tiaet-official · 8 months
I call dramatic silhouette shots with a red background "Redshots" and I expect the future fandom to cal them that too.
If they don't, TO LIMBO WITH YOU!!!
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bikazbrekker · 2 years
haengseon truly is so radically kind lol
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Do Re Mi | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Spencer finds his neighbor distraught and in distress at the BAU Headquarters with the idea that her ex-boyfriend might have something to do with the recent string of murders in Quantico, Virginia, he can't but get the team involved.
Warnings: Your usual Criminal Minds murder,
Author's note: Sorry for any discrepencies in the workings of the FBI, I don't really know anything about it aside from what I see on tv.
And if your name actually is Layla, make it into something else for this one, yeah?
Words: 4,237 
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Her heart was beating in her throat. Her hands were sweating. Her mind was going a thousand miles per hour with hurried thoughts of worry and fear. She needed to find him. She needed to tell him. 
“Oh, hey, honey, you look a little lost.” The sweet voice snapped her out of her thoughts immediately.
When y/n flinched, she looked right into the deep brown eyes of the colorful blonde woman that had walked up to her. “Uh, I-I,” she frantically started to search for her words. “Spence–Spencer…” 
“You’re looking for Spencer?” the woman asked, clearly familiar with the one she was looking for. “Okay. Okay, I can bring you to Spencer. Hey, honey, can you breathe in deep for me?” She placed her hands on the girl’s shoulders as she gave the sweet order. Y/N inhaled a deep breath, trying to still her fast-beating heart. “That’s better. Okay, let’s go find Boy Wonder.” As the colorful woman guided the now-less-distressed one into the bullpen, she asked, “What’s your name? I’m Penelope.” 
“Y/N,” she simply answered with a soft smile tugging at her lips. 
“Good morning, baby girl,” someone said as the two passed him. Y/N didn’t even register him at first until Penelope halted in her tracks. 
“Can I show you a good morning at another moment? Trying to find Boy Wonder.” 
The man’s eyes flicked down to the woman tucked beneath Penelope’s arm. “Who’s this gorgeous lady?” he asked, his tone flirtatious, but Y/N didn’t quite register it as her eyes were frantically scanning the place for the familiar face. 
“Y/N?” The voice she’d been aching to hear finally cut through her distressed trance. 
Y/N’s eyes snapped up towards the gorgeous, familiar honey colored eyes. Her shoulders slumped as she felt the weight roll right off, the tears coming down with it. Launching herself out of Penelope’s arms and into Spencer’s, the girl’s body was overtaken by loud sobs. 
“What’s going on?” Spencer asked, wrapping his arms around the girl while his eyes shot questions at his co-workers. Both Penelope and Derek simply shrugged, neither of them knowing what was going on. 
“I found her like this in the hallway,” Penelope answered. 
Spencer looked down, worry written all over his face. “All right, let’s sit down, shall we?” he asked and started making his way to the briefing room with her. “Can one of you get her a glass of water?” he asked over his shoulder. 
Frantically trying to get a grip on themselves, Penelope and Derek scattered to do as told while Spencer walked into the briefing room with Y/N where he gently placed her onto a chair. 
“You okay?” he asked as he himself took a seat on the chair next to her, turning it so he was facing her. 
Slowly nodding her head, Y/N’s redshot eyes moved up to Spencer’s where she found a bit of solace, a bit of the safety she so desperately needed. The girl opened her mouth to say something just as Derek and Penelope entered the briefing room with a glass of water. 
“Here you go, Sugar,” Penelope said sweetly as she handed the unfamiliar girl the beverage. 
“What’s going on, Reid?” The guy next to Penelope asked, his voice stern yet laced with a little worry. 
Spencer turned to Y/N again, searching her eyes for an answer. After a couple of sips of water, Y/N heaved in a deep breath before moving her gaze to the board in the room where the agents had collected the evidence for the case they were working on. 
She was silent for a couple of seconds as she looked at all four victims. “I know who killed them,” she whispered before looking back at Spencer. “And I’m next.” 
Within a second, Spencer’s head snapped up towards his colleagues, all three of them equally confused. His brows knitted together when he turned back to Y/N, leaning closer towards her. “Y/N, wh-what are you talking about?” 
“You said I should come to you if something was wrong,” she whispered with fresh tears running down her cheeks. 
Spencer did remember him saying that to her one night when he walked up to his apartment, nearly bumping into someone on the stairs as someone else was screaming at the runner. When he reached the top of the stairs, he found his neighbor, Y/N, with tears streaming down her face. 
Reaching for her hands, Spencer squeezed ever so slightly to let her know he was there for her. “Did Tristan do something to you, Y/N?” 
Her lip quivered. Her eyes flitted back to the photos on the white board. “Not yet,” she whimpered. 
“Reid,” Derek caught his attention, wordlessly asking him for a word away from the girl. After squeezing her hands once more, Spencer got up and joined Penelope and Derek by the door. “What’s going on? Who is this?” 
“It’s y/n, my next-door neighbor,” he answered, looking back at the fragile girl in their midst. “She-” he sighed. “I came home one time when she was yelling at her boyfriend. They were fighting about something and she was upset. I-I told her that if something ever happened, if she ever needed anyone to talk to, she could come to me.” 
“You think her boyfriend could’ve done that?” Derek asked, pointing at the whiteboard behind Spencer. “Are you sure she’s not just upset because he broke her heart?” 
Letting out a deep sigh, Spencer shrugged. “I don’t know, man. But maybe we should hear her out? Get the rest of the team in on this?” 
A deep frown creased Derek’s forehead. “You’re seriously buying this?” he asked, pointing at the girl. 
“Morgan, look how upset she is!” Penelope exclaimed in a whisper. “She was completely distraught when I found her, this isn’t like some boy just breaking her heart. There’s more.” 
Spencer and Garcia both looked at Derek in anticipation, waiting for his reaction. “All right. Fine. Let’s get the team and hear her out on this one.” 
Nodding his head curtly in gratitude, Spencer turned on his heel to rejoin his neighbor while Derek and Penelope went to get the rest of the team. 
“What’s going on?” A tall man with dark hair and a forever-frown on his face, asked when he entered the room where the rest of his team had gathered. 
Spencer rose to his feet cautiously. “Hotch, this is my next-door neighbor, Y/N. She might know something about the case we’re working on.” 
Hotch’s eyes skidded towards the fragile girl in the briefing room. For a moment, the man just inspected her before taking a seat with the rest of his colleagues, ready to listen to whatever she had to say. 
“Y/N,” the woman that had been introduced to her as JJ, spoke up, capturing her attention. “Can you tell us why you think your boyfriend had anything to do with these murders?” she asked, pointing at the pictures. 
Glancing over at Spencer for a second, just to find her footing, Y/N nodded her head before taking a deep breath. “Those are his ex-girlfriends,” she started with a sniffle. “Tristan talked about them all the time, especially when he was mad at me. H-he’d tell me Doreen was so much smarter than me or Mia had gentler hands… I met Fabiola once, so when I saw it on the news that she’d wound up dead and that Solange had gone missing, I just knew…”
Spencer’s hand reached for hers and squeezed it, Emily, the woman sitting next to her, doing the same to her shoulder. “Y/N, can you tell us something about Tristan? How did you meet him?”
“Through a dating website – that’s lame, I know. I just, uh, figured I could try. He was really nice when we talked online at first. Told me he was a musician… I have a bit of a soft spot for musicians,” she explained, chuckling dryly at the last part. Spencer looked up at the whiteboard, getting the gears in his mind to work. 
“What’s he like, personality-wise?” Derek then wanted to know.  
“Uhm,” she sniffled. “He, uh, he was actually really nice at the beginning. He was charming, chivalrous, … I really thought I had hit the jackpot with this man. But then two or three weeks in, he’d be saying these things that, like, …” she wasn’t sure how to explain it so she stopped, gathering her thoughts. “He’d need constant reassurance and then all of a sudden, he’d turn back into this overly confident man, taking charge.” 
The agents all exchanged glances, thinking the exact same thing. For now, they kept Y/N in the dark. “When was the last time you saw him?” Rossi asked. 
“Uh, couple days ago… I uh, I was talking to Spencer in the hallway when he came home all mad and broody, you remember that?” she asked her neighbor, who simply nodded with his eyes trained on the whiteboard. “He didn’t say anything to either of us and just walked inside. We had a fight right after.” 
Spencer suddenly got up and moved over to the whiteboard. “You said he was a musician?” he asked y/n, to which she simply hummed. Everyone had their eyes on the youngest recruit of their team as he grabbed a marker and wrote the first two letters of each name underneath the corresponding picture. 
DO - RE - MI - FA - SO
With wide eyes, Spencer turned to his co-workers while Derek’s eyes were on Y/N. “How are you so certain you’re gonna be next? Your name doesn’t–”
“I told him my name was Layla. I-it’s my middle name, I figured it wouldn’t do any harm. I–” Fresh tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at the evidence on the board. 
Hotch’s eyes landed on y/n. “Where does he live?” 
“Cherry Hill Road,” she whispered. 
The scraping of the chairs across the floor startled her ever so slightly as the agents got up from their chairs.  In a panic, y/n looked for Spencer, only calming down once he’s by her side again. “y/n, stay with Penelope, okay? I don’t want you to go anywhere until we catch this guy.” 
Y/N nodded her head before getting up and moving to follow the colorful blonde she had first encountered when she walked into the BAU headquarters. “Come on, Sugar,” Penelope said as she wrapped her arm around her once again to guide her to her office. “Make yourself right at home. You want some coffee? Tea?” 
Shaking her head, Y/N offered Penelope a quick smile before taking the chair that was furthest from the screens. For a while, y/n just watched as Penelope got to work. She researched everything she could find on Tristan Bell. Phone records, high school diplomas, … Anything that had left a paper trail, she would find. 
A good hour they waited until the team burst into the BAU again with somber expressions on their faces. “Briefing room, Garcia. Now,” Hotch ordered. The blonde beacon of color excused herself and told y/n to stay put before following her boss out like a lost puppy. 
The longer y/n stayed in Penelope’s office by herself, the more uncomfortable she felt. The woman had only left her alone for a mere two minutes, but to y/n, it felt like an eternity. The walls were starting to close in on her as she waited for Penelope’s return that didn’t seem to come. 
Agitated and scared out of her mind, y/n got up with a groan and made her way back to the briefing room. However, she halted in her tracks when she heard Spencer’s voice booming through the room. 
“We are not going to send her out like a piece of bait!” he concluded his speech, which, judging from his co-workers’ faces, had been going on for a while. “I don’t want her ending up in a body bag just like the others!” 
Inhaling deeply, y/n turned around the corner to show herself in the entrance of the open door. “I’ll do it,” she announced, capturing the agents’ attention. 
“Y/N–” Spencer tried, his eyes filling with worry. 
“Whatever it takes to catch this guy, Spence. We have to do it. So, use me.” 
Spencer exhaled in defeat before walking up to her. “You’re certain?” he asked, placing his hands on her cheeks, his fingers tangling up in her hair. Y/N nodded, the pads rubbing against her temples. “I promise you, nothing’s gonna happen to you, all right? I-I’ll make sure of it.”
“You’re gonna be wired the entire time, so we can hear everything you’re saying,” Hotch continued to reassure her, causing her to turn towards him. Spencer dropped his hands as she did so. 
“We’ll put a tracker on you and we’re gonna be there, just a few feet away from you,” Rossi continued.
Nodding her head, y/n felt more and more confident about this whole idea. She looked back up at Spencer into those honey colored eyes she had become so infatuated with over the course of knowing him as her next-door-neighbor-turned friend. 
“Now, here’s the plan,” Hotch said and began explaining everything in detail before the entire team – including y/n – started gearing up for it. The agents all got into their bulletproof vests, made sure their guns were loaded while JJ and Penelope helped y/n wire up. 
As the agents moved to get to their vehicles, Spencer grabbed y/n’s wrist to pull her back for a moment. “You’re sure about this?” 
“Yes, Spencer, I am. We need to catch him before he gets to the rest of that musical scale.” The boy nodded before heaving in a deep breath. “Besides, I’ve got you to protect me, don’t I?” 
A wide smile befell Spencer’s lips. “Yeah, you do.” 
Once the both of them were convinced enough, Spencer joined the rest of his team in the SUV, while y/n got into her own car. She reached for her phone and dialed the number she hadn’t call in a couple of days. Nerves rushed through her veins in time with the dial tone that beeped in her ears. 
“What do you want?” he snapped immediately. 
Pushing back all the anger and nerves, y/n forced herself to let out a sob. “I’m sorry, Tristan. I am so sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said that night. You were right, I was being a bitch and I’ve been stupid but I’ve come to my senses now and I-I want you back, Tris. Can you-Can you meet me at our special spot?” Her voice sounded tearful and innocent enough for him to cave straight away. 
She heard the man sigh on the other side of the line. The sound of it alone sent shivers down her spine. “Sure, baby. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” 
“Okay,” y/n sniffled. “Thank you, baby. See you there.” 
Tristan hung up the phone before y/n slammed her flip phone shut with a sigh. “Did that sound convincing enough?” she asked, knowing the agents had been listening. 
“You’re a natural actress, mama,” said Derek, his smile audible in his tone. 
Smiling too, y/n started her car and drove off with the SUV just a few feet behind her. Now, the anxiety was really kicking in. So much could be going wrong. Spencer and his co-workers could be too late, leaving Tristan an open window for him to kill her the way he’d done his ex-girlfriends. She could just be the next victim. 
As if he could read her mind, Spencer’s voice came through her earpiece. “Hey, you’re gonna do great. You got this, okay? And we’ve got you…” he paused for a second as if debating his next words. “I’ve got you.” Something must’ve distracted him as a silence presided over a soft “What?” 
“Man, you’re so in love with her,” that was Derek’s voice, y/n was sure. 
“What? No I’m not.” 
“Yeah, you are,” Emily chuckled. 
Spencer scoffed when Derek spoke up again next. “When are you asking her out?” 
Grinning, and completely ignoring the heat rising to her cheeks. “Yeah, Spence, when are you gonna ask me out?” The agents fell completely silent. Spencer probably hadn’t even realized he was still holding the button of the walkie-talkie. “Honey, when I can’t hear something on your end, you should probably release the button. I could literally hear everything.” 
“I–uh…” Spencer muttered, clearly embarrassed by what had just happened. 
“Tell you what, if I get out of this alive, we’re getting coffee together. How’s that sound?” 
“When,” he quickly corrected me. “When you get out of this.” 
A smile tugged carefully at y/n’s lips. “Yeah. When.” 
Y/N pulled over in the park’s lot and before she could get out, she had to heave in a deep breath. Coming here brought way too many memories of them going on dates together, eating ice cream. The happy memories that all just felt like one big lie now that she knew who he really was. 
“All right, y/n,” Hotch’s voice sounded through her earpiece. “You remember what we agreed. Get him riled up enough that he confesses.” 
Y/N sniffed. “What if I get him so riled up he attacks?” she muttered, looking around to make sure no one could witness her talking to herself. 
“That won’t happen. And if it does, we’ve got him surrounded,” Hotch reassured her. 
Those words were enough for her to get into her position. On that very bench near the lake was where they’d ended their very first date. It was their special spot. Tristan had even carved their initials into the wood of the backrest. Y/N’s eyes found the carving quickly when she noticed the other initials too. 
“Seems this bench isn’t just our special spot,” she grumbled, scoffing at herself that he had made her believe she was special. She was just one of the many. The next girlfriend. The next victim. 
“Layla? Baby?” His voice alone sent shivers down her spine. She quickly shook the feeling off and turned around to look at him. Those dark blonde curls, the piercing blue eyes. While she had loved all of that at one point, she felt nothing but resentment and hatred towards every aspect of him. 
Y/N got up from the bench and made her way towards him. “I’m so glad you wanted to see me,” she said, trying to keep that hatred out of her voice. “I-I’ve made a big mistake, Tristan. I am so sorry.”
A chuckle rolled off his lips. “What are you even talking about, Lay?” 
“I–” She had to come up with something. Something that would rile him up. “I slept with him,” she blurted out, cursing at herself for doing so, but then she decided to roll with it. “Yeah, I slept with him behind your back, Tristan.” 
His jaw clenched visibly. “It’s that good-for-nothing Spencer, isn’t it?” His words were dripping with venom, sounding like he either wanted to kill her or Spencer. 
Y/N coughed, slightly embarrassed that the man himself could hear everything she was espousing. Even worse was that his friends could hear it, too. “Y-yeah… I’m so, so sorry, Tris. It was dumb and I just–” 
Scoffing, Tristan shook his head. “You’re the exact same as those bitches!” he yelled. “Whores, the lot of you! WHORES!” Y/N’s eyes darted around to make sure no one else was in the vicinity to hear his breakdown. 
“What are you talking about, Tristan?” she asked innocently, hoping it would evoke the right answer. 
“You and Solange, and Mia, … Y’all are one and the same, making me feel… incompetent…” 
Y/N’s head tilted slightly. “Ever think it might just be that?” she asked, eyes filled with fire. “Don’t you think that’s the reason why I ran to Spencer the first opportunity I had? You’re incompetent, you always value yourself above everyone else and you’re just fucking weak.” Between every single one of those last words, y/n took a step closer towards the boy she once fell for. He was towering over her, but it didn’t intimidate y/n in the slightest. She was on fire. She would get that confession out of him. “And Spencer?” she asked. “He’s twice the man you’ll ever be.” 
Though she was just saying those words to evoke a reaction from Tristan, they did hold some truth. Over the course of a couple weeks, Spencer and y/n had grown closer and closer. At first, it was just chats in the hallway, but it quickly evolved into spending nights together for dinner, watching movies. Spencer was someone she could talk to about everything and he’d listen, offer her the statistics and calm her down whenever she needed it. Up until now, she had just thought of them as good friends, but now that she was thinking about it, what she felt when she was with him was little more than that. 
“At least Spencer knows how to treat a woman,” she spat, immediately regretting her words when she felt the cold tip of the barrel against her forehead. No matter how scared she felt, she tried her hardest not to show it. “Do it then. Shoot. Kill me like you killed all your other exes,” she whispered, hoping the reverse psychology would work on him, hoping the words would have the agents spring into action. 
“FBI! Drop your weapon!” Hotch’s voice bellowed through the nightair. “Tristan Bell, drop your weapon and step away from the girl.” 
Sending one last glare at his ex-girlfriend, Tristan raised his hands in surrender before placing his gun on the grass. Y/N let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding before allowing herself to fall into JJ’s arms, who was approaching her to get her out of there anyway. 
“You did so great,” JJ whispered as she held the woman in her arms, guiding her towards a picnic bench a little further down, away from Tristan. Y/N cried in JJ’s arms, her body shaking with sobs while the blonde liaison soothed her. “You’re okay. You’re okay.” 
“Y/N? You okay?” Spencer’s familiar voice captured her attention. 
With bloodshot eyes and thick tears running down her cheeks, y/n looked up to find his beautiful honey eyes looking down at her, laced with worry. Letting out another cry, she launched herself into his arms, grateful to find her usual solace against his chest. 
“It’s over,” he whispered, allowing his fingers to tangle into her hair to scratch her scalp ever so softly. “You’re okay.” He pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. “How about you and I go for that coffee, huh?” 
Sniffling, y/n pushed herself off him to look at him. “Yeah.” 
“Yeah?” he asked, smiling. 
Y/N simply nodded and allowed him to guide her back to her car where he asked for her keys. He had left his bulletproof vest and gun with JJ, knowing y/n needed him more than the team did at this moment. 
The rest of the night, y/n and Spencer spent together in Spencer’s apartment with the coffee they’d grabbed from the nearest diner. Neither of them really wanted to be out at that moment. They just wanted to spend it together, in the confines of either one of their apartments. Though y/n did prefer his over her own. 
“Do you think I can only attract bad men?” she asked, not moving away from her very safe spot on his chest. 
“Mmh, no,” he replied, not really having to think about it. “I think you just had a bit of bad luck with this one. It honestly can happen to so many people. We’re unconsciously searching for somebody who has a conglomeration of negative and positive traits of the caretakers from our childhood.” 
“You’re saying I chose to be with Tristan because he reminded me of my parents?” y/n asked, looking up at him without taking her head off his chest. 
Spencer shrugged. “I mean, we all do that, we just don’t realize that we do.” 
“How do I find the right guy?” she then asked in a mumble, her eyes fixated on her fingers that were playing around with Spencer’s. 
A soft smile tugged at his lips. “You open your eyes.” 
At that, y/n looked up to find him looking down at her. The sparkle in his honey eyes and the soft smile that played on his lips got her stomach doing flips. In the time span she had known Spencer, she had never felt her stomach do these things. But she liked it. A lot. 
Y/N lifted her head and very cautiously leaned in closer until her lips brushed his. The kiss was hesitant at first, as if both of them were just trying to scout the area they were threading. But then Spencer’s free hand cupped her jaw and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. 
Pulling back, y/n couldn’t help the smile that etched its way to her lips. 
“Consider them opened.” 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty@littlemissaddict@n0wornever@wanniiieeee@unnowhatthisistbh @Jassy122
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estsmutxx · 6 months
I have a request
Could you do one where y/n meets kells at a club and they hook up at his and before they start hooking up he’s dirty talking y/n and she tells him she’s never had an orgasm before so when they hook up it’s like her first experience orgasming
Plot:you meet Colson at the club.
Pairings: colson x yn
Warnings/tags:Hook ups,dirty talk,y/ns first orgasm,nipple play,degrading,choking,praising,overstim,round two,unprotected sex,shower sex,anal
It was a friday night,and the club was pretty busy. You had came there alone,hoping to get your mind off the stressful day you had at work. You had also hoped to meet someone since you've been single for a while,but it wasn't your top priority. In did seem that almost everyone in this club was all over another person,though.
You sighed to yourself,looking straight forward to the dance floor. You got up,heading to the bar. "Hey." A blonde man stopped you. "Hi." You looked up,looking into his redshot eyes. "Can I buy you a drink?" He asked. You nodded,soaking up the image of him standing in front of you. "I would love that,thank you." You spoke.
He flashed a smile at you,walking you over to the stools. "What do you drink?" He asked. "Whiskey." You responded. His smile grew wider, "a girl after my own heart." He flagged down the bartender,getting you both a shot of whiskey. "Thank you." You said,smiling at him then taking the shot. "Of course. I'm Colson by the way." He said. "Y/n." You responded. He looked up into your eyes,his face relaxing. "You're beautiful." He said,admiring you under the club lights. "Thank you,love." You responded.You could tell he only wanted to fuck,and you were completely okay with that. The way his tattoos stood out on his body made you feel like you were melting.
"What are you doing here?" He asked,ordering another drink. "Just looking for fun,you?" You responded. "Same thing.You look so good in that dress,mind if I take it off?" He asked casually. "I think we should go. Your place or mine?" You asked,not ready to play anymore games,you wanted this man. He took your hand gently, "Mine."
(Time skip)
When you finally got to his house he immediately pushed you on his bed. "You're so fucking sexy." He mumbled,kissing up from your neck down to your collarbone. "Colson." You said between gasps. "Mhm?" He said,pulling your dress up and pushing your underwear to the side. "I've never had an orgasm before." You said,fully expecting him to kick you out. "That's okay. I'm glad to be your first." He said. He cupped your tits with one hand,toying with your nipples. "Oh fuck." You moaned,your eyes fluttering. "You like that"He asked. "Fuck yes." You replied.
He pulled away his hands,unbuckling his belt. "Tell me when you're close. You can do that for me,yeah?" He asked. "Yes." You choked out. He  pushed his whole length into you,your wetness making it easy. "God you feel so good already." He praised. "Fuck." You moaned,his body hovering over you. "Feels good,huh?" He asked,breathing heavily on your neck. "Y-yes." You forced out. His thrusts were fast and intense,and you liked that. You had no idea he was this big either.
"Mmm." You moaned,followed by Colson's raspy groans. "You're doing so good." He said,one hand gripping your thigh for easier access. He stared at your tits as they bounced up and down from his thrusts. "Fuck." He moaned,closing his eyes. "You're gonna make me cum already,you look so pretty with me inside of you." He said. You gasped,feeling him speed up. His vocalness made you want to explode right then and there. His dick twitched inside of you,hitting directly on your g spot. "Oh fuck!" You yelled. You could tell your words almost pushed him to the edge.
"Hold it for me baby." He struggled to say. "I can't!" You yelled out,his dick hitting your clit repeatedly. "I can't,i'm gonna cum." You complained. He covered your mouth with his hand,silencing your moans as he thrusted harder. "Fuck." You moaned against his hand. "Seeing you like this is gonna make me cum." He groaned. That was enough to push you towards the edge. Your legs started to shake and you felt the pit in your stomach start to get stronger. "Oh my god." You moaned loudly. He came inside of you,both of you finishing at the same time.
You laid on his bed,catching your breath. "You did good,how was your first time?" He asked,giving you a kiss. "Amazing." You responded with a smile. "I'm glad." He said. He helped you sit up and you leaned against his shoulder. "Do you wanna take a shower together?" He asked. "Mhm." You responded. He held your hand and brought you to his bathroom. He turned on the shower then you both stepped in.
"Can you get my back?" You asked him. He nodded, "of course." He put some soap on a washcloth and rubbed it against your body. "Thank you." You said. "Mhmm." He hummed. After he was done washing you off you wrapped your arms around his neck. He pushed his body against yours,looking you in the eyes. "Round two?" He asked. "Please." You responded. A smirk grew on his face as he bent you over.
He pushed you both against the shower wall,the water hitting your back as his dick entered your ass. Your lips parted,his hands wrapping against your hips as he thrusted into you. Your legs were already weak,still recovering from round one. "Fuck,Y/n." "Faster." You demanded. He did as you said,speeding up his movements. "Fuck,my dick is so sensitive i'm gonna cum already."  He muttered. His words and voice made you weak. "Cum with me." He told you. You did as he said and came on his dick as he came in your ass. "Fuck,good girl."
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Decolor the most important part about TiaET cutscenes; REDSHOTS.
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Interesting color scheme, too bad it gets removed.
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The drive home was long and boring and being long term overdue, her baby bump wasn't any help either but she grew hungry and thirsty by the moment and saw a mcdonalds by the side and why she drove over, after a while taking her order with the employees asking her a question on a new product "So would you like to a take a new drink for $2.87 it's gone popular." And she thought of what it could be and said "Why not.".
As she drove down the driveway and sat waiting by the window a strong pain struck like fire very far deep into her womb, her hand took a gentle massage around the front of her belly to ease in the pain looking to her right and seeing her as she hands her order to her and she takes it in as she drives down the road, the pressure rushed into her womb and she rubbed below slowly as her mind caught on and stepped down, braking but very instinctually fast as she continues.
When she got home and munched down her order, she got thirsty and looked into the paper bag a purple drink that had something written on it and wrote "Happy birthday Grimace!" And she found it amusing and took a small sip and swallowed and opened it up chugging it down.
A strong pain hit within and a rushing pain came throughout her womb, her waters gushed open and she felt a fast descent towards her canal as a purple ooze gushed out her mouth, the baby rushed down her canal and she pushed as well out of fear and the head bulged further out and widended her legs but it hurt as she gasps for air and pushed in intense pain, her eyes redshot her body was drenched in sweat and drink.
She fell to the floor and landed onto her belly as more purple goo oozed out of her as she gave a great push, she felt a huge gush and looked to her human baby and smiled as it wailed and her vision blurred and belly shruk a crowd of steps came in and it turned black and it felt euphoric.
A light slowly shined and she thought it was the gates of heaven but a small cry took her out the beeping noises told we're she was and the team was kind enough to leave the baby in her arms slowly suckling away in bliss of events.
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m3char0b0l0v3r · 2 years
I feel so stupid rn???
I ship, Armada Starshot, Redshot and wheelshot??? ( Starscream x Hotshot / Red alert x Hotshot / Wheeljack x Hotshot )
And I can't decide which to be my otp help I love these ships but I need mental help...
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icedfae · 2 years
closed starter for @fckmaiya​
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   with  his  life  spiraling  out  of  control,  micah  didn’t  know  who  all  to  turn  to.  there  were  a  few  people  in  his  life  that  he  felt  closer  to  than  anything  else  but  three  of  them  were  not  getting  to  see  him  like  this.  archie,  he  refused  to  face  given  the  way  his  best  friend  had  decided  to  blow  up  their  friendship  (he  would  forgive  him,  in  time,  micah  had  always  been  too  soft  for  his  own  good).  austen  was  not  being  dragged  into  this  mess  no  matter  how  much  he  had  to  fight  for  that  to  happen,  she  could  stay  oblivious  to  it  as  far  as  he  was  concerned.  stella,  was  a  no  brainer.  he  needed  space  from  her  and  that’s  exactly  what  he  planned  to  do.  no  contact  between  the  two  of  them.  that  left  the  one  person  micah  had  been  horrible  to  for  months  --  long  before  any  of  this  starter:  maiya.  his  sister  had  hurt  him  over  and  over  again  but  there  was  a  small  difference  in  her  actions:  it  had  been  an  accident.  micah  knew,  deep  down,  that  if  maiya  could  take  it  all  back  she  would  in  a  heartbeat.  just  as  deep  down  he  knew  what  could  happen  the  moment  he  got  into  the  car  with  her  that  night.  so  as  he  made  his  way  through  his  sister’s  home,  key  finally  getting  use  after  months  of  collecting  dust,  he  rubbed  his  redshot  eyes  and  gave  her  a  melancholy  smile.  “hey  sis,  got  time  to  chat?  don’t  wanna  waste  your  wedding  planning  time  or  whatever.”  the  sarcasm  was  there,  micah  having  known  from  the  beginning  that  there  was  no  way  maiya  was  actually  getting  married  –  he  didn’t  need  it  confirmed.  he  just  knew.
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seawingwof · 2 years
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👁🐲The redshot dragon's eye 🐲👁
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newsupdatesbykiara · 3 months
Cadila Pharmaceuticals launches novel iron injection
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Cadila Pharmaceuticals has introduced a solution for Iron Deficiency anaemia with the unveiling of Redshot FCM, a revolutionary iron injection fortified with the advanced Ferric Carboxymallose formulation. The product, catering to both adult and paediatric patients over the age of one, particularly those with oral iron intolerance, promises to transform the landscape of anaemia treatment.
Designed to address the critical need for effective and safe anaemia management, Redshot Injection offers a superior safety profile coupled with enhanced tolerability. With minimal risk of anaphylaxis, this intravenous iron preparation accelerates the improvement of haemoglobin levels and efficiently replenishes depleted iron stores. Moreover, its intravenous delivery system facilitates the utilisation of high doses in a single administration, ensuring swift and effective treatment.
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detectivezedd · 11 months
🌷...FERAL SINS...🌷{...In Love With a Vampire...}
Chapter 27♥28 ♡ETERNAL LOVE, ETERNAL LIES♡*****REDSHOT HOTEL.Agent Jeffson’s car drove to a stop due to the unheeding mass of tourist and many more who seeks answers. He rushed out of the car and he forced his way into the hotel. Indistinct muttering and clamoring of some detectives and investigators filled the atmosphere and just immediately his gaze traveled to the detective who called him in…
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tiaet-official · 8 months
The people love the word redshot for some odd reason
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talvez-a-life · 1 year
as vezes eu fico bolado eu tenho alguém que não sei nem como lhe contar, eu sempre não entendi como que posso falar
como eu conto pra alguém que se sente mal, que deve ser oprimida, uma realidade onde se tem alguém que deve, sabe merece
fazer tudo que pode, deveria se ressaltar, nuca deixar de se oprimir deveria se apoderar, ahh vai saber, só to aqui pq eu nunca vi ngm pra me ganhar
ahhh kkk pode crer pode pah, ovo compra uma broca, e meu cigarro, se não quem vai aguentarahh euñunca paro pra digitar
quantos processo c quer q eu digite ahh vsf aqui nunca a gente vai parar ñ é redator eu prefiro o controle mas o teclado ja viu como nos fáz pra brincar o fps é redshot podpah
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bariom · 4 years
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RED PASSION 002 ◾◾ #car #photography #red #passion #auto #redshots #bestshot #lamborghini #supercar (presso Modena, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKXJmkpFmYW/?igshid=1truwfllvsbf3
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vexlonely · 3 years
I’m writing!
“What is she doing?” The younger man tried and failed to keep the worry from his voice.
Lucius looked at him sidelong before baring his teeth in a grin just the right side of feral. He lightened his tone until it was as close to demure as it ever got.
“Ask her yourself.”
Hermione had overheard him. The ghost of her answering smile caused his stomach to lurch in the way that Lucius, after spending six years in her company, no longer pretended meant nothing.
He fancied Hermione Granger, brilliant enigma twenty-five years his junior, and refused to feel any shame about it whatsoever. Theirs had been a tumultuous and often tense working relationship, but somewhere between Ministers two and three, diverting international embarrassments, and suffering endless briefings that could have been owls, Lucius realized that he wanted her.
Quite badly, in fact.
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thesplintering · 2 years
Bullet-Time Metroidvania “REDSHOT” Now on Steam PC
Bullet-Time Metroidvania “REDSHOT” Now on Steam PC | #gaming #Steam #pcgames #scifi #pcgaming
On Tuesday, independent game developer Brian Lynch released his first game REDSHOT via Steam PC. Developed by Lynch as a one-man development team, REDSHOT blends bullet-time mechanics into the Metroidvania formula (“Metroidvania” being gamer speak for a non-linear action adventure game. Sorta). Here’s the official breakdown of REDSHOT from Lynch: REDSHOT is a bullet-time Metroidvania where…
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