#El Alame
travelernight · 5 months
Portugal: Experience The Magic – Top 10 Fairy-Tale Locations You Need To See
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gothicristal · 1 year
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𝕴𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖒: @𝖈𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖇𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖆
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routedegypte · 2 months
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Assouan, une ville magnifique située au sud de l'Égypte, est réputée pour son riche patrimoine culturel et ses paysages époustouflants. Nichée sur les rives du Nil, Assouan offre une expérience unique mêlant histoire ancienne et beauté naturelle.
Parmi les sites emblématiques de cette région, on trouve le temple de Philae, dédié à la déesse Isis, qui est un témoignage impressionnant de l'architecture et de la religion de l'Égypte ancienne.
En se promenant le long de la Corniche d'Assouan, les visiteurs peuvent admirer les vues panoramiques sur le Nil et les felouques traditionnelles naviguant sur ses eaux tranquilles.
facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561370316828
linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/route-d-%C3%A9gypte-4b295b313/
instagram : https://www.instagram.com/routedeegypte
whatsapp: https://wa.me/201550775685
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saveomarfamily · 11 days
Save our daughter !!!
Due to water and air pollution, my little daughter, Misk, has been exposed to meningitis. We went to the hospital today, and unfortunately there is no medicine, which exposes my daughter to extreme danger.
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Please save our little daughter, donate and share
@sarazucker @fairuzfan @sayruq @palestin @palesora @agentfascinateur @13ag22@stil-lindigo @neptunerings @vakarians-babe @palestine @el-shab-hussein @sar-soor @90-ghost @fairuzfakhira @communistchilchuck @nabul @justapayneaway @bat-luun @kaneverse @nightowlssleep @staretes @violetlyra @ashbakche @friendshapedplant @oglach-uisce @buiglach-uisceldabears @communistchilchuck @vakarians-babe @communistchilchuck @babygoatsandfriends @selflesscadaver @neptunerings @violetlyric-blog @nightowlssleep @ashbakche @mangocheesecakes
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Cairo y Luxor Tour desde Marsa Alam
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Cairo y Luxor Tour desde Marsa Alam
Disfrutas de Cairo y Luxor Tour desde Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice y te diviertes de visitar la ciudad hermosa de El Cairo y la ciudad famosa de Luxor. En Cairo y Luxor Tour desde Marsa Alam vas a disfrutar de visitar maravillosos lugares turísticos en El Cairo como las Pirámides de Guiza, la Esfinge y el Museo Egipcio. También en Cairo y Luxor Tour desde Marsa Alam vas a disfrutar de visitar fabulosos templos y monumentos en Luxor como el templo de Luxor, el templo de Karnak, el templo de la reina Hatshepsut, el Valle de los Reyes y los Colosos de Memnón. 
Ciertamente vas a disfrutar mucho en Cairo y Luxor Tour desde Marsa Alam y vas a repetirte este maravilloso tour otra vez con World Tour Advice. Y no olvides sacar unas hermosas fotos en Cairo y Luxor Tour desde Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice. No pierdes esta fabulosa oportunidad y reservas ahora Cairo y Luxor Tour desde Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice. 
Día 1: Marsa Alam – vuelo el Cairo, Tour de el Cairo-Luxor
Nuestro Representante de madrugada le recogerá de su hotel en Marsa Alam, luego en coche privado moderno acondicionado al Aeropuerto de Hurgada para ir a El Cairo a el Cairo. El Cairo es la capital árabe islámica de Egipto desde más de 1000 años, mientras que Luxor era Egipto capital a partir del imperio nuevo 1550 A.C. A su llegada a el Cairo se encontrará con su guía privado que le acompañará a las principales atracciones en el Cairo: Tour a las pirámides de Giza, visitando las grandes pirámides en la meseta de Giza, que databa de la cuarta dinastía. La pirámide del rey Keops es la más grande entre las pirámides egipcias. La pirámide mediana de Kefrén es la única pirámide que sigue teniendo el resto de la carcasa de la piedra caliza fina. La más pequeña pirámide de Micerinos debe haber sido muy hermosa como una vez fue recubierta con granito rosa. La esfinge & templo de Valle l de la esfinge es uno de los monumentos más conocidos en la tierra y data de hace más de 4.500 años del Imperio Antiguo. La cabeza de la esfinge representa probablemente Kefrén, mientras que el cuerpo es de un León recostado. Frente a la esfinge es su templo del valle está muy bien conservado. El Almuerzo estará servido restaurante de los alrededores de las pirámides. Continuar para visitar instituto de papiro, luego el almuerzo será servido en restaurante en los alrededores de las pirámides. Visite el Museo egipcio en el Cairo, El Museo egipcio de el Cairo está situado en El la Plaza Tahrir en el Cairo, Contiene más de 120,000 artefactos creados a lo largo de más de 5.000 años. El Museo Egipcio de el Cairo fue construido en 1896 por Marcel Dourgnon, un arquitecto francés. Los artefactos de Museo Egipcio se distribuyen en 2 plantas principales. La primera planta contiene los monumentos pesados como estatuas, estelas, sarcófagos de piedra y relieves de la pared. La planta superior del Museo Egipcio contiene las 2 salas más importantes del Museo, que una de las momias reales (con entrada extra) y las habitaciones del tesoro, que contiene tesoros, máscara, de Tutankamón, ataúdes (éstos están incluidos en su billete), en el 2 º piso también verá manuscritos, estatuas de deidades, momias reales, objetos de la vida cotidiana, retratos de momia, esculturas inacabadas, estatuillas grecorromanas y jarrones y artefactos de la vida. contiene más de 120,000 artefactos creados a lo largo de más de 5.000 años. El Museo Egipcio de el Cairo fue construido en 1896 por Marcel Dourgnon, un arquitecto francés. Continuar su viaje el Cairo al famoso bazar Khan El Khalili. A paseo en las calles más antiguas de el Cairo y los mercados en el Cairo, luego traslado al aeropuerto de el Cairo para volar a Luxor, conocer nuestro representante en el aeropuerto de Luxor, traslado a su hotel en Luxor. Noche en un hotel 5 * en Luxor. Día 2: Luxor Visitas de un día – desde Luxor a Marsa Alam
Disfrutar del desayuno en el hotel en Luxor, la ciudad que tiene más de un tercio de la de la arquitectura en el antiguo Egipto entonces cumplir con su guía privado que le llevará en un viaje a Luxor que es el mayor museo al aire abierto en el mundo, El valle de los Reyes, El valle de los Reyes en Luxor que fue erigido & utilizado entre 1540 A.C. 1070 a.c. El Valle de los Reyes contiene unos 64 tumbas, son de los faraones más famosos que están enterrados en el valle como Tutmosis I Ramsés II, III, VI y IX & supuesto el Rey Tutankamón que es la única tumba allí que no se robó, el tesoros del Rey Tutankamón está ahora en el Museo Egipcio en el Cairo. El descubrimiento de la tumba del Rey Tutankamón fue realizado por Howard Carter en 1922, con trabajos de separación y conservación, continuando hasta 1932... El Templo funerario de La Reina Hatshepsut en El Deir Elbahary está situado en la Orilla Occidental del Nilo, frente a la antigua capital egipcia Tebas o su nombre moderno (Luxor). Hatshepsut fue un Faraón femenino raro que gobernó Egipto 24 años como un hombre (ropa de hombres & con la barba falsa). Visita a los colosos de Memnón que son dos enormes estatuas de piedras pertenecientes al Faraón Amenofis III. Llevan 3.400 años esperando en su lugar en la necrópolis tebana, como guardián del templo. Visita al Templo de Karnak es un complejo de gran templos de 2000 a.c. y está dedicado principalmente al Dios Amón. Es un espectáculo impresionante, era el centro del culto del Dios Amón y de su esposa Mut y su hijo Khonso. Cada uno de ellos tenía un recinto en el templo, el mayor y más grande pertenece a Amón. A partir del Imperio nuevo fue un honor para un Faraón agregar edificios al templo de Karnak, hasta 30 a. c sucesivos Faraones fueron sumando sus propios toques al complejo del templo de Karnak. Tiempo libre para compras en Luxor, luego vuelta a Marsa Alam con transferencia directa a su hotel en Marsa Alam
Encuentro y asistencia en el aeropuerto a su llegada
Vuelos de ida desde Hurgada-el Cairo-Luxor
Traslados en moderno privado van con aire acondicionado en Marsa Alam, Cairo & Luxor
Entradas a los monumentos en el Cairo & Luxor según itinerario del viaje
Entradas dentro de una pirámide o pirámides de Kefrén o Micerinos
Comidas almuerzo durante las excursiones en el Cairo &Luxor en un restaurante local
Una cena en su primera excursión de día (o en Luxor o el Cairo)
Alojamiento por una noche en un hotel en Luxor de 5 * con desayuno
Guía de profesional privado egiptólogo durante las excursiones en el Cairo &Luxor
Compras en bazares de el Cairo Luxor &
Todos los cargos por servicio & impuestos
Entradas extras
Cualquier elemento adicional no mencionado en nuestro itinerario
Para reservar un viaje puedes enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llamarnos a 01090023837
Eman Osama
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melhindips · 16 days
🚨 Update on the current field situation in the Gaza Strip as of 09:00 PM on day 337 of the war on Gaza:
⭕️ Northern Governorate:
▪Martyrs and wounded as a result of an Israeli bombardment on a tent sheltering displaced persons inside the Halima Al-Sa'diya school in the Jabalia Al-Nazla area, northern Gaza Strip.
▪️More than 30 injuries due to artillery shelling on citizens' homes around Al-Qassam Mosque in the Beit Lahiya Mashrou', northern Gaza Strip.
▪The water desalination stations in the Gaza and North Governorates are still struggling to provide service due to the lack of fuel necessary for their operation.
▪️ For the tenth month, the Israeli occupation has prevented the entry of vegetables, fruits, frozen goods, and basic materials into the Gaza and North Governorates.
⭕️ Gaza Governorate:
▪️Two martyrs, including a child, and injured people as a result of an Israeli bombardment of a residential building belonging to the "Gherbawi" family near the Youth and Sports Roundabout in the Al-Nasr area west of Gaza City.
▪️ Three martyrs and more than 20 injured as a result of an Israeli bombardment on the "Amro Ibn Al-As" school in the Abu Iskander area in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood north of Gaza City.
▪️ For the fifteenth day, Israeli occupation forces continue to advance in the Zaytoun neighborhood.
▪️ Heavy bombing, demolition, and burning of citizens' homes south of Street 8.
▪️ Very heavy Israeli artillery shelling on various areas north of Street 8, specifically in the regions of Al-Hasan Ibn Ali Square, Abu Habib intersection, and the Islamic Complex area.
▪️ The occupation forces continue to prevent the entry of cooking gas since the beginning of the war until now, forcing citizens to resort to using alternatives made of nylon, cardboard, and fabric, which may pose a danger to lives and property.
⭕️ Central Governorate:
▪️8 martyrs, including a child, and many wounded as a result of an Israeli bombardment on a group of citizens in the Al-Hasayna area west of the Al-Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.
▪️6 martyrs, including two children and three women, as a result of an Israeli bombardment on a house belonging to the "Eid" family on Old Court Street in Al-Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip.
▪️One martyr as a result of an Israeli bombardment near the Gaza Valley Bridge north of the Al-Nuseirat camp.
▪️Israeli bombardment on a house belonging to the "Radi" family northwest of the Al-Nuseirat camp.
▪️Israeli bombardment on a house belonging to the "Abu Shawish" family west of the New Camp north of the Al-Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.
⭕️ Khan Younis Governorate:
Two martyrs and injured as a result of Israeli shelling on a house belonging to the "Jarghon" family near the Islamic University southeast of Khan Younis.
▪️Injuries due to heavy Israeli artillery shelling on several scattered areas of Khan Younis.
⭕️ Rafah Governorate:
▪️Two martyrs as a result of Israeli shelling on civilians in the Areeba area north of Rafah city.
▪️Recovery of a martyr and injuries as a result of Israeli artillery shelling targeting the vicinity of Al-Firdaws School west of Rafah city.
▪️Recovery of the bodies of martyrs since this morning from various areas of Rafah city.
▪️Israeli shelling on a group of citizens near the Al-Alam roundabout west of Rafah city in the southern Gaza Strip.
▪️Israeli shelling and demolition of residential buildings northwest of Rafah city.
Saturday, September 07, 2024
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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First Battle of El Alamein
The First Battle of El Alamein (1-27 July 1942) was a series of encounters during the Second World War (1939-1945) in Egypt between Allied and Axis forces. The battle, focussed around the El Alamein defensive line, ended without a decisive result except that the advance into Egypt of the German General Erwin Rommel (1891-1944) was finally halted.
The British Eighth Army followed up with a victory at the Battle of Alam Halfa (September 1942) and then definitively turned the tide of the war in North Africa by winning the great set-piece encounter known as the Second Battle of El Alamein in October-November 1942.
Vickers Machine Gun Post, El Alamein
A. McLaren - Imperial War Museums (CC BY-NC-SA)
The Importance of North Africa
North Africa became a major theatre of WWII because of the importance of holding the Suez Canal and protecting vital shipping routes in the Mediterranean. In the early years of the war, North Africa was the only place where Britain could fight a land war against the Axis powers of Germany and Italy and so hopefully gain much-needed victories that would encourage the British people after the debacle of the Dunkirk Evacuation and the horrors of the London Blitz. The fighting in North Africa, which involved infantry, artillery, armoured divisions, and air support, became known as the Western Desert Campaigns (June 1940 to January 1943).
With Operation Compass (December 1940 to February 1941), British and British Empire troops obliged Italy's poorly equipped army to withdraw from Egypt and then Cyrenaica (Eastern Libya). From February, the Axis presence in North Africa was considerably boosted by the arrival of German troops such as the elite Deutsche Afrika Korps (DAK) with superior armour, weapons, and training compared to both the Italians and the Allies. Things improved further for the Axis powers when General Rommel took over command of Axis forces in North Africa. Rommel won a series of victories in March and April 1941, but the Allies kept hold of their vital supply port during the siege of Tobruk (April to December 1941). Rommel regained the initiative at the Battle of Gazala (May-June 1942) where the Allied Gazala Line of defences was smashed. Rommel even captured Tobruk on 21 June and so was promoted to the rank of field marshal. Rommel gained another victory at the Battle of Mersa Matruh, capturing the Egyptian port on 28 June. Here, as in other arenas of the conflict, the Allies were taking a beating.
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rokuhoku · 2 years
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Pairing: Namor x Filipino!Reader
Rating: General Audiences, Comedy
Summary: You ask your... "sorta" friend what the meaning of his other name is. His answers break your heart, so you take matters into your own hands.
Word Count: 2,516
Content Warning: Mentions of colonialization
Disclaimer: Again, as mentioned before, Namor is slightly cold towards the reader! He isnt hateful or anything, just has his guard up bc of surface world resentment. Though, that guard can be taken back down sometimes ;)
Reminder: This fic is part of a Namor x Filipino!Reader miniseries, but can be read on its own! Miniseries fic(s):
a piece of your history. / "beloved."
The soft tune of a Filipino song played in the air, its melody dancing along with the sounds of the waves hitting the sand. Namor could only make out a few words within the song as he remembered the few phrases you had taught him. The melody was nice and eased his nerves, though he would never admit that to your face.
“What did they call you again?”
Namor blinked, processing your sudden question for a few seconds. Before you had suddenly asked him a question, you were both simply by the shore of the beach you frequented, with him in the water and you in the dry sand as usual, reading to him aloud a book that had come across your interests.
He looked at you questioningly, causing you to sputter over your words. “Oh! I meant what the Spaniards had called you when they…” You trailed off, fearing that you may have crossed a line with him this time. You knew how sore the topic was already, despite not knowing the full details as Namor refused to show any hint of vulnerability with you (or so you thought).
“What I mean is…” You cleared your throat, already bracing yourself for his reaction. 
“.... Why do certain people have to call you ‘Namor’?” You finished, closing the book, shifting to fully turning to him, indicating that you were paying special attention. The cogs clicked in place in Namor’s head as he finally understood your question. He noticed that you had said ‘certain people’ instead of enemies, likely the reason being you two weren’t exactly enemies nor friends in both of your books. 
“Uhm, you don’t have to answer if it’s too… y’know….” You quickly added, waving your hands in a dismissive manner. Namor’s eyebrows raised at you, causing your face to heat up. “I mean… alam naman natin na gago sila…” You quickly mumbled the last part. 
Namor seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, before he shook his head and chuckled. “No, I can answer if you would like me to.” 
Namor ran his fingers through the water, clearly contemplating on how he should approach your question. He smiled bitterly at you as he remembered the hateful memory. Your hands immediately went to your phone, turning the volume down on the classic OPM playlist you were playing.
“When my mother died, she asked to be buried in her homeland,” He started, playing with the wet sand underneath the water. Namor smiled, a loving look overtook his bitter expression.
“She wanted to show me the surface world and its beauty.” Her soft and caring smile flashed in his mind, it was as if he could still remember the days where she hugged him with such care. His mother was always so gentle, so sweet with him. 
The prolonged gentle expression on Namor’s face was an unfamiliar one, as it was often hardened or practically deadpanned at you. You were only used to the occasional soft glimpses in his eyes.
A small part of you wished you could see this type of his face more, but that was crossing the line in your book.
“But, when I arrived…” Namor’s expression soon darkened. “They were here.” You winced, knowing exactly who he was talking about. He grit his teeth.
“They called me… ‘El Niño sin Amor’.” 
He looked back at the sea, feeling that if he stared at you, you would see nothing more than hate and anger burn in his eyes, a look that would most likely scare you away. You don’t know if it helped, but you nodded understandingly, almost as if implying that he can feel if he wants to.
Namor could remember the look of fear and hatred in the man’s eyes, as if the Spaniards didn’t force him and his people to retreat in the ocean due to the illness inflicted upon them by the colonizers, before enslaving those who remained on land. 
“The child without love, as they boasted.” Namor spoke in a rather biting sarcastic tone. Though he was smiling, the grin on his face was one of anger, holding no genuine joy or happiness in it.
“I took Namor from that, because I have no-” His eyes locked with you for a brief second before he averted his gaze. “-love for the surface.”
Your fingers played with the cover of the book you were holding, as you frowned even more and stared at him in disbelief. 
“Luh? So bale, you were called a loveless child,” You began, a startled impression on your face, “just because you killed the colonizers after they basically enslaved and killed your people?” You asked for clarification, scrunching your eyebrows in confusion. Namor nodded, a rather grim smile on his face.
“Aba, ang kakapal ng mukha nila ah…” You grumbled, before muttering something about how hypocritical and barbaric they were. Namor smiled gratefully at you, knowing you shared the same sentiment. 
He sighed, as if tired of having to relive the same memory over and over again. Namor looked back at the sea, a subtle slouch in his posture now. 
For a moment, you both sat there in silence, contemplating the lives of those who lived before (at least in your case) you. So many of Namor’s people were enslaved and forced by the Spaniards, yet they dare to call him the loveless child?
You pursed your lips, your eyes looking over Namor.
He wasn’t a child without love. His mother had loved him so, it was obvious by the way his voice would hush into a gentle baritone each time she was brought up.
His people loved him so, or at least, that’s what you can make up from his stories. You’ve only ever been able to gaze at them from afar in the sea, whenever they occasionally came to check up on him. Though with the way they addressed him you could easily see the fondness.
An idea popped into your head, though you were a bit hesitant to actually do it. 
“Hey,” You called out, scooting closer to him, the waves licking at your feet. Namor rose an eyebrow at you, though your invasion of his personal space did not deter him.
Finally, you sat in the water next to him, perhaps this was one of the very few times you were both less than three feet apart. Namor’s mouth opened, about to tell you off that your clothes were getting wet and rather quite see-through.
You snickered, a mischievous look overtaking your eyes, a look that Namor was quite familiar with. Too familiar with it, he adds to himself. 
You pointed at his face, before your pointer finger came into contact with the scrunch between his eyebrows.
Namor’s brain went blank, processing exactly what you had done to him. Before he can even make a reaction, you cut him off.
You started slowly, gauging for his reaction. Namor’s eyes narrowed at you, confused but not offended. Your smile soon went into a toothy grin. 
Namor grabbed your wrist and pulled away from your finger, clearly puzzled. The soft, cool touch of his damp fingers sent goosebumps up your back, but you continued nevertheless.
You were practically giggling at this point, leaning your body towards him, as if to tease him about the words you were uttering, completely dismissing that he had not understood what you were saying.
Hesitantly, your hand went to reach for his, causing him to flinch. You took Namor’s hand between both of yours, softly tracing the palm lines on it. 
His senses were being overloaded, the low volume of the OPM Playlist still playing in the background, though it felt as if it was echoing rather loudly in his ears.
Namor’s eyes met yours, he remembers what the word “mahal” means. But that couldn’t possibly be what you’re saying, right? Were you instead perhaps meaning another thing? (He was sure that mahal meant expensive as well, were you just messing with him and calling him expensive?)
One of your hands stopped playing with his and reached towards his face, caressing his cheek softly. You contemplated running a hand on his pointy ears. However, you decided you wanted to keep your hand intact with your body.
Namor could do nothing but stare at you, his free hand coming up to hold yours that was on his cheek, though he made no move to remove your hand. If you were to look closer, it was as if he was leaning into your touch. 
Your thumb softly grazed his upper cheek.
With the way Namor talked fondly about his people, you couldn’t help but notice the love and adoration in his eyes. He truly loved his people and protected them with his whole heart. 
Even if Namor couldn’t fully understand what you were saying to him, he could still somewhat comprehend what you were trying to say.
Namor was not a child without love, he has loved and has been loved. He will continue to love and he will continue to be loved, you were sure of that.
To your and his surprise, his eyes fluttered close as he leaned into the warm touch of your hand against his damp cheek. The feeling was scorching against his cool skin, yet it brought comfort to him even so. 
A part of him wanted this moment to never end, the soft tunes of your mother tongue playing in the background, as you practically showered him with affection that you two had an unspoken agreement about.
Soon, however, you couldn’t help yourself.
The hand on his face traced his cheek softly, before it came and pinched it rather aggressively. 
Namor’s eyes snapped open as he suddenly experienced a rather painful pinch to the cheek. Your ninangs would be proud of you if they saw the red mark on his skin right now. You snickered, making kissy-faces at him.
“Bebeluvs~” He deadpanned at you, fully knowing the sound of your rather trickster voice.
“My sexy, sexy love!” You finished, laughing so much your stomach hurt. You knew that Namor probably wouldn’t get the reference, but you couldn’t help yourself from quoting none other than the queen herself, Kathryn Bernardo. 
You were still laughing, peeving Namor a bit. This caused him to pull away from your touch and some distance between the two of you. The laughter soon died in your throat, as you instantly sort of regretted the fact that you ruined the moment. Shet, maybe you should’ve maintained the wholesome moment just a bit longer.
You fully expected him to stand up and leave you there in the water again, already used to him doing it with the many, many times you’ve tried to trick him into saying rather comically funny words in your language. Namor could always figure you out, though it may be because of the way you haven’t been able to stop yourself from laughing each time.
To your surprise, he simply stayed there, a contemplative look on his face as he looked down at the water he was in. 
You cleared your throat, scooting closer to him once again. You opened and closed your mouth, unsure of what to say next now that you have feared you may have offended him. Namor’s voice soon filled the one-sided awkward silence left in the air.
“Your words… What did they mean?”
You beamed at him, jumping at the chance to answer. “They can all actually mean different things! ‘Iniirog’ for example can mea-” A single stare from Namor shut you up from overcomplicating the answer, though it did not stop you from grumbling about the complex meanings of the words.
“Uhm, well, generally, they all kinda mean…” You whispered the last part, suddenly feeling shy and embarrassed that you had even started all of this. 
Namor sighed heavily, staring at you in dismay by your sudden bashfulness that always seemed to appear out of nowhere. “Ka a'alé, speak up.” His body turned towards you more as he leaned his head down in order to listen more carefully.
You shakily let out a breath, fully preparing to face his rageful wrath yet again. 
(You were exaggerating, the most he’s ever done is splash water directly into your face. Though it did go straight to your eyes once, you never forgave him for that.)
“Uhm, what I meant to say was…” You were stalling again, nervously fiddling with your fingers on your lap, flexing them under the water. 
Namor sighed. “If you can’t say them to my face, why say them at a-”
You practically shouted at him, shocking him to his core. You swore you could feel the water suddenly shift. Oh no, what if the Talokanil have been watching you all this time and you just shouted at their king?! 
“Or… Haha… Other things as well.” 
At this point, you were just trying to fill in the rather thick silence in the air. “But uhm, they could all also mean beloved.”
Meanwhile, Namor stayed silent at your confession. Have you been whispering to him such intimate words of affection all this time?
“All those words… were you calling me ‘beloved’?” At this, you shook your head slowly, confusing him even more.
“.... Actually, the last part means something else.” You felt like you were hyperventilating at this point. Perhaps you’ve ruined your favorite OPM playlist forever, as you will always associate it with this moment.
“The… The last part means ‘loving’...” You weakly replied, not daring to meet his eyes. You feel like you’ve royally screwed up, banished from the ocean even. Goodbye, night swimming, you will be dearly missed.
You slowly looked, bracing yourself for his reaction. The scene made your jaw drop, and Namor’s face would have been priceless to you if the situation hadn’t called for it. 
The flusteredness on his face would’ve caught anyone off-guard. The way his eyebrows raised as the corner of his eyes pinched at the corners. His lips were slightly open, as if to say that he was too shocked to even close his mouth. 
Soon, however, Namor finally came to his senses. He finally realized what you had been trying to say to him all this time.
They had called him “the child without love” in their spitting, hateful language.
And you had called him such loving words in your native language, as if to imply that they were wrong.
When you scooted closer to him once more, he didn't flinch or pull away this time. You blinked at his movements, noting the way he slightly leaned onto you again.
“... Niib'oolal." was the only thing Namor said after a few minutes.
You’ve talked to him enough to know what that means.
You gleefully smiled at him, before clearing your throat and relaxing your posture.
“Psh, ako pa? Wala lang yun, K’uk’ulkan.”
The soft tunes of the OPM playlist from your phone continued playing in the air, and the cold feeling of the water soon came to feel like a warm embrace instead.
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thedirtybeanlife · 1 year
Hey honey:) i really don't know if you're taking requests at the moment but if you do i have one. Maybe something like Ghost and his foreign gf and he hears her talk in her native language on the phone or smtg for the first time and he takes like an interest in the language? something along that way☺️ (sorry for my bad english)
btw have a nice day 🦋
(Hello darling! I absolutely loved this!! I tried my best as an English speaker to do good with it, so I apologize if it's not good but here you go! 🥰 you have an amazing day as well!🫶🫶)
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Mi Amor
(Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader)
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: one brief hardly nsfw joke
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Captain Price had called our team into our designated conference room for a briefing on our upcoming mission in Las Alams. Ghost of course was the first one to get there, ten minutes early like he normally did. Gaz and Price had come in next, all of them impatiently waiting for Soap and I, who were about five minutes late due to our arguing over who got the last waffle. After getting chewed out by Price as I scarfed down my rightfully earned waffle, we started.
“Alright you four, the mission’s simple. You meet up with Special Forces leader Colonel Vargas to take out some remaining cartel members. Soap and Ghost will clear the warehouse with Rodolfo while Gaz, Alejandro, and (callsign), clear out the safe houses three klicks down. Any questions?”
Everyone gave their varying response of ‘no’, which led to Price sending us off to gather our gear and get ready for the helicopter.
The ride to Las Almas felt like it lasted for eternity with Soap’s constant talking and the sounds from Gaz’s Nintendo Switch that he somehow convinced Price to let him bring in his pack. Ghost, as usual, sat in the far corner, silent as ever. In the last few minutes before we landed, Soap had managed to somehow spill his entire bag onto the floor, hastily cleaning it up. He stood up with his now zipped pack just as the door opened to let us out.
“Alright, team. Let's kick some war crime committing ass!” I cheered gleefully, strutting off the plane with my gear on, bag, and pistol; excited to meet the infamous duo my team spoke so highly of. Soap and Gaz were quick to follow, Ghost of course a few feet behind, always feeling the need to hide in the shadows for as long as he possibly could.
In front of our small group stood Alejandro and Rodolfo, both of them leaning against their military grade pickup truck. They stopped their conversation as they saw us approaching, polite smiles on their faces.
“Welcome back to Las Almas, hermanos! ¿Quién es esta belleza?” Alejandro asked, a smirk on his face as he very clearly let his eyes trace the length of my armor covered body.
“Los nombres Y/N. Un placer conocerlos a ambos. El jabón me ha dicho mucho sobre ustedes, muchachos.” I smiled up at him offering my hand for him to shake, then doing the same to Rodolfo.
“No me dijeron que el 141 tenía su propia diosa de habla hispana.” Alejandro teased, slinging his arm over my shoulders as he smirked at the three men standing in front of us.
“Easy Colonel Vargas.” I laughed out,” I’m only Ghost’s diosa.” I flashed my wedding ring, making Gaz snort.
I looked over at ghost who was staring right back at me, head cocked to the side, the fabric covering his mouth shifting as his lips parted to speak.
”You speak fuckin’ Spanish?” Soap interrupted, loud and brash as usual.
“I was born in Chile boys. Of course I speak Spanish.”
After a few minutes of small talk and going over where we’d be going, all of us piled into the car and left the air strip. Alejandro drove, while Rudy sat in the passenger seat. Soap and Gaz sat in the back, while Ghost and I sat in the bed of the truck. We sat on opposite sides, legs resting against the other’s. It was silent for the first half of the drive until he nudged my thigh with his boot making me look up at him.
“Why didn't I know you could speak Spanish?”
“It’s not that big of a deal, Simon. I speak English more than anything so I never bothered mentioning it. I’m pretty rusty with it anyway.”
“I… Can you.. nevermind.” he turned to look back at the disappearing road, clearly struggling to express what he was feeling. But I knew. I could always read the man like a book, ever since the day I met him.
“Oh my God! You think it's hot don't you!” a large grin spread across my face as I sat up from my slouched position.
“Negative.” he grumbled, head lowering to avoid my gaze.
“Yeah, Okay. Cuando lleguemos a casa, tengo unas palabras que creo que te encantarán.”
“If I understand correctly, is that so, Love?” I could see his lips pull into a smirk under his mask
“afirmativo.” I smirked, playfully winking before opening the back window of the truck and repeatedly tapping Gaz to annoy him, only for him to forcefully poke me in the forehead and send me flying into Ghost.
Gaz let out a loud laugh and slammed the window shut again while Simon let out a small grunt and the smallest chuckle as he caught me.
“You're going to be the death of me.” He placed a quick discreet kiss to the side of my head and gently shoved me back to my side of the truck.
“You love me.”
“Unfortunately, yes I do.” the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled at me making me giggle quietly.
The sound of the window sliding open and the truck slowing made me look to my left to see Soap looking back at us.
“We're walking the rest of the way, let’s go lovebirds.” he sticks his tongue out which made Ghost mumble under his breath. Something about 'Scottish brainless humor’?
I let out another laugh as I hopped over the side of the truck, reaching back in after landing on the ground to grab my bag. I pulled out everything I needed before throwing it back in and covering it with the tarp that i had been sitting on. We all readjusted our gear and loaded our guns, going over the plan one more time before we started on our separate ways.
Just as I started walking with Gaz, a large hand pulled my shoulder back making me turn around and come face to chest with Simon.
“One more sentence.” he whispered, his hand cradling my face, the metal of his wedding ring cold on my warm cheek.
“Vuelve a mí vivo, mi amor.” I leaned up and placed a kiss onto the nose of his skull mask.
“You too, Love.” he rested his forehead against mine and let out a quiet sigh before pulling away and walking over to his group.
I walked over to Gaz, who immediately started making kissing noises and making fun of me. Alejandro laughed and joined in making me groan and pick up my pace.
This was going to be a long mission.
hermanos- brothers
¿Quién es esta belleza?- Who is this beauty?
Los nombres Y/N. Un placer conocerlos a ambos. El jabón me ha dicho mucho sobre ustedes, muchachos.- The names Y/N. A pleasure to meet you both. Soap has told me a lot about you guys.
No me dijeron que el 141 tenía su propia diosa de habla hispana.- They didn't tell me that 141 had its own Spanish-speaking goddess.
diosa- goddess
Cuando lleguemos a casa, tengo unas palabras que creo que te encantarán.- When we get home, I have a few words that I think you'll love.
afirmativo- affirmative
Vuelve a mí vivo, mi amor.- Come back to me alive, my love.
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Title: Mean Girls
Rating: PG-13
Director: Samantha Jayne, Arturo Perez Jr
Cast: Angourie Rice, Reneé Rapp, Auli'i Cravalho, Jaquel Spivey, Avantika, Bebe Wood, Christopher Briney, Jenna Fischer, Busy Philipps, Tina Fey, Tim Meadows, Lindsay Lohan, Jon Hamm, Ashley Park, Connor Ratliff, Mahi Alam, John El-Jor, Brian Altemus
Release year: 2024
Genres: comedy, romance
Blurb: New student Cady Heron is welcomed into the top of the social food chain by The Plastics, the elite group of popular girls ruled by the conniving queen bee Regina George and her minions, Gretchen and Karen. However, when Cady makes the major misstep of falling for Regina's ex-boyfriend Aaron Samuels, she finds herself prey in Regina's crosshairs. As Cady sets out to take down the group's apex predator with the help of her outcast friends Janis and Damian, she must learn how to stay true to herself while navigating the most cutthroat jungle of all: high school.
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Books by BIPOC Authors August 2023
🦇 I grew up surrounded by a melting pot of cultures, diverse communities, and unique experiences. Despite the different sources of those multicultural voices, their stories still covered universal topics of colonialism, migration, identity, and race. Each story was another flavor, another sweet spice adding to that melting pot. Today, we have books by BIPOC authors that put those unique voices to the page. If you're interested in traveling to different worlds, whether familiar or foreign, here are a few books by BIPOC authors to add to your TBR! 🦇
✨ Tomb Sweeping by Alexandra Chang ✨ The Dark Place by Britney S. Lewis ✨ Forged by Blood by Ehigbor Okuson ✨ Accidentally in Love by Danielle Jackson ✨ A Council of Dolls by Mona Susan Power ✨ Still Born by Guadalupe Nettel, translated by Rosalind Harvey ✨ The Injustice of Place: Uncovering the Legacy of Poverty in America by Kathryn J. Edin, H. Luke Shaefer, Timothy J. Nelson ✨ Hangman by Maya Binyam ✨ The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride (Historical Fiction) ✨ Under the Tamarind Tree by Nigar Alam ✨ Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas ✨ An American Immigrant by Johanna Rojas Vann
🧭 Forgive Me Not by Jennifer Baker 🧭 Two Tribes by Emily Bowen Cohen 🧭 A Quantum Life: My Unlikely Journey from the Street to the Stars by Hakeem Oluseyi and Joshua Horwitz 🧭 Writing in Color: Fourteen Writers on the Lessons We've Learned (edited by) Nafiza Azad and Melody Simpson 🧭 Ghost Book by Remy Lai 🧭 The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang 🧭 Plantains and Our Becoming by Melania Luisa Marte 🧭 Forty Words for Love by Aisha Saeed 🧭 The Great White Bard: How to Love Shakespeare While Talking About Race by Farah Karim-Cooper 🧭 Take the Long Way Home by Rochelle Alers 🧭 Swim Home to the Vanished by Brendan Shay Basham 🧭 Actually Super by Adi Alsaid
✨ Never a Hero by Vanessa Len ✨ I Fed Her to the Beast and the Beast is Me by Jamison Shea ✨ The Infinity Particle by Wendy Xu ✨ Night of the Living Queers, edited by Shelly Page ✨ Sign of the Slayer by Sharina Harris ✨ Her Radiant Curse by Elizabeth Lim ✨ My Father the Panda Killer by Jamie Jo Hoang ✨ Barely Floating by Lilliam Rivera ✨Happiness Falls by Angie Kim ✨ A Tall Dark Trouble by Vanessa Montalban ✨ Neverwraith by Shakir Rashaan ✨ House of Marionne by J. Elle
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routedegypte · 2 months
déserts d'Égypte
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L'Égypte est célèbre pour son fleuve verdoyant, le Nil, mais c'est également un pays de vastes étendues désertiques. Le désert occidental, dominé par le plateau du Sahara, s'étend sur une grande partie du territoire.
Il abrite des oasis luxuriantes, véritables havres de paix au milieu de l'immensité sableuse, ainsi que des sites archéologiques fascinants, tels que les temples d'Ouadi Halfa. Le désert oriental, plus montagneux, offre des paysages spectaculaires avec ses canyons et ses montagnes de grès.
 Il est également riche en histoire, avec des vestiges de l'époque pharaonique et copte. Ces déserts, malgré leur apparence hostile, recèlent une biodiversité étonnante et sont le refuge de nombreuses espèces animales et végétales adaptées à ces conditions extrêmes.
Pour explorer les plus beaux sites touristiques d'Egypte, contactez-nous
website: https://routedeegypte.com/
instagram : https://www.instagram.com/routedeegypte
linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/route-d-%C3%A9gypte-4b295b313/
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mutant-distraction · 10 months
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Vladimir Laurencik
Red Sea shrimpgoby (Cryptocentrus
Olympus TG-4
Marsa Gabal el Rosas
Aurora Bay Resort ( Marsa Alam)
Red Sea -Egypt
September 2023
Tattrencth photoa
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Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam
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Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam
Disfrutas de Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice y visitas muchos sitios turísticos en El Cairo. En Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam puedes visitar las Pirámides de Guiza que son Keops, Kefrén y Micerinos. También en Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam puedes ver la Esfinge que es una estatua de una criatura mítica con cuerpo de león y rostro humano. Además en Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam puedes visitar el Museo Egipcio que contiene a fabulosos monumentos y los tesoros del Rey joven Tutankamón. 
Asimismo en Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam puedes visitar El Cairo islámico y copto con World Tour Advice. Y no olvides tomar unas memorables fotos en Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice. Disfrutas de vivir buenos momentos en Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice. No pierdes esta maravillosa oportunidad y reservas ahora Excursiones en El Cairo de Marsa Alam con World Tour Advice. 
  Día 1: Marsa Alam - El Cairo Nuestros Representante le recojo de su hotel en Marsa Alam, temprano por la mañana al Aeropuerto de Hurgada en un van moderno privado con aire acondicionado. Luego vuelo a el Cairo, a su llegada a el Cairo se encontrará con su guía que acompañará a las principales atracciones en el Cairo, visita la ciudadela de Saladino en el Cairo, Pocos años después de la llegada de Saladino en el Cairo en 1168, comenzó a hacer planes de defensas de la ciudad de el Cairo la ciudadela como el elemento clave. En el siglo XII, Saladino y sus sucesores construyeron un bastión impenetrable en el Ciudadela, utilizando las más avanzadas técnicas de construcción de la época. Para los próximos 700 años, Egipto fue gobernado de esta Ciudadela. Los restos más importantes de la parte para los visitantes son la Mezquita de Mohamed Ali, Visita al Museo egipcio en el Cairo contiene más de 120,000 artefactos creados a lo largo de más de 5.000 años. El Museo Egipcio de el Cairo fue construido en 1896 por Marcel Dourgnon, un arquitecto francés. Los artefactos de Museo Egipcio se distribuyen en 2 plantas principales. La primera planta contiene los monumentos pesados como estatuas, estelas, sarcófagos de piedra y relieves de la pared. La Sala de las momias reales también se exhibe en el segundo piso, (con boleto extra). Disfrutar de su almuerzo en restaurante en el Cairo, a continuación, tour de compras, traslado a su hotel en el Cairo. Noche en el Cairo en hotel de 5 estrellas Día 2: Las Pirámides de Giza, Menfis - Saqqara Después de desayunar en su hotel en el Cairo, salida con su guía privado para iniciar un viaje de un día para visitar las grandes pirámides en la meseta de Giza construidas hace 4700 años para ser lugares de entierros para los Reyes de la dinastía IV. La pirámide del rey Keops es la más grande, es una de las 7 maravillas del mundo antiguo, la segunda pirámide de Kefrén es la única pirámide que sigue teniendo el resto de la carcasa de la piedra caliza fina. La pirámide más pequeña del rey Micerinos fue cubierta con granito rosa, pero con el tiempo que fue robada la envoltura exterior de granito, quedó sólo la parte inferior de la pirámide con el granito cubriéndola. La esfinge es la estatua más grande & más grande de una sola pieza de piedra en todo el mundo, él es el protector de momias, pirámides, silencio & historia es uno de los monumentos más conocidos en la tierra y fechas atrás más de 7000 años, mientras que la mayoría de la gente parece pertenecientes a Kefrén viejo Unido porque la cabeza de la esfinge representa probablemente Kefrén & debido a la piedra delante de la esfinge escrito en los últimos tiempos faraónicos & fue escrito por un Faraón del imperio nuevo agradeciendo Kefrén, Almuerzo será servido en el restaurante de buena calidad alrededor de las pirámides de Giza. Continuar el viaje para visitar Saqqara, que es la antigua necrópolis de la capital más antigua de Egipto Memphis. Saqqara contiene un número de fascinantes monumentos funerarios, incluyendo pirámides, mastabas, tumbas & templos. La pirámide escalonada (Zoser) en Saqqara es el más antiguo edificio piedra completo en el mundo, al final traslado al aeropuerto del Cairo, Volar a Hurgada y traslado a su hotel en Marsa Alam
Encuentro y asistencia en los aeropuertos
Guía Privado Habla Español
Todos los traslados por privado con aire acondicionado
Entradas para todos los sitios mencionados
Almuerzo durante las excursiones
1 noche en El Cairo con El desayuno
El Vuelo Marsa Alam / El Cairo / Hurhada
Dos botellas de agua a bordo del vehículo durante el recorrido
Todos los impuestos de excursiones de Costa & cargo por servicio
Cualquier extra no mencionado en el Itinerario del tour
Gastos personales
Para reservar un viaje puedes enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llamarnos a 01090023837
Eman Osama
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skrimblo · 1 year
Just wanna tell you that your Noli/Fili art are so adorable haha, hope you continue them.
Random request: Imuthis and Padre Salvi :) (you can just not do this if you do not want to.)
—From Someone who just read El Fili
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HELLO HAHAHA thank u naenjoy mo ung mga drawings idol <33 sorry di ko pa kasi alam kung cno si imuthis dahil wala pa ako sa el fili :(( di ko rin kasi alam description nya kaya ito nalang si isagani for compensation po huhuhuhuuh SORRY TALAGA WAHHHG
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houseofpurplestars · 10 months
Summary of Resistance operations, Dec 3:
— 🇾🇪 Yemen:
🔻Targeted 2 Israeli ships in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait using an anti-ship missile & drone.
— 🇵🇸 Hamas:
🔻60 IOF soldiers targeted by explosives, east of Juhor al-Dik, causing significant casualties.
🔻Luring & blowing up a tunnel entrance, causing for casualties among a group of IOF soldiers east of Beit Lahia.
🔻8 IOF soldiers trapped in a Hamas minefield, followed by targeting the survivors from point-blanck range, northeast of Khan Yunis.
🔻Detonation of a booby-trapped tunnel with a Zionist infantry force inside of it, in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, causing injuries, followed by targeting rescue forces with mortars.
🔻Targeting of 6 Israeli tanks in various axes with Yasin 105.
🔻Targeting of 5 IOF military vehicles east of Deir al-Balah, confirming the complete destruction of 3 & D-9 armoured bulldozer & 1 APC.
🔻Targeting a special IOF force inside a building in Beit Hanoun, inflicting casualties.
— 🇵🇸 Al-Quds Brigades:
🔻Intense clashes with an IOF infantry force in northeast of Khan Yunis.
🔻Detonation of a "Thaqib" high-explosive bomb on a Zionist tank infiltrating near the Hajjaj Mosque in the Maghraqa area.
🔻Shelling of IOF soldiers & army vehicles infiltrating.
🔻Shelling an IOF special force inside a building in Beit Hanoun with mortars, with casualties.
— 🇵🇸 Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades:
🔻Targeting Namer army vehicles with anti-armor shells and engaging in fierce clashes, in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood.
— 🟡| 🇱🇧 Hezbollah:
🔻Targeting a military vehicle in the Beit Hillel base with ATGMs, resulting in 11 israeli casualties.
🔻Targeting positions in Zabdin, and the Ruwassat al-Alam area in the occupied Shebaa Farms.
🔻Targeting enemy concentrations east of Hanita
🔻Targeting the Raheb IOF site
🔻Targeting the Ramiya IOF site
— 🇮🇶 Islamic Resistance in Iraq:
🔻 Targeting the US base at Erbil Airport with a suicide drone.
🔻Targeting the US "Kharab al-Jeer" base, northeast of Syria, with a large rocket barrage.
🔻Targeting the US base in the Green Village in the Syrian depth with a suicide drone.
🔻Targeting the US Ain al-Assad base, west of Iraq with a suicide drone.
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