#and zeus is telling the stupid story and you know EVERYONE in that room is afraid of him
radiantmists · 4 months
binged both chalice of the gods and the hidden oracle in the last few days and tbh i don't care if zeus would blast me to bits, if he were real it would be on sight
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godsofhumanity · 2 years
⚝── 30 DAY HC’S | HEPHAESTUS ──⚝
HEPHAESTUS | tanned skin with scars, particularly over his arms and hands. red-brown hair, medium length, usually tied back and off his face while he works. muscular build, average height. blue eyes. pierced ears.
haven't done one of these in ages ahaha but i thought i should do one for Hephaestus because i have LOTS of ideas
i've made hc's for Heph before, you can see them here, here, and here :)
ok first of all, let's talk personality.
i hc Hephaestus to be the quiet type. he's not loud, and he's not all up in your face the way most of the other Olympians are.
i don't think he's vain or shallow,, BUT i do think he's got an ego. quite a big one too. i think he's a little like Zeus in that way,, very reluctant to admit he could've done something wrong.
part of this is probably because he does a lot of stuff for Olympus. i mean, he's the blacksmith. he makes all the chariots, and the weapons, and the armour, and the jewellery, etc. etc. everyone NEEDS something from him..
so all that subtle attention gets to his head. also, i think that while everyone can be pretty mean and rude to Ares, the other gods don't really treat Hephaestus that way. everyone understands that they're getting things from Hephaestus
this leads me to Hephaestus' origin story.
now, there are 2x pretty big versions of Hephaestus' birth- the first is that Hephaestus is sooo ugly that Hera just yeets him off Olympus and he gets raised by other goddesses. the second is that Hephaestus defends Hera from Zeus' temper and so Zeus throws Hephaestus off Olympus.
i hate the first version because Hera is supposed to be the Queen of Olympus, sort of the mother of the kingdom. i just don't like the idea that she's sooo vain that she doesn't even question abandoning her child for something so stupid.
the second version is better for Hephaestus, but it makes Zeus quite irredeemable.
so, as per usual, i kinda softened the whole story out and my hc is that Hephaestus doesn't get kicked off Olympus at all. i have this idea that, as a child, during the night, Hephaestus overhears Zeus and Hera fighting, and wanders into the room in confusion, and Zeus, so riled up and angry thinks that it's just some servant. so as he goes to tell them to gtfo, he absent-mindedly lets his lightening go and it strikes little Hephaestus.
this way, it still is Zeus' fault, but it's an accident. i like the idea that Zeus really does love all of his kids, yes, even Ares. so of course Zeus is in a panic and both he and Hera cease fighting immediately. but,, Zeus' lightening is powerful enough to rip the sky apart, so i think the damage to Hephaestus' legs is just.. too much.
thus, Hephaestus loses his leg and gets a prosthetic. now, when Zeus gives Hephaestus the prosthetic, i think Hephaestus gets really taken up with beauty of the leg (which was made by the Cyclopes), and seeing how excited Hephaestus is, Zeus takes Hephaestus to visit the Cyclopes' forge and see them working for himself.
and that's when Hephaestus decides he's going to be a blacksmith too.
anyways, fast-forward hundreds of years later, and Hephaestus is the official blacksmith of Olympus.
related to the forge, i loveeee the idea that Hephaestus is best buddies with the Cyclopes (Brontes, Arges, and Steropes).
the Cyclopes don't really care much for the Olympians, but they're protective of Hephaestus.
on to Aphrodite, because how could I not talk about her.
with Aphrodite, i like the idea that when Aphrodite first came to Olympus and she was sooo stunning and beautiful and all the gods were fighting over her, Zeus figured that the best way to avoid conflict was to marry her off to the least expecting of all of them and keep her away from Olympus..... enter, Hephaestus.
to be honest, i think that when Aphrodite came to Olympus, and she didn't really know anything about the world or the Olympians, she just wanted to make peace and do her best.. i mean, when you wake up in a clam shell, and the next day the King of the Sky is inviting you to be a part of a super elite god group, you want to be your best. so, she accepts being married to Hephaestus. i don't like the idea that she's forced into it, or that she hates from the start. i think she genuinely was accepting of the idea, and Hephaestus was a nice guy so she was happy to oblige.
it's the same thing for Hephaestus. it's all pretty sudden, but not really that unusual.
but Hephaestus is super busy in the forge all the time, and i think unwittingly he ignores and neglects Aphrodite. and Ares just accidentally happens to be there all the time.. and you know the rest.
i think that, because Hephaestus loved both his brother Ares and his wife Aphrodite, he didn't really want to believe that either one would betray him, so he just kept ignoring all the signs that they were having an affair. but Aglaea, who was Aphrodite's attendant, couldn't stand by while all this happened, so she would slyly try and hint and get Hephaestus to realise what was going on.
and eventually, Hephaestus does confront Aphrodite and Ares with his golden net. and while it felt good at first, i think that eventually Hephaestus comes to regret this decision because at his core he's a kind guy. that's part of the reason why Aglaea wants Hephaestus to realise what's happening-- because he's a good guy and he deserves better.
after Aphrodite, i feel that for a long time, Hephaestus doesn't have any energy or inclination to get into another relationship. he genuinely was in love with Aphrodite i think, so her cheating on him would hurt badly.
Aglaea starts to become a pretty big part of Hephaestus' life after Aphrodite mostly because she refuses to leave him alone and ends up being at the forge all the time because she wants to be part of the healing process ig.
even though Hephaestus does like Aglaea, i hc that he waits like,, a reallyyyyy long time before making it official because he wants to make sure it's real.. lots of marriages in Olympus happen so quickly- Hades x Persephone, Ares x Aphrodite, Poseidon x Amphitrite... even Hephaestus x Aphrodite happened spontaneously. so i think it's just nice to wait and take time.
anyways,, it works out because Hephaestus and Aglaea get along superrrr well and have a happy marriage with their 4x beautiful daughters :)))))))))))
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keikuri · 2 years
Am i a special needs kid? yeah, you could say that.
i was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia at 5, been through six different schools in six years, and have absolutely destroyed every field trip. and not in a good way. for example, my fourth grade field trip to Saratoga. why you would put an impulsive kid with adhd anywhere near a loaded canon is beyond me, but i guess the teachers didn't see anything wrong with it until they heard a cannon go off in the distance. and asking said kid with dyslexia to pull a labeled lever. i would have laughed at them for being soaking wet if i didn't get detention after that. So you can see why i wasn't to excited for this trip.
the school that my mom put me in this time was called Yancy Academy,a school for troubled and disabled kids. my only friend there was a kid with a muscle disorder in his legs named Grover. he was a short guy with a pimply face, and he was the only guy in the sixth grade who had a beard. either he had weird genetics or got held back six years. We were going to the Metropolitan, to learn about Greek and roman stuff. the teacher who was leading this was Mr. Brunner and Mrs. Dodds. Mr. Brunner was this guy in a wheelchair and he was my absolute favorite teacher of all time. he never thought i was stupid or dumb and never thought i was at fault for anything that happened at school. Mrs. dodds was probably the daughter of satan. or at least inhuman. she hated me for no reason, and loved this girl named nancy bobofit, a freckly, redheaded kleptomaniac asshole who's favorite pastime was bullying the younger kids and stealing things from old women. We got to the Metro and he stopped at the front, and we talked about the story of the statues at the door. they were of Pygmalion and Galatea, an asexual dude who falls in love with his own statue, so Aphrodite makes it real for him. my hopes for this field trip were already high, and nothing had gone wrong.
we stopped by more statues until we got to a big painting. well less like painting and more like wall sculpture. i actually recognized this one. it was of kronos being chopped into a thousand pieces and thrown into tartarus. i felt somewhat angry at this depiction of the gods. "now can anyone tell me what this is a picture of," Mr. Brunner asked. he scanned the room and his eyes fell on me. "Percy!" i froze, because i'd been zoning out unintentionally. "uh, yes?" he pointed to the painting. "Oh! that's zeus killing his own dad." "and why did he do this?"
"kronos ate his kids... because he was scared of what would happen if they became kings and queens? so then zeus escaped and killed his dad."
"why would we need this in real life? it's not like anyone's gonna ask us, why did zeus cut off his dad's penis," "to paraphrase Mrs. Bobofit's question, why would we need to know this in real life?" i went silent. i didn't know the answer to that. Bobofit in snickered in the background. "well, percy, it's unfortunate that you don't know this answer, but a very insightful interruption."
we looked through more statues and paintings, and Mrs. Dodds looked like she wanted to destroy each and every one. Lunch rolled around, and i sat with grover away from everyone else, almost as if staying away from these special needs kids would make people think it'm not part of that group. i looked over at grover's curly, dark hair and noticed a blob of light purple and brown. he was looking intently at his apple, trying not to look over at someone. "Nancy threw a piece of PBJ in your hair?" i asked surprised. "she threw a peanut butter sandwich at you. i stopped it. with my head." i picked out the piece of jelly and chucked it back at Nancy's general direction. i patted Grover's back. "Grover, you're a good friend." i said. Grover turned to me. "i'm your only friend." and went right back to eating his bright red apple. Nancy walked over, obviously trying to start a fight. i tried not to get angry, but it was hard to control your temper when someone was insulting you for having ADHD. "- and i bet your mother doesn't even like you, " that did it. i got up prepared to punch her square in the nose.as i did, i felt something rise in me, like the force of a hundred hurricanes contained within. i punched her, hard enough to make her nose bleed. then she got picked up by the fountain. i mean literally picked up; the water formed around her, wrapping around her body as if she were a doll. the water wrapped around her face, clearly drowning her. the feeling died as i panicked. as much as i hated Nancy, i didn't want her to die. The fountain dropped her onto pure concrete. everyone was staring at me, then her, then me. Mr. Brunner was even more shocked than us all. Mrs. dodds smiled. that was all i needed to know that i was perpetually fucked. she came towards me, all sweet.
"come with me, darlin." she said. Grover tried to go with me, but Mrs. Dodds said that he wasn't in any trouble, and forced him to stay. he pleaded with Mr. brunner silently, but i was already in the building.
we were alone. in a room. with creepy Greek statues. "I've heard a lot about you, sweetheart." i gulped. this was not going well. "that's very dedicated for a substitute, but i didn't do anything," i said nervously. Mrs.dodds seemed to ignore that. "you've been through six different schools in six years, and each and every time, something odd has happened. with hm... water?" she guessed. i almost stopped breathing, because she was absolutely right. discounting the saratoga trip, the rest of the incidents had all involved some kind of water going haywire around me. the water fountains nearly murdering someone at Greensville, people thinking i was dying in the pool at Vermillion Academy, all of it. "what do you want from me?" i asked, even more scared now. "return what you have stolen, sea boy." she stated. "...what?" i blinked because as much as i hated everyone that wasn't my mom or Grover, i'm not like Nancy bobofit. I'm no thief. "i will give you two minutes to go through your bag and give me the master bolt," she said, growing impatient. "and if you don't, you will be sent to Hades, who will have you judged harshly." i panicked. it hadn't occurred to me then that she had just said the name of the Greek god of death, but when faced with a possible lunatic who was capable of killing you, that hardly matters.
just to appease her, i gave her my backpack for her to look through, and maybe buy me some time. she must've been working out because she tore right through that thing. it was in shreds and she looked up at me. she growled. and then she lunged. Mrs. dodds wasn't Mrs. Dodds anymore. she was a leathery bat... thing. it's really hard to describe her. she looked a bit like mothman but with bat wings and less horns, and she had goat-like legs and a nasty smile. i jumped back, instinctively rolled under her, and grabbed a Greek bust, ready to swing it at her. she predictably attacked, and i swung the sculpture at her, breaking it in two and startling her. i dropped the thing and bolted for the door, but it was locked. i ran towards the other side and back again, attempting to tire her out before realizing that a pen was thrown at me. "What ho, percy!" He yelled, just like he did in class when he got out a fake sword and hosted foam sword gladiator fights in class. just as a test, i uncapped the pen. with a loud Shink sound, it turned into a sword. a three foot long glowing magic sword, with Greek letters inscribed in the hilt. i almost screamed, but Mothman-Dodds lunged again. i swung the sword and impaled it into her left temple. she screamed and dissolved into the dust of various dark colors.
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hansensgirl · 4 years
not all who wander are lost.
summary. | He’s got your name on his tattoo, wearing the same damn clothes since three days ago. A bottle of gin in his hand, and you’d say he’s just wandering.
warnings. | Strangers to lovers, smut, naive reader, mentions of trauma, angst, fluff, slight violence, slight dub/con, slight blasphemy, drinking, DD/LG, daddy kink, corruption kink, ring/hand kink, size kink, creampie kink, teasing, spanking, choking, spitting, manhandling, praise, male masturbation, handjob, degradation, a bit of humiliation, oral sex, virginity loss, marking, and more. 18+ MINORS DNI.
word count. | 11k
pairings. | Daddy!Destroyer!Chris x Little!Reader.
a/n. | one of the few fics inspired/based off of chemtrails over the country club. please heed the warnings and don’t forget to reblog. ily! thank you so much to @dragon-of-dreams @mypoisonedvine @tenuntilfightcall and everyone else for helping me out with some information! and thank you to my bb sara @asadmarveltrashbag for beta-ing and being there for me during this insane month, ilysm!!
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The first time he laid eyes on you, was six months ago.
Meadows like the ones that surround him only exist in movies and Instagram posts. But even those need editing for perfection. Yet, the ones around him made him feel as though he has camera lenses for his eyes. Each piece of grass is a beautiful green, and some had flowers between them. His thighs may hurt but the view is a reward for all the trouble he just went through. A cute cottage lies on the hill he stands on. It resembles one from a Pinterest board but he doesn’t mind.
Birds chirp, sheep bleat, cows low and chickens cluck amongst Ella Fitzgerald's rendition of Summertime. Chris walks a few more steps and onto the porch he goes. This isn’t his destination. Well, technically, it is. But he isn’t supposed to be knocking on your door like he is now, and his heart shouldn’t be beating out of his chest. To the right of this cottage — Chris’s right — is another cottage.
It’s more modern than he’d prefer it to be. It only looks so because inside lives a drug lord who is on the run. It’s truly unfortunate his girlfriend sold him out for immunity. He knocks on the wooden door and takes a step back. Who knows what kind of person is behind it. “Coming!” your sweet voice calls. Chris doesn’t let go of his grip on his gun that’s down the waist of his pants.
Even the sweetest seeming things can always end up being sour.
You struggle not to trip over your own dress. The tail of it drags behind you and sweeps the floor, too. But it makes you feel just like a princess, so you don’t care. On your hip is a basket, and inside is Cotton. Your bunny. She’s been your company for years, and you don’t know what you’d do without her. Barely anyone visits anymore, only because cars can’t handle the long drive up and many people hate nature. But when the occasional knock on your door echoes throughout the house, you can barely keep your excitement inside.
You open the door and gasp. The man… is brooding. And he’s not the type of broody that would grumble insults under his breath or the type that would stalk people, either. He’s the dreamy type, the man your parents say is bad news when really he just needs love. You take in his form. You can tell he’s slightly tired and you just have to give him credit for walking up to your home. He has no flaws, except for the dirt that stains his clothing.
“Hi, do you live here?” the strange man asks, looking around the inside of your home. You jump and you’re not sure why but your skin raises with goosebumps. His voice is deep yet so soft-spoken. For some odd reason, his hand is reaching backwards and you assume that it’s because he has some sort of ache from the walk. You finally register his words and look up at him.
“Y- yes, do you live here?” you stupidly ask. You don’t even realize what you just said until you noticed his puzzled look. “Oh, sorry,” you look down and notice that his black boots are covered in pollen, something that can be oh so bothersome. “‘S’alright, I was hiking a- and I don’t have anywhere to go… Do you think you could let me stay here?” he asks, letting go of the gun. “Uhm, s- sure, what’s your name?” you ask him, moving out of the way.
Naive, so fucking naive.
“Chris, what’s yours?” he asks, stepping inside. You give him your name and he nods. He goes to wipe his shoes on the rug in front of the door but there is no rug. You hand him a rag and he gratefully takes him, mumbling a small ‘thank you.’ “Are you a tourist?” you ask him, setting your basket down onto the floor. Cotton hops out of it and runs off to the kitchen, probably to chew on your apron. “No…” he solemnly answers. He hands you the rag back and you shyly take it.
“O- okay… Are you a photographer? I’ll tell you God’s truth, the most beautiful photos are taken when the sun rises, when it sets and when it’s raining,” you pointedly inform him. You drop the rag into your basket and turn back around, your dress spinning in a slight swirl. His eyes rake your body up and down, taking in every inch of your body. Red cloth with white polka dots covers your body and your mushroom earrings bring the entire outfit together.  Chris has to assume that the heavens above or whatever the fuck else is there have handcrafted you to absolute perfection.
He’s never read any stories about Greek gods, but he knows that Zeus would be absolutely infatuated with you. He takes note of how your body tenses up when he makes eye contact with you, and he gives you a small smile.
“I’m not a photographer,” he clarifies, looking around. He can’t believe you let him in just like that, but the more he found, the more he understood why. A lonely, innocent little girl like you doesn’t have anyone to tell you right from wrong. “Then what are you, sir? Are you lost? I can call the Consulate if you’d like,” you offer, walking towards him. “I’m not lost… I’m a wanderer,” he whispers almost hesitatingly.
“But you only ever wander when you’re lost, no?” you confusingly ask him. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head, before peering out of the window. Luckily, he has a direct view of the other cottage. He really did hit the jackpot. “Not all who wander are lost, little girl. Now tell me, why would you let a stranger inside your home?” he asks you.
Cotton hops from the kitchen to your bedroom, and you stand in place. “I… Well, I’m not sure. You didn’t give me any reason to not let you in or to make me believe you’re dangerous, sorry…” you shyly tell him. “Don’t apologize, just know that not everyone in this world is good. There’s always going to be someone with a little more darkness than the rest of us…”
Chris unzips his duffle bag, and you let out a giggle. “Quite ominous of you, but then again, it suits your whole aesthetic. The cool, bearded man, with his cool words,” you smile at him, but it carries a bit of sadness. “Treat this place as your own, make yourself at home. And if you need anything, I’m always here.”
Chris stays at the window for most of his days. Always with a pair of binoculars and a pack of saltine crackers. Sometimes, he pulls a juice bottle out of his duffle bag, You’ve countlessly offered him something that’s actually filling, such as angel cake and sandwiches. He rejects them all, and you wonder if he’s some sort of super-human. But technology hasn’t invented wireless technology yet, so it’s impossible.
“Uhm, Mr. Chris-Sir? I don’t think those crackers are good for you, they’re all you eat…” you sheepishly admit, carrying a cup of water to him. The mug has a little frog painted on it, but the green paint has chipped away over seven years. You set it down gently, onto the table next to him and Chris just stares out at the cottage. “Bird-watching is so cool, isn’t it? If you see a robin, let me know, they’re so beautiful,” you tell him, before walking off.
At first, he doesn’t take in your words. But once they’ve settled deep in his mind and sunk in, he realizes that you assume he’s bird-watching. He’d honestly take any other assumption, but at least you don’t know he’s spying on the criminal next door. He looks down at the table with a sigh and then notices what you’ve done. Not only did you set a cup of water down, but you also gave him two slices of toast. One has strawberry jam on it, and the other has melted butter.
His mouth surprisingly salivates, but it also doesn’t shock him. Every day he sits there, basking in the beautiful smell of your food and humming. His personal favourite is the smell of focaccia bread being baked. He watches and waits until you leave the room to go tend to the chickens. Apparently, one of them laid a few eggs. He quickly shovels the two slices of toast into his mouth and downs the glass of water like a starved man. Because he is one.
Cotton hopes around once again but all Chris sees is a fluffy white blur. He recalls his memories from when he was younger. Younger him always wanted a pet. Even a fish that would die in the span of two weeks would suffice. But his mom couldn’t afford it, so he dropped the idea. Sometimes, he wishes he had dropped other ideas, as well. Like the idea that he’d enjoy life as an undercover agent, or the idea of sacrificing himself for Erin.
His fingers are sticky with jam. He hates the feeling. He spreads his fingers out and goes to get up from his seat. “Shit,” he curses, realizing that something may happen while he’s away from the window. He stands there, contemplating whether or not he should risk his mission just to wash the fucking jam off of his stupid fucking hands. He calls your name, loudly, hoping you’ll hear him all the way outside the cottage.
“Is everything alright?” you shout, running inside the house. He didn’t expect that reaction, but he’ll take it. You’re holding onto the corner of two walls, slightly bent over. Your chest, your beautiful chest, is the first thing Chris lays his eyes on. He nearly chokes on his saliva, and he just can’t seem to take his eyes off of you. “Uh, hi, I need help,” he gruffly says, his voice a bit deeper than usual. He clears his throat with a loud ‘ahem’ and you begin to stand up straight, much to his dismay.
But he doesn’t think the image of your tits nearly falling out of your dress will leave his mind any time soon.
“Of course… Did you enjoy the toast? I can make you some more if you’d like,” you shyly offer him. “It was good, but I’m fine, thanks though. Can you stay here, right at the window, while I go wash my hands? If anything happens, you have to tell me.” Chris doesn’t leave any room for argument, but your curiosity and naivety get the best of you as always.
“What happens if I don’t tell you?” you ask him, walking towards the window. He blocks your path and suddenly personal space is no longer a thing you need. “You don’t want to know what I’m gonna do if you don’t, little girl,” he warns with a hint of lust in his tone. You nod your head and feel tingles bloom just above your core. You’re not sure whether they’re butterflies or those tingles.
Chris walks past you and you quickly rush to the window. You never realized how beautiful this view is until now. The sun is bright, angled in the most perfect manner so that it doesn’t shine directly in your eyes. The sky is so clear, even with the occasional fluffy cloud that always manages to look like some animal. The window blows gently, shaking the sheer curtains that frame you. You sigh and fold your arms, resting them on the windowsill.
You lay your head on your arms and stare out the window with joy filling your heart.
Chris watches you as you look out the window. You’re slightly bent over, once again. Your ass sticks out, and you subconsciously sway your hips side to side, almost purposefully teasing him. Your white dress has a few strings hanging from the hem, but it doesn’t make you look any less gorgeous. He feels like he’s in a dream.
Not only because of the beautiful scenery, and the beautiful woman in front of him but also because he’s trying his hardest to wash his hands quickly, but his movements are so slow. He looks down and rubs his hands together at a furious pace. Chris hears you gasp and he looks up. “Did you see something?” he asks you, turning off the sink.
“Yeah, my neighbour! I haven’t seen him in months, I need to go say hi,” you tell Chris, before rushing out the door. He only then registers your words once you’ve run out of the house and into the unknown. “Fuck- Wait!” he yells after you. He runs behind you and is so grateful when he notices you haven’t gone too far. But you’re still running and Chris’s target is about ten meters away, so he decides to do what he does best.
He decides to save you.
Chris’s feet hit the ground harshly, crushing the flowers beneath him. Running in socks isn’t fun, but at least he has something to protect him. He calls your name and crashes into you with all the force in his body. You both go down and hit the ground from his fierce tackling technique. You go to cry out in pain and lose your mind, but Chris clams his hand over your mouth. “Shh, be quiet. You’re not hurt, okay? I’m sorry I had to do that, but you can’t go running off like that,” he lectures, throwing his right leg over your body. He frames you down, and you don’t have much room to move. You’re frozen in place, chest heaving, and you furrow your eyebrows at his words.
“Listen, I need you to listen. You may not know me and I may not know you, but when I tell you to do something, you’re going to listen. Understood?” he chastised with a harsh tone. You nod meekly, like a little kid who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “And just so you know, that sweet neighbour of yours over there is wanted by the Feds.” Chris looks over his shoulder and doesn’t see the man there anymore, so he begrudgingly climbs off of your body.
You gulp thickly, out of fear and nervousness. Chris doesn’t seem to want to add on to this newfound information, so your anxiety makes work of it. For all you know, your neighbour could be a murderer. Chris senses your nervousness and gives you a pat on the head, almost as if you’re his pet.
Unbeknownst to you, the sight of you under him, helpless and with his hand clamped over your mouth is something that gets his blood (and hand) pumping. He helps you up, and you don’t even realize it until he brushes some dandelion seeds out of your hair. “Thank you… and thank you for saving me, I’m sorry I didn’t listen,” you shyly speak to him. He nods and shoves his hands into his pockets, finding an old cigarette from before he quit.
“‘S’alright, I just need a few things from you,” he gruffly reassured. “O- Of course, anything for my guest and for the man who saved my life,” you beam with a small giggle punctuating your words. He basks in it, almost as though it’s sunlight over a beach. “Ah, you flatter me. Just tell me about yourself, I’m going to be staying for a while,” he says as he turns around to walk back inside.
A bottle of gin is in Chris’s hands. The colourless yet pale yellow liquid swishes inside its rightful bottle. It’s half full, only because last night, he downed the rest. He hasn’t drunk in a while. Since he got over being left for dead. And that’s only six months ago.
He’s shirtless. Only left in his grey jeans and jewelry. His rings clink against the glass bottle and his bracelets hang a little past his wrist. The gunshot wound on his left side had a faint scar on it. He hates it. Every single time he stares in the mirror, that fucking scar just stares back at him.
His father told him it makes him seem more ‘manly’, but it just feels like a point of weakness. Maybe if he was a little quicker, he would’ve saved that bank teller. He would’ve gotten Silas behind bars. He would’ve been able to be proud of himself.
Chris groans at the memories and spins the cap off of the bottle. It flies somewhere across the room, probably hitting one of the wood walls. He mumbles a ‘fucking hell’ and brings the bottle to his lips. The last time he drank like this was three months ago, and he ended up fucking the bartender.
She was bent over the counter, her tits spilled out of her bra and his cock pummeled into her sloppily.
She ended up kicking him out after they were done.
Chris groans again and sits down on the bed, kicking his legs up. His pants are stained with the pigment of dandelions and grass. The splotchy stains are juxtaposed to the grey of his old jeans. They have wear and tear all over them, but he doesn’t care.
Every now and then, he sighs — he sighs quite deeply. The puffs of air come from deep inside his chest. He tilts his head back and stares up at the ceiling, thinking back to earlier today. He smiles to himself, recalling the way you looked so innocent beneath him.
He’s only known you for a few days, and he already has lewd thoughts for you. Fuck. He just can’t help himself, though. Especially with your innocent doe eyes and pretty little dresses. He closes his eyes slowly, using that memory to fuel his much-needed mental images.
You’re beneath him once again, but you’re naked. His hand is wrapped around your throat, and he’s naked too. His cock is slowly driving in and out of you. He’s teasing you. Your pulsating, wet walls hug his fat cock, and you’re both moaning softly.
“Daddy…” you whisper to him, clenching around his cock. “What’s wrong, baby?” he softly asks you. “Please fuck me harder, please, Daddy,” you beg to him, before biting down onto your bottom lip. “I don’t think you’ll be able to take my cock like that, baby,” he shakes his head.
“I can take it, Daddy, I’m your good girl.”
Chris opens his eyes and his right hand has found its way down his boxers. His cock is all swollen and hard, hard as a rock. He places the bottle of gin down on the bedside table and gets himself all comfortable. Chris slowly begins to stroke himself gently. He goes from the base all the way to the top, and then back down. His thumb occasionally swipes against his leaking tip and all he can think of is teaching you how to make him — your Daddy — feel good.
“Fuck, baby,” he moans, feeling a vein throat against his hand. He moans your name and speeds up his movements. His fingers are slightly sticky, but it’s the type of sticky he doesn’t mind. He begins to slow his hand down, and he sighs, not wanting to come just yet. He hasn’t been this hard in ages, and touching himself feels so fucking good.
“Did you say my name? Is everything alright?” you ask, barging into his room. He jumps and his hand flies out of his pants. You both stare at each other, not even daring to blink. You eventually break eye contact and notice the bottle of gin sitting on the bedside table. There’s only a sixth of it left, and you frown. You don’t like it when people you care about drink. “Uhm…” he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and then takes in your form.
You’re in a nightgown, and it’s sheer as fuck. The gin gets to him and his mind has a slight buzz to it. His heart beats rapidly and his cock throbs with want and need. Chris’s eyes rake up and down your body like how they usually do whenever you’re in front of him. His mother would scold him for ogling at you, but he just doesn’t care anymore.
“I- I am so so so sorry, I should’ve knocked. I just thought you needed help with something because I heard you say my name, but sometimes I just tend to hear random things, so sorry,” you apologize in a panicking manner. You slowly walk back to the door, but you don’t turn around. Your bare feet leave a faint imprint on the floor from the cold sweats that have taken over your body.
“Come back here,” he orders, sitting up on the bed. Chris’s unbuckled belt clanks quietly, and he begins to remove it in one quick motion. You gulp thickly and exhale shakily. You slowly walk to where Chris is sitting, and he pats the spot next to him. You’ve never had such an interaction with anyone, ever. You sit down next to him, but you keep your distance.
Alcohol should not be called alcohol in Chris’s utmost humble opinion. No, it should just stick to its nickname ‘liquid courage’ because it’s more accurate than anything else. He may not seem like it, but he’s just a man who doesn’t have the heart to do much. Adrenaline doesn’t exist for him anymore, not since the incident.
Chris turns his head and stares at your pretty face. You look down, unable to make eye contact with such a God-like man. You have to assume that even Apollo is envious of Chris’s beauty. “How’d you hear me? Because I know these walls aren’t thin enough, and I know I wasn’t being loud, so tell me; How’d you hear me?” he interrogates you like one of Silas’s companions, but this time is slightly different.
Lust is what’s pumping through his veins, not rage.
“Uhm, well… My room was right there, and I wasn’t doing anything but thinking, and since your bed is against the wall, I- I heard you say my name,” you explain shyly. He hums, and you’re not sure whether it’s a hum of delight or disbelief. “Thinking of what?” he presses, inching his body closer to yours.
You continue to stare at his hand, even though you can feel his heavy breathing against your face. “I… Well- I was uh,” you stutter embarrassingly, and it makes you burn up with shame. “Spit it out, little girl, and don’t think of lying to me,” he growls, placing his hand on your thigh. Your gaze follows his movements, and you take in the set of rings that adorn his fingers.
They’re all black and of similar styles. One has a skull, one is completely plain, one has a cross on it and the last one has the word ‘Daddy’ engraved on it. His veins are so prominent. They bulge out with intensity, and you’d just love to trail your fingers along each of them. “Am I going to have to force an answer out of you?” he roughly asks. His other hand goes to the back of your head and he brings your gaze to his face.  
You quickly shake your head in objection, and he raises his eyebrows for you to spit your answer out. “I was thinking about you, and the way you tackled me…” you admit to him in a low and soft voice. “You liked the way I was on you, little girl?” he asks, moving his hand to the back of your neck. “Y- Yeah, made me feel all… Tingly…” you whisper to him.
“I want to hear you say it, little girl,” Chris ushers, squeezing the back of your neck slightly. “I liked the way you were on top of me…” you tell him breathlessly. “Good girl,” he praises in a slightly deep voice. He pulls you onto his lap and you gasp. His hard, wanting cock is right under your thighs, and you exhale nervously.
“You feel that, little girl? That’s all because of you, you did this to me. And you’re proud of it, aren’t you? Got me so fucking hard just because of you.” Chris squeezes your waist, and you really can feel it all. He’s not wrong, either. You’re so proud that you’ve made a man like him so desperate for you. “Do you know what I was doing, little girl? I was jerking off to the thought of fucking that cunny of yours until you’re begging me to stop,” he growls in your ear.
You moan softly, and the picture comes to mind, making your pussy gush with want. “Bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he asks, placing his hand on your inner thigh. You nod, and he raises his eyebrows in warning again. “Yeah, I want that so bad,” you murmur to him. You and your pussy want him so bad. Chris’s hand inches further up your thighs until he’s just an inch away from your bare pussy.
Your thighs are already slightly sticky from your arousal. “Do you know what jerking off is, little girl?” he asks, pulling his hand away from your pussy. You hold back a pathetic, child-like whine, and he begins to lift up your nightgown until he sees your naked body. “Kind of… Isn’t that when a man touches himself? Like how women touch their… down there?” you innocently ask him.
Chris chuckles at how cute you are. So innocent yet oh so slutty. “Have you ever touched yourself, little girl?” he asks, lifting the nightgown over your head. It’s strewn across the floor behind you, and neither of you cares. But you quickly use your hands to cover your most precious, most private parts. “No, no, I don’t want to see any of that. You’re so beautiful, baby, you’re built like an absolute angel,” he husks, and you feel so flustered that you can’t help but giggle.
“T- Thank you… And I’ve done it a few times,” you inform him. Chris nods and smirks, catching the way your nipples have pebbled up. “Have you ever made someone feel good before?” he questions, trailing his broad hands up and down your body. “N- No, it’s pretty lonely up here…” you almost-ashamedly admit. He coos at you. “Do you want me to teach you how to make me feel good, little girl?” he questions, palming your tits.
You moan softly and rub your thighs together as he pinches and pulls at your hard nipples. You’re so small in his large hands, it makes him even harder. You nod your head fervently, wanting to make Chris feel so fucking good. Chris takes his hands away from your body and shifts you in his lap. He reaches down his pants and pulls his cock out of his boxers.
You gasp, having never seen something as big as that. He smirks and uses his right hand to grasp the base of his thick cock. Chris brings your dominant hand down to where his cock is and guides you to wrap your fingers around him. Chris shudders at your soft touch, and he moans softly. “Good girl, yeah,” he praises. “Wrap your hand around me a bit tighter, baby,” he urges, and you do exactly that.
He groans loudly and a small smile stretches across your lips. “N- Now, you’ve got to move your hand up and down. Start off slowly, go all the way to the tip, and then back down,” he instructs, even though he’s helping you out. His hand brings yours all the way to the tip, and then back down; just like he said. His hand leaves yours and goes back to feeling up your pretty body.
“Now do it by yourself, but in a twisting motion, little girl.”
You listen to his words and jerk him off, feeling yourself get wet as his cock twitches in your hand. Your clit throbs and so do the veins on the side of his shaft. Chris curses, and you bite down on your bottom lip. “Good girl, just like that. Fuck, your hand feels so good around me,” he moans, squeezing your waist. You focus on his cock, watching as pre-cum leaks from the tip and down the side of his dick.
It drips onto your slow-moving hand, and you exhale as your movements grow a bit faster. You look at him, watching as his pupils darken with lust. You can tell — it’s written on his face — he wants you to go faster. Your hand speeds up around his cock, making him a moaning mess. “Fuck, you’re such a good fucking girl. You like making me feel good, don’t you? So eager to please like the good little girl you are,” Chris husks.
His praise goes straight to your needy cunt and he knows this because he can just tell. Your thighs rub together, your breath hitches, you let out a giggle and squeeze a little tighter around his cock. Chris’s hand goes up to your head and smashes your lips against his. You both moan into the kiss, and you straddle both his thighs to get more comfortable.
You place your other hand on his cock and mimic your dominant hand’s movements. You try to keep up with the kiss, but you just can’t. Teeth clash and so do tongues as Chris moves his mouth against yours. He pants and his chest heaves as you continue to stroke him. “Go faster, baby,” he urges, and he pulls his mouth away from yours. He can feel you soaking his jeans, your wetness joining the abundant amount of rips and tears in the material.
Your hand moves faster, twisting perfectly and occasionally squeezing his most sensitive spots as well. Chris pushes your hands away abruptly, and you’re confused. Did you do something wrong? Does he not like you anymore? What happened? “Shit, wrap your mouth around the tip, little girl. Trust me, you’re gonna fucking love it,” he says, and you quickly do so.
You’ll do anything to please him. His mushroom tip is leaking and a raging red. It’s the same red as the rest of his cock, and you could swear it’s almost purplish. You can tell he’s aching because you’ve been through a similar thing. You drop down to the floor and kneel in front of Chris. Your lips smooth around the tip of his hard cock, and you can taste him as soon as he hits your tongue.
He tastes of musk and manliness, along with a hint of saltiness, and it’s oh so addicting. You keep the tip of his cock in your mouth like it’s one of your favourite lollipops and smile around him. Chris smiles and wraps his hand around himself. He jerks himself off quickly, desperate to come in your mouth. “Fucking shit– god, you’re such a good fucking girl,” Chris rasps as he reaches his climax.,
His balls tighten up and his blue eyes roll back into his skull. White, hot, thick ropes of cum shoot out of his tip and fill your mouth. You’re not sure why, but a moan escapes past your throat, and it only makes Chris’s high much better. Chris places both hands on the sides of your head and holds you there, gently. You swallow all his cum as it fills your mouth and leaks from the corners of your lips.
Chris so desperately wants to push your head farther down his cock, but he knows he shouldn’t. Plus, there’s always going to be more time for things like that. He pulls your head away from his cock and watches as a string of saliva tries to keep the two of you connected. You gently lick your lips, still savouring his taste and he smiles down at you. You can’t lie — you feel giddy. Giddy in a way in which you crave his praise and approval like no other.
“You’re such a good girl, you know that? Thank you for helping me out… I do suppose I should return the favour, right?” he teasingly says, lifting you up into his lap. You shake your head out of nervousness. “No? … Why not, baby?” Chris asks, and you gulp thickly. “Don’t wanna rush it… I- never mind, you wouldn’t understand,” you look down and fiddle with your fingers.
The grooves of your nails are smoothed over by your pointer finger. Some dips and rises make you cringe, and others satisfy you. He looks down at your hands and notices the skin picked on the sides. He knows how painful those can be, and he doesn’t want you to feel any pain at all. “I’ll try to understand, darling, but if you don’t tell me, then I’ll be completely clueless,” he speaks to you lowly. “I like the way your words make me feel…” you shyly admit to him.
“Aw, how do they make you feel, baby?” Chris presses, grasping your two hands together. “All warm and small… makes me feel like I have it all. Hey, that rhymes!” you exclaim, bubbling in the utmost adorable giggles ever. “You’re a natural poet, darling. But tell me more…” he urges, rubbing his coarse thumbs against your soft skin. “I get butterflies, and I feel all shy and safe. Your words make me so comfortable yet so vulnerable…” you describe to him even though words can’t describe what you feel.
“Is that right, baby? You’re so cute… Do you- Do you get all tingly and babyish when I use my words?” Chris hesitatingly asks. His voice is so gentle and soft, a low whisper that is so soothing to your ears and rough edges. You nod meekly and smile to yourself. Your cheeks may hurt from all the laughter he caused earlier today but that doesn’t refrain you from hiding your smile.
Now, Chris is no doctor. He’s no professional, he’s no master. He’s just a broken man, but he knows exactly what you’re talking about. But he won’t explain what it is, because he needs you to learn on your own. Maybe with some guidance from him, but he won’t trick you into thinking something completely off base.
“Let’s get cleaned up, okay? Then we’ll sleep, you need the rest. We both do.”
He’s got your name on his tattoo, wearing the same damn clothes since three days ago. A bottle of gin in his hand, and you’d say he’s just wandering. But he isn’t. He was never. The stick-and-poke tattoo may seem a bit much, but he doesn’t regret it one bit. Your name is written in your pretty handwriting. The ink is in his skin, and he’s practically marked as yours, now.
The days go by slower, much slower than he’d like them to. But it doesn’t matter now, because his mission is over, and he’ll be leaving soon. But Chris doesn’t want to leave. His wanderlust has found an end as he finally has a place where he’s meant to be. He’s found heaven in the hills, and between your legs.
“D- Daddy…” you whisper under your breath, loud enough for him to hear. Your hands are locked with his, and they rest at your sides. You’re just in a small bralette, and your hard nipples poke through the fabric. Your legs are thrown over his shoulders and your ankles lace together behind his head. Your neck aches from the angle your body is in, but the pleasure blooming from your core is much more powerful.
Chris is between your legs, and he hums against your wet, throbbing pussy. You moan loudly and squeeze your eyes shut from the feeling. He sucks on your clit harshly, and wetness seeps from your hole. “Feels so good… Oh, my…” you pant. Your hips gyrate and you subconsciously grind your wet cunt against Chris’s face. He pulls his face away from your pussy and licks a broad stripe against you.
You moan again and squeeze his hands tighter. His tongue swirls around your swollen and throbbing clit, bringing you closer and closer to your release. Your taste is addictive, and he could stay between your legs for hours on end, if not for eternities. His beautiful, lovely rings dig into the sides of your fingers, but you don’t care. Chris may treat you like a delicate doll, but he should know how much you love it when he’s rough with you.
“I think I’m gonna come, Daddy…” you cry out to him before a strangled moan leaves your mouth. Chris pulls away from your pussy once again, but this time he spits on your lips. His saliva drops down your cunt and mixes with your wetness, and he goes back to devouring you. He eats you out like a starved man, and you’re squealing at the overwhelming pleasure.
If he was on death row, he’d have your sweet pussy as his last meal.
His tongue works over your clit and brings you closer and closer to your release. It’s coming fast. A searing, heated feeling takes over your body and abdomen as your back arches off your couch. Chris is as hard as a rock, staring you directly in the eyes, and he makes you come on his mouth.
“Oh- Daddy!” you cry out loudly, your mouth falling open into a silent, voiceless scream. Your eyes roll back into your skull and in Chris’s past words, you look like a brain-dead slut. Your wetness gushes out of your drooling hole, and he laps it all up with no problem. He drinks up everything you give him, and then some. Your hands are still laced with his and your chest rises and falls at a fast pace.
“Shh… You did amazing, little one. Taste so fucking sweet, just like nectar,” he hums like a hummingbird, before smacking his lips. You slowly come down from your high as he strokes your hands with his thumbs. Your lids are slightly heavy, but you don’t want to get any shut-eye. Time away from Chris is practically a sin in your eyes. “Thank you, Daddy,” you gratefully reply.
“You’re welcome, little one. Got me so hard,” he husks as he moves to get up. He carefully handles your body and pulls out a handkerchief from the pocket of his jeans. They’ve been washed and scrubbed but there are still faint dandelion and pollen stains that he just doesn’t care enough about. Though the adorable face you were making whilst washing them is something that’ll never leave his mind.
Just like the mental image of you coming undone beneath him.
“Can I make you feel good, Daddy? Pretty please?” you ask sweetly and Chris knows he could say yes, but he doesn’t want to. Making you feel good pleases him, but he doesn’t want to sound so poetic so he chuckles. “Soon, little one, I need to clean you up properly,” he tells you and you jut your bottom lip out, pouting. He coos at you and you scrunch your nose up at the attention.
“But I’m all clean, Daddy!” you reason, reaching over to palm his hard cock through his jeans. Chris chokes on his saliva at the feeling of your touch. “In a bit, little one, you need to listen to Daddy. Okay?” he rasps with a warning in his voice. “Okay, Dada…” you trail off with a deep sigh punctuating your sentence. You fiddle with your fingers as Chris carefully cleans up your pussy.
The damp washcloth is gentle against your sensitive skin. Each movement of his is carried by gentleness and love. “I have a question, Daddy,” you hum after a few seconds of silence. “Go ahead, mushy one,” he says with a smile. You giggle at the nickname before calming yourself down. “Were you really wandering?” you bluntly ask him. Chris’s eyes nearly fall out of their sockets, and you gasp.
“What do you mean, little one?” he asks, looking up at you. “Well… You said you were a wanderer! And that’s how you found me! But you don’t seem like a wanderer, you’re too clever to be one,” you explain with a smile on your face. Chris begins to chew on the inside of his cheek, and the skin has already been filled with bite marks and scars. At this point, he should tell you, right? You already know the deepest, most darkest pieces and part of him.
You’ll love him no matter what.
“Well, I wasn’t wandering. You’re so smart, little one. The smartest baby in the world!” he cheers and moves to get up. He sits in the empty spot next to you and lifts you into his lap. You’re still naked and Chris has his shirt off (as usual), so the skin-on-skin contact has you feeling even sleepier. “Sometimes, we lie to protect people. I lied, to protect you, along with many other people. Myself included, of course,” he starts.
“I was sent here with the sole purpose of bringing in your criminal neighbour,” he pauses “and I did.” You nod along with his words, your mind only allowing the most important phrases to sink in. “I arrested him around a month ago, and I was supposed to leave three weeks ago,” he sadly sighs. You look up in a panic, and you’re in shock. “Two weeks ago, I turned in my resignation. I’m not going anywhere,” he quickly adds and your face lights up.
“I’m staying with my best girl, okay?” Chris smiles and leans in to kiss you. You let him do so because God-damn, you’d let him do anything he wants to you. “T- Thank you so much, Daddy!” you squeal and hug him tightly. He laughs in a beautiful cacophony of sounds, and it’s right in your ear.
Chris feels a weight being lifted off his shoulders as you writhe around in his arms. You wiggle around on his hard cock and Chris suppresses a groan. His hands trail from your shoulders to your waist, down to your hips. Goosebumps erupt on your skin and excitement runs in your veins at his touch. Your head rolls back and you exhale shakily. He grips your hips tightly, and you involuntarily buck your hips against his crotch.
Both you and Chris moan before he moves both his hands to your ass. He gropes you roughly, feeling a bit of your wetness on his fingers. “Oh, baby… What’s all that for? Hm? Didn’t Daddy just eat your sweet little pussy out?” he asks in a slightly worried tone. “Y- Yeah… But I can’t help it, Daddy, you always make me so tingly…” you admit to him, shyly.
“Mmm, I like knowing I do this to you. Gets me so fucking hard,” he groans, slapping your ass. You yelp in surprise, but it gets cut off by a whimper. Chris caresses the hit skin and soothes you down from the shock. He smiles at you and then lands another hit. Then another, and then another.
The sting is addictive, just like he is. It leaves you writhing in both pain and pleasure and yet you still want more. “M- more, please,” you quietly beg and Chris coos at you as if you're a pet. And the truth isn’t far off. The coolness of his rings is both brutal and comforting. It soothes you yet acts as if they didn’t just hurt you. “You want more, baby?” he asks in that sweet yet sultry condescending tone of his.
You nod your head and chew on your bottom lip. “‘S too bad you’re gonna have to take what I give you and keep quiet, baby,” he husks, and you whine loudly. Chris flips your bodies around and suddenly you’re on your back, and he’s leaning over you. He locks lips with you and you try your hardest to keep up with the kiss.
His lips move sloppily against yours, but you don’t mind because you’ll take anything he gives you. You moan into true kiss and Chris wedges his knee between your legs. You’d hump him like a bunny because that’s what the demon on your shoulder is telling you to do. But the last time you did something without his permission, you weren’t allowed to make him come for a week.
You just know you’re soaking his jeans but neither of you cares. Chris kisses the corner of your mouth and trails down to your neck, peppering kisses behind as if he’s leaving a trail on your body for when he’s going to explore you later. The stubble on his cheeks and jaw tickles you and Chris falls even more in love with you as your laughter fills the air.
“D- Dada…” you whisper to him as you tilt your head back. His lips land on that sweet spot of yours and your back arches off the couch. Chris smiles against your skin and begins to suck on that sweet spot. Your breath hitches as he bites, licks and sucks on your skin. He marks you up like no other, and you know how much he loves to know that you’re all his.
“Dada… No teasing, please,” you sweetly ask in your soft tone. And how can he turn you down? “In a bit, little girl, be patient for Daddy.” Chris continues to mark you up until he’s satisfied. The feeling of his teeth against your neck and collar bones makes you even wetter than you already are. Possessiveness is carried in his movements, and it only drives you to be needier.
Chris moves further down from your collar bones to the valley of your breasts. Each curve of yours makes him want to sin without any repentance afterwards. He places a kiss there and then looks up at you. “Please, Daddy,” you whisper so quietly it takes him a few seconds to realize what you’ve said. Chris’s hand wraps around your body to your back.
He slowly unclasps your bralette and drags it away from your body at the same pace. You both maintain eye contact all whilst he undresses you to your vulnerability. Chris throws your bra somewhere behind him and places his hands on your body. “Aw, baby… You’re so cute and small,” he sweetly says in an almost shocking manner. Almost as if he doesn't use the size difference as a weapon to make you all soft and mushy.
“Hm, thank you, Daddy,” you tell him because good girls always have manners. “So good, using your manners for Daddy,” he praises, and you wonder if he can read your mind. Your Daddy can do anything, so it would be no surprise if he can. Chris sits upon his knees, but he remains in his towering position. Gently, and with care, he spreads your legs open until he’s satisfied.
He watches as you clench your needy pussy. He just knows your clit is throbbing, and you’re tingly because he just has that effect on you. “Poor baby… Is this all for Daddy?” he asks, and you quickly nod. “Say it, tell me it’s all because of me,” he growls placing his hands on your thighs. Chris slowly moves his hands further down your thighs. His touch is gentle, and he can feel the goosebumps on your thighs beginning to raise.
“‘S all yours, daddy. It’s all because of you,” you tell him breathlessly. “And this pussy is all mine, isn’t it, little girl?” he asks, inching closer to your wet pussy. “Mhm, only yours, Daddy!” you happily assure him, and he smirks at you. “That’s right, little girl. And since it’s all mine, doesn’t that mean I can do whatever I want with it?” he questions, and you nod with no hesitance at all.
Chris traces your wet pussy with his ring-donned pointer finger. “Oh my…” you gasp at the feeling. It may not be much, but your sensitive little pussy struggles to handle it. You clench around nothing again, and he watches, before chuckling at you. “Such a pretty pussy you have, baby, I can’t fucking wait to ruin it,” Chris growls, and you whimper. “Gonna fill you up with my cum after I fuck you, little girl,” he promises, and you never wanted to be fucked so badly until now.
He wonders if his cock could even fit inside you. Usually, he’d want to eat you out and finger you to prepare you. But he’s now thinking with what’s between his legs, and not what’s between his ears. He trails that same pointer finger on your pussy, and becomes mesmerized with the sight. Chris watches as your hole drools with want and need, whilst you watch him.
His already dark eyes are blown out with lust, and it only turns you on even more. Chris knows you’re watching him. He’s not one of the best agents in the FBI for no reason. He looks up at you, and you lock eyes with each other. He smirks and pulls his hand away from your pussy. You hold back a whine, but you still pout in disappointment. Chris begins to unbuckle his pants, and you’re filled with eagerness.
You smile widely, and he coos. “Aw, you’re such a desperate little slut, it’s adorable,” he chuckles, and you shy away. He pulls down his jeans along with his boxers slowly. Chris takes off his jeans and boxers completely, and throws them somewhere around the house. You watch as his cock bounces up and leaks with pre-cum. You just know he’s aching because of how red his cock is.
He’s big, and you already know that. But seeing him in all his naked glory is just something else. The simple yet not so simple idea of Chris’s cock being inside of you is electrifying. It’s both terrifying and exciting. He grabs the base of his cock and the prickly hair pokes the soft skin of his hands, but he doesn’t care. His left hand goes back to your pussy, and begins to rub circles on your clit.
“Oh… Daddy,” you moan quietly. The pleasure is almost overwhelming, so you involuntarily try to shut your legs and keep Chris out. Your knees touch for a brief moment, and he’s having none of that. He separates your legs and climbs on top of you, all while staring you directly in the eyes. His cock drags against your inner thigh. “Oh, is it too much for you, little one?” he asks with faux pity in his tone. You nod and clench your fists to control yourself.
“Too fucking bad, you’re gonna take whatever I give you, and you’re not gonna complain. Isn’t that right, little girl?” he sneers, and you gasp. Usually, you can’t handle someone who raises their voice in the slightest. But hearing Chris do it makes the butterflies in your stomach fly. “Yes, Daddy,” you hum delightfully, and he smiles. “Good girl,” he praises. Chris presses harder on your sensitive pearl of nerves and rubs you in faster circles.
“Daddy…” You moan and it goes straight to his cock. He looks up at you and just knows you’re beginning to drive up that cliff. He slows down his ministrations on your nub, and you bite back a loud whine. “You’re so needy, baby… Already so close to coming, it’s kind of pathetic…” he trails off and more wetness leaks out of you. You’re absolutely soaked and are a little bit ashamed of it.
“Please, Daddy! I’m so close, I’ll do anything,” you beg, but he just doesn’t buy it. “You’ll already do anything I tell you, baby, begging is so useless,” Chris chortles. You let out a small huff and move your hips in a circle, grinding against his thumb. In a flash of blurry moments, Chris pulls his hand away from your pussy and wraps around your neck. He squeezes the sides of your throat, and you gasp quite loudly.
He raises his eyebrow in warning, and you nod in understanding. “Good girl, I don’t want to put you over my knee when I’m feeling so gracious,” he assures, and you smile. Chris brings the tip of his cock to your swollen, needy clit and his pre-cum begins to mix with your wetness. You both moan softly as he rubs his tip on your clit. Your bottom lip finds a home between your teeth and Chris’s tongue swipes over his.
The sight and feeling of his cock on your silky pussy make him so weak in the knees. “Fuck, baby, do you like that? You like it when Daddy makes you feel good with his cock?” Chris asks in a deep, gravelly voice. “Yeah, Daddy… love it so much…” you tell him through a mushy haze of pleasure.
“You’re getting all dumb and stupid already? You’re so cute, little one,” he purrs, and you giggle at his words even though there’s nothing funny about them. “Do you want my cock, little baby? Say it, tell Daddy you want his cock,” he urges, and you look down to where you’re both nearly connected.
“I wan’ your cock, Daddy. Want it so bad, I need it, Daddy,” you beg, and Chris hums. “Just a little more, little girl, it’s like music to my ears,” he smirks, and you bite your bottom lip. “Sing for me, hummingbird,” he pushes, and you just go with whatever your neediness tells you to do.
“I wanna feel your cock deep inside me, Daddy. I want your cum to fill me up until I’m leaking and all stupid. Please, Daddy, please fuck me. I really want your cock, I need it,” you beg and blood rushes to his face and cock. “Fuck, yeah, I’ll give you my fucking cock, and you better take it like the good girl you are,” he growls, and you whimper. Chris slowly drags the fat tip of his shaft down to your drooling, slutty hole.
You whimper loudly, and he looks back at you. Fear is written all over that pretty face of yours, and Chris knows the exact reason why. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll be gentle, okay? If you want to stop just say so, and I’ll listen. I won’t hurt you, darling. I promise,” he gently reassures you. You sigh with an almost heavy yet full heart.
You then nod and Chris thanks you for allowing him to fully make you his. “Wanna hold your hand, Dada… Please,” you ask pleasantly, and he nods. “In a bit, little girl, I just need to be careful,” he whispers. Chris slowly begins to push into your wet, tight cunt. You swallow him slowly, and the sight is mesmerizing.
The tightness of your cunt squeezes him in a strong hug, and he wishes he could be buried deep inside you for the rest of his life. “Fuck- Baby, you feeling so fucking good,” he moans while trying to compose himself. You’re still whimpering from the pain, and your chest is rising and falling at a fast pace.
“C- Can I push all the way in, little one? It’ll only hurt for a bit,” he asks, and he looks deep into your eyes. “Mhm… Wanna feel your cock deep inside me, Daddy, please,” you beg, and Chris tries his hardest not to come right here, right now. He thrusts his hips forward, and bottoms out inside you completely.
Your mouth falls open, and you’re silently screaming. The pain isn’t too much, but you feel as though the wind is being knocked out of you. Chris shifts a bit, and that’s when you start to feel it more. He’s so deep inside you, and he’s splitting you in two. “Breathe, baby, breathe,” he says.
You realize you’re holding your breath and it’s no wonder why your heart was beating out of your chest. “You’re doing so- so well, darling. Your little cunny looks so nice when it’s stuffed full with my cock,” he groans, and you whimper. “Dada, is hurtin’...” you whisper, and Chris wants to pull out because he can’t stand the thought of his little girl being hurt.
“Do you want me to stop, little one?” he asks, but you quickly shake your head in objection. Even though the pressure in your core is dwindling, and even though you feel a little too full, you don’t want him to stop. “No stopping, Daddy, please,” you whine and flail your arms towards him. He shushes you soothingly, and you calm down as soon as he flashes a stern look.
The pain soon burns away into nothing but dust and ash, and you finally see why he was so desperate to shove his cock inside of your cunt. It turns into pleasure and your pussy leaks around him. You’re soaking Chris’s cock with no shame at all. “Oh, fuck, baby… You feel so fucking good,” he moans, and you follow with a gasp. “I like the way y- you feel inside me, Daddy, makes me all tingly…” you admit shyly, and Chris chuckles.
“Yeah? Bet it makes you want to be fucked stupid, right, baby?” he questions with a playful smirk on his face. “Yes, Daddy,” you moan. You’re never aware of your surroundings because you’re too caught up in the moments. It’s something Chris scolds you for, but you never learn. But in this moment, you can feel everything. The veins on his cock throb against your silky walls, and you can feel his balls against your ass. His hot breath fans over you as Chris struggles to compose himself.
He slowly drags his hips backwards, pulling out of your pussy until his tip is the only thing in your cunt. The sudden almost-emptiness is surprising, but you quickly get used to it. Chris then pushes back into your pussy, and you moan loudly. “Fucking hell, little one,” he curses under his breath as he bottoms out again. He begins to fuck into you slowly and gently, careful to not hurt you. Even if he wants to fuck you until you’re crying.
The sound of skin on skin is quiet and almost unintelligible. The squelching sounds from your wet pussy and moans fill the room. Chris gently grips your hips and watches as your face contorts into a frown of pleasure and not pain. “Daddy…” you pant softly as you look up at Chris. “Yeah, baby? Am I hurting you?” he asks out of worry. “N-No, it feels so good…” you trail off as one particular thrust lands near your g-spot. And he knows that.
“Wan’ you to fuck me hard, wan’ you to destroy me, Daddy. Please fuck me like the slut I am…” you gently beg and Chris halts his thrusts. His cock twitches inside of you because of your words. Only he can corrupt an innocent angel such as yourself. “Shit- Little one, I don’t want to hurt you, that’s why I’m being so gentle,” Chris explains, but you shake your head. “You could never hurt me, Daddy. Please, I need you,” you beg for one last time, unaware of what you’ve done to him.
Chris roughly pushes his cock back into your cunt without warning. “Awe, I see. My little princess wants to be fucked like the whore she is, hm? Well, whatever princess wants, she gets,” he growls because beginning to fuck you roughly. You moan loudly at the feeling as with each thrust, his cock pummels against your sweet spot roughly. His pelvic bone rubs against your swollen clit and his grip on your hips tightens.
“Daddy!” you cry out as Chris pounds into your poor pussy. The room fills with moans, groans, curse words and wet sounds that all come from the art you two are making. “Aw, what’s wrong, little girl? Can’t take daddy’s cock anymore? Hm? Well, I don’t really give a fuck, you’re just gonna lie there, and take what I give you like a good fucking girl,” he sneers, and you push at his chest.
“It’s so sensitive!” you wail like a little bitch in heat. “But I bet you don’t want me to stop, do you?” Chris asks as a moan bleeds past his plump lips. “Uh-uh, please don’t stop, Daddy!” you squeal after a harsh thrust. The stretch of Chris’s cock is amazing, and you never want the feeling to stop. Chris’s hand leaves your hip and crawls all the way up to your neck. He wraps his fingers around your throat, and squeezes the sides, making you clench tightly around his big, thick cock.
He lowers his face to yours and watches as you react to the way he’s being rough with you. “Oh, God!” you cry out as he makes his thrusts more powerful. “Actually, it’s just ‘Daddy’, but I’m fine with that too,” he slyly smirks. You’re too fucked out to even laugh at his joke. Your eyes roll back into your skull and your back begins to arch off of the couch.  “Awe, are you gonna come around my big fat cock already, slut? How cute,” Chris mocks.
You nod your head and begin babbling like a baby. “But remember, little girl, I have to give you permission to come, okay?” he reminds you, and you whine. Chris’s hand around your throat moves up to grab your jaw, and he stops thrusting into you. “None of that is allowed. Don’t forget your place, little girl,” Chris warns with fury seething through his words. You mumble an apology, trying to formulate the proper words to speak.
“Seems like I really did fuck you stupid,” he chuckles, and you moan at his words. You clamp down on his cock, tempting him to do what you want, like a siren using her voice to lure men into the sea. “Open your mouth up first, little girl,” he orders, and you obediently listen. The searing arousal in your core begins to fade away, and you feel a panic beginning to rise inside you.
Chris drags his hand back down to your throat and rests it there. You watch as he puckers his lips up, and suddenly, he spits into your mouth. You open your mouth even wider and stretch your tongue out. His saliva lands directly on your tongue, and you wait for further instructions before you give in to your desires.
“Swallow it, little girl,” he instructs, and you do exactly so. You open your mouth back up just to earn some praise. “Good fucking girl. The best baby ever,” he smiles and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Thank you, Daddy! … Can I have cummies now?” you lovingly ask your Daddy.
“Of course, little one,” he says as he smiles down at you. Chris begins to fuck into you again, deep and hard. With each thrust, he pounds your g-spot and his balls slap against your ass. His remaining hand on your hip moves down to your clit, rubbing your little button with rough circles.
“Daddy… ‘m gonna come!” you moan loudly and Chris fucks you harder. “Come one, baby, come all over my big cock like the good girl you are,” he urges. The building feeling inside you increases, and you feel yourself getting closer to your release. “Fucking come, little girl, wanna hear you sing for me,” he growls. And with one specific thrust, you find yourself coming undone beneath him.
The sight is so fucking beautiful. Watching you as your eyes turn up, your mouth falls open and your cunt hugging his cock just gets him going, and he wishes he could take a picture of you right now. “D- Daddy! Oh, my-” You cut yourself off with a loud moan and Chris keeps on rubbing your clit and fucking you through your orgasm.
You soak his cock until it’s dripping and even then you’re still coming. You moan loudly and Chris can feel himself getting closer to his orgasm. His balls begin to tighten up and a droplet of sweat drips from his neck down to his chest. “Daddy, are you gonna come?” you sweetly ask as he fucks you through your orgasm whilst chasing his own.
“Yeah, baby, Daddy’s gonna fill you up with his cum. I’m gonna leave you leaking with my seed,” Chris growls as he fucks you faster. “Please, Daddy… Please, I want your cum so badly! Please fill me up with your cum, Daddy,” you beg and Chris tosses his head back.
“Fuck, yes, yes yes,” he shouts as his balls tighten up again. He quickens his pace until white, hot, thick ropes of cum spurts out from his aching tip. He fulfills his promise and your wish, filling you up with his cum until there’s nothing left. His cum mixes with your juices as he paints your walls with no expertise whatsoever. Chris slumps on top of your body, engulfing you in a bear hug as his cock remains buried inside of you.
You’re both panting and struggling to come down from the euphoric feelings. You look up at Chris make lock eyes with him for the nth time. There’ll never be a day where you don’t get lost in his eyes. They’re beautiful, absolutely beautiful. “You did so fucking good, little one,” he praises, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
“Thank you very, very much, Daddy,” you slur, feeling yourself beginning to sleep into little space. “Daddy?” you call out, tapping his bicep after a few seconds. “Yeah, baby?” he asks, lifting himself up to get a better view of your face. “Will you really stay?” you ask with a bit of worry in your voice. He sighs with a full heart.
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sweetchup · 3 years
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an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
The Most Common Seashell in the Ocean
Vol. 2: Into the Deep // Ch. 6
Type: Poseidon x reader
Word Count: 3,000+
Cold. That’s the only way you could describe the man in front of you.
Cold as in his eyes were like stone. As if they were dead as they stared down at you. Cold as in that you couldn’t read him, at all. Even as he was covered head to toe in blood, you had no clue what he would do next. Cold as in he was intimidating. Way too intimidating. Like a primal feeling in you was screaming danger at you. It made you want to bolt from the spot.
“Tch…” You instantly freeze as Poseidon finally lets out a sound. He glares down at you in disgust as if you were some dirt on his shoe, “My brother must be losing his mind.”
Scared, you let out a small gulp. Your throat all of sudden feels extremely dry. Brother? Was he perhaps referring to Zeus? So, that must mean this was Poseidon. Right…?
“S-So…” You pause for a moment as you decide if you should dare continue, “…Are you Poseidon?”
You shouldn’t have done that. With a loud bang, you slowly turn your head to look at the Trident he cleaved down in the sand next to you. Its harsh throw sending the sand beneath and surrounding you in the air in a huge rumble.
“Ack!” You spit out as Poseidon suddenly grabs your jaw while you are distracted. His harsh grip on you as he turned your face to look at him felt as if he was trying to crush the bone of your jaw underneath. Even though you knew it was useless, you squirm lightly underneath his grip in hopes to lessen his tight grip.
“Pathetic.” He spits out in a grumble as he watches you squirming. Letting out a small huff, he watches you for a couple of more seconds before finally releasing your jaw. A sore feeling begins to replace the pain you had previously felt. “Humans do not address a god by their name. Especially pathetic mortals such as yourself.”
You feel the need to flinch under his harsh words but thankfully stop yourself. Instead choosing to tighten your grip on Triton who still laid unconscious in your arms. You understood that what Poseidon said was partially true. A mortal such as yourself had no chance against a god, nevertheless one of his stature and power. But he still didn’t have to be so blunt about it. Even Zeus held some sort of common courtesy when interacting with you.
“Ugh…” Startled by the sound, you spin your head downwards to look at Triton who was letting out a loud groan. His face scrunched up in pain as he wiggled around in your hold to get up.
Instantly, you put your hand on Triton's chest to stop him. Worried with the amounts of cuts and blood he was covered in that he could possibly have a fatal injury, “Shh. Don’t move, Triton. It’s okay. I got you.”
Triton seems to thankfully listen to your words and stop moving, relaxing back into your arms. Instead using the energy he had left to open his eyes to look up at you. Though, as you stared down at him with concern, you could tell he couldn’t properly see you. His eyes shrinking and dilating in an attempt to see what was in front of him.
“Triton, can you see meeeE—“
Gasping, you instantly pull Triton closer to your body as you are carelessly lifted off the ground by Poseidon. The blonde male with one arm underneath your knees and the other holding your waist behind the small of your back stands up as if you two weighed nothing. Even slightly throwing you up in the air to adjust his grip. You stared confused at Poseidon whose gaze looked away from you for the first time since he arrived. Instead staring out at the waves of the sea.
As the male began to walk towards the water, you wanted to question what he was doing. Wanted to question why in the world he had picked you up and was currently holding you. Why he hadn’t killed you on the spot. Why he was walking towards the water. But chose against saying the thoughts that were present in your mind. Remembering fearfully the sharp gaze he gave when you not only called his name but also spoke out of turn.
However, you soon regret not speaking your thoughts out loud. Or, at the very least, putting up a fight.
“H-Hey! What are you?!” You screech out as Poseidon travels further into the sea. The cold crashing waves now hitting your feet and soon traveling up to the rest of your body as Poseidon continues further in. “Hey! Stop! We’-I’ll Drow—“
“Shut up.” Poseidon barks out. Even though he doesn’t bother to give you a glance, you still hear the venom in his voice and freeze up. You looked worriedly around you as the water got higher and higher, all the way up til your chest and neck.
“A-Ah.” You can’t help but let out as you see Triton’s head starts to sink underneath the water. Quickly, you fix your grip on the boy and lift his head above the water. Even if he was an aquatic god, you still weren’t sure if he could breathe underwater. However, the only problem with lifting Triton above the water is that it pushed you further under. The waves now crashing against your chin instead of your neck.
As you gasped out your last word, your head went under. You struggled slightly as Poseidon continued to trech forward but couldn’t do much as you didn’t want Triton’s head to drop underneath the water. Even if you knew it was fruitless and Triton would eventually go under, You hoped he would wake up and make an escape.
Stupid human.
As Poseidon's head finally goes under the water and he begins to float down, deeper into the sea, he finally turns his head back to stare at you. You really were pathetic and stupid as the other humans. Lifting his son’s, Prince of the sea, head above the water as if he could actually drown. What a joke.
What in the world did his brother see in you? Making a huge show in the courtroom about how you would be the perfect substitute for Amphitrite. How everyone should at least give you the chance to be Triton’s nanny and take care of him. How you would help the child grow and shit. How you would actually pay attention to him.
Poseidon feels himself freeze for a moment before tightening his grip more on you. Your body had already began to grow limp in his arms. If he so pleased, he bet he could just tighten his grip more on your frame and you would shatter in a million pieces.
Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. Fragile.
Poseidon grunts out in disapproval at the disgusting passing thought in his mind. You were just a pathetic being. One that would pathetically die right here.
Poseidon once again grunts as the feeling of annoyance passes by in his mind. It must have been all those stories Zeus shared at the trial while he secretly observed you two. As a perfect being he shouldn’t be so easily swindled by such thoughts. His son once again was making him weak.
This is why I stayed away in the first place, Poseidon thought as he rolled his eyes.
Slowly, Poseidon trails his hand up from the small of your back to your cheek. He tilts your head that was flopped to the side with his thumb so that you looked at him.
‘The perfect substitute for Amphitrite’. His brother sure was cruel. You were nothing but a small mouse compared to the apex predator that was his, likely, soon to be ex-wife. The minute Amphitrite lays her eyes on you she would surely kill you.
Poseidon gives your cheek a slight stroke around the bruise that was settling there. You really were pathetic, getting a bruise from such a weak grip.
Little by little, Poseidon leaned down closer to your face. His nose grazing yours slightly causes him to pause as he once again observes you. He wondered if what he would do next would end up getting you killed.
You truly were Pathetic after all. Even amongst all the humans he has met over the many millenniums. Though, he couldn’t deny, much better than the venomous Amphitrite.
I’ll just throw you away later when I’m done, Poseidon decides as he finally closes the gap. His lips swallowing yours in a harsh kiss as he brings his palm away from your cheek to wrap around the back of your neck. For once in his life being careful not to snap someone’s spine in half.
That thought once again passes by in Poseidon’s mind as he continues to hold you close to him. Fragile like fine china. Yet also soft…, warm… A contrast to his cold and strong marble like body. The body of a god.
Finally, Poseidon pulls away, scrunching up his nose in distaste. It seems he’ll have to ‘talk’ to his brother about interfering in his personal life again. Though, it’s not like his brother ever listened to begin with.
What a pain.
Were you dead?
No, you were definitely still alive. For your body felt like a ton of bricks. So much so that even lifting a finger exceeded all of your energy available.
But how were you still alive?
Did Poseidon possibly save you in the end? Knowing that asshole it wasn’t likely. Perhaps Zeus swooped in at the end or Triton saved you. A possibility…but also still highly unlikely. You guessed you would have to find out for yourself.
“Ugh…” You groan out as you attempt to open your eyes only to shut them again. The light in the room felt all too blinding. That wouldn't work, you couldn’t see anything in front of you but it wasn’t like you had any other options, you would have to try again. “Shit…”
You once again attempt to open your eyes. Your vision was still hindered by the light this time but it was at the very least bearable.
Ah, that’s painful. You can’t help but hiss out as you attempt to lift your arm to cover the light coming into your eyes.
It seems you would have to wait patiently for your vision to… return…
You feel yourself freeze as something blurry comes into your view. It was blue and shiny, seeming to levitate or float towards your face.
“W-what…?” You can’t help but spit out as you stare at the thing approaching you. Blinking and unblinking as you attempt to make your eyes address what was in front of you, “A-A fish…?”
It was in fact a fish. A giant one at that, if you had to guess it was about the length of your forearm. But, how was it floating there in front of you…? Fish can only exist in wa—
“Hello My Lady!”
The Fish…. Just talked.
You stared in horror at the thing in front of you. You had to be out of it, there was no way that a fish had just talked to you. Nevertheless be actually able to breathe air…
“No way…” You gasped out as you finally drifted your gaze away from the fish. Now that your eyes had finally fully adjusted, you could finally see where you were.
You were…
Specifically you were underwater in a fantasy noble-like bedroom: Ginormous in size, able to fit a huge bed, couch, dressers and, of course, still plenty of space to be able to walk around. The only difference from the fantasy-like bedroom that one would see in novels was that it was clearly flooded with water.
“My lady?” The fish calls once again, “Are you okay?”
“How—how? What— You…” You gasp out in confusion, only to suddenly stop and grab at your throat. How were you breathing underwater to begin with?
“M-My Lady please calm down!” The fish shouts out worriedly as it watches you panic. “I promise I’ll explain everything once you calm down.”
You pause at the fish’s words, he was correct. You had to calm down if you wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on with you. You attempt to take a deep breath to calm yourself but quickly scrap the idea as it felt way too odd to you. Instead choosing to just nod your head to get on with the fish’s explanation, “O-okay…”
“Thank you, My lady.” The fish tells you as it somehow bows, at the least what looks like a bow, “My name is Marine and I’m a Servant at Lord Poseidon’s Palace…”
So, Poseidon must have saved you. But,… why… it didn’t make sense with all he stated on the shore. Zeus or Triton must have made some sort of interference to save you.
“…Please do not worry as you are still alive and well. The reason you are breathing underwater and communicating with me is due to the blessing you gain from Lord Poseidon.”
“B-Blessing..?” You ask a gasp as you look down at yourself. Patting yourself in certain places to make sure you were all well only to let out a small groan. It seemed you were still sore and in pain.
“Please be careful, My Lady.” Marine tells you worriedly as pats you with his fin. Seeming to attempt to push you backwards so you can lay back down. Thankfully, once you comply with Marine’s request, it answers your question, “Gods can usually bestow 3 things on humans: Curses, Blessings and Ambrosia. Though this can differ from god to god based on what they can accomplish. Curses are pretty self explanatory but Blessings and Ambrosia are complicated. Blessings are gifts or abilities that are bestowed upon humans by gods. In Lord Poseidon’s case he bestowed upon you the ability to breathe underwater and communicate with sea life like other aquatic folk.”
“I see…”
“Finally, Ambrosia is what happens when a human consumes the blood of a god. If said human somehow survives the consumption, they are bestowed the gift of being a Demi-god. So far only one human has survived consuming Ambrosia and that is Lord Hercules.”
Dangerous. Not just in the way of how powerful Ambrosia is but in how many times you could have accidentally consumed it from Triton alone. Even though a God’s skin is stronger than a human’s it wasn’t by much as they could still bleed just as easily. The amount of times you had to bandage Triton’s scrapes when he tripped or bumped into something proved that.
“My Lady?”
At Marine’s call, you are startled out of your thoughts, “Ah sorry. I—“
“P-please don't apologize! You are my lady, you have nothing to apologize for.” Marine shouts out as he visibly pales, “I am your servant, it is actually my fault for disturbing you while you were clearly thinking.”
“A-ah I wouldn’t say that…” You murmured out, clearly disagreeing with what Marine was telling you. Though… You find yourself pause as a thought suddenly hits you, “Marine, Why are you calling me ‘My Lady’?”
“Why that’s because you are the new lady of the Manor.”
“T-the manor? What Manor?”
“Southern Manor, Of cours—“ Marine seems to pause at his words as he realizes something. “I sincerely apologize, My Lady. I totally forgot that since you are from the human realm that you have no idea what has happened here.”
Marine looks around the room before finally spotting what he was looking for and swimming over to it. A map…? You sit up slightly as you look over at the giant map that mount the wall above a dresser.
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“At the Palace, there are 5 Manors that make up its body. Pacific Manor, The main Manor that holds the king and queen of the sea. Arctic Manor, which holds and trains the knights that protect Atlantis. Atlantic Manor, Lord Triton’s as well as any future heirs Manor. Indian Manor, which holds Lord Triton’s classes, storage and other needed rooms. And Finally, Southern Manor…., for Lord Poseidon’s Mistresses.”
“M-mistresses?!” You spit out as you shoot up from your spot. You couldn’t believe what you had just heard. In no ways would you bed Poseidon. This wasn’t what you wanted when you accepted to be Triton’s mother. You didn’t want to actually be with his father.
“P-please calm down, My Lady. You aren’t one of Lord Poseidon’s Mistresses. My Lord has never taken a Mistress ever.” At Marine’s explanation, you let out a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. “The reason I call you My lady is simply because you are now Lord Triton’s official guardian along with Lord Poseidon after Lady Amphitrite was ruled irresponsible for such duties. Due to Lady Amphitrite still not officially divorced from Lord Poseidon, she still lives in Pacific Manor. So you can not live there as of now and the second best place is here in Southern Manor.”
“O-oh…” You choke out. Though you were happy that you were officially Triton’s guardian and can still stay by the boy’s side, you weren’t sure how long you would last. Especially since you were sure that woman was now going to be out for your throat. “…but couldn’t she just come over to this Manor if she so pleased?”
“Not at all, My lady. Do not worry.” Marine informs you as it points its fin to the cluster of three manors at the top. “The Atlantic Manor, Southern Manor and Indian Manor were all originally designed to hold an intricate sea garden in the middle. This idea was later scrapped by Lady Amphitrite but, by the time she denied it, a tall metal fence had already been put up that surrounded the three buildings to keep unauthorized visitors out from the garden. Under Lord Poseidon’s watch, early this morning a sea witch put up a spell that forbade Lady Amphitrite from entering anywhere in the gated area. So she will not be able to get anywhere near you or Lord Triton.”
“Oh. Thank goodness” You mutter out as you let out a sigh of relief. Finally, you and Triton could live in somewhat peace after—
How could you possibly forget about what happened with Marissa? Was Triton treated for his wounds once he got back?
“My Lady, you can’t get up—“
“Marine. Please take me to see Triton. I need to see him at once!”
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Author Note: Ooooop— We got a little insight on how Poseidon feels about the reader and still what in the world happened to Triton? I’m just glad Vol. 2 is up and I can’t wait for the next chapter. Yet, Triton… I miss you 😢. Come back soon in my writing, bud. We need you to lighten up the atmosphere.
Taglist: @angeli-fucking-cat @marixxhq @sproutcorner @orophaea @anime-lover-forever-1127
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 3 years
The Last Chthonian
Bucky x Reader, Sam x Reader, Zemo x Reader
Part 5
A/N: Hello lovelies! This one will feature a special guest! This is probably a stupid idea and I’ll probably regret it in the morning but oh well.
Summary: Imagine being Hekate, the Greek goddess of magic and witchcraft, the night and the moon, doorways and crossroads, creatures of the night, and ghosts and necromancy. You stumbled upon Earth many centuries ago and since then have resided on the foreign planet. During the recent years you created an alias for yourself to hide your true identity, and after the war against Thanos you chose to live out your days in the Scottish countryside, until a certain trio appear at your doorstep one day.
Warnings: language
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It was quiet when you had finished your story, too quiet. You had stared at your hands the whole time you explained everything, a part of you afraid to look at their faces, as if they would look at you different, less human. You left out the details because of limited time, occasionally stopping to discretely wipe away the tears that threatened to spill. Sam had sat next to you through the whole thing with his hand on your back as he rubbed circles. And though Sam had known about your past, he didn’t know about the recent events involving Ares and Thanos. He was heartbroken to hear you had lost everyone and everything you held dear, and wished you didn’t had to suffer through it all on your own. Finally gaining the courage to lift your head, you stared at the expressions of the men around you. Bucky and Zemo were still in shock, their brains trying to process the words that came out of your mouth, while Sam had the expression of sorrow.
“You guys are welcome to ask me questions....if you have any.” You brought up, rubbing your hands together.
“So basically...you’re a Greek god.” Bucky leaned back on your couch, his brows knitted together. “So Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hercules, Medusa, and all those stories, they’re real?”
“Pretty much. Some stories may be a bit distorted and inaccurate, but yes. They were all real. They were my family and friends, they were my people.”
“Wait so how old are you?” Bucky inquired this time, curious to know your age.
“Gods, I’d say around 23,000.”
“Wait, 23,000?” Bucky raised his brows as him and Zemo both looked at you in utter disbelief. They were astonished to say the least and dare say, even eager to hear your stories about the things you have seen in your lifetime.
“Time works differently for us.”
“What about your daughter?” You heard Zemo speak for the first time today, making you look at him. “How old is she?”
“About 6 months. I had her after Thanos was defeated.”
“6 months? But how? Who’s her father?”
“Bucky, that was way out of line.” Sam shook his head at him, giving him a glare.
Bucky went pale as he realized what he had said just now, trying to apologize but you shrugged it off with a motion of your hand.
“No it’s fine Sam, he has every right to ask. It’s alright Bucky, I get that you’re only trying to understand everything. You see, there was no father, which explains why she’s 6 months old in the first place. To be honest, after Thanos was defeated, I was in a really bad state, I had lost so many people, I had lost my entire planet and my family. And after Nat being gone I just, I didn’t know what to do anymore. But I remembered, my brother Hephaestus gave me one last favor in his dying breath. The chance to create. So I sculpted her out of clay, in the image of my dear older sister Athena and brought her to life. I was only able to do it once. She was my only chance and she means the whole world to me.”
“So you sculpted her out of clay?”
“And brought her to life?”
There was more silence as they tried to take in the fact that you had sculpted a child, your own daughter Athena from clay using your own hands, and bringing her to life afterwards. It was almost beyond comprehension.
“And here I thought Thor was the only mythology one.” Bucky shook his head.
“Well, now that you know the truth, I think it’s time we get ready.” You stood up from the sofa.
“We?” Same eyed you. “What do you mean we?”
“I’m coming with you.”
“The hell you are.” Sam stood up next to you with his arms crossed. “I’m sorry y/n but you are NOT coming with us. It’s dangerous.”
“Sam, when have you known me to back away from danger?”
“......Never, because you’re stubborn and stupid.”
“Quite the contrary actually, stubborn yes, stupid no. You know I can’t let you go there on your own.”
“We’re grown men y/n. I’m pretty sure we can handle ourselves.”
“Need I remind you what happened the last time I was absent? Look Sam, I’m not going to stand by while you guys get hurt and possibly risk your lives. I on the other hand, can handle much worse and have handled much worse, I’m practically bulletproof.”
“Bulletproof or not.” Sam interrupted. “You have a daughter.”
“You don’t think I know that? I’ve already taken the extra precautions Sam.”
“What extra precautions?”
“I put a protective spell not only on her but on my home and land as well. No one is coming in without my permission, they’ll just get fried or blasted away or something like that if they touch the barrier. Trust me, I’m not going to let anything happen to her Sam. And besides, I’m going to hire a babysitter.”
Sam stared at you, chewing the inside of his cheek as he contemplated the option. “You’d still follow us even if I were to say no huh.”
“Yup. Or I could do a mind spell. It’s your choice. But you know I’d rather do this the easy way.”
Sam let out a sigh, shaking his head. “Well since you’re not going to budge anytime soon-“
“Great. I’ll go pack my bags.”
“Wait just a minute. Just because you get to tag along doesn’t mean you get to ignore the rules....” Sam trailed off as you hurried up the stairs.
You heard him mutter something along the lines of how you’ll probably end up turning everyone into toads by the end of the day, as you went into your room to pack some of your things. You had thrown on an old band shirt of yours and a pair of jeans, lacing up your docs before grabbing a jacket. You went into Athena’s room and saw that she had just awakened, sitting on her bed and staring at you with confusion as she saw the bag in your hand.
“Hey koukouvágia.” You set the bag down and kneeled down next to her.
“Where are you going mommy?”
“Mommy has some important work to do with Uncle Sam and Bucky.” You held her hands in yours as you gave them a light squeeze.
“Are you going to kick bad guy butts?”
“Something like that.” You chuckled as you brushed her hair from her face.
“When are you coming back?”
You sighed, looking to the floor before looking up at her again. “I don’t know yet sweetie. But I promise I won’t be long. I’ll be back before you know it. I’m going to have Auntie Maze take care of you while I’m gone.”
“Auntie Maze?” Her eyes lit up.
“Yes. I know you two are best friends.”
“Yay!” She giggled before hugging you, her arms wrapped your neck. “Good luck mommy.”
“Thanks sweetie.”
The whole time Sam had stood by Athena’s door, watching you two say goodbye.
“Uncle Sam!” Athena squealed once she saw him, running up to hug his leg.
“Hey kiddo. I promise I’ll take care of your mother and bring her back.”
“I know.” She looked up at him with a big grin before going over to hug you again. “Bye mommy.”
“I’ll see you soon koukouvágia. I love you so much.” You hugged her close to you, pressing your lips at the side of her head before holding her out in front of you. “You remember to behave yourself okay.”
“I will mommy.”
“And gods forbid, if anything happens or if you feel scared, all you have to do is call for me in here.” You pressed your index and middle finger against her temple, implying the telepathic connection you had. “And I will be there in the blink of an eye.”
“I know you will mommy.” She smiled before hugging you again. “You’re always there for me.”
You held back your tears as you kissed her forehead, holding her delicately as if you were afraid you’d come back and she would be gone just like the rest of your family and people. And all that would be left is her room and a memory, a reminder of her existence.
Athena had walked downstairs with you, saying goodbye to everyone as she hugged their legs, trying to put on a brave face which only broke your heart. But you knew she was stronger and smarter than she looked. After your final farewell to your daughter and your cat, you locked up your home. Sam, Bucky, and Zemo followed you as you led them out of your invisible barrier. Before you reached the edge you turned back, seeing your daughter wave at you from the window with Maleficent in her arms. You smiled, praying it wouldn’t be the last time you saw her as you blew her a kiss before stepping out of your barrier as it rippled around you. Once you were all outside the barrier you turned back again, but this time your home was no longer visible and all that could be seen was empty land. It terrified you to see your plot of land this way, but you knew it was still there, just behind your invisible barrier, and you knew your daughter would still be waiting for you.
“If you guys don’t mind.” You announced as you turned to the three men. “I need to stop by a place real quick and pick up Athena’s babysitter.”
“Is that who Auntie Maze is?” Sam asked you.
“Okay, let’s go then.” Sam started to head towards his car but you stopped him.
“Ummm she’s not here Sam.” You pursed your lips, scared to tell him where you were actually planning on going.
“Okay, is she in the next town?”
“No. I meant she’s not here, as in this planet this dimension not here.”
“Wait what?” Bucky turned to you as Zemo looked at you with confusion written on his face. Are you implying what they think you were implying?
“I need to go to another dimension.” You explained further, turning around before they would ask any more questions. Closing your eyes, you stretched your arm out and twirled your wrist in a circular motion. The men watched in confusion, wondering what you were doing.
A strong gust of wind suddenly pushed through, and in the center of your focus a small black circular object was forming, growing bigger and bigger until people could walk through it. A violet glow illuminated your features. You opened your eyes back up, your eyes glowing the same color of the mesmerizing violet vortex before you. The portal sparked and flickered to life, crackling like electricity.
“Follow me.” You turned to the men before stepping into the portal and vanishing into it.
“Y/n!” Sam stared at where you were just stood, swallowing the lump in his throat as he was unsure whether he should just follow you.
Bucky straightened up, chills running down his spine as the men stared at the unknown territory in front of them, they didn’t have a clue on what would be waiting for them on the other side.
They stepped back as they saw your head poke out of the black center of the portal, a stern expression sat on your face. “Well you guys coming or not? I haven’t got all day. If you don’t hurry up this portal will close and you don’t want to be caught halfway in it.” You popped back in and the men stared at each other, Zemo was the first to walk in before the others followed.
When they stepped through, day was replaced with night and the portal closed behind them while they found you standing up front.
“About time.” You teased, “I thought I might have to go back and pick up a limb you left behind.”
“Not funny.” Sam glared at you.
As the men looked around at their surroundings they found themselves to be in what looked like to be...Los Angeles?
“This is LA.” Sam gave you a disappointed look.
“No. This is different.” Zemo observed as Sam and Bucky looked at him.
“What do you mean different?” Bucky asked, not sure if Zemo was playing games.
“Well I’m pretty sure that building up ahead does not exist in our Los Angeles.” Zemo pointed to the tall white building that was lit up against the night sky.
You nodded your head at Zemo’s observation before heading towards the building and towards the nightclub entrance that had a lit up sign that said Lux. Bucky, Sam, and Zemo glanced at each other as they saw you cut the long line of people waiting by the entrance.
“What the hell? Is y/n a mob boss now?” Bucky uttered as he saw you whisper something to the security at the door before taking off your jacket slightly, pulling up your shirt sleeve to show him something on your arm. The security nodded his head, allowing you to go in. You turned to Sam, Bucky, and Zemo and waved them over.
“What the hell is going on y/n?” Sam muttered to himself as they followed you in.
The fancy dark interior of the place was lit up with dim lights and crowded with drunk men and scantily clad women dancing to the loud beat of the music. You stuck out from the rest with your Pink Floyd shirt, your jeans, and your corduroy jacket and doc martens as you searched the crowd for a particular someone.
“Y/n what the hell are we doing here? This isn’t exactly your crowd!” Sam leaned over, raising his voice against the music so you could hear him.
“I know!” You replied as your eyes finally found the person you were looking for. You headed towards the lit up bar, cursing under your breath as you weaved through the sweaty grinding bodies and the couples heavily making out in public. You felt your anxiety creep up on you and you wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. After having to escape your way out of what felt like the hedge maze from The Shining, you finally approached the bar, walking up to the tall dark haired man near the counter wearing an expensive suit. You could smell his strong, almost obnoxious cologne from where you were standing. You straightened up and cleared your throat, eyeing the back of the man’s head.
“Hello Lucifer.”
Tag List: @Little-baby-vixen @girl-obsessed-with-things @aerynchromie @sunshinepower17 @viviace @kakimakiloh @thebivirgin @gambitsqueen @spookycereal-s @lulu-yuming @mochminnie @gabitanaka47 @s00nhi @vanteguccir @tomhollandsslilslut @dracoxxyoflam @suchababie @uhhhcrypticbastard
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A French Kiss
Word Count: 7, 947
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Warnings: No warnings! Just some super cute fluff :) 
A/N: Dedicating this work to the lovely @wxstedhexrt​​!!!! Ps. Destiny if you thought i wasn’t going to dedicate this fic to you, you’re crazy lol. Thank you so much for being such a cute part of my writing process😉😘
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(Not my gfif, creds to the original creator!!)
Y/N held her phone tightly to her chest, eyes scanning the crowd. Too old. Too young. Eh, maybe? Not that one. Maybe that one? Shit no, has a girlfriend. Has kids. Ugh.
“You’re not actually going to do this are you?” Wanda asked, taking a sip from the iced coffee she had bought earlier. She watched as her friend nervously shifted her weight, staring at different men who were around them.
“Of course I am. I need to do this.” Y/N’s hands were shaking a little. Here she was, at an amazing photo opportunity in front of the Eiffel Tower, and she wasn’t even looking at it. She could only imagine how stupid she looked to everyone else.
Nat sighed from her spot on the ground. She had known this was going to take a while so she had laid out her rain jacket on the ground and sat down, absentmindedly scrolling through her phone. “Just pick someone. Anyone.”
“I can’t just pick, Natasha,” Y/N huffed, hands on her hips as she turned to look at her friend. “I need someone who is far better looking than Jake could ever dream to be. Not to mention I need to make sure he’s not married or with his family or with his girlfriend because I can’t imagine how awkward that would be-”
“What about him?” Wanda spoke up, nodding forward.
Y/N followed her gaze to a group of guys gathered around a nearby bench, laughing and smiling together. Y/N couldn’t be sure which guy Wanda was referring to but her eyes immediately fell on the blond guy who was writing? maybe sketching? into a small notebook. They were loud enough for Y/N to catch glimpses of their conversation, making a small smile pull at her lips.
“God this is going to take forever. Why didn’t you just take a photo?” The long dark-haired one whined, popping a snack into his mouth.
“The more you whine, the longer I’m going to take,” Y/N heard the blond say. She bit her lip, finally turning to Wanda and shaking her head.
“No way, he’s busy.” Y/N tried to seem casual, as if this wasn’t the first guy that she felt like she was drooling over. He had such a great physique, and that quiet concentrated look on her face made her swoon. What kind of guy like that would be single anyways?
“Oh come on, what you’re asking for takes like two seconds. Just go ask!” Wanda insisted but Y/N just made whining noises in response.
“God, no. I can’t do this. This is too embarrassing. Forget this. Forget Jake. Let’s just take a group photo and get this over with.” Y/N fumbled with her phone quickly, getting ready to just take a selfie with her girls.
“Nuh uh. I did not just get comfortable here on this foreign floor for you to chicken out of what you’ve been planning on doing the whole trip here.” Nat insisted, sighing but getting up anyways. Instead of posing for the selfie, she grabbed her things off the ground and then tightly wound her fingers around Y/N’s wrist, dragging her over to the group of guys.
“Hi there! I’m Wanda, this is Nat and Y/N!” Wanda spoke up to them first, having skipped along Nat and Y/N (who was still protesting and pulling at Nat’s strong grip).
The guys stared at the girls for a moment, all three of them sharing a look before looking back at them. “Hey there. I’m Sam. That’s Bucky and Steve,” the one guy grinned, nodding towards his friends. His smile was lined with amusement, obviously trying to not laugh at how distressed Y/N looked. “You being kidnapped or something?”
“Please, if they wanted to kidnap me, no one would’ve noticed.” Y/N huffed but gave him a sheepish smile.
“What can we do for you, ladies?” The long dark-haired one, whom Sam introduced as Bucky, asked. His smile was sort of cocky looking, very cheeky, Y/N noticed. She tried to look anywhere but at the blond, who seemed to be eyeing her.
Nat nudged Y/N forward, raising an eyebrow at her like she was saying Go ahead. “Um.” Y/N bit down on her lip, glancing back at the Eiffel Tower. Maybe she could lie. Maybe she could just ask them to take a picture of her and the girls and it would be over lickety-split.
“Y/N needs to be kissed.” Nat stated simply, noting the hesitation in her friend. The bluntness in her tone shocked everyone but Wanda who just snickered beside her.
“Nat!” Y/N whined, eyes going wide as she glared at her friend. “That’s not- that’s not the whole story! You… It sounds weird if you say it like that!”
“Well then, you tell them the story.” Nat shrugged. She placed her jacket back down on the ground, sitting back down and looking up at her friend, as if becoming part of the audience for the story she knew all too well.
Y/N sigh and closed her eyes for a moment, wishing she could just disappear. “Uh.” Her eyes opened and they immediately locked onto Steve’s beautiful blue eyes. God he was gorgeous. A guy like that would make Jake insanely jealous. “I got… I got dumped by my boyfriend a few weeks ago.” She started, immediately realizing how pitiful that sounded.
“Actually, you dumped him. He cheated on you.” Wanda interjected as she squeezed onto the bench beside Steve. She gave him a smile as he shifted to make room for her. “But continue.”
All of the guys gave her empathetic smiles, but stayed quiet as if to urge her to keep going. Y/N wished her life wasn’t as tragic as this story sounded.
“Fine. Jake cheated on me. With a girl he’d been friends with for a while. But that’s besides the point. Kinda. I mean it’s the whole point of why we’re here and asking but it’s still besides the point,” she rambled nervously. Wanda rolled her eyes and stretched out her leg, kicking the girl in her shin and making her yelp. “Hey!”
“Come on girl, get to the point. I’m sure these guys have other things they need to do today.” Wanda teased, making Nat snicker.
“No no, please continue. If it leads up to a kiss, I’d much rather hear the full story,” Bucky grinned, making Y/N’s face feel hot. He gave her a playful wink and Steve reached over to hit him over the head.
“Let her finish her story, Buck,” Steve glared, looking back at her with a small smile.
Y/N smiled back nervously, chewing on the inside of her cheek, “W-Well. I just… Paris was supposed to be the place that me and my ex were going to go. We always talked about it. So now that I’m here…” her voice drifted for a bit and she glanced back at the Tower once more.
“Ooooh.” Sam chuckled, his dark brown eyes sparkling as he put two and two together. “You’re looking to make that son of a bitch jealous. Find a cute guy to take a picture with in front of the Eiffel Tower, make him regret what he did to you, amiright?”
Y/N blushed further but nodded. He had hit the nail right on its head.
“Honestly, you probably could’ve just asked us to kiss you and we would’ve said yes,” Bucky laughed, clapping a hand onto the shoulder of the blond guy, who Y/N noticed seemed to have tucked his notebook away. “Except for Steve here. He’s a proper old school gentleman.”
“Buck,” Steve groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose slightly. “Can you go like five seconds without embarrassing me?”
“Normally? Yes. But when there’s cute girls involved, it’s hard.” Bucky chuckled and turned to Y/N, “Well sorry your ex was an asshole. But on the plus side, you’ve got your pick of us three. Any of us you’d prefer?”
Y/N wanted nothing more but to faint. Here she was, actually doing the thing she wanted to do, with insanely handsome men who actually wanted to help, but it was all too much. She was overwhelmed with anxiety, her heart was pumping so fast she wasn’t sure she could actually form a complete sentence. It would be mortifying to say that she was already falling for Steve, even though she literally just met him.
“Cool it, Bucky, you’re making the poor girl sweat,” Sam smacked Bucky’s arm, who just turned to smack him back. “Just let her breathe, sheesh.”
Y/N’s eyes flickered over to Steve, who also seemed to be blushing a little. She wasn’t sure why. Maybe he was just embarrassed over his friends? Y/N could relate to that.
“Actually, Y/N’s got a think for blonds!” Nat piped up, only looking up from her phone to smirk at her friend.
“Oh that’s rightttt. Especially when they’re artists. You were sketching a little earlier, weren’t you? Steve, was it?” Wanda asked, nudging Steve slightly. She wiggled her eyebrows at him making both Y/N and Steve squirm shyly.
That’s it. Y/N was surely going to die. She looked up to the sky momentarily, wondering if Zeus would smite her just to help a girl out.
“Ooooh well lucky for you, our blond artist is a hopeless romantic still looking for love,” Sam chuckled. “He’s the complete package, so please take him so we don’t have to.”
Steve shot him a glare, moving his gaze back to Y/N and giving her that same sweet empathetic smile. She felt her stomach flip a little, quickly staring at the floor instead. God, if she couldn’t even look at him without feeling butterflies, would she really be able to kiss him?
“Okay enough eye fucking, you two.” Nat spoke up casually. “Wanda, go take their photo before they end up having babies.”
“Nat!” Y/N was going to kill her for that later but Nat, Wanda, and Steve’s friends laughed it away. Steve blushed a little more, standing up and brushing off the eraser dust from his pants. Y/N couldn’t help but feel small next to him. Not because of his height, but he just had this aura. A strong, protective aura.
He took her hand gently and Y/N bit her lip at the feeling of his callouses. Her mind went to all sorts of places, wondering how such a gentle man had such a hard outer shell. “We really don’t have to. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this. It’s a really stupid idea anyways, I don’t even know if he’ll see it.” She rambled nervously as the two of them walked to a good picture spot, Wanda and the others behind them.
“He’ll see it.” Steve stated firmly with a smile to her. “If I lost a girl like you, I’d be checking all your social media to see if you missed me too.”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed again, staring at the ground nervously, “Yeah well, I can’t be all that great if he found someone else while he was with me.”
Wanda positioned them in a spot with good lighting, Steve turning to face Y/N as Wanda got her camera ready, “You ever been to an art museum? And some asshole just blows right by a piece of art, acting like there isn’t emotions poured into it, like there isn’t something deeper in it? Sometimes art isn’t appreciated the way it should be. Just gotta find that one guy who’s going to be speechless every time he sees you.”
Y/N looked up at him with wide eyes. How did this man go from blushing, awkward, and quiet to smooth and flirty? She couldn’t help but giggle as she raised an eyebrow, “You always talk like this? Or is it just the influence of the City of Love?” She teased, feeling a sudden ease in talking to him. He felt so comfortable now, when it was just the two of them a little ways away from their playful friends.
“I dunno, doll. I’m in a city filled with some of the greatest pieces of art, and right now I’d much rather be here. Looking at you.” He teased back with a smirk. He saw her face glow a little more and he reached out to brush her hair from her eyes.
Although Y/N’s face felt hot, a cool breeze pushed past. She pulled her arms to her chest, rubbing her arms gently, “Are you just saying all these because you pity me?” She asked with a small smile. “I’m okay you know. About the whole… getting cheated on ex boyfriend thing.”
Steve watched her for a moment and stepped back a little to pull his blue sweater over his head. Y/N tried not to let her eyes stare but it was hard not to notice the muscles hiding under his white undershirt as he stripped. “Here. You must be cold.”
Y/N flushed a little, stammering out some sounds as he helped her ease the large sweater over her head.
“And no. I’m not lying about all this. You really are beautiful, Y/N,” he leaned forward, whispering it into her ear. “I’m sorry that jackass hurt you… but I can’t say I’m all that sorry that I’m standing here with the opportunity to kiss you.” Steve’s fingers found their way under her chin, tilting it up gently.
Y/N almost forgot what they were doing here. Her brain suddenly went, Jake who?She already felt like she was hyperventilating with Steve’s poetry-like words and chick-flick worthy speech. The moment Steve’s lips touched hers, her whole mind melted. His lips were soft and Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the comparison to his rough hands. All the love songs, the poems, the movies… they all talked about that one kiss and suddenly, they all made sense. After a moment, Steve pulled away slightly but Y/N quickly filled the gap, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and pulling him back.
When the fogginess of her mind disappeared and the two of them finally took a turn to breathe, their eyes locked momentarily. Y/N could’ve sworn she heard a “wow” escape from Steve’s lips.
Whoops and hollers from their friends were quickly becoming louder as the two of them returned to Earth from their makeout high.
“Damn Steve, you kiss all girls like that?” Wanda teased, having snapped numerous photos of the kiss, not to mention a ton of the cute interaction that happened before. She and Nat shared a laugh, knowing Y/N was going to love the cute picture of Steve stripping next to the picture of her standing in his sweater.
“What girls?” Sam snickered, him and Bucky high-fiving. “Steve’s a completely mess around most girls.”
Steve let out a groan as he shot a death glare to Sam. “Can you… I’m trying to be… ugh!” He huffed, flustered with both embarrassment and frustration, especially as he heard Y/N giggling next to him. Here he was, overwhelmed with endorphins from having kissed the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, and his friends can’t stop making him out to be an anxious nervous wreck. He was an anxious nervous wreck around girls but this girl didn’t have to know that!
The four friends laughed nearby as they all got to know each other a little more, teasing the slightly awkward ‘couple’ as they stood there, unsure of what to do now.
“Y-You don’t have a girlfriend or anything to get back to do you?” Y/N asked as she blinked at him, realizing she hadn’t even asked him before.
Steve shook his head quickly, cheeks turning pink as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Naw, I haven’t had much luck in the love department for a while.” He admitted, mentally slapping himself as the words left his lips. Why is he telling her this??? He had been so careful in choosing his words before, wanting to make the whole interaction feel as romantic as possible. After all, this girl deserved to be swooned.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at how nervous he seemed. Before he kissed her, he was all smooth and suave, but he also seemed so soft and awkward.
Right now, Steve was looking like he was battling a war in his head. He shifted on his feet, watching her nervously, “Was… was it okay?” He blurted out, biting down on his lip as he watched her expression. “The kiss, I mean?”
Y/N wasn’t sure what to tell him. How could she put into words the way that his lips literally made her feel like she was floating? How could she tell this man, a man she would probably never see again, that he was like a drug and she was already addicted? Here he was, a stranger, and Y/N was falling in fucking love with him when she had only done this to get back at her stupid ex boyfriend?
“I-It was…” She hesitated, looking for a good word. “Perfect.” The word slipped from Y/N’s lips faster than she could comprehend it. The two of them shared another blush, an awkward silence falling on them.
“Hey Rogers, if you’re done fonduing, we gotta meet with Tony and Rhodey! Got that dinner reservation Tony’s been talking about!” Bucky yelled over. Steve’s heart fell a little and he looked over at Y/N, only to find the same slight downcast expression on her face.
“Thank you… for your help,” she smiled up at him. Steve tried to capture the image in his mine, the sight of her smile, gleaming in the sun behind them. This was the sight Steve wanted to die looking at.
“A-Anytime,” he quickly stammered, realizing that he was staring at her.
“Steve!” Bucky yelled again, glancing between his friend and the watch on his wrist. “If we’re late, Tony’s gonna kill us!”
Steve groaned a little, rolling his eyes at the sound of his best friend. “I should go.” He sighed, looking at her just once more. He leaned over and brushed her hair from her face, bending over to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Have a great time in Paris, doll.” He murmured to her before rushing over to Bucky’s side.
The boys left, Sam and Bucky teasing him endlessly and loudly, drawing the attention of many people nearby. Y/N’s cheeks were still flushed as she slowly walked over to her friends, their grins as wide as their faces.
“Soooo. Steveeee.” Wanda sang with a giggle. “He’s much cuter than Jake.”
“He’s much cuter than any guy you’ve dated,” Nat corrected with a smirk. “You’re welcome. When you guys get married, I hope that you’ll thank me in your wedding vows.”
Y/N rolled her eyes with a smile, shaking her head. “I’m never going to see him again, you goose.”
Wanda and Nat’s wide eyes made Y/N feel like she had grown a second head. “W-What?” She frowned, feeling a little self-conscious with them looking at her.
“Um hello? You just shared the hottest kiss with a man in the most romantic spot in the world and you’re not planning on seeing him again?” Wanda asked, hands on her hips.
“How would I?” Y/N frowned slightly, giving a shrug.
Nat stared at her exasperatedly, “You didn’t give him your number?! What about your instagram? So he could be tagged in the photos?”
Y/N shrugged again, blushing now as she realized how much she now wanted to give him that info. “He didn’t ask for it,” she gave as an excuse, only worsening her slight pain. Her mind wondered for a moment about why... why hadn’t he asked for it?
“Wait, but you’re still wearing his sweater,” Wanda gaped, eyes wide.
Y/N’s eyes widened as she looked down to indeed find his blue sweater fitted on her body. “Shit!” She screeched, running towards the direction the boys had headed. Her eyes darted between groups, trying to find a sign of either one of the boys she had met. But she had no clue where they were headed, she didn’t even know what restaurant they were going to.
“Fuck...” she mumbled. A little piece of hope that had flickered in her heart died, realizing that she had lost her chance to connect with the one guy who made all the love songs make sense.
Y/N wore the sweater all night long, admittedly because she loved the smell of him on it. She could feel her heart grow a little, her chest tighten, her lips tingle, ever time she inhaled it again. God he smelled so good. But she also wore the sweater because she had hoped that whilst they were roaming around Paris’ nightlife, he would see her.
“Aw baby girl, chin up,” Wanda cooed gently, touching her arm as they got back to their hotel room. “Maybe you’ll see him again!”
“Where?” Y/N moped, sitting on her bed. “I had my chance and I totally messed it up.”
Nat and Wanda tried to stay positive for her but they all knew the chances of running into the boys again were slim. Y/N kicked herself mentally as she started getting dressed for bed for not at least asking him where he was from. Sure, he had an American accent but there was 50 states! What if he was Canadian? American and Canadian accents weren’t all that different were they? That means 50 states PLUS 13 provinces/territories in Canada… The thought pulled a sigh from Y/N’s lips. Even if she did manage to find him, there was no telling he’d actually want to see her again.
Y/N folded up the sweater gently, sighing as she pressed it flat into her suitcase. But as she did, her hand pushed against something harder than a bunch of fabric should be. Curious, Y/N reached into the large sweater pocket and pulled out a small notebook. Her eyes widened as she realized it was the booklet that Steve had been sketching in earlier.
Great, not only did I steal this man’s sweater, I stole his art too, Y/N thought to herself. She bit her lip as she sat down on the floor, carefully opening up the notebook, as if it might break if she were too harsh with it.
The first page made her laugh a little. It was Bucky and Sam, fast asleep on airport seats, both with their arms crossed and Sam’s mouth open a little. Y/N was surprised at just how much detail went into such a small drawing. No line was without purpose.
The next few pages looked like they were what Steve had seen out of the plane’s window, most of them having the wing in the centre and small clouds flickering around.
She thumbed through the drawings, loving each and every one of them more and more. Landscapes filled pages and Y/N felt herself get excited when she found something she recognized. It was like a little memory book of the places the boys had all gone together. She noticed two more figures in most of the drawings, figuring these were the other two that the boys were meeting up with when they left. Throughout all these drawings, at the bottom, there was Steve’s signature. In scribbled lines, she could make out S. G. Rogers. She let her thumb glide over for a moment, as if she was missing someone she knew well. She couldn’t help but laugh at herself, knowing she literally met him for not even an hour.
Y/N shook the thoughts from her head as she flipped to the next drawing. Her eyes blinked for a moment, taking in the beautiful sight of the Eiffel Tower that she had see earlier that day. He really was a talented artist, Y/N noted. Even in just sheer pencil, she could see details she probably missed in her momentary glimpses at the tourist site.
“What’s that?” Nat’s sudden voice made Y/N jump, realizing Nat had just come out of the bathroom.
“Uh Steve’s drawings… It was in the sweater.” Y/N explained shyly, handing over the book.
“Oooh more about Steve?” Wanda gasped, hopping over immediately. “Oh wow, he really is an artist huh?” She grinned, flipping through the pictures.
“So now you stole his artwork too huh?” Nat teased, making Y/N pout.
“Stop! Don’t say that! It wasn’t my fault!” Y/N huffed, hugging her knees to her chest. She couldn’t help but feel a little happy that she had his notebook and sweater. It would convince her that all of this actually had been real, and not a dream, like it was starting to feel like.
Steve hadn’t even realized he was missing his sweater until after dinner. The group of guys had sat back in their chairs a little, sighing at what was a great meal when Steve noticed Bucky giving him a weird look. “What’s wrong? Got something on my face?” Steve asked, nudging his friend.
“No… something’s just different.” Bucky tilted his head slightly. His eyes squinted slightly, opening again slowly as he said, “Weren’t you wearing a sweater earlier?”
Steve’s eyes could’ve popped out of his head. He immediately stood up from the table, staring out the window in the direction that he had met Y/N and the other girls. He had only meant to give her the sweater for a moment, while they were taking pictures and talking. She seemed cold, how could he not? (His mother would’ve killed him if he hadn’t… not to mention he really liked seeing her in his clothes). How had he completely forgotten to get it back?
“I bet I know where it is,” Sam snickered as he watched the confusion on Steve’s face.
“Where?” Tony asked, looking between the three.
Rhodey rolled his eyes, “Tony, catch up. There was a girl. He kissed the girl-”
“-And being the ever so lovely gentleman we know and love Steve Rogers to be, he gave her his sweater,” Sam finished with a laugh, shaking his head. “Didn’t have your wallet in there did it? Any other important things?”
Steve shook his head, glad to feel the wallet-sized lump in his jeans pocket. “No… but my sketch book…”
“Not like you can’t just draw some more,” Rhodey shrugged and grinned up at him.
“Yeah but I was hoping to bring it all back and use it for my paintings,” Steve frowned tightly, looking at the boys who had met Y/N with him. “You don’t think she’s still around there do you?”
“Come on, Steve, it’s been hours! You can’t honestly think the girl waited around for you. Just give her a text or something.” Bucky’s amused smile on his face froze as he saw the blush appearing on Steve’s face. “…You did get her number or something didn’t you? I mean, that’s the most tongue-tied I’ve seen you with a girl in a long time!”
“Oh so there was tongue. Talk about a true French Kiss,” Tony snickered, making the other boys laugh and Steve feel like he could die.
“No, Tony, there was no tongue,” Steve rolled his eyes, sitting back down slowly crossing his arms over his chest. “I… I might’ve forgotten to ask for her number…” Steve muttered, knowing exactly what was coming.
“Steve!” Sam and Bucky both yelled, both swatting at his arms from either side of him.
“How could you forget?” Sam groaned, shaking his head. “Just like you to get all flustered over a girl, and have her get all flustered over you, just for you to completely forget to make sure she could get in contact with you!”
Steve looked up, his eyes suddenly beaming with hope instead of shame, “She was getting flustered over me?” He asked curiously, letting out a groan when both Sam and Bucky swatted at his arms again.
“Idiot,” Bucky shook his head devastatingly but he smiled anyways. He wanted to let Steve mope a little more, as a consequence for being an idiot, and then later, maybe he’d show him the pictures that he and Sam had taken of Steve and Y/N.
Why Natasha and Wanda were dragging Y/N out on a Friday night, she had no clue. Normally, if they were going to go out on a Friday, it would be to a club. Not to some place that had a black tie dress code.
Y/N tugged on her dress slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable all dressed up and not understanding where they were going. “Can someone please-” she started, but the two stern looks she got back from Nat and Wanda shut her up quick.
“If you ask one more time where we’re going, I’m going to knock you out. I really don’t want you to be unconscious when we get there, but don’t tempt me, Y/N,” Nat threatened with a playful smirk on her face. “Just be patient. You look fucking hot, you’ll love it.”
Y/N sighed and slunk back into the Uber seat, tapping her fingers on her knee. Here she was, hair perfectly set around her face, body fitted into a black evening gown, a touch of makeup done… she was picture perfect. But Y/N couldn’t figure out why. Wasn’t her birthday, wasn’t any sort of important date…
Y/N stared out the window as she tried to consider all the possibilities. This seemed to be the biggest event since their trip to Paris about a month ago. The small memory of Paris made her smile, thinking about all the fun the girls had had together, and of course… Steve. She hadn’t really thought about him for a while. She spent the days back home looking for a Steve Rogers online, but it was such a common name, she knew she was bound to never find him.
His sweater sat in her dresser, waiting for the day that maybe she would meet him again and he could take it back. But one month later and no such luck.
Nat and Wanda shared a look as they watched their best friend fade into her daydreaming state. They giggled together quietly, Wanda nudging her slightly. “You’re sure you’ve got the tickets?” She murmured softly and Nat nodded in response.
“Just have your camera ready. I want to capture the moment.” Nat reminded her and Wanda agreed, slipping her phone out of her small purse.
Y/N stared at the building the Uber driver pulled up to. The bright lights at the entrance made it look so regal, like it was some event that major celebrities were going to be attending. As the girls stepped out of the car, Y/N silently thanked both of them for not letting her come in the casual dress she had originally picked out for herself. Her eyes caught sight of the gorgeous evening and cocktail gowns that other women were wearing, the sleek and smooth looks of bowties and suits on the men.
Y/N almost forgot that they were here to attend whatever this was, standing completely frozen from where the car had once been.
“Come on!” Wanda laughed, grabbing her hand. “It’s an art show!”
Y/N blinked in surprise, looking at her friends with a confused look on her face. Neither one of them had really shown any interest in art before… so why were they here?
“Tickets ma’am?” The man at the front asked with a smile. Nat started to open her purse but the man held up his hand. “Oh! Sorry, I didn’t realize you had a muse with you. Go right in, ladies.”
The girls looked at him and then at each other. Not wanting to hold up the line that was growing behind them, they started to walk in and Y/N raised an eyebrow, “Muse?”
Nat shrugged, pushing the tickets back in her purse. “Well damn, if I had known, I wouldn’t have bought these super expensive tickets,” she muttered to herself, making Wanda laugh. “What do you think he meant?”
“Um hello, you guys were the ones that dragged me down here, how should I know?” Y/N looked around as the three of them stood in the front halls of the museum. She wasn’t quite sure where they were supposed to go so she started to walk, so she started to follow a few people in front of her.
The decorations were stunning. Everything was black and white, so the colours on the mediums shot off the walls. People were walking around with trays of small horderves and other trays of champagne glasses. The girls each grabbed a glass, smiling at each other as they clicked the glasses together and took a sip. As the three of them continued to walk around, Y/N could’ve sworn that people were whispering as they passed, gawking at them.
“Is it… a private show?” Y/N whispered harshly to her friends as she noticed someone sneak a photo of them.
Nat’s eyebrows furrowed, noting the commotion she and the girls seemed to be making, and she shook her head, “No, it was a public event.”
“Ma’am, do you think I could take your photo?” A man asked with a smile, holding up his camera and press pass. “I’m doing a story on the artwork.”
Y/N had to look around for a moment, making sure that he was actually talking to her. “Sorry, I’m not… I don’t have a connection to this artwork?” She stated confusedly, stepping away and further into the exhibits with the girls.
“What the hell was that about?” Wanda mumbled, glancing back to see the man looking equally as confused.
Most of the people seemed to be in the on main section of the museum, whispers and murmurs filling the room. As Y/N and the girls walked in to see what everyone else was looking at, they were greeted with flashes of light. People with cameras yelling questions at them about how they felt about the exhibition and if she liked the pieces.
“Sorry I- I have no clue what you’re talking about-” Y/N tried to tell them, holding her hands up to protect her eyes from the multitude of flashes.
“I think I know.” Y/N turned to look at what Wanda was talking about, her jaw dropping for a moment.
There. In the middle of the room. On a large canvas, was her face.
Y/N had to take a moment, staring at the painting as if she were going to wake up from a dream any moment now. “N-Nat, what is this?” She looked over to her friend who seemed just as confused as she was.
“I didn’t think… I only saw his name,” Nat explained, her eyes wandering around.
“Whose name?” Y/N asked exasperatedly, her chest feeling tight. This room was suddenly feeling very small as she looked around. Everything else was of a landscape, gorgeous paintings of green landscapes, orange sunsets, beautiful cafe atmospheres… but this one painting was of her.
“What’s your relationship with the artist, miss?” A woman asked, holding up a voice recorder to Y/N’s face.
“The artist, miss. S. G. Rogers, what’s it like knowing that after being mostly known for landscapes, and other art that never has a specific muse, his new most talked about piece is the one featuring you?” The woman asked again and Y/N felt her whole body freeze.
S. G. Rogers.
Y/N stammered out an apology, rushing over to the nearest corner where the press weren’t, needing to breathe. Nat and Wanda moved with her, shooting glares at the reporters, as if daring them to follow.
She tried to focus her breathing, feeling all too overwhelmed with everything that was happening. Reporters’ voices started raising again, yelling loud questions again and Y/N winced, thinking they were coming back for more. Her eyes moved to the direction of the flashes, the sounds of the reporters, only to find a blond man standing with his back to her. He seemed awkward in front of all of them, attempting to answer questions and pose for pictures, though he didn’t really seem to want any.
“Can we get a picture of you and your muse?” A reporter asked out and all the others quieted, eagerly nodding.
The man held up an apologetic hand, moving it to rub the back of his neck, “S-She and I… well she’s not here.” He explained and more murmurs arose from the crowd.
“Isn’t that her? Standing right there?” Another reported yelped, pointing in Y/N’s direction.
She felt like a deer in headlights, the way that everyone seemed to turn on her. The man turned and sure enough… there was S. G. Rogers.
“Steve.” Y/N felt her lips breathe out, her eyes locking to those baby blue eyes.
“Surprise,” came weakly from Nat’s lips, who suddenly appeared next to Y/N. “This definitely wasn’t how I planned on it going though,” Y/N heard her mumble.
Y/N felt her brain tear into pieces over the next few seconds as she tried to make a decision. Part of her wanted to run. Run out of the museum and into fresh air, maybe that would make it easier to breathe. But she couldn’t help but think about how embarrassing that would be, for her to run and probably trip over her long dress and heels. The other part of her wanted to jump him, feel that ripple of sensations down her spine again like the last time he kissed her. Another part of her was confused and wanted to demand answers from him. Answers about why he hadn’t asked for her number if he was going to just paint her anyways!
“My lovely reporters, if you could all just take a step back for a moment. I think the lady needs a moment to breathe. You all can be very overwhelming as I’m sure you know. But I’m certain that once she has a chance to catch her surprise, perhaps Mr. Rogers and his muse will be able to stand for a few pictures later. Please, help yourself to the champagne and the food, they’re delicious-” a man spoke up, holding up a few pieces of food in his hand and plopping them into his mouth. Y/N recognized him vaguely and her mind connected his face to the simple sketches that had been in Steve’s Paris notebook.
The crowd dispersed, some hanging around close enough, as if waiting for more action between the two.
“Y/N?” Steve and the girl had barely stopped staring at each other, but the distance between them was still far. Y/N noticed Bucky walking over, as if casually walking across the room. But as he got to just behind Steve, he pushed him forward, sending Steve into a fumbling mess towards Y/N.
“S-Sorry!” Steve yelped out as he tripped over his feet, bumping into her slightly. He shot a glare at Bucky over his shoulder as he tried to compose himself but his gaze softened as it resumed on her. “Y-You’re here! How… How did you...” His cheeks were burning red. “How’re you here? How’d you find me?” He finally managed out, his hand reaching forward for hers but stopped, as if he thought better of his actions and pulled it back.
“I think Nat can answer that!” Wanda grinned from behind Y/N. “Sorry, we definitely weren’t expecting for you to have painted her and set her right in the middle of your exhibit, we probably would’ve prepped her for it if we had known-”
“We definitely would’ve prepped her,” Nat interjected with a guilty smile. “Sorry, Y/N.”
Y/N couldn’t find her voice as she studied his face. He looked the same as he did a month ago, that gorgeous nervous smile, his blond hair perfectly shaping those stunning blue eyes. She could feel her heart pounding out of her chest and was almost certain she was going to sweat all her makeup off.
“My notebook,” Steve guessed after a moment, giving the girls a small smile. He turned to Y/N with an apologetic look, “I’m sorry, I should’ve… I should’ve asked for your number or something. My mom was so upset with me that I just kissed you and left,” he admitted with a chuckle.
“You… told your mom?” Y/N squeaked out, making his cheeks turn a redder shade.
“I-I mean, I didn’t… I wasn’t going to but Bucky just blurted it out and then my mom just wanted to know more and you know, Bucky, he just keeps talking and-” Steve swallowed hard, pressing his lips together tightly as if trying to shut himself up. He looked over at Nat desperately, begging for her to start talking so he didn’t have to.
“Yes the notebook,” Nat clarified for him, smirking. “You left Y/N so lovesick she carried it around with her for a few weeks-”
“Nat!” Y/N whined, looking at her impossibly. “Really? Now? You want to embarrass me now?”
Nat laughed and patted her friend’s head, “Sorry sorry. Anyways, we saw your signature and Wanda pointed out that if you were this good at sketching, you must’ve gotten your training from somewhere. So we went looking for an S. G. Rogers and sure enough, we found that you were a part of a New Upcoming Artists Exhibit and we thought it would be a cute way for you to meet back up again.”
Cute was definitely not the words that Y/N would describe it. She was panicking inside, overthinking every single detail of what had led up to this night. She had spent the last few weeks thinking that Steve probably hadn’t wanted to get to know her anyways, or else he would’ve asked for her number or something. But here he was, telling her he should’ve and… his main piece of his exhibit was a painting of her. How was she supposed to take this? She hadn’t seen any other paintings of girls… was she the only one? What was that supposed to mean?
Wanda reached out and nudged Y/N’s shoulder, “Well you two should talk. Nat, why don’t we go and look at the rest of the exhibits?”
“Sounds brilliant,” Nat grinned and the two linked arms, giving little waves to Y/N as they disappeared.
Steve and Y/N looked at each other, both obviously unsure of what they should say. Y/N let her eyes drift to the painting in question, unable to help the blush growing on her cheeks as she admired it. Steve had painted her standing there with a bright smile on her face, as if she was smiling at the person looking at the painting. You could see the bottom of the Eiffel Tower behind her and Y/N blushed, realizing that she had taken the main spot of the artwork, rather than the Eiffel Tower like in his sketch.
“I know it must seem so creepy-” Steve stammered out nervously, clearly kicking himself for having it up as the centre of his exhibit. “I just… it was one of the few artworks that really evoked something in me and I just couldn’t let it sit in my room gathering dust-”
“It’s gorgeous, Steve,” Y/N told him with a smile. She looked up at him and almost regretted it, seeing those blue eyes again. He was so handsome and it certainly wasn’t helping that he seemed to fill out his tux so well. “You made me look really pretty.”
“I was only painting what I see, doll,” Steve chuckled. “While Wanda and Nat were taking pictures of us on their phones, Bucky and Sam had snapped a couple from theirs. I’ve been staring at them nonstop,” he admitted sheepishly. “You were all I could think about when I got back.”
Y/N was almost positive she was dreaming. She had dreamed about Steve before, sure, and he was usually doing this whole confessing attraction thing, so this had to be a dream right? She moved her hand to her arm, pinching it gently and wincing. Her eyes looked back up at him and she bit down hard on her lip. Not a dream.
“By the way,” Steve started, taking one of her hands and holding her at an arm’s length, “You look… like a work of art.”
Y/N wondered if he knew her whole body was heating up as his eyes examined the way the dress hugged her body. “S-Stop staring,” she swatted at him quickly, blushing. “We’re here to look at your art, not me.”
“I’d much rather look at you,” Steve laughed but led her for a closer view of his centrepiece of art. Y/N got so entrapped looking at it, she almost forgot the lurking press. “I’m sorry about them, by the way,” Steve leaned in and murmured to her. “Tony’s a part of a really wealthy family and his family are really into art… they’ve been really supportive of me and my works so they thought some reporters would help get my name out there.”
Y/N smiled and nodded, guessing that it was Tony then who had made the announcement to save her and Steve from the insane reporters.
“Sir, if you don’t mind-” one of the reporters spoke up, holding up his camera. They all flocked in eagerly, waiting for Steve to give the ‘ok’.
Steve looked down at Y/N with a shy smile, “You got all dressed up, doll. I’d hate to have no photos of it.”
Y/N smiled and nodded slowly, deciding that tackling these people with Steve by her side was a lot easier than doing it on her own. Steve gave a nod to the reporters, stepping in closer to Y/N for the photos. He let his hand touch the back of her waist, as if worried he would cop a feel and she would be uncomfortable.
After a while of smiling and posing, Steve made a couple of jokes with her about wishing his art got phtoographed this often, his eyes still fixated on each camera. She laughed and couldn’t help but look up at him, her gaze trying to memorize every piece of his face. Her lips tingled slightly, as if reminding her of the reason they had met in the first place.
“Steve?” She whispered with a smile.
“Mm?” Steve’s blue eyes moved to meet hers, flashes still going around them.
“I think it might make my ex-boyfriend very jealous to know that I was a muse in an art exhibition.” Y/N stated with a smile, trying to press down the giggles bubbling in her throat.
Steve let out a laugh, making Y/N’s heart skip a beat or two, “Oh yeah? You’ll have to get some of those photos then.”
“We could make him more jealous though,” Y/N hinted at, her mind racing at her sudden surge of confidence.
Steve blinked at her, a little surprised at the suggestion, “You mean-”
“Will you kiss me, Steve?” she whispered, biting down on her lip slightly. “I promise I won’t run away with your sweater and art this time.”
Steve didn’t need to be asked again. He turned to face her, his one arm wrapping around her while his other hand reached up for her chin. Y/N felt the memory of their first meet flood back to her, “You better give me your number after this. Or my mom will have a field day,” he whispered into her lips before kissing her deeply.
Steve felt all of his worries and nerves sink into that kiss, only to be filled with a sense of belonging. He barely knew the girl but Steve hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since Paris. He was so in love with this girl, he couldn’t help but feel like Fate had put them in Paris at the same time for a reason. Kissing her again in the museum, at this moment, Steve was sure of that reason.
** ** ** ** ** ** **
I hope you guys enjoy this!! It’s probably one of my absolute favourites fics that I’ve ever written!
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alynawatchestv · 4 years
Alyna watches Xena - 01x02 Chariots of War
Reblogs and comments will make me very happy. :)
 OK, so the story starts with Xena and Gabrielle walking into some tavern. Apparently, it has everything Cyrene’s tavern was lacking which is wine and beautiful women to sleep with, but because Xena is with Gabrielle she only lets herself to drink wine.
Gabrielle is telling Xena a story how Zeus turned two lovers into oak trees while Xena is drinking wine and checking out women.
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*old habits die hard*
Gabrielle asks Xena if she knows what happened next and Xena responds in a typical Xena-like fashion “Somebody built the boat out of them?”. This is gold and a reason while I love Xena so much. Unlike spiritual, daydreaming Gabrielle she is more pragmatic and down to earth, just like me.
So Xena slightly irritated asks what the point of the story is and Gabrielle says she believes everyone will find their tree in the forest meaning Gabrielle is unintentionally hitting something our hero doesn’t notice or is really trying not to notice (I mean, “let me be your tree” is a new way of saying wanna go out with me?” I guess). But Xena being a typical drama queen says the strongest trees in the forest are to ones that stand alone. And Gabrielle is trying really hard not to facepalm by saying that Xena doesn’t always have to be strong and can afford to be soft.
Xena is trying to get out of the tavern ASAP and tells Gabrielle she’s gonna check if they can cross some river so they don’t have to lose two days on… Something. And I’m pretty sure it’s not about losing two days. It’s Xena not wanting to talk about her feelings so Gabrielle won’t find out what a big softie she is. After all, a girl doesn’t reveal all of her secrets all at once.
Our Warrior Princess decides they need to find a place for Gabrielle to stay in and when Gabrielle is asking why some drunk dude puts his dirty hands on Gabby’s arms begging to tell him a story. So our little sidekick is all like “Fuuuck. Nuh uh. New place! Now!”
But apparently, Xena couldn’t find a place for Gabrielle to stay in because she leaves her in the middle of the road and rides off on her trusty stallion. I mean… At least you could find some barn or something, Xena. Gods.
Meanwhile, we jump to some village where we can see how child labor looked in ancient Greece. Kids are working hard and one of the boys hits himself with a hammer (not with Draco’s father’s blacksmith’s hammer, mind you). So their father, I presume, teaches the boy how to hold the tool without hurting himself as the build a barn or something like that.
I’m not sure if little kids working in unsafe conditions is ok, but it’s normal, I guess. The kids are afraid they would have to go back to Troy but their dad tells them they won’t, which could be a good decision as we all know what happened to Troy.
The father leaves his sons to keep working while he takes his daughter with him to do something else. When he’s occupied with picking up the most beautiful stick his daughter notices some raiders coming towards them. Being a child of few words she just gives signal to her dad. But when he turns there’s nothing there. The raiders are on the low ground and can’t be seen. But the second time everyone notice them and panic starts.
There is a group of warlords looking like Conan movie rejects closing in on the peasants. The Boss Warlord, with really beautiful eyes, I gotta adit, is riding a chariot and seeing this ”good looking”... I mean, I honestly don’t get it. There’s nothing there but fields and some half-build barn or something like that and a bunch of people doing… There are no houses even. It’s confusing really.
So the Boss Warlord orders the attack and Conan movie warlord rejects run towards the peasants doing “arrrgh, rrra” and other scary and weird noises. The father tell everyone to take cover. So what those peasants do? They fucking start running in all directions. Like look at that! Chickens! Seriously, chickens running everywhere.
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*Don’t run towards danger, people! Run away from it, gods damn it!*
The warlords chase after people, make funny noises and even try to destroy the barn or whatever this thing is supposed to be.  But thankfully, Xena is on her horse and seeing what is happening she rushes into the action with her battle cry! The Boss Warlord is watching intrigued while Xena kicks another two guys and then another and then jumps on one end of a table (there are no houses, but there’s a table. Priorities.) and hits the attacker with another and he falls on his end so Xena can flip from her end and... Well, it looks pretty awesome.
So another warlord is still trying to bring down the unfinished building which is weird it takes him so much time, because I’m sure whoever built this… ’building’ needs “Carpentry for Idiots” book. Gods, even me, with minimum knowledge of woodwork can see this building has no right to stand as long as it is. Go back to baking bread and pitch hay peasants!
Xena rushes to save the kid who’s hiding there… In the most visible place… Seriously, these people. So Xena rushes to save the kid and grabs him just in time before the building falls down. The father runs to Xena and thanks her, but the Boss Warlord is giving the order to fire arrows. Xena turns her head, arrows are flying and she catches two! That’s how badass she is! This scene is gold, I tell you.
But! A third arrow was shot and this one wounds our heroine… ok, this sounds really stupid… Our warrior princess! Xena falls down from the horse unconscious.
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*And scene. In the times of ancient gods… Blah, blah, blah.*
So the father takes Xena to his house to help her. And here’s my question. Where did the evil warlords go? Did they vanish? Did they decided this joke of a place wasn’t worth of their time? They decided to wait till Xena gets better? Where are they and why didn’t they kill everyone?!
So the father takes Xena to his house to help her. And here’s my question. Where did the evil warlords go? Did they vanish? Did they decided this joke of a place wasn’t worth of their time? They decided to wait till Xena gets better? Where are they and why didn’t they kill everyone?!
So the father puts Xena on bed to take out the arrow, but seeing the wound he slightly panics, but Xena being badass says she’s done it a few times. She tells the father what to do and when he leaves the room his kids show up to look at the guest. And it’s understandable, kids are kids, curiosity is natural. But when the father comes back and tells them to GTFO the oldest son turns out to be a fucking savage!
Father: Everyone. Out.
Savage Son: Do we have to?
Father: Yes.
Savage Son: We always miss everything good.
He’s awesome.
Xena asks if he knows who the warlords was and it turns out they were the men of Sycnus… The men of Sycnes… The men of Sickness… Crap, just a sec, gotta check IMDB. They’re the men of Cycnus.
So the father says Cycnus wants to claim right to the lands while taking Xena’s armor. She instantly checks if her boobs look good in the light, while stating it’s something more than that. When it turns out the arrow didn’t go through the body she makes the father push it.
Xena tells him what to do step by step. He’s a little bit panicked but being a big boy, fortunately he doesn’t faint but Xena does.
Meanwhile we can see Cycnus’ camp and the Boss Warlord is fighting some random dude just like Xena and Draco where fighting in episode 1. But it’s not really that awesome and enthralling to be honest. But the Boss Warlord wins and his father, who’s Cycnus decides to spar with him. The Boss Warlord tells Cycnus he’s ready to take his place, but Cycnus says the Boss Warlord is missing a desire to kill unlike his brother, Stentor killed in Korinth. And frankly, how can you be a warlord without burning villages, enslaving people, killing people, conquering people and all that?
But the Boss Warlord say he killed a warrior woman but doesn’t know the name and the father laughs at him saying killing a woman is not gonna impress Ares. Bitch, if you only knew.
He makes fun of his son telling him Ares won’t even pay attention to him and that he can’t conquer a valley with simple peasants who just wanna live peacefully. And frankly, he’s right. I mean, these are warriors vs peasants. How hard can it be? This dude thinks he killed a warrior and then what? Let go and backed out? This part is really messed up and it’s just a lazy writing.
Oh, and we learned the dead brother’s name, but not the Boss Warlord’s.
We’re back to the house and Xena is sleeping. The two boys come in to check out on her and are wondering if she’s gonna die. The older one being savage himself says if Xena dies he’s taking the horse. He’s super compassionate. Xena wakes up tells the boys one arrow is not enough to kill her and… goes back to sleep I guess. Awesome scene. Really there for a reason.
Meanwhile, Gabrielle is back in the tavern. I think it’s because it got dark and the road isn’t a good place to spend the night. So she’s hopelessly looking at the tavern entrance hoping Xena will walk in so she could jump in her arms and kiss her and… Oh wait, we’re not there yet.
Gabrielle talks to the barkeep just to feel a little bit less nervous and the barkeep says she’s either ordering or GTFO so she takes some water and the barkeep is kinda pissed off, because apparently, the water is free but she’s a client and he can’t kick her out.
And when Gabrielle is there, all alone, scared, wondering if Xena’s ok, if she’s coming back, our warrior princess is chilling out in bed, telling kids a story about a giant and how she jammed her fist in… OK, let’s not dwell on that. And the dad doesn’t want Xena to go graphic too so she says she used a feather and the Savage Kid is all like “what? You used a feather?” and Xena is like “Oh no, I used the whole goose because giants have big feet”.
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*Fear me giants for I am your doom!*
The kids laugh, the dad laughs, everything is peaceful and then the little kid asks if Xena travels with her family, but she responds she has no family.
WHAT? Who the fuck wrote this script? One already stupid thing is the Boss Warlord wounding Xena and deciding to bail, because why kill everyone and take the land to yourself? And now Xena, who reconciled with her mom, says she has no family? Instead of saying she has a family and a friend traveling with her whom she left in some village and needs to get back as soon as possible, Xena says she has no family and chills like nothing happens?
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*fuck you lazy writers*
Oh, one more thing, we’re almost 14 minutes into the episode and the dad still hasn’t told Xena his name! I hate this episode.
But Xena tells the kids about how hard life on the road is, she smiles at the dad, he smiles at her and we’re supposedly are to believe there is a chance there’ll be something between them. Xena changes the subject, because she, as the viewers, knows how stupid that is. She asks the girl what her name was and she learns she doesn’t talk since their mom died (I’ll bet you, she’ll be talking by the end of this episode).
Suddenly, there’s a knocking on the door and a neighbor comes in asking when will Xena GTFO and… it’s 14:04 minutes and we finally learn the Dad’s name! It’s Darius! Oh, praise Hestia for this reveal! Again, fuck you writers.
Darius tells the neighbor he ain’t gonna tell a wounded person to GTFO, but the neighbor says he gets Darius has been without a woman for a long time, but maybe this isn’t the best way to get another. Because he respects women and doesn’t want Darius to take advantage of a wounded person.
So they talk about Xena for a while and Darius promises that wen Xena gets better, she’ll GTFO. But Xena makes the decision for him and is found in a barn preparing Argo saying she needs to get her friend she left in some other village. So Darius, being a clingy dude says Xena’s friend will take care of herself for a few days. I mean, sure, I guess he knows better. Because apparently he knows Gabrielle. Burn in Tartarus, Darius… And you too writers for giving the characters such stupid lines.
I do get he wants Xena to rest and get really better, but this is another moment of bad writing, imo, and I’m waiting for the Boss Warlord and some fights, because I, frankly, can’t stand Darius and his clinginess. So he’s pining over Xena when, out of fucking nowhere, a whole bunch of warlords show up, burn the food silo… And leave. There are five people in this team. Five warlords against a wounded warrior and a farmer. And they burn a silo? Come on, this is another example of lazy writing you guys!
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a terrible episode, but it’s bad. Like Draco was straight up ruthless. He came to Amphipolis, said he’s gonna kill everyone and had he won, we know he’d have stuck to his promise (I’m pretty sure I messed up this conditional pretty bad). But Cycnus and his warlords are just a bunch of amateurs.  They’re doing this in the name of Ares? Ares stopped paying attention, because I’m sure burning silos made him question if he should still be a god of war having such believers.
So the warlords leave, Darius is trying to put down the flames and Xena is like “fuck it, it’s gonna burn anyway. Let’s look at the dark, empty road instead.”
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The next morning Gabrielle, who apparently did sleep in some barn or under a tree, walks into the tavern and orders water… Damn, this girl is cheap. Moment later some pirate is hitting on her and she puts him down using lots of words the pirate doesn’t understand. But the pirate is stupid enough not to get when a girl says no, and when Gabrielle says she’s looking for a friend he says he could be her friend smiling disgustingly. And the dude is dumber than a sack of potatoes, because when Gabrielle tells him Xena is her friend he offers to be friend to both. So when this doesn’t work Gabrielle uses fake boyfriend excuse pointing at… Yes, you guessed it right. The Boss Warlord. He’s there drinking wine, brooding, thinking how lame of a warlord he is by not killing everyone when he got a chance and burning only a food silo and not the whole house.
But the pirate isn’t maybe as stupid as he looks, because he immediately knows Gabrielle is lying so the girl walks over to the Boss Warlord and kisses him telling him to pretend he knows her. Seeing a beautiful, young woman kissing him out of nowhere the Boss Warlord is totally cool with that. Because who wouldn’t be cool with that. I know I wouldn’t complain.
Meanwhile, Xena is looking for her weapons when Darius comes in telling her he doesn’t need to fight as the neighbor is gonna go with a peace offer. Xena says that people like Cycnus don’t deal with peace and he’s the thing I actually liked in Darius. He’s a lot like Gabrielle. He tells Xena that she’s changed for better so maybe those guys can be convinced too. I mean, this is actually cool. I’m still all for killing all those warlords, but I like the parallel here.
In the meantime, Gabrielle is talking to the Boss Warlord. He’s totally into her laughing at that little stunt she pulled, but his mood shifts the moment Gabrielle tells him she’s looking for her friend, Xena. Suddenly, he’s like “oh fuuuuuck”, but he lies saying he hadn’t seen her. And then we get this scene.
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*How did the writers put so much subtext without knowing it’s subtext is beyond me.*
So they keep talking and it turns out the Boss Warlord isn’t really a bad guy. He works for his dad, because his bro died and he took his place. But we can see this isn’t something he wants to do. Aww, he’s a big softie. I mean, a softie who will shoot and arrow to a chest but still. Gabrielle understands him perfectly, because her mother also expected her to follow certain path the young girl didn’t want to go. So the Boss Warlord is kinda panicking and decided to leave hoping they’d meet again. He leaves and Gabrielle is sort of swooning over him? Yeah, let’s pretend she does.
Oh, we still have no idea what the Boss Warlord’s name is. Facepalm.
So Darius and Xena are preparing to go and talk peacefully to the warlords, but when Xena comes out in her armor Darius says she can’t go negotiate in this and is trying to give her a dress after her dead wife. Xena doesn’t want to but Darius is pushing and pushing and she finally gives up and when she puts on the dress she realizes she actually looks smoking hot in it. If only Gabrielle could see her now.
Meanwhile the Boss Warlord comes into a tent and here after, 23 minutes, we learn the Boss Warlord’s name. 23 minutes, because someone forgot to introduce characters properly. The Boss Warlord spoke to his dad, no name given. He spoke to Gabrielle no name given, although she gave him hers. Those lazy writers. So Sphaerus, because that’s his name, but I'm gonna stick to Boss Warlord, walks into a tent and his father informs him he will go to this peaceful meeting and kill all the villagers.
And the Boss Warlord is keeping poker face but inside is all like: Fuuuuuck.
So we move back to Darius’ house and in this scene the Savage Kid is winning again. So Darius is preparing kids to go and the younger son asks if the meeting means they’re gonna be friends with the warlords now and Darius says that not really, but maybe they will come up with some sort of relationship. And the Savage Kid is all like
Savage Kid: It might require a sacrifice, so we’ve decided to give them Lykus.
Lykus: What? O_o
Darius: Argolis!  Don’t taunt your brother.
Savage Kid: But, it’s so much fun.
This kid is going places. Some serious psycho ones, but still.
Also, 24 minutes in and we finally learn kids’ names… Except for the Quiet One, because, who cares about her anyway.
Xena comes in wearing that blue dress and the Quiet One grabs her hand smiling, because I bet Xena reminds her of her mom. Darius smiles  also and they all leave for the meeting.
Meanwhile the Boss Warlord is waiting for the villagers to arrive visibly nervous. He starts talking when Xena comes in and he’s like “Fuuuuck, she’s alive”. Darius seeing his neighbors are still alive is “You see? I told you we could trust them” and Xena looks at him like he’s a naive fool that he actually is. So the neighbor, the one that revealed Darius’ name to the viewer, comes to Darius and he says Xena can’t be here and she was supposed to GTFO. Xena says she’ll wait in the back and while The Boss Warlord explains there’s an idea for peace between two groups Xena is observing the surroundings for any sign of danger. She notices someone is trying to open the from the inside so she… jumps out of the window… Yeah, OK, it’s Xena, we all know she’s a show off sometimes and I love her for that.
So she starts beating the…. No wait. She shows attackers to wait for a moment so she can be even more sexy when fighting and she tears off her dress so we all can see those beautiful legs of hers and starts fighting the men.
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She kicks them, punches them, hits them with clay pots that are lying all around and tells the villagers to run while she’s waiting for another bunch of attackers. So the Boss Warlord’s father’s lackey (Saxon Genitive strikes again) wants to attack but is stopped by the Boss Warlord who doesn’t really wanna kill those peasants so he lets them escape.
After the escape Darius is packing some old rags and two wine cups into a bag, because he wants to take his kids to safety, which is of course understandable but why pack rags and wine cups? Anyway, Xena comes in and Darius starts blaming her for the fight and that the peace offering didn’t pan out. Xena tells him those men she fought would have killed them all, but he’s still acting like it’s all Xena’s fault. Some men, I tell you. Smh.
Xena tells Darius that he should fight and that those warlords can’t be negotiated with, but Darius tells her he’d been to enough wars to know what it’s like and he’s not going to pick up a sword again.
Personally, I can respect that and I get Darius. He’s got three little kids he needs to take care of and fighting anyone is the simplest way to make those kids orphans. Now Xena is all pissed off at Darius not understanding why would Darius run away instead of fight although he gave her the reason. It’s a scene where we can see Xena is always in battle mode no matter what, and no matter who’s life she risks, because fight is all she knows and it’s the only way she knows how to deal with problems.
At the same time, Cycnus shows up angry and awaiting explanation. First, he accuses his lackey, but the Boss Warlord say it was his fault those peasants are alive, because he didn’t have guts to kill them. So Cycnus is all like “Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cow!” and leaves pissed off.
In the village, Xena is preparing her horse when two little kids come in wondering if Xens is gonna fight Cycnus and his merry band, she says maybe, the little kid hugs her, Darius comes in and tells her she can always change her mind, but she says she wish she could and leaves. And of course the tender music and the way Darius looks at Xena and the way she looks at him is supposed to indicate there might have been something between them if times were different. And Xena decided to live a boring life. And stop being a warrior. And… You get the point.
But while Xena is finally coming back to Gabrielle the leader of villagers is meeting with Cycnus and tells him the person responsible for the whole fight was Xena. Cycnus immediately knows who he’s talking about and tells him to go back to the village and await slaughter. While preparing to go to fight, the Boss Warlord comes in and learns his father is planning to find and kill Xena because she killed the Boss Warlord’s brother. Shocking! So the Boss Warlord gets angry and tells his father he’s going to avenge his brother.
So Xena is slowly riding her horse and stops seeing Gabrielle running her way. How did these two met in the middle of nowhere is a mystery, because I have problems with finding my friends in my town. And it’s a really small town. But anyway, Xena is notably happy to Gabrielle is well and good.
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*blink and you’ll miss it*
Xena apologizes to her for leaving her alone for so long, Gabrielle is surprised, because apparently, Xena never apologizes. Anyway, Xena tells her friend to wait for her in a farmhouse down the road because she has something to do. When Gabrielle asks what she gives her the “I’m about to murder people” look and Gabrielle say she’s not gonna wait again while Xena has all the fun and they leave together.
While they walk Gabrielle tells Xena she might have found her “tree in the forest” mentioning the Boss Warlord she met in a tavern. She wonder if she’s ever gonna find him and what if she’s supposed to be his and have kids and… Oh, first season is so cute and naïve this way. And it’s funny how after a few minutes of conversation Gabrielle starts thinking on having family and kids while just an episode earlier she was talking how it’s not a life for her. That she was born to become someone greater.
But at least we have this
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Xena isn’t listening to Gabrielle noticing warlords in the chariots coming their way. She tells Gabrielle to get on the horse and distract them.
Gabrielle is riding a horse trying not to fall from it while the warlords are chasing her while Xena climbs the tree, ties the rope jumps on a second chariot, ties the two guys who are there and when they fall out of the chariot she takes over and starts chasing the first chariot. Awesome scene.
So they chase for a while and the camera operator did a great job creating such a dynamic scene. Warlords chase Gabrielle while Xena takes a short cut and manages to catch on with her friend telling her to jump from a horse to a chariot. Gabrielle jumps and they Xena give her reigns so she could fight the Boss Warlord and his dad. She quickly realizes she has no chakram, because if you recall, when she was packing to leave, her weapon was covered by the dress and Xena forgot about it.
Cycnus takes out his sword and Xena takes out hers and they start fighting, and at the same time, Gabrielle realizes the Boss Warlord is the dude she met in the tavern and who was supposed to be her future husband or something. Xena manages to cut the reigns and both warlords fall off. Unfortunately, moments later the women hit some grass and fall out too. Xena is surprised to learn the Boss Warlord is the guy Gabrielle wanna have kids with, but this conversation has to wait as both men attack.
The Father Warlord decides to attack Xena and the Boss Warlord attacks Gabrielle. I mean, they don’t really attack, Cycnus tells Xena he’s going to kill her for what she did and she’s like:
Cynus explains Xena killed his son Stentor in Korinth and Xena explains he wanted all Korynthian prostitutes for himself and she wouldn’t let that happen and… nuh, just kidding. I’m sure when Xena was in Korinth all the ladies belonged to her.
Xena explains Stentor came to her with an offer of peace and it was his own men that killed him. Cycnus, of course, doesn’t believe her and orders his son to kill Gabrielle. But Gabrielle tries to convince the Boss Warlord not to do this. Cycnus, apparently bored, attacks Xena. She fights back and this goes on for a while when suddenly the Boss Warlord stops his father. He explains there’s no need for fight and the father is so angry he attacks his own son calling him coward for not wanting war. The Boss Warlord throws away his sword pledging he will never fight again.
Meanwhile, Darius shows up and gives Xena her chakram she forgot and she manages to throw it at Cycnus stopping him from killing his own son. These two continue the fight, but it’s a really short fight as Xena cuts his belly and he falls down bleeding. The Boss Warlord runs to him only to hear his father mocking him one last time. What an asshole.
The Boss Warlord tells Darius to call his people to make real peace this time so the next scene when we’re in the village we can see the Boss Warlord kept his word and everyone is happy.
Gabrielle walks over to him to talk and they have a lovely chat where she tells him he did a good job by saving lives and he tells her he misses his father although he has no regrets things ended up the way they did. Gabrielle says goodbye and leaves while the Boss Warlord longingly watches her.
The villager who was in charge comes over to Xena to apologize for his behavior and the boys tell her she can’t leave. Xena is obviously sad, because these are really cool kids, but she says she has to. So the little girl comes in and says the first word in a long time “Stay” and everyone is like :O
The kids can’t understand why Xena would leave, it’s not like they’ve known her for two days maybe, but ok, I get it, they’re kids, they need mom. Darius takes Xena to the side trying to convince her to stay, but she says she can’t and maybe one day but not today.
So she leaves and Gabrielle is there, waiting. Xena asks if she ever misses her family and Gabrielle says sure, but not as much when she’s with Xena. Awwww, it’s a really sweet moment, because Gabrielle sees Xena as a part of her family and I’m sure Xena thinks the same about Gabrielle, but, unlike Gabrielle, she still isn’t in a place where she can talk about it so easily. They both leave making fun of Gabrielle horse riding.
So… This wasn’t a terrible episode. But it wasn’t good either. The main plot was ok, I mean, I would change warlords to slavers who wanted peasants to work for them, because why kill people who know how to farm land? It’s more efficient to make them work for you, but ok, I guess some people just want to see the world burn.
What I didn’t like was the lazy writing, plot holes and establishing the supporting characters. I can’t really get attached to a person without knowing their names. The Boss Warlord was pretty cool and he and Gabrielle had a chemistry together. Darius was an ok character, a bit boring, but he’s a single father with three kids living in a small village so he’s life isn’t exactly exciting. Overall, it’s a pretty standard filler episode with some good moments like the chariot chase and the fights, but honestly, this is the episode I usually skip as, to me, it doesn’t establish much. But the Savage Kid was awesome. He’s my favorite in this episode.
P.S. I’m sure the Quiet One didn’t say another word after Xena left. Also, IMDB shows her name’s Sarita, but of course, this isn’t something we’ve learned in an episode at all. Go to Tartarus lazy writers.
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teeztheflag · 4 years
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P e a r l s   &   T e a r s
⋆ pairing: siren!ateez x pirate!reader (poly!ateez)
⋆ genre: siren au, pirate au, yandere au, suggestive
⋆ warnings: yandere content, obsessiveness/possessiveness, alcohol, strong language, storm, blood, ship accident, death, mentions of impregnation, captivity, mentions of harassment, mind manipulation, betrayal
⋆ words: 5,600
a/n: they’re not really brothers; sirens can walk on land in this story
„Manipulation is a beautiful thing, especially when the one who is manipulated doesn’t realize it anymore.“
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„Seisinoe is again missing... where’s our brother?“
„I’ve seen him going down to the mermaids lagoon. He just can’t get enough.“ Molpe giggles and pours himself another glass of wine.
„I will get him.“
„Great. Than we can finally discuss the urging process of our dying blood line!“ Haglaophonos grumbles out annoyed and sits down on one of the thrones at the head of the circle
He watches the others playing around and practicing their sword combat while waiting for Simperopa to return with their brother. Lately he thinks he’s the only one who takes the topic to heart and especially Seisinoe is disappointing him these last days with his ignorance. Usually he’s the most decent one out of them and the one urging the others to think straight...
Warthenope observes how the night probably brings out some of the most enormous anger of poseidon this year. Fortunately the thick walls of their huge estate is keeping away the wind which is howling against the closed windows while the young siren studied the power of the waves that are crashing against the coast.
Poor bastards that are trying to sail through this storm right now...Yeukosia joins him at the balcony and hands him another glass of wine which he accepts.
„Whoever‘s outside tonight is surely going to die.“
„Why’s he so angry?“
Yeukosia frowns a little bit and eyes the surface of the sea with high interest.
„Don’t assume he’s angry everytime a storm rages. I can’t remember to anger him with anything lately, well, I can only talk for myself of course.“
Warthenope turns around and takes a huge sip from the liquid.
„If I think about it, you’re right. This one seems to be different.“
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One thing was sure, the storm was enormous. Whereas every decent person is locked inside their homes at land right now you are desperately clinging on the mainmast of the ship you called your home since the last five years.
With your last strength your try to save anyone of your crew who were lucky to not be thrown into the wilding sea by now. You don’t know where your captain is and practically see nothing while crying and screaming for the others that are poorfully dying right in front of your eyes.
The ship is thrown from side to side and you can hear the wood crackling everytime another wave comes crashing down on the surface or against it. Of course it wasn’t the first storm you encounter but this one seemed to be sent by Poseidon himself. Suddenly a lightning meets the top of the main mast and you see your look-out falling down painfully slamming into the ground in front of you.
You curse under your breath and cough because of the huge amount of water that entered your system by now. You shriek back when you feel the mainmast shake from side to side and like in a time loop it crashes down into the water.
You’re trying to save yourself on all fours to the other side of the ship when it starts to break into two halves. The last thing you see is another mast coming down and after that only black dots forming in front of your eyes...
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It’s funny that you always believed it only happens in fairy tales that some poor soul could survive a huge storm and regain their consciousness back at the beach of an isolated island. But here you are, slowly opening your eyes and feeling the urge to cough out the water that still lingers in your lungs.
Where the heck am I?
Of course it took some time to gain back your senses and to slowly get into a sitting position. Your clothes are ruined and your skin is dirty but you not seem to be hurt anywhere except the big wound on your head from the mast. You groan out when you pat your head and see the blood on your fingers.
Rather fast you search for a hiding spot when you hear some voices behind the rocks but your legs are still too tired to move your body even only the slightest. Much to your dismay the voices become louder and you see a small convoy of guards nearing your form. After spotting you they of course increase their speed and stop you from crawling away from them.
„What do we have here? A stranded?“
The others of the group only laugh at how the man roughly jerks you up by your arm and he furrows his brows at your worn out state.
„You have to be extremely lucky to survive a storm like that...“
„Sir, Poseidon himself unleashed the sea yesterday. Seeing a girl like her surviving it and stranding here is a miracle. We should take here to the masters...“
„That’s a great idea... You, girl, maybe you can bring luck to our lords and make them happy again. If you’re not able to, well, then I will have some fun with you!“ You flinch back and try to free yourself from the young man but without success...
After what seems like an eternity up the coast and through a town where everyone’s pretty busy they arrive with you in front of big gates. They open and the guards practically drag you to the entry of an enormous mansion and inside of it. Never before have you seen such luxury like in this moment. The place could have belonged to Zeus himself if it wasn’t for the fact that you were on earth and not high in the skies.
Before you realize it a man with beautiful shiny black hair and dark eyes stands in front of you eyeing you down with a curious look.
„Who’s this?“
„Oh my, master Seisinoe! This is a stranded we found at the beach today!“
The man tilts his head a little bit and rounds your form with careful steps while his arms are behind his back. He screams authority and this isn’t only about the guards who are still in a bowing position since he came into the scene. No, it’s something about his gaze and how he moves that intimidates but fascinates you in the same time.
You flinch a little bit when he leans down behind you and starts to whisper into your ear after he dismissed the guards.
„You don’t know where you are am I right? You’re clearly from another part of this boring world... Pirates normally don’t come along these waters so care to explain what you and the others were looking for here?“
It’s intriguing how he could tell so much with only the little information of your appearance. He isn’t wrong, you are indeed looking for something.
„Answer me little bird...“ You can feel his fingers sliding through your hair and a shiver runs down your spine.
„Brother! Leave her, we‘re going to the main hall I already told the others.“ Seisinoe rolls with his eyes and takes your wrist to guide you into the right direction.
„What a mood killer.“
Guess you can call yourself pretty lucky that you are still alive to this point although being stranded on a foreign island. Luckily you are not stupid enough to act too rushed and decide to wait and analyze you chances to escape.
Seisinoe stops in the middle of a big hall and sends you a gaze which means stay here or you will regret it. After that he takes his place on one of the eight thrones in front of you. Your eyes drift over everyone of them while you’re trying to think who they could be.
After everyone is seated a man in the middle coughs a little bit to get the attention of everyone. It seems like he tries to think about what to say and your brows furrow when you notice one of the men glaring at you with a mischievous smirk. Either he’s a sadist and happy about torturing you soon or - and that’s absolutely ridiculous - he’s flirting with you.
Looking down yourself you observe the last dirty clothes that protect your naked skin from the mens’ eyes and you gulp slowly but relax a little bit when they avert their gaze as if they notic your discomfort.
„What’s your name girl?“
„And where are you from?“
„You wouldn’t recognize it anyway...“
„Is that so? Well, I have to apologize in the name of our guards for being so rough with you also you have to be tired and hungry regarding the fact you cannot even stand properly... We will continue this talk when you are taken care of.“
With a clap of his hands some maids appear and guide you away from them to an equally rich decorated room. After a few minutes they return with a lot of food and a physician looks over your wound. Everyone of them is nothing but nice and respectful towards you and it seems genuine so you thank them afterwards.
With a full stomach and after a long and needed bath you fall into the bed and drift into the dreamland.
Haglaophonos and Yeukosia continued to ask you the next morning and explained where you and who they are. Never in your life would you have thought that you would meet some royal sirens. Sirens alone were very rare and a mystery themselves but getting to know them and their own island where they were technically the kings impressed you.
Although they knew that you were a pirate they told you to be a peaceful folk and would help you to find your crew or what still remained of them. Under the condition that you won’t tell anybody about their location and they wouldn’t secretly inform the other states about you.
As the people of the island and the sirens themselves didn’t really needed boats or ships because they had everything they needed it had to take some time to provide you with a ship and a crew that would take you back to some pirate site.
The people of the island were warm-hearted and laid-back and always had a helping hand. The weather usually was sunny and the breeze of the sea refreshed your state and mind. The whole place felt like you were on vacation. Also you learnt to know that some of the sirens really loved to spoil you with everything they could think about. You room was soon decorated with the most beautiful flowers, jewelry and clothes.
Sometimes you felt overwhelmed with all the recognition and attention they gave you so you always sticked with the most inconspicuous pieces out of their presents to not come off rude by using nothing they gifted you.
The big halls of their estate sometimes intimidated you and as they forbid you from helping with the ship building you busied yourself with exploring the island and helping some of the people. You enjoyed teaching the children something of your home language or helping the elderly with their daily tasks.
Soon the conversations about the mysterious pretty lady in the mansion of their rulers increased and it didn’t left unnoticed by the sirens. Of course, sometimes the thought crossed your mind... Why haven’t they just killed you? Why feed you, give you a bed and swamp you with the most expensive things? What was so special about you to let you live and build a whole ship for you?
As time flew by you got closer to some of the boys. Especially Yhelxiope and Warthenope became some of the best companions on the sometimes boring island days. They were funny and like the brothers that you always wanted in your childhood.
Haglaophonos and Yeukosia were usually busy with the administration of their state. Whereas Yeukosia was well-read and a little bit mysterious Haglaophonos often wore a serious face. Strangely he had a quite cute site, too, and you couldn’t deny the fact that it brought butterflies to your stomach whenever he smiled at you.
Usually Jigeia and Molpe were hard to find and to hang out with. At the dinners they often rushed to take a seat next to you and talked with you a lot but it really left you curious what they were after to in a day.
The last ones included Simperopa and Seisinoe. Simperopa usually hang out at the training field and you enjoyed watching him practicing his combat skills. Sometimes you just pretended to train out a little bit yourself but secretly you liked to see him. He was a hot young man and he looked good while concentrating so you didn’t feel bad about it because you obviously weren’t the only one who enjoyed his training.
Seisinoe on the other hand was the only one who acted hostile towards you, or, maybe more creepy? You didn’t know what it was but you were still fascinated by the authority he radiated off and often only his presence could make you weak in your knees. Seisinoe of course knew what effect he had and you quickly learnt that he spend a lot of his time with girls and mermaids. They were some interesting  creatures with their beautiful eyes and tails. Not once were you able to see the boys in their natural state with a tail and the one time you asked Haglaophonos he just giggled a little bit and called you a curious little doll.
It took about maybe three to four weeks when you carefully asked Yeukosia if he knew when the ship would be ready. Back then his orbs widened and his eyes turned into a dangerous yellow color. His features hardened and he gave you a lecture about how you should be thankful and not pressurize their hard working people to do more than they are able to. Tears formed and you quickly apologied to him feeling very ashamed. Yeukosia slowly went back to his usual composed stature and took you into his embrace. He caressed your hair and told you it was ok and he wouldn’t tell the others so they wouldn’t be hurt because of your thoughtless  words. You didn’t even understand why it would be inappropriate to ask but something about his outburst affected your own judgment of the situation.
After a while you decided to stop asking about the ship and your plan to get back to your life always fearing to anger the nice sirens in any way and just waited patiently for the day to come.
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„Y/N? Could you please come to the garden in half an hour?“
„Ehm, yes of course!“ 
Jigeia nears your form in front of the mirror and lays his chin on your shoulder. 
„You are so beautiful...“
„I am not. Stop talking nonsense!“ You blush a little bit at his statement and avert your eyes when he embraces you from behind and puts a light kiss on your naked shoulder. By now you are totally used to the close skinship they liked to share with you but of course for it doesn’t mean anything more.
„Be on time.“ Something dark flashes in his eyes and by now you know that the yellow color usually means they’re liking what they see or they are angry.
When you enter the garden wearing a light and flowy pinkish dress you already hear Warthenope‘s loud laugh and a smile adorns your face when you come into view in front of them. „You are all here? Something‘s special today?“
They smile at you cheekily and Haglaophonos opens his palm for you to come to him and take his hand. „Y/N, today is indeed a special day. Everything’s ready for you.“
This can only mean one thing... Your waiting is paying off and you can finally leave the island and maybe find someone of your crew! „You, you mean the ship is ready? Oh my god!“
As Simperopa‘s smile only vanishs out of his face Seisinoe‘s grows. Some of the others are literally disgusted of the thought you would leave them but of course they’re trying to hide it in front of you.
„My little Y/N, no no. You already know it takes some time to build a ship that can take you over the ocean.“ Haglaophonos shakes his head and coos at you jumping a little bit out of excitement. You stop right away and disappointment sneaks into your features.
„What could it be then?“
„We have something different for you. Molpe was the last one to find an appropriate one so we are now finished with our gifts.“
„Gifts? But I already told you I don’t want anything anymore...“
„Believe me, it’s something really special.“ Before you can answer him the sirens stand up in a circle around you leaving you turning around to make eye contact with every single one of them wondering what they are planning to do. Suddenly Yeukosia nears you and pulls out what seems like a chain behind his back.
Your curious eyes follow his movements when he holds the chain directly in front of your eyes and you clearly dismiss how he watches you in a slightly lunatic manner. The chain is made out of pure gold and crested with the best small diamonds and refinements. What catches the most of your attention are the eight pearls that are set-in the piece. Everyone is beautiful and unique in color and shape.
„Are you accepting it?“ Yeukosia already moves to put it around your neck and closes it when Yhelxiope speaks up before anyone forgets to.
„Y/N, it’s not nice to ignore your masters.“ Jigeia adds in with a serious tone. They always address themselves as masters when they aren’t happy with your behavior.
„Yes, yes of course! I am accepting it. It’s so beautiful...“
The boys relax after the ritual is done and get closer to you to watch you wonder about every detail of the chain. „Everyone of us searched for their own pearl, the pearl they’re giving to their beloved ones.“
You stop in your tracks when the words leave Simperopa‘s mouth. „Is this a siren thing? Then why, why would you give them to me?“
„You still don’t see what we feel for you, Y/N?“ They look at you expectantly and wait for your answer.
„What exactly do you mean feel for me?“
Seisinoe rolls with his eyes annoyed and sighs. „It means we‘ve decided for you to be ours. You should be happy and thankful right now not asking dumb things.“
„What Seisinoe means is that we are in love with you. When a siren finds someone they want to spend their life with they gift them their most precious pearl. It’s like a promise we make to love them unconditionally and always stay by their site and protect them.“ Warthenope adds.
Molpe comes into your view and takes your hand into his ones. „It just happened that all of us fell in love with the same girl. Believe me, we are urged to find at least one appropriate woman for one of us to save our bloodline but everyone of us wants to marry out of love and not just have children with a person we don’t even know or love. Before you came to our island we were just about to pick one random girl because our residents want to see a heir to the throne. We knew Poseidon sent you to us with a good reason.“
You need a few seconds to register and understand his words but if you think back to the first day you awakened at the beach and what the guard told you it all made sense now. They thought because you stranded here after Poseidon’s storm you were someone special and now they want to impregnate you - and that sounds absolutely insane.
With a shaky breath and mixed feelings you take your hand back out of Molpes reach and collect your thoughts.
„To be honest, I feel really honored that you think of me to be a suitable party for your blood line. I understand your situation although it’s confusing that you think you’re all in love with me because we don’t even know each other that well. I am feeling very flattered right now but I can just say that I don’t feel the same for you guys. I like you and I think you’re attractive but in my situation I cannot think of a relationship let alone stay on this island.“
You take off the chain and hold it out for anyone of them to take it back why you put some space between you and the sirens.
„I hope you understand my position and that you finde someone else who can returns your affection.“
Luckily your gaze is focused on the ground so you don’t see the humiliation and anger some of them are feeling. Just before Seisinoe is able to get to you Yeukosia takes his wrist and speaks up.
„Y/N, we are not lying about being in love with you. It’s not rare for sirens to fall in love with the same person and share a poly relationship. Also you say you’re liking us, too. Why don’t you think about it a little bit first, hm?“
„Yeukosia, I don’t need to think about it and I am not shaming your way of living. I just can’t stay here with you. I have places to be.“
„Fine. It’s her decision guys I mean we cannot force her to stay with us. The ship will be ready soon so you can go your way. For now I think we should calm down a little bit.“
Haglaophonos motions for the others to leave seeing the situation soon escalating if he doesn’t break up the dangerous atmosphere. He takes the chain out of Y/N‘s tremulous hands and smiles at her mischievously.
„I didn’t want to anger you or the others, Haglaophonos.“
„My little doll, don’t worry. We just wouldn’t have thought you would turn us down...“
He closes the distance between the two of you and holds your gaze with his beautiful eyes. He literally eyes you down and studied every feature of your face while you feel you could collapse any second he’s making you so nervous.
„It’s a pity you don’t like us enough or don’t even want to give us a chance.“
By now you can feel his breath on your face and your lips are opening a little bit without your consent just like they’re waiting to be touched by Haglaophonos‘s smirking ones. You know what he’s doing and your reaction shows too much that you’re indeed attracted to them. But you just cannot give in so close your eyes and turn your face away from him your hands turning into fists and the nails gripping hard into your palms.
„Don’t be late for dinner.“ He just giggles and leaves you there.
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After the tense dinner you’re now sitting in your room reading a book to distract yourself from the events earlier this day when a knock interrupts your peace.
„Yes?“ One of the maids you came to have a good relationship with enters your room and closes the door behind her.
„Miss, I have something really important to tell you.“
„I already told you to call me by my name Sophia.“ You smile at her and pat the place next to you.
„I know, Y/N... I am sorry.“
„You seem to be upset about anything - you can tell me everything you know that right?“
„Yes, I know. I am just so confused and scared.“
„Scared? Why? What happened? Did someone hurt you? Is Seisinoe harassing you again?“
„No, no! To be honest it’s about you, Y/N. Listen to me, you have to get out of here as soon as you can! You should take a boat and get off this island!“
„But why? And even if I wanted to there are no boats that could take me over the ocean - “
„There‘s a little boat at the west coast behind the big warehouse for the grain. The boat is small, yes, but it is able to take you to a little nearby island where my brother‘s working. He’s in contact with many merchants and sometimes even pirates cross his way. It’s your chance to get away from this place. Here’s the map.“
„But, if there are big ships coming to this nearby island why didn’t they brought me there?!“
„Y/N, they don’t want you to leave this island. They are not building a ship for you. They are lying since you’ve arrived here.“
„But, why would they do that? I don’t understand... They promised me they would help - “
„I’ve heard them earlier talking about everything, I am sorry Y/N. The masters are usually very nice so I don’t understand it either! I mean, I don’t think they want to hurt you or anything but they just talked about how you couldn’t leave the island under any circumstances and that they would do anything to keep you here. Then master Yhelxiope said he hopes you aren’t looking for the ship that doesn’t even exist and he laughed...“
It hurts. The ones you though of so big literally made fun of you behind your back all the time. There wasn’t a ship and they didn’t want to help you. All the time they were selfish bastards that just tried to keep you here and manipulate you. You would like to confront them right now and slap everyone of them in the face but their guards wouldn’t even leave you the chance to do either.
„The, the map. Is it really working?“ You take it out of Sophia‘s hands and study it while some tears leave your red eyes. Your hands shake a little bit because of the anger and you try to concentrate while the maid rubs your back.
„It is. You have to leave tonight my brother will know I sent you when you just say who you are. If they find out about you knowing anything they will definitely put you into prison or worse.“
„Alright. But what if they find out you told me?“
„Don’t worry, they won’t.“
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Of course you would’ve had a good chance to escape if it wasn’t for the sudden high waves this night that threw you over the boat and into the dark and angry water.
It felt like tons of water entered your lungs and knowing it wasn’t any use to fight the natural power you just tried to get back to the surface with the last strength you got. It was like Poseidon again decided for your destiny and pushed you deeper and deeper into the depths of the blackness. The last thing you saw were large and beautiful tails that glittered in the light of the moon before your eyes finally closed.
You would be dead by now if it wasn’t for Simperopa who accidentally saw the maid leaving your chambers that evening. They could’ve stopped you sooner but as they knew there would be a storm after a long time tonight again they just waited knowing you wouldn’t get any far.
One week passed with you being in what seems like some sort of coma before you open your eyes again. You look around the familiar room and tense immediately when you see Seisinoe sitting across from your bed.
He smirks when he recognizes you have awakened and stands up to sit down on the bed. He pats your head and plays a little bit with your hair while humming softly to a melody.
„W - “
„Careful, your voice is still horse after the amount of water you swallowed.“
„S - s - so - phhh - “
„What do you think happens with traitors?“ A smile adorns his face and you feel sick to your stomach at his words. You’re tearing up the thought of the small and fragile girl. It wasn’t her fault she just wanted to help you...
„You should rest a little bit more. I am going to tell the others.“ Before he sits up he stops in his tracks and leans down again. „Y/N, if you ever try to escape again I will kill everyone on this goddamn island.“ You cry out at his cruel words and watch him leaving not being able to move any muscle.
After being forced to eat some soup by another maid everyone gathers in your room around your bed. You watch their faces, some of them are happy and relieved you’re good again, the others looking still angry like they wanted to break something and Seisinoe who’s just smiling at you knowingly.
What makes the blood in your vessels freeze is seeing Haglaophonos smirking and nearing your laying form with the chain in his hands. „My dear brothers, our Y/N is finally awake and in our arms again.“
The others watch how their leader puts on the chain around your neck again and how you try to turn away from him when he plants a long kiss on your lips.
„You are sick.“
„No, we love you - and you should begin to accept the fact that your staying here.“
„What’s with helping me? You promised!“
„But you were the one who tried to escape. You were trying to get away and tell the others about our location. You broke the agreement.“
„I - I didn’t! I just wanted to leave!“
„Why? We would’ve given you a ship and everything but you betrayed us and we cannot let you go now. You have to stay here and be with us. You just managed to imprison yourself this island.“ Yeukosia says in a monotone voice.
„I won’t say anything! You know that! Warthenope, Yhelxiope - please, you know I wouldn’t!“
The both sirens share gazes and Warthenope answers for the two. „Sorry, Y/N - but they’re right... it makes sense how Seisinoe explained it. Also I really love you and you accepted our pearls.“
Slowly you become insane with the situation and try to get out of the bed but Jigeia stops you before you an move any further and fall out of it. „Slow down. You will hurt yourself.“
„The only one who is hurting me are you guys!“
„Stop being irrational now.“
You begin to cry endlessly realizing you would have to stay here for the rest of your live not having the chance to fulfill the real promise you made.
„Little one, stop crying. Tell me, what were your plans as a sought-after pirate and girl with no home or money?“ Haglaophonos asks while he caresses your hair and cheeks.
„I - I just wanted to be free. I am not a pirate. I am a girl from a good house that just was robbed by pirates! I wanted to live freely and without having to fear for the law to catch me... I wanted to prove my innocence...“
„Mh, but you’re free if you stay with us. On this island you’re the lady everyone respects and loves. The law won’t get you here and no one dares to lay a finger on you if you’re next to our side.“
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„What a beautiful dress and - oh my! those pearls! Are they heavy?
„Sometimes yes.“
You smile at the noble woman in front of you hoping she wouldn’t think about it too much. Your eyes search the scenario for one of the sirens and you sigh relieved when they’re not in sight right now.
You take your place on the wedding table and gulp down a large glass of wine. Everyone seems to be so happy and relieved they finally got a woman for their emperors and you can only think of your own misery. Maybe Yeukosia is right and you should change the perspective to the citizens and their well being...
Watching children dance with their fathers and the elderly enjoying themselves brings a smile to your face, too. Also the weather‘s again perfect this evening. You decide to get another glass of wine and go to the pavillon and watch the ocean.
„Very peaceful isn’t it?“
„Seems so.“
„You never fail to make me smile my love.“ Seisinoe takes you by your waist and pushes you against his body.
„I should’ve known you planned all of this in the beginning.“
„But you didn’t. At least no one died, right?“
„Don’t remember me of that bitch...“
„Those words out of my beautiful bride‘s mouth... sksksk.“ He places a chaste kiss on your lips and you roll your eyes at him after he winks at you.
„Manipulation is a beautiful thing, especially when the one who is manipulated doesn’t realize it anymore.“
„They aren’t dumb, master.“
„I didn’t say it but let’s just say that some of them needed a little push.“
„If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be here, right?“ Seisinoe snuggles his face into your neck and takes in your scent. After that he embraces you from behind and watches the ocean with you in his arms and giggles.
„Maybe, but I didn’t manipulate them into loving you.“
Behind the two of you voices can be heard and Seisinoe takes your hand to get back to the place where the event is held. There the rest of the eight sirens are standing and watching you with twinkling eyes as you enter with their brother.
„And now we can finally present our wife, the one we gifted our pearls and that we promised to love and protect forever.“
↺ back to navi
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pit-and-the-pen · 4 years
For @firewhisky-kisses follower event! This also fit into a concept I already had for a Luna  that is apart of my Space:Atlas series so double yay! Things have been crazy with me trying to pack for school and working so sorry this was a little late :)
Luna Lovegood x female reader
Prompt: “You have a special spark in your eye. Don’t lose it” 
Taglist: @thoseofgreatambition @ickle-ronniekins @summer-writes @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrysweasleys
A small part of you regretted it. You have no clue what made you bold enough to ask Luna to met you in the astronomy tower that night. But you suddenly found yourself slipping the note to her in charms, hand nervously twirling  the butterbear cork necklace she had given you last week between your fingers.  When she turned back to give you a dreamy smile, you swear your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. 
Luna and you were friends, that’s something friends do right? Friends dream of each others soft laughter. Friends blush intensely when the other talks to them. It was no use. you knew deep down in your heart that you were falling head over heels for the girl with her head in the clouds. 
It was no secret that everyone thought Luna was weird. But you loved every bit of it. You could listen to her talk for hours about pixies and Nargles. Plus there was so much more to her than that. She was kind, the type of person to go up to a complete stranger and make them feel like a long lost friend. The kind of person that made you want to be better just by being in her presence. 
The rest of the day seemed to go by in a blur. Butterflies so strong you could swear you feel their wings brush against the lining of your stomach. 
Once it was dark, you made your way up to the astronomy tower and waited. You were standing at the railing when you felt someone behind you. 
“It’s beautiful out tonight.” A familiar voice said from besides you. You turned so you could see her. Her pale blonde hair seemed to glow blue in the moonlight. The stars reflected in her eyes. 
“It certainly is” You said in a shaky voice. Her hand was so close  to yours, you could reach out and grab it if you wanted to. And boy did you want to. Every muscle in your body screamed at you to do the simple action. Instead you brought your arms close to your chest. 
“Here. I want to show you something.” You spoke after a few heavy moments of silence. 
Grabbing your wand from your robes, you pulled it out and pointed it up at the sky. 
“Stella Cascadia.” A stream of stars flowed out from the tip of your wand. Illuminating the others in the sky. You could suddenly see every constellation around you. Like someone had put a star map into the sky. Besides you, you heard Luna let out a small gasps. 
 “Look there.” You pointed up at the sky. “That one is Ara. Or the alter. It was said that zeus put it up in the sky as a way to honor the gods victory. It’s said to look different from every galaxy. Our looks like smoke rising.” You pointed to another one. 
“That one is Boötes. The story goes Icarius was taught by the god Dionysus how to make wine and, when he invited his friends over for dinner, they got so drunk that they thought Icarius had poisoned them and they killed him. Zeus placed him in the sky as the constellation Boötes.”
On and on you went. Until you realized how long you had been talking.
Slowly you felt your face heat up and you stoped mid-sentence. 
“I’m sorry, that was all probably really stupid.” You mumbled, suddenly embarrassed. 
Luna suddenly looked up at you and grabbed your hand. “You have a special spark in your eye. Don’t lose it” Her voice light and dreamy like always. You felt your cheeks heating up more. 
“The way you talk about it give it life. Like I can see the stories you tell.” She gives a big smile and turns back to the sky. “What about that one?” She points to a bright glow in the sky. 
It takes only a second before you realize what it is. “Thats the planet Venus. Named after the Roman goddess of love.” Is it possible for your cheeks to get any redder. “It’s said to dictate a lot of things in your life. Everything from friendship, to romance, and material possessions. It’s also said to be the symbol of overindulgence. But everyone just associates it with love.” 
You look over at her and the butterflies are back. 
“It’s the only planet that you can see right now from the looks of it. It’s always the easiest to spot though. It’s one of the brightest.” You keep rambling. “But I mean. It’s hard to say it’s the brightest thing here when you’re right next to me.” Suddenly you freeze. What on earth possessed you to say that. 
Much to your shock, you find that she’s lightly laughing besides you. You also realize she never let go of your hand and you like the feel of it in yours. Her hands are soft but have a few callouses around the fingers. Probably from making bracelets and earrings all the time. Or maybe just scars from all the gnome bites she swears are medicinal. Which ever it is, you don’t ever want to let it go. 
You stay underneath the stars, you pointing out different constellations, until the sun starts to rise and the stars disappear.  
“That was lovely.” She had been very quiet though out the night. Choosing to let you tell her everything. Chiming in when she knew a name or constellation from astronomy. 
“You always tell me everything you know so I thought I would return the favor.” A smile lights up her eyes and the two of you walk back down to the common room, her hand still tucked into yours. 
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tigressaofkanjis · 3 years
Immortals Fenyx Rising
Day 2 review of Immortals Fenyx Rising: I love this. 
Unpopular opinion: I love this more than Breath of the Wild.
Want to know why?
I knew some of the reviews for this game ahead of time and someone commented the voice acting was terrible. They were wrong. I personally enjoy how it's laid out for several reasons. 
Everyone speaks in an accent except one character and no, the main character Fenyx also speaks in an unknown accent too that could be older Greek or Roman due to the indistinguishability of it. Hell, even Typhon has an accent though his is kind of harder to hear because his dark voice (love it btw) doesn’t make a lot of room for syllable pronunciation but he does roll some letters. 
Zeus and Prometheus tell your tale and you play during that tale meaning you hear them narrating you. Now there are a few moments where this may be annoying but overall it’s hilarious because they bicker like crazy and Prometheus actually gives good brief comments on certain items, places, and creatures you encounter which is, for the most part, accurate to the real myths. To top it all off in the meta sense, Prometheus is telling Zeus about EVERYTHING you do even if you can’t hear him narrating which becomes ten times funnier when you realize if you play like BOTW and do stupid shit instead of actual story or quests, injure yourself stupidly, or try to do things people will probably criticize you for as the dumbass you are or can be, technically Prometheus is recounting all of it to Zeus. Yes, your life story/gameplay is part of the tale and your tale is about you being an idiot for hours on end.
The story and overall gameplay is pretty good and it certainly makes things easier to obtain for health and stamina than BOTW. It also has cool collectibles and I mentioned in another post the scenery is GORGEOUS. Like everything in the foreground and background is detailed; you can really tell they made a very good effort with this game and it’s breathtakingly worth the money I bought it for. 
Typhon is my favorite villain now aside from Metal Kor from Jak and Daxter series. He’s a ham, and I would fuck him. For real though, he’s a lot more active than I thought he was going to be. 
Unlike most villains in games who you either hear of, see briefly, or encounter once than fight to the end of the game to even see them again, Typhon actually has a role in the gameplay frequently. He himself doesn’t appear a lot but randomly he will comment on your journey which will be indicated by the sky growing darker and his mountain of Tartaros glowing. 
If you draw attention to yourself, he will create wraith zones which spawn enemies nearly everywhere and he will hurl lava rocks at you. Wraith zones move towards you if you leave the area meaning he seeks you out. If you get far enough away, he’ll stop his assault. But if you just move out of the zone and stay close for an item, he will move the zone towards you and his assault will try to kill you.
Typhon has a great design. I actually like this version of Typhon more than even his original mythology design. He also makes pretty good points in some of his commentary, thinks he’s perfect and apparently has accepted his ghastly appearance as a thing of beauty (Aphrodite eat your heart out), and he even lampshades he understands his own problems but unlike the other Gods, he was willing to work with his flaws to improve himself into perfection which I don’t think I’ve ever heard a villain do before to be honest.
The vaults of Tartaros are puzzle vaults but you would expect them to be fire and brimstone but they are actually floating structures in a spatial nebula and certain vaults have Typhon designed in the form of a nebula watching over you, his eyes glowing purple. It’s really cool. Turns out at the start of the vault, he will be prominent but as you make your way through them if you look at the nebula of him, his eyes will begin to fade in and out as if he’s losing power over the vault. Also a cool little detail.
The boss battles range from mythical, wraiths, and lieutenants. They are awesome.
Mythicals are four monsters of famous lore (i.e. Medusa) who are found one in each section of the four main lands surrounding the Gates of Tartaros. Make sure you have a lot of health and power because I took on Ozomene  the Hurricane at low and it took almost an hour. Basically, if you do decide to fight at such a low level, find a place you can’t get hit by the boss and pick their moments of weakness (Ozomene turns crystal to rest) to hit them. This strategy will take longer to defeat them but it’s better than getting one hit K.O.’d which they can do really easily.
Wraiths are fallen heros (i.e. Achilles, who also was hard as shit/prancing motherfucker) who are located in each section. Wraith zones as mentioned are when Typhon sends more enemies. Well, wraith zones can be spawn points for clones of the Wraiths to come and fight you which are like secondary boss battles but they can spawn multiple times. In order to make wraith zones less frustrating, you need to go to a wraith vault and face off against the real version of the fallen hero. Once they are defeated, wraith zones should only spawn natural enemies making your journey so much easier.
Lieutenants are monsters and beasts of lore (i.e. the Nemean Lion Herakles/Hercules fought as one of the 12 Labors) that can be found throughout the island. Prometheus will give a brief insight of their lore in case you didn’t know why each beast is significant when you get close enough to them. They aren’t as powerful but they are a very great addition to the game.
You can really tell that the creators and game developers did all their research when making this game. So if you love Greek mythos, this is a game you really should check out. I should mention there are a few comments slash mythos that aren’t entirely accurate per say but considering what they entail and the fact the developers are trying to sell to a good portion of the 10+ audience as well, these little snafus of information are very forgivable and were probably changed because of the context. Others may just have been changed because in order to explain them, it would take so much dialogue from Prometheus and they didn’t want to annoy you with unnecessary back seat narration that didn’t move the story along which is also reasonable.
So yeah, check this game out. It’s really enjoyable and I’ve had no real complaints on my end about it which is saying something because I am really picky with video games. An absolute stickler for detail.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
aaa hii! i was wondering if you could do the hercules au, please? thank youuu 💕
Hello, friends! This is an AU based off of @racetrackhigg original Mood Boards that you can find right here!
Hercules AU
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Spot Conlon — Hercules
Racetrack Higgins — Megara
Jack Kelly — Phil
William Snyder — Hades
Morris Delancey and Oscar Delancey — Pain and Panic
Also, DeMarius Copes is all of the Muses. He just is.
We are basing this off of the Disney rendition of Hercules, for the most part, even though their telling of this tale is very much modified for younger viewers. I mean, who are they kidding? The Greek Gods aren’t the loving, family friendly types that Disney tried to trick us into thinking they were when we were children, but it’s fine. We’re gonna roll with this, maybe change a little bit of it. And it is going to take place in modern day (excluding quarantine, because in fantasy worlds, worldwide quarantines don’t exist) because, why the heck not?
Back when the world was new, the planet earth was down on its luck. Chaos reigned and earthquakes and volcanoes ran amok. But then along came Zeus.
Ya’ll know the song.
There’s a party on Olympus, one of great importance. A son has been born to Zeus and Hera. A son they’ve named Hercules. Every single God shows up to celebrate the child’s birth and congratulate the ruling couple of Olympus who is adored by all but one; Zeus’s brother Hades.
Despite typically never leaving his kingdom, Hades has made a special exception on this joyous occasion to meet his new nephew, a new golden boy who is showered in gold and glitter already, although only having been born the day before. Zeus had even fashioned the child his very own flying horse, which he calls a Pegasus. Everyone adores the child and Hades dismisses him, looking disgusted at his very existence.
See, Hades knew something that the other gods didn’t. Hades just so happens to be great friends with the fates. He had a meeting with them prior to this celebration he had never intended on going to. The sisters explained to him that the great plan he’d been wielding could be successful, that one day the planets would align, making way for his rule over Olympus and then Earth. There was only one problem.
That fateful day when those planets aligned would be eighteen years from that very night. Hercules’s eighteenth birthday. And on that day, should Hercules fight, Hercules would win.
Hades saw only one solution. If there was no Hercules, there was no fight.
On Olympus, Hades has all eyes on, giving his two right hand men the opportunity to hide on the great mountain and wait out until nightfall where they would steal the child and force him to drink a potion that would make him mortal.
That night, chaos erupts among the Gods and Zeus cries, sending a storm down onto Earth as Hades men carry out his plan, taking the baby down to the land below and forcing the potion down his throat, knowing that he must drink every last drop to become truly mortal so that they can kill him.
Unfortunately for them, a young couple comes running when they hear a baby cry. The two henchmen drop the potion before the child can finish it and shapeshift into snakes before going to bite the kid and kill him. Having not drunk the whole potion, however, Hercules held onto the strength he’d been born with and was able to protect himself from the two monsters, sending them slithering back to their master.
He then gets taken in by the couple who’d been praying for a baby that they were unable to have. They claim him as their own and name him Sean. Sean Conlon.
The occupants of Mt. Olympus are crushed at the news of their prince becoming mortal. Still, they carried on, watching as their Hercules was raised from afar in a city that never slept, one he grew up to adore. Brooklyn, New York.
Growing up for young Sean, however, was anything but easy. With a physical strength he couldn’t begin to understand or control, he seemed to make a mess anywhere he went. People were wary of him. Kids his own age didn’t like him and he so he didn’t like them. He closed himself off from the world and hid himself away, only entrusting his parents with the fear that he didn’t belong there, that he was too different. It was beginning to get to the point that people were truly frightened of him and his abilities.
Sean didn’t have any friends. He didn’t have a phone. He didn’t need one. He didn’t have anyone to talk to. Girls would sometimes get flustered when they saw him because of the muscles he seemed to get from nowhere, but the second they realized he was the freak he was, they ran the other way. Sean didn’t mind. He could never look at the girls the way the first looked at him.
Eventually, while accompanying his father downtown, he destroys an entire building. He doesn’t understand what’s wrong with him. So his parents finally came clean. They admit to him for the first time how they found him, how he was all alone and already had these abilities that they didn’t understand. He asks them why they never told him and they don’t have an answer. They can only offer him a small necklace that had been around his neck when they’d stumbled upon him, one written in Ancient Greek. One that Sean can read, having never read Greek in his life.
It says Hercules.
Running off, feeling scared and alone and so confused, Sean finds himself wandering into the woods where he is met by a man wearing a white suit with a golden tie. The man claims to be Zeus, his father.
Initially laughing at this, Sean tries to leave, but is pulled back by an invisible force as Zeus takes him in, studying his face for the first time in nearly eighteen years. He looks happy to see him and tells Sean what happened, how he had been stolen from his home and in order to return, needed to prove himself to the gods. Sean is still a bit skeptical until Zeus whistles for a horse to come out of the shadows.
It isn’t until Sean sees Pegasus that he thinks there might be some truth to this man’s story. All his life he’d been obsessed with what he’d thought was a mythical creature. He’d made drawings of it, studied their mythology, had even learned to ride horses when he was young.
Pegasus missed him.
While reuniting with his old friend, Zeus tells Sean of a man he needs to meet in order to ensure his return to Olympus, where he belongs. He described the man as the son of a demigod, one who trains heroes and teaches them how to hone their skills and use them for the greater good. So Sean takes Pegasus up into the air, going to seek out this man, Jack Kelly.
When he manages to find the man’s apartment with Zeus’s help, he lands Pegasus down on the roof and knocks on the man’s apartment door.
The man is less than willing to open it up for him.
Jack tells him to go away, obviously not much of a people person. But Sean persists, finally calling out that he needs help and that Jack was the only one who’d be able to do such a thing.
Recognizing this desperate plea, Jack reluctantly opens up the door, asking what Sean wanted. To Sean’s surprise, the man is very young, probably only five years older than himself. When Sean admits he needs someone to teach him how to be a hero, Jack tells him that he’s closed for business and would never reopen.
That’s when Sean begs him for help, claiming to be the son of Zeus. He explains that he never fit in on Earth and needs Jack’s help to make it to Olympus. Jack has the same reaction Sean had to the news. He laughs, not believing it. Not until he hears lightning crackle outside.
With no other choice than to believe him, Jack tells Sean that he’s not the first kid that had come knocking on his door. Jack explains, while painting a picture of a girl that lives in the apartment across from him that he’s fallen madly in love with despite never having spoken to her, that his father assigned him with the task of training new heroes and keeping them safe on their quests and adventures, something Jack loathed greatly as he wished to have his own life and go on adventures. However, after one hero in training had been reckless and stupid, a demigod, son of Ares, he’d died, making his father angry.
Jack had been cursed after that day. He can’t die. He can’t age. Most people would consider immortality a blessing, but Jack explains that it’s not a blessing when he’s been trapped in New York City, unable to leave as there were invisible barriers specially catered to keep him inside. He’d always dreamed of running away and seeing the world, and it was as though that dream was being dangled right in front of him, just out of his reach. He’d been stuck in an endless cycle of nothingness for years and he didn’t want it to get worse. But Sean makes Jack a deal. If he were to train him, he’d ask his father to lift Jack’s curse and allow him to continue aging and growing like normal while also being able to see the world.
So Jack agrees, still skeptical, but slightly hopeful. He tells Sean that they would begin the next night in the woods where Sean had met Zeus and he better not screw this up for either of them.
To Jack’s surprise, Sean is a much better hero than he’d originally thought. He admires the boy’s strength and endurance and constantly tries to push Sean to his limits to see how much he can take. He never found a breaking point. He teaches Sean how to use a sword as well as a gun, he trains him mentally and physically for every situation he can. He explains that his own strong suit is knife throwing and archery. Sean begins to look up to Jack and treat him more as a friend than anything else. He likes Jack. Jack is the first person who didn’t go running the second he’d walked into a room.
So after weeks of training and testing, Jack tells Sean it’s time for the real deal. They’re gonna go see what Sean can do in the real world to help real people. Sean asks how they’re gonna do that and Jack replies with “Have you eva’ walked around New York?”
They begin to explore, trying to find any kind of trouble they can until they stumble onto an alley where a young man, about Sean’s age, is struggling to get away from an older guy who’s literally pinning the kid to the wall. Jack tries to help Sean come up with some kind of plan before Sean just runs off, leading Jack to resign himself to the fact that he’s doomed and his curse will never be lifted.
Sean goes in and demands the man get off only to find that when the man turns around, he’s got three eyes and a snake's tongue. Sean pulls out a knife only for the kid to tell him that he can handle himself, calling Sean “Wonder Boy” before the monster in front of him throws him to the ground and punches Sean in the stomach, sending him flying back into a wall. Jack can only watch from afar, not allowed to help any hero in his battle.
The monster turns back to the boy who tries to scramble away. It is clear to Sean that the monster is trying to take advantage of the kid sexually. So he steps back up, plunging his knife into the monster’s back before picking him up and throwing him into the opposite wall. He then scoops the boy up into his arms and rushes him over to Jack.
Jack immediately tries to check the kid over to make sure he’s okay, but the boy just seems mildly annoyed, making sarcastic comments about how The Incredible Hulk over there just saved a damsel in distress while he watches Sean fight the monster with the hell of Pegasus who helps him kill the thing.
Realizing that this other boy was genuinely concerned for him, the blond kid softens just a little as Sean walks back over to him. He introduces himself as Antonio, or Race as his friends call him. At least they would, if he had any. He calls Sean a variety of flirtatious names as he thanks him, including “Spot” because of Sean’s freckles. Spot introduces himself as Sean Conlon, or Hercules as he’d been named by his godly father. He offers Race a ride to anywhere he wants to go on Pegasus, but Race refuses, admitting that he’s terrified of heights and is a big boy that can take care of himself, but still thanks Spot for coming to his rescue.
Sean falls a little bit for him much too quickly and much too easily before Race gives him a wink and a wave and walks off, seemingly fine.
Jack then tells Sean how stupid he is before leading him off further into the night and forcing Sean to listen to him even though the boy’s mind clearly kept drifting off to the mysterious stranger he’d just met.
Meanwhile, Race is off to the woods where he is met by two young men he refers to as Morris and Oscar and Hades himself, who is wearing a grey suit and a blood red tie. Morris and Oscar force Race to bow to the god after the boy initially doesn’t. Race fights all the way until Hades snaps his fingers and forces him to submit, having full control of the boy’s body anytime he wants it.
The king of the underworld asks Race why he doesn’t have the monster that he had requested an audience with by his side and Race explains that the monster made him an offer he had to refuse. Hades takes the boy by the chin. He loves to manhandle Race whenever he can, reveling in the fact that the kid would fight back against his hold only to have nowhere else to go. He tells Race that instead of removing two years from his sentence, he’ll be adding two on. In attempts to save himself, the kid blames the stranger who’d saved him, calling him Hercules.
Morris and Oscar, the shapeshifters originally responsible for the murder of Hercules, pale at this as their master burns with rage. Hades demands to know what happened after his servants lied to him only to turn to Race and tell him that he still had use for him. Race rolls his eyes, still defiant after nearly three years. Still, he has no choice but to do as he’s told.
A couple of days after rescuing Race from the ally, Spot and Jack are once again exploring the city, trying to find more trial runs for Sean, who Jack has taken to calling “Spot” to tease him. Spot’s doing rather well, especially considering he hadn’t died yet. So Jack is ready to start getting him attention before they hear a commotion in front of them.
Race rushes towards them, near in hysterics. He is relieved at the sight of Spot and begins begging him for help, stating that two little kids got trapped under a collapsed overpass. Without even waiting for Jack’s help, he whistles for Pegasus who reveals himself to the world in broad daylight and Race hesitates, still terrified of heights, but Spot grabs him and puts him on the back of the flying horse, asking him where to go. Race clings to him as he screams out street names.
Jack is understandably annoyed at being left behind and is forced to run in order to meet them at their destination.
Meanwhile, Spot lands Pegasus and Race crumbles to the ground, nearly vomiting as his entire body is trembling from being up so high.
Spot manages to get two small children to safety and does not stop them as they run off, unbeknownst to him, right to Hades.
Race crawls over to a nearby wall to support himself as he catches his breath and silently prays for Spot to get out of there while he still can.
A crowd gathers nearby, applauding Spot as they’ve just witnessed his heroism. Jack runs up to find Spot unsure of what to do. Before Jack can help him a hiss falls over the crowd. He pales before trying to scream at Spot to get out of the way, but the minute he reaches for Spot’s sword, his hand is burned. He’s not allowed to help.
So Spot grabs his own sword, turning around to find a monster rising from the fallen overpass. Jack recognizes it as a Hydra. Spot just starts swinging at it. After cutting off one head, he believes the fight to be over only for the thing to grow back with two other heads at its sides.
Race can do nothing but watch as Spot is nearly beaten and eaten alive by this monster he’d lured him to. He is horrified at himself, finding that he actually likes Spot. The guy is sweet and loyal, but Race knows he can’t fall for him. He knows he can’t.
Spot continues cutting the Hydra’s heads, even as Jack yells at him to stop.
Hades is watching from afar with a grin on his face. He is ready for the Hydra to kill the only thing standing between him and his eternal rule, but Spot manages to burn the monster alive, effectively killing it.
Race is relieved at that and barely manages to hide a smile as he saunters back up to Hades who is furious at the turn of events.
After this, Spot is made famous throughout the world, having been on camera whilst fighting the Hydra. He is asked for interviews, he’s given money, he’s made a hero in the eyes of the public.
This goes on for months.
Spot revels in the light of being the main attraction after being an outcast for so long. Jack is annoyed with him, but sticks by his side as his own life depends on it. Eventually, Jack just starts to roll along with it all as it becomes more and more stressful for Spot to keep up with his own fame as he continues his training and continues fighting monsters. It becomes abundantly clear to Jack how protective he’s becoming over the younger boy and he doesn’t like it, so he gets harder on Spot and pushes him further, only tiring Spot out faster.
Race watches every minute of it, finding himself enthralled by the man who’d saved him all those nights ago.
Hades, however, is not happy in the least. His two servants have given up and his slave is falling for the boy who would be his undoing. Race teases him smugly, telling him that he might as well accept defeat. This just makes the god even more angry. So Hades orders Race to find him a weakness. Race laughs at him.
So Hades reminds him why he’s there in the first place. He retells the boy the story of a child, a merely fourteen years old runaway who’d fallen in love with another, three years older than him. When the elder boy had tried to prove himself to the gods, he’d gotten fatally wounded and Hades had come to collect him. Unable to cope with the loss of his love, the child who knew nothing about the gods or love, for that matter, begged and pleaded for the god of death to take him instead. The god accepted, letting the not-so-heroic-hero live in exchange for the other boy’s soul for the next hundred years. Finding out what the young child had done, the resurrected hero ran off, finding another to worship the ground he walked on while the boy who’d given everything to save him rotten in possession of Hades, the cruelest god there was.
Race insists that he remembers and that he’d learned his lesson and would not be making the same mistake twice. So Hades hands Race a cellphone with a picture of Spot on it and explains to him as though he were a child that all he needed was to know what Spot’s weakness was. Race does not respond. So Hades leans in close to his ear and promises Race the one thing he craved above all else in exchange for this simple task.
His freedom.
Race drops the phone at the words, having never expected to hear them outloud. So he does as he’s told.
Back with Spot and Jack, Jack is trying to work out Spot’s schedule while Spot wallows alone in his mansion after speaking to his father in the forest again. His father tells him that he has not yet proved himself worthy and must still remain on earth.
Breaking into the giant house, Race finds Spot who is relieved to see him after so long. He asks Spot if he wants to get out of here. Spot is hesitant, because he’s supposed to meet with Jack for training, but Race convinces him to take a night off and run away with him.
And Spot can’t say no.
Exploring the city, Race flirts with Spot and Spot is the perfect gentleman, only making life so much harder for Race who wishes that this boy could’ve just been a jerk who deserved all of this. Spot buys him flowers and makes him laugh and makes him feel free for the first time in years.
While they’re walking, Race accidentally trips, falling right into Spot’s arms. Spot carries him to a bench to inspect Race’s ankle even though the other boy insists that he’s fine. He explains that he has weak ankles and flirtatiously inquires if Spot has any to which Spot replies he doesn’t think he does and he scoops Racer up again, putting him back on his feet to make sure Race is okay. They dance beneath the stars for a long moment before Jack flies overhead on Pegasus and jumps down in between them.
He screams at Spot and tells him he’ll be training like hell for the next week and he warns Race to stay away, feeling bad about it later as there’s something in Race’s eyes that tells him this was not the whole story.
Spot gives Race a kiss goodnight and leaves and Jack goes to follow him before feeling too guilty and turning back to apologize. And he accidentally hears a conversation he was not meant to hear.
When Race is alone, he has a sinking feeling in his chest and feels as though he’s floating on air all at once. He knows he has fallen for this new hero and he stares at the flowers Spot gave him before he is forced to stand by the air around him and he looks up to find his master waiting in front of him.
Race tells the god that he quits, that he won’t keep doing this. Hades only laughs and cruelly reminds the boy that he owns his mind, soul and body and Race has no choice in the matter. The boy tried to explain that Spot doesn’t have any weaknesses. He says it proudly, blushing as he twirls the flowers around in his hand.
That’s when it hits Hades. He smugly tells Race that he is sorely mistaken and snaps his finger, vanishing right along with the boy.
Having only heard a small piece of the conversation, Jack rushes to warn Spot who calls him a liar and a jealous, ungrateful loser who will never be able to talk to the girl that he’s in love with. Hurt by this, Jack leaves, knowing he’s not wanted or needed anymore. It shouldn’t matter to him what happened next.
Spot goes outside to train, trying to blow off some steam, knowing he needs to apologize to Jack but not fully knowing how to.
There’s a man waiting outside. One that Spot recognizes.
The man’s name is William Snyder, a business man who’d been around town for the past couple of months. Spot had no idea that Snyder was a god, just like him. Hades, to be clear.
Hades begins talking to Spot about his heroism and strength and says he wants to offer him a deal. Spot initially refuses, trying to walk away only for Hades to reveal that he has leverage. With a snap of his fingers, a stunned and scared looking Race appears right in front of him. Race tries to run to him, trying to tell him not to listen to this man, but Hades waves his hand and Race goes silent, chains wrapping around his body and mouth immediately, rendering him helpless.
Hades then snaps Race to him and manhandles him, trying to enrage Spot even more. He tells Spot that if he doesn’t want to hear the deal, he’ll just take Race and keep him like that forever, claiming he likes Race in chains better than anything else. So Spot agrees to hear Hades out, all the while asking him to let Race go.
Hades grins and tells Spot to consider giving up his strength for a day, the next day, in order to save Race. Spot asks if people are going to get hurt in which Snyder simply smiles. So Spot asks that Race be left out of it. Hades gives his word that no harm will come to Race should Spot accept.
So Spot accepts, shaking the gods hand to finalize it and falling to his knees as his strength is drained from him.
For a moment, Race is left in chains as Hades has his fun knocking around the mighty Hercules. But Spot croaks out that he has to let the boy go, to which the god laughs. He complies, saying to Race that a deal was a deal and that he was now free of his sentence before he draws Race to him and gloats to Spot about what a wonderful little actor the boy was.
Race struggles against him, trying to get away and explain, but Spot just walks away, heartbroken.
Though his strength is gone, Spot still feels obligated to fight against whatever attack was headed for them. He goes on his own to the center of the city where the titans have begun to roam free after Hades released them. Though the crowd cheers at his arrival it is quickly made apparent that he is no match for these monsters and he will not win this fight.
After trying and failing to stop Spot from fighting, Race rushes off to find Pegasus. His legs are already shaking in fear just looking at the thing that had been bound by Hades before. He releases it and Pegasus senses that something is wrong, so he allows Race to climb onto his back. Race screams when they take to the air.
Finding Jack wandering around, oblivious to the takeover happening behind him, Race begs him for help. Jack initially refuses, revealing to the boy that he knew who Race worked for. Race quickly explains the situation to Jack and Jack takes the reins, flying out to find a passed out Spot in the middle of the chaos. He ignores the burning of his arms and scoops Spot up, flying him to safety so Race can plead with him to wake up.
When Spot does eventually wake up, he scrambles away from Race only for Jack to tell him that this wasn’t Race's fault and he still needed to fight. They couldn’t let Hades win. So Spot goes out to fight again only to get knocked down in front of a car speeding to get away. Race panics and rushes to push him out of the way, taking the hit instead nearly getting stomped on by the titan Before Spot screams and rushes to his rescue, catching the Titan’s foot before it can kill Race.
Jack rushes in to get Race out of the danger and Race lets him, curling into him in pain.
Not understanding what happened, Spot rushes to the boy he quite possibly loves who explains to him that Hades promised he wouldn’t get hurt and he had. The deal had been broken.
Hesitant to leave Race, Spot looks to Jack for help. Jack promises to stay with Race while Spot rushes off and fights.
That’s when Race starts crying. It’s the first time he shows weakness in front of Jack and Jack can’t help but cry along with him, trying to promise him that everything’s gonna be okay even though they both know it won’t. As he starts coughing up blood, Race begs Jack not to let him die alone and Jack holds his hand and pets his hair back, promising him that he’d be right there the whole time.
Race is scared when he dies. His cries about not being able to breathe and can’t move without being in pain. It’s the most heartbreaking thing Jack had ever witnessed. When Race takes his last breath, Jack presses a kiss to his forehead and closes the boy's eyes for him, hugging him to his chest and telling him how sorry he was.
Flying up to Olympus with Pegasus, Spot frees the gods who are being held captive by the Titans and helps them trap the monsters once again before flying after Hades who tries to get away. It’s only when Spot remembers Race that he stops, rushing back down to earth where he finds Jack crying over Race’s body.
So Spot does what he has to do, even as Jack begs him to come back. He flies down to the underworld (how he knows where to go? I don’t know… but he does. Maybe he walked a long way, around the back. That ain’t easy walkin’, Jack. It ain’t for the sensitive of souls— oh wait…) and demands that Hades tell him where Race’s soul is.
Still smug and arrogant as ever, Hades reveals Race’s soul in the River Styx and tells Spot that he is more than willing to let Spot dive down for him. It’s only after Spot does so that Hades calls after him any mortal to enter the river will die.
Spot swims down for Race’s lifeless soul. It breaks his heart to see the boy so lifeless. As he reaches for him, a power surges through his body, making it easier to move and breathe. He pulls Race to him and holds him in his arms, stepping out of that river as a god with the love of his life in his arms. When Hades goes to stop him, Spot punches him down and walks out with Race’s souls, climbing onto Pegasus again and flying back to New York, where Jack still sat with an unmoving Race on the sidewalk. Everyone else was so busy with their own concerns, no one paid them a second glance.
Returning his soul to his body, Spot waits patiently and Jack watches with so much hope in his eyes it hurts. But then there’s a glorious sound of someone taking in a gulp of air.
Race opens his eyes.
He launches himself at Spot who holds him tightly in response and Jack laughs in relief at the sight, letting Race hug him too before Spot confesses he has to go. Race refuses to let him go so Spot takes him along, flying back up to Olympus where he is greeted as a god and Race is left standing awkwardly all alone at the gates, proud of the other boy, but sad that he may never see him again.
But Spot kneels before his father, asking to be blessed with mortality so that he can live his life with Race and Jack. He asks that his father lift Jack’s curse and allow them to live in peace because he finally found where he belonged.
Zeus, although a bit sad, agrees, and sends Spot and Race back to Earth where they meet Jack and take him to the border of New York to show him he is no longer cursed.
Race and Spot and Jack are friends for the rest of their lives. Spot reconnects with his adoptive parents. Race and Spot get married. Jack finally meets the girl he’d fallen for and marries her.
And they all live happily ever after.
Thanks for reading!
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bella-spil · 4 years
Summary: you and the avengers spend Halloween together.
Characters: Y/N (your name), Bucky, Loki, Thor, Tony, Steve, Sam, Natasha, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Peter, Shuri.
Warnings: cursing, tbh thats it.  VINE REFERENCES
Word Count: 2.4
A/N: hi.. I’m sry I haven’t written in a while.  School has been killing my creativity.  This is gonna be more of a miniseries, more like 2-3 parts.  It’s prob not gonna get much attention, but if you like it, just comment or re blog bc it helps my confidence with posting stuff on here.  This is also inspired by a meme I saw (Ill post it at the bottom of the story) and a video with Anthony Mackie and Chris Evans (link) Masterlist is here
Tag List: @sea040561 @wednesday-add-em @kmuir1 (lmk if you wanna join)
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Halloween was a week away.  Tony being Tony, already paid for the decorations for the tower, so basically all of the floors look like a haunted house.  Rolls of toilet paper stretched across arches in the hallways, tiny spiders were all over furniture, bones and eyes and zombies and witches and everything in between that you could possibly think of was in the tower.  The tower looked like a zombie on steroids; creepy yet entertaining at the same time.  
Everyone was fine with the decorations, but the costumes were a big issue.  Steve and Tony kept arguing over the ideas, both of them wanting to do group costumes.  Everyone else had their ideas too, but Tony and Steve were at each other's throats for the past couple weeks, since like August.  Your room in the tower was right by the meeting office, so hearing the two of them screaming at each other for the most stupid shit was driving you insane.  Once it got to the point where you had to yell at them to shut up.  
This morning, a week before Halloween, while everyone was there, you cleared your throat while you heard Steve and Tony bickering.
“Guys this is getting to be too much.  We need to have a meeting to discuss these fucken costumes.” you said.
“Yeah this is getting out of control,” Nat agreed.
“Guys, cmon, you have to agree with me.  All of us having Iron Man suits would be awesome.  We could fly around the city all night and have so much fun!” Tony said.
“Tony, stop.  All of us being soldiers is better.”  Steve countered.
“STOP!” Clint groaned.  “You guys are insane.  We need to discuss this as a group.”
Tony and Steve sat across from each other, glaring at each other.  Death was looming between them.  
“Fine,” Tony sighed.  “When and where?”
“The office, 2pm,” Nat said.  “And everyone has to show up, that means you too Bucky.”
Bucky groaned from the other side of the room.  He hated group discussions, he liked working alone better.  Said that it was faster to be alone and you didn’t have to worry as much.
2pm finally rolled by.  Everyone has showed up in the big office, one that seemed a little too big.  Everyone was tired of the bickering and had showed up, thankfully.  
Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Bucky, Sam, Peter P, Shuri, Wanda, Vision, Loki and you were crowded around the table.  Tony was standing at the end with a whiteboard, prepared to write down ideas.
“So guys, what do you want to do?” Tony said.
“What about we dress up as famous Star Wars characters?” Sam suggested.
“Nah, Steve isn’t going to know who Yoda is.  That’s a must if we do Star Wars.” Tony said.
“Devils and Angels?” Wanda said.
“Not original,” Steve said.
“What about we just wear each other’s costumes?” Thor suggested.
“You really think you are gonna wear my wings?” Sam said, a hint of annoyance in his voice that made you and Bucky snicker.
“I don’t think any of you guys want to wear a leather catsuit,” Nat said.
“We could dress up as famous vines,” Shuri offered, smirking at you and Peter.  
The three of you quoted vines daily and the rest of the team never knew what you guys meant, which made it even more fun.  Eventually, Sam, Bucky and Clint started learning vines with you because they kept saying things which you guys followed up with vine references.  The frustration got to the three men and they started to learn with you, but they weren’t nearly as attentive as you, Shuri and Peter.
“What’s a vine?” Steve asked.
“Vine was a website created in 2012, officially released in 2013.  It was ultimately shut down in 2016.  Vine was a website where users would create short videos an-” Vision said.
“Vis, I don’t think they want a whole essay,” Wanda said, seeing the reactions of the other Avengers.  Sam had started to fake snore, Loki was muttering something to Peter about knifes, and Shuri was about to watch vines, from what you could tell.  
“It’s this app filled with people saying and doing stupid things for attention,” Nat sighed.
“EDUCATE YO SELF!” Clint shouted, right in Natasha’s ear.  Doing that earned him a hard punch in the back of the head.
“Well I don’t have all day so we need something,” Tony groaned, hitting his expo marker against the whiteboard.
You and everyone else was trying to come up with ideas when all the sudden, quiet Peter Parker, who was pretty much the baby of the tower, spoke up.
“Mr. Frost Giant, God sir?” Peter asked.
“Loki,” Loki sighed, pleasantly shocked.
“So, you have ice powers right?” Peter continued.
“Yes, I am an ice giant,” Loki said.
“You should be Elsa for Halloween,” Peter gasped.
Then, out of nowhere, Clint jumped up, looking like he had 5 monster energy drinks and 10 packs of warheads.
“I’LL BE MERIDA!!!” he screamed.
“I must assume that I am going to portray Elsa then,” Thor said, with a smile on his face.
“So...we are doing Disney princesses?” Tony asked, slightly confused.
“Looks like it,” Bucky said.
“Who the fuck am I gonna be?” Shuri asked.
“Language.” Steve said.
You and Shuri looked at each other for a moment and with a slight nod of your head, you were both in a song.
“FUCK SHIT PUSSY ASS!!!” you and Shuri sang.
“MOTHERFUC-” Peter started to continue, but Tony just slapped his hand over Peter’s mouth.  Tony swore that Peter wasn’t like a son to him, but this didn’t help his situation.
Steve was turning ad red as a tomato in his seat, not being able to process all the dirty words that escaped yours and Shuri’s mouths.
“Ok, who are all the Disney Princesses?” Tony asked, frustration in his voice as he looked down at Peter.  Tony gave him a look, one that said “Stop this shit or you get your suit taken away for two weeks” and once Peter nodded his head slightly, Tony removed his hand.
Vision started to list a bunch of them off, even some of the ones that aren’t considered princesses, like Megara, Alice and Jane.  Once Tony had a list of all the princesses, he started to write of all the avengers, making lines to match them up with their character.  
“Ok, who wants to find their Disney princess counterpart first?” Tony asked.
“Me, I already asked before,” Shuri said rolling her eyes.
“Well I mean you already are a princess.” you said.
“Oh,” Shuri said. “I don’t have to dress up then.  Haha.  You can cross my name off, Tony.”
Tony sighed and rolled his eyes, while taking her name off.
“Next?” he sighed.
“What about me?” Steve asked.
“Oh this is gonna be interesting.” Sam grinned.
“Snow White.” Bucky said, without even hesitating.
“Wait why?” you asked.
“Ohhhhh, I think I see why,” Wanda smirked.
“Continue Barnes,” Natasha said.
“First of all, Snow White was the very first princess to come out.  She came out in the thirties or forties.  She’s the oldest.  Steve was the first avenger and he is the oldest.”  Bucky said.
“Bucky, you are a couple months older than me.” Steve countered.
“Second,” Bucky continued, ignoring his friend completely.  “She is like the most gullible and is surrounded by followers.  Snow White was like living with seven dwarfs.  And she was underage and just lived with them. Steve here, was the leader of the Howling Commandos.  And I was in that group, so I had to endure him and his stupid ass decisions, but I couldn’t elect to ignore it.”
“That’s offensive,” Steve said.
“That's the point,” Bucky said.  
“Ok so Steve is Snow White.”  Tony declared, making a line between Snow White and Steve on the whiteboard.  “NEXTT!”
“Me,” said the super secret Russian spy.
“Hmm..” you thought.
“Megara,” said Clint.
“Oh that's a good one,” Sam agreed.
“Who is Megara?” Steve asked.
“She is an attractive Greek lady that Hercules, the son of Zeus, who is the King of the Greek Gods, falls in love with.” Thor explained.
“Thor, how do you of all people know that?” Shuri asked.  “Shouldn’t Vision know all of these things?”
“M’lady, I am formally educated in Disney movies by the request of Peter Parker, also known as ‘The One and Only Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman’.” Thor explained.
“Kid, you make Thor, the God of Thunder, sit through Sleeping Beauty?” Tony asked, shocked.
“My dear man of Iron, Sleeping beauty was quite relaxing.  That Prince Philip, that amazing man, demonstrated quite intellectually advanced ways to use a sword.  Ways that I can use Storm-breaker effectively in battle.” Thor smiled.
Tony and Sam shared a look of disgust with a combination of interest and concern.
“Thor, I don’t think you can learn fighting tactics from a cart-” Vision started.
“I need to watch the movies again,” Clint and Bucky muttered under their breaths.
“No she should be Mulan,” Wanda said.  “Mulan is determined and strong.  Megara just messed with the God of Death.”
“I mess with death all the time,” Natasha countered.
“I should be Megara.” Bucky stated.
“Because you almost died?” Steve asked.
“Because your soul is dark and empty?” Sam asked.
“Yes and no.  My hair is long, not as long as her’s but I can make it work.  Hair extensions.  She plays with Hercules’ emotions.  She is also strong and independent.  Like me.” Bucky explained.
“That settles it.  Bucky is Megara and Natasha is Mulan.”  Tony said, making lines between the two avengers and their princesses.  
“nEXXttT!” Tony shouted.
“Me me me!” Wanda said happily.
“Yes Mr. Stark I would like to go as well.” Vision added.
“Wanda would make the perfect Moana.” Thor said.  “Moana and Wanda both demonstrate very strong emotions, which affect their abilities regarding their powers and limits and they care deeply about the people that mean the most to them.”
He nudged Loki in the shoulder to try to get him more involved in the meeting.  Loki was just throwing his knives up in the air, and Peter was getting very interested, and getting dangerously close to the God of Mischief.  Tony was eyeing the two of them very, very carefully.
“Yeah, yeah sure,” Loki sighed, just going along with Thor or the sake of it.
“Who would Vision be then?” Sam asked.
“He could be the dead grandma,” Clint suggested.
“Yeah, that one that turned into the manta ray.” Nat agreed.
“It’s settled.  Moana and Dead Grandma Ray.” Tony said, making the lines once again.  He had to add “dead grandma” to the board for Vision’s sake.
“NeXXXXXtttT!!” he shrieked.
“Tony, you should be Belle,” Natasha said.
“Yeah.  I mean, they both fall in love and save the people that mean the most to them, even if it means putting their own life at risk.” Steve agreed.
“And they are both really smart.” Peter added.
“Peter, you just had to say that and I would have been on board.  Now I had to listen to Steve and Natasha for a minute.” Tony groaned as he drew a line between his name and Belle’s.
“Thanks Tony,” Steve said sarcastically.
“Your welcome, Capsicle.” Tony gleamed back.
“Sam should be Cinderella.” Bucky said.
“OMG that works!!” Shuri exclaimed.
“Yeah..” Sam realized.  “I’m Cinderella ‘cause she broke, homie.”
“Yeah,” Steve said, smiling from ear to ear, looking back at Sam.
“She represent me, yooo,” Sam said.  Then he looked over at Steve and said, “Lemme borrow twenty dollas.”
By this point, Steve couldn’t hold in the laughter and almost fell out of his chair.  And Sam, being as he called it “Steve’s best friend, better than Bucky,” saved Steve from collapsing on to the floor.
“Steve is the cinder princess.  Deal with it.” Tony declared, adding another line.
“NeeXXttTTT!” Tony screamed.
“Now, all that’s left is Peter and Y/N,” Wanda said, eyeing you two.
“Peter should be Rapunzel.  Before they face the real world, they are both innocent, but then when they see what the world is really like, it changes them.” Thor said, analyzing the similarities between the princess and the superhero.
“Jesus Christ, why is Point break actually really on point?” Tony asked.
“My dear Stalk of corn, I am educated like I told you earlier.  Insect man has really helped me tap into my inner child and all of the pain my demon brother made me endure.” Thor said.
“Spiderman,” Peter mumbled.
“I take that as a complement.” Loki stated, out of the blue.
“Rapunzel is Parker.” Tony declared.
“Last but not least, Y/N.” Steve said.
Now, it took everyone a while to come up with a princess for you.  You didn’t fit the exact mold or looks of a certain princess, so it was definitely harder.
“What about Alice?” Sam said/
“Why the fuck would she be Alice?” Bucky asked.
“Because Alice in Wonderland is supposed to portray the effects of drugs.” Sam explained.
“So your saying that I act like a drug addict?” you asked.
“NO!” Sam shouted.
“Sam, drop it before you dig your own grave.” Steve said.
“What about Jasmine?” offered Wanda.  “You have a very free spirit like her, and she’s your favorite princess.”
“Yeah sure, that sounds fine.” you agreed.
“Y/N is Jasmine!  dOOONNEe!” Tony shouted with relief.
“FINE!” Tony shouted back.  “NOW WE ARE DONE.  EVERYONE HAPPY?”
Everyone in the room, not wanting to disagree with a hot-headed Tony, looked around at each other and slowly nodded their heads.
“Great!” Tony smiled, a complete change in moods.  “Tomorrow we are going to Party City to get our costumes.  Everyone in this room has to come so we can get the wigs and dresses and makeup.  No skipping out.  That includes you Clint, Bucky and Loki.”
The three men who were called out rolled their heads and sighed.  But they agreed to go.  To Tony’s happiness.
“Great.  Meeting finished.  Pepper wants me for something.  Probably for the party.  Nobody try to call me or you will be met with an ear rape of AC/DC.” Tony said, putting on his glasses and promptly leaving the room in Stark fashion.  Everyone eventually left the room, you being lost in your thoughts.  
“You coming, doll?” Bucky asked, seeing you were still sitting in the room.
“Ya, I’ll be out in a second.” you said.  
“Alright, you, me and Clint are doing a Disney marathon for fighting tactics.  Don’t be late or you because we are gonna eat all the food.  I don’t wanna hear you complain.” Bucky said, walking out the door with a lazy drag of his legs.
Now, relief filled your body.  Now you wouldn’t have to hear arguing about costumes!  And they actually agreed to costumes, shockingly.  Now you just couldn’t wait to go to Party City and endure all the chaos.  And then, you left the room to watch Disney movies again, for fighting tactics.  
Oh, the chaos that awaits.  
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12 notes · View notes
fullsunalicia · 4 years
ooh idk if requests are open, but if they are could you write a sort of spin off to the tale older than time for jaemin??? bECAUSE YES SON OF EROS FALLING IN LOVE AND HIM NOT SEEING IT COMING?? yes pls,,,,oh and if you ever plan on making it a series with all the dreamies as demigods i will literally worship you and set up a temple for you !! you write so well !!
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love and war - NJM
maybe the fates mixed something up when they tied the red string of the daughter of ares to eros’ son instead of aphrodite’s, but jaemin wasn’t complaining. after all, it was love at first sight, and eros is the next-best thing, right?
son of eros!jaemin x daughter of ares!y/n
hello my love! yes, they’re open, so request away as much as you’d like! thank you for this one, i hope you will enjoy it 🤍 also, that sounds really intriguing! for you, i will go ahead and try to write a greek mythology au for every dreamie 🤍 but i’ll have to say that no matter how many temples you build for me, i’ll build dozens more for you! thank you so much for your kind words bubs 🥺
Jaemin was used to playing matchmaker.
Not once did the students on campus flock to the children of Aphrodite when they needed help with love, even though Jaehyun was literally right there. They trusted Eros and his genes, because everyone knew the story of Psyche and wished to find a love like theirs.
Sure, he bended the rules a little bit when he helped Jeno... but what the Fates don’t know, shouldn’t bother them, right?
Little does Jaemin know that they’ve decided to take Na Jaemin’s love life into their very own hands. Somewhere in Greece, up high on a mountain, Cloto, Lachesis and Atropos are having the time of their lifes tying little (y/n)’s red string to Jaemin’s. Not even his father can hinder them, because Jaemin knowingly broke the rules.
They’d like to see how Jaemin would manage with the ill-tempered, hot-headed (y/n), demi-goddess, Ares’ pride and joy.
After all, you’ve never fallen in love.
❀ ❀ ❀
There’s a reason why your knuckles are split open nearly every week.
One look at the you and everyone determines that you must be really weak. Frail, pushed aside almost too easily. You hide it well, because the second they under-estimate you, they’re already dead. (l/n) (y/n) looks nothing like her elder siblings, but you pack quite the punch. It’s the golden, godly blood flowing in your veins that throws in that extra swing, just the amount of strength needed to break someone’s jaw. That’s a blessing only the children of Ares possess - there is not a single fight they ever lose, or at least lose immediately. They were born to conquer, fight and win, meant to be leaders, warriors and protectors.
So when some assholes on campus make your best friend Yuqi uncomfortable, you’re the first to start the brawl. It’s really not your fault those jerks couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. If a girl says no several times and they still can’t accept it, they’ll just have to sort it out with your fists.
You’re not like your father. You don’t actively search for fights, even though there’s nothing that makes you feel more alive than a well-delivered kick or the satisfying feeling of bones cracking beneath your grip. You inherited the love for a good fight, but not the stupidity to look for it at every corner. There’s a hot temper boiling beneath your skin, but you keep it in check pretty well. Unless of course someone bothers Yuqi. That’s something different entirely and you welcome that particular red haze every time it comes.
“Please, please stop hurting yourself for me,” Yuqi begs you as she holds your bandaged hands tightly in her own. You see no reason in putting band-aids on them, but your best friend can’t live with herself if she can’t atleast treat your wounds, so you let her do her thing every time. “I wish you’d just let someone else do it. You know it’s not possible to win every time, (y/n), you’re a daughter of Ares, not the god themself.”
“I warned them not to touch you.” The shrug of your shoulders only upsets Yuqi more. “That was their own fault. I’m not standing aside to someone bothering and harrassing you like that. Not until someone else does it for me, like a future boy- or girlfriend.”
“I’m straight.”
“You’re lying to yourself.”
Yuqi laughs, pink blush settling on her cheeks. You’re only joking, but you know she ponders over that thought, her beautiful mind wrapping itself around the fact that Yuqi was still discovering herself. Her wisdom shone through every thing she said, and she was a good match to you as a daughter of Athene. She was the brains, you the some-what muscle. Even though your parents couldn’t stand each other, Yuqi and you loved each other like sisters.
The girl reaches out to brush your hair out of your sight, then she interlocks your fingers and pulls you forward. Weirdly, you adore skinship. The feeling of a warm body beneath your touch, living, breathing. Not in the violent way. In the sense of finding something and using as an anchor. A heartbeat did so much more than telling yourself to calm down. A smile, a heartfelt spoken sentence. You were as easily to calm down as any other demigod, even though it takes a little bit more than others.
You crave touch. Meaning. Or as they said in Mulan - a guy worth fighting for, even though you’ve never fallen in love.
Butterflies have never lived in your stomach, and you never get weak in the knees because of someone. Sure, you blush a good amount of times when you are complimented and hugged, but never once did that feeling expand into something romantic. It was ... disappointing.
Maybe you weren’t mean to fall in love. You’re only a pawn in the battleground your father laid out for you.
Across the room, Na Jaemin looks you in the face and feels his heart skip several beats.
❀ ❀ ❀
You’re perfect.
That’s the only word Jaemin’s head can offer as he looks at you, his heart seems to tremble in his chest at the sight of your pure smile. It’s not even directed at him, for fuck’s sake. But still, you are so lovely, and he almost stands up to walk over you. He’s Jaemin; if you’re born to break bones, he was born to flirt.
Almost. He decides against it, because of one single reason.
Jaemin has fallen in love several times. But he’s never met a soulmate before, and especially not his own. It’s different, the flower that begins to bloom in his heart for you, different from anything else in the world and only distinctive to children of love. Forget-me-nots, gardenias and cherry blossoms, they all settle in his heart, waiting for you to pluck them and make them yours. He doesn’t want anyone else to have them but you, and it didn’t matter if you are going to tear them apart or treasure them.
He had asked his father before, if soulmates were real. Not a very serious question, but nonetheless still spoken out of curiousity. Jaemin sees relationships like an outstander, able to change and fix, more than easy to manipulate. Love is unsure, it can never be caged. It’s meant to be free. Undeciding. Unraveling.
“They’re real,” Eros had responded. “Of course they are. There is a little truth in every myth. I don’t know if they’re really the people who were conjoined and cut apart by Zeus and his cowardice. But every once in a while, the Fates sit down and meddle with our business, for a relationship made in the stars. It’s not common, son. I haven’t seen them for a long time.”
And yet here you are.
He’s heard about you. That Ares girl, the one who’s so over-protective of a certain chinese business student.
He wonders if you attend NCT parties often.
❀ ❀ ❀
Yuqi doesn’t want you to go to parties. She says your temper explods too fast whenever you have a swig too much and she doesn’t know how to control an angry, intoxicated demigod. Everybody knows that whenever an Ares child is involved in a fight, someone ends up in the hospital. As a consequence, you are rarely offered a drink.
The only reason you attend parties is to watch your friends and/or play designated driver. That’s why you’re standing in this kitchen you’ve never been in clutching a glass of ice tea, and not the whiskey you’ve been eyeing across the table for half an hour now. It’s a shame, really. Drunk you is always so funny. People were denied of that show by Yuqi’s rule against getting drunk in public. Every fifteen minutes, she sends you a checking glance, and you’re still sober every time she does.
Na Jaemin is not. He’s not drunk, really, just buzzed, and that’s enough liquid courage he needs to approach you. The smile adorning his lips makes your stomach flip in an unknown way, and you let him approach you, curious of what he’s planning to do. “You’re not drinking,” he states inquisitively, free hand pointing at your alcohol-free cup. “Don’t like getting drunk?”
“Oh, I do. But I tend to beat people up when I do.” You sigh, crossing your arms in front of your chest, hoping that your silly heart would catch the drift and stop beating at multiple hundred miles an hour. He’s so stunning; This must be what Adonis had looked like, there’s no other explanation. The dazzling smile, the honest eyes that let you see every corner of his soul willingly. Not a single wall pulled up to protect himself. “But you seem to be having fun.”
“Only a little,” he laughs. That sound does wonders to your heart. You also wonder what the hell is going on with you. “But not too much, you know how we Eros children can get when the alcohol hits at once. Not a nice sight.”
“Can’t believe anything that has do with you not being a nice sight.”
The pick-up line is spoken with confidence, yet your cheeks heat up in an instant. Jaemin gauges your reaction, and his fingers twitch. He wants to cradle your face and take you up to his room to show you what else kind of sights he offers. And somehow at the same time, he kind of wants to squish your cheeks and run his fingers through your hair. Very conflicting. Jaemin tends to feel too much, too fast.
But with you, everything moves smoothly. Meant to be. Like the universe had mapped this out a long time ago.
“You’re cute,” he tells you, liking the way you shyly lower your gaze. He cannot possibly imagine you punching someone in the face, but he likes the fervor and passion he finds in your eyes. Love and war are very similar. It’s the first thing Jaemin was ever taught.
He tugs at your fingers, and you don’t stop him when he curls his pinky around yours. “Come on. Let’s do something fun.”
The house is stuffed with people who are trying to have a good time. Jaemin takes you deeper into it, leading you towards a group of people you recognize, but don’t actually know. Amazingly, they were playing billiard in their drunken state, and even though most of them have been drinking for a long time, they still hit their targets dead-on. You join them, and the entire night, Jaemin doesn’t move from your side. He wraps an arm around your shoulders and your waist every once in a while but other than that, he respects your boundaries and follows the game intently, pouting when he loses and grinning smugly when something goes his way.
Jaemin throwing his head back in laughter is the most ethereal thing you’ve ever seen in life. He sets off electric currents in your veins, the very same ones you chased every time you were fighting someone.
Is this what a crush feels like?
❀ ❀ ❀
Jaemin decides that the perfect way to wake up is next to your pretty face.
He’s aware of the fact how creepy this is. But he cannot take his eyes off you, unable to will his gaze away. Every curve and slope of your body is breathtaking. Your hands are resting beside your head, and even though he winces at the cuts that adorn the back of your hand, it just... fits you so well. Never ever in his life has Jaemin felt like this before. It’s just impossible, how you wrap him around your little finger just by looking into his direction. You’re the sun, and he’s the planet orbitting you.
Matchmakers aren’t usually made into a match. But he finds himself perfectly content at your feet, even though the feeling is powerful and foreign. His mind is haywire.
Jaemin likes it. He likes it a lot.
When your eyes flutter open, his heart nearly jumps out of his chest because of the blush settling on your cheeks. “Hi,” you whisper, and he angles his body towards you, desperate for any kind of attention you’re willing to give him. “Hey, princess,” he answers, fingers twitching to hold yours. “Slept well?”
“Yeah.” You don’t move. Instead, you set your pretty eyes on his hands which are resting just below yours, and he wishes for you to take them. He’s too much of a scaredy-cat to do it himself. And that is so untypical of him - Na Jaemin isn’t scared of shit, affection is his second nature.
But you’re different. You were the match that set him ablaze, and his entire existence has shifted to accomodate you.
“Thank you for letting me stay over.” Fingers brush past his. He almost groans in frustration. “I was way too tired to drive home yesterday, and it was really fun, even though I was sober.”
“You don’t need to be drunk to have fun, princess,” is all he says, and it takes his entire courage for him to raise his hand and brush his knuckles against your cheek. Jaemin feels like ascending to heaven when you nuzzle his face against them, and he cups your face. You don’t stop him. You watch him, eyes curious, waiting. Jaemin inches closer.
Children of Eros don’t hold back. They exist for love and for passion, for lust and for loyalty. Emotions for them are inner explosions, felt more intensely than any other person in the world. And right now, he’s dying from anticipation.
“(y/n),” Jaemin murmurs. “I’m going to kiss you.”
His hand leaves your face to rest beside your shoulder, and your breath hitches when he lifts himself to hover over you. For a second, he thinks he’s overdone it. Instead, your fingers find his shirt and grip it tightly, godly strength shimmering through, tugging just so slightly. “(y/n),” he repeats. He needs you to say it. Needs you to give him permission to get lost in you and your touch, his very own paradise in the form of the stars locked in your eyes and all the love in the world in your smile.
If angels really exist, Jaemin is pretty sure they look like you.
“Please,” you whisper. Jaemin’s free hand moves to hold your waist, and you let him tug your shirt up so he can rest it on naked skin. You’re going to make him pass out, he realizes, because you’re so much to take in. So beautiful, so stunning, so alive.
“Please what, princess?”
You pull at his shirt, but Jaemin doesn’t move. You look cute when you bite your lip. “Please kiss me.”
You’re even cuter when you beg.
It should disturb him that the scent of blood lingers to your clothing like a constant afterthought. The bruises you’re going to leave on his shoulders because of your grip should scare him away. But all it does is draw him more in, and even though he’s the one in control right now, Jaemin feels like the little mouse walking right in your trap.
Hook, line and sinker. The moment your lips touch his, he’s a goner. Jaemin grips your waist tighter, hand sliding down to grip your thigh and guide your leg around his hips. He’s very aware that you could crush his shoulders with his bare hands, but the pain you inflict starts to turn into a guilty pleasure. How are you so powerful without knowing it? He tugs at your lower lip, welcoming the whine you let slip a little bit too enthusiastically, tongue meeting yours in a heated frenzy.
Jaemin thought he knew what love was. If not him, who else would? But after this, all his definitions are rearranged and they all spell out one name: yours. He’s barely able to abandon your lips, finding solace in the way you arch your back when he nips at your neck, leaving love bites wherever he can reach. The sound of his name falling from your lips is seriously messing with his sanity. Your hands move on from his shoulders to his hair to tug at the dyed locks, and Jaemin moans at the feeling.
Your taste of heaven is interrupted by someone furiously knocking against his door. Once, twice, until someone angrily yells from outside the room: “Na Jaemin, I’ve told you a thousand times that you have clean-up duty! Get your ass up!”
Jaemin groans, lips still attached to the column of your throat. Your legs keep him trapped against you and you close them tighter, to Jaemin’s delight. Neither of you want to be seperated right now. “Go away, Mark.”
“If you don’t get your ass outside in two minutes, I’ll come in and say hello to your female companion, you dick.”
You giggle at that. “Go, go,” you urge him, shyly cupping his face in your tiny hands to kiss him for a few seconds, way too short for his liking. He’s going to kill Mark for this. Jaemin looks you in the eyes for just a few seconds longer, then he rolls off from you in a pout.
The room feels really warm now. Sitting up, you fix your hair and he watches you, entranced. Like you’re his favourite movie and he didn’t want to look away. Mark keeps his promise, bursting in through the door to get his friend, but Jaemin pushes him out and steps into the hall with him.
“Write down your number before you leave, princess,” he calls over his shoulder, and then the door is shut.
❀ ❀ ❀
“I can’t believe you hook up with someone the second I leave you alone.”
“For the last time, Yuqi! I didn’t hook up with him!”
Your best friend is sprawled across your floor, fanning herself with her hand. It’s hot outside, the blue sky calming you down just by looking at it. For someone who lives to destroy you sure have your knack for aesthetics. “Then what else do you call it?” Yuqi hums.
You don’t know what to call it. You don’t have a noun for the feeling that Jaemin ignited, and you couldn’t get rid of it, despite avoiding him for a full week. Someone like you wasn’t supposed to feel like this. So ... weak. At someone’s beck and call. You are made out of conflict, strength and violence. Love wasn’t something Ares had in mind when he created you.
No, you scold yourself mentally, don’t refer to it as love. It’s not love. Love is stupid. But there isn’t any other way to describe it. All the books lie. There aren’t any fireworks or butterflies in your stomach. It feels like war elephants are running rampant, and your heartrate spikes the second someone mentions the J in Jaemin. The worst thing is that you miss him, had longed for him the entire week, inner turmoil caused by your wish to fall into his bed again or to run away from this university as far as possible.
You may not notice, Yuqi watches you. Your nervous antics of cracking your fingers and tugging at your hair. Both of you know there’s no way to win this war, no matter how long you sit down to think about a good strategy. There’s only one solution: admit defeat.
Something you were very, very bad at.
“(y/n),” the girl sitting on the ground speaks, voice soft, careful. Her eyes remind you of an owl’s. “You should have just left him your number.”
You breathe in shakily. “I don’t know him.”
“But you want to.” Her hands grip yours, finally pulling you out of that terrifying place in your head where you punish yourself for never being in love before and making this so hard for yourself. “I know this is new territory for you and you dislike things that are unknown to you. But just because you were born to fight, doesn’t mean you automatically aren’t born to love and to be weak. Your father loves war. Your mother loved him. Was she weak because of that? Absolutely not. She taught you how to fight and survive in this world, to stand up after being kicked down, to earn your place. Is that not what true warriors do? Is that not strength?
You bite your lip. Then you nod. Yuqi raises her head to kiss your forehead. “Don’t forget that love is the most powerful thing in the entire world,” she reminds you. She looks like Athene more than ever right now, her gaze firm, determinded. Razor sharp mind cutting apart this scary new feeling for you so you can digest it.
“Now go get your man.”
❀ ❀ ❀
[1:33pm] y/n: i should have written down my number
[1:34pm] jaemin: why didn’t you, princess?
[1:36pm] y/n: i’ll tell you personally if that’s okay with you
[1:36pm] y/n: dream café in five minutes
❀ ❀ ❀
Love is an act of surrender to another person.
Your father never taught you what that is. There is only victory in being the last one standing, winning, living to tell the tale. There is no room for error, or for weakness.
The strong ones never admit defeat. That was what Ares had imprinted into your mind from the minute you were born into this world. But what Ares doesn’t know is that he’s wrong. He’s not all-mighty, no God ever is. Their countless myths are living proof for that. And that is why you know that surrendering doesn’t mean being weak. It’s the most brave thing you could ever do, and not every one is able to do that. That itself is a strength. A streng not everyone possesses, but you’re willing to take the risk to acquire it, to step into the unknown, a blind fall.
It would be worth it if Jaemin was waiting to catch you.
He looks as beautiful as always as he approaches you, hands tucked into his leather jacket. You had been terribly afraid of him being angry with you, but he only sends you an angelic smile and dips down to drop a feather-light kiss on your cheek. “You changed your mind,” he beams at you.
Puzzled, you blink up to him. “What?”
“You had a change of heart.” Jaemin raises his hand and rests it on his chest, eyes never leaving yours. The amount of trust and joy you find in his eyes is astounding. “I felt it right here. I knew you’d be able to do it.”
You suddenly remember who Jaemin’s father is. While he grins at you, your cheeks heat up to a thousand degrees, and you cough to cover it up. “I did,” you mumbled. “And I’m so sorry of letting you wait. I... I’ve never felt for anyone like this before. I’m not used to feeling alive unless it’s because I’m breaking someone’s nose.”
Jaemin wraps both arms around you, and you rest your hands on his shoulders. Moving on instinct was common for the both of you. “I’m glad you found that feeling by being with me and not actually punching me,” he teases you. “And for the record, I’ve never felt like this either. You’re very special to me. And that’s why I was willing to wait. So stop apologizing, princess.” His face inches closer to yours, mischievous glint in his eyes. “I haven’t even taken you on a date yet. Very scandalous, if you ask me.”
“So that kiss meant nothing you? Traitor.”
“Hey, that’s hot how I meant it.” You both laugh, though you’re disrupted by him kissing you sweetly. “I don’t need any dates when my heart’s already yours. But you deserve to be treated like a princess, and to get properly taken out and pampered. I want to give you the world, (y/n). Will you let me?”
You do.
Somewhere in Greece, three old, angry hags are disappointed with your lack of protest. They had expected more ruin and punishment for Na Jaemin as an effect of tying your strings together. They should’ve remembered that Jaemin learned all his tricks from his father, who secretly lent his son a helping hand.
What did Jaemin say again? What the Fates don’t know, shouldn’t bother them.
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nicodiangelone · 4 years
lesbians do exist
y’all remember this post? well i wrote it! 1.6k words of Thalia gay panicking to Annabeth, now on ao3! enjoy :) 
ps Annabeth is bi in this fic she just don’t know it yet 
Thalia has mixed feelings about Camp Half-Blood. 
She loves the strawberry fields and the freedom to run wild in the woods and kill shit whenever she feels the urge. She likes the friendly animosity between the Hunters and the campers. She likes getting to stay in the Artemis cabin when she visits. It isn’t particularly welcoming, like the Zeus cabin, but at least it has beds, unlike the Zeus cabin. She hates the Zeus cabin and that stupid fucking statue. 
On the flip side, she hates the strange looks she gets from campers who know she used to be a tree, and she isn’t particularly fond of the memories associated with that time of her life. 
Right now, though, she’s never seen a thing more beautiful than the owl carving over the door to the Athena cabin. She takes a moment to talk strategy with herself and evaluates her options: to be sneaky or not to be sneaky. Both options are equally likely to end in violence. She decides that not being sneaky will at least give her the advantage of being able to see, and throws open the door with enough force that it slams into the wall with a satisfying bang. 
Theres a shuffle, several thumps, and a very loud thud. The lights come on. 
Annabeth is still in bed, propped up on her elbow while her free hand holds her dagger. One of her siblings is on the floor, legs tangled up in their bedsheets. Two more of them are standing in front of their beds, weapons ready. 
Annabeth squints at the doorway. “Thalia?”
“Hi,” Thalia says. 
Annabeth starts kicking free of her sheets, confusion giving way to concern. She gets herself upright and hops around as she tries to put on socks. “What’s wrong?”
This question gets a few more of the Athena kids moving. They start pulling on sweatshirts and reaching for weapons, which is really very unnecessary, so Thalia throws up her hands as a sign for them to stop.  
“Nothing is wrong,” she says. “Just need to talk to Annabeth.” 
Annabeth has pulled on a sweatshirt and hiking boots and is strapping her dagger to her thigh. Her pajama shorts have cartoon spiders on them. Thalia is amused. 
“What’s wrong,” Annabeth repeats. 
“Nothing,” Thalia insists. “Just wanted to talk.”
Annabeth stares at her, then looks to the sky for guidance. “Alright,” she says. “False alarm, everyone, back in bed.” 
“Alarm?” Thalia says, offended.
“Yes,” Annabeth says. “We’ll just be outside.” She grabs Thalia’s arm and drags her out the door, pulling it shut behind them. At the bottom of the porch stairs, Annabeth lets go of her arm and turns to face Thalia. “Okay, seriously, what’s wrong?” 
Thalia frowns. “Nothing, is everything okay here?”
“Camp is fine. Is Artemis okay? Where are the rest of the Hunters?”
“What? She’s fine, I think, and I left them in Wyoming.” 
“I needed to talk to you.” 
“Thalia,” Annabeth rubs at her forehead, “Not that it isn’t good to see you, but it’s the middle of the night.”
“Oh. Sorry. This is as fast as I could get here.” 
“Okay. What did you want to talk about?” 
And isn’t that the kicker. “I think I like girls,” Thalia says. 
“What?” Annabeth says. 
“Girls,” Thalia says. “Did you know girls could kiss other girls? And date them?”
“Thalia,” Annabeth says. “Did you not know that?”
“Annabeth,” Thalia says. “How was I supposed to know that?”
“Thalia,” Annabeth says. 
“I was a tree for my tweens, Annie, and then I joined the Hunt. When was I supposed to learn that?”
“Thalia,” Annabeth says. She starts cracking up. So much, in fact, that she has to sit down on the bottom step. 
Thalia’s face burns. “This isn’t funny, Annabeth.” 
“I’m sorry,” Annabeth says between laughs. “It’s just, you showed up with no warning in the middle of the night and broke down my cabin door to ask me if I knew about lesbians.” 
“There’s a word for it?” 
Annabeth’s laughter fades. She nods. 
“Lesbians,” Thalia says. She sits down next to Annabeth on the stairs. “What does it mean, exactly.” 
“A lesbian is a girl who likes other girls. Romantically. Plural, lesbians.” 
“Huh,” Thalia stares out at the commons. 
“So,” Annabeth says. “You think that’s you?”
“I don’t know,” Thalia says honestly. Because she doesn’t. She just knows that several months ago, Artemis told them stories of an ancient Greek poet named Sappho. She wrote love poems about women. The idea of that took up an increasing amount of space in Thalia’s brain over the months that followed, until they ended up in Seattle chasing rumors of the manticore. That’s where she saw rainbow crosswalks and learned the word pride, let it soak into her body and echo around her brain, where they stayed with Phoebe’s aunt and her wife. 
Phoebe’s aunt had a buzzcut and wore bermuda shorts and tank tops that made it easy to see how muscular her arms were. She had an abstract tattoo of a naked women on her calf. She held her wife’s hand in the living room after dinner while the Hunters sat around listening to Phoebe recount their adventures. 
They left the next morning, heading for Wyoming. Thalia spent the trip thinking about that tattoo. When they set up camp that night, she sat staring at the fire, thinking, and thinking, asking Phoebe questions about her aunt and her wife, until Phoebe had asked why she was so interested and Thalia brushed it off even as Kill Bill sirens went off in her head. 
She found herself heading for Camp Half Blood a few hours later. 
“It’s okay if that is you,” Annabeth says softly. 
Thalia frowns. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
It’s hard to know for sure, in the dark, but she thinks Annabeth’s face changes into something sadder. “Nevermind,” she says. 
“Sorry to show up like this,” Thalia says quietly. “I wasn’t thinking. I just--I didn’t know who else to go to.” 
Annabeth shifts over and presses her shoulder against Thalia’s. “It’s okay. It’s just late, I jumped to conclusions. We never get good surprises around here. But I’m glad you came.”
Thalia lets her head rest on Annabeth’s shoulder. “Thank you.” 
“You can always talk to me, you know,” Annabeth says. 
“I know,” Thalia says. “Thank you.” 
Annabeth takes her hand and squeezes it. Thalia loves her. Her little sister, older than her now, a counselor, giving her worldly advice on her front stoop at ass o’clock in the morning. She feels lucky to have a friend like this, lucky that Annabeth still cares for her even though she’s never around. 
“I love you,” she whispers. 
Annabeth squeezes her hand again. “I love you too.” 
They sit in silence for a few minutes. Thalia can’t hear Annabeth thinking, but it’s a close thing. 
Eventually, Annabeth says, “You know, there are gay campers that might be more help than me. You can stick around, talk to them.”
Thalia winces. “I should get back to the Hunters.”
“They won’t be fine without you?” 
“I left abruptly. I should go back, check in.”
“How abruptly?”
“In the middle of the night abruptly?”
“Thalia,” Annabeth says. “Did you leave without telling anyone?”
“No! I told Phoebe, my second in command.”
“What, exactly, did you tell her?” 
She lifts her head off Annabeth’s shoulder and stares at the ground. “I told her Artemis had an errand for me to run.” 
“I couldn’t just tell her the truth!” 
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, Annabeth, maybe because we all swore off romance? And I thought that was fine because I’ve never liked a boy in my life, but now that I know there are other options I’m not sure anymore? I just didn’t know what to say to her. So I lied. And Phoebe is kind of a snitch.” 
Annabeth snorts. “Bitch.” 
“Yeah. Love and respect her, but she’d totally tell Artemis. And then what?”
“Thalia,” Annabeth says, voice soft again. “And then what?”
“You can’t just go back to the Hunters and pretend this never happened.” 
“Sure I can,” Thalia says easily. 
“But do you want to?” 
Thalia kicks at the dirt with her toes. “No, I guess not. But I don’t think I’m ready to just leave the Hunters. And I don’t want to live in cabin one, it’s fucking depressing.” 
“It can’t be that bad.” 
“There’s a big statue of Zeus and no beds.” 
“There aren’t any beds?” Annabeth exclaims.
“Nope. Just the big man himself and a bunch of eagle statues.”  
Annabeth mutters something rude under her breath. “Well, then you can stay in the Big House.” She bumps her shoulder against Thalia and grins. “Or in Percy’s cabin, gods know he has extra room.”
“Gods, no,” Thalia groans, but a small part of her brain is telling her it might not be that bad. “I’ll think about it,” she says. 
“No beds,” Annabeth grumbles. “Who fucking decided that?” 
“I think we know,” Thalia scoffs, and Annabeth scowls.
“Fuckers,” Annabeth says. Thalia smiles and leans her head back on Annabeth’s shoulder. 
“But really, Thals,” Annabeth says. “What are you going to do?”
Thalia takes a moment to think. “Go back to the Hunters. Sort my shit out. Talk to Artemis, probably.” 
“Get your affairs in order?”
“Yeah, something like that.” 
“Well, you know where to find me if you need me,” Annabeth says. 
“Yeah,” Thalia smiles. “I do.” 
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Necromancer - Shklance
Dudessss. If ya’ll are still here for stories, you’re literally the best humans. I think it’s been months, what with mental health issues followed by the corona (because of course I would be “essential personnel” and of course they increased our weekly hours to over 50) followed by the start of the semester, but I’ve been working on this off and on for a few weeks now, as well as some original stuff. So if you guys are interested in my original works, lemme know and I’ll post some of it. Who knows maybe it’ll motivate me to actually finish one of my books.
Also, this is super rough, so be nice to me. I’m playing around with some ideas here, so feedback is appreciated, and let me know if you want more of this au cause I haven’t decided anything with it yet.
           Here’s the thing. The gods are real. Or at least someone’s gods. Or maybe they’re just god-like? Anyway, some clarification. Everyone agrees that these aren’t like any of the gods we recognize. They don’t quite match any of our religions (and boy did that infuriate Lance’s grandmother), and they weren’t like Zeus, or Anubis, or Odin, or any others we know of from legends. In fact, they’re more like the monsters of myths.
             And even further, they’re absolute dicks.
             With all their incredible power, they thought it would be prudent to impart some of their stupid gifts to us mere mortals, and in the process, they ruined Lance’s life.
             See, only a small percentage of humans were given a gift. Most of them were young adults, some teenagers. Supposedly some children will manifest as they mature, but the short of it was, Lance was the only one in his family to get one. Most of his family tried to be understanding and sympathetic about it, but some were jealous, others wary, and all of them were making Lance feel more alone than ever before.
              At least his best friend kinda understood. He’d been blessed by the shifter-god (as in god-who-can-shift, not god-that-shifters-worship). A fairly common gift by now, but still a useful one. Not to mention how cool it was. But, Hunk’s girlfriend Shay had been blessed, too, and was currently in attendance at the new Supernatural school with Hunk and Lance. Since the first day, the perfect couple had easily been able to make friends with the other students in their sections, even their dorms. Most still startled around Lance, but he was becoming used to that. One of these exceptions was a girl named Pidge. Well, her name was actually Katie, but she preferred to go by Pidge. She and her brother were geniuses, so they were great with Hunk and Shay, and tolerant of Lance, but he’d take what he could get.
              Besides, Pidge and her brother Matt – technopaths – were almost impossible to mock, because they were actually childhood – best – friends with Lance’s roommates, the hotshot vampire powerhouse couple of the school. Usually, students were grouped by their gift; in the dorm, they were for their comfort and safety. So far, the three of them were the exception. Of course, because the gods apparently hated Lance, he was one of those, because he was one of the only non-vamps in the dorms. Due to the nature of their existence, people naturally sough to avoid vampires, and they responded by forming their own nests, once again, carefully excluding Lance. Because even at a school of freaks, weirdos, and the powerful, Lance was of the worst.
              Lance was a necromancer.
              A surprise to his family and to Hunk, because they always referred to him as a sunshine boy, always commented on his happy, goofy nature and attitude. Even with the dark nature of the gift, Lance remained his cheerful self – for the most part – for the first few months, but the constant abuse and isolation was starting to wear on him, and Lance knew it. He just couldn’t tell if he cared. No one else did, right? His old friends were having the time of their lives. Even Hunk had yet to see past the mask Lance had taken on. All the other students were content to ignore or mock him, and even Lotor, the only other necromancer at the school, was enjoying the process of crushing Lance, both in the classroom and out. Lance was barely surviving.
              And honestly, he probably wouldn’t be if it weren’t for his roommates. As fuckin’ weird as they were, even for vampires they had been kinder and more aware of Lance and his challenges than anyone else lately. When Lance was too drained physically and emotionally to go down for dinner, Keith brough t tray of food up to him, full of only human food and none of the blood the vampires included in their meals. And Lance hadn’t missed how Shiro sometimes was there to help Lance to and from classes, cheerfully carrying on a very one-sided conversation and effectively ensuring that Lance didn’t feel alone all the time. And even when they were alone in their dorm room studying, both of them did their level best to keep Lance included in their discussions. They refused to let him hide in his bedroom, which he had all to himself, as the previously assigned roommate refused to live with a necromancer. Instead, they dragged him out to the common room to study and then watch movies with them. Literally, Keith dragged him kicking and screaming that first time.
              Sometimes, Lance wished that they weren’t so determined to draw him out and be his friend. Like now, for example.
Sometimes, Shiro will announce a mandatory movie night and sleepover – seriously, having primarily nocturnal roommates was weird – and Lance always tried to duck into his room. Or sneak back out once they were wholly engaged in whatever movie they chose.
“Lance,” Shiro spoke with utter calm, but Lance froze as if he’d been threatened. While Shiro didn’t look up from his movie, Keith did, making direct contact with Lance, who bit his lip and glanced at the den and then looked back at Keith. Keith raised an eyebrow. “Bat got your tongue, Lance?”
              It took him a minute, but Lance found his voice. Not that it was gonna do him any good. “Ummm… I just… have some homework to finish, so…”
              “That would mean that when you said you were done at dinner, you lied,” Keith observed. Shiro reached for the remote. “Pull it out here, then, I have some reading I could do, too.”
              Lance looked horrified at the thought of ruining their plans. He floundered, “No! Uh, you don’t have to do that! I can study on my own, it’s fine!” But Shiro was grabbing their books now, Keith watching Lance carefully. “Okay! Fine! I don’t have any homework!”
              Shiro brightened immediately. “Good! Then c’mere so we can finish the movie; I wanna see how it ends!” How the hell could this giant, terrifying creature of the night be such a pup???
              Lance managed a weak smile at the sight, “Well, I’ve already seen it, so I’ll probably just go to bed, but you guys should definitely stay and watch!” He shot a wary look at Keith, who was shaking his head.
              “Lance, you’re just as nocturnal as we are. Nearly all your classes are at night. And you’re a night owl, anyway. So what’s the big deal?”
              “Don’t you guys ever get sick of it?” Lance finally burst out.
              Shiro and Keith looked at him cautiously. “What are you talking about, Lance?”
              “Come on, Shiro, look at me! The Reaper and all that bull, there’s no way you guys actually want to spend time with me! And even if you did, don’t you ever want just some time with Keith? Well, I’m trying to give that to you, except you guys won’t let me just leave so that I can leave you to it, and oh my God you probably hate me so much for taking up so much of your time, and I can’t believe I did this to you I’m so sorry, I-I just, I can’t, ugh, just let me—” But before Lance could dart for the door, Keith caught hold of his wrist, his own abilities coming in handy to keep ahold of Lance, even as the pictures on the walls and lamps rattled dangerously as Lance’s own powers spiked, black fog seeping out from beneath him. Lance’s eyes were tightly squeezed shut, and Shiro was careful as he approached and put a hand on Lance’s arm.
              “Lance. We like spending time with you, promise.”
              But Lance just shook his head, sobs now wracking his whole body. Keith let out a soft noise, drawing Lance close enough that he could wrap him up in a hug. Shiro enveloped them both, wrapping his arms around Keith’s back, and protecting Lance’s back as he did so. This close, Shiro didn’t need heightened senses to hear Keith whispering reassurances in Lance’s ear, and Shiro let himself join, knowing from past experience that the way his chest “rumbled” would help to soothe Lance further, and soon enough, Lance was swaying as his exhaustion hit him. Keith and Shiro worked together to maneuver Lance down the hall and into their own bed. They knew that this wasn’t going to solve all of their problems, but at least they could be there for their brilliant, bright boy tonight.
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