#Redacted yandere stranger
sainthowlzon · 6 months
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Hello!! I've been reading through Leon's stuff and??? I love him??? I'm a sucker for childhood best friends turned to lovers. The slow burn, the pining, and the yandere potential! I was also wondering what would Ren/Redacted do if they found out that Angel loved or had a crush on Leon? I'm assuming that Leon beloved would end up 6 ft under :[ Mostly because it'd be hard to replace the memories Angel has with him, or to make them distrust and dislike Leon so much so that they'd pick a stranger over him.
Anyway tysm for making such great characters!! I legit cannot choose between [Redacted] and Leon rn. And Violet is so sweet, I'd love to play Final Fantasy XIV with her or smth!! Though her account might get mysteriously hacked if we have too much fun or get too close 😪
I have many, many thoughts. I hope this was understandable!
✦゜ANSWERED: I think a lot of people tend to forget that Ren was also your childhood friend as well, so he'd 100% know about Leon's small crush on you when you were all kids!! >:3c
And while technically Leon was the one who proposed first, it was only out of the desire to protect you and fulfil those childlike fantasies he read in books -- not because he had a crush on you. Ren was the one who had genuine feelings and greatly admired you, which was why he proposed (with a ring!!) as well. But obviously knowing Leon for a bit longer, you listened to him instead.
But Leon was also very stubborn and clingy when he was younger, and didn't want you befriending others or replacing him as your best friend. He only wanted you to rely on him to protect you, and always saw Ren as a threat because they were always lurking behind the swings and staying hidden inside the slide like a scary, fantasy monster.
When in reality, Leon was the one encroaching on Ren's only safe haven (the playground) and disrupting the peace.
I've mentioned this before, but Ren would always sneak out and visit the playground on the nights where his family got a little too much, and that was where he would always find you -- alone and huddled up in one of the brightly-coloured tunnels with tears in your eyes. It was then when Ren would start leaving jackets and little toys for you to find, and always got happy when you'd do the same in return. But the moment Leon turned up (most likely out of you telling him about the playground), everything started to go downhill for Ren.
I also don't think a lot of the newer people know about this, but Leon moved away when you were both around 9 years old!! So they only way he kept in touch was through hand-written letters and occasional texts/calls once you both got older and had access to phones. I like to think in an AU where he still had feelings for you, he'd write cute lil love letters and send cheesy Aussie postcards/souvenirs of things you'd enjoy.
I also can't really explain what Ren would do if Leon started getting closer because that's part of the premise of the game (and I don't wanna spoil anything), so I unfortunately can't fully answer your question, I'm sorry!! >.<
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peachedtv · 2 years
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﹂ Yandere!Dabi x Nurse!Reader ‘Come dance with me in hell, won’t you, Father?’ And boy did Dabi fucking mean it. Poor little you to have been his next ledge to mindfuck his father to shards. 
﹂Genre: angst, toxic relationship, slow burn, 18+
﹂ Warnings: AFAB, female pronouns, Kidnapping, non-sexual hair pulling, paralysis, angst, drugging, profanity, descriptions of panic attacks, violence, slight horror, insults, broken family dynamic (both Dabi [duh] and reader's),
﹂ WC: 6.67k
﹂ From Redact: this will be continued! My motivation sucks so I'll try to promise a regular schedule.. I first posted this story at 2k words, then kept editing back to get it up to 6.67k, so I'm reposting it to let the people see the final copy incase yk. If you wanna be on a taglist tell me !!! I'd love to have one
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Honestly, everything's turned into a fucking mess.
After the absolute devastation of Dabi’s theatrical exposing of Endeavour, your workplace was swarmed by furious citizens and questioning paparazzi. They were angry. So fucking angry. Angry for the fact that Endeavour had such cruel impositions on his children, angry that his actions caused the root of such a murderous villain, and angry at the fall of heroes being ironically unheroic. Day or night, their anger wouldn’t stop. The continuous flashing lights of cameras, the synchronized yelling, and the fists that shook in the air. With the mantra of harassment towards your hospital, one would think you’re caring for number one himself—the one Dabi framed as the center point for his villainous roots, the one who did most of the hurting. But, no. You weren’t caring for Endeavour. You were the main nurse for his wife, Rei. And that's what truly ticked your soul.
It absolutely baffled you. Why were such a mantra of citizens harassing a regular person? Can’t they properly think that if Dabi’s speech pointed at Endeavour, it’s mainly Endeavour’s doing? Article after article, you started to understand that many hard-luck Endeavour fans were convinced that the abuse Dabi had forsaken was all Rei’s fault.
‘She’s manipulative.’
‘What a fucking gold digger.’
‘No wonder Endeavour had to take out his anger on his children.’
Yet who was the one in psychiatric care? Are these people truly blind to the obvious victim here? It made your blood boil.
You kept Rei under your loving care for years. As someone who had their own fucked up family situation, you felt for her since her admission oh so many years ago. You knew who she truly was, and so, it made you enraged that these strangers yelled at her as though they’d known her all their ignorant lives. As if they had the entire situation figured out when even Endeavour had his own twisted narration of what happened. People believe what they want to believe, and you began to understand that. People protect what and who they wish to protect. It did not matter how morphed and wicked the twists on their perceptions may be—as long as they can justify themselves. As long as they can justify the wrong.
And so, here, Rei was not the object of the crowd’s protection. She was the embodiment of their malformed justifications. The receiver of their hatred, the one to hear the garbage and clunk of cans thrown against her window.
It’s during a time like this that you’re truly brought back. Brought back to the Rei who first arrived. The Rei who was constantly in a fight or flight response. For the first few weeks of her stay, she wore a horrid expression of absolute dread. Her eyes truly had no spark, and her body felt empty of any soul. She always looked down, her chin tucked near her chest as she zoned out into a singular corner of her room. Many of the doctors and nurses complained to the head, saying she was too much for our hospital to handle. Whenever someone merely grazed her arm while cleaning her room, she would scream out in horror—thrashing about as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Thus, when nurse after nurse had quit being her caretaker, finally you came up to the chopping block, and you had heard a lot about her. Of course, none of which was positive.
‘She’s fucking insane.’
‘That woman makes me want to quit.’
‘Thank god I got switched out.’
‘Goodluck, Y/N, you’ll need it.’
When you first saw her, the barrier you had about yourself slipped. No, you didn’t see a manic woman, nor did you see some form of a psycho. What you saw, mesmerized you. You were entranced. She was truly beautiful. Her white hair gently framed her face, while the sunlight in her room had a cold, blue hue, that you didn’t feel was present anywhere else in the hospital. She had the aura of an apathetic beauty, a flower that was plucked - for even wilting roses had their charm. Her eyes, though, those wonderful eyes. You could tell her deep irises once held the spark of happiness, the spark of hope and care. Yet now, her eyelids hung low, dark circles beneath her lids dragging her visage lower, and her posture as an enervated slouch. It was in that moment when you first laid eyes on her did you truly see who was deep inside the shell of her abused being. She brought you back, brought you back to who you easily could have become—shown you who you would’ve been had you not fought tooth and nail against your resolves. And so, determination flared inside of you. You will help her. You will bring back her spark. No one should fight so alone against something a crowd can’t handle. Thus, even if you’re the only one by her side, you will still be there.
It had taken a couple of months for you to barely disarm her violently defensive walls, but you managed. You always knocked on her door before entering, peering through before stepping into the room. You set up a small stool by her bedside, and every time you came to her you would sit down before getting to your medicinal caretaking. You’d smile, greet her warmly, and tell her silly stories about your day. Tales of the warm old man across the hall, of those pesky UA kids that couldn’t help but fight a little too hard for others. You would go into detail after detail, eyes dancing across the empty walls as you lightly laughed at the memories or clicked your tongue at some of the peskier ones. Although she never responded, you made sure to speak to her every single time.
Furthermore, you were careful, you truly wanted the best for your patients, and she is no different. You were careful when you delicately held the flowers’ stems as you poured in fresh water. You were careful when you gently told her everything you would care for before doing it. ‘I’ll be checking your heart rate, is that okay?’ You’d smile, not even grazing her arm before a sign of confirmation. And it was these careful things you did for Rei that truly made her love you too. Soon, she began to speak. Her voice was delicate and raspy, as she hadn’t used her vocals in such a long time. But still, you smiled at her. Tears welling in the corners of your eyes as you listened to her very first request for a glass of water. Progress is progress. And you were determined to continue it.
From her vaguely written patient file, you had an idea that her husband was the main factor in her descent into your care. But, you were horrified once Rei trusted you enough to spill her heart's deepest sorrows—all caused by her husband. She cried, and oh how her tears fell so quietly it shattered a piece of you that you didn’t know was there. After she began giving you one-worded answers, to replying in whole sentences, her walls soon came down and a woman desperate for help and comfort revealed herself. It broke your heart remembering the number of overtime shifts you’ve spent merely hugging her while she gripped your scrubs. Her arms desperately clinging to you for any minuscule support, her body trembling in the fear that you’ll give up and leave her just as the other nurses did. Those silent tears fell, her muffled cries making you wish you could take away her pain if only for a minute. Every night, that was the scene between you two. And every night, flashbacks of her husband’s cruel words yelled at her from the silence only she could hear. Not only as a nurse, but as a human being, you truly cared. And Rei could feel that sincerity, thus, you two grew close.
Even after Rei exponentially improved, you still tried your best to give her some kind of comfort she could cling to in the emptiness of the hospital’s blank walls. You were so proud of her. She came so, so far in her healing process. And your soul smiled at the thought of her gentle nod whenever you entered her room—she had the misfortune of a hundred lives, and didn’t deserve a single crumb more of difficulties.
So why did fate have the tv running that day?
You ran to her room, the blaring of her EKG racing your mind with worry. It had been long, too long, since her heart raced so. You had gotten used to her health, to her improved state, so how the hell did this happen? When you burst through the door, Rei was slumped on the ground with her hand clawing into her chest as she hyperventilated, her eyes wildly ajarred as her gaze stuck to the screen with tears swelling the corner of her ducts as her lips fell apart in these broken attempts of communication.
'-was born as the eldest son of Endeavour.'
‘Rei! Breathe, breathe, I’m right here for you. Please, what happened?’ You held her comfortingly, rubbing your palm in circular motions upon her back. God, how did this happen? Sorrow wretched your soul when she began to cry harder, frantically looking from the floor before her and the screen upon the tv. She shoved you away with as much force her could muster, you stumbled slightly back, in absolute shock. It had been a while since Rei had a any miniuscle of violence in her outbursts—let alone having an outburst in the first place, and it broke your heart to wonder why it was happening. You could tell her conciousness was slipping from the rapid breaths she choked to take, how her movements became more sluggish. She began to scream, her hands tangling into the hair on the side of her head as she knelt with her face to her knees. You reached into a nearby cabinet, taking a deep breath as you thrashed around the contents until your fingers wrapped about a minor sedative. It pained you, you haven’t had to go to such measures in so long. Your hand firmly on her shoulder, you told her everything was going to be alright before injecting the sedative and keeping your comforting words. 
'I was created for my father's selfish dream.'
‘It’s okay, I’m right here. Don’t worry about a thing, Rei.’ You spoke gently, and her eyelids began weighing down to shut, before she looked deep into your eyes and whispered: ‘T-tell him I’m sorry.’ Your eyes followed her as she tried to look towards the tv. Upon the screen, a man was sitting upon a vintage couch. Throughout his body, horrid patches of purple plastered his skin, barely holding onto his stature with the use of staples, you could see the dip in his surviving skin and the bruised purple from the awful staple job on his body. It looked so painful your skin tingled in discomfort. With such a blatantly iconic look, how could you not recognize the man himself? Dabi. His hair was a messy black, his chin picked up toward the camera, and a darkened gaze of determination and resentment filled his eyes—a stare that would pierce the soul of any viewer.
'-my father would force my mother to give birth to more off-spring.'
How long had his voice been playing in the background? You stared, stared at the TV. You listened, listened to Dabi apathetically recall every horrifying detail Endeavour put his pitiful children through. The same details that had you shaken to insomnia at night when you first heard it through Rei's exasperated cries during her mental break downs. It was awful, Endeavour's actions were horrid. The neglect, the abuse, his cold demeanour, hearing both Rei and now Dabi recount those awful memories made you realize just how cold the air about you became as well - a sudden contrast as though your physical environment darkened from the heavy words Dabi spoke out about. You felt their pain, but you know you could never truly understand it. Not until you had gone through something the exact same, and even then, everyone processes trauma differently. Thus, empathy is such a golden key. The very key that had your shocked visage brim with tears. There wasn't a hint of pain in Dabi's voice, not yet, at least. Yet, you knew that years before, and deep inside his battered body, Touya was will trapped. Crying, begging, trying to crawl his way out. You saw a reflection of Rei in Dabi. The reflection of someone who was in pain but built these sky-high walls to hide any form of vulnerability.
‘Using the blood Endeavour left at the fight in Kyushu,’ his hand propping up a document, ‘there was a 99.99% match.’ 
Truly, it took a while to understand what you heard. Your eyes carefully traced the screen, ears perked up in denial as Dabi described every moment that Rei had described to you. Endeavour, the pain, the abuse, the screaming, the yelling. He recalled it with an absent look of apathy glazed across his face. His eyes reflecting that of an apathetic beauty. A look you recognized from the Rei who first walked into your care. If it weren’t for his unforgiving injuries, he would have been a splitting image of his mother. As you gazed upon his grotesque features, his lips mouthed the same name of the son who Rei prayed so desparately for the return of.
Yet you don’t think her prayers were answered in the best way.
You stared holes into that screen, watching his careful movements, scanning the paper Dabi held in his hands, as you watched his mouth moved it was in that moment that you realized you couldn’t hear. A ringing was blaring in your head as the only sensory you had left was that of sight. Your vision tunnelled, the sides of your perception clouding into black as you silently watched Dabi continue to expose that wretched hero who caused his dear family such tremendous misfortune. Dabi was the same Touya Rei cried to you with gulit over for all these years. The same Touya whos only remains found was a jawbone from the burning forest he died in. The same Touya who fell apart for the sake of his father’s dreams.
How isn’t he dead? It didn’t make any sense. His jaw, how was his jaw found without the rest of him? How had it come off? How did he survive the temperature of those flames being enough to cremate someone alive? Your eyes watched the screen, watched Dabi’s speech continue, that ringing spiking a headache of throbbing pain. Nothing made any sense. And you put your everything into focusing upon the scarred man on the screen so why did this have to happen? Rei was doing so well, it’s not fair, why did this have to happen? She doesnt deserve this to happen she had trued so fucking much. She didn’t deserve this, she was barely healed–
‘Miss Y/N! Is Mrs. Todoroki okay?’ 
Your coworker’s voice snapped you back into reality, and you stammered an apology before carefully placing Rei into her bed and turning off the tv with shaking hands. From the expression on your coworker’s face, you could tell they saw the footage aswell, their eyes nervously tracing to the ajarred cabinet door to the sedatives, understanding the regress in Rei’s stability from this entire situation. 
Sadly, Rei’s instability wasn’t as fleeting as you had hoped. It didn’t take long for Rei to fall apart into the hole she fought so hard to climb out of. With the mantra of angered ex-Endeavor fans accusing her of child abuse, along with the constant paparazzi that flashed bright lights toward her window and posted her tear-struck face all over tabloids, you couldn’t blame her. For days after the incident, you refused to sleep. Staying by her side as she couldn’t rest at all. Although a hospital never sleeps, it still quiets at twilight. But no, not anymore. For even night didn’t tire the fucking protestors. They screamed out, police desparately trying to control the situation, although they were smart. Hugging the gates, not actually on the property of the hospital. Thus, the police couldn’t pull any legalities on them. 
You never left the hospital anymore, every break and after your shifts, you would sit at Rei’s bedside. The aura was both somber and panicked, darkened with the occational sniffles and choked sobs of Rei’s rasped voice. Unlike the usual, you did not speak. You knew the voices in her head had come back now, and if you added your own, Rei wouldn’t be able to hold out any better than she already is. So, the only thing you knew to do was to never leave her alone, and her arms never left your back. You held her in an embrace every night, neither of you sleeping, neither of you talking. Slowly, she began to loosen her hold, gently sleeping a couple minutes a night with her chin resting on your shoulder. Your heart lit with hope, glad she could finally sleep a wink. Before long, she was truly able to fall into a decent slumber, her body resting against yours for a couple hours before she would gasp awake. Slowly but surely, improvement had come. And once Rei’s sleep schedule returned to some extent, you traveled back home to your apartment for the first time in over a week to gather your own well-deserved rest.
You wish you could say your return brought some comfort to you. But truly, the silence was eerie to say the least. Your mind was still worried. Worried that Rei would wake up in the middle of the night, all alone without you there. A part of you missed her already, but your boss became truly worried for your health after the bags under your eyes darkened into a bruise like hue. She demanded you at least go home for a night, and you relented. Truly, your body was giving up, and you needed the rest too.
Your keys twisted inside the lock as you pushed the door open, a familiar creak welcoming you back. You did not feel very welcome. The air was a piercing cold, with all the lights in your apartment off. The fact that it was late into the night did not help, with both an absence of light in your home and no twinkling stars to gaze upon. Everything was pure dark. You sighed, dumping your bag lazily by the door as you kicked off your shoes, taking heavy steps toward your room when you stopped. You stood still, so, so still. From the crack below your closed bedroom door, light bled into the dark hallway. You were scared, truly. You never leave the lights on before leaving, so what was happening here..? Why were the lights on?
A sense of dread filled your body, and you listened carefully. Nothing. No rummaging, no gentle thumps of someone’s steps, just the rays of light dauntingly brightening the floorboards and that white noise of ventilation. Quietly, you walked backward toward the front door, taking shaky breaths as your lungs quivered. You should’ve stayed with Rei. You shouldn’t have come. With how little sleep you had gotten, your mind felt as though you were floating. And obviously, you struggled to form any kind of rational thought about your current predicament. Despite that, you did have one thought. The thought that you must leave. Immediately. You didn’t care for your belongings, your jacket, nor your shoes and keys. All you cared for was to get the fuck out. 
Every pore on the wall felt as though an eye was peering through, watching your pathetically fearful movements. Shivers spiked down your spine and every dark crack of any open door had an imagined silhouette peering through, faces tauntingly smiling to you through the dark. You were panicking.
Your hand gripped the knob, turning it slowly to stiffle it’s persistent creaks before you flung open the door to bolt outside. Your mind raced, breath hitching as steps slapped upon the cement. As you approached a corner, you turned your head back as you kept running—fully expecting the door to fly open and a figure to chase behind you. You couldn’t imagine why you had to have some burglary occur. You didn’t live in an exceptionally poor or rich area, and there were blatant security cameras throughout the building. The more you watched your back, the more you felt a little silly. Nothing came, and you nearly slowed down your bolt as a light chuckle of relief fell before your mouth. You’re safe, your apartment was safe. There’s no threat in your room, obviously, you must’ve forgotten to turn off the lights. You turned the corner as your bolt slowed into a jog. Yet, your momentary relief was short-lived the moment you roughly crashed into something in front of you.
You fell back, falling hard onto your ass with your palms scraping against the unforgiving texture of the floor. Gravel stung, digging into your open skid marks. Athough, that pain was nothing compared to the strike fear over who stood before you. 
The very man upon your tv screen those days before.
The very man who single-handedly wrecked the top two heroes.
He looked down at you, a sickened gaze and smirk plastered over his graphic features. He looked manic, and he was manic. The way he demeaningly leaned down to you, hands dug deep into the pockets of his black slacks, the way he cocked his head to the side, it all made your throat starkly dry. 
‘Why the long face, Y/N?’ You internally gagged, your name sounded so vile on his tongue, in the way his face stared at you with hatred. How does he know your name? What does he want? You stared up at him speechlessly, your jaw falling silent and eyes dropping wide with horror. Your mind raced in confusion. Jumping from one false hope to another, trying to relieve your fear that you might not survive this encounter. Your only connection with Dabi was as the nurse of his mother, was he extrapolating some revenge against her? But why? Endeavour had been the main perpetrator of the abuse, so why are you being dragged into this so mercilessly? You couldn’t think clearly, but you did know one thing. Both of you well knew Rei had barely anything to do with the harm Touya had endured. Yet, here he was. Newly born as Dabi, as the Dabi who stared down at you as though you coddled his worst enemy your whole life.
His hand shot toward your collar, the fabric ripping at certain ends from the sheer force he used to drag you closer to his face. Your hands grappled at his wrist, fingertips digging into his hand before your force hesitated when you latched right onto his staples. You were scared. You were really, really scared. The way his smile grew wider in response to those pathetic tears that welled in your eyes, the way he held you so tightly your windpipe felt as though it was burning in pain. You felt misjudged. Thrown into an undeserving cruelty that you hadn’t even sinned enough to deserve. But obviously, why would a villain care about whether or not you deserved their violence?
‘Why are you so scared? I’m only here to thank you.’ He quirked, eyes wide as he laughed at your pathetic expressions of fear and struggle. ‘You won't die, so don’t be too dramatic.’ He smiled, yet, you didn’t feel comforted. Heck, a part of you here realized how much you wish you could’ve died at this moment. Was living through whatever he was about to put you through better than hell itself?
‘You took care of my dear old mom ever since I left, comforting her all those nights, helping her recover from Mr. Number One.’ His grip tightened, your collar bunching up into his palms, harshly wheezing your throat as you struggled to breathe. You knew no amount of fighting back was going to drain him down to stop. Dabi had you stood completely upright, right up on the tip of your toes as he held the majority of your body weight up by your neck, still leaning forward to truly yell into your face. Even without the threat of his quirk, you’d never stand a fucking chance against him with how he towers over you. You could tell of the venom Dabi had in his recalling of your care as his mother’s nurse, his pupils dialating in fury. Had he felt things were unfair? That he hadn’t had the help Rei needed when he felt so much worse? You tried to be empathetic, trying to find a way so you could make it out alive. But the more Dabi tightened his hold on you, the more you realized you wouldn’t be getting out of this unscathed—far from it, actually.
‘I’m here to repay you. You know? You spent so many years caring for her, so I’ll repay your act of kindness.’ His voice dripped in sarcasm, venom seeping through as his spat out to you right in your face. Suddenly, his expression morphed, his smile churning so wide the staples holding his smile  together began to rip at the corners of his mouth. ‘You know, that stupid woman isn’t the angel you keep treating her to be. Haven’t you seen little Shoto Todoroki? How do you think that scar on his precious face came to be?’ Your breath hitched as his grip tightened, your throat completely wrenched into his lone palm as heat began radiating through his fingers. Don’t listen to him, you told yourself. Rei messed up. She’s wasn’t the best mother. But no one helped her victim until she became the abuser. Shoto didn’t deserve that, neither did Rei deserve the cruelities of Endeavour, and nor did Touya deserve a crumb of the pressure he underwent. Can’t he understand that nearly everyone in this situation is some form of a victim? You felt frustrated trying to hold your tongue back against this man. He was blinded by rage, a rage that began rationally and morphed into something villianously sinister. It made you feel frustrated. He pitied himself too much. Everyone was struggling, Shoto and Rei too, so why was he so upset with you helping someone who needed to be helped?
‘You people disgust me. You save whoever the fuck you want, but leave the people who really need it out to burn up in a forest.’ You shook your head, shutting your eyes tightly in denial to his cruel accusations. You wanted to yell. Yell how stupid his words were, how tunnelled his thinking was. Dabi is being selfish. Yet, despite your anger, you were still striken with fear. You understood you were in no place to speak your mind, yet your words just spilled out in a frenzy.
‘You’re so linear.’ You said shakily, furrowing your eyebrows and trying to wrench your windpipe out of his grip so you could just barely breathe. ‘Rei was hurt too, she’s n-no angel, but she’s not such a demon either.’ You spoke quietly, but considered how you were choked up into the air it was remarkably impressive you could even get a peep out. Dabi seemed to only become amused, an upset form of amusement. Tears streamed down your cheeks, mainly from the physical agnoy, but moreso now that his palm began to luminate blue and heat up.
You were going to die over your fat tongue.
Your crying only seeming to fuel him even more as his smile ripped even wider. ‘I’m sorry— I didn’t mean it badly–‘ You panically wept. His eyes narrowed, a sense of absolute euphoria over the position of power he had. He felt so cocky, you know? He just ruined two of the top heroes’ careers and now he’s taking away the only support and comfort from his shitty mom. His revenge has just fucking started. He nonchalantly dropped your body onto the floor as he adjusted to stand straight. You crumbled to your knees, your hands flying to your throat as you wretched and coughed out. Your neck was painful to the touch, throbbing as you felt the bruise of his grip develop. Suddenly, he knelt down to one knee, looking at you with an unimpressed expression. 
‘Don’t be so fucking dramatic. Be grateful you’re alive.’ He spat, his tone unforgiving. You sobbed, trying your best to sniffle your crying as you bit down on your lip and shut your eyes tightly—too stuck in horror to look at whatever the fuck your current situation was. From the fear of death you just had, you nearly wanted to thank him for sparing your life. Your hands violently shaking as you refused to look up to him, parts of you begging that this was all some bad trip. Suddenly, he laughed. He began to laugh, growing louder and more insane. You stopped breathing, opening your eyes to see him heaving in absolute exhilaration. 
‘Don’t do that,’ He was profoundly euphoric, ‘you’re reminding me too much of how I cried to dear old Endeavour. What, are you trying to send me down memory lane?’ He finally calmed down a little, smiling at you as you knelt before him, fucking speechless. Your relief was immediately drowned out in the panic of what he was trying to do. He reached out, shoving his thumb into your mouth and forcing your jaw open. Taking his other hand, he forced two fingers down your throat without a shred of care. You gagged, grabbing his wrist and digging your nails into his skin as you felt a pill sink into being forced down into your body as he kept his fingers deep in your throat. Eyes wide as you tried to fight him off, jaw stiffening as you prepared to bite down on him. He stared you down warningly, his breaths deepening and hand warming on your jaw. You sobbed, relenting and loosening your grip on his wrist, shutting your eyes tightly. You felt a tear gently trickle down your cheek, it felt warm against your face. But not as warm as the threatening hand on your neck that wouldn't hesitate to burn. Dabi let go, standing up as you coughed out, feeling the pill stay stuck deep in your throat as you tried your best to ignore it. He lazily dragged his hand across your face, wiping your spit off his hand. You started to cry. Sobbing as quietly as you could as you heard. You could tell he was truly annoyed, clicking his tongue as he took heavy steps away from you - but still keeping a close enough distance to burn you alive if you tried to run away. You felt frustrated. What had you done to deserve this? What did he drug you with? Your panic made you hallucinate awful symptoms of the pill. The world began feeling dizzy, your head becoming light, ad your thoughts racing drunkenly. Although, rationally, you knew that you hadn't even digested the pill yet, so you tried your best to calm yourself down before the pill's effects would truly take place.
You didn't realize Dabi had taken his space between you two to take a quick call until he hung up, shoving his phone deep into his pocket before he looked back to you with a bored expression. 'Are you done crying?' He was annoyed. From the expression of apathy and boredom on his face, he resembled a tired dad sick of his children throwing a tantrum over every little thing. The way he looked down at you felt demeaning, and you felt your body shrink a little down into the core of your bruised heart. You wanted to stand up, your legs numb from being forced down to kneel this entire time. Yet, the fear you held over being burnt from any sudden movement kept you scarily still.
'Get up.' There wasn't a shred of care in his voice, but from the way he tangled his fingers in your hair, dragging you forward by it until you were knelt up awkwardly by his side like a dog, you weren't surprised by his verbal violence. Let alone his physical violence. You grabbed his hand, trying to ease the burning pain against your scalp. It felt as though your hair would rip from the root if he pulled just a little harder. Your eyes darted around, confusion to why he propped you up to him so closely. Was there some threat? Was something about to happen? You felt your heart pounding through your blouse, so loud it resonated inside your head. But, it didn't matter how much your scalp burned in pain. It didn't matter how your palms were still scraped open from your initial fall. It didn't matter how you had roughly fifteen minutes before that pill would digest. What did matter was that by the end of those fifteen minutes, you needed to be away from him and whatever he had planned for you. As though Dabi sensed your change in mood from fear to determination, his hand began to heat up.
'If you want to die, go ahead and try what you want. If not, stay down like the trash you are.' You felt the hope you built up crumble, maybe it was from Dabi's words. But mainly, it was from the literal crumble of the ground and roads in front of your apartment building. The way the earth caved in on the infamous stone-like creature that bulldozed through half of Japan—Gigantomachia of the League of Villians. His body was confined down so his brutish face was mere feet away from yours. His eyes were a glinted yellow, so much so they didn't resemble eyes in the slightest—moreso like large fragments of amber-filled or gold his sclera. You watched in horror as large rubbles of the road slipped down Machia's spikes, cracking their area of impact once they fell. Light after light turned on in your neighboring apartments, people opening their doors with pissed-off expressions darkened with eyebags. Looking to curse out whatever fool decided to make such a loud fuss in the middle of the night. Unsurprisingly, as the beast merely turned his head in their direction, and person after person ran out of their homes in wide-eyed fear.
Dabi rolled his eyes, unimpressed at their pathetic attempts at an escape. He raised his palm, flames bursting out from the center as screams of pain erupted. You stared in horror as the people you'd politely smile to every day burnt up before your eyes. You didn't plan it. Your arms reached up and grabbed Dabi's forearm to pull it down into our chest. You cringed when the flame lightly skimmed your shoulder, yet our grip on his arm remained iron. You refused to let people die right in front of you.
'What the fuck are you doing?!' He yelled, his flames dissipating as you watched a minuscule bunch run away safely. Dabi shoved you hard into the ground, glaring down at you in absolute annoyance. Yet you returned his glare, looking up at him with resentment. 'Fine, you wanna die? Go ahead.' He aimed his palm in your direction, a twinge of flames hurling out. Without a doubt, you were scared. You were scared of dying, scared of never seeing your loved ones again, and scared of the sorrow your death would cause. You hadn't had the impact you wished to have yet, yet here you were, about to die before barely making a dent of meaning in your life. But in that fear, you felt angry. Angry that you were being relentlessly harmed over helping someone who needed it, angry that Dabi would mercilessly burn the innocent without hesitation, and angry that he was mad at you over trying to save them. He was so unreasonable.
'God! Can you quit it?! I understand your pain, and I understand where you're coming from. But those people aren't Endeavour, Rei, or whoever else you hate! They didn't do anything to deserve being killed over, just like you didn't do anything to deserve what you went through as a kid. So why are you hurting them?!' You glared at him, adjusting your posture so you were sitting upright, a hand soothing the blistering burn on your shoulder. His flames fizzled out, and you saw his eyes widen. He was silent, still. As though for both of you, time stopped. You heard desperate steps fade away into the background, rubble from Machia falling upon the grass, and the sizzles of Dabi's flames eating away the fresh corpses that littered the scene about you two. His expression was apathetic, you couldn't read him. Yet, you felt his mind racing, before his palm picked up and slapped you, hard, right across your face.
'You understand me? Is that what you fucking said?' He was absolutely livid. You could hear the absolute anger in his voice, yet a soft smile spread across his lips. Your cheek felt stung, warm, and you were absolutely speechless. For some reason, him slapping you across your face felt more painful than the burn on your shoulder and the scrapes on your palms combined. It was the way he looked down at you. Down at you with absolute fury, as though you were a senseless fool. 'Don't you dare say you understand me when you haven't gone through what I did.' You could tell he wanted to kill you in that moment. You flinched when he reached out to you, expecting this to be your final moment. Instead, he threw you over his shoulder and jumped onto Machia's back, being dragged away to god knows where. You looked up to his face, catching a glimpse of his thumb wiping a droplet of blood from the corner of his eyes before wiping it onto his sleeve. Did he become injured? Or was that a common occurance? Truly, you shouldn't care. He had just battered you, violently dragging you upon the back of a rocky beast, and yet here your nursing instincts slapped you across the face to anaylze his aid.
Quickly, your brief confusion, or worry, for Dabi fell apart as you realized your legs couldn't feel the aggressive breeze of the wind against it's skin. You fought to move, to adjust your stature, yet you felt as though your nerves were burning, fighting against an invisble force that kept you scarily limp and still. Your heart began to pound in your chest, heavy breaths shaking your lungs as you nearly began to weep over what awful drug Dabi had foresaken onto you earlier. You felt constrained, uncomfortable, a distant tingle of pain tracing about the entirety of your skin as you tried to fight the stunt in your lower half. Your legs. Your legs were paraylzed. Your mind raced a mile a minute, heart dropping deep into your stomach. This isn't fair. It's not fair. You felt as though your life has fallen so far you couldn't even hear it's impact on the floor so down below. No resonating echoes, nothing. And that nothing was not at all what you deserved. You hand quivered, tracing across your shin to your thigh. It felt as though you traced your hand on another body, or a piece of your body that was no longer attached. You were disturbed, trying to keep your sanity together as your temples and eyes burned with frustrated tears. It wasn't until a tear hit your thigh, and you didn't even feel it, did you truly begin to break down.
Everything is a fucking mess.
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hana-no-seiiki · 9 months
Happy Holidays Everyone!! As promised this was finished and published before Christmas so I can work on official portraits. Enjoy your gift from your one and only god, Yun ♡
I don’t know where this takes place in the timeline for the HNSverse and my webtoons but we’ll just go with whatever the fuck was given to me in my dream.
Likes & Reblogs are much appreciated!!
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tw/cw: dddne. yandere fic typical violence. mech/scifi fantasy violence. off-screen character deaths. in this version reader is male. check the masterlist for other versions of the fic. your name appears as [ REDACTED ]. one-sided semi-cestuous pining(by yan). brief mention/implication of cheating. necrophillia (implicit). descriptions of gore/violence.
fic type: long oneshot
status: unedited
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When humanity needed them the most, the Elemental Squad Unit came to save the day. Composed of Earth’s mightiest, most righteous men, they drive those wretched aliens away. Protecting our daily lives, while risking their own.
That was the story often told to the people. Those who lived blissfully unaware of the turbulence in heaven. Everyone knew of the ESU, whether they liked it or not.
“[Y/N]. You really don’t have to do this y’know.” Blue Ranger: Kaguya, repeated. He had medium length navy hair tied into a ponytail. He was short, cute almost. Sparkle shaped freckles dotted the middle of his face. Throughout your stay in the hospital, he had been the second most frequent visitor. He always touched you in one way or another. His fingers always grazed a part of your body. His eyes in a glaze as he’d stare at your injured figure. You found out it was because you two were dating or had a mutual interest towards one another . . . you think. At least in the eyes of the other crew members.
To you he was just a rando that always seemed to ignore your boundaries. Even when you were adamant with keeping a certain distance.
You tried your best not to flinch every time he came close, meticulously concealed any involuntary reactions, and strived to maintain an unwavering composure. It was difficult being so intimate with a total stranger. What was more concerning was the way your heart wrenched at such occurrences. An unsettling sensation, leaving you with a peculiar awareness that the narrative he presented was a well crafted farce.
You rolled your eyes at his worried face. It felt so off on him. Instead of the average look of concern one might show towards an ill individual, Blue’s expressions and tone always came off as haughty, snobbish, pitying, condescending. Red assured you that it was just what Blue sounds like all the time due to his background but you still couldn’t help but grimace as you spat back, “The squad has almost been eliminated thrice since I’ve woken up and was able to watch the news. I think I do.”
Yellow Ranger: Malik, shook his head. Despite being the tallest and rather gruff looking in comparison to the other members, his nagging often made all the intimidation in your nerves melt away. He had been the worrier you observed. Except that his worry usually came in massive spiels and sermons that threatened to have your ears bleed if you so much as breathed the wrong way. He was the complete opposite of Blue. Fitting when you weighed in his hometown — the kingdom on the other side of the planet of Blue’s. Harsh and condescending on the outside, a complete softie on the inside. “You don’t even know how your suit works! And it hasn’t been responding properly to your commands—“
You sighed as the brunette continued, delicately slipping a hand into the control unit positioned before you. Your fingers glided within akin to a nimble set of needles, traversing through the viscous, gelatinous substance within the intricate contraption. Abruptly, the entirety of the suit burst into a vibrant display of illuminating hues.
You fought the wide grin from appearing on your visage as you completely enclosed yourself into the suit. The odd, metal like material encased your form. You closed your eyes for a couple of moments, embracing the darkness and the brief second of peace you had without the other team members on your 6, before opening it to see the outside world beyond your suit’s controls. Completely in your view despite your current location and condition. Holographic graphs and charts on the edge of your peripherals.
“Ranger Pink. Welcome back.” The leader of the ESU, Red Ranger: Jasper, smacked the rose colored sentinel. He was your half-brother as you’d learnt. With features similar to your own. Tall, muscular, he towered many of the members. You spotted a lot of scars throughout his body, a few could be found accompanying his facial features; lips, eyebrows, his nose.
In the advent of this world’s technology, those scars could have easily been removed. In fact you knew the procedure was popular with many of your other members. Yet Red refused to do so.
“I’ll accompany them.” Blue ran off to his sentinel. His steps leaving a layer of water across the launch pads in his excitement.
“Blue . . .” Yellow reached out to him, only for Blue to brush his hand aside and eagerly jumped inside his suit.
Green Ranger: Zelenka chimed as he chewed on a špekáček, “Way to be obvious about what his dick thinks.”
“Green!” Yellow smacked him at the back of his head.
Green only grumbled, not at all surprised, bothered or in pain. His face blank, and eyes drifting off in boredom, “It was a compliment. At least Blue is honest about getting hard when Pink’s around. Unlike some people.”
“S-shut your goddamn mouth.” Yellow gave one last ‘hmph’ before he stalked off of the platforms.
Green gave the seething man a brief glance before his eyes wandered to his own sentinel. After a long sigh, he got inside.
Finally, Red provided a go signal, and the three rangers took off. Their sentinels; gigantic, metalic humanoid stepping from within the Ranged HQ and into the deep dark ocean.
Red smiled to himself, rotating his body to walk to his own suit’s platform for his own set of missions, nonchalantly speaking into the air. “Black. Ensure nothing . . . unfortunate happens with Pink.”
A figure clad in black emerged from the shadows. Much larger than even the ESU leader’s form.
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Accessing files . . .
“. . .”
As consciousness gently clawed its way back to the surface, a haze of confusion shrouded the mind. Blinking away the remnants of slumber, [ REDACTED ] ‘s eyes slowly adjusted to the harsh, artificial lighting of the hospital room. A flicker of anxiety danced across their thoughts.
“You’re . . . awake!” A muffled voice entered their ears. The sensation of cool, crisp sheets under fingertips became apparent, offering a peculiar contrast to the warm cocoon of blankets. And as their sense of touch returned so did their full hearing capacity.
A face, dark tan — excessively alluring really, your gaze was immediately glued — with golden eyes reminiscent of the blaring sun covered most of your vision.
“You goddamn idiot! I- I was so worried. Why’d you protect me?! I could’ve handled it y’know?!”
“Easy, Yellow.” Another voice. But you could not move your body to view them. But with such a beauty right in front of you, did you really want to?
“To hell with that.” The pretty boy continued, “You hear me, Pink? I’m one of the original three. I am above you. I don’t need your god damned pity. Or anyone else’s! Especially not a nepo baby like—“ His pointer landed on your chest, painfully despite the massive amounts of bandages the surrounded your nearly eviscerated body.
“Yellow, that’s enough.” The voice popped out again, this time more authoritative and firm. You see a gloved hand reach from behind and grab ‘Yellow’s’ shoulder.
“No, I need to hear it from him directly! Tell me you won’t do this again!”
“Your Majesty, I don’t think—“ This time another voice advised the young man in front of you. They sounded a lot more frail, older.
“Answer me, bastard!”
“. . . Who . . .” You breathed, struggling to form words as every second you remained conscious was agonizing as it much less when you produced any sort of moved. “. . . Who are you?”
The more delicate voice spoke up once more. Your vision was starting to turn blurry and dark. “As I was saying, I’m afraid Ranger Pink has sustained too much damage in the battlefield.”
On a more solemn tone they added, “We did the best we could do.”
“Who . . . are these . . . people . . ?”
You fought with everything to stay awake. You truly did. But as the moments passed and the world around you started spinning and blending into itself, you could not resist the temptation to close your eyes. Your once anxious mind now slowly faded into serene clarity.
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The world was lot more vibrant than you expected it to be. Everything looked apocalyptic whenever you watched the ESU in battle. The only thing that signaled an invasion was happening was the occasional alien and buildings that were being repaired post-fight.
You marveled at the view around you, almost in a daze.
The sound of a lazer being shot snapped you out of your stupor.
“The hell—?! Green! That’s friendly fire you mani—“ Blue hollered.
You’re sure that if this man were any more petulant his suit itself would be stomping the ground in anger.
“I just saved you, your highness.” Green’s suit does a curtsy. He then pointed to the dead blob on the ground.
“Thank you, Green.” You bowed back.
“Hahaha! I like the new Pink. Maybe he should never recover his memories—“
“Had an Alien on your shoulder.” Blue deadpanned after shooting a jet of high pressure water towards Green.
You grinned at their antics. You almost couldn’t believe that these were the saviors of humanity. One of if not the only line of defense against its extinction. But then grimaced at an indicator flashing within the corner of your vision. “Enemy at 7 o’clock.”
“On it.” Blue’s sentinel hurried to the scene, moving around as if it were swimming in the air.
Green cursed. It wasn’t just a normal enemy. “Shit. It’s a full on ship.”
“We have to re-unite with —“
Green is promptly taken down. A group of fliers came at him like vultures to corpse.
“Pink!” Blue screamed, swiftly flying to close to you once more. His suit takes yours’ hand and held it tight.
“. . .” You looked at him, almost angered that he tore your attention away from Green’s potential demise.
“We have to fuse. You’ve seen the squad do it on the news right?”
“Ain’t no way I’m fusing with—“ Green screeched as he fought off the bird like creatures. Vines reaching to grapple the them, but are promptly sliced by support from above: the main ship.
“Well I didn’t ask you did I?” Blue practically hissed at him. When you saw the ESU fight before they seemed so in sync, now you were starting to understand why these men kept on almost dying recently.
“Will Green be alright?”
“You heard him. He doesn’t want to fuse.”
It takes you moments to reply and hesitantly you finally responded with, “Okay.” You nodded, closing your eyes as Blue’s sentinel moved towards you, melding into your suit.
Your eyes flutter open. You’re surrounded with water, but somehow you were able to breathe. You see Blue’s figure beside you.
“. . . Your interface.” He looked over to your system, most of which has been covered in the ooze aliens were typically made of.
You must have been infected while Green was first attacked, hence the reluctance to fuse.
“Enemies” You reminded.
“Right.” Blue shook his head. Every ESU member was taught to put the mission before their own well-being. He had a natural resistance to infection due to his cockpit’s watery environment. It should help stave off the infection for enough time until back-up arrives.
“Let’s switch forms this time.” He suggested. If he took more control he’d be able to help fight the infection off better. “Flight mode ON!”
A chase begun. You and Blue flew at a breakneck speed, leading the ship and birds away from any nearby cities and Green. While fused, you could feel what Blue felt. Anxiety, fear. Perhaps this was how the team worked together properly. It was hard not to empathize when these emotions were shoved in your face.
You release one of your hands from your interface and place it on his shoulders.
You feel a sudden wave of warmth. Calm.
“You forgot the boosters.” You advised, hoping to jog his memory a little in this moment of extreme pressure and stakes.
He fumbled, causing your fused sentinels to dip for a moment, but was able to activate the booster in time. Creating a workable distance
“Shit, we’re heading straight into a city.”
Panic returns to your senses once more. You release your hold over his shoulder. With a smile, an idea popped into your head and you take over.
“Perfect, I got this.”
You shove the hand you used to comfort him back into the sludge and take control. The whole cockpit turned pink with swirling black tendrils.
The enemy followed you as you passed a bridge leading into a city.
“What are you doing?! You’re going to get people killed!” Blue attempted to override your command but found himself unable to.
You try to keep the sentinel above most of the building as to avoid making the alien ship collide and cause unnecessary casualties.
You soon reach the center where a monstrous skyscraper stood. You figured out from watching other members use flight mode that it was based off of the distance from underneath the suit to its main hull. As such, if you went up close to scale the wall of such a tall building . . .
The system prompted you and Blue as your soared through the skies and above the aliens.
You waste no time and shoot. A beam of electricity, water, and . . . shadow? releases — piercing straight through the tar like material. You made sure to destroy the wings of the birds and the flight mechanisms of the ship.
And as an extra assurance you fly back down, switch modes once more, and use the suit to stomp on their soon-to-be corpses.
As you float back down to check, you spot an aura of shadowy wisps clinging unto the wreckage. It seemed to be minimizing the damage surrounding the area via changing the material’s weight.
“Black. Thank you for the assist.”
Black Ranger: Noir. Close friends with the White Ranger. They looked nothing alike, acted nothing alike, and you never saw them even speak to one another. But they worked in terrifying efficiency together — scout missions — and as such were assigned into a sub-unit that rarely ever crossed paths with the main ESU.
Red was watching over you.
Your body tensed in the suit.
“No problem.” Black muttered. He was a man of few words. Rarely ever seen. You don’t think he even wants to be.
“We should go check on Green”
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Accessing files . . .
“My name is [ REDACTED ]. It’s a pleasure to join your team!”
Your introduction was fine you think. Jasper told you not to make it too long as the team was usually chasing time enough as it is. You even added a bow at the end, in both the Lunar and Solar Kingdom’s variation as to show your respect and admiration for the team.
“I can’t believe this. Another one? Green is already a pain in the ass.” Yellow reacted first. You flinched at his reaction, which made his demeanor soften for a brief moment before it returned to its domineering self.
“Yellow.” Red glared at him, this time semi-permanently making Yellow sink into himself. “Welcome to the team, brother.”
Blue does not respond nor look at your direction. A grim expression painted his pretty features.
“Guess I’m not the only newbie anymore! What should I call ya?” Green vibrantly beamed. Poking your cheeks as he munched on a bag of cheese puffs. No doubt making the dust stick to your face with his saliva.
“P-Pink would be fine.”
“Pinkie it is!” Green laughed letting go of his snack and hugging you tightly.
Your hands slowly, inch by inch, raised hug him back.
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“Your vital signs are all fine.” You mused as you put down sphygmomanometer.
“Thanks for your concern, Pinkie.”
You shook your head. There was no concern here. “No problem. We simply can’t lose our healer. That would be a dire situation.”
“Pffft— I’ll be up and about after a day no problem.” He waved his hands. Well, a hand. His other one was broken and almost completely detached from his body when you busted him out of his sentinel. He was able to heal it enough to somewhat move it safely, but otherwise it was unusable.
“ . . . Red is considering taking you off the team.”
“. . . What . . ?”
“He says you’re too much of a liability. Your conduct and lack of cooperation that is.”
“Lack of cooperation my ass.” Green sat up and straightened his back with a grunt. “What do you get by telling me this? I’m guessing you aren’t supposed to?”
“If he’s kicking you out I’m coming down with.”
“Pinkie . . . “
“You’re a valuable member to the team.”
“Hey, do you . . . do you have a name I can call you by? Your actual one I mean.” Green leaned his forehead against yours.
He peered into your eyes. The once pink color had now slowly faded into black with swirls of purple.
What was he asking? He knew your name.
And then you realized.
“. . . I don’t have one.”
“Then I guess I’m stuck with calling you Pinkie?” He smiled holding your cheek. Sluggishly his face tilted moved closer to yours —
“Get your hands off of him!” A whiny voice resounded throughout the medbay’s room.
“Augh, your highness. Can’t you see I’m having a moment with your ex?”
Dazed you pushed the Ranger away from you and left the room, bumping shoulders with Blue.
You were able to get quite a distance away and were about to take a long sigh in relief. You were too exhausted for the other member’s antics and drama.
“[Y/N]—!” Blue panted. It seemed that he ran after you. In any case, he yanked you by the wrist to face him. “I- I’m . . . I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
“That we used to be—“
“In a relationship? I knew. White told me.”
“That bastard—“
“May you let go of me? I have another check up.” You raised your wrist and his hand, shaking it a little.
“No!” He shouted. You gave him a shocked look which led to him lowering his voice and talking in a nervous, timid manner. “L-look, we can make this work. Alright? I don’t want us to just — end up like this.”
You do not sugarcoat your words and simply spoke “Blue. To me you’re a stranger.”
You continue even after he flinched at your words. “I don’t know you. Coupled with the fact that you purposely hid something as big as that makes your reliability questionable at best.”
You watched as his face morphed into sadness, then grief,
“I’ll make the judgment when my memories come back. Until then . . . It’s a no.”
and lastly, anger.
“No? No! Do you think you can say no to me?” He squeezed your wrist and you hear bones crack.“I’m the goddamn crown prince of the Lunar Empire! I get what I want and—“
“And you need to get off your high horses.” You halted him from his spiel. “We’re all equal here. As rangers. As defenders of humanity. Only Red has the right to be ordering the rest. You’re the prince aren’t you? Go find another potential mistress. I’m not doing this to Yellow.”
“But I . . .” Blue’s tone finally went back to it’s more quiet and tolerable version. “I need you.”
You feel Blue’s hold slacken and immediately took the moment to pull your hand away.
“You disgust me.” And you walked off.
You heard him falling to his knees as he cried. Yet you do not look back.
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The control room wasn’t a place many team members went to. It was implicitly known that it was Red and his most trusted entourage’s domain.
You weren’t a part of that group. Not even from the memories you’ve slowly started to gain.
But this matter was of utmost importance.
“I’d like to be taken off the team.” You said as the doors slid open. A robotic greeting could be heard in the background, signaling your entrance.
From your rare visits, it was mostly where Red and White would plan out patrols and store their information about the invading forces. The place remained unchanged. Most likely due to Green’s lack of interference in the decor, and overall organization.
“If this is about Green, then don’t worry. I’ve changed my—”
“It’s about Blue.”
Red looked more alert. His head flicked from the various screens inside the room to your direction. Finally looking at you directly. “I told you two that a relationship would be detrimental to the future of the squad. But none of you ever listen. See what happens?”
Beside him, Ranger White: Blanc, mumbled yet it was audible enough to be heard by you from across the room. “Let’s be frank here, Red. You said that because you were jealous.”
You didn’t know Red could even be flustered. He always seemed so level-headed, so dangerously focused on the task of eliminating the invaders that anything aside from a stoic look on his face looked . . . well . . . out of place.
“Red. It’s easy to see your favoritism.” Unlike him, White’s eyes do not leave the screens. The man’s void like eyes were trained unto the replay of the fight you just had.
“Aren’t we . . . siblings ?” You questioned. You weren’t unaware of his feelings. But you always viewed it as a over-protective if not suspicious brotherly act. Thinking of it otherwise . . . vile.
“Oh honey, you two aren’t completely blood related remember?” White swiped to another angle of the battle. “At least that’s what Red keeps reminding himself in order to lessen the guilt he feels lusting over you.”
“But — “
And then he suddenly looked at you.
Void meeting tar.
“Much less now that you’re hosting an alien parasite.
Fear. It was such a human concept. The way your heart thrashes within the confines of its boney cage. The way your mind goes blank. The way your instincts take over and all you could do is either fight, run or freeze.
You chose silence. Cursing this human shell for glueing your mouth shut and feet to the floor.
“What are you talking about?” Red gripped White’s clothes. A jacket you’ve often seen him wear that completely engulfed his body.
Completely unbothered by Red’s actions, White continued, “I was wondering why you weren’t able to get your suit activated at first. But suddenly you’re able to control it with ease. Better than you were able to from before actually.”
He then brings up a tablet of your previously brutalized state. Ooze of black, violet and magenta coming from every orifice and wound. Your bones mangled in a way that seemed almost uncanny. Viscera from all sorts of organs on display. If you were anything but an ESU member you’d been twice dead. You feel your . . . this body’s stomach reel at the way it was treated.
“Green wasn’t able to heal you either, you had to ‘recover’ the old fashion way. I bet he knows too.”
You know of that memory. Green was all over you that day. He was a sobbing mess. He was always trying to help you recover, until you gained consciousness he spent countless nights without sleep or much sustenance just trying to figure out why he couldn’t help.
Zelenka. He was one human you’ll spare to move unto to the next phase of your plan. Such selflessness and kindness deserve recognition after all.
But back to the matter at hand.
“That the original pink ranger is dead and only a gooey parasite in the brain remains.”
Red released his hold on White, turning to you in a flash, and in a gentle manner he laid his hands atop your shoulder.
“[Y/N], tell me this isn’t true.” His red eyes were overflowing with grief, held back by a single, cracking dam. You shivered internally at its uncanny look. His face devoid of emotion suited him far better. “You know I’ll only believe in you. Whatever you say, I will follow.”
You looked down, mustering all the tears you could squeeze out of your vessel’s eyes.
“He’s lying, brother — no — Jasper. I’m alive. I’m right here in front of you.”
“Yes. Yes, you’re right.” Jasper placed his head right atop your chest, “I can hear your heart beating. You’re still alive.”
“Red? Are you listening to yourself? Of course your brother looks and sounds alive. A parasite is puppeting his body, forcing his heart to beat, his eyes to blink, his limbs to move. But he’s dead.”
“I don’t think so.”
Black approached from the shadows. Without his suit you can finally see his handsome face. Dark skin and hair like the night sky, and white eyes that lacked pupils.
“You can’t be serious. . .”
“Dead or alive. At least [Y/N]’s body is here with us. Don’t you see it, Blanc? God has given us the opportunity to be with him again.” Black’s face was smeared with an expression akin to religious ecstasy. A fervor so unlike him that it gave you a whiplash harder than Red’s sudden change.
“Are you going to take that opportunity away from me Blanc?” Black’s hand reached to carress White’s pale features.
And with those words White visibly turned docile. “No. No, of course not.”
“Good.” Black planted a kiss atop White’s hair and forehead. “Now what was this about you leaving the team, [Y/N]?”
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Humanity was far from salvation. As such, your kind, the so-called ‘Alien Race’ were sent to end their suffering.
In a world where billions of their currency went into glorified missile measuring contests, you were there to reset them back to zero. To their naive, infantile, god fearing state.
“Your Majesty. The carriage to the Lunar Kingdom has arrived. The mission in the Northern Front was successful. Reinforcements will arrive in due time.”
Planting yourself into the world was an easy feat. Although you missed your designated target and occupied a much weaker vessel than you intended to, it ended up being a boon. It barely took a decade before you wiped out humanity’s biggest defenders from their main planet. Only a few more left standing.
You stared up into the heavens. The moon and sun’s destined reunion shall signal a start of a new age and you were its herald. Smoke billowed and obscured part of the sky, but the celestial bodies’ light still remained visible in the sky.
You arose from your throne of corpses. You felt no guilt, not an ounce of remorse for the genocide of billions. You knew this was for their own good. Besides, you have done this several times before. In the end, humanity would thank you, even see you as the deity you served. Not that you would want that. You were to loyal to Them after all.
“Let us break down Humanity back to its roots.”
You took your seat upon the helm of your army’s main commanding vessel. A large rose-like entity that covered at least a few cities below.
“Praise be to the Divine.”
“Praise be to the Divine.”
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
AUTHOR’S NOTE: I feel like this was just a glimpse into what this part of the HNSverse was like so I’ll be glad to make this into a holiday tradition instead of a one-parter if this post is successful.
And yes the romance/elements between the members is a Genshin reference.
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z4ync · 10 months
Redacted character's and their song
A list of every character (almost) and the song I associate with them
Vincent; Painkiller - Ruel
It just feels like ever time Vincent comes home and lovely just exists, a happy song, sweet. (I have a distaste for him tho)
Sam; nobody - hoizer
The song is about having love different from what you've ever had, it's a very Sam song (MARRY ME SAM, PLEEEEEAASSE)
David; NFWMB - hoizer
The songs name is nothing fucks with my baby and it's Hoizer, of course this song fits perfectly (David my love <3)
Asher; Beautiful stranger - laufey
The song is literally ash and baabe coded, Like beautiful stranger??? The first time the met fr (i physical can't sit through his videos)
Milo; more then the day before - Cody fry
It's like, he just melts for sweetheart, and every video they just fall even more for each other <3 (Milo could murder me and I'd still love him)
Tank; Graveyard - Halsey
Ik ik, but listen, it's a great song and it's basically about someone going through hell for their love (tank is such a good character)
Guy; guy.exe - superfruit
Do I even need to explain?? No. No I don't, yk know why (he's such baby girl and I love him)
Ollie; Good old-fashioned lover boy - Queen
Ollie definitely listens to this on fucking loop and it's so him, he just a silly guy, yk? (When he shows up yk shit bout to go down)
Aaron; photograph - Cody fry
Dispite what he may say, this man would live in a photo for smartass if he could, just hold them till end of time (hes my second fav human)
Elliott; sunlight - hoizer
We know why he calls sunshine sunshine, and this song just embodies that. Free sunshine 2024 (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)
Ivan; how I'd kill - cowboy Malfoy
STAR-CROSSED by Ethan Granger can also work, either way Ivan can suck it (I HATE Ivan, I don't care if vega was doing it, he's still a bitch)
Blake; STAR-CROSSED - Ethan Granger
Ivan and Blake get the same songs because yandere. I would kill them if I could (I'm going to put him down like a dog, I swear.)
Gavin; sure thing - Miguel
It's like him saying, "yes deviant, I'd absolutely still love you if you were a worm" because why not (GAVIN MY LOOOOOOOVE)
Part 2 coming when... Idk, when I remember.
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
I wanted to try this!
The song I am hyper fixated on at the moment
Right now it’s Mess It Up by Gracie Abrams. My favorite part is the outro, it just makes me ascend.
My Enneagram Type
I don’t know what mine is, but my personality type is INFP
Video Essays
I don’t really watch them, but one of my favorite videos is by Brittany Broski where she is flirting with ai.
My childhood friend
I don’t remember if I had one, but I remember creating a character with one of my friends and her name was jessie
My go-to way to fall asleep
I usually just put on an sleep aid audio (usually it’s the milo one)
If i had to change my name
I would change it to ella, because that’s what I was originally going to be named
My favorite audio
My favorite right now is “Resting on Your Tsundere Boyfriends Lap While He Games”
The redacted boy who holds no appeal to me
Ivan, I just don’t like yandere characters.
A tv show I know all the words to
Alexa and Katie on netflix. I watched that show so many times during 2020 and I can remember almost every detail about it.
The Redacted boy i’m platonically attracted to
To be honest i’m picking Porter. He sounds like he would be so much fun to just gossip with.
The go-to thing I ramble about when im tired
I usually just start talking about the most random things with no context
My go-to gas station drink
it’s either dr. pepper or one of the starbucks coffees that come in the glass bottles
my favorite playlist at the moment
it’s a playlist that consists of my favorite non taylor swift songs (I am a really big swiftie)
My guilty pleasure media
Right now it’s Call of Duty. I just got sucked in one day.
Extra Information
My zodiac sign is a leo and i like reading. (I would have said more but I really couldn’t think of anything else.)
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Ooh, a Leo. A beloved friend of mine is a Leo, so I know they are characterized as unique, passionate, prone to strong feelings and instincts, the kind of person that would work well with Vincent Solaire.
To expand on that, I think you’d work well with him, because he has these characteristics as well. Vincent is canonically a little impulsive, intuitive, having seen Lovely (and by proxy, you) and taking action, throwing covert to the wind. Yet, he is also steadfast, faithful, and incredibly devoted once he falls, and he falls hard and fast. These similarities would build a beautiful relationship based on magnetic attraction into something loyal and immortal.
Speaking of, you two would have such a fun, immortal life- after all, he’s a vampire prince! Vincent strikes me as a Swiftie- he likes the fun vibes and all-out party of her new tour- so you know he gets y’all VIP tickets for your local Eras stop. There’s also quieter, less ostentatious moments, like you teaching him how to play Call of Duty (It came out after his turning so I don’t think he ever quite took to it till you.) or him asking you to read to him as he lays his head on your lap. Also, being immortal with Vincent means you’d get to gab and chatter with Porter for all time as unofficial family, so bonus.
I just wanna be your favorite (I just wanna be your favorite)/ Pretty boy (pretty boy)/ I get a rush when I make you blush/ So I got no choice (so I got no choice)/ I just wanna be your favorite (I just wanna be your favorite)/ Handsome man (handsome man)/ Big and strong, don't care how long/ Don't got no plan (don't got no plan)
This is a cutesy song that just screams Vincent Solaire! It’s flirty, but it’s also silly and goofy and fun just like him, you know? It makes me think of when that flirty, smooth, “little one” schtick is up, and all that’s left is that goofy dude who held Stranger’s hand in the Surge line and just now happens to be vampire royalty. Beyond the money and cars and clan, he’s just a dorky dude who wants to be your favorite.
Asher, I like as a runner-up because it’d be really fun to imagine you two have a little CoD versus Halo feud over which game is the best. Also, he strikes me as a good match for a Leo. Geordi, however, is a runner-up just because, of all the Redacted bois, he’s the one who I feel is most likely to be a Swiftie with you!
note: thank you so much for waiting; I hope you enjoyed your match-up~
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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vampierium · 9 months
For those with early access to redacted’s content… ARE YALL SEEING WHAT IM SEEING
Some spoilers ig?? Beware!! Also me being a yapper and gushing about this lolol
I was screaming guys, when I saw the content warnings and saw “stranger danger” and “vaguely threatening” literally dead on the floor
I’m a fan of spooky things, that’s probably why I liked the inversion so much and characters like hush and regulus. When I saw the post saying “Yandere caller” I was doing BACKFLIPS
When our caller says “i think you like my voice.” Girl I was KICKING MY FEET LIKE HOWD YOU KNOW OMG ☺️☺️☺️
Apologies for my depravity, but I’m a sucker for some darkness here and there
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lemonluwrites · 2 years
My One And Only (Is You) - Part One
I want to start by saying first and foremost I DO NOT OWN any of the Yan Bois you see in the story they are taken from other creators (I will post their blog links below) the only thing that is mine is Tim and other original characters so please show the creators some love Please be respectful and kind to the creators they are human too If I miss anything Or forgot to add certain stuff let me know Also Minors DO NOT INTERACT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
My first time posting fanfic AAHHH This Idea came to me one day when I was reading Anon asks about what if MC was the yandere I really liked the idea but I wanted to add my own twist so instead of MC what if they (The Yan Boys) turned a completely innocent person in to a yandere like them and they slowly became obsessed with their own MC this story will of course will be a slow burn type of deal so bare with me I will try my hardest to keep the yan boys as close to there characters as possible but I won't make any promises as I was never good at stuff like that so sorry in advance if the seem OOC
Redacted - @14dayswithyou (For now) Song Used To Help Write This Chapter - Burning Pile By Mother Mother \ Cool Kids By Echosmith Content Warning: Gore | Blood | Violence | Sexual Themes | Physical and Mental Abuse | Manipulation Word count: 1711
Part One - introduction Tim doesn’t like to remember the days before his adoption, before his new parents took him in. Sure, he remembers minor details of his former house and his original name. He will gladly talk to you about the weird stains on the wall that kinda looked like a bunny or how he used to have a cat named tuna. well at least he thought it was his cat. It would come and go whenever it pleased. He liked to assume his kitty was a free spirit that could never be tied down. Those are the things he liked to talk about, the things he rather remember but if asked anything else about his biological parents he would lie and say he doesn’t remember them as he was too young to truly know them His new parents, though well, he couldn’t really lie about that. To say they were slightly better than his bio parents was the best he could say about them. They were rich with a very high reputation in the city they lived almost owning every business in the area. He remembers the first time they paraded him around random strangers coming up to his new parents complimenting them, saying how brave and kind they were for adopting someone like him. He could just scream. The truth of the matter is they didn’t really care about Tim (the new name they gave him) they just wanted to earn brownie points for being kind enough to take a chance on a troubled kid like him. Not surprising to Tim, they didn’t really know what to do with him. Once the novelty wore off, it was like a switch. Everything Tim did bothered them, whether it was as simple as just sitting and doing nothing to how he breathed. Needless to say, Tim was their only child. The best days for Tim were when both of his parents left on business, leaving him alone in the house. Those quiet days where he could be whoever he wanted without the added fear and anxiety were truly bliss. Of course, blissfulness didn’t last long. He eventually was forcefully enrolled in to a private school. Forced to wear an itchy and god awful uniform. He tried his hardest to make friends, but no matter how friendly and kind he was, no one seemed to like him, so he became a loner — a friendly loner, that is. His parents were not thrilled about this. No child of there’s would be some loser, so that’s when they started to pay and blackmail other parents to allow their kids to come and play with Tim. That didn’t help as those kids would mostly just use his toys and gaming consoles without saying a peep to him, although Tim remembers one kid something about them was… different. When they came over, much like the other kids, they went to his gaming consoles. Tim was ready to pass the time in silence when the game booted up almost instantly; the kid became talkative, going on rambling after rambling about the red plummer. Yet that wasn’t what was different about the kid, it was their eyes and how they light up when talking about said topic. A topic they loved. A topic they were passionate about. It was in that moment Tim admired that kid and wanted to see more of that light. A part of him wanted that light. In school, he made it a point to always talk to that kid to be around them, to see them, but sadly, not everything last forever. That kid, much like everyone else in Tim’s life, switched no longer did they have that light in their eyes instead it was replaced with a vapid void that kid became Tim’s first bully that is until a tragic accident occurred they eventually found that kid in sewer tunnel someone had strangled him to death with his own belt he remembers the police questioning him and his other classmates but nothing came from it to this day the case remains unsolved. There are some days Tim wishes he could have been there. Maybe it all could have been prevented. By the time Tim was 19, his parents insisted he go to college and study business so that one day he could take over theirs, but Tim had no desire to inherit anything from them deciding Instead, he packed his stuff and left the city and moved in to a small town and took a job at a dinner being a server. He eventually got an apartment, but due to how expensive the rent was, he put out an ad for roommates. Roommates came and went, none truly staying for long. Now 21, having moved again and no longer working for the dinner, he got another job in an ice cream shop. Quickly, his personality seemed to fit the establishment. His cheery disposition attracted parents and kids alike, making him an ideal worker. Tim adored his job - no, he loved it. The light in people’s eyes as he hands them their treat made him giddy. He really did love the light in people’s eyes. It was during that time he got a new apartment, but much like last time he couldn’t afford rent, so once again he put out an ad for a roommate. This one would not only be permanent, but different from the rest. That is when he met Redacted. The man had a strange sense of style grunge, maybe? He wasn’t sure he has never really met anyone dressed like that. Tim liked it in a way. Redacted wasn’t a very social guy. He mostly stayed in his room and every once in a while came out to eat what Tim made or to use the bathroom, although there were times Tim would hear him leave during the night. Tim figures he works at night. Poor guy must work long hours as he’s mostly gone all night. It’s no wonder he has bags under his eyes and looks like hell because of this, Tim takes care of most of the house chores. He doesn’t really mind as, despite having a job as well, he mostly has too much free time. Too Much time to think and Tim doesn’t like to think. Tim has never entered Redacted’s room since he moved in the last time was when he showed Redacted said room. But why would he enter? I mean, that’s redacted room you never enter someone else’s room without permission. That’s just… rude. But of course sometimes you have to be a little rude just to get things done. It was late at night when Tim woke up another nightmare to add to the books. After a few failed attempts to fall back to sleep, he decided he might as well get a few things done around the house before he goes to work. He made his way to the hallway, his bare feet brushing against the carpet before hitting the solid floor. As he made his way to the kitchen, he stopped by the laundry room, glancing at the dark room noticing how full the laundry basket was. He sighed and thought, might as well since I’m here. He entered the small room and loaded the washer with clothes when he noticed very quickly Redacted had not given him his laundry yet odd as Redacted always made it a point to hand him his clothes curiously he poked his head out of the room and stared at Redacted’s door as it was just a couple of inches away from the laundry room. Tim debated a couple of seconds before making his way to the other’s room. Quietly, he placed his ear against the wooden door, listening intently for any movements or noises that the other was there. Tim knocked lightly, leaving his ear pressed against the door. ”Redacted? you in there?” No response. Tim moved away from the door, glancing down at the golden knob. He took a deep breath as he slowly reach for it. Usually redacted would have the door locked, as this wasn’t the first time Tim tried to open the door. He would always hear it every time he entered his room, which Tim didn’t mind. It was his room. But this time, the door was unlocked. This startled Tim. Did Redacted forget to lock the door? Slowly, Tim poked his head in the darkroom. An odd smell hit him. He moved away from the door and gaged it smelled like something died in there. Now he was even more determent to enter the room. After all, what if Redacted died? once again he approached the door this time fully opening it ”Redacted?” He flicked the lights on, scanning the room. It was a mess of bottles and bags of chips scattered around. In the beginning, he had felt bad due to Redacted not having carpet, but now he was gratefully the room had none. As a matter of fact, he was sure the smell was coming from the rotten food or the copious amount of hair dye fums or maybe both. Carefully, he walked around the room, truly admiring some of the decor. Much like Redacted himself, his room was a grunge like style. Tim couldn’t help but stare in aw at his PC set up. It was truly impressive. On the bed, (despite being a mess) was a red electric guitar. He wonders why Redacted hasn’t played before or maybe he has when Tim isn’t around. Tim noticed pieces of clothing scattered around the floor. He picked them up one by one while also throwing away the bottles and bags. He wasn’t sure if he should fold the other’s bed but he decided not to touch it as he didn’t want to disturb Redacted’s guitar. Now with arms full of clothes, he noticed how some pieces didn’t really match Redacted’s style, although he shouldn’t really judge. After all, maybe Redacted was branching out with his clothing options. Tim was about to turn to leave the room, feeling like he had overstayed his welcome, when he caught sight of the closet. It was slightly ajar. He stared at the closet as curiosity took hold of him again. Shifting the pile of clothes in one arm, he reached out to the door handle and pulled it open.
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unhappyriver · 3 years
Yo Mina! Thank you so much for dropping some Redacted Asks in my inbox so I wanna return the favour with a twist! So... questions 1 to 35!
You got it, @themonotonysyndrome! I had lots of fun with this :)
1. Favorite character(s)?
I love characters who can make me laugh! So definitely Asher, Geordi, Milo, and Huxley
2. Favorite listener(s)?
Lovely, Babe, Darlin, and Sunshine
3. Favorite canon couple(s)?
Definite tie between Vincent/Lovely and Asher/Babe
4. Favorite non-canon couple(s)?
💕Blake x Therapy 💕
5. Least favorite character(s)?
Kody and Adam
6. Least favorite listener(s)?
Android and Cutie, Nothing against them! I find them both very interesting
7. Least favorite canon couple(s)?
Marcus and Love (love didn’t deserve to be coded/brainwashed into loving Marcus)
8. Least favorite non-canon couple(s)?
Kody x Happiness
9. Favorite side character(s)?
Guy (does he count?) and William Solaire
10. Least favorite side character(s)?
The guy that locked Elliot and Sunshine in that office/conference room 🙄
11. Character(s) you want to know more about?
Blake and Vega
12. Listener(s) you want to know more about?
13. What character(s) would you want to date?
Geordi, Ollie, Elliot, and Milo
14. What listener(s) would you want to date?
Darlin, Sweetheart, and Babe
15. What character(s) would you want to be friends with?
I would love to be friends with Huxley and Milo
16. What listener(s) would you want to be friends with?
Angel! They seem like a great person to do pranks with
17. What character(s) would you want to come back? (dead or alive)
18. What character(s) do you want to die?
Quinn (for the plot)
19. Which character(s) are you most similar to?
A very weird mixture of Asher, Milo, and Lasko
20. Which character(s) are you least similar to?
Gavin, David, and Aaron
21. Which listener(s) are you most similar to?
Starlight, Sunshine, and Babe (I’m too curious for my good)
22. Which listener(s) are you least similar to?
Angel (I definitely would not be able to handle pre-development David)
23. What kind of Empowered would you be? (ex. Elemental, Energetics, Freelancer, Shifter, Dreamwalker, Deathwalker, Seer, Vampires..etc)
Definitely a Freelancer, I have no idea why but I think it suits me
24. What kind of D(a)emon would you be? (ex. Empathy, Incubus, Serenity, Sadistic, Inchoate..etc)
I think an Ichoate or a serenity daemon would be super cool!
25. Favorite series? (ex. Imperium, Inversion, The Balance, Project Meridian..etc)
The Balance is definitely at the top of my list
26. Least favorite series? (ex. Imperium, Inversion, The Balance, Project Meridian…etc)
The imperium (still like it though! Imperium Asher is a guilty pleasure of mine)
27. Favorite character series?
Vampire Mate with Sam (slow burns are another guilty pleasure of mine)
28. Least favorite character series?
Ivan series (not that into yandere)
29. Favorite anthology? (ex. Valenweek, Hot Boi Winter, Afterfluff, Aftershock..ect)
Anthology Halloweek
30. Least favorite anthology? (ex. Valenweek, Hot Boi Winter, Afterfluff, Aftershock…ect)
Aftershock (somehow harder to hear than the inversion)
31. Video(s) that made you cry?
Practically all the inversion videos and Avior’s newest video
32. Favorite quote(s)?
Literally anything William Solaire says
33. What is a new character you would like to see? (Could be Empowered/Human/D(a)emon) And what would you pair them with? (Empowered/Human/D(a)emon) Describe both characters & their dynamic as much as possible.
A Daemon Listener and a Vampire character would be so cool! Both of them have had an old Flame before but got a roughish falling out. So it would be friends to lovers to enemies/strangers to friends and back to lovers. They have to learn how to trust each other again. (they both work for the department?)
34. What was the first Redacted video you listened to?
Trapped in an elevator with a sweet werewolf
35. What video got you hooked to the Redactedverse that you knew right then & there this was going to become an obsession?
My first video! I loved Mr. Redacted’s voice since I found it comforting (I also loved Asher’s character)
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starlitangels · 2 years
yeah i thinking the "its sexualising SA etc" as in the intent of that content is for the listeners to be horny over it, and how its kinda unnecessary and odd when telling a story about a villain being controlling and manipulative, i have no issue with being uncomfortable when listening to the main story but whole other audios that are just "yandere SAs you and its horny in context" is whats throwing me off, and how the "dont like dont read" thing doesnt really work for content like that (like sexualising caelum, in a way?) it does work for properly handled "this guy bad" content that he makes but YA lol ty again for your response, im just 🤔 on how im feeling haha
Your feelings are valid toward the content
And I had a long, rambly, frankly kinda preachy rest of the answer, that I chose to delete. I know you're not trying to start any sort of discourse and I'm under the impression that I've made my stance on my getting involved in discourse fairly clear, but the rest of the answer I had typed up felt like I was attacking and no one needs that from me
That's not why I'm here and that's not why people stick around to read my stupid jokes and varying-quality fics. So I deleted it.
It is worth mentioning the rest of Redacted's channel places such a heavy emphasis and importance on consent that it's easy to guess that's where the true values of the creator lie, but for good or ill, yanderes in particular have a large audience and are a popular archetype in the ASMR audience and it's safer to explore that in fiction than reality... so... at least there's that? I don't know.
I'm just one stranger on the internet trying my best
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(tag anon cont) and generally your blog hasnt been quite as sexually explicit as those posts were which is hard to find in yandere and fanfic in general so i was really happy to find a great writer i could be comfortable following 😢 am sending u uwus!
Haha yeah lmao I remember before I made this blog and I was looking at yan content and just scrolling through the tags/pages like “this is rape porn.  This is just porn.  Oh hey someone gets dissolved alive in this one!  Rape porn again...” which I mean, hey, no shade on people who like reading that kinda thing, it’s just that I don’t and it gets really one-note after a while!  “oooh no, this yandere drugs his SO constantly!  Sure would be unfortunate if he did something terrible to her while she was unconscious!”
Maybe it could be chalked up to [Redacted Bc I’m Not Gonna Talk About My Personal History To Strangers On The Internet] but despite the Big Horny Vibes of my content I’ve only ever actually been interested in the unflinchingly terrible horror aspect, and I think some people get lost in the sex weeds.  To each their own!  I’m glad I’m able to make content you enjoy, and I promise to keep things compartmentalized so you don’t have to worry about this kinda thing in the future!
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