEXT — the next line. meaning i will finish the sentence I’m on and write a new one, which you’ll get.
He turns shakily, but with practised ease, to a weather-worn planter, leans over it, and vomits onto a dead bush.
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moco-monkey · 1 month
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Help Nada and Iyass family. Donate reblog or repost if you can
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hyzenthlayroseart · 1 month
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The Rat Pack but they're actual rats
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virtualassitantusa · 2 months
Established in 2019, eAssistant is a new business venture rapidly signing international clients and growing it’s virtual assistant services. We are an exceptional IT-driven organization with customers and colleagues in the United States of America, Canada, and Costa Rica. Our group of experienced, qualified marketing experts empowers businesses to focus on their most vital tasks. Our team is well-equipped to virtually manage any database, social media account, or website.
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r4v3n7h1r733n · 2 months
Welcome to my page! Here's a little info about me:
I'm a married, hetero father of two
41 y/o
I have many interests, but here are a few:
Gardening (especially the ancient art of bonsai)
Working out
Smoking out
Street racing
Minecraft (creative)
Esoteric knowledge
Exoteric knowledge
A seemingly endless love for music, not to mention art in general
Occasional dark humor
A seemingly endless love for the female form
Some content will be mine, but of course, there's shared and reblogged content as well, so if I post something that belongs to you and you want it removed, I will be happy to do so. I'm not interested in buying content or meet-ups, so don't bother me with that. Scammers get BLOCKED with the quickness. Enjoy
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oneleggedfatchef · 3 months
Housing search
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