#Relaxation sophrology
#Youtube#videos#mindfulness#meditation#relaxation#sophrology#eckhart tolle#anxiety#mental health#so I'm re-doing these sort of stuff lately#i already took 3 sophrology classes spanning on a couple of years 2 were on a few days wih the same person but one year apart#and 1 was with another person 9 classes one per week all classes were in groups#even when i don't do meditation i try to always be aware of what i feel esp emotionally bc i have a tendency not to ignore what i feel but#to get used to it and endure - it's bad#such videos help me recenter in most overwhelming times for me the hardest is health anxiety and seeing ppl suffer and die esp loved ones#acceptance is one of my principles and i try to live up to it so most generally I'm acceptant of my thoughts and emotions#in times of overwhelm those videos with those thoughts that comes help me to synthesize what is the cause of anxiety even if I'm already#aware of it it helps ramifying all the shit into the real cause generally it's 1 or 1 - fear and love - of you're honest with yourself#you can rapidly acknowledge it#honesty being the general and not main principle - i speak English better now - of you're nakedly honest with yourself#acceptance is much easier if you're honest to yourself if you're not you can't reach ot because you lie yourself#without honesty any other principle is intrinsically false and null#but even tho I'm honest to myself anxiety is a terrible thing that fragments thoughts and the self these videos and advice help make them#whole again and to focus#hope the rumbling wasn't too long#running helps but not like that#creative typists#sandy humility courage and acceptance are all rooted in honesty
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theoldcurator · 1 year
Exploring the Science Behind Sophrology's Success
Sophrology, a practice that combines elements of Western relaxation techniques with Eastern meditation and mindfulness, has been gaining popularity in recent years. With its roots in psychology and neuroscience, this unique discipline is giving people a new alternative for managing stress, anxiety, and promoting personal development. But what is the science behind sophrology's success? The word "sophrology" comes from the Greek words "sos," meaning harmony, "phren," meaning mind, and "logos," meaning study or science. Developed in the 1960s by Colombian neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo, it was initially used as a therapy for psychiatric patients. Today, it has evolved into a holistic discipline that focuses on integrating the mind, body, and emotions. At the heart of sophrology lies the concept of dynamic relaxation. Unlike traditional relaxation techniques, which aim to induce a state of relaxation by focusing on the body's physical sensations or by distracting the mind, sophrology encourages individuals to be more actively engaged in the relaxation process. This is achieved through a series of physical and mental exercises, involving breathing techniques, gentle movements, visualization, and positive affirmations. The science behind sophrology's effectiveness lies in its impact on the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS is responsible for regulating the body's functions that are typically outside of conscious control, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion. It consists of two branches: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), responsible for the body's stress response, and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), responsible for the body's relaxation response. When we are under stress, our SNS is activated, resulting in the "fight or flight" response. This leads to increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and heightened alertness. On the other hand, the PNS promotes a state of relaxation, characterized by slow and deep breathing, a slower heart rate, and a feeling of calmness. Sophrology techniques activate the PNS, allowing individuals to shift from a state of stress to a state of relaxation. Research has shown that sophrology can have a positive impact on various aspects of well-being. Studies have demonstrated that it can reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall mood. These benefits are attributed to the activation of the PNS, which triggers the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins, known for their mood-boosting and pain-relieving properties. Moreover, sophrology can also improve cognitive functioning by enhancing focus, concentration, and learning abilities. This is due to the fact that sophrology exercises stimulate certain brain areas, including the prefrontal cortex, responsible for executive functions such as decision-making and problem-solving. By practicing sophrology regularly, individuals can strengthen these cognitive abilities and enhance their overall mental resilience. Another fascinating aspect of sophrology is its impact on our mindset and perception. Through visualization and positive affirmations, individuals can tap into the power of their imagination to cultivate a positive outlook on life. This psychological component of sophrology is based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which suggests that our thoughts and beliefs influence our feelings and behavior. By consciously rewiring our thought patterns, sophrology can help individuals transform negative thought patterns into positive ones, leading to a more optimistic and fulfilling life. In conclusion, the science behind sophrology's success lies in its ability to activate the body's relaxation response and modulate the autonomic nervous system. By combining physical and mental exercises, sophrology can promote deep relaxation, reduce anxiety, improve cognitive functioning, and enhance overall well-being. As more people seek holistic approaches to manage stress and find inner harmony, sophrology's unique blend of science and mindfulness is proving to be an effective tool for personal growth and self-care. Read the full article
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chloopyyy29 · 2 years
The thing that pissed me off today
To be honest, a lot of things piss me off, and thank god I found my methods of relaxation. Some people may not like my methods, and that's completely fine!
Order of business: maths. Yes, maths pisses me off, especially when I don't understand how to do it and everyone around me is solving the problems in 5 minutes and going on saying that it's really easy. For example sequences, everyone thinks they are the easiest topic in maths, but when I went over the homework, my brain said no, and I got pissed. I tried my best to understand what going on and arrange the information given, but nothing made sense and I was lost. So, knowing that Fran is really good at maths, I asked him for help (I tried to stay calm, TRIED); I sent him a picture of the exercise, and he immediately knew what to do, he briefly explained that I just had to plug in what I knew and use my knowledge. Except that I have no knowledge because I am trash at maths. He goes on to tell me more in detail about what I have to do. What I forgot to mention is that in my responses, I got angrier because what he was telling me didn't make any sense and wasn't helping, he stayed calm (thankfully. I would have gotten so mad at myself) and eventually just told me exactly what I had to do, I managed to do the first part, but I gave up because the anger took over me. Although he was willing to continue to help me, I decided that it was enough maths for me for the evening. There was a bit of tension between us, but everything was ok, he eventually had to go do something before he had dinner, and I went my way (I wrote this). Adding some distance like so, prevented further tension and avoided a superfluous fight (healthy relationship 101).
How did I cope with this? I put my phone down, put my maths book away, sat there for 2 minutes taking deep breaths, and started writing this article.
Ideas to calm down:
Listening to music (any genre you like)
Drawing/Doodling (or any artistic activity)
Writing (jot down your thoughts, or write a story or a poem...)
Sports (personally, when I go running, I always feel great after)
Chat with someone about anything EXCEPT why you're pissed (unless it's therapy or you are willing to talk about it)
Watch a movie/series
Take a nap
Do anything that makes you happy and will allow you to get your mind off whatever is pissing you off
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pungao-blog · 5 years
L'hypnose thérapeutique est un type de médecine complémentaire et alternative dans laquelle l'esprit est utilisé pour résoudre divers problèmes, tels que la rupture de mauvaises habitudes ou la gestion du stress.
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jardiniersonore · 2 years
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Aloe flowers #wildflowers #wildplants #flowercommunication #aloe #aloes #aloeflower #flower #flowers #flowerinspiration #musicavegetal #musicbotanica #musicothérapie #musicrelax #meditations #musicolfaction #musiquedesplantes #bienetre #relaxation #sophrologie #sophrology #relax #zen #yoga #naturemusic #musicolfaction https://www.instagram.com/p/CdiyA_DKOfe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rosy-wooyoung · 4 years
It was late. Very late. The entire city was asleep, your student building too, but not you. You simply couldn’t fall asleep. You had tried everything; meditation, sophrology, breathing exercises, nothing worked. So you decided to start working again. Passively reading an article for one of your lectures, your bedroom’s door creaked open. Wooyoung, your roommate, appeared in the doorway, startled when he saw you at your desk.
“It’s nearly three in the morning Y/N, why are you still up?” He whispered, trying to not wake up San, your other roommate. “I just can’t sleep, so I thought that a boring article would tire me out, but I guess I was wrong. And you, where were you? Why do you come home only now?” “I was… out. At the studio actually.” He mumbles and you sighed. He looked like he could fall asleep standing up. You didn’t want him to be as sleep-deprived as you were, because he needed to stay in shape and healthy as he was dancing a lot. “And?” he added, frowning. “When do you plan to go to sleep? Don’t you have an 8am lecture tomorrow, I mean, today?”
“I’ll just skip, it’s boring anyway,” you said, not looking up from your article. You heard him huff and walk into your bedroom as he closed your laptop and turned off your desk lamp. He grabbed your hand and redid your bed. He then pointed you to sat down but you didn’t move, you were weirdly staring at him and his actions. He sighed again and forced you to lay down. “Okay, okay,” you said as Wooyoung dragged the covers over your body. He sat down cross-legged on your soft carpet, his body close to the bed and you turned to face him. He turned on the flash of his phone and put it somewhere behind him to create a small source of light without blinding you. You softly smiled at him and closed your eyes when his hand started to massage your scalp. It felt amazing and somehow very comforting and relaxing. You sighed and started to feel very sleepy. Wooyoung kept on slowly massaging your head, occasionally smiling at your rested face and how you hugged your blanket around your body. He noticed the exact moment when you fell asleep because your face muscles relaxed and he softly removed his hand from your head, letting it sweetly linger on your cheek.
He really wished he could be more than a friend and a roommate to you. He wished he was laying by your side, hugging him instead of that stupid blanket. Yes, he was almost jealous of a piece of cloth, but it occupied a place which he wished was his. He gathered enough confidence in his body to swiftly but delicately kiss your forehead. He then grabbed his phone, turned the flash off and closed the door behind him. He hoped that one day, he’ll be brave enough to confess.
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miyakuli · 5 years
Panic Attack - a way to help
For once, my experiences of panick attacks served me today
One of my student started to hyperventilate all of sudden & she thought she couldn’t breath and her legs were very light so she barely stood.
I made her sit in the hallway, and I took her hand. Then, I asked her to focus on my voice only and not on her breath. I asked her questions like :
“What are you touching with your hands right now? What can you hear around you? What do you see?”
She didn’t want to reply at first but after insisting she started to talk.
Now that I had her attention, I did some breathing exercices with her, something I often do during my singing class. I asked her to inhale air for 3 seconds and then exhale for 6sc. I told her to try even if she didn’t feel like the air was going to her lungs. I even put my finger in front of her, telling her it was a candle, and she had to blow on it.  She tried her best and after few minutes, her breathing was getting better.
So I grabbed her other hand and put her on her stomach so she could really feel that the air is going into her lungs. I told her to now concentrate on the movement her stomach was doing each time she was inhaling. In my opinion it’s very comforting.
And while waiting for people to help, I ended up by asking her some questions about her, her family and all, so I could distract her a bit, now she was relaxing little by little.
At the end, some adults finally came to help (I was in the third floor x’D) and she could finally stand up and went to a better room to rest a bit.
When I’m alone and have a panic attack, I can’t ask myself questions lol so I try to focus on my other senses like the touch, the hearing....and I do some exercices of sophrology to calm down my breathing
I really wasn’t sure it would help my student because we all react differently to it. But in that case, I’m very glad it helped and in less than 5 minutes, this kid was already feeling better.
So if you happen to be with someone doing a panic attack someday, try those little things, it may be stupid but in some cases you could really be a big support to them <3
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This is a short sophrology session in English. There are others if you're interested here's the link to her channel:
I sometimes do exercises but with the bad anxiety I've had for a while (no details) I'm restarting doing sessions like that one, for me it helps with anxiety, chronic pain and realization of things that I may be able to change. That I have some power to do things instead of overthinking them. Just doing a session is doing something and not giving in, not let anxiety overwhelm me. It can improve sleep, I know for me it takes more regular practice, and also it makes me aware to change my immediate habits, like food or exercise or communication I need to do to feel better, if you spend a lot of time in your head by default like me it may be of help.
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Mon Site : chantalmaille.com
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Mon Site : chantalmaille.com
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#psychologie #citation #mot #maux #psychanalyse #psychotherapie #developpementpersonnel #zen #sophrologie #coaching #bienetre #relaxation #meditation #vie #jaccueillelextraordinaire
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Mon Site : chantalmaille.com
#penseepositive #psychanalyse #psychotherapie #sophrologie #developpementpersonnel #coaching #relaxation #bienetre #meditation #chemindevie #croireensoi #estimedesoi #bonheur #confianceensoi #mercilavie
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