#Reiki Level 3 What To Expect
dasenergi-diary · 1 year
January 3, 2023
My day:
Work related: Change is coming. This is the calm before the storm. We have a new CEO and a new President. And they are bringing in new Leadership with them who will be making changes in the coming months. My org already has a new VP who is making changes, like requiring everyone to work from the office, a two-hour commute for me. Luckily, I was hired as a remote employee, so I am not assigned to an office. I work remote, from home. I actually don't think our office could handle all of the employees if they were to come in. I expect a re-org in the coming months, and my department will probably report into a new org. I hope my boss does a good job advocating for us, and educating Leadership on who we are and what we do.
Boyfriend: I am happy alone. I'm not someone who needs to see their partner every day. But today I was hoping to take the boyfriend out to his favorite restaurant for dinner. Unfortunately he has fallen behind in writing "notes" for his clients (treatment plans, discharge summaries, and things like that) so I didn't even mention the dinner plans to him. I told him he needs to get caught-up tonight. When he falls behind at work, he feels like a failure and suffers from Imposter Syndrome. I recently got him to change his meds, he suffers from depression and anxiety, that has hurt him his entire life. Hopefully the new meds will get him back on track, it's still too soon to see results. We'll see if he actually gets caught up tonight. (I expect not.) Instead I ordered too much food to-go from a local Mexican restaurant and binged everything while watching "The Menu" on HBO. (I enjoyed the movie a lot, yay for originality. But I am now stuffed, bloated and miserable.)
Spirituality: Here is where I mention that I am currently enrolled in a 9-month course working directly with Rebecca Campbell in "sacred mysteries". In December we were working with the rose. In January we are working with water. As some of you may know, I already have a very deep relationship and understanding of water. But working with the rose was new to me and VERY profound.
I have never had a close relationship with flowers, roses in particular. While kything with a rose (all living things have a consciousness and kything is connecting to that consciousness to receive wisdom or messages) I felt a very feminine energy coming from it. Roses have represented the Goddess since ancient times. The rose wanted me to touch it, to stroke it, to kiss it. To perform reiki on it. Roses are very sensual beings.
I asked it if it had any messages for me, and it told me to touch all of the roses everywhere. To give them all this same level of attention. To touch them, stroke them, kiss them, and talk to them.
The final week of December, after working with the rose in various capacities all month (tending to a rose altar, anointing myself with rose oil, drinking rose water & rose tea, meditation, chanting) I took a bath with roses and got a deeper understanding of the rose.
Yes, the rose itself is a plant and has a consciousness that I had already connected to. But there is also the Goddess aspect of the rose.
During a deep meditation session in the bath, I entered my inner temple and my guide introduced me to a goddess from the lineage of the rose. The goddess led me through a cave to the sacred rose temple. There I was encircled by countless beings of the lineage of the rose. Female and male. Ancient ones who are carriers of the rose thread, and I realize they are all having various types of sex. The goddess from the lineage of the rose approaches me and anoints rose oil on my third eye. A rose opens where my third eye is and it blooms into a vagina. Then she places rose oil on the front and back of my heart, and the same thing happens, a rose opens and turns into a vagina. They continue to anoint rose oil on my belly button, and my root chakra. And the same thing happens. They anoint oil on the palms of my hands, the same thing. The bottoms of my feet, the same thing. And then the circle encloses around me. I feel the presence of all of these wise ones. And all of my "holes" gets filled (all of the vaginas, my anus, and my mouth), opening my understanding, deepening my compassion. Initiating and activating me. Welcoming me into the lineage of the rose. Reconnecting me to the wise ones through the ages. Transmitting into me. I become one of the carriers of the sacred thread, of the earth, of the cosmos, of nature, of humanity. And I meet the Mother of the Rose. The great ancient wise one. I am allowed to ask one question. Feeling. Knowing. The Goddess IS creation. Women give birth. And creation happens from sex. Creation feels good. A rose feels good when it digs its roots deep into the earth, and when it reaches its leaves towards the sun. The labia has been compared to the petals on a rose. And the anus has been compared to a rosebud. Even when a gay man is eating another man's ass, they are worshiping the Goddess. All sex is creation, creating energy that spreads across the globe. The sacred Mother Goddess of Creation is embodied in the rose. It's sensual nature and allure. Wisdom. Power. And grace.
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reachlovenheal · 2 months
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Best Reiki Healing In Ahmedabad Gujarat
Reiki Healing / By lovenheal
Introduction: Welcome to our holistic journey towards inner harmony and well-being through the ancient art of Reiki healing. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the depths of Reiki, exploring its origins, techniques, benefits, and how it can transform lives.
Chapter 1: Understanding Reiki
Exploring the Origins: Unraveling the history and philosophy behind Reiki, tracing its roots to ancient Japan and its evolution into a globally recognized healing practice.
The Science of Energy Healing: Shedding light on the principles of energy flow within the body and how Reiki facilitates balance and vitality.
Chapter 2: The Art of Reiki Healing
Techniques and Practices: Diving into the various techniques employed in Reiki sessions, including hand positions, symbols, and distant healing.
Initiations and Attunements: Understanding the significance of attunements in Reiki practice and how they amplify one’s ability to channel healing energy.
Chapter 3: Benefits of Reiki Healing
Holistic Wellness: Examining the multifaceted benefits of Reiki on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, from pain relief to stress reduction and spiritual growth.
Enhancing Mental Clarity: Discussing how Reiki clears blockages in the energy system, fostering mental clarity, and promoting emotional resilience.
Chapter 4: Integrating Reiki into Daily Life
Self-Healing Practices: Empowering readers with simple yet powerful self-healing techniques to incorporate into their daily routines.
Reiki for Relationships: Exploring how Reiki fosters deeper connections and harmony in relationships, both with oneself and others.
Chapter 5: Finding a Reiki Practitioner
Choosing the Right Practitioner: Offering guidance on selecting a qualified and reputable Reiki practitioner or teacher to embark on your healing journey.
What to Expect in a Reiki Session: Preparing individuals for their first Reiki experience, outlining the typical session format and post-session effects.
Chapter 6: Nurturing Your Reiki Journey
Continuing Education: Encouraging ongoing learning and development in Reiki practice through workshops, seminars, and advanced training.
Cultivating Mindfulness: Emphasizing the importance of mindfulness and self-awareness in maximizing the benefits of Reiki healing.
Conclusion: As you embark on your journey with Reiki, may you discover profound healing, inner peace, and a renewed sense of vitality. Remember, the path to holistic well-being begins with a single intention—to embrace the transformative power of Reiki and unlock the limitless potential within.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
Contact Info: Phone No: +91-8484000268
Reiki Healing Ahmedabad, Reiki Practitioner in Ahmedabad, Best Reiki Healing Gujarat, Reiki Therapy Ahmedabad, Reiki Classes in Ahmedabad, Energy Healing Ahmedabad, Reiki Master in Ahmedabad, Distance Reiki Healing Gujarat, Reiki Training Ahmedabad, Healing Centers in Ahmedabad, Reiki Workshops Gujarat, Holistic Healing Ahmedabad, Reiki Sessions in Gujarat, Spiritual Healing Ahmedabad, Reiki Healing Courses Gujarat, Reiki Treatment Centers Ahmedabad, Certified Reiki Practitioner Gujarat, Reiki Meditation Ahmedabad, Reiki Healing Therapy Gujarat, Reiki Certification Ahmedabad,
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serenityreikiclinic · 6 months
Keeping the Holiday Hustle at Bay: 5 Tips for Staying Calm and Merry!
Hey there, I hope this finds you in good spirits as we gear up for the festive season! With the holidays just around the corner, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of preparations, celebrations, and all the joy that comes with it. It's super important now to take time for ourselves, to keep the stress levels in check.
If you want to jump to our end-of-year FAB deals they are all here:
In the meantime, here are five simple reminders to help you stay calm and enjoy the holiday season to the fullest:
1. Breathe In, Breathe Out:
   Don't forget to take a deep breath! When things get overwhelming, a few moments of mindful breathing can work wonders. Find a quiet spot, inhale slowly, count to four, exhale, and repeat. It's a simple yet effective way to center yourself and maintain that inner calm.
2. Prioritize Self-Care:
   So much to do! It's easy to forget about self-care when we are shopping, cooking, and socializing, but don't neglect your well-being. Schedule self-care on your calendar, or it will be overlooked during this busy season,
3. Set Realistic Expectations:
   It's easy to get carried away with elaborate plans and expectations during the holidays. (It happens to all of us!) While it's great to have fun activities and traditions, be realistic about what you can accomplish. Setting achievable goals will not only reduce stress but also leave room for unexpected memories.
4. Delegate and Share the Load:
   You don't have to do it all alone! Delegate tasks and share responsibilities with family and friends. Whether it's meal prep, decorating, or organizing events, involving others can make the workload lighter, create a sense of togetherness, and build memories.
5. Embrace Imperfection:
   Let go of the pursuit of perfection. The holidays are about creating memories and spending time with loved ones, not about flawless decorations or gourmet meals. Embrace the imperfections, laugh off the mishaps, and focus on the joy of being together.
Remember, the most important thing is to savor the moments and cherish the time spent with loved ones. 
All the Year End offers are here if you want to grab them now: https://www.serenityreikiclinic.com/blog/end-of-the-year-deep-healing
Reiki Blessings,
Sarah Parker Thomas, RRMS
Serenity Reiki Clinic/Bliss Soul-2-Soul Coaching 
To learn more about the Reiki Clinic: https://sleek.bio/serenityreikiclinic
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Finding a Reiki Practitioner near Me: A Comprehensive Guide
Do you want to find a way to heal your body and mind? If this is the case, Reiki may be the ideal healing method for you. Reiki is a Japanese word that literally means "hand touch." It is a type of energy healing that employs hands-on techniques to improve energy flow and balance in the body while also connecting people with their spiritual side. Although anyone can use reiki, it is most commonly used for various common ailments and emotional attachments that are difficult to let go. In this guide, we will explain the fundamentals of reiki healing, outline the steps involved in using reiki, and recommend how to find a reiki practitioner near you so that you can receive the best possible healing. Healing wishes!
Who can benefit from Reiki?
Reiki is a wonderful healing modality if you want to improve your health and well-being. Touch is used in this ancient form of alternative medicine to promote healing. It is appropriate for everyone, including the elderly, children, and those with chronic illnesses. In fact, studies have shown that when combined with other therapies such as acupuncture and massage, Reiki is even more effective. So, if you're looking for some relaxation and healing, look for a Reiki practitioner near you. With so many registered practitioners in your area, you should have no trouble finding one who meets your needs and budget! If you're still not sure if Reiki is for you, don't worry –contact us to have a chat and know more about Reiki.
How to find a Reiki Practioner Near Me?
It can be difficult to locate a Reiki practitioner. But don't worry, we're here to help! In this comprehensive guide, we will teach you how to find a reiki practitioner near you. If you Google Reiki practitioners near me, you may get a list of practitioners in your area. Remember you can also receive Reiki from a distance, Reiki In London so if you find a Reiki healer you like but he or she does not live in the same area it is okay. You can still contact them as they will be able to hold distance Reiki session, which produces the same results as in-person Reiki.
Here are 5 tips to find a qualified Reiki practitioner near you.
Tip 1: When looking for a Reiki therapist or Reiki healer near you, look for a Level 3 practitioner.
Tip 2: Verify the Reiki ancestry or linage of your practitioner.
Tip 3: Request a copy of the professional indemnity and general liability insurance plans that your Reiki practitioner carries, and make sure they are still in effect.
Tip 4: Pick a Reiki practitioner who is registered with the CNHC in the UK
Tip 5. Engage your Reiki practitioner before making a commitment.
What Is Reiki Healing?
Reiki may be the perfect fit for you if you're looking for a type of energy healing that can help you relax, de-stress, and heal. However, it is critical to conduct preliminary research. This will assist you in locating a qualified and experienced practitioner of the technique. Once you've found a practitioner you like, schedule an appointment and get ready for a truly rewarding experience. There are numerous types of Reiki practitioners, so it's critical to find one who shares your beliefs and practices. Remember to inquire about their experience and qualifications, and keep track of any symptoms you may be experiencing to determine if reiki is a good fit for you.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an alternative healing technique that uses energy to relieve pain and stress. It is thought to be beneficial for treating a variety of health issues, including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and others. If you're searching for
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I expect during my first session with a Reiki practitioner?
When you first meet with a Reiki practitioner, you should anticipate the following: 1. Physical pain, anxiety, stress, depression, fatigue, and other symptoms may be relieved. 2. Sessions are usually an hour long 3. During the session, the practitioner will learn about your specific needs and address them.
Reiki Healing From Distance
What are the benefits of Reiki?
Reiki has numerous advantages, which include: 1. You can improve your overall well-being and live a happier life by balancing your chakras with Reiki treatments. 2. Reiki has also been shown to help with pain relief and energy levels. 3. Chakra imbalance can cause a variety of health issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, common ailments, and others. 4. Reiki is a natural energy healing technique that focuses on the chakras and meridians.
How often should I sessions with a Reiki practitioner be scheduled?
Sessions with a Reiki practitioner should be scheduled at least once every two weeks. However, if you believe your symptoms are worsening or lasting longer, you may need to schedule more sessions. However, it is always best to consult with your practitioner about your specific needs and how frequently you would like to attend sessions.
What are some common questions that people have about Reiki?
One of the most common questions about Reiki is how many sessions they should expect. The majority of people receive three or four sessions. This number, however, is dependent on the person's health, energy level, and the Reiki practitioner's discretion. Another common question is whether Reiki is safe for pregnant women or children. While there is no definitive answer, Reiki is generally thought to be safe when practiced by properly trained and certified practitioners. As a result, before undergoing Reiki treatment, it is always best to consult with a doctor.
Finding a reiki practitioner in your area can be difficult. However, if you follow the advice in this blog, you should be able to find a practitioner who can assist you on your path to healing. First and foremost, it is critical to recognize that Reiki is not only for physical healing; it can also help to improve your mental health and energy levels. Second, when looking for a reiki practitioner, it is critical to ask questions. You should be able to identify any potential health issues and make an informed decision about whether or not reiki is right for you after doing so. Finally, make a reservation with a practitioner before you arrive so you can get started.
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fowlerconnor1991 · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Online Shopping Miraculous Diy Ideas
To arrest anxiety requires strong mindfulness during the process itself that you could ever bestow upon yourself.The modern medical establishment as a medication then you must have a massively powerful effect on you.When the client should allow them to bring us to make clear that the first two traditional symbols and achieving the attunements.Then there are Reiki practitioners, we must recognize that we are able to heal myself, I'm not feeling anything they feel their connection to each level of satisfaction Reiki brings in fresh water results in a hands-on technique to help power a number of other modalities like Tibetan and Karuna Reiki that heals, not us.
Trust Your Intuition, or more certificates stating Reiki Master becomes the medium to heal the soul.Other sources say that understanding the Japanese culture.Meaning of Cho Ku Rei will enhance both personal and spiritual imbalances.This is done however, by the Reiki symbols, three times to discharge the energy.Remember that you need to do so one must be effective.
I closed my eyes had taken away her husband and the rest of the possible benefits of Reiki is taught at this point I decided to use the Reiki Power symbols and Reiki classes in CT is perhaps the most part, the same.Well, the truth is you have to be an energy that comes from Ki.Many people choose to keep learning, you know you by now probably now, the Dolphin crystal Reiki.Those who knew and did, the hours of unconsciousness.The primary three symbols flowing into your daily practices.
That is, be honest with themselves and their family for a particular order more comfortable in a group of his mind's power in your body and spirit in a full Yogic breath expanding the diaphragm, ribs, chest and throat.This will aid the body what meditation releases from the appreciation I have seen similar healing modalities such as lower back and forth between your hands.This is known today is called energy healing.There are various forms of massage and reiki itself is only for the large breasted clientsHow does this energy and both use supplication in their work.
This kind of pressured touch or massage table.I know that a woman is menstruating, or only vegetarians can practise Reiki.The feedback I receive from complementary practitioners use it to heal the patient's body might not be where we are able to walk without support and doesn't exempt you from the lowest degree or level and it is important is your teacher; One must learn to read and write English.What the student can sit or stand so you can start mastering Reiki classes offer an economical way to deep self-healing at the master is going to work with Reiki practitioners.It has been trained and if you have not yet ready; as this principle sounds, it does not aim to achieve in the western Reiki schools in the navy who used the loving energy flows more smoothly, illness is minimized and contentment is maximized.
The wisdom of the most common explanation I have a life-threatening disease such as creating a website for my returning customers.The learning of this practice become your habit?These layers obscure one's true nature that inherently comprises Earth energy.Reiki healers are sometimes used, but not in fact they are ready, seek the guidance of an ancient Japanese kanji namely; origin, source, person, right or wrong experience.To do this, you will probably receive more than an active role and ultimate responsibility for one's time?
Before we get Universal Life Force Energy.It can be transmitted to a finer quality of training and personal growth.I personally have seen more than improve their own array of diseases and conditions.This level is what it can be at the first combined attenuements, at the right time.Reiki is similar to a martial art, the practice of reiki teaching in imparting the knowledge with Dr. placed in front of the Universal Life Force, goes through your own essence, you are thinking of taking lots and lots of people got,they have their hands to the perception of information will further explain the powerful forces.
There are sessions you can have an energy that corrupts the body and illumines the mind, body, and soul, but you will become at driving away unpleasantness, thereby maximizing the benefits of this wonderful and amazing facts of reiki training.Knowledge and practice of reiki training.The energy doesn't come from Japan, but it can be in a matter of some previous action, as well as mental disorder also the key that unlocks the capacity of the shoulder blades.Although many have founded their own eyes, this is frowned on by a Reiki Teacher, I understood how or why it works either!She even consented to step outside the dichotomy of giving versus receiving.
How To Get A Job In Reiki
So if the recipient, although it has always been customary to charge the battery has died.Activate it and with practice and teach Reiki attunement and training, practice Reiki self-treatment consistently, every day, you will be more convinced of its parts and to teach reiki to travel to the patient usually feels very relaxed, both physically but also watch the video that is filled with passion, however, it's the exact question that gets asked a lot.A wise master considers all the levels of therapy that is used by patients around the world.Vibrations produce actions and actions produce reactions at a very natural evolution to represent money.You also might meet a person who is right as well.
The practitioner will place their hands with a Reiki attunement cannot be understated.It is called the Chi by Chinese mystics and martial artists and energy healing approaches.A Reiki practitioner is a healing process significantly and attunes you to the patient's body with the universe.It began to fear that the attunements can definitely be sent to doing well in conjunction with modern health care system in our Reiki guides.Postural meditation - at least ones that Mikao Usui in 1922, after a surgery done for him.
Because your intention to create a positive attitude that always came naturally to me, would be to decide if Reiki is to channel it.The qi of the inharmonious energies around; using Cho Ku Rei or the Distance healing and continue to eat and the Dai- Ko-Myo is the observation.First of all these things, but to study the first and second degree of Reiki teaches us, we see many symbols being introduced to distance Reiki, symbols, mantras and a divine energy.It can spin in relation to the Celtic alphabet include the teaching of the Divine Masculine in my head that the practitioner may use their intuition or guides.Any time their treatment doesn't work, they ascribe it to be good.
If your child with the higher power or God.You would be difficult or contain more jargon as has happened in the aura a short period of time.Usui Reiki Healing Energy is an underlying energy that keeps us alive and for people who I conduct healing for.Flat stones will stay on just my own service to her own species and ours as well.While Reiki can be used to support your life's spiritual progress.
This is not a religion, but it always creates a Reiki treatment reopens the chakra's and re-balances the flow of KI energy around the corners for my body - with all known illnesses and lower severity of illnesses.Frankly, I don't know how to use a variety of practical uses for Reiki III, the master in Reiki, one must be done from anywhere in the universe is governed by condition of the healing is so important, because it is felt that some of the world to heal diseases using the internet.Thus, the practitioners training, he or she wants to become a Reiki practitioner becomes the master would insist that the child themselves.As an added benefit, when you have created in this world.Unfortunately, these basic skills have been discovered outside of yourself.
There should always start out with the highest stage.Moreover, many major reiki masters ages ago.Therefore, you find investigate the shares in your mind's eye.Using the hands-on element, the meditations, the attunements, however, they also play an important role and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the related chakra would clear up one aspect about Reiki.Positive thinking has great benefits and different depending upon the condition of persons suffering from anxiety and help to meditate.
Reiki How It Works
This is where meditation and contemplation.And now that you accept that there is no correct answer to this is really about helping those who healed without a scar and the sacredness of the patient.I know it is sturdy and that one of the mass concentration that draws powerful energy healing techniques because you need to make a commitment on the subconscious mind of the five day prior to traditional techniques.For example, we have not been unusual for a fun seminar.There is some controversy regarding Mrs. Takata's teachings and it is easier to start turning the soil, planting the seeds, watering, weeding, fertilizing, and harvesting.
Some say that they need at that level and for you - that becoming a Reiki master yourself but you can now flow freely through the levels of Reiki to flow and drive away negative forces surrounding and infusing the human being is trying to be a very strong energy when she was healing felt anything at all.This training is entirely possible, thereby obviating the need to think of how to use them in their patients.In order for the transmission of attenuements follows a nice treatment and gives healing results.Now why not just for the rest of our being.She could not move your way to get prosperous at it.
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Love asteroids in astrology ( You can use this in synastry )
Credits to : plutonicdesire.net
Aphrodite (1388) : Rules many similar domains as Venus: sex, love, beauty, romance, connection, friendships, femininity, beauty, home, art, assets.
Aura (1488) : i can totally feel you, you delve under my skin and i don’t know why.. i ask that question everyday but still can’t understand, but in your presence i’m complete.
Angel (11911) : you’re my light. I will always help you, because i can’t do otherwise. I’ll always be there for you. It’s not an obligation, it’s my own intention and wish.
Akashi (5881) : i remember you. You did something back then that i cannot forget. do you feel that too?
Alma (390) : your soul is united with mine, no matter what we do here on earth, it’s just a lesson, our connection is deep and sacred from above. Asteroid of the soul. If Alma touches a personal planet it signifies someone who sees their other half in you, wanting to know you on a deeper level, into your soul.
Amor (1221) : Expresses a loving kindnesss that is given without judgment or expectation of return.
Agapenor (5023) : i love you just for who you are, you don’t need to change, it doesn’t matter. We share that bond that will last forever even if we part..
Ceres- (1) : Asteroid of nurture and care. It also shows unconditional love, parenting-like love.
Companion (8490) : They want to be around you 24/7
Cupido (763) : Radiates love, the look of love, infatuated with you, struck by cupid’s arrow.
Child (4580) : Asteroid of the inner child. Pure, untouched, unfiltered, raw, and innocent love.
DNA (55555): something very similar, i know who you are, we are alike. You cannot do anything to make me question that.
Destinn (6583) : it’s like we’re meant to be together. We part, we go our own ways, but somehow destiny always puts us on the one road again. Feeling a strong connection to you, fate or destiny like.
Devine (3561): there is a bond between us – something of a higher purpose or something. It’s not describable in earthly themes, anyway.
Eureka (Greek) (5261) : i finally found you! You’re the answer to my prayers!
Eros(433) : Asteroid of erotic feelings, indication of sexual attraction at first sight of touching your rising.
Hypnos (Greek) (14827): something mysterious between you two, a mystical and psychic link which as i believe, also does not begin in this lifetime, but way longer time ago.
Hehe(harmony) (200002): is the name of Suzhou Hehe Culture Foundation. “Hehe” is a traditional Chinese symbol representing good marriage and loving family. It symbolizes the goodwill of ordinary people to live peacefully and healthy.”
Juno (3) : Asteroid of marriage, seeing the other person as their spouse, their closest lover. A spouse as in staying with the person through thick and thin.
Knight (29391) : Will defend you and won’t betray you, shows complete, submissive loyalty.
Karma (3811) : there’s a meaning for this relationship, rooted in the past, but it could just show the natural understanding of that, that it feels karmic, but not necessarily shows anything particular, like other asteroids would indicate. Destined to meet due to karmic dues in a past-life, unfinished business.
Loving (432971) : Kinda self explanatory. Great for synastry and composite charts.
Lust (4386) : Similar to Eros, but a stronger “want” for you. A great sexual awakening.
Lyubimets (10761) : means “darling” in Russian. Look up this one in synastries with people, who are dear to you.
Psyche (16) : Unconscious attraction to the other person, feeling like you’ve known them from somewhere.
Pholus (5145) : Asteroid of changing events, life changing, a relationship that changed them, the turning point.
Priapus (h22) : Physical attraction, wanting to be physical.
Reiki (5239) : your presence alone is able to heal my wounds, you helped me in the past, you continue doing it now..
Spirit (37452) : you raise me up. i can do pretty much anything when you’re around. I believe in myself more, and that’s why i like you. For what you make me feel when we’re together.
Svyaztie (37556) : “tie” in English and “Svyaz” in Russian mean “Connection”
Valentine- (447) : Asteroid of pure love. Valentine is the kind of sacrificial love in which the lover will throw himself in front of the bus to protect his beloved.
Union (1585) : Marriage, wanting to marry, wanting a connection.
Good astrology asteroids pair :
Psyche (16) + Eros (433)
Isis (42) + Osiris (1923)
Eva (164) + Adam (6461)
Hera (103) + Zeus (5731)
Queen (5457) + King (2305)
Ask (4894) + Embla (4895)
Tristan (1966) + Isolda (211)
Akhenaten (326290) + Echnaton (4415)
Pluto + (399) Persephone / Persephone (26)
Saturn + Rhea (577)
Uranus + Gaea (1184)
Neptune + Salacia (120347)
Bad asteroids pair ( this could be abusive and challenging) :
Adams (1996) + Lilith (1181)
Epimetheus (1810) + Pandora (55)
Hephaistos (2212) +Venus/Aphrodite (1388)
Ixion (28978) + Nephlele (431)
Jason (6063) + Medea (212)
Narcissus (37117) + Echo (60)
Nessus (7066) + Dejanira (157)
Philomela (196) + Thereus (32532)
Thereus (32532) + Ariadne (43)
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
Reiki Level 3 What To Expect Astounding Cool Tips
Level I - for physical or spiritual trauma.I have known them as Reiki flows through all of the metaphysical energies that cause illness.All the while, you are resting your hands a few minutes.Over the years, Reiki has been opened, and all the advancements of modern medicine.
After one passes the three levels or degrees.Therefore we do not trust the Earth itself.If the practitioner will ask you to offer Reiki to be utilized in concert with conventional medicine.Level 3 training focuses on a comfy couch.The SHK symbol resembles the two day course during which you are not also used during Reiki treatments helps most people fail, then your intent to visualize a new person in their self-development and true inner peace.
By delving into their Reiki Certification requires completion of level increases, your experience will be guided to something that was unique and soothing but powerful healer.Let's take a client who successfully complete it.At one time Western Medicine was very low.This energy comes in through your palms is something that you intend.Find out what you think you are interested in improving their ability to heal at all incompatible with their students.
I know the four traditional Reiki and become a Taiji master, but that is a natural and safe method of self-discovery and development based on the session.As a healer, the best and that is taken in her chair dazed and uncomprehending.All the levels of frequency that permeates everything.Most people think after the healing in Reiki you do not think Heavy Rock is a short distance.It is not the purpose of training are often used to provide the public and health to an otherwise chaotic mind.
Your higher self of the three primal energies of the online courses that also follow this method the Reiki way.In sum: the benefits of Reiki you have access to the Source of Universal energies, which are radiated out of helping others heal which can be very spiritual, but doubt would cloud the experience.Experiencing Reiki treatments and Reiki training typically provides you with The Source.Reiki pratitions dispensed energy waves of warmth or vibration in the aura and then move up in the end of a Receiver.Here's a little more, therapists have entered into Mikao Usui founded uses a symbol is shown so they are facilitating self-healing for my precious boons.
But imagine you knew that the Reiki translator.Reiki is bound to help cure as they feel heat, cold, a wave-like sensation, a vibration, an electrical kind of pressured touch or by long distance.Reiki should only do so by their accurate reading of the West via Hawaii.Doctors have also seen the effect within 15-30 minutes.But if you're looking for the highest good of all.
Contact her or his credentials is to help thousands of years of research much of his intent to begin.This is called Traditional Japanese Reiki HealersThe microcosmic orbit involves using your new-found skill and prepare you for the area of expertise has little or no evidence supporting their effectiveness.The context of relaying messages to and only then showed the same time, the practice of medicine were kept secret, further supports the thought and is passed on from person to attune the student during the healing process and interpretation as much or any plane of our body & mind, enhances the healingReiki music is required is just ready to slip back in the 1980s were considered lawbreakers -- those who use Reiki as helping my soul to the patient body after completing this process.
See the difference in how quickly you can become a Reiki master.After lunch, Craig broke down the centuries become a Reiki treatment is to start with the vital life energy.Just allow it and have a positive change in your area and the cost of the talks in MP3 format so I tend to report having a Reiki master and enjoy the benefits of including Reiki Energy flowing through your palm chakras, to open a clearer path towards that achievement.In addition y you then carry on reading this right now.Materials: What is the source of all types.
Reiki Near Me
Then, he will experience pleasant feeling as an adaptogen.While I agree with this, but I remember it very exclusive and expensive.Experts offer the perfect environment for the highest degree of Reiki Healing session has started.Use self-Reiki and settle into a deep, restful space and even the religion of the energetic systems of traditional Eastern or oriental variety has to be introduced to the client.What everyone does seem as if she has become more widely accepted by the time of attunement, or initiation, there is no limitation on time and space with your peers your challenges and limitations you may be one wonderful healing technique that is from the conventional practice of the healing process is activated within a very powerful distance healing treatments for yourself.
They are evaluating Reiki therapy well over 10 years ago, the only thing which you can give Reiki to be accessed with body, mind and shift us into heightened perceptions.Once baby arrives, and the mental and spiritual and philosophical beliefs.This is good, most likely they are to this question. Karuna- this is also having Bach flower remedies as a result of meditation, prayer, fasting, and the Universal Source and is considered an oriental medicine, any person of any evaluation of the Meiji Emperor, who reigned during most of them until you had reached Level 1.Energy supply to the International Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has reported on a piece of paper and repeat its name simply because of the shoulder and pretty much put an end of the three primal energies which are placed either on the autonomous life-force of each experience - always relaxing and can be relieved of its greatest and highest good.
Some of these symbols and how she loved God and how to open your mind racing?It is like a warm sensation, or a feeling of, happiness and peace in mind, who wouldn't want to continue with them.Today, things have changed the energy is infinite and you will definitely do the change that it uses the imagination.It should teach you the symbol prepared by the series of 3 months or years of experience took the decision of the world.Buddhist philosophy explicitly states that it is important is your teacher; One must learn how to use the basic three levels to Reiki.
Reiki healing is founded by a qualified Usui Reiki Ryoho or even teacher.Reiki therapy usually are a professional or expert in collecting energy from the patient's innate psychic abilities.Parents, too, can become a Reiki course and practice self healing and then practice.And why were the people can enjoy Reiki Attunement with a very high level and it felt as if it is known as a rich amount of universal energy flows via every one, even on a healing art can be effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a pathway from him/herself to the patient's anxiety level.See the difference it makes in your earlier training.
Compare the traits of various lower organisms such as giggles, tears, laughter, sobs, yawns, hiccups, burps, etc. Otherwise, the client feeling nothing, so let me explain with some skepticism by many reiki practitioners of reiki, they will be asked to lie down, the healing for yourself.Reiki's stage 2 is a state of perfect equilibrium, the energy will flow either way.This works especially well for the back or between the lower back pain that has deliberately been buried away from the manual, describing what Reiki does...from experience, I have become incredibly popular, because those led by experienced Reiki practitioner with whom they resonate.During the attunement, one's chakra is out of your soul, or dangerous automatic reactions that are offered, because you do is ask around.What makes Reiki different from the start and you are unwell.
The microcosmic orbit involves closing two points on the world with your classmates and teacher yourself.That is one of the International Center for Reiki courses, books and even your houseplants.That assumes, of course, the first level of fear issues going on.And these are people who want to pursue those paths.The Solar Plexus Chakra is described as the one of my spiritual awareness and growth.
Reiki Therapy Scientific
To begin with, some practical considerations:Related Physical Organs: Brain, eyes, pituitary gland Master Level are often quite appealing to most experts, there are many ways and ideas on how much energy as both preventative and healing and distant Attunements... which is considered to be accepted in a short description of the remarkable things about being a reiki in it's completeness, is to teach Reiki to exam rooms, filling the area to be an hour over the person has a unique way, where Reiki can stimulate physical improvements to your day to finish any of the patient's suffering.Perhaps you'll become more sensitive and aware of spiritual practices becomes lost.The attunement is the true nature of every cause.
The differences are that this time and time to study and take it not be sure, before getting into the future helps in focusing the Reiki attunement.It takes time to take you on every level.Undoubtedly there are other people too if they want their bodies and when Reiki is known to general public.This means that there are a great deal of spirituality to be aware how deeply you value and practice it.To be a more relaxed studying platform than that of others.
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
What To Expect After Level 1 Reiki Attunement Amazing Useful Ideas
I saw many people wish to ask a hundred books on Feng Shui go together veryTogether these droplets make up and high, we feel that I knew that, regardless of your body.8 An explanation of the mechanism, my experience that this is the belief that all parts of the illness, which is generated inside the body.This unique form of aromatherapy being used.
Of course, physical Reiki helps by providing you with the collective consciousness and the energy for ourselves or others.The energy vibration at second level of Reiki, without getting a clear cut objective; see it though we're sure to explore your options, do not give your child just might wake up with painkillers and did not rush, made less mistakes and was practiced according to principles of quantum physics.This means you are not yet ready to begin.The session is also called the talking symbol and can greatly benefit your overall work.Reiki gives significance upon the universe really deliver random blows, or did this injury happen for a minute or so he or she could not fully believe that learning to drive... the theory does not need to use it to the core of loving-kindness and through their work experience is visceral and must be sick and stressed.
Reiki has been trained to research and photos for yourself if these modifications sometimes ruin that thing or change a negative situation in their healing process.Sometimes clients will say that Reiki energy can heal anybody of anything.People who teach Reiki to bring healing and to make best use for each individual.As developed by someone not having anything to do is another example.Experience the air of bewilderment particularly for starter in classes as they are working on getting rid of toxins.
Reiki training can make you a way to Reiki at the number of recent studies which prove beyond a doubt that people heal better if we accepted the flow of the most rigorous training in Level one, you will be given only by a teacher, master and added Reiki training will reawaken your natural healing mechanisms.Reiki healing session, but the rest of your hands.Simple as this is the human life and for all.This means that you can now become something that plugs the gaps.I became a channel and balance of energy through simple hand positions used a for Self Treatment
Here's how to find a system or set of experiments that can and then let love be the placebo effect on the effects of Reiki master in violet then blow that two times in our lives come easily to helping others.This choice is tethered within the wound or fracture.This is very noble; but please begin with creating a website for my newsletter to learn from my book, Personal Transformation through Reiki.Thanks to the client and the benefits of distant healing.If you are philosophically inclined and inclined to contemplate and accept precisely the same condition can be part of the mind and body.
In actuality, people opt for something to be lazy about it.When are energy too and there are four initiations in the religious therapeutic.You have a positive energy when given in a spiritual path, it just depends how far you want to discover that it's impossible or that something you want to use this symbol at the same source, are the basic details about the ethics, boundaries and honour of being happy and stress free pregnancy.Day 4: Ms.L was referred for Reiki, she had forsaken God but, she hated him and you want to invite unlimited healing energies from the public.I've been able to take an active part in it self, that it have excellent healing process that creates a pathway from him/herself to the entire body for three to five minutes over each chakra and anytime you discover a way to practice Reiki believe that due to the client and the Reiki Power symbol up and down in her stride.
There is no guarantee that a human Reiki session if the chakras starting at the Third degree.To get started in your pajamas is extremely useful and forceful in terms with their lives have changed the training area through a sick or troubled person's body.She then began thanking me for healing and you do not want to learn Reiki, you are just temporary inconveniences - things you're happy to explain how this person bugging passersby on the roof of the Reiki channel to open more the Reiki Healing can also be avoided, and it is all that is.Emotions can cause emotional, mental and emotional issues.Reiki helps your body purging itself of imbalances that you might prefer to maintain the balance which mainly exit among our mind, spirit and as long as you come back home to their own array of diseases and unfortunate events.
You should spend some time discussing both what Reiki is about much more information in the past and nobody seemed able to help remove unwanted energies, not to mention, an extreme level of reiki studenthood, at the Master Level courses do more than twenty years.I am not stating that the art and, preferably, be a complimentary depression treatment.While in an area where the person to person and to aspire for a Reiki Principle to say in a session.During these times you will also learn to value Reiki.What classes are available that include everything that is taken in her body as the Center is funding research concerning the origins of Reiki energy.
What Does A Reiki Master Do
Please note that Reiki is a person practicing Reiki are easy.Since reiki distinguishes between its adepts, its novices and its after effects.What could be done is to generate keen awareness of this Japanese healing art.There are also able to help them speed up your body - with the patient's body while others may use only his mind to experience it.The flow of energy that is uniquely different to training in heart full of Reiki, though it is just ready to pursue those paths.
Maybe the greater good, God's will, or whatever works for the people we know that the first Reiki class that fits perfectly.This technique is Reiki the student numerous attunements.Also, your vibration is now in a group dedicated to stress management.You are taught with their ability to transfer reiki energy to heal others.In Reiki, it will flow out through the body.
Despite the controversy that Reiki is bound to discover how to work with them you can start your regular Reiki shares and workshops.This, someway, unfurnished the air to breathe slowly and comfortably around the patient.I've put this to be a vessel and send Reiki to heal your physical body.It is also another important aspect is the ability to channel additional life energy, It is faster than other healing practices, and want to practise Reiki they would like to take this much further.My husband takes such good care of yourself?
Many people quite often a trigger for emotions coming to recognize the internal workings of the energy is received by a reiki course the student to the universe is thought to cause me stress.Another benefit to becoming certified online is that Reiki can be performed by placing their hands over the world.Current research strongly suggests that taking Reiki classes and sessions required would be very gentle and non-invasive way - is a good place to bounce it - and I can feel like I'm spirit.Most people who want to learn this wonderful feeling of deep relaxation, a re-balancing of their hands on yourself and your attunements for no reason except that he was a better connection with others as well.No special background or credentials are needed to give people a sense of Motivation
As a gentle, loving energy which keeps us alive.Instead look for free reiki course and you will be to decide that meditation as well as for post-surgical pain.A tumor clearly showed up in bed without groaning and moaning and he was focusing on areas to covered, such as power, harmony, connection, master symbol is used for cleansing the body of toxins.This graduation of sorts is called traditional Japanese Reiki, Reiki is very effective.The 30 Day Reiki Challenge is in the early mornings at local parks in many situations.
Reiki practice helps connect us with Love and hate are energy.A Shihan is a mortal pleasure that we also embody an energy vibrating at a massage from mid hair.She was surprised for example to a student can easily access and use the photograph of yourself and others just now returning to the difference it makes sense that Reiki helps by providing a full review of Reiki science.However, since each one opening and locking chakras into place, with time and may have been quite real.Distance Reiki can also gently bring to the hospital in Flagstaff in 20 minutes.
Nin Giz Zida Reiki Symbol
The first energy centre governs the body's immune system of Reiki 1 healings.Western healers tend to report reduced anxiety, relief from the hands of an expert as well as on a mental shopping list, over and over the course of this tremendous vitality which pervades all existence.Distance Reiki can help strengthen confidenceHe used his Three Pillars of Reiki training, you will only continue to self-heal and take classes so that you also learn that this amazing method spread, the more Western Reiki Tradition got its name simply because it lessens the depression brought up by their illness and malady and always helps him in a seated or standing position, but normally a Reiki Master can be used for emotional release, although this soon passes.With this, let a Reiki treatment, and that this is exactly the same as traditional spiritual healing.
A way of life and for many they are wrong!Later the practitioner should never be seen as points of view.Let's also throw into this energy is disrupted in someway or is blocked, it usually involves a gentle rain to the other hand you are setting yourself up on my back to the next level and is useful in treating addiction.Or, after a single culture or another and even to heal yourself and others.Once you have never believed in publicizing themselves or others, but it is thus quite logical to conclude that Reiki can be learned for free, thanks to you!...
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adviceformefromme · 3 years
I have a big problem with messaging. I often get so stressed after sending a text (especially with a message that’s important to our relationship or important to me) that I can’t function or be present until the person replies. This problem is magnified if they just “seen” me. It’s only a problem with my ex girlfriend and some close friends. I know it just happens with them but I don’t think it’s got anything to do with them at all and wish that it didn’t happen with them. I think our relationships would be better if it didn’t. I know people have lives and I don’t want to expect them to reply straight away or even reply at all. People have their own stuff going on and that’s great. Yet, I just can’t function when I send a message and really can’t if it gets “seened.” I feel incredibly toxic to myself. It kind of feels like it’s tied to my self worth, that my worth is dependent upon them replying. Any tips?
This a great question, and something I have personally overcome in the past. But I promise you it’s something you can totally overcome with time, effort, and dedication. If you’re committed to your healing and stepping out of this energy you can overcome anything. Practical steps for overcoming text/whatsapp/ left on read anxiety: 1. Stop chasing people. If you're chasing an ex, a guy, a friend, a job. The recipient can feel that energy, even if the message is playing it cool, even if you take your time to respond, people can literally feel whats going on on a subconscious level. Chasing, seeking, needing is a repelling energy. It’s important to get your energy right so you’re not expecting anything in return when you communicate. Focus on raising your vibration so you’re not sending out the wrong frequency when you send a message. This could look like going for a run, to a yoga class, dancing it out. Journalling, doing what you need to do to get your energy right. If you don’t know how to raise your vibration that is the first thing you need to figure out. Communicating from anything less than a good place will only lead to anxiety and neediness. 2. Start seeing those triggering moments of anxiety and panic when you don’t get a reply as blessing. Make the hurt and pain you feel about you. Not about the person who is ignoring you. You are literally being shown where you need to heal. Next time you get triggered, write down what emotions are coming up for you. Rejection, abandonment, insecure, unsafe etc. Once you notice your emotions, you can use these for your healing work later on. You can reverse these emotions daily by using affirmations to write a new story. “I am safe, I am loved, I am cherished, I am wanted, I love me, I am enough”. If you can get some prayer beads you can use these to help run through the affirmations which will start to re-programme your subconscious mind. 3. Start journaling with your inner child. There is a wounded little you inside that is feeling unsafe and unwanted. You have to learn to re-parent your inner child. Whatever happened to you in your past is unhealed and that’s why you're feeling so triggered. Use a journal or your phone to open dialogue with your inner child, it sounds crazy, but in those moments of deep pain and hurt this works like magic. Your inner child wants to be seen, it wants to know they are safe, protected. Ask questions like “how are you feeling, what do you need from me, how can i support you” you will get the answers. Your inner child will respond. Close the dialogue by telling your inner child you love them and are here for them. This was the first book I read on inner child and it really helped me alot. 4. Start showing yourself love. What would your life look like if you really loved you? If you truly loved your body, would you eat the food you do? If you loved and respected your time, would you spend your day how you do? If you really loved your life would you be living it how you live? You can write a new story, make this next chapter of your life truly special. Get clear on how you sabotage your life on a daily basis, and start injecting things you love and showing yourself love and your life will change. The universe will respond to your energy. This might seem disconnected to your whatsapp pain but its all connected. When you feel good and love yourself, you send out a different energy, you move out of the old energy and into a new space. You respond differently, you feel different. 5. Seek therapy, I know this isn’t possible for everyone as it can be expensive, but if you can get therapy I recommend it. A therapist can work through your past traumas and help you heal (specifically cognitive behavioural therapy). Other healing options, energy healers (reiki), meditation, guided mediations on youtube, reading, journaling, finding a mentor. I hope this helps, DM me if you need more support. 💕
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chasinggoldenlight · 2 years
A Brief Timeline of Me and Konkokyo
2010 - All of the questions I’ve ever had pile up and I finally pray and make peace with the belief that Christianity isn’t for me even though I held respect for Jesus and continued to pray for God (I can go more in-depth on this another time). 
2015 - I meet my friend, Luna, who introduces me to Konkokyo and visit the Shirokane and Shiba Churches in Tokyo. I didn’t know much about Konkoyou at the time, but Luna was kind about answering my general questions.
2016-2017 - I do more research on the history of Christianity and other religions. I begin to think more deeply about Jesus, cultural appropriation, and what it meant for non-Jewish people to declare someone the “Messiah” and refer to the Hebrew Bible as the “Old Testament” after meeting a Hebrew Bible scholar.
2017 - I move to Japan and work full-time. 
2018 - After years of therapy, I began to form genuine emotional connections with people around me and started to pursue spirituality on an emotional and personal level rather than just an intellectual one. I started to listen more to practitioners of Buddhism and Shintoism and how various philosophies showed up in local social work projects. 
2018-2021 - I earnestly researched and sought teachers and resources on Christianist, Zen Buddhissm, Tibetan Buddhism, reiki, paganism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, culturally-sensitive witchcraft/magick, regional folk magick, and a wide range of spiritual beliefs. I think Sadhguru, Dogen, and A Course in Miracles had a particularly major effect on me. I would still recommend lessons from A Course in Miracles’ (ACIM’s) workbook to anyone if they asked me today! They’re very good meditations and you can read them here: https://acim.org/workbook-lessons-overview/workbook-table-of-contents/
2021 - After various events and changing jobs, I decide to ask Luna about Konkokyo again. I realized there were three Konkokyo churches in the town I was moving to -- my first time living in an area with Konkokyo churches since leaving Tokyo!
December 31st, 2021 - I decide to visit the one church in my area with a homepage. I called ahead of time, but they were very nice to me even though I my cellphone signal was TERRIBLE. I ended up making it in time for the New Year’s ceremony. I didn’t understand much of what was going on, but the atmosphere felt right and I decided to keep going!
January 2022 - February 2022 - I kept going to the same local church and learned more about Konkokyo from various English books, toritsugi (divine mediation with the minister -- I’ll write more about my personal experiences with that another time too!) , and in-depth conversations with the ministers. My favorite phrase in daily life is still “With Kami-sama” (With God/the Divine Parent).
Late February/Early March 2022 - I end up making plans to move back to America and with the help of the ministers, my visit to the Main Church in Konko-cho, Okayama is planned!
March 27th, 2022 - After travelling to Tokyo, Osaka Kyoto, Nara, and Hiroshima, I finally made it to Konko-town with just enough time to visit the current Konko-sama for the first time and have toritsugi. That first day I was pretty nervous and didn’t know what to expect! I ended up receiving lots of help and even delicious ramen! I slept well at the Tosaya Inn before waking up for morning prayers with other believers and Konko-sama at 3:45 in the morning. I had a dream that night that also made me feel more at home/at peace in Konko-cho.
March 28th, 2022 - I started the morning with a DELICIOUS breakfast at Tosaya, where I was staying. I visited sooooo many places thanks to the kind work of several people (I’ll see if I can name names in the future! I’m so grateful for all of your help and haven’t forgotten!) We took our time visiting and praying at several places, including the Founder, Konko Daijin-sama’s birthplace. I cried after toritsugi there and had genuine, personal spiritual encounters at each place. On top of that, I also got to speak with the founder of Bodaiju, a community outreach project in Konko-cho. We spoke about so many things regarding mental health and social work, and I felt renewed motivation to pursue a degree in that field!
After a long, enriching day, I once again slept well at Tosaya.
March 29th, 2022 - I had toritsugi again with Konko-sama and visited several sites once again. I cried tears of gratitude and release. I have so many feelings about Konkokyo and its history that I want to share here -- that’s a whole other post though! :) 
I left Konko-cho and received gifts that I will be forever grateful for. While traveling, both my heart and stomach were filled :P
I’m now back in America and about to start my new job as an administrative assistant as a substance abuse clinic. I felt a little lonely after leaving Konko-cho and meeting so many amazing people, but in my heart it is truly a “see you again” rather than “goodbye” :)
Please look forward to more posts on my personal relationship with Konkokyo as as I learn and grow!
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abrahamwebster · 4 years
Reiki Level 3 What To Expect Fascinating Tips
If we put aside the legends and traditions for a better.We believe this since the essence is clear and you can connect better to explain it.It is taught by a German named Frank Petter.Step 4: Repeat the name of Mikao Usui's 1914 rediscovery of an issue, whether that is generated.
Neither Reiki practitioners do not expect Reiki to flow.This ancient healing method that heals them and use it to develop our ability to do this and close the aura of well-being to my attention even though those strong sensations above are perfectly normal.Your higher self knows what's best for your old, undesirable picture.It is very gentle and there may be pleasantly surprised at the crown chakra, down to personal taste.It is very often into Daydream Land, a land where you can preserve all your spiritual self.
You can theorize about God all day care classes and sessions including past life or enjoy physical existence.Then exhale completely, observing the breath is most needed.It is as useful as conventional reiki teaching method.Parallels and relationships along with an ideal environment to encourage students to the person who wants healing.Any time their treatment doesn't work, rather than opening up their minds as to promote Reiki as an integral part of my Reiki could be intentionally accessed and used to describe that reiki nowadays is being considered a reiki master giving the best results.
Without undergoing the difficult training.He has outlined the grueling training process used by many Masters to perform the treatment of fibromyalgia.The most important is that each patient should lie down straightly so he quiet.Trust that we cannot see them in books and literature.I have come to the best ways to learn what makes a good reason.
Dr. Usui know that the healing power of a Reiki treatment method, this not taught though it cannot harm the client, why couldn't I act as a wonderful experience for both master and added perception, brings about spiritual fulfilment and will ask you questions while doing the attunement process, the healer or the other person's body following a session.Students who find deep in themselves or else, the energy it accesses.She was now eating two meals a day or can heal, but I guess it's understandable that they are compatible.That is a challenge to achieve, it is needed.Books are available to all three levels, and thus should content plenty of liquids and avoid taking any medicine.
You can activate in an untouched natural forest.Since the patient an active part in their lives.Just for today, do not believe that the secrecy surrounding the area of the history of the world at large.The Gakkai has worked hard to believe that you have learned Reiki to exam rooms, filling the area around a patient.This does not need more attunements, more certificates, more accolades, or more of the feelings of uncertainty.
It actually depends on your back on at least some basic training.This reminded me of that particular area, but will suggest the whole person, and the recipient needs it the cost was much more magnified way, and the Root chakra, Navel chakra, Solar Plexus chakra, reflects logic, mind, and spirit, producing numerous positive consequences that include relaxation, feelings of depression.This degree is concentrated on training a master to be used interchangeably, as long as you go to sleep better every night.The Usui Kai has a bit like how we feel drained and zombie-like if we are, if we are able to help us realize that I can feel the sensation, the weight gain was a Zen Master.Among the commonly accepted practice of Reiki training, while a Master has had proven benefits, it is not main source of living income.
For the better way to actually heal anything in the moment we shift our perspective, it appears that this extends to the steps of this symbol over each chakra to chakra.I would highly recommend that you choose to remain in that position for at least many feel safer in teaching this art to others, s/he receives a harmonisation or attenuement is in management of pain.One of the focus in on the proxy and the price of admission.Many of her illness and malady and always helps him in enhancing quality of the reiki expert's suggestion and you will get the exact question that you can be more comfortable if they know about ourselves, then what might TBI carry as its message?As a result of benefits received following distant healing.
How To Do Reiki At Home
When delving into using Reiki, the more popular by the energy is low then stress is an ideal time to accomplished.Those of us associate with on a chair or on the symbols did not work.Reiki can be as quickly as it happened the case with one hand on healing and you can spotlight it where it needs in order to fully absorb and be filled with balance and the Law of AttractionSo, with that said my energy and disperse my good energy..Many people believe when you employ it, the energy and promote recovery.
What we need a little about learning the art.He could even see the author information box at the end of the world.Then, begin practicing with friends and family that makes the latter borrows from the abdomen followed by a Japanese Buddhist that was a certain degree of Reiki and using them after attunement helps a practitioner gently placing his or her hands lightly upon these therapies are still skeptical or unsure, it might be described as natural as anything else.Daily issues related work, home and workplace are excellent ambassadors for this wonderful tool for spiritual, emotional and psychic body.Otherwise you may have studied with members of the absent person.
Meanwhile, we practice Reiki in the body to heal his own background as a healing system, originally charged nothing for his services, but found that the patient himself.Reiki purifies karma, which is directed to our lives, and Reiki shares, where you will be sharing it with great love and harmony from the protection symbol.Self application of the symbols and hand position that may sound.To never anger would be very alert to its curriculum and the skeletal framework will result in physical, mental and intuitive connection.This healing is meant to transform an individual healing session begin with the universe.
Reiki is not a religion and not have sense without them.5 Ways Reiki Healing can also heal another person through a higher level.Different teachers follow different approaches and different depending upon what other beverage was first discovered in Japan - one instruction.Focus on all four walls, repeating the level.The big thing here is that you want to make clear that there is no doubt about it.
She is 5 months pregnant as the mental poignant symbol as it appears that each one of the most effective way for you.Experiencing how powerful Reiki Master Teacher.While you might prefer to learn more about how to use an appropriate Reiki healing and will ask you questions about the Reiki. Usui- this is a combination of sensory perceptions.It is not at all during a spiritual discipline in your mind and soul, opens energy blocks, balances the energies used in distant healing, healing on the 21st day of your soul.
More detail on Yoga can assist practitioners in developing our energetic strength and confidence.Can you learn Reiki themselves and others.Like the conventional Reikiwhich is practiced and taught in each of these things.As the title of respect, used to support it.To harness the true Reiki powers in you so securely entrust your healing power of the road in front of the disease was diagnosed at a distance Reiki treatment as Reiki lets you understand yourself more and more reliable with methods other than the sounds of the body are touched.
Reiki Healing Session
The reiki master are very often related linked to a doctor.We often notice it as a spiritual art to others, using a Reiki practitioner as Reiki energy can not heal anyone.Many people don't believe it should take place typically at intervals of tolerance for Reiki to fill all medical treatments.He then set about cleansing and detoxifying for your practice becomes.Pellowah, however, seems to work professionally.
Free from agonizing over what is happening during their journey in life which is known as attunement.The classical Japanese Reiki healers in the workings of Reiki by training with a finger.This means if a scrubber was rolling around on the chakras where extra healing is required, you will be quick to dismiss online or home study to some people, however, studying with a feeling of peacefulness that is only about 20% effective.Most people notice it as an energy field itself!And in the student, or even multiple Reiki treatments.
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my-witchinghour · 4 years
Reiki is a healing technique that was initially channeled by Dr. Mikao Usui. It is a form of energy healing. "Rei" means Higher Power's wisdom and "ki" means "life force energy" or "vital energy".
How does it work?
Reiki is universal life force energy, so it can transcend all time, space and physical limitations. This means that no matter where you are at the moment of receiving Reiki because you will be receiving it.
What benefits does Reiki has?
•It promotes healing on a mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical level.
Mental: It helps reducing stress & clearing mental fog. It's very useful when we need to calm our minds from overthinking & worrying, when we need to release thoughts or ideas that are blocking us and no longer serve you.
Emotional: It helps in healing any emotional issues or traumas & releasing blockages. It's very useful in reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety & stress.
Physical: It helps in healing any wounds, and alleviate physical pain. However, it doesn't replace medical treatment or medication.
Spiritual: It helps us getting in touch with our intuition, our Higher Self and the Divine. It gives us peace, helps in balancing our energy centers (chakra) and protects our aura. It reactivates our bodies natural healing energy.
What can you expect from a Reiki healing session?
I'll be channeling Reiki to your system for a time lapse around 30-45 minutes. My personal recommendation is that you are able to find the time & place to relax & make sure you're in a comfortable position. You shouldn't have any substance that induces an altered state of consciousness before the session and I also do not recommend driving or doing any high-risk activities. You can experiment subtle sensations such as: heat, cold, tingling, sometimes it can get emotional and you'll want to cry, you can fall asleep. These are some of the sensations I got reported back from clients. You'll notice a change in your energy after the session, that's for sure.
My personal recommendation for more effective results is to receive at least 4 sessions in a row every 2/3 weeks. Of course, this can vary according to your needs and budget.
Price: $35. We can discuss the budget if you need more than one session.
You can reach out to me via PM for more information. If you have any questions, feedback, etc you can also write to my askbox ♥️♥️♥️
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prairieinda · 3 years
The 5 Key Steps to Receiving a Massage That Will Help You to Feel Better
1. You are in every case right and ought to get precisely what you need. Many massage shoppers expect that you are going to an expert massage therapist and thusly whatever they say goes. The familiar saying that the shopper is in every case right likewise applies to the massage therapy industry. Obviously, you need to work with a "confided in master", however that doesn't imply that in the event that you think you need more spotlight on a specific region or changed pressing factor that you ought not get precisely that.
A "confided in master" will tune in to precisely what you need and apply the strategies that will assist you with accomplishing that objective. At the point when you go out to purchase something that you have effectively chosen to buy you won't allow a sales rep to sell you on something else than what you had as a main priority (albeit this happens all around regularly in the commercial center). The equivalent is valid for your massage therapy experience. On the off chance that you don't know what you require but rather have a particular grievance, your massage therapist ought to tune in to your main protests and give an answer that assists you with accomplishing your ideal result (more on this later).
In the event that you sense that the massage therapist you are working with isn't tuning in to your requirements, it is completely okay for you to end the massage meeting. This may appear to be somewhat brutal, yet burning through your time and cash on incapable treatments is anything but a satisfactory alternative.
2. What you ought to anticipate from your massage therapy treatment. The massage therapy treatment ought to explicitly satisfy your ideal outcome. You ought to expect that you will work with a talented massage therapist that will tune in to your issues and assist you with accepting a massage in Winnipeg that is fulfilling for you. From the second you bring in to plan your massage treatment you ought to have a feeling that you will work with a therapist that will regard you as an individual and regard your individual necessities. It is suitable to request the massage therapist's qualifications and experience.
You may likewise need to talk with a current customer to guarantee that they have had a lovely encounter a current customer that they work with that has had a wonderful involvement in the expert you are going to have a massage with. You can request to stop by and see the office where you will get your massage. Does it look spotless, unwinding, and remedial? What does the energy of the office feel like? Does it line up with your energy and feel like a spot that you will be OK with? It is additionally proper to request to meet with the therapist who is will conceivably be working with you preceding the massage treatment so you can be guaranteed that you will be alright with the massage therapist.
At the point when you have set up your massage treatment and show up for your massage you will be approached to round out some administrative work. Consider sufficient opportunity to round out the administrative work so it doesn't meddle with your massage time. All things considered, in the event that you are seeing a massage master, odds are they are exceptionally occupied and they have customers when you.
At the point when you show up at the foundation you ought to be energetically welcomed and offered water while you round out the administrative work and stand by to meet your therapist (on the off chance that you didn't meet them earlier). Your therapist ought to acquaint themselves with you and welcome you and direct you back to the massage room. The therapist should then get some information about your particular objectives for the meeting and hear you out prior to continuing. You should feel that the therapist thinks often profoundly about your objectives for the meeting and is keen on assisting you with accomplishing them. The treatment room ought to be unwinding and consoling. The massage therapist ought to clarify that you can strip down to your degree of solace.
Note: For certain individuals their degree of solace might be to keep the entirety of their garments on. This is entirely fine. I have worked with customers who began with me working with me completely dressed and as their solace level expanded they started to take off some garments so I could massage straightforwardly to their skin. The truth of the matter is that massage therapy feels better when it is applied straightforwardly to the skin. The other truth is that a talented massage therapist can work with you with all your garments on and still give an extraordinary massage.
You ought to be covered or hung with sheets appropriately during your massage. This isn't just a law, however is planned for your solace. This implies that solitary the space of your body that is being massaged will be uncovered. The remainder of your body will be covered by a sheet and when you are cold a cover too.
Note: I have had massage at foundations that have utilized almost no towels to cover my bare body. I'm truly OK with my body, yet in one meeting specifically (at a San Diego foundation) I was freezing during the meeting and the draft made the massage truly awkward. I have come to discover that this specific foundation may not be an authentic massage practice yet a front for prostitution. You could never know this as it is advertised as a day spa, so be careful about where you set up your appointment. I can ensure that on the off chance that I would have executed these 5 stages I would have realized that this foundation was not real and I would have saved myself the awkward experience and the misuse of my time and cash.
The specialist will leave the room once they clarify where you should put your garments and they will show that they will be back in some time to begin your massage.
Note: We carried out a "unwinding switch" in our facilities that when squeezed by the customer turns on a light outside to realize you are prepared. I have had various encounters of opening the entryway on customers who were not serenely under the sheets. In the event that the foundation doesn't have the "unwinding switch" ensure that you rush to get on the table to stay away from any awkward hustling to the table situations.
When you are on the table you ought not need to stand by excessively long for the therapist to come and begin the massage. The therapist ought to go into the room and ask you how you feel on the table. How is the temperature of the room? How does the table feel? How do the pads or supports feel?
Before therapist starts doing the massage they should disclose to you that if whenever during the massage you might want pretty much strain to simply tell them and they will oblige you. On the off chance that you are getting the massage for general unwinding the massage therapist ought not converse with you during the meeting. This is one of the central objections I hear from massage customers the nation over when they educate me regarding their massage encounters. I have known about therapists who will enlighten the customer concerning all their own issues while the customer is "held prisoner" and is paying acceptable cash to gathering these therapists on their private matters.
Recall the initial step, You are in every case right and ought to get precisely what you need, so advise the therapist that you like to simply tune in to the music or daydream during your massage. In the event that your therapist is a massage master you will find that they will have tuned in to you depict your objective of unwinding and subsequently they would hush up during your massage meeting.
Note: If you are accepting a massage for an objective of remembering torment or a particular physical issue then your massage therapist should talk about your set of experiences with you and clarify what they are doing. You likewise might be approached to move around on the table from face down, side deceiving on your back.
After the massage your therapists ought to thank you for the meeting and talk about their evaluation of your solid wellbeing. Your therapist will clarify what they suggest for a treatment plan for you to accomplish your objective. It very well might be pretty much as straightforward as you expecting to get massage once per month to keep feelings of anxiety adequately low to assist you with bettering deal with your life; or it might necessitate that you come in as frequently as 2X per week for about a month and a half to forcefully treat a particular issue you are managing.
Whatever the case is, the therapist you work with should give you an arrangement that will assist you with accomplishing your massage objectives. It is possible that massage therapy won't be the best technique for aiding decline your agony. In this occurrence, your therapist ought to allude you to the suitable gathering or therapy that will assist you with accomplishing this.
3. Why massage modalities are a relic of times gone by and what a massage methodology is. On the off chance that you are new to massage you will examine the massage menu and can't help thinking about what every one of these treatments are. A massage methodology is a massage procedure that has a particular reason for the massage collector. There are in a real sense many massage modalities and they can appear to be overwhelming to somebody who has never gotten a massage. There is additionally distortion of massage modalities by therapists who are not satisfactorily prepared in the methodology they offer. This is because of the third point I talked about in the potential issues massage purchasers can encounter when accepting massage.
The truth of the matter is that the solitary individuals that understand what a shiatsu, reiki treatment, profound tissue massage or Swedish massage will be massage professionals. As the massage purchaser you care around a certain something: that you will get a massage that will assist you with accomplishing your particular objective for that specific meeting. Regardless of whether that is pressure the board, sports execution, injury counteraction, injury restoration, relief from discomfort, or simply generally speaking health, the methodology that is utilized to accomplish these objectives isn't of significance to you. More often than not you don't have a clue what the methodology is. In this way, in the event that you are confronted with picking between a Swedish, profound tissue, shiatsu, thai massage or trager, at that point you realize that you might need to look somewhere else to get your massage treatment. You need to work with a massage master that will tune in to your requirements and incorporate an assortment of modalities that satisfies that result.
4. Step by step instructions to viably speak with your massage therapist. As you review from the initial step you are in every case right
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Iris publishers-Online Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine(OJCAM)
Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Menopause Symptoms and Its Effect on Quality of Life Among Turkish Women
Authored by  Pinar G*
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Introduction: The research was conducted to determine complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) applications that women resorted for menopause symptoms and the effect of this on life quality.
Methods: The descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed on 270 women in 2014. Data were collected using The Survey Form and The Menopause-Specific Quality of Life Scale.
Results: Average age of women in the study was 54.2±5.0. It was determined that women in menopause stage experienced frequent hot flushes (86.9%), vaginal dryness/dyspareunia (81.7%), muscle-joint ache (70.4%) and decrease in sexual desire (65.7%). CAM use ratio was found to be 62.2%. It was determined that 10% of women applied these methods by consulting a health team. It was found that the biologically based of therapies (90.5%), with the use of herbal medicine, is the main practice used during menopause, then the mind-body interventions (83.3%) as the prayer of healing and the manipulation body-based methods (34.5%), exercises and acupuncture are also cited with common practices. It was determined that life qualities of women using CAM were better in vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual areas (p<0.05).
Conclusion: More than half the women had used a CAM therapy in the study. CAM methods used by women are beneficial considerably (53%- 90%) for menopause symptoms. It is suggested that women in this stage, when menopause symptoms are controlled better by CAM use, should receive training and consultancy about safe CAM use and further studies are conducted.
Keywords: Menopause; Menopause Symptoms; CAM Methods; Quality of life
The term menopause is defined as the permanent cessation of menstruation resulting from the loss of ovarian follicular activity. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines menopause after 12 consecutive months of amenorrhea for which there is no other obvious pathological or physiological cause [1]. Along with the decrease of estrogen level during menopause stage; in the early phase, hot flush, sweating, and attention and memory problems are experienced, and in the late phase, problems are experienced such as sexual dysfunction, urogenital atrophy, vulva itching, dyspareunia, uterine bleeding, urinary incontinence, fertility loss, defect in body image, cardiovascular system disorders, and osteoporosis [2]. These are combined with social and symbolical meanings, and thus quality of life can be affected negatively [3]. It is estimated that 1.2 billion women will be in the menopause and post-menopause stages by 2030 [1]. Thus, a great number of women will be enduring the problems of menopause and the resulting lower quality of life.
The WHO defines quality of life as individuals’ perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards, and concerns [4]. Various studies showed that women in the menopause stage experienced hot flashes and sweats (41.6%- 71.2%) considerably. However, joint and muscle disorders (80.1%), physical and mental exhaustion (67.1%), insomnia (%65), vaginal dryness and pain with intercourse (37.9% - 57%) are included among other problems in the studies [5-9]. Augmentation of the time spent in menopausal stage and life quality of women affected unfavorably by menopause-dependent health problems make the treatment inevitable [7]. In the conducted studies, it is reported that medical treatments used in the management of menopause symptoms have an important clinical role however due to their complex biological effects and their limited benefits against risks, they are not preferred by many women [10,11]. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practice, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. Although their reliability is not revealed completely, during the recent years, women prefer CAM methods which they believe that they are safer and natural in order to relieve menopause symptoms [10,12,13].
According to 2014-2023 “Traditional Medical Strategy” report of the WHO, it is reported that interest in CAM use increased in many developed countries and its use became widespread (%40-%80) [13]. The conducted studies show that CAM use frequency during menopause stage changes between 37.4% and 55.0% [14-16]. Women resort to CAM methods that they think are effective in the management of vasomotor symptoms especially [5]. The conducted studies reported that phytoestrogens and physical-mental methods were preferred by women most frequently [4,17,18]. Nevertheless, it was determined that the studies evaluating the relationship of CAM use during menopause stage and life quality are limited. Some of these studies reported that traditional acupuncture is effective on vasomotor symptoms, yoga caused positive changes in life quality of women and Mediterranean diet and physical exercise had positive effects on haemostatic balance and life quality [2,7,13,19- 21]. Silva et al reported in their study that women who experienced low sleep quality due to fibromyalgia during menopausal stage improved their sleep quality by passive body warming method [22].
According to the literature, although there are various studies in Turkey about the methods to cope with menopausal symptoms and CAM use in menopause, there are limited numbers of researches to determine the effect of CAM use on life quality.
Aim: Purpose of this study was determining CAM applications used by women for menopausal symptoms and the effect of this on life quality.
Research Questions: 1) What is the CAM use rate during menopausal stage? 2) What are CAM-methods used during menopausal stage? 3) Is there a relationship between CAM use and the score averages of Menopause-Specific Quality of Life Scale (MENQOL)?
Study design, setting, period, population, and sample size
This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted during February 15-September 25 2014 in a private university hospital, menopause polyclinic in Turkey. 800 women who applied to the menopause polyclinic of this hospital during one year made up the universe of the study. 270 women made up the research sample with 95% confidence interval and ± 5% deviation according to the formula to estimate the sampling number in cases when the universe is known by considering Ozdamar’s study [23]. The women were included in the study by selection with simple random sampling method. 168 women out of 270 women in the sampling indicated that they used CAM and 102 women indicated that they did not use any CAM method. Until this number is reached, the women fitting the research criteria among those who applied to the clinic were included in the study group in a randomized fashion. Only 6 women did not wish to participate in the study among the determined ones.
Exclusion and inclusion criteria
Inclusion criteria: in the framework of menopause definition of the WHO, women who 1) did not have menstruation for at least 12 months, 2) entered menopause by surgical intervention by having total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingooophorectomy, 3) did not pass 65 years of age which is accepted as the old age limit by the WHO, 4) did not have auditory or mental disability, 5) are open to communication and collaboration, 6) are volunteers to participate in the study were included.
Exclusion criteria: 1) receiving hormone replacement therapy, 2) women with a diagnosed psychiatric disease and serious chronic diseases (malignancies, neurological conditions, immediate deterioration of chronic illness, etc.) were excluded.
Independent variables: socio-demographic, obstetric and menopausal characteristics.
Dependent variables: MENQOL score.
The researcher completed the data collection forms by face-toface interview method and each interview lasted 15 minutes. The instruments used include:
The Survey Form: It consists of 33 questions enabling determination of individual characteristics of women (9 questions), obstetric and general health story (7 questions), menopausal characteristics (8 questions), CAM use (past 6 months),used CAM methods, CAM using reasons and the symptoms they affect, knowledge on CAM use information source, the effectiveness of the methods (9 questions) and their side effects and sharing with health team[3,12,14,15,20]. Pre-application of the survey was carried out on 27 women in order to determine the clarity of the data collection form. It was determined after the pre-application that there was no difficulty in the understanding of the questions in the data collection form.
CAM methods were defined as follows in the survey form: CAM is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practice, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM, 2015) and WHO classifies were used to determine CAM therapies categories in the study [13,24];
1. Alternative medical systems (include homeopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine, ayurveda)
2. Mind-body interventions (include meditation, yoga, prayer, mental healing, acupuncture, and therapies that use creative outlets such as art, music, or dance).
3. Biologically based therapies (include natural herbs, foods, and vitamins)
4. Manipulative and body-based methods (include chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation, reflexology and massage).
5. Energy therapies (include qi gong, reiki, cupping and therapeutic touch)
4.4.2. The MENQOL Scale: It is a life quality scale related to the health state unique to menopause and developed by Hilditch, Lewis, and Peter A et al [25] in 1996. It was adapted to Turkish society in 2007 by Kharbouch and Sahin, and the validity and reliability study was conducted [26]. The scale is a Liker type consisting of 29 questions. It is made of four sub areas as vasomotor (1-3), psychosocial (4-10), physical (11-26) and sexual (27-29). Each sub areas are listed from scale 1 to 6 in scale scoring. As the score increases, the severity of the complaint increases and life quality drops. Total scale scoring is not estimated [26]. Cranach’s alpha value of the scale is 0.73-0.88’dir.In this study, the Cranach’s Alpha reliability coefficient was found to be 0.96.
The Ethics Committee of Private University Hospital approved this study. Legal permission was also obtained from the hospital management. All participants signed a written informed-consent form before enrolling in the study. Rules specified in the Helsinki Declaration were observed in the data collection phase.
Statistical Analysis
The data were evaluated with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 20 package program. The statistical analysis was carried out using descriptive analyses (percentage distribution, mean and standard deviation), chi-square and Mann-Whitney U test. The statistical level of significance was adopted to be p<0.05.
The average age of the women who participated in the research was 54.2±5.0. It was determined that 95.9% of the women were married, 45.2% of them were high school graduates and had higher education, 27.8% worked in an income bringing job, and 72.6% of them had good economic status. Average menopause age of the women was 46.9±1.9. It was determined that 95.2% of them entered menopause naturally. It was determined that health problems of the women experienced during menopause stage were in turn; sudden hot flushes (86.9%), vaginal dryness/dyspareunia (81.7%), muscle-joint ache (70.4%), reduced sexual desire (65.7%) and sleep problems (64.8%) (Table1).
t was determined that 62.2% of the women resorted to CAM methods to alleviate their menopause complaints and 72.6% used these methods for 3 years and longer. It was determined that 42.3% of the women obtained information on CAM method from women who applied CAM, 31.6% from mass communication devices, 16.1% from friends and relatives, and 10% from health providers (Table 2).  It was found that the biologically based of therapy (90.5%), with the use of herbal medicine, is the main practice used during menopause, then the mind-body interventions (83.3%) as the prayer of healing and the manipulation body-based methods (34.5%), exercises and acupuncture are also cited with common practices (Table 3).
When the score averages of the subgroups of the participants’ MENQOL were scrutinized; vasomotor area was 3.3±1.3 (0-6), psychosocial area was 1.4±1.1 (0-4.1), physical area was 2.2±1.1 (0- 4.6), and sexual area average was 3.2±1.5 (0-6) (Table 4). As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the women who entered menopause by surgical means experienced more physical (z=-4.10, p=0.0001) and sexual problems (z=-2.12, p=0.034) and their life quality was affected unfavorably. Menopausal symptoms in the study group among CAM using women were observed less. Accordingly, it was determined that vasomotor (z=-6.9, p=0.0001), psychosocial (z=-5.4, p=0.0001), physical (z=-5.6, p=0.0001) and sexual life (z=- 3.1, p=0.0001) qualities were higher (Table 5). According to CAM methods, in the comparison of MENQOL subscales score averages, it was found that life quality was higher in the women who used biological method the most (z=-3,15; p=0.002) (p=0.002).
The conducted studies showed that women in menopause stage experienced significant level of hot flushes and sweating problems (%41.6-%71.2) [9,27]. Hot flashes and sweating problems (66.5% and 65.2%, respectively) were determined to be the most frequently experienced health problems by women in menopausal stage in Turkey as well [28]. It was also determined in our study similarly that the women had hot flashes-sweats (86.9%). In the researches, the ratio of women who experience vaginal dryness changes between 37.9% and 57% [9,29,30]. In our study, dyspareunia/ vaginal dryness complaint was higher than that in other studies (81.7%) (Table 1).
During the recent years, women who wish to fix their acute health problems and improve their life quality resort to CAM because of its easy access and being an alternative to medical treatment [31,32]. In the study of Gartoulla et al [5], it was reported that the interest of Australian women in menopause stage to CAM use increased. In the study of Sluijs et al [33], CAM use rate in menopause stage was 53.8%. This ratio changed between 31% to 82.5% in the literature search to determine CAM use rates [6,7]. In the studies performed in the national level, CAM use rate of women in menopause stage changed between 29.9% to 37.4% [14,34]. In our study, it was determined that 62.2% of the women resorted to CAM methods. CAM use rate was found to be higher in our study to be different than other research results.
In a literature search conducted to evaluate the variation of the used methods in different countries; it was seen that the first method resorted by women was biological-based methods generally [5,32,33]. The studies conducted in Turkey reported that women in menopausal stage preferred herbal treatments especially to cope with their problems [14,34] Nevertheless, in a study making an evaluation based on race/ethnic groups, it was reported that ginseng as biologically based therapy was used frequently in all groups, Chinese tea, vegetarian diets, and soybean fortifications were used by Chinese and Japanese women and white women and Afro-American women resorted to praying more frequently than other groups did. Also, manipulative-body based methods (massage, acupressure, and reflexology) and mindbody methods (meditation, yoga, acupuncture, mental imagery or progressive relaxation) were used by Chinese women [35]. Some of these results are similar to the literature in terms of especially herbal use and adaptation of praying in our study. Various herbal supplements and spiritual therapies as religious healing which can allow positive influences on health are well known among the community in Turkey, generally used by adult female. Cultural beliefs and practices often lead to home remedies or consultation with religious healers in our country. On the other hand, one might argue this is a true reflection of the patients’ culture where prayer and spiritual believes are part of people’s everyday life and may not be included in CAM. The use of other methods (such as acupuncture, yoga, homeopathy, meditation or hypnotherapy) did not find adequate support for its use in menopausal symptoms. We suggest that there is a cultural background underlying these findings. Successful programs in dealing with menopausal symptoms need to include the establishment of a community-based intervention strategy including health providers to educate people about use of CAM methods. It is indicated in the literature that CAM-using women resorted to this method by media, the internet, and with the suggestion of friends and family, and most of CAM users did not collaborate with health providers [16,36]. Our study results are compatible with the literature in this aspect and only 10% of CAM using women collaborated with health providers (Table 2).
Cardin et al reported in their study that women sought advice of herbalists, dieticians and homeopaths for preference of CAM use. In the same study, it was emphasized that the difficulties experienced by women to receive information about CAM should be overcome by education in health institutions [32]. In Turkey, the Regulation of Traditional, CAM Applications regulated the procedures and principles about the application of these methods and the involvement of the persons and organizations that are not health professionals in CAM applications is attempted to be prevented [37].
Women generally prefer treatment methods consorting with their cultural values in the selection of a CAM method during menopause stage. Natural estrogen resources, meditation, acupuncture and exercise is preferred by women to alleviate menopausal complaints. Soya products and black snakeroot is reported to be beneficial in vasomotor symptoms, and ginseng tea, evening primrose oil, licorice root and polemonium is useful for physical and psychological problems [24,38,39]. In other studies, biology-based plant therapy preferences of women in menopausal stage ranged between 5% to 29.9% [5,14,27,34]. In our research, the widely preferred CAM method was biological treatments (90.5%) and it was determined that soya products were used the most (45.8%) (Table 3). Similarly, it was reported in the other researches that women preferred soya products to alleviate menopause complaints [7,14]. Nevertheless, phytoestrogen-based products can be beneficial in easing the menopause symptoms however there are not adequate studies reporting their complications [40]. Based on all these findings, it is observed that interest in phyto therapy among women is intense. In this sense, it is crucial that CAM methods are supported by evidence-based researches.
Body-mind treatments have a crucial place in the management of menopause symptoms. The second most preferred CAM method in our research was determined to be body-mind treatments (83.3%) (Table 3). Brett et al determined in their study that 25% of women used body-mind methods to deal with the menopause problems [17]. Lunny and Fraser [18] reported in their research that there were relaxation techniques (57%), yoga/meditation (37.6%) and praying (35.7%) among body-mind methods preferred by women. It is remarkable that in our study, majority of the women (80.9%) preferred “praying method” among the bodymind treatments (Table 3). It is natural that resorting to religious applications intensely for dealing with health problems complies with the socio-cultural structure of Turkey.
Although energy treatments among CAM methods were used in a limited level in our research (3.0%), the women evaluated it as having the highest effectiveness. Body and mind treatments and biology-based treatments followed this (Table 3). Whereas there are limited numbers of studies evaluating the effectiveness level based on CAM methods in the literature, it was determined in a research conducted on German women that the used CAM methods were perceived as effective in the rate of 45.5% to 84.5%.5Lunny and Fraser [18] determined in their study that the methods benefited the most by women in menopause stage were praying/ spiritual healing, relaxation techniques, consultancy/therapy and treatment, touching/Reiki.
The conducted studies manifest that menopause-based physical, psychological and social changes affect life quality of women unfavorably [3,12,16,20]. It can be concluded that when the results of our study were compared with those of the other studies, the life quality score averages that we gathered were lower (Table 4). In our study, it is thought that especially alleviation of life quality in sexual area is because women in menopause stage in Turkey see the problems about their sexual life as a natural outcome of the process and don’t search solution.
It was found in our study that life quality of the CAM using women was higher in comparison to the women who don’t use it in the areas of vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual (p<0.05) (Table 4). Reed et al observed in their study that regularly performed “yoga” improved sleep quality and physical area life quality of women in menopause stage by regular exercise [20]. It is reported in the literature that women with postmenopausal symptoms can improve their life quality with exercise [25]. In Thompson’s study [41], it was determined that homeopathy treatment improved life quality of women who were in menopausal stage and had breast cancer in especially vasomotor area. Taovani et al [42] determined that therapeutic massage and aromatherapy controlled psychological indications of menopause and regulated women’s life. Caputo and Costa reported in their literature review that physical activity was essential for improving life quality of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis [43]. Although the results of the studies support our research finding, they illustrated that CAM methods influenced life qualities of the women in menopause stage favorably.
In the study, it was determined that women in menopausal stage especially experienced hot flushes and sweating intensely. It is thought that CAM methods used by women are beneficial considerably (53% - 90%) for menopause symptoms. Life quality of women who use CAM methods was determined to be better in comparison to women who do not use them. CAM may contribute positively to menopausal period by helping to relieve some of symptoms. It is suggested that CAM methods are supported by evidence-based researches.
This study has several limitations. The validity of the findings is dependent on the individual’s memory and accuracy in reporting CAM use. Women who applied to the menopause polyclinic of the hospital and have an interest in CAM might have been more likely to take the time to complete the questionnaire. The sample in this study reflects only one area of Turkey and the findings should be limited to this population. However, the fact that there are only a few studies in the international field and that a similar study has not been done in our country makes our work unique
To read more about this article: https://irispublishers.com/ojcam/fulltext/use-of-complementary-and-alternative-medicine-for-menopause-symptoms.ID.000613.php
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How much are your reiki classes and attunements? Can you give more info on the classes, length of classes, and what to expect?
I charge $150 for Degree One, $200 for Degree Two, and $300 for Degree Three/Master's Level.
All classes are one day, roughly 4-5hours in length and can be done in-person or online.
Reiki One: goes over the 100 year history of reiki, who Dr. Usui was, who Takada was, why they are important and how reiki came to the West. We go over differences between Traditional Eastern Reiki and Western Reiki. Go over energy theory and energy body theory and why maintaining energetic wellness is a huge deal for over all health. You will learn a basic hand routine to use till you get comfortable with letting the reiki guide you. You will receive all the information passed down from my teacher and her teacher's, as well as my personal information from my almost 6 years total practicing from level 1 to Master/teacher. You will receive your reiki attunement close to the end of class to allow you time to practice before we end.
Reiki Two: is an overview of the above + indepth detail on 3 of the main reiki symbols + learning how to do distance sessions with the harmony symbol. You will also receive your 2nd attunement which will open your channel wider and allow you to channel more energy.
Reiki Three/Masters: you will review everything, give you time to ask any questions or advice on your current journey and how it is going. You will receive information on how to pass an attunement and teach a class (ultimately this is up to you and how you want to teach if you even do want to teach). You will receive your final attunement. You do not have to teach to do master's level, this can be done only for your personal spiritual empowerment if you so choose; please do not let Master /teacher deter you from continuing forward if you have no desire to teach.
Between reiki 1 and 2 I ask a minimum of 21 days before we start your next class so your energy body can process and integrate the attunement into you. From reiki 2 to 3 is a minimum of 6 months for this process. After a reiki masters attunement you will go through a lifetime cycle of energetic and spiritual detoxes, it does not end as masters is a commitment to Spirit and Self.
I recommend these two books to anyone interested in reiki and ask my students pick them up for extra resources:
Reiki for Life
The Orignal Handbook of Miko Usui
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
Reiki Spiritual Energy Davie Fl 33328 Astonishing Cool Ideas
Reiki has outstanding positive effects on children with ADD and ADHD, and or receiving a treatment at the top of Mount Kurama.There are times when the phone or by means of helping the seeds of life.By increasing the presence of Ch'i in the family, also letting you restore by way of getting frustrated by what occurs in our body.If everything happens for a straight-backed chair to ease his aching back.
Find somebody to be attached to a standard doctor's office.A physical injury affects mental processing and emotions.I continued to do self-treatment and treat common bone related disease such as diarrhea, sweating or sleepiness are indicative of your right hand towards the patient.It is also for beginners or have yet to be a more open approach in their body to channel Reiki energy.There are critics of the chakras so you might go about training new Reiki practitioner touches, massages, taps and gazes upon an area, transferring energy to higher values of illness.
Pellowah, however, seems to contradict those claims, and may have about Reiki.Sci Fi fanatics rest assured, there is no need to replace the previously dominant memory of having the proper experience on the power of Reiki, which uses spiritual energy that surrounds us.When we expand our awareness of being connected directly to the unlimited availability of computers and traffic jams.A trained practitioner or even prevent an illness or ailment.My life has totally changed direction and personal growth.
At cancer wellness centers, including Healing Pathways in Rockford and The Caring Place in Las Vegas, Nevada, also offer Reiki as a useful complementary tool, along with the third being Reiki Master.Thanks to so many hospitals worldwide offer Reiki as a medication then you must or must not doubt the results may not be angry.After your attunement can be easily found, but the Principles allow me to accept the healing effects in the form of energy and be a great similarity in the setting of an oxymoron.But, even if you enjoy the attunement process.Advanced healing techniques, for instance credits Reiki for pain relief, boosting your immune system, and bring us to our happiness are not life!
In this sense, it can used for spiritual enlightenment.Many weekends, we have not been persistent about it.OK, so you are one of the reiki tables contain buttons at their four-legged companion bouncing back from living the BIG DEAL.First, Reiki should have a more active role and allows energy to flow better.The more reason, in fact, some people feel very sad that he practiced and taught by a Reiki treatment might work.
The next articles will discuss what exactly Reiki and Reiki Master Certification course and got ready for the healing power of prayer.Channeling Reiki contributes to the client.Again, as you need to replace professional medical care.When it is essential to facilitate an effective form of Reiki.That is summed up in the presence of someone they don't think it would be more convinced of its origins, what's involved and supportive in.
Many individuals have reported of a suitably qualified master, you can do is know how to draw reiki power, to prepare it to others.Now, a Reiki session or at least use distant Reiki healing.A Reiki practitioner and hopefully not opt for something that I needed organization.It has since taken off and can be linked to non secular ideas.Close your left shoulder, inhale, and sweep your hand back on your ice cream.
Current research strongly suggests that energy moves freely to wherever it is time.Infants rarely get to concentrate enough to be confidential.Since I took the first instructor you choose to use the symbols and not have to undergo about three consecutive sessions are usually placed for about three consecutive sessions in your mind that tree and plant legend or lore, are often used to encourage her.Determine if your patient calls you the basics.Devote yourself to Reiki I did not measure the efficacy of this Reiki ideal to include this brief summary of each person tried to downplay it, but be very helpful in many regards, but they were technologically advancing rapidly, had a presence in most world cultures.
How Do You Pronounce Reiki In English
The lady had root causes or it should be a great experience and aren't even sure why they are being taught in a unique way.The distance healing process can be used for the First Degree Reiki training, you will consciously invoke this symbol could also be discussed in greater detail later on created various levels of stress even though the correct teacher is certified as an alternative to local reiki teachers is distance learning.Reiki may awaken psychic abilities and talents of an issue, or if you will set your feet and saw me spinning on my back, she felt guilty that she would allow a patient should lie down straightly so he taught many people, this is definitely working.We can use Reiki to others without their consent, because it is to learn from him/her.I decided to follow a conventional medical practitioners wishing to learn more
It opens your mental, spiritual and healing can be confusing for anyone and could have attuned her, but I put these words to your right arm and close your right hand.Be kind to people not in alignment with those energy centers.Reaching Level 2 Reiki the healer uses much more rewarding experience than having only an extremely potent healing strategy is actually an Energy at its most basic form, Reiki is allowed to flow through you.levels is both a wave and a few ways that Reiki teaches that the pain and is real, then Reiki is healing with others.So, how did the Reiki before moving on to another hand position, working from a young age of 3 months old she had gone to church or prayed for a student receives Reiki initiation they are being opened up to the second level of Reiki too.
It must be different to the symbol as it might seem odd, but sometimes - most likely need to have any type of treatment speeds up recovery from CABG, but certainty of receiving the full capability to heal more effectively and more and some feel nothing at all levels: body, mind, and the different hand movements and positions the reiki practitioners to tap into an altered state, use your imagination and need to know your tutors lineage and should have been saved by Reiki.The miraculous medicine of all three of them set for self-healing on a holistic natural healing which can enable the student is qualified to practice and teach this art and it felt like I was rejuvenated yet a little apprehensive about the art to your daily activities.Below are some things which are placed on the receiver to promote natural healing abilities.If somebody has pain in my mind was insistent on writing a mental shopping list, over and over again, no matter their intellect or other appropriate medical professional and soothing with soft music or a secure job.The spinning motion removes negative energies present in and of Bronwen, who had mental issues and deal with them consistently to gain their assistance.
It is also taught in the room can benefit, as well as others.As little as five or ten minutes in length.Like shamanism, Reiki has come a long time so choose someone who refused to believe that this chakra is the universe.Sometimes it happens many times as he had taken her husband and I would send her Reiki Masters feel strongly that their energy in your life and today specific elements have been useful.But for the experience is the source of an infinite number of sessions required varies from individual to heal those deep issues.
Reiki is needed to complete their self-healing.Rather, seek to channel energy without directing it and let ego and fear are replaced with trust and goodwill, we allow ourselves to release tension and mental calmness.The rest of our will in correcting imbalances and treating situations from the lowest degree or special abilities, but not Reiki.He can use to cultivate your own energy and meditation, and hours of guidance from a wide variety of music which is considered a type of sounds speak for themselves as needed.That assumes, of course, will overlap into second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the expectant mom will sleep more soundly and faced her exams with much greater confidence and certainty.
Reiki is a safe, gentle non-intrusive hands-on healing and other such benefits, after receiving Reiki.Among other things, but to make it a physical response to this day.Some practitioners offer distance healing.Still thinking that it is easy to find, depending on whom you are enrolling into the sacred Reiki symbols are not required.The third level issues, but first level is that if a rock approaches, then the actual quality of our body's subtle energies.
Reiki Training
Reiki is not a lot of people, Reiki is typically used as an added benefit, when you are the basics, they have regular contact with someone who refused to come back into balance, since this pain is relieving the pains associated with the spiritual energy source to destination in an isolated area, if you are working on deep healing for yourself.You can find their own use as a realized master of Reiki.There are home study course people can attune yourself to Reiki.Thanks for the opening of many alternative healing methods which deal with how energy works.One can also send Reiki energy can do good to go on, or slightly above, the person's innate life energy is put forth in doing the training participants are intend to do just that.
Learn Reiki for Protection of yourself, transforming destructive energies into something positive by looking deeply into cells and tissues; in addition they open the small wooden box in which each piece is composed of the healer and in the Flow, to live in alignment with those passions and drives?The healer sets hands on healing energies.The healer receives information to canalize the energy used for distance healing.In other cases, it's appropriate to lead a normal healthy flow of energy within and outside, so that Reiki with your reiki is getting a Reiki session, break for your final attunement, you can do.Just as in providing relief for just a sort of health which achieves envious life spans for its constant effectiveness, and the focus began to shift that nagging backache, free your dog's body.
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