#Repressed Bi Byakuya
isthemedia · 6 years
Ya know what? Last Hurrah time if anything happens to my Tumblr!
Below will be the 1st chapter of the sequel to “What do I Dream to be” (title pending)
The first chapter of the Non-Despair AU-prologue here
And the WIP of the Post Game Fic Prologue.
Finishing up the sequel to “What do I Dream to be” (FUCK YEAH I’m on chapter 7!)
                                                         Chapter 1
“You ever going to tell me your name?”
Eraser huffed as he glared at the blonde. They were sitting...somewhere. He couldn’t tell where. Everything was distorted and nothing looked familiar.
The blonde was still grinning.
“...maybe someday.”
He couldn’t stop the small smirk that crossed his face when the blonde whined.
“Come oooooooon,” he drew out and leaned against him. “Give me something!”
Eraser rolled his eyes and pushed the other away. “Fine...if you want something...I like peach things.”
Bright green eyes--
No wait...red?
No wait, they’re green again?
“Peach things?” The other boy stared at him
“I like the flavor.”
There was a beat before he saw that bright smile again--
And then two large hands from the dark reached out and roughly pulled the blonde away. He could hear the blonde scream and reach out for him.
Eraser reached back, but felt hands take ahold of him and pull away.
Blurry eyes flew open as he felt his chest heaving as he took in deep breaths. Eyes darting around before settling on the face that was over his. Those bright green eyes filled with worry.
He felt gentle hands cups his face.
“You’re alright,” Hizashi murmured and leaned in, giving him a soft kiss. “You’re alright...a-and I’m right here.”
Eraser nodded some as he finally got his breathing back under control. They stay quiet for a bit, Hizashi nuzzling him gently.
“You were calling my name…”
“...you were...taken away,” Eraser replied.
Hizashi gave a soft kiss. “I’m right here.”
The eraser user wrapped his arms around Hizashi and pulled him close. The blonde sighed happily as he settled against him. Enjoying the moment of them being so close with one another.
“Hey, think we should get up and go out for a bit?” Hizashi suggested. It was nearing evening. He was getting used to this out of whack sleeping schedule; the lack of windows helped with that.
“Do we?”
“Maybe some fresh air and a bite? I...just never heard you scream like that.”
The worry in the blonde’s voice made Eraser stop any further arguments. He nodded.
The two dressed in silence, the air still a bit tense.
“...you asked for my name,” Eraser said.
“I, what?”
“In my dream...you asked for my name…” he felt his brows furrow. “I...I can’t even remember it.”
Hizashi gave a sad smile before walking over to him, pulling his shirt on before wrapping his arms around him. “It’s alright Eraser...I mean I want to know it,” he began. “But, nothing would change now if I did know it. I would still love you if you were Yuki, Hajime, or even Karou. It wouldn’t change who YOU are.”
Eraser blushed slight and scoffed. “You’re such a sap.”
“And I’m ALL yours!” Hizashi grinned and kissed him on the cheek with an exaggerated ‘mwah’. “Come on, I’m realizing I’m starving, and it’s Friday...we should be in the clear.”
“....I need more protein gels too.”
“Wanna see if we can find those peach ones again?”  
The was a brief replay of his dream that ran through Eraser’s mind. How normal, and almost real it felt. Shaking it off he nodded and gave a soft smile to Hizashi.
‘Toonuchi Financial Group is another victim to be added to the list of those hit by the string of arsons. Surveillance video shows that last evening a disruption occurred that was enough to cause the cameras to malfunction. Upon closer inspection, it can be confirmed that the damage to them, was caused by a high increase of pressure.
Pressure, created by a devastating sound the decibels reaching over 150.’
“They know it was you,” Eraser said as he glanced over to the TV playing in the bar.
“Even if I didn’t do that, they would have pinned it on me,” Hizashi said as he took a drink of his beer.
One of the few things Hizashi learned about enjoying being in the Marunouchi was how desolate it was when it came to the weekend. It was when he and Eraser could go out in civilian wear and nobody was the wiser.
It was obvious that Eraser never took the opportunity to go out and about, until well...everything that happened a few months ago.
The more he was with Eraser, he felt the underlying familiarity. He remembers when he ran out to get some minor groceries he came across some of these peach protein gels. There was a nagging in the back of his mind telling him to get them, that the other had a fondness for the sweet flavor. So he did. The way Eraser’s eyes lit up was well worth the risk of following that nagging.
“We shouldn’t stay out much longer,” Eraser said, he feet kicking at one of the shopping bags they had sitting under the table.
“Right right...one more after this right?” Hizashi asked, eyes darting to the TV quickly, the hidden message under the question coming through clearly.
Eraser nodded. “Yeah…”
“Then what? You said, the doctors were good...but who else?”
“Some of the guards, though most are blacked out too. Then…” Eraser hesitated. “Then...Kaiguchi…”
Hizashi coughed as he choked on his beer. “K-Kaiguchi Kanjirou?” The ‘Man of the Year’ for businesses three years running? The man behind several ‘saved’ businesses? The man who HELPED fund multiple Quirk assistant charities?! The man that helped fund the Quirk research for doctors!?
HE was part of it!? HE was part of the Quirk Advancement Program!?
Hizashi took a calming breath. Alright, alright, i-it could make sense. The guy coulda been duped into thinking it really was helping them. Right? He met the guy a few times. Intimidating as hell, but his heart was in the right pla--  
“He…” Eraser felt himself shake a little, and it felt like ice settled at the the pit of his stomach. Everything around him was starting to go hazy, as that sweet scent of cigar smoke was suddenly filling his senses. He jumped when he felt hands cover his. Looking up he could see Hizashi looking at him, green eyes filled with worry and a bit of panic. He opened his mouth and Hizashi cut him off.
“Don’t...y-you don’t have to talk about him, alright? Let’s get going, yeah? Head on back, maybe watch something?” The way Eraser acted...shit what did this guy know? Did he know? What was Kaiguchi Kanjirou’s connection?
Eraser nodded. He’d normally make some snappy remark but he just couldn't bring himself to do it this time. The only thing he knew he could be sure of, is how grateful he was that Hizashi was here…
With him.  
Non-despair Ishimondo and other ships fic-basically a fic of about accepting themselves beyond their Ultimate.
                                                  Chapter 1
Transitioning to Hope’s Peak from Kaiseidan High wasn’t as difficult had Ishimaru thought it would be. The atmosphere was different, more elite and pronounced, but it wasn’t overwhelming. It almost felt natural to be here.
At first he tried to get use to some of his classmates, though most seemed to just ignore him despite his best attempts to maintain his...as Sotaru-kun called it “Moral Compass” personality.
For a brief moment he was certain that he was going to maintain his...rather lonesome social standings at this new school as well-but that changed after about a month into the school year.
Mondo Oowada.
In all honesty Ishimaru was certain he and the Ultimate Bike Gang Leader were going to be at each other’s throats at all times. They were, afterall, at opposite ends of the spectrum. However, maybe through with dealing with people like Noitaka-kun, it seemed that they manage to form some sort of comradery between them.  
No, not a comradery, that word didn’t hold the weight of the connection between them properly.
A brotherhood of sorts was formed.
A deep brotherly bond. He rarely had to worry about spending his free time alone. The biker’s presence a near constant thing. It lead him to form another friendship with his classmate Chihiro Fujisaki. The two favored to spend more quiet time while Mondo would attempt to slack off between classes; the latter would occasionally try to catch a quick nap.
He and Chihiro would take the time to talk about simple things and such. Ishimaru couldn’t understand a lot of the jargon the other would use when trying to explain their next pet project they were working on, but he enjoyed the conversation nevertheless.
He was also grateful that when the bell rang, he wasn’t alone in trying to wake the boker up from his sleep.
All further hesitations and doubts about attending such a prestigious school were almost instantly lifted knowing that his brother, his kyoudai would be there besides him.
Ishimaru found himself being able to speak again with the authority he once had; and even though there were times where he felt ineffective...the times where he wasn’t feeling as such greatly overshadowed them. Case in point would be what have just transpired moments ago.
It was a rare sight to see Togami Byakuya attend gym. The Ultimate Affluent Prodigy not seeing the reason for him to attend such a class he viewed as beneath him. It was almost as rare as seeing Fukawa and Celeste to partake in it as well.
It wasn’t as if the heir was out of shape, quite the contrary, Byakuya was nearly at the peak of physical prowess.
No amount of physical aptitude could prepare anyone from taking a hit to the face by a dodgeball from the Ultimate Baseball Star. Leon yelled out some profanities along with apologies.
Ishimaru without hesitation helped the other boy up, ignoring the protest and verbal berating the other dished out. Bringing the other to the locker room where Ishimaru was able to not only find the first aid kit, but a small repair kit for glasses.
Luckily enough it seemed that Byakuya's glasses didn’t sustain any damage, just smudged lenses. A feat a bit shocking since the blow was hard enough to cause the other’s nose to bleed and split his lower lip.
Byakuya swiped the small cloth, claiming he was quite capable of handling this himself. Ishimaru was still unsure how to actually speak with the other, he always seem--no, he most definitely does just brush off whatever he says. He stood there a bit awkwardly before something caught his eye.
He probably wouldn’t have seen it if Byakuya didn’t shift on the bench to tend to his still slightly bleeding nose. But peaking out from the bottom of his gym shorts was a patch of bruising skin. At first Ishimaru thought that perhaps it was from the fall he took from getting hit.
But there was something more to it.
There was a little bit of drying blood...from what looked like small indentations from a pronged item. Almost like a for--
“Did you--”
“What?” The other snapped as he put his glasses back on.  
“Your leg,” Ishimaru gestured to it.
“It’s nothing. Merely a distraction tactic,” Byakuya stated as he stood up, tossing dirtied cloth at Ishimaru's feet.
“A distraction tact--”
“Not everyone can be as open about certain sides of themselves,” Byakuya cut him off. “We can’t all be open as you and that punk are.”
“Open?” Ishimaru repeated. What was he going on about--oh wait! Didn’t he explain that there’s that unspoken war among all the other potential heirs? So did that mean that he felt guilty for wanting some sort of sibling relationship that he and Mondo had. “I don’t see what’s wrong with you wanting to have a brotherly bond like Mondo and I have! In fact it might be for the best for you! Having that bond can empower you in a way you never felt before!”
Byakuya stared at him. As if he was trying to process the outburst. Was he really that…?
The Affluent Prodigy scoffed out a dry laugh, which only had the other’s look of confusion grow. He almost felt pity for him...not really understanding what he meant. And perhaps a small amount to the Bike Gang Leader for showing interest in somebody so dense.  
“It would be best for you to believe me when I say, that it is not as easy as you make it out to be,” he said to Ishimaru before turning on his heel to go back to class.
No...wanting something you know you cannot have. And knowing you can’t have it...sometimes a distraction no matter how brutal can be the only course of action.
“Hey, Togami?”
“You alright? It looked like Leon hit you pretty badly,” Makoto asked as he approached the other. “He feels really bad about it.”
“He should be fine,” another voice added. “Even with his strength, there wouldn’t be enough force to break his nose.”
And Byakuya internally cursed once again. Because of course, wherever Makato was, Kyouko was going to be close by. He reached up to push his glasses up, and put pressure along the still tender nose bridge in an attempt to distract.
Pain was always the best course for his needed distraction.
“I’m fine. I do not need the likes of you to concern yourselves over me,” he huffed and pushed passed...despite the gentle warmth that settled in his stomach.
Dammit, this wasn’t enough this time.
Post-Game 1&2 fic with the victims/perps trying to escape Hope Peak and get out into the world.–Ishimodo, SayaLeo, and slight Celeste/Hifumi (just to clear up, perps and victims form Game1 Only)
                                                    Prologue (WIP)
When she woke  up…
She screamed.
She screamed and thrashed and kicked.
She was somewhere...somewhere small.
She kicked harder and harder. Flashes of pain shot up her leg but she couldn’t be deterred.
She...she needed to get out.
She needed to…
To apologize.
To apologize to them.
Her screaming gave way to crying and small sniffling.
She was sorry.
She was so so sorry.
She was sorry to Makoto...she was going to try and frame him.
She was sorry for Leon...even he tried to talk her down, she refused to listen. If she would have then maybe--
They was shouting above her.
Her eyes widened. She kicked harder and harder and soon she heard something crack…
And a tiny door creaked open.
She scrambled out of wherever it was...her foot hurt she definitely much have bruised it--
She couldn’t focus on that right now, the banging and yelling was growing more frantic. Looking to see--w-was this a morgue? It was cold...b-but shouldn’t it be colder?
Ah there was water everywhere…
A light was flickering on one of the doors, where the yelling was coming from. Pushing herself to her feet she rushed over-yeah foot is very much bruised--
Open, open! Why won’t it open!? Ah she couldn’t concentrate with the yelling.
She opened her mouth a few times but couldn’t get any words to come out. Not at first...then that little door was being kicked it, and the light flickered again. Maybe---maybe!
And then the yelling stopped.
“Leon! Please listen, keep kicking at the door, there’s a keypad--”
“Y-yes, i-it’s me…”
“Oh god...oh fuck! Say-Sayaka! I-I’m sorry! I-I’m so--”
“Later! Let's get you out of here first!” She heard a small sound, almost like a huff and the kicking proceeded. The door jostled and the light flickered. All the while she kept pressing buttons on the keypad.
Maybe they could break it? She remembered something like this happening to her on tour once. Well not this exactly….but still.
Then the light flickered faster and faster and then--
It went off…
And a click.
And the small door slowly opened.
She backed away just as the door was kicked open, and out scrambled a shaking and shivering Leon Kuwata.
Her heart was slowing down some. The adrenaline was rushing out…
And she cried.
Leon could feel himself shake as he tried to catch his breath. His lungs felt like they were burning and fuck his foot hurt. What happened? Didn’t he die? A thousand fucking baseballs to his body--
He whipped around when he heard the crying.
And there she was…
She was alive.
She was alive and crying and--
He fell back with a cough as she threw herself at him. She held onto him as she continued crying. Repeating ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again. The pain...and remorse...he found himself wrapping his arms around her as his own tears flowed.
Each ‘I’m sorry’ Sayaka said he echoed.
Neither of them could tell how long it was, but when they finally were able to calm down-eyes and throats hurting-they tried to get their breathing back under control. It was the only sound in that room for the time being.
Sayaka sniffled as she pushed herself up and rubbed at her eye, and Leon pushed himself up. He looked around...just what was this room? Why was everything so...freaking wet?
“I’m sorry…”
Leon looked over to her, and gently reached to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I think we shared enough of those for right now...I-I wanna talk about it more but...we--”
Sayaka took a shaky breath and nodded “W-we should really f-figure out where we are.”
“And how they hell we’re alive…” Leon said as he looked along the wall to see more
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hopeymchope · 6 years
So do you have as much trouble seeing the Togami/Toku ship work as I do? In addition to agreeing with the insight into Toku you have in "Yearbook," there's practical reasons against it. Mostly, she's a murderer? An actual, pre-Tragedy serial killer, even tho it's played for laughs? And if I was Togami, I'd be more than a little worried that Genocider's lust was more about making me her next victim more than anything... not exactly a good foundation for mutual trust there.
I tend to separate Toko Prime from Syo/Jack as being… well, let’s say mostly distinct entities, so it feels maybe a little bit unfair for me to say that “ToFu” or “Togafuka” wouldn’t work because of Syo/Jack — although it’s kind of an unavoidable X Factor in any relationship with Miss Fukawa. Her Serial Killer side talks a lot about how “Master” makes her feel unlike anyone else, and she doesn’t want to hurt him at all… and yet, it’s hard not to wonder if that switch could flip at any moment. Genocider doesn’t seem incredibly consistent in her behavior and beliefs, after all.
But honestly, Ultra Despair Girls drove the nail into the coffin of Togafuka in my mind, and NOT because of Komaru. Rather, it’s because of the scene at the end where Toko and Komaru finally appear outside Byakuya’s cell to save him.
As I charged to his rescue across the course of the game, I knew that if Toko showed up and ACTUALLY rescued him (as opposed to someone else getting there first or Byakuya breaking free on his own), that’s Zero Hour for the Togafuka ship. That’s IT. You will show me, in that moment, if there’s any chance for these two, because obviously THAT is when he should give her some kind of appreciation and/or affection… if indeed he has any to give.
Toko and Komaru DID wind up rescuing Togami. And then? Togami utterly murdered the Togafuka ship in my eyes.
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I mean, WHAT THE FUCK, MAN. You’ve only been held in captivity by mass-murdering sociopaths and admitted torturers for DAYS now. You finally get rescued, and this is what you give us?
(Devil’s Advocate Counterpoint: Maybe he’s just playing on how much he knows Toko loves it when he trashes her verbally and treats her like crap… ?)
Of course, it didn’t help that before this scene, we watched as Toko and Komaru went from uneasy allies to genuine friends to best friends to… holding hands, Toko wrapping her arms around Komaru’s waist affectionately, and the two of them co-sleeping. Throw in the new backstory about the repressive mothers and their forced therapy, and it starts to feel like maybe Kodaka knew what he was doing here? Maybe not — I mean, he’s denied in interviews that Toko/Komaru have definitively fallen for each other, but I think that, as of her character growth and redefinition in UDG, Toko suddenly feels like a forcibly closeted bi/pan/gay character.
Aaaaand that’s how I got to feeling like her obsession with rich, powerful young men was basically an obsession with purposefully unattainable men so as to maintain her seeming straightness, both in her own mind and for the benefit of others, and there you go.
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hinatakickflips · 6 years
-makoto is straight and in a committed relationship w/ kyoko but definitely had a one sided crush on sayaka; probably hit on universally
-mondo + ishimaru may or may not be bfs, but mondo is definitely gay
-sayaka emits strong lesbian vibes but is probably victim to leons bad pickup attempts anyway
-chihiro is a guy if thats what he wants (personally i view them as genderfluid) but alter ego is nb and aro ace w/ chiaki
-byakuya is a cishet incel and toukos only attracted to him bc he fits her s&m interests but touko and jill themselves r now dating komaru who is and always has been a proud mtf w/w
-asahina + sakura are jock gfs
-junko is the most powerful pan in the world and tsumiki is her lesbian gf
-celeste, izuru, and rantaro are INTENSELY ace and at least the former two are aro
-all protags are possibly trans but shuichi is the strongest contender
-the majority of sdr2 is queer w/ only souda to show for their local cishet, they all give off strong nonstraight vibes but are also ambiguous at the same time
-nekomaru + imposter give off bi/pan vibes respectively, teruteru (sigh) is openly bi, but somehow ibuki takes the cake for the POWER BI vibes of game 2
-mahiru + hiyoko are femme gfs and make sonia think abt having a girlfriend too, however she and gundam are a trans solidarity so she doesnt rlly get lonely (aka sonia??? trans. gundam?? maybe so. less likely... but never impossible)
-HAJIME IS BI BUT CHUNSOFT ARE JUST COWARDS HOWEVER HE IS DEFINITELY BI.. he has an implied crush on chiaki but personally prefer them as just besties
-fuyuhiko is trans and loves his gf peko and they r voted most likely to get married
-komaeda loves boys and one of those boys is hajime and thats just something ur gonna have to deal w/
-shuichi saihara + kaede akamatsu are BI ICONS and in love
-v3 is the pan game. angie? pan. kiibo? pan. miu? pan. tsumugi? pan. even shuichi can be pan if u want
-kiibo is our local he/him nb ace and we love him
-TENKO SURE LOVES GIRLS and def deserves to date himiko, but who knows if.. himiko deserves her...
-kaito is a repressed gay and ouma gives me v subtle trans vibes
-idk what oumas into but i feel like regardless of attraction (present or otherwise) hed just never date anyone bc he prefers to hoard attention and return none... whether thats bc hes aro or its a personal choice idk, but he sure as heck aint ace
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