#Robin nico
ren-mielthebee · 2 months
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moshimoshibe · 9 months
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greyskyflowers · 10 months
Zoro being just a little desperate for soft affection because people don't touch him gently. He's not something people handle with care or touch with careful intentions.
He's a swordsman
The first mate of the future pirate king and a god
A strawhat pirate
He doesn't mind it, because you can't miss something you don't really know, but sometimes he gets hints of it. Like Chopper taking care of his injuries or Robin's hands brushing against him as she hands him something. The others don't touch gently. They're pirates, liars, thieves and fighters.
It's hard to be gentle on the sea.
Luffy's too strong for his own good
Sanji's alway eager to pick a fight
Nami's not very familiar with gentleness herself
Usopp's too unsure
Franky doesn't trust himself
Brook doesn't think he's capable of it anymore
Zoro deserves gentle sometimes though, when he's more white bandages than tan skin or when he smells like blood rather than salt.
Sometimes he looks very breakable for how unbreakable he is.
There are times he looks soft, only with them.
When he lets himself wake up slowly, silver eye still cloudy with sleep and everything about him sleep ruffled and soft.
Or when he speaks with Chopper, letting his body loosen from a stricter hold and creating a welcoming atmosphere that always has Chopper climbing into his lap or dancing happily.
Always when he takes care of his swords, each movement done without too much thought after years of repetition. A critical eye looking them over before moving to the next, handled with a care that looks like it should be unnatural to a man like Zoro.
He goes sweet for them.
Looking as surprised as they do when he surges towards the gentle affection like he can't stop himself.
Luffy throwing his arm around Zoro's shoulders, and touching, thoughtless and confident because he knows Zoro won't pull away. His fingers playing with earrings, petting at soft hair and brushing against skin.
Zoro can't help the little, protesting noise that slips out when it stops.
Luffy looks at him with a blank expression and observing eyes, the face he wears when he's serious about something. He returns his hand to the side of Zoro's neck and it's so careful, fingers caressing against his neck in little brushes and it has him melting.
Luffy's incredibly pleased because Zoro is such a warm, happy weight against his side, all loose limbed and practically purring.
He looks vulnerable and sleepy in a way that has a bubble of something growing in Luffy's chest. It threatens to choke him, his throat tight with it and his heart beating weird. He just keeps petting with confident but gentle touches.
Zoro buries his face in his shoulder and it knocks the wind out of his lungs. He wants to move, energy popping under his skin in happiness but he stays still. The arms he wraps around Zoro to drag him closer, half on his lap and still not close enough, are gentle.
Sanji trying to figure out the best way to get Zoro back to the crew after a battle. Hovering because everywhere looks bruised and bloody, seriously it's like he tries to get cut up during his fights.
Finally getting him up enough that he can climb on Sanji's back and they'll try that way.
Zoro's lighter than he looks, they all know that but it's always a little surprising. He's quick on his feet, has used half the crew as spring boards for a push off in fights and he definitely wouldn't be able to do that so easily if he weighed what he looks.
He's a warm weight against Sanji's back and the cook can feel his thighs from where he's got his hands placed for support, they have a healthy layer of fat covering the muscle.
He's embarrassed by the pleased feeling he gets from that. The idea that Zoro is healthy and taken care of because of him is powerful. He's very proud of how the crew looks healthy and strong, nothing about them that suggests hunger or poor nutrition.
He brushes his thumb back and forth in a gentle way, briefly wishing he felt skin instead of fabric, before very quickly shoving that thought into a little box and placing it all the way to the back of his mind.
Zoro relaxes into him, body pressing heavier as he stops tensing up and his chin digging into Sanji's shoulder. He looks exhausted but his breathing has calmed and he almost looks like he could fall asleep.
Sanji just tugs him more securely against his back, desperately ignoring the way Zoro's legs tightens around his waist at the movement and how his chest pressing against Sanji's back has his nose itching. Zoro relaxes again and Sanji goes back to rubbing his thumbs back and forth, gentle and comforting.
100% based on the ideas that:
Luffy just casually touches, hugs, climbs on, etc the crew whenever he wants because they're his.
Sanji is very proud that the crew looks healthy and strong, knowing it's because he's the one making their food.
Zoro being a strange type of touch starved that has him unconsciously giving off cat vibes of please pet me and I'm sorry if I get overwhelmed and bite.
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assiraphales · 7 months
I do think it was interesting placement to have the panels where robin is essentially asking zoro what makes him happy (what about you? so sailing the seas and exploring new lands….is your idea of adventure?) immediately followed by a panel of luffy yelling about adventure
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silversoulwithlove · 7 months
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They ♥️
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khryptid · 2 months
It’s International Asexuality Day today!! but more importantly I want to share my hc that the entire Strawhat crew is some form of ace (I’m big on them being demisexual bc I am and also the ✨Power of Friendship✨is real big with them).
For the breakdown:
Luffy: ace, like all the way (but not sex repulsed). Meat and adventure are the only things on his brain.
Zoro: most likely grey-ace; sometimes he feels it, more often not, but between protecting the crew and training for his dream, he’s got other things to care about.
Nami: could easily flip flop ace (sex repulsed) or demisexual. She knows how she looks and will use it to her advantage, but I think with her origin story, she would be incredibly careful on who she is vulnerable with.
Ussop: 100% demisexual. My man’s befriended one person as a kid and that’s who he’ll simp for the rest of his life. (It’s Kaya, I’m incredibly sappy for childhood friends to lovers)
Sanji: demisexual; for all his flirting ways, he wants a meaningful connection that could potentially last a lifetime. (I feel between the little moments of protecting the crew and watching each other’s backs, Zoro could easily become that lifelong connection)
Chopper: ace; he’s a baby and focused on being the best doctor. (Could change when he’s older bc sexuality is fluid, but he’s got years to go)
Robin: grey-ace; while her own feelings only pop up once in a blue moon, she definitely takes the chance to ask about the romantic/sexuality culture and it’s effects on society of whatever island they’re visiting when she can.
Franky: ace (sex positive); he’s always more interested in building ships/new gadgets or modifying his body, but he’s not against sharing a moment with someone he cares for. (Maybe Robin-Idk I can see them as an aunt and uncle to the younger Strawhats but Morticia and Gomez Addams style)
Brook: when he was alive, demisexual, but now, definitely ace. Even with his running panties gag, he doesn’t actually feel anything and does it more as a way to lighten tension or humanize himself in the eyes of those who might be afraid of a talking skeleton. (Brook’s thought process, “they can’t be screaming at me in terror if they’re berating me for being a pervert”)
Jinbe: grey-ace; back in the day he was more into it, but honestly, he’s got a crew to look out for, enemies to fight, and freedom to share with the world so who has the time or the energy to think about it.
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hankhillchan · 1 month
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Robin from a redraw challenge on twitter
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Two lesbians and their son
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bublines · 4 months
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ydotome · 6 months
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Straw Hat Crew Bounty Update - One Piece - Episode 1086
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bloodfixnd · 2 months
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—One Piece; Wan Pīsu
-ˏˋ➛TAGLIST: @pinkwisteria, @mrs-k0zume, @makimasluv ꗃ
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hannakaisaart · 3 months
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Day 3: Favorite Scene "I want to live!" There were so, so, sosososooooooo many scenes that I would love to choose for this. "Nothing happened" "Sanji, don't catch a cold." "Nami, You are my nakama!" And so on, and so on.....
But to me, the sacrifice Nico Robin was willing to make, and the truth behind all that doubt, guilt, regret..... and the scream of her that gave everyone chills through their spines. Remarkable.~
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greyskyflowers · 9 months
A idea with a darker approach but...
I'd like to see something about Zoro bringing everyone on the crew a head at some point.
Zoro and Robin have no issue killing. I personally like the idea of them actually enjoying it. I personally feel that every ship and every crew needs a few bloodthirsty people.
Sanji and Franky will do so if absolutely necessary. What qualifies as necessary usually depends on the situation.
Luffy doesn't usually see a point in it, more than willing to beat someone down as many times as it takes for the lesson to sink in, but he has his fair share of blood on his hands.
The other crew members aren't supid, they know all this.
By this point they've all killed someone, on purpose or accident, it's more who stays up with nightmares from it.
Luffy makes them ask for things. Zoro is the same. Asking for someone to die is something you need to be able to give voice to, otherwise you don't want it enough.
He won't go on his own, he needs to hear it, but they've all pulled him aside before and asked, "please." In fear. In hatred. In anguish.
And Zoro hums lowly, and disappears in the shadows.
He still carries the title of hunter and there's a good reason for that.
It never takes him long before he's back, a bloody bag in his hand that drips along the deck but no one says anything. Luffy catches his eye and whatever passes between them stays between them.
He drops it at the feet of whoever asked for it, like a cat bringing their human a mouse.
That's it. There's nothing else to say or do. Zoro said he'd handle it, and he did.
Sometimes the only people who even know who's head is in the bag are Zoro and the person who asked. And probably Luffy, because he always seems to know everything Zoro does, and Robin because thinking she doesn't know would be an insult to her.
The bag gets tossed over the side once confirmed by the person who asked for it.
Franky makes a big show of cleaning up the blood with wails about birds shitting on his ship. He drags Usopp into helping and it doesn't usually take much for chaos to break out.
Chopper follows Zoro around until he finally lets the little doctor causally look him over for anything that may need attention.
Robin smiles at him behind a tea cup and Sanji calls him something insulting as he walks by but a bottle of sake and a snack always find their way over.
Luffy clings to him, as long as he's not hurt, and they speak to each other the way only they do, without words.
Nami quietly drops his debt down a little in her head and Brook plays something soothing.
The day will come when Zoro asks them. Not a single one of them will worry about blood on their hands.
Am I in love with the idea of morally grey strawhats? Yes
Do I think everyone is low-key terrified of the strawhats? Yes
Do I think everyone should be high-key terrified of the strawhats? Yes
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assiraphales · 7 months
robin reading a book that had been published decades before luffy was born dedicated to the strawhat pirates: nay, I shan’t say anything. let’s see how this plays out. for funsies
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silversoulwithlove · 7 months
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Frobin doodle she loves to scare him.
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khryptid · 3 months
I don’t know why but,,,
Former adult assassin Robin and former child assassin Sanji, both on the run from a terrible past, meeting on the Going Merry and instantly clicking.
Like “Yes, this is my older/younger sibling who I care for deeply and would inarguably commit war crimes for.”
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