#Rhea's Story
cavinginhisfvce · 16 days
the way jey ran his hand up rhea’s arm to grab her hand…my stomach hurts oh my god, i love jhea…
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damiansgoodgirll · 21 days
excited for dont break my heart part 6 <3
here we go!
part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
the judgment day x reader (platonic) / damian priest x reader (platonic) / rhea ripley x reader (platonic) / drew mcintyre x reader
likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
‼️angst, mention of family issues, fear of abandonment, fear of loneliness, panic attack, nightmares, mention of past domestic violence, finn’s being violent, mention of daddy issues, sexual tension but nothing explicit (yet) some fluff too‼️
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don’t break my heart - part 6
rhea was waiting for bash in berlin to come. she tried to get her revenge on liv for the past week but someone was always there to stop her. but she knew, in berlin, she had the opportunity to prove everyone who the real champion was. she couldn’t wait to get her revenge on her, she had so much unleashed anger that she knew she was going to destroy liv, in every way possible.
the past week has been a blur to you.
everyone getting ready for the big event in germany, you too, so, you didn’t have much time to enjoy life.
you didn’t have a match but you knew that the judgment day would have tried to screw damian and rhea and you couldn’t let it happen, not again.
so you trained. you trained with damian, you trained with rhea, you trained with drew.
damian and rhea hardly accepted this new relationship between you and him. for her, he was too old. she would have never told you this but in her mind, you were just projecting your past self into this relationship, the need of having someone older to look after you, the feeling of being loved and chosen by someone older than you. damian didn’t mind the age difference as long as you were happy, but he knew that at the moment, you struggled being happy and he didn’t want drew to cause you more harm.
“you got his hermosa” damian happily cheered you on as you were training with rhea. she was tough and much stronger than you. training with her was always a challenge but you loved it.
you smiled at him and let rhea practice some other moves on you before you both took a breath and some minutes of break.
“everything okay?” rhea asked when she saw you looking at the ceiling, a little dozed off.
“i spoke with finn” you confessed. damian and rhea met you with worried eyes “he wanted to apologise but i shove him away…he kept saying how sorry he was for what happened…”
rhea took a deep breath before speaking again “what did you say y/n?”
“that i don’t wanna see him or talk to him ever again…i trusted him with my whole life and he betrayed me like that…he’s dead for me” rhea proudly smiled when she heard those words coming out of your mouth. she knew how important was finn to you and she was a little scared that you may want to forgive him so when you told her that you were done, she felt relieved.
“i’m proud of you hermosa…” damian kissed your head, making you smile against his chest.
“you ready for bash?” you asked the duo, seeing them working their asses off this whole week.
“ready to destroy them” rhea said making you chuckle.
“i feel like i need a hot shower and then i’ll start packing for berlin…do you guys need any help with packing?” you offered while walking out the gym.
damian smiled at your kindness “no princesa, i think i’m almost done packing, thank you though, i appreciate it”
you smiled back, riding with them and waving them off once they dropped you back home.
the rest of the night moved slowly, you took your time doing your skincare, washing your hair, cooking dinner and packing for berlin. you felt at ease, somehow. maybe it was because of damian and rhea being there for you like a real family, maybe it was because of your relationship with drew.
and thinking of him, your telephone popped up with a notification from drew.
sleep well kid, call me if anything happens, even if you just need to talk about the silliest things, i’m here for you, always, goodnight love, see you in berlin <3
you smiled, replying a thank you and a goodnight. for the first time you felt loved and appreciated and you wanted it to stay like that forever.
but you knew some things couldn’t stay true forever.
bash in berlin was a success. rhea and damian dominated against liv and dom. rhea took her revenge on liv, hitting her and making her pay for what she did to you.
“you’re gonna regret even speaking to y/n” she whispered in her hear, making sure the cameras didn’t catch that before licking her face.
of course the judgment day had to interfere but you were ready. the crowd cheered when they saw you kicking finn away from damian. you tried to bring some peace because five against two wasn’t a fair match. so you helped them as you could, trying to keep jd and finn out of the ring so damian and rhea could finish the match. you couldn’t express how happy you were once they won the match.
laughing at finn’s face was your little revenge. his expression was a mix of heartbreak and anger. he hated damian and rhea for turning you against him even more.
drew watched the match backstage, softly smiling when he saw you happy, not caring that he just lost against punk. he knew he was gonna get his revenge at some point, so, celebrating with you was his priority now.
he waited for you to finish all the interviews, he waited for you to get ready before he could come to your changing room.
you heard a soft knock outside, knowing that only drew knocked so carefully when it came to you “come in” you smiled.
his eyes a little sad but his smile still on his face when he saw you all this happy and energetic. you hugged him, letting him know that you were there for him, always.
“how are you drew? anything that hurts?” his heart missed a few beats when he heard you getting worried for him.
“i’m good…raw is happening soon and bad blood is next month, i’m gonna get my revenge” he softly kissed your head while you hugged him, the height difference making it easier for him to reach your head than your lips “you did so good y/n, i’m so proud of you…you showed everyone what you can do and i’m so happy for you, you deserve all of this” his words were sincere, you could see it in his eyes.
you needed to hear those words. you craved those words. you needed someone to be proud of you, it meant that all you fought for in the past years wasn’t taken for granted.
“thank you drew…i really appreciate it” there was moment of silence between the two of you before you slowly dragged his neck down and met his lips in a gentle kiss. he understood that physical affection was your love sign, more than words and honesty he didn’t mind. he loved the feeling of your lips over his. your smaller hands tugging his hairs and neck. his stronger ones holding you tighter by your hips.
butterflies were all over your body when he deepened the kiss, his beard slowly grazing your face, making you shiver under his touch.
drew couldn’t lie to himself if he said he didn’t want to have you naked under his body. he imagined every night what it would feel like having you under him, naked and begging just for him. he craved for your touch. no one was ever able to make him feel like you do. but at the same time he respected you too much and he wanted to take things slowly, making you feel comfortable and not rushing things.
you both needed to catch breath so you moved a little from his lips. his eyes never leaving your face, always looking for any sign of discomfort but when you showed none, his lips moved back onto yours.
he moved you both on the black leather couch near the door so you could be more comfortable, knowing that the height difference might cause you both neck pain after standing for so long. he took you in his lap, your hands still in his hair, playing with the soft ends while his hands moved from your hips to your back and from your back to your hips again.
everything was new for you. this was probably the longest make out session you’ve ever had. and you worried about what would drew say when you will tell him that he was your first ever real relationship.
“everything okay?” he whispered, catching breath. he sensed you shifting uncomfortably in his lap so he worried a little.
“yeah…it’s just”
“a lot?” he asked.
“no” you laughed “it’s nice, very nice but everything is new for me so…please, please let me know if i do something wrong…”
his hand gently stroked your cheek, as if he wanted to reassure you that everything was okay and you couldn’t do anything wrong “we are moving at your own pace, i promise you, everything is okay” you relaxed a little when he saw those words, making you smile when you started kissing him again.
a loud knock interrupted the two of you “mariposa! rhea and i are leaving, are you ready?” damian asked from outside the door.
“he’s gonna kill me if he sees us like this” drew whispered making it hard for you to keep your laughter down.
“uhm…yeah, i’m ready, just give me a sec” you moved out of drew’s lap as he watched you throwing your essentials into your bag “i’m coming”
“i’ll text you once we are back at the hotel” drew whispered, winking at you and blowing you a kiss.
you smiled before leaving the changing room only to be met with a questioning damian “what took you so long?” he asked when you both met rhea and drove back to the hotel.
“i showered…and watched the rest of the main event…” you hated lying to them but if damian or rhea found out you were having a heavy make out session with drew in your changing room, they would have killed him and then you.
“what’s that smile y/n?” rhea teased you, making you blush.
“oh nothing…i’m just happy for how the show went” you tried your best to not lie to them but you knew you couldn’t. they knew something was up but they both exhausted so they let it go, at least for now.
back at the hotel, you and drew kept texting like teenagers. you shared your room with rhea so you couldn’t have him over and if you left, she would get suspicious. she pretended to sleep but she knew you were up. she heard your nails typing on the keyboard, she heard your little giggles and even if she wasn’t a fan of this relationship, she couldn’t deny that you were a changed person since you started dating drew.
the day after was spent by everyone going back to the states because of monday night raw. you wished you had enough time to visit berlin but drew promised you that once you both had a few days off he would take you, so you held on to that promise.
if 48 hours ago you were in berlin, now you were checking in your hotel for the next few days in denver, colorado. you were tired and you wanted to sleep but damian and rhea called you in the gym so you could train with them.
“what’s with that face mi amor?” damian’s accent made everything even better but you were tired so you couldn’t care less.
“tired…” you yawned.
“if you slept instead of texting with drew all night long you wouldn’t be so tired…” rhea said out loud. she didn’t mean to. it was a thought that she had and she didn’t know why it escaped but now it was out.
it wasn’t what she said that made you upset, it was the annoying tone that she used that caused you to blow up.
“excuse me?” you didn’t want to fight, not with her, but if she had any problems you wanted her to tell you.
damian looked between the two of you, a little speechless as he didn’t know what was going on.
“i…i’m sorry…i didn’t mean it like that” rhea apologised immediately, knowing that she might have overstepped.
“if you have a problem with me dating drew, i wanna know it…instead of you talking behind my back” you didn’t mean to talk back like that, but again, you were tired and even if it wasn’t an excuse, rhea had no business in talking about your relationship like that.
“i don’t have a problem with you dating drew…” rhea breathed
“but don’t you thing you guys are going too fast?” rhea didn’t know what to say without you getting mad “i mean…i don’t want you to get hurt, i don’t want you to regret something because you moved too fast…”
“you don’t know anything about my relationship with drew!” you went in defensive mode.
damian stepped up, trying to calm the situation down “well, talk to us hermosa”
“no if you’re not respecting my choices! if you keep judging me based of who i’m dating, what i’m doing with my life and the list can go on…next time, keep your unwanted opinions to yourself” you said to rhea before leaving the gym.
you were feeling guilty, especially for screaming at her when all she did these past months was to be there for you. you felt like shit because they just wanted to help you but you let them out, like the first time you joined the team.
you wanted to tell them everything, you wanted their advices and support. but the way rhea couldn’t approve your relationship with drew made you somehow mad. it wasn’t her business and she had no saying in your choices.
“she’ll get over it” damian whispered to rhea as she watched you leave the gym.
the duo continued their training while you started packing for the arena.
an hour later damian asked you if you wanted a ride over there but you told him that drew was already taking care of it.
“what’s on your mind love?” drew’s thick accent made you smile a little. he knew something was wrong when you didn’t speak a word to him.
“i had a fight with rhea…” you whispered.
he was shocked at first, being aware of how close you two are “what happened sweetheart?”
“she said something she shouldn’t have said…and i may have overreacted” he smiled hearing taking your guilts. rhea cared about you too much for staying mad at you and he knew you two were going to make up by the end of the night.
“she said something about me, didn’t she?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
you nodded.
he was happy that someone cared about you. he was aware that rhea and damian were your family. he saw it everytime your fought together. he saw it when you first joined the group.
and he smiled even more at the thought of you fighting with rhea for him. he was a grown ass man and he definitely could take care about rhea and damian. he knew he was going to face them later on, wanting to assure them of his intentions with you.
he knew they needed to hear that from him and not from you. because in their eyes, you will always be like a little sister to them, no matter your age. they would always feel the need to protect you and right now they were seeing him as a threat.
“don’t fight with rhea over me…i promise you, i can take care of them” he laughed.
“it’s not that…i just feel like they don’t want me to move on my with life…” you knew that it wasn’t completely true, but you were stubborn and that was what you were feeling at the moment.
“you’ll make up, i know it…” he reassured you a little before kissing your hand and helping you down the car and into the arena.
you both went into your respective dressing rooms. you got there earlier cause you wanted to avoid rhea and damian. rhea was going to open up the show and you didn’t want to be a bother for her.
so you got dressed. you did your make up, you did your hair and you ate something before the show started.
backstage, you watched how confident she was on that ring. she delivered her promo amazingly, calm and collected as she was before dominik interrupted her. it was fun watching how the crowd never let him spoke. but when you saw liv coming out of nowhere, you knew that something was going to happen, since she was alone and they were two.
her leg got stuck between the ropes, leaving free access for liv to hit her and kick her. you knew damian was going out to help her but you were closer to the inside of the arena than damian was so you sprinted out, running backstage into the arena and letting everyone know that you were there and no one had to mess with your family. damian followed you behind. as he helped rhea, you were able to grab liv from her hair and yank her on the floor a couple of times before dominik separated her from you.
your attention immediately went to rhea and damian, who were watching you inside of the ring.
“are you okay?” you asked her, a little worried.
rhea smiled when she saw you and she couldn’t help but to embrace you in her arms, whispering how sorry she was for everything that happened earlier.
“it’s okay, i promise…let me help you backstage” you said smiling at her.
you and damian both helped her backstage. medical staff immediately came towards you and asked rhea to sit down so they could check on her. she was hurting but you knew she went through worse.
“thanks for coming out there” rhea said, honesty filling her voice.
“i’m sorry for getting mad at you” you realised how childish your behaviour was.
“i apologise for talking about things that don’t concern me, you were right… you will talk to us when you’re ready to do it and we will be here for you” damian hugged you both when he heard rhea apologising.
“i hate fighting with you rhea…” you smiled into her embrace.
“same thing here…”
“well, i’m glad everything is over now” damian said making you both laugh.
as the show progressed, you watched punk segment only to be interrupted by drew. you remembered what he told you about getting his revenge on punk. so you weren’t surprised to see him attacking punk with such violence. not even when the medical staff took him to the ambulance he stopped. he kept attacking him until you saw blood coming out of his mouth. you couldn’t understand how such a strong and crazy man could be so caring and sweet with you. but you liked him, a lot.
the event ended up with damian teaming up with jey uso. of course you and rhea were both ringside to make sure the rest of the judgment day wouldn’t screw up this match up. finn was so pissed when he lost. he couldn’t handle losing to damian once again. he was furious, going backstage, he started breaking everything he found on his way.
you laughed, celebrating the victory on the ring with jey, rhea and damian. it was a weird team but jey brought a wave of happiness that you knew was missing.
when the show ended, drew had one more thing to do before going back to the hotel and that was talking with rhea and damian. so, while you were going into your dressing room, drew caught the duo before they parted ways.
“what’s going on?” rhea asked him when he saw him approaching them.
“can we talk? there’s something that i would like to let you know…” he demanded, waiting for damian and rhea to answer.
they both agreed and they led him into their changing room “spit it out” rhea said, watching the scotsman straight in his eyes.
“i know you’re worried for y/n…i understand that but i want to assure the both of you that my intentions are pure. i like her, a lot. i know everything that she has been through, i know what happened to her in the past and i’ll be forever grateful that she has you caring for her. she loves you like a family and i know that the feeling is mutual…but again, i like her, we are moving at her own pace. i will never force myself on her, i will never make her do anything that she’s uncomfortable to do, and that’s a promise” he spoke. he didn’t really want to have a chit chat about his relationship with damian and rhea but he was doing it for you. he was doing it so you and rhea would no longer fight. he was doing because taking you away from the only family you had wasn’t his plan “i don’t like you and that’s pretty evident, i don’t have to like you…but i want to keep things civil between us because of her”
rhea was even surprised that drew took time to come to them. she felt like she had to approve her daughter’s boyfriend for the first time and she felt a little uncomfortable. she appreciated the effort that drew put on.
damian was the one to speak as he saw rhea getting lost in her mind “what you said it’s true. we care about her as a family, she is our family…and of course when you two started dating, we got a little worried, especially knowing the age difference between the two of you but she’s a grown woman…it’s hard to accept that because i’ve been knowing her for a long time, she’s been part of the judgement day since it started but she’s an adult, she can make her own decisions and she chose you…it means that somehow she likes you too, she even fought rhea today to defend you” damian chuckled “we can keep our cool for her” he suggested and drew nodded his head.
rhea nodded her head too “thanks for speaking with us, i can see the way she talks about you, she cares about you drew, just promise me, don’t make her suffer, she’s been through hell and the last thing she needs now is a heartbreak”
“you have my consent to kick my ass in case something happens between us” drew added making rhea chuckle.
in the meantime, once you changed clothes and took a quick shower, you decided to look for the usual buffet backstage. you were starving and after carrying the show you felt like you deserved to treat yourself.
so once you got there, your eyes immediately fell upon the chocolate cookies and the caramel bars. you ate in silence, sat down on the comfy chair present in the room while scrolling some videos on tiktok until you heard some very recognisable voices coming towards you.
“i can’t handle it anymore!” finn screamed. liv and dominik trying to keep him calm but failing miserably.
you were stuck in your chair. if you left they would have seen you but if you stayed there, they would have seen you anyway. you felt like you were trapped.
“you shouldn’t be here” dominik said when he saw you in the room “alone” he smirked.
“congratulations for tonight” liv annoying voice said “i hope mami’s leg isn’t too injured” she laughed.
you stood up. probably not the best idea facing them alone but if finn had some common sense after what happened the last time, he wouldn’t start any fight “she still kicked your ass with one injured foot so…” that pissed liv even more.
“at least i don’t go crying to them everytime i have a problem…oh right, you had a hard and difficult life and we all should pity you” liv laughed. finn closed his eyes, not wanting to create more drama.
“we should go liv…” finn suggested but liv wasn’t having any of that.
“ain’t it true?” dom laughed, taking a few steps forward, making you walk backwards “we had to hear your cries every single night because you had nightmares” you tried to move away but dom grabbed your arm “ you’re just a stupid crybaby” he said before dropping your arm and leaving with liv.
leaving you and finn alone.
“if you sided with us this wouldn’t have happened” he whispered.
“no, never. i would have never betrayed rhea and damian the way you did” you screamed at his face “you’re just a coward, you’ve always been…i trusted you with my life, you knew things about me that no one knew and the first thing you did was to betray me and tell liv everything…”
finn laughed “oh shut up!” he screamed, walking toward you. you walked until your back hit the wall, finn blocking any way out you might have had “shut up y/n!” he screamed right at your face.
he never screamed at you. he knew you hated screams.
“i cared about you! but you chose them!” his poisonous eyes turned black, watching the way you tried to squirm away from his body “i wanted you in this team but you chose the weakest part” his laugh full of poison.
his hand met your neck.
finn never being violent towards you. he knew what that might have caused you.
“but now…all i see is a pathetic little girl who can’t let go of her past!” his hand squeezing your neck as he whispered mean words into your ear “you’re weak…and you chose the weak team”
“finn…please” you begged him. in that moment you weren’t the strong and fierce wrestler anyone knew. finn’s action made you small, and afraid just like you were when your father used to hit you and just like when mother used to spit mean words on you “stop it please…”
but finn wouldn’t leave you.
his other hand went to grab your arm, just like dom did before “if you had chosen us, you wouldn’t be afraid!” he screamed. his voice echoing in the corridor, made dom and liv looked back.
“stay here” dom whispered to liv as he went back to finn. he was met with finn overpowering you and even if he knew you deserved it, he didn’t want more troubles with rhea as he already had a black eye “finn, let’s go” but finn wasn’t listening.
your eyes were closed and all you could imagine was your father hitting you again and again. finn used to be so caring towards you but tonight’s event made him go crazy. he lost again and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“finn please…stop it, please” you felt small. you felt paralysed, you didn’t know what to do.
“finn, you’re hurting her, let her go” dom got a little worried. yes, he was mad at you and he hated you for siding with rhea and damian instead of him but he saw how terrified you were and he knew that finn would have gone far if he didn’t stop him.
“please finn…finn stop it!” you screamed back. it was more of a desperate cry as your arm was losing sensibility and your neck felt like it was going to explode “stop it please…let me go!” you didn’t mean to scream so loud but you did and you were lucky you did.
a couple of rooms behind there were damian, rhea and drew still talking about you when they all stopped when they heard your cries.
they followed your voice. rhea a little behind due to her injury. drew ready to wreck havoc if you were hurt.
the two men were met with a sight they’ll never forget. finn’s hands over your body as he was screaming that he wanted to get revenge on damian and rhea and he wanted to use you to hurt them.
damian shoved finn on the ground as your body fell on the floor. your mind went blank, too many bad memories were brought back in that moment.
“drew take her away” damian whispered to the scotsman and he nodded. he wanted to kick finn’s ass but you were his priority.
when rhea entered the room, she saw finn and damian fighting and you crying in the corner “what the fuck happened here?”
“finn got violent on y/n” damian spat back.
drew moved cautiously but when he saw you flinching away he stopped his movements “hey love…it’s me, it’s drew…” his voice soft as he didn’t want to scare you away “can i take you somewhere else quieter?” he asked and you nodded, not trusting your voice.
he scooped you in his arms and took you outside of the room, letting rhea and damian dealing with finn.
your head fell on his shoulder as he walked towards his car, wanting to get you out of the arena as soon as possible. once he comfortably placed you in the passenger seat, he took a deep look at your body. the way your eyes were still closed, tears falling from your eyes. how you brought your knees to your chest and hid your face into them.
you were spacing out, like your mind wasn’t there and he knew he had to get you far away from the chaos as soon as possible.
he took you back at the hotel, walking with you in his arms towards his room. he gently placed you on the bed “love…can you please look at me?” he was worried, not knowing what might have cause this.
“don’t hurt me…please” drew’s heart dropped when he heard you saying those words. rhea told him that your trauma was heavy and that you were still healing. he never took her words lightly and he promised to hurt anyone who might have threatened you.
he couldn’t understand how someone could use something as strong and delicate as your childhood trauma against you. he wanted to end finn’s life but he knew damian and rhea were taking care of him.
“i promise you…i’m not going to hurt you darling…open your eyes please, let me look at you” he said softly.
you slowly opened your eyes and when you realised that there was no threat near you, you jumped into drew’s arms. he shielded you, as if he wanted to protect you even if you were the only people in the room.
“you’re okay…i promise you” he whispered but before he could say anything else, you stopped him.
“i can’t breathe…” tears were rolling down your cheeks. drew took a look at you and realised that you were having a panic attack. he wasn’t new to those. he had them before. but with you, it was different.
“hey hey…shh, it’s okay, focus on me, focus on my voice” he tried to help you “look at me y/n” his voice growing a little stronger when he realised that you weren’t focusing on anything “look at me” you did as he told you “follow me, catch my breath…look at me” and you tried your best to calm yourself down. you matched his breathing, in and out as he told you.
your hands were still visibly shaking and when he noticed it, he took no time to put your hands into his bigger ones. his thumbs caressing your hands in a calm motion.
you followed his breathing a couple of times before you were able to breath again “that’s good y/n…” he whispered softly in your ear “so good…you doing a good job”
“sorry for that…”
he shook his head “no, absolutely no, don’t apologise for that…it’s not your fault, do you hear me? i’m glad you are okay…”
you stayed there for what it felt like hours, even if it was just ten minutes, laying in his arms as he stroked your back, helping you relax.
he was waiting for damian or rhea to text him but when he saw you sleeping against his chest, he felt complete somehow, like you were the missing piece he needed in his life.
finn’s gonna pay for what he did. we’re coming back to the hotel, thank you for taking care of her. we own you. - damian
drew’s phone buzzed when he received a notification from damian. he knew he was going to ask more questions tomorrow but right now, he was there for you. watching you sleep, seeing how peaceful you were, he couldn’t believe someone as beautiful and loving as you were, was carrying a baggage of pain and traumas like that.
“nothing’s gonna hurt you…” he whispered before leaving a soft kiss on your head as he watched you sleeping peacefully.
part 7 coming too! i might add some spicy things in the next chapter��let me know if you have any ideas!
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dynamitekansai · 5 days
Via Rhea Ripley's Instagram Stories
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It’s been literally so long since Fire Emblem 3H came out. At this point, I’m a hair away from assuming people who say Rhea was running around murdering people of other religions are being intellectually dishonest. We have multiple support conversations just saying entirely uncryptically that she doesn’t do this, and we never even see strong evidence that she does? She executed people for active blasphemy and attempted assassination, it’s just that the context made her ruthless (the people executed were clearly pawns, scared, and suffering too) which is why the scenes depict her as cutthroat. But to say she’s killed people because they just casually didn’t think Sothis was real is more than just simplifying— it’s just incorrect. It’s because these people ultimately threatened the juggling act Rhea is doing to prevent another grand scale war and triggered her because they messed with things she considers sacred, final reminders of her mother.
It’s just so weird because I used to post like screenshots and STATEMENTS FROM THE WRITERS that confirm all this in no uncertain language and people would be like doing extreme mental gymnastics to explain why “Rhea doesn’t care that I don’t believe in Sothis” and “Rhea did what she did to prevent war” are not clear statements. I mean, I am so chill with having different takes on characters from people or viewing characters as more or less sympathetic. That involves personal code and ethics. But with 3H, I hit this wall where I’m like.. when do we admit that, for you, this conversation is not about actually understanding the character?
I swear, some people need to go take a break, grab a latte, and privately come to terms with their irl beefs with the Catholic Church before engaging with this game. Because, my friends, I do not have the ability or strength to shoulder/accommodate your external opinions on a real religion on top of my analyses of the motives of the green haired dragonfolk.
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trentonsimblr · 1 month
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Part 2 of 2 (part 1 here)
Julien lied by omission when he told Rhea his mother approved of the engagement to Violette. When he approached Charlene for her approval to propose, she was gave him an ultimatum. She knew he was still seeing Rhea and that he had real feelings for her. Charlene told him that if he wanted to propose to Violette, he needed to end things with Rhea. Having been in Violette’s shoes, Charlene didn’t want to trap the poor girl in a one sided marriage and offered Julien another option. Charlene gave Julien permission to propose to Rhea if that was what his heart wanted. When Julien offered to get down on one knee and ask Rhea to marry him, he has his mother’s full support. Julien would have married Rhea in a heartbeat if she had said yes. Rhea wanted to say yes, she didn’t want to lose Julien but couldn’t bind herself to someone, she was afraid of being trapped in a loveless marriage. 😞
AN: Thank you for humoring me as i procrastinate working on the next few scenes of chapter 6! I may circle back to Rhea from time to time. It’s been fun to work through the Rhea/Julien/Violette relationships and there’s a lot more to their story that I’ll probably, more like never, get to.
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a/n: this is just the story preface, not yet chapter one. for this fanfic i am keeping mostly the book timeline, but there will be a little bit of show timeline further ahead.
it is a AU which blends aspects of book and show canons but is also a lot of headcanons. i am a bit of a history nerd, so there is bits inspired by real life historical events, i also drawn a lot of inspiration from medieval/renaissence royal courts to write how i imagine life at the Red Keep would be, most numbers i will use in this story are also taken from history (noble households, courtiers, armies, ships and crews etc), as are titles for functions an jobs that are not shown on the show or books. There are a couple of Original Characters that are going to be introduced over time, and a few canon characters that are barely mentioned or not seen at all on the show. additional information: I chose to keep the show's 'ages' for some characters, so, for the sake of the story: Viserys was born in 70 AC, Daemon in 74 AC, Rhaenys in 67 AC, and Aemma and Rhea share the year 76 AC.
word count: 2802
warnings: none for this chapter
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“...Princess of Runestone, proved herself in her maiden voyage crossing of the Narrow Sea, six pirate ships gave chase as we crossed through the Stepstones, their inferior ships however were no match for our girl or to our brave crew. We had already sunk three carracks when they choose to surrender the remaining three after sighting Archonei descending upon them. We lock the surviving pirates in the holding cells, and seize their cargo, to my great surprise I was able to ascertain that the cargo on the ships once belonged to none other than the Sea Snake.”  Enya reads aloud the letter she received from Ser Orys, her half-brother, coming all the way from Lys, the first stop on his great voyage. “We intend to sell the cargo in Lys, Maester Aldus believes it will yield a great profit, at least 20-times Mother’s initial investment, it seems almost unbelievable that we are only on the first leg of the journey. Gods willing, my next letter home shall be sent from old Volantis. Tell Mother I miss her advice and our morning rides, as I miss your sweet face, and our daily flights. Send my love to everyone home and make sure that young Willam is dedicating himself to his training. Your loving brother, Ser Orys Stone…”  Her granddaughter finishes reading her the letter, folding it carefully and putting it inside the hard cover of the book she has next to her on the wheelhouse seat.
How the girl manages to read in the bouncing carriage is something that marvels her, she feels nauseous just watching it.
Elys would have much preferred to have made the journey by ship, but the early spring storms that plague the East Coast they didn't allow them to leave the safety of the harbour.
The lady wouldn't be making the trip if she could help it, she had just come out of mourning period for her dear husband, all she wanted was to be able to take the time to visit her daughters and spend time with her grandchildren before returning to Eyrie to resume supervising her niece's upbringing. But the beginning of spring means Visenya's relocation to the royal court in King's Landing, to spend the spring and summer with her father and paternal family.
Last time her granddaughter was at court was four years before the death of the Old King, whom she had served as cupbearer when he still had the mental faculties to attend the Council. She had been just a child then, the king's favourite great-granddaughter.
 Since then, she had blossomed into a stunning beauty, no longer a girl but not yet a woman, striking in that way that only those from the blood of the dragon are.
A beauty worthy of a crown.
A crown she had been promised as a child.
If the gods had been merciful, little Prince Aerion would have survived infancy and today he would be a boy of nearly three and ten, the heir to his father’s throne, betrothed to Visenya by the will of King Jaehaerys. But Aenar died in his cradle, followed by his little brother, Aelor, and two early miscarriages. And her granddaughter lost the her chance at the crown promised to her.
“Do you think Orys can one day surpass the feats of the Sea Snake?” Elys turns her head from the window to look at her granddaughter.
“He might,” Elys candidly admits, “Orys has advantages that Velaryon did not, Archonei being the greatest of them."
Elys had disagreed with her daughter's decision to raise the prince's natural son after the boy's mother died—Orys was, in Elys' opinion, the stain on her daughter's dignity, a bastard child her betrothed fathered on a Royce cousin of lesser consequence, during the feast celebrating the union between Houses Royce and Targaryen—as he grew, the boy proved her wrong in her reservations against him. He was as devoted to Rhea as he was to Visenya, respectfully calling her ‘Mother’ after asking permission to do so, loyal and honourable, dedicating himself to every life opportunity offered by his stepmother.
She would never forget his terror when Visenya's egg hatched in his hands, it was the day he won her over, he had tears in his eyes as he asked Rhea for forgiveness for hatching the dragon as it was not his intention, he went on to say that he had never coveted her sister's egg and that she could have the hatchling. Her daughter just laughed, kissing the boy's head and explaining that the dragon had chosen him.
Jaehaerys was not at all pleased with the accident when Rhea sent a letter informing him of what had happened. Daemon finally took an interest in the dark-haired boy Rowena birthed, flying to the Vale to see the dragon, taking it upon himself to have twenty dragonkeepers sent to Runestones.
“I hope he can accomplish it, for himself and for House Royce." Visenya says looking out the window, pulling back the curtains to get a better look, wrinkling her little nose at the stench that enters the carriage and allowing the curtain to fall closed again. “I had forgotten that the city smells so bad.”
“You better get used to it again." Elys passes a bag of scented salts to the young woman. “Tie it to your wrist, you can smell it when the stench gets too much.”
The slums around the city wall have grown considerably larger than Lady Elys remembered from her last visit so many years before.
People beg with outstretched hands on the road as they see the bronze wheelhouse pass by.
It's a sad sight.
The lady sighs before pulling the small dark wooden chest out from under the bench under Visenya's curious eyes. She takes out a heavy bag of coins and pushes the chest back with her foot, hiding it with her skirt. She signals with her hand for any of the knights escorting them to approach the window. Willam Royce, her nephew by marriage, Gunthor’s youngest boy, and Leofric Corbray squire, is the one to come to her.
She contains a smile as she sees the boy blush when he notices Visenya's curious gaze on him.
It's no secret that the boy is sweet on little Enya—just like half the boys of similar age in Runestone—in another life he would be a good match for the future Lady of Runestone, Willam is handsome, with dark curls and blue eyes, and will probably grow up to be a tall, handsome man, and appease everyone in the family that the next heir would retain the surname Royce without the need for major manoeuvres.
“Lady Aunt." He greets her with a nod, keeping his horse's gallop in sync with the carriage. “My princess.”
Visenya just smiles at him, looking at him from beneath her lashes, which only makes him blush more.
“Willam, my sweet, be a dear and hand out these coins to the people." She passes the heavy bag into his hand.
The squire just nods again, looking once more at the Targaryen princess before doing as his aunt asked of him.
Once he is away and the curtain is closed again, Elys lets out the laugh she forced herself to hold in, lightly slapping her granddaughter's knee in reprimand.
“Shameless flirt!” The Dowager Lady of Runestone pointed her finger at the girl.
“I have to train for court life, don't I?" Visenya says with a naughty tone. “I'm of marriageable age, I have to charm all the beautiful second sons, have them all at my feet asking for my hand, there is no better opportunity than during a season at court.”
A beauty of beauties in all the Seven Kingdoms, if not in all the Known World.
Visenya is slender, nymph-like of body, with very pale white skin dotted with golden freckles—the only inheritance from Rhea in her appearance—, plump lips and pretty pearly teeth, a neat nose, and large eyes of an unusual bluish-lilac shade. Her hair is a beautiful flaxen, a few shades lighter than Elys own, curled and long—she's not sure her granddaughter's hair was ever cut more than a little trim at the ends—now ribboned for practicality during the travel.
Elys remembers vividly the Good Queen Alysanne carrying the baby in her arms during her anointment commenting that little Visenya reminded her of Viserra, the most beautiful of her daughters, in appearance.
“Be careful child, you don't want a reputation, especially in the Red Keep."
“I can be discreet." The girl winks at her grandmother amid giggles.
The wheelhouse takes a while to cross the city from Dragon's Gate to the Red Keep, the guards escorting it thought it better to go around Fleabottom than through it. Especially with the four glitzy wheelhouses carrying the noblewomen and their ladies-in-waiting, and the wagons with their belongings coming right behind, with things that attract the attention of the wrong kind of people.
Their retinue arrives at the Red Keep midday.
There is quite a crowd waiting to receive them. The standard-bearers stop between the carriage and the people waiting, proudly carrying the banners of Houses Targaryen, Royce and Arryn, and the Princess of Runestone personal crest: a pearlescent white dragon with the halved shield with the crests of Royce and Arryn between its claws in a black field with bronze runes around the border.
“Princess Visenya of House Targaryen, heir of Runestone.” The Herald announces her granddaughter, as a guard opens the wheelhouse door for them. “Her Lady Grandmother, Lady Elys of House Arryn, Dowager Lady of Runestone.”
Elys arranges the balzo on top of Visenya's head and centres the small jewel on her forehead, pinching her cheek for a healthy blush before the girl pushes back the linen curtain and leaves with the assistance of a Kingsguard guard.
The lady fixes her own skirt before leaving the wheelhouse behind her granddaughter.
The first person she notices is the Queen, her younger sister, in the light blue silks of her paternal House.
A chill runs down her spine as she looks at her sister.
Despite her Targaryen blood through her mother, Princess Daella, in appearance Aemma is an Arryn, with pale sandy hair, an aquiline nose and light blue eyes. Aemma is only eight and twenty, a few months older than her Rhea, however, she looks like a woman nearly to Elys own age.
She looks emaciated, haggard…sick. The Stranger follows her closely. Her youngest sister would not survive a full-term pregnancy and childbirth, it surprised Elys even that she had lived until this moment, with so many failed pregnancies and increasingly long and painful periods of recovery.
Beside her, giving her his arm for support, is Viserys, the King of the Seven Kingdoms, dressed in silk damask of gold and Tyrosh-purple, his grandfather’s crown upon his brow, looking more youthful and healthier than his younger wife. His silver-gold hair is kept short, following southern fashion which has a great Andal influence, he also sports a silver-gold moustache, so thin and pale it almost disappears on his face.
He is a handsome man, but pales in comparison to his dashing younger brother, especially when the two are side by side.
“Your Graces.” Visenya makes a perfect curtsy to the King and Queen and stands as if the castle belongs to her.
The couple is smiling at the young woman with indulgence.
“You have grown beautiful Visenya.” The king says, his eyes fixed on his niece.
Elys recognizes the expression on his face.
Like any woman who was once young and desired, she recognizes the almost obscene expression when older men look at women young enough to be their daughters and imagine themselves as young as their sons.
 The look on a man's face when he lusts after a woman old enough to be his daughter, and who he knows he shouldn't desire.
“Thank you, Your Grace."
“Just stating the truth my dear." In a gallant gesture, the king kisses his niece's hand.
“Brother, stop holding up the line!” The prince’s impatient voice interrupts, causing the King to take his covetous eyes away from his young niece.
Prince Daemon is a tall man, only a few centimetres shorter than his older brother, he keeps his silvery hair long, following the fashion of Old Valyria.
Unlike Viserys's ostentatious clothes, Elys good son is dressed in all black leather, well cut and elegant, but infinitely more subtle than the rest of the court. He carries Dark Sister around his waist, and his only ornament is the livery collar that marks him. as a member of the Small Council and Master of Coin.
Visenya smiles and turns to her father making a new curtsy. “Lord Father.”
“Little dragoness.” There is a smile on the prince's face, he has his hands on his only daughter's shoulders, despite being considered a tall young woman, Visenya looks small next to her father. He puts his forehead to hers, saying something that only she hears, and then kisses her cheek.
“Sister." Elys takes her eyes off the reunion between father and daughter and approaches her sister with her hand outstretched.
“My queen." In a gesture of deference, Elys kisses her sister's pale hand and offers a profound curtsy. “Your Grace.” She bows her head to her good brother.
“Lady Elys, it is good to have you at court again." Viserys says amiable. “I am sure your sisters missed you dearly." He looks at Aemma with a smile and at Lady Amanda Redfort born Arryn, standing next to the queen. “Let's give them time to rest from the road, later we shall have a welcome feast.” The king announces to the court members present, taking the queen's hand in his and guiding her into the castle.
Prince Damon follows them, his arm around his daughter's shoulders, and head tilted toward her as they continue their private conversation. One by one the courtiers follow them, even her ladies and her granddaughter's, Elys nods for them to enter, until only Amanda and her remain in the courtyard.
“How bad is she?"
Amanda approaches until the two are face to face, she looks to the side for a moment, making sure there is no one else around.
Her younger sister, like herself, maintains a youthful appearance, even as they have both now seeing past their forty years of age. It comes with their Upcliff blood, their mother died young, not even thirty years old, yet she still had the appearance of a woman half her age.
Amanda inherited her colouring, beautiful red-gold hair, and blueish grey eyes like a stormy sea.  
“The Maestre has already recommended that she not try to get pregnant again after the last miscarriage, she had a difficult time recovering, almost a year," Amanda informs her, there is concern in her eyes “now she is once again with child, and it is taking a toll on her. I don’t believe she will live to see the child.”
“The child will not be born." Lady Elys declares it like a sentence. She can feel it.
 “There is more." Amanda says. “The Small Council has been hinting that he should set her aside, that he should marry a queen who can bear him heirs.” She lowers her tone, tilting her head toward her sister. “There are rumours that His Grace had a bastard boy with a courtesan, and he might be discreet, but I know for sure that there are mistresses.”
“Does Aemma knows?”
“I believe so.” She nods. “They are, however, ladies of little consequence, barely noble, daughters of second and third sons, some not even that, daughters of knights and rich merchants,” Amanda explains, “His Grace has a king’s an appetite and a queen constantly bedridden who clearly does not meet his needs.”
“Hm.” It's the only reaction Elys gives.
A tale old as time, men will be men, even the best of them.
Viserys may be gentle and amiable, but he was always a man of appetites, and pious Aemma was never an ardent lover.
Elys blames the Good Queen for her precocious marriage and sheltered upbring, Aemma was just a girl, still playing with dolls.
The marriage was not consummated before her four and tenth nameday, and until then Viserys would entertain himself with whores and courtesans usually in the company of his brother and half a dozen favourites.
“We shall have to stay alert to whom he takes to bed." Elys says, linking her arm with her sister's and directing her into the castle.
“What happens if she dies or is put aside?"
Then perhaps Visenya will have the crown she was promised. And we might yet have a king of our blood on the Iron Throne.
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dirtywrestling · 2 years
Special Memories - Rhea Ripley (18+)
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Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Female!Reader
Summary: Rhea has a special day planned out for your 5 year anniversary.
Warnings: 18+, Cussing, Smut, Pegging, Strap-On, Mommy!Kink, Public Sex, Fingering, Oral, Minors DNI
Word Count: 4,719
Follow My Side Blog!: @dirtywresling102
Note: This is not proof read, I had no time!
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Airports. Not your favorite place in the world. People were rushing with their suitcases in hand, cargo trailers swerving in and out of every other direction to pass people. Not to mention the large families pushing past others so they could rush through security and onto their flight. 
Airports were not fun, but you were only here to pick up one person and that was the love of your life, Rhea Ripley. Rhea has been traveling the world for nearly nine months now for the company she wrestles for and she finally had time off to spend with you. 
“Where are you, Rhea?” You grumbled to yourself as you looked down at your phone once more, checking the screen there were no new text notifications from your lover. Rhea just messaged you saying how she just landed and was about to see you soon. 
“Hey dude, watch it!” You snapped at someone who ran into your shoulder from behind, running. “What the fuck.” You mumbled, seeing now that there were more people rushing inside the airport. 
“I heard she just landed!” Someone yelled. 
“Oh my god, I hope we can catch her.” Another person spoke up as their feet trampled the marble floor where you stood.
You went up on your tippy toes, trying to see who everyone was excited to see. Looking around you could only see the back of people's heads and somewhere holding up their phones trying to take pictures of whoever it was. It wasn’t until when someone yelled out her name that made you freeze.
“I fucking LOVE Rhea Ripley! I have to get a picture!” A male voice boomed. “Rhea!” Everyone started to chant. 
“Oh god.” Your heart rate started to escalate as everyone was now pushing and shoving trying to find Rhea, you knew you needed to find her first and get the fuck out of here but since she was the most popular woman in the WWE she was most likely deep in autographs and pictures with fans already.
You looked around trying to find her but it was getting hard to stay in one place with everyone pushing and shoving. How the hell was this possible? How did they know she was here? Grabbing your phone you quickly went on twitter and looked up ‘Rhea Ripley’ 
There were multiple images of her, Rhea was either sleeping on the flight, eating or just reading a book with headphones in. Fans took pictures of her and posted them on twitter right when they landed announcing her flight and location. You really disliked the fans that were out there exposing her privacy like this.
You frowned to see one photo that was just published two minutes ago. It was of Rhea smiling at the camera with a fan next to her and the caption read. ‘Just met Mommy Ripley, my life is complete!’ 
You knew that you were going to be waiting at the airport for hours of Rhea trying to get through the crowd to leave along with photos and autographs. You noticed security running by trying to get people to leave that weren’t supposed to be here so that the regular traffic could flow and not be blocked by crazy fans.
You collided shoulders with another person, this time they had a black sweatshirt on and their hood over their head, hiding their face. “Hey!” You barked, nearly stumbling backwards until they gripped your arm from making you fall. 
“Keep walking.” The girl said, her head being low as she dragged you away from the fans. The woman was hunched over, not showing off her true height as she dragged you away. 
“R- Rhea?” You whispered.
“Shh!” She snapped, not wanting the fans to hear. 
You had a large smile on your face as you let Rhea guide you out of the airport and towards the parking garage. Once no one was around, Rhea straightened up, becoming her full height and pulled back her hood, smiling down at you.
You grinned stupidly up at her, blushing as if this was the first time you two ever met. “Hi.” You greeted.
“Hi yourself.” Rhea’s lips twitched up into a smirk. Her dark hair was slicked back with a baseball cap covering it, her lips were dressed in black lipstick. “You just gonna stare at me starstruck or do you wanna hug me?” 
You blushed harder, running to her you wrapped your arms around her form as she draped her around you. “I miss you.” You mumbled into her chest, your face pressed against her breasts, inhaling her scent. 
“I missed you too, love.” Rhea mumbled against the top of your head, squeezing you tighter. 
You pulled away from her, hands still resting on her waist. “I got the hotel, it’s just a few blocks away.” You tried to pull away from her to walk towards the car but Rhea gripped your wrists, making you stop. Looking up at her confused you cocked your head to the side. “Baby?” 
“You think we’re just gonna leave before you give me a kiss?” She laughed. “Come here.” Her arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to her. Her lips crashed against yours. Moaning against her lips, your arms slipped around her neck.
You pulled away from the kiss first, licking your lips as you stared up at her. “W- We need to get to the hotel now.” You whispered. 
“Fuck the hotel.” Rhea breathed out, pushing you up the nearest pillar, pinning you against the cement. 
Your eyes widened, looking around to only see cars parked in their spots you broke out in a cold sweat. “R- Rhea, someone could see us.” 
“I don’t care, let them see us.” Rhea’s lips attacked your neck, suckling and biting down on your flesh you let out a yelp. 
This could ruin Rhea’s career, her reputation she built over the past years you two have been together. “Oh f- fuck, Rhea.” You choked out a moan as Rhea’s talented fingers slipped in your pants and toyed at your cunt. You tossed your head back against the cream color wall.
“There she is.” Rhea whispered. “You feel so tight around my fingers.” Rhea hummed, she left pepper kisses up and down your neck causing you to break out in goosebumps. “You’ve been a good girl, I can tell.” Rhea darted her tongue out, licking your neck upwards, moaning. “Your sweet pussy is fluttering around my fingers, you haven’t come in such a long time.” 
“I- I’ve been such a good girl mommy.” You whined. “I haven’t come since the last time we had sex over facetime.” 
“And how long ago was that sweet girl?” Rhea’s two digits pumped in and out of your cunt, your juices coated Rhea’s fingers making it easier for her to pump in and out of your pussy and diving them deeper against your sweet spot. 
“Fuck!” You sobbed out. “Three- Three months, mommy. It’s been three months since I’ve creamed on my toy.”
Rhea hummed, her fingers spreading, the palm of her hand grazing against your clit as she scissored your wet channel. “You’ve been such a good little girl.” Rhea watched how your breasts rose and fell with each deep breath you took. 
Tears threaten to spill as the coil in your lower stomach tightens and your cunt squeezed Rhea’s fingers so tightly. “R- Rhea- Come- I want to come.” You begged, grinding your hips against her touch, your eyes were focused on her, nearly forgetting that you were getting fingered in a public area. 
“You wanna come?” Rhea’s tongue dragged along her lips as she chuckled. 
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as you nodded. “S- So badly, please mommy.” Rhea’s ring finger squeezed past your walls, making it three digits stretching your walls, making you feel full. “Oh god, please!” You sobbed.
“Come sweet girl, come all over my hand.” Rhea demanded.
Stars appeared behind your eyes as your orgasm washed you over, arching your back off the pillar you cried Rhea’s name loudly as she quickly covered your mouth with her free hand, her fingers still thrusting inside of you.
“Did you hear that?” Someone in the distance commented on your loud moans.
“Probably just a bird or something, come on mom said she landed.” Footsteps continued to echo in the lot making their way to the exit. 
Tears streamed down your cheeks as you exhaled a shaky breath through your nose, staring at Rhea. Her dark pupils stared back at you, she slowly pulled away her hand. “Good girl.” She repeated in a softer tone. Rhea pulled her hand back, showing off her drenched come covered fingers she stuck them in her mouth, moaning as she cleaned them off. “Fuck, I nearly forgot how good you tasted.”
Leaning against the pillar, you didn’t trust your legs to move yet as you tried to catch your breath in soft pants. Rhea just laughed at your flushed face and tired body. “Come on my love, let's go to the hotel because I have so much planned for us.” Rhea held your hand while you wrapped your arm under hers, leaning on her for support. “Happy five year anniversary, Y/N.” Rhea kissed the top of your head as you nuzzled against her while making your way to the car.
Rhea indeed made the anniversary unforgettable. Rhea insisted that you book a 5 star hotel and she’d pay all expenses. You tried to deny it before booking the expensive hotel saying how a ‘Hotel 8 is fine for your liking’. But Rhea wasn’t having it. After spending years with Rhea, she trusted you with her credit card so from time to time you either used it for reserving hotels and restaurants and when Rhea knows you’re low on groceries she insists on you to go shop with it knowing your 40 hour job can only pay for so much.
You were grateful for Rhea and everything she has done for you.
After settling in the hotel, unpacking and showering Rhea took you to the city national park, walking around and enjoying nature. You weren’t surprised when people instantly noticed her and asked for photos. Rhea would look at you apologetic and about to deny the people until you spoke up. “She’d love a photo with you guys, want me to take it?” 
Rhea gave you a soft smile as the fans were excited to get a photo with their favorite wrestler. Taking the phone from the fan you pointed the camera at them. “One, two, say cheese.” You clicked the circle snap button a few times making sure to get a good photo. 
“Oh my god, thank you so much.” The girl said as you handed the phone back to her. 
“No problem, enjoy your day guys.” You waved at them as the girl and her friends rushed off down the trail.
“It’s okay to say ‘no’ ya know?” Rhea spoke up as you both started to walk down the trail.
You wrapped your arm through hers, resting your head against the side of her shoulder. “I know, but it’s not every day you run into your hero.” 
Rhea tossed her head back and let out a laugh. “I wouldn’t say I’m anyone’s hero, I guess an idol?”
“Fine, idol. It’s still not every day you run into your favorite idol.” You squeezed her hand tightly. 
“I suppose not, but this is our anniversary date. I’m trying to make it special.” She sighed.
You watched the branches on the trees slightly sway as a breeze rolled by, it felt nice while the sun beat high in the sky. “We’ll have plenty more anniversaries to make special.” You reminded her. “I’m fine with you taking pictures with fans, Rhea, really.” 
Rhea stopped in her tracks making you stop as well and look up at her. “Fuck, how did I get so lucky.” She whispered, cupping your jaw.
“You have someone that understands the business.” You chuckled. 
It was true, you trained for a while a few years ago, even did some indy matches but unfortunately one big nasty bump ruined your chance to move on with your career. 
It was an intergender match against a guy you knew very well, Timmy Titan, and it wasn’t your first match together. It was where you met Rhea too when she was still in her indy days. She just came to the States to see all the fuss was about trying to try and make it big in America. 
Timmy went for a drop kick while you were getting distracted with Timmy’s manager, his feet collided on your spine, doing a drop kick. Tthe spot was for you to go over the top rope and lose by a ten count. But the plan failed as you felt numbness went up your spine and you weren’t able to feel anything. Dropping to your knees, a cold sweat went through your whole body as you weren’t able to move your fingers or toes, worrying you went paralyzed. 
The ref quickly slid over to you asking if you were alright you quickly whispered to him something was wrong and to take the match home. Timmy quickly scrambled over to you with a pin. “You okay?”
“I can’t fucking feel my legs.” You wanted to cry, trying to be strong so the fans wouldn’t worry.
After the match an ambulance was called, carrying you out on a stretcher while fans asked if you were going to be okay and what the hell happened. A warm spark shocked up your hand as you looked to see Rhea walking besides you as you were getting rolled out, she was holding your hand.
“I’m right here, Y/N. I gotchu.” Her Australian accent is thicker than ever.
You exhaled a sigh, resting your head back on the uncomfortable stretcher pillow knowing you were going to be alright since you could now feel Rhea’s hand gripping yours.
As if Rhea knew what you were thinking she spoke up. “You fucking scared me that day.” Rhea said.
You looked at her dark eyes, remembering how worried she looked. You smiled at her. “Aye, I lived.” You tried to joke.
“You could have been paralyzed, Y/N.” Rhea’s fingers twirled around your hair, playing with it. 
“I’d do it all over again, to hear the crowd one last time.” 
Rhea stared at you while you looked away trying not to cry. Sometimes, when watching Rhea every Monday Night Raw, you grew slightly jealous hearing everyone cheer for her, whistle and applaud. You craved the aching feeling along your back from hitting the ropes or taking bumps from a shoulder tackle, you missed the smell of the wrestling mat. 
You sniffed, feeling the pad of Rhea’s thumb wiping away a tear that escaped your eye, you didn’t even notice that you were crying. “I know, baby.” She whispered, leaning down she pressed her lips against yours to make you feel better.
As the rest of the day went on, Rhea kept having surprise after surprise after surprise and of course while doing so she took photos of fans wherever she took you. “That was really nice of that family to pay for our meal.” You said walking alongside Rhea down the beach shore. 
“Yeah, it really was.” Rhea held your hand tighter as she swung both of your arms. Rhea took you to a five star restaurant that had strict dress clothes along with a wait list that lasted for months.  Rhea wore a black button up shirt along with black slacks and dress shoes that were now in her hands.
You wore a black skin tight dress that made your breasts push up perfectly to which the waiter couldn’t keep his eyes off. Rhea had to keep clearing her throat making sure the boy didn’t over spill the wine he poured. He’d meekly apologize and rushed away to another table with a blush dusted on his cheeks. 
Your dark heels dangled in your left hand, the sand squished in between your toes as the softness of it brushed up against your feet with each step you took. “Do you have any more surprises I should know about?” You teased. 
Rhea chuckled looking over at her, you noticed the top two buttons of her shirt were undone, the cool night breeze made the cloth slightly move. Your eyes dragged down seeing her breasts peeking out.
“I do have one more surprise to end this perfect day.” Rhea looked straight ahead. “It’s right here.” 
You looked where she was looking to see a blanket with a picnic basket on top of it and a dozen candle lit lanterns around the blanket. “Oh, Rhea. This is perfect.” You smiled at her. 
“Perfect way to watch the sunset.” Rhea hummed, pulling you towards the romantic set. She laid down on the large blanket and tugged you down. You laid down next to her, head against her chest as you watched the waves roll in and the orange sun setting leaving behind a pink, purplish, blue sunset. 
“It’s beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.” Rhea hummed, her hand rubbing up and down your back as she posted herself up along with you on her breasts. You could hear her heart thumping a million miles per minute. You knew she was nervous about something. 
You watched as the sun crept below the horizon until it was fully dark and the stars replaced the pretty sunset and the moon was in the sky. You sat there, watching the waves wash onto the beach and roll back into the ocean. “Well, should we start heading back to the hotel?” You sat up looking at Rhea. You slightly squinted at her, confused by her grinchish grin. She has something up her sleeve. “What?” You broke out a smile.
“I want to do something before we leave.” Rhea whispered, grabbing you by the waist she rolled you over, making her on top.
“R- Rhea?” You swallowed, slowly getting the idea she had in mind. 
“Shh, relax baby, relax.” Rhea’s hand slid under your black dress, pushing it upwards she let out a soft moan. “Fuck, no panties?” 
“I- I know how much you like it when I don’t wear any.”
“I’ve trained you so well, Y/N.” Rhea’s hard slid up your smooth thigh, massaging your waist. Rhea leaned down, her hot breath against your sensitive cunt. You squirmed in her grip making her chuckle. “Poor darling, I haven’t even touched you and you’re squirming under me.”
“S- Sorry, mommy.” You moaned as her tongue slowly licked the entrance of your cunt, you bit your bottom lip, arching your back. Rhea didn’t hesitate to thrust her tongue inside you, swirling it around and stretching you. She moaned against your pussy, moving back and forth, the bridge of her nose pumping your clit.
“Fuck!” You sobbed, bucking your hips against her face. “I- I’m close, I’m gonna come.” You warned. 
Rhea lapped her tongue over your tight walls a few more times before pulling away, a string of your juices snapping off her lips as she smirked. “Already? So soon?” Rhea’s fingers replaced her mouth, smearing her saliva over your eaten out pussy. 
“Hmm’ sorry.” You sucked the inside of your cheek, feeling slightly embarrassed. 
“Oh no need to be embarrassed, love. I love when I can make you come so quickly. But how about you come on my cock, hmm?” 
“You- You brought the toy?” You gushed.
“Oh honey, I did more than just brought it.” Rhea sat on her knees and started to unbuckle her belt. “I wore it.” 
Your cunt pulsed, the thought of Rhea wearing the strap-on underneath her pants made you even wetter before. Please mommy, fucking put it in me.” 
Rhea laughed lowly, pushing the black slacks down her thighs to fully let the cock extend from her pants. “Such an eager little girl, huh?”
You nodded your head without a response only to cry out, arching your back as Rhea slapped her palm over your wet cunt. “Y- Yes, please yes, fuck!” You cried out.
“Always such a good little girl, Y/N.” Rhea reached over at the wooden basket she brought and pulled out a small bottle of lube. She squirted some in her hand and soon lathered the cock with it. The straps were secured over her thighs and waist making her ass plump. “Fuck, I’ve been dreaming of coming home and fucking you every night, baby.” Rhea bucked her hips, fucking the fake cock into her lubed up hand. 
“Me too, I’ve been wanting your cock mommy, I’ve been craving it.” You tried to waist patiently, you squirmed your hips, watching her fuck her own hand and not you was like torture. “Rhea, please I want it.”
“You’ll get it, love.” Rhea tossed the small lube bottle towards the basket and pulled you closer to her, making you squeak. She rubbed the silicon cock against your folds, pushing very slowly and watched your cunt swallow the toy whole. Moaning lowly as your walls clenched down on the large toy. You wrapped your legs around Rhea’s waist, forcing the toy to bury deeper as she leaned forward. “Fu- Fuck!” You moaned.
“Yeah, there she is.” Rhea kissed your neck and jawline as she slowly started to rock her hips against you. “Take it so well, princess.”
“Y- Yes, faster, please.” You clenched the back of Rhea’s shoulders, trying to pull her closer to you as your dress kept hiking up further on your body.
“Naughty girl, I wanted to take it nice and slow for this special night but you wanna be fucked like some whore from the streets.” 
“Yes!” You screamed. “Fuck me like a common whore, mommy.” 
Rhea sat up slightly, watching how her cock pushed in and out of your dripped cunt, smirking at the sound of your wet cunt taking the toy. “Fuck, look at you. A sobbing mess for my cock.” Rhea rutted her hips in a circle, hitting it from a different angle. Rhea smirked at your facial features, your mouth hanging open and no sounds coming out. “Fuck, looks like I ruined you with this cock. Looking so cock drunk for me.” Rhea laughed.
Rhea didn’t let up on her thrusts as she grunted with each movement, your quiet sobs left your throat as you arched your back. Your walls clamped tightly around her cock each time she pushed in and tried to keep her in whenever she pulled out. “C- Come, I’m gonna come!” 
“Oh no sweet heart.” Rhea pulled her cock out from your fucked cunt making you sob loudly from the lost of contact. “You’re gonna work for this orgasm.” Rhea used her muscles, filling you over and forcing you on your knees while your shoulders and head were pushed into the ground. “Fuck, I nearly forgot how flexible you are.” Rhea moaned, grabbing the base of the cock she pushed back into your needy hole.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You chanted as Rhea’s cock was buried to the hilt of your cunt but didn’t move. “Pl- Please!” You sobbed, feeling fresh tears drip down your cheeks and onto the blanket.
“Oh no, you wanted to act like a whore so I’m going to treat you like one. I want to see this ass bounce on my cock and earn your orgasm.” Rhea’s hand sharply slapped onto your ass once more, making sure your dress was out of the way.
You groaned, about to push yourself up onto your hands but was pushed back down onto your face by Rhea pushing the mid of your back down. “No. I want you to work for it. Grind.” 
You shivered at her dominant tone, rocking your hips back you moaned softly as her cock nearly slipped out of you, leaving the tip and pushing back into you. “Fuck.” You whispered to yourself. “Feels so good.”
“Looks so good.” Rhea replied, watching as you started to pick up pace, riding yourself on her cock from behind. “Fuck darling, you’re taking this cock so fucking well.” Rhea gripped your ass, trying to stop herself from thrusting inside of you. “Keep going, baby.”
“M- Mommy.” 
“Mommy has you baby, keep going.” Rhea grunted, she watched as your creamy cunt lathered the cock up with your juices each time you pulled out. She moaned at the sight, not helping herself but slightly buck her hips against you, hitting that sensitive spot nearly making you go over the edge. 
“C- Commies, mommy, I need to commies!” You warned, slamming your hips back against the cock it was hitting you in all the right places. The way Rhea gripped your waist and was meeting your thrusts made you scream her name as she was grunting behind you. Sloppy wet sounds of the cock plunging your cunt erupted on the empty beach.
“Come baby, come on my fucking dick.” Rhea moaned. 
A fire spread from your cunt throughout your body as your walls clenched tighter against her dick, you gripped the blanket tightly as you gasped loudly. The dam breaking and your orgasm riding through your body, you shuttered out a moan as you squirted on her cock.
“Holy shit!” Rhea exclaimed, surprised by the mess that she was covered in. 
You stilled yourself, light headed and seeing stars as you tried to blink them away. “Y/N, Y/N?” Rhea called your name, her hand rubbing your back as you hummed in pleasure.
“Are you okay?” She slowly pulled the cock from your cunt making you wince slightly. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You asked, rolling over on your back your eyes widened at the sight. Rhea’s pants that rested upon her thighs were soaked and the rubber toy was dripping with your juices. “Did- Did I just-”
“Squirt? Yeah, all over me.” Her eyebrow arched with a cocky grin.
“Oh god, I- I’m so sorry, wait hold on.” You reached into the basket to try and find a towel or something to clean her up. You were too embarrassed to even look at your girlfriend, being the first time you ever squirted, you didn’t hear her voice.
“Wait, no, Y/N!” Rhea reached towards the basket trying to take it away from you but you stopped looking for the towel only to see a small black box, slowly reaching for it you pulled it out.
“What’s this?” Your eyes left the black smooth box and looked at Rhea who looked guilty, rubbing the back of her neck and looking away. She swallowed thickly and finally looked at you.
“Open it up and see what’s inside.” 
Your heart was racing as you kept your eyes on Rhea the whole time. You didn’t break eye contact even when you opened the box, you were too scared, worried that it was just a pair of earrings and not what you really wanted. Your eyes glimpsed at what was inside only to quickly shut it. “N- No.” 
“Yes.” Rhea smiled, in one smooth motion she tucked the dripping toy covered in your juices into her slacks, adjusting herself and buckling them up quickly she got down on one knee. “Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest wrestler in the world and be my wife?”
“Oh god, Rhea Ripley yes! I fucking will!” Despite your dress being a mess you lunged towards her and hugged her. 
Rhea laughed, holding you close as she took the box from you, opening it again and pulled out the ring. She held your shaky hand and slid the band onto your ring finger. “It’s a perfect fit.” You sniffed, trying not to cry.
“Come on, let's take a picture.” Rhea helped you up onto your feet. She gave you time to adjust your dress and hair only to steal a kiss from you on the lips, you held your hand up towards the phone as she snapped the picture. “This is going on instagram.” She smiled, quickly posting the picture.
The likes instantly started to come in and comments on how people are proud and congratulations. One comment that got the most likes stated: ‘They fucked on the beach’.
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Rhea Ripley's Masterlist
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glowbanks · 11 months
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When Rhea started talking about her matching tattoos with Dominik, I had to pause the video and walk around my room for a bit.
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daltony · 8 months
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Posted by Michael Mando on IG stories.
Vince, Peter, Rhea, Patrick, Tony XO
Love u fam
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
No One Hates You More Than I Do
Talk It Out (Part 6)
Enemies to lovers (Rhea Ripley x fem. Reader):
You're a well known wrestler in WWE and Rhea is your worst enemy. You hate each other in and outside of the ring. Rhea always flirts with you, not that she means it, she just knows it makes you furious and wants to annoy you. But one day everything changes and you start to feel like all of this isn't a joke anymore and that there might actually be something between you two.
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You get ready for work and head out the door, grabbing an energy drink from the nearby grocery store on your way. It was a pretty chill day, only a few interviews and more prepping stuff for the upcoming show where they plan to reveal you as the new member of The Judgement Day.
That evening after work you decide to attend the local gym as you didn't have time for you daily workout yet. You don't notice the person following you in your tired state. You probably wouldn't have noticed them at all if they wouldn't have let you known they're there during one of your breaks between some reps.
Rhea's eyes follow you the whole day, noticing your tired expression and weak body from the lack of sleep and proper food. She doesn't even try to deny her being worried about you. So after you left work she decides to follow you. Keeping a safe distance with her car until she sees you enter the towns local gym. She parks her car in a nearby parking lot where she is able to see if you would leave the building again or not.
Sitting there in silence she thinks about her feelings towards you and your reaction when she told you. It made her wonder if you secretly felt the same and just also had difficulties expressing that. After about twenty minutes she finally worked up the courage to confront you with her thoughts and theories so she gets out the car and walks over to the building you're in.
It doesn't take her long to find you since it's a fairly small area with quite few people being there at that time. She waits until you're taking a break to speak to you.
"Hey" you hear a familiar voice and look up. It was Rhea. "What do you want? Can't you see that I'm busy right now?" you attack her annoyed. "Sorry to bother you.." she raises her arms in defence and looks hurt at your reaction, which makes you feel guilty almost immediately. "I'm sorry, I'm just very tired." you mumble and sigh. "What is it Ripley? What are you here for?" "I just wanted to talk about.. some uh.. thoughts of mine.." Rhea admits and blushes.
"Fine by me, want to tell me while I finish my reps?" You ask her. "I'd prefer to wait until we're alone, but I can spot you and maybe give you some tips until then?" Rhea responds in a questioning tone. You shrug and nod.
About half an hour later you're walking out of the gym together. "My apartment is almost right around the corner, wanna meet there?" You turn to look at Ripley. "Bet I'll be there first!" Rhea playfully smirks at you and runs off to her car. You didn't notice you were smiling at her actions until you accidentally saw your reflection on the car window. You quickly replace it with a neutral look and shake your head at your behaviour. Why were you smiling at her stupid jokes?
Five minutes later you unlock your front door where Rhea was already waiting for you. Opening it you begin to question yourself if this might be a mistake, if Rhea was just acting nice to land a critical hit on you. You brush it off as your normal overthinking and hold the door open for your guest.
"I haven't cleaned today or anything so please don't mind the mess.." you mumble more to yourself than to her. Rhea hums and follows you to the big main room, consisting of living room and kitchen at the same time. "I'm gonna order some pizza, you want something too?" You ask without turning around to her. "I'm good, thanks" she denies your offer. She then patiently waits until your done with the phone call before speaking up again.
"So uhm.. like I said I wanted to talk about some of my thoughts with you because i feel the urge to clarify some things but now that I'm actually here it's harder than I originally thought.." your counterpart admits awkwardly.
"Tomorrow's a holiday which means no work which means we've got all night" you shrug and turn around to her with a little smile that's meant to reassure her. Your eyes meet and you can see her relax a little more. You smile at each other and you walk over to the couch, signaling Rhea to come sit next to you.
"Maybe it'll be easier if we don't start with it right away and instead focus on something else. For example finally getting over our egos and start working together for real this time." you say with a serious undertone in your voice. Rhea nods but avoids looking directly at you.
"You're right" she eventually says and lifts up her gaze, meeting yours. "I'm sorry for treating you bad all these years, even after I thought we got over our problems. I somehow couldn't help but spread rumors about you, which again, leads us to why I wanted to talk to you so bad" she sighs.
"I know.." you whisper. "And to be honest.. I kinda feel drawn to you too.." There's a few moments of silence until you continue. "It just confuses me because I never felt this way with another woman before. Does that mean I'm a lesbian now?"
Rhea breaks out laughing and you can't help but chuckle too. "If you're still attracted to men then no, it does not make you a lesbian" Ripley laughs but then gets serious again. "So you do like me back?" she wants to clarify, praying she didn't interpret your words the wrong way.
"I- I don't know, like, the sex we had was pretty damn good I have to admit, and I wouldn't complain if we did it again.." you shyly look at her, nervously chuckling as an attempt to calm the anxiety a little. Seeing her eyes lighten up at those words and the little smile that sneaks into her face makes you feel a certain warmth and ease inside. "I.. guess we could try.." you whisper, breaking eye contact as you can feel the heat rush into your cheeks.
"So- uh.. you're saying you think you do like me back and that you're willing to date me, like.. seriously?" Rhea asks completely overwhelmed. "God damn it, yes, you idiot!" You exclaim and wrap your hands around her neck kissing her.
You both smile into the kiss and you lean back, pulling Rhea on top of yourself as you lay down. "I still fucking hate you for what you've done, just to be clear" you murmur against her lips and she chuckles in response. "And what do you want me to do about it now.." she then teases you. "Maybe fuck you so hard you just forget about it?" she smirks at you. "Mmh.. maybe?" you whisper and smirk back at her.
Rhea kisses you again and begins to trail kisses along your jawline and down to the crook of your neck. Slipping one of her legs between yours, she presses her body down against your own, creating a friction that makes you moan softly.
But before it could go any further the doorbell rings, and you push Rhea off of yourself with a grin. You liked that you were able to make her horny and now she got to wait. She looks back at you pouting, but eventually smiles at you as she watches you come back, already with a mouth full of pizza.
"God I just can't be mad at you" she sighs and guides you to sit between her legs with your back against her chest. "I'll turn on a movie okay?" she says softly and kisses your temple while reaching for the tv remote.
I AM SO INCREDIBLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING Y'ALL FOR SO LONG!!! I don't know what's going on with me at the moment myself or I would have explained it to you, but ye, hope you enjoy and I'll try to write more now :)
Taglist: @specialinterestshows @butterfly12347 @billiewherearetheavocados @lomlrhea @hatdog96 @plk-18 @babybatlover @wiccanpriestess @kagome2909 @domlynch
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damiansgoodgirll · 4 months
Hey girl, I absolutely love your writing style so I was wondering if you could write about reader dating LA knight but them having a huge age difference (like he’s 41 and reader’s in her twenty’s) and people finding out about reader’s age and not being okay with their relationship but LA being so in love with her that he would go against his own fans to protect her from negative comments
first time writing for him!
la knight x reader + rhea x reader (platonic)
‼️a little angst (please tell me you get the reference from the title lol)
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coal digger
“they hate me…” you said throwing yourself on the hotel bed.
“who?” your best friend rhea asked you.
“the fans, the people, everyone!”
“no one hates you” she laughed at your dramatic reaction.
“the comments they are leaving under our post together aren’t nice. the comments they are leaving under my post are mean and terrible! it’s clear that they hate me!” you said. rhea knew what you were referring about.
you and la knight started dating just a few months ago but the sparkle between you two was evident. you worked backstage as one of the social media managers and you loved your job at wwe, especially when you had to tour with the wrestlers to film and take pictures for the socials.
that’s how you two met. you were asked to take a video and you immediately connected. he was fun and charismatic, you were fun and charismatic. he was hot, you were hot. he was kind and you were kind.
rhea said that he was your soulmate and you almost believed her.
five months later, you two confirmed publicly your relationship. your colleague were happy for you two, saying that you found each others. his fans, on other hand, didn’t like you at all.
they thought you were there just for fame and money and that you didn’t really love him. they couldn’t be more wrong but you knew there was no arguing with the fans.
plus, your age difference wasn’t making it easy for you to be more likeable to his fans.
he was 41.
you were 25.
most of the nice comments were about how “gorgeous of a daughter he had” or “he found his sugar baby”, the worst comments were when they called you a “goal digger looking for fame” or just simply a “slut”.
“those aren’t his fans. his fans probably don’t even care about who he’s dating. those are just girls who are jealous because you two are dating and they’re not…you shouldn’t listen to those people y/n” rhea tried to comfort you.
“i know i shouldn’t but it’s not really nice when they’re calling me a slut just because i fell in love…” you were hurt and rhea realised that too but before she could talk, your boyfriend entered the room, sign that he just finished training for his upcoming match.
“hello ladies” he smiled at the both of you. rhea smiled back but you were too lost in your thoughts to acknowledge him.
“i’ll leave you two alone” rhea smiled before going somewhere else.
“what’s on your mind pretty girl?” he said sitting next to you on the bed.
“your fans hate me…”
“no they don’t” he replied back.
“but they do…and”
“and it’s bothering you…” he finished the sentence and you nodded.
“the don’t like me. they don’t like us together and i get it, maybe they are jealous, i would be jealous too if someone else was dating you” you said making him laugh “but it’s the lack of respect that i cannot stand. you don’t like me? just say it nicely please because i can’t stand seeing more comments of me being called a slut just because i love you and we are together…”
“wait what?” he asked a little shocked.
“they called you a slut? are you serious?” you nodded at his question “this is not right at all, i’m so sorry love you have to go through this every single day…i had no idea of the mean comments they were leaving under your posts…they should definitely stop”
“they don’t want us together because of me. if i was your age probably no one would have said anything…but i’m 25 and they keep calling me a gold digger and”
“coal digger” he said making you chuckle.
“not the right time for the modern family reference” you laughed again.
“i know i just wanted to see your pretty smile” he smiled back at you “listen to me…i love you” he said sitting closer to you and opening his arms to let you lay your head on his chest “i love you so much y/n that words can’t even describe it…you are everything to me. i know comments get on your head but you shouldn’t let them okay? i love you for being you and that will never change.” he softly kissed your head and you smiled into his chest.
“thank you…”
“you don’t have to thank me love” he smiled back.
he knew his words would have helped you but he wanted his fans to understand that he was feeling for you was real.
so he took his phone out. took a cute selfie of you laying on his chest with your eyes closed and a big smile on his face.
i’m the luckiest man alive. i love this woman with all my heart, some of you probably won’t even understand but i don’t care. respect my girl and our relationship, thank you.
and then he posted it.
you saw his with your eyes little opened and you smiled. you loved how protective he was and you loved him for that.
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dynamitekansai · 2 months
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Via Rhea Ripley's Instagram Stories
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I really like that Rhea reflects certain characteristics (and character flaws) of the 3 house leaders, it's a really subtle but neat bit of character writing
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gingermintpepper · 1 month
First of all idk if anyone has told you but I love when you ramble in your tags. Like same. I love when people do that.
Secondly that Leto and Hera post goes hard and idk if you have checked the op's tags too because it goes harder. Like never knew they had this much tension wtf but Leto really is That Girl.
Thank you so much! What are tags for if not rambling excessively about thoughts I had on a post but could not structure into a coherent form LOL
And I hadn't originally checked the OP's tags but after I got this in my inbox I rushed over to check and YESSSS OP GETS IT OP GETS IT!!! In general, Leto is someone who is overlooked a lot in mythology - she's put in the same general category as a lot of Zeus' affairs where she exists to be pretty and tragic and innocent in contrast to Hera's imposingness and strict focus on order and face but considering Leto's lineage, that's simply not true. Like OP pointed out, if there is anyone who matches Hera power for power, both in terms of divine identity and regard, it's Leto. Zeus' regard and respect of her (and by extension, his love of her) I feel are extensions of that importance of Leto from a cosmic perspective. Leto, after all, was still a daughter of Coeus and Phoebe, the Titans of the heavenly and earthly centers of knowledge.
So really, all things considered, it makes sense that Leto is That Girl because only That Girl could birth and raise Him and Her respectively, let's be so for real, right now.
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radiantmists · 4 months
binged both chalice of the gods and the hidden oracle in the last few days and tbh i don't care if zeus would blast me to bits, if he were real it would be on sight
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