glngrbred · 2 days
Every time i log onto tumblr it justshows me some of the most impressive, beutifully styled, increadably colored furry art. And while I am not a fan of the genre, Wow, it just makes me happy. And IDK why
-Guy who has been writing Beastars fanfic for like 5 years or something
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glngrbred · 3 days
My hottest of hot takes it that vampires are totaly right about taking like a tiny bit of blood from one person and just leaving them there. Like FR if you eat them all the way who's gonna think "Ah yes, average tuesday, this dead guy has no blood, moving on." also, if they die you dont get to use that guy anymore. like you have to keep the cows alive so you can have more milk later.
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glngrbred · 3 days
Im sorry who tagged this post? why did you do this? no one was here and you jsut decided to do that????
anyways yeas, I would support Being fucked from behind
I am currently obsessed with Kaitlin Ohashi
best gymnast in the world, fuck you Symone Biles, Kate’s  jus tlike wpfnuunouj oh my god she’s so good dude
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glngrbred · 3 days
(barely serious review of ex machina)
I just watched Ex machina, Prety cool, except for the fact that the funny bait and switch with [redacted] and morality is sorta weird if you think about what the movie was trying to tell us. Like, yeah ok [redacted] dying makes sense, but where in the thought process of the character does it go "the best logical course of action, is for me to [redacted]" Btw I'm super smart. like the entire plot is me smart
also the whole notion of empathy in movie isnt close to///what empathy is///and i'm not letting that one slide, cuz i refuse to accept a narrative where acting empathetic is ever convincing at all. like Im autistic and I can realise when someone is actually empathetic.
my review
6/10 for introducing people to alan turing (maybe)
otherwise a 5
Lesson for writers: The quality of a story is diminished (by a TON) if the conclusion of your story does not suport the themes presented in the rest of the story. Ex Machina is probably the perfect example of this, as its narrative for the first hour and 30 minutes is increadably tight and effective. Then we get THAT monologue for [redacted] and the wombo combo of twists starts happenning, wich leads to the most unsatasfying conclusion*** I have ever seen. ***Not actually the worst conclusion ever, it just takes 1 second of critical thinking to kinda hurt every other part of the story. Like the twist is good and impactful, it just hurts the rest of the story prety bad.
Also it makes rewatching the film a nightmare. Especially because the entire movie is built on the suspense leading to twists 2 through 38
TLDR: Movie good learning tool I bet. Dont take as BEST MOVIE EVER. has flaws, makes it hard to watch, guy says Autistic like its a slur, made me feel bad. relatively mediocre
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glngrbred · 9 days
try not to say anyways challenge (impossible)
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glngrbred · 1 month
I love it when people stack tone indicators.
/j /s /nbh /hj /srs /c /gen
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glngrbred · 2 months
i really dont think kids from 8-16 should be allowed to be on social media, cuz i was like, barely even on social media (literally just tumblr and twitter) and I said so much awful stupid shit that looking back on it feels like im watching a terrorist attack happen. i thankfully deleted most of the stuff i said, and if anyine finds anything bad on me, oopydoopy lmao. yeah no slurs or hatespeeck tho, just dumb stuff :/ and only on tumblr funnily enough
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glngrbred · 2 months
I don't really love the grabby aliens theory cuz if the universe is infinite what are the chances we are within an observable distance of other intelegent life?
Its like monkey typewriters, when theres infinite combinations and no gauruntee that every permutation will be found, how common will it be that something extrodinary happens? I bet its just a bunch of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll;oooooo--oo-----------------vv out there
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glngrbred · 2 months
oOC but i honestly think that AJR is the worst pop band out there right now. ignoring anything MGK has ever touched.
Summery of my feelings. In an attempt to be wholely original and not write love songs, AJR has found themselves rather shamelessly making derivative versoins of other more famous and succesful artists original works as opposed to making original versions of often derived Ideas. As a comparison, the modern day Goblin/Ork originates In tolkein lore, but we see continually inovative adaptations of that one idea. Now, Compare that to something like 'Ring' where the Idea is a very original interperation of classic Japanese folklore and Horror tropes, wich has been copied unsuccesfully like 40+ times without innovating on the idea at all.
AJR is a 'ring' clone in pop music, and they just rip from more and more people. and that's just conceptually. Birthday party, christmass in july, their whole album where it was just trumpets? as the gimmik? Alot of their music is conceptually derivative, wich sucks for them because I'm sure they have some really original concepts in their music, and techniques, wich even if i don't like them are still respectable. However, what is not respectable, in my mind, Is their obsession with the Production brother's "style" wich in reality is just poorly handled production on the backend of their songs that make them seem like a parody of pop, or worse, early 2000's production quality way below HD D: . Also last thing abt them is they really really reaaaaaallly want listeners to think they are fully original, and interviews with them are just... ugh. wich makes me dislike them more, even if the music isnt THAT offensive to my ears :/
anyways TLDR I'm salty that AJR is super popular since I feel they aren't very original (though they are very interested in being original, so theres the unfortunate disconect) and i don't really like their music that much
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glngrbred · 3 months
The Trans Experience as a Goblin. As this Setting is a fantasy world where magic is extremely prevalent, transmuting yourself into another sax is often as simple as finding a mage capable of transmutation, and convincing them to change your physical appearance (so actually pretty hard). Additionally it is important to mention that Goblins, Like any other Sapient race, experience gender as a social pressure, and innate feeling of distaste around their physical and social presence. Goblins are just like people, as Goblins are people. Anything can be trans if it can experience gender. Goblin Children, (Goblins, and Goblettes) Goblins exist in a very interesting culture, while they are Naturally very social, they don't really have a president for gendered fashion or gendering children, Especially because Children Before saxual Maturity are nearly impossible to distinguish. But, After centuries of forced multiculturalism, mainly because of constantly being pillaged (and thought of as lesser due to an inability to speak other people's languages) Goblins Have found themselves nearly exclusively wearing gendered fashion. Be it Gnomish Work Garb worn by gobbish children and Male Goblins, where women's clothes often had high waisted dresses with room for breasts and men's clothes consist of pants and shirts. Or typical gobish adult garments, where modesty became the purpose of garments for Hobgoblins, and the fairly socially acceptable bodies of Erklings didn't really draw the Ire of other peoples. This is to say that Gobish children are indistinguishable from each other, and often dress according to their preference gender wise, and that these preferences often go into adulthood or are drawn from the typical fashion of Hobgoblins and Erklings, where Modesty and somewhat "feminine" clothes follow Hobgoblins, and revealing and more lounge worthy comfort clothes are preferred by Erklings.
so yeah this took 3 posts actually wich is alot. goblins man.
So I've realized the errors of my way by not making these long posts clearly part of a series on my blog. Since tumblr is *technically* a blogging website makes the most sense for me to just write my shit and say my lines in the comfort of my own blog, instead of spamming tags on them that aren't fully coherent.
Anyways, GOBLIN TIME >:) In the 2nd Garder blog post I briefly? threw out all of the humanoids in my setting and didn't really effectively go over them, so this time Ima go in Depth, the deep depths, of the far side of the pool, on goblins specifically
History lesson time! (Why Goblins look like that lol) Typical greenskin Hooked nosed Goblins were once upon a time anti semitic figure heads. And while most of the time the depiction of goblins and other related variant Humanoids are completely harmless, I still feel pretty uncomfortable about how particularly interested in the Big Ear, Hooked Nosed, unibrowed depictions of goblins people are. Because all of those features were added to the goblin story later, like way later, just for the purpose of making them as similar to anti semitic caricatures as possible. Basically I wanted to keep the familiar Goblin silhouette, as little guys with 3 big triangular protrusions on their head, But I didn't want to fall back on the typical portrayal of goblins as Jewish people Demonized. Do I think The Popular depiction of goblins Is anti semitic? No, but I acknowledge the history of that caricature and want to do something unique already, so having this guideline of subverting the typical depiction is very helpful to me.
With that in mind, here's my description of the Gobling/Goblet, Goblin, Erkling(TBD), Hobgoblin, and Mother tree. Origins: The Goblin Race Were Likely Derived from the same Fey Enchantments as Wendigo, However, When a Wendigo was Enchanted, It's Host would Have near always been an Animal, or Humanoid, Goblins would have come from plants given incredibly advanced magics to be made into a permanent, reproducing, forest dwelling race. Goblins all originate from a singular group of mother trees, again, these trees were most likely enchanted by Fey. And on that enchantment it was most likely to create a Race of Protectors for their forest homes. When I begin to design flavor stories for sets 1 through 9 I'll flesh out the method of delivery for this origin story. most likely goblin investigation/entries and Goblin Oral histories.Anatomy: Broadly Goblins are plants taken animal form, and through typical Human definitions, Goblins are animals evolved from plants as they technically fulfill all requirements to be part of the animal kingdom barring genetics. Briefly and visually, Goblins are defined by their woody subcutaneous, and flexible skeletons, phloem as opposed to typical veins, spongey innards, and foliage. With Pseudo Hearts resembling a twitching tulip bulb and "Musculature" that seems like hydraulics, They are Most similar to a Gnome in biomechanical structure. While goblins do have mouths, and rudimentary digestive systems, they don't have lungs, or vocal chords. And therefore cannot vocalize through natural means, though Goblins are quite good at interpreting language, they simply can't produce many vowels needed in other Group's languages. This has lead to centuries of Victimization where Goblins were unable to speak up for themselves. Goblins Have advanced ears that work quite similarly to a human ear though, the liquid filled Cochlea, film of matter making up the eardrum, sensitive fibers that mimic the human inner ear etc. All this leads us to the Goblin Brain. Like most Magically Borne beings, Goblins don't actually have a brain. It's just a hollow, fluid filled cavity that performs all the same functions and activity as a Human brain. This 'bike' is extremely sensitive to electricity though, as some exceptionally inhumane studies have found, and just like a human, an arrow through the temple is the quickest way to kill a goblin. Also, in apearence the goblin head is big ears, foliage hair, and then eyes. wich are eyes. and instead of a big nose goblins have a big anteater snout for a head, but with the big ears, and the mouth opens a bit more than an anteater's, so its not quite a proboscis but gets close.
this post was too long for a singleton but the sevond will be in a reblog
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glngrbred · 3 months
Goblins p2
Goblin saxes and saxuality. There are 4, technically 3 saxes of goblins. Male Goblins (Goblin) The typical and comparatively common Male Goblin, referred to outside of the Gobish Language as Goblins. These Relatively Quite small goblins are not prone or interested in typical saxual activity, since Goblins have extreme saxual dimorphism its unsurprising that these genetal-les Goblin spawn breeders are more keen on dancing during typical goblin mating seasons as opposed to spending time with a significant other in the bedroom. Goblin pollen is a common magical item used in charms and enchantments, Its basic nature as a persuasive chemical leaves many a man yearning for some big, strong, hunky- Anyways, Male Goblins as stated earlier release pollen, their plantlike gametes are not different in any way to a typical deciduous tree’s, but the magical origin of goblins has its effect on near everything in their physiology. In appearance, male goblins are flowering and vibrantly colored when compared to hobgoblins and Erklings. Male goblins have many flowers, and typically each flower has 2 stamens. so, yeah, technically male goblins have their genitals all over their backs. Female Goblins (Hobgoblins) Originally thought to be a completely different race than Goblins, Female Goblins are large, strong, and often more drab in appearance than Male Goblins. Without getting too far into the details, yes, Female Goblins Have a Pistil. Yes, the Goblin's Pistil is very similar in nature to a Human Male's you know what, no a Hobgoblin Can probably not get you Pregnant (unless you did something freaky), and no, Hobgoblins are not Male Because they have a you know what. There's actually some really cool Real world stuff that Mirrors the Hobgoblin's nature pretty exactly. Namely seahorses and the M-Preg stuff they do. The science behind what constitutes a Male and a Female is actually pretty straight forward in Seahorses specifically. Basically, we know that the pregnant parent in a seahorse produces gametes that are biologically similar to related trumpetfish and pipefish sperm. and We know that the other parent in seahorses produces Eggs, and not sperm. So that's how we know that seahorses are actual literal M-preg and also why Hobgoblins are packing ;) But Fr tho The 3 Goblin saxes was mainly because Plants are weird and I ended up realizing that If there were 2 goblin saxes and they were a flowering species they would likely need pollinators, and if you think about that one for more than 3 seconds it gets weird with bees. Sepal sax Goblins (Erklings) The Sepal sax Goblins are most similar to a Human Female. If Hobgoblins were 'male' then a Sepal sax goblin would be 'Female' However, Sepal sax Goblins don't actually produce their own Gametes, they have to be given both Male and Female gametes in order to produce a Goblin. Additionally, Goblin seeds, the 'Eggs' Mentioned in the Hobgoblin section, do need a period of Gestation inside of a parent in order to begin sprouting. This is typically no less than 3 weeks and no more than 5. It depends on If the Sepal sax parent for the seed Is an Erlking or Mother tree, and If the child is of Mother tree or a Goblin. Additionally, It is important to mention that Sepal sax Goblins do not have boobs, Mammary glands, or nearly any secondary saxual traits outside of being slightly less disposed towards growing further after Goblin pubescence. The mother tree? So yeah, Erklings and the mother tree are technically two different versions of the same sax of goblin, except one is affected by the enchantment and one isnt, so how does that work? Basically if an Erlking gets boy erm from a Hobgirlblin and then doesn’t get splashed by not girl not boy goblin smoglin it’ll make a tree. But if the hoboyglin gives the Erkling some girl um and it gets boy yuh and hit with some smoglin it makes a goblin. Also yes, a Mother tree can make a goblin or another tree, it would just need a hobgoblin to help it… E|:
So I've realized the errors of my way by not making these long posts clearly part of a series on my blog. Since tumblr is *technically* a blogging website makes the most sense for me to just write my shit and say my lines in the comfort of my own blog, instead of spamming tags on them that aren't fully coherent.
Anyways, GOBLIN TIME >:) In the 2nd Garder blog post I briefly? threw out all of the humanoids in my setting and didn't really effectively go over them, so this time Ima go in Depth, the deep depths, of the far side of the pool, on goblins specifically
History lesson time! (Why Goblins look like that lol) Typical greenskin Hooked nosed Goblins were once upon a time anti semitic figure heads. And while most of the time the depiction of goblins and other related variant Humanoids are completely harmless, I still feel pretty uncomfortable about how particularly interested in the Big Ear, Hooked Nosed, unibrowed depictions of goblins people are. Because all of those features were added to the goblin story later, like way later, just for the purpose of making them as similar to anti semitic caricatures as possible. Basically I wanted to keep the familiar Goblin silhouette, as little guys with 3 big triangular protrusions on their head, But I didn't want to fall back on the typical portrayal of goblins as Jewish people Demonized. Do I think The Popular depiction of goblins Is anti semitic? No, but I acknowledge the history of that caricature and want to do something unique already, so having this guideline of subverting the typical depiction is very helpful to me.
With that in mind, here's my description of the Gobling/Goblet, Goblin, Erkling(TBD), Hobgoblin, and Mother tree. Origins: The Goblin Race Were Likely Derived from the same Fey Enchantments as Wendigo, However, When a Wendigo was Enchanted, It's Host would Have near always been an Animal, or Humanoid, Goblins would have come from plants given incredibly advanced magics to be made into a permanent, reproducing, forest dwelling race. Goblins all originate from a singular group of mother trees, again, these trees were most likely enchanted by Fey. And on that enchantment it was most likely to create a Race of Protectors for their forest homes. When I begin to design flavor stories for sets 1 through 9 I'll flesh out the method of delivery for this origin story. most likely goblin investigation/entries and Goblin Oral histories.Anatomy: Broadly Goblins are plants taken animal form, and through typical Human definitions, Goblins are animals evolved from plants as they technically fulfill all requirements to be part of the animal kingdom barring genetics. Briefly and visually, Goblins are defined by their woody subcutaneous, and flexible skeletons, phloem as opposed to typical veins, spongey innards, and foliage. With Pseudo Hearts resembling a twitching tulip bulb and "Musculature" that seems like hydraulics, They are Most similar to a Gnome in biomechanical structure. While goblins do have mouths, and rudimentary digestive systems, they don't have lungs, or vocal chords. And therefore cannot vocalize through natural means, though Goblins are quite good at interpreting language, they simply can't produce many vowels needed in other Group's languages. This has lead to centuries of Victimization where Goblins were unable to speak up for themselves. Goblins Have advanced ears that work quite similarly to a human ear though, the liquid filled Cochlea, film of matter making up the eardrum, sensitive fibers that mimic the human inner ear etc. All this leads us to the Goblin Brain. Like most Magically Borne beings, Goblins don't actually have a brain. It's just a hollow, fluid filled cavity that performs all the same functions and activity as a Human brain. This 'bike' is extremely sensitive to electricity though, as some exceptionally inhumane studies have found, and just like a human, an arrow through the temple is the quickest way to kill a goblin. Also, in apearence the goblin head is big ears, foliage hair, and then eyes. wich are eyes. and instead of a big nose goblins have a big anteater snout for a head, but with the big ears, and the mouth opens a bit more than an anteater's, so its not quite a proboscis but gets close.
this post was too long for a singleton but the sevond will be in a reblog
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glngrbred · 3 months
So I've realized the errors of my way by not making these long posts clearly part of a series on my blog. Since tumblr is *technically* a blogging website makes the most sense for me to just write my shit and say my lines in the comfort of my own blog, instead of spamming tags on them that aren't fully coherent.
Anyways, GOBLIN TIME >:) In the 2nd Garder blog post I briefly? threw out all of the humanoids in my setting and didn't really effectively go over them, so this time Ima go in Depth, the deep depths, of the far side of the pool, on goblins specifically
History lesson time! (Why Goblins look like that lol) Typical greenskin Hooked nosed Goblins were once upon a time anti semitic figure heads. And while most of the time the depiction of goblins and other related variant Humanoids are completely harmless, I still feel pretty uncomfortable about how particularly interested in the Big Ear, Hooked Nosed, unibrowed depictions of goblins people are. Because all of those features were added to the goblin story later, like way later, just for the purpose of making them as similar to anti semitic caricatures as possible. Basically I wanted to keep the familiar Goblin silhouette, as little guys with 3 big triangular protrusions on their head, But I didn't want to fall back on the typical portrayal of goblins as Jewish people Demonized. Do I think The Popular depiction of goblins Is anti semitic? No, but I acknowledge the history of that caricature and want to do something unique already, so having this guideline of subverting the typical depiction is very helpful to me.
With that in mind, here's my description of the Gobling/Goblet, Goblin, Erkling(TBD), Hobgoblin, and Mother tree. Origins: The Goblin Race Were Likely Derived from the same Fey Enchantments as Wendigo, However, When a Wendigo was Enchanted, It's Host would Have near always been an Animal, or Humanoid, Goblins would have come from plants given incredibly advanced magics to be made into a permanent, reproducing, forest dwelling race. Goblins all originate from a singular group of mother trees, again, these trees were most likely enchanted by Fey. And on that enchantment it was most likely to create a Race of Protectors for their forest homes. When I begin to design flavor stories for sets 1 through 9 I'll flesh out the method of delivery for this origin story. most likely goblin investigation/entries and Goblin Oral histories.Anatomy: Broadly Goblins are plants taken animal form, and through typical Human definitions, Goblins are animals evolved from plants as they technically fulfill all requirements to be part of the animal kingdom barring genetics. Briefly and visually, Goblins are defined by their woody subcutaneous, and flexible skeletons, phloem as opposed to typical veins, spongey innards, and foliage. With Pseudo Hearts resembling a twitching tulip bulb and "Musculature" that seems like hydraulics, They are Most similar to a Gnome in biomechanical structure. While goblins do have mouths, and rudimentary digestive systems, they don't have lungs, or vocal chords. And therefore cannot vocalize through natural means, though Goblins are quite good at interpreting language, they simply can't produce many vowels needed in other Group's languages. This has lead to centuries of Victimization where Goblins were unable to speak up for themselves. Goblins Have advanced ears that work quite similarly to a human ear though, the liquid filled Cochlea, film of matter making up the eardrum, sensitive fibers that mimic the human inner ear etc. All this leads us to the Goblin Brain. Like most Magically Borne beings, Goblins don't actually have a brain. It's just a hollow, fluid filled cavity that performs all the same functions and activity as a Human brain. This 'bike' is extremely sensitive to electricity though, as some exceptionally inhumane studies have found, and just like a human, an arrow through the temple is the quickest way to kill a goblin. Also, in apearence the goblin head is big ears, foliage hair, and then eyes. wich are eyes. and instead of a big nose goblins have a big anteater snout for a head, but with the big ears, and the mouth opens a bit more than an anteater's, so its not quite a proboscis but gets close.
this post was too long for a singleton but the sevond will be in a reblog
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glngrbred · 3 months
In my last post I detailed the process of my worldbuilding, but this time I want to both use better grammar and -less- spelling errors, as well as go over the actual world in my game. (also plz help me idk what to call it, the dev name is 'guarder' but that doesn't do much for me)
So today I'll go over the 6 main humanoid creature types. on a list we have
Goblins- Good aligned Elves- Law aligned Dorvs- Evil aligned Orks- Chaotic aligned Gnomes- Neutral aligned Humans- they exist
Goblins: The Gobish society is built around comunal needs, to each acording to abillity, to each according to their needs. the reasoning behind this societal structure is partially due to goblins inate need for large comunities physiologically. Before getting into the 4 parragraph anatomy of a goblin mess I've written, we can just say Goblins have 3, technically 4 sexes and a Animated plant creatures that are anteater like and eat mainly bugs and plants. For Goblins to reproduce they do need 1 Goblin of each sex to effectively create another goblin. The birthing sex goblin (Sepal, like a flowers Sepum [the bud]) can birth 4th sex goblins without the help of a female or male partner. These 4th sex goblins are actually just plants that grow into trees wich are functionally sepal sex goblins. Anyways, do to a comunal relience on eachother to preserve the Grove Cities they live in (goblins are small and fragile by nature) they have developed a society built on interpersonal reliance and Comunication, being predisposed to weild plant magics also helps them diplomatically as they are able to very cheaply produce produce. Goblins are Farmers, Diplomats, Protectors, and Lovers
Elves: Elvan society is ruled by a group of ancient undead elves that have payed off their dues to the celestials, now being *technically imortal* these Monarchic Oligarchs rule their nations with Good intentions, However, when you've been alive for more than 3 centuries it starts to become difficult to relate to your everyday subjects, especially when in your eyes keeping them "Living" through resurection is in their best interest. The elves themselves are 4 eyed mandibled insectoid? Hominids with a predisposition for comunal behavior, birthed as Larvae in the thousands, it's only natural for yound Elves to build large cities to protect their offspring. Culturally Elves find meaning in the schollarly works, as their is often no end to their lives, elves find it easiest to spend their time documenting every event in every elvish live, as to try to avoid being stuck in the missery of immortal and unending meloncolly. They are the Earth nation of this world, and being the most vast in numbers and wealth is but inevitable when you can resurect the masses at your whim. Elves are Scholars, Librarians, Soldiers, and Rebels
Orks: I've already written a bunch about Orks so you probably get alot of their culture already. Anyways, Orks have built their society on a Hedonistic Love of warmth, they are an increadably resilient and creative people, finding strength in the arts and magic, and also raiding other people's villages. These big ol' Reptilian Bros honestly just want to party, and while loosely organized into large tribal groups, they really aren't alighned with eachother outside of their shared love of warmth. Being a very broad general "Reptile" species they vary greatly in apearence. Additionally Orks are one of the two Humanoids to not have a direct connection to their extraplanar counterparts, and though they are technically alighned with Demons, they aren't evil, or poorly intentioned. their actions simply serve the Demons more than they serve themselves alot of the time. Orks are Bards, Mages, Priests, and Artists
Dorvs: The final of the aligned Humanoids, Dorves were born from Euna, a Godlike being from another plane who's immense magic corrupts the world and minds with "Oil" honestly I didn't know Phyrexians existed when I designed Euna, and Coincidentally Her story is really really similar to Yawgmoth from MTG. I think they are still very different but yeah :/. anyways, Back to Dorvs, I honestly toko alot of my design of them from MonsterGarden's Dwarf seiries, and the alchemically birthed Old Norse Myth inspired Beetle people was so perfect for what I wanted to do that I just took it. I wish I knew them personally but unfortunately I do not and can't really ask permission to use their design, so... Dorvs are Beetle like people birthed from Euna's corrupting force, while seperate from their original mother, the Dorvs have become stuck in a cycle of devastation that leaves their homes rid of recources and their people starving. they Irrationally beleive that power is the force of morality that rules the world, despite their constant search for it leaving themselves and their famillies poor and helpless while other exploitative few consolidate wealth and power withing their small groups. A practical dictatorship Rules the Dorvs, and their tunnel homes from old mines and drilling projects are the only ways they can afford to live. Creating beutiful immaculate cities on the surface world, while the poor and vulnerable fight for scraps in an underground hellscape of pollution, smog, and violence. Dorvs are Miners, Explorers, Executives, and Servants.
Those "X are X, X, X, and X" notes at the end of the parragraphs are the class types each race commonly is, not like their duty in society. its a gameplay feature for Tribal decks :)
The Final, Final, Humanoids I care to write about are Gnomes. Gnomes are not aligned with any group, being singly focussed on sciences and innovation, Gnomes often don't build or consolidate power between themselves, they just go out in search of Mystic stone to power their homes and lives, tinker with their machanical bodies, and build new gnomes as their children. While Not Purely Mechanical beings like the increadably dissimilat Automata of Autonoctan origin, Gnomes are Nearly fully Metal people of small stature and efficient design, their orgins are known to be Abberant, but they Have lived in this world for as long as any other humanoid. Look Up "Esper Sentinal mtg" and you'll get a pretty good idea of what a Gnome is meant to look like. Gnomes are Inventors, Scientists, Cooks, and Merchants
its hard to be entirely original with your Ideas, even my Orks aren't the first of their kind in Gaming or Fantasy, but Being able to still create unique iterperetations of these clasic Fantasy Peoples and monsters (we'll get to thos later :) Isn't Impossible, Hopefully these 5 Are likeable and fun so yeah enjoy.
also I know at least 5 people saw my last post and didnt get anyone else with it sooo. yall are still it.
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glngrbred · 3 months
On inherent stories and worldbuilding
OK so the title is pretentios but you looked at it right? cool
I legitimately would realy apreciate it if you read or loosely read this, this project is very important to me and I've worked alot on it. Thank you for reading at all, go drink some water, love u <3
anyways, Im making a cardgame right now, like MTG but hopefully monotized in a more ethical way. like, as a 1 time purchase or subscription.
So, In my game there is a very heavy emphasis on ecology, and it is basically explicitly environmentalist propoganda, that's not the point tho, what we are trying to do initially is trick people into thinking about environmental issues with cool worldbuilding. And on that worldbuilding, as lead desiner/writer person, I think I can actually share some pretty good tips.
Some quick background, not super important. In our wold there a 4 color identities, wich is both for gameplay (mtg inspired) and lore (also mtg inspired) Red, white(yellow), Green, black(purple), for each of wich is a place on an alighnment chart and teirs within the factions represented by these colors. again, like MTG
On that topic, of the factions and identities these card colors and gameplay elements represent, I have some tips for Dms and other worldbuilders.
My main thing, Is inherrent stories (built in stories).
As an example,
The Orks in my world are reptilian hominids obsessed with fire. As a starting point my desire was to do a new type of Ork, where we maintain the motif of chaos alighned "Monsters" who's actions serve the bad guys, like in WoW or LotR. from there I knew that my red faction was fire themed, but building up this concept was kinda hard for me. I didn't really know hoe to start with meeting this desire while subverting the typical Ork tropes.
So I decided to take the aproach of working from first my desire to have a fire ascociation. I Already had a theme of the main humanoids in my world being ascociated or related to specific animal groups, Goblins have similarity to anteaters, elves bees, and Dorvs beetles and grubs. So I knew the first step in my Orls was going to be Making them some sort of animal.
And i had a good think on that, you know I landed on reptiles. wich seem obvious in hindsight, but at the time I was very excited about this, since it meant there was already a clear connection to be made with fire. since most reptiles cannot regulate heat on their own, a connection to the sun and fire is very easy to make. Especially for a hominid species. Already we have a peice of a narrative, Orks love Fire because they need it to survive cold days. Wonderful, now how do we get that ascociation to chaos and subvert the typical barbaric Orks trope?
My first thought was inspired by Warhammer greenskins, wich isn't super subvertive, just giving orks big techy robots doesn't do much to change the ascociation with brutish methods and uncivilized nature. I knew I wanted to make the Orks more equal intelectually with my other factions, instead of having them be the mindless other bent on chaos. So the step after "Ork like fire" turned out to be their philosophy
What I ended up going for was in my opinion pretty original,
Orks, Due to their reliance on Fire, developed a culture and Philosophy built on the nurturing of "Warmth." Warmth takes many fors for the Orks, they find it in Art, Music, magic, and love. Family and play and Food, and even war. Where the Orkish philosophy deteriorates as a method of governance it the often single minded focus on what makes an individual feel good, and forgetting that other people, even those that don't seek warmth, have needs and desires too. By creating this intrinsic societal issue, where governance ends up focusing on how to make one's tribe as warm as possible, we can create narratives about how desperate poorer comunites are for warmth, how creative they get, and how even bad, and evil deeds can be seen as a positive as long as they bring warmth to your tribe.
We can have wars and espionage and gatherings and beutiful ronmances all built around this pervasive desire for individual pleasure. And we can have stories form when an Ork realizes that the Goblins they've hurt also want good things, and how the Orks realize that their selfish behavior makes the world less warm for everyone. We can have stories about nurturing empathy in a selfish society, and stories about becoming closer to one another, of seperating one's self from those who use them and hurt them.
Also, with this narrative, Orks turn into warbands of bards, preists, and mages, keen on nurturing warmth and helping their ingroup. WHOA we just subverted the barbarian ork trope didnt we? HORRAY ALL OF OUR GOALS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED BY ONE DESCISION SPIRALLING!
Of course perscribing concepts and personality to individual characters based off of their race is a horrible thing to do. but for a group it's very usefull to narrow down concrete adjectives and emotions that are associated with your societies and cultures.
My Advice to you, is try to find your Ork bards, but don;t start there. Think about how society would form around the 4 legged Praying mantis men your story is about, and how different a society could be based off of the physiological environment your characters exist in.
My second peice fo advice, Is that If you want to make a specific type of civilization, As an example, hive cities (like warhammer), try to think about what typre of culture would develope that city? who would live in the underwater Utopia, who would work in the sugar mines, and why do the sugar mines exist? I know It can be increadably difficult to find an angle to take your worldbuilding, so start with 1 small descision, an easy one, like "Do I want my orks to be colorful?" Answer that, then build from there.
final note, Yes, this is an extremely long post, and thank you for reading it,
also ...
I, ME, HAS gotten you HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA *evil gnome voice* You hAVe but THIRTY MINUTES to get someone else before you ARE IT for the rest of your life MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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glngrbred · 4 months
my bar for good mental health is actually so low, like, im depressed, im trans? im autistic, im severly anxous, i have agoraphobia, i have thalasophobia, i have an extremely severe phobia of bugs, I'm gay. But hey, I scored a 0 on a suicidality test so we good!
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glngrbred · 5 months
LAZERHAWK IS ASS DUDE (Review from a grimdark apologist)
IK that those are some fighting words, but in a "few" sentances.
first off, this show is not worth your time. now, onto the potatos and shit
Grimdark mess that is purely self indulgent doomerism about omg wouldn't that suck, haha corporations bad, very cheap and obviouse "Twists* eyeroll level fanfic edgyness from Hawk**. representation that is, yes, better than having nothing BUT
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More shows to be added later on the diagram
As the Gay representation Ven Diagram clearly shows, though Lazerhawk Allows it's characters to (occasionally) be happy, and be in Lead not Gay BFF roles, It fails to give these [characters fears, desires, relationship webs, or the necissary interests]*** to let us beleive that they are a real person. and therefor it fails at representing queer characters equally with its other characters.
However, something that is actually hillariouse, is LazerHawk forgets to do any sort of characterization to basically anyone OTHER THAN JADE! WHO THEY KILL IMIDIATELY???? even then, it still is inadequit in my opinion, as having characters merely interact for 2 seconds in a tv show is all you need for the basis of a relationship to form. Case in point, the bear, Fack and Sydney interact, once, maybe and that builds their entire relationship for the first season. you can easilly fit some type of effective relationship into your people with 2 lines of diolouge, with sara you could easily have had her not just be the skyrim NPC that gives you a quest by having her introduced earlier, having a reference to her somewhere to set up this character (Like Nimona's villains) or give her 1 meaningful relationship somewhere early. But Laserhawk instead spends 3 whole episode of filler to info dump grimdark worldbuilding instead of just making an effort in characterizing Hawk or Sara. you have another season to worldbuild, it takes 2 seconds to write characters, but all of the budget of this show was apearently spent making that gross pixelated rotoscope. So yeah, /rant over on the topic of character writing
*(sara turns evil 4 times or smthn. everyone who gets a staring roll in an episode is then set up to die, immidiately),
**(ther's a place for that type of character, but it stops working when there's nothing else in there besides exposition dumps. )
***( occaisionally not all listed are needed for beleivable likable hot gay guys.)
The show is a grimdark mess that can't help but try and make you take it seriously, so the writers rely on absurd plot twists that pile up into a mess of a narrative that fails to accurately depict a grimdark cyberpunk future.
The over reliance on character death isn't a problem at first glance, but once the cast is whittled down to 3 poorly developed and frankly 2 dimensional anti heros and villains (Ramon, Sara, Lazerhawk) The awful character writing really starts to show, and the freudian backstories become this uneccissary excuse for the writing wich frankly makes each character seem worse, and worse, and worse, until sara is UWU brainwashed villain who is a good liar (as in the show doesn't even try to depict manipulation and instead just doesn't even attempt to depict a manipulative character) Ramon is just fucking digital circus meme and crazy faild actor. 2 very easy tropes. And lazerhawk is sad boi who want vengance :(
there is no functional characterization that happens in this show, and it just makes what should be high impact deaths seem cheap, and the saving of other characters seem dull.
the fight scenes are pretty good though, and the varrying art styles are (mostly) good. The pixelated rotoscoping of the actors is frankly lazy and clearly just greenscreen through a filter. and for a show with this huge of a budget wich already attempts 3d integration it falls flat and makes episodes 4-6 (subjective) unwatchable for me.
Also just generally, I'm sick of grimdark, it's this mess of wannabe popular shows that just want to be cool to all the marvel fan general public guys who wanna get popular fast like a second GoT success story.
Review of show
writing 1/10. Poorly executed wannabe grimdark that thinks breaking tension is constituted by frog saying Juice or gay hotties kissing. insulting execution of this horrid attempt at representing genocide that makes me sick. infantalizes and removes agency from anyone who isnt a dominant culture hoe or MC. feels very, very individualist in they want everyone to feel like they're lazerhawk or they won't relate to our world. basically turning Hawk into a blank slate whose only character trate is pining after Alex.
animation 10/10. Amazing, only reason to watch this show besides the memes
visuals 5/10. Animation =/= visuals, and the actual editing, lighting "use" (they dont try, wont elaborate if you don't know what I mean), and character designs generally suck Frog and ramon good, everyone else feels like a cyberpunk trope
action 6/10. Mostly good, but after the~3rd moment where some fast MC runs around real fast it feels samey. carried by the amazing animation
Garbage show, just watch arcane again. Or like, Bee and puppycat after Ep.3
, Grimdark is a wonderful storytelling -tool- that can help explore worlds and societal structures and draw parralels to our own one. It is NOT HOWEVER A FUCKING SETTING???? LIKE NO? scifi DOOMER SHIT isn't THE POINT OF GRIMDARK IM GOING TO GO INSANE IF I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS EVER. GRIMDARK. IS. NOT. A. SETTING. ITS A TOOL THAT IS USED POORLY OVER AND OVER AGAIN TO JUSTIFY BAD WRITING, BECAUSE "oh they sad because they live in bad place and time :( they dont have other feelings or motives :( they are only worthy of our engagement if they rebel :(" LIKE NO? THATS JUST BAD WRITING NOT SOME EDGY COOL THING????
grimdark, my beloved, you graced us with the worlds of (not) bladerunner and (not) Warhammer 40k and (also not) snowpeircer, but you sure as hell enterd the zeitgeist after people missunderstood the ENTIRE POINT OF YOU AS A WRITING FEATURE AND TURNED IT INTO AN EXTENTION OF CYBERPUNK DOOMER CLUBZ.
cincerely, someone who thinks people in midevil times, probably loved eachother, an lived happy, insular lives, and that NOT EVERY FUCKING THING HAS TO BE EDGY JUST BECAUSE ITS COOL AND IN A WORLD THAT SUCKS? if we applied that logic to everyday modern day hell we should've all caught the bus a LOOOOONG time ago, but noooo we are still here, thriving. and people in grimdark worlds should to. '
if you like grimdark, props to you for suffering through the manotiny of this reverse escapism that doesnt even try to make you think anymore. Also, if you play warhammer, you probably aren't a notZ but don't come here using slurs if you are, its tumblr. not X
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glngrbred · 10 months
what do we need gender for?
Uhh, so that I can have the masculine urge for my girlfriend to get me pregnant? Duhhh.
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