moistvonlipwig · 4 months
8, 9, 13?
assuming you're asking about weentulf as well:
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
see this is a spicy question. because the easy option for me here is to say something about how fandom at large thinks the worst of scott. but in the spirit of choosing violence i will instead plug this post i made in response to a post that was going around pro-scott fandom circles. to whit: i DO think scott has issues with male authority, and i think that makes him fucking awesome. male authority is usually bad! scott SHOULD have issues with it! and he does. king <3
9. worst part of canon
now there's many options for this -- boyd and erica's deaths are pretty egregious, i'm not a fan of killing allison either, the scott/stiles rift in s5 is really poorly handled, i hate lydia's relationships with both parrish and stiles, there's a lot of generally wonky writing on the show -- but for me the answer that will always eclipse all the rest is the fact that they wrote off kira, and not just that, but in such a nonchalant, disrespectful way to both kira and arden herself. it's what made me stop watching the show and it's what kept me from watching the movie. justice for kira always.
13. worst blorboficiation
i mean this has to be stiles. his fans don't even fucking like his canon version that's how hard he got blorbofied. rip canon stiles </3
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nightbringer24 · 5 months
@rhyslahey replied to your post “So there's an online Old World army builder, which...”:
seems accurate enough. I've got the ravening hordes pdf and from a quick glance all that looks right.
​Oh. Sweet.
I can mount an Empire officer on a demigrpyh. Awesome!!
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freddieslater · 2 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Brett Talbot x Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @rhyslahey
Brett stops Scott before he can knock on the door. Lori groans but he doesn't take another step, looking directly at Scott.
"You're absolutely positive we'll be safe here?" He doesn't ask because he doesn't trust Scott, but because he needs to see that he believes this is the right decision as well. For Lori's sake more than anything.
Scott understands. "I promise. No one is going to find you here. Not Monroe, not Gerard. Nobody knows this safe house exists outside of the pack."
He assured him of that before they even left, but now that they're in France, so far away... Far away is good. For the time being, at least, until things settle down and it's safe for them to return home.
"And this friend of yours, the one who lives here," Brett begins, eyebrows raising, "you're sure we can trust him?"
"Brett," Lori says impatiently. She can't stop looking around them every few seconds, worried they're going to be crept up on.
Scott nods once more and wholeheartedly says, "You can trust him. Isaac is one of us, and he knows we're here."
Taking a deep breath, he finally lets Scott go ahead and knock on the door. He keeps himself back a bit as footsteps approach them on the other side of the door. His arm slowly creeps out to push Lori back if necessary.
The door opens. They're immediately ushered inside, and Scott offers for them to go first but Brett insists. He walks in behind him, keeping Lori close at his heels.
For a safe house, it's a pretty nice apartment. They all move into a big room with two couches and double glass doors that lead out onto a balcony. The thin, grey curtains are drawn enough for him to spot the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
Brett turns his back to it as Isaac, he presumes, walks in. He and Scott have a moment together, sharing a hug and a general greeting. Then Scott turns to him and Lori with a smile.
"Guys, this is Isaac. An old friend," he says, and turns back to Isaac as he continues, "this is Brett and Lori. I told you what's been going on, and that they need somewhere to sort of lay low for a little while. We're hoping not more than a couple weeks."
"You never know with Gerard," Isaac says darkly. "I thought he was gone for good and now you tell me he's back. And with a new sidekick, like Kate wasn't bad enough?"
"Except, he's her sidekick, apparently."
There seems to be some doubt in that for both of them. Brett keeps his eyes on Isaac, and only shakes his head in response when he asks him and Lori if they want something to drink.
Isaac leaves the room to get some water and a croissant for Lori, who complained that she was starving, to Brett's annoyance. He did offer to get her breakfast at the airport and she called him overbearing.
"You'll both be fine here," Scott says to them softly. He seems to be talking more to Brett than to Lori, who's already wandering the room, admiring the framed art on the walls.
Brett says nothing, but glances around as well. It really doesn't look like a bad place. Maybe a bit more open than he would like for the place they're meant to be "hiding out" but it's high-up and in a whole other country from Monroe or Gerard. Could be worse. He and Lori could be dead.
Stepping closer to him, Scott lowers his voice like it'll make any difference. "Are you okay?"
For a second, he's tempted to admit that he's scared. Terrified, actually. Of being found. Losing Lori. Being in a place so far from the only people they were able to call family. His stomach lurches at the thought of Satomi.
He clenches his teeth and nods, forcing a tight smile. "Mhm."
"I can stay tonight, if that would help. But I would need to go back tomorrow. With everything going on back in Beacon Hills, I can't stay too long," Scott says, looking and sounding like he feels horrible about it.
"It's fine," Brett says. "I get it. They need you. We'll be fine here, like you said." His eyes dart to the kitchen door where he can see Isaac buttering Lori's croissant. He nods his head toward him. "And he seems nice enough."
Scott nods with full sincerity. "He's one of the best I know."
Then Brett decides. This Isaac guy must be the real deal. When Isaac returns to them a moment later and offers him a glass of water, he accepts it with a slight smile of gratitude.
"Feel free to head through to the bedroom and get some sleep," Isaac tells him, glancing back at Lori as well, then turning back to flick his eyes up and down Brett's rigid form. "You look like you're about to drop dead from exhaustion."
Lori snickers. Brett narrows his eyes at him. His mouth curls into the first real smile in the past forty-eight hours or so.
"I'll remember to throw on some makeup next time I'm on the run," he replies dryly. "Thanks for the compliment, Jean-Paul."
"You know I'm not actually French."
"That's a shame," Brett says, unscrewing the lid from his bottle. He walks around him and Scott, pointing down the hallway they came in through. "Bedroom's down here?"
"Yeah, on the right." Isaac then turns to Scott and Lori in confusion as Brett goes to find the room. "Why's that a shame?"
He smirks to himself as Lori wearily answers, "He's always said he wants to date a French guy. Or even just one who can speak the language semi-fluently."
"Oh," Isaac says. After a beat, "I'm pretty fluent."
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peninkwrites · 2 months
I got a short research stay grant so I’m now in France and I’m going to be re-reading you’d scisaac series in the tram every day 😁
Yooo that’s awesome!! Congrats! Hope it goes well for you :D That fic is loosely researched at best, so have fun reading about my fake France while you’re in the real one lmao
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msginnymalfoy · 2 years
Do we have any more Daniel Sharman news <3? I've been very disconnected these weeks ...
nothing much, he's literally disappeared after the "gran hotel" mv. But we did get some info from the convention.
About Teen Wolf movie:
During the Teen Wolf panel we asked Daniel Sharman if he would participate in the Teen Wolf movie.
He responded by saying, “There is news that everyone needs to know.” And he completed saying that he will NOT be part of the movie! Soon we will post the video! #EpixAndChill
- dsharmanews (twitter)
About his next project (ATCM):
A TOWN CALLED MALICE | During the Daniel Sharman M&G, he talked about ATCM, it’s about a trio of brothers and set in the 1980s, and he is the middle brother (Kelly Lord)who thinks he is a rock star.But he's really not a big star, he just thinks he is more important than he is.
He also said that the outfits of his character are very colorful and flamboyant and that he has a wonderful mullet. A Town Called Malice will be on Sky tv in the United Kingdom, and either HBO or Sky Atlantic in the USA.
- dsharmanews/rharsin (twitter)
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madeofstardust17 · 1 year
I don't know why I didn't know your AO3 name until just now, but you're up for a (belated) surprise
No ones ever done that before
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letthestorieslive · 2 years
What is your favouritest tea ever?
Aaaaaaaaaah, this is such a difficult question !
I love a good english breakfast tea. It was my first tea ever and it got me hooked so fast, so forever in my heart. Caramel tea is also one of my favorites, it powered me through my two years of prep school and now I drink it when I'm in a need of cheering up.
Then, one of my friends introduce me to Palais des thés (a shop selling exclusively loose tea) and I discovered green tea and white tea, and I was a lost cause. At first, I bought tea anytime I thought it smelled good but it's tricky. Now anything fruity, or with cranberry, or with hibiscus is a big yes.
Any Clipper tea is also a big yes. They are so good and the wrapping is really cute like with stylised strawberries, or lemons, or cups of tea, or dragons (I'm a simple woman eh ?).
So, right now, my favouritest tea ever is a white raspberry tea.
Here, as a threat :
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yharnamsnewslug · 1 year
What I like about cosmic horror* in particular is the fact that our knowledge of the universe and science in general keeps expanding (and as an archaeologists all talk about astronomy and physics and quantum begins to sound like magic at times), but there is still more. And there will always be more to know. The more we know, the more we acknowledge that there is Far More that we Don't Know. And we know for a fact that most of the things we Think We Know are only make-do explanations, waiting for something that will explain mystery X/Y/Z better. Since truth is (and cannot be) an absolute thing (yeah, scientists, that will not happen and cannot happen), we have to survive with Circumstantial Certainties; things that make sense now.
And we're all happy with these temporary truths.
The leap into the cosmic horror side of knowledge is that while fiction can concoct all sorts of scenarios about what we Don't Know that try to give a glimpse of the Actual Truth (or, rather, a More Accurate Truth), we cannot be certain that they are not correct. And there is always a chance that we can come up with an explanation that adds more sense to something, but that implies dismantling all other Circumstantial Certainties. Admitting that we are living just thinking about temporal lies that fit our understanding of the world then gets a ball rolling that are quite interesting thinking exercises, because they end up with "what's the point of anything?" and "it matters not what we do" if everything in the vastness of the universe is beyond our understanding and comprehension.
Most stories about cosmic horror end up being about this transition from knowing to more-knowing and the feeling of emptiness, the actual terror that you get when realising you're not just living a massive lie, but that you're living a lie that is Universally and Absolutely pointless, that nothing matters in the Larger Scheme and that the Forces Beyond could just put everything to an end. Perhaps I, as an archaeologists who intends to expand our knowledge of something very particular about our own minute and inconsequential past [circumstantially speaking], am more interested in this kind of horror.
*NB: despite general views on the topic, cosmic horror is NOT about tentacled monsters from beyond time and space. They are cool too, but cosmic horror can be much more nuanced and not only Lovecraftian. Cosmic horror is about the pointlessness of existence and the dread that comes from really Finding Out.
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Abso-fucking-lutely!!!! It's the reason why I love Bloodborne so much, because while it DOES have tentacled monsters and shit running around, the story focuses so much on what humans do with the knowledge that we're given, the knowledge that we tear away forcibly, and the consequences of it!!!! It's the HUBRIIIIIIIIS!!!!
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
30 and 74?
20. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished?
i'm happy to share rough drafts in the sense that they're not finished yet, but i don't really HAVE "rough drafts" because i don't....do drafts?? 😂 like, i don't write something roughly and then rewrite to polish it. i very much edit and polish as i go so that, when i reach the end of the story, it's done and ready to post. so when i share my rough drafts, there's nothing in there usually that i'm not proud of and ready to have read by the public.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
if the UST is indicated by any mention of eyelashes fanning across cheeks, it's probably mine, alkdfjgh
send me fic writer asks!
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akitforlife · 2 years
So I am writing a paper on Classical werewolf elements in Teen Wolf (there are a few!), so as part of my research I'm dwelling a bit into Greek and Latin werewolf folklore. This is what I have written so far...:
Greek and Roman stories of humans transforming into wolves fit only with difficulty in the established categories of ‘werewolf’ that appear in the literature about the supernatural,[1] because they are a range of examples where humans transforming into wolves at will, forcefully, regularly, permanently, and temporarily. Some of the human-wolf transformation stories can be excluded from proper werewolf lore, as they involve witches, sorcerers and herb collectors transforming themselves or other people. These include mentions of Circe turning men into wolves,[2] shamans deep in Scythia who could turn their people into wolves,[3] and witches and herb-collectors like Meroe who could turn whenever they wanted.[4] Similarly, ‘lycanthropy’ was considered to be a medical condition in later medical treatises; a melancholy of sorts that caused those who suffered it to vague at night time around the streets with dogs (and wolves), bumping their shins against tombstones.[5]
However, at least nine stories of true werewolves have come down to us in various forms, and they are a testimony to the rich werewolf folklore of the Classical world.[6] The most famous example nowadays is the story-within-the-story about the soldier in the Satyricon.[7] In this story, Niceros tells during Trimalchio’s dinner how he was travelling with a soldier who, during the night, took off his clothes by a monument in a graveyard, pissed around them, and turned into a wolf while his clothes turned to stone. The most repeated and widely-circulated story in antiquity, nevertheless, is that of Lycaon of Arcadia and the rites associated with the cult of Zeus Lykaios, which will be detailed below.
From these Classical stories about wolf shape-shifters, however, we cannot create a ‘Classical werewolf archetype’ that matches every story. This is, above all, because werewolves belonged in Greek and Latin folklore, and their sole purpose was to be the main focus of a story. Because of this, they were never part of a larger narrative (or an educated one, Lycaon being the main exception), and the werewolf existed in the way and form required by the story it appeared in.[8] We can, however, highlight a handful main characteristics that seem common across these tales.
To start with, Classical werewolves all show a full transformation from human to wolf and vice versa, without it being possible which one is the ‘original’ shape. From this we can infer that these werewolves kept their human sense of self even while in wolf form.[9] This preservation of the human consciousness is key, because werewolves in wolf form must be able to take certain conscious decisions in order to shift back. Discarding their human clothes and recovering themwere essential steps in the transition human-wolf-human, and the same could be said about avoiding human contact or interaction with other humans.[10] Also, the way becoming a werewolf was transmitted was not through a bite or a scratch, but rather by breaking bread with a stranger,[11] something perhaps designed to warn travellers, as a moral to werewolf stories. Lastly, we find that their eyes glow, sometimes with fire, to signify their supernatural essence.[12]
The stories about Lycaon are intrinsically connected with a series of religious rituals that existed in Arcadia and that were focused around the cult of Zeus Lykaios, offerings that included human sacrifices, and rites of passage.[13] These were already discussed in Platonic texts and compiled by Herodotus,[14] but Pliny discusses these rituals and links them to werewolf folklore (fabulae), albeit if simply to underline the gullibility of the Greeks. Pliny and, later, Pausanias, mention how during the ceremonies linked to the temple of Zeus Lykaios, local young men go through a rite of passage in which, after de-robing themselves and making the recommended offerings, they cross a pond from which they emerge as wolves, and they live in that wolf form for years (up to nine), only to return back home as men if they abstain from having contacts with other humans, eating human flesh, or staring into a man’s eyes.[15]
These defining characteristics do not seem to be much, but are already very different from medieval perceptions of the werewolf ―the kind of which are later adapted in nineteenth-century Gothic literature and, from them, to modern fiction.[16] Classical werewolves do not ‘shift’ into wolf-human hybrids, nor do they become senseless monsters; and if they go on killing sprees, it is usually sheep that are the target, not directly other humans.[17] In some aspects they are similar, since werewolves follow deeply-rooted Indo-European tales of the dangers that lie beyond the known space, especially in the forest where wolves dwell, [18] and it is possible that the moon had an effect on their transformation,[19] but the werewolves of Classical folklore fail to match the current expectations of werewolves in fiction.
[1] Ogden (2021) 7, n. 27, citing de Blécourt (2015).
[2] Hom. Od. 10.210.
[3] Hdt. 4.105.2.
[4] E.g.: Apul. Met. 2.22-5; Verg. Ecl. 8-9.
[5] Metzger (2015).
[6] Ogden (2021) 206-7.
[7] Petron. 61-2.
[8] Odgen (2021) 8-9, 210.
[9] Odgen (2021) 7.
[10] Ogden (2021) 82-4.
[11] Petron. 62. Niceros swears he would not share food with the man after finding out he was a werewolf: nec postea cum illo panem gustare potui, non si me occidisses. Cf. Ogden (2021) 99.
[12] Ov. Met. 1.238 idem oculi lucent; cf. Ov. Am. 1.8.15-6, Philostr. VA 4.10.
[13] Odgen (2021) 178-86.
[14] Ps. Plato Min. 315b-c and Hdt. 7.197, as cited by Ogden (2021).
[15] Plin. Nat. 8.80-1; Paus. 8.2.6. Cf. Gordon (2015) 47.
[16] Crossen (2019).
[17] Gordon (2015).
[18] Bernhardt-House (2006) 160.
[19] Odgen (2021) 191-2.
I had never heard of like actual lycanthropy diagnoses?? That’s sick. “Bumping shins against tombstones” what a symptom!!
And the idea of being unable to pin down the archetype by virtue of werewolves being designed however the story needed them to be– so true!! I hadn’t thought about that but it definitely changes how our perceptions of what a werewolf is "supposed" to be.
And the breaking bread story– I understand it serving as a warning, that makes sense, but there’s something very sweet there too. Taking that idea and putting it in a teen wolf lens (how can I not?) it just indicates something more built on community which I love!
Thank you sm for sharing!! :D
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
Scisaac for the bingo?
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apologies to all the scisaac warriors out there including yourself but isaac only entertains me when he is mean to stiles. however i get why people ship scisaac, they had a nice bond
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nightbringer24 · 5 months
@rhyslahey replied to your post “Do you think Beastmen suffer from things like...”:
Mad cow disease, surely?
​I mean... eh. They are cannibals, no compunction on eating other beastmen when the opportunity presents itself... but I think with their nature as Beasts of Chaos, prion disease is probably not something they need to worry about.
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freddieslater · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Oooh yes I will never pass up a chance to talk about my fics, let's go!
Bubbles, Bards, and Ballads - The Witcher | Yennskier (I just really liked writing this one, the general dynamic between Yennefer and Jaskier was fun to explore)
Closing Time - EastEnders | Bobby x Freddie (I hadn't properly written them in an established relationship - even a secret one - so this was a really nice change and I just loved being able to incorporate some extra softness and flirtiness into their usual banter)
I watched it begin again - Glee | Blam (Technically I still haven't finished this rewrite of season 6 because I keep getting so distracted but I did love it deeply while working on it and it makes my heart happy to think about <3)
I now pronounce you... - Outlander | John x Bree (While this one was technically an ask box prompt on here, it was one of my absolute favourites to ever come out of anything I've written on here. Their dynamic is so engaging and I enjoyed delving deeper into it.)
a dance for the decades - Legacies | Landizzie, Kope, Mosie (I just couldn't get my head out of this AU and I got so lost in it, exploring the different dynamics that we didn't get a ton of in canon.)
Thank you so much for sending this to me!! <3
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peninkwrites · 6 months
Postcard from Greece:
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The Rotunda of Galerius! (with pretty mosaics and a brick dome supported by concatenated arches that divert the load of the dome to the concrete foundations)
Wow that is absolutely incredible!!! It’s insane to think that it’s stood for, what, over a thousand years?? They made some quality arches huh. And the mosaics are beautiful, it must have looked magical in its prime. Truly, thank you so much for sharing this. This type of enduring history brings me so much joy.
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msginnymalfoy · 1 year
Hullo! How’s everything going?
Hey!! Everything is good! just taking a break from one hyper fixation to focus on other ones for sometime for mental peace 😜
How are you?
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domesticated-feral · 1 year
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