#Reverse Disease
shamaradanielsnhc · 2 years
Fasting cleanses the mind, body, & spirit with a solution called "Peace of Mind"
click the picture to listen to the podcast episode Summary Just imagine with me for a minute, close your eyes, and think about a huge center that cleanses the body from the inside out! Wouldn’t it be great!! This place would clean out toxins, diseases, infections, viruses, immunity issues, damaged cells, and everything that could possibly harm your body! Well, I just described what ongoing…
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gideonisms · 6 months
my hot take that will get me screenshotted by 2-3 ianthe bloggers is that griddlehark is actually more toxic than harrianthe. when you think about it both parties can Leave harrianthe eventually even if they'd still have to see each other. The power imbalance just isn't that severe. and I don't even think ianthe wants it to be. I think SHE thinks she wants it to be a sexy power imbalance but when it comes down to it and the moment arrives when harrow would fuck her out of desperation to be safe, ianthe turns away. She doesn't want harrow that way. She wants harrow to forget Gideon so they can be lyctors together forever. She wants to mutually maim each other. I think it's even consensual maiming. harrow broke one of gideon's ribs when gideon tried to leave her!
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fishareglorious · 6 months
so... apparently I've been writing Sammelweis' name wrong the entire time. It's Semmelweis, just like the doctor Ignaz Semmelweis.
I do wonder if she's going to have a heavy-handed reference to the real-life Semmelweis. Look him up, his story and role in the founding of antisepsis practices is incredibly interesting if you're into medical history like me.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 4 months
Recently been filling time by trying to think what the best possible course of action would be to prevent Kaito and Kokichi's deaths if I was plopped into v3 right at the beginning of chapter 5
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Positive news!
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[Image ID: The Destiel Confession meme edited so Dean answers 'scientists have found a mechanism to reverse auto-immune diseases' to Castiels 'I love you'. /End ID]
This is indeed very good news! Hopefully the clinical testing is successful and they'll be able to make an affordable 'reverse vaccine'!
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sleeplesssmoll · 3 months
Reverse 1999: The Beyond Disease
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If she lives, she will be transcend into something else but her mind will never be the same. The process is painful.
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lonelymoonbeams · 4 months
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the best in her field
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bullbobb · 2 months
Ok because he’s the opposite of a rainbow, is reverse homophobic…
The token straight of the steve saga, Reverse Steve
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anonymocha · 6 months
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consider making out with your dentist 🤗
not finishing this so dm me if you want the lineart to color <\3
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candysharkart · 1 year
OK but like can you imagine Bob and Linda finding out about the time Tina and Louise almost drowned in a sink hole on their trip to Florida after looking through the video camera? Like they just thought their kids were out camping in the parking lot the whole time.
yeah!!! much less all the other Normal Florida Things that couldve hurt/eaten/killed them!!! these kids know when it'd be...... less stressful for all parties if certain adventures are...........secret............
like the family and kids get in enough danger that bob and linda DO know about but i dont think they know abt like..... the kids almost getting crushed by that truck on halloween (and millie's torment before that), louise specifically almost getting mangled by that smoothie truck (you think she explained her bike? no. "god did it."), tina and louise almost drowning in that cave recently, aaall the different times they were DEFINITELY way farther away from home than bob and linda think......... the list goes on........
and they can only manage one emergency phone between all three kids! bob and linda really do trust them like. a lot. for all their shenanigans
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vanilla-poisons · 11 months
Yeah reverse hanahaki is funny in theory but also imagine that with Kalijami where it’s-
(Angst under the cut)
TW // self destructive behavior / harm // emetophobia // sort of eating disorder adjacent
Kalim madly in love Jamil but knowing he hold nothing but hate in his heart for him. So he gets reverse hanahaki and starts craving flowers. He turns away the food Jamil has prepared as it no longer feels good in his mouth. He just devours these plants while with stems and thorns and petals getting stuck in his throat. He ends up having the throw a lot of it up but feels empty. The flowers don’t taste good but eating them distracts from the pain of having to acknowledge his unrequited love. He does it more and more until he’s almost choking himself with the feeling of sorrow.
…sorry this was so angsty for no reason
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johntorrington · 5 months
my dental health has been so bad recently because of the Problems and it has me googling like a sailor lost in the arctic. how do i tell these articles i don’t have scurvy my gums are just bleeding bc i don’t have the energy to brush my teeth
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waywardsalt · 7 months
im thinking about possession aftereffects that linebeck experiences immediately after the events of phantom hourglass, so here are bullet points i have down for my own ideas
he’s out cold for roughly five days after the fight. he’s conscious for a bit after being freed, but it doesn’t take long for him to collapse once he’s transported back to the great sea. link finds him when he reaches his ship to see him again (he takes a lifeboat or w/e from tetras ship its a whole thing and not the point) and ends up having to take care of him for those five-ish days.
while he’s out cold, he develops a bad fever, and has a good few physical injures from being possessed; all of his wounds from being possessed manifest as burns, the worst wounds bring cauterized and mostly closed, while smaller ones are still open wounds. the largest wound is a large burn covering most of his back, which is cauterized by the time he passes out, and then there are smaller, still open burns on his upper arms and legs. (the smaller wounds are manageable by link when he follows some medical instructions, [there are some medical books on the ship] the larger one is also manageable, but takes a lot longer to properly heal).
(link asks tetra and her crew to stick around for a while to keep linebeck stabilized while he’s unconscious. when linebeck wakes up, tetra and her crew are good to leave because then linebeck can better report what’s going on, and knows how to handle injuries).
linebeck’s fever persists after he wakes up, and he experiences… pretty much every fever symptom, with especially bad chills and full-body aches. the aches are really bad for the first few days after he wakes up, he’s extremely physically weak and shaky for a while, too. that weakness and shakiness get better with time, but he doesnt go entirely back to normal without actually moving around and doing things to build that strength back up.
he’s delirious and struggles to stay awake for those first few conscious days, too, which makes that weakness and shakiness worse; he struggles to eat and drink water, and struggles to string together thoughts or words to talk to link, and both of them figure out pretty quickly that they’ll have to wait a bit longer before so much as an attempt to coax him out of bed can be made.
beyond existing problems with food, linebeck struggles to keep anything down while he recovers, and becomes ill pretty much every time after he eats anything, so a bucket is kept near his bed. with water, he obviously needs to drink a lot of it considering that he’s feverish, injured, and vomiting frequently, but while he’s sick he has a bit of an irrational fear of water (along with an irrational fear of air and the wind, which makes him hesitant to go outside while he’s sick).
he’s generally pretty irritable, which isn’t particularly new, but it makes him prone to refusing help with certain things. he’s less irritable when tired and just resting. he’s also especially nervous, and despite the overall fatigue, he struggles to sleep for very long while he’s sick, and as said before, is often delirious and even confused when things are bad.
along with the other difficulties eating, linebeck has a hard time swallowing for a bit, and salivates a lot more than normal while he’s sick. he is soooo fucking dehydrated the whole time and that really doesn’t help.
while the weakness and shakiness stays for the entire time he’s sick and even a bit afterwards, for the first few days after he wakes up he’s stiff and also experiences some muscle spasms and numbness in his limbs, and has a hard time keeping his balance the first few times he gets out of bed.
once the sickness clears up fully, linebeck has to still be careful with the scar on his back; it’s sensitive to touch for a while and hurts when exposed to the sun or air for too long and when he stretches his back too far, but eventually just reaches the point where it’s a bit sensitive but is otherwise just a large scar.
obviously he’s also going through the wringer in an emotional and mental illness sense too but those would require a whole new bullet point list.
#ask to tag#loz#legend of zelda#linebeck#phantom hourglass#this kinda just turned into early post ph chapter notes and you know what? i really needed it to be that way actually#post bellumbeck wounds manifest as burns bc i think that purple… ooze? from bellum is like fucking acid#also magic shit yadda yadda bellum burns those he possesses cuz like. melt skin so it fuses to whats touching it. yknow#salty talks#why does tetra’s crew leave when linebeck wakes up? linebeck wants them to leave and he wants to keep secret the fact that he got possessed#hes lucky that link doesnt say anything and lucky that tetra never saw any of it#he uses the story that he just got attacked by bellum and knocked out while link fought bellum#i might just leave his long term bellumbeck aftereffects at. huge burn scar on his back and some fun magic stuff#cuz he does go through all of this shit and survives what is basically literally fucking rabies its a lot of rabies symptoms#its like. mixture of real sickness/disease and Burn Wounds with a dash of. hmm what would he be experiencing as like#his body gets use to actually being in control of itself after that control is forcibly and violently hijacked by something else#also theres just some nasty shit in his blood/body in general which is why he vomits most of the time. get that shit outta here#also this whole scenario is ig a fun reversal since all of ph link is the one who gets injured/sick snd linebeck has to take care of him#so. switch things around. link is Going Through It as well this is DISTRESSING for him but he feels better while talking with linebeck#link being present seriously tipped things in linebecks favor. if he was alone he wouldve still survived. it wouldve fucking sucked tho#wouldve been really really hard but with enough effort and will to live linebeck could survive on his own thats important#seriously considering adding that at his worst he has seizures but i dont know enough abt those rn so maybe layer
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rivalkieran · 1 year
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speswap / personality reverse au designs for johtrio :)
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moongothic · 9 months
Question, why do you dislike the haki detransition theory for Crocodile? I think it would be interesting to see how he worked around not using haki and what kind of techniques he cooked up that way. Or maybe he only has to avoid using a certain type of haki?
It's less about the theory itself and more the potential story scenarios the theory could lead to that I dislike
Because if it was revealed in the story that Crocodile could use Haki but has actively been choosing not to because it would detransition him, then it could very likely lead to a scenario where Crocodile is forced to use Haki for some reason or another, thus he'd end up detransitioned. And I personally don't want to see that. I don't want to see Crocodile detransitioned against his will, nor put into a situation where he has to sacrifice his own comfort for any reason.
Like I don't know how to really explain it... For me it'd just rub me the wrong way the same way when ablebodied people celebrate it when disabled people in wheelchairs force themselves up to walk (say, to walk down the aisle) as if putting themselves into excruciating pain for a moment to appear """normal""" was a good thing Like obviously these are not the same thing and not actually comparable, I just can't think of anything else to compare it to explain why I don't want to see Croc detransitioned.
'Cause I can imagine, if Crocodile was forced to use Haki to, say, protect Luffy or some shit, there would be so many cishets who would celebrate it and treat it like it was a good thing. There'd be so many people saying shit like "Crocomom reveals her true form to heroicly save Luffy" or some shit (just going 1000% on the misgendering), and people would treat that kind of scene "a beautiful moment" instead of something that would (/should) be painful, humiliating and deeply uncomfortable for Crocodile. And I would fucking hate that. I would hate all of that so much. Not to mention, a scene like that could easily end up becoming the most memorable Crocodile moment in the series, and I don't want the trans man to end up being remembered as a woman. Not to mention Crocodile would then be STUCK detransitioned. Like the only way to retransition would be if he got another HRT shot from Ivankov, and between Iva-chan being on the other side of the Red Line (aka not accessible as of now), and them having zero obligation to help Sir Mass Murdering War Criminal retransition. Yeah. I don't want to watch him get humiliated and mocked for being trans. And the likelyhood he could be is absolutely mortifying.
And I know. Yes, even if the theory was true, it doesn't mean Crocodile would have to end up detransitioned in the story, it could just be there to explain why he can't use Haki and be left at that. I will argue that if you were going to make a plot point out of it, then it would be pointless if there weren't concequences for it. Like, it should lead to something. That's Writing 101. And the only other option then would be Crocodile refusing to use Haki for something and dying. Or him allowing someone else to end up hurt and/or die because he wouldn't be willing to sacrifice his comfort for their sake. Needless to say, both moves would end up being demonized to hell and back. The former for "being stupid and weak", the latter for being "selfish and evil". There would be no winning here. So in other words; Crocodile staying transitioned would end up as a selfish/evil action that would be looked down upon, while if he stopped being trans, that would be seen as a good thing to be celebrated. Need I explain why this would be fucked up.
So again, it's less the theory itself. It's where the theory could lead to (the Turbo Transphobia) that I dislike.
And the best way to avoid those horrible scenarios would be if the theory that allows them wasn't actually canon. If Crocodile can't be detransitioned permanently (without Iva-chan), then there's nothing to worry about.
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epithetical · 9 months
wrote a ~5000 word update post about what i've been up to the past four years, but because I never talk on here, that means there's seven years of context i gotta recap.
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