#Relax Teatime Event
animeweeb115 · 7 months
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“How long have you two been standing there!?”
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miciiq · 7 months
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Short haired white day kanade (that i pulled 90 times for just to get nothing but 3 stars)
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Ichika also from this years white day banner
Bonus: crappy mafuyu screenshot bc i couldn’t get any decent ones
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project-sekai-facts · 5 months
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(TL by puroeng on YT)
In the Relax Teatime event, Minori says that when she was in middle school, she would send gifts to Haruka. The first thing she ever gave her was a penguin-shaped pen holder.
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sekaitransparents · 22 days
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virtual singer
hatsune miku
kagamine len
kagamine rin
megurine luka
ichika hoshino
saki tenma
honami mochizuki
shiho hinomori
more more jump
minori hanasato
haruka kiritani
airi momoi
shizuku hinomori
vivid bad squad
kohane azusawa
an shiraishi
akito shinonome
toya aoyagi
wonderlands x showtime
tsukasa tenma
emu otori
nene kusanagi
rui kamishiro
nightcord at 25:00
kanade yoisaki
mafuyu asahina
ena shinonome
mizuki akiyama
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1 stars
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
birthdays (v1, v2, v3)
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official art
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previous event transparents both pre and post third anniversary can be found on this blog
we also have various transparents that were requested or submitted that aren't recent. feel free to search for any other gacha name if you want to see if we have them, as we can't tag them all lol.
a story where you are the star
the best picture wrap!
over here! over there! zookeeper experience!
the tone played on that day
2024 - january to june
next to the unchanging warmth
break down the wall
blacklight lens flare
take the best shot!
the courage to lead the kindness in my heart
the scars left behind with time
relax teatime
keep it steady let's aim for the star!
the first concerto
rise as one!
3900's colourful festival
knowing the unseen
parallel harmonies
whip the wimp girl!!
someday on the stage where flowers bloom
perspective for smile
wedding live with everyone
lead to shine more
reeling in the lights
2024 - july to december
over rad squad!!
bloom festival
the night sky we saw that day, someday in the distant future
chase my ideal idol!
let is ring! beautiful sound!
with you at the sekai's beginning
wonderhorror~!? test of courage!
over rad squad!!
bloom festival
the night sky we saw that day, someday in the distant future
chase my ideal idol!
let is ring! beautiful sound!
with you at the sekai's beginning
wonderhorror~!? test of courage!
work out and fly! muscle training!
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soapyakships · 2 months
What's your favorite focus event for Leo/need, MORE MORE JUMP!, Vivid BAD SQUAD, Wonderland x Showtime and Nightcord at 25.
What's your favorite mixed event?
And What's your favorite event overall?
l/n: The Courage to Lead, the Kindness in My Heart mmj: Re-Tie Friendship vbs: Find A Way Out wxs: A Sad Farewell at the Curtain Call n25: The Tone Played on That Day, and What Lies Beyond Guiding a Lost Child, and On This Blank Canvas I Paint, and My Footsteps Your Destination... and Farewell, My Mask....
Favourite mixed is Relax Teatime
and my overall favourite event is My Footsteps Your Destination it got everything,, amazing song,, amazing cards,,, the story made me go insane,,, and the mizuena was only the tip of the iceberg
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rendy-a · 1 year
👉️👈️ I miss the pet au, so I'm sending in another request for it~ XD How would Riddle, Azul, Vil, and Sebek act if their master surprised them with a picnic one day? They're always working so hard, so their master thought it'd be a nice way to treat them and let them relax. Please take as much time as you need! Thank you if you do this!
Well, it has certainly been a minute since we’ve visited the Pet Au!  I’m glad to return to it now.  Thank you so much for the request.  I hope you enjoy it!
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Insists its unnecessary.  He is just doing his duty as a companion pet!  If you persist, he will surely join you.  The eagerness in which he asks about what you might be serving betrays his interest.
Tea?  How delightful.  Cake?  What a treat.  Sitting on the ground?  How…quaint.  He will try his best to hide his discomfort from you but the way he sits so perfectly straight on the picnic blanket betrays him.  Offer to move your picnic to a table and he will be most grateful.
Once seated properly, Riddle knows just how to have an enjoyable tea.  Please allow him to pour you a cup.  He’d love to add just the right amount of sugar cubes to it as well.  When the cake is served, Riddle enjoys his slice slowly, savoring each bite.
Riddle has teatime conversation covered as well.  He isn’t the best tutored pet at the shop for nothing!  He is more than prepared to talk at length on a number of topics such as history or current events.  Oh, you want to talk about how well he has been doing instead?  Please ignore his blushing and continue, Master.
Picnics were great fun, but Riddle was happy to be back at work.  It was comforting to have a routine, to know just what your day would hold and what was expected of you.  The memory of the afternoon was a pleasant one, so he doesn’t even mind all the extra work you’ve made him in the morning.  He happily washes the extra dishes, packs the picnic supplies away (exactly as recommended in the picnic guide!) and checks on the leftovers in the fridge.  Perhaps he can add them into today’s dinner without spoiling his carefully planned out menus.
Riddle opens the fridge to see what you’ve stored away and his eyes are drawn immediately to a lone slice of cake.  His mouth starts to water before he can stop himself.  But no!  That cake belongs to his beloved Master, it’s not for the likes of him!  He will resist!  Riddle gives his head a shake as though to clear any unsavory thoughts from his mind.  Then he nods firmly and pushes the cake aside to see what is hidden on the shelf behind it.  Only, when he moves the slice, he finds a small note attached to the container; ‘Riddle’s cake’ it says.
Riddle’s eyes widen and he is so startled, he almost drops the container of cake.  For him?  You saved this cake for…him?  Surely that is improper for a pet to have the last slice of cake.  He’ll just save that for you to have later.  Only, each time Riddle passes thought the kitchen, the cake calls to him like a sugar-coated siren.  Sometimes, he passes quickly by the fridge but other times, he lingers to open it and gaze longingly at the wonderful slice. 
Finally, the temptation is too much and Riddle pulls the cake from the shelf.  The note says it is for him, so it would be wrong of him not to have it…right?  So, he does, and the cake is sweet.  Only, it’s not as good as it was yesterday.  Yesterday, when he had it with you.  Sure, the flavor is the same but, without your company, the experience just falls flat.  He cleans the container quietly and places it back in the cupboard. 
When you open the door, you hear a sound of someone rushing from the back room.  Riddle quickly arrives at the door and, standing perfectly straight, welcomes you home.  You pat him tenderly on the head.  “You seem eager to see me today.  Did you miss me?”  Riddle turns a charming shade of red and exclaims, “Only a regular amount!”  You smile, pleased to have such a devoted pet as Riddle.
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There are many land customs that seem to interest your pet mer.  Azul enjoys questioning you about them.  One in particular seems to draw his interest, a story about going to a street fair and trying a grilled sausage.  You decide to surprise him by taking him out on a picnic with a portable grill to try one for himself!
Azul insists on helping you set up the grill and learns all about how to cook sausage over an open flame.  He is very attentive to your demonstration.  When done, you must urge him to have one on a bun.  He does but not before mumbling about all those carbs under his breath. 
After your meal, you sit and chat with him about his day.  While you talk, you take a napkin and fold him an origami octopus!  You present your creation to your blushing pet tell him that it is a wish for luck!  Sure, cranes are supposed to be for luck but somehow, you think you’ve personally had more luck with an octopus.
The town festival would be soon and you were surprised that Azul asks for time away from the home to attend.  You hadn’t suspected that such an event would interest such a shy pet but gladly give your permission.  Of course, your hard-working companion deserves a day off!
So, you set off alone to visit the festival.  It was a small affair, with locals providing much of the entertainment and booths.  There were stands of handicrafts and food lining the main street.  You knew it was about time to have lunch when an irresistible scent reached your nose.  You hadn’t had a proper street fair sausage in ages. 
You had prepared yourself for a line and there was one, the expert display drawing a lively crowd.  However, nothing had prepared you to see your pet Azul running the booth.  Suddenly, you recall his interest in all things sausage preparation from your picnic; was this his intention all along?  He smiles at you sheepishly when you get to the front of the line.  This was supposed to be a surprise!  Look at all the money he is making for you.  He hopes he has impressed you, surely, you’ll praise him for this later.
In the end, you get a sizzling hot sausage on the house.  Not even Azul would charge his dear master for a snack!  Afterwards, you insist on stepping behind the counter to help out.  If this is making Azul happy, then you want to be there to support him.  You can’t deny that the way he smiles so genuinely when he manages to talk a customer into getting a larger size or adding on a dessert really brightens up his face.  So much so that you find yourself smiling along too.  “Can’t decide on a side?  You poor unfortunate soul, why not get both?” 
You finish out the rush and Azul insists you go home.  This is supposed to be his project and here he is, making his sweet Master work for him, how shameful!  No amount of reassuring him will change his mind, off you go!  You reluctantly go to place the last payment in the register when you notice something stuffed under a stack of bills; it’s the origami octopus you’d made him. 
You pull it out and show it to him.  He immediately starts stammering and flustering, “Wh..wha…where did you get that?”  He snatches back his precious memento and cradles it gently in his hands before stowing it back in the register, gently tucking it in beneath a blanket of cash.  “He gets lonely, so I have to take him with me.” Azul explains in an embarrassed tone as he adjusts his glasses. 
It’s a long wait until Azul arrives home, but you make sure you are awake when he does.  Now it’s your turn to insist he takes it easy.  No accounting for you, Azul!  Straight to bed!  You stand and wait for him to brush his teeth and change into some pajamas and then it is your turn to tuck your octopus in.  Just as gently as Azul tucked in his origami companion, you pull up the covers and rub his head as you sing him to sleep.  Don’t worry little octopus, you don’t have to be lonely anymore.
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Vil is a fan of tradition, it rubbed off on him after being a part of the oldest and most traditional pet menagerie in the land.  You are sure to plan a picnic for him that keeps to the most beloved traditions of the event.  From the red and white checkerboard blanket to the wicker basket, its like a picnic from a fairytale.  Vil, of course, is appreciative of your efforts; details are in important part of setting the stage!
Preparing a menu that meets your demanding trophy pet’s strict standards is quite the task.  It must be nutritionally balanced, tasty, and meet the theme of the event.  You’d managed to find a sandwich and salad combination that Vil approved of.  For refreshment, you were drinking lemonade and Vil, water with lemon.   You’d tried to tempt him to join you in your sugary drink but he is surprisingly firm with what he wants.  Not even his beloved Master can tempt him to risk his smooth complexion with unapproved sweets!
The sound of Vil’s voice fills your afternoon.  He is remarkably talented, as a proper trophy pet should be, at keeping someone entertained.  He has engaging conversations prepared to thrill you with celebrity gossip, recitations of scripts or plays he’s preformed before and rather interesting observations.  All in all, you could spend a whole day just listening to Vil and not notice the passing of time.  Is this a treat for your pet or yourself?  You are never quite sure but he does seem to soak up your undivided attention.
You pour yourself a second glass of lemonade and Vil gives you a look like, ‘another one?  Are you sure?’  You avert your eyes and take a sip.  Vil gives you a resigned sigh and returns to his story about an upcoming show he will appear in.  Being a proper pet and a proper actor isn’t easy, but Vil puts in extraordinary effort to perform both tasks to a high degree.
He is telling you an anecdote about the director when his eyes get wide, and his sentence cuts off.  You are startled by the sudden silence and sit up to attention.  “What is it?” you ask nervously.  Had you waited a moment, you wouldn’t even need to ask as you feel the first drops of rain land upon your wrist.  Now you are the one wide eyed and gasping.  You jump up and start madly packing things back into your picnic basket. 
You shove the blanket in and lift the load.  Then you grab Vil’s hand and start a mad dash to the front of the park.  Why had you chosen such a distant corner of the park for your picnic?  The rain was beginning to come down heavier and you were still far from the entrance.  When you feel a tug on your hand, the one Vil holds.  You turn your gaze to him and see his own is on a gazebo gracing the park grounds.  Thank goodness, you are saved from becoming fully drenched!
When you step under the cover of the gabled roof, you pull out the picnic blanket and hand it to Vil.  He looks at you coldly, colder than the rain you just escaped.  “How much of a villain do you think I am to take the only blanket from my dear master?”  Then he wraps it tightly around you.  “How will you stay warm though?” you ask him worriedly.  He smiles a dashing smile at you.
The performance Vil began was a lively one, with enough action to keep your dear actor warm.  It’s the stage production Vil has been rehearsing for.  On the stage, Vil will play the part of a villainous noble who attempts to thwart the heroic prince.  In the private stage of the gazebo, Vil plays all the parts for you.  He switches back and forth from character to character with the ease of a skilled performer.  His differing voices and postures capture the essence of each one perfectly, as befits one so devoted to the fine details of acting. 
You reach the end of Vil’s part, when the villain is defeated and taken away to prison.  You are enthralled at the evil laugh he gives as he mocks being dragged away.  Then he stops.  You look at him curiously, “Its not over yet, is it?”  He smiles at you guardedly, “No but I see that the rain is stopped and my practice is finished.  I see no reason to continue.” 
You look out into the rain covered lawn leading away from the gazebo and then back at Vil.  “But I wanted to hear the end of the story?  Can’t we stay a bit longer?  I want to watch you preform until the story is finished!”  Vil looks at you evenly for a moment, then his face brakes out into a satisfied smile.  “As you wish, Master.”  Then he takes up the mantle of the hero and continues the story, remaining on your gazebo stage until the very end.
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You’ve tried to explain to Sebek the purpose of this picnic but you aren’t sure he has truly understood.  For what feels like the hundredth time, you remind Sebek that this meal is a reward for him, not you.  He looks at you from the corner of his eye, where he stands stiffly at attention behind you.  He can’t be lulled into a trap!  He will stand guard over you and your meal faithfully, Master!
If you are persistent enough, you can convince him to join you.  Once he decides to partake, he has quite the feast!  Sebek has a large appetite and will eat with enthusiasm.  He will sample each dish you’ve brought along and finish off anything he enjoys.  It would be rude not to after Master had prepared this specially for him!
If you are looking for conversation after the meal, well, that’s not Sebek’s best skill.  He mostly knows how to talk about you, his wonderful Master!  If that isn’t what you are looking for (are you sure?), then he can perhaps read to you.  You may be surprised to find that a burley pet like Sebek is an avid reader.  He’ll gladly share some of his favorite passages with you.  Would you like a story about knights and valor?  Perhaps something about adventure and travel.  He can even read you a romance if you’d like.  He assures you that he only has that book for strictly academic reasons!
The sound of the wind whispering through the trees creates a gentle counterpoint to the deep and measured tone of Sebek reading aloud for you.  You’d chosen a tale of knights and kings, what you suspect is Sebek’s favorite topic.  After all, this is supposed to be a picnic reward for him; why not indulge him with a favorite story as well? 
“You sound like you don’t agree,” you say to him when he reads out the next passage.  Sebek startles a bit before grimacing a little and placing a hand on his head.  “It’s not my place to say, Master.”  You reach over and pat his hand reassuringly, “Go on, tell me your opinion.”  He looks at your carefully before straightening up even taller and bracing himself.  Then he gains the courage to speak his mind to you, “I don’t see why such noble creatures as dragons always have to play the part of the beast.  Perhaps if the knight had attempted to talk to him…”
You smile up at your brash, green-haired pet.  “I think you are right.  The dragon is just misunderstood.  So what if he is a bit larger than the others or a bit noisier.  I think he is perfect, just he way he is.”  A relieved expression crosses Sebek’s face and he says, “Of course, I see you understand, Master!”  Then he gives you a great fang-toothed grin. 
You lay back down in the sun and close your eyes as Sebek continues with the story.  Now that the unpleasant anti-dragon chapter is passed, he reads the tale in a much calmer voice.  You listen to the tale and enjoy the warmth of the day.  The sound of his voice blending into the sounds of the park is so soothing…
You startle awake and sit up suddenly, alarmed at the darkness.  Where were you?  What had happened?  You fumble around, trying to urge your mind to catch up with the situation.  The lights click on.  “Master, are you alright?” Sebek asks.  You look over at your pet and clam down.  Ah, you were home and in bed. 
You give your pet a quizzical look and ask him, “What happened?  The last thing I remember is being at the park…”  He looks a tad embarrassed as he responds, “It appears you fell asleep, Master.”  You hold back an eye-roll.  “Yes, I guessed as much but how did I get home?”  At that, Sebek straightens up and gives you a prideful smile.  “I carried you home, of course!  It was excellent training.”  Sometimes, even you are surprised at the lengths your pet goes to in the name of training.  “You could have just given me a shake, you know.”  He gives you a shocked expression, “Me?  I wouldn’t dare, Master!” 
You smile at him with the sleep still in your eyes, “So then there are no acceptable ways to wake someone up?” He pouts a bit, “Well, it depends on the circumstances.  In this case, the tales are clear; a sleeping beauty must be left to sleep on.”  You smile at him mischievously.  “What if a prince came along to wake me like in the story from this afternoon?”  Sebek looks at you scandalized.  “Why Master!  I’d never have allowed it!  Some ne’re-do-well trying to kiss my Master!”  As Sebek continues to grumble about the imagined insults of unworthy princes, you observe him with a smile.  Who needs a dragon to guard your slumber when you have such a pet? 
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poulpemou · 1 month
Kiran's register in Teatime w Alfonse
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I love love love this event for canonical Kiran dialogue. Finally, we can see how IS thinks Kiran speaks!
Whether or not you think game!Kiran ––who we know is not the same as comic!Kiran, and who I would argue does have distinctive personality traits despite being a silent self-insert soft-harem protagonist–– is the same Kiran as the one IS depicts here, I just think it's interesting how IS decided to write their dialogue.
Kiran's register is less formal than Alfonse's, but they're still pretty far from casual. A regular teen-to-early-20s person from the modern age is unlikely to use language like this in their day-to-day life. (The second line might seem more relaxed, but "let loose" is not a term you often see nowadays.)
Are they influenced by the language grammar/structure/register those around them use? We don't often get hints of Kiran's way of speaking in-game, though the ones we do get (mostly from implied dialogue with Heroes during 5 star confessions) seem to imply mirroring. Makes sense for them speak in a way that is most clear to the person they're speaking with, and in this case, they're speaking with Alfonse, whose vocabulary and sentence structure is noticeably formal.
But this isn't something you can just imitate, and with game!Kiran canonically spending a lot of time reading when they should be resting, I think they were a well-read (if not well-educated) person even back in the World of Steel. I think they're in fact an avid and voracious reader, and that while they may default to casual language more representative of youths from our time, they feel perfectly at home with more complex vocabulary and sentence structure.
(Maybe they consumed a lot of regency-era movies/shows/books! This could be a fun avenue to explore with your Kiran!)
I guess we'll have to see from the remaining teatimes what Kiran's like with other people!
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prskcostumes · 7 months
Card Costume Directory (Year Four, First Half)
All event cards are placed under their own tag to be grouped together properly, but this list is to help people find the exact costume they might be looking for. The list is in order of release. This post goes from after the 3rd anniversay event (BURN MY SOUL) until the 3.5 anniversary event (Rise as ONE!).
Stick to your faith - Resound Sky - Beyond Cloud - Warm Sunshine
The Warmth That Guides Us - Melancholic Modern Girl - Nostalgia Modern Girl - Sentimental Modern Girl
Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters - Twilight Embrace - Twilight Seek - Twilight Draw - Twilight Reflect
A Story Where You Are The Star - The Phantasmagoria - Transition Gentleman - Spiral Lady
The Best Picture Wrap! - Hardworking☆Patissier - Fighting Chef - Dreaming Pastry Chef
Sanrio Collab - Apple Picnic Coordination - Relaxing Coordination - Lots of Ribbons & Strawberries Dress - Strolling Cardigan Style - Soft & Fluffy Maid Dress - Stylish Girly Dress
Over Here! Over There! Zookeeper Experience! - Fluffy Police - Fuzzy Police - Striped Police
The Tone Played on That Day - Sailor of Yearning - Sailor of Deep Sorrow - Sailor of Incitement
Colorful Festival - Dreams in Bloom Knitted Style - The Garden's Beautiful Pale-Colored Flowers Style
Next to the Unchanging Warmth - Japanese Style Lolita Fashion - Japanese Style Rock Fashion - Japanese Style Elegant Fashion
BREAK DOWN THE WALL - Lit vivid - Smashing vivid - Fleek vivid - Awesome vivid
Backlight Lens Flare - Intruder:R - Hacker:N - Observer:R
Take the Best Shot! - Devilish Sweet Chocolate - Pure & Elegant Milk Chocolate - Mature & Chic Dark Chocolate
The Courage to Lead, the Kindness in My Heart - General Commander - Aid Uniform - Colonel Uniform
The Scars Left Behind, With Time - SUNNY magician - RAINY magician - CLOUDY magician
Relax Teatime - Fleeting Light Knight Attire - Illuminated Courtyard Knight Attire - Abyss Knight Attire
Keep It Steady, Let's Aim for the Star! - King of Spades - Queen of Diamonds - Queen of Hearts - King of Clubs
The first concerto - Color the past - Cherish regret - Love suffering
Colorful Festival - Come to Life - Kind Brother - Pretty Lady
Rise as ONE! - Naughty Dog - Soothing Dog - Gentle Dog
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thesnailtail · 3 months
22, 33, 36 for the prsk ask game!!
;; yippeee!!!
22. Drop your friend id :D
;; 275909552267018244 !!
33. Favorite mixed unit event?
;; im so normal about one day trip before setting sail, i love the 1-c trio. i also really like scramble fes and relax teatime :3
36. A theory you have?
;; i can't think of any apart from ribbon theory off the top of my head but i like the ribbon theory a lot!!
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pjsk-story-summaries · 6 months
Anon who asked for Rise as ONE!: of course!! I always will summarize current events as long as I can find a translation. I didn’t do Relax Teatime since I was just starting up this blog, but the first concerto is currently halfway done and will be posted (UPDATE: tomorrow! today's plan changed and now my battery is at zero)
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Tsukioka Tsumugi - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Party (2/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Juza: …Eh?
Tsumugi: Here, the camera.
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Juza: This is…
Tsumugi: Fufu. What I wanted your assistance with was shooting the VLOG for my birthday event.
Juza: I see. (Well, garden centres are necessary for takin’ care of flowers. Maybe Tsumugi-san wants to show that.) Aight. I’m gonna start filmin’ now.
Tsumugi: Yes, please do. …Hi there, everyone. It’s Winter troupe’s Tsukioka Tsumugi. I asked Juza-kun to film for me.
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Juza: Autumn troupe’s Hyodo Juza here. Thanks for havin’ me.
Tsumugi: Today, I thought I’d take a look at flower seeds and seedlings to plant in the courtyard.
Juza: …Are all the flowers in the garden chosen by you, Tsumugi-san?
Tsumugi: I pick the flowers most of the time, but I also plant flowers that others have given me or want me to raise. I know! Is there any flower you’d like to plant, Juza-kun?
Juza: I… I dunno much about flowers… so I’m good.
Tsumugi: Now, now, don’t say that. We came all the way here, so try picking one out. Even if you’re not sure, you can just look at the sample pictures and say you’d like to grow that one.
Juza: Okay… …This blue flower’s nice.
Tsumugi: …Blue daisies?
Juza: …Did I pick something weird?
Tsumugi: Not at all. I’ve gotten that same flower from someone before. Why did you settle on that flower?
Juza: …It’s blue and pretty. And for some reason, I thought it was like you, Tsumugi-san.
Tsumugi: Eh? I feel kind of shy when you tell me that… Well, you chose this one, so let’s take this flower home too.
Tsumugi: Alright, shall we go ahead and transplant them?
Juza: I’ll help too.
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Tsumugi: Don’t worry about it. You’re in charge of filming today, so please handle the camera.
Juza: …’Kay.
Guy: …Hm? Tsukioka, are you tending to the garden? I shall lend you a hand.
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Tsumugi: Ah, Guy-san. I appreciate it.
Guy: Shall I bring this soil and pot over?
Tsumugi: Thanks.
Juza: You’ve got skills.
Guy: I assist Tsukioka like this from time to time, after all. I myself get a feel for the four seasons when I help out here.
Sakuya: Tsumugi-san, are you transplanting flowers?
Muku: We’ll help too!
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Tsumugi: Thank you. In that case, can you two please repot this pot here?
Sakuya: On it!
Taichi: Oh, it looks like a party over here!? Let me join you guys too!
Kumon: Me too, me too~!
Kazunari: These flowers are cute af! Snapsies ☆
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Azuma: Oh my. Are you filming, Juza?
Juza: …Yeah. Did all of you come to look at the flowers too?
Azuma: Yes. I heard Tsumugi was doing some replanting, so I wondered how that was going. Thanks to Tsumugi and the others, the courtyard is always beautiful and very comfortable.
Tsuzuru: I totally agree. I come up with ideas and relax here all the time too.
Muku: Wow, these flowers are so pretty.
Sakuya: They’re a gentle blue and remind me of Tsumugi-san.
Tsumugi: Thank you. Juza-kun said the same thing earlier. …Right?
Juza: …Yeah.
Guy: Does this look alright to you?
Tsumugi: Yes, thank you so much. I was able to transplant them neatly thanks to everyone. This is how it turned out! What do you think?
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Juza: Amazin’. Even I can see the difference.
Homare: My, my. Marvelous job, everyone. What do you say to teatime?
Citron: Omi made a huge load of sweets~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Come now, gather around and eat up! First come, first served!
Taichi: Wow, it smells awesome~!
Kazunari: Yay! Snack time with everyone 𝅘𝅥𝅮
Muku: There’s so many different kinds of cookies. They look delicious!
Omi: I have scones and jam over here too.
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Juza: …There’s so many smiling faces… around Tsumugi-san.
Tsumugi: This is the place I wanted to show everyone. I wanted to show off the flowers, but I also love everyone in the Company who gather here. Chatting casually and doing events like this… See? It makes everyone smile, doesn’t it? Offstage—this sight, this spot, is a very important place for me. Of course the stage where I act is precious. But apart from that, this is also a special spot that I love.
Juza: Yeah. I feel like I know what you mean.
Tsumugi: Alright, let’s finish the VLOG here and have some snacks too. Fufu, we better hurry or else there will be none left for us.
Juza: Yeah.
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animeweeb115 · 7 months
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“Alright, I'll pour it in...”
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Hot Tea Day
The perfect time for a cup of tea is National Hot Tea Day, on January 12 every year. Tea has been in our cups since as far back as the 2nd century B.C. Originating in China, tea has grown to become the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water. This delicious blend of spices energizes, detoxifies, relaxes, and does so much more.
History of National Hot Tea Day
Tea has been consumed for almost 5,000 years. In 2737 B.C., during the Tang Dynasty, legend has it that some tea leaves fell into a pot of water that was being boiled for Chinese emperor Shen Nung. He drank the brew and found it delicious and relaxing.
In 2016, the earliest known physical evidence of tea was discovered in the mausoleum of Emperor Jing of Han in Xi’an, indicating that tea, from the genus Camellia, was drunk by Han dynasty emperors, as early as the 2nd century B.C. The Han dynasty work, “the Contract for a Youth,” written in 59 B.C., contains the first known reference to boiling tea. The first record of tea cultivation is also dated to this period, during which tea was cultivated on Meng Mountain.
Tea was first introduced to Western priests and merchants in China during the 16th century. The first recorded shipment of tea by a European nation was in 1607, when the Dutch East India Company moved a cargo of tea from Macao to Java. Tea was sold in a coffee house in London in 1657, Samuel Pepys tasted tea in 1660, and Catherine of Braganza took the tea-drinking habit to the English court when she married Charles II in 1662.
Tea smuggling during the 18th century made tea accessible to the public. The British government removed the tax on tea, thereby eliminating the smuggling trade, in 1785. The popularity of tea played a role in historical events — the Tea Act of 1773 provoked the Boston Tea Party that escalated into the American Revolution. By the late 19th century, tea had become an everyday beverage for every social society.
The Tea Council of the U.S.A. was founded in 1950, and National Hot Tea Day was created by the council in 2016.
National Hot Tea Day timeline
2737 B.C. The Accidental Brew
Tea leaves fall into a pot of water being boiled for Chinese emperor Shen Nung.
59 B.C. Boiling Tea
The Han dynasty work, "The Contract for a Youth," contains the first known reference to boiling tea.
1607 Tea Goes West
The first shipment of tea to Europe is recorded by the Dutch East India Company.
1773 The Boston Tea Party
The Sons of Liberty destroy an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company, in opposition to the violation of rights in the Townshend Act.
National Hot Tea Day FAQs
What is the ideal temperature for your tea?
The ideal temperature for your tea is below 150° F (65° C).
Is hot tea good for you?
Tea contains multiple health benefits, some of which include improved digestion, deoxidants, reduced stress, and pain relief.
Does tea have to be hot to work?
The colder something is, the harder it is for taste buds to pick up on the subtleties of the flavor. Science agrees that hot tea is better.
How to Celebrate National Hot Tea Day
Brew a cup of tea
Celebrate on social media
Host a tea party
There is no other way to celebrate National Hot Tea Day besides brewing yourself a nice warm cup of tea. There's tea for literally any and every time of day, so don’t hold back. Have as many cups of tea as you want throughout the day, in celebration.
Sip some tea and post a beautiful photo of it on social media. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #NationalHotTeaDay, #HotTeaMonth, or #TeaTime in your posts.
Today is the perfect day to gather family and friends around for a good, old-fashioned tea party. Pull out your best table cloths, biscuits, and finest tea sets to celebrate the day.
5 Interesting Facts About Tea
There are 3,000 different types
It’s great for your health
Don’t use boiling water to make it
They weren’t always in bags
There used to be a tea auction
The flavor of teas depends on where they grow as well as the type of bush, and are sometimes made up of different blends.
Among other things, it contains polyphenols, which help our bodies fight off cardiovascular diseases, cancers, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, and other maladies.
You should never use boiling water for tea because you'll burn the leaf.
Teabags were invented in the early 1900s.
The London Tea Auction ran for 300 years, and according to the B.B.C., by the 1950s a third of all the world's tea was bought through the auction.
Why We Love National Hot Tea Day
There’s no such thing as too much
There’s a tea for everything
The flavor palette is wide
National Hot Tea Day is the perfect opportunity to drink as much tea as you want. With tea, there is no such thing as too much.
With the variations of tea, such as green tea, black tea,  tea has become more than just medicinal. If you need to relax, there's tea for that; if you need a detox, there's also tea for that. There’s pretty much tea for anything you want.
Just like the blend, the method of cultivation also varies. This leads to different types of tea variations, and ultimately different flavors as well.
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project-sekai-facts · 3 months
after the events of saying goodbye to my masked self, has Mafuyu stopped using the "good girl" persona with the other characters?
Only Honami starting from her WL card story. She still keeps the persona on for everyone else. It's particularly notable in Relax Teatime when she interacts with a lot of other miyajo students.
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✨ *Afternoon Escape in Algiers* ✨ Taking a little break from all the @miss.marvailous judging excitement, sipping on some *refreshingly delicious Maghrebi mint tea* with the other judges. 🍃☕ The flavors, the setting, the company—everything feels magical! A perfect moment of relaxation before the next big event. Stay tuned for more updates from this incredible journey in Algiers! 💫 #MintTeaMagic #AlgiersCaféVibes #MissMarvailous #CinnamonMoments #Teatime #JudgeLife
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daily-vitamin-minori · 2 months
Look at this oversized lollipop~!
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Minori's White Day 3* for the Relax Teatime event, called "I Found This Too!".
It's skill name is 『 ホワイトデーのためのエール! 』 or 『 Cheering for White Day! 』
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