lennymcdragons · 2 years
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2022 EVERYBODY ! 💖
The renaissance of this hell of a website. Cheers!
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The Last of The Mohicans - The Hot Violinist - Jenny O'Connor - Renaissa...
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turtlesreborntmnt · 5 months
“Mutant Town, the Splinter Clan, and the Best TMNT Story I’ve Ever Read” by Michael J. Miller
A really great use of words describing a really great story arc.
There are other posts about the series on their site.
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nonyayo2 · 1 year
The Last of The Mohicans - The Hot Violinist - Jenny O'Connor - Renaissa...
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zamgoods · 1 year
Did Jay-Z Train Blue IV 2B Aaliyah Reborn? Black Parade Beyonce Renaissa...
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artofjustice · 3 months
Male Gaze and Sexuality Objects
Women’s sexuality is often regarded as private. If they were caught publicly flirtatious or drawing attention with provocative clothes, she is labeled as a "slut". However, when men express their sexual desire, it comes as typical and expected. Societally, it became normalized to objectify women sexually. So when great painters of the Renaissance began getting inspiration from Greco-Roman aesthetics, paintings of Venus began appearing more frequently. This comes with the imagery of the goddess of love and fertility appearing naked. More naturalistic nude subjects began appearing. This was one of the reasons it has become societally normal to sexualize women as mere objects. Because most of these artists were men, Renaissance art was inherently seen through the eyes of men. Due to the male gaze, we can see that women are being seen as objects, reflecting women's limited reproductive rights
A comparison between Titian’s Venus of Urbino (1) and Manet’s Olympia (2) does this well. The Venus of Urbino became a hallmark template for the imagery of the ideal beauty of a woman (3). Its reclined body and seductive eyes draw the audience in but hides the erotic nature of it all. Inversely, Olympia reveals the same subject but does so in a realistic manner disillusioning the viewer with their voyeurism. 
The stylistic choice of the Renaissance period heavily relies on men’s ideas of beauty and fertility. Therefore, women often played a fantasized, often seen as an aesthetic decoration. Such bottoming regard depletes the value women held in the 15th century (1). Their exposed bodies are viewed as respected admiration, something that is to be desired but cannot be attained besides in the imagination. The art becomes de-eroticized, it is seen asexual in nature distancing the sight to the subject (4). When in reality, the subject's sexual activities are in full view and rather direct. Here the woman is viewed to be in full participation of her sexual desires, while history tells us this is not the case. Women didn’t have the right to their sexuality, nor the freedom to seduce men without fear of a negative implication by society.
Despite Manet’s male gaze creating the same subject, he tells a grounded story of the subject. The stylistically flat and washed-out painting anchors the reality-splitting view (5).  Instead of viewing a mythic image, the subject’s static nature forces the audience to come to the reality of their voyeurism. It appears vulgar and unrespectable to view this naked woman. A vast difference in mood and purpose from the previous painting. Finally, we see the reality of women’s sexuality. No longer are we in the illusion of seductress, but the mere object to be viewed. Her flat face and uninviting eyes remain unweaving, forcing the viewers to recognize their devalued perception of women. Especially since this woman is clearly a prostitute, her line of work is seen to be dirty and bottoming of social value.
What other ways do we see the male gaze in film/TV?
How does women's art differ from men's?
Why is sexual work seen as dirty?
Le Gallerie Degli Uffizi. “Venus of Urbino by Titian | Artworks | Uffizi Galleries.” Uffizi.it. Le Gallerie Degli Uffizi, 2019. https://www.uffizi.it/en/artworks/venus-urbino-titian.
Musée d'Orsay. “Olympia - Edouard Manet | Musée D’Orsay.” www.musee-orsay.fr, n.d. https://www.musee-orsay.fr/en/artworks/olympia-712.
Jewitt, James R. “Titian, Venus of Urbino (Article) | Venice.” Khan Academy, n.d. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/renaissance-reformation/high-ren-florence-rome/late-renaissance-venice/a/titian-venus-of-urbino.
Simons, Patricia. “Women in Frames: The Gaze, the Eye, the Profile in Renaissance Portraiture.” History Workshop, no. 25 (1988): 4–30. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4288817.
Folland, Tom. “Édouard Manet, Olympia.” Khan Academy, 2017. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/becoming-modern/avant-garde-france/realism/a/manet-olympia.
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manuelachristiana · 1 year
Meine Rezension:
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Wunderschön, passgenau und bequem
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Das Kleid geht etwa bis zu den Knöcheln und ist so nicht ultra lang. Es hat die ideale Länge, so dass man sich noch gut bewegen kann und nicht drauf steigt. Das Kleid ist glücklicherweise nicht super eng, sondern sitzt sehr locker und angenehm weit. Der Stoff ist weich, es fällt fließend und es hat einfach durch die angenehme Weite und das softe Material einen sehr hohen Tragekomfort. Das ist wichtig. Schließlich trägt man so ein Kostüm auf einer Party oder einem Event für mehrere Stunden. Das ist mit diesem Kleid locker möglich.
Gewöhnungsbedürftig hingegen die unten sehr weiten und langen Ärmel. Die reichen quasi bis zu den Fingerspitzen. Aber das ist kein Problem, denn man kann sie sehr gut umkrempeln. Und das sieht noch dazu auch ziemlich gut aus. Denn unter dem schwarzen Tüll kommt dann ein roter Stoff zum Vorschein und gekrempelt passt das super zum Stil.
Das Kleid ist im Ganzen auch wunderbar designt - mit dem schwarzen Stoff, den goldenen Bordüren, dem roten Stoff vorne mit dem schwarzen Band und mit der großen Kapuze. Da passt alles. Vorne kann man durch das Band noch variieren bzw. kaschieren. Wem es oben zu offenherzig ist, der zieht einfach was drunter. So viel Platz ist da noch. Unter dem Kleid lassen sich überhaupt ein paar Problemzönchen wunderbar verbergen. Und da das Kleid so schön weit und fließend und der Stoff so weich ist und es überdies auch noch so prächtig aussieht, ist es einfach perfekt. Danke!
c) M. / 19.9.2023
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Between apparent Gothic rigidity and Renaissance sweetness.
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juliansdiary2 · 1 year
Beyonce Renaissance World Tour, Barcelona
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Click The Link to Watch The Video
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stephanurban · 2 years
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wcoastboy · 4 years
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via wcoastboy
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cctrain0722 · 3 years
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昨年礼文島を走ったことで、がっつり離島ツーリングにはまりました… では今年は利尻島をぐるっと堪能するぞ!という事で友人たちを巻き込み、2泊3日のまったりツーリングへ!
プランはいつも通り、ほぼ未定。 直感で良さそうな道や景色を探して走る。同じ島内でも山の形は見る場所で刻々と変わり、天気もガラッと変わる… 礼文島とは違う面白さ。素晴らしい!
一日の終わりに友人たちと、あの場所は良かった!ここは再度回りたい~など旅の思い出を語りあう【たまらん】時間。 ソロキャンツーとは別のアウトドア。その魅力を全身で感じた離島キャンプでした。
一枚目【焦点距離】42mm【ISO】125【SS】1/200【F値】/6.3 二段目左【焦点距離】34mm【ISO】900【SS】1/160【F値】/2.8 二段目右【焦点距離】31mm【ISO】64【SS】1/800【F値】/2.8 四枚目【焦点距離】44mm【ISO】250【SS】1/200【F値】/6.3 五枚目 不明(360度カメラより切り出し) 五段目左【焦点距離】28mm【ISO】160【SS】1/640【F値】/4 五段目中【焦点距離】31mm【ISO】800【SS】1/125【F値】/4 五段目右【焦点距離】70mm【ISO】3200【SS】1/50【F値】/2.8 八枚目【焦点距離】15mm【ISO】3200【SS】20【F値】/4.5
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st8610 · 3 years
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利尻遠征時の道北珍道中。 せっかく道北に行ったら色々寄り道するのは自然の理。 それでも全然回り切れない魅惑の地。
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junpiraphoto · 3 years
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腰上の分解がやっとこさ終わりました。それなりに走行していそうな消耗状態ですが、まだまだずっと走れそうなので安心しました。 洗浄に時間がめちゃくちゃ掛かりそうですが、夏までに終わらせることができたら良いなと思います。
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koboyan · 6 years
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musicisthelife · 4 years
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