#Reki Personal
ndragoon · 2 years
All of these people blaming the developers for "being lazy", are doing EXACTLY what they are supposed to do by the executives who see no problem with how they act.
As someone who has attempted to make games, I can see all these little quirks and behaviors and know that they are what happens when you implement a system and haven't had the time or means to test it yet (means being that you know you'll be adding to it and that will break whatever you take the time to fix now).
Like how the cycle Pokemon that face downhill when they stop on the side of a cliff? That's because it was made to face the direction it is moving, rather than held to whatever facing it was doing beforehand. That is most likely just some placeholder code for later when they refined other systems and could work on the facing code.
Or how the Pokemon would spawn in/on or just keep running into cliff faces and other natural walls? That's because they never had the time to either figure out they needed to differentiate between floors and walls in the terrain, or just didn't have the time to implement it.
These are signs of a team that had mere months to accomplish what Breath of the Wild had after five YEARS. So blame the executives who made them push this out so incredibly early, not the devs who had no hopes of even polishing something this rough in a fraction of the time they needed.
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mimi-croissant · 4 months
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Sk8 fans how are we feeling…
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thefunniestguy · 19 days
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i usually only post my renga shit but. i am an enjoyer of matchablossom
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shitpostingkats · 2 years
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Happy season 2 and OVA announcement
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malfunctioningemi · 1 year
Sk8 Roller Derby Au
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My au, in which all the characters we know and love in Sk8 the infinity are girls who play roller derby instead of skate boarding.
I tried to give them all a unique style, jojo being more 80s inspired while cherry is very cyber (imagine her skates glow). Eve, usually the "matador of love" will get lots of flamenco inspired parts! And shadow is my butch icon. Reki is very kid-core in her colours, where Langa is very soft and more pastel. Miya is pretty much the same just more non binary now.
Other posts [Reki] [Langa] [Miya] [Cherry] [Jojo] [Eve] [Tomoe] [Shadow] [Oka] [Extras [1] [2] [3]]  
If you have any questions or suggestions abt this au my ask box is open!
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getosugurusbangs · 4 months
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all the valentine’s drawings i did for friends
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ardentplea · 1 month
while i'm thinking about haibane renmei i should put it out there that something specific i really love about it is the juxtaposition between reki's aesthetic - chain-smoking, scooter-riding, perennially-aloof Cool Girl - and her role as caretaker for old home's children (as well as her unofficial role as mentor and caretaker for all the old home haibane). she's so specifically presented as, on the surface, the sort of person who should absolutely not be in that position; her personality and demeanor are totally at odds with working as what is effectively a preschool teacher. she's a caretaker who disregards her own health and neglects her own safety; a mentor who can't communicate her own needs. she is not a natural fit for her job. but, y'know - she does it anyway. because it's what she has to do, because she can only prove (to the world; to herself) that she's worth anything if she does a good enough job at living for others. she doesn't naturally assume the motherly role of caregiver; she has to contort herself to fit into it, and even then she still doesn't quite mesh. but she still gives it everything she has, and does the best job she possibly can. that's the basic juxtaposition of her character - someone giving everything for others even though she's not naturally good at it, and even though she can barely take care of herself
and with that initially i think ABe is trying to signal to the viewer the thing that reki believes about herself - that she's not actually good at this, and that she fails at it over and over, and that she's a selfish broken person trying to use that role for her own salvation. that she isn't really meant for or good at the job that she has. but as the series ends, the two sides of the juxtaposition flip. both the viewer and reki herself realize that the role she's been performing is her "true" self. that she really is a caregiver, a healer, somebody who cares so deeply for others - that the image of a broken, jaded person is a veneer that she's been pushed to adopt. that the supposed contradiction doesn't really exist, because she is in fact wonderful at taking care of others, and does in fact genuinely care about their wellbeing
there's a sort of beautiful, restorative irony inherent to reki's character arc, which is that the actions necessary for her salvation were already being performed the whole time. she was already doing everything she needed to do in order to be a good person who makes the world around her a better place. she never needed redemption. the only problem was that she couldn't see it; that she couldn't recognize the authenticity of her own actions. she was already whole - she just had to stop thinking she was broken. and i think all of that is so neatly communicated in her character design and core personality. she's a complete person who's managed to convince herself (and the world around her) that she's damaged; she's a teacher and a healer who's managed to tell herself that she doesn't care enough and won't ever care enough. a caregiver who chain-smokes and drives too fast. her only necessary salvation is in understanding that those two sides of her are not mutually exclusive; that she is both, and that she is already enough
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ithinkitwasvodka · 4 days
guys i think i cracked the code
one is chance
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two is coincidence
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three is a pattern
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funny innit
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wine-sluts · 3 months
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A few scene redraws from over the years.
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ca-3 · 2 years
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Happy Pride Sk8ers 🌈💕
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moonjuiicee · 4 months
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me when two of my highest kins are just the same person (/j)
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ndragoon · 6 months
Cops shows really are something else
This meals copaganda: Flashpoint
The episode is about vaccines, and even includes a short conversation how "mandatory vaccinations are a holdover from the Gulf War". The guy who is at fault is labeled as an "unstable man with mental illness who is only doing this because of conspiracy theories". People in the company were involved in a cover up knowing that it was dangerous and caused ALS, but were let go so they couldn't be asked about what they removed from records. Of course, the guy in charge of the company wasn't involved and didn't know at all.
Naturally, it's one of those "IA is awful because they get in the way of police doing their jobs" episodes, even though this one is involving knowing breaking policies AND agreements made during probation from breaking these same policies before. The IA argument was "you're putting civilians at harm with them focusing on each other", and it was shown that, actually, they were still working to help the civilians and saved everyone they could anyway! It was actually IA who was holding them to unreasonable restrictions!
It's actually pretty amazing that once you learn how they want people to perceive the police force, you can pick out each thing they are trying to accomplish with each episode.
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yutaan · 1 year
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A papercraft commission of Reki and Langa from Sk8 the Infinity! 
What delightful boys and what a delightful show! I had seen the first few episodes a while back but hadn’t found the time to finish watching the full series, but when I got this commission then OBVIOUSLY I then HAD to finish it. For RESEARCH. It was a matter of RESPONSIBILITY. So then I binged it in a two days and had an absolutely splendid time; I don’t think I stopped grinning for a single moment. I tried to channel that delight into this piece! 🛹 
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zzed-ystreams · 10 months
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I have this funny bit with a friend that Jude is the unofficial finish for the reki, langa and jude trio, obviously
so here they are in the prefect trio pfp size lmao
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ur-fav-bpd · 3 months
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Reki Kyan from SK8 the Infinity has implied BPD!
(requested by @ranpd ^_^)
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Round 1 Match 4
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