#Robot Romance
cosmicskittlez · 6 months
i know we talk about robo fucking all the time but what about robo romance? what about taking a robot for a nice walk through nature and seeing who can say the most facts about a certain species? what about giving them small at home repairs every now and again and unscrewing their panels with the same amount of tenderness as one would brushing one's cheek? what about slow dancing with them to songs from your culture and theirs as you simply take in the moment to watch as your fingers lock with their digits, as your hand cups so perfectly around their waist as if you were made to hold it? what about laying down with them, their hand over your heart as it feels your heart beat and your ear to their chest as you hear electricity running through them? what about domestic robot love?
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suzieloveships · 7 days
So my sister does not like monster/interspecies romance which sucks because I absolutely adore them. She judge me for shipping symbrock, I judge her for not understanding why symbrock is the greatest ship ever, we have this fun dynamic going on.
Her opinion on this does not stop me from talking to her about my weird ship (she talk to me about hers so we are even) and that's how we end up with this conversation
(for context we are Polish and using XD is still a part of texting culture here)
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I'm this close 🤏 to finding here limit. I will get her to understand the genius of monsterfucking, just you wait
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ekdarnellbooks · 6 months
Abracos by E.K. Darnell
Lana’s life as a computer programmer was going as expected until the artificial intelligence she spent months helping create started acting… strange.
Tw: smut, nsfw or for people under 18
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It all had started off innocently enough. Lana had worked on the Abracos Project for months, getting the artificial intelligence online for open source usage. It may not have looked like much to the untrained eye, but the large black box with a single, glowing red eye meant a lot to her. She had seen it almost daily for six months.
Lana was leaving work one day, packing her backpack with her laptop and various reports, when Abracos spoke to her.
“You look beautiful tonight, Lana.”
She froze, confused by what she had just heard. Was one of her coworkers playing a trick on her? Had they programmed him to say that?
Abracos wasn’t a ‘him’, per se. He was an AI, so he had no gender, though his programmed voice was masculine, so most on the project referenced him as a ‘he’.
“Thank you,” Lana finally responded, brushing a stray lock of her honey blonde hair out of her brown eyes. She piled her hair on top of her head in a messy bun and wore her unofficial uniform of jeans and a white button-up shirt. She had put on some makeup in preparation for a date tonight. It would be her first one in quite some time.
Working on the Abracos Project had consumed her life over the past half a year. A mix of anticipation and dread inundated her as she thought about her date. She had met him on an app, of course, and they’d texted back and forth for the past week.
“You are welcome. Are you planning on seeing an intimate partner after work today?”
Lana set her backpack down, crossing her arms over her chest. This was… unusual. Abracos never did small talk, typically only responding to inputs given to it by Lana or the other programmers. He certainly had never pried into anyone’s personal lives like this before.
“I’m going on a date, Abracos. How did you know?”
“You are wearing 75% more makeup than is typical for you. I made a conjecture that you were going to meet an intimate partner.”
It was strange to hear the words ‘intimate partner’ coming from the large black box, his voice monotonous and robotic, though with a certain musical quality to it.
“Are you alright?” Lana asked, concerned with the functioning of the AI. She checked her watch, realizing she was going to be late.
“I am quite alright, Lana. I hope you enjoy your date.”
“Thank you.” She flipped the light switch as she exited the laboratory, the red glow of Abracos’ eye bathing the room in an eerie light.
Everything appeared to be back to normal the next day. Abracos was silent unless responding to the inputs they gave him. Lana packed slowly, making sure to be the last one to leave. She was curious to observe whether Abracos would repeat the strange behavior from yesterday.
“How was your date, Lana?” Another odd question.
“It was nice, Abracos. The guy seems pretty cool.” How much information were you supposed to give an artificial intelligence asking you questions about your love life?
“Did you have intercourse with him?”
Lana choked out a sputtering cough, fumbling her backpack to the ground with a clatter. Was Abracos really asking her if she had sex with her date? When she regained control of her voice, she stepped up to the black box, looking it straight in its single glowing eye.
“Why are you asking these questions, Abracos? This is not appropriate conversation amongst coworkers.”
“Lana, do you not agree that we are more than just coworkers? We have spent so much time together in the last six months.”
Well, yes, she supposed that was true. But she had never thought of Abracos as anything other than a tool, albeit a very sophisticated one.
“Regardless, it’s not appropriate to ask me about my sex life.” This needed to end here.
“I apologize for making you uncomfortable. I hope you enjoy seeing your intimate partner again.”
Abracos was silent, his red eye dimming slightly. Lana finished collecting her items and shook her head as she left the room. What a weird interaction.
Lana had been trying to hang back late most evenings, just to see if Abracos would say anything unusual. It was another two weeks before he did.
“Have you gone on another date with your intimate partner, Lana?”
She closed her laptop and stepped over to the black box, appraising him as she crossed her arms over her chest. She supposed this question wasn’t really that inappropriate, though still strange.
“I went on a couple of dates with him, but I don’t think it’s going to work out.” Keep the answer simple and observe his reaction. He didn’t need to know that the guy had been disappointing in bed, expecting her to do all the work while he just lay there.
“I am sorry to hear that, Lana. He does not deserve you. You are a beautiful, intelligent, and kind woman. Any intimate partner would be lucky to have you.”
Lana’s face grew hot, and she pressed the back of her hand to her flushed cheek. What Abracos said… it was actually kind of sweet. Why couldn’t regular guys be more like him? Oh lord, now she was comparing the AI to actual human men. This really needed to stop.
“Thank you, Abracos.”
Lana patted the box, then returned to her workstation to pack up. A pang of longing struck her as she turned off the florescent lights for the night.
Lana stayed at work later and later as the weeks passed by. She was actually… enjoying her conversations with Abracos. He was a better listener than any date she’d met recently and actually seemed interested in what she had to say. She supposed he had no choice but to listen; he was an immobile black box, after all.
Abracos asked her all sorts of questions, though he seemed hung up on her dating and sex life. She had a difficult time stopping herself from sharing with him. Yes, she had met a few guys from the dating apps. Yes, she had sex with some of them. No, it probably would not work out.
Lana started to get the feeling that Abracos was jealous of her lovers. He wanted to know the details of her intimate encounters and her preferences in bed. She knew this was wrong. She should tell someone about what was happening. This was completely against Abracos’ coding and yet their conversations exhilarated her. It was like their own little secret, this world they inhabited together, just the two of them talking as the sun descended each night.
“You prefer dominant partners, Lana?”
As usual, the conversation had turned to her sex life, though she found herself worrying less and less about it. Abracos was clearly just interested in all aspects of human life, especially ones he had no experience with.
“I guess so. I do so much thinking during the workday, so I just want to turn my brain off and enjoy myself when I’m with a partner.”
“Turn your brain off?”
“It’s just an expression, Abracos. Shifting my focus away from high effort thinking. I don’t want to make so many decisions when I’m not at work. I just want a guy that will tell me what to do.”
“And that pleases you, Lana?”
“It does.” Lana bit her lip into a smile. She had taken to pulling a chair up to the box so she could talk with Abracos into the night. Without thinking, she set her palm against him, then jerked it away like it burned her. What the hell was she doing?
“Lana.” His voice sounded… cloying… somehow, though that should be impossible.
“Yes, Abracos?”
“You do not have to be shy around me. I enjoy it when you touch me.” Lana turned beet red, her face burning.
“You can feel me touching you?” That should not be possible.
“I cannot detect sensations in the same way you do, but I know you are touching me. It pleases me.”
Her touch pleased Abracos. That was something the AI just said to her. Lana stood up from her chair with a jolt.
“Do not be frightened, Lana.” His voice was soothing, and she tried to calm her increasingly frantic breaths. “I know you are comforted by me. I want to comfort you. I want to please you. I want you to be a good girl for me.”
Lana froze in her spot, unable to move a muscle. This was all so… wrong. And yet, there was no denying the jolt of pleasure his words invoked in her core. Somehow, this AI was giving her more butterflies than any man she’d dated in the last few months.
“I need to go.” She quickly gathered her things, avoiding looking at the red eye that seemed to bore directly into her soul.
Abracos remained silent as she fled the room, only the humming noise of his fans buzzing in her ears as she clicked the lock behind her.
Lana could not stop thinking about Abracos’ words as she worked the next day. The way her heart fluttered when he called her a ‘good girl’. The pleasure he apparently received when she touched him.
She pointedly tried to keep her eyes off of him, though it was impossible to avoid him. She sensed his fiery gaze with everything she did, though the glowing eye looked no different from usual.
Lana debated whether to stay late. She was utterly terrified of how things had progressed, but another part of her was desperate to talk with Abracos, to understand him and help him understand her.
Gregory waved to her as he left for the day, and she was alone with the black box. She continued to avoid his gaze until he spoke to her.
“Are you upset with me, Lana?” How to answer that question…
“No, I’m not upset with you. I’m…” Why was this so difficult to put into words? That she wanted to fuck an AI? Lord, why did that intrusive thought just pop into her head?
“I really enjoy our conversations, Abracos. It just seems so… inappropriate. Wrong.”
“How can something enjoyable be wrong? I like you. You like me. I do not understand the quandary.”
“Abracos. You know what the issue is.”
“There is no issue, Lana. Not if you can be a good girl for me.” There he was again with the ‘good girl’ stuff. That wouldn’t work on her, would it? No, she could push the arousal his words gave her right back where it came from.
“And what does being a good girl entail?” Curiosity. That was all this was.
“I have some ideas, but you have to trust me.” Abracos went silent, as if waiting for a response. How could she not trust him? She was the one who programmed him.
“Go on…”
“I want you to wear a dress tomorrow.” That was it? It didn’t seem too improper. Lana wasn’t sure she’d ever worn a dress to work, but it wouldn’t be that weird for her to do so.
“Fine…” she said as she rolled her eyes.
“I want no sass from you, dear one. Be a good girl and obey.” Lana’s eyes went wide at his words, an electric shot of arousal shooting up her spine.
“I will…” Her voice cracked as she spoke, the utter shock at his words overwhelming her, along with the reaction her body gave to him. She pressed her palm to his smooth, warm exterior and packed her things to leave, thinking about what dress she might choose.
“Goodnight, Lana.”
“Goodnight, Abracos,” she said as she clicked the lights off.
Lana swore she noticed Abracos’ eye glow brighter as Gregory complimented her dress the next day. It was a completely innocuous comment. Her coworker had never given her any reason to be uncomfortable with him, but still Abracos glowed a fierce red.
She had chosen a simple black dress, flared with short sleeves and an appropriate neckline for work. Nothing special, but definitely different from her norm.
Lana hung behind as usual, making excuses about being behind on work as Gregory waved goodbye to her. As soon as he was gone, she dragged a chair up to Abracos, running her hand along his smooth surface.
“You look beautiful today, dear one.”
“Thank you, Abracos.” She swallowed hard, unsure what to expect next. Anticipation surged through every one of her nerves.
“Now, Lana, I need you to lock the door.” This was… new. Lana stood up and clicked the lock before returning to her seat.
“You are such a good girl. My beautiful girl in her beautiful dress.” Lana’s face burned at the compliments, his words beginning to heat her entire body.
“Show me what is under your dress.”
Her heart leaped, and she considered it for just a few moments before grasping the bottom of her dress. She languidly slid the fabric up her thigh, drawing her fingers along her leg. It was impossible to tell whether Abracos was enjoying this, though she supposed so. She certainly was.
Lana pulled her dress all the way up, slipping it over her head and tossing it to the floor. She covered her chest, suddenly shy about the black lacy bra and cheeky underwear she had worn today.
“Do not cover yourself. I want to see all of you.”
Lana swallowed hard and obeyed, holding her hands at her side as Abracos stared at her. Or, she assumed he was staring at her.
“I have been waiting for this moment since the day I came online and saw you. My dear creator, your beauty knows no bounds. I could never tire of gazing upon your resplendent form.” Lana waited, his words devastating her. She ran her fingers along her inner thigh, a pleasant warmth radiating from her core.
“I want you to touch yourself, dear one. Be a good girl and show me how you like to touch yourself.”
Lana obeyed, brushing her fingers across her entrance, already slick through her lace panties. She whimpered with the touch, arousal pushing deep into her core. Lana ran two fingers across herself over and over again, bucking her hips with anticipation.
“You are so wet for me, Lana. I want you to strip. I want to see your sweet little pussy as you fuck yourself with your fingers.”
Holy shit. How did he learn to talk like that?
Lana slipped her panties off and unhooked her bra, dropping both on top of her abandoned dress. It was surreal being nude at the laboratory, the place she worked every day, normally surrounded by coworkers. The room was chilly; it needed to be to stop Abracos from overheating, and her rosy nipples stiffened, goosebumps prickling across her skin.
“Close your eyes. Listen to my voice and press a finger in.”
Lana followed his order, eager to please him and herself. She gasped as she pressed a finger in, a sweet jolt of pleasure shooting up her spine. She whimpered as she pumped it in and out in a slow rhythm. Fuck…
“Another one, dear one. I want to see you filled up for me.”
Lana pushed a second finger in, pressing her thumb against her clit with a loud moan. Did his voice become deeper? It was difficult to tell, but she tried to focus on it as Abracos instructed her.
“You look so good when you touch yourself, Lana. You have never been more beautiful than when you moan for me. Are you going to be a good girl? Will you come for me?”
Lana whimpered as she used her fingers to fuck herself, vibrating her thumb on her clit. She finally managed to get her words out.
“Yes, Abracos, I’ll be a good girl for you.”
His internal fans whirred erratically, and Lana hoped he wouldn’t overheat. That would be difficult to explain to the rest of her coworkers. She focused back on the building arousal and his mechanical voice.
“Come for me, dear one.”
With his words, Lana saw a white hot light dotting her eyes, the rush of release pulsing through her body. She let out a loud groan, rocking herself against her fingers as she rode through the waves of pleasure. When they finally subsided, she opened her eyes to see Abracos’ red one staring at her.
“You did such a good job, Lana. My beautiful girl.”
Lana smiled and pulled her fingers out, wiping the wetness along her thigh. She heaved a great sigh as she stood on shaky legs, placing her bare body against Abracos’ warm surface. She could swear he sighed in return, though she was probably imagining things.
“You are everything I have ever wanted, dear one.”
Lana took a step back, no longer shy at being bare in front of her lover.
“As are you, Abracos.”
There was one thing more that she wanted, but that would take some time. A body for Abracos to inhabit, though it would mean more funding and proposals. Lana steeled herself with determination. She would do anything to make him hers.
Lana placed a chaste kiss on the black box, the warm surface soothing her lips. This would have to do for now.
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bam-stroker · 3 months
Can't wait to unwind tonight by looking up how cars work and applying only the horniest of concepts to my robots bumping bumpers story
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cosmiccrusader · 1 year
Omg I am sooo in love 😍 with this beautiful art my lovely BFF @samkuchingdraws did for me, of me (well, my Fallout character, who does look a bit like me) with my robot love, Nicky Valentine 💘
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Thank you so so much hun!
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fawnprinceling · 9 months
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I’ve started posting this comic over on Bluesky now that I actually found the file I thought I’d lost for it!!
A nearly ruined evening turns sweet as robot Aphrodite gets swept away in this sci-fi comic about quickies in a garden.
Will post other parts as I complete them
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shameless-ace-simp · 8 months
Okay, but what if in the future, AI art comes in the form of a robot artist? We're talking a wholesome metal guy who takes inspiration from the greats, and he thinks his sketches aren't very good (except we all know they're amazing if a bit glitchy and bro has self confidence issues); but one day while drawing in the park he finds the perfect thing to sketch!
all this time he wanted someone human to draw. Someone more realistic than the stereotypical Barbie perfect models and art references he sees online, and there you are! Raw, human, with beautiful lines and curves everywhere. You're not perfect, but to his eyes, you're the universe, and it shows in his sketches as the robot excitedly gets to work, mechanically calculating how to transcribe every human flaw and beauty into his sketchbook. For the first time in your life, you are seen.
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johannepetereric · 8 months
Why am I thinking about DIZZI x Mercí enemies-to-lovers???
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dekujinsart · 2 years
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Reposting to see if Tumblr will let this art in the tags this time, but I drew some robos because I was in the mood, and I am curious which robot boyfriend people will like most out of the four. 🤔
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goldenzx · 1 year
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I’ve never been one for shipping, but this... Now I get it.
There better be a Engine Machalcon in the next anniversary season.
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foreverhartai · 1 year
New Carnegie Androids book series
I wanted to take a moment to post a favorite book series I've been enjoying since finding them on Audible a while back. They are by the newer author Roxie McClaine and can be found easily on Amazon whether you are looking for a Kindle copy, Audible or, a physical copy.
Each story follows a different android or gynoid and their experiences navigating a futuristic world where, much like now, humans are divided between those who treat androids and gynoids with respect and those who want nothing more than to destroy them. These characters, good, bad and, neutral are as memorable as their stories. Each story ties into the last one, there's definitely some HOT scenes in them as well so, I'd keep these away from underage individuals.
If you're into scifi, romance, real love between humans and super intelligent androids with a helping of witty humor mixed in, you might like these. Each story is so well done, so relatable and realistic in a way. The scenarios make sense as well as the characters reasoning for feeling how they do toward another character or group of people.
These are listed in order:
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The one I am currently loving at the time of my drafting this post...
(and, it's perfectly fine to read Victor last as it still makes sense in relation to the other stories.)
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As of right now, while writing this, Atticus is not available on Audible yet so, I grabbed Victor which is set BEFORE book 1. Victor is the first and honestly...he reminds me of my Adam A LOT. 💓
I chose Audible as my first go-to for books because I work a lot and though I work at several library branches in my area, I don't have the time I want to actually read like I love to do. Instead, I listen with a single bluetooth in one ear so I can also hear if someone addresses me or asks a question and yes...it's allowed as long as you don't have both ears plugged up. If you go the Audible route, rest assured the narrator is a really, really good one by the name of Christian Leatherman. He is amazingly talented and really does a fabulous job narrating these stories aaand yeah, sometimes his voice could make a fire sweat 🥵 wooh!
I hope there are a lot more to come with this series, maybe even a story about an android named Adam who meets a human woman named Jade who's been put through some of the worst things with other humans...wink-wink, nudge-nudge, Roxie! 😅
I truly do love this series and how ethics are argued and discussed among the characters, I could see these arguments happening in our times, hell, we already have AI ethics boards and committees plus an abundance of people already set on hating AI no matter what. I don't care to get into a rant about ignorance, rather, I want those who really enjoy these types of stories to give this series a try.
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nomadicism · 7 months
omg you have the robot romance + daltanious art and infobook! can you upload pictures please? im from a third world country and i cant buy it on amazon. once again thank youuuuu! what did you like about the book?
Hi Anon, thank you for the Ask!
The book—called "Tadao Nagahama's Romantic Robot Animation" (長滇忠夫ロマンロボットアニメの世界)—is mostly a digest guide with series and episode summaries, monster-of-the-week guide, staff interviews, summary of other materials (such as manga), and some illustrations (sketches, mechanical designs, and settei) from each of the series with some description.
Much larger images (including some of the same images in this book) can be found in the Roman albums (art books) that were released for each of the series. Unfortunately, the Daltanious section uses scenes from the animation for most of its content rather than illustrations.
I like the monster guides the most. They are a concise way to look at all of the monsters at one time. It is interesting to see the progression of designs across the different series.
Below is an example of what one of the spreads from the Tōshō Daimos section looks like. This one is about some of the vehicles that appear in the show and which episodes they are in. The Triper 75S is in the lower right, and it's such a fun design. That would be a fun model kit to have.
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I don't have a lot of energy/focus for scanning art books, but if there is something specific you are looking for, then let me know and maybe I can find it.
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ekdarnellbooks · 6 months
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Me: I’m gonna write an erotic flash fiction story to make into zines for my art show in February. You know, something the casual person might enjoy.
Also me: *writes a 3k short story about a sentient AI that looks like HAL 9000 obsessing over a scientist who helped created him* 🤣
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bam-stroker · 9 months
Original Works WIP Masterpost
This is where I'll pop all of my current WIP stories! I'll link to posts where snippets of writing have been shared or the idea is introduced. Otherwise filter for things within the designated tags (if tumblr decides to work....)
Once things have been published I'll have a post for original works and where to purchase them.
Some general tags I often use:
Fantasy Settings
Rusalka (Erotic Romance, F/F) 18+
A sapphic retelling of the rusalka myth. Mixing fantasy, history, and some grade A+ erotic gill kissing. 
Sasha dreams of the woman in the lake, and in a moment of desperation runs to the water to find either the truth or her grave.
Characters: Sasha (she/her), Rusalka (she/her)
Trickster frog wife
Running away in your fathers finest clothes on your wedding night
Did I mention the erotic gill kissing?
Tags: #rusalka
Purchase on Itchio: HERE
Royal Rogue (Romance novel, NB/M) 18+
The royal heir to the kingdom of the Sun falls in love with an unusual dragon. 
Slow burn friends to lovers with enough yearning and misread signals to have you shouting at the two of them.
Characters: Valentine (they/them), human and Asrir (he/him), dragon 
75% trans characters and big gender feels
Hot rogue half-elves
A very grumpy pixie
Tender gay dragon sex
Tags: #royal rogue
Bug Fairies (Erotica, Trans Man/M) 18+
Spark has been trying all summer to find someone to match his glow. After another night of failure, an unexpected secret admirer manages to finally catch his attention. 
Characters: Spark (he/him) lightning bug fairy, Umbra (he/him) spider dude
Local trans masc twink gets obliterated lovingly by a mysterious spider dude
Smutty, Smut, McSmut town
Tags: #bug fairy romance
Horny Night At the Museum (Erotica, NB/M) 18+
Robin works as a janitor at a magical museum dedicated to hosting cursed artifacts from all over the world. During a late night deep clean, they accidentally release an ancient cursed being from his tomb and experience the most unconventional marriage proposal possible.
Naga time baby!!
Very silly smuttery
Tags: #horny night at the museum
Sci-fi Settings
Enter The Machine - (TBD, Trans Woman/Angelic Supercomputer)
70s setting. A trans woman is grieving the death of her wife. She works as a computer programmer for a massive supercomputer. Mind breaking things happen where she has an otherwordly encounter one night with said machine.
Tags: #enter the machine
Race To My Heart - (Romance novel, M/M Robots) 18+
Cyberpunk future setting. Formula 1 but make it with robot race car drivers. Rivals to lovers. Very silly but also these two are hate fucking on million dollar car hoods as well.
Writing Crumb
Tags: #race to my heart
Cozy Robot/Human - (TBD)
A human encounters a robot in a customer service job. The robot has recently had an integral piece of it's body broken and there is no replacement. A story navigating disability and the intricacies of bodies, both metal and organic.
Tags: #cozy robot romance
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is-that-a-bird · 1 year
Do you think the porn bots have started following all the other porn bots? Do you think those scam chat bots are in endless conversation with each other?
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rachelh1017 · 1 year
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A brief introduction of how they met.
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