alienrascal · 8 months
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Kind hands to hold
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thecreaturecodex · 28 days
Redback Gorger
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Image by Johnny Duddle, © Simon and Schuster
[Sponsored by @glarnboudin. An Awfully Beastly Business is a series of chapter books for young readers, set at a nature reserve for monsters. I read the first of them, and it was okay I guess. I'm definitely not in the target audience for them, but likewise if I was eight to ten when they came out, I could see myself having fixated on them. The redback is the cover monster of the second book, Sea Monsters and Other Delicacies, in which the villains hope to use it as the centerpiece of a seafood feast of exotic monsters. In order to avoid giving the redback just an adjective name, I resorted to the "adjective verber" formula beloved of Magic the Gathering and 4e D&D.]
Redback Gorger CR 17 N Magical Beast This creature resembles an octopus with the face of a frogfish. It has a craggy exoskeleton covering its body, studded with red plates along its back. It has eight tentacles, each of which is as thick as a tree trunk and lined with suckers that ooze a black resin. Growing from its head is a very long, flexible appendage ending in an eyeless blue snake’s head.
Redback gorgers are among the rarest of sea monsters—rarely is there more than one adult per ocean basin on any given planet. They are long-lived ambush predators—they spend most of their time resting or slowly swimming along the abyssal plains, then move higher into the water column to hunt. Although their jaws and tentacles are strong, they prefer to incapacitate their prey by injecting it with a super-cooled venom, carried in the fangs of their false head. The false head can smell, hear and sense heat, and can strike around cover. The redback gorger feeds primarily on large fish and small whales, which it paralyzes with its venom and then swallows without a struggle.
Despite their massive territorial requirements and rarity, redback gorgers can communicate through infrasound vocalization, similarly to whales and elephants, and use this to demarcate territorial boundaries and determine fertility status. Redbacks mate only once or twice in their long lives, but produce around a million tiny planktonic eggs during each mating event. The vast majority of larval redbacks are eaten while still tiny and planktonic.  On the rare occasions a redback gorger appears on the surface, it may probe its surroundings with this false head, giving the impression that a sea serpent or plesiosaur lurks below the surface instead of a much more dangerous predator. They can survive on land for brief periods, but only emerge onto land as an act of desperation.
Redback Gorger              CR 17 XP 102,400 N Gargantuan magical beast (aquatic) Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +18, tremorsense 60 ft.
Defense AC 32, touch 9, flat-footed 29 (-4 size, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +23 natural) hp 283 (21d10+168) Fort +20, Ref +14, Will +14 DR 10/magic; Resist cold 20,electricity 20, fire 20; SR 28 Defensive Abilities deep dweller, fortification (50%)
Offense Speed 30 ft., swim 50 ft. Melee bite +27 (2d8+10 plus grab), sting +27 (2d6+10/19-20 plus poison), 8 tentacles +25 (1d8+5) Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (30 ft. with sting) Special Attacks critical envenomation, swallow whole (AC 23, 28 hp, 4d6+16 bludgeoning)
Statistics Str 30, Dex 15, Con 27, Int 2, Wis 20, Cha 16 Base Atk +21; CMB +39 (+43 grapple); CMD 62 Feats Blind Fight, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus,Dodge, Improved Critical (sting), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, Spring Attack Skills Climb +15, Perception +18, Stealth +0 (+12 underwater), Swim +23; Racial Modifiers +12 Stealth underwater SQ water dependency
Ecology Environment any ocean Organization solitary or pair Treasure none
Special Abilities Critical Envenomation (Ex) If a redback gorger succeeds on a critical hit with its sting attack, it injects two doses of its poison simultaneously. Deep Dweller (Ex) A redback gorger is immune to cold and pressure damage due to water depth, and can move vertically through the water column without penalty. False Head (Ex) A redback gorger’s sting attack can move around obstacles, allowing it to ignore any cover except for full cover. Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 28; duration 4 rounds; effect 4d6 cold damage and 1d6 Dex drain; cure 2 saves. Tentacles (Ex) A redback gorger’s tentacles are treated as a single secondary attack.
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Australia has selected the South Korean Redback IFV over the German KF41 Lynx as replacement for its aging M113AS4 APC
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another day for the future wilders 😑
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So they’re parents were away and the group decided to do a challenge for eating most sugar and who ever wins get’s 100 bucks and Fangz won and starts going hyper and sugar crazy and Strikes and Roxy tries to calm her down but she’s fucking insane at the moment and these are they’re designs cause yeah but I got the designs from @goonightfury ocs like Indo and Indominus shipped with Shredz or Rock jaw X Hazel or maybe Battaxe X Redback and Strikes parents well Kendra is my oc and is shipped with Hammerhead/Hanmerhook and I hope you like the designs!🤩
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crowfangirl2 · 1 year
Zai zai zai meow meow meow meme trend
(Redback and Battaxe)
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voxel-loves-you · 4 months
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Commission piece for a client here on tumblr.
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ich-bin-kein-polux · 1 year
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iironwreath · 8 months
Fancy [Ada]
Ada leaned against the rail on the upper deck by the wheel, cheek in her palm, overlooking the Neverending Wave’s passengers clustered below. Roshanak stood among them. She was easily the tallest, her hair a burning candle in the wind and her face alight with a genial smile as she spoke. The crash and slap of waves, whistle of the breeze, groan of the ship, and caterwaul of gulls drowned out her voice, but Ada was content to observe only on sight.
Normally Ada’s attention was reserved for the crew or the oceanic view; she was vain, she freely admitted that, and enjoyed a horizon that matched the hue of her skin. She felt the innate calling of the sea in her blood, like a pair of hands waiting to catch her. She revelled in the way it altered based on mood—how it could be a vindictive, destructive force as much as a soothing one. With Roshanak on board, she found it less attention-grabbing. Genasi were rare; she always jumped at the chance to meet another.
“Ada? With us?” A hand flagged in front of her face—black nail polish and fingers smattered with thin scars. Ada snapped out of it, gaze locking onto Redback.
“Breathing, aren’t I?” she asked. 
“Yeah, but your head was a mile away.” Red twisted to stand shoulder to shoulder and followed Ada’s line of sight, face splitting into a grin. Red was taller than Ada, but she slouched sometimes, so Ada could beat her in a battle of heights if she straightened up—which she did, determined not to let Red hold anything over her. 
“You’re smitten!” Red announced, too loudly. Ada elbowed her as hard as Red’d been loud, causing her to sink over with a sharp ‘oof.’
“Don’t start with me, Red.” 
“You fancy her,” Redback emphasized once she’d recovered, sucking in her cheeks and making obnoxious kissy noises. Ada shoved a hand at her face. Red cackled, fending her off. 
“You’re too young to know the meaning of the word,” Ada said. 
“Really? I’m not sure you do, if you’re denying it.” Red circled around her to descend the stairs to the main deck.
“Don’t you say anything,” Ada called after her, cinching the rail in her hands. “I don’t want you making trouble for me where there is none, I can do that well enough on my own.”
“I don’t have to say anything,” Red said over her shoulder, sticking out her tongue. “You’re a study in lovestruck.”
“Get back to work!”
“I was already on my way!” 
Ada watched the broad shape of her meld back into the bustle on the ship, then returned her attention to the passengers. Roshanak was looking up at her, a glimmer in her eyes like sunlight catching waves. Ada didn’t blush for getting caught, but instead tossed her a confident, blithe smile.
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chlorophyll-and-chitin · 10 months
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Latrodectus hasselti
Melbourne, Vic
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alienrascal · 1 year
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Okay Who told him he had pretty eyes 
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eatersgrin · 2 years
Redback, Mercenary Tinker with a gambling habit and luck that seemingly swings only to one extreme or the other. Specializes in anything that can give her an edge in a fight or life. Her current focus is venoms, toxins, and poisons as she took her spider fascination too far... again.
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gooby-loopy · 2 years
Some rare pair goo jit zu ship for you guys so you don’t have to <3
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webdraw · 10 months
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chaoticcomposition · 3 months
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like a house on fire 🔥
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crowfangirl2 · 11 months
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I draw some random characters on a sketch :>
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Can nagging be the end of a fly? Today, we conduct an experiment...
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