weddingkalakar · 2 months
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durantbarta · 11 months
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Resilience and Success: Bouncing Back with a Chuckle!
Resilience and Success: Bouncing Back with a Chuckle! Versatility and Achievement: Returning with a Laugh! Greetings, versatile perusers! Today, we’re jumping into the odd universe of versatility and how it’s the mystery ingredient to making progress in this rollercoaster we call life. Thus, lock in, on the grounds that we’re going to leave on an excursion of laughs and shrewdness. What’s the…
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
writing prompts! cheshire cat quotes edition
from American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns
"I've heard self-relience is a virtue. Now, you've heard it."
"I suppose experience teaches best. Learn by doing and similar clichés have merit."
"Haste makes waste, so I rarely hurry."
"Reject only your ignorance and you may survive."
"A blunderbuss in the hands of a blockhead is a catastrophe waiting to happen."
"What resides beneath this betina of civility? Something wicked, I wager."
"For every task there's a proper tool, sometimes more than one."
"Those who say there's nothing like a nice cup of tea for calming the nerves never had real tea."
"How fine you look when dressed in rage!"
"Threats, promises, and good intentions don't amount to action."
"Every adventure requires a first step, trite, but true."
"When the remarkable turns bizarre, reason turns rancid."
"What is sought is most often found, if it is truly sought."
"Only a few find the way, some don't recognize it when they do, some don't ever want to."
"There's an ugly name for those who do things the hard way."
"Only the foolish believe suffering is just wages for being different. Only the savage regard the endurance of pain as the measure of worth. Only the insane equate pain with success."
"The steps to enlightenment brighten the way, but the steps are steep. Take them one at a time."
"Seeking refuge from the wicked world? Perhaps things only look like they've gone to hell."
"Seek and ye shall find, they say, but they don't say what you'll find."
"A reflection sometimes exposes more reality than the object it echoes."
"Back to admire your handiwork? Returning to the scene of the crime."
"Memories define our lives, and they renew us. Collect them, nurture them. An experience forgotten never was."
"Are you feigning ineptitude or is your mind in a muddle?"
"Some obstacles are overcome with the mind, some, with our heart."
"Different denotes neither bad nor good but it certainly means not the same."
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cleapallea · 1 month
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Traditional v.s Modern Astrology
I'm still studying Modern Astrology and found out that most people here used Modern Astrology, yet they are able to "at least" predict the future or have some thoughts about it which I think quite unusual because Modern astrology is more of a humanistic approach, which means it examines how the person's value for himself or herself, the development of self-awareness, and cultural diversity affect the future of humanity. This makes the predictions more accurate, and it is not focused on the event itself. (Remember the Carl Jung influence) . So don't fkvng believe them.
While in Traditional Astrology is more on judgemental. They are obsessed with prediction of events, and more often than not...It's limiting a person's beliefs, which makes them rely only on astrologers. That's why it seems so real, when it's not. esp if you followed their advice. Why? because as people develop self awareness, self relience and faith (from above or whatever) it actually effects their doings. Actions can determine the future. So here's the question why I'm into astrology? I don't event know, and half of me testing how accurate it was. I'm seeking for the truth. It makes me apply a different approach when giving interpretation. I think this is somehow connected so you need to be at least familiar with various astrology approaches. And since I'm studying traditional astrology (Hellinistic from Greek and hebrew and Vedic Astro from India) even tho there is you know religious touch on it. There is a give and take process.
More on, astrology is more signs of what you can do, your potential, and the inner you that needs to be explored and healed as part of your self- and career development. At all, Astrology is real (if you read it in Whole system) since it could be a map, but doesn't give you exact detailed of your future.
—Plagiarism is a Crime—
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jennifersblog-en · 1 year
Would you rather call it cottagecore or self-sufficiency? A short essay on rural life and self-reliance.
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Good afternoon!
I originally intended to write about cottagecore, which is pretty much what surrounds me in this rural region. However, I have a love-hate relationship toward these social media aesthetics, which are first and foremost photography aesthetics and themes with ugly names. This said, in a context of domestic abuse, I mostly count on myself for many of my needs. It is true that self-sufficiency and food self-relience tend toward the Cottagecore sub-culture, and it is tempting to go in that direction, but it would be first and foremost lying to myself, and then to others. Therefore, I prefer to face my own reality by talking about my life journey, rather than to sweeten my speech.
I prefer to be clear, in a situation of abuse, when somebody else is controlling the budget and poverty is a reality, complete financial and material autonomy is more than a fantasy, it's a need.
Facing reality: you don't need to aim for complete self-sufficiency 
In fact, to be honest, you'll never make your own medications. What is complete self-sufficiency? A myth.
This said, my aim is to improve my self-reliance, which relies on a few hobbies, such as gardening, and I invite you to do the same.
Although my production of food is far from being all-year-round, or even enough for canning and preserving, my first attempt has provided me with fresh fruits and vegetables almost every day of Summer. In terms of fruits, I have only grown strawberries and raspberries, as well as the old apple tree planted decades ago by the late owners. I have grown a wider array of vegetables, such as tomatoes, peas, snow peas, and yellow and green beans. A little bit of my protein intake came from lima and borlotti beans, and I had five fresh herbs to choose from. My biggest failures have been my onions, garlic bulbs and radishes; they were disappointingly lost to rot and drought before harvest.
Overall, this was not bigger than a balcony garden, which proves that you don't need a lot of space to feed yourself if you aim for a percentage of your plate, rather than the usual message of the internet, which is complete self-sufficiency.
Growing food can be the cure to food trauma and insecurity
If, like me, you've been traumatized by food shortages and a lack of financial freedom, growing your own food can be the necessary cure, and at relatively small costs.
At the very least, you'll control some of the food you'll have later in the season. If you're lucky, you can make preserves, or meal-prep and freeze.
Baking and bread-making
This is something I was already doing, and there is something special about having a dessert or a slice of fresh bread, still warm from the oven.
All winter long, I try to do something inspired by the Swedish fika concept, and use these months to plan ahead for Spring.
Needle arts are far from dead
From cosplay to insta-worthy embroidery, the needle arts are far from dead, despise their temporary rejection at home, as shopping malls and hypermarkets became my own parents' stress-relief and boredom-killing hobby. From a personal point-of-view, their consumption habits were far from my values, and I have come back to sewing and knitting to supply a percentage of my wardrobe. I've also tried to make very simple jewelry.
The initial cost is not always cheaper to make your own, because you will possibly choose a thicker, high-quality fabric, that will hopefully last longer, which is where you can really save. 
I often like to remind myself that this is not child labour, but my own labour; and it makes a world of a difference from a moral standpoint.
♫ These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do ♬
When I have decided to get back in shape, I didn't have the financial means to pay a subscription at the gym. However, did you notice the free sports you can start doing today? 
I have started walking almost every sunny day, and it has greatly improved my cardio-vascular health, as I was enjoying the scenery and leaving my problems at home, behind a closed door.
When bad weather forces you to stay inside, there are still many Youtube channels to watch, and I have even found a few workout television shows on major channels. They tend to be at 6am, though, and they have to be recorded to watch them as a hobby, instead of a morning chore.
Which comes to a conclusion: dis I really ever intend to write about the Cottagecore movement and its photography aesthetic, or simply about real life and self-care? I'd say the latter, for this is what feels better, and always will.
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lesser-vissir · 2 years
Can you explain how toxic masculinity isn't an thing? Even as a guy, I was taught it was thing and should unlearn it
Yeah I'd love to explain.
At the heart of the problem is the idea that there is a "good" masculinity and "bad" masculinity. Masculinity generally refers to the qualities or traits that make someone a man. Being masculine, fulfilling the expectations of one's gendered role as a man, is seen as a good thing. Masculinity itself then must be good. What they does that make toxic masculinity? Bad masculinity.
The way modern feminists decide if something is in the good masculinity category or the bad one is usually by seeing whether the trait causes harm, either to society or to men. Some examples of the former are aggression and misogyny. The latter refer to behaviors like emotional repression and self-relience. These are usually juxtaposed with "good" masculinity such as being the breadwinner of a family or working out.
However, this was not always the case. When the term originated in the 80's in a men's movement it meant almost the exact opposite and encouraged behaviors we would label as toxic today. They advocated that men return to their roots and unite with each other against women and feminism.
This contradiction between the two, and the source of the inherent subjectivity is in the very idea of trying to assign morality to masculinity. Masculinity is a social construct designed with the purpose of having someone prove that they are a man, and thus deserve access to the privilege that comes with that. It also serves as a way to reinforce that privilege and disenfranchise women.
Men are misogynistic and aggressive, because it directly benefits them. The more masculine someone is, the more society forgives them for violence against the other, and rewards them with the servitude of women. Men's violence, especially white men's violence, is key to the upholding of most structures of oppression in society. Without violence and misogyny, masculinity could not exist, because the social construct of men, and thus their superiority over women, would disappear.
Even the behaviors like emotional repression serve men far more than it hurts them. Purging activities and behaviors that are seen as feminine allows men to more thoroughly prove their masculinity, and most importantly, disprove claims from other men that they aren't masculine enough. It also allows them to claim dominance over men that don't hold themself to this standard and allow themselves to be feminine. This usually manifests as homophobia, transphobia, an transmisogyny.
Masculinity itself is the problem, and there is no way to engage in masculinity in a "healthy" way. So called "toxic masculinity" is simply masculinity working as designed.
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gardenanywhereblog · 9 months
Welcome to my blog!
Hello everyone! Welcome to my new space to talk about everything related to gardening. It is such a vast topic and has so many facets like petals on a sunflower. Like permaculture, polyculture, urban farming, backyard farming, organic gardening etc.
I don't know exactly what direction this project is going to go in but the main values I am aiming for is: self-relience, sustainability, and maybe environment/community.
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dojae-huh · 1 year
Hello huh nim....how is your weekend?
I am jus here to share my thought on something that really making me curious...I have defined evry neos relationship with do except mark...I mean I dont knw about them and I cant read them... if I write about from sm rookies, right do babysitted him too much and after debut like you said mark kinda ran away from home and dont want dy to babysit him anymore okay....but this mark is very hyped whenever something to do with dy and i even got the feeling that he is very interested in dy in singing speaking caring anything etc (not in a romantic way). But sometimes I do felt like they are awkward too...and now this year they are interacting more and more like real brothers who cares for each other...and their ship is quite popular too..
Aaah....I just give up ...I dont knw anymore what are they really...do they like or little close or true buddies or real brothers or doing these all for the sake of their group or all for content or fan service etc...no...I cant read them....
Mark is the neo who calls Doyoung "mom" the most. "Parent-adopted child" more like.
Mark likes the support and praise, but doesn't want to be mentored or told "I know better". Maybe because he grew up in Canada, he doesn't follow age hierarchy too well. There is a running joke that Mark wants to be a 95-liner (Johnny-Yuta-Tae).
Mark is more childish (boyish) than Haechan in many ways, so, I guess, it still prompts Doyoung to feel the urge to baby him instead of switching to adult-adult relationship (which Mark wants). Doyoung thinks of himself as very grown up (well, he is). He makes friends with 30s and 40s y.o. easily. Of course, he acts as a maknae, but without the ability to share the worldview/topics, bridge the generational gap, it would be difficult. Here is were they are awkward. Do tries to be careful to not have another conflict, Mark poses as an adult, the one who takes care of others (his proclivity to calling everyone "child" and "cute", stroking Do's hair).
MarkDo are close, not as close as 2Dongs, but more than DoWoo. Remember that Do has a soft spot for all neos he saw small. They imprinted on him. I said before that Do chose Jeno, Jae, Tae and Mark as his faves himself. Hyuk chose Do. Mark is a rebellous child, Do wants to keep him nonetheless, so works for it.
When evaluating neos' relationships keep in mind their circumstances. It is better to think of them as relatives who are bound to stick together than as friends. When two people with different characters meet, if they don't click quick, they part, don't become friends. They have no incentive, time and pressure to find a common ground, work around their differences, learn each other's triggers, etc.
Neos can have characters that lead to conflicts or difference of opinions, values, however, their job, their co-habitation, their relience on each other during difficult times makes them bond, develop trust and gratitude/respect/love despite temporal fall outs and other relationship issues.
KunTen is a good example. There was a time Kun left their room to sleep with Hendery to avoid Ten, they argued so strongly. Still, they overcame their differences, and are now close.
Mark wanted to leave SM because he fought with than Donghyuk so much. And now they are like brothers, who maybe don't look on the same things the same way and get irritated with each other, spend more and more of their free time with different neos, but are very understanding and supportive of each other.
Doyoung thought back during trainees days Jaehyun was small (mentally). Imagine the gap he felt with Mark. I think it is easier to adjust to a person growing up when you meet a person from time to time than when that person is constantly by your side and the changes go unnoticed.
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flores0305 · 1 year
The hobbit: An unexpected journey
Its a very good movie, very enojoyable, but the over relience in CGI is outstanding, and its the first time ive watched it since its release, and sure it has a very good CGI but it looks outdated, the LOTR trilogy looks 10 times better.
I found the score to be very weird, in moments of suspense, the music doesnt make it suspensful or in moments of hopefulness, its exactly the same.
Ofc the acting is good and the sets are amazing, the cast is made of great actors, but I still cant fucking remember the names of the fucking dwarves: like the only ones i remember is Thorin (bc he is the king) and Bombur (bc he is fucking obese and OP) but all the names are Milli, stili, pili, Bombur, bofur, like they are so fucking dumb.
And sometimes the sound mixing can be BAD, there are times, that the score can be very loud when someone is talking, and that someone is 90% of the time Bilbo.
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s0urce--flow · 2 years
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€○ Full Moon in Virgo ○€
Metaphysical healing elixirs are strength, resilience belief and confidence. Faith and trust. Love and truth. Joy and bliss.
Shame, guilt, doubt, mistrust and fear are not actually helpful no matter how much we cling to them.
To learn truly and grow positively - we must use our strength and relience to accept a mistake in unconditional love for self. This is how we cultivate integration of our parts back into our whole.
Once we begin to see our parts working together in integration - we see them acknowledge, accept and respect each other. We see them bond in unconditional love and unity.
With this part integration - we unify our inner duality and separation. Which makes us more powerful and whole. When we are internally unified, we can move beyond survival.
We are not controlled when we are whole and integrated. We do not have unseen or corrupted outlier parts driving the subconscious. We invite them back into our light in welcoming and accepting embrace.
Then we are able to move beyond survival and into Ascension, upgrade and thriving in bliss.
Mistakes and inner darkness are not shameful or threatening. They are gifts towards growth expansion.
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poetrymeadows · 7 months
Word study:
Faith - greek - pistis
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Verse -
Hebrew 11:1 now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (nkjv)
English word: Faith
Strong's # 4102
synonym - trust, belief, confidence, convicion, credence, relience
Antonym - mistrust
*English dictionary definition:
1. complete trust in someone or something.
2. strong belief in god or in the doctrines of a religious, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
*Greek word: Pistis (Πίστις) - faith, assurance, believe, belief, them that believe, fidelity.
*Biblical definition:
unger's bible dictionary - belief, trust - especially in a higher power.
bible study tools.com
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glngrbred · 8 months
In my last post I detailed the process of my worldbuilding, but this time I want to both use better grammar and -less- spelling errors, as well as go over the actual world in my game. (also plz help me idk what to call it, the dev name is 'guarder' but that doesn't do much for me)
So today I'll go over the 6 main humanoid creature types. on a list we have
Goblins- Good aligned Elves- Law aligned Dorvs- Evil aligned Orks- Chaotic aligned Gnomes- Neutral aligned Humans- they exist
Goblins: The Gobish society is built around comunal needs, to each acording to abillity, to each according to their needs. the reasoning behind this societal structure is partially due to goblins inate need for large comunities physiologically. Before getting into the 4 parragraph anatomy of a goblin mess I've written, we can just say Goblins have 3, technically 4 sexes and a Animated plant creatures that are anteater like and eat mainly bugs and plants. For Goblins to reproduce they do need 1 Goblin of each sex to effectively create another goblin. The birthing sex goblin (Sepal, like a flowers Sepum [the bud]) can birth 4th sex goblins without the help of a female or male partner. These 4th sex goblins are actually just plants that grow into trees wich are functionally sepal sex goblins. Anyways, do to a comunal relience on eachother to preserve the Grove Cities they live in (goblins are small and fragile by nature) they have developed a society built on interpersonal reliance and Comunication, being predisposed to weild plant magics also helps them diplomatically as they are able to very cheaply produce produce. Goblins are Farmers, Diplomats, Protectors, and Lovers
Elves: Elvan society is ruled by a group of ancient undead elves that have payed off their dues to the celestials, now being *technically imortal* these Monarchic Oligarchs rule their nations with Good intentions, However, when you've been alive for more than 3 centuries it starts to become difficult to relate to your everyday subjects, especially when in your eyes keeping them "Living" through resurection is in their best interest. The elves themselves are 4 eyed mandibled insectoid? Hominids with a predisposition for comunal behavior, birthed as Larvae in the thousands, it's only natural for yound Elves to build large cities to protect their offspring. Culturally Elves find meaning in the schollarly works, as their is often no end to their lives, elves find it easiest to spend their time documenting every event in every elvish live, as to try to avoid being stuck in the missery of immortal and unending meloncolly. They are the Earth nation of this world, and being the most vast in numbers and wealth is but inevitable when you can resurect the masses at your whim. Elves are Scholars, Librarians, Soldiers, and Rebels
Orks: I've already written a bunch about Orks so you probably get alot of their culture already. Anyways, Orks have built their society on a Hedonistic Love of warmth, they are an increadably resilient and creative people, finding strength in the arts and magic, and also raiding other people's villages. These big ol' Reptilian Bros honestly just want to party, and while loosely organized into large tribal groups, they really aren't alighned with eachother outside of their shared love of warmth. Being a very broad general "Reptile" species they vary greatly in apearence. Additionally Orks are one of the two Humanoids to not have a direct connection to their extraplanar counterparts, and though they are technically alighned with Demons, they aren't evil, or poorly intentioned. their actions simply serve the Demons more than they serve themselves alot of the time. Orks are Bards, Mages, Priests, and Artists
Dorvs: The final of the aligned Humanoids, Dorves were born from Euna, a Godlike being from another plane who's immense magic corrupts the world and minds with "Oil" honestly I didn't know Phyrexians existed when I designed Euna, and Coincidentally Her story is really really similar to Yawgmoth from MTG. I think they are still very different but yeah :/. anyways, Back to Dorvs, I honestly toko alot of my design of them from MonsterGarden's Dwarf seiries, and the alchemically birthed Old Norse Myth inspired Beetle people was so perfect for what I wanted to do that I just took it. I wish I knew them personally but unfortunately I do not and can't really ask permission to use their design, so... Dorvs are Beetle like people birthed from Euna's corrupting force, while seperate from their original mother, the Dorvs have become stuck in a cycle of devastation that leaves their homes rid of recources and their people starving. they Irrationally beleive that power is the force of morality that rules the world, despite their constant search for it leaving themselves and their famillies poor and helpless while other exploitative few consolidate wealth and power withing their small groups. A practical dictatorship Rules the Dorvs, and their tunnel homes from old mines and drilling projects are the only ways they can afford to live. Creating beutiful immaculate cities on the surface world, while the poor and vulnerable fight for scraps in an underground hellscape of pollution, smog, and violence. Dorvs are Miners, Explorers, Executives, and Servants.
Those "X are X, X, X, and X" notes at the end of the parragraphs are the class types each race commonly is, not like their duty in society. its a gameplay feature for Tribal decks :)
The Final, Final, Humanoids I care to write about are Gnomes. Gnomes are not aligned with any group, being singly focussed on sciences and innovation, Gnomes often don't build or consolidate power between themselves, they just go out in search of Mystic stone to power their homes and lives, tinker with their machanical bodies, and build new gnomes as their children. While Not Purely Mechanical beings like the increadably dissimilat Automata of Autonoctan origin, Gnomes are Nearly fully Metal people of small stature and efficient design, their orgins are known to be Abberant, but they Have lived in this world for as long as any other humanoid. Look Up "Esper Sentinal mtg" and you'll get a pretty good idea of what a Gnome is meant to look like. Gnomes are Inventors, Scientists, Cooks, and Merchants
its hard to be entirely original with your Ideas, even my Orks aren't the first of their kind in Gaming or Fantasy, but Being able to still create unique iterperetations of these clasic Fantasy Peoples and monsters (we'll get to thos later :) Isn't Impossible, Hopefully these 5 Are likeable and fun so yeah enjoy.
also I know at least 5 people saw my last post and didnt get anyone else with it sooo. yall are still it.
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krispydreamerking · 8 months
State of Maine in United States
If, the Governor of the State of Maine had not burned through it’s 🌧️ Rainy Day Fund ” the relience on Federal Government emergency funds would not be necessary. All, this is caused by attempts to sway the voting public. Is, 35 Trillion $’s 13 billion a year is the State of Maine Budget. 1,372.00 is Maine’s population. So, please ➗ population (children included) into 13 billion$ equals _ _ _…
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g0om · 10 months
okay so what do i do bc i dont know how to lower my happiness relience on her since shes zhe only person i talk to irl but the only way inknow how to do thisnis to cut hee off completly but then ill have no one and i rly like her but i jusr like her too much
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ddfreedishnews267 · 10 months
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