#Real estate promotion ideas
brandingbazarindore · 11 months
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Social Security is class war, not intergenerational conflict
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Today, Tor.com published my latest short story, "The Canadian Miracle," set in the world of my forthcoming (Nov 14) novel, The Lost Cause. I am serializing this one on my podcast! Here's part one.
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The very instant the Social Security Act was passed in 1935, American conservatives (in both parties) began lobbying to destroy it. After all, a reserve army of forelock-tugging plebs and family retainers won't voluntarily assemble themselves – they need to be goaded into it by the threat of slowly starving to death in their dotage.
They're at it again (again). The oligarch-thinktank industrial complex has unleashed a torrent of scare stories about Social Security's imminent insolvency, rehearsing the same shopworn doom predictions that they've been repeating since the Nixonite billionaire cabinet member Peter G Peterson created a "foundation" to peddle his disinformation in 2008:
Peterson's go-to tactic is convincing young people that all the Social Security money they're paying into the system will be gobbled up by already-wealthy old people, leaving nothing behind for them. Conservatives have been peddling this ditty since the 1930s, and they're still at it – in the pages of the New York Times, no less:
The Times has become a veritable mouthpiece for this nonsense, publishing misleading and nonsensical charts and data to support the idea that millennials are losing a generational war to boomers, who will leave the cupboard bare:
As Robert Kuttner writes for The American Prospect, this latest rhetorical assault on Social Security is timed to coincide with the ascension of the GOP House's new Speaker, Mike Johnson, who makes no secret of his intention to destroy Social Security:
The GOP says it wants to destroy Social Security for two reasons: first, to promote "choice" by letting us provide for our own retirement by flushing even more of our savings into the rigged casino that is the stock market; and second, because America doesn't have enough dollars to feed and house the elderly.
But for the New York Times' audience, they've figured out how to launder this far-right nonsense through the language of social justice. Rather than condemning the impecunious olds for their moral failing to lay the correct bets in the stock market, Social Security's opponents paint the elderly as a gerontocratic elite, flush with cash that rightfully belongs to the young.
To support this conclusion, they throw around statistics about how house-rich the Boomers are, and how much consumption they can afford. But as Kuttner points out, the Boomers' real-estate wealth comes not from aggressive house-flipping, but from merely owning a place to live. America's housing bubble means that younger people can't afford this basic human necessity, but the answer to that isn't making old people homeless – it's providing a lot more housing, and banning housing speculation:
It's true that older people are doing a lot of consumption spending – but the bulk of that spending isn't on cruises to Alaska to see the melting glaciers, it's on health care. Old people aren't luxuriating in their joint replacements and coronary bypasses. Calling this "consumption" is deliberately misleading.
But as Kuttner points out, there's another, more important point to be made about inequality in America – the most significant wealth gap in America is between workers and owners, not young people and old people. The "average" Boomer's net worth factors in the wealth of Warren Buffett and Donald Trump. Older renters are more rent-burdened and precarious than younger renters, and most older Americans have little to no retirement savings:
Less than one percent of Social Security benefits go to millionaires – that's because the one percent constitute one percent of the population. It's right there in the name. The one percent are politically and economically important, but that's because they are low in numbers. Giving Social Security benefits to everyone over 65 will not result in a significant outlay to the ultra-wealthy, because there aren't many ultra-wealthy people in America. The problem of inequality isn't the expanding pool of rich people, it's the explosion of wealth for a contracting pool of rich people.
If conservatives were serious about limiting the grip of these "undeserving" Social Security recipients on our economy and its politics, they'd advocate for interitance taxes (which effectively don't exist in America), not the abolition of Social Security. The problem of wealth in America is that it is establishing permanent dynasties which are incompatible with social mobility. In other words, we have created a new hereditary aristocracy – and its corollary, a new hereditary peasantry:
Hereditary aristocracies are poisonous for lots of reasons, but one of the most pressing problems they present is political destabilization. American belief in democracy, the rule of law, and a national identity is q function of Americans' perception of fairness. If you think that your kids can't ever have a better life than you, if you think that the cops will lock you up for a crime for which a rich person would escape justice, then why obey the law? Why vote? Why not cheat and steal? Why not burn it all down?
The wealthy put a lot of energy into distracting us from this question. Just lately, they've cooked up a gigantic panic over a nonexistent wave of retail theft:
Meanwhile, the very real, non-imaginary, accelerating, multi-billion-dollar plague of wage theft is conspicuously missing from the public discourse, despite a total that dwarfs all retail theft in America by an order of magnitude:
America does have a property crime crisis, but it's a crisis of wage-theft, not shoplifting. Likewise, America does have a retirement crisis: it's a crisis of inequality, not intergenerational conflict.
Social Security has been under sustained assault since its inception, and that's in large part due to a massive blunder on the part of FDR. Roosevelt believed that people would be more protective of Social Security if they thought it was funded by their taxes: "we bought it, it's ours." But – as FDR well knew – that's not how government spending works.
The US government can't run out of US dollars. The US government doesn't get its dollars for spending from your taxes. The US government spends money into existence and taxes it out of existence:
A moment's thought will reveal that it has to be this way. The US government (and its fiscal agents, chartered banks) are the only source of dollars. How can the US tax dollars away from earners unless it has first spent those dollars into the economy?
The point of taxation isn't to fund programs, it's to reduce the private sector's spending power so that there are things for sale to the public sector. If we only spent money into the economy but didn't take any out of the economy, the private sector would have so many dollars to spend that any time the government tried to buy something, there'd be a bidding war that would result in massive price spikes.
When a government runs a "balanced budget," that means that it has taxed as much out of the economy as it put into the economy at the start of the year. When a government runs a "surplus," that means it's left less money in the economy at the end of the year than there was at the beginning of the year. This is fine if the economy has contracted overall, but if the economy stayed constant or grew, that means there are fewer dollars chasing more goods and services, which leads to deflation and all kinds of toxic outcomes, like borrowing more bank-created money, which makes the finance sector richer and the real economy poorer.
Of course, most governments run "deficits" – which is another way of saying that they leave more dollars in the economy at the end of the year than there was at the start of the year, or, put another way, a deficit probably means that your economy got bigger, so it needed more dollars.
None of this means that governments can spend without limit. But it does mean that governments can buy anything that's for sale in their own currency. There are a lot of goods for sale in US dollars, both goods that are produced domestically and goods from abroad (this is why it's such a big deal that most of the world's oil is priced in dollars).
Governments do have to worry about getting into bidding wars with the private sector. To do that, governments come up with ways of reducing the private sector's spending power. One way to do that is taxes – just taking money away from us at the end of the year and annihilating it. Another way is to ration goods – think of WWII, or the direct economic interventions during the covid lockdowns. A third way is to sell bonds, which is just a roundabout way of getting us to promise not to spend some of our dollars for a while, in return for a smaller number of dollars in interest payments:
FDR knew all of this, but he still told the American people that their taxes were funding Social Security, thinking that this would protect the program. This backfired terribly. Today, Democrats have embraced the myth that taxes fund spending and join with their Republican counterparts in insisting that all spending must be accompanied by either taxes or cuts (AKA "payfors").
These Democrats voluntarily put their own policymaking powers in chains, refusing to take any action on behalf of the American people unless they can sell a tax increase or a budget cut. They insist that we can't have nice things until we make billionaires poor – which is the same as saying that we can't have nice things, period.
There are damned good reasons to make billionaires poor. The legitimacy of the American system is incompatible with the perception that wealth and power are fixed by birth, and that the rich and powerful don't have to play by the rules.
The capture of America's institutions – legislatures, courts, regulators – by the rich and powerful is a ghastly situation, and to reverse it, we'll need all the help we can get. Every hour that Americans spend worrying about their how they'll pay their rent, their medical bills, or their student loans is an hour lost to the fight against oligarchy and corruption.
In other words, it's not true that we can't have nice things until we get rid of billionaires – rather, we can't get rid of billionaires until we have nice things.
This is the premise of my next novel, The Lost Cause, which comes out on November 14; it's set in a world where care and solidarity have unleashed millions of people on the project of maintaining the habitability of our planet amidst the polycrisis:
It's a fundamentally hopeful book, and it's already won praise from Naomi Klein, Rebecca Solnit, Bill McKibben and Kim Stanley Robinson. I wrote it while thinking through and researching these issues. Conservatives want us to think that we can't do better than this, that – to quote Margaret Thatcher – "there is no alternative." Replacing that narrative is critical to the kinds of mass mobilizations that our very survival depends on.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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This Saturday (Nov 4), I'm keynoting the Hackaday Supercon in Pasadena, CA.
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captainremmington-13 · 3 months
A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova. I also do not condone the beliefs or actions of Coriolanus or Bellova.
SUMMARY: Coriolanus’s academic and professional life is blossoming. But his wife continues to be his biggest obstacle.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: THIS IS A DARK CHAPTER. It contains violence, verbal/physical abuse/, mention of murderous intent, Coriolanus being horrible, HEAVY ALLUSIONS TO SEX, NONCON, swearing
A/n: IM ALIVE YIPPEE i’m so sorry for disappearing i went on a trip and i was also facing MAJOR writers block but i’m back!!!
“Congratulations once again, Mister Snow. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow on your first day as an official Gamemaker.”
Beaming, Coriolanus shook Dr Gaul’s hand and quickly exited the office. He was elated, relieved that he’d finally received the promotion he’d worked so tirelessly for.  
Finally, he’d be able to make some real change. Sure, it meant more office hours, but it was more than worth it.
As he rode home, Coriolanus was already brainstorming ideas to bring to the meeting the following morning. He knew he needed to immediately prove he was worthy of the position, despite having worked with the other Gamemakers for almost a year. 
When he arrived inside the Reginelle estate, he took off his coat and practically shoved it into an Avox’s arms. He ordered her to get him a glass of red wine, and to bring it to his Bellova’s. Nodding quickly, she did as she was told, and he relished in the obvious nervousness in her body language. 
Now that he was officially the man of the house, he held a significant amount of power over every matter revolving the Reginelle fortune and property. In most ways, he had more power than Bellova herself.
Which was extremely satisfying. 
Pushing open the bedroom doors, he immediately spotted his wife sitting at her vanity, brushing her hair slowly. Her movements seemed robotic, which wasn’t out of the ordinary. When she was under the serum’s influence, she was obviously not functioning as a normal human would. 
But somehow, nobody noticed. Or at least, they attributed it to her lingering grief, not to any unnatural cause. 
Bellova looked over her shoulder, and smiled at Coriolanus. “Hello there, handsome. I missed you.” 
Coriolanus didn’t return her smile. “I’m sure you did.”
His fingers worked quickly to undo the buttons of his dress shirt. Though he wanted to change into his sleeping clothes as soon as possible, he was still careful to preserve it’s condition. After all, it had cost at least a couple hundred dollars.
As soon as he slipped on his silk robe, he spoke again.
“I had a meeting with Dr. Gaul today.”
Coriolanus barely suppressed a grin when Bellova’s eyes widened in fear at the mention of the Head Gamemaker. 
“W-What about?” she asked softly, setting down her brush. 
“She promoted me. I’m now officially a Gamemaker.”
Bellova breathed a sigh of relief. “Congratulations, my love,” she said gently, walking over to him. “I’m very proud of you.”
She looked so vulnerable, the dim light of the room casting an angelic glow across her face. She was clad only in a cream white nightdress, the fabric tantalizingly translucent. Though he despised her, it he still found her body to be irresistible.
Coriolanus sat down on the edge of the bed, and pulled Bellova into his lap. She immediately curled up against him, the romantic gesture making him cringe. Her clinginess always irritated him, and he would reprimand her often so she would behave at least decently in public. However, when they were in private, it took even more effort to keep her hands off of him. 
But he supposed that using her desperation for his own pleasure wouldn’t hurt.
Coriolanus lifted Bellova off of his thighs and let her fall backwards onto the bed. She giggled, blushing like a schoolgirl. She truly was enamored with him. 
“You’re so pretty, Coryo,” she simpered, reaching up to cup his face with one hand. He didn’t reply, simply pushing the straps of her dress off of her shoulders. 
Just as he let the fabric slip past her chest, Bellova let out a pained cry.
Coriolanus snarled in frustration. He was so close to letting out all of his pent-up feelings out, but now, he had to deal with the real Bellova. 
He didn’t move from his position over her as he reached into his back pocket for the serum. He watched, almost bored, as she writhed beneath him, her eyes squeezed shut.
As soon as Bellova stopped twitching and her eyes opened again, a smile spread across his face. It was cruel, the immense enjoyment he got from her fear and helplessness.
But he didn’t give a fuck. It was what she deserved. 
Bellova’s lips immediately curled into a sneer. 
“Get your hands off of me.” 
Coriolanus rolled his eyes and didn’t respond. He tugged her nightgown off of her body, making her gasp and shudder. One of her hands shot upwards, but he grabbed her wrist before she could grab his throat. 
“Say whatever you want to say now, you feral bitch, before I put you back under.” 
“You’re calling me feral, and yet you’re the one who’s desperate to fuck me.” Bellova’s smirk was infuriating, but Coriolanus refused to give her the satisfaction of a visible reaction from him.  
“You’re a pathetic man, Coriolanus,” she spat, her voice shaking with pure hatred. “One day, I swear, I will make you pay for everything you’ve done. You’ll regret that you were ever fucking born.”
Coriolanus threw back his head as he laughed, and gripped her left shoulder so tightly that he was sure it would leave a mark. The needle of the syringe was a mere inch from her neck, threatening to puncture her at any moment. 
“You don’t scare me anymore, Bellova.”
Bellova averted her gaze from the needle, and her piercing grey eyes cut into his with a burning intensity. When she spoke, she sounded exactly like her old self: confident, vengeful, and wickedly intelligent.
“Good. That’ll make you much easier to kill.”
As the needle pierced her skin and Bellova let out a scream, Coriolanus’s stomach churned unpleasantly. 
It was harmless threat, he was sure of it. 
But it still shook him to his core.
Within a month of working as a Gamemaker, Coriolanus had established himself as one of the sharpest young minds in the Capitol. 
The combination of his effortless charm and impressive intellect had made him instantly popular. Hardly anyone remembered the incident that occurred regarding him and the 10th Hunger Games. He had buried that as deep as possible, and covered it by establishing his reputation as the bright, young Gamemaker who was destined to succeed. 
His University life was also flourishing. He had a great report with all of his instructors, and was well-liked amongst other students. His grades were stellar, as he knew they would be, and put him on the path to graduate at the top of his class.
The only challenge he faced was dealing with his wife. 
Though the serum was still effective, it continued to wear off during the evening. Bellova would scream and yell as loudly as she could, cursing at him and occasionally pleasing for someone to help her. Luckily for him, Coriolanus had smoothly lied to everyone working in the Reginelle estate, saying that her cries were a result of a mental disorder she’d developed from intense grief. 
He knew they were all too scared of him to question it.
However, as more time passed, the enjoyment he felt from seeing her distress diminished. It simply became irritating, and he no longer got pleasure from seeing her suffer mentally.
So he decided it was time to tame the beast that was Bellova Reginelle once and for all.
It didn’t take long for him to convince Dr. Gaul to begin working on a stronger serum: one that contained effects that would subdue his wife for the rest of her days. She understood the importance of eliminating threats. After all, she’d encouraged him to continue his practice of poisoning his opponents.
The serum would take at least two weeks to develop. Dr. Gaul insisted that she needed adequate time to test it, and ensure that it worked exactly as intended. 
“No mishaps this time,” she had said with bone-chilling determination. “Your bride will never be a bother to you again.”
So Coriolanus had to accept the fact that Bellova would fight tooth-and-nail for her freedom for several more nights.
But he would never let her have it. 
His career was just beginning. He could not let the citizens of the Capitol discover that he was deeply involved in corruption and scandalous acts. It would ruin him before he truly began to climb the social ladder. 
After all, Snow was destined to land on top. 
And in his case, getting to the “top” only meant one thing:
becoming the president of Panem. 
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊❆ ‧
TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy, @effectwalker, @vxnilla-hxrddrugs, @mystargirl-interlude
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! Again, I am so sorry for disappearing. I promise to try to write more consistently going forward <3
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! (I had to add some of y’all to a comment instead becuz tumblr won’t let me tag more people for some reason☹️)
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ador3him · 23 days
Hello! How do you think fans and friends would react to the dt dating a Billionaire business women hcs? 😭 like they dead just start tweaking out LMAOOOO
- 👻
pairing: dream team x billionaire!reader
requested? yesss by 👻 anon
authors note: this is such a good idea!!! (kinda based them off some books I'm reading atm shhh)
-dreams girlfriend is the owner of a luxury event planning business (Vivian Russo coded)
-they met when dream wanted to plan a welcome party for George.
-at first he didn't know she was the CEO, but when he found out he was a bit zealous.
-he didn't want you to pay for anything, absolutely nothing.
-and he def couldn't help but search up your networth.
-his eyes bulged at the number.
-he def flaunted you when you guys went public, the tabloids went CRAZY
-he loves to promote your business on his platform and to all his friends when they need to plan an event.
-george's girlfriend is the owner of an internationalal real estate business.
-when he was selling his place in London she personally worked on his place due to his online presence.
-she legit flew from the US to do this.
-george was in awe of her dedication and straight up looks.
-he asked her out after escrow because he didn't want to be embarrassed whenever he saw her if he did it before.
-obviously she went out with him, they went to a fancy Italian place near George's old place.
-when George moved she would come visit whenever she was in Florida.
-soon she relocated from New York to Florida.
-george didn't want to go public but they were seen in a restaurant by a fan and they leaked pictures.
-his fans went crazy when they found out who she was and her networth.
-george felt so bad that he made a post saying that they broke up to get his fans away from their relationship.
so sad:(
-sapnap met her at VIDcon. she was a fashion blogger who owns a luxury jewellery line.
-after a couple dates she gifted him a sliver chain with diamonds incrusted into it. And he went feral.
-she was a full on sugar mommy, and they both loved it.
-they went public a bit early because they were so in love with each other.
-the fans ate it up!!
-they loved the collabs on her fashion blog when she styled him.
-he also loved it.
-and the money
-you bet the fucking house she bought for the two of them was fucking crazy. full on mansion on acreage.
-they last for ever and ever.
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Playground Appropriate
Part of my 500 Follower Celebration set in The Shape of Youniverse
The Prompt: Marc is the best dad ever with Nyla at the local playground
Requested by: a lovely nonnie!
Pairing: Marc x afab!reader, background Steven x afab!reader and Jake x afab!reader, Reader is married to the system 
Spice-o-meter: 🌶🌶🌶, Explicit, Minors DNI!
Word Count: 2.5k
CW/TW: Bosses being terrible, Marc is a booty-ful DILF but reticent about another bb bc trauma, mention of lactation kink and pussy-drunkenness, dirty talk, sixty-nineing so both m! and f!receiving oral, P in V sex, a smidge of over-sensitivity and spanking, daddy kink
A/N: Is the gif shitty and low-quality with a tacky watermark? Yes, but guess what? I DON’T CARE! I made it myself because the video from whence it came and an idea from @lovetopanic that MAJORLY inspired me when writing this fill. To the beautiful little bambina who made this ovary-exploding moment happen, thank you for your service. 
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As much as you loved being back at your job, you hadn’t missed days like these. Your and Marc’s plans to take Nyla to the Discover Children’s Story Center were promptly and thoroughly ruined when your boss called early this morning, a Saturday, and demanded you report into the office for an emergency meeting. You were in charge of one of your company's largest accounts, which while it came with lucrative bonuses and more challenging, fulfilling work, it also meant dealing with your superiors’ neuroses. 
Your husband patiently listened to your laments while you got ready to go into the office. You wanted nothing more than to tell them to shove it, but your family was swiftly outgrowing your current place and you needed every penny of everyone’s salaries – yours, Marc’s, Jake’s, and Steven’s – to afford more space in the overpriced and cutthroat London real estate market. 
“We can go another time,” Marc tried to downplay the inconvenience as you finished primping in the living room mirror to look office-presentable and he fed Nyla breakfast. 
“I know it’s not a big deal, it’s just–” you slipped on a pair of loafers and huffed, “--it’s the principle of it you know? Graham and Nigel are both middle-aged divorcees, they don’t have families they care about spending time with, so we all suffer. In-person too.” 
“Which is why you have to hang in there and get promoted so you can change things,” your husband reminded you. He turned to Nyla, “We’ll find something to do just the two of us.”
“You’re right,” you conceded. “But can you blame me for wanting to spend every second I can with this chunky monkey?”
Rather than waiting for Marc’s reply, you peppered your daughter’s plump little feet and legs with kisses in her high chair. She squealed in delight at your affections, flailing her hands in delight and sending her banana slices flying.  
“Thanks,” he harrumphed at the additional mess. 
“Sorry,” you apologized with a kiss to his cheek before you pulled on your jacket and grabbed your bag.
Nyla proceeded to slam the tray of her high chair and shrieked even more when she saw her mom was leaving home without her. Marc knew he’d be dealing with an irate 16-month-old if he didn’t handle this right. 
“Okay, come here little girl,” he freed his daughter from her seat and scooped her in his arms. “Let’s say goodbye to Mommy.” 
They met you in the doorway and your baby’s sweet, cherubic face, currently with banana smeared across it, tugged at your heart strings. You wanted nothing more than to text your bosses to go fuck themselves, how dare they take you away from your baby any more than necessary, but you were tolerating these nightmare men ultimately for Nyla’s benefit. “Mommy will be back soon sweetie, be a good girl for Daddy.” 
“Wave bye-bye Nyla,” Marc encouraged her, modeling the gesture himself. After a few moments of watching her father, Nyla mimicked his wave. It was the cutest thing you’d ever seen. “Bye-bye Mommy, we love you, bye-bye!” 
“Bye Smushy, love you so much,” you waved back at her, swooped in for one last kiss on those chipmunk cheeks, then addressed your husband. “I’ll text you when I’m free, honey.” 
“Sounds good, babe,” Marc murmured and pecked you on the lips. 
Leaving the two of them felt akin to a death march as you exited your building for the Tube. No matter how big Nyla got, you always felt an ache when you left her. Even when she was in the more than capable hands of her doting dad, being apart from Nyla felt as if there was a piece of you missing. It was easier to cope with when you were sleep-deprived or your daughter was driving you crazy, but you and Marc’d had such a lovely morning with her.
It was a herculean effort for you to maintain a professional veneer during the meeting with Graham, Nigel, and a few fellow godforsaken colleagues. Thankfully, assuaging their concerns about the account didn't take more than an hour and a half. You just needed to send a few “urgent” emails and then you could return to the quaint, quiet weekend you’d been enjoying with your family. 
You immediately fired off a text to Marc once you left the conference room. 
From me: Leaving here in 10! 
From Hubby: K, we’re at the park. 
Marc was the “coldest” texter out of him and his alters. Steven loved his emojis, while Jake messages were always a mix of English and Spanish with an abundance of typos in both languages. He wasn’t much of an emoji user, though he did love the smirking devil one. It was usually fitting, after all. Boy loved to sext. You’d tried over the years to hammer into Marc’s brain that ending texts with a period meant that you were either angry or a psychopath, but it was a lost cause. 
Today Marc redeemed his unintentionally icy text by sending a photo of Nyla on the swings at Dulwich. You were impressed that he’d not only managed to dress your daughter in an outfit that wouldn’t get her seized by the local safeguarding children board, she sported an actual hairstyle to boot. You detested the phrase, but Marc was blossoming into quite the “girl-dad”. 
From me: PIGTAILS! 
From Hubby: Steven helped with those. 
From me: Well done, you two! See you soon xx 
When you arrived at Dulwich playground, you spotted Marc and Nyla before they saw you. You took a moment to covertly observe them, marveling at how attentively the man who was initially afraid to hold his newborn was now playing with his daughter. He followed her every move, steadying her with gentle and firm hands when Nyla needed it, encouraging her the entire time. 
Turned out you weren’t the only one admiring Marc with Nyla. You’d be the first to sing the praises of Marc’s butt, and with him bent over tending to his daughter as she toddled around, you couldn’t exactly blame the mums and nannies that were enjoying the view. 
You approached them before it got creepy and announced yourself with the exclamation, “Is that my big, beautiful girl?!”
“MAMA!” Nyla launched herself at you and you swept her in your arms at once.  You dotted kisses all over her face, and lifted her up above your head, earning a peal of ecstatic laughter. Then, just like that, she was squirming to be released. 
Marc sidled up to you once Nyla’s feet were back on the ground to ask lowly, “Do I get a kiss?”
“Hmm, let me see.” 
He got a kiss alright. One with tongue and that included your hand wandering into the back pocket of his jeans to give one of those luscious ass cheeks a squeeze. Were you marking your territory? Maybe. 
“Now, that was not playground appropriate,” he panted when you broke apart.  
You shrugged your shoulders and answered in a voice that was not one bit repentant, “Oops.” 
“Mama!” Nyla banged on the thick plastic of one of the playground’s slides. 
“Apparently the first fifty times we went down together weren’t sufficient,” Marc observed wryly. 
“Of course not,” you laughed and passed him your bag to hold.  
Twenty minutes with Nyla and all of your work frustration was forgotten. The three of you ended up spending the remainder of the afternoon at the park, stopping to pick up a pizza for dinner on the way home since neither you or Marc felt like cooking. 
Later, your husband tucked Nyla in while you wrapped up a few outstanding emails on the couch. You met Marc just outside of her door and collectively tip-toed into your bedroom.  
“That was impressively fast,” you remarked once it was safe to speak at full volume. 
Marc emerged from the en-suite with his toothbrush in hand. “The playground tired her out thankfully.” 
You sat up on your knees from your spot on the bed. “You can’t blame me for wanting another baby when you’re so good with her.”
You and your husband had begun to discuss Baby Number Two. While Steven and Jake were on board, Marc was the hold out. The last thing you wanted to do was pressure him since you suspected his reluctance was out of lingering fear and trauma from his past. 
“Steven and Jake just want to knock you up so they can milk your tits again.” Marc earned a little shove from you for that statement, but he continued, “Also you said you wanted to be in a bigger place before we had another?” 
You cursed Marc and his stupid memory when he disappeared back into the bathroom to brush his teeth. 
He joined you on the bed, and you tucked your fingertips under his T-shirt to strip it off. “How about we compromise then, and you pound that big cock into me instead?”
Your husband groaned, both from your naughty suggestion and the touch of your hands flitting from his chest downwards. “Shit, I hope she stays asleep because I’ve wanted to fuck you raw since that move you pulled at the playground.” 
“Hmmm, I can feel it,” you purred, wrapping your fingers around his growing erection. “Watching you take such good care of our little girl made me so wet.” 
“Lemme see,” he grunted, momentarily removing your hand from his dick to knock you back among the pillows. 
You spread your legs as soon as your back hit the mattress, and Marc wasted no time hiking up your nightgown to get a glimpse of your folds. A low, aroused rumble resonated from his chest at the sight, compelling him to trail kisses up the inside of your thigh.
“This little pussy is always so pretty and glistening for me,” he growled. 
“Marc,” you sighed, your voice thin while he touched you. “Wanna suck your cock.” 
Your husband didn’t have to be told twice. He manhandled you on top of him, leveling your eyeline with his throbbing dick while he lined up his mouth with your entrance, which was currently clenching in anticipation. You drew his length between your lips and swirled your tongue around its head, tasting the salty pre-cum that had begun to leak from it. Marc groaned at the stimulation and sank his face into your pussy in turn. 
Together you made the most divine feedback loop of pleasure, your slurping around Marc’s member, spurring him to lap at your folds all that more enthusiastically. It was nearly impossible to focus enough to apply any technique to sucking your husband’s dick when he was tongue-fucking your hole and drinking down your ample nectar like a man starved. His deep moans reverberated against the wet, sensitive skin between your thighs, bringing you even closer to the orgasm steadily building within you. 
You choked on your husband’s erection when he landed a slap on your ass, then moaned around him when the large pad of a calloused finger found your clit. The extra stimulation, in addition to Marc’s tongue swirling inside of you, is what you sent over the edge. Your eyes crossed, dick still in mouth, as your peak swept your body from head to toe. 
The force of your climax meant you needed to pull off his manhood to get sufficient oxygen into your lungs. Just when you’d recovered enough to resume your worship, Marc tapped your thigh to stop you. Though your husband was usually all too happy to come in your mouth, tonight was different.
“Need your cunt,” he clarified with slurred, pussy-drunk words. 
“Fuck…okay,” you gasped, your voice rough from having your husband’s dick down your throat.
Maneuvering you onto your back amongst the pillows was an easy task for Marc, your body made pliant and prone by the delicious orgasm. He leant down to share an absolutely filthy kiss with you, greedily tasting the tang of the two of you together, before he locked eyes with yours. Only once your dilated pupils had found his did Marc drape your leg over his shoulder and slide home.
You rewarded him with a drawn-out keen, writhing under his dark, suffocatingly hot gaze. He began with slow strokes, grinding himself against your pelvis, luxuriating in being one. 
“So deep, daddy,” you whined. Speared on his cock, your frame convulsed when he undulated against you, since your slit still felt like a live-wire after your orgasm. 
He rocked even more torturously slowly where you were joined, circling those sinful hips so you could feel every inch of him. “You like it?” 
“Uh huh,” you gasped, jerking once again from oversensitivity. 
Your husband transitioned to a faster pace to impale you on his member. His increase in tempo earned a euphoric whimper from you. With no orgasm to chase, you could simply revel in the sensation of his dick filling you over and over, losing yourself in the stretch of your pussy around his thick girth. 
“Yeah…come on, take daddy’s cock,” he snarled as he thrust into you, backing off his ferocious rhythm some. “So fuh-fucking tight.” 
“So big,” you whimpered, pretty sure that you were about a minute away from vibrating out of your skin. 
“No one fucks you like daddy, right?” Marc slowed, waiting for your answer before driving into you any further. 
You shook your head so rigorously, your cheeks collided with the pillow as your neck thrashed back and forth. “Please daddy, pound my pussy!” 
He approved of your response with another growl, “Well, since you asked so nicely,” and resumed a punishing pace. 
From there, it was a blur of the sound of skin slapping skin, Marc’s grunts, your cries, and your husband testing your flexibility by stretching your leg back to get a deeper angle before his hot cum was painting your walls. 
Marc straightened up after emptying himself into you, pressing a small, reverent kiss into the skin of your ankle before releasing your limb. 
Honestly surprised that you could formulate words, you somehow commented, “I know the jury’s still out on a second kid, but you are damn good at making them, Marc Spector.” 
“As are you, Mrs. Spector,” he echoed, collapsing back on the bed. 
He tugged on his boxers once again, and you pulled your nightie back down as you padded to the bathroom to clean and relieve yourself. Marc followed suit, and when he reunited with you in bed, it was important to you to confirm, “Another baby or not, you know you’re a great father, right?” 
Usually Marc would deflect with a (often dirty) joke, but this time, shrouded in the darkness of your bedroom, he replied quietly, “I hope so.” 
“You are,” you averred and snuggled closer into him. “It’s not just me either, the entire female population at the playground was salivating over you playing with Nyla today.” 
“So that’s why you greeted me with that pornographic kiss,” he chuckled.
“You’re mine,” you shrugged, not one bit ashamed of your actions. 
Marc pressed a kiss into your hair, “That’s right, baby.” 
A/N: Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by Oscar Isaac not putting a baby in you 🙋‍♀️ I’m doggedly making my way through these prompt fills, thanks to everyone again for your patience and support! 
Taglist: @twwcs​, @rmoonstoner​, @hot-mess-express1​, @murdickdocked, @toracainz​, @saahmi​, @unspokenmoon​, @winterbiipp​, @avatarofseshat​ @ilikeoldermenhelp, @losers-club6​, @harrys-tittie​, @ninebluehearts​, @lucianadraven32​, @dawnsutopia​, @strawberry1042, @nikitawolfxo​,  @weirdo125  
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drunktuesdays · 5 months
what small things are u hopeful n excited about in life or fandom rn!!
in fandom, it’s kind of complicated. i’m mostly out of wrestling fic centered fandom, although my pod duties keep me in normie fandom. but there are a lot of things i’m excited about as a normie—best friends having a storyline (provided dustin is not actually retiring), the elite finally having fun again, jack perry returning, jericho figuring his shit out. it’s a really good time to be a wrestling fandom normie, so i’m not that sad about my fannish inclination fading.
in real life—idk. last year, i received a promotion in my career that has meant that for the first time in my 36 years, i have disposable income. so i’ve obsessively been upgrading and decorating my apartment. i’ve been obsessed with finding items i like to look at. and that’s been really freeing. the idea that your surroundings should be filled with items that you love—it’s been huge. so that’s what has been exciting for me personally. i’ve been going to estate sales and such and just saying to myself “do i LOVE this?” and actually caring about the answer. is this a disgustingly capitalistic answer? literally cannot tell.
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thewiz9062 · 7 months
Smiling Critters AU: General ideas
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. This means that EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. That's it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
TLDR: No freaky shit, don't ask me for freaky shit.
OK here we go
Every smiling critter is abt 11-12 and in their second semester in middle school (yes they're minors)
They all live in a city/neighborhood
Characters like Mommy long legs, Huggy wuggy, etc exist, but these are adults
Mommy long legs is the principal (listen instead of the horse heels going down the hall she just pokes her head out of the vents it's free real estate)
Dogday is the new kid
Dogday is the one who made everyones necklace after they're all friends. The art that I make while releasing character stores will probably counteract this, but they feel so empty without them.
Player exists, but as a cartoon as well. You know characters like Larry from tawog or Ms. Rabbit from Peppa Pig? Yeah, the one with 22 million jobs. That's player. They invented the grabpack to help them with their jobs as well.
Every day, the critters get one hour of uninterrupted free time to go and do what they want (this is during he school semester, they have unlimited time during the summer cuz yeah) they call it their hour of joy. (:D)
The school arc is mostly backstory and......alot of angst ngl.(I'm gonna warn you now that there is a character that's one big whump, but we all know who that is) Once I finish with that, then we get into fluffy stuff and adventures.
Honestly, depending on the media you've seen before, this will be either the most creative au ever or stereotypical trash, so uh, be warned
I will eventually try and make this a fic so watch out for that ig
Character story No.1 will he Craftycorn, which will probably be out shortly. Anyways BYE
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sgiandubh · 1 year
The ripple effect
So finally, it would seem the news from Hollywood are not good at all. A press release from SAG-AFTRA informs us that AMPTP/TPTB chose to drop the towel after a very long negotiation process (not a good sign, in my book), that continued even after their latest unacceptable offer, as you can read down below (https://x.com/sagaftra/status/1712368110253285730?s=20):
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The mainstream media (always NYT, in this house) reported also on the studios' offer, which may or may not be helpful for understanding what exactly is at stake (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/12/business/media/actors-strike-talks-suspended.html?searchResultPosition=2):
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Now that is a very hardball, completely insolent position. I am peeling my eyes in disbelief at the idea of offering 'further protections around the use of A.I.', when it was hoped that the use of A.I. would be treated as an exception, not as future reality the industry should work 'around'. This is what really is at stake, not the almost abusive allegation of 'unbearable economic burden' (that is a mafioso pretext) an 800 million USD yearly viewership bonus would supposedly entail. The real financial impact of such a compromise solution, as disclosed by SAG-AFTRA, is negligible: 'less than 57 cents/subscriber'.
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And, to make things worse, it would seem the studios deliberately lied to the press, too (it would not be the first time - we shippers know it so well, eh?):
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All this circus, despite a cataclysmic impact on California's economy:
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(Sourced at: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/21/realestate/writers-strike-rent-ny-la.html).
And that was the situation three weeks ago, when I found this article and promptly set it aside, waiting for the right moment to share it with you. And you know the situation is serious, when news like these are to be found not in the business, but in the real estate section of the newspaper. Along with this kind of comments, likely to suggest the possibility of unrest, if things go on like this:
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People living in their flats without electricity or sleeping in their cars: it would seem this strike added unwanted insult to the drastic COVID injury in this particular sector of the labor market.
But what interested me the most about this whole affair was the ripple effect on the British film industry, in an attempt to see what is next for OL's Season 8. Thankfully, I didn't have to go very far and speculate more than the NYT did itself. Oh, and before Mordor starts shouting insanities, their LHR's correspondent paper, back in September, is called 'Hollywood Strikes Send a Chill Through Britain’s Film Industry' (https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/19/business/hollywood-strikes-uk-filmmaking-industry.html):
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Despite my unflappable optimism, I have to say that doesn't sound good at all, especially when you know this is precisely the case for OL, a production 'with stars who are SAG-AFTRA members' (or at least compelled to stand in solidarity with the strike, by SAG-AFTRA's own statement of conduct). I predict a very late start for the shooting of Season 8. And further unrest in the UK sector 'in the middle of next year' means that UK based and staffed productions may be fewer and less important, since that calendar announced by Equity could seriously compromise their promotion, a risk not many studios are willing to take. So less alternatives for both S&C, at least for the UK alone.
The writers' strike was a very long one - five months. I suppose the studios are willing to play for time and prefer a long stalemate of the negotiations with SAG-AFTRA, in the attempt of breaking the union consensus from the inside. With people's economies gone and the prospect of a dire, uncertain way ahead, there is no way SAG-AFTRA's compensations, mainly aimed at keeping people afloat with their rent costs, could cover the real impact on its members' everyday lives, on the long run. They would also prefer to foolishly cry over a fictitious 800 million USD 'burden' and not see the (at least) six times bigger negative impact on the local economy, which translates both in net losses of profit for thousands of businesses (mainly SMEs) and thousands of lost jobs.
And in the middle of all this, it would seem that Herself is on her way to the NYCC. Whatever for, sweet summer child, I would brazenly ask this strange, diminutive woman who started it all.
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adbros · 1 year
30 ways to make real; money from home
Making money online from the comfort of your home has become increasingly accessible with the growth of the internet and digital technologies. In 2023, there are numerous realistic ways to earn money online. Here are 30 ideas to get you started:
1. Freelance Writing: Offer your writing skills on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer to create blog posts, articles, or website content.
2. Content Creation: Start a YouTube channel, podcast, or blog to share your expertise or passion and monetize through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
3. Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in online surveys and market research studies with platforms like Swagbucks or Survey Junkie.
4. Remote Customer Service: Work as a remote customer service representative for companies like Amazon or Apple.
5. Online Tutoring: Teach subjects you're knowledgeable in on platforms like VIPKid or Chegg Tutors.
6. E-commerce: Start an online store using platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or eBay to sell products.
7. Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services on your blog or social media and earn commissions for sales made through your referral links.
8. Online Courses: Create and sell online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable.
9. Remote Data Entry: Find remote data entry jobs on websites like Clickworker or Remote.co.
10. Virtual Assistance: Offer administrative support services to businesses as a virtual assistant.
11. Graphic Design: Use your graphic design skills to create logos, graphics, or websites for clients on platforms like Fiverr.
12. Stock Photography: Sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.
13. App Development: Develop and sell mobile apps or offer app development services.
14. Social Media Management: Manage social media accounts for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.
15. Dropshipping: Start an e-commerce business without holding inventory by dropshipping products.
16. Online Consultations: Offer consulting services in your area of expertise through video calls.
17. Online Surplus Sales: Sell unused items or collectibles on platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.
18. Online Fitness Coaching: Become an online fitness coach and offer workout plans and guidance.
19. Virtual Events: Host webinars, workshops, or conferences on topics you're knowledgeable about.
20. Podcast Production: Offer podcast editing, production, or consulting services.
21. Remote Transcription: Transcribe audio and video files for clients.
22. Online Translation: Offer translation services if you're proficient in multiple languages.
23. Affiliate Blogging: Create a niche blog with affiliate marketing as the primary revenue source.
24. Online Art Sales: Sell your artwork, crafts, or digital art on platforms like Etsy or Redbubble.
25. Remote Bookkeeping: Offer bookkeeping services for small businesses from home.
26. Digital Marketing: Provide digital marketing services like SEO, PPC, or social media management.
27. Online Gaming: Stream your gaming sessions on platforms like Twitch and monetize through ads and donations.
28. Virtual Assistant Coaching: If you have experience as a VA, offer coaching services to aspiring virtual assistants.
29. Online Research: Conduct research for businesses or individuals in need of specific information.
30. Online Real Estate: Invest in virtual real estate, such as domain names or digital properties, and sell them for a profit.
Remember that success in making money online often requires dedication, patience, and the ability to adapt to changing trends. It's essential to research and choose the opportunities that align with your skills, interests, and long-term goals.
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hadesoftheladies · 3 months
most romance in entertainment promotes the insidious idea that a man will betray his privilege for someone he grew up expecting to inherit or own. that he will rescue you from the system he perpetuates. he isn't freeing you babygirl. he's collecting you. unless he dies and leaves you the estate it isn't real love.
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sunshinesmebdy · 5 months
Abundance Meets Strategy: Moon in Taurus Unlocks Financial Growth (April 10th)
April 10th brings a powerhouse lineup of astrological transits that can significantly impact your business and finances. The Moon, our emotional center, spends the day nestled in the grounded and security-seeking sign of Taurus. This transit alone fosters stability and long-term planning. But the magic truly unfolds with a series of powerful aspects — sextiles and a conjunction — that create a potent recipe for financial success. As your resident astrologer and business consultant, I’m here to decode this cosmic dance and show you how to leverage it for abundance!
The Moon in Taurus: Planting Seeds of Security
The Moon’s presence in Taurus creates a fertile ground for financial growth. Here’s how to tap into this energy:
Create a Budget (if you haven’t already): Taurus craves stability. Devote time to analyzing your income and expenses, then create a realistic budget that allows you to save and invest for the future.
Explore Long-Term Investments: The security-oriented Taurus energy aligns well with exploring investment options for your business or personal finances. Conduct thorough research and consider seeking professional advice.
Focus on Sustainability: Taurus thrives on long-term planning. Don’t get caught up in fleeting trends — focus on building a sustainable financial foundation for your business.
Aligning with Abundance: Moon’s Cosmic Connections
The Moon’s dance with other planets amplifies the potential for financial success:
Moon Sextile Mars in Pisces: This supportive aspect brings a surge of optimism and motivation. Pursue your financial goals with renewed energy and confidence.]
Business Implications:
Balancing Practicality and Imagination: The harmonious sextile between the Moon in Taurus and Mars in Pisces allows you to blend practicality with imagination. You can ground your dreams in reality without losing their magical quality.
Steady Progress: You’ll find a sweet spot where you can envision your goals (Pisces) and work towards them steadily (Taurus).
Financial Impact:
Creative Ventures: Innovative solutions for financial challenges can emerge. Explore new revenue streams.
Embrace Intuition: Trust your gut feelings when making financial decisions. Sometimes, seemingly risky ventures hold great potential.
Moon Conjunct Jupiter & Uranus in Taurus: This powerful conjunction is a dream come true for ambitious individuals! Expect opportunities for expansion, increased income, and breakthroughs in your financial strategies. Embrace innovative ideas and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.
Business Implications:
Abundance and Growth: Jupiter and Uranus together amplify expansion. Expect opportunities for growth, promotions, and exciting new ventures.
Resourcefulness: Tap into your network and community. Collaborate with others to achieve mutual success.
Financial Impact:
Wealth Creation: Real estate, investments, and self-employment can yield profits.
Independence: Consider innovative approaches to resource management. Break free from conventional norms.
Discipline is Your Ally: Moon Sextile Saturn in Pisces
The Moon also forms a harmonious sextile with Saturn in Pisces, injecting a dose of discipline and responsibility into the mix. This translates to:
Smart Spending: While the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction encourages growth, Saturn’s influence ensures you manage your newfound abundance wisely.
Sticking to the Plan: The discipline of Saturn helps you stay committed to your budget and long-term financial goals, even when faced with temptations.
Building a Strong Foundation: This sextile fosters the creation of a secure financial foundation for your business or personal finances.
Business Implications:
Balancing Stability and Empathy: Grounded Taurus meets intuitive Pisces. Use practicality to manifest spiritual ideals.
Responsibility and Compassion: You may feel a responsibility towards the collective or less fortunate.
Financial Impact:
Practical Manifestation: Use common sense to turn dreams into reality.
Embrace Change: Trust the flow of life. Let go of material attachments when necessary.
Remember: This is a powerful day for attracting abundance and solidifying your financial future. Embrace the grounded energy of Taurus, combine it with a dash of innovative thinking, and leverage the supportive aspects to manifest your financial dreams. With a strategic approach and a dose of discipline, this can be a turning point on your path to financial security!
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Nordelta, one of Buenos Aires’s most exclusive areas, is a conglomerate of gated communities with over 50,000 residents. It sits on the wetlands of the River Paraná, second only to the Amazon in South America. And it was built by emptying and refilling canals, which [...] reduced the wetlands’ capacity to absorb rainfall. Nordelta opened in 2001, right when the economy collapsed after a decade of extreme neoliberal adjustments. In 2001, Argentina had five presidents in the span of 11 days, police killed 39 citizens during protests, and personal bank accounts were frozen [...]. Nordelta’s main attraction for consumers was [...] a distinguished, United States lifestyle. [...] Master-planned communities (MPCs) are privately built and designed neighborhoods in the city outskirts constructed by large-scale developers, offering amenities, services, and rules through homeowner associations. [...]
While driving through the main road to the conglomerate, [...] to the right, malls, apartments, and private schools with English names that are only accessible by car. [...] Over 8,000 workers cross these gates daily to provide multiple services. [...] These workers cannot walk on the avenues because “Nordelta residents do not want to see them around,” [...]. This segregationist structure of Nordelta emerged alongside the expansion of the neoliberal state. While Nordelta today resembles Miami, it was initially thought of as the French ville nouvelles (“new towns”), which aimed to integrate rural migrants within European cities.
In 1977, engineer Julián Astolfoni acquired the first plot of land from the descendants of [...] a general who had obtained the lands previously peopled by Guaraníes and Carupás after fighting in the “Desert Campaign against the Indians.” When Astolfoni got the plot, Nordelta was conceptualized to fix the problem of undesired urban sprawl at a time when the [...] state of the last civic-military dictatorship was trying to “eradicate” the villas miseria (shantytowns) for being “filthy” spaces threatening private property and national moralities.  
The project goals shifted once it was finally approved in 1992 when Astolfoni partnered with businessmen [EC] and other North American corporations, [...] including [...] a U.S. real estate specialized in MPCs. [...] Nordelta retained the enduring idea of the desert as a space to be filled. Like every pioneer narrative, it positioned Astolfoni and [EC], the engineer-corporate duo, as heroes saving “neglected” environments and conquering a wetland that would remain otherwise “vast, useless, dangerous, and vacant.” They would do this by emulating the U.S. MPCs of the 1960s, the ones that turned public malls into consumption centers [...].
In the 1990s, president Carlos Menem’s government extended neoliberal measures and promoted Miami as a tourist destination for middle-class families [...]. Despite its diversity, Miami became a symbol of whiteness and economic success [...]. The neoliberal reconfiguration of white exceptionalism as a desire to emulate western geographies became Nordelta’s mark, offering global lifestyles to the elites who can now “live like in Miami, but a few miles away from the Buenos Aires Obelisk,” as an Argentinian newspaper with connections to Nordelta claimed. [...]
In 2001, when the machines were opening the soil, a woman [...] found ceramic pieces and bones. The finding led to an organized movement [...]. A team of archaeologists who had been working in the area before visited the place, corroborated the existence of an ancestral site, and registered it as the Punta Canal archaeological site. [...] Despite protests [...], the company sent excavators and destroyed a significant portion of the site. [...]  [T]he organized group of neighbors and Indigenous peoples constituting the Movimiento en Defensa de la Pacha Mama set out to protect the archaeological remains and the Indigenous cemetery [...]. [T]heir organization pushed for the recognition of the land, now named Punta Querandí, as communitarian in 2020 [...]. Furthermore, [...] the movement achieved the return and reburial of 42 bodies from ancestors whom an archaeologist from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency had exhumed in 1925. [...]
[T]his long, complex, and well-documented story of the emergence of Punta Querandí [is told] in the museum, el Museo Autónomo de Gestión Indígena, which also has a digital archive. Despite the developers’ representation of the area as wild and rural, Punta Querandí has “made visible that the reality of Indigenous Peoples also occurs in Buenos Aires,” [...]. [T]he desegregationist project of Punta Querandí, a land not attached to geneticized or archaeologized visions of Indigeneity, but rather a Territory where Guaraní, Qom, Colla, Moqoit, or Aymara Peoples, among many others, can reunite [...].
Punta Querandí and its desegregationist project shows the power of edges. [...]
Exemplified by Nordelta, MPCs generate profit by transforming rural into elite lands while rearticulating racial and spatial borders that make distinctions sharper, more guarded, and less porous -- between centers and peripheries, grounded and flooded land [...]. MPCs originated in the U.S. and continue to circulate American imaginaries of race, segregation, and neoliberal commons worldwide. [...]  By selling reductionist archetypes, such as the fantasy of white Miami, in order to profit from them, real estate developments obscure how environments continue to be complex, multiple, and diverse despite the violence enacted upon them.
Text by: Mara Dicenta. “The Violence of Gated Communities in Buenos Aires’s Wetlands.” Edge Effects. 20 April 2023. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
I think she spent a ton on PR. Millions most likely. I also would be willing to bet she spent millions on decorating that house. Their security also has to be pricey because it seems like they hire a ton of guards when they go out for events.
Glad to see you back, for however long we have you. sorry to hijack your inbox..
To your point Sassy, I would like to add/point out something... The luxury lifestyle (faux Royal) Lifestyle MM is trying to emulate is expensive as we have all said before. There is a reason celebrities don't spend the way MM does. And those that do, have money coming in by the tens of millions every year guaranteed, be it real estate, Investments, Own businesses, and stuff like that, the likes of Beyonce, Taylor swift, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Johnny Depp, Kim K and the rest. They can afford the 24hr high tech security because they can rely on their other incomes to generate revenue (Whilst they sleep they are still earning money) i.e Beyonce (doubt this will happen), she can balance it out by doing a concert in Dubai, for 23 million dollars. (there is a reason they were able to buy the most expensive home in California worth 200 million) or release and album and do a tour like other artists. People like Depp can do it because for their own health (drug/alcohol addiction) and they also amassed wealth to the point it wouldn't hurt them one bit to have said security. Lets not talk about Kim K.
There is a reason actors and A listers don't so security, except for specific events, its expensive, attracts attention, and literally screams look at me.
Buying a 14million dollar home, with a mortgage, property taxes, 24hr security, Household staff, Archewell staff, Private Jets, PR management, Lawyers retainer and fees for all the lawsuits they come up with. exclusive packages, Clothes, Interior design of the olive garden... All of this with no guarantee of returns. (because MM is lazy). I wonder which financial/Wealth manager advised them because... I would have fired them immediately. No wealth manager worth their salt would let their client hedge their bets on the spotify, random house and Netflix contracts that have yet to be fulfilled. They would tell you, let the money come in the bank accounts and then make those purchase... especially during the start of Covid.
As much as i don't like Todger at least he is working for his supper. Heart of Invictus, The South Africa doc (should he get someone good to direct it, it could be good), The Spare, and the interviews/promotion of the book i.e Gabor Mate, Job at Better Up.
Madam got 80M and thought that will be enough? What exactly has she done for that money? The bench? Archetypes?, 40 X40?,Pearl? all flops... her Ideas are not generating income of any kind.
The doc was both of them so credit goes to both.
Great points!
Thanks! I will try and stick around for a few days this time. I do lurk on here but tend to come back for the juicy stuff.
They are living a champagne lifestyle on a basic beer budget.
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The Party of Trump, captured in a single shot :: [Robert Scott Horton]
[Surprising that they didn't have to line up and call him 'Godfather' after kissing the ring]
* * * *
Trump meets with congressional Republicans
Congressional Republicans met with Trump near the Capitol on Thursday. The convicted felon’s behavior was erratic and worrisome. Attendees likened Trump's behavior to that of a “drunk uncle” at a family reunion.
Some of Trump's comments were just bizarre and inappropriate. He claimed (falsely) that one of Nancy Pelosi’s daughters said that the former Speaker and the former president would have been a good match “under different circumstances.” He wondered why Taylor Swift “would endorse that dope,” referring to Joe Biden. (Swift hasn’t endorsed Biden in 2024.) He said that some wives wouldn’t care if their husbands had been shot like Steve Scalise was in 2017. (Sounds like Trump is projecting his relationship with Melania onto Steve Scalise’s relationship with his wife.) See NOTUS, ‘Like Talking to Your Drunk Uncle’: Trump’s Closed-Door Rant to House Republicans.
On policy issues, Trump railed against Biden for promoting electric vehicles, which Trump called “the dumbest thing ever.”
He set off a firestorm by saying that Milwaukee—the site of the Republican National Convention—is a “horrible city.” See Wisconsin Examiner, Trump tells House Republicans Milwaukee is a ‘horrible city.
But the most shocking, ignorant statement by Trump was a proposal to replace the federal income tax with a tariff on imports. See CNBC, Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports.
The idea of replacing income taxes with tariffs rivals Trump's proposal to “inject bleach” to fight Covid. Replacing an income tax with tariffs would result in a massive tax increase for most Americans while providing a massive tax decrease for the most affluent taxpayers.
Moreover, the idea is delusional. Income taxes raise $2 trillion annually; the US imports only $3.4 trillion in goods. To replace the income tax, Trump would need to impose a more than 100% tariff on all imports—which would raise the price of goods, fuel inflation, and punish poor and middle-class consumers! See Market Watch, Trump floats replacing income taxes with tariffs, gets criticized by economists.
In short, as one critic said, Trump’s idea is “unserious.” That’s a problem. Having the president of the world’s largest economy propose unserious ideas on the fly is a recipe for market volatility and uncertainty—neither of which are good for business. Despite having spent a lifetime in (failed) real estate ventures, Trump knows nothing about economics. He is not only a threat to democracy but also a threat to the nation’s financial stability.
Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
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sonippep-hohu · 1 year
-cracks knuckles- This is more of a ramble post than an official writing, because I'm too autistic to be formal. so, angsty Noise hc time! [BUT BEFORE YOU READ: there's mentions of implied unethical drugging, heavily implied psychological torture, various manipulative methods of abuse (such as blackmailing, forced fighting; things of this nature I don't know a catch all word for) and just generally... Pizzahead being a very nasty boss. ALTHOUGH, it is never described in detail, so I doubt it will be triggering! But just in case! IN SUMMARY / TLDR: Pizzahead hired the Noise by tricking him and did some very questionable things to him within the Tower; tactics to make him a weapon against Peppino against his own will.]
To put it bluntly, Pizzahead fucked him up.
Theodore was a beloved friend to Peppino. This made him a very delectable test subject for Pizza's... prank.
Theodore is hired by "Pizzaface, of the Tower," roughly overnight due to wanting to explore his horizons from his job by aiming higher, wanting a promotion from an audio manager and editor to owning his own channel at the station. While he was not promoted by his current station, he was signaled out by the newly established "Tower" that had promised him great things! They'd contracted everything and encouraged him to visit the place. Which he quickly agreed to do, too delighted to question much. But he did really want to settle things in person; he even had invited Hazel to tag along with him. Unfortunately, it did not end well. Theodore and Hazel were held hostage at this estate and separated. I won't go too into detail here, but that is what happened. Pizzaface then "properly" introduced himself to the upstart, and proclaimed he had a special task at hand for this young man. That he could fulfil all of their desires; his yearnings of wanting his own channel, his fiancée's dreams of wanting that cafe they had been saving up for - so long as he agreed accomplished what Pizzahead wanted. But Pizza being... as goofy and vague, and confusing as he could be didn't quite get a solid answer from him. Not an answer that he liked, of course. And so more drastic measured were made. He threatened to keep Hazel away from him. Although very vaguely, he even alluded to possibly hurting her. Not even understanding what he was signing up for, Theodore had reluctantly agreed to be a part of the "prank." Though he had "consented" to the terms - everything was wonky and indescribable - he was, for lack of a better term, experimented on in much haste. Unconscious, of course, which makes it all the more concerning... He needed to be trained. He needs to be rewired, manufactured even; into being a perfect puppet for Pizza's amusement. The idea was, Theodore would be convinced he does in fact have his own channel... as he had asked, of course, because Pizza does not forget his promises. He does not lie... On this channel, it would be a comedic fiasco! A wonderful display of comical violence and shenanigans! Theodore himself could be the star, the attention and the drive! As he was sent into a ring; costume and new persona and all, to fight against the unruly Peppino! This... not quite being the real deal, of course of course... No, Peppino wasn't here yet... The clones! The beloved clones! Yes, those would be the tool... to properly prepare Theodore; the Noise, for his greatest and most achievable rule! He convinced the Noise that Peppino is his lifelong rival (for now Peppino's true face was unrecognizable to Theodore) who was once a close friend - all for the act, he promised, all for the act - and the mutants would fight gloriously! Except, the Noise was scrawny... yes, he was scraggily and unfit... this made him an easy target, easy bait. That wouldn't do... More concocting, more upgrades, more playing! Yes, the damage was irreparable... Noise's poor mind has been reduced to soup; mushed and mushed until every day, all Noise wanted to do was tussle with the mutants. Gloriously, he'd start to win. Gloriously, he'd started to be praised by his... audiences, whoever they were. A new life filled with thrills and excitements! He'd grown quite hostile; it was unlike his original nature... Being around his fiancée -his girlfriend? - felt more and more like a chore, a distraction, once they were permitted to see each other once more. She tried to make sense of it, keep him calm and stable - and sometimes it would work! But other times, other times he was far too deep and gone. Eventually, one of these mutants were a little too real! Yes, too familiar... and this one spoke. Spoke to him... directly, as if he knows him? As if he recognized the Noise, and did not want to fight... None of the mutants had ever done that before...
He convinced the Noise that Peppino is his lifelong rival (for now Peppino's true face was unrecognizable to Theodore) who was once a close friend - all for the act, he promised, all for the act - and the mutants would fight gloriously! He thought this was perhaps a challenge! Something to make him even stronger, the mutants had been stronger and stronger before! Perhaps this time... they're smarter? They are starting to fight... logically? Psychologically? Was this a test? It made Noise tick a bit, the way it kept insisting they were friends once... insisting that he stop and listen. But Noise was too uncomfortable to, it only made him the more riled. They tussled and wrestled furiously. The fight had lasted so long, it was even starting to break equipment! The balloon had crashed, all the cameras were gone! This... this made Noise very nervous, very, very irritable. He didn't understand what was happening. This wasn't supposed to happen.
Noise continued to shout and flail, ignoring the aggressive negotiation this mutant was making - this all too real of a human being, who was almost getting through to him... As a last stitch effort, Noise had had it with this game. He'd take his confusion and rage out somehow - and so he'd kill this beast. On camera or not, he'd have to silence this... person. Except, now he's being dragged... again. This wasn't the first time he's nearly cracked too hard in a fight. Hazel, or his "Noisette", she dragged him away as carefully as she could. And he could do nothing but go limp - staring at this man... this familiar face. Yes... he slowly realized. He slowly remembered. That was a real person. That was the real Peppino. His... his rival? Why can't he remember...? He could honestly scream.
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thegcng-arch · 9 months
on dennis' eighth verse:
most of dennis' upbringing is the same to what we see in canon. after high school he wanted to major in psychology but decided to switch it to business administration. he didn't really feel like he had a choice when it came to his life after college, working with frank was set in stone. dennis ends up graduating from the university of pennsylvania with a major in business administration and a minor in psychology. during his childhood he was often told that he would end up working for his father, frank, after he graduated. his twin sister dee ended up dropping out of college, and moved back in with frank and barbara with dreams of going to california to be an actress. once dennis had graduated he moves back in with frank and barbara. a few months later dee ends up moving out of the house and into her own apartment after reconnecting with charlie and mac. dennis stays distant and keeps his head down and focuses on working with frank. he mainly just works as frank's assistant, shadowing him primarily with his real estate business. he does this for almost a year. while dee, mac, and charlie buy a bar dennis is promoted to COO of wolf cola. with this promotion dennis moves out of his childhood home and gets a nice apartment downtown in philly. he works for wolf cola for a few years but he feels unfulfilled. he's fascinated with technology and computers and urges frank to look into starting up some sort of tech company. frank is hesitant at first and it takes a few months, but dennis convinces him to start up a tech company. they call it reynolds technologies, and they specify in making parts for computers and phones. frank is really into the idea of american made products so dennis hammers that home. shortly after reynolds technologies is founded frank and barbara get divorced and frank signs over a majority of his businesses to dennis. he wants to reunite with his daughter dee, return to living a more carefree life, and focus on charity. dennis finds this laughable but he doesn't complain, it's hard to do so when you get a very large check. dennis works as the ceo for reynolds technologies for a bit and after a few years he moves to being president of the company. he's a bit more hands off, but still works with the company to help with dealings. all of the companies that dennis owns are very successful and he makes a really nice living. he gets his own house in the suburbs of philly, and ends up owning different penthouse apartments in los angeles, new york, and chicago because of how often he travels for business. dennis' personality is similar to what we see in canon in the show, but he's a bit more healed. he had more time away from frank and barbara, and was able to make a successful life for himself. he still lies and schemes but he's more professional about it. he's incredibly charming and is used to getting what he wants. he's not afraid to flash around some money to do so. he rarely talks with frank at this point, or dee. he looks down on them, really, shocked that they decided to give up a life of riches to live in squalor.
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