#Rhys POV
iamnoctisx · 2 months
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Maybe it’s time for a reread.
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hellogoodbye14 · 2 years
Breathe - Early ACOMAF Rhysand’s POV
Felt like making you lot cry today 👀. This is my version of Rhysand’s POV from early ACOMAF (pg64-65).
The agony is what woke him up. The sheer agony and feeling of emptiness which he felt everyday and every night.
He closed his eyes against the moonlight streaming in and rubbed his temple. His heart thundering a massive beat urging him to go, urging him to save her. He was fighting a constant battle with himself.
It’s her choice. It has to be her choice.
She’s dying.
She can’t.
But she is.
Another shot of sheer fear streamed down the pulsing bond. He felt her so clearly. Her heart thundered as confinement creeped in, the ceiling in her dream pushing down on her whilst she was chained to the floor.
Breathe darling.
He felt her rushed breath. And here he was - the most powerful High Lord.. completely and utterly helpless.
He heard her scream in the dream.
Breathe Feyre!, he shouted down the bond but her walls were barred shut with fear.
No one’s coming for me.
I’m here. You’re not alone.
He tried shouting again but it was to no avail.
His heart shattered when she thought to cry for her mother who never cared for her.
Feyre, please.
This time his voice broke and he felt her wake.
He got up and tried to control his rushed breathing while stroking a hand through sweat mottled hair. He muttered a thankful prayer to the Cauldron that her nightmare was over but stopped abruptly when he felt her get sick.
He quickly used his power to usher a cold night wind through her open window. He directed it to ruffle through her hair to dry the cold sweat.
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe.
She stumbled to the window and pushed it wider, gazing at the night sky. She rested her head against the cool wall and kept her gaze up to the twinkling lights.
Rhys felt a pang, knowing his mate found comfort from something which was so elemental to his power and nature. The bond pushed him to seek her, to save her, to care for her. And in that moment, how he wished to take her in his arms and comfort her as they gazed upon the night sky together.
He felt her tell herself that it would be fine after the wedding tomorrow and his pang deepened. She still had hope. She was going through with it. She was getting married to someone else tomorrow.
I just need you happy. If happy is away from me, then I wish it for you. Please be happy.
He cut off the contact making sure she was better and moved down towards the kitchens for a drink.
He contemplated the glass but decided to forgo it in favour of the bottle.
“Rough night brother?”
A deep voice uttered from behind him.
“Rough century. But the last few weeks have been particularly nasty.”
Cassian nodded in understanding and took out another bottle from the cabinet.
“You’re quieter more so than usual. You keep getting worse as a certain wedding looms closer.
Rhysand gave him a casual shrug, “The upcoming war has me worried is all.”
“You’ve always been terrible with lying to me. The Cursebreaker. There’s more to it isn’t there?”
“What do you mean?”, Rhysand asked chugging another generous gulp and avoiding Cassians gaze.
“She’s more to you isn’t she?”
Rhysand refused to answer because if anyone deserved to know first, it was her. And she wouldn’t know. Would never know.
“Leave it, Cass.”
He chucked Cassian on the shoulder good heartedly and turned away from his brother to leave.
“Rhys, who is she to you?”
He continued walking out, muttering under his breathe to himself silently, “She’s everything.”
Taglist: @meher-sumedha
@heartless - - aromantic
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A Court of Nightmares and Starlight | Chapter 5
Read the whole story here
A re-telling of ACOTAR (and a bit of ACOMAF) through Rhys POV when Feyre was looking and when she was not. What was our High Lord of Starlight scheming and thinking through it all?
Chapter 5/?: In this chapter Clare Beddor is brought Under the Mountain and Rhysand finds himself helping the human girl
The words echoed in my head. I have found Clare Beddor. I stopped in my tracks and turned to the Attor. “What was that now?” I asked, an eyebrow raised and a certain kind of coldness in my voice in order to not let the true nature of my emotions show. Confusion, shock, nausea… I was going through them all.
“I have found the girl.” The Attor said, that hissing voice making my hand curl into a fist. Oh, how I wanted to bash his ugly mug in. “Clare Beddor.” He added as if it was not clear enough. “My Lady is no longer mad at me.” It hissed a happy laugh. I looked at him in disgust, though he was way too happy to notice.
They had found Clare Beddor. They had found… But Clare Beddor did not exist. I was sure of it. I had sensed the lie, smelled it on her, heard her heart skip that treacherous beat. I had looked into her mind and seen no Clare Beddor. Not Tamlin calling her Clare, not Lucien, not no one. I had not looked for her name but there was no Clare. Clare Beddor had been a fabrication. So how did they find a person that does not exist?
I resumed my walk, masking boredom. “Are you sure you brought the right girl? Careful, now, Amarantha will not be happy after your earlier miserable failure.” I said, almost teasing. “Though, I must admit, I would rather enjoy watching her rip you apart limb from limb. Maybe she’ll start by clipping your wings.” I hummed. “Maybe she’ll pluck out your eyes and make a second ring out of one of them.”
The Attor looked at me with loathing in his eyes for I was questioning his “good work” and the affections of his queen. “Her name is Clare, she’s a human, the family was called Beddor.” The Attor growled at me, grabbing me by my shoulder to turn me to him. “You’ll find I am not used to fail, and I shall not let down my Lady again.” The Attor stared at me, and I stared right back but while his glare was full of hatred mine was full of indifference which I could feel was only upsetting him more. Slowly I moved my hand to shake off his and dusted off my jacket where his touch had landed.
I turned to walk again, sliding my hands to my pockets. Was. The family was called Beddor. They had killed the whole family. Nothing Amarantha hadn’t ordered them to do, but nothing they wouldn’t have done on their own accord. “Is that why you stink of burnt wood?” I asked, pursing my lips a bit. The expression of satisfaction on the Attor’s face was all I needed to have my answer. “Still better than your usual stench.”
We walked the rest of the way in silence. My mind was blank. Absolute silence. I was confused, I didn’t know what to expect when I walked into the Throne Room. I knew Clare Beddor was a fake name, I’d seen it in her mind and I’d known in the spot she was lying to me.
Never did I expect they would return with her, much less so fast. The Attor had to be lying, they had picked a random girl and said it was her. But what if it was her? I didn’t know why but something in me screamed at me, and I knew I couldn’t let her die.
For the first time in a long time, I could not think ahead of time for I had no idea what to expect. The silence was slowly replaced by a storm of different voices barking at me different possibilities. I could try to grab her and fly away, I was certainly faster than the Attor. I could try to winnow her out. I could deceive Amarantha and say it wasn’t the right girl, it wasn’t the girl I had seen at the manor in Spring Court. I could ask Amarantha to keep the girl for myself, saying I’d want to break her.
I would just know who they had caught and what I would do once I reached the Throne Room. The hallways and tunnels seemed to stretch, making my way to the destination much longer.
Continue reading on Ao3
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iwaitandhope · 2 years
My first fanfic! ACOTAR Chapter 42 from Rhys’s POV: The Last Night Under the Mountain
Grateful to inspiration from @illyriantremors and @madschofield!
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superharriet · 1 year
Rhysand's POV is one of my obsessions. I blame @illyriantremors for that💜
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shallyne · 2 years
Tammy doesn't know
That Feyre and me
Do it in the cabin on calanmai
She tells him "I am fine, I won't come back, don't come come looking for me"
But he doesn't listen
And little shit makes a deal with Hybern
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jayfeather323 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Feyre Archeron/Rhysand, Feyre Archeron & Rhysand Characters: Mor - Character, Cassian, Azriel, Amren, The Inner Circle Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Canon-Typical Violence, very slightly canon-divergent, inner circle love, Rhys needs a hug, bat boy angst, Post-UtM, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault Summary:
“I landed at the Night Court, right as Mor was waiting for me, and I was so frantic, so…unhinged, that I told her everything. I hadn’t seen her in fifty years, and my first words to her were, ‘she’s my mate.’ And for three months…for three months I tried to convince myself that you were better off without me.”
Rhys' pov for the three months after he comes back from under the mountain.
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Xisuma, going through the portal to Empires: This isn't the nether.
Cleo: It's not the nether, no. Great observational skills, X, as always.
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notawheelwalker · 5 months
None of the IC were aware of feysand’s death pact, which is the main reason they did what Rhysand ordered and didn’t tell Feyre that her pregnancy would be fatal. They don’t care about her outside of who she is to him. If he was willing to step aside and let his mate die while birthing the heir to his court, they didn’t care either.
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justascrollingghost · 2 months
The worst take is people using Nesta telling Feyre about the pregnancy as some huge positive mark for Nesta when the reality is that she used it as ammo to hit Feyre where it would hurt the most when she was pissed off. Imagine telling somebody they're going to die because you want to hurt them? Imagine sneering it at them whilst implying their family don't care and aren't doing anything but hiding it from her? Nesta was completely in the wrong - so completely and utterly in the wrong that it still shocks me when people defend her and say she did a good thing because she literally didn't? She told her to be nasty. That's it. There was no compassion or sisterly love or actual worry for her well-being when she told her like people paint there to be
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gwyns · 7 months
i like both rhys and nesta. they're both entitled to their emotions and reactions to things. i like that they don't get along that well, it makes their relationship interesting. they both have strengths and flaws, neither is inherently better than the other. stop having stan wars over fictional characters, it's weird as hell
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theladyofbloodshed · 4 months
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A few things:
Am I supposed to feel sorry for rich people with multiple houses when poor people are kicked out of their "hovels" because nesta dared live amongst them
Where are these other estates located? Where are these random towns in the Night Court that are never visited or mentioned or considered?
Some people were able to defect from the Hewn City - but no longer can? Those dreamers must stay put and suffer?
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timothylawrence · 2 years
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What isn't complicated is the fact that you were making googly eyes at my sister the entire time you were around!
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Rhys: I ran away to Costa Rica because explicit images scared me.
I have a feeling T and C shared way too much in the group chat and R left the group. XD
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iwaitandhope · 2 years
I wrote my first fanfic! ACOTAR Chapter 42 from Rhys’s POV.
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acourtoflight · 5 months
Breaking my silence. I’m ready to get stoned for this.
ACOFAS is better than ACOSF.
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