#Romantic spots in Portugal
travelernight · 5 months
Portugal: Experience The Magic – Top 10 Fairy-Tale Locations You Need To See
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granolarolla · 3 months
In My Solitude
God, but life is loneliness, despite all the opiates, despite the shrill tinsel gaiety of “parties” with no purpose, despite the false grinning faces we all wear. And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter – they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so…
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sgiandubh · 4 months
Señorita Nothingburger
🎶When you see her, say a prayer /And kiss your heart arse goodbye 🎶
Lauren 2.0. Wow: after The Paid Companion, The Wannabe. Unlike the first round of revelations, this time the output has been totally disappointing. Very few things and zero context, which I have to say I was totally expecting, because it didn't exactly fit the agenda being pushed by Marple (amen!). Lightning never strikes the same place twice, right? And then, we had The Follow - a very interesting foolish, yet telling move: but on this, a bit further down the road, mind you.
So, let's ask ourselves along with La Ciccone: '¿Quién es esa niña?' For once, his IG follow has been very explicit:
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Leading whoever to this account...
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Elix Wellness is offering a very specific range of treatments, of which the one for hangovers really got me interested:
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And yeah, even if I have apparently been scooped out by Marple on this one (my bad for sitting on it for a day), shamelessly using my patented methods (that is a lame joke), Lauren 2.0's LinkedIn account is, for once, very clear:
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Her contract as a Travel RN was over by August 2023, as pointed out across the street:
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And then she decided to go independent and open her own company. So, by far not a hooker - decent education, even, at NYU.
Lo and behold, who had Ibuprofen in his hotel room, in May 2023, when they were spotted on that NY Soho terrace, having lunch (didn't we laugh? you bet we did, it was one of my first posts in this fandom!)? S, of course. Hangovers could use both ibuprofen and a good IV cleansing treatment ( see above - such a common offering in that particular town, soon to be out of fashion - but hey: if she believes it can bring money, not my problem).
But... dating her? Not a chance in hell. You see, just a cursory survey of her IG account between the moment her contract as a Travel Registered Nurse was over and the moment her company started to be active, reveals a very busy Mediterranean summer, hitting all the possible cliches:
Before ending that contract, even, some days in Paris with her real interest, (again) checking all the tourist/romantic tropes you can imagine, from dining at the Au pied de cochon restaurant to having a quick macaron bite in the Luxembourg Gardens...
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... then off to Paros, a posh island Greek destination, very much in vogue with the creative crowd, followed by (we are talking mandatory island hopping, here) Mykonos (unapologetically posh and very expensive, LGBTQ+ friendly destination - also beloved by the glam and glitz crowd)
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Oh, hello Soho Roc House, part of the Soho Houses network - rings a bell? What a small world, really.
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... a couple of days in Rome, followed by some quality family time (Mom and Pop, at a minimum) in Puglia, then Croatia (again, the glam crowd of Hvar island), back to Paris for a girls' trip (Montmartre, the Eiffel Tower and a couple other spots in the Marais and around the Rue de Rivoli - cliche forever):
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... then back in Rome for cacio e pepe pasta, Piazza Navona and the Pantheon oculus (artsy girl, told you), followed by Positano and Capri (with Mom and Dad, again). Nothing to write home about, but still trying to sell herself as an up and coming influencer of sorts, perhaps.
Nowhere near S for the entire 2023 Sassenach Summer Tour. How is this equating with dating, that is really beyond me. Seriously. For instance, just before the second sighting, in NYC (June 10, 2023), she was having fun in the Algarve region and Lisbon (of course, Portugal). Probably posted those pics upon her return to NYC:
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Dating? More like convenient pretext. He knew people would hang around that hotel (fans, autograph hunters, etc), especially during OL promo peak time. And he knew someone will take that pic, which was then conveniently placed in *urv's lap, for lengthy talks and more innuendo. Just as the first sighting was conveniently placed in Marple's inbox, to see if topic garners interest and sticks around/can be reused for further shits and giggles. Innuendo and nothing more would be my best bet: neither *urv, nor Marple had ANY positive idea about who she was, back at the time.
And now, the third drop was again placed in Marple's inbox, because attention had to be redirected to this particular gossip topic, in rather dire circumstances following Lauren 1.0.
And for your information, she does not follow S and he does not follow her. But he follows her newly opened joint: hangovers are a bitch, I know.
Why? I think it is clear enough why.
Who dunnit? I will let you draw your own conclusions, really. Again, it is rather plain to see. My belief is that this is not TPTB. And for once, I do not think he met her via Raya. Nope.
I took one for the team and listened to that podcast (if you are very foolish or brave or foolishly brave, you can do the same here: https://youtu.be/vBmcnhe2kwg?si=rRu5YCLHS3eZhuFs ). I mean, what is WRONG with those women? That is legit 14 year old bullshit talk about relationships (or the immature impossibility to have a satisfying one). They essentially explain in that podcast they have trouble decoding 'the man' in some relationships and the way they play out. I was laughing so violently my abs (or lack of them) hurt. At some point, I even thought it was some sort of sophisticated second degree, but NO (#cringe).
Also, I think I should be burning my pineapple pajama summer pants. Seriously. If you listen to the whole bullshit, you'll see there is no damn way to substantiate anything based on that. Zero connection.
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enjoythesilentworld · 3 months
Simon's Month - Travel
day 10! @youngroyals-events <3 tack för allt
Simon and Wille take on a new city, and a new tour, and Simon neglects to read the fine print (again).
Or, FoodTour!Wilmon part 2
read below or on ao3 (M, 2.5k) (cw: implied sexual content)
As it turns out, Wille’s embarking on a solo travel trip had been even more spontaneous than Simon. He’d told Simon, that next morning over breakfast, that he’d spent his whole life having every trip planned out for him down to the second — fancy hotels and yacht tours and five-star restaurants — so he felt it was necessary to try zero planning for once. So, allegedly, he’d just bought the first plane ticket he found and left, and has been living night to night in hostels for a few weeks now. All for the sake of freedom, or choices, or something like that. 
Wille cites this reasoning when Simon asks what he wants to do, and he simply says, “Whatever you want to do. Really, Simon. I just like spending time with you.” 
Simon isn’t totally certain if he’s being truthful. Surely there are other things Wille would rather do than follow Simon around the city all day. But, he’s so flattered by Wille’s adoring gaze and entertained by his jokes that Simon decides to keep him around, anyway. 
They spend a few more days wandering around Barcelona. It’d become obvious that booking romantic food tours, as fun as it had been, wasn’t the most economical activity. So, instead, they hit all the popular spots. They climb to the top of church towers for windy-swept selfies, stealing kisses in the tight stairwells. They get wine-tipsy over lunch then stumble through museums, muffling their giggles into each other’s skin. At the end of each day, they end up on the beach, lounging in chairs and soaking up the sun, or tackling each other into the water and reveling in the coolness of it. 
One of said evenings, still a few hours before sunset, he turns to Wille over their makeshift beach-picnic dinner. 
“Tonight’s my last night here.”
Wille looks at him with guarded eyes. “Where are you off to next?” he asks, casually. 
Simon smiles softly. Clearly, the man is bracing for a goodbye. 
“Porto, Portugal.” 
“I hear it’s beautiful.” 
Simon hums. “Yeah, I’ve heard the same.”
Because Simon’s a bit of a shit and he’s learned enough about Wille in the past few days that he knows he can get away with it, he lets the man squirm for a bit. He watches as Wille tears the label off his soda bottle and begins to shred it into tiny pieces. 
“Where are you going next?” 
Wille shrugs. He looks a bit dejected, but is hiding it well, and Simon cracks. 
“Do you want to come to Porto with me?” Simon asks, then reaches out, grabbing Wille’s hand and stopping his attack on the damp paper label. 
A sunny, hopeful smile grows on Wille’s face, and he squeezes Simon’s hand. 
“Can I?”
Simon nods. “I’d really like it if you did. I hear it’s beautiful.” 
Wille laughs brightly and jumps over the food to tackle Simon back into the sand. Their lips meet in a sloppy kiss, half lips and half teeth because they’re both laughing now. He tastes like soda and strawberries and the warmth of him against Simon feels just as electric as it did earlier today, and the day before that, and on that first day on the pier. 
Through no small feat of luck, they book incredibly cheap flights for the next morning and grow even closer as they navigate the chaos of airports and budget airlines. In less than 24 hours after that short conversation on the beach in Barcelona, they’re standing, shoulder to shoulder, at the front desk of a hostel in Porto. 
“Private room? Or bunks in a dorm?” 
“Uh—” Simon stutters, glancing over at Wille. 
Somehow, during the hours they’d spent the night before, huddled around Simon’s phone in the hostel bar, looking up places to visit in this new city, this part had not come up. There was definitely a growing tension between them. There was only so much making out one could do before it got to be too much, and slipping into a bunk with eight other people in the room wasn’t exactly mood-setting. Maybe when he was 16, he would’ve let Wille ravish him in the hallway, stumbling down to their shared dorm room, without caring if they might be seen. Unfortunately, now that he’s an adult, he’s not too keen about the idea of stripping down for a quick one in a hostel bunk. Still, Simon would most definitely like to have a private room, so he could finally put his hands on Wille for real, but he didn’t want to presume—
“Private,” Wille says slowly, almost a question, meeting Simon’s eye. Simon bites back his grin and gives a single nod. Wille nods, too, then, more sure this time, repeats, “Private. Please.” 
Out of the corner of his eye, Simon sees the small smirk on the face of the front desk person.
It’s still too early to get into their room, so they drop their bags and head out onto the streets, slowly meandering their way towards the river that flows through the city. Though it’d been a bit of a joke before, Porto really is beautiful with its colorful buildings, charming squares, and unreal views of terracotta roofs by the water. That, along with the low hum of people and Wille’s hand in his, brings a certain comfort to Simon. They have nowhere to be, nothing to do, except be with each other and walk down these stone streets, smiling at street vendors and pointing out pretty architecture. 
After some time of chatting and leisurely strolling along the river, they settle down for a late lunch, at a beautiful little cafe near the river, and Wille says, “We should do another tour of some sort.” 
“You’re just flush for cash, aren’t you?” Simon teases. 
He blushes lightly. “I just meant— You took me on a tour date, even if it had been a sort of accident, it feels only right that I get to take you on one now.” 
“Oh, was that a date?”
Wille sticks out his tongue and steals a bite off Simon’s plate. They get distracted for a moment, taking food from each other and laughing. Simon accidentally dips his forearm in a bit of sauce in the process and Wille licks it off sloppily. In order to not think too hard about that, Simon scrunches his face in mock disgust and pushes Wille away, giggling. 
Once they are back seated mostly in their own chairs, though they’ve shifted to sit a bit closer to each other now, Simon asks, “What kind of tour were you thinking?”
“Well,” Wille starts slowly, “I was thinking we could just do one of those sightseeing tours. You know, where you hire someone to drive you around and you see all the big attractions?” 
Simon nods, then tilts his head in confusion when Wille chews on his lip for a moment, nervous eyes flickering over Simon’s face, before continuing, “Maybe that way we get all those done in one day and we’ll have more time to spend,” he leans forward slightly, “in that private room of ours.” 
“I see,” Simon muses, leaning forward as well, until there’s only an inch or two separating them. 
“I just wish I could have one minute alone with you,” Wille breathes, gaze flitting between Simon’s eyes and lips, “without a dozen other people around.”
“We’ll just have to make that happen,” Simon whispers and moves the rest of the way to close the gap between them. It is a soft, rather quick kiss, but it holds a promise, for later. 
Though Wille refuses to let Simon pay anything, they scroll through websites together, deciding on a car tour around Porto. Simon does the booking, claiming that Portuguese is much closer to Spanish, and he’ll have an easier time making sure everything is booked correctly. That being said, he is a little distracted by thoughts of their previous conversation, and thoughts of finally having Wille alone tonight. Somehow, he successfully books their tour, handing the phone to Wille to complete the payment, and then they abandon their meal to chase each other back to the hostel. 
Simon thought he’d learned his lesson last time. Apparently he had not. (Although, with how last time had gone, with what — who — he’d found as a result of his lack of reading, there hadn’t been much of a lesson to learn. Except, maybe, don’t read the fine print and you might just find the potential love of your life.) 
The next afternoon, after many hours spent in bed but very little sleep, they show up to the agreed upon meeting place and find the small, retro car parked along the street. A small, older woman hops out of the car and greets them with a wide smile. 
She introduces herself as Leonora and they go through a whole bout of pleasantries and explanations of things to come on the tour. Then, just as Wille and Simon slide into the backseat, she asks, “So, how is the honeymoon so far?”
A small laugh bubbles up from Simon’s chest. “I’m sorry?” 
“Oh,” Leonora glances at them in the rearview, eyebrows knitted, as she drives off towards their first destination, “Did I read the reservation wrong? You booked the honeymoon package, did you not?” 
Simon tries to think back to the booking website, all the English mixed in with Portuguese and the not-built-for-mobile website. But, all his mind returns are flashes of Wille’s tongue and eyes and hands and the things he whispered in Simon’s ear. 
Floundering for how to respond, Simon turns to look at Wille, who’s grinning at him with bright, amused eyes. 
“That’s right,” Wille says cheerily, keeping his eyes locked on Simon. “The honeymoon is going great, thank you.”
He gives Simon a tiny shrug, as if to say, Why not? 
And, well, they’d seemingly successfully convinced everyone on that food tour that they were together, when really they’d just met. It wasn’t too far of a jump to pretend they’d just gotten married, even though they’d only known each other for a few days. 
It really has only been a few days, but Simon feels like it’s been longer, like he’s known Wille for years. It’s simply so easy for Simon, being with Wille. Spending time with him and listening to him ramble about art and architecture. Kissing him and running hands over his skin, trying to pull as many desperate sounds as possible. 
“Yes, I’d say it’s going very well.” Simon smiles back at him and slides across the seat to tuck into Wille’s side, placing a warm hand on his thigh. 
Leonora coos at them from the front, but thankfully doesn’t ask any questions about their non-existent wedding. Instead, she points out buildings as they pass, explaining the history and adding little personal anecdotes. 
In a sly attempt to figure out exactly what they’ve signed up for with the ‘honeymoon package’, Simon asks what the difference is between their tour and a normal tour. Apparently, along with stopping by some of the more romantic churches and gardens and lookouts in Porto, they’ll finish the tour along the coast, with a pre-organized dinner on the beach. 
It’s all rather nice, and Leonora gives a wonderful tour, but no matter what he does, Simon can’t really make himself pay attention. He tells himself it’s to convince their tour guide that they’re actually on their honeymoon, but, really, Simon just can’t keep his hands off Wille. He’s nearly sitting in the man’s lap by their third stop in the city, whispering jokes in his ear and doing everything he can to steal kisses whenever possible. Wille doesn’t seem too upset about it, giggling ceaselessly at Simon’s comments about the silly American tourists and every phallic-shaped sculpture they pass, one hand around Simon’s waist and the other holding his hand. 
Presumably because this is how every honeymoon package tour goes, Leonora doesn’t seem too plussed about it, either, continuing to spout facts about the sights even when Simon and Wille get a little too lost in each other. They do break apart occasionally for Wille to ask a question about some art installation or for both of them to hop out of the car to grab a sweet drink from a street vendor. 
Eventually, they make it to the coast, and they roll the windows down and turn the music up loud, and Simon realizes he’s missed most of the tour, too busy ‘pretending’ to be drunk in love on his honeymoon, which doesn’t feel too much like pretending anymore. Wille’s hair is whipped wild by the wind and his smile is so wide. He reaches out with both hands towards Simon, cupping his face and bringing him in for a giggly kiss. 
“Today has been really fun,” he murmurs into Simon’s ear, nipping lightly as he does so. 
Simon gulps down a breath of the fresh, salty air and tucks his face into the space between Wille’s collar and his jawline. Pure joy and heat spreads across his body.
“Yes, it has.”
Leonora pulls the car up to a parking lot, and guides them down the beach a ways, which is surprisingly uncrowded. They are led into a small cove, a spot of sand hidden away from view of the rest of the beach, tucked into the rocks. Inside the cove, there’s a small table set up with a grazing display for dinner, scattered rose petals, and a pile of pillows and blankets off to the side. 
Their tour guide bids them goodbye for now, saying she’ll be back with the car in two hours. 
Officially alone, Simon laughs at the ridiculousness as Wille takes his hand and leads him closer to the table. The food spread is a fancier version of the lunch picnic they’d been having when Simon invited Wille to join him here in Porto, all the way down to the bottles of chilled champagne and sparkling grape juice for them to sip on.
“How did we not notice the price of this? There’s no way all this was cheap,” Simon asks, looking around at everything with wide eyes. 
Wille chuckles and wraps himself around Simon from behind. “We were a little distracted when we booked it, if I remember correctly.” 
Simon hums, “I suppose we were,” and tilts his head back to rest onto Wille’s shoulder, exposing his neck to the man and enjoying the warmth of his hands on Simon’s hips.
Wille takes the invitation in stride, attaching his lips to a spot of skin under Simon’s jaw, then nipping and sucking lightly.
“Do you think we should eat first,” A kiss to his jaw, fingerprints pressing into skin, “or take advantage of this private spot of beach first?” 
Hands roving now, Simon bites back the low sound crawling up his throat. He pretends to consider, but quickly loses his train of thought when a finger dips into the waistband of his pants. 
“We did the food tour thing already,” Simon breathes, and Wille’s giggle vibrates across his skin.
They nearly fall over into the sand as they stumble, laughing, unwilling to let go of each other, over to the makeshift beach bed and fall into the pillows together.
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Anons questioning the scare videos and pictures;
Face value, they look cute and playful, but the fandom did digging and ones who know his house layout of the ones in his house proved that they knew where the other was at all times and just reacted for the camera in the right moment. They were not genuine at all - Chris literally looks at the camera in one before screaming.
The ones in the hotels, people were able to find the exact hotel layouts and prove that specifically, in one of them, Alba literally had to walk by Chris and still pretended he "jumped" out at her and scared her. (Nancy proved the hotel room floor plan over on her page. 🙄 Another one, the hotel scare where he walks to the chair in blue sweatpants and white sneaks - there are literally at least 4 other people in the hotel room from the amount of champaign glasses, beers, and comped Captain America Cookies and pulled out chairs facing eachother, like it was a meeting. (Plus, Maddy proved it was a smart screen in the mirror reflection projecting an image of Chris' face. So tell me, why were they at a meeting together, in Portugal, in a hotel, with comped cookies and drinks, with multiple people and his picture being shown on a presentation screen...?) Chris also looks in the camera before screaming in this one.
The scare video of him falling to the floor in the basement was literally taken the same night Scott posted a scare video of him scaring Chris in the same spot. So Alba copied for content and they really thought it was a good idea to include that one, because one she was touching him and two, they didn't know just how deep the fandom would dig yet.
Hence the VDay picture drops (in my opinion.) They looked more cute and touchy and whoever thought the fandom couldn't pick them apart. Wrong. Lily proved the kissing photo was a rental 3 row car, with the two of them in the middle seat and the awkward ass angle was made to look like alba took it and Chris was driving. He was not, she did not; and someone else took it. (That was supposed to be their best kissing photo in a year long private relationship... yikes on what didnt make the cut. 🤣) They included photos of eachother by themselves, taken by other people (example - her in the red dress - her mother took it.) And then why not just use a side by side, cuddling photo under the Northern Lights to use? Instead they did seperate ones looking up at the stars...as if that was all they had. And then Finland, oh my god, that was made to look like a romantic vacation for 2...and Maddy proved it was like a 14 person suite and there was a huge pile of suitcases in the background of what she got "scared" All the photos they included are from the same days of others, or both randomly hugging with headphones in their ears....
it's all fucking weird. They could have done this normally by just posting a single photo - or not!! Like Chris has in the past. Never one online acknowledged a girlfriend because he doesn't give a fuck. He just...shows up in public with them one day and holds their hand and smiles and is proud to be them....all what Alba hasn't gotten.
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Thanks Anon 😁 The blogs did a great job at tearing everything apart. Fans who have not followed the discussion should check out the archives of the blogs. It's all there.
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Bit of Nedport can never go wrong!
The oil glinted on his fingers as Portugal ran his hand down the length of the Netherland’s back. He could feel the knots in the muscles, and there were so many of them. He said, as he started to work on a particular spot, “What have you been doing to be such a mess?”
He rolled his palm over a knot on his shoulder. The Netherlands made a contented groan and answered, “Fighting. Fighting your brother, fighting Francis, fighting Arthur.” He paused and then added, in a tone that told Portugal that he was smirking, “Fighting you too.”
Portugal hated being reminded of the fact that they had only recently made peace with one another. He pressed particularly hard on a knot and heard the hiss as the Netherlands pulled a breath in through his teeth.
He said, “Not so hard.” Portugal released the pressure and said, “Then don’t be an ass.”
The Netherlands turned his head enough so that he could look up at Portugal and said, “I can’t help myself. You look so attractive when you are angry.”
Portugal felt his cheeks flush. He always felt so defenseless to that suggestive look, the one that told him exactly what the Netherlands thought of him. He could feel his body reacted, and he was certain that Netherlands could too with the way that he was straddling his back.
Trying to focus, he cleared his throat and said, “Do you want this massage or not?”
The Netherlands flashed him another quick smile before turning his head again and answered, “Yes, your hands feel so good. You have rough sailor’s hands.”
Portugal was tempted to ask whether that was meant as a compliment. But he knew that it was. For a man who practically lived on the sea, there was no greater compliment.
He started to work again, moving his hand from one spot to another, where there was a scar. The injury was new, at least since Portugal had last seen his shirt off. He asked, “What happened here?”
He started to massage around the scar and heard the Netherlands let out another grateful noise. Portugal had no doubt that the contact made the scar tissue feel less tense. The Netherlands answered the question, “It was a battle with Arthur. He hit my mast with grapeshot, and I took a piece of it right there.”
Portugal replied, “Poor thing. It looks like it hurt.”
The Netherlands moved slightly to push the massage deeper into the scar tissue. He replied, “I am going to have my payback. I’ve been improving my fleet. He has no idea what is coming.”
Portugal didn’t quite like the vindictive edge to his tone. It sounded so harsh and determined. Portugal sighed and said, “How long is this going to go on?”
The Netherlands turned his head again to look at him as he said, “How long will what last?”
Portugal knew it would be a hard thing to say, but it had been weighing on his mind for a while. He chose his words carefully, “The wars every couple years.”
The Netherlands wrinkled his forehead and said, his tone cold and steely, “Until everyone learns not to interfere with my business interests.”
He must have seen Portugal’s face fall, because he immediately added in a softer tone, “What is wrong?”
Portugal tried to gather his thoughts as he said, “You promised that when I got away from Antonio, we’d have time together. You’ve been too busy with all this fighting for that.”
The Netherlands answered quickly, “What is this then?”
Portugal gave him a look that he hoped communicated that he didn’t count occasionally romantic moments as enough. He didn't even need to say that he'd initiated this meeting because he'd missed him.
The Netherlands seemed to understand, and he said, “Come here.” Portugal leaned in and the Netherlands turned so that he was facing up. He reached up and stroked Portugal’s hair as he said, “I love you, and we will have time for each other. I promise.”
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balladofthecernegiant · 9 months
❝ when i see initials carved into a tree with a heart i think it's so romantic. two lovers on a date ... one of them carrying a knife for some reason. ❞
(Do not post if off anon please)
It was a lonely trail - one that wound through the woods, a sense of refuge that England willingly slipped into whenever he rambled along. To see the initials carved into a tree stirred some conflicted feelings in England’s heart, the man’s nose wrinkling with thinly-veiled judgement. ‘’Who the fuck would do that?’’ He scoffed disgustedly, running his hand over the cracked and chipped bark;
Some sappy couples initials in the middle of a crudely drawn heart, a jagged shape - thousands of centuries this tree had stood, and now some idiot had scrawled some tat on the tree (England’s nose wrinkled with disdain). ‘’It’s bloody stupid.’’ Portugal shrugged, humming thoughtfully - regarding the initials with grace, head tilting slightly. It was a lonely spot in the midst of the woods and Portugal had never been much for long, muddy hikes (and he had left his scarf at home; England hardly the most sympathetic, shrugging absent-mindedly and informing him that there was no such thing as bad weather, only poor preparation). ‘’I think it’s romantic.’’ He remarked, hoping to spare this unknown couple the weight of England’s judgement; As far as Portugal was concerned, scrawlings were as much a part of Mankind as anything else (Handprints on cave walls, the etchings of names and ‘I was here’ on city walls - How many times had mankind sought to make a mark?) ‘’Two lovers on a date. One of them carrying a knife for some reason.’’ He remarked. 
‘’Romantic?’’ England paused, chewing his lip as Portugal leaned against him; The weight of his body (A familiar one; How often had England carried him off the battlefield?) against his side, the man’s brows furrowing - knitted in concentration as he glared at the initials quietly. ‘’I suppose it fits the definition.’’ He groused quietly, wrapping an arm around Portugal. ‘’I-’’ ‘’Hmm?’’ Portugal replied innocently. ‘’Finish your sentence, England.’’ ‘’Get your hand off my arse.’’ England sniped back, a furtive glance cast down at either side of the path - empty, devoid of any would-be on-lookers. As usual. ‘’It can’t be that romantic?’’ 
Portugal snickered (a sound so golden - that England wanted to hold him tight to his chest, and never let him go, wanted to hear it again). ‘’Come on-’’ He implored, humming as he looked up at England with a wry smile. ‘’-It’s nice to know that someone gets a chance to have some fun.’’ He gestured towards the initials with a jerk of his head (They never did something so whimsical - and a century ago, Portugal might have regarded it as shallow, as foppish - but now, all he felt was a sense of longing, plucking at his heartstrings like a lute). 
‘’We had fun-!’’ England retorted defensively, bristling. ‘’I-’’ A furious buzz rose in his chest, a thorny tangle of irritation and fear that England knew he had no business trying to unpick. ‘’I’ll write your name on a tree. Stick a heart around it sometime.’’ He leaned down to peck Portugal on the cheek, wrapping his hand around Portugal’s - and squeezing it affectionately. 
‘’How sweet of you.’’ 
England huffed softly, humming as he felt Portugal’s hand trace the small of his back; His husband’s palm found itself nestled in the soft of his spine, gently toying with the results of a life better suited to comfort, to peace (and to finally hanging his war-hammer, never to swing again). Portugal continued to rub England’s back, and the man leaned slowly into the touch with a soft croon; Brows furrowing as he felt a dim sense of shame, conscious of the open air as his husband’s fingers found his belt - and it was then that England spoke. ‘’Not here.’’ ‘’No?’’ Portugal asked softly. ‘’I can wait till we’re home.’’ England bit his lip, before nodding quietly. With one last glance at the initials, England took Portugal’s hand and the two of them slowly walked out of the woods; The air thrummed with a heady sense of warmth as they approached their drive, then their door and finally their room. ‘’You’re insatiable.’’ England growled, kissing Portugal’s collarbone as they dropped into their bed with a soft thwump, his shirt slowly being shucked off by Portugal’s hands. ‘’You remember when we met in that tavern-’’ Candlelit memories, the smell of ale and wine making England’s hands feel heavy as he held Portugal; He had been mute for much of the occasion, tongue like a slug with Portugal shining above him. ‘’-I thought you were the Sun.’’   
‘’Are you going to quote Romeo and Juliet?’’ Portugal huffed softly, as he worshipped England’s broad, hairy chest, resting an ear against where his heartbeat thudded. ‘’You need to quote something else one of these days, England-’’ He teased, straddling the man’s waist and leaning forward to press a kiss (hungry - heavy with desire, as he began to undo England’s belt slowly; Fingers tracing along the thick hairs of his groin - a shiver creeping up Portugal’s spine) to England’s round belly, humming as he squeezed his love handles. 
A gleam in his eye, England growled softly as Portugal’s hips ground against his crotch; A budding warmth began between his legs and grew steadily along his body, until England’s neck became flushed red. ‘’Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s Day-!’’ He crowed loudly, biting his lip as Portugal pushed up his doughy gut and began to tug his underwear off. ‘’Thou art more-!’ A catch of skin between Portugal’s teeth, as the man left a stinging love-bite against his thigh, England drawing in a soft breath. ‘’-More lovely and more temperate-!’’ 
‘’Oh my God-’’ Portugal groaned softly, kissing a line up England’s thighs tenderly; Hands palming the swell of his arse, drinking in every curve that had formed in these long, good years (and Portugal knew well that England was still capable of hoisting him up; Only last week had England jerked him up against the wall, a growl in his throat - playing the role of the roguish pirate well). ‘’-Do you ever shut up?’’ He came to the base of England’s cock, kissing it tenderly as he nuzzled close to his balls; A deep-set hunger creeping in his belly as he pressed himself close to England, holding onto his thighs as he pushed England’s legs apart. 
‘’Ahn-’’ The man cleared his throat, trying to catch himself as Portugal’s tongue brushed against his cock; Hand balling into a fist, England slowly propped himself up and grimaced as Portugal’s teeth grazed against the bristly skin of his crotch. ‘’-R-rough winds do…’’ He trailed off, England’s cheeks flushing red (the colour plunged down to his collarbone - to his broad shoulders as Portugal sucked against his warm skin, hands squeezing his heavy balls tenderly).
‘’-Sha-ah-ke! The darling b-buds of Maa-ahh-y!’’ England frowned, growling softly as Portugal’s lips wrapped around the shaft of his cock; Tongue bobbing against its head. 
Portugal moaned softly, as he took the entire thing in - water budding at the corner of his eyes as he felt it throb against the back of his throat, Portugal pressing his forehead to England’s belly as the other man bit back a moan; The poetry was still going, intermittent - but still very much determined to finish, to Portugal’s astonishment. ‘’You absolute moron…’’ He huffed, kissing England’s belly as he wrapped a hand around England’s cock, pumping up and down. 
‘’Ngh-!’’ He huffed, biting his lip. ‘’-And summer lease hath all too-!’’ Cum budded at the tip of his cock, Portugal leaning down to lick it off with a trained tongue - England’s chest heaving as England leaned back, groaning as he felt stars flash behind his eyes (a dazzling wonder, Portugal’s tongue coaxing the moan from England’s lips. ‘’-Shooort a daahhhte!’’ He bit back a dizzying gasp - frustration sparking for a moment as Portugal dragged his tongue slowly along the length of his cock; His leg twitched, knocking his husband in the side of his head.
Portugal groaned as he milked England’s cock, thick thighs muffing around his ears as England ground his heels against the bed; A heady high had been reached and Portugal could sense England’s mounting frustration at being teased, a wry smirk dancing in his eyes as his husband’s voice trailed off - moans and soft whines replacing what had been very shameless reciting of Shakespeare’s poetry, to another sound (equally as poetic to him). He swallowed dutifully, slowly sitting up as England lounged against the pillows, panting softly as he slowly crawled over to join his husband’s side. ‘’Finally got you to shut up.’’ He teased. England growled, rolling over slowly as he kissed Portugal - a rumbling chuckle from his chest as he reached over to tease the bulge in his pants. ‘’Not done yet.’’ He huffed, tucking his fingers against Portugal’s thick cock, rubbing tenderly along the length as Portugal sucked in a deep breath. ‘’Stop looking so stoic, Port~’’ England crooned, as his husband looked elegantly away - England’s ministrations stepping up a pace, as he squeezed a hand around Portugal’s shaft, pumping up and down in slow, languid strokes. ‘’Sometimes…too hot the eye of Heaven shines.’’ Portugal’s eyes flashed with disbelief, a gentle coo coiling in Portugal’s voice as he leaned his head back to savour England’s rough palm on his cock. ‘’Are you fucking serious-?’’ England shook his head, purring as he leaned over to kiss Portugal tenderly (Along the length and line of Portugal’s scars, savouring the taut skin. ‘’No, I’m fucking you.’’ England teased, running the pad of his thumb over the head of Portugal’s cock - ignoring the eyeroll as he squeezed his husband’s warm shaft, kissing and sucking against Portugal’s taut pecs, humming softly. ‘’And often is his gold complexion dimm’d; And every fair from fair sometimes declines,’’ England’s eyes flashed as Portugal twitched, his fist turning hard around Portugal’s thick member, a bite against his neck as he moaned. ‘’Don’t come yet.’’ ‘’England-’’ ‘’I haven’t finished my poem.’’ Portugal flashed him a furious look, only for England to catch his lips; Teeth biting and tugging as he pushed himself against his husband’s broad belly, cupping and squeezing his curves, an attempt to leave a mark on England - just as England left a mark on him, nibbling his collarbone and sucking his pecs. ‘’You’re an absolute damn-’’ He sucked in a deep breath as England continued - his fingers trailing to the curly hair at the base of his cock. ‘’-Fuckwit.’’ 
‘’By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;’’ England purred, a coy glance at Portugal’s pubic hair that made goosebumps bloom across his tanned skin; How many times had England eaten from him, moaning and talking about how damn warm Portugal was down there? ‘’But by thy eternal summer shall not fade, nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st.’’ England rested his head on Portugal’s chest - hand trailing lazily up Portugal’s shaft, tight as cum welled up inside him, hot and sticky as Portugal let a pleading keen. ‘’Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; Nor shall death brag thou wonder’st in his shade-’’ ‘’How fucking long is this stupid poem?!’’ Portugal snapped suddenly, a spurt of cum trickling down from his head - budding like a flower, dribbling over England’s knuckles. ‘’Ngh~ You better put that mouth to other good use.’’ He growled (Reminiscent of that soldier he had once been; Staring England down with a steely look in his eyes, as he made England kneel and England had - surprisingly - complied). ‘’Get on your knees and suck me off, and stop reciting Shakespeare for five seconds so I can finally damn cum.’’ Portugal trailed off into a plea, watching England consider this - a thoughtful look on his face, before he nodded. ‘’Sorry.’’ He shuffled down between Portugal's legs - a series of apologetic kisses along the length of his tanned legs, tender and loving as he finally approached Portugal’s abused cock. It throbbed before England, red and swollen and angry. ‘’I apologise, dear-’’ He kissed the member slowly, running his tongue up its length before swallowing it - moaning as he wrapped his lips around the cock and sucked, gasping as Portugal came in spurts, almost choking as Portugal’s slender legs looped over his shoulders, holding him close as England dutifully swallowed - groaning as he pressed himself close to his husband.
And close to his husband he remained, once they had cleaned and washed; A cosy silence setting in as England wrapped an arm around his husband gently. Coyishly, England bent to whisper into Portugal’s ear with a gentle croon. ‘’When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st-’’ A kiss to his cheek, as Portugal huffed - kissing England back warmly. ‘’-So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee.’’ He finished with a sigh, cupping Portugal’s cheeks - as he pulled him close for another kiss, hungry and affectionate and loving. ‘’...Finished now!’’
Portugal snorted, rolling his eyes - collapsed by England’s side, hand draped over England’s chest and head resting on his shoulders in a cat-like fashion. ‘’You’re such a soppy old bag.’’ ‘’Oi-!’’
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fatherramiro · 2 years
Fic-Specific Asks: for "and we'll go dancing ('til it all starts over again)" - can I request BTS & For Want Of A Nail (what happens to Ramiro and Ángel in an AU where they never have to board the Kerberos?) Please and thank you!
YES GOOD OKAY this is going to be long but, here we go! For those who haven't read the fic yet, here is the link!
Behind the Scenes - The passage I've chosen is as follows:
He was waiting for Ángel to roll him over onto his stomach and make quick work of it. After all, that was how his previous encounters with men had been. No one had wanted to stay for long. But Ángel seemed content to keep Ramiro on his back, drawing pleasurable sighs from him over and over. 
So, originally, this fic was going to be smuttier and talk a lot more about Ramiro's past relationships. I truly think that Ramiro hasn't had a lot of long-term romantic relationships in his life, and just as he becomes the first person who's ever loved Ángel back, Ángel is the first person who's ever loved him back as well. I've always interpreted Ramiro as being someone who'd want a partner, someone who loves him and who he can be himself with (which is what Ángel also wants, if he'd ever admit it). Ramiro is used to being left behind, at this point in his life - he's never been in reciprocated love, he's on his own, even his faith is somewhat gone. But then there's Ángel, who's not only made this grand declaration of how he sees him, but is showing that to him physically in this moment. It's not just about Ángel's pleasure, it's not just about Ángel getting off, it's about Ángel making Ramiro feel good in the same moment. That, in my opinion, is the more definite moment of Ángel being honest about his feelings in the fic - because Ángel's a good liar but he doesn't lie in this moment with his actions.
For Want of a Nail:
(warning: sad ending)
If they don't have to board the Kerberos, if they're not wanted men, I think they still talk about leaving Spain together. Or even just going somewhere where they're able to hide, where no one will find them and know them and they can just be Ángel and Ramiro. Maybe they even plan it - Ramiro saves up as much as he can and Ángel tries to hide some money away as well. They'll escape and they'll be free.
But this isn't some sort of bedtime story for children, and the world is far too harsh for a happy ending. The night they're supposed to leave, Ángel is caught slipping away from the house. His mother gives him an ultimatum: either he can stay, and get married, and live the life he's supposed to be living, or she'll have Ramiro arrested for stealing the money Ángel was hiding away. Facing the idea of losing Ramiro to prison, Ángel makes the last selfless decision he'll ever make. He doesn't go to Ramiro that night.
Ramiro waits at their meeting spot all night. When he tries to return to the house, to make sure Ángel is alright, he's told he's been dismissed. He's out on the street with just his belongings and a desperate hope that maybe Ángel will still escape. That they'll be together.
He's at the church on the outskirts of town one evening, praying for a miracle or guidance or something, when Ángel arrives. But before Ramiro can talk to him, or even approach him, the priest is there. He congratulates Ángel on his upcoming wedding and says they certainly have much to discuss. Ángel looks like he's facing the noose, but he nods and forces a smile and says they do.
Ramiro can't stay. He can't listen to this, he can't bear this sudden shrieking grief inside him. So he gets up to leave, half thinking of how he'll leave the town tonight. He'll return home to Portugal, and he'll rebuild something there. He will endure this. He will survive this.
He stops at the church door though, and he hesitates once before turning around. The priest is already halfway to his office but Ángel is standing there, looking at Ramiro with unguarded adoration.
For a moment, they simply look at each other. They see each other. And then Ramiro shuts the door.
He never sees Ángel again.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
1710, Guangzhou, China
On the night of the Razing of Guangzhou...
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“So you remember the fruit stand lady? Miss Ju?”
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“The big bosomed bird Father Fu-Lam and Mrs. Cheung kept trying to engage you with? How can I forget? No one would stop talking about you two being together, even though she has no interest in you either, I think.”
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“Indeed, Father Fu-Lam was trying to get me and Miss Ju to marry. Though I got to know Miss Ju a bit more. Well, we got to talking, and this time around…
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“We mutually agreed to marry! Want to know why?”
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“W-What?!!? Wh-”
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“Miss Ju is also homosexual! She has a girlfriend she’s been seeing for years! Foreign too! From Portugal! And they’re trying to keep this relationship a secret too!”
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“You’re kidding me!!”
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“Why would I? So while no one was looking and Miss Ju and I were alone, we talked about our secret relationships. We decided that, to get Father Fu-Lam and Mrs. Cheung and everyone else off our backs about marriage, Ju and I marry each other–but have you as our real lovers! That way I can still love you and Ju can still love Miss Ana! My marriage to Miss Ju will just be a front!”
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“That’s brilliant, San-Gwong! So the gimmel rings are for you and Miss Ju?”
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“Actually, no. Miss Ju and I will have a traditional Chinese wedding, and that won’t involve gimmel rings. These rings are specifically-....
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“Well… specifically for you and me. For us.”
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“Us?!?! How are we going to be married alongside you and Miss Ju?!”
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“I hear men get married all the time in Europe, right? It’s just called something else besides actual marriage! And your Captain can marry us! Ship captains can officiate in marrying people too!”
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“All right… First of all, you’re thinking of a matelotage. As in ‘seamanship’ in French. It functions similarly like marriage; except this is where two men can share incomes, and if one partner passes, his mate can inherit his passes. It doesn’t have to be romantic–in fact, more often than not it’s purely done for economic reasons. Or abused in other ways like with senior sailors taking advantage of significantly younger subordinates.”
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“Secondly, San-Gwong… even if you stay true to me and Miss Ju stays true to Ana, you marrying me would have you commit bigamy. Which may be fine for your Chinese emperors and son-less homes, but not so much in a Christian mission.”
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“O-oh.. so you- …. You are refusing… my proposal to you?”
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“No, San-Gwong. I do want to marry you.”
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“You do?!” San-Gwong looks like he could fly to the moon on the spot.
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“Well, have a matelotage with you alongside your legal marriage. To be your matelot. It may not be seen as valid or celebrated as your marriage to Miss Ju, and I’m not even sure if a man can have a matelotage in addition to a traditional marriage. But-....
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“...I do want to make something official with you. Something to be recognized out in the open. Though we won’t be needing gimmel rings for that. We would just sign papers and such.”
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“Oh…. that is so-.... Simple…
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“I-... guess I can sell these rings back…”
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“...Maybe it can be a symbolic marriage. So even Europeans will stop harassing you too. And my Crew knows about me so I can tell strangers about having a wife that doesn’t exist. I can just say she died and I’m not marrying again so the ring is for sentimental reasons only.”
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“That’s an idea!! So will your Captain marry us?”
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“Well…. That will involve you actually being willing to share our secret…”
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“I’m ready and willing to share it with them! Captain Josep and Madame Abena are so kind to me, I almost feel like I have a mother and father again! Ruixiong has been the greatest friend in the world! Phoebus and Mr. Rashid are great friends too! And I want to get to know your friend Giovanni more as well! I’m saddened how every time I try to talk to him he seems to walk away, and that’s a shame because he seems to be the only one in your Crew besides Ruixiong who can fluently speak Yue!”
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“He… can be shy like that. Which is weird because he otherwise loves making friends. I don’t understand why he avoids everyone here in Guangzhou so much. It might have to do with an argument he had with Captain Josep about a week ago.
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“Anyway! How do you want to do this? Do you want to discuss how we can set up a matelotage with Captain Josep? I’m not fully sure how they work either, as in I don’t know if you have to be a sailor too.”
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“We can ask him tomorrow. Father Fu-Lam is actually expecting me tonight to discuss my wedding with Miss Ju. I haven’t told Sing-Lung yet, I was so excited to talk to you first…”
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“Oh, don’t worry about that! I’ll just tell Sing-Lung that Father Fu-Lam called you first so you may have to eat your baozi at another time.”
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“He’s going to get mad…”
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“I’ll try it on your behalf. As long as it’s not pork, that is. I’ll see you later, San-Gwong.” Guy then gives San-Gwong a quick peck on the cheek.
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San-Gwong returns the kiss. “I’ll see you later, Guy! I can’t wait until tomorrow!”
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“I can’t either! Farewell!”
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thegreenvoyage · 2 years
13 Best Beach Clubs Lisbon (2023)
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Lisbon is one of the top destinations when finding the perfect spot to spend your summer days. With its crystal-clear waters, golden sand beaches, and lively atmosphere, there's no doubt that this area is ideal for a leisurely vacation. Whether you want to sunbathe on the beach or enjoy cocktails by the water, you'll find the perfect spot here. So whether you're looking for a laid-back day by the sea or some more adventurous activities, these 13 beach clubs in Lisbon are sure to fit the bill. Table of ContentsTop Categories of Beach Clubs in Lisbon Overview 1- Beach Clubs in Lisbon for Families 2- Beach Clubs in Lisbon to Party 3- Beach Clubs in Lisbon on a budget 4- Luxury Beach Clubs in Lisbon 5- Beach Clubs in Lisbon for Couples & Honeymoons Lisbon Quick Guide What are the best beach clubs in Lisbon? 1.    SUD Lisboa Beach Club 2.    Bar Moinho 3.    Kailua Fonte da Telha 4.    Bar do Guincho 5.    Rampa Beach Club 6.    Cabana Beach Bar 7.    Costa in Beach Bar 8.    Yamba Beach Club 9.    Gemeos Bar 10. K Urban Beach Club 11. Lisboa Rio 12. Classico Beach Club 13. Tamariz Beach Club Best Things to Do in Lisbon 1. Enjoy the fun 2. Feel the sand 3. Enjoy the nightlife Lisbon Travel Essentials Conclusion Top Categories of Beach Clubs in Lisbon Overview 1- Beach Clubs in Lisbon for Families There are plenty of family-friendly beach clubs in Portugal, and Bar Moinho is one of them. This bar has a wide range of drinks, food, and plenty of seating. The beach is only a few minutes away, and there's also a pool and plenty of sun loungers for visitors. (number 2 on the list) 2- Beach Clubs in Lisbon to Party Cabana Beach Bar! This nightclub is perfect for party-goers looking for a night out on the town. A wide range of drinks and snacks are available at the hotel, as well as a swimming pool and a dance floor. (number 6 on the list) 3- Beach Clubs in Lisbon on a budget Costa In Beach Bar! This club is perfect for budget-conscious travellers looking for a night out on the town. There's a range of drinks and food available at low prices, as well as a pool and dancefloor. (number 7 on the list) 4- Luxury Beach Clubs in Lisbon Kailua Fonte da Telha! The luxurious accommodations at this beach club are ideal for couples seeking a romantic getaway. Drinks and snacks are available, as well as a pool and spa. (number 3 on the list) 5- Beach Clubs in Lisbon for Couples & Honeymoons Check out Yamba Beach Club if you prefer a quieter, more relaxed experience. This club is perfect for couples looking for a romantic escape. (number 8 on the list) Lisbon Quick Guide Here are a few resources that you may find helpful in Lisbon. Popular Hotel Stays in Lisbon: - Room007 Select Liberdade - Browns Boutique Hotel - Browns Central Hotel - TURIM Terreiro do Paço Hotel - Browns Downtown Hotel Car Rental: Are you looking for a hassle-free car rental experience in Lisbon? Look no further! Discover Cars is a top car rental company in Lisbon, offering a wide range of vehicles and easy online booking. Bike Rentals: If you're looking for a bike, check out Bikes Bookings. They have a wide variety of bikes to choose from and a great selection of accessories, such as helmets and locks. Tours: Viator and Get Your Guide are two of the most popular tourist booking platform, offering various options, from walking to Segway tours. Here are a few popular selections - Sintra: Pena Palace and Park Entrance Ticket - Lisbon: Pena Palace, Sintra, Cabo da Roca, & Cascais Daytrip - Lisbon: History, Stories and Lifestyle Walking Tour - Lisbon: Sunset Sailing with Portuguese Wine and History - Lisbon: Hop-on Hop-off 48-Hour Bus and Boat Tour Ticket What are the best beach clubs in Lisbon? Lisbon is known for its stunning architecture, gorgeous scenery, and delicious food, but many people don't know that the city is also home to some of the best beach clubs Lisbon. The following clubs will satisfy your needs, whether you're looking for a pool party, a beachfront bar, or just somewhere to relax with friends. If you're looking for the best beaches in Lisbon, you'll want to check out some of the city's best beach clubs. These clubs offer everything from great drinks and food to lively nightlife and stunning views. Here are 13 of the best beach clubs Lisbon that you won’t want to miss: - SUD Lisboa Beach Club - Bar Moinho - Kailua Fonte da Telha - Bar do Guincho - Rampa Beach Club - Cabana Beach Bar - Costa In Beach Bar - Yamba Beach Club - Gemeos Bar - K Urban Beach Club - Lisboa Rio - Classico beach club - Tamariz Beach Club 1.    SUD Lisboa Beach Club If you're looking for an idyllic spot to relax and take in the sights and sounds of Lisbon – without spending a fortune – you'll want to check out Sud Lisboa. This beach club is one of the most luxurious options you'll find in the city, and it offers all the amenities you could want, including a wide variety of restaurants and bars, a well-equipped gym, and stunning views of the Tagus River and the city skyline. If you're looking to spend a day or two soaking up the sun and enjoying some of Lisbon's best cultural attractions, Sud Lisboa is the place for you. On-site, several museums, a casino, and a range of attractions will keep you entertained for hours. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just looking for a day full of relaxation, Sud Lisboa is worth a visit. With its world-class facilities and luxurious surroundings, it's guaranteed to make your vacation in Lisbon even more special. Address: Pavilhão Poente (ao lado do MAAT, Av. Brasília, 1300-598 Lisboa, Portugal Phone: +351 21 159 2700 Website: https://sudlisboa.com/en/ Email: [email protected] 2.    Bar Moinho The bar Moinho on the beach is perfect for some drinks and relaxation! It's located in the quiet Carcavelos, a great place to spend a lazy day. You can sit outside and enjoy the sounds of the waves or take a seat inside and enjoy some delicious Portuguese cuisine. The bar also has plenty of sun loungers and umbrellas, so you can soak up some rays while relaxing. Whatever your mood may be, Carcavelos has something to offer, from relaxing days at the pool to fun nights out. So take a walk and enjoy some of the best beach clubs Lisbon offers. Address: Praia do Moinho - Praia de, 2775-681 Carcavelos, Portugal Phone: +351 21 458 0194 Website: https://www.facebook.com/BarMoinhoCarcavelos/ Email: [email protected] 3.    Kailua Fonte da Telha Take a trip to Lisbon to Kailua Fonte da Telha if you want something fun and exciting. This bar/restaurant is a place to drink and eat, and it’s sure to please. A great bar atmosphere can be found at the station, and the staff is friendly, helpful, and accommodating to all customers. The menu features plenty of different options, including salads, hamburgers, toast, and desserts. There is also a separate menu available for smoothies and shakes if you want something more substantial. Those seeking a fun night out on the town will find Kailua to be the perfect place for them. The city of Kailua is the ideal place for anyone interested in participating in a variety of activities, whether they are tourists or residents looking for a place to relax and have some fun while in the city. Address: Av. Vasco da Gama, Praia Lareira Fonte da Telha, 2815-486 Aroeira, Portugal Phone: +351 21 296 3784 Website: https://www.kailua.pt/ Email: [email protected] 4.    Bar do Guincho If you're looking for a beach bar in Lisbon that will make you feel at home, Bar do Guincho is your spot. This place is iconic, and it's easy to see why – it's casual and comfortable, with a great atmosphere and a range of drinks to suit all tastes. The best part is that it's located off the beaten path, so you can enjoy peace and quiet while soaking up the views. Alternatively, if you're looking for a spot to party it up, Bar do Guincho is the place for you. It's always lively, and the staff is always happy to help you. Address: Estrada do Abano, Praia do Guincho, 547, 2755-144, Portugal Phone: +351 21 487 1683 Website: https://www.bardoguincho.pt/ Email: [email protected] 5.    Rampa Beach Club Rampa Beach Club is worth checking out if you're looking for a Lisbon beach club that will leave you feeling spoilt for choice. The venue boasts some of the best food in Lisbon, and the views are unbeatable – you can sit and enjoy the sun and waves from right on the sand. The atmosphere is also chilled out, which is great if you're looking for a relaxing break from the city. And if you're a fan of fresh seafood, then you'll be in heaven at Rampa Beach Club – the menu features sea bass and sardines, which are delicious. Rampa Beach Club is a great choice if you're looking for an exclusive beach escape – be sure to check it out if you're in Lisbon! Address: R. Vasco da Gama Lote 277, 2825-486 Fonte de Telha, Portugal Phone: +351 21 297 4810 Website: https://rampabeachclub.negocio.site/ 6.    Cabana Beach Bar Cabana Beach Bar is one of the city's most famous beach clubs, and for a good reason. It's located on the tranquil beach of Cabana, and just a few minutes' walk from the city centre. The club's sunbeds are comfortable and well-maintained, and the waters are crystal clear. The beach is also well-stocked with beach umbrellas, sun loungers, and parasols, so you can relax in the shade if you want to or take a dip in the ocean if you feel like it. The club's menu features a wide range of delicious food and drinks and plenty of options for children. The club offers upgraded services, such as private beach access, free Wi-Fi, and a children's play area. So whether you're looking for a peaceful escape from the city or just a place to relax and enjoy the sun, Cabana Beach Bar is a perfect choice. Address: Descida da Fonte da Telha, Almada, Portugal Phone: +351 21 297 7711 Website: https://cabanabeachbarcy.com/ 7.    Costa in Beach Bar Located on the famous Costa do Sol beach in Lisbon, this bar is the perfect place to hang out with friends and enjoy the beautiful Mediterranean climate. Costa In Beach Bar is one of the best Lisbon beach clubs and offers a wide variety of drinks and food options. There's also a lovely beachfront terrace with stunning ocean views, perfect for catching some sun and relaxing. Whether you're looking to relax and enjoy the beautiful weather or you're looking for a place to chill out and enjoy a drink, Costa in Beach Bar is the place to be! Address: Av. Gen. Humberto Delgado 7B, 2825-337 Costa da Caparica, Portugal Phone: +351 919 920 858 8.    Yamba Beach Club If you're looking for a beach daycation in Lisbon – away from the city's hustle and bustle, you'll want to check out Yamba Beach Club. This tranquil locale boasts stunning views of the Tagus River, crystal-clear waters, and a wide variety of beach amenities, including a children's play area, showers, and a beach bar. If you like to take your dog to the beach club, you are welcome to do so. If you're unfamiliar with Lisbon, stop by the Yamba Beach Club's information desk for a quick orientation. Whether you are interested in the city, the beaches, or the culture of the Portuguese, the hotel staff will be more than happy to assist you with your questions about them. Address: Praia da Bolina, Estr. da Praia do Castelo, 2825-491 Costa da Caparica, Portugal Phone: +351 932 737 401 Website: http://www.yambayamba.com/ 9.    Gemeos Bar In the Gemeos Bar, you can relax with a drink and enjoy the picturesque view of the Tagus River as you enjoy a good time. The terrace is perfect for eating and drinking, and the live music on Fridays and Saturdays makes it a great spot to get down and have some fun. Weekend nights are always packed at the Gemeos Bar, not just because of the lovely views. The themed parties always have a great atmosphere, and the DJs and live music make it enjoyable. Address: Carcavelos, Portugal Phone: +351 21 457 9274 Website: http://bardosgemeos.com/ 10. K Urban Beach Club K Urban Beach Club is located in one of the most popular areas of Lisbon – Areeiro. With its amazing ocean views, beautiful architecture, and perfect location, it is no wonder that this club is so popular. The club has many activities, including swimming, sunbathing, fitness classes, etc. Plus, the staff are incredibly friendly and will go out of their way to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. K Urban Beach Club is the perfect place if you're looking for a break from the busy city life and some quiet time. Address: Cais da Viscondessa, 1200-109 Lisboa, Portugal Phone: +351 961 312 719 Website: https://grupo-k.pt/ Email: [email protected] 11. Lisboa Rio With delicious food, cocktails, and a beautiful river view, it's the perfect spot to spend a night in Lisbon. The restaurant is in the heart of the Bairro Alto, a vibrant and lively neighborhood in central Lisbon. The Tagus River can be seen flowing in the background, providing a stunning view that sets the tone for a relaxing and enjoyable evening. The menu at Lisbon Rio Club is diverse and offers something for everyone. There are burgers, snacks, cocktails, and a wide selection of wine and beer. As part of the restaurant's menu, you will be able to find some delicious items, including burgers, fries, and onion rings, that will leave you wanting more. If you're looking for a night out that will let you relax and enjoy yourself, Lisbon Rio Club is the perfect place to go. As well as the beautiful atmosphere, the restaurant offers delicious and unique food and is located in a beautiful and relaxing location. Spend a night or two here, and you will not regret it. Address: Cais Gás 7, 1200-109 Lisboa, Portugal Phone: +351 966 447 171 Website: https://www.lisboario.pt/ Email: [email protected] 12. Classico Beach Club This prestigious establishment takes advantage of Caparica's stunning coastline to provide a truly luxurious dining experience. With an impressive list of accolades, the Best Beach Clubs Lisbon Classico Beach Club is known for its exquisite food and service. This establishment is a great choice if you're looking for a casual lunch or a more indulgent dinner. Whatever your mood, you're sure to find something that excites you here. The Classico Beach Club is also fantastic for relaxing and soaking up the stunning Caparica coastline. Whether you're in the mood for a swim, a soak in the spa, or a glass of wine on the terrace, this is the perfect spot for a relaxing day out. So whether you're looking for a luxurious beach escape or a relaxing day out, the Best Beach Clubs Lisbon, Classico Beach Club is the perfect place. Address: Praia de, Av. Afonso de Albuquerque S/N, 2825-485 Trafaria, Portugal Phone: +351 927 194 906 Website: https://restaurantesolivier.com/classicobyolivier/ Email: [email protected] 13. Tamariz Beach Club One of life's simplest pleasures is spending time at the beach, and Lisbon has plenty of great beaches to choose from. You should head to Tamariz Beach Club if you want a truly unique experience. This beautiful spot is located just steps from the sandy shores of Estoril, and it's easy to see why it's been a favorite destination for locals and visitors alike for years. There is always a festive and upbeat atmosphere at the pool and beach. Furthermore, the staff at this hotel is exceptionally friendly and accommodating, always willing to assist in making your stay as comfortable as possible. The Tamariz Beach Club offers a variety of experiences, from casual beach days to more upscale ones. Address: Av. Marginal 7669, Estoril, Portugal Phone: +34 662 12 96 05 Website: https://www.facebook.com/TamarizSummerClub/ Email: [email protected] Best Things to Do in Lisbon People come to enjoy the fun and relax in many places. You can visit a beach club in Lisbon where you can enjoy the sea breeze, feel the sand on your feet, and enjoy the nightlife. It is optional; you must spend a fortune to enjoy the fun. You can enjoy the fun with a budget, and you don’t need to be rich to enjoy the beach club in Lisbon. 1. Enjoy the fun The most important thing to enjoy is the sea breeze and the sun's rays. If you are a person who is fond of water and loves the sea, then you will be able to enjoy the water and feel its refreshingness of the water. 2. Feel the sand One of the most beautiful things about the beach club in Lisbon is that you can feel the sand. You can feel the coolness of the sand when you walk around the beach. The coolness of the sand will make you feel refreshed, and you can enjoy the nightlife. 3. Enjoy the nightlife At Lisbon's beach club, you can experience the nightlife. You can enjoy many activities that will make you feel happy and refreshed. You can enjoy the dance floor or the bar where you can drink. Lisbon Travel Essentials Are you looking to get away to Lisbon? Here are some essentials to make your trip a success! Flights & Hotels Accommodation: First and foremost, book your flights and accommodation. With over 100 airlines and countless hotel options available, WayAway and Booking.com are great resources for finding the best deals. Airport & Hotel Transfers: Book your airport transfers in advance if you're arriving in Lisbon on a Saturday or Sunday. Kwik Taxi is a reliable and affordable option. Rental Services: Once you've arrived in Lisbon, it's time to get your bearings. Head over to Discover Cars to rent a car for your stay. Transfers can be a major hassle, so using a rental service will make your life much easier. Transport Services: If you're looking for an all in one platform, 12go offers various transport services that allow you to explore the city at your own pace. Attractions, Museums & Shows: Now it's time to explore. Tiqets and TripAdvisor are fantastic resources for finding Lisbon attractions, museums, and restaurants. Activities: Viator is a great resource for activities in Lisbon, with options for cycling, swimming, wine tasting, and more. A comprehensive guide to everything Lisbon has to offer can be found at Get Your Guide. Conclusion The 12 Best Beach Clubs in Lisbon are perfect for tourists who want to enjoy the sun and the sand. These clubs are located in some of the most beautiful spots in the city, and they offer everything from pool parties to full-blown beach bars and pictureque sceneries. Read the full article
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ypgoz9939s · 24 days
The Ultimate Wine Lover’s Bucket List: Traveling Wine Tasting Destinations
For wine enthusiasts, traveling wine tasting is more than just a hobby—it's a passion that blends exploration with indulgence. Whether you’re savoring a full-bodied Bordeaux or a crisp Napa Valley Chardonnay, the experience of sampling wines in their region of origin adds a new dimension to the tasting journey. Here’s a curated bucket list of traveling wine tasting destinations that every wine lover should consider.
Napa Valley: A Premier Spot for Traveling Wine Tasting
Napa Valley stands out as a top destination for traveling wine tasting in the United States. Known for its exceptional Cabernet Sauvignons and Chardonnays, Napa Valley features more than 400 wineries, each offering unique experiences. From luxurious estates like Opus One to family-run boutique vineyards, the region provides a diverse range of tastings and tours. Traveling wine tasting in Napa also allows for scenic hot air balloon rides and gourmet dining, enhancing the overall experience.
Bordeaux: The Classic Choice for Traveling Wine Tasting
When it comes to traveling wine tasting in France, Bordeaux is a must-visit. This region is renowned for its rich Bordeaux blends and historic châteaux. Bordeaux’s “Route des Châteaux” is perfect for those interested in exploring prestigious estates such as Château Margaux and Château Lafite Rothschild. The city’s UNESCO World Heritage status adds a cultural dimension to your wine journey, making traveling wine tasting here a blend of history, culture, and exceptional wine.
Tuscany: A Charming Locale for Traveling Wine Tasting
Traveling wine tasting in Tuscany offers a picturesque experience amidst rolling hills and medieval towns. The region is famous for its Chianti and Brunello di Montalcino wines, which you can sample at charming family-owned wineries and agriturismos. Tuscany’s blend of historical sites, local cuisine, and wine makes it an unforgettable destination for those seeking a romantic and cultural wine-tasting adventure.
Mendoza: The Adventure Destination for Traveling Wine Tasting
Mendoza, Argentina, is a top choice for adventurous travelers looking for unique traveling wine tasting experiences. Known for its Malbec wines, Mendoza’s high-altitude vineyards offer spectacular views of the Andes Mountains. Wine tours here often include visits to boutique wineries and vineyard retreats. Mendoza’s vibrant wine scene and annual Malbec World Day celebrations make it a dynamic destination for wine lovers.
Douro Valley: Scenic Traveling Wine Tasting in Portugal
For those interested in traveling wine tasting in Portugal, the Douro Valley is an exceptional choice. This region is famous for its port wines and dramatic terraced vineyards along the Douro River. Wine tours in the Douro Valley often include visits to historic quintas and scenic river cruises, providing a unique perspective of the valley’s beauty. This destination combines stunning landscapes with the rich heritage of Portuguese winemaking.
Cape Winelands: Diverse Traveling Wine Tasting in South Africa
The Cape Winelands, located near Cape Town, is an excellent destination for diverse traveling wine tasting. Known for its Chenin Blanc and Pinotage, the region offers a variety of wine-tasting experiences, from historic estates in Stellenbosch to gourmet dining in Franschhoek. The Cape Winelands’ blend of exceptional wine and beautiful scenery makes it a top choice for wine enthusiasts seeking a multifaceted tasting adventure.
Yarra Valley: A Cool Climate Destination for Traveling Wine Tasting
The Yarra Valley in Australia is known for its cool climate and high-quality Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Traveling wine tasting in this region provides a range of experiences, from boutique wineries to renowned estates. The Yarra Valley’s proximity to Melbourne also means you can enjoy a vibrant food scene alongside your wine tastings. The picturesque vineyards and excellent wines make the Yarra Valley a noteworthy destination for any wine lover’s bucket list.
Traveling wine tasting offers a unique way to explore the world through the lens of wine culture. From the renowned estates of Napa Valley to the scenic beauty of the Douro Valley, each destination on this list promises memorable experiences for wine enthusiasts. By adding these top travel destinations to your bucket list, you can savor exceptional wines while immersing yourself in the rich heritage and stunning landscapes of each region.
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hpoxfordprogram · 2 months
Whimsy and Water Features
~by Samuel Barnett
This summer I have had the extreme fortune of participating in the Georgia Tech Oxford Program, during which I’ve listened to world class musicians, tried new local cuisine, and gazed upon exquisite art and architecture. As someone with a passion for urban development, I was ecstatic that my first stop would be in Barcelona, Spain. That first evening, a small group of us decided to climb one of the many hills tucked in and around the city. Prior to embarking on this program, I was worried about getting to know new people; as I gazed over terracotta rooftops towards the Balearic Sea, I had no idea just how close I’d become with those around me.
One of my favorite class experiences was receiving a guided tour of the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia, a behemoth church which has been under construction for nearly 150 years. Designed by legendary local architect Antoni Gaudí, the church is nothing short of extraordinary; the exterior is full of intricate figures and detailing, the top adorned with gigantic gothic revival spires. Despite its immense exterior, the interior somehow feels even more vast; in true Gaudí fashion, the interior defies any traditional architectural categorization, with its tree-like supports and chromatic stained-glass windows.
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After seven days in Barcelona, we then headed towards Madrid, the capital of Spain, stopping overnight in one of the smaller cities, Zaragoza. Even though it was only one night, my crew was determined to still see the city; we eventually made way for El Parque Grande José Antonio Labordeta, a large rectangular park with gorgeous landscaping and water features; people of all ages meandered along paths or sat in the benches and on the grass, some fanning themselves as if to brush away the last of the day’s heat. We eventually found a nice spot overlooking the long park into the rest of the city; with the fountain burbling below us and a light breeze weaving through the banisters, we watched as the sun fell, peeking behind buildings, slowly melting away.
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Though each group had their own share of amazing cities and experiences, one unique aspect of the Spain/Portugal group was spending more time in each city. Personally, I enjoyed being able to savor each city and getting to know it just that little bit better, even if that meant visiting a fewer number of cities than other groups. That extra time afforded us many half days (and even some full days) to explore the city on our own; many of my favorite memories on this trip have come from wandering with a friend with no destination in mind. Albaicin, in Granada, was one such neighborhood through which two friends and I wandered along cobblestone streets up hilly terrain, coming across several “miradors” or viewpoints with superb views of the midsize city. One such mirador looked out towards “La Alhambra”, a massive Medieval palace and fortress with Moorish and Christian influences from its many occupations. On a wall adjacent to the mirador, a small piece of graffiti read:
Tengo la Alhambra en frente y solo te miro a ti.
I have the Alhambra in front of me and I only look at you.
Some may call it saccharine, but I loved this demonstration of feeling; even though this one was (likely) romantic, it reminded me that, more broadly, despite differences in language, culture, and government, many of us face similar joy, sadness, excitement, and, yes, love.
I saw and heard these emotions in numerous influential artworks and pieces of music. My favorite concert was a nighttime open-air historically informed performance (HIP) in the Palace of Charles V in the Alhambra complex. Under the direction of Jordi Savall, a legendary Spanish composer and director, Le Concert des Nations performed works by Vivaldi and Bach using techniques, instruments, and tuning mirroring those used during the time in which the pieces were originally composed (hence “historically informed”). As a musician myself, each of the concerts was excellent, but none quite so invigorating as this one; something about the combination of location and technique captured a sound and feeling unlike any I’ve experienced back in the States.
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Anyone who has met me knows of my passion for the art of coffeemaking, so this trip to Europe has been nothing short of fascinating in that regard. I’ve visited easily over three dozen specialty coffee shops, each with unique character and quality – in fact, I’m currently writing from Common Ground in Oxford, sitting across the table from a friend who visited many of these same places with me. I never envisioned that my niche obsession would be appreciated, let alone shared, but introducing these new ways of appreciating coffee to my friends has been one of the unsung highlights of my travels. If you visit these same cities, here are my top spots: Bracafe, Barcelona; Syra Coffee, Madrid; La Finca, Granada; Muy Coffee, Seville; and Copenhagen Coffee Lab, Lisbon.
Though most of my group’s travel time was spent in Spain, the last city on our itinerary was Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. In many ways, it was a fitting last stop – a coastal bustling city reminiscent of our first stop in Barcelona. On one of the last days, we took a half-day trip to Cabo da Roca (Cape Roca), the westernmost point of continental Europe overlooking the Atlantic Ocean (Roca translates to “sea cliff”). Many of us ended up carefully descending the less steep side of one such cliff, eventually coming across a group of boulders; I sat atop one of these in silence, and with the cool morning breeze rushing around us, watched the waves batter at the cliffs below. You make so many amazing memories on this trip that scenes like these are opportunities to just be – and to think, whether back on those same memories, or perhaps something else, something personal. It’s important, in between the rush of it all, to not forget to make space for you.
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As much fun as the travel portion may be, many welcome the change of pace during the latter half at Oxford. Here, you’ll have a more “standard” class structure; classes take place Monday through Thursday of each week, meaning you have ample time to travel to new and exciting destinations on weekends. Apart from exploring Oxford and taking several day trips to London, I also traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland, and Amsterdam, Netherlands. Both cities were amazing in their own regard; Edinburgh with its rich centuries-long history and winding cobblestone streets, and Amsterdam with its scenic canals and prolific bike infrastructure.
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Thinking back on all these cities and those I’ve met – not just on the program, but the many kind strangers along the way – I’m filled with gratitude. Gratitude for all the amazing people behind the scenes, both here in Europe and back in Atlanta, who helped make this trip a reality; gratitude for Dr. Ulrich and Dr. Townsend, professors who helped enrich my cultural experiences in Spain, Portugal, and beyond; and gratitude for my fellow students and friends, who’ve demonstrated immense care and kindness and acted as companions in some of my nearest and dearest memories.
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moonrevolutions · 2 months
How were your travels?
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❝You know, I basically lived in Portugal for a while.❞ Already was missing that moradia, right on the water. Right beside the family with a couple that argued over whose mother was the worse—with the occasional, screaming mother-in-law joining. His happiest days were spent on the balcony, listening to what was basically playground insults. ❝Overall, it was all pretty good. Like, I hit up a lot of countries I've been wanting to visit. Loooots of fun spots! Lahemaa National Park, the Julian Alps, Spiš Castle, Sarajevo... I met a cute guy in a club while I was in the city of Budva... Got his number. Name's Gaspard. He's, like, a tortured poet type. I don't usually go for poets because I'm an artist that is allergic to romantic feelings towards other artists, but, like... He's 6'6". Do you HEAR me? He's 6'6". And, he owns a coin collection that he's incredibly passionate about. I mean... Let me at him. C'mon.❞
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saurabhanandtripzygo · 3 months
Top Hidden Gems to Explore on Your Europe Tour Package
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Europe is renowned for its iconic landmarks and popular tourist destinations, but it also harbors countless hidden gems that offer a unique and intimate glimpse into the continent's rich cultural tapestry. If you're planning a Europe tour and want to stray off the beaten path, here are some lesser-known yet spectacular spots to add to your itinerary.
1. Hallstatt, Austria
Nestled between the pristine Hallstatt Lake and towering Dachstein mountains, Hallstatt is a fairy-tale village that captivates with its charming houses, scenic beauty, and serene atmosphere. Explore the historic salt mines, take a leisurely boat ride on the lake, and wander through the picturesque streets of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2. Sintra, Portugal
A short trip from Lisbon, Sintra is a mystical town brimming with enchanting palaces, lush gardens, and a romantic atmosphere. Discover the vibrant Pena Palace, the mysterious Quinta da Regaleira with its spiraling wells, and the ancient Moorish Castle for breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes.
3. Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
Step back in time in Cesky Krumlov, a medieval town with a labyrinth of cobblestone streets, charming squares, and an impressive castle perched above the Vltava River. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is perfect for those who appreciate history, architecture, and a touch of magic.
4. Bruges, Belgium
Often overshadowed by Brussels, Bruges is a picturesque city with medieval architecture, tranquil canals, and an array of delightful chocolate shops. Take a boat tour through the canals, visit the historic Belfry of Bruges, and indulge in Belgian waffles and chocolates.
5. Matera, Italy
Matera, known for its ancient cave dwellings (Sassi), is a unique destination that transports you back to prehistoric times. Wander through the narrow alleys, explore the rock-hewn churches, and experience the blend of ancient history and vibrant culture in this fascinating southern Italian town.
6. Kotor, Montenegro
Nestled at the end of a stunning bay, Kotor is a walled city with a rich history and dramatic landscapes. Hike up the Kotor Fortress for panoramic views, stroll through the well-preserved medieval old town, and enjoy the tranquil beauty of the surrounding fjord-like bay.
7. Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany
Rothenburg ob der Tauber is a perfectly preserved medieval town that feels like stepping into a fairy tale. Walk along the old town walls, visit the enchanting Christmas Museum, and meander through the charming streets lined with half-timbered houses and traditional shops.
8. Gimmelwald, Switzerland
For those seeking tranquility and breathtaking natural beauty, Gimmelwald is a hidden alpine paradise. This car-free village offers stunning mountain views, hiking trails, and a peaceful escape from the bustling tourist spots. It’s an ideal destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.
9. Plovdiv, Bulgaria
As one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, Plovdiv boasts a rich tapestry of history and culture. Explore the ancient Roman amphitheater, stroll through the colorful Kapana Creative District, and marvel at the well-preserved Bulgarian Revival architecture.
10. Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mostar is famous for its iconic Stari Most (Old Bridge) that gracefully arches over the Neretva River. The city’s blend of Ottoman, Mediterranean, and Western European architecture, coupled with its vibrant market stalls and friendly locals, make Mostar a captivating and enriching destination.
Embark on an Unforgettable Journey
Exploring these hidden gems will enrich your Europe tour with unforgettable experiences, allowing you to discover the authentic charm and diverse heritage of the continent. Embrace the adventure and create memories that will last a lifetime by venturing off the beaten path on your next European escapade.
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agrajkumar · 3 months
Sure! Here's a sample travel blog post to get you started:
Wanderlust Diaries: Exploring the Hidden Gems of Portugal
Portugal, with its stunning coastline, charming cities, and rich history, is a dream destination for any traveler. From the vibrant streets of Lisbon to the picturesque beaches of the Algarve, Portugal offers a diverse range of experiences. In this post, I'll take you on a journey through some of the hidden gems that make this country so special.
Day 1: Discovering Lisbon
Morning: Exploring Alfama
Start your trip in Lisbon, the capital city known for its hilly, coastal landscape. Begin your day with a visit to the Alfama district, the oldest neighborhood in Lisbon. Wander through its narrow, winding streets and soak in the historic atmosphere.
Must-See: São Jorge Castle offers panoramic views of the city and the Tagus River.
Tip: Take a tram ride on the famous Tram 28 for a scenic overview of the city.
Afternoon: Time Out Market
Head to the Time Out Market for lunch, where you can sample a variety of Portuguese dishes from local vendors. Don’t miss the pastel de nata, a delicious custard tart that's a Lisbon specialty.
Must-Try: Bacalhau à Brás, a traditional Portuguese dish made with salted cod, onions, and potatoes.
Evening: Bairro Alto
As the sun sets, make your way to Bairro Alto, known for its lively nightlife. Enjoy a fado performance, a traditional Portuguese music genre, while sipping on some local wine.
Tip: Visit Tasca do Chico, a popular spot for authentic fado music.
Day 2: Sintra’s Fairytale Palaces
Just a short train ride from Lisbon, Sintra is a town straight out of a fairytale. It's home to several stunning palaces and gardens.
Morning: Pena Palace
Start with a visit to Pena Palace, a colorful and eclectic palace perched on top of a hill. The views from the palace are absolutely breathtaking.
Must-See: The palace’s vibrant exterior and the surrounding park.
Afternoon: Quinta da Regaleira
Next, head to Quinta da Regaleira, a mystical estate with a romantic palace, chapel, and extensive gardens. Explore the Initiation Well, a spiraling underground tower that feels like something out of a fantasy novel.
Tip: Wear comfortable shoes as there’s a lot of walking involved.
Day 3: Relaxing in the Algarve
After soaking up the culture and history of Lisbon and Sintra, it's time to relax by the sea. The Algarve region, located in the southern part of Portugal, is famous for its stunning beaches and clear waters.
Morning: Ponta da Piedade
Start your day in Lagos at Ponta da Piedade, where you can admire dramatic cliffs and rock formations. Consider taking a boat tour to see the coastline from the water.
Must-See: The natural arches and sea caves.
Afternoon: Praia Dona Ana
Spend the afternoon lounging on Praia Dona Ana, one of the most beautiful beaches in the Algarve. The golden sand and turquoise waters are perfect for swimming and sunbathing.
Tip: Bring a picnic and plenty of water as amenities are limited.
Evening: Albufeira Old Town
End your trip with a visit to Albufeira Old Town. Wander through its charming streets, enjoy a seafood dinner, and take in the lively atmosphere.
Must-Try: Grilled sardines and seafood cataplana.
Portugal is a country that captivates the heart with its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality. Whether you’re exploring the vibrant streets of Lisbon, the enchanting palaces of Sintra, or the serene beaches of the Algarve, there’s always something new to discover. I hope this guide inspires you to embark on your own Portuguese adventure.
Feel free to add your own photos, personal anecdotes, and additional tips to make the blog post uniquely yours!
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littlemissidontcare · 4 months
Oh rest assured, if he's really in UK, then that's exactly the romantic getaway we weren't even expecting: her family were in Portugal up until yesterday, plenty of time to enjoy the intimate vibes😘
I’m sorry am I missing the spotting all the tweet said was Sebastian what are you doing here that doesn’t read like a spotting to me lol this seems like a freak out and shippers like the one above getting cocky over nothing has the the person clarified? Or no?
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