#Rihanna x reader
l-e-e-woso · 2 years
Edit Dat - Rihanna
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I had been asked to do an interview which didn’t happen as often as you would think but somehow Robyn had convinced me to actually start doing more interviews. 
So here I am sat with Jada (Will Smith’s wife) on her Red Table Talk, I’m just prepared for this to go off the rails cause I've watched a few episodes and they get really deep. I mean I have quite the background, there’s even a few things that the public doesn’t know but I had talked to Robyn yesterday and she said to not say anything that you don’t want to and if I do, ask the producers to take that shit out.
Jada came over to me and introduced herself and we sat down at the table to begin the interview.
“Alright Welcome to another episode of Red Table Talk, today we have Jordyn Fenty with us! How are you?” Jada starts up the show and introduces me. 
“I’m good, a bit nervous but good.” I laugh nervously, rubbing my hands on my jean covered legs and took a sip of the water in front of me. “That’s understandable, this is your first interview you've had for awhile.” Jada says as she looks over the table at me which makes me a little more nervous.
“So you're now a married woman, how has that been going?” Jada asks, making me think of Robyn which makes me automatically start grinning like a love sick puppy. 
“It’s been great. It’s even better than I had imagined it would be. We’ve obviously had our ups and downs but we have always been there for one another. I’m telling you, Robyn has got me wrapped around her little finger, I’d drop everything if she needed me and I know she would do the same for me.” I intertwine my hands and rest them on top of the table as I talk about Robyn.
“How did the two of you meet and when did you get together?” Jada asks me and I laugh thinking about the time we first met.
“It’s uh quite the story actually. I met Robyn in Barbados, I lived in the street next to her but I didn’t meet her until we were about 15. I had gotten kicked out of my home by my Father cause he had found out that I’d been dealing weed. So I was couch surfing for awhile before I met Robyn at a house party and we ended up getting along really well, we swapped phone numbers and we became really close friends then she found out that I didn’t have a permanent place to stay so she told her Mama. I tell you Mama Monica is not a force you wanna come up against, she told me that I would be staying at theirs from then on. A year later she went to the states to pursue music and I came with her. We didn’t start dating until 2010, Robyn confessed to me after Melissa, her best friend, convinced her to take a chance for once. I have had feelings for Rihanna since I was 15 but I didn’t want to hold her back so I didn’t confess any feelings to her until she did.” I say as I thought back on some particularly tough memories of mine as my eyes started tearing up but I quickly wiped them and took a gulp of water. 
“Oh wow, so you’ve known each other almost all your life. I assume you have a good relationship with her family if you lived with them for a year?” Jada asks curiously.
“Ah yeah definitely! They are my family and have always been there for me, I love them.” I say smiling at the camera then wink know that Mama Monica was most likely gonna watch this along with Rorrey and Rajad.
“Was it hard for you to witness Rihanna in other relationships?” Jada asked as she took a sip of her drink.
“Yeah definitely. It wasn’t the best experience but I tried to be there as much as I could for her throughout any relationships she had but there were many times that we would get into arguments about the way some of the guys would treat her cause I wanted the best for her and knew she could be a hell of a lot better.” I said thinking back on some of the relationships that Robyn had been in and how crappy she had been treated. I made a promise to myself and Robyn that I would never ever treat her like that, she is the love of my life and I would treat her as such.
“How did you feel when you found out about what Chris Brown did to Rihanna?” Jada asked curiously.
“Honestly? I was angry and all I wanted to do was beat the shit outta him but that isn’t what Robyn needed, she needed someone to be there for her and that's what I did.” I said not really believing that Jada would bring this topic up when it happened just over a decade ago.
Just as Jada went to ask another question my phone started ringing and I quickly looked at the screen to see that it was Robyn calling me. “I am so sorry, it’s Robyn.” I say and Jada motions for me to answer the call so I do exactly that.
I put the phone on speaker and all I heard was Robyn sniffling. “What’s wrong?” I say concerned as it wasn’t very often that Robyn would call me crying and stood up, pacing back and forth.
“Babe…it worked, we havin’ a babyyyyyy!!!” Robyn shouted down the phone excitedly, making my eyes go wide as I looked around the room and noticed that Jada motioned for the camera crew to stop recording. “Uhhh…shit Robby, I’m doing an interview.” I say rubbing my neck nervously as this is definitely not how Robyn would want people to find out.
“You ain’t think to tell me dat?! Eh they can edit dat shit out.” Robyn says with her bajan accent coming out slightly and the producers and other crew burst out laughing.
“Rob I gotta go but I’ll call you as soon as I finish this up, I promise. I love you.” I say chuckling as Robyn makes kissing sounds down the phone. “Luv yuh too.” Robyn says then hangs up the phone and I laugh shaking my head in disbelief, we were having a baby together.
_______________Later In The Hotel__________________
I was finally back at the hotel and just about to phone Robyn as I got ready to go to bed. She picks up after the phone rings a few times, she was laying on a hotel bed in a robe when she smiled at you. “Hey babe.” Robyn says as she looks at me lovingly through the phone.
“Heyyy baby.” I say as I do my skin care before going and laying on the hotel bed to talk to Robyn. “So were havin’ a baby?” I say excitedly as Robyn laughs which makes me smile cause she has such a gorgeous laugh.
“Yeah. How would you feel about joining me for the rest of my tour? If you don’t have any more press to do?” Robyn asks me and I nod yes as soon as the question leaves her mouth.”Course I wanna join you! Why would I turn down time with my girl?” I say wiggling my eyebrows with a suggestive tone which makes her glare at me playfully.
“You play too much boo.” Robyn jokes as she laughs at my playfulness and shakes her head. 
“WASSUPPPP JORDYYYY!!!” Melissa says running and jumping on to the bed next to Robyn so she was in view of the camera causing Robyn to roll her eyes. “Don’t roll yo eyes at me bitch!” Mel says pushing Robyn and she pushes her back and Mel falls off the bed onto the floor.
Me and Robyn look at each other through the phone and burst out laughing.
Taglist: @fanofstuffzs@micaluvssoccer @beardeddionsaurcreation
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slasherscream · 5 months
She Likes a Boy (And I’m Not Just a Boy)
pairing:  jordan li x fem!reader
summary: You and Jordan are friends with benefits, and Jordan is trying so hard to be okay with that. Somehow, they still fell in love with you despite their best efforts to not fucking do that. But you've only ever fucked them when they're a guy, so they assume you're only interested in them one way. Just like everyone else. You've never said anything to make them think any different so it's obvious, right? So they take what they can get. Which is only half. And they keep you at a distance, because anything else will kill them.
A/N: flashbacks are in all Italics. some smut.
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gif credit: artemidosgifs and stannyramirez
“Oh shit, Jordie, wait-” You can’t catch your breath, legs shaking where they’re thrown over Jordan’s shoulders. 
“Stop fucking squirming.” Jordan huffs, licking some of your wetness off your thigh.
Your vision is swimming a little. How long have you been in this position? Or in Jordan’s room? It’s hard to keep track of anything, when you’re with them. His tongue finds your clit again. Insistent, rough swipes. You’re too overworked now for anything gentle to even register. How many times have you cum now? 
“You always taste so fucking good.” Jordan moans, voice hoarse and low.
He puts a hand under your back to press you further into his mouth. With only your shoulders pushed into the mattress you can’t move. Jordan’s eyes are always glued to your face when you fuck. As if he’s daring you to shy away from whatever he’ll do to you next. 
Considering that his favorite thing to do is overstimulate you, you’re not sure the irritation is fair. What are you supposed to do when he’s made you cum four times and is still going? According to Jordan, the answer is simple: lie there and take it. 
Lifting you up. Pinning you down. These are the solutions he’s arrived at. Jordan hates having to chase you just to give you the orgasm you begged him for in the first place. 
“You ready for my fingers again?” Jordan asks, but it’s not a real question, because you don’t get to so much as gasp before he’s plunging three fingers into you again. 
He’s rough as he rocks his fingers into that soft spot inside of you that always makes your eyes roll back into your head. He knows the angle you like him to use by heart. 
“Fucking shit, Jordan!” Your hands fall into his hair, grip like a vice, and Jordan half moans and half laughs against you.
It’s the vibrations that send you over the edge again. The breath leaving your lungs in one rush as that coil inside releases and makes the world go white and your ears ring. 
You come back to yourself slowly. Jordan hovering over you, pressing kisses into the side of your neck. You grasp at his shoulders, pulling him down so that he's laying on top of you. The weight is comforting after the overwhelming head rush. You still feel shaky. He goes down easily, wrapping one arm underneath you.
“I can feel you smirking, jerk.” You laugh weakly, hitting his arm.
“You soaked my fucking fingers. Think I'm allowed a smirk.” Jordan says. 
He lifts his head from your neck and there's that smug look you love to see him wear. It's enough to make you ready to have him all over again. You settle on gently massaging his scalp. 
“I'll tell you what you're allowed.” You tease, grinning at him. 
“Hah! Always have enough energy to be a fucking brat, huh?” Jordan rolls his eyes. 
You wrap your legs around his waist to bring him closer. “I've got enough energy to make out too! Gimme a kiss.”
“Fucking insatiable.” Jordan scoffs, but gives in. Because he always does. 
It's hard to think when Jordan kisses you. He kisses like he doesn't need to breathe. Or be anywhere else but with you. One of his hands finds yours, locking your fingers together. You squeeze tight. Try not to imagine holding his hand like this outside each other's dorms. Because that only ever makes you feel empty afterwards when all the hormones from the orgasms should leave you floating.
You get a third wind when Jordan rocks his hips against yours and you feel he's hard again. You reach a hand between the two of you, grasping his dick to angle him back inside. Thank God for Supe refractory periods. You sigh when his tip pushes into you. 
“Yeah princess? You want me again?” He tries to sound teasing, nonchalant, but he only sounds like he wants you just as bad.
You rock your hips so that he slides inside fully. Watch him tilt his head back and moan for you as you move. Hungrily taking in the way every sound shapes his mouth. You lean up to kiss at the underside of his jaw. You can't leave any hickies on him but you always kiss him like you want to. God you fucking wish you could. Maybe if you could leave marks people wouldn't chase after them so much. If everyone knew Jordan was yours. But Jordan isn't yours. 
You bite him a little harder.
Jordan's hand finds your throat. You whine, the noise strangled against his palm. You go lax as he pushes you back into the bed. Gently. His fingers flex, a little tighter, and your eyes flutter shut. 
“Gonna be good for me?” Jordan asks.
You nod your head frantically, legs dragging him closer. It's never close enough. No matter what you do. 
“Yeah, I'll be good, Jordie.” You say the words he wants to hear, feeling your head go soft and thoughtless again.
“Fucking liar.” He grinds his hips into yours and chokes you harder when you clench around him. 
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You’d been fast friends, best friends, since the moment you stepped on campus and met one another as freshman. Talking to Jordan. Spending time with them. Everything that first year didn’t even feel like getting to know one another. It just felt like coming home.
You didn’t say as much to Jordan. They would have rolled their eyes and scoffed at how sensitive you were, if you had. But you knew they felt the same way. You were the one Jordan went to whenever they were sad. When they were excited. When they were coming into themselves, learning to love who they were after a lifetime of everyone else telling them not to. 
You were the first person to see them. Before Brink, even, you saw them. All their potential. All their greatness. All of them, and Jordan had never forgotten that. 
Jordan saw you too, in turn. You’d never felt like much more than a pretty face, before Jordan. 
You were the type of beautiful that made people look twice when they walked past you. When you were a little girl you soaked in all the praise like a flower. Every: ‘she’s so pretty’, and ‘well look at her!’, or ‘oh wow!’ was nourishment to your little soul.
It would be impossible to pinpoint the moment you realized that was all anyone saw. Even once your powers manifested. Advanced healing, advanced reflexes, limited invulnerability, energy manipulation. You were the whole nine yards. Your parents, when you were thirteen, had sent a video of you using your powers off to Vought. 
A man and woman showed up a day later in suits, wanting to meet you personally.
“She sure is a little looker, isn’t she?” The man had said, and he’d held your hand for too long before he let go. 
They’d come prepared. With ideas for costumes. Which team of teenage Supes you should be placed with. If you should just go straight for television. The adults talked around you. Not paying you any mind as you stared at the costume that would reveal so much skin. You’d never worn a skirt that short before. You hadn’t been allowed, hadn’t even wanted to, really. If you’d come home from the mall having bought anything like that on your own, your parents would have blown a fuse. Now they just sat on either side of you, mile wide grins plastered on their faces. 
All the voices faded to background noise. You realized maybe you were too young to be a superhero. You thought it would involve more... saving people. Running into burning buildings. Getting the bad guys. Saving the day. The people from Vought were only talking about magazine spreads. About what persona would fit your look. 
“What about school?” You’d asked, quietly, and everyone in the room had turned to look at you baffled. 
“What about school, sweetheart?” The woman laughed. “You’ll get a private tutor, of course. But your future is big. You won’t even have to worry about stuff like that anymore. Goodbye lame homework. Hello red carpets!” 
You sat very quietly until they left. Your parents were more angry than you’d ever seen them, when you told them you wanted to wait until after high-school to pursue being a hero. 
You knew telling them you weren’t sure you wanted to do it at all was off the table. 
During high-school you noticed people didn’t listen to you. You would be telling someone about your favorite book; or talking about a movie that changed your whole worldview, only to realize the other person had been staring at your lips the entire time. 
You stopped talking so much about things you cared about. No one listened anyways. 
Were all things you’d heard before you’d ever gone on your first date. Gotten so much as your first kiss on the cheek. High-school was lonely, and you couldn’t talk about it being lonely without sounding like an asshole, you quickly realized. The few friends you had would roll their eyes when you’d try and vent. You thought it was just playful ribbing. Friends tease each other. It made you feel included! Until you caught them mocking you behind your back to one another.
‘Look at me, I’m Y/N, and life’s so hard because I’m so pretty and popular. Is she fucking serious? Stuck up bitch.’ 
You stopped venting.
When you got to God-U, you weren’t sure what to expect. College was a chance to reinvent yourself. Even if you weren’t sure you wanted to be a Superhero you knew this could be a chance to find your people. Lifelong friends. 
People who you could get coffees with between classes. Who would go to all your birthdays and want to be there. People you would spend hours on the phone with. Fall asleep studying together. Girls who might like you enough to make you their maid of honor. Guys who would high five you when you did something cool and not try to sneak a glance at your chest. 
You were imagining it all as you unpacked your boxes. Your stomach twisting itself into knots. Living in a half world between excitement and dread.
Then you met your roommate and she gave you the look. The look you’d gotten all your life from girls, and you knew you’d never be real friends. Girls who looked at you like that kept their boyfriends away from you at parties. And they never shared the secrets that friends share because they thought you’d put them in a fucking burn book. The look alone almost made you give up and just go home. 
You went for a walk instead, fighting back tears. That’s when you ran into Jordan. Literally, ran into Jordan. You knocked the both of you to the ground. 
When they’d snapped, “What the fuck dude?” at you, harsh and angry and very them, you’d burst into tears. 
It wasn’t the perfect way to meet your person. But you were glad you met them at all. 
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 “Stop moving your eyes away from the screen.” Jordan says. 
“I’m not allowed to move my eyes away from the screen?” You laugh.
“No, this part is really important. You have to pay attention. I wanna see if you catch it.” 
You try your best to keep your eyes glued to the screen, as instructed. But you can’t help the way you keep glancing towards Jordan. She looks good. She always looks good, but right now you don’t even want to look away from her. The colors of the movie flashing across her face, blues and golds, make her look like a painting. 
“Are you watching?” Jordan asks, and you smile at the excitement in her voice. 
You look back towards the movie, wondering what she wants you to see so badly. You look just in time. A small detail catches your eyes and you gasp, reaching out a hand blindly to shake her in your own excitement. 
“Did you see that in the background?” You shake her again, for good measure.
“I saw it.” Jordan laughs.
“That means that he killed the wife!” 
“How do you figure?”
You pause the movie, ready to explain where you think the plot is heading. When you turn to face Jordan you have to take a deep breath. You don’t know whether you love or hate that look. Your feelings on the matter change day to day. 
Jordan is leaned up into the arm of the couch, relaxed, and she’s staring at you with The Smile she wears sometimes. She started doing it a few months into your friendship. Back when you used to talk and then slowly stop. So completely sure that nobody wanted to hear what you had to say. 
Jordan had asked you, back then, why you always stopped telling stories halfway through, or stopped talking about your day, or the latest book you’d read. 
You wanted to lie, at first. Eventually you told a half truth, “I never have anything interesting to say.” 
Jordan had looked at you for a long time. You were worried that somehow, up until that moment, they hadn’t realized how boring you were. But you acknowledging it out loud had made them think about it, and now they were going to ditch you for a friend who was interesting, funny, and smart. 
Instead, Jordan had told you that she loved the way your mind worked, and she’d smiled The Smile at you, for the first time. You hadn’t known how to respond, to the words, or the smile. You turned the conversation back towards Brink’s latest class assignment. 
Later that night you’d gone back to your dorm room and cried, but you’d felt happier than you’d ever felt. 
It made you feel warm and soft that three years later Jordan still smiled at you like that. It felt like your cue to say anything on your mind, no matter how dumb. Green light means go. The Smile means talk. 
“Well?” Jordan nudges you with her foot, still smiling, and waiting for you. 
You shake your head to break free of the spell she puts you in, “Well, look at his sense of style for the entire movie. All his stuff is modern and sleek and then the first time we see his bedroom all the rest of the decor is in line with the rest of the house, except that one thing. All the camera shots are so purposeful and they lingered a little, after he walked away. They wanted us to see he was keeping a trophy. He totally killed her, didn’t he?” 
Jordan pauses for a second and then laughs. “I don’t know how you always guess right. I didn’t see the twist coming at all the first time I watched it.”
“Secondary super power.”
“Connecting all the dots?”
“Connecting all the dots, yeah.” 
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“Y/N! Y/N, thank fucking god, you gotta come with me.” Cate grabbed you by the arm, rougher than she’d ever touched you before. 
“I was on my way to class.” You tripped over your feet as Cate pulled you the opposite way you needed to go.
“Forget class! Jordan’s gonna get themself expelled.” Cate snapped. 
“They’re beating the shit out of Peter in the locker room. Luke’s not on campus. I can’t get close enough to stop them-”
You’d broken into a sprint towards the fighting arena. You didn’t know what the hell was happening. Peter and Jordan had spoken maybe ten times to each other in all the years of attending the same university. 
You’d never gotten anywhere so fast in your life. Andre was standing steadfast in front of the entrance to the boy’s locker room, a small group of other students standing outside. You could hear the sounds of fighting pouring out from the door. 
“Back it up you fucking vultures.” Andre snipped. He might not have super strength but he was still Number 4, and could look intimidating when he needed to. 
“Andre, what’s going on?” You pushed to the front of the crowd. 
“Thank fuck Cate found you. You gotta get in there. Jordan’s gonna fucking mur-” Andre glanced at the phones pointed at the both of you, trying to record even a drip of gossip about top students trying to seriously hurt each other and lowered his voice, “Jordan is actually gonna fucking kill Peter. I’ll keep the crowds back. Get in there.” 
You moved past him into the locker room and your jaw dropped at the state of the place. 
You thought these lockers were bolted down. Apparently not. At least four rows of them were knocked to the ground, heavily dented. A water bottle refilling station had been crumpled to nothing, exposed pipe spraying water across the floor.
“Get off of me you fucking animal.” You heard Peter cry from further in the room and ran. 
Jordan had shoved Peter up against the wall. You were surprised Peter was still conscious. He was lucky he healed so fast. You could see his black eye fading even as Jordan broke his nose. 
“You fucking stay away from her. You understand? I hear you fucking talking like that again and I take the tongue out of your fucking mouth, you asshole.” 
Peter laughs through a mouth full of blood,“Not my fault she gave it up so easy, Li-” 
Jordan throws him into one of the last standing lockers and you see that they are indeed bolted into the ground. Evidently, Jordan throws stronger than Supe resistant steel can take. When Jordan moves to lift Peter out of the crater his body made in the downed locker you rush in between them, putting a shield up. 
“Y/N?” You can see some of the anger fade from Jordan’s face, just a little, at the sight of you.
“Hey, Jordie. Think Peter has had enough.”
Jordan scoffs, “No, he really fucking hasn’t,” he leans around you to yell at Peter, who’s trying to push himself onto his knees, “He’s still running his fucking mouth!” 
“Pussy whipped asshole-” Peter groans.
You glance at Peter on the floor, aghast, “Peter! Stop antagonizing, Jordan. What’s wrong with you?” 
“Unbelievable, honestly. You walk in on Jordan kicking my ass and you tell me to stop antagonizing the fucker?” Peter huffs, pushing his nose back into place so it won’t heal wrong. 
“Name calling isn’t gonna make him stop kicking your ass. I’m trying to help.” You shoot back.
“Well, no one needs your help, you dumb-” 
“Hey.” Jordan interrupts. He’s not yelling anymore, but his voice is the loudest thing in the room. “Watch your mouth, Peter. I fucking mean it.” 
You look back and forth between them. They watch each other for a long moment. Jordan looking eerily calm. Peter looks away first. 
“Yeah, that’s what I fucking thought. Come on, Y/N.” Jordan grabs your hand and marches you out of the locker room. Past Andre and Cate, who try to stop you both but Jordan waves them off and muscles his way past the crowd too. 
He doesn’t stop until you’re back in his dorm room and he’s shut the door behind the two of you. 
“You were fucking that loser?” He asks, clicking the lock into place.    
“You’re lucky Andre and Cate kept people out of the locker room so there’s no video of everything! You could get expelled, Jordan! What the fuck happened?” 
“He hit me first and he’s not even in the top ten. What’s he at? Number 14? No one’ll give a shit what happens to him. When did you start fucking him?”
“I’m not fucking him! Or… I’m not just, fucking him. I’m… I was dating him. Why were you two fighting?” 
“Dating? For how fucking long? You didn’t tell me you were dating anyone.” Jordan’s hair is already a disheveled mess. He yanks his fingers through the strands and makes it worse. 
“We’ve been going on dates for like… three months? Kinda? Maybe.” You say quietly. 
“Three months?! Are you serious? Why didn’t you tell me? What the fuck?” 
“Why are you so mad?”
“Friends talk to each other about shit like this! And if you’d talked to me, I would have told you that Peter is a clout chasing piece of shit that’ll never amount to anything. You should’ve heard the shit he was saying today. Fucking piece of shit!” 
“That’s why you were fighting?” You wring your hands together, a knot tying itself over and over in your stomach. “What did he say?”
Jordan stops pacing the room, goes still and turns away from you. 
“Well? What did he say? It was bad enough to make you two beat the shit out of each other! So what was it?” 
“He just… You don’t have to worry about it, okay? He won’t go near you again.” Jordan says firmly.
“Whatever he said he’s gonna keep saying. Just behind my back. I should know.”
Jordan sighs and moves to sit beside you on his couch, knee bouncing with anxiety. “He was… bragging to his shitty friends. About being the first guy on campus to fuck you. About how it didn’t even take that long and… how… he was thinking of recording you. So he could show them how slutty you are. It was…. fucking disgusting.” 
“Oh.” You say. 
You swallow around the lump in your throat. You’d done everything you could to avoid something like this happening. Had kept your dates off campus, to make sure he actually wanted to date you and not just the hot girl ranked Number 3. You’d spent nights staying up on the phone laughing and talking. You’d put off sleeping with Peter for a whole two months, even though you liked him, because you wanted to make sure he liked you. 
You hadn’t even let him call you his girlfriend until a few days ago. You thought he really liked you. But no matter how hard you try… you guess this is it. You’re just something pretty to look at. Even Vought doesn’t take you seriously, despite your powers. You’re the top ranked student in everything. Right behind Jordan. Forensic analysis. Combat. Battle strategy. Still, you only ever get asked about makeup routines and how to maintain your figure in interviews. 
You wipe at your burning eyes and try not to cry about something you’ve already accepted. 
“Fuck that guy. Fuck him. He’s so far beneath your level I’m surprised you can perceive his plane of fucking existence, okay? He’s a fucking single cell organism. He doesn’t even know what a brain is.” Jordan gets up from the couch to kneel in front of you, tries to look you in the eyes. 
“I’m so fucking stupid.” 
“No, you fucking are not. Don’t say that about yourself. He’s fucking stupid. It’s genuinely insane you even wasted your time with him. Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing anyone?” Jordan asks, voice quiet.
“I just…. I wanted to make sure he was actually gonna stick around before I even brought him up to you. You’re so … important, why tell you about someone who isn’t? It’s not like you write home to me about any of the people you mess around with! We’ve never really talked about this kind of stuff.” 
“Yeah, but it’s different. I’m not serious about anyone! You were actually dating, Peter. And I would have told you not to.” Jordan rolls his eyes.
“Well, I wanted to make sure it was serious. Before I even said anything.” 
“It wouldn’t have gotten serious if you’d told me about it in the first place. I wouldn’t have let Peter within ten feet of you!” 
“We’re talking in circles.” You huff in frustration, pressing your palms into your eyes to stop the stinging.
“Sorry, I just…. Fucking still wish I was beating the shit out of him, honestly.” Jordan says.
“You are not leaving this room for the rest of the day, Li. Even if he is Number 14, you can’t walk away from a fight then go back for seconds cause you didn’t get it all out the first time. That won’t hold up too well in court.”
“He heals too fast for there to be any marks left on him. It’ll all be hearsay.” Jordan smirks.  
You let out a weak laugh. Jordan reaches out, touching the corner of your lips. “Can we shoot for something a little bigger? If I don’t see you smile soon I’ll actually go kill him.” 
You roll your eyes and slide to the edge of the couch, so you’re resting your head on Jordan’s shoulder, leaning all your weight against him. He wraps his arms around you, rubbing circles into your spine.
“I really wanted it to work out, Jordan.” You mumble into the skin of his collarbone.
“With fucking Peter?” 
“With… anyone.” Your voice wavers and Jordan’s grip gets tighter. “It’s so fucking lonely. I just want to be someone’s favorite person. Not because of how I look, but because they like me. Really like me. And no one fucking does, no matter how hard I try.” The tears start falling now and Jordan pulls back and makes you look up at him, one hand on your cheek. 
“Hey, hey, don’t cry. I fucking… I like you. I’ve always liked you.” Jordan says, frantic as he wipes away the tears as they come.
“It’s not the same, Jordan!” You shake your head, and bite your lip. You’d almost said it’s not enough. Because it isn’t. But you can't think about that for too long. It makes the hole in you ache a little worse. 
“Yeah….guess it’s not.” Jordan says quietly. He keeps wiping away the tears, dutiful and gentle as he goes. 
“You said he hit you first?” You ask, after a long moment of him quietly soothing you.
“Come on, I’m not stupid. Had to let him get the first swing in.” Jordan smirked.
“What did you say to make him hit you?” You ask.
“Told him he was lucky you believe in charity work and giving back to the fucking needy.” 
It’s enough to startle a laugh out of you. You smack his arm weakly before pulling him into another hug. He kisses the top of your head so softly you don’t notice it, too busy laughing. 
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“Y/N, good to see you dear. You keeping our Jordan out of trouble?” Brink asks as he comes out of his office, not surprised to see you perched on Jordan’s desk. 
“Professor, we both know that I’m the one getting Jordan into trouble.” You flash the older man your most mischievous grin. 
“Ah, my apologies. I assume that means you’re distracting her from doing her work, as well?” Brink raises an eyebrow teasingly. 
“Yes.” You say.
“No.” Jordan protests, at the same time. 
You throw your head back with a laugh. “It’s a goal I hold most dear to my heart, to distract Jordan from grading these papers. I think I’m succeeding wonderfully, you’ll be happy to know, Professor.” 
“She’s joking, Professor.” Jordan smacks your thigh and you glance down just in time to burn the image of her hand on your thigh into your brain. She almost never touches you, when she’s like this. 
“You know, Jordan, I didn’t happen to lose my sense of humor after I hit sixty.” Brink waves off Jordan’s concern and leans towards the two of you, whispering conspiratorially, “I know the gray hair gives the illusion of being a boring old fart, but I do like to laugh every now and then.”
Jordan shakes her head with a small laugh and you can’t help but watch, entranced, at the way her hair brushes the olive skin of her cheeks. When you look back towards Brink you find him already watching you, a knowing smile on his lips. You laugh nervously, and look down at the wood grain texture of Jordan’s desk. It’s suddenly fascinating. Is it real oak? Cherry?
“You close to being done, Jordan?” Brink asks casually. 
“Uh-” Jordan’s face blanches and you suddenly feel genuinely sorry for distracting her from her work. 
“-relax, kiddo. You’re not in trouble. Geez, what am I, a work nazi? Those papers don’t need to be graded for another four days, right? You work too hard. I was just asking cause’ I was getting a little hungry myself and wanted to know if you could use a break? There’s a great new Indian place nearby, apparently. Professor. Karp was telling me about it yesterday. It’s only a twenty minute ride away. Wanna tag along?” 
“I should probably finish up a few more papers-” 
“She would love to take a break, Professor.” You reach over, saving the work Jordan’s done and shutting down her laptop at lightning speed. 
“Brat.” Jordan mouths the word at you quickly, so Brink won’t see. 
You stick your tongue out at her, not caring if anyone sees. 
“You should come along too, Y/N. Been awhile since we last caught up.” Brink has a twinkle in his eye that you can’t quite place.
You slide off Jordan’s desk anyways, not willing to pass up any valuable Time Spent With Jordan, “I’m not sure if I trust Professor Karp’s recommendation on restaurants, but I’ll try and be very brave about it if the food is awful.”
“Jordan, have I ever told you how much I love this girl?” Professor Brink shrugs on his coat with a laugh. 
“Yeah.” Jordan watches Brink help you into your own coat with a small smile. “Yeah, Professor you have.” 
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“Fucking fuck me!” Jordan throws her phone onto the coffee table in front of her.
“Are the parental units being emotional terrorists again?” You ask from your spot on her bed, turning the page of your textbook, mindlessly highlighting another sentence that could be important for the upcoming final. 
“No, it’s just the whole fucking roster is busy.” Jordan roughly runs a hand through her hair, disheveling her bob. 
“Huh?” You look up from your notes.
“The whole roster is locked in for finals but I really need to let off some fucking steam!” Jordan sighs.
“How big is the roster?” You try to sound curious, like a best friend would be, and not irritated, like someone in love with their best friend would be. 
“Too big for me to not be fucking someone right now.” Jordan snips. 
“We are studying right now. Or I’m studying, and you should be studying too, instead of thinking about needing to get your rocks off.” You say coolly, flipping to the next page. 
“I can’t fucking focus.” Jordan groans, but comes back over to the bed and flops down beside you, throwing her arm over her eyes. “What concept are we on now?” 
“Theories on limiting public and private property damage in fights with other Supes.”
“There is no fucking way I can focus on something that fucking boring without having an orgasm first.”Jordan groans, again, “It’s not even about limiting loss of human life or injury?”
“Nope. Property damage.” 
“Fuck me!” 
You both fall into silence. You studying. Jordan, you assume, weighing the pros and cons of downloading Tinder. The thought makes your stomach drop.
Then you get an idea. An awful, horrible, no good, rotten fucking idea. 
Your mouth is opening before you can stop yourself, “You could fuck me.”
“Huh?” You’ve never seen Jordan sit up so fast.
“I just mean- … we really gotta focus and I... I mean if you just need to let off some steam we could always…” You try your best to fumble your way into proper usage of the English language but even the thought of fucking Jordan makes that impossible. 
“Are you serious right now?” Jordan shifts halfway through the sentence, eyes glued to your every nervous, jittery movement as you sit in front of him.
“Wouldn’t have said anything if it wasn’t a real offer.” You say quietly, not looking up from the book. 
Jordan snatches said book from your lap and tosses it away, ignoring your noise of protest. “You don’t think it’d make things weird?” 
“Weird was when I had to take you to get your wisdom teeth removed and you kept saying the green man was gonna get us while you were still high off the good stuff. Sex is just sex, right?” You try to say it casually. 
“Would… would it be a one time thing?” Jordan asks slowly.  
“It could be more… we could be-” You say, equally as slow. 
“- could be?” Jordan echoes, voice sounding oddly tight and expression carefully blank.
The look is so strange it makes you panic, and if you’d thought of saying something stupid and desperate for one second like ‘a couple’, well, that look on his face is more than enough to send you straight back to reality on the ‘my-life-fucking-sucks’ express in no time flat.
“We could be like friends with benefits!” You blurt out in one breath. 
“Oh.” Jordan says. 
“It was just an idea.” You reach for the textbook again, which landed near Jordan’s thigh. You’re careful not to touch him when you grab it, or sound too disappointed, or heartbroken at the completely lackluster reaction Jordan has to the thought of having sex with you. “A stupid idea, forget it.”
“Why’s it stupid?” Jordan’s brow furrows, tone teetering on the edge of defensive. 
“I mean…” You can’t think of a reason fast enough. “We’re probably sexually incompatible.” 
“Why do you assume that?” Jordan goes from staring at you, to glaring at you. 
You’ve always hated how once Jordan latches on to a line of questioning, you can’t get them to drop that interrogation for shit. A dog with a bone has nothing on a Jordan who wants an answer.
“I don’t… know?” You say, but it sounds like a question. 
“I think we’d be compatible.” Jordan states this like he’d state the sky is blue or water is wet. 
“Have you thought about it before?” You ask, bewildered. 
“What, are you into something really kinky?” Jordan answers your previous question not at all.
“No!” There goes that nervous body language of yours again. 
“Only way to really know if we’re sexually compatible is to actually try it out.” Suddenly, Jordan is within your personal space bubble. 
You don’t really know how to react, your body freezes up on instinct. Jordan’s hand comes up to rub soothing circles into the crook of your elbow. Your shoulders fall away from your ears.
“Can I kiss you?” Jordan’s voice is quiet, soft as he tilts his head to knock his nose against yours. Playful, teasing. But the look on his face is something you can’t place at all. 
You feel his breath on your lips and nod absentmindedly. 
“Don’t want you to nod when I ask you a question like this. Yes or no, Y/N?” 
“Ye-” The words not fully out of your mouth before Jordan is kissing you, a heavy hand pulling you closer by the nape of your neck. 
You pull yourself into Jordan’s lap and try to focus on how good it feels when he nips at your bottom lip, instead of how much you wished you’d asked him to be your boyfriend. Or girlfriend. Partner. Everything. Even if he’d said no, at least then you would have had an answer. Now you’ve only made your life harder. 
You stop thinking so much when Jordan puts a hand on your hip and guides you to grind yourself against him. 
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“Y/N’s right.” Jordan mutters, not looking up from his phone. 
“No, she is not. You’re just agreeing with her because that’s your default factory setting. Listen to the context of the argument please.” Andre snaps, drowning his Vought Triple meat burger in ketchup.
“I did. Your grim dark theory on children’s media is lame, and Y/N knows more about the Monster’s Inc universe than you ever will.” Jordan shrugs.
“Hah!” You laugh in Andre’s face.
“Is it really such a flex to be an expert on the lore of a Pixar movie universe?” Cate asks teasingly. 
“Yes.” You say. 
“No.” Andre says, like a sore loser.  
“I agree with Y/N, it’s literally in the explicit text of the movie, Monsters Inc isn’t a post-apocalyptic world. It’s a separate dimension from ours. The monsters come to our dimension to harvest screams of children to get clean, scream energy. God, Andre, pay attention during movie night.” Luke jumps in on the tormenting Andre train, grinning wildly at the other man from across the table. He gets a middle finger for his troubles. 
“I’m glad someone pays attention to the intricate lore of the greatest movie of all time.” You sniff haughtily. 
“I literally agreed with you first.” Jordan looks at you from over the top of her phone in a way that makes you blush. 
“I’m glad two people are paying attention to the intricate lore of the greatest movie of all time.” You clear your throat. 
“Thank you.” Jordan’s intense brown eyes fall away from you and you take a gulp of your drink. 
“Bathroom alert, Y/N. A stall just opened up.” Cate tells you pointing to the bathroom door right as another girl exits. 
“I am kissing you on the lips, telepathically.” You say, sliding from the booth you’re all sharing.
“Don’t you telepathically lip lock with my girlfriend.” Luke calls after you, laughing.
“Get some powers of telepathy yourself and make me, fire boy.” You enter the bathroom, shutting out the sounds of laughter from your table with a smile. 
You take the biggest stall at the back and try to go about your business quickly. You hear two faucets turn on, someone washing their hands, and try not to get pee shy. 
“So how was it?” A monotone voice asks, you assume one of the hand washers.
“You know I don’t usually kiss and tell, but it was insane.” A higher, more giggly voice answers. 
“So they really are good in bed then, huh?” The monotone voice sounds a little more curious. 
“Incredible. All the rumors are true. They’re a little… uh, brusque, about the after sex part, if I’m putting it lightly, but the sex itself was great!” The high voice chirps. 
“What? Did they throw you a towel and tell you to kick rocks?” The monotone voice asks. 
“Pretty much.” The high voice sighs. “But they made me cum so many times I think I’d still pick up if they called me again. You think they might?” 
“I say this with all the love in the world: girl stand up.” Monotone voice drawls. 
“You wouldn’t be telling me that if you knew how good it felt to sit on her face.” High voice says.
You stifle a laugh, trying not to get caught eavesdropping, but with Supe hearing it really is hard to mind your own business. Besides, they’re not being that quiet about the conversation anyways. 
“I’ll have to take your word for it.”
“Or you could experience it for yourself. They were just as good as a boy as they were as a girl. Maybe better. I dunno. She was more aggressive as a girl, which was kinda hot.” 
“Jordan Li, pussy eating extraordinaire. Can we go now? Our food is probably ready.” Monotone voice sighs. 
“Fine, but I’m telling you, the things they can do with a strap are-” 
The voices fade away with the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing. 
You find you don’t really want to finish eating your food, when you get back to the table. You spend the rest of lunch trying your best not to look at Jordan, and also ignoring Cate’s concerned gaze boring into the side of your skull. 
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You pretend to be sick to avoid having to face the reality of Jordan being more than happy to touch other girls as a girl. They just don’t want to touch you when they’re a girl. You wonder what about you is so uniquely off putting. You wonder why it can’t be you. Why can’t it ever fucking be you? 
Jordan barges into your room on day three of the silent treatment that you told the group chat was due to a raging fever. 
Luckily your eyes, swollen shut from all the crying, and the red nose to match, corroborate the story. 
“We got it all. We’ve got tissues. We got soup. We got pain meds. We got liquid meds. We also have all the ingredients for a hot toddy, if you want to mix your poisons a little.” Jordan begins to unpack everything onto your counter. 
“I don’t want to take anything.” You say morosely, and a little mean, kind of wanting to hate them but just feeling sad. Jordan’s your best friend before anything else, and you could never hate your first real friend. 
“Come on, just a little something. You sound fucked up.” Jordan practically coos, touching your forehead. “Feels like your fever’s gone down a little. Sit up for me.” He says, and pulls you to sit up when you don’t do it on your own.  
“I don’t want to fucking-” Jordan puts two pills in your mouth as soon as you open it to bitch at him. He hands you water to help you swallow it down. 
“Thanks for that. That was really fun for me.” You snap once you’re done.
“It’s for pain and should bring down the rest of your fever.” Jordan lays you back down, tucking the covers all the way up to your chin. You marvel at the way he doesn’t rise to the bait of your very clear attitude. Jordan, catching the look on your face offers you a small glare. “I’m worried. You usually don’t get sick. I’ll check that attitude when you’re better. Now, do you want the damn hot toddy or not?” He rubs your head soothingly.
“Yes, please.” You try not to pout as you watch Jordan make the drink for you. You really hate how hard it is to hate them. “Sorry, Jordie.” 
“Oh, you can go ahead and save that apology for when I make you cry into your pillow, yeah?” Jordan doesn’t even look up from measuring the ingredients.
You pull the covers over your head and leave them there until Jordan pulls them back down. 
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You almost hadn’t come to the party. 
You weren’t in a partying mood, as of late. You were in more of a Shakespearean pining era than a City Girls one. But the group had bullied you in the group chat for a week straight until you’d promised to come. The group bullying hadn’t worked so much as Jordan asking you one single time to go had.
So here you were. 
You’d been nursing one drink for the better part of an hour and hadn’t done a single line of cocaine. Jordan had offered you some, but the line had already been placed on the back of his hand. You politely declined, much to his confusion. You only ever did hard drugs with Jordan, and only at big rager parties like this one. 
At the moment you’re nearly sober. Because you didn’t so much as want to touch Jordan right now. Let alone do something like snort a line off of him. Then you’d have to do something like lick the residue off his skin. Which would lead to kissing him. Which would lead to making out with him. Which would lead to fucking him. 
And you think, for the sake of your sanity, you need to be done fucking Jordan Li. 
It’s been about three weeks since you were “sick” and you’d dodged every attempt at getting physical that Jordan tried to initiate since. At first you were able to pass it off as still feeling icky. That excuse worked for a week. Now, you didn’t hang out alone with them and pretended not to see Jordan’s ‘you up?’ texts until morning. 
Your friendship just needs a hard reset. This time spent not having sex will do it. 
Besides, it’s not like Jordan isn’t swimming in fucking choices. What does it matter if you’re one less body off the menu? There are plenty of hot girls at this school. Jordan’s probably already fucked half of them.
You throw back the rest of the drink you’ve been nursing all at once.
“Are you okay?” Cate puts a hand on your arm and you offer her a blinding, completely fake smile. 
“Yeah!” You say, as chipper as possible.
“Jesus christ.” Cate replies, face going all sad and concerned. “What did Jordan do?” 
“Huh?” You blink, confused.
“You are the most pissed off I’ve ever seen you. What did Jordan do? You’ve been avoiding them for like two weeks. What gives?” Cate pulls you closer by the arm so that she doesn’t have to shout over the music. 
“Can you try to lie again but do it better, this time?” Cate frowns.
“Jesus Christ, does everything have to be about Jordan? Must my whole entire goddamn life revolve around Jordan Li?” You snap, the way someone who isn’t mad about anything does.  
“Okay.” Cate says slowly. Like she’s trying to placate a wild animal. 
The tone alone makes you roll your eyes and move to disappear back in the crowd of drunk twenty-somethings. But she firms her grip on you, the leather of her glove digging into your skin. 
“I’m fine, Cate. I just have to get over it.” 
“Get over what?” Cate narrows her eyes at you. That shrewd look she sometimes wears when she knows something before someone else falls onto her face. 
You wonder if you’re completely transparent about your pining or if Cate missed a dose of her medication. Is she starting to hear the buzzing of your frantic, angry, miserable thoughts? Or is she just naturally perceptive? 
“So, this is where the real party is hiding!” An arm is thrown around your shoulders suddenly and you are careful not to sigh, because Jordan may not be as perceptive as Cate, but they’re pretty damn close. Especially when it comes to you. 
You’ve never moved away from them holding you close like this before, so you can’t do it now. You try to just be still. Don’t lean into his warmth, but don’t cringe away either. You probably used to melt against him, when he touched you. Pathetically. Desperately. A sunflower following rays of light across the sky. 
“-Princess?” Jordan gives you a gentle shake and your head snaps to the side to look at him. “You okay?”
“Yup!” Apparently, you didn’t say that convincingly because he starts to scowl at you. Surprisingly enough, the thought of withstanding a Jordan interrogation does not make you want to be at this party for much longer. “I’m gonna head out, though.” 
“What?!” Twin exclamations of confusion form Jordan and Cate both.
“Not feeling it. I think I need to get some more sleep. I got a headache, or… something.” You shrug.
“Or something?” Jordan echoes.
“You are not going anywhere, yet, dear friend.” Andre throws his own arm around you, appearing from thin air, and tugging you away from Jordan. You’ve never been more grateful to him. 
“How do you figure that?” You laugh.
“We’re about to play truth or dare in the other room and you dodged playing last time. You can leave after you’ve played. You can’t get known as the truth or dare dodger.” Andre says. 
“You say that as if being a party game dodger is like being known for dodging the Vietnam draft.” You snort.
“No, it’s worse. People that dodged the Vietnam drafts are heroes. Truth or dare dodgers are cowards. Come on.” Andre begins to drag you towards the other room and you go along with minimal dragging of your feet across the floor. 
The room is crowded, but all the faces are familiar. They’re all within the top twenty, or the groupies that hang around everyone in the top twenty. You pull Andre across the room to a spot on a raggedy couch you have to squeeze the both of you into. No room for Jordan, who you want to avoid. Or Cate, who is too fucking perceptive. 
You wish you’d grabbed another drink for yourself. Jordan winds up across the room from you, in an optimal position for trying to catch your eye and give you a concerned look every ten seconds. 
This does not make Truth or Dare more fun to watch. 
Vulgar dare from one classmate to another. Forcing someone else to admit an uncomfortable truth. One humiliation after the other. Pick your poison on whether you want to debase yourself through the damnation of your own words or a physical act. All challenges of self-mortification being doled out by people who secretly don’t like each other very much, but all call each other friends anyways. 
“Earth to Y/N the space cadet.” The girl sitting next to you gives you a playful shove. You try not to glare at her. Her name escapes you. You think she hangs around with number 6. Or something. 
“Cate picked you. Truth or dare.” She says the words ominously, causing teasing jeering to rise from the entire group. 
“Well, Y/N, what’s it gonna be?” Cate raises her eyebrow at you challengingly. 
“She doesn’t have to play if she doesn’t want to, guys.” Jordan rolls his eyes.
“Dare.” You say, wanting to get this over with. 
The room erupts into excited noise. You don’t know why. Cate, of all people, would never force you to do anything humiliating. Or truly scandalous. It’s why you trust her enough to say dare, instead of truth. But you never pick dare, because anyone else would abuse the power. Everyone looks too eager to see Number 3 do something embarrassing. 
As if Cate isn’t your closest friend beside Jordan. As if she’d abuse the trust you place in her. It makes you sick. You don’t wanna be here. At this party, or at this stupid fucking school.
“I dare you…. to kiss the prettiest girl in the room.” 
“What?!” Jordan turns to give Cate the nastiest, most disgusted glare you’ve ever seen.
“She doesn’t have to do it if she doesn’t want to. You know I’m all about consent.” Cate shrugs innocently, crossing her legs together and giving you a smirk. 
You sit for a second, contemplating your next move. There are plenty of pretty girls at this party. In this room. If nothing else, the top twenty and their groupies are photogenic (hell, some of them are only in the top twenty because of their looks to begin with. You hope you’re not one of those.) But there’s only one girl you want to kiss at this party. 
There’s only one person in the world you want to kiss at all. 
You take a shaky breath, feeling like the walls are closing in. Andre nudges you subtly, catches your eye, as if to say: ‘you okay?’ but there’s something else in the look too. Something that says it’s not just Cate, who knows. Probably your whole friend group knows how you feel. Probably the whole school. Probably anyone but Jordan sees it. And Jordan probably does see it, because they’re too fucking smart not to, and they’re choosing to ignore it. Because it’s easier that way. Because your feelings are probably too inconvenient. Because you’re not their type. Because you’re clingy, and stupid, and not good enough- 
You stand up. The room is a wall of noise, and smell and sound pressing in on you. You see Cate smirk. You see Jordan looking away. You see every girl in the room sit up straight. Delusional, if they think any of them could ever be anything, compared to Jordan. 
You walk past every other girl in the room, and stand in front of Jordan, who still isn’t looking.
You kick his ankle with the toe of your heel, to get him to look at you. His head snaps around, the curls of his hair sticking to his forehead, and he looks comically confused. And it’s really too fucking much, for someone as smart as Jordan to look so confused. So fucking baffled, about what’s happening here. But it’s a pretty convincing act. That only makes you more angry. 
You make an impatient motion with your hand. A ‘do it already’ movement of your wrist. The same way you’d crossly signal for another driver to go first at a fucking four way stop. 
He just blinks up at you, owlish. 
"Well? Are you gonna let me kiss the prettiest girl at this fucking school or what, Li?" The room has gone a little quiet, or maybe the blood is rushing in your ears so bad everything is quiet in comparison. 
Jordan stares up at you for a moment longer than is comfortable. And you really start to feel the eyes of everyone in the room on you. You don’t let yourself shy away from the attention. Not Jordan’s, not anyone else’s. You straighten your spine and look down your nose at him, and tap your foot. Try to look like the mean girl everyone expects you to be because no one cares who you actually are. 
As if you could care less if Jordan leaves you stranded right now. As if it will be their loss, if they don’t kiss you, instead of the worst moment of your entire life. 
Jordan shifts. 
You try not to think of how desperate you must look, when you reach out at a speed that isn’t human to hold her face and angle it up, so you can finally fucking kiss the girl you love. 
You wish you could kiss her like it didn’t mean anything. Like she’s nothing. Like you hate her. But you don’t know if this is the only time you’ll ever get to kiss Jordan when she’s your girl, and not your boy. This might be the last time you kiss Jordan ever. 
It has to be. 
You close your eyes tight. Try to ignore the way they’re stinging. You kiss Jordan slow and tender. The way you’ve always wanted to. You tangle a hand in her hair, to bring her closer. You try not to marvel at the way the longer strands tangle in your fingertips. She gasps against you, and her hands find your waist and you are too sober to cry over Jordan touching your waist above your clothes. Like a fucking middle-schooler. 
But the tears start falling anyways. You let out a quiet sob against her lips that you try your hardest to stifle, and Jordan may not have kissed you like this before. But she’s kissed you plenty. She pulls back, startled, like an animal. Big brown eyes full of concern. 
And the spell is broken, and you are standing in front of about thirty of the world’s worst, most unsympathetic human beings, crying, because you kissed your best friend who doesn’t want you back. 
You’ve got ten seconds to leave before someone pulls out their phone and records you. If they haven’t already started. 
So you run.
Through your tears the layout of the house becomes unfamiliar. You try to hide your face a little, and hope people don’t recognize you as you pass them by, sobbing openly. 
Years of pent up feelings are bubbling out of you. The relief. The grief. The way you hate yourself for falling in love with the only person who has ever loved you. Wondering why you couldn’t just be grateful for the kindest, most understanding friendship you never even thought yourself worthy of. Why couldn’t that have been enough? 
Why did you fall in love with them? 
A hand closes around your wrist and you try to yank yourself away but you’re pulled into a bathroom and the door slams shut behind you. 
You wipe your eyes so you can see who’s tried to save you from embarrassing yourself any further. 
It’s Jordan. Because of course it is.
You burst into tears again. 
“Are you fucking drunk? What the fuck was that? Y/N what the fuck is happening right now?” Jordan sounds on the verge of a mental break. 
She’s probably wondering what type of things people are gonna start saying about the two of you on social media. She’s probably mad at you for giving her a PR mess to clean up. 
“I’m not drunk!” You protest, sounding a little like someone who might be drunk. 
“Are you high? What did you take? Lemme see your pupils.” Jordan reaches out to grab your face and you swat her hand away. 
“No one fucking drugged me, Jordan. I’m just a stupid fucking idiot who’s in love with you! There! Are you happy?! Why don’t you go laugh at me with one of your stupid fucking girlfriends. You’ve got so fucking many of them.” You wail, sinking down to the floor, and hiding your face in your arms. 
The room goes quiet, besides the sound of you crying. Loudly. You think you might be having an anxiety attack. You can’t breathe right. But maybe that’s just from the heaving, toddler-like sobs. 
“You’re in love with me?” Jordan asks, quietly. 
“As if you don’t know!” You snap your head up to glare at her. She kneels down in front of you, and puts her hand on your knee and you try not to get distracted by how pretty she is. “I follow you around like a puppy dog. Like your little shadow. And everyone notices except for you, because you don’t want to notice, because you don’t fucking want me. I got the message, Jordan. I got it!” 
“What message?!” Jordan grabs you by the shoulders, voice fraying at the edges, and looks like she wants to shake you.
“You don’t touch me!” Your voice raises to the edge of a yell, and the sound of it echoes in the small room. 
“What are you fucking talking about-”
“-don’t be cute, Jordan. You don’t touch me when you’re a girl! I thought… I thought it was maybe just that you didn’t touch girls when you’re a girl but it isn’t. Apparently you have plenty of fucking girls that you touch and fuck, when you’re a girl. It’s just me, that you don’t! What’s so fucking bad about me? Huh? What’s wrong with me? Why don’t you want me?” You demand.
You think you might sound like an insane person, and you wish you could pull the words back in but the hurt is bubbling out. A river relishing that first burst of freedom when a dam breaks, no matter how much damage it causes. 
Jordan is staring at you like you’ve grown two heads. Mouth agape. You wish you were dead, a little.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Jordie.” Your voice goes small, and you sniffle. “I really tried to stop. But I can’t, I love you. I’ve probably loved you from that very first day. Because you’re wonderful, you’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever met and I don’t know how anyone…” You trail off, fanning at your eyes to try and pull yourself together. “...I don’t know how everyone else knows you without being in love with you. I wish I wasn’t in love with you, please don’t be mad, please don’t fucking-” You sob, again. 
You find yourself pulled into Jordan’s lap this time. It’s a foreign feeling, to be touching so much of Jordan when she’s like this. You bury your face into her neck and cry, and let her black hair block out the fluorescent lighting. She shushes you, cheek pressing against the side of your head, and that’s familiar. The way she soothes you. Your hands wrinkle the fabric of her jacket, clinging to her tightly. 
“I’m sorry. I can get over it, I promise. I just needed to tell you. I’ve never kept anything from you before. It was killing me, but I can get over it, Jordie, I promise-” 
“Hey, hey, hey, no-” Jordan’s turning you to look at her suddenly. “Don’t fucking… I’m not… I’m not mad at you or fucking… gonna leave you, Y/N. What the fuck? I love you.”
You could start crying from the relief of hearing those words come from her lips again. You thought she wouldn’t ever speak to you again. She grabs you by the chin and kisses you, hard, your teeth clink together and your noses mush and you go completely still and frozen, like a scared deer. 
“I could see the words not fucking register in your brain the way I meant them. I am in love with you. Romantically.” Jordan barely pulls away, you feel her lips brush against yours, every other word. 
Jordan laughs, “Good, now you’re just as confused as I fucking was. Why the fuck wouldn’t I want you? I’ve always wanted you. You’re…you.” 
“I’m me?” You echo. 
“I didn’t…. I didn’t want to make you feel… like everyone else has. Like I was just fucking waiting around for a chance to date you. Or fuck you. As if your friendship doesn’t fucking matter. Or was a consolation prize, if I couldn’t get you to date me. It isn’t a consolation prize. It’s the most important thing to me in the fucking world.” Jordan laughs, and the sound is suspiciously choked up. 
“Oh.” You say, and are crying. Again. Jordan laughs and wipes the tears away with her thumb. 
“But what about when we started having sex? You still… never touched me when you’re like this.” 
“You’ve never said anything about liking girls.” Jordan says quietly.
“You’re not just a girl. You’re the girl. And guy. ” You say, holding her hand against your face and kissing her palm fiercely. She laughs again, and puts her forehead against yours. 
“So what? I’m the one girl you’re into?” Jordan raises a brow and doesn’t look very happy saying the words, oddly enough. 
You tilt your head trying to puzzle out why, slowly, you arrive at a conclusion. “I literally talk about girls all the time.” 
“I’m constantly pointing out pretty ones!” You snap. 
“I thought you were just being sweet!” Jordan snaps back. 
You close your eyes and breathe in the smell of her cologne. 
“You make me so angry I don’t know how to think.” You say, and kiss her bottom lip softly. “You’re not an… experiment, if that’s what you’re asking. You’re the…” You trail off, realizing this is not one of your romantic daydreams where you’ve thought of the words you’d tell Jordan over and over again. 
In real life you can’t tell people that they’re the love of your life if you aren’t their girlfriend. Unless you want to look crazy.
Jordan, who is your best friend, before she’s anything else, melts. Because she knows you well enough to know what you aren’t saying.
“Yeah.” Jordan nods, sniffling once and trying to look very tough even though her lip is quivering a little. “I… I love you too. Or whatever.” 
“If it makes you feel better I’ve slept with other women before, to make sure I wasn’t just in love with you.” 
“Weird fucking thing to tell me after I say I love you, but go off.” She glares at you. 
“I think you could do with feeling a little jealous. Why am I hearing stories about how good you are at fucking other women while I’m trying to piss at Vought Burger in peace?” 
“What?” Jordan’s brow furrows. 
“Three weeks ago I heard-”
“-I fucking knew you’ve been mad at me!” Jordan grabs your waist, pulling you closer.
“You would have been pissed too, if you heard the shit I was hearing!” 
“If I hear anyone talking about fucking you ever again I’m going to go to prison.”
“Shut up and be my girlfriend.”
“Shut up and be my everything.” 
“You’re gross.” But she kisses you, and it’s gentle, and no one else is there to see it. 
And it’s perfect.
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A/N: this is my first time doing full on smut for a fic! it beat me the fuck up. if you enjoyed this fic consider reblogging, leaving a reply, or an anon! a writers fuel is engagement. and this fic took too damn long to write. xoxoxo
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minasvalentine · 10 months
🗣️ : You can’t hear a photo!
The photos:
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M - A -A -A - ANNNNN
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orquideazs · 2 months
rip tashi duncan, you would've loved 'cockiness' by rihanna.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
'Hobie can listen to whatever he wants,not JUST punk!'I mean yes obviously.Why would he wanna listen to music by racist white people instead of rap and Lo-Fi Beats and other black genres though
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l-e-e-woso · 2 years
The Ellen Show - Rihanna
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This was the first time that me and Robyn have been on the Ellen show together and I could already tell that this was going to be absolute chaos. I mean Robyn basically has no filter at all and neither do I to be honest.
“Welcome Rihanna and Jordyn!” Ellen shouts welcoming the both of us to the stage and we quickly get comfortable on the sofa while waving to a few fans in the audience.
“We're just going to get this started quickly, we are going to be playing Never Have I Ever!!” Ellen says as she hands the both of us a paddle with I Have on one side and I Haven’t on the other. “I can’t wait.” I chuckle nervously because this sort of thing usually ended up with some sort of information getting out.
“First one! Never have I ever texted a nude selfie?” Ellen asks.
Robyn laughs and holds up I have on her paddle. “Come on, of course we have. I go on tour without this sexy being all the time, I gotta get somethin’ “ Robyn says pointing at me causing me to playfully slap her arm then also hold up I have while rolling my eyes.
“Never have I ever swam naked in the ocean.” Ellen asks.
I keep up I have and Robyn goes to turn hers to I haven’t. I turn to look at her with a raised eyebrow. “Turn that back round. You was with me.” I say laughing at Robyn’s facial expression and sends me a glare before putting up I have.
“You gon get me in trouble…” Robyn mutters before leaning against my side and places her hand on my thigh.
“Never have I been drunk before noon?” Ellen asks.
“Well, what is before noon classed as? Like drunk from the night before? Cause if so then definitely.” Robyn says laughing as the both of you keep I have on your paddles.
“Never have I ever seen a rapper naked?” Ellen asks.
“Aw man, I only seen you naked, you don’t rap. But hey you seen me naked so keep that shit up!” I say looking Robyn up and down with a smirk as she rolls her eyes at my comment.
“You play too much.” Once again rolling her eyes, one day they are gonna get stuck and she will still blame me for that shit.
“Never have I ever hooked up in the back of a car?” Ellen asks.
“Ha yeppp! We did on the way here!” I say proudly with a huge smile on my face which causes the audience to laugh. Robyn hit my arm and glares at me. “Ay don’t be sayin’ dat on here…” Robyn shakes her head at me.
“Well I ain’t lyin’” I say chuckling then quickly shut up when Robyn gives me a look like she gonna murder me.
“Never have I ever forgotten the name of someone you were hooking up with.” Ellen asks.
“Nahh, we been together since we were real young, we only been wit each other.” Robyn says with a smile on her face as she glances at the ring on her finger then at me.
“Never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person?” Ellen asks.
“Uhh, unfortunately yes. It was hella embarrassing as well.” I say rubbing my neck as I remember the incident and Robyn just laughs while holding up I have.
“Oooh we have to hear this story.” Ellen says trying to be nosey. 
“Well long story short, I mean to sent it to Rob and accidentally sent it to her Mama. To say I was embarrassed is an understatement but luckily she uh handled the situation well.” I say while Robyn just continues to laugh because for some reason it was a funny situation to her but it definitely was for me. Who wants their mother in law to see a nude selfie of them?
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @fanofstuffzs @micaluvssoccer @beardeddionsaurcreation
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3ic95id864pg · 2 months
Well, I was scrolling through TikTok when I came across this wonderful edit of Shirou Ogami from BNA
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emmyrosee · 2 years
I bought a fragrance today, and my friends didn’t like it bc they’re no fun, so here have this self indulgent piece 💅🏼
He loves the way you smell.
In the most innocent way possible, the way you smell makes him weak in the knees and completely at bliss. You tease him that it’s easiest to know when you should ask him questions because of how pliant he becomes, dopey and happy as the invisible tail of his practically wags in the wind.
You just smell like… like home.
You smell like movie nights in on a Tuesday night, face masks smeared on your faces while cookies bake.
You smell like childhood, and the bakery on the corner that gave him free cookies as a kid.
You smell like a warm hug, one the snaps all the broken pieces together in a reminder of ‘I love you, we’ll get through this, I’m proud of you.’
When he comes home after a long day, his favorite thing to do is come find you. More often than not, you’re cooking dinner, or resting on the couch, and he smiles sleepily as he approaches you.
“Hey, my love,” you croon, opening an arm for him to burrow into; he slips in your arms and nuzzles into the crook of your neck, letting himself indulge in your familiar scent. He lets out an audible groan of approval when your nails scratch at his scalp, smiling into your skin as you giggle softly. “Rough day?”
“No, not really,” he murmurs easily, arm wrapping lowly around you and clearly making himself comfortable for the next few hours. “Just always love coming home to you.”
kita, atsumu, suna, ushijima midoriya, kirishima, kaminari
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teayoungg · 4 months
i hope 4*town don't pull a rihanna on us and js not give us an album in like 20 million years
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tonowaritrash · 1 year
i can’t remember to forget you
hope you guys like hurt/comfort and pain and suffering.
this ended differently than what i had originally planned. it was supposed to end with tonowari never having gone into reader’s marui , and in my mind that’s still the true ending.
pairing: tonowari x reader
tags: hurt/comfort, oral (fem receiving), p in v sex
minors dni
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if there was one thing you understood about the universe it was that you could count on patterns. that no matter how unknown the sea beyond the reef of your home was, you could count on the fundamentals still running their course. you could always count of eclipse ending each night, you could always count on the seasons to cycle through the year, you could always count on the stars telling you where to go. the world may change around you but its core mechanics stayed the same, and that brought you comfort each night.
you wanted to explore, and you’d always told your parents every time you ventured a little too far into the ocean or a little too deep in forest that there was nothing to be afraid of. you knew that if things were unfamiliar you could still count on what you knew. that the fundamentals never changed. perhaps they shifted, but never changed completely. night would turn to day, the stars would stay the same and you would always be able to find your way home.
so when tonowari had taken your hand with a promise adventure to a place beyond the reef, you were more than willing to follow. you were all blushes and giggles and your ilu whistled as though it sensed your excitement. maybe it did, you’d like to think so.
eclipse was approaching when the two of you finally arrived at a lush island about 30 minutes away. it was small but there was a hill in the middle with a large waterfall that was protected by a thick forest and a carpet of flowers. it was more than you’d ever expected.
“i wanted to take you somewhere special,” he said softly, though he was a bit nervous.
“it’s beautiful,” you breathed. “wari, i love it.”
he smiled. “i’m glad. this will make things easier.”
you gave him a curious look but noticed that he was rummaging in his pouch before he took out a string of shells. you gasped.
“i know we’re still young, and my father says it’s too soon to choose a tsahik but…you’re the only one i can see myself being with. it’s not an official necklace, but it’s a promise. for our future. i-”
you kissed him with enthusiasm and he staggered only for moment in surprise before melting into it. he smiled against your lips and when you broke apart he helped clip the necklace into place.
it was a promise. a vow. that his love for you was as reliable as the world around you. that it became a fundamental truth of the universe. just as day would always come and the seasons would always change. he would love you.
that was 10 years ago.
you were so young, so naive back then as teenagers are wont to be. what nobody had told you was that fundamental truths could change, that sometimes the world you knew could become one you didn’t recognise. that people could fall from the sky and take everything. and that promises could be broken.
you were told you would heal after the news broke five years ago. that wounds that were within your heart took time. and you did heal. you were able to leave your marui and contribute to the clan. you could hunt just as well as your peers, and it only took a few months for their pitied looks to disappear. you were able to find a few other men who would court you, though none of them managed to stick around long. it began to get easier when the seasons bled into one another.
you had healed. truly. and you were happy. you had friends who loved you, a clan who took care of you, a whole world that excited you. who wouldn’t be happy?
that’s what you asked yourself as eclipse enveloped your marui and you lit your candles. their fire licked into the warm night as you arranged them, carefully putting them on whatever surfaces you had while humming. you shook out the match you’d made to snuff out its light, but your hand knocked a box off of one the surfaces in the room which caused it tumble to the floor with a mighty crash.
you swore as you picked it up, as it had been given to you by your mother who’d carved an ilu into its side. it held various things you’d found on your adventures: shells, pearls, pebbles and feathers among them. they each had a memory attached.
you noticed that something else that seemed to be a shell had fallen a bit farther and was under a table. you walked up to it and knelt down to grab it, the light too dim to make it out while it was on the floor. luckily it was withing arm’s reach so you pulled it towards you, puzzled by how it seemed to be attached to other things.
as you pulled it toward yourself, however, you felt a familiar dread creeping up your spine. it shook you, but despite your mind wanting to leave it alone, your body seemed to operate on its own.
when it was in full view in front of you, though, you froze. it was a necklace, all too familiar to you with turquoise beads and shells the seemed to glint under the candles’ glow. it was the necklace tonowari had made for you ten years ago, the necklace you wore for years before your world came crashing down on you.
your breath hitched and you could feel the tears starting to fall. this was not how it was supposed to be. you had made peace with everything. you were supposed to have forgotten about him, you even talked to him on occasion when you saw him around.
but you knew the truth, deep down. that every night you thought about him, about what could have been. the thoughts were fleeting but they never went away, as constant as the seasons, your own little fundamental truth. one you tried to reject.
you took in a shaky breath and stood up, walking out of your marui with the necklace in hand. it had to go. you couldn’t hold on to it anymore. you would return it to the sea and let the waves swallow the shells. let eywa deal with it as she saw fit.
the waves lapped at your feet as you looked into the ocean, a familiar sensation. your heart thumped like a drum and your clenched fists hurt as you raised your arm to throw it.
let eywa take it.
you were happy.
you moved on.
you’d forgotten about him.
your hand stilled in the air. the water crashed into itself ahead as the breeze blew you hair in each direction.
sighing, you brought your hand down and turned, stalking back to your marui with the necklace still in your fist. the air that once was refreshing now brought a chill and the previously comforting waves seemed to roar in your ears. the world you’d carefully constructed came crashing down around you in one fell swoop.
you’d never forgotten him. you couldn’t remember to forget him. the necklace was all the proof you’d needed.
it was a necklace of empty vows and broken promises. that love could never be a fundamental truth and that everything you thought you knew could change in an instant.
tonowari fell into a routine.
rise with the day, help his father in the early mornings to prepare for the tasks ahead, assign fishing spots, send out hunting parties of necessary, return home to ronal and attend to her needs then sleep only to do it all over again.
it was monotonous but he drowned himself in it. it kept his mind occupied enough that it rarely wandered and he could stay on task.
but every so often he would see a glimpse of your hair, hear your giggles wafting through the crowd, smell the scent of flowers that you’d kept in your marui and reality would strike him.
in the day he longed to touch you and at night his heart ached for you. he couldn’t seem to forget you.
it wasn’t fair. he’d done everything right, became a capable fisherman that the clan could rely on, served the people just as his father had taught him and then some. he would be olo’eyktan and yet…
he got out of bed, his mind too restless to fall asleep. the world outside of his marui was dark and the sand beneath his feet crunched.
eywa was mysterious in her ways, but was there no justice in this world? a fundamental truth he had held dear as a child was that the good would be rewarded for their efforts, that karma would come around. and yet here he was, a broken man on the inside.
the waves rippled along the shore and he let them surround his feet. the water was cool and he could see a few crabs burrowing themselves into the tide pools. the night was peaceful.
he caught a glimpse of someone a little ways down the coast, a fellow clan member. she looked like she was throwing something bud from this distance it was difficult to ascertain what. curious, he walked closer as it was a strange hour to go about.
after a while she became more visible as she turned to walk back to her marui. he stopped as he realised who it was, blood running cold.
you were holding onto something and you wiped your hand across your eyes as if you’d been crying. he always hated it when you cried. he took a step forward with arm stretched out, a subconscious reaction from years ago, before he stepped on a stick.
you were about to slip back into your home when you turned at the sound. your eyes landed on tonowari who was obscured by a few rocks and you froze.
both of you stared at each other for what felt like hours. tonowari’s heart was racing as his mind filled with a multitude of thoughts that he’d suppressed for years.
“wari?” he heard you whisper.
he staggered forward, nearly collapsing at the old nickname. as though you were a magnet, you took a step too.
“what’re you doing up so late?” you asked.
tonowari’s mouth grew dry. “i could ask you the same thing.”
“i…” you looked down at your hand and tonowari looked as well. there in your hand was the necklace he’d made all those years ago. his heart tumbled.
“i couldn’t seem to let it go,” you said with a humorless chuckle.
you’d held on to it all this time? but…it seemed you were going to throw it into the sea just now. “i thought you’d moved on.”
“so had i,” you replied.
he took another step closer, now he could touch you if he reached out. you were so close but it seemed like you were worlds apart. the last five years…they really took a toll on you.
it wasn’t fair at all. none of this was. future olo’eyktan or not, there was nothing just about how things were. eywa help him.
“i still think about you,” he admitted, despite himself.
“i do. about what we had before i—” he stopped and sucked in his breath. “this wasn’t what i wanted.”
you avoided his gaze and rubbed the back of your neck. this damn necklace. if you hadn’t found it tonight of all nights you wouldn’t be feeling this way.
“you have a duty,” you reminded him. “you’ll be olo’eyktan soon.”
“i know.” he hesitated for a moment before he placed a tentative hand on your shoulder. he felt you tense but you relaxed under the familiar gesture.
“you have to focus on what’s important.”
tonowari frowned at this. all this talk about duty and what was important…it saddened him. “you’re important.”
“the clan is important. you should know that more than anything.”
“i do, but…” he sighed. “it should never have been like this. i made a promise.”
“a promise that wasn’t yours to make.”
the words cut through him like a knife. they shattered him.
“a cruel fate that an olo’eyktan can’t even choose who to give his own love to,” he said with ice. “a bitter irony that i am powerless in the matter that i care for the most. if i’d known—”
“would it have made a difference to the betrothal if you had?”
there it was. the word he despised. the word that had plagued him for five years. plagued you both.
you stepped back, out of the warmth of his palm. the necklace felt like ice in your hand and you breathed in a shaky breath.
“ronal and i…we haven’t mated,” he said softly. “i told her that i wanted to take things slow but i think she suspects there is another reason.”
you bit your lip. “why are you telling me this?”
“i still love you. i can’t seem to remember to stop loving you. i keep…”
“i keep forgetting i should let you go,” you finished softly.
there was a silence between the two of you. the pounding of your heart reverberated throughout your body and you thought it would punch itself out.
“i wish things were different.”
you paused for a moment before reaching out and giving tonowari the necklace that haunted you. you curled his fingers around it securely and gave his fist a soft kiss.
“for what it’s worth,” you said, “i still love you too.”
you gave his hand a final pat and detracted. tonowari held onto it firmly, fighting tears that threatened to fall.
he hadn’t known what to expect when he spoke to you. perhaps he’d thought that things would change, but as you walked back into your candle lit marui he could feel a lone, hot tear fall down his face.
you were right, ultimately. he had a duty to his people. it was best to move on. he knew this. and yet…
and yet as he watched the candles flicker out one by one he couldn’t help but think about how unfair it all was again.
he gripped the necklace tightly as it seemed to burn through his hand. all the pain and hurt and love it contained resonated through him.
to hell with duty.
“eywa, forgive me,” he muttered before walking into your marui.
you turned at the intrusion after snuffing out the last candle, surprised at tonowari’s large form towering behind you suddenly. you’d forgotten just how large he was as he didn’t like to use his size to intimidate others. but right now it seemed liked he took up the majority of your marui.
“wari, what’re you—”
his kiss surprised you into silence. melding his lips with yours you kissed him back almost immediately out of a habit still embedded within you despite years of being apart. it was desperate and hungry, with you frantically grabbing everywhere you could, feeling him.
he picked you up and manoeuvred you onto the table, the sound of displaced objects clattering around you. you didn’t care. his touch quenched your burning desire for him and you drank him in eagerly.
he kissed your neck, remembering exactly where you needed him most. everywhere his lips touched you burned and you panted, swallowing down a moan as he bit you gently.
tonowari shrugged off his clothes and helped you out of yours. he took one of your breasts in his hand and kissing it. you whined as pleasure bloomed from your most sensitive parts.
he moved down to your thighs and you shivered as he held your hand, fingers interlocking with each other. your entire body seemed to burn with a desire for him and your cunt was already soaking by the time he gave your bud a tentative lick. you choked down a sob from how good it felt.
tonowari moaned as he tasted you, and pressed himself into you like he couldn’t get enough. as though he needed this as much as you did. and you firmly believe he did.
you knew you were a goner as soon as he put two of his thick fingers inside of you and it didn’t take you long before you came, crying his name.
he smiled and stood to kiss you gently. you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him as close as you could. you wanted him everywhere. you wanted to drown in him.
tonowari gripped one of your thighs and pushed it back, opening you up to him. you were dripping onto your table, legs quivering from the stimulation.
you felt his weighty cock teasing your entrance. it slid up you slick cunt deliciously and you whined. tonowari chuckled before lining it up and pushing in.
he moaned a little as he stretched your walls and kissed you as you begged him to go deeper. his cock rubbed against you in exactly the right places and you shivered as you felt it rub against your walls. you’d forgotten how incredible it felt to have him inside you like this.
when he bottomed out he paused and you both panted as you held on to him. he chuckled as he looked down at where the two you connected.
“i’ve been thinking about this every day for five years,” he muttered before he cradled your face gently.
you kissed him but this time it was slow and full of passion. you kissed him with all the love you’d held for five years. you’d kissed him with all the pain you’d tried to ignore. and he returned it in kind.
he started moving again and your fingers dug into his back which made him hiss softly. you moved your hips with him as your walls gripped onto him hungrily as he softly encouraged you.
you lost yourselves in each each other in a mess of groans and pants. the grip of your fingers seemed to spur him on as he grit his teeth and thrusted into you with wild abandon.
when you came again you swore you saw eywa herself as the pleasure washed over you. tonowari kissed you everywhere he could, breath hitching as your walls tightened around him. you wrapped your arms around him as your hips still moved against his, selfishly not wanting it to end.
he hoisted you up again and placed you on the floor before moving your legs over his shoulders. your back arched at how deep he was at this angle and you pleaded with him through pleasured sobs.
tonowari nuzzled into your neck, his breath fanning agains you. a deep rumble resonated within him that you could only describe as a growl as he nicked at a sensitive spot on your neck.
your breath hitched, but as you realised what he was doing he bit down hard and a burst of pleasure resonated through you one final time.
he came with you with two sharp thrusts as he said your name under his breath. a shudder rocked through him as his orgasm waned and you couldn’t help but marvel at how his eyes were shut tight, how a bead of sweat rolled down his torso. he was beautiful.
when he rolled next to you to catch his breath his hand grabbed yours again and he kissed it.
your other hand brushed against the mark on your neck as the severity of what he had done caught up with you.
he inspected it with worried eyes, probably worried he’d harmed you, but the mark was fine. it felt good, really.
he reached behind him and you watched in stunned shock as he grabbed his queue.
“tsahaylu? here? now?” you asked. “are you serious?”
he nodded. “i can’t mate with ronal if i’m already mated with someone else.”
you gave him a disapproving glance and sat up. “tonowari, you have—”
“—a duty, yes. but you’re just as important to me as the clan. if being olo’eyktan means throwing away our life and happiness together, then perhaps i am not meant to be olo’eyktan at all.”
“you would sacrifice everything you’ve ever wanted — your whole life — to be with me?”
he placed a reassuring hand on your hip and pressed his forehead against yours. “everything i’ve ever wanted is right here in front of me. my whole life…it’s you.” he paused and chuckled. “i suppose you could say that’s my fundamental truth.”
you giggled at his teasing words before grabbing your own queue. the weight of what was to happen was not lost on you and you looked up at him again.
tonowari nodded and with his unworried reassurance the tendrils of your queue connected.
it was so overwhelming you thought you would drown. there were so many memories and emotions, all so powerful. and you saw yourself through him. you saw yourself ten years ago when he first gave you the necklace, you saw yourself laughing, you saw yourself crying, and you felt the pain the last five years brought him.
most of all you felt love. deep and pure. but never faltering. not for a moment. he truly loved you as he said.
you didn’t know you were crying until you felt his hands wiping your tears. he hugged you tightly and you pressed yourself against his chest, feeling his body shudder around you. it was then you realised that he was crying too. and because you were still connected you knew it was for everything. for the pain, for love, for happiness.
and for relief.
“never again,” he whispered, his voice trembling slightly. “eywa herself would have to take you away from me.”
you closed your eyes at his reassuring words. briefly you wondered about what would happen the next day, about what clan would say. only briefly. because you knew what was true. that you would always love each other.that was something you could count on.
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bradpittwh0re · 1 year
Can you pls make a: brad pitt x Singer!reader Rihanna face claim
if you have time in the day
thanks so much for the request and I'll be uploading an imagine with this face claim.I changed it that she is still a singer but also a CEO like a makeup company - fenty beauty
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faceclaim: rihanna
pairings: brad pitt x ceo!reader
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liked by y/nfan19, user83 and 4,356 others
y/naccess y/n has been teasing a possible makeup collab, what brand do you think it ?
view all 1,886 comments
y/narchieve I have a feeling it would be louis vuttion because she has worked with them in the past
rarey/n when is the next album we are so desperate
y/nstan94 we not getting another album for years
y/nfan42 you know its going to be good cause y/n is attached to it
y/nstan64 she looks so good in these pictures
y/nfan23 her tattoos looks so good
y/nstan452 she actually glowing in these
user need her to do a vogue beauty secret video
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liked by caradelevingne, jay-z , y/nstan95 and 53.8m others
yoursername I'm so grateful to announce that I am launching my makeup line called Fenty Beauty. My team and LVMH have been working on this for a few years and my main goal in making this makeup brand is to make sure every woman feels included and represented. I'm glad to say we are launching with 50 wide ranges of foundations so it could include everyone.
view all 32,383,632 comments
y/nstan54 yes we stan an inclusive and diverse kween
y/nfan04 finally something for us woc , we are tired of the scarps
randomuser actually changing the game
caradelevinge already the best makeup brand
user not cara being a y/n fan
carauniverse she has always been a y/n stan
y/nfan77 shut up im actually crying
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liked by pittfan34, bradstan25 and 825,821 others
pagesix While Y/n is entering her CEO era she has been spotted locking lips with A-list actor Brad Pitt at a Coldplay concert.
view all 413,624 comments
y/nfan34 um babe step it up
y/nstan74 this cannot be true
bradfan72 wait why do I ship this
bradpitt54 wanting this to be real so bad
y/npitt32 they would be such a cute couple
bradfan84 aw so cute
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liked by bradfan83, bradfan15 and 5,427 others
bradpittworld omg , omg , omg the pics of brad and y/n kissing at the Coldplay concert at Sofi Stadium in Inglewood, California
view all 2,527 comments
y/nstan52 wait pagesix is right for once???
bradfan26 what do you mean they always have close sources
bradpittgirl Coldplay being brad favourite band
bradstan62 wait they look so cute together
y/nfan30 damn they really making out
bradlover no out of anyone brad decades to date the failed pop star turned failed business owner
y/ndefender she is a multi-Grammy winning artist and the pre-orders for her makeup have sold out , ur just a loser
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liked by bradfan11, yourusername and 76,240 others
y/nupdates y/n and brad stuns at fenty beauty launch event
view all 37,802 comments
y/nfan34 not queen y/n liking ur so lucky
y/nupdates thanks so honered
y/nstan54 she is not going to address nothing
y/nfan02 her liking the post is her basically confirming the relationship
y/nfan53 the clear swarovski crystal dress just stunning
bradstan20 they look so good here
bradfan38 brad is literally glowing in these
y/n+bradstan96 not brad's single hand in the last picture
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Within the first week of Fenty Beauty by Y/N L/N it has surpassed 100 million in sales
Thanks for waiting and reading , currently working on a few fics at the same time also working on a oneshot about this
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orquideazs · 1 month
mix 'cockiness' by rihanna and '6 inch' by beyoncé in the blender, you'll have tashi duncan !!
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ziinesso · 2 years
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Making you feel like the only girl in the world. Cuddling you up with affection. Cherishing each of your actions. Embracing each of your insecurities. Brightening up each of your days. So much love for your little heart. You’ll almost forget the ring that links him with another. 
- toji, gojo (jjk) ; denjiro, shanks (op) ; wakasa (tr) ; atsumu, suna (hq)
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ilovebadgirlriri · 8 months
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(got logged out of p4tygetsmewetterrrr)
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l-e-e-woso · 1 year
Double Date - Rihanna
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Jordyn has adhd in this fic.
I was sitting in the living room on the couch with my playstation 5 controller in my hand and my headset on while I played the newest Call Of Duty with my best friend.
“What the fuck is the rest of this team doing man?!” I shout at the tv angrily and shake my head. “I don’t know but they are pissing me the fuck off!” Dante, my best friend said as he killed a few more guys in the game. 
Unfortunately we ended up losing that game. “Bruh your shitttt!!” A guy from the opposite team shouts through the mic. “What chu talkin’ bout?! I got the most kills outta anyone on here!” I say angrily as Robyn walks into the room glaring at me.
“The fuck you shoutin’ fo’? I’m in a meetin’ n all i can ‘ear is chu shoutin’ yo mouth off!” Robyn says, staring at me and smiling at her sheepishly. “Sorry baby…I’ll be quieter.” I say as Robyn rolls her eyes and walks back to the kitchen where she was sitting talking to people about her R9 album. 
“Yo girl sounds hot!” Some random dude says as I watch Robyn walk out the room keeping my eyes on her ass. “Goddamn…” I mumble and lean back on the couch as another game starts up. “Don’t I fuckin’ know it.” I say adjusting myself in my seat.
“You so fucking whipped man.” Dante says laughing at me and I laugh along with him knowing it is very true. “You can’t say shit Dante! Yo just as bad wit Melly!” I say laughing as Dante sighs knowing I’m telling the truth.
Little did I know it had been hours since I got on the game and it was now almost 7pm. Dante had gotten off the game a couple hours ago and I had been playing since 1pm.
I stand up taking off my headset and placing it on the table in front of me along with my controller, I walk into the bathroom not noticing Robyn in the shower.
I go to relieve myself when Robyn gets out of the shower completely naked and scaring the shit outta me cause I didn’t know she was in there. “Babe why aren’t yo ready?” Robyn says as she looks me up and down, seeing I'm still in my grey joggers and a hoodie.
“Ready? For what?” I say confused as she dries herself off before walking into the bedroom. I quickly relieve myself before following after her and wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me. 
I rest my chin on Robyn’s shoulder as she looks around her closet for something to wear. “Were goin’ on double date wit Mel and Dante! I told you to get ready an hour ago!” Robyn said, rolling her eyes as pulls away from me to get dressed and threw an outfit at me to get changed into.
“My bad…I forgot…” I say rubbing my neck nervously as we both start getting dressed.
We both got into the car and got buckled in. “Did you pick up our phones and my purse babe?” Robyn said as she looked at me and I groaned before getting out of the car. 
I quickly get our phones and her purse before running back to the car. “Ooo can we listen to your music?!” I ask excitedly looking at Robyn with a huge grin because I LOVED to listen to her music.
Robyn rolled her eyes as she connected her phone to the bluetooth and Bitch Better Have My Money started playing as I pulled out of the driveway. I start singing along to it and get Robyn to also sing. She started dancing around in her seat as she bopped her head to her own song.
About five minutes later we pulled up to the restaurant that we were having our double date at and I parked the car quite close to the entrance. I jump out the car and open Robyn’s door, holding out my hand to help her out of the car and she smiles at me before kissing my cheek.
Robyn walks off infront of me causing me to look at her ass as she walks into the restaurant. “Stop starin’ at ma ass!!” Robyn shouts at me, snapping me out of my gaze and I run up behind her then grab her ass, giving it a little squeeze. 
Robyn glares at me once again as I chuckle making my way to the table that Mel and Dante were sitting while making out.
“You done eatin’ each others faces?” I say to Dante and Mel as I pull out a chair for Robyn for her, making her smile and kiss my cheek before I sit on my own chair. Dante glares at me making me chuckle as I look at the menu even tho I get the same food every time.
“Babe they have that weird pasta dish you like.” I say pointing at the dish on the menu as I turn it so she can see what I’m talking about. “It ain't weird, you just don’t eat tings with flavour! I already know what chu is gettin’ Yo food be basic!” Robyn says as the waiter comes over to get our orders.
“Hello! I am Luke, I’ll be your waiter this evening! What drinks would you like to start?” This dude says as he blatantly checks Robyn out making me glare at him.
“I’ll get a bottle of your best red wine and a Guinness for her. Can we get two glasses with the wine please?” Robyn says, nodding her head at me as she rests her hand on my thigh.
“I’ll get a Heineken please mate.” Dante says as his arm rests over the back of Mel’s chair.
“Okay! What food would you like to order?” The douche of a waiter says as his eyes keep looking at Robyn’s cleavage, I wrap my arm around Robyn’s shoulders and use my hand to block his line of sight causing him to glare at me and I respond with a smirk.
“I’ll have the spicy seafood and penne. She’ll just have a cheeseburger, no salad, no sauce and fries. Thank you.” Robyn says as she closes the menu and looks at me confused as to why my hand was currently covering her boobs. 
“He was staring at your boobs, only I get to see them.” I whisper into Robyn’s ear as I place a few kisses on her neck. Mel and Dante order their food and about 8 minutes later our drinks arrive, thankfully with a different waiter.
I pick up my glass of Guiness and take a huge gulp, then place it back down. “Ooh good shit.” I say as Iick the foam from my drink off of my lips causing Robyn to chuckle.
“Wanna try some?” I ask Robyn and hold the glass out to her which she takes to have a sip. “God daymn dats actually good as fuck.” Robyn says as she makes a funny face making me laugh. “Ima stick to da wine doh.” She said, kissing my cheek as the waiter came back over with our food. 
“This looks so gooood!” I say excitedly as I go to take a bite of my burger, I bite directly into a pickle, nasty ass shit man. “Fuck sake man…” I mumble putting down my burger on the plate before taking off the top bun to see the pickles. “I’ll just eat my fries then..” I mumble to myself again and reach into Robyn’s handbag to get out a sachet of ketchup. I open it, squirting it onto my plate and dipping a fry into it before eating the fry with a satisfied nod. 
“Babe, you alright?” Robyn says as she watches me inspect my food and sees my upset facial expressions. “They put pickles on my burger.” I said as I ate another fry and looked up at Robyn which made her sigh annoyed because she had asked for the burger to be completely plain, she knew that I didn’t like the feel of certain foods and pickles just happened to be one of the main foods I hated the texture of.
Robyn calls over the waiter to order another burger with nothing on it and rolls her eyes as the waiter tries to flirt with her causing her to lean over and kiss me to make sure the waiter got the hint.
Finally the waiter got the hint and eventually came back with the correct burger, making me happy so I could actually eat.
________________After the date__________________
As soon as we got back home I ran and dove onto the couch, laying down as Robyn closed the door as she chuckled at my behaviour. 
She put her handbag down on the table that was in the middle of the living room and walked over to me as she slipped off her heels. Robyn swung her leg over my waist as she sat in my lap and leant down hugging me causing me to wrap my arms around her pulling her closer to my chest.
“I love you so fucking much. I didn’t even know I could love a singular human so much. I don’t know where or what I’d be doing if I hadn't met you. You turned around my life for good Robyn.” I said as Robyn looks up at me and places her hands on my cheeks forcing me to look at her. 
“I love you too Jordyn. You make me feel…complete. I never felt dis way bout no one an I’m glad I met chu cause you make me a betta version of ma self.” Robyn says as she leans down to capture my lips into a passionate kiss as a few tears escape my eyes as I hold her tightly against me not wanting her to move away.
“You gotta lemme breath baby…” Robyn says out of breath as she pulls away leaning her forehead against mine as we lay there savouring the moment.
Let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist!! Taglist: @fanofstuffzs @micaluvssoccer @beardeddionsaurcreation
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imtrashraccoon · 8 months
Been a long time coming but I was too busy with Bad Sansuary to finish this last one up. I had originally planned two more bonus chapters but I think the story ends nicely here. Besides, I'm ready to wrap up this project.
This chapter happens immediately after Chapter 30: Souls btw.
First Day & Previous Day.
Bonus 3: Respite
You let Papyrus go with Sans so they could talk with Gaster on their own. It just seemed fair to you somehow.
Instead, you turned your attention to Frisk who was still standing near the King and Queen. While you were still a bit lightheaded, you were able to stand up and walk so long as you were careful.
Frisk glanced over as soon as you approached and a bright grin immediately broke out over their face. They turned and practically went to tackle you, except you scooped them up into a fierce bear hug and embraced them.
"I'm so glad you're safe..." you whispered. Your voice trembled and you couldn't manage to hold everything together any longer. While you normally hated crying in front of strangers, you no longer cared if anyone thought badly of you.
It was finally over. Against all odds, you'd both survived. Surely, this was the best possible ending... You couldn't imagine how things could be any better at least.
Frisk loosened their hold on you and lightly patted your shoulder to get your attention. When you let go slightly and pulled back, you could see that they had been crying as well from the tear tracks running down their cheeks. They vigorously wiped their face on their sweater sleeves and smiled weakly.
"I tried so hard..." they signed slowly. "This is it now... We can't go back anymore."
Your eyes widened slightly at the realization of what they meant set it. This was permanent and there would be no more resets. Now it was your turn to get them through the days ahead and, while you were a little anxious, you were glad to put this whole difficult journey behind you.
"You did so good, Frisk. I couldn't have done any of this without you," you responded. "Thank you..."
They seemed relieved to hear that and smiled more genuinely. "I love you..." they signed.
With a slight chuckle, you ruffled their fluffy hair and pressed a quick kiss on the top of their head, much to their embarrassment. "I love you too, kiddo."
Your self awareness suddenly kicked in and you glanced up to find the three goat monsters just quietly watching you and Frisk's reunion. You swallowed nervously and out of habit pulled Frisk a bit closer again, except they resisted and pushed off your chest much to your surprise.
"This is Asriel, my best friend," they signed and motioned to the little goat monster you'd never seen before.
The goat child glanced at Toriel before approaching you apprehensively. He had similar scruffy white fur as his parents did, long floppy ears, and a pair of fangs that slightly poked out of his mouth. He also had a pair of sharp but stubby horns on the top of his head and his eyes were yellow with a red ring around the black sclera. You couldn't be sure of his age, but from his green and yellow striped sweater and black overalls, he seemed older than Frisk, maybe eight or nine?
"Um, hi... It's nice to meet you properly this time," he said. His voice was a bit gruffer than you'd initially expected and while he seemed rather shy right now, there was a bit of a teasing lilt in his tone.
"Sorry, we've met before?" Turning to Frisk, you asked, "And when did you make a best friend?"
Frisk grinned in a mischievous way before responding. "He was trapped in a flower until now. Remember Flowey?" When you nodded, they added, "Well, I gave him a small piece of my soul so he could return to his true form."
To say you were concerned was a bit of an understatement. While you still didn't know much about souls in general, even you knew that a person's soul was not something that could just be given away carelessly.
Glancing between both children, you couldn't help the slight frown that flickered across your face. "Frisk...how? Are you okay...?" You had no idea how to respond to this situation and your tongue couldn't seem to form any substantial sentences at the moment.
While Asriel couldn't maintain eye contact with you, Frisk seemed confident with their decision. They nodded vigorously and quickly tried to reassure you. "I had a lot of Determination, much more than most people do, so I gave Asriel some of it to form a soul for him. Which is why I can't do that...thing anymore. We'll be fine, okay?"
You didn't really understand what they meant but if Frisk was so sure that everything would be okay, then you would do your best to trust them. They had been responsible for freeing everyone after all, the least you could do was believe them, right?
"Alright then. While I don't fully understand all this, I'm glad you both seem to be fine." With a smile, you turned to Asriel again, "Nice to meet you then. I apologize but I had no idea you and Frisk were so close."
"It's alright..." The goat child smiled sheepishly and rubbed the fur on the back of his neck. "I'll be honest, I didn't know they thought of me that way either. They're really amazing, aren't they?"
You grinned and moved some stray hair strands out of Frisk's face. "They really are..." you murmured.
Toriel placed a furry paw on Asriel's shoulder and squeezed him in an affectionate way. "I... Or rather we, are so, so grateful to have our son back. Thank you, Frisk..."
Asgore had been very quiet after everything that had happened. If you were to guess, he seemed to be the strong and stoic type who rarely showed any emotion. Still, he had shed more than a few tears earlier when first reunited with his son, so he wasn't completely heartless at least. You still didn't like him though and that probably wouldn't change any time soon.
He knelt down in front of Frisk and bowed his head slightly, but he was still much taller than them even like this. "Thank you...Frisk, for bringing Asriel back. And thank you for breaking the barrier when we could not," he said solemnly.
Frisk smiled sweetly up at the now humbled king. They lightly patted his massive furry paw with their much smaller hand before answering. "You're welcome!"
The King turned his gaze to you, his yellow eyes still glistening with emotions, but that air of solemn duty he had been exuding earlier was back. "I want to do what is best for my people and I believe right now peace with your kind is the right thing to do. Forgive me, but would you be willing to help with the negotiations with the human government? Like an ambassador of sorts?" he asked.
Frisk nodded excitedly but you frowned and put your hand on their shoulder, which got their attention. Squaring your shoulders, you addressed the King of Monsters for the second time today.
"I am going to have to decline your offer on the basis that neither of us have any experience with politics and Frisk isn't even seven." You held up a finger before he could interject, "However, I am willing to help for the sake of all the friends I've made and to make a better world for everyone."
While he seemed a little disappointed, Asgore seemed to take your rejection pretty well. He stood up again and gave you a firm nod. "Very well... I suppose it was presumptuous of me to ask, especially after everything you've both been through."
He pressed his furry paw against his gold plated chestplate before adding, "I will make a decree that no monster is to harm a human. If there is to be true peace, we must prove to your kind that we are willing to put aside our past grievances."
"For the sake of our son and our people, I will assist in negotiating with the humans," Toriel stated. Her tone of voice had turned cold as she turned to address Asgore but there was still a spark of hope in her eyes, despite the obvious tension between them.
The King seemed momentarily taken aback and he started to say something, but stopped himself. "We should sit down and discuss how things will be going forward," he mentioned with a bit of an awkward cough.
Toriel only let out a low hum in agreement and narrowed her yellow eyes at him.
You felt incredibly awkward all of the sudden, wanting to be anywhere but next to the bitter former couple. You didn't want to just walk away, although you didn't know what or if you should say anything.
Fortunately, you were saved from making a fool of yourself when Undyne scooped both Frisk and Asriel up in each arm. The goat child let out a startled bleat and flailed his arms for a bit until he realized he wasn't going to fall. Undyne then shifted both children so they were sitting on each of her shoulders and chuckled, flashing a sharp toothed grin at you as she did so.
"I don't know how you did it, but congrats! The barrier is gone!" she exclaimed. Her grin faltered a little and in a quieter voice she added, "I wasn't so sure I'd ever get to see it for myself and if I did, never like this."
Frisk attempted to give the fish lady a hug but could only wrap their arms around her head. They ended up just leaning down and resting their upper body and head on top of hers, earning a quiet chuckle from her.
You couldn't help but smile at the adorable sight. "I don't understand it myself but I suppose it doesn't really matter. We're here and we managed to do so without much bloodshed. I'm just so happy..."
You trailed off as you felt your throat start to close up again and the familiar sting of tears at the corners of your eyes. Taking a deep breath, you managed to blink away your tears before they could flow down your cheeks. Alphys then appeared next you and placed one of her clawed hands on your arm in a reassuring manner.
"I don't know how to begin to thank either of you for being willing to support us. The chances of our plan even working were slim and if we'd failed, I know it would have cost both of you greatly," you finally said, doing your best to keep your voice even, although it was a bit difficult.
Undyne carefully set the kids back onto the ground and scratched the back of her neck. "Ah, well, of course we'd help. Friends stick by each other..." she murmured in a much quieter voice than she usually did. Her gills and cheekbones seemed to become a deeper blue and she was having a hard time actually looking at you all of the sudden.
For once, Alphys didn't seem like the more shy one of the two women and she gave you a gentle smile. "I'd been working on finding a way to break the barrier for my whole tenure as Royal Scientist. I'm just very glad it's all over and that we can finally have peace." She grew thoughtful for a moment before adding, "Even if this hadn't worked, it was worth a try I think. I'm just glad we could help you and put an end to the violence."
"Me too," you hummed.
When the skeletons eventually rejoined the group, you began to sense a sort of anticipation in the air. You felt a similar sense of excitement as it had been months since you'd seen the sun and had all but given up on seeing it again. You thought the monsters actually seemed a little hesitant though, as if they were afraid to take the first step outside in possibly a millenia or more.
Frisk tugged at your sleeve and motioned to the opening in the cave. You gave them a gentle nod and they instantly grabbed one of Asriel's paws, beginning to pull him towards the fading sunlight. That seemed to be the push the others needed and they began to follow the children to the surface. The older monsters followed at a slower pace and you noticed how solemn their expressions had become.
Papyrus glanced back at you and tilted his skull. When you realized he was waiting, you darted over and gave him a hug. He smiled and pressed a skeleton kiss against the top of your head, before wrapping an arm around you and guiding you towards the sunlight.
The sun had sunk halfway below the horizon, colouring the sky with a canvas of reds, oranges, and yellows. You took a deep breath of the crisp mountain air but instead of focusing on the sunset, you turned to see the reactions of your friends instead.
Asgore and Toriel still seemed solemn and you could see their eyes once again glistening with tears of joy. You couldn't help but wonder what the world had been like back before the war that had trapped them Underground. Hopefully, things would be better now.
Asriel had a small frown on his face and you noticed he seemed a little sad. At least Frisk was quick to comfort them but your heart went out to the poor goat child. No one deserved to be sad, let alone children, and you hoped he would be okay.
Undyne was completely silent for once but you swore you could see her good eye sparkling with unbridled excitement. There was a wide grin plastered across her face and while her body was tense, it was as if she was trying to desperately contain herself while everyone took in the view.
Alphys seemed awestruck as well and her jaw dropped which she quickly covered with her hands. The glow of the last few rays of sunshine reflected off her round glasses and you couldn't look directly at her for very long. She caught your eye and you saw her cheeks flush a bright pink, although she quickly looked up at Undyne rather than try to duck away from embarrassment.
Gaster's expression seemed rather clinical and he had propped up his chin with one hand in silent contemplation. You couldn't imagine what was going through his skull right now and you weren't about to ask either. Maybe he was thinking about the future? You would have to sit down and have a proper conversation to get to know him at some point.
Sans wore the widest grin you'd ever seen on his face. His hands were stuffed into his gray hoodie's pockets as he slowly rocked back and forth on his heels. You realized he'd noticed you staring at him when he turned his skull slightly to look at you out of the corner of his eye sockets. His crimson eyelights seemed to glitter with an almost childlike wonder and you couldn't help but smile back at him.
Papyrus' scarlet pinpricks were similarly sparkling but the expression he wore was more serious than that of his brother. He couldn't seem to tear his eye sockets away from the sky or the sunset even for a moment. His arm was still wrapped around your waist but his grip on you had slackened as he took in as much of the beautiful sight as he could.
"Sans..." he finally murmured. "Is That...?"
His brother hummed quietly in agreement. "yep, that's the sun..."
"I Never Thought I Would Actually See It..."
You slid one of your hands up his back and leaned against his chestplate in an attempt to get even closer together. "You can see the real stars too if we wait long enough," you remarked softly, although your voice was still loud enough for the others to hear.
There were quiet murmurs of agreement, although some were more enthusiastic than others, and you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
It didn't take long for the sun to finally dip below the horizon and the last of the brilliant colours to give way to twilight. By then, everyone had gotten settled into various groups on the mountainside to wait for the first star to make its presence known.
You took this moment to have a bit of a silent reflection. So much had changed over the last several months, you'd made several new friends, learned a ton about an entirely new culture, helped set a civilization free to rejoin humanity, found out you actually had magic, and now you were technically engaged with a monster. Your life had definitely taken a turn for the better and while the reintegration of Monsters into Human society likely wouldn't be easy, you were ultimately hopeful for what the future held.
At some point, Frisk made their way back to you and Papyrus trailed behind them. You smiled and made room so they could sit in the soft grass next to you. Frisk was all to happy to sit in your lap and sprawl out on top of you, which you didn't mind in the slightest. Papyrus on the other hand seemed content to just hold you close and rest his clavicle on the top of your head.
You could hear quiet gasps of surprise from the other monsters when the first stars appeared. It didn't take long for the sky to be dotted with hundreds of little twinkling lights and even you found yourself in awe at the sight. The light pollution in the city had never allowed you to see nearly this many, even on clearer nights like this one.
Frisk suddenly patted your arm to get your attention and when you glanced down at them, they grinned up at you. "Thank you for being there and always encouraging me...Mom..."
For a second, you wondered if they'd made a mistake and used the wrong sign or if you'd misinterpreted them. But no, they had tapped their thumb to their chin with an open hand and by the way their cheeks had flushed a light pink, you realized it wasn't that kind of mistake.
You didn't know what to say for several long seconds. Once you'd managed to find your voice, you gave their fluffy hair a gentle pat. "Do you see me like that, kiddo? As a parent...?" you asked quietly.
They looked surprised for a moment before slowly nodding.
"Do you want me to be?"
"Yes! I would!" they signed excitedly as a wide grin broke across their face. "I love you so much!"
You smiled and moved some stray locks of their hair out of their face. "Alright then, I'll try looking into seeing if your parents will allow me to become your guardian, okay?"
Papyrus let out a soft chuckle and pulled away from you a little bit. "I Told You So, Precious," he teased.
You huffed and gave him a bit of a playful swat. "Yeah, you did, multiple times in fact! I didn't want to promise something I couldn't make good on, okay?" You sighed and looked away from both of them before adding, "I'm not even sure if your parents will agree to this, but I'm going to try my hardest. I guess...after everything, I've come to see you as my own... I love you so much, Frisk."
Frisk wrapped their arms around your waist and buried their face in your sweater. You gave them a gentle hug back as best you could in this position.
Glancing back at Papyrus, you furrowed your brows slightly as a realization occured to you. "Are you okay with this? I know in the past you expressed that you don't like kids very much..."
He shook his skull and gave Frisk an affectionate pat on their back. "I Like Frisk And I Would Be Willing To Try Being In Their Life. Whether That Means Being An Actual Father Figure Or Just Continuing Supporting Both Of You Like I Have Already," he said.
You smiled and put your hand on top of his. This seemed like a great arrangement and you couldn't help feeling a little excited at the idea of having a family.
Things would turn out okay.
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