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andreabonazzi · 3 months
South Pacific XII. On the reef.
Frame-by-frame animation, my bas-relief.
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byshilane · 1 month
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24.07.09 My little ruidisborn drow misses her boyfriend. The players are actually getting kinda close to figuring out like what's going on and how to get her back but it's still months away in real life. I just gotta keep drawing ship art to sustain myself.
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Cthulhu. This is the fat, bloated, 6-eyed version based on H.P. Lovecraft's own sketch.
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asta-daily · 1 month
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They wait
Underneath the waves, hidden, they wait For eons trapped in their tomb, they wait Not dead but sleeping, dreaming, they wait For the stars to be right, for the moment, they wait.
/* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook - Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */
Loin, loin sous les flots, dissimulé, Il attends Enfoui dans sa tombe, depuis des éons, Il attends Ignorant la mort, dormant, rêvant, Il attends Que les étoiles s'alignent, le moment, Il attends
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redacted-metallum · 1 year
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70zcowboy · 1 year
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i look like this irl
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cosmiccalliope · 2 years
In the beginning, for it was the beginning, there was an egg. How many eggs were in that original void is uncertain, but there was an egg, shelled in limitless potential, and it would one day be named the Azathoth-Ubbho-Satlha. The Demiruge.
When is uncertain, for it was before time and space and matter, but once the shell shattered in the blinding light of plasma symmetric, and it was Chaos, Nu, Tiamat, it would know many names but it would always be at core The Azathoth, for it was the Primordial Chaos, The Deep Dark Sea from which all sprung, The Big Bang that tore creation the Black Tapestry.
When the Chaos of Nature Cooled, twins became of it, The Milky Mist In The Void and The Darkness Between The Stars, and with their birth, Creation became a realm threefold. At the center was chaos-born Azath, and from it came the Dark Realm of Shogg and the Material World of Shugg.
From the Mist In The Void would spawn Yog-Sothoth, who is all of Time and all of Space, who is the All Encompassing Lurker At The Threshold, for Yog-Sothoth is the Key, Yog-Sothoth is the Gate, Yog-Sothoth is the way to see the Beautiful and Horrible Truth of Creation.
From the Darkness Between The Stars, Life Mother Shub-Ningkuratlh would spawn who would birth a Thousand Young in her image.
With the spawning of the Life Mother, Chaos Changed. The Original Chaos of Nature grew, expanded, and from a fissure was born The Dream Walker, The Crawling Chaos of a Thousand Faces, Nyarlathotep, Father of the Lucid Dream-Realm of Shagg. It would walk amongst the whole creation where there was life, a more personal chaos than its originator.
From the union of the Shub-Ningkuratlh and Yog-Sothoth were born twin blasphemies, Yeb The Black Flame of Whispering Mists and their twin, Nug The Torch of the Force of Mind. Unto Yeb would become the Gaseous Stars, unto Nug would become the Planetary Spheres. Unto them would be given the power to wipe clean, the Furnace to ignite the Torches and scorch at the whim of The Chaotic Azathoth.
From Yeb would birth Tsathoggua, the Sleeping Seal of the Dark Night-Stars in N'kai.
From Nug would birth Cthulhu, Sleeping High Priest of Deep-Sunk R'lyæxh Who Is To Come And Rise Again, for his sermon is Truth, and Truth is unavoidable. The Truth of the Stars was sealed once in those ancient days, but it shall rise in full again, seeping through cracks where Wandering Nyarlathotep travels.
The Literality matters not, there need not be a shucked oyster at the center of the galaxy for there to be Chaos in Nature, and Nature in Chaos. There need not be a three legged shapeshifter for there to be Dreams and the Chaos Amongst The Crowds. There need not be a 13 Irridescent Sphered Entity for there to be time or space, and there need not be a literal giant goat-adjacent monster for there to be Life, just as there need not be for a man with attitude issues and a cool beard to give and create thunder.
The story remains true, for there is life, and they simply Are. Life Is, Time and Matter Are, Chaos in Nature Is. It Is, They Are, and that is all they need to Be.
Besides, ever notice how in Lovecraft's stories the main "heroes" are all well to do White guys and everyone associated with the Mythos itself are all disenfranchised in some way? The cultists are all either poor white guys or just anyone Not-White, and the next example that comes to mind are the Shoggoths, which are a slave race created by the Elder Things which then rose up and killed their masters. The mythos has a Legacy and Image of being horrible and calamitous, but notice that the perspective is from people so disconnected from reality that they've crafted themselves a throne of lies they're afraid of being torn down.
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rausule · 1 year
NINKASZI (NEC): Domus Reginae
NINKHARSAG (NEC): Regina daemonum
NINNGHIZHIDDA (NEC). Vigil. Homed Serpens of the deep. Hera magicus.
N'KAI (HPL) Terra nigra, levis, subterranea specus mundi sub crusta Telluris
NO (CIM). stimulum iungere, conscientia pura fieri. Nulla est stellarum formatio. Initium asseculae et finis, qui motum rotae evolutionis agit. Nomen quod omnia in Noctis Temporis recedit
NODENS (KG): Deus Abyssus, sive abyssus. A forma Chozzat
NYARLATHOTEPI (HPL) Aether. Reptans chaos quod mediat inter varias oculorum facies Veterum ab idiotis tibiis circumfusae. Collectivum anti- nara intra alternam rationem. nuntius Veterum. Adaequat Nyarlathotep veteribus collective inscium
ONG (CAS) Leo bead.
OZAL (KG): Giant. A Great One of the Night of Time
PA-BIL-SAG (SAB) Procellae Sagittarius.
PAZUZU (SAB) Pestilentiae Deus.
PAROKETH (HEB): Divisio, velum. Ut pura-koth "supra cavum". Velum
secretum portae ad Universum B*
QHE (MU): Terminus importat famem, annihilationem.
RHAN-TEGOTH (HPL). Magnus Vetus qui venit ad Terram ab Yuggoth
RHYHL TOR (MU): Portus multispace. Sphaera R'lyeh supra aquas.
RLYEH (HPL) Urbs depressa in qua Cthulhu dormit. Forma subconscious, Sedes oblitae favilla igni et omnibus mortuis. septima et ultima porta Zonei.
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houerd · 6 months
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(via "Nightmare Unleashed S01 D13" Graphic T-Shirt for Sale by Houerd)
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herbwitchery · 2 years
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🦑Hearing the call of Cthulhu🌊 La petite lecture légère pour me remettre de Seul dans Berlin, d’Hans Fallada. Haha, who am I kidding ? Bon? Pour la légèreté, on repassera, certes, mais peu importe, je meurs d’amour pour l’univers de Lovecraft, cette horreur hallucinée, cette ambiance de folie furieuse qui guette autant le lecteur que les personnages, et cette plume, volubile, acérée, lourde, oscillant dangereusement sur les frontières de la démence. Car après tout, n’est pas mort ce qui à jamais dort … Et toi, Lovecraft, tu aimes ? #lovecraft #hplovecraft #howardphillipslovecraft #cthulhu #thecallofcthulhu #callofcthulhu #book #bookworm #bookstagram #booklover #booklove #read #reading #readingtime #readingaddict #bookaddict #octopus #rlyeh #greatoldones #scifi #sciencefiction #classic #necronomicon #horror #horrorstories #lovecraftianhorror #lovecraftian #art #artwork #illustrated 📚 L’Appel de Cthulhu (version illustrée par François Baranger) ; Lovecraft, Œuvres, tome 1 🔮Animal Spirit Oracle, Kim Krans @the_wild_unknown https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmv3qcDro7S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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by Stephen Hickman
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andreabonazzi · 1 year
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South Pacific VIII. Underwater shooting.
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canisalbus · 1 month
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Spotted in the wild with a friend in Leipzig's Museum for applied arts. Maybe Machete has a tabletop version on his dersk? Maybe with a little storage place where he keeps little personal objects. With the red background, I certainly had the feeling that he would own something like this.
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asta-daily · 10 days
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They sleep
Fragmented thoughts, not dead, barely conscious, away, Beyond knowledge, unknown, deep under the oceans Into the abysses, into the dark chasms In the sunken city R'lyeh, they sleep and lay.
/* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook -  Porte-mine sur carnet A6 /
Pensées fragmentées et noyées, à peine conscientes, Au delà des mots, loin sous les flots, une présence, Abyssale, colossale, heureusement en sommeil, Au coeur de la cité engloutie de Rley
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rlyehsvault · 1 year
Death and its drawbacks.
‘A lost fight’ She realized rather quickly.
“Who's your crew?”
‘A battle well fought’ He thought.
The Captain stopped himself from smiling. He started to scramble through the manila folders he had carefully picked. 'Better to start with someone familiar' “Sergeant Garrick.”
“Kyle?” “They call him ‘Gaz’, he never said anything about it.” The file was set in front of Kate, before introducing his next choice.“John Mactavish, SAS, sniper, demolitions. Goes by Soap.”
“It’s classified.” A roll of eyes would be in order after that comment, so far the idea was difficult, improbable, but not impossible. A smoke-roughened chuckle brought her attention back to the Captain. “There he is, Simon Riley.”
She squinted, already regretting hearing him out. “There’s no picture?” It was meant to come out as a statement, but it sounded more like an annoyed question. His answer was immediate. A never changing fact. “Never.”
Kate raised an eyebrow at the sight of him holding out another file, egging her to grab it and take a look herself. Laswell relented, there was no use in prolonging this. Her heart raced, holding her breath when she saw the name, printed in black smudged ink. ‘Talia Gurney.’
There was no chance of making this task force a reality. Bringing a dead soldier back was troublesome enough, bringing a dead soldier and an equally 'dead' intelligence officer whose memory was tainted with the blood of her colleagues was a recipe for disaster. Even now, six years later, people in the business still whispered, adding to the gossip, that seemingly never got old.
Talia was at the peak of her career (according to her twisted definition) when one case entangled her with a serial killer, on a level far too unprofessional to back out from it. Shit hit the fan and there was no salvation. Rumor had it that she killed herself to avoid humiliation, but the series of events that followed her demise like a noxious infection made a blatant joke out of all treason accusations. Yet, people chose to feign ignorance and treat the case as an example. The living proof of the dangers regarding threading too close to deranged criminals, a cautionary tale for rookies in the business. A depiction to back up stupid arguments of why women should not be in this field, claiming emotions get the best of them. The first time Kate saw her after she was pronounced dead, both of them had matching blond hair, the eye bags under Talia's dull eyes were dark and purple, knuckles bruised, and nails uncharacteristically undone. Ever the Stoic, Talia stood under the emollient rain, sight trained on the horizon. “They would rather make fools out of themselves by supporting thoughtless theories out loud, ignoring the obvious argumentative holes because then they can ignore the reality.” She didn't give Kate time to respond. “I'm going to ask you a favor, and you’re not going to like it.” Laswell could assume what she meant, and it made her furious. The retribution would entail no consequences if, in the end, she decided to go back to him. Talia laughed, recognizing Kate’s facial expression. “I'm not going back to him, silly. I have matters to deal with, and after that, it will all be survival of the fittest. For now… I intend to feast.” She delivered the correspondence to a monster, someone whose mere existence made it evident that no God existed. It all turned into a manipulative game. Talia showed herself again two autumns later. Her previously bleached hair was already overgrown, the stress that came with her elaborate scheme displayed on her face. “I won.”
Price's deep voice brought her attention back to reality. “I believe you've always known she's alive.” His grave tone was only a facade, lips threatening to curl into a smirk as Kate sighed, giving in.
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