#Robin and Eddie gay besties
resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
“i don’t…” eddie swallowed, “i don’t know who else to go to.”
robin nodded her head slowly, “okay.” she reached her hand out, sweeping some of eddie’s wet bangs back out of his fearful eyes, “what’s going on?”
“i just… i know we’re not close like that… not really.” eddie picked at the threads on his jeans, they were damp, all of him was, “but i think… i think your the only one who might understand. your… your an outcast too.”
robin smiled at him softly, “yeah.”
“it’s…” eddie glanced up, “your parents aren’t gonna walk in, right?”
robin looked back at the door and got up to close it, “not anymore.”
“okay.” eddie sighed, nodding his head, hyping himself up.
“ed, you can trust me.” she offered, sitting back on the bed, “you can trust me.”
eddie looked at her for a moment, eyes locked and searching. yeah, he could trust her. probably. he jumped up, needing to pace a little, to hype himself up. his shoes squelched, damn this fucking rain and the buckleys obscenely long drive way.
“i’m gay.” he blurted out.
robins eyes widened, “what?”
“if you hate me… that’s fine i guess, just please don’t tell anyone.” eddie started to panic, pacing faster.
“you're gay?” robin stood up from the bed, eyes locked on him.
eddie stopped to look at her, cleared his throat, “so gay.”
robin smiled, “me too.”
eddie had never felt more relief than he had in that moment, “you are?”
“so fucking gay.” she nodded.
he rushed to her, and they hugged, tight. they stayed like that for a while, holding eachother, hands stroking the others hair. robin didn’t even care that her clothes and arms and cheek and everything was all wet now, she had someone. someone like her. she was on air. eddie felt higher.
“jesus fuck, buckley.” he muttered into her shoulder, voice wet “why didn’t we figure this out five months ago?”
robin laughed, and eddie heard her sniffle, “i don’t know.”
“you're my best friend now, kay?”
“kay.” she smiled, hugging him a little tighter.
“shit.” he laughed softly, releasing her from the hug and holding her shoulders, “i gotta tell you something so bad.”
“okay!” she pulled him back to the bed, “wait, take your shoes and wet clothes off.”
“okay.” eddie kicked off his shoes and stripped off his jacket, hanging it over the back of her desk chair.
“here.” robin handed him a pair of sweats, turning around to face the door so he could change, “they’re steve’s, so they’ll fit.”
“they’ll probably be too big,” eddie smiled, starting to change pants, “have you seen that guys thighs?”
“i know!” robin laughed, “he’s started working out again, he’s crazy.”
“mhm.” eddie hummed, “okay, decent.”
robin spun back to him, smiling and pulling him down onto her bed, wrapping him up in a blanket, “okay, tell me.”
eddie sighed, “you’re sworn to secrecy, okay robert?”
“got it.” she nodded, grabbing her old manky teddy to fiddle with, “this secret shall never breach these walls.”
eddie smiled at her, “i’m like, probably full on in love or something.”
her jaw dropped, “you are?”
eddie nodded, “i think so. i’ve never been in love before.” he hummed, thinking on it, “but… it feels like how love would be.”
she smiled, “i think i’m in love too.”
eddie’s eyes widened, “yeah?”
she nodded her head, “wheeler.”
eddie grinned, “your gay for wheeler?”
she nodded again, “she’s wonderful.”
“yeah.” eddie agreed, “badass too.”
“so badass, it’s crazy hot.” robin stared off into the room.
“careful, rob.” eddie elbowed her gently, “you got a little drool.”
robin turned a little pink at that, giggled, “i’m lost on her, eddie.”
“sorry, bob.” eddie sighed, tipping his head to rest on hers, “liking someone straight sucks ass.”
“yeah.” she muttered low.
“i get it.” eddie hummed, “too many guys… and steve.”
robin sat up straight, “you like steve?”
“wait!” she clasped her hands on eddie’s shoulders, staring him down, “you love steve?”
eddie nodded.
“steve harrington?”
eddie nodded again.
“my best friend and partner in crime, always the babysitter, steve no-middle-name harrington?”
“he doesn’t have a middle name?” eddie asked, looking to his lap, “no wonder i haven’t guessed it yet. he’s been leading me on with that for months.”
robin grabbed his face aggressively, turning his attention back on her, “eddie! you love steve?”
eddie nodded his head, “yeah.” he shrugged, “he’s like, perfect.”
robins eyes softened and she relaxed her grip, “you think?”
eddie smiled, “i mean, look at him, bobbie! even you can tell he’s beautiful. perfect hair, lovely skin, gorgeous eyes, pretty pink lips, the light layer of freckles that cover his cheeks, his moles…” eddie trailed off for a second, “and damn, since he’s been working out again he’s been driving me insane with his thighs and biceps. i have never wanted to take a bite out of someone so bad.”
“oh…” robin looked at him, “so… he’s pretty?”
“the prettiest.” eddie hummed, cheeks pink and a little love struck, “and he’s so nice, robert. i mean, he’s an absolute bitch but he’s sweet about it. i like it when he puts me in my place too, gets all… commander mean girl about it. and… he’s soft.”
“soft?” robin asked, voice whispered.
“mhm.” eddie nodded, “soft. he’s… he’s hurt, deep inside, but he puts on a show of everything’s okay. but when he does let the hurt through, it’s tender. and he’s so caring, it’s a little concerning sometimes. but he checks in on me, and he makes sure i’ve eaten every day because he knows i forget to a lot, and he doesn’t mind when i forget things… he lets me go on all these forty minuet one sided conversations about weirdo nerd or music shit, even though i know he has better things to do. he makes sure i have a blanket on movie nights, and gets my favourite drinks and the popcorn i like.” eddie chuckled to himself softly, “i could go on for days, bob.”
she sighed, content and smiling with a slight redness to her cheeks, “you really do love him.”
eddie nodded, “probably the most i’ve loved anything, other than my guitar and wayne.” his smile wavered, “which is why it totally sucks, because steve is a lady killer and i… i’m not a lady.”
robin opened and closed her mouth a few times, thinking, before settling on something to say, “sorry, eddie. m’here for you.”
“thanks, robert.”
robin squeezed his hand, linking their fingers together.
“you wanna tell me more about nance?” eddie asked, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand, “then we can cry together about how sad our love lives are.”
robin nodded, “will you let me paint your nails whilst we do it?” she shrugged, “steve doesn’t like it.”
eddie grinned, “do you have black?”
she nodded, a big smile on her face, “let’s be sad!”
“okay!” eddie giggled, watching her climb up to get the nail polish, “tell me about the wonderful wheeler.”
“well…” robin huffed, sitting back down and grabbing eddie’s hand.
“god, what?” steve groaned, rubbing his eyes as he opened the front door, “what could you possibly need at this fucking hour, robin?”
robin held up a finger, huffing and puffing, “just… gimme… a second…”
steve sighed, standing there, watching her, “you coming inside? it’s pouring out there.” he looked at her some more, “hey! did you seriously run here? in this weather? at fucking three in the morning?”
robin nodded her head, standing now, but leaning her weight entirely on the doorframe, an arm over her eyes, “jesus, steve. how do you work out every day?”
steve shrugged, “what’s going on?” he folded his arms, “what was so important you couldn’t just call?”
robin stood properly, hands braced on the small of her back as she stretched out, taking a second before speaking, “i forgot that i had a phone in the kitchen.” she nodded, “couldn’t call you from mine because eddie’s asleep in my bed.”
steve’s face did a weird thing, going through about fifty emotions, “why is eddie in your bed?”
“we bonded.” robin grinned, “anyway, you should ask him out tomorrow.”
“okay, bye.” she smiled, stepping back out into the rain.
“robin!” steve called after her.
“ask him out!” she called back, setting into a jog, “and bring me some cold medicine tomorrow!”
“i’ll just drive you?” steve grabbed his keys from the side table and rushed out the door behind her.
“no!” robin shrieked, “i’ll say too much!”
“okay, fine!” robin rolled her eyes dramatically, walking over to his car, “you got me! i’ll tell you!”
“… okay then.”
“he’s like… totally in love with you too, dingus.” robin grinned, sitting down in his car and getting his seat wet, “BUT YOU DIDN’T HEAR IT FROM ME, OKAY?”
“OKAY!” steve nodded, insides on fire.
next part with ronance because it's necessary
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a-hot-hot-mess · 2 years
eddie: You have friends and I envy that.
robin: You're welcome to share my friends.
eddie: *looks at nancy and steve* eddie: I don't want those.
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xxtinymiseryxx · 1 year
Robin and eddie are gay bestie's.... Prove me wrong.
she would always help him try to get with steve
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idk how unlikely this is but in my head robin thought spanish to steve so they could shit talk in another language and he was surprisingly good at it, so whenever they want to say something without the others knowing they speak in spanish and eddie and nancy have a stroke even if they don't understand shit
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
Steve was having a mild crisis. And its name was Eddie Munson. His new best friend, only second to Robin, the guy that Steve was sharing a bed with ten times out of ten. Steve never imagined that he’d ever end up this close to the dude who sold weed behind the gym, but here he was, absolutely obsessed. 
At first, it hadn’t even been his fault, how could he not be obsessed when Eddie was on life support for a week? When he had to go through hell to recover? Being planted at his bedside was only natural, especially since Steve was the one to save his life.
Then he got better, but Steve didn’t go anywhere. He was too attached by then, lost in the orbit of Eddie’s magnetic personality. He was hilarious, he was sweet, and he was a little weird. Besides the whole alternative look and nerd game obsessions, Eddie had some quirks. Like how he was obsessed with feeding the raccoons that lived behind the trailer park, or how he insisted on teaching Steve all about tarot cards, because, “If hell can live below Hawkins then these cards got a shot at being true.”
He was a little bit twitchy and fidgety, never fully able to keep still. He’d do little things without realizing it, fiddling with his rings while they walked, playing with Steve’s fingers when they lay together in bed, rapping his fingers against the wheel as he drove, he was always moving in some new way. Steve liked watching him do it, it was such a stark difference from those terrible days when he was still in a hospital bed, it helped to remind him that Eddie was here. He made it, he was safe. 
He was sensitive, and Steve had caught him tearing up more than once at a sappy movie or one of his insanely long fantasy novels. But he was unapologetic about it, always saying that bottling things up was for people who haven’t almost died. 
Steve didn’t mind any of it. In fact, he was kinda into it. He liked almost everything about the guy, and it was getting worse instead of better. The more time they spent together, the more Steve wanted it, craved it even. And Eddie was always more than happy to give him what he wanted and it was making Steve feel greedy. 
Because Steve wanted more. And he was pretty sure Eddie wanted more too. 
He knew what platonic love felt like, and whatever was going on between them wasn’t it. His heart didn’t start racing whenever Robin hugged him. He didn’t catch himself staring at her lips when she went on a rant. He wasn’t obsessed with her arms, or had daydreams about how those callused fingers would feel on his bare skin. 
He also didn’t fucking lose focus and start fantasizing about her hands when he thought about her. 
It wasn’t normal how he felt. It wasn’t even close to normal and Steve didn’t know how to feel about it. So he invited Robin over, because what else could he do? Talk to Eddie about his feelings and risk their friendship over his gay thoughts?
Yeah, no. 
She was barely through his front door when he blurted it out, “How did you know you were gay?”
She plopped down next to him, sitting on his feet with a cocked head. She didn’t ask for any clarification, or an explanation on why he would even ask that, she just launched into the answer, another thing Steve loved about her, “I’d say I figured it out around the third time I made out with my Farrah Fawcett poster.” 
Well that was…almost helpful, “So you didn’t know immediately?”
She narrowed her eyes at him, ignoring the question. “This is about Eddie, isn’t it?”
Steve groaned, staring up at the ceiling. Was it really that obvious?
“It’s pretty obvious,” Robin went on, like the weirdo could read his mind, “The two of you always look like you’re five seconds away from making out.”
“We’re not that bad.
She smirked, a small thing, “You’re right, you're worse.”
Steve kicked at her a little, but it only worked to make her laugh. 
“But I’m not…” Steve paused, struggling for the words,” Like that. Am I?” 
He didn’t think he was like that. It’s not like it was the first time he’d ever been close to a guy his age before, but none of his old friends or teammates had sparked anything in him. Eddie didn’t really spark anything either, more like…set him ablaze from the inside. In a way that no guy or girl ever had.
It felt like he had been smacked in the face with it completely out of nowhere. One day he’s hanging out with his best friend, laying on their bed while he waited for Eddie to get ready. He had just finished finding semi-clean clothes before turning his back to Steve. 
“I’m gonna change, so close your eyes,”
Steve hummed, stretching lazily out on the bed. He was in no hurry, they were just going on one of Eddie’s deals and he spent most of the time waiting in the passenger seat. Not the most exciting night. He let his eyes droop, but not all the way, silently tracking Eddie’s every move. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t closed them, but by the time Eddie had his shirt off he had his full attention. 
He had seen them before, admired them even, living proof that Eddie had made it. But this was the first time Steve wanted to kiss them. It was the first time his mouth went dry at the sight of Eddie’s back, admiring the muscles under the skin.
He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since, and it happened a freaking month ago. 
Fuck, maybe he was gay.
Robin shrugged at him, “Having to ask if you like dudes is usually a sign that you like dudes.”
“But I don’t like dudes,” Steve whined, “I just want him. Doesn’t that count for something?”
Steve realized just how stupid that sounded the second the words left his mouth, but it was too late. Robin was already cackling, “Oh my god, you’re an Eddie-sexual!”
Steve kicked her a little harder, face red, “I am not!”
He absolutely was, but that didn’t mean he had to admit it. Robin wipes a tear from her eye, still grinning ear to ear, “If you want him so bad, why haven’t you done anything about it?”
Steve sighed, “Because what if he isn’t…like that?”
“But what if he is?”
“But what if he isn’t?”
Robin leaned in closer, her eyes going serious, “But what if he is? Steve, think about it for a second. Think about how he acts around you, are you telling me there’s nothing he does that shows he’s into you? Come on, dig deep.”
Steve pursed his lips, thinking. There were a few things that came to mind, “He…he likes to touch me a lot? I don’t know, it’s like little things, holding hands when we’re alone and stuff. Sometimes he’ll put his hand in my back pocket when we’re walking together, just to mess with me y’know?”
For a second Steve could swear he saw Robin’s eye twitch, “Go on.”
“And we um, kind of sleep together every night? And he’ll do this thing in bed where I’ll be against his chest right? And he’ll wrap his arms around me really tight and it feels so good and- Why are you looking at me like that?”
Robin stared at him, eyebrows up to her hairline, “Are you freaking kidding me right now?”
“Steve, sweetie, that is beyond gay. That’s like…I don’t even know. The two of you are basically already dating, you realize that right?”
Steve could feel some hope building up in his chest, “You think?”
Robin scoffed. She looked like she was five seconds away from choking him, “Do I think? He gropes your ass while you walk and you’re seriously wondering if he’s interested? Babe, how did we get here? I know you're smarter than this.”
Steve laughed, confidence growing bigger by the second, “So you think I should do something?”
“If you don’t, I’ll be forced to kill you, I swear to God.”
Steve grinned. He sat up hugging Robin to his chest while she squealed at him to let go. He kissed the top of her hair, both of them giggling all the while, “I promise I’ll do something. God, what would I do without you?”
She smiled up at him, “You’d be a loser.”
Steve laughed, knowing that there was some truth in that statement. But it didn’t matter, his mind was made up. He didn’t know how he was gonna do it, but he was going to make that nerd his boyfriend by the end of the month.
An excerpt from an unfinished chapter of this fic
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So about poly ships in ORV. Yoo Joonghyuk at some point in time was with a character called Lee Seolhwa, and Kim Dokja was on friendly terms with Yoo Sangah (which might’ve led to something if scenarios didn’t start who knows), so i thought a poly ship with all of them together would be great. I haven’t seen a single soul that thinks the same way though 😭 The name for the poly ship I came up with is Kimyooyoolee because it sounds silly and makes me giggle . Will you boo me for liking this one
kimyooyoolee is very good dhjdhdhsg
also fwiw it seems a few ppl include seolhwa and sangah as an extension of yoohankim, the asks i got before seemed to pair sangah w sooyoung instead of kim dokja tho
that said like, its totally valid to have a rarepair u can start this new niche ship gotta make ur own content!!! fully supporting you
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inthewychelm · 2 years
Tumblr media
chrissy has a crush🧡
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steddiejudas · 1 year
I have no idea what 911 is but apparently tumblr thinks i’m super into it bc of eddie and buck and i’m ngl i thought the first couple text posts were about eddie and robin being the chaotic duo we deserve and he just calls her buck
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little-annie · 2 months
Bet you didn't know how Eddie found out Steve was Bi.
It was at a club in Indianapolis of all places. He and Steve, along with Robin and Vicki, had made their way to the city for a weekend of fun.
And some recognizance apparently.
Steve was convinced Vicki was into boobies, and at some point had made it his mission to prove such information to Robin. His location of choice? One of the biggest gay clubs in Indiana.
How Steve knew of the place made no sense to Eddie. Well at least not right away. Now though, now he knew Steve was…
Steve was:
A little fruity.
A friend of Dorothy.
A real cocksucker.
Steve Harrington was all of the above apparently.
To Eddie's utter bafflement.
And outstanding joy.
But sitting at the bar with the man in question by his side, Eddie hadn't known that yet. He was helplessly pining over a friend he thought he'd never have the faintest of a chance with. Watching from the side lines, imagining himself as the hot brunette in Steve's strong arms when the man would occasionally make his way to the dance floor.
They were having a good time. They were drinking, the girls were dancing like a couple of dorks out beneath the shining lights. Everything was going great.
But Eddie could still see from even across the dance floor the longing look in Robin's eyes as she watched Vicki do the sprinkler of all dance moves.
They really were perfect for each other.
“How's mission besties to boobies going? You think you'll have Robbie sucking on a tit by the end of the night?”
Sitting on the bar stool next to him, Steve snorts into his drink, choking on a laugh as he turns to admonish Eddie, “Jesus man.” He coughs around the fruity drink clogging his throat. “Robin would punch you in the jugular if she heard you say that.”
Eddie smiles to himself, just happy that he made Steve laugh. “Well good thing she's out there with Vicki then. Really though, any closer to helping them figure their shit out?”
Just as Steve's about to answer, both of their eyes watching the girls, they watch as some tall blonde jock approaches Vicki.
In the same instant they catch Robin's expression crumble.
“Mother fucker.” Steve huffs before he turns back to the bar and orders Robin's favourite drink. A Blue Hawaiin topped with more fruit than Eddie's eaten in the last year. Bright and flashy, decorated with a tiny purple umbrella.
Robin joins them not a minute later, sweat damp hair sticking to her forehead as she sighs sadly and falls face first with a groan into Steve's chest.
Eddie would be jealous if he didn't feel so bad for Robin.
The poor girl is nearly at her wits end.
For months her and Vicki have been going through a will they won't they type of thing.
Christ, they even kissed at one of Steve's little parties. Under the guise of spin the bottle, but it still happened and lasted way too long for Vicki to not have enjoyed it.
But then the next day, Eddie remembers Vicki talking about Dan. Her on - off boyfriend who apparently, judging by Steve's seething and Robin's near blubbering is the guy with his arms around a very annoyed looking Vicki's shoulders.
Robin's pulled herself from between Steve's beautiful beasts and is now leaning against the man, standing between his legs as he hugs her and she solemnly nibbles at her skewered fruit with her chin hooked over Steve's shoulder.
He's saying something to her that Eddie doesn't catch, but he notices how it makes Robin smile.
Albeit a little sadly.
Turning his attention away, Eddie takes a sip of his drink, stares daggers into Dan's soul on Robin's behalf and lets the Wonder Twins have their moment.
Amidst wishing Dan to drop dead, through the blaring music Eddie eventually hears Steve's determined tone.
“I'll do it, Rob.”
Curious, Eddie tunes in.
“You're not doing anything.”
“Mmmmh nope. I'm gonna do it.” Eddie nearly hears Steve's nod of resolution as he keeps his eyes on the gyrating crowd before them. He sounds determined. Surly staring his own form of ill will into Dan's soul, Steve continues, “He keeps dragging her on, which means she's dragging you on. And I can't let that happen.”
Robin sighs, “Steve.”
Eddie can damn well hear them staring one another down.
It's rather loud.
As is the blatant telepathic convention they're having now.
After a moment of lord only knows what they've communicated to each other through a series of complicated facial expressions, Robin sighs again, apparently having accepted defeat, “You're a bitch.”
“You love me.”
“I hope you get Crabs.”
Eddie snorts to himself as he finally turns to take in the two next to him. Robin's now occupying Steve's previous bar stool and Mr. Great Tits and Tight Levi's himself is standing with the bitchiest expression known to man, staring Robin down, who sips her drink and appears unfazed.
And then Steve smirks.
“I literally watched you shave your chin hair with the razor I use on my balls. If I get Crabs you're coming down with me.”
Robin hardly looks bothered as she bites a hunk of pineapple from her skewer, seeming in a much better mood than when she'd arrived.
“You whore. Course you shave your balls.” She mumbles around the fruit in her mouth.
“Not everyone likes to have a jungle bush, Robin.”
Their continued nattering is lost to Eddie as he remains hung up on the idea of Steve's balls. Are they clean shaved, trimmed, artfully maintained?
He's pathetic. Eddie's well aware. Daydreaming of Steve's Adonis like body isn't new in the slightest.
He apparently wonders for so long that when he tunes back to reality, Steve and his decidedly trimmed balls are gone.
He looks to Robin who downing the remainder of her drink.
She shrugs, as if that explains anything.
Then he sees Steve at the other end of the bar talking to Vicki's maybe boyfriend.
It looks heated.
God, is Steve going to fight this guy? Fuck. Eddie's scrappy but he's never had a great track record with Jocks and he knows Steve and all of his monster fighting abilities means nothing when it comes to fighting people. He remembers the guy getting his ass handed to him by Byers. And Hargrove. Like he gets Billy, the guy was fucking insane. But Johnathan? Steve doesn't stand a chance against this guy. He's got at least twenty pounds on Steve.
Steve's going to get his ass kicked and Eddie's not going to be any help. Sure he'll try, throw a punch, maybe play dirty and move his rings over to his other hand so it hurts more, but otherwise he's got nothing.
All bark, no bite.
Fuck, what if the guy has friends here?
Eddie looks back to Robin who's now leaning back against the bar, watching as Vicki dances in the distance, giggling to herself as she waves at Robin then proceeds to do that shopping cart.
The sweet, ginger haired little dork.
Again, their perfect for each other.
“Steve's not really going to fight that guy is he?”
Robin snorts.
“Yeah, with his dick maybe.”
Robin waves him off with a limp wrist and plunks her empty glass onto the bar top behind her with a dull thud.
And then she's off.
Leaving Eddie with that tidbit of information.
She was joking, right? Right?
She had to be joking.
His voice is either lost to the music or she's ignoring him.
Probably the latter.
By the time Eddie turns his attention back to the end of the bar, he catches Steve giving Dan a playful tug to the belt loops and an expression Eddie can only describe as a smoulder.
Then Steve's pulling this guy by the hand to the men's bathroom.
What the fuck did he miss?
Jesus H Christ.
Twenty minutes and one tequila shot later, Eddie watches as Dan goes scurrying by from the bathroom to the exit, still tucking his fucking polo into his pants.
Lucky bastard.
A moment later, Steve returns.
Hair messy, pupils blown, shirt untucked and …
It's that?
There's a small dot of milky white on Steve's chin.
Fucking hell.
Steve plops down in his chair, steals Eddie's beer and downs the remaining half, finishing it with a content sigh.
For the longest time Eddie's speechless.
Staring at Steve and the fucking splatter of come left on his chin.
What the actual fuck?
Steve must've noticed.
Christ and it's not like Eddie can let the guy go walking around with that.
“You've got, uh, something on your chin…”
And like he knew it was there, knew exactly where it was, Steve wipes the evidence of his earlier rendezvous away.
Eddie can't help but continue to stare.
And like an idiot he decides to open his mouth. “Did you just…?”
And like it's nothing, Steve answers.
“Suck off Vicki's ex then threaten him with bodily harm if he ever bothers her or Robin again? Yeah. And?”
Since when did Steve suck dick?!
Eddie's careening towards a level two gay fucking melt down when Steve decides to continue, sounding every bit offended and confused. “Is that gonna be a problem?”
“No!” Eddie answers immediately, hands up in defence. Steve's expression softens just a touch. “No. No, fuck, Steve. No, not at all. It's just-” well he didn't know and he and Steve are good enough friends Eddie figured something that important to Steve's person, he'd know. “I just didn't know.”
Steve's nose scrunches in that cute way that always makes Eddie feel like dropping dead, and then almost sounding like he's surprised, Steve laughs, “You- hah- Eddie! You didn't know!?”
“No wonder,” Steve more so says to himself before ordering both him and Eddie another drink.
He doesn't continue until he's had a sip of whatever fruity monstrosity he's drinking now. “I've been flirting with you for months, Ed.”
“Yeah well I thought you were straight.” Eddie grumbles, feeling like a fucking idiot. Had Steve really been flirting with him? Had all of the lingering touches and seemingly longing stares all been intentional.
Jesus. Fucking. Fuck.
Steve had asked him if he wanted to fool around a couple weeks ago and Eddie thought he was joking.
“What?” Steve says, halfass sounding offended, “Like it would have made a difference. Dude you've made it obvious you're not interested.”
“I- what?”
Steve shrugs, “Yeah. No hard feelings man. I get it. I'm not your type.”
“Not- not my type!? Steve! My beautiful beautiful boy, I am so interested. I'm painfully interested. I'm so interested I jack off to the idea every night, interested.”
He's just going to ignore the fact he said that aloud.
It's worth it for the blush that rises to Steve's cheeks anyways. “Yeah?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“So you wanna?”
“Absolutely annihilate each other in the men's bathroom?” Eddie asks confidently, truly hyping himself up so he doesn't freak out, downing his drink and standing to offer Steve his hand, “ Yes please.”
But not taking his hand and running to the bathroom to hopefully suck each other off, Steve stays sitting, staring at Eddie's offered hand. And just when Eddie starts to think he's fucked this all up before it's even started, Steve stutters his response
“ I- well- I was thinking more like a- a movie and milkshakes, or something?”
Oh this isn't just sex to Steve.
Thank God.
Eddie wasn't entirely sure how his heart would have handled the alternative.
Did Steve Harrington just ask him on a date?
“Yeah.” Eddie answers, a little breathless, a little bashful.
“We can do your thing to if this is just-”
“No. No, Steve. It's really not. I feel like a fucking schoolgirl, man. All giddy and shit. I just never thought-”
“You're kinda hard not to want Eddie.” Steve interrupts him.
And isn't that a fucking line.
“Both?” Eddie asks, only for Steve to raise a brow
“What about both?”
“Oh!” Steve shouts, catching the attention of a few people, one of which being Robin who was wandering hand in hand with Vicki to the bar, “Yeah. Fuck yeah.” He downs his drink just as Eddie had and finally takes Eddie's offered hand.
On their near sprint to the men's bathroom, Eddie's sure, through the buzz of his own brain and the blare of music he hears Robin's raspy voice shout, “Enjoy my besties bald balls, Munson!”
Give my tittle ideas babes. I wanna post this insanity on Ao3.
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sarcasticassian · 1 year
whenever someone asks how Robin and Eddie became best friends they just say it was through Steve because the soulmate of my soulmate is my best friend blah blah blah
what they don't tell people is they jumped headfirst into being besties when one day Steve was having a lollipop and of course he's gonna share it with Robin, they're platonic soulmates, its not gross to share the same lollipop but then later without thinking Steve also offers it to Eddie because Eddie has had Steve's dick in his mouth before, he's not gonna care about sharing a lollipop so all three of them share it without realising, sometimes it goes straight from Robin to Eddie and back without Steve even having a lick and afterwards they realise and decide, fuck it, the pact of friendship has been sealed with saliva, gay solidarity and a love of Steve so we may as well go all in
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wheatnoodle · 1 year
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i love you, evangeline.
robin’s been staring at it all night.
eddie munson. their third of a trio bestie they haven’t seen in years. eddie munson is asking about a girl he thinks he doesn’t know. she hasn’t said a word to evie, doesn’t even know how. that’s not something you can just drop into conversation.
“hey that guy you were like gay in love with but never told just asked if you’re single but doesn’t know you’re you, goodnight!” NO!!
so she lays in her full size bed (literally feels like she has so much room compared to her twin bed back in hawkins), contemplating what the good lord above would want her to do. it’s just gone one in the morning when she makes her decision.
robinabucks: hey eds :)) so here’s the thing
robinabucks: yes, she’s single. but,,,i would prefer it if u didn’t reach out to her or anything
robinabucks: ima be honest, idk if she’s ur type n i don’t want her to get excited
seen pops up under her final message only two seconds after it’s sent and she’s slamming her phone down on her mattress.
eddieisdead: robbie!! hey!! :D
eddieisdead: i get what u mean :/ but i also know my type better than u do
eddieisdead: just seeing as like. im me LOL
eddieisdead: gimme a CHANCE bro ill worship the fuckin ground she walks on i swear😭😭
robin can’t stop the little smile quirking the corners of her lips. her evie has been through too much to be treated like anything less than a queen. she knows eddie’s a good guy. but it’s his possible feelings on evie’s…history…that has her placing herself between the two. she knows he’s not homophobic, he tries to set her up with every lesbian he meets, plus he likes kissing boys himself. but they’ve never had the transgender talk. never had the “is a trans woman a woman to you?” talk that has robin building walls before there’s a chance to think of breaking them down.
robinabucks: eddie im serious
robinabucks: i genuinely don’t know if she’s ur type and it could go bad
robinabucks: like bad bad
eddieisdead: so can everything else
robinabucks: eddie
eddieisdead: robin
eddieisdead: i will do the best i can to not hurt her, sergeant🫡
she starts typing a response but watches as his status changes to offline.
dammit munson.
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rogueddie · 2 years
the only reason Eddie doesn't wear black nail polish is because he can never paint his nail right, it always gets everywhere. Robin starts doing it for him when they become besties, which finally gives Robin the full sleepover experience, metalhead style; she paints his nails, he talks about boys, they complain at romcom movies when they never have a gay twist. Steve always complains that he's losing out on his very important and very precious Robin time.
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byler-heart · 5 months
Things that still haunt me to this day and desperately need answers to/want them to be addressed in S5:
1. How did this cutie patootie dodge the demogorgon in this scene (or rather, why didn't the demogorgon completely rip him to shreds like Barb?) and survive for a week in the Upside Down?
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2. The destruction of Castle Byers. Destroyed in: S3, completely ignored in: S4. And in S5: ???
Well, wth happened here? Will this never be addressed again? Will and Jonathan build it together🥺; he spent time here with his closest friends🥺; he hid here during the UD🥺; this was his safe space🥺... sigh I'm haunted by memories that aren't even mine.
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3. Uhm, does the Demogorgon have telekinesis now? I don't fcking think so, so why the heck was it able to move the door chain like that? The Demogorgon I know (and the other one we see in Season 4 AGAIN) doesn't have telekinesis, and certainly it's not that freaking civilized— it would've just ripped that door apart with brute strength. So, who's actually behind that door? Hummm, Ve-vec-- VECN—*gunshots*
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4. Mike Wheeler's awkward hug and weird attitude overall towards Will the entire season, like, I wanna crack his skull open and study his brain and dissect his thoughts.
What's up, buddy? Scared to face those jumbled feelings for your bestie? Did your time apart make you realize something? Feeling a little, uh, gay perhaps?
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Sooooo awkward.
Anyway, there's definitely a ton more I want the showrunners to address, but right now I can't think of them all. Just wrapped up my S4 rewatch, and I gotta admit, there were tears.
P.S. Couldn't help but roll my eyes at every St*ncy scene. I mean, Robin and Eddie kept pushing them like they knew what they were talking about—dude, you're both single AND losers, what could you possibly know?
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xxtinymiseryxx · 1 year
Gay besties
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wynnyfryd · 1 year
more ‘is this your card’ verse bc i love eddie and robin being goofy gay besties
“Ah, hell,” Eddie says. He kicks at his deflated front tire, and the toe of his sneaker comes away with a black scuff. “Shit, I just cleaned these.”
“You clean your sneakers?” Robin asks sincerely, scratching the side of her nose.
“…Steve, please tell her she can walk home.”
Steve nods at the tire. “We’re all walking home unless we fix that. You got a spare?”
“Sure do.” And then because he’s a menace, he rocks back on his heels and throws an aggressively flirty look at him. “Why? You gonna get those pretty boy hands dirty for me?”
Steve flushes bright pink (so fucking darling) and splutters indignantly, “Wha- I don’t- I do not have pretty boy hands!”
“Shut up,” Robin tuts.
“You shut up!”
“They’re literally flawless! Remember that one time we went to get mani-pedis?”
He flushes an even deeper shade, wagging his finger and saying, “Okay, not cool, we don’t talk about—”
“The shop asked him to be a hand model,” she interjects, snatching Steve’s hand out of the air and showing it off to Eddie.
It is, admittedly, an objectively nice hand. Broad, with prominent tendons, pale blue veins leading down to slender fingers. A graceful taper at the tips. Clean nails, soft skin.
Eddie might be drooling a little.
He clears his throat. “Yeah, they’re, uh- they’re nice, man.”
“They’re nice, man?” Robin mocks him later that night on the phone when he gets home after dropping them both off. “That’s all you had to say? Seriously? I thought you were into him!”
“What did you want me to say, huh?” He pitches his voice low and raspy, “Oh, yeah, Harrington. Super suckable fingers you got there. Totally wanna see the vein in your hand throb while you jerk me—”
“OKAY,” Robin cuts him off. “You’ve made your point; I am filled with regret.”
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steddiesrobin · 2 years
the Big Three bisexual steve tropes i’ve seen in various fanfiction
firstly we have the “robin being steve’s gay mentor” where she basically explains to steve that he CAN like boys AND girls!! it’s my personal favorite bc they are my favorite besties and there’s something oddly comforting abt steve going to robin about this
second one would be mike going to eddie or robin bc he starts having feelings for will and wants to talk to them, and steve just happens to be there. and it’s when eddie or robin explain bisexuality and steve has his italicized Oh moment
and thirdly is when steve figures it out on his own, and he doesn’t tell anyone and when everyone finds out he goes “i thought you all would’ve known this by now”
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