#Rise Raphael
risestarkiss · 18 hours
Rise Ramblings #905
So, with the drop of the new comic page, there's just so much to take in...
For starters, I'm intrigued by where in the Future! timeline does this comic plot takes place. However, what I'm really intrigued about is the long overdue reveal of a certain pair of turtle Peepaws. (Obviously!)
Clothing aside (as I'll be discussing their outfits on my other blog) something about Raph's design specifically is just so interesting!
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It's the fact that Future PeePaw Raph is all lashed up. ✨
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What a cutie! 😌❤️
The concept of Raph having eyelashes may seem like it's out of left field, but it's really not!
As soon as I saw those flashy eyes, I was reminded of a post from a few years ago by @tordlepower and, more recently, @voidthegod has mentioned this idea as well!
Basically, here's the concept:
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What a cutie! 😁❤️
With that being said, is it feasible that the creators of this Future! Rise comic knew that random fact and made sure to incorporate this feature into the design of our resident Alligator Snapping Turtle?
Is Raphie the epitome of beauty with his long voluminous eyelashes?
(Additionally, if you're interesting in what I think about his outfit, I answered an ask about it, here.)
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risestarkissomega · 18 hours
now that you've voiced your thoughts on canon!Peepaw Donnie, how about canon!Peepaw Raph? methinks he's rocking the outfit, eyepatch (& "eyeliner" hsisjwjs) so well!
I love it! And here's why...
When it comes to fashion, in my humble opinion, Raph seems to gravitate towards a more simple yet functional fit.
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His clothes serve a purpose. Actually, I've always theorized that he wouldn't wear clothing if it wasn't for a specific reason, which helps to explain why in "Man vs. Sewer," Raphael was the only turtle not wearing swim trunks or a beach outfit. Because, why?
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There's no need for swimming gear when he's already perfectly suited to go swimming as is...
Anyways, my point is this:
When you compare the future outfits of Donnie, Leo, and Raph, their tastes in clothing have not changed in the slightest!
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Donnie's clothing choice makes a huge statement and leaves a lasting impression, as per usual. 😌😅💜
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Meanwhile, Leo's design is grandiose and flashy with his ascot-cape combo. It screams "hero." It screams "main character." It screams, Leo. 😂💙
But, what about Raphael?
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He's wearing the least common dominator in the form of his regulation pants and the standard "Mad Dogs" belt, the only addition being his eyepatch.
It's simple, straight-forward, and it serves it's purpose.
It's perfectly Raph. 😌😁❤️
(Additionally, if you'd like my thoughts on his luscious lashes, I made a "Rise Rambling" about 'em here. 😊)
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risewriter · 3 days
Raph: Hey, guys? I need to return this thingy I bought. Where did we leave the receipt again?
Donnie: It’s in the pile.
Raph: Pile?
Leo: Uh, yeah? The pile we leave all the stuff we don’t wanna deal with.
Mikey: Oh! That pile! Yeah, it’s in the cabinet.
Raph: Ok..? *Opens cabinet, causing a wave of papers to fly out* What the shell, guys! How do you find anything in this mess?!
Leo: You don’t, duh.
Mikey: It’s like he doesn’t know what the pile is for.
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this poor family needs therapy so bad
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heck-theo · 2 days
TMayNT Day 28: Favourite turtle intro/song.
The Rise intro was the first bit of Rise I saw closer to when it first came out. I was amazed by it and regret not watching the show at the time but nothing I can do about that now. I might not have liked it then anyway. I was trying to figure out how to draw a song so I figured a little dance would be the closest I could do. Just a little (exaggerated) head bop I do sometimes. Was going to draw Donnie because he likes to dance and has headphones already but I haven't drawn Raph as much as I'd like and just cause Donnie dances and wears headphones in the show doesn't mean Raph can't. No colour though because colouring animation is the worst. GIF version and smear frames below for fun.
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that-gay-gal · 4 hours
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Silly guys
They are so me core (I’m so tired)
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ancientmihu · 2 days
Amazing drawings
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Please do not steal my outstanding art, thank you❤
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mintghostko · 4 months
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just a short little comic i made for fun :)
i kinda feel like raph is probably scared of bugs and since the twins dont really like dealing with them mikey has to "save" him from all the little crawlies that they get in the sewers (^^ゞ
also i ended up doing a doodly bonus so here you go :p
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forgetful-nerd · 2 months
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I think 2003! Raph has a soft spot for any and all Donnies. To the point he'd let them get away with murder if left alone with them.
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sad-leon · 5 months
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So some of y'all need to go touch some grass and learn that brotherly affection can include forhead and cheek kisses without it being gross
I like to imagine Leo is very affectionate, but when his brothers show him affection, he freezes up. Especially after the invasion, he fucking cries when his brothers show him affection wihtout him needing to "earn it" or anything like that
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hibikiloserl · 1 month
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quick doodle!
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artsybun · 2 months
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A silly and cute April x Casey comic inspired by one of my fav 03 tmnt scenes
Gotta love protective little brothers that also make it their mission to embarrass their older sister, also i love to think Raph is constantly struggling bc Casey is his best friend too fhfbfhdnj
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risewriter · 2 days
ROTTMNT: Pudding
Mikey: Alright, D! I’m gonna ask him about it. He only needs a little nudge. So, leave it to me, okay?
Donnie: Fine..
Mikey: *Approaches Leo* Hey, bro~! We just want to know where our pudding cups went. Do you know?
Leo: I know it wasn’t me..
Donnie: That’s it! Time for a big nudge! *Points laser guns on Leo’s forehead* Time to cough up the gelatine!
Leo: It wasn’t me!
Donnie: Why don’t we scan your stomach on its contents then, hm?!
Mikey: Donnie, calm down! It was just pudding! I can make another batch!
Donnie: That’s not the point!
Raph: *Hides in the hallway* Shoot.. those pudding cups were theirs.
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lara-cairncross · 3 months
glass raph ❤️🌹
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(aaand one last time: interest check for this design as a sticker/keychain? :D)
Stickers available for preorder here! --> https://ko-fi.com/s/5c32866289
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heck-theo · 16 days
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TMayNT Day 16: Favourite Episode.
So I can't actually think of ONE favourite episode but I think that ep "The Evil League of Mutants" is a really great example of everything I love about the show and a little underrated. It has so much creativity, awesome animation/fight scenes, wholesome family moments and some great laughs. I feel like you can REALLY see where the show was going with this ep.
I tried to encapsulate as many of these aspects of the episode into one picture as I could while having them be clear/distinct (as not to be overwhelming to look at) but also look like they're connected.
Still messing around with some new stuff on my desktop with my itty bitty wacom.
Also just realised I think I maybe should be tagging @tmaynt ? My bad!
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