#not me jumping around excitedly like 9 year old
madeofstardust17 · 1 year
I don't know why I didn't know your AO3 name until just now, but you're up for a (belated) surprise
No ones ever done that before
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2 notes · View notes
imaginespazzi · 11 days
Part 9: These Moments Of Ours
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8
Just crash, it's our time now (to make this work second time around)
(In which a people-pleasing author gives the people what they've been begging for)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Fluff with a little bit Angst
Words: 7.2K Words
TW: Explicit Sexual Content, Swearing
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3 Thank you for being oh so patient with me because I know I really made y'all wait and hopefully it'll be worth the wait. I'm gonna keep this pretty short and sweet today so onto the usual. Please keep sending me your thoughts and theories; they're the best motivation a girl could ask for. I did edit but feel free to point out the inevitable typos/mistakes. As always, let me know what you liked, what you disliked and what you'd like to see going forward. Have a lovely rest of your week my loves :)
April 2030 
UConn 84   Notre Dame 82 
The blue and white section of the Moda Center crowd erupts in cheers as the final buzzer rings through the stadium. Confetti rains down on the court as the UConn Huskies are crowned national champions once again. Paige’s scream is drowned out by KK’s louder whoop as the two of them excitedly wrap their arms around each other, jumping up and down like they’re college students all over again. 
“Oh okay, love the inclusion,” Ice rolls her eyes but it morphs into a grin as her former teammates pull her into their group hug, all three of them making a ruckus that’s drowned out by the crowd around them roaring in excitement. 
“Can y’all be a little quieter. I’m tryna mourn my Irish in peace,” Sonia says lousily, glaring at them in irritation as she fiddles with her clover bracelet. 
“Oh cheer up Citron,” Paige teases her Wings teammate, “at least y’all finally made it back to the Final Four.”
“Fuck all the way off Bueckers-”
“GO HUSKIES,” a loud voice interrupts Sonia’s grumbling as Jana rushes into their section, the Valkyries center smiling vibrantly as she crashes into her old friends, “BLEED BLUE BABY!”
“Bleed blue!” the three UConn faithful chorus back as Sonia glumly saunters over to Maddy Westbeld who had come over with Jana, the two Fighting Irish alum sharing a commiserating hug. 
“This is why everyone finds you Huskies insufferable,” Maddy says with disgust. 
“Because we just keep winning? There, there little leprechauns,” Ice taunts, light-heartedly patting Maddy and Sonia’s heads as both of them bristle and flash the Wings forward with a synchronized middle finger, “I’m sure you’ll catch up to us never.”
Paige is about to join in on the ribbing when KK turns to Jana with a frown, “where’s Azzi? I thought all of y’all came together.”
She shouldn’t care this much anymore. It’s been five years and Paige thinks it’s a little ridiculous how quickly her ears perks up at the mention of her girlfriend, thinks it’s a little pathetic how she leans in closer to Jana, embarrassingly eager to hear the answer to KK’s question. 
“We did. She wanted to go call her parents to check on Stephie,” Jana explains. 
KK rolls her eyes, her face as disappointed as Paige feels, “of course she did.”
“What’s that supposed to mean,” Jana narrows her eyes at the shorter woman, a protective edge to her tone.  
“It means that this avoidance bullshit Azzi’s on is pretty fucking tired,” KK sneers. 
“KK bro chill,” Ice steps in immediately, looking worriedly between her two friends as Jana’s eyes flash with fire. 
“She’s checking on her daughter KK. She’s not trying to avoid anything,” Jana’s quietness is in stark contrast with the loud cheers around them and Paige swallows the guilt clawing at her throat. This is their fault. Her and Azzi’s. They’d caused an earthquake in their own lives and the aftershocks had rippled throughout their friends and families, creating rubble where there had once been solid foundations. 
KK laughs bitterly, “she had to check on her daughter right now? The game ended like three fucking seconds ago and she couldn’t just wait?”
“You’re being unfair.”
“Why are you always defending her?”
“Because she’s my teammate and it’s not all her fault,” Jana spits out, eyes briefly darting towards Paige who digs her fingernails into her palm, “it’s not her fault that she doesn’t always feel welcome around certain people.”
“And how about the rest of us people who’d really like to see her once in a while?” hurt tinges in KK’s words, “she can’t put the other shit aside for one fucking second?”
Jana opens her mouth, ready to defend her Azzi again but before she can speak, a calm voice cuts in, “hi guys.”
Goosebumps rush up Paige’s arms as she takes in the sight of the ex-girlfriend. There’s nothing extravagant to Azzi’s outfit, a simple UConn sweatshirt paired with black ripped jeans and minimal jewelry but she looks as radiant as always. There’s an awkward tension in the air as Azzi warily takes in the way KK and Jana are still glaring at each other. Her eyes accidentally lock with Paige and the blonde can see the same guilt of this is our collateral damage reflected back in those dark brown orbs. 
“Hi Azzi,” Ice is the first one to break the silence, wrapping the Valkyries shooting guard in a hug, “how’s Stephanie?”
Paige watches as Azzi’s eyes light up at the mention of her daughter's name, all of her previous apprehension gone as she begins to gush about the little girl, “she’s good. Somehow manipulated my dad into letting her stay up past her bedtime but good. She’s only two years old but already such a damn menace,” the brunette’s gaze wanders over to KK, “I guess that was to be expected huh? Any child of mine was bound to be one.”
KK cracks a half smile, bumping her shoulder against Jana’s as a truce sign, “you call it being menace, we call it being smart as hell right El Alfy?”
“Dude that’s what I tell her every time,” Jana immediately accepts the white flag, slinging an arm around the shorter woman, “Azzi just has genius children. Me, you, Nés and now Stephie.”
Ice gawks at the two of them, “seriously?”
“Well you see Ice, statistically she can’t have all genius children. Someone needed to be average,” KK mocks, high-fiving a giggling Jana. 
“Are y’all seeing this bullying?” Ice rounds on Paige and Azzi, hands on her hips with dramatically wide eyes, “are y’all really gonna let them bully your favorite child like this?”
“We don’t have favorites,” Paige and Azzi say at the same, pausing abruptly at the resurgence of familiar synchronicity between them. They glance briefly at each other, shuffling nervously, before immediately looking away. 
“I hate all of y’all,” Ice pouts, petulantly folding her arms against her chest. 
“Aw cheer up Icey,” Jana pats the top of Ice’s head, “how about a round of shots at the hotel bar to cheer you up?” she turns to Maddy and Sonia, who’d been having their own conversation, with a devilish grin, “losing team’s paying.”
“Y’all are sore winners,” Maddy huffs. 
Paige’s eyes dart towards Azzi, waiting for the younger woman to come up with a shallow excuse like she usually does to get out of having to spend more time with the blonde than necessary. And she knows that it’s unfair of her, knows that it’s only natural for someone to actively avoid being stuck in the same place as their past -thinks only a fool like her could want to be in their ex’s presence- but every time Azzi escapes being around her, Paige can’t help the disappointment that curls in her stomach. 
“Y’all coming,” KK asks, a slight edge to her voice as she twists to look at Paige and Azzi. 
“Of course,” Paige grins, locking arms with Sonia who immediately groans, “I’m not passing up free drinks. Especially not when the Irish are paying.”
“Az?” KK’s eyes are hopeful. 
Azzi bites her lip and Paige can almost see the cogs turning in her brain before she schools her features into a soft smile, “yeah. I’ll come.”
Paige isn’t sure how it happens. Well actually, that’s not quite right. She definitely has an idea of how it happened. She’s not quite sure when KK, Ice and Jana had had time to devise the plan but she’s certain that’s how it happened. Because really, there’s no other reasonable explanation for how she and Azzi have ended up being the only two people, from their previous party of seven, that are still sitting at the bar. Maddy and Sonia had left first, muttering under their breaths about not wanting to be around insufferable winners. Ice had been the next to leave, making up an excuse about how she wanted to call her boyfriend. Then Jana had apparently needed the bathroom. When she hadn’t returned in a solid 15 minutes, it was KK’s turn. A barely disguised grin and a hard-to-believe lie of  I think Jana got lost, I should go help her on her lips as she’d excused herself to the sound of Paige and Azzi’s protests. 
The two of them sit in awkward silence for a bit until Azzi suddenly bursts out laughing, the corner of her eyes crinkling. Paige regards her with amusement, trying to ignore the way the sound of the younger woman laughing feels like hearing her favorite song come on in the car on a warm summer road trip. 
“You’re a little young to be going crazy,” she remarks. 
“Shut up,” Azzi rolls her eyes, lightly punching Paige’s shoulder, “it’s just- they’re still all really shitty liars.”
Paige laughs, “and they still come up with the dumbest plans.”
“Do you remember when they locked us in the Werth changing rooms when we had that stupid fight-”
“Hey,” Paige interrupts indignantly, “it wasn’t stupid-”
“It was definitely stupid-”
“You asked Carol to drive you to rehab instead of me.”
“Because you had practice at the same time.”
“I wouldn’t have minded being five minutes late to practice.”
Azzi snorts, “more like half an hour and you sure as shit wouldn’t have been fine when coach would have yelled at you and made you run suicides after.”
“I wouldn’t have cared,” Paige shrugs, “running suicides would have been worth it for an extra hour with you.”
Azzi stares at her, mouth opening and closing several times before she finally looks away, a soft sigh falling from her lips, “you’re doing it again.”
“I’m not doing anything,” Paige says, unable to keep the defensiveness from creeping into her words. 
“You are,” Azzi slips off the barstool, “you are and you don’t even know it.”
“Azzi,” Paige curls her hand around the other woman’s bicep, pulling her in to stop her from leaving and it’s a bad idea because now they’re too close and her heartbeat quickens immediately at the fact that if she leaned in just a little bit more, there would be no more space left between them, “what am I doing?”
“You’re- you-” Azzi stutters, gulping as her eyes briefly flicker down to Paige’s lips, “you’re making me feel.”
“Making you feel what?” Paige presses. 
For a second, Paige thinks Azzi might just give in to her heart, might just tell the truth but then something hardens in her face, and the next word that slips out of her mouth has both of them going rigid, “how’s your wife Paige?”
“I should go to bed,” Azzi says firmly, trying to wriggle out of Paige’s tightening grip. 
“I have an early flight and I should probably wake up a little earlier than I normally would cause you know Jana’s gonna need me to wake her up,” Azzi rambles still trying to twist her arm out of Paige’s hold. 
“Hold on-”
“Can you just let go of me-”
“I’m trying to tell-”
“I really need to get to bed-’
“I have to go-”
“Azzi I’m getting a divorce,” Paige bursts out; the admission feels light a heavy weight off her chest.
Azzi stops fighting against the blonde’s grip, “oh.”
“We’ve- um-” Paige’s throat feels dry as Azzi’s eyes continue to bore into her, “we’ve been separated for a while and I finally-uh- finally filed the papers a little while ago. So um- to your question- I uh- I don’t know how she is because I- I don’t- there uh- there isn’t- there isn’t a wife.”
There’s silence for a bit as Azzi’s head bops up and down as she processes Paige’s revelation, “I’m um-” she clears her throat, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s not like it’s your fault,” and that’s not completely true -not when Olivia had repeatedly thrown the past back in Paige’s face- but she doesn’t think Azzi needs to know that, doesn’t want the younger woman to feel guilty for things beyond her control. She’s confused when Azzi flinches, like a memory has just pinched her nerves. 
“Right,” Azzi bites, “I really should- I really should be going to bed.”
Something gloomy settles across Paige’s heart as she nods at the brunette’s words, slipping out of her own chair as they start walking towards the elevator in the lobby. She feels antsy, like she’s leaving something incomplete. The silence rings loud between them as they wait for the elevator doors to open, keeping as much distance as they can from each other. It feels like ages before the familiar ding! finally rings out around them. Despite the abundance of room inside, the doorway into the elevator is rather condensed and their shoulders brush against each other as they make their way inside. Audible sighs involuntarily roll off of their tongues at the brief second of contact as they both shiver from each other’s familiar touch. There’s enough space now that they could easily move away -they probably should move away- but instead they stay pressed together. The sound of their uneven breathing fills the elevator as the doors close in front of them.
“I’m uh- I’m on the third floor,” Azzi says as she presses the #3 button, “you?”
“Fifth,” Paige breathes out, eyes fixated on the goosebumps that appear on the back of Azzi’s neck as her hands shake while pushing the #5 button. 
The elevator jolts up and Paige immediately reaches for Azzi’s hips to steady her, eliciting a small gasp from the other woman. She waits for Azzi to move away but the brunette stays put and Paige doesn’t move her hands. 
The doors open on the third floor. Both of them suck in a sharp breath. 
Azzi doesn’t get out. 
Paige wakes up to the dreadful sound of her alarm clock blaring around her room. It takes a second before the memories of last night start pounding against her skull. Her body aches in the best way possible. The room is still dark -just like it had been last night- and she closes her eyes, trying to revisit the feeling of Azzi’s lips pressed against her forehead, right before the younger woman -with her hair disheveled and bitemarks littered across her jawline-  had left Paige’s room. 
Paige hadn’t asked Azzi to stay. She wonders if she should have; wonders if Azzi would have agreed if she’d asked. But she hadn’t asked and Azzi hadn’t stayed. She regrets it a little bit. She wonders if Azzi does too. And Paige thinks that maybe that’s just the melancholic truth about their tragic story. 
Maybe they’re destined to always regret. 
April 2033
Paige thinks Azzi’s guest room air conditioning must be broken or something. There’s no other explanation for why, despite having kicked off every single blanket, she feels like she’s tossing and turning in red hot lava. She feels restless, like she has a purpose that she’s leaving unfulfilled. All the different scenes from tonight are rushing through her head, but her heart keeps stuttering on the last one; an image of the way Azzi had looked at her before they’d kissed good night. 
Azzi had asked her to stay even if she’d hidden it under a lame disguise of it being too late and Paige being too angry to drive home alone. And it’s not completely false that her blood is still boiling, their little encounter with fucking asshole still dangerously lingering in her mind as she thinks of the 101 ways she would have liked to murder him. But they both know that the minute Azzi had run her hand down Paige’s back, the moment she’d called her baby, the moment she’d given her the reassurance she was too scared to ask for but needed desperately, Paige had felt all the anger in her body replaced by that familiar sense of calm only Azzi had ever been able to provide. 
And after that had been decided, they’d both hesitated in the hallway, looking back and forth between Azzi’s master bedroom and the guestroom. Paige doesn’t know what had possessed her, why she’d decided tonight of all nights to play this false chivalrous rule-abiding good girl persona when it was the last thing she wanted to do. Because the last couple of weeks had been hell. The stupid rules had been hell. Going slow had been hell. Having to pull away from Azzi and walk out the door every night when all she wanted to was to lose herself in the brunette’s arms had been hell. But she’d done it for Azzi. She’d done it because there isn’t a thing in the world that she wouldn’t do for Azzi. Except tonight had been different. There had been that look on Azzi’s face -the way the younger woman had bitten her lips, the way her eyes had been hooded over, the way her cheeks had been flushed as her gaze roamed over Paige’s body- and  it had morphed into one of pure disappointment when Paige had said she’d take the guestroom. 
You’re a fucking idiot Paige Bueckers, she thinks to herself as she bolts right up, the image finally burning a little too bright behind her eyelids to continue this façade of trying to sleep. Perhaps it’s pointless. It’s late and Azzi loves her sleep; there’s no way she’s awake. But Paige slides out of bed anyways, breathing unevenly as she turns on the nightlight and walks towards her door. She doesn’t have a plan, doesn’t have any idea what she’d even say if Azzi is, by some miracle of god, even awake. But fuck it, Paige needs to see this through. She pauses at the door, hands wrapping around the cold handle as she gives herself one more chance to back out. Really, she doesn’t even know why she’s so nervous. It’s Azzi. Her Azzi. 
Paige twists the handle to tug the door open. 
Azzi’s eyes widen in surprise, her fisted hand -that had clearly been raised to knock on the mahogany door- freezing in place as she swallows and Paige is mesmerized by the way it highlights the veins in her neck. Her eyes move downwards, fixating on where Azzi’s oversized t-shirt hangs looser on one-side, leaving her right shoulder and collarbone on display. The shirt right above her thighs, giving Paige the perfect display of Azzi’s toned long legs looming beneath and the blonde gulps at the sight. 
“Hi,” Azzi speaks first, the low graveliness in her tone causing a coil of want to wrap itself around Paige’s stomach. 
“Hey,” Paige whispers back, “couldn’t sleep?”
Azzi bites her lip, “no- I just uh-, people always say- like when Jana sleeps over or something- she always says that- that the guest room is um- it’s too cold so I just- I wanted to make sure- wanted to ask-” she clears her throat, taking a step forward as she look earnestly at Paige, “are you cold?”
“So cold,” Paige confirms, moving closer to Azzi so their chests are almost touching. 
“You could um-” Azzi licks her teeth, “you could stay in Stephie’s room-” 
“I could?” Paige asks, pressing herself flush against the younger woman, hands wrapping around her waist. There’s barely space for air between them but she wants to get closer, wants to stitch herself into Azzi’s skin and keep them intertwined forever. 
“You could but,” Azzi’s hand trails Paige’s biceps, causing the blonde to shiver, before finally interlocking around her neck, “I think- I think her bed might be a little small for you.”
“Way too small,” Paige breathes against Azzi’s skin as she nips at the brunette’s jawline, before ghosting her lips against her neck, leaving a trail of mine mine mine down her throat.
“Paige,” Azzi’s voice is breathless as she tilts her head, hissing when Paige bites harshly right above her collarbone, immediately soothing it with her tongue, “I think- I think-fuck” she cuts herself with a moan as Paige turns them around, maneuvering them back towards the bed that suddenly looks far more inviting then it had before,  “I just think-”
“You think too much,” Paige says softly, finally removing her lips from Azzi’s skin -she misses the taste of it immediately- so she can smile teasingly at the brunette. 
“Do I?” Azzi grins dopily. 
Paige rolls her eyes, continuing to walk them backwards, “way, way too much.”
They’re forced to a halt when the back of Azzi’s thighs collide against the backframe of the bed. It feels like a turning point, like they could unlock a new chapter or keep themselves on the one they’re already on. And while Paige would really to skip forward, she’ll be okay with whatever happens next as long as the story being written is still theirs, still about her and Azzi. 
“Paige,” Azzi whispers again -and Paige loves the way Azzi’s lips curl around the syllable of her name- as she bunches the blonde’s shirt in her hands, “make me stop thinking.”
“Whatever you want baby,” Paige promises before they both go tumbling into the mattress, their lips colliding in a heated kiss. It feels like they’re trying to meld themselves into each other, like their bodies are carving out an indent of you and i just always feel right against the bedsheets. 
“I want this off,” Azzi breathes out between kisses, hands lifting the edge of Paige’s shirt, “off, off, off.”
“So bossy,” Paige smirks, leaning up off of Azzi to take off her shirt in a tantalizingly slow manner, enjoying the way the brunette’s eyes darken as they glide across her abs first and then her breasts, “enjoying the sho- fuck Az.”
The words are stolen from her mouth as Azzi swirls her tongue around one erect nipple, her hands cupping Paige’s ass to balance the blonde on top of her. She’s always known exactly how to get Paige to shut the fuck up. Paige groans as Azzi flips them over, shifting herself to press her thigh in between Paige’s legs and the blonde can’t help but grind up against it, desperate for some much needed friction, as Azzi sucks a possessive bruise against her jaw. 
“Missed this,” Azzi whispers, as she kisses down Paige’s neck, “and this,” a kiss pressed against her collarbone, “and these,” Azzi presses her lips softly to each breast, “and this,” against Paige’s stomach, “and these,” two featherlight kisses are peppered against her hip bones, “and I really missed these.”
“Azzi,” Paige moans as the brunette’s lips glide across the inside of her thighs, taking her sweet time marking only i could ever make you feel like this against every inch of Paige’s skin. 
Azzi stops right above the edge of Paige’s boxers before slowly peeling them off as sparkling brown eyes staring up at her with a myriad of unspoken emotions that Paige could spend a lifetime trying to memorize, “missed all of this. Missed everything about you. Missed you so much baby.”
Vulnerability echoes in Azzi’s voice as she slowly moves herself back up, hands coming to cup Paige’s face as they press their foreheads together. And it’s not like she hadn’t known that Azzi must have missed her in these last couple of years. But there’s a part of Paige that had thought that there was no way Azzi could have missed her as much as she missed Azzi. Because missing Azzi had felt all consuming, like there was a constant noose around her neck that got tighter and tighter with every day that passed by. But there’s something about the way the words reverberate around the room, something about the way Azzi looks like she can finally breathe again after saying it out loud that it hits Paige; it hits her that they’ve both been suffocating without each other. 
“I missed you too,” she breathes out, tears pooling at the edge of her eyes, “missed you so fucking much Azzi.”
“Yeah?” Azzi whispers, lips catching the lone tear that falls from Paige’s eyes, “how much?”
Paige shudders as Azzi’s fingers teasingly ghost over her wet folds, “s-so much. Azzi please. Need it so bad. Need you so bad.”
“Whatever you want baby,” Azzi repeats Paige’s own words back to her before she finally gives her what she’s desperately been craving, two fingers rhythmically pumping in and out of her pussy as her thumb rubs circles against Paige’s clit. 
“Fuck, fuck, just like that-” a litany of curses waterfall from Paige’s lips as she bucks her hips up against Azzi’s hand, “fuck please.”
“Please what?” Azzi asks coyly, fingers moving at a faster face as she hides a grin against Paige’s neck, “gotta tell me what you want baby.”
“W-want your mouth please- please Azzi-baby please,” Paige begs, writhing underneath her when Azzi immediately complies, lips attaching to her clit as she adds another finger, “fuck Azzi- I’m so close.”
“I know baby,” the words vibrate against Paige’s core, sending another bout of ecstasy shooting up her spine as she feels that familiar buildup in her stomach.
“Azz I’m gonna-”
“I know. Let go baby. I’ve got you. I’m gonna catch you I promise,” Azzi whispers. 
And it’s those words, that promise, that sends Paige over the edge, a cry of Azzi’s name falling from her lips. Because she knows Azzi means them for a lot more than just this moment, that those words -the promise- are born out of something deeper than lust. And maybe neither of them are quite ready to acknowledge that yet, not ready to make vows that teeter dangerously close to the ones they watched themselves break in the past, but it lingers between them, like a string made of we’ve always been inevitable connecting their hearts to each other. 
Azzi slowly eases her fingers out of Paige, pressing open-mouthed kisses against the older woman’s stomach as she recovers from her high, before looking up at her with a smirk. Never breaking eye contact, Azzi slips her fingers into her own mouth, leisurely sucking at them as she watches Paige’s face contort with desire. 
“Was I good?” she asks teasingly and Paige growls. 
“How have you gotten better at that? Actually you know what never mind,” Paige shakes her head, “I don’t want to know that.”
Azzi laughs, hiding her face against Paige’s neck, “only that good for you.”
“Good,” Paige tightens her arms around the woman on top of her and then scrunches her face as she feels the material of Azzi’s shirt itch against her wrists, “well this is unfair.”
“What is?” Azzi hum backs. 
“I’m fully fucking naked and you haven’t taken a single thing off,” Paige grumbles as she coaxes Azzi’s face out of her neck, hands gripping the edge of her shit, “take this off.”
Azzi stills, her previous serene expression replaced by something more nervous, as she lifts herself up so she’s straddling the older woman’s hips, “Paige-”
“What’s wrong?” Paige’s senses are on high alert immediately as she rises up herself, maneuvering them so Azzi’s fully on her lap. 
“I just-,” Azzi draws in a deep breath, looking downwards as she chews her lips.
“Hey,” Paige whispers, lifting the younger woman’s chin back up before pressing their foreheads together, “talk to me baby.”
“Can we just-” Azzi plays with the end of Paige’s hair, “can we maybe just-” she cocks her head towards the nightlight on the desk, “do you think we could turn the light off?”
“What?” Paige asks confusedly, “Azzi I’ve seen you naked-”
“Not since- not since I had Stephie,” Azzi interrupts, cowering under Paige’s intense stare, “the lights- the lights were off that one time and the other time I don't think- I don’t think we were sober enough for me to care or for you to remember so can we just-”
“Azzi,” Paige cups the younger woman’s face, “baby there is no amount of alcohol in the world that could make me forget you. Trust me I’ve tried,” she slips her hand under Azzi’s shirt, caressing the skin underneath, “but every time I see you baby, I memorize every little part of you,” she dances her fingertips across where she remembers those stretch marks -the ones Azzi is so afraid of her seeing again- are littered across her stomach, “and whether I’m sober or drunk or something in between, I always think every little bit of you is perfect.”
“Paige,” Azzi says softly, something akin to awe coating her voice. 
“Just wanna make you feel as good as you made me feel baby. Please,” Paige wraps her fingers around the edge of Azzi’s shirt again, “can I?”
“Okay,” Azzi concedes quietly, lifting her arms so Paige can finally tug the offending shirt off. 
Paige gives herself a moment to look at the woman in front of her, the woman whose body she’s seen countless times yet she swears that it feels like a different adventure every time. And then she lets herself have a taste, running her tongue lazily across Azzi’s skin, as she slowly maneuvers them so she can hover above the younger woman. A soft smile flitter across her face as she rubs her fingers over the tattoo printed across Azzi’s ribcage. It’s a purple S tattoo, with butterfly wings fanning out on either side. For Stephie. 
Keeping her eyes trained on the darker-skinned , she brushes her lips across the stretch marks on the darker-skinned woman’s abdomen and she hopes that Azzi can read the all of your imperfections are still made for me that Paige is spelling out against her skin. She uses her teeth to pull down Azzi’s panties, smirking to herself when she hears the younger woman's breath hitch above her. Eyes still interlocked with Azzi’s, Paige is purposefully slow as she licks a stripe up Azzi’s folds, relishing the way the other woman’s eyes roll back into her head. 
“So fucking wet,” she hums, “all for me?”
“You know-” Azzi shudders when Paige’s lips brush against her clit, still teasing, “you know it is.”
Paige smirks, “only for me.”
“Please,” Azzi begs as Paige continues to lazily lap at her pussy, giving her something but not quite enough. 
“Say it,” Paige demands, harshly biting against Azzi’s inner thigh as she brings up a hand to rub infinity signs around Azzi’s clit, “say it’s only for me.”
“It’s only for you-” Azzi cuts herself off with a scream as Paige plunges her tongue deep inside her, setting a tempo she knows will have Azzi seeing stars. 
“Doing so good for me baby,” Paige coos as she adds two fingers with her tongue, “always so good for me.”
“Fuck,” Azzi fists the bedsheets, trying to gain some semblance of control as she writhes under Paige’s touch, “feels so good. Paige please.”
“I know,” Paige whispers, “I know what you need baby.”
And that’s the thing about them. That’s why it’s good every single time. Because Paige knows every little crevice of Azzi’s body like it’s her own, knows exactly where to touch and how to touch to elicit those little gasps of pleasure that she wishes she could record and listen to on loop. And it doesn’t matter how long they go without each other in between, coming back always feels like home. But as much as she loves the feeling of coming back, Paige never wants to feel it again. Because this time, she hopes there is no in between without each other. She hopes that this time, they both stay. 
“Paige,” Azzi moans again, her name falling from her mouth like a prayer. 
“I’ve got you,” Paige whispers, capturing Azzi’s lips with her own as she continues her ministrations with her hand, “fall apart for me baby. I swear I’ll put you back together.”
There’s nothing quite like watching Azzi come undone and Paige drinks in the sight of the other woman quivering as she grabs the blonde’s bicep so tight that it’s bound to leave a victory mark. Paige coaxes her through it, nibbling at Azzi’s jawline as the younger woman slowly climbs down from her peak, going limp in Paige’s arms. 
They’re quiet for a while, languorously pressing delicate kisses against each other's skin, soft hands exploring all over each other’s familiar bodies as they tangle their legs together; close not being close enough. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” Paige whines when Azzi starts to move out of her grasp. 
“I got what I came for,” Azzi teases, “so I’m going back to my own bed.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Paige scowls, pulling the younger woman back into her chest. 
Azzi laughs, kissing away Paige’s pout as she wriggles out of her grip and slips out of the bed, “relax. I’m just getting something to clean us up with.”
“Well hurry up. I’m already cold,” Paige mewls before letting out a wolf-whistle as her eyes drift over Azzi’s naked retreating form, appreciating the tautness of the brunette’s back muscles down to her perfectly curved ass. 
“You’re 31 years old Paige Bueckers,” Azzi chides as she walks into the ensuite bathroom but Paige can hear the blush in her voice. 
“And you’re hot as fuck Azzi Fudd,” Paige calls out with a smirk, keeping the and you’re all mine as a secret in her own thoughts. 
“You’re not bad yourself Bueckers,” Azzi returns from the bathroom with a smile and a damp cloth as she hops back onto the bed, gently dabbing it between Paige’s thighs. 
It’s a simple act but Paige feels tears prickle at the corner of the eyes. Because it signifies so much more than just this moment. For most of her life, Paige had grown accustomed to the idea that no one would take care of her unless she took care of them first. She didn't know it was possible that someone could reach out first, that they could hold her first without any expectation of anything else in return. Until Azzi. 
“Baby?” Azzi’s voice is wrapped in concern as she takes notice of Paige’s tears, immediately rising up to brush them away, “what’s wrong?”
“Nothing I just-” Paige loops her arms around Azzi’s neck, shuddering slightly at how earnest the younger woman’s face is, “I really fucking missed you.”
Azzi’s eyes soften as she caresses Paige’s cheek before pressing her lips against her forehead, “I really fucking missed you too.”
Paige’s eyes flutter awake to sunlight peeking through the blue curtains of Azzi’s guest bedroom. She groans, shifting to bury her face further into the brunette’s stomach, pinching it when Azzi laughs above her. Lifting her head slightly, Paige can’t help but smile at the woman above her. Azzi’s got her glasses on, a book in her hands as she peers down at Paige with nothing but pure fondness. Something aches in Paige’s chest as countless visions of mornings just like this fill her head. She’d resigned herself to believing that she’d never get this back again, that she’d have to rely on memories of the past to fill the empty void that rattled hollowly against her chest every time she’d woken up without Azzi by her side. 
“Morning sleepy head,” Azzi says softly, putting her book down to brush her fingers through Paige’s hair, “assuming you slept well considering you didn’t even notice when I left to grab my glasses and a book from my room.”
Paige frowns, “you left me?”
“I was bored,” Azzi defends herself, “you were fast asleep and I had nothing to occupy myself with.”
“I can believe you left me,” Paige petulantly accuses again. 
“I didn’t leave-”
“You left me!”
“Okay fine,” Azzi concedes with an eyeroll, “but I came back.”
“Yeah you did,” a soft smile takes over Paige’s features as she leans up to brush her lips against Azzi’s, “you came back.”
“I did,” Azzi whispers against Paige’s mouth, cupping the older woman’s face with her hands. 
Paige is about to deepen the kiss, her hands beginning to slip lower, when the sound of a doorbell ruins any chances of putting in motion any of the uncordial ideas that had taken birth in her mind. She groans as Azzi immediately pulls away.
“Shit, I didn’t realize they’d be here so early.” the younger woman curses, hurriedly tossing Paige’s discarded clothes at her, “here, put your clothes on. I’ll go down first while you change.”
“I- I can come down?” Paige asks slowly. 
Azzi crinkles her eyes in confusion, “what do you mean? What else would you do?”
“I just. I dunno-” Paige shrugs, “I just assumed you uh- you wouldn’t want Stephie to know I stayed the night. I figured I’d sneak out of the window or something.”
“Paige,” Azzi whispers, walking over to grip the older girl’s hands, “you’re not- you’re not my dirty little secret or anything. I’m not- I’m not quite ready to tell Stephie about us- hell I’m not even really sure what we are yet but I know- I know that I don’t want to hide you from her. Besides,” she nudges Paige humorously, “we’re on the 2nd floor babe. I don’t need you trying to climb out the window and breaking your knee before the season even starts.”
Paige watches quietly as Azzi walks out the door. She doesn’t think the younger woman quite understands how much she had needed to hear those words, how much she had needed to not feel like a secret again. It fills Paige with a sense of hope, hope that maybe things would be different this time. Maybe things would be better this time. 
“Miss Buecks,” Stephie squeals from Azzi’s arms as she spots Paige descending down the stairs, “you’re already here!”
Paige smiles at the little girl, tapping her nose over Azzi’s shoulder, “I promised you I’d be here bright and early didn’t I?”
“Very bright and early,” Katie cocks an eyebrow as she smirks at Paige and Azzi, “how did you get here so early Paige?”
“Don’t be silly Nanna. She drove of course,” Stephie says matter-of-factly before scrunching up her nose, “but Miss Buecks. How come your car isn’t outside then?”
“That’s a great question Stephie,” Katie says and Paige thinks the woman’s a little bit too peppy for a grandmother, “why isn’t your car outside Paige?”
“Because-” Azzi gives her mother an exasperated look before fixing her eyes on her daughter, “because Paige slept over last night.”
“Miss Buecks slept over last night?” Stephie repeats. 
“I did,” Paige confirms, glaring at Katie as she snickers in the corner. 
“Mama can you please put me down,” Stephie says finally. 
The little girl looks upset and Paige feels her heart constrict with fear. In general, she doesn’t really do well with people being mad at her. But she definitely doesn't think she can take Stephie of all people being mad at her. The little girl has chiseled herself into Paige’s heart and if she ever left, Paige thinks she’d leave a hole so big, her entire heart would cease working. 
Azzi shares a nervous look with Paige as she sets her daughter down before crouching down to Stephie’s level, “what’s wrong Stephie-bean?”
Stephie’s bottom lip trembles as she looks between her mother and Paige, “you let Miss Buecks sleepover.”
“I-” Azzi looks helplessly between her own mother and Paige, both of whom look just as tense, “I did but sweetheart why is that upsetting you? You like Miss Buecks.”
“I love Miss Buecks,” Stephie wails and Paige lets out a sigh of relief, the little girl's words wrapping themselves around her like a warm blanket. 
Azzi blanches for a second, “I don’t understand then what’s the problem-”
 “YOU GUYS HAD A SLEEPOVER WITHOUT ME,” Stephie yells, stomping her tiny feet.  
“Stephie-” Azzi says softly, unable to keep the smile off of her face. 
“I can’t believe you’d do this to me Mama,” Stephie sniffs as she turns to Paige with a betrayed expression, “and you Miss Buecks. How could you guys have a sleepover without me?”
“Oh sweetheart,” Paige falls to her knees beside Azzi, trying not to smile when Stephie dramatically turns her face away from them, “we didn’t mean to. It was just really late when we got back from the party-”
“The party,” Stephie cries out, “first you went to a party without me and then you had a sleepover without me. I can’t bel-ieve you guys would do that to me. Don’t you guys love me at all?”
“We’re really sorry Stephie,” Paige says as seriously as she can, reaching out to fold Stephie’s tiny hands into her much larger one. 
“Very, very, sorry,” Azzi echoes. 
“I don’t know,” Katie supplies unhelpfully from where she’s watching the whole situation with pure amusement, “they don’t seem that sorry Stephie.”
“Mom!” “Katie!”
Katie raises her hands in mock surrender as both Paige and Azzi glare at her, “just looking out for my granddaughter’s best interest.”
“Stephie-bean,” Paige says again, maneuvering the little girl’s body to face her, “your Mama and I are very, very, sorry for having a sleepover without you. Please forgive us.”
Stephie looks at the adults kneeling in front of her with a contemplative expression, “you promise you’ll never do it again?”
“Never,” Azzi promises as Paige nods along.
“And when we go to the park today I can get three scoops of ice cream?” the little girl asks, the hint of a smile starting to breakthrough her lips. 
“I don’t know about that one sweetheart. That’s a lot of ice-”
“Of course you can!”
“Paige!” Azzi hisses. 
“And you’ll push me on the swing at the park for twenty minutes?”
“I’ll even push you for thirty minutes if you want,” Paige says and Azzi rolls her eyes. 
“Just had to one-up it didn’t you Bueckers,” she mutters under her breath. 
“And even though Miss Buecks said she’d get me fries at the park, I can get In-N-Out for dinner too?”
“You’re pushing it Stephie-bean-”
“In-N-Out for dinner sounds perfect,” Paige winks at Stephie as a full smile finally overtakes the little girl’s face. 
“You’re hopeless,” Azzi chides the blonde, throwing her hands up exasperatedly but there’s no denying the grin on her face as she looks back at Stephie, “is that all your highness? Are we finally forgiven or did you want to ask us for more unhealthy things?”
“Just one more thing,” Stephie’s eyes twinkle with mischief, “Miss Buecks has to sleepover tonight too.”
Paige and Azzi share a toothy smile with each other before turning to the little girl. 
“I think that could be arranged.”
The words are barely out of Paige’s mouth before Stephie goes tumbling into her and Azzi, tiny arms somehow wrapping around both of their necks as she pulls them into a group hug. The two adults laugh, cocooning the little girl in between them as she rambles on about how excited she is.  And Paige thinks that when all is said and done, when she looks back on her life, she’ll remember this moment as the one where everything started to finally come together. Right now, with Stephie's arms wrapped around her neck and Azzi’s hands curling around the little girl’s back to intertwine their fingers together, this moment here feels perfect. This moment feels like it belongs to Paige.
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nataliesfirefly · 6 months
You and I Walk a Fragile Line - Farleigh Start x F!Reader - Part 6
a/n: hey guys!! im so sorry this part has taken me so long! im currently on a trip so i havent had much time to write! but i hope this makes up for it, im super excited for yall to read this!!! also i think im going to plan for this series to have a few more chapters, probably max 9 or 10! i love it sm i really dont want it to end 😭 but anyways enjoyyy and comment what you think! and again i apologize if the smut is mid.. btw this is not proofread LMAO
series masterlist
word count: 4.9k words
warnings: MDNI 18+, smut, fingering, oral (f!receiving), p in v, angst, language, smoking, afab reader
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You’re sitting in your bed, reading a magazine, when your flip phone rings. You lean forward to pick it up from the corner of the bed, wondering who could be calling you this late. You raise your eyebrows when you see that it’s Lola. You haven’t spoken to her since school got out. Nevertheless, you answer it and put the phone up to your ear.
“Lola! Hey,” You grin. “Oh my God, I’m so glad you picked up. I’m so bored around here,” She groans, and you smile even bigger at the sound of her voice on the other end. “Around where?” You ask curiously.
“My parents’. I have to babysit my younger sister all the time. It’s exhausting, really,” She moans. “I just want to like, go to a party or something. Honestly, I would even prefer to be going to classes right now instead of this.”
“Wow. That must mean it’s really bad then, huh?” You continue flipping through the magazine, your eyes scanning through the apparently trending fashion and makeup choices at the moment.
“Yes. Ugh. You’re at Saltburn, right?” She asks. “Yeah.” You reply.
“How’s that going?” Lola questions, and you hear another voice in the background that sounds like her, only higher-pitched. “No, I’m on the phone. Go away. Shoo,”
You try not to snicker at her shooing away her little sister. “It’s…” You trail off, trying to decide the right way to describe how the summer is going so far for you. “I don’t know. Different.”
“How so?” You pause and wonder if you should tell her what’s been going on. You decide it’s probably better not to and keep some things to yourself.
“I think it’s just cause we’re growing up. I mean, we graduate in less than two years.” You shrug and reach over to grab your glass of wine. “Oh God, don’t remind me. My parents are still asking me what my plans are,” She sighs loudly.
“I can’t believe it.” You shake your head and close the magazine, uninterested in the latest celebrity drama. An idea suddenly forms in your mind.
“Hey, the Cattons are throwing one of their big summer parties in a few days. I could invite you?” You suggest. You hear Lola gasp. “Really?! I’d love to go. I’ve heard so many stories about the Saltburn parties.” She makes it sound so dramatic, and you giggle.
“And you’d get a chance to see Felix,” You grin as you hear her jumping around. “Yeah, I would! You don’t need to convince me any further. I’ll be there,” She pauses. “Wait, but they’ll let me come, right?”
“Oh, of course. They like me a lot, so I’m sure they won’t mind.” You assure her. “Okay, perfect. Thank you so much, my love. I’ll let you get some sleep. See you soon!” She squeals excitedly and you roll your eyes with a smile as she hangs up.
You set down your phone and sigh, looking around your dim room.
You haven’t been able to get Farleigh out of your mind since your little… moment two nights ago. He’s not avoiding you, but he’s not being nice either. He’s gone back to teasing you and embarrassing you in front of the Cattons. You should’ve known that if you got too close, he’d pull away and return to his old ways.
But every little glance you two share has your stomach fluttering and your heart pounding. Every insult meant to hurt or offend you has the opposite effect. In some depraved way, you like when he degrades you. The past two nights, you’ve laid awake and stared up at the ceiling, trying to relive that night when he made you feel so good. Just the thought of him had your mind reeling. You would do anything just to feel that way again. You’re hooked.
You can’t just keep wallowing in these feelings. You want to talk to him, work things out, and go back to how they used to be a week ago. More importantly, you just want to be in his presence. It gives you some kind of thrill to be around him. It’s like a game of roulette to see which version of him you’ll get each time, and you love it. You crave his attention.
You climb off of your large bed and walk determinedly to your door, opening it quietly and sneaking down the hallway. It’s quite a long walk to Farleigh’s room, but you don’t care. You pass Felix’s room, then Venetia’s. Both of their lights are out, telling you that everyone in the house is probably asleep by now. You can only hope and pray that Farleigh isn’t.
You eventually find yourself standing in front of his room. Dim light peeks through from under his door, and you sigh with relief. He’s still awake. Your decision catches up to you and you realize how stupid it is that you’re about to knock on his door. You shake your head to clear your doubt, raising your hand and gently knocking.
You hear his bed shifting and footsteps following close after. You swallow nervously, your throat suddenly feeling dry. Your heart races with anticipation as he finally opens the door.
Fuck. He’s shirtless with only a pair of sweatpants on. Your eyes trail down subconsciously before you blink and look back up to his face. Is he wearing underwear?
“Hello,” He says, his grin foxlike. “I can’t sleep. Can we talk?” You ask, your voice shaky. You curse yourself for sounding nervous. He crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows. “Talk about what?” He questions.
You pause, unsure of what to say next. What were you going to talk about? He would deny any feelings towards you, so what was the point of even coming here?
“Just let me in, please.” You step forward and avoid his gaze. He steps to the side wordlessly, opening the door further to let you into his room.
You breathe in the familiar scent of that candle he’s always burning, and the scent of his cologne. It’s musky and spicy, with notes of vanilla. You tried to memorize it everytime you were close to him. You walk over to his bed and sit down on the edge, looking up at him as he closes the door behind him.
“Can I have a cigarette?” You ask, pointing to the pack sitting on his bedside table. He nods, and you carefully take one. He hands you the lighter.
He stares down at you as you light the cigarette, taking a drag from it. He chuckles to himself and you exhale, furrowing your eyebrows. “What’s funny?”
“You always said you hated the smell. Yet here you are, asking me for a cigarette,” He replies with a scoff. “Maybe you’re just a bad influence,” You shoot back, and his smile slightly fades.
You can see his eyes traveling down your body, lingering on your thighs and your bare legs. You had outgrown these sleep shorts, but you never cared because you figured no one would see you in them. Well, there goes that.
“Are we not going to talk about the other night?” You mutter. “What’s there to talk about?” He replies, and you roll your eyes. “Are you-” You pause and let out a frustrated breath. “Are you serious?” You exclaim angrily.
“You can’t blame it on being drunk this time, Farleigh.” You tell him, and he freezes, his gaze faltering downwards.
“Can we not talk about that? Let’s just…” He sighs with exasperation and sits next to you. You turn away from him, looking out the window. You decide not to press the issue, since it’s apparently too much for him to think about right now. Honestly, you aren’t even able to fully process what’s been going on between you two.
“Let’s just… talk,” He says finally, and you face him again, exhaling a small cloud of smoke. “Okay.” You shrug. It’s what you both do best: Talking. About anything and everything, despite the strange history of your relationship. You guessed that it was because you had known each other for so long, that it just came naturally. He’s just… real. He’s never pretending or putting on a façade, at least around you he’s not. Around the Cattons, he has to, because to them he’s just the wild child, the comedic relief, the American. You feel like you are the only one that gets to see the real Farleigh, and it feels like a privilege. But you know that’s not true, and you choose to believe it anyway.
“So… Our third year at Oxford,” Farleigh says. You let out a breath and raise your eyebrows. “Can’t believe it’s already been two years,” You both smile, thinking of all the good and bad memories you’ve made so far during your years at university.
“Can I be honest?” You ask, and he nods. “I’m scared.” You say simply. His eyebrows knit together. “Of what?” He replies. “Graduating. You know, I’ll probably go to graduate school or something, but I need to start making my own money. Get a job. Do adult things,” You sigh just at the thought of all the responsibilities. “I can’t be on a scholarship forever. Or have my parents pay forever,” You continue, shaking your head. “I’m putting them through enough as it is.”
Farleigh nods again with a look of understanding. “I might go back to the states. See my mom, maybe stay there for a while.” He says. You can’t help but feel a little sad at the thought of him being away for so long. You hate to admit it, but you would miss him.
“But we don’t have to worry about that right now. You’re too uptight. Let yourself have fun,” He nudges you softly. “I’m trying,” You mutter. “Well, you’re smoking. That’s one step closer,” He laughs a bit and you roll your eyes.
It goes quiet and you stare down into your lap. You can feel his eyes on you, and your heart begins to race with anticipation. That familiar tension returns in the air between you and Farleigh.
You look up slightly, his eyes meeting with yours. Your stomach churns as you look down to see his hand inching towards your thigh, eventually resting on top of it. “I know why you came here,” He says, his voice lowered.
You look back up to him. “What?” You whisper. “Don’t play dumb,” He shakes his head. “I’m not.” You reply, trying hard not to break the intense eye contact.
You gulp nervously and finally look away, your face giving you away and burning red. “Hmm,” He hums, his thumb brushing across your thigh. You try to distract yourself by pressing the cigarette out on the ashtray on his bedside table, watching the little flame burn out.
He gently reaches up and grabs your chin, tilting your head back towards him. He drags his thumb down your bottom lip as you stare into his eyes. He grins slightly before moving his hand to cup your cheek, leaning in closer until your noses brush together. You know you shouldn’t be doing this. You know Farleigh is emotionally unavailable and toxic, and he won’t ever discuss his feelings or yours. But you can’t help but melt into the kiss, his touch, his aura. It’s like he’s magnetic, pulling you in everytime you try to pull away.
Somehow, every single time he kisses you, it’s better than the first time. Your tongues intertwine as your lips move in a perfect rhythm while both of you fall back onto his bed clumsily. One of his hands tangles in your hair, and the one that was resting on your leg moves up to rest on your waist, his fingers caressing your bare skin due to your tank top riding up. He eventually shifts his position so that he’s on top of you, and you turn to lay on your back underneath him.
His kisses begin to move down to your jawline, then your neck. He sucks and licks your skin so cruelly, but you don’t want him to stop. You breathe in the scent of his hair, his curls tickling your face, and you can already feel yourself becoming weak again.
You feel his hands start to trail down your body, resting on your hips, as he moves down the bed and you peer down to see him looking up at you from between your legs. Feverish heat burns across your skin just at the sight of it.
“Wait, wait. I’ve never-“ You start, suddenly feeling nervous. “It’s okay,” Farleigh replies, his eyes soft and warm as he gazes up at you. “Just relax,” He murmurs, gently pulling down your shorts and panties at the same time, shuffling them off your legs.
Just relax, you think. Easier said than done. You’ve pictured this moment so many times in the past few days, and you can’t believe it’s becoming reality.
And of all the times you’ve fantasized about this, none of them could ever do Farleigh’s beauty justice. His dark eyes are shining with something of lust and hunger, his plush lips slightly parted and his shoulders broad and golden. His curly hair is only slightly wet from his shower earlier, yet still perfectly coiled.
He looks up at you, trying to convey something through his gaze. “So pretty,” He mutters, tracing a finger along your thigh. Your breath catches in your throat and you feel your stomach fluttering already.
He lifts your legs up and places them over his shoulders. Your heart pounds in anticipation and you can hear yourself breathing among the silence.
Farleigh leans down and presses a few kisses along your inner thigh, and you don’t know how much longer you can stand his teasing. You watch him gaze up at you through his lashes as he dips a finger into your wetness and you see the smirk that tugs at his lips. He raises his eyebrows at you and your face turns red. “Stop,” You cover your face with both hands, your stomach doing flips. You can’t handle how perfect he looks right now, even as he teases you for how soaked you are already.
“Hey, look at me,” He says, his deep voice vibrating against your skin. You let your hands fall back to your sides, smiling shyly. His expression turns more serious as he furrows his brows, slipping his finger inside of you. He moans before you even can, his head falling against your thigh.
That familiar stretch around his finger has your mind reeling as you throw your head back. He pulls it out and you whimper at the loss, until you feel his middle and ring finger on your clit. Your hands instinctively move to grasp the sheets as he strokes your bundle of nerves perfectly, letting your head fall back down to watch him. He continues to maintain eye contact and it makes you so weak.
Your brain almost turns to mush as you see him leaning down, his head buried between your legs. A moan louder than you intended leaves your mouth as you feel his tongue greedily licking a stripe up your pussy.
“Shit,” You huff, your chest heaving up and down. No one had ever given you head before, until now, so you didn’t really understand your girlfriends when they would tell you how amazing it felt. But now, you completely get it. His tongue moves in long, slow strokes and his pretty nose nudges perfectly against your clit.
He barely lifts his head so he can stare up at you to watch your reaction. You grind up against his face, your hand reaching down to grab a handful of his curls. He groans at the feeling before inserting a finger again, moving at the perfect pace along with his tongue. The combination is enough to make your legs shake. The lewd sounds of him lapping up your cum and both of your wanton moans echo throughout his room.
“Farleigh!” You almost scream his name before letting out a long, drawn out moan. He glances up at you once more, his pupils huge with lust. He moans against you as he absolutely devours you, adding a second finger in. His long fingers brush against that divine spot inside of you and you whimper helplessly, your other hand gripping his sheets as if it could help ground you somehow. That delicious heat builds in the base of your stomach, spreading like a fire.
“I’m gonna-“ You gasp for air, your chest heaving up and down. His eyes are half-lidded and he seems completely lost in the moment, just absolutely pussy drunk. “Let go,” He says, his voice deep and raspy.
And you do exactly that. The pleasure shoots through your veins like a drug, your grasp in his hair tightening and your hips rolling as you ride it out. You eventually come down from your high, letting your legs drop from his shoulders as you let out a shaky sigh, your heart still pounding against your ribs.
“Fuckk,” You breathe out, resting your head against the pillow. Farleigh crawls over you, leaning down to kiss you. The lower half of his face is covered in your slick, but you couldn’t care less. He kisses you passionately, desperately, groaning into your mouth. You can taste yourself on his lips and his tongue, and it just turns you on even more.
He pulls away, his lips hovering over yours. You look up at him and suddenly feel an indescribable desire wash over you as you stare into his deep brown eyes. It’s like you can’t get close enough to him, like you need more than everything he’s already given you. You want him inside of you. You want to feel every part of him. You want him to feel every part of you.
“Farleigh,” You whisper, reaching up to touch his face. “What is it?” He whispers back, lightly touching your own face.
“I want you,” You say. You don’t care how stupid you sound right now. This carnal desire has completely taken over you.
“In what way?” He replies, smirking smugly. “I think you know which way I mean,” You mutter. You don’t have time for his teasing, although you love it.
His expression softens and he seems to understand what you mean. “Please, I need you,” You can’t believe you’re begging for Farleigh of all people right now. You know you’ll be regretting it later. His eyes widen and he seems shocked by your confession.
“Far…” You whisper, tracing your finger along his lips. He opens his mouth to speak, hesitating slightly.
“Do you know what you do to me?” He asks, his voice soft. You look up at him and tilt your head. He takes your hand and guides it down below his waist while still looking down at you. You gasp softly when you feel that his dick is so hard underneath his sweatpants. It has to be painful. You slowly rub your hand against him and his eyebrows draw together as he stutters slightly, and it almost looks like he’s in pain.
“Baby-“ Farleigh whimpers. “Please,” You beg once again, and he nods, quickly taking his pants off and throwing them somewhere on the floor of his bedroom. You look down at his dick, and you have to keep your jaw from dropping.
It’s definitely the biggest you’ve seen, and although you haven’t seen many in your lifetime, you know he would be considered above average. It’s long, with a bit of girth to it, veiny and already leaking precum from the tip. You feel yourself starting to get nervous. You aren’t sure if you could even take all of it, but hell, you’re going to try. You hope he didn’t pick up on your reaction, because you know he would tease you over it.
He places his hands on either side of your head and leans down onto his elbows. He never takes his eyes off yours as he positions himself. You wrap your legs around his waist, letting your ankles rest on his back.
He slowly begins to slide in, and you grunt quietly at the pain. He goes a bit deeper before you panic and place a hand on his lower stomach, stopping him. “I can’t-“ You wince in pain.
“Yes, you can. You can take it,” He nods and brushes the side of your face with his fingers. He takes your hand off of his stomach gently and places your arm back onto the bed. You nod in an attempt to encourage yourself, gritting your teeth to withstand the pain. You reach up to his shoulders, resting your hands on his shoulder blades, trying to keep your nails from digging into his skin as you hold onto him.
“Fuck,” Farleigh grunts as your walls grip him tightly, sucking him in. Eventually he’s buried inside of you to the hilt, and you can feel every inch of him. You’re still trying to adjust to his size, and the pain is slowly subsiding as he groans and drops his head and closes his eyes. You press your hips up against his, trying to get him to start moving. “Far,” You mutter. You can tell he’s trying to hold back. He breathes heavily and opens his eyes again, gazing into yours.
“I’m ready,” You whisper. His eyebrows knit together as he rolls his hips slowly, causing your eyes to roll back and drawing a short moan out of you. He shudders, slightly pulling out of you before thrusting back in. You wonder how he’s so good at this as your nails dig crescent moons into his back with each slow thrust and roll of his hips. Your mouth falls open and you try to be quieter but it’s no use.
He buries his head into the crook of your neck, his curls tickling your face. He’s whimpering and moaning your name and other incoherent nonsense right into your ear. He sets a beautiful rhythm, his bed creaking underneath you as you sink into the plush of the mattress. You think you hear the headboard hitting the wall but you don’t care about the loud sounds you two are creating. You just don’t want this moment to end.
He looks back up to you and you can see he’s already fucked out. His eyes are even more glazed over than before and sex sweat forms on his brow. He whimpers helplessly and pants heavily. “You’re so good,” He breathes. “So, so good,” You could probably cum just from his words alone.
You let out a wanton moan as he hits that spot again, deep inside of you. “Oh, fuck!” You gasp and claw at his shoulders. He drops his head again, kissing your neck as he thrusts into you faster and deeper each time, hitting your spot over and over once he’s found it.
“Yeah, that’s it,” He groans against your neck and you feel tears brimming in your eyes. “Farleigh- It’s-“ You can’t seem to form words, your brain turned to sizzling hot liquid. “I know, I know,” He whimpers, his voice slightly higher pitched and breathless. You try to hold on longer, but you’re already coming undone as your orgasm hits you sooner than you expected. Your body stills and you clench even harder around him. He moans, that pained expression crossing his face once again. “Oh God,” He chokes out, his thrusts beginning to become less steady.
“Where should I-“ Farleigh pants. “Inside,” You tell him. You’re on birth control, but you don’t have the mental capacity to explain that to him or explain why. His hips stutter and he stiffens, finishing inside of you, the warm feeling spreading throughout your lower stomach. He collapses on top of you, his head on your chest, resting on the soft fabric of your shirt.
You’re already sleepy and physically exhausted from what just took place. You breathe in his scent one more time and let out a sigh, staring up at the ceiling and trying to process what you just did. Then he’s wrapping his arms around you gently before pulling out of you slowly. You grunt a bit, feeling a dull ache between your legs, but you can’t help but miss the feeling of him inside of you.
He adjusts the both of you so that you’re both laying on your side, allowing you to stretch out a bit and cuddle up to him, tucking your head in the crook of his neck. He holds you, and for a moment, it feels like a real relationship. Something you had never experienced. Something deep. Something real. And then you remember that it’s not. After this, he will go back to avoiding you and acting like he can’t stand you. You just wish that he would put his pride away and admit to you what he really feels. But what does he really feel? Are you stupid for thinking that there’s something here?
Farleigh strokes his fingers through your hair, brushing away some of the strands plastered onto your forehead by your sweat. He seems to notice your silence.
“You’re thinking too much,” He says, his voice beautifully hoarse. You sigh, relaxing your shoulders. “Am I?” You reply, your voice weaker than you thought it would be.
“Just sleep here tonight,” He mutters, resting his chin on top of your head. You so badly want to ask him to be serious and have an actual conversation with you about your… relationship.
“Okay… but we need to talk about this,” You respond quietly. He sighs and shifts a bit, careful not to move you too much. “We can in the morning,” He says, but you know that won’t happen. You’ll just have to settle for no answers to your questions for the time being.
You curl up closer to him and let your eyes close, breathing slowly and peacefully. “Goodnight,” You murmur. “Night,” He replies, sounding just as tired as you are. You drift off to sleep in Farleigh Start’s arms.
You were usually on okay terms with Farleigh. But you remember exactly when the dislike turned into hatred.
It was right before end of term exams and Felix convinced you to go to the pub to blow off some steam and relax after all your revising. You reluctantly agreed, then regret your decision when you saw Farleigh and Sasha there.
It was pretty far into the evening and you were beginning to get sleepy. You had spaced out for a moment, staring out the window and watching the snow fall before you heard something that peaked your interest.
“I mean, Felix, you have got to settle down,” Farleigh chuckled and nudged Sasha, pointing his cigarette at Felix.
Felix grinned stupidly and shrugged. “Listen, mate. I’ve tried.” Some other friends of his joined in with the laughter.
You sat up and leaned forward, facing Farleigh. “You’re one to comment on relationships,” You said, raising an eyebrow. Everyone else sort of quieted down after hearing your words.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Farleigh rolled his eyes at you and Sasha just glared. “You and Sasha. You’re dysfunctional.” You responded, unafraid to challenge him.
“Excuse me?” Sasha looked at you like you just committed a hate crime. “Yeah. He cheats on you, you cheat on him, you get back together, blah blah blah.” You took a sip of your beer and shrugged. “It’s gone on for almost a year now. It’s exhausting,”
Farleigh chuckled. “Ohh, you want to come after my relationship?” He smirked as if he was cooking up a plan in his mind of how to humiliate you best.
“Well, I bet you would like everyone to know that you lost your virginity to Joshua Brown,” Farleigh said, loud enough for even people from other tables to hear. A small chorus of gasps echoed across the room.
“You’re desperate, easy, and sloppy. You take anyone who wants you. I guess that’s what happens when you get no attention before you go to college, hm?” He just kept going, and the whole room went silent
“I’ve seen you walk out of so many dorms at six in the morning, it’s insane. You can’t even keep a fucking man,” Farleigh’s tone was harsher and colder than you’d ever heard before. Felix was staring at you in shock and Sasha was giving you that judgemental look.
You looked around to see all the pairs of eyes on you. “Fucking hell, Farleigh,” Felix muttered, shaking his head at him.
You stood up and grabbed your bag hastily, storming out of the pub with tears in your eyes. Why was he such a bitch? Why did he hate you?
Your reputation was officially ruined. All that time, he never told anyone about your situation with Joshua. Until now. He was doing so well. The whole class thought you were an innocent and pure, high achieving student, and now what would they think? You wish you didn’t care so much about how others perceive you, but you do.
You hated Farleigh. You hated him for ruining your reputation and your image. It was impossible to get him back or do something worse, since basically everyone knew he was a slut. But he got praised for it.
Ever since that night at the pub, other students would look at you sideways and whisper things about you as if you couldn’t hear them.
Fuck you, Farleigh. You decided you were officially done with him and your weird friendship. Even if that meant having to avoid him at every cost.
taglist: @isla-finke-blog @ibimbogrl @drunkmysticsquirrel @alonia-olivia @novemilady @saltburnsworld @florkt @i-love-ptv
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graveyardlifeguard · 5 months
Survivors Part 2
Summary: Occurs during the events of Season 4x13 and Season 4x14 of 9-1-1.
*This is my first attempt at writing after many, many years so please go easy on me*
Warnings: Shooting, Injury, Blood
Notes: This one's going to be a touch long so I don't have to break it so awkwardly, but the next part will be out really soon!
Strictly Angst with a teeny tiny bit of Fluff
Eddie Diaz x Paramedic! Reader
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Later that night at home, Chris and I stood by the door and watched as Eddie fiddled with the couch pillows. Carla was coming back tonight, and Eddie was only slightly excited about her return. He had been fussing over intricate details since we had gotten home from work.
“What do you think? That looks better right?” Eddie asks, still fussing over the same two pillows he has been playing with for the last 5 minutes.
“I think it looks exactly the same.” Chris laughs as we watch Eddie continue to fluff the pillows.
“I just want everything to be perfect. It’s been over a year” Eddie finally turns around to look at Christopher and me.
“It’s going to be awesome!” Chris says. He had missed Carla more than anything in the world. With Eddie obviously in the number 1 spot, there was no doubt in my mind that Carla was number 2 on his list of favorite people. She had always been a steady female presence in his life that I knew that he needed. Whether he knew it or not. My thoughts are quickly interrupted by the knocking at the door that Chris excitedly moves towards. Opening the door, Chris all but screams Carla’s name before she laughs and wraps him up in a giant hug. The smiles on Christopher and Eddie’s faces are bright enough to light all of California with. Letting Christopher have the first hug, Eddie and I move slowly towards Carla before joining in the hug. If Carla didn’t feel missed based off of the giant hug, I don’t know how else we could have shown her.
Sitting around the table just like old times, eating and laughing together brought back a lot of great memories. Christopher had just gotten done telling Carla one of his crazy stories from school. “I’m sure your teacher was thrilled.” Carla laughs in return at his story. Noticing that the plates are empty, Eddie leans forward to grab them up as I quickly jump up to grab them for him.
“No, no, no let me grab those” I say, hurriedly moving to gather up the plates.
Carla tries to offer her help with Chris jumping in to stop her, “You can’t go in the kitchen!” Chris exclaims.
Carla gives him a funny look while I try to cover out tracks, it’s a secret that Christopher is very adamant on.
“That’s right,” I start as Eddie smiles and nods is head in agreeance, “we have some business to take care of." Carla chuckles as Christopher and I head off towards the kitchen.
We dump the dirty plates into the sink before I grab both of the cakes we made out of the oven, where we left them to sit until the right moment.
“Can we yell surprise when we come out of the kitchen?” Chris asked.
I laughed and before responding, “Well of course, how else would we surprise her.”
Christoper had begged us to make Carla two cakes, one for each birthday we had missed with her while she was away. He had chosen the colors of the cake, pink and blue. He had explained to Eddie and me that we needed both colors to split between the two boys and two girls. Opening the kitchen door and stepping out, we both yelled surprise, catching Carla off guard. Christopher walked up to Carla and wished her a Happy Birthday; we all knew her birthday is in March, but it felt right to celebrate the ones we missed together. Plus, who didn’t love extra cake.
“Light the candles dad.” Chris says to Eddie with Eddie magically pulling out candles from thin air. Carla looks over the two cakes, quickly counting the number of candles that were scattered across both tops.
“Okay that is a disturbing number of candles.” She laughs as Chrisopher moves to stand next to me.
“Thank goodness there’s a firefighter and paramedic in the house.” I smile up at Christopher, loving the way he had absolutely lit up with Carla back around. I know he had missed her and had certainly taken it hard when she had to leave to be with her dad. He was sad but also understood that she needed to be with her dad just like he needed to be with his. Looking back towards the table, I couldn’t help but notice the way that Eddie was already smiling at me. He looked at me the way that every girl wanted to be looked at. The smile that he gave me made it hard for me to not smile back. He and Christoher were my entire world and there was nothing that I wouldn’t do to keep them with me.
The next shift was exactly like the last one, busy and filled with paperwork. I was at the station for maybe thirty minutes in total, all day. And somehow not once did I run calls with the 118. Which meant that I did not get to see or talk to any of them, excluding Hen who had called to get advice about a call they were on, until it was time to pack up and go home for the day. Luckily, my relief had shown up early, meaning that I was able to shower and change before I normally was able to. Walking out of the dorms, I find Eddie standing at the bay door, a contemplative look on his face.
I make my over to him before asking, “What’s got you thinking so hard my love?” He looks up, startled, as if I had completely snuck up on him. He gives me one of his dazzling smiles before shaking his head.
“Just a call we went on today, something seems off but I’m not sure what it is.” he replies.
That’s understandable. I feel like most of the calls we run nowadays are just off. I had honestly chalked most of it up to being my paranoia from the crazy Covid calls we received.
“Do you want to talk about it on the way home? Maybe I can help you work it out.” I ask him.
He smiles and shakes his had before saying, “We’ve both had a hell of a day, work is going to stay at work. It’s my time to have you all to myself.”
He bumps his shoulder into mine before grabbing my hand and leading us to the car. After the shift we had, it was nice to know that no one needed us. At least for the next 9 hours that was.
At home, I had opted to start the laundry while Eddie moved into the kitchen to start dinner. Carla and Christopher were in the living room reading together when we got home. After receiving a huge hug from Chris, I started into the bedroom to collect our laundry basket. Once laundry was started, and I was in much more comfortable clothes, I made my way into the living room. Only to find it empty with voices being heard in Christophers room. Inside, Christopher, Carla and Eddie seemed to be sorting through old toys of Chris.’
“Wow, someone’s feeling generous.” I comment after finding the trio, moving to sit down on the floor near Chris’ bed.
“I got to talk to a boy that Dad met at work, he’s sick and can’t go out much. I want to give him some of my old toys.” Christopher replies. He hands over an old police car and book that I know he hasn’t played with in a while. Looking up at Eddie, he notices the hint of confusion on my face. I know we hadn’t talked much, but I hadn’t heard of his new friend he seemed to have made today.
“Did you happen to see the structural collapse call were on around lunch time?” He questions. I shake my head ‘no’ as I lean over to help go though toys.
Eddie continues on after seeing my answer, “This boy’s mom semi-fell through her balcony and her son, who’s around Chris’ age, called it in. He has an auto-immune disorder and isn’t able to leave the house much. I ended up staying with her son while she went to the hospital.”
The story quickly catches my attention. My head shoots up and can I tell my face is giving away my thoughts. It so often does as Eddie continuously points out to me.
“Would this call happened to have occurred at The Regal Point Apartments?”
Eddie looks up at me and nods, “Yeah it was, I thought you didn’t see the call? Well anyways the mom was telling me that since she has to stay home and take her of her son, people have been generous enough to donate to them through online donation sites. Chris here had the great idea of donating some of his toys to the son.”
There it is again.
There’s that red flag, waving now at the forefront of my mind. This has to be Shiela and Charlie. I think it over before standing up and telling Chris how proud I am of his generosity. “I’ll be right back.” I state to the group before exiting the room. Eddie gives me a questioning look as I leave.
Making my way into the kitchen, I sit down at the kitchen table, open my laptop, and begin doing some research on Sheila and Charlie Leute on a local Fund Me page. Although I began my search locally, I quickly find multiple Fund Me pages scattered across the West coast. The most interesting detail is the fact that each account with their first name ends up coming back with a different last name. The red flag initially waving in my brain is now the size of a football field. I knew it. Jumping up from the kitchen table, I walk back towards where I know the trio still sat. Leaning up against the door frame, I look over to Eddie, knowing that this would hurt his feelings.
“Hey Eddie, can I talk to you for a second?” I ask, starting to walk back towards the kitchen.
Eddie glances up at me before he stands up and starts making his way towards me. He stops short of the doorway and turns back to Carla and Chris.
“Don’t let him give away the whole house while I’m gone!” Eddie continues behind me where we start back towards the kitchen. I can hear Carla laughing at Eddie’s comment, she knows that Christopher is just that generous to do so.
“What’s going on?” Eddie questions.
“I was thinking about what you said, how that family supports themselves through their Fund Me page, so I started looking around.” I sit back down at the laptop while Eddie chooses to lean up against the cabinets. It was hard to stay focused on the task at hand when he did things like that. Something about him leaning against things had an unnecessary affect on me.
“You went snooping?” I can feel the questioning look aimed towards the back at my head. I swivel in my seat so he can see the serious look on my face. Although the hint of a smile on my face certainly doesn’t help my case. I begin fiddling with my ring finger, where my actual engagement ring sits on full display. Being able to see it and feel it helps me relax, my body already knowing how important this situation is.
“The family and story just seemed really familiar to a call I had the other night. At the same address. I was hoping for it be a coincidence but that’s unfortunately not the case. Alicia and I went out there the other night for the son and something just didn’t seem right then. I thought I was just being overdramatic, so I let it go. But I think there is something wrong with this woman. I think she lied to us”
Eddie gives me yet another confused look before pulling out the chair beside me and sitting down. He throws his arm over my shoulder and slides the chair closer to me. I can tell that he understands how strongly I feel about this just by the look he is giving me.
“Well,” He starts “you know I trust your instincts so what do you have?”
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petersbaby · 2 years
OKAY it’s finally done.
*disclaimer that you are 18*
Warnings: a little bit dark maybe? Stepcest, jealousy, fingering and that should be it
It’s 8:30 on a cool dewy august morning. You ate like usual, made and drank your coffee and headed out the door.
Once in the car and away from your parents, you ask Eddie a question as he begins the drive to school. You could drive, technically, just didn’t have a car. Not enough money saved up to buy one. Because of this, you had been borderline taking advantage of his sweet spot for you, getting him to take you a bunch of places.
“Soooo… would you take me to a party tonight? Pretty please?”
“Is your mom okay with that? If so, why don’t you ask her to drive you?”
“You know she’s not. Come on, please.” You give him a sweet smile, the one that always got his knees a little weak.
“Fine, you little shit.” He says jokingly, “Who’s party anyways?”
“Umm, just a girl I know. I’ll tell my mom I’m spending the night at one of my friend’s houses”
He lets out a quiet and defeated “mhm, sure” as you pull into the parking lot.
“Bye, eds” you say as you jump out of the passenger seat and head to your first class.
After school, you ride home with him like usual. Once you get there, you tell your mom you’d be having a sleepover that night, to which she just says “okay”.
You head to your room excitedly to start picking what you want to wear. You eventually land on a low cut tank top and a black skirt. Until you got to the party, you decided to pull the skirt down a bit further and to cover up your chest and the sliver of midriff with a big fluffy cardigan sweater.
9pm comes around and Eddie shows up at your bedroom door.
“Do you want to go or not? I’m not waiting all day for you to get ready”
“It’s only like 9, what are you 70 years old??” You call out to him.
“I am not 70, thank you very much. Cmon.”
You swing open your door and he’s shocked by just how beautiful you look tonight.
Makeup done nice and pretty, mascara making your fluttering eyelashes more pronounced, black eyeliner (which he liked, A LOT), and a little bit of glitter on the inner corners of your eyes.
You said bye to your mom and step dad, and they tell Eddie to drive safe.
Once you’re near the address on the invite, you have him pull over a little farther back from the actual house. Once again, you really didn’t wanna be seen in this nasty van.
He puts it in park and you start to fix your outfit. First, you pulled off the sweater to reveal your tits halfway out and prominent. His gaze instantly falls to them.
You stand up after getting out and pull your skirt back up to it’s original (short) length.
“Hey, hey, woah.”
You look at him, “what?”
“Why are you taking your clothes off?”
“I’m not taking my clothes off, you’re exaggerating. I just had to tweak the outfit a bit so my mom wouldn’t see it.”
“You’re so sneaky, you know that? And you are not going in there like that.”
“Hm. Well, bye. Come get me around midnight, maybe one, and bring me back home.”
“Hey.” He snapped at you, and you freeze at the sudden bitterness in his tone.
He gets out of the car too, and walks over to you to grab your wrist before you can walk away from him.
“I said you’re not fucking wearing that.”
“You’re not my dad.” You retorted.
“No, but I’m your big stepbrother and I have to protect you whether you want me to or not. I’m going on with you.”
“Wha- no you’re not. Please just leave.” You beg, wanting this overprotective act to be over.
The truth is, he knew you’d have guys all over you.
He couldn’t stand the images playing in his head, or the fact that one could hurt or take advantage of you.
“I was trying to be nice, but you look like a slut, okay? You’re gonna attract a lot of attention, but not a good kind. I know what guys think.”
“What do they think, exactly?”
He’s growing more and more frustrated at your arguing and defiance. He pulls you by your arm over to his side of the van, which was the one facing the woods instead of the other houses on the street.
He pushes you up against the side of it, and you shiver at the feeling of the cold rusty metal on your back.
This is soon paired with two cold hands slipping under your skirt, firmly grabbing handfuls of your bare ass that was uncovered since you’d worn a thong.
“Jesus fucking christ. You were really prepared to be a whore tonight. Well it’s not gonna happen.” His legs was slotted between your legs, and one of his hands was around your throat and squeezing lightly.
“Eds, please. I’m sorry I- I….” Tears start to sting in your eyes at his harsh words.
“Hm? What’s the matter with you? Have you lost your mind?”
The tears spill, running quickly down your cheeks as you completely surrender.
His grip on you loosens and he relieves some of the pressure he was creating by pressing his body against yours tightly.
“There it is. Don’t have anymore arguing left in you, do ya?” You shake your head quickly. Tears streaming down your face, you decide to just call off the whole thing. You wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
“Let’s just go, eds, I couldn’t go in there now even if I wanted to.” You say, motioning to your visibly upset face. You walk around again to return the his passenger seat and shut the door hastily.
You felt completely embarrassed and confused as to why he freaked out on you like that. When he gets back in the van, no words are said as he starts to head presumably back to your house.
You ended up the very end of the road which is a dead end, sort of a cul-de-sac that was never finished. No houses, no street lights. You just assume he’s using it to turn around, but the van comes lurching to a stop.
All is dark except for the small interior light on the ceiling.
“You just wanted some attention, hmm? Is that it?”
“I-I don’t know, I guess so. I don’t know.” You look down, ashamed and belittled. He reaches over to swipe his thumb across your face to catch the warm tears off of it as they appear.
“Look at me. Hey. I’ll give you some, okay? Only me. You need something, you ask me, not go running to some random drunk guys.”
You nod, realizing that he’s pretty spot on. Of course you loved attention, who doesn’t? You just wanted to feel wanted. To have someone look at you like you’re beautiful. But he does, in this moment.
He crawls to the back of the van where the back seats had been taken out to carry stuff, like speakers and other band equipment.
It wasn’t very graceful, but he got back there. There were scattered blankets covering the nicotine stained interior fabric on the floor, and he patted the space in front of him.
You come to him, crawling between the two front seats to come resting on your knees in between his legs.
“C’mere. I’ll give you what you wanted. You want me to touch you, to tell you how hot you look, how beautiful you are? To tell you how amazing your body is in this outfit?”
He runs his hand through your hair.
“Maybe not now, you look a little crazy. You know, mascara all down your face.” He jokes and you punch him in the arm. He wets his thumbs with his spit which is kind of gross but endearing and did his best to get the black streaks off your cheeks.
He kisses you gently, treating you as a breakable object that he doesn’t want to hurt again. He hated seeing you cry and felt bad that he did. You crawl into his lap, straddling him. You dig your head into his shoulder for comfort, breathing in his signature scent that you wouldn’t find anywhere else in the world,
He starts to kiss your neck and starts to suck when he gets to your collar bones, definitely leaving bruises. He feels you up and down, all over, on top of your skimpy outfit.
“You’re beautiful, okay? And I know that everyone else thinks so, too, so you don’t have to go out and try to prove it. That’s all I was trying to say. Maybe I got a little mean.”
“A little?” You sniffle, looking at him trying to be serious but not able to stop the smile that starts to form on your face as you look at him. He just wants the best for you, you couldn’t be mad at that.
He reaches down, first to pull your panties to the side, but then decides to take them off altogether. You shimmy to try to help get them off, and immediately after they are, you return to sit on his lap, one leg on each side.
He slips his fingers in between your folds, the contrast of his still chilly hands and your heated core making you gasp and jump a little.
“Shh, calm down. It’s just me.” You relax into his touch, and he takes his time with you. He pulls the straps off your shoulders and kisses them, moving down to your breasts which he kisses the top of.
You pull the shirt the rest of the way down, the cool air hitting your nipples as they completely harden. He takes one, and then the other, into his mouth. Switching between sucking and kissing them. Once he feels you’re adequately wet, he slips his two fingers inside of you, deeper than you can reach with your own.
“Beautiful, baby, so beautiful. You’re mine.”
Your head falls forward at the words, resting on his shoulder once again.
“Oh fuck, please”, you moaned, but softly and right against his ear which gives him goosebumps. He continues to work you with his fingers, starting to curl them inside of you every now and then. You mewl, almost uncontrollably. Your sounds just give him more energy and satisfaction, maybe a little ego boost.
“I feel you squeezing, close already?” He smirks.
“Mmh, yes.”
“Good girl, come on then”, he responds and quickens the pace and intensity of his fingers fucking you in and out.
You want to cry out, but bite down on his shoulder instead as your whole body tenses and relaxes, and you didn’t know how bad you needed this release until now.
“So pretty, look at you. This is all you wanted, isn’t it?”
Removing his fingers, he kisses you again. “Happy?” You can only nod. “Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, all yours.”
“Now cmon, put the sweater back on and we can go get some food.” He says, grabbing it and handing it to you and climbing back up to the front and you follow.
A couple hours after your departure, you arrived back home. Your mom is surprised, and asks you what happened.
“I just changed my mind, then we went to get something to eat and they took a long time at the restaurant.”
She seems satisfied enough with that answer. You both head upstairs to your respective bedrooms.
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knickynoo · 3 months
McFly July Day 9: A New Puppy
Lone Pine timeline: happily married Jen and Marty version
Jennifer corralled the twins into the living room while Marty followed behind, carrying the squirming puppy in his arms. He set it down on the carpet and smiled as it romped excitedly around, back and forth between the kids.
They’d had some time to get acquainted and play for a bit before Marty decided to move them onto the next task at hand: picking a name.
“Okay,” Marty clapped his hands together to gain the attention of the four-year-olds. “What are we gonna name this little guy? Any ideas? Just shout ‘em out.”
Marty and Jennifer looked at their daughter. “Okay…um…well, that’s your name, honey,” Marty replied, wondering briefly if perhaps Marlene hadn’t understood his question. But one look at her wide, satisfied smile—as if she’d just settled the matter in one try—told him otherwise.
The girl shrugged. “So? It’s a good name.”
“Yes, it’s a very good name. But it’s just that he’s a boy dog. And besides, don’t you think it might be confusing to have a dog with the same name as you?”
Jennifer nodded her agreement. “What happens when Dad or I call out, ‘Marlene’? How will you know if we’re calling for you or the dog?”
Marlene pushed her blond bangs from her eyes. “We’ll figure it out.”
Beside him, Marty could see Jennifer stifle a laugh. This wasn’t a battle they were likely to win. He turned his attention to Junior, who had been sitting quietly, one hand stroking the dog’s soft, brown coat. “How about you, Junior? Got a name for him?”
“Um, um, uh…” Junior tapped at his chin with his free hand, face scrunched in deep thought for several seconds. “Pizza.”
Marty blinked at his son. “Pizza.”
“That’s not a name!” Marlene quipped. “That’s a food!”
With a firm look from Jennifer, Marlene quieted and settled back into her spot. The puppy tumbled from Junior’s lap, made its way over to where Marty sat, and began pulling at his shoelaces. He turned to his wife. “Any ideas, Jen?”
“No, I’m enjoying this. I want to hear more of their suggestions.”
Marlene huffed. “Okay, I have another name. Martin. It’s a boy name.”
“Yes, but it’s also mine and your brother’s name,” Marty told her, to which Marlene merely shrugged again.
“Oh! I know!” Junior jumped to his feet and bounced on his toes. “I got a name! Firetruck!”
Bickering ensued, with Marlene crossing her arms and declaring that Junior shouldn’t be allowed to come up with any more names and Junior responding by continuing to shout his recent suggestion in increasing volume before clamping his hands over his ears and switching to the “la la la, I can’t hear you” technique. The puppy ambled to the middle of the carpeted room and peed.
Amidst the chaos, Marty didn’t hear the knock at the door, though the ringing doorbell that followed got everyone settled fast. A moment later, Doc poked his head into the room, looking tentatively around. “Don’t mind me,” he said to the kids. “Please continue your shouting.”
Junior and Marlene ran to give the man their usual enthusiastic greeting, their squabbling quickly forgotten.
“Uncle Doc, we got a puppy!” Marlene took hold of Doc’s hand and pulled him further into the room.
“Yes, that’s precisely why I’m here. I wanted to meet your new addition to the family.” He knelt and offered a hand to the dog, who sniffed excitedly, tail going a mile a minute.
“You know, this is perfect timing, Doc,” Marty said. “We’re, ah, having some trouble coming up with a name. Maybe you can help?”
Doc took the wiggling pup into his arms and studied it a moment. “Looks like a Pythagoras to me.”
Marty was quiet before nodding. “Right, so we’ll keep working on it.”
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vergilthelibrarian · 2 years
Tumblr media
The woods were always eerily calm… but that could be because of the rumors in your town.
The rumors that one of the local woods were the home of an extremist Christian cult that kidnapped people who would go into their woods.
Of course growing up in the town, you and your friends would dare each other to go into the woods just like most of the kids and young adults did to the dismay of their parents and grandparents.
You and your friends would go into the woods, looking for the compound of the rumored cult only to find nothing… though one day, you and your friends came across something strange.
Well it was more like someone strange.
As you were playing around in the woods, you came across a boy who looked a bit younger than you.
You and your friends were around 10-11 while the boy looked like he could’ve been about 9 or 8 years old.
You stood together, walking close to the boy.
“Um hi.” Nina said, “are you lost?”
The boy stared at your group, a dullness in his eyes that honestly terrified you.
He didn’t look disheveled or anything. In fact, he was very well groomed but his silence and unreadable eyes… he was different from the other kids where just shy or quiet.
You all stopped in place, too scared to keep going forward.
Though you were scared, you didn’t like a small child being in the woods alone so gathering a bit of courage, you broke out of your pack and cautiously walked to the boy.
“Hey. Where is you’re mom and dad?” You asked him.
The boy didn’t answer and you walked closer to him.
“Are you lost?” You noticed how tensed his body was. “I’m not gonna hurt you. It’s just that you shouldn’t be here by yourself. You can get hurt. You can come with me and my friends and we help you find your mom and dad.” You gave him a small smile, offering your hand out for him to take.
A look of confusion broke onto the boy’s face.
“You’re not gonna hurt me? The leader tells me that the outside world will hurt me…” he finally spoke and his words came out in a tone like as if he was questioning something.
But his answer made you question what he just said.
“What? What does that mean?” And before the boy could answer a booming voice made everyone in the woods jump and before you could ask the boy what he meant, he ran off quickly into the opposite direction.
You sighed as the warmth of the Starbucks hit your cold cheeks.
You had just moved back to your hometown, growing tired of city life and wanting to live a more slow paced life again though you knew that you will eventually return to the city at some point, though you didn’t know when that would be.
Your town has changed drastically, turning more into a little hipster city and as you made eye contact with Nina, you smiled widely as you made your way towards her.
“Hey!” She said excitedly, getting up to greet you with a big hug.
You hugged her back, enjoying the embrace. You haven’t seen her in years since moving to the city and it was nice to be in her presence again.
She let go, taking her seat and watched as you took off your coat.
“God… Ya know, even though I know how you look now, seeing you in person… you’ve gotten really handsome.”
Your cheeks became warm and you bashfully laughed as you took a seat.
“Thanks.” You rolled up your a bit sleeves before placing your elbows up on the table and putting your head in your hands. “So what’s up?”
Nina laughed and you two soon caught up.
You knew that Nina had taken over her family’s farm and she was always talking about her frustration at how her chickens would get stolen from time to time and it just so happened once again the night before you came.
“I don’t know what to do. It’s not an animal, I already learned that fast and every time I set up a camera to see who it could be, my camera always get destroyed or stolen.”
A grin creeped onto your face as you said, “maybe it’s the cult.” And Nina hit you, rolling her eyes.
“Don’t joke about that!” She huffed causing you to laugh.
“I’m sorry, I won’t.”
“There’s rumors going around that the newer members are now trying to blend in just to recruit people.”
“Really?” Your eyebrows raised.
“Yeah. Something about “saving” more people that way. I heard there’s a new leader too.” Nina took a sip of her latte and quickly the topic changed.
As you and Nina conversed, you couldn’t help but feel as though you were being watched.
Looking around the cafe, your eyes gradually landed on piercing eyes… eyes that felt familiar.
You didn’t listen to your brain that was screaming for you to turn around, no, you kept eye contact with the man and Nina noticed, her own gaze following yours.
“Do you know him?”
You frowned in confusion.
“I’m not sure…” and you turn your attention back onto Nina.
The man whose piercing gaze lingered onto you for a bit longer knew it was you though you weren’t the girl he had met.
The girl that opened up his mind. The girl that stole his heart.
Such a small insignificant interaction to you held such a huge religious significance to the man.
Of course he needed to have you, girl or not, that didn’t matter.
All that mattered was that you were back.
You were finally back and now he can finally make you his.
And all you had to do was accept him as your savior. As your messiah.
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xandriagreat · 5 months
Ballister | Chapter 1
Prologue | Last Chapter | Next Chapter
Notice/warnings: screaming/yelling, fear, CAPS, death, burning/burns
Everyone in the kingdom was watching the students of the Institute doing their outside test training.
The test was to see how well the students could attack their monster dummies.
At one point during the test, a 10 year old redhead commoner girl, who was being chased after by some knights, jumped over the fence and into the testing area. 
Everyone, including the students, stared at her as she picked up a training wooden sword and then started to attack a training monster dummy, knocking it down and ‘killing’ within seconds. 
She was wild but yet showed skill and passion.
After ‘killing’ the monster, the redhead girl looks at everyone for a moment as she stands up tall with pride and purpose. Then she raised the wooden sword to the sky and shouted, “I’m here to slay monsters and protect our kingdom!”
The next thing everyone knew was that the redhead commoner girl was tackled by the Institute guards, pinning her to the ground.
The redhead girl screamed loudly while being pinned down.
“STOP!” a loud voice shouted from the royal box.
Everything stopped as everyone looked at the person who shouted.
It was Queen Valerin.
Everyone continued to look at the queen while Queen Valerin looked at the redhead commoner as she asked someone to get her something. 
Then the queen was handed a microphone. “Bring her to my office.” Queen Valerin said into the microphone, pointing at her.
The guards were confused but still did what they were told and took the redhead commoner to her office.
The redhead commoner was taken to the queen’s office. A guard watched her, to make sure she didn’t run off or take anything while the other guards left.
The redhead commoner looked around the queen’s office as she waited. 
The queen’s desk had a holographic computer, a cup of pens, some paper, and a photo of a 9 year old boy of Prince Stevenson, the queen’s son. 
The office windows led to a balcony and looked over the kingdom.
The redhead commoner hummed softly. 
Then the redhead commoner looked at Queen Valerin when the queen came into the office. 
“So… you wanted to see me?” the girl asked a bit nervously and confused. 
The queen nodded and said, “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Ok, what do you want to talk to me about?”
“I noticed when you jumped the fence and attacked the dummy monster. You have a different way than everyone else.” the queen said, smiling softly. “You have a different type of bravery.”
The redhead commoner was still confused. “Is that good or bad? And why is it different?”
“It's good.” Queen Valerin reassured. "Well, most bravery have strength from their family and ancestors, but with you, I see you have the heart of a hero. I want to ask you. Would you like to be a knight?"
The commoner’s eyes widened as she asked excitedly, “Wait- Really?!”
The queen nodded with a smile. “I’ve had the thought of what if a commoner could be a knight for a while. I wanted to see if you want to be a knight to help change.”
“Yes!” the redhead commoner exclaimed.
Queen Valerin chuckled softly with a smile. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
The redhead commoner took a breath to be calm. “Nimona. My name is Nimona.” she said, smiling big. 
Queen Valerin hummed and nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, Nimona. Do you have a last name?”
Nimona got quiet for a moment before saying, “It’s Crimsonthorn. Since I am from the crime family Crimsonthorn… But I’m willing to change it so that people can see me as good. Like Rosas, Loveheart, or something.”
The queen chuckled softly again, “We’ll talk about that later.”
Nimona smiled again and couldn’t help but hug Queen Valerin, making the queen laugh softly.
◇12 years later◇
Today was an exciting day for the kingdom.
For tonight was the knighting ceremony.
But this knighting ceremony was different. Because this knighting ceremony has a test before the ceremony and there’s only one cadet, who was a commoner of a crime family. This commoner worked so hard to climb her way up to be a knight.
Nimona Roselove was in the rafters of Rosedome, watching the news that was on the jumbotron.
Her red hair was cut short but it was still long enough to put it in a small ponytail while the back of her head was shaved. She had dyed pink side bangs that perfectly frame her face. She was wearing black pants and a dark pink tank top. She also was wearing a black jacket over her, having the hood over her head as if to hide.
Nimona smiled softly when the news showed the clips of her progress of becoming a knight. But then her smile faded when the news reporter asked some people about her becoming a knight. The responses were negative about a commoner becoming a knight, mostly saying they don’t feel safe about this.
The screen of the jumbotron showed a photo of Nimona in her rose gold armor as the news reporter asked, “So tonight, only one question remains. Will the Kingdom accept this knight who might not be right?”
Nimona looked at the crowd as some people in the crowd shouted, “NO!”
Nimona sighed, hugging herself as she sat down on the metal floor.
Then she heard someone climbing up the ladder. She looked over to see Gloreth Goldenloin, the descendant of Ambrosius, entering the rafters.
Gloreth has long flowing blonde hair that reaches to the middle of her back. She wears yellow pants and a white tank top with a teal light jacket.
“There you are.” Gloreth said, smiling at Nimona as she walked over to her. “I figured that you would be somewhere that was dark.”
Nimona gave a weak smile at her. “Hey, Gloria…” she said as her smile faded to a frown.
Gloreth sat down next to her and looked at her. “Are you excited about this? Or are you just going to be pretending to be a broody 'shadow' on the biggest day of your life?” Gloreth asked, pulling the hood off of Nimona’s head.
“I'm not pretending to be a broody 'shadow'. I'm just… thinking.” Nimona explained, looking at Gloreth for a moment before looking down. “I’m thinking… This is my thinking face.”
Gloreth hummed and nodded. “Hey, Thinky-face. Look at me.” she said softly. 
Nimona looked at Gloreth, who was still smiling softly at her. “You worked harder than all of us.” the blonde woman said. Then Gloreth gently grabbed Nimona’s shoulders and playfully shook her as she chuckled, “You’re going to do great at this test and you’re gonna be a knight, Nim!”
“Alright. Alright.” Nimona laughed softly with a smile, shaking the hands off her shoulders.
Both women look down at the crowd, smiling softly.
Then a thought hit Nimona, making her frown again. “But… what if they still hate me?” Nimona asked, concerned and worried.
Gloreth looked at Nimona again, noticing her concern and fear. “No one hates a hero of the realm.” Gloreth reassured still smiling softly. “They're gonna love you.” 
Then Gloreth placed a hand on Nimona’s as she added, “Like I do.”
Nimona looked at Gloreth and smiled at her as she gently squeezed her hand.
“So, they are going to want to date me?” Nimona asked jokingly.
“Well not exactly like I do- you know what I mean!” Gloreth said with sass.
Nimona laughed softly and leaned her head on Gloreth’s shoulder, smiling.
The knights were getting ready in the locker room. Most were finishing getting their armor on and some were talking with each other while waiting to each get their swords by the squire.
Normally the knights’ armor was white and gray but Nimona and Gloreth’s armor were different. Gloreth’s armor was a golden color while Nimona’s armor was a rose gold.
Nimona was able to get her rose gold armor on but was struggling with her left armor shoulder pad that connected to her armor sleeve. “Oh come on!” she growled at it. 
Gloreth noticed after getting her golden armor on. She walked over to help. “Need help?” Gloreth asked, walking over to her.
Nimona nodded. “Please…”
Gloreth helped Nimona get the armor shoulder pad on, along with the armor sleeve.
“Thanks.” Nimona said, smiling at her as she moved her arm. “Hopefully this doesn't fall off. And if it does, who cares.”
Gloreth nodded.
Nimona got her gloves on as she waited to be handed her sword. As she got her gloves on, Todd Sureblade walked over to her. 
“Hey, Nimona.” Todd called out to her.
Nimona looked at him and then turned around. “Nope!” she said loudly, starting to walk away to get out of the locker rooms.
“Whoa, no!” Todd said, grabbing her wrist to stop her.
Nimona stopped to turn around and glared at him. “What do you want?” she asked with a growl.
“I just want to talk to you.” Todd said, smiling a prize smile.
Nimona sighs as she looks down before looking at him again and says with a warning, “It's either something nice or don’t say it.”
“Listen,” Todd started, sounding sincere “I just wanted to say, I know I've always been tough on you and I never thought you belonged here.” 
Nimona looked at him like he was going to say more. “And?”
Todd looked at her confused. “And what?” he asked, tilting his head to the side for a moment.
“Is there more?” Nimona asked with warning.
Todd looked at her as he tried to hold in a laugh like she said a joke. “Oh, did you think I was gonna keep going? Or like...did you think I was going to apologize for how I treated you?” Todd laughed loudly. “That’s hilarious! You’re so stupid. I love it. It’s so funny.”
Before he walked away from her, he punched her left shoulder pad (the one piece of armor that she struggled to put on), leaving a dent and feeling a bit loose.
Nimona growled at him as Todd called out to everyone, “Hey everybody! Nimona thought I was going to apologize for treating her like the trash that she is!”
Some of the knights start to laugh.
Nimona glared at him as Todd got some high fives from the other knight. She took a breath to calm down to keep her temper in control.
The squire went to Nimona with her sword. “Your sword.” the squire said, handing the sword to her.
“Thank you, Diego.” Nimona said to the squire as she got her sword, nodding to the squire with a soft smile.
Her sword was interesting. Her sword blade was red with a dark pink glow, the hilt was black, and at the tip of the handle of the hilt there was a red gem.
She put her sword away in her scabbard and attached the scabbard to her belt as the squire pushed the cart out of the locker room when done handing out swords.
Then The Director entered the locker room. “Knights and cadet!” the Director called out to everyone.
Nimona and the Knights quickly line up and stand at attention as the Director walks in.
The Director was a tall and thin blonde-haired woman with pale skin, a long neck. She wears a long silver dress. Her blonde hair is in a tight bun and wears a net overtop her head with a translucent veil around her neck. She carries a staff which holds a white gem at the top.
She looked at the knights and smiled at them. 
“Everyone, this day is an important day. This day will change history.” The Director said, walking down the line. “Reminder. There's no greater calling than protecting this Kingdom from evil. Never let your guard down. Never weaken. And always have the will of Ambrosius with you.”
“Yes, Director!” everyone in line said together.
The Director smiled at them and nodded to the knights to excuse them to go into their seats in the stadium.
“Thank you, Director.” each of the knights said as they left the locker room to get to the knight’s seats that’s near the royal box.
Gloreth gently gave Nimona a reassuring hand squeeze before leaving with the other knights.
Nimona smiled at her before talking in a breath to be calm and looked at the Director expecting a big speech from her.
“Nimona,” the Director started, smiling softly at her, “after today, the kingdom will see you for who you really are.” 
Nimona nodded to her and said, “Thank you, Director.”
The Director walked out of the locker room to go to the royal box as Nimona went to the gates that lead to the field.
Nimona took in a breath as she waited for the gate to open to the field. She looks through the bars to see what’s going on.
The stadium was completely filled with all classes, the high and low classes. The only seats that weren’t filled yet were the knights' seats and the royal box.
Nimona was excited but also nervous as she looked around more.
At the other end of the field was another gate. On the other side is a robot ‘monster’ that Nimona has to defeat.
The ‘monster’ was made by the science department. It was a safer option for everyone in the kingdom and there would be no monster attack.
“Everyone, the knights!” the announcer over the P.A. said with excitement as the knight went to their station seats that’s near the royal box.
The crowd roars with cheers when seeing Gloreth, who waved to the crowd before going to her seat.
“My Lords and Ladies, Her Majesty, The Queen!” the announcer over the P.A. said still with excitement as Queen Valerin entered the royal box with her son and The Director.
The crowd cheers and applause to the queen.
Nimona took in a breath, getting herself ready mentally.
“Alright everyone! The moment we’ve all been waiting for! After this test, will this be a knighting ceremony or just an experience that just failed. Now let’s see if this commoner ‘knight’ is a worthy knight!” the announcer over the P.A. said as both the gates to the field opened.
Nimona walked out to the field as some people in the crowd cheered while some people jeered.
When Nimona got to the center of the field, she looked at  the other gate as it opened and out came the ‘monster’.
The robot monster was a dragon with tentacles on its back. There was a red light on the chest, representing the heart and life source.
Nimona inhaled and then exhaled as she grabbed the hilt of her sword, ready to fight. 
“Here we go.” she whispered to herself with a smirk, pulling out her sword and charged at it.
The robot monster roars at her and charges at her, starting to attack her with the tentacles.
Nimona starts to slice some of the tentacles as she gets closer to the ‘heart’.
But before Nimona got close enough to the ‘heart’, the robot monster slapped her away with it’s tail. The slap almost sent her flying across the field, which made everyone in the crowd gasp.
Nimona tumbled across the dirt of the field, losing her left armor shoulder pad, her armor sleeve, gloves, and sword in the process.
When the commoner knight slid to a stop, she noticed that her sword was only a few feet away from her. Nimona growled as she looked at the monster, feeling her face turning red. 
The robot monster roared at her and Nimona screamed at it in response.
Then Nimona got up and ran to the monster again, picking up her sword in the process.
The robot monster charges at her again, attacking her with the remaining tentacles.
Nimona slices the tentacles more violently this time, getting more closer to the ‘heart’.
Memories flashed before her eyes as she attacked and sliced. Memories of her training, her purpose, and what she’s fighting for.
The next moment that Nimona knew was that she got close to the ‘heart’ and stabbed it with her sword.
Nimona panted as she watched the red light fade to black. 
Nimona pulled her sword out and took a few steps back. Then she raised and pointed her sword at the 'monster' as the robot monster fell to the ground.
“She did it!” the announcer over the P.A. exclaimed excitedly. "She's a worthy knight!"
Nimons heard some cheers from half of the crowd while the other half was in shock, which made her smile.
As Nimona went back to the locker room, there was a loud roar that could have been heard from everywhere.
It sounded it was from beyond the wall.
Then The Director’s voice was heard over the speakers, saying, “Don’t worry everyone. The guards and knights at the wall will take care of that monster.” 
Then the sound of one of the cannons goes off and there was silence from beyond the wall.
Nimona could smile a bit.
But then her smile faded as she thought about the roar.‘The monster sounded like it was calling out to something.’ she thought as she got to the locker room.
She normally kept her thoughts to herself, since most of her thoughts noticed that things are odd or different.
It's lonely but it's alright.
Nimona was in the locker room, washing up and freshening herself up after her battle while the field got cleaned up and got the stage ready for the ceremony.
She couldn’t believe it. She’s going to be a knight!
Nimona was able to get her armor back on by herself. The only things that were missing were her left armor shoulder pad and armor sleeve, because both of the armor parts were flattened during the battle.
Nimona didn’t mind it.
She looked up when she heard footsteps walking over to her.
It was Gloreth. 
“Gloria, hey.” Nimona said, smiling at her.
“Nim! You did a great job!” Gloreth exclaimed excitedly, running over to her and hugging her.
Nimona laughed as she hugged back. She laughed more as Gloreth kissed her cheek a few times.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on stage?” Nimona asked, looking at Gloreth after they finished hugging.
“Yeah but I wanted to see you one more time before you are knighted!” Gloreth said, smiling softly. “Also, I wanted to see if you were alright.”
Nimona couldn’t help but chuckle and nodded. “I’m ok.” she reassured her, gently rubbing her hands with hers.
Gloreth hummed softly, nodding a bit.
Nimona smiled back softly. “Hey, mind helping me put my cape on?” she asked as she let go of her hands to grab a red cape from her locker.
“I thought you hated the cape.” Gloreth said, tilting her head to the side a bit.
“Yeah… but I want to look my best.” Nimona said with a chuckle.
Gloreth nodded and helped Nimona get the cape on.
“There we go.” Gloreth said, wiping out the wrinkles out of the cape after putting it on Nimona. 
“Thank you.”
Nimona was smiling and humming a happy tune as she was going to get her sword from her locker.
Gloreth noticed the humming. “What’s going on?” the blonde woman asked. “You normally hum a tune when you’re excited.”
“I’m just excited about being knighted,” Nimona started, then she mumbled under her breath, “and the surprise for the queen.”
Gloreth heard the mumble and gasped excitedly, “Oh! What is it?!”
Gloreth looked in the locker to see if the surprise was there.
“It’s not in the locker!" Nimona laughed, blocking Gloreth from going into her locker. "I’m not going to tell you yet! You’re going to have to wait!”
"Aw, come on!"
Then both women stopped messing around when they heard footsteps walking over.
It was The Director.
The Director was confused to see Gloreth there but was calm. “Gloreth, you need to get on the stage on the field. The stage is ready.” Director said, walking over to the two. “I’ll be out soon after.”
Gloreth nodded. “Got it.”
Gloreth smiled at Nimona before leaving the locker room.
When Gloreth was left, Nimona looked at The Director, who smiled softly at her.
“Did you bring the surprise?” The Director asked softly.
Nimona nodded. “Yes. It’s with my friends, Ocean Sealine and Meredith Blitzmeyer.”
“Good.” The Director hummed, nodding softly. “The surprise will be on stage after the knighting.”
Nimona smiled and nodded in understanding.
The Director left the locker room as Nimona got her belt with her scabbard on before she picked up her sword.
Nimona put the sword away in the scabbard before she went to gates that lead to the field again.
Nimona looks through the bars to see what’s going on as she waits for the gates to open again.
The stage was set for the ceremony and there were a few people on the stage. The people on stage were Gloreth, The Director, and Queen Valerin.
Queen Valerin was center stage while Gloreth was on her right and The Director was on her left.
Nimona could hear chatter in the crowd then the crowd went quiet as the announcer over the P.A. said, “Alright everyone! It is time to Knight the Knight!”
The gate opened and Nimona walked out to the field as the lights went out except for the spotlights on the stage.
‘Here we go.’ the commoner knight thought as she ascended up the stairs to the stage.
Nimona felt that she was floating as she got on stage, facing the queen.
“I’ve been looking forward to this moment.” Queen Valerin said to Nimona, smiling softly to her as she stepped forward to her.
Nimona smiled back and nodded. “Thank you, your Majesty.” she said humbling as she knelt down, ready to be knighted.
Queen Valerin looked at Nimona, still smiling softly at her, before looking at the crowd.
“My people. Starting today, any of you should be able to hold the sword. If you want it. If you earn it.” Queen Valerin said loud and clear to the audience and to the live broadcast. 
Some of the people in the crowd started to talk among themselves for a few moments before going quiet again.
“I’ve watched this young woman earn it many times over. Like you all have seen today.” Queen Valerin continued, pointing her hand at the commoner knight.
Nimona was excited but nervous. She worked so hard and persevered against all odds to get here, proving that she wasn’t like her family.
“Your sword.” Queen Valerin said, smiling softly at her.
Nimona pulls her sword from its scabbard and hands it to the queen hilt-first.
Queen Valerin held the sword by the hilt in a strong grip.
“I hereby pronounce you, Lady Nimona Roselove, Hero of the Realm.” Queen Valerin declared, knighting Nimona with the sword.
Nimona was truly touched. 
She looked up and smiled at the queen.
Then her smile faded as she glanced at the crowd of the Rosedome. 
Everyone in the crowd was quiet.
Nimona let her head hang down, feeling that she didn’t prove herself.
But then a couple people start to applaud. Then a few more start to applaud. Then finally the whole crowd in Rosedome joins in.
Nimona lifts her head and looks at the crowd.
“YES!!! ROSELOVE!!!” Gloreth exclaimed happily loudly, clapping.
The crowd’s applause turned into a deafening roar.
Nimona smiled as she started to cry softly, overwhelmed with happiness now that she was now accepted.
Nimona looked at Queen Valerin, who was smiling at her.
“Congratulations, Lady Roselove. Let a new era of heroes begin with you.” Queen Valerin said, handing the sword back to Nimona.
Nimona smiled and nodded as she took her sword back. She put it back in its scabbard as she stood up.
She couldn’t control herself and hug Queen Valerin, which made the queen chuckle and hug her back.
When they were done hugging, the crowd quieted down as a square table with a medium size colorful gift box on top was put on the center stage.
“What’s this?” Queen Valerin asked when she turned around and saw the gift box.
“It’s a gift for you, your Majesty. It’s from Nimona.” The Director said, smiling softly.
The queen looked at Nimona and chuckled softly as she walked to the table. 
Queen Valerin tried to pick up the gift when she got to the table. But she couldn’t. “Oh! It’s heavy” she said out loud as she went around the table.
‘Heavy?’ Nimona thought confused. ‘It’s not supposed to be heavy.’
Nimona heard a voice inside her just shouting at her, ‘Something is wrong! You need to stop this!’
As the queen was starting to open the gift, Nimona started to run to stop her from opening.
“WAIT-!” Nimona started to shout with left arm reaching out to stop.
But it was too late. 
The gift was opened and a fire explosion went off, sending everyone on stage almost flying back.
Nimona landed hard at the near edge of the stage.
A high pitch ringing rang in her ears.
She slowly sat up in shock to see the fire burning the stage, shock and angry faces looking at her.
Before Nimona got up, Gloreth pointed her sword at Nimona as if to say ‘stay down’.
Nimona and Gloreth lock eyes with each other in shock and horror.
As the shock settled, Nimona felt a painful fire burning pain on her left arm traveling up to her neck.
Nimona screamed loudly in pain.
Knights start to run onto the field to get Nimona.
But then one of the jumbotron screens fell off from the jumbotrons.
Gloreth jumped out of the way before it crashed onto the stage.
The jumbotron screen crashed onto the stage, making a crater.
Nimona’s spot on the stage caves in, because of the crater, causing Nimona to tumble down it, ripping the cape, and putting out the fire on her arm. The ringing stopped and Nimona’s hearing went back to normal as she got onto her knees, panted heavily. 
She looks up to see Gloreth and knights looking down at her.
“Arrest her! She killed the Queen!” a knight shouted.
‘The queen is dead?’ Nimona thought worriedly.
Nimona’s heart beat fast as she forced herself to get up and went down a sewer tunnel, disappearing into the shadows.
◇4 months later◇
A 15 year-old British-Pakistani boy was in an alleyway. 
The teen had a scar over his right eye and his right arm was a black robotic prosthetic. He had long black hair that went to his shoulders and two different color streaks in his hair, a light blue and dark indigo. He wore a black pants, a dark indigo sash around his waist, a light blue shirt and a blue jacket with both right sleeves removed. He also carries a black satchel.
The teen boy was in front of a framed poster that had knights and the word ‘kingdom’.
The teen got a spray paint can out of satchel and started to spray paint, crossing out ‘kingdom’ and then writing ‘kingdumb’.
This made the teen chuckle with a smile. Then he looked at a nearby news report on the holographic newsstand as the news reporters appeared on the screens giving warning to anyone who would listen.
“Nimona Crimsonthorn, the Queen Killer, is still out there.” a news reporter said with a warning. “Everyone is scared.”
The teen walks through the crowd to get over to the holographic newsstand, interested. 
As he walked over, he bumped into someone from the passing people. 
“Freak!” the person said to him.
The teen looked at the person and hissed at them, scaring the person away. Then he continued to walk the holographic newsstand.
The teen stood in front of the holographic newsstand, looking at the screens as the news reporter continued, “Not since Ambrosius’ monster has anything been so hated.” 
“From interviews from the other knights earlier, say, quote: “She never should have been a knight to begin with.” and “Because she wasn’t one of us, and she hated us for it.” end quote.” another news reporter said.
“Nimona Crimsonthorn no ordinary commoner! She’s vile and has no place in this kingdom!” the first reporter said with warning. “She’s a murderer! A monster!”
The teen looked at the wanted posters of Nimona as he got his headphones on. “She’s perfect.” he said to himself, smiling a devilish grin.
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Savior: BoTW/ToTK Link x younger reader.
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Age: 8 during breath of the wild 15 during tears of the kingdom. On the way to deliver her father lunch Reader Chan is kidnapped by monsters when she was 8 years old but Link saved her and brought her home, 7 years later she joined Link in his adventure to look for Zelda.
During BoTW:
You are outside practicing sword fighting and archery while your mother is inside cooking lunch.
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Your father had opened up a training camp at an open field right outside the woods where your family home was in, ever since he was saved by a swords man named Link from a Yiga clan soldier and the same man helped him gather up materials for his camp he decided to revive the family bloodline of hylian knights by making a boot camp to train young people how to fight, you wanted to join but you couldn’t until you turned 13 so you’ve been training at home with your father’s old weapons that your grandfather gave him when he started training at 13 and some home made targets shaped to look like monsters.
As you’re shooting at a wooden target shaped like a Bokoblin your mother called you “Y/N! Time for lunch.” She said from the kitchen window “Coming mom.” You said gathering your things and the training dummies then you went inside the house to see that she made stuffed meat balls.
After eating your about to help your mother clean but she stopped you “Dear can you take this to your father?” She asked holding up a basket with stuffed meat balls in it “Of course.” You said taking the basket and walking out of the house to get your pony Penelope “Be carful, and don’t talk to strangers.” She called out “Ok.” You said galloping off to the boot camp.
So far things were going well until you heard very familiar screeching and growling, looking around you saw some Bokoblins and a moblin heading right towards you, scared you tried to urged Penelope to a gallop but the silver bokoblin took out a bow and shoot the pony causing her to die instantly “PENELOPE!!!” You screamed in fear when the black bokoblin hit you over the head knocking you unconscious.
A minute and 30 seconds later:
You slowly regained consciousness from the monsters making loud noises as they jumped around the camp fire, you tried getting up but you saw that your hands were tied behind your back and your ankles were tied together “What???” You tried struggling out of the ropes but they were tied to tight.
As you continue to struggle you heard a pained shriek, looking up you saw a red bokoblin droop dead and turn into purple dust, looking around again you saw the other bokoblins and moblin getting shot and turn into dust until it was just the silver and black Bokoblins left then a person jumped out and attacked the remaining monsters.
You couldn’t see their face because they had on a navy blue cloak with its hood up but you saw that they were actually a man wearing a sky blue tunic with beige pants and brown boots, wielding a sword and a blue shield with Hyrule’s symbol on it, after he finished off the silver Bokoblin the man removed his hood to reveal short blond hair in a low ponytail then he turned around to reveal that he was still young, possibly 9 or 10 years older then you but his blue eyes showed that he was much older then he looked “Thank you for saving me Mister.” You said as he made his way towards you “are you heading to F/N’s knight boot camp?” You asked making him nod “I’m on my way there to, I was bringing lunch to my dad but I got attacked by those monsters.” You told the man what happened as he cuts the ropes from your wrist and ankles “I could take you.” The man said in a youthful voice “Thank you mister.” You said “Link, just Link.” He said making you pause “Your Link!? The Link??? My dad told me and my mom that you saved him from a Yiga clan soldier and helped him gather materials for his camp.” You said excitedly picking up the basket that was surprisingly still in tack and checked the food to make sure that it wasn’t cold or eaten yet and was still in perfect condition ‘Guess I wasn’t out for long, it’s still noon.’ You thought to yourself “You’re F/N’s daughter? He told me a lot about you.” He said whistling then a horse came up to you two and he helped you up on to it.
As you galloped you both talked and you asked him questions on his adventure, the regions he’s been to and the people he met “You’ve met Mr Kass to? He’s a great musician, his songs are very lovely and historical.” You said until you saw the camp in view with a lot of tents “Theirs the camp.” You said “Alright, hang on tight kid.” Link said urging the horse to gallop faster until you reached the camp and your father was talking to a Zora warrior “Dad.” You said hopping off the horse and running up to him “Y/N, why are you here?” He asked until you lifted up the basket “Mom made lunch.” You said giving him the basket “Alright I’ve been craving your mother’s cooking since breakfast, LUNCH BREAK.” He said taking the basket and sitting down while you went to train with a target while you’re father and his new students had lunch “Link, I’m sorry to trouble you but can you take Y/N home? I don’t feel comfortable with her walking alone in the forest after you told me how you two met.” Your father asked the hylian champion who smiled and nodded “Sure, she’s a great kid.” Link said.
After lunch you gave your father a hug goodbye and said bye to the people training “See you at dinner Dad.” You said as Link helped you back on the horse, once back on the road you gave Link directions to your family home, where you saw your mother waiting for you “Y/N what happened to your head and who is this?” You and Link explained to your mom what happened of course she nearly had a heart attack but when Link told her he saved you and brought you to the camp she calmed down and offered Link a thank you meal for dinner.
After Calamity Ganon was defeated Link took Zelda around new Hyrule when they both saw you at the woodland stables with Sidon, Yunobo, Riju and Tiba you ran up to Link to hug him which he gladly gave back then he introduced you and the new champions to Zelda and she immediately adored all of you and Link became your new mentor after asking your parents to train you himself and you moved to his house in Hateno village.
7 years later during ToTK:
You didn’t know what happened but you remember being underneath Hyrule castle with Zelda and Link, finding some ruins and Murals, Link took some pictures then you all found a dried up corpse that some how moved, all of you fought and then everything went black.
You woke up in a cave in nothing but undergarments until you found a white and green dress with sandals (think of Zelda’s ceremony dress but with green on it) and after so much walking and swimming you saw your mentor and savior “Link.” You said happily and hugging the older Hylian making him smile and hug back.
You both saw that your on some sort of island in the sky, met these robots that reminded you of friendlier versions of the guardians called Steward Construct one gave both you and Link a Purah pad each and the Steward Constructs gave you very useful information, you went to the temple of time but couldn’t get in because you have to visit three shrines.
After visiting the shrines and facing obstacles like enemies and harsh weather conditions you were able to enter the temple of time but you couldn’t get through the second door behind the goddess statue because non of you had enough energy and it turns out there is a fourth shrine and after more running around you and Link finally had enough energy to open the door only to find a platform with a table on it then you saw Zelda and she took yours and Links swords (you have the skyward sword master sword) and told you to find her thus starting your journey.
When you and Link landed in Hyrule you went up to a tower that was surrounded by some sort of fort, there you met Purah, Robbie and Impa, you told Purah what happened underneath Hyrule castle and that Zelda was missing.
Purah gave you a quest to find Zelda and that’s how yours and Link’s adventure started with Link training you on how to use your sword The sky sword and your own Hylian shield.
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On the way you guys met many familiar faces such as Your parents who now lived in Tarrey town, Sidon, Riju, Teba, Yunobo, Tuline (Teba’s son), Saki (Teba’s wife), Bruno, King Dorephan, Buliara, Paya and the Son group (that’s what I’m calling them) you met new faces as well like Yona (Sidon’s fiancé), Mattison (Hudson’s and Rhondson’s daughter) and Josha (Purah’s assistant)
After finding your swords on the head of the light dragon, your shields in the docks of Hyrule castle and seeking out the sages you and Link are training on how to control your new abilities “And now, RELEASE.” Link instructed as you shot a lone red bokoblin with Riju’s thunder “Good job Y/N.” He said “If we continue to train, help people, find dragon tears for memories and shrines for more hearts and stamina we’re ready to face the demon king.” Your mentor said “And save Zel.” You said calling the princess by her nickname (I’m not entering the castle yet because I still need memories) making Link smile “precisely Kiddo.” He said happily as he cooked creamy heart soup “We’re running low on hearty radishes.” He said looking into his bottomless satchel “I have a few that I harvested in the south Lanayru Archipelago.” You said handing him the heart shaped vegetables “Thanks.” He said taking some for the soup “Oh look there’s hearty truffles over there.” You said going over to collect the mushrooms but as you’re collecting a familiar high screech was heard, looking up you saw five silver bokoblins.
You reached for your sword only to remember that you left it along with your shield, bow and arrows at camp so you got ready to use puff shrooms but sadly you only had one left so you used elemental enemy parts, bombs and fruit to keep the monsters at bay when an arrow came and struck one of the pig like monsters in the horn then Link came out with a Silver lizalfos Cliver and beat the bokoblins with ease, after the attack and going back to camp you got a good scolding from Link “Y/N, next time you’re in a situation without weapons you call for me, your not allowed to venture off into forest alone and no desert for a week.” He said sternly symbolizing that he was going to watch you like a hawk.
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5/9 Train Word Count: 1120
(general angst) @jegulus-microfic
The first time James Potter met Regulus Black was on the first of September on the Hogwarts Express.
“It’s 10:56. Where is he? The train leaves at 11 o’clock sharp!” Sirius runs his fingers through his hair, stressed beyond belief.
“Again, are you sure he exists? Anyone with the name ‘Prongs’ sounds made up to me. Like an imaginary friend or something.” Regulus snorts, he’s tugging on Sirius’ jumper sleeve to try to drag him onto the train.
“Yes I’m sure he exists Reggie, unlike you I have friends!” Smirking, Sirius twists himself free from Regulus’ grasp. “Hey that’s not fair I have Pandora and Evan! They just aren’t idiots who want to risk missing their first day at Hogwarts to wait on some possibly made up boy.”
“If you wanna go and find the carriage you can but I’m waiting here until just before the clock strikes 11. He won’t miss the train believe me,” Regulus dosn’t respond to that. Having to navigate the train alone is almost worse than missing the Hogwarts Express. And as much as Regulus hates to admit it he does trust Sirius.
So he opts to just stand by Sirius’ side right in front of the open train doors, fidgeting with the hem of his new robes. Unlike Sirius who’s in an old jumper and jeans, Regulus had changed into his school robes before arriving at King’s Cross Station due to his pent up nervous excitement.
“Reggie look, he’s here! I told you he was real! I told you he would come!” Sirius is now waving his arms excitedly jumping up and down on the platform.
The boy who had previously been looking around like a lost puppy notices Sirius and starts bounding over to them. Tripping over the trunk he’s lugging every few steps.
The boy has a rather disheveled look about him. He’s on the taller side. Dark brown curls sticking up in all directions, giving the impression that he had just rolled out of bed. His chocolate eyes are full of mischievous excitement. He’s decked out in all red and gold- Gryffindor house colors. His socks are mismatched, his shoes left untied, and he sports a sloppy, toothy grin.
“James!” Sirius exclaims; still jumping up and down with joy. “You almost missed the train. We were getting worried ya know.” Sirius is now sporting an almost identical grin to the one plastered on James’ face. “This is the infamous Reggie!” Sirius says, gesturing to Regulus with a wide sweeping motion with his hands.
“Ya, sorry about that,” he says to Sirius.
And then lowering his head to match Regulus’ height he says: “Hi Reggie, it’s nice to meet you! I’m James!”
Regulus is more nervous than he was before.
No wonder Sirius had found him a replacement. He doesn’t stand a chance next to James and his obnoxiously cheery personality.
Snapping out of his trance he mumbles “Regulus is fine,” in James’ direction.
The warning whistle blows telling them it’s nearly 11. So with that all three of them rush off to go and find the carriage Remus and Pete had already claimed for the five of them.
The train ride is chaotic and weather is persistently somber but despite the rainy day outside Regulus arrives at Hogsmead Station in a weirdly good mood. The mood ends up lasting with him until well after the first years had been carted off across the Black Lake. James’ energy is apparently infectious.
The last time James Potter and Regulus Black Meet is on the fifth of January, back at Hogwarts.
Well it’s not truly the last time they meet but from then on out Regulus is not truly Regulus any more. He’s nothing but a shell of his former self. One known formally as Regulus Arcturus Black.
“Sirius, he's gonna come, trust me!”
“I’m not sure about that James, it’s almost 11. Regulus is never late for anything. Especially when it comes to his academics.” Sirius is getting progressively more worried by both the lack of an appearance from his brother and the growing distress in James’ voice.
“Nobody can be perfectly punctual all the time. He’ll show up, trust me,” James persists.
Just then the warning whistle that signals the trains nearing departure sounds.
“James, we have to go! We can write to him later or for all we know he might already be there,” Sirius forces out a laugh in hopes to lighten the mood.
James looks like he’s on the verge of tears and Sirius can’t have that happen.
“Now go do your head boy duties, it’ll distract you. Reggie will be back before you know it. I promise,” the minute he says it he regrets it, he can’t promise anything regarding Regulus these days.
Nearing the Christmas Holidays Regulus had become far more on edge, his actions nearing irrational, and his stress levels clearly through the roof. James just didn’t want to admit anything. He was clinging on to his last pieces of hope, living in delusion.
Halfway through dinner that night Regulus walks through the large entry doors to the Great Hall. Almost immediately James spots him.
“Always did have a flair for dramatics didn’t he,” Sirius scoffs.
“Regulus, Reg, Reggie!” James shouts to him, bouncing in his seat with anticipation.
But despite James’ countless efforts to get his boyfriend’s attention Regulus struts right over to the Slytherin table. Ignoring James completely and sitting down in between Pandora and Barty.
After dinner James makes up some lame excuse to Sirius, Peter, and Remus to hang back for a bit. Telling them that they can leave without him and that he’ll meet them back at the dorms later. He knows they can see right through him. He was miserable the remainder of dinner and barely touched his dessert. But right now he can’t find it in him to care that much.
James stands there, waiting by the exit of the dinning hall. The minute he sees Regulus walking alone to the Slytherin dorms, relief floods through him. It’s all gonna be okay, he tells himself.
Taking his chance he runs into the crowd to walk besides Regulus. This only causes Regulus to speed up.
“Wait, Reg, wait!” James is frantic now, jogging beside him. Dodging people left and right in an attempt not to run into anyone.
“Shove off Potter”
This causes James to take a step back in shock. His bottom lip is trembling, he’s stammering over incoherent words and phrases. Really just jumbles of nonsense at this point.
“It’s over!” Regulus growls “It really shouldn’t have been anything in the first place!” With that Regulus turns his shoulder on James, storming off into the crowd.
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doevademe · 2 years
Prompt: let s say percy and nico s daughter (the one from the time travel prompt) asks them one day where do babies come from. What could they possibly answer (knowing she probably came out of a magic gem?) 😂 idk i just think it would be hilarious.
"Welcome home," Nico said when he heard the door opening. He turned around just to see his daughter running up the stairs towards her bedroom, her little brother in tow.
"I don't speak to liars!" Emilia shouted, slamming her door. Nico turned to look at his husband, who just winced.
"Apparently, her teacher asked if anyone knew where babies come from," Percy said, sitting down on the couch. "She got teased pretty badly for answering."
Nico bit his lip. They had never made a secret of how Emilia or Asher came to be, and had told their children from the beginning.
On the other hand, Emilia was 9 and attending a mortal school. A story about how papa and daddy made you and your younger brother out of a magical gem not only sounded ridiculous, but also even more childish than the usual stork delivery story.
"Don't worry, I'll talk to her," Percy promised, but Nico shook his head.
"She took Ash with her," Nico said. "There's a no-parents united front forming right now."
"What's the plan, then, commander?" Percy asked, smiling slightly. Nico knew Percy like the back of his hand. Emilia's rejection was hurting him worse than any monster.
"Ash is the weak link," he said, almost like he was talking about a real battle strategy. "We break him, and Emmy will follow... I'll go order pizza."
Percy whooped with middling enthusiasm, making Nico roll his eyes. They all knew he hated American Pizza, but his seven year old son took after his dad there rather than him.
Thirty minutes later, the delivery man came, and Nico made sure to thank him for the pizza extra loudly.
Not even three minutes later, there was a bang as Emilia's door opened and his little boy came running down, all while his sister looked disgruntled and betrayed.
"Does it have anchovies?" Asher asked excitedly, before catching himself. "I mean, I won't believe it has anchovies, liar!"
Emilia sighed at her little brother. She seemed to be ready to return to her room, but Percy was already on the stairs, blocking her path.
"Come on, Emmy, just let us explain..." he tried, but Emilia just huffed and crossed her arms. "We never lied to you!"
"Then why did you never tell me where babies come from?" She asked, stomping her foot. "All my friends knew, even Mark, and he never knows anything!"
"...You never asked?" Percy tried. Emilia's unimpressed stare made Nico proud. "Okay, maybe you did, but you just asked about you and your brother, and..."
"Who is our mom?" She asked. "Ms. Jonas said all babies come from an uterus, usually a mom's. Whose was it?"
"The pizza is getting cold!" Asher protested, now jumping to try to take the box from Nico's hands. Nico shook his head and placed the box on the dining table, making him cheer.
"We can talk over dinner like civilized people, okay, Emmy?" he asked.
"I don't like that pizza," she said stubbornly. Nico smiled.
"Good, because I had already made seafood risotto, and it would be a shame to eat it alone," he said teasingly. His daughter did her best to hide her excitement, but sat down anyways.
"O-only because I'm hungry!" She insisted, but the way her face lit up when he set her plate told a different story.
"Listen, sweetie," Nico said while Asher and Percy devoured their slices of pizza. "Remember what we told you about our family, that thing you can never share with anyone?"
"The mythology thing?" Emilia asked. Nico nodded in confirmation. "Hard to forget when dad still mops and dries the floor with just a hand wave."
Nico looked at Percy, raising an eyebrow. His husband just laughed awkwardly.
"It's good practice," he defended himself, but turned to look at Emilia. "But the point your papa is trying to make is that you and Asher aren't like other kids. You guys... don't have a mom, we made you using magic."
"It's a long story," Nico continued. "But we got our hands on a gemstone that could make anything in the world, and we decided that, more than anything, we wanted you and your brother."
"Yes, you've told us before," Emilia said. "But you have to admit, it is very hard to believe."
Nico nodded. He'd offer Emilia to take a paternity test, and see how both him and Percy would get positive results, but the girl was still too young to understand what that meant.
"The gem disappeared shortly after your brother was born," he said. It had probably been Ananke or some other primordial taking it back lest they overused it. "So I can't show you it, but you know you are ours. You can speak to fishes, and even see ghosts."
Emilia squirmed in her seat, thinking it over.
"We would never lie to you Emmy," Percy said, reaching over to grab her hand. "We love you."
"But we did skim on telling you where babies normally come from," Nico conceeded, knowing his daughter could be as resentful as him. "For that, we are sorry."
"But then, what should I tell everyone tomorrow?" She finally asked. "Ms. Jonas said she wanted me to ask you because we were an 'alternative family'. Should I lie?"
Percy and Nico looked at each other for a few seconds, before Percy's face lit up with an idea.
"Say 'I was born artificially, like in a test tube'," Percy said. "Let them assume what they want from that."
Nico nodded.
"It's not a lie, and you get to keep the secret," he commented. Emilia nodded, looking grateful.
"Thank you dad, papa," she said. "Sorry I got mad."
"That's okay sweetie," Percy said, finally looking relaxed. They all went back to their dinner.
"Wait!" Asher exclaimed, making his parents jump. "I still don't know where babies normally come from!"
"We'll talk after dinner, Ash."
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ailendolin · 2 years
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by: @professorlehnsherr-almashy - Thank you! 💙
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
I've decided to share the first lines of my ten most recent finished fics, not including prompt ficlets.
1 - Packing (Ian/Gabriel)
“What are you doing?” Ian, not having heard the door open, jumped at the unexpected voice behind him.
2 - Knowledge (Thomas/Nigel)
“Why would you say that?” Thomas only managed to catch the end of the conversation as he strolled into the common room but the tone of Nigel’s voice – fragile and hurt – was enough to set alarm bells ringing in his head.
3 - Cranes (Thomas/Nigel)
“I love you.” Thomas hadn’t meant to sigh the words against Nigel’s shoulder when Nigel pressed his hand against his wound to dull the agonising pain radiating through his whole body.
4 - Certainty (Thomas/Nigel, Mick)
“He looked lovely up on that stage, didn’t he? So … charming! I wish I could have shared a dance with him.” Nigel’s wistful sigh was met with several groans.
5 - Menace (Debbie & Negatus)
“Don’t you think it’s time to get a little of that feeling Scratchy gave you back?” Negatus could still hear Debbie’s quiet laugh ringing in his ear when he’d asked her, “Are you telling me to get another dog?”
6 - Forward (Nigel/Thomas)
“Are you really sure you don’t want to watch the fireworks with the others this year?” Nigel sighed. “Thomas–“
7 - Snow Dragons (Ho-Tan & the Youngers)
Ho-Tan woke up to the warm weight of Vex’s arm around her waist and the sound of soft whispering somewhere to her left. “Come on, Irk. Let them sleep. It’s nothing to worry about. I promise.”
8 - The Wisp (Ho-Tan, Alvin & Thomas)
“Mum?” Ho-Tan felt timid fingers squeeze her hand. “Where are we?”
9 - Decorations (Alvin, Dissectus/Voltari)
“Oh – there you are!” Alvin said, stopping mid-step in the hallway outside of the kitchen as he caught sight of Dissectus and Voltari out of the corner of his eye.
10 - The Book (Ho-Tan/Vex)
When Ho-Tan came home talking excitedly about an old bookshop Jenny and Mary had mentioned to her, Vex had thought a visit to said bookshop would be just the thing to take her mind off the stress of the past week.
I never noticed that I start most of my fics with a line of dialogue, and after taking a look at the next fic I'm going to post, I can confirm this trend will continue 😂
Not tagging anyone but if any of my lovely talented writer friends would like to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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themculibrary · 11 months
Pumpkin Carving Masterlist
Authentic Halloween Pumpkin Carving Experience (ao3) - Yoshishisha G, 2k
Summary: Bruce and Brock go out pumpkin carving. Bruce isn't sure why they have to carve the pumpkin in a seemingly abandoned field in the middle of the night, but Brock seems confident so surely it will be alright. Right?
first Halloween! (in this universe) (ao3) - IlliterateButterfly stephen/wong G, 2k
Summary: America has lived her life throughout the multiverse so when Strange asks her something she hasn't done to celebrate Halloween she can only think of one answer, carving pumpkins!!!
Halloween Traditions (ao3) - MalevolentLighthouse G, 200
Summary: Pumpkin carving with the Barton family.
Happy Halloween! (ao3) - spooderboyandtincan N/R, 4k
Summary: Peter, Tony, and May's amazing, eventful day of picking pumpkins, carving said pumpkins, and getting spooked by watching Buzzfeed Unsolved.
i'll be your guiding hand (ao3) - agentmmayy phil/melinda G, 4k
Summary: Phil, May, and Daisy carve pumpkins but not without a few interesting questions and answers.
let me kiss your face (ao3) - lazyfish lance/bobbi G, 1k
Summary: Three weeks after the birth of the twins, the Morse-Hunter family carves some pumpkins.
Pumpkin (ao3) - scaarletwiitch (mellowasinyellow) clint/natasha G, 1k
Summary: Written for the be_compromised Halloween Trick or Treat Challenge! Prompt: Treat 9 - Pumpkin. Clint has big plans for Lucky this Halloween!
pumpkin bread and stitches (ao3) - Marvelous_Writer G, 5k
Summary: Peter cuts himself while chopping pumpkins, resulting in him needing stitches—the problem being that he has a major fear of needles.
Peter’s phobia of blood causes him to faint and Happy never wants to look at a pumpkin ever again.
pumpkin guts (ao3) - icymapletree G, 965
Summary: “Pumpkin guts!” Peter said in a gravelly voice, then mock screamed.
Morgan shrieked excitedly and jumped back, Peter dumping the handful of seeds and accompanying insides on her head.
A friendly pumpkin carving competition.
Pumpkin Patches and a Four Year Old's Laughter (ao3) - marvelous_spn G, 3k
Summary: It's been two months since Thor and Loki's parents died. Thor is still trying to figure everything out when his friends decide that him and Loki deserve to have some fall fun.
Pumpkins (ao3) - YesDanger G, 1k
Summary: Deciding what to carve into a jack-o-lantern really, really should not be this hard.
Pumpkin Seeds (ao3) - WaywardKeener harley/peter/harry T, 1k
Summary: Harley and Peter help Harry carve his first pumpkin!
Pumpkins & Stitches (ao3) - Marvelous_Writer G, 1k
Summary: In which Happy babysits Morgan and Peter while Pepper and Tony are out on date night. With Halloween only a week away, they decide to carve pumpkins... which probably wasn’t the best idea.
Sharp Like My Love (ao3) - mikazure steve/bucky E, 3k
Summary: Steve and Bucky carve pumpkins for Halloween, it's hard to focus on the task though, when Bucky's showing off his impressive knife skills
The Trick of a Good Treat (ao3) - Sparcina bucky/zemo E, 2k
Summary: Bucky carves pumpkins like a consummate professional. Zemo is even better at this seasonal activity.
This is Halloween (ao3) - marvels_blue_phoenix pepper/tony G, 2k
Summary: When black cats prowl and pumpkins gleam, may luck be yours on Halloween. Halloween is just around corner, and the Starks are just as excited as everyone else to celebrate.
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hellfirehaley · 2 years
Strange Love Chapter 14
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Songs referenced: Crystal by Stevie Nicks
Summary: You have a girls day with your friends Robin and Ali and admit something. Eddie gets a call and it changes the course his night and his friendship with Y/N.
Word Count: 4884
Master list:
(Recent chapters)
Chapter 14: Confessions
November 9, 1985
“What war did the stock market crash, causing a great depression?” Ali quizzed as you and Robin sat in Robin’s room. You were studying for a big test in Mrs. Click’s class. 
“1929,” Robin said matter of factly.
“Correct!” Ali said excitedly. “Next question: who was the president during said stock market crash?” Ali asked, looking in her eyes but your mind was everywhere but American History. You were thinking about Eddie Munson and how every time you were with him, you felt so safe and complete. How he constantly goes out of his way to make your day.
“Y/N?” Ali says, breaking you from your thoughts.
“Huh?” you say, refocusing.
“Who was the president when the stock market crashed?” Ali asked again.
“Umm..Roosevelt?” you ask, not thinking clearly.
“Nope. Herbert Hoover.” Ali says.
“Okay what is going on? You’ve missed three questions in a row and you’re the history whiz here,” Robin asks, closing her books and looking at you.
“Nothing, I just can’t focus right now,” you say.
“Okay and why can’t you focus right now? What’s on your mind?” Ali asks getting down on the bed with the two of you.
“Eddie is what’s on my mind,” you say honestly. At the sound of that, they got closer to you with all plans of studying gone out the window.
“What’s wrong with Eddie?” Robin asks, grabbing a pillow to hold onto. 
“I definitely like him,” you start as the girls squeal in excitement, “He seems all scary and dangerous to everyone else but with me, he’s so funny, witty, gentle and understanding. He spent the entirety of Halloween hanging out and cuddling me. Like dude…he dressed up as Dr. Frank-N-Furter to cheer me up.” You gush.
“Eddie Munson dressed as Dr. Frank-N-Furter?!” Ali shrieked.
“YES! To my Columbia! And I had no idea about his movie plan last week until the morning of when he was having coffee with my mom,” you gush.
“Seriously?” Robin asks, eyes widening.
“Like they were two old biddies catching up after 15 years,” you confirm, “And everytime we hold hands I get this electric current that pulses through me. Whenever he touches my thigh, I wanna leap out of my body and jump his bones,” you admit.
“Girl, you are in deep,” Ali says laughing.
“I know! I even wrote him a note during O’Donnell’s explaining my feelings for him but I haven’t given it to him yet. I chickened out and put it in one of my folders before Hellfire,” you say.
“Let me see it. At least make sure that it makes sense and isn’t jumbled nonsensical feelings vomited on a page,” Ali says honestly. You start to dig through your backpack, going through every one of your folders trying to find it but are unsuccessful.
“It’s not here anymore,” you say, panicked. 
“Where did you last have it?” Robin asks calmly.
“In O’Donnell’s. I swear I put it in my bag in one of my folders,” you say double checking each of the folders.
“Maybe it’s in your locker?” Robin offers.
“Did you put it somewhere weird?” Ali asked as she also looked through your papers. Shit.
“I gave my D&D folder to Eddie. You don’t think…” you say, stopping yourself.
“Oh shit” Robin says
“You better pray he doesn’t read it,” Ali says.
“Yeah…yeah…it’s not like I put his name on it or addressed it,” you try to recall.
“Exactly you’ll be fine,” Robin reassures you.
“Yeah I’m sure,” you say.
“Oh my god I just came up with the best plan ever. What if you ask him to the Winter’s Ball? Like a proper date so that even if he does read the letter. You’re one step ahead of him.” Ali says.
“That’s…not a bad idea,” you say.
“Here. Forget history. Let’s plan out how we’re gonna do this,” Ali says, putting the history books away.
Eddie’s POV
I was at home doing laundry and fucking around with my guitar, trying to perfect that new song but I couldn’t get Y/N out of my head. She was beautiful, funny, smart, listened to metal and welcomed me into her home like it was so easy. Fuck, everything was easy with her. I just wanted to spend all my time with her. Before I knew it, it was sunset and Uncle Wayne was heading to work. I was playing some Dio when the phone rang. I got up from my bed and went to answer it.
“Munson residence,” I say.
“Hey Eds!” my favorite voice said through the phone.
“Hiya princess. What’s up?” I ask, sitting on the counter.
“You busy?” she asks immediately.
“Not at all. Actually, I'm bored.” I say.
“Perfect because I am too. Wanna pick me up and go to the arcade?” she offers. I laugh a little at her offer and immediately felt better.
“Sure I”ll be there in ten minutes,” I say with a huge smile on my face
“Okay I’ll meet you outside. See you soon!” she says before hanging up. I hang up the phone and quickly jog back to my room to grab my keys and wallet. After grabbing them and throwing on my shoes, I head out the door to my van and hop in. I start it up and back out, heading towards Y/N’s house. I turn on the radio and hear the sounds of Led Zeppelin playing and I let it go on. Ever since Y/N told me she had a crush on someone, it has kept my mind racing for days trying to figure it out. But at the same time, there was this little green monster screaming at me that she should date me.
Yeah, sure Eddie, cause Y/N wants to date the school freak, I thought to myself as I sigh. I did really like Y/N but I didn’t wanna risk losing her. These thoughts ate away at me while I drove to her house. As promised, there she sat on the step of her porch waiting. As soon as she caught sight of the van, she sprinted down to the curb as I slowed down for her to hop in. I stopped and she opened the door and hopped in quickly, closing the door behind her.
“Hey you. You ready to go to the arcade?” I ask as I start to drive down the street. 
“Definitely. Thanks for picking me up Eddie. My stupid brother is coming to town tonight and he has to have my car for the duration of his stay so I’m basically grounded unless I wanna bike everywhere in November,” you remark.
“Seriously? Well feel free to call me if you need a ride somewhere. I don’t want you walking or biking in the cold,” I say with a smile.
“Thanks Eddie. I’ll probably take you up on that offer” she says.
“So who is your brother anyways?” I ask curiously.
“His name’s Leo. He was a senior last year who played baseball, basketball and ran track. He ran with the party crowd and was on the prom court,” she says with an eye roll.
“So he definitely wouldn’t have gotten along with me?” I say with a raised eyebrow as I turn towards the arcade.
“Probably not. He’s kind of a jerk.” she says.
“He sounds like it,” I say sympathetically as we get to the street the arcade was on.
“He’s just one of those people who are perfect and you can never live up to that level. Mom worships him and wants me to be more like him,” she admits.
“I don’t understand why when you’re pretty damn special,” I say as I squeeze her hand.
“Thank you Eddie, I think you’re pretty amazing too.” she says back.
“Aww thanks Y/N” I say as I turn into the parking lot. I park right up front and shut the van off. Y/N grabs her bag and slings it over her head as she exits the van. I follow her lead as we close the van doors and walk up the arcade. There wasn’t many people here except some middle schoolers working on maintaining their high scores. I followed her lead to a pair of bright blue neon colored machines. She wordlessly reached into her purse and grabbed a smaller bag and started digging out some change. Moments later, she sat the bag at her feet and inserted the change into the machine and 8 brightly colored orange balls canked against each other as they released down the shoot.
“Skee ball is your game of choice?” I ask as I watch her grab the first ball, rolling it up the runway and it plummets in the 40 point marker.
“Yeah. Dave used to take us here almost every Sunday when he would give our parents a break,” she says as she tosses another ball up the runway and sinks it in the 50 point pocket. “Come play with me. It’ll help ease my stress,” she says, beckoning me over to the machine next to her. I walk over, digging 50 cents out of my pocket and inserting them into the coin slot, pushing in before releasing and hearing the balls roll down the side pocket. I grab one and roll it up the runway, getting in it the first hole for 10 points. Fuck.
“This is just a warm up round anyways Eddie,” she says with a giggle. We shot a few more shots in silence, her getting more points than I but that was fine with me. I was just happy to be in her presence.
“I feel like such a failure because my high school life doesn’t mirror that of Leo’s,” she says suddenly as she aggressively throws a ball, sinking a 100 point pocket.
“Well you’re not a failure, first of all. I know that shit matters in college but will it matter when we’re in our thirties? I kind of doubt it,” I try to reassure her.
“It’s just that he’s gonna be here til the week after Thanksgiving, which feels super weird considering ours is only a week so I think he fucked up somehow. It’s like there’s gonna be a dragon breathing it’s hot breath down my neck. Asking about my grades, extra curriculars, social life, work life, college applications, my lack of a dating life. He’s got quite the variety of places to start,” she says dryly as she shoots another ball up the runaway, sinking 10 points.
“Wanna stay at my place tonight so you can have more time before Hurricane Leo hits,” I offer as I shoot my last ball.
“Yes I do,” she says with a small smile, “Enough about my sad life. What are you and Wayne doing for Thanksgiving this year?” she asks.
“We usually cook a turkey and watch tv together. Let me guess: your whole family comes over and it’s super stressful because they are so worried about the first born?” I ask as I dig out more coins.
“I would rather have your holiday than mine. Let’s just leave it at that.” she muses and I feel touched.
“Yeah I can imagine why,” I say as I get my second round started.
“The hottest topic right now is who I’m taking to the Winter’s Ball, according to my mother anyways,” she says as she digs out more coins.
“Oh yes, yes it is. Are you going to take that mystery crush of yours who you won’t tell me the identity of?” i pester, really curious who the bastard is.
“Yeah, I might ask him. I’m gonna have to go one way or another because my mom is already paying for a dress this week.” she says as she sighs
“Yeah, looks like you’re going to Formal there buddy,” I say with a laugh as I score 30 points.
“I know but I’m nervous about going because of the whole Rob and Misty thing since they kind of “rule the school” under Jason Carver’s watchful eye.” she says.
“Fuck all of them. You’ll do fine and if anything happens, I’ll simply come to your rescue,” I say matter of factly because it’s not a big deal. I care about Y/N and I want her to have a good night, even if it wasn’t my scene.
We finished our game; Y/N winning both rounds and we were heading to the game counter when suddenly I feel Y/N yanking me into a booth.
“GAH! What the–” I say as I adjust my surroundings and realize she pulled me into a photo booth.
“I wanna make as many memories as I can and I want proof of them for later,” she says as she hands me a few ones. I nod and put in the money, starting the countdown. I quickly get in close and smile for the camera. The flash clicks and the time starts again and I stick out my tongue at the camera. Click! Then we did my signature Satan pose together; tongues out, devil’s horns up. Click! For the last one, I couldn’t help myself, I just stared at Y/N. She was so beautiful, warm and smelled like cinnamon all the time and her hair always smelled of apples somehow. She looked at me at the last second and smiled at me. All I can do is smile back at her to keep from kissing her. The last click sounds as it starts to print out our photos.
“Thanks for being my best friend Y/N” I say, caressing her cheek. She leaned into my touch and sighed.
“Thanks for being my best friend Eddie. You are so important to me,” she said with a smile.
About an hour later, we arrived back at my trailer and were getting changed for bed. I had given Y/N one of my Hellfire shirts for the night and I had changed into my pajama pants and Y/N had put on a mixtape she had in her purse that she had made. When she came back into the room, she looked so damn good in my shirt. I just wanted to see her in all my clothes and then out of them. She laid down on the bed and I followed her lead, laying behind her with our legs entwined as we talked about absolutely nothing. I found out she preferred R2-D2 to C3PO and was pro-Ewok because “they rescued Princess Leia so how could you hate them?”. She read romance novels because they were an easy escape from reality but she preferred a good sci-fi or horror novel. The music she chose was soft and calm, just like her. I knew it was Stevie Nicks but didn’t know the exact song. She sang along to every word with her eyes closed.
“I turned around and the water was closing all around like a glove, like the love that had finally, finally found me. Then I knew in the crystalline knowledge of you. Drove me through the mountains, through the crystal-like clear water fountains. Drove me like a magnet to the seeaaaaaaa. How the faces of love have changed, turning the pages and I have changed ohhh but you, you remain ageless.” She sang as I listened intently to her and wished I could live in the moment forever just listening to her sing to me in my bed in my arms. 
When the song ended, I wordlessly leaned up to grab my bag of weed and papers. Y/N handed me a magazine off the floor with a smile as she continued to sing along to the song. I rolled up a fat joint while she sang to the next song that I assumed was called Case of You by the chorus. I really liked hearing Y/N’s voice so I didn’t dare interrupt her. I liked everything about her, I realized, even her mixtape that seemed to match her personality: calm, soft and sweet. I finished the joint right as the song ended and passing to her. She put it between her lips before grabbing a lighter from my dresser and lighting up. She inhaled and exhaled, taking a big hit before blowing the smoke out and taking it back in her nose, like a fire breathing dragon pondering the request of a mere peasant. She looked fucking amazing as she did it again. I took the joint from her and took my own few hits. We stayed in a comfortable silence as a familiar song played off her mixtape: Season of the Witch by Donovan.
“Can you make me a copy of this mixtape? I really like it,” I admit as I take the joint from her again.
“Sure Eds, I can do that,” she says as I sing along to the bridge, taking my hit in between lyrics.
“I think I’m gonna pass out after this joint” I say with a yawn. She nodded in agreement as she yawned in return. I put the joint out in the ashtray and laid down in bed next to her. She got up and shut off the lights before returning to bed, snuggling in my blankets. Once she got comfortable, I pulled her in close in my arms feeling sleep start to come over me. The last thing on my mind was how I loved the sight of Y/N in my shirt.
Sunlight started to peek through the curtains of the bedroom as I moaned and turned over, Eddie’s arms tightening around me as he nuzzled his face into my neck, his dark curls tickling my cheek. I lay there for a while longer until I felt a pressure in my lower abdomen. Of course when I get comfortable, I have to get up and pee, I think. I hear someone rustling about in the kitchen and I assume it's his Uncle Wayne. I’ve heard many lovely things about him over the last few months but haven’t met him yet due to opposite schedules. I started to detangle my legs from his and slowly got out his arms. I successfully escaped his bed, slowly and quietly making my way to the door. I opened it as quietly as I could, trying not to make any noise as I stealthily made my way to the door on my left hand side leading me super close to the kitchen where Wayne was. I closed the door behind me quietly as I took care of my business, anxiety riding up as you finished up, flushing the towel and washing your hands. I open the bathroom door quietly and start to make my way back to his room when I hear movement behind me.
“Hey Eddie I gotta question for ya,” his uncle says going to the hallway but was surprised to see me and I don’t blame him. “Oh I’m sorry Miss. I thought you was my nephew.” you turn to face him and see a man in his late 40s, early 50s with gray stubble and a short brown haircut. You smile at him.
“Unfortunately I’m not the man of the hour. He’s still asleep, uh…I’m Y/N” I say, extending my hand, which he takes and shakes.
“Wayne Munson. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Can I offer you a cup of coffee or some breakfast?” he offers, pointing a finger towards the kitchen. 
“I would love a cup of coffee thank you,” you say, following him to the kitchen and taking the seat opposite him. Wayne fixed my cup of coffee for me and brought it over to me with a piece of toast.
“Thank you Mr. Munson,” you say as you add sugar to your coffee.
“Wayne please. Mr. Munson was my father,” he says with an arm wave, “So you must be the girl Eddie is spending all his time with lately,” he says with a smile as he takes a sip of coffee.
“Yes sir. We met in English class and we got along really well. He’s a great guy and I just wish other would give him a chance before they would judge him so they could maybe see what I see.” you admit.
“I completely agree. Everything thinks he’s scary and dangerous but he’s the complete opposite,” Wayne said as you nodded, completely understanding what he meant. You’d seen the looks before but chose to ignore them because those fuckers didn’t know Eddie or didn’t care to. You felt sorry for those closed-minded assholes.
“Well Eddie has told me some things about you but if you don’t mind, while I’ve got you here, I’d like to get to know you,” Wayne says.
“Oh I don’t mind at all. Shoot away” you say.
Eddie’s pov
I woke up and immediately felt cold and empty in bed. I opened my eyes and sure enough, Y/N wasn’t in bed. My mind immediately became depressed because I wanted to be the one to wake her up and I hated the feeling of emptiness without her. I hoped she didn’t leave or anything. I got out of bed and looked for a shirt but suddenly heard Wayne laughing before being joined by a feminine laugh shortly after. I moved to my bedroom door and quietly opened it for a better vantage point.
“No he didn’t!” Y/N laughed.
“I swear to you, I’ve got photos but that boy five years ago had a buzzcut and was about seven inches shorter,” Wayne said with a laugh.
“Wow how dangerous,” Y/N joked at the thought.
“I’m just glad Eddie finally met someone who understands him,” Wayne says genuinely. I wondered how long they had been talking at this point considering how friendly they were with each other. I open the door and walk as quietly as I can down the hallway, not wanting to disturb them as I snuck into the kitchen.
“Well there’s the man of the house. Morning Eddie,” Wayne says to me as I pour my cup of coffee.
“Morning Uncle Wayne. I see you met Y/N” I say as I stir in the milk and sugar.
“Yeah I have and I gotta say I like her. A lot.” Wayne says with a smile.
“Yeah I might keep her around” I joke, making Y/N laugh.
“I said the same thing about you, Eds,” she jokes. I took a seat on the counter facing them as I took a drink of my coffee.
“So how long have you two been together?” Wayne asks. I almost burned my tongue at the question. Fuck, I kind of want to be more than friends with Y/N but I’ve never told anyone that, especially not Wayne. Sure I’ve talked about her like when I’m going to go hang out with her (which is often) and we do sleep over at each other's houses. So I guess I can see his logic.
“Oh…uh…we’re just friends Uncle Wayne,” I say awkwardly. By the look on Y/N’s face, I could tell she was hurt and I wanted to kick myself in the balls for doing that to her. That was the last thing I wanted to do was reject her. Fuck I wanted to ask her out but I can’t do that until I figure out the deal with her crush.
Y/N was getting changed back into her jeans while I got dressed for the day in a Judas Priest shirt and jeans with a rip or two in them before putting on my cleanest socks and my shoes. I went out to the living room where Wayne was watching fishing when Y/N walked out in her own ripped jeans, MY Hellfire shirt and her boots. Goddamn she could wear that shirt every day and it would still take my breath away.
“You ready to go?” I ask, rolling my keyring around my finger. She nodded before saying bye to Wayne and leading the way out of the trailer.
“I’ll be back soon,” I say as I close the door and catch up to her, opening her door for her. She thanks me as I close the door and go to my own side. I get in and start the van, backing out and starting to drive while she flipped through the radio stations, settling on a slower rock ballad by David Bowie.
“Still don’t know what I was waiting for and my time keeps running wild, a million dead-end streets and every time I thought I’d got it made, it seemed the taste was not so sweet. So I turn myself to me but I’ve never caught a glimpse of how the others must see the faker, I’m much too fast to take that test. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange). Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes, don’t wanna be a richer man. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn and face the strange), Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes just wanna be a different man. Time may change me but I can’t change time.” she sang. Every time I think I have her music taste down, I’m taken for a loop. I try not to interrupt her train of thought since she had to focus on putting on a front for her family. I turn onto her street and look at her.
“Call me tomorrow? So we can set up our carpool schedule since your brother has your car” I say. 
“Of course Eddie. I’ll call you tomorrow night,” she says as we stop at her house. I lean over and give her a hug before she gets out and closes the door. I wait for her to go inside. 
I walk up the path and the door flies open, revealing your brother Leo. He was a lot taller and more built than you remember him. He also had a new mustache he had grown over the last few months. His dark brown hair was a little bit longer than it was in high school but still looked good. His brown eyes lit up at the sight of you. You guys had been close until your dad left and he tried to basically take over the Man Of The House role. I see him smile at me and he pulls me in for a hug and I remember why I miss him. I pull away for a moment and smile.
“Hey Leo. Welcome home” I say.
“I could say the same to you. Who was that driving you home?” he asks seriously, eyebrow furrowing.
“My best friend Eddie Munson. I stayed at his house last night,” I state, pulling away completely as I head towards the door.
“Eddie Munson? The Freak?” Leo asks, shocked as he follows me. 
“Don’t call him that,” I snapped. “Yes, Eddie Munson. He’s a nice guy and he’s really been helping me feel like myself again.” 
“Just be careful. I remember last year and I almost wanted to kill that guy and I liked him. What does that say for Eddie?” Leo says.
“It says you’re staying far, far away from my love life,” I say seriously as Leo laughs. “I’m serious. I’m a big girl now Leonardo and I can handle myself just fine.” I say seriously 
“I believe you but I’m here if you need me. I just can’t believe you’re friends with Eddie Munson,” he says again.
“Okay well while you “deal” with it, I’m going to my room and doing some homework. Come get me if it’s important.” I say as I go upstairs to my room and close the door. I turn on the radio and hear some synth pop playing as I think about the events of the last few days. I really liked Eddie and I knew I had to say something soon but how? I start to scour my room in search of the letter but after hours of searching come up empty handed.
I don’t know why his comment to his uncle hurt me so deeply but it did. I am his best friend and I am happier than hell to be that for him but I also wanna be more. I have all these feelings for him and I’m starting to feel like a crazy person if I don’t tell him. God now I know how Ali felt with Steve. I picked up my favorite book and laid down, starting it again as I got lost in the world of Florin.
It was dark by the time Leo knocked on my door saying dinner was ready. I came downstairs and made my plate of mashed potatoes, broccoli and grabbed one of the steaks with a knife before joining them at the table, already lost in one of Leo’s college tales of excellence. I wanted to gag myself with a spoon at the look of pride in my mother’s eyes, knowing I would never know that look. I ate mostly in silence unless I was addressed or asked a question. Once dinner was done, I started up the stairs yelling about going to bed. I locked my door and grabbed my book, falling asleep right as Inigo and the Man In Black were about to duel.
Taglist: @realeddiemunsonstandup @eddies-blunt @sharkbaitouhaha @spookyscoopstroop @bobbiewritesstuff @eveieforeve02 @apublicnotebook @madaboutmunson2 @grungegrrrl @stardustworlds @sunflowerharrington @sunflowerhargroves @tayhar811 @imagine-all-the-imagines
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starryslytherin0 · 12 hours
“What did you call her?”
Sylvan Fyrevale x Riz Mors x Cariad Faiythe
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@trashygayspooder you know why I put her in that particular costume to get slut shamed. Rip my self esteem 🙏
Riz and Sylvan belong to @rene-hl-trashcan
Summary: The triad go trick or treating, until hands are thrown over her costume.
Cariad’s boots clunked against the hard wooden floor of the house, her pink wig across her shoulders. She grinned and did a little twirl to show the boyfriends her costume.
“Do you like it?” She said, totally giddy. She loved Halloween, it was the perfect opportunity to cosplay. When Sylvan and Riz had seen what costume Cariad was wearing, they immediately brought matching ones to be her entourage, which is why they were in the living room dressed as a vampire crusader and a flirty vampire.
Riz stepped forwards, hand on the hilt of his plastic sword, and kissed Cariad’s forehead.
“Very pretty, darling. Those boots suit you.”
She did a little shuffle to emphasise the boots.
“You two look amazing.” She got on tiptoes and kissed Riz’s cheek before going to help Sylvan with his cloak. “Those thigh highs look fabulous on you Syl.” She beamed. Sylvan scooped her up in a bridal carry and nuzzled her nose with his own.
“You excited baby?” “Very! Do you guys know the good houses?”
“The rich side of the neighbourhood.” They said in unison.
“Come on! Let’s go before all the good candy gets taken!” She laughed, jumping out of Sylvan’s arms, grabbing her bucket and going outside, Sylvan following her. It was hilarious that the 19 year olds looked like a bunch of 9 year olds. Riz shook his head and chuckled under his breath, following along and keeping an eye on his partners.
As Cariad skipped along, the train of her dress and her loose sleeves bounced too. She flapped her hands excitedly because she loved the movement of the sleeves. Riz caught up with them, one hand around Cariad’s waist and the other in Sylvan’s back pocket.
Afew houses shamed them, asking if they were ‘a little too old’ for trick or treating, but gave them sweets anyways.
“Should we pop over to Mildred’s Halloween party?”
They walked over to Mildred’s, which was hard to miss considering the lavish decorations. There were loads of people inside, and they found Mildred talking to a ghost face and a ‘zombie nurse’. The pink haired girl squealed when she saw them and hugged them tight.
“You guys made it!”
“Of course we did.” Chuckled Riz, patting her head.
“Ah! Cari! I love your wig! Now you match me!” She laughed delightedly and the two girls jumped on the spot.
“Are Vi and Ave here?” “Last I saw, they were in the garden, wanting to get away from the loud noises and crowd.” “Shall we join them then?”
They found the girls on a bench outside, Sylvia dressed as Emily and Avania dressed as Victor. They were cuddled up from the cold and Avania was holding her hand and muttering reassurances. The rest sat around them, grinning. Sylvia perked up seeing her twin.
For the remainder of the evening, they tipped sweets onto the floor and traded them it’s eachother.
All in all, it was a good evening, with Sylvan drunk from the party and clinging onto his partners. The only issue was the walk back to the triads place for a Halloween movie marathon. Mildred stayed at her place with Ominis while Victor, Emily, Krul, Ferid and Crowley walked together. A man in a ghost face mask looked at Cariad and took off his mask, scowling. “Slut.” He spat out. Now, that was a total overstatement, her shoulders were showing and who on earth would ogle her shoulders? She wasn’t showing her legs because she opted to wear tights under her dress so the length didn’t matter. But the point was, this man had called Cariad fucking Faiythe a slut. So her guard dog boyfriends whipped around. Cariad was only able to hold Riz back, which took the majority of her strength. “What did you just call her?” Riz scowled. But his words were quieter than the loud, sharp grunt from the man when Sylvan’s fist connected with his jaw. Sylvan was quite drunk so it was incredibly hard to pull him off the guy. Cariad and Avania were holding Riz back from aiding the fight while Sylvia ran over to grab Sylvan, dragging him away. The man was muttering curses and yelling at the man, who looked far less cocky and much more afraid.
Once he could be trusted not to assault the man again, Sylvia let go and Sylvan instantly strode over to wrap a protective arm around Cariad’s shoulder, with Riz’s arms around her waist. They guided her to a friendlier part of town while everyone death glared the man and Avania stayed behind to threaten the man.
“Syl, honey, you shouldn’t have punched him- you shouldn’t be getting into fights I-.” She wanted to scold him but she was incredibly grateful he’d defended her. She hugged him tight.
“Thank you…” She said, face buried in his chest. He stroked her wig and cradled the back of her head.
“Let’s just go home and watch those scary films, yeah?” He said, in a very slurred voice, which was odd because he hadn’t been at all slurred or wobbly when he was fighting the guy. The thought he’d been that focused on defending her made her chest warm.
“You’ll fall asleep in the first five minutes.” She giggled, which was true considering how drunk he was.
“I’ll be fine, baby.”
The moral of this story? Don’t insult a girl with scary dog privilege.
A/N: Motivation was not there but this rotted my brain. Here are the costumes the triad wore:
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First: Sylvan. Second: Riz Last: Cariad.
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lclunastar · 1 year
My own high school. ( Part. 1 )🎓🌸✨
(The bullying facts aren't written in the exact way appropriate to the times in which they happened.)
I feel like i want to write the stories that did happen to me.
I was 17 years old, and classes had just started back up, but it was very hot that day.
I left home with long pantyhose, because it's usually normal for the temperature to be low at 6:30 to 7:00 in the morning.
But by 9:30 to 10:00 i can't stand it and take them off in the middle of class.
Few boys jokingly said that's how i luv it, they pretended they were shouting excitedly, others were whistling, i didn't care about them because i was more friends with boys than the girls.
It was always like that, and they know that when it came to playing Playstation they cried because i never let them win.
I never were nor i'm not feminine.
Then ignored them, i just rolled my eyes and smiled at them mischievously, knowing that they were my homies, and that it wasn't more than sarcasm.
If i was very well dressed, it was cause to my mom, wasn't for other stuffs.
That's when the most popular girl sitting in the front raised her hand and caught the teacher's attention.
Saying: The white stockings should be above the knee, and the skirt below. But she has them wrinkled to the bottom.
The accounting teacher was always my favorite. Was a very ethical woman.
She told her whispering to her face:
You think that the problem of the real world out there is not going to be that since you were 15 you have already been with several of the 3rd. year around that time enough that you became giant for all the contraceptives you swallowed.
But she who has never been with nobody yet, yes, because of the way she dresses?
But the truth is, that with a tiny lucky, you will come to know who is the father of your children.
Not you, you dress all demure.
The bell rang, and we all left quickly with a slightly uncomfortable face. But she was stunned. She stayed for a longer time sitting there alone.
The next day, the same teacher with other colleagues came to let us know that she decided to retire and move to other school, and for that motive they incorporated more other students.
I sat at the back.
They all turned to look at me.
It was a very confusing year for all of us, plenty of the popular, they no longer knew how to think and act for themselves, even they realized that practical jokes became boring for them.
Even for us who were used to always being harassed by them.
2 years after finishing school, i ran into her back, when mom suggested going to church together.
Almost like sentence repeated prayer out of habit, in the part where we had to shake hands, she says awkward: Aaah..
Meh: I.. iiii.. um.. i forgive you.
Coming from there with mom told her:
I felt like she wanted to ask me but she didn't dare.
Just look her in the eye, and shake her hand, that's it, it's done.
She: I'm proud of you, kisses me on the forehead.
Meh: Thanks.
She: That you didn't jump her in the jugular like one of your movies and tried to choke her.
Meh: MOOOM❗ It's very cliché.
*We left laughing, hugging, pretty happy.*
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