#Explore Monsanto
travelernight · 5 months
Portugal: Experience The Magic – Top 10 Fairy-Tale Locations You Need To See
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invisibleicewands · 3 months
Please come and see me because I’ll be dead soon’: how Michael Sheen got sucked into a forever chemicals exposé
An opera-loving member of high society turned eco-activist who was forced into police protection with a panic button round his neck. A Hollywood actor who recorded said activist’s life story as he was dying from exposure to the very chemicals he was investigating. Throw in two investigative journalists who realise not everything is as it seems, then uncover some startling truths, and you have “podcasting’s strangest team” on Buried: The Last Witness.
On their award-winning 2023 podcast Buried, the husband and wife duo Dan Ashby and Lucy Taylor dug into illegal toxic waste dumping in the UK and its links to organised crime. This time, they focus on “forever chemicals”, specifically polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and set out to discover whether one whistleblower may have been decades ahead of his time in reporting on their harmful impact.
“It’s amazing how big the scale of this story is,” says Ashby, as we sit backstage at the Crucible theatre, where they are doing a live discussion as part of Sheffield DocFest. “With this series, we don’t just want it to make your blood turn cold, we want it to make you question your own blood itself.”
It all started when Taylor and Ashby were sent a lead about the work of former farmer’s representative Douglas Gowan. In 1967, he discovered a deformed calf in a field and began to investigate strange goings on with animals close to the Brofiscin and Maendy quarries in south Wales. He linked them to the dumping of waste by companies including the nearby Monsanto chemical plant, which was producing PCBs.
PCBs were used in products such as paint and paper to act as a fire retardant, but they were discovered to be harmful and have been banned since 1981 in the UK. However, due to their inability to break down – hence the term forever chemical – Gowan predicted their legacy would be a troubling one. “I expect there to be a raft of chronic illness,” he said. He even claimed that his own exposure to PCBs (a result of years of testing polluted grounds) led his pancreas and immune system to stop working. “I’m a mess and I think it can all be attributed to PCBs,” he said.
However, Gowan wasn’t a typical environmentalist. “A blue-blood high-society Tory and a trained lawyer who could out-Mozart anyone,” is how Taylor describes him in the series. He would even borrow helicopters from friends in high places to travel to investigate farmers’ fields. Gowan died in 2018 but the pair managed to get hold of his life’s work – confidential reports, testing and years of evidence. “I’m interested in environmental heroes that aren’t cliche,” says Ashby. “So I was fascinated by him. But then we started to see his flaws and really had to weigh them up. My goodness it’s a murky world we went into.”
The reason they were able to delve even deeper into this murky world is because of the award-winning actor Michael Sheen who, in 2017, came across Gowan’s work in a story he read. He was so blown away by it, and the lack of broader coverage, that he tracked him down. “I got a message back from him saying: ‘Please come and see me because I’ll be dead soon,’” says Sheen. “I took a camera with me and spent a couple of days with him and just heard this extraordinary story.”
What Gowan had been trying to prove for years gained some traction in 2007, with pieces in the Ecologist and a Guardian article exploring how “Monsanto helped to create one of the most contaminated sites in Britain”. One was described as smelling “of sick when it rains and the small brook that flows from it gushes a vivid orange.” But then momentum stalled.
Years later, in 2023, Ashby and Taylor stumbled on a recording of Sheen giving the 2017 Raymond Williams memorial lecture, which referenced Gowan and his work. Before they knew it, they were in the actor’s kitchen drinking tea and learning he had conducted a life-spanning seven-hour interview with Gowan before his death. So they joined forces. Sheen isn’t just a token celebrity name added for clout on this podcast; he is invested. For him, it’s personal as well as political. “Once you dig into it, you realise there’s a pattern,” he says. “All the places where this seems to have happened are poor working-class areas. There’s a sense that areas like the one I come from are being exploited.”
Sheen even goes to visit some contaminated sites in the series, coming away from one feeling sick. “That made it very real,” he says. “To be looking into a field and going: ‘Well, I’m pretty sure that’s toxic waste.’” Sheen was living a double life of sorts. “I went to rehearsals for a play on Monday and people were like, ‘What did you do this weekend?’” he says. “‘Oh, I went to the most contaminated area in the UK and I think I may be poisoned.’ People thought I was joking.” Sheen ended up being OK, but did have some temporary headaches and nausea, which was a worry. “We literally had to work out if we had poisoned Michael Sheen,” says Ashby, who also ponders in the series: “Have I just killed a national treasure?”
The story gets even knottier. Gowan’s findings turn out to be accurate and prescient, but the narrative around his journey gets muddy. As a character with a flair for drama, he turned his investigation into a juicy, riveting story filled with action, which could not always be corroborated. “If he hadn’t done that, and if he’d been a nerdy, analytical, detail-oriented person who just presented the scientific reports and kept them neatly filed, would we have made this podcast?” asks Taylor, which is a fascinating question that runs through this excellent and gripping series.
Ashby feels that Gowan understood how vital storytelling is when it comes to cutting through the noise. “We have so much science proving the scale of these problems we face and yet we don’t seem to have the stories,” he says. “I think Douglas got that. Fundamentally, he understood that stories motivate human beings to act. But then he went too far.”
However, this is not purely about Gowan’s story – it’s about evidence. The Last Witness doubles up as a groundbreaking investigation into the long-lasting impact of PCBs. “We threw the kitchen sink at this,” says Ashby. “The breakthrough for us is that the Royal Society of Chemistry came on board and funded incredibly expensive testing. So we have this commitment to go after the truth in a way that is hardly ever done.”
From shop-bought fish so toxic that it breaches official health advice to off-the-scale levels of banned chemicals found in British soil, the results are staggering. “The scientist almost fell off his chair,” says Ashby. “That reading is the highest he has ever recorded in soil – in the world. That was the moment we knew Douglas was right and we are now realising the scale of this problem. The public doesn’t realise that even a chemical that has been banned for 40 years is still really present in our environment.”
To go even deeper into just how far PCBs have got into our environment and food chain, Ashby and Taylor had their own blood tested. When Taylor found 80 different types of toxic PCB chemicals in her blood it was a sobering moment. “I was genuinely emotional because it’s so personal,” she says. “It was the thought of this thing being in me that was banned before I was even born and the thought of passing that on to my children.” Ashby adds: “We’ve managed physical risk in our life as journalists in Tanzania and with organised crime, but more scary than a gangster is this invisible threat to our health.”
In order to gauge the magnitude of what overexposure to PCBs can do, they headed to Anniston, Alabama, once home to a Monsanto factory. “As a journalist, you have an inbuilt scepticism and think it can’t be that bad,” says Ashby. “But when I got there I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I hate to use words like dystopian, but it was. There is a whole massive school that can’t be used. There’s illnesses in children and cancers. It truly was the most powerful vignette of the worst-case example of these chemicals.”
It’s bleak stuff but instilling fear and panic is not the intention. “Obviously, we’re really concerned about it,” says Ashby. “And although the environmental crises we face do feel overwhelming, it is incredible how a movement has formed and how individuals are taking action in communities. The lesson to take from Douglas is that the response doesn’t have to be resignation. It can be agency.”
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cromerholt · 4 months
dont never drink one of those limoncello bang energy drinks. my fucking god bro. shit tastes like straight research chemicals. im talking monsanto. thats that superfund slurp. this drink is not a place of honor. some drop and run drank. no fucking way bro. you do not want that exxon elixir. youll be sipping on some soylent green. told my children i love them. time for them to explore this galaxy alone. drink that makes you feel like its 25 or 6 to 4. feels like the enemy is spinning up the photon torpedoes and the ionic stellar dust is disabling our weapon systems. no sir. this shit tastes like fauci highball. he drank this shit in district 9. i just heard them play a sorrowful refrain on the mandachord. this shit tastes like a lexus dealership. not fit for man nor beast.
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exxcitement1995 · 6 months
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2024 Mound Laboratories Internationale
new media research project i'm starting, named after a real laboratory near Dayton Ohio that was a part of the Manhattan Project, was operated after WWII by Monsanto, and is poetically located right next to an ancient burial ground built by the Adena People in the Miami Valley far before the birth of Christ.
It'll be archival work, new sonic research explorations, interviews, zines, chaos magic, but at the heart of it all it's big beautiful data baby
more updates soon once i have more time to start uploading lol big things coming soon :3
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
Brigitte Empire! A writer for the Daily Telegraph and prospective British ex-pat who could use your clicks and attention - and money, if you can afford it! Today, she's unpacking a little of the British Empire's colonial legacy.
And while I have your attention, would you like to talk about why mere gayness is seen as such a threat to colonial power structures?
You exist on Tumblr, you've seen this:
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...or maybe this version:
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Gayness has been criminalized for so long it's gone memetic, and it's a badge of honour. Alright, you're gonna make my very existence illegal, I'm gonna do whatever I want. Thanks, homophobes!
But if we rewind to Ancient Greece and Rome - some of the original, big-time conquerors of the world - two dudes banging was part of the accepted social structure and no threat. Indeed, if you watch through Brigitte up there, quite a few of those tribal societies grant men or masculine people quite a lot of gender fluidity and sexual freedom. "Male privilege" includes self-determination, even when that extends to kicking traditional masculine ideals to the curb.
At the same time, women and feminine people tend to be ignored and erased, unless they're masculine enough to be parsed as men (that's a compliment!). History is written by the victors, the colonizers, and all of them were patriarchal as hell. Why it shook out that way is fodder for endless speculation - and politicization, depending on whether you prefer to glorify the male penetrative impulse, demonize it, or deconstruct it - but it obviously did and we've been living with the consequences for centuries. As it stands, the queer landscape available for colonial exploitation is incredibly diverse, but the perceived-male aspects of it (including, nonsensically, transwomen) get more play and more flack.
To get out there and start inflicting your diseased culture on everyone else - even if it kills them - you need truly toxic level of self-confidence.
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"Cancer? What're you talking about? That's just ME!"
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"And, believe me, it's an improvement. Because I'm fuckin' AWESOME! Ego, the Living Planet, will ALWAYS serve you your Blizzard upside down!"
If you think you have the right to yeet other cultures right out of existence and replace them with your own, your culture - alone - must be the best one. If the others have anything worth keeping, you'll add their uniqueness to your own...
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Boy, do we like colonizer villains! Kinda scared someone's gonna roll up and feed us our own medicine, aren't we?
...but most of that stuff can go. It's not that you're behaving like cancer cells, it's more like... Pesticide! You want to be Monsanto, and inflict your specific flavour of mutant grass worldwide. Everyone needs to be eating the good stuff. It will save lives. So you need everyone to understand that the ecosystems you're wiping out to plant it are not worth having.
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What's that? A "rain forest"? Who needs it?!
The easiest way to do that is to send some explorers and have them explain that the people already living in your desired colony are doing things differently, and wrong, and they need your help. They are morally-degenerate, we are morally-upright, and we can fix them!
And this is, unfortunately, still where all the old colonizers are coming from in trying to reign in the worst damages done to their former colonies, only these days the colonies aren't having it.
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Gee, I wonder why.
Back in the golden age, tribal warfare, slavery, the abuses of preexisting empires, and a lack of super cool technology were all easy justifications. You didn't necessarily have to fix them, you just had to say you were, and that was cover for whatever else you wanted to do, including more warfare, slavery, abuse and theft. Gayness in and of itself wasn't a big deal to ancient Greeks and Romans, but they still held themselves much more civilized than the disorganized gayness they found in the Celtic tribes on those savage islands across the channel.
Those savage islands did not stop being gay and disorganized, even at the height of their colonial expansion, when such behaviour was officially punishable by imprisonment and death. Yet, Shaka Zulu didn't send a telegram after hearing about the Cleveland Street Scandal and say, "Hey, Victoria? Shame about that homosexual menace corrupting your whole government. Tell ya what, I'll be over with all my troops on the next boat, and we'll 'save' you from yourselves, all right? No-no, no need to thank me. Just returning the favour. Ha-ha. Cheers!"
Gayness has been here a long time, it's not going away, and empires have rolled along just fine while being variously gay AF. They normalize it, they ignore it, and they cover it up, as needed. Above a certain social standing, you can do whatever you want and we'll bend over backwards to forgive it. That's still how it is today, or else Prince Andrew and all of Epstein's powerful friends would be rotting in jail instead of going on about their influential lives. Colonial power structures don't really care about two similar sets of genitals banging together, or any kind of sexual deviancy at all. What they cannot abide is people refusing to stay in their place.
Queen Victoria wouldn't stand for a cadre of Zulu warriors occupying London no matter how gay it was, because white people (except the Irish) are inherently superior and deserve to rule the world. And we've developed many scientific theories based on things like skull shape and melanin production that prove it! SO THERE!
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Science is NOT political. You can't politicize this stuff, IT IS SCIENCE!
Criminalizing homosexuality and gender fluidity all comes down to one thing: visible minorities are the easiest to marginalize, and marginalized people are the easiest to exploit. If you are below a certain social standing, it behooves your betters to hit you with as many labels as possible that indicate you belong there. Ideally, you will stop looking like a person deserving of human rights, and start to resemble a problem that needs a solution. Not necessarily a final solution, but that is on the table for those of you who aren't willing to settle down and be managed.
Let's go back to the pesticide metaphor. Say you're Monsanto, and you want the world to be covered in your corn. You know what would really help you rip up a variety of diverse ecosystems? An evil plant.
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(I'm gay. I'm crime.)
Ideally, something hardy, ubiquitous, recognizable, and just common enough that you're liable to find one or two in any field, growing wild and free. Then, wherever you want to grow your corn, you just have to look for the plant.
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And if someone should happen to see some evil plants growing amidst your awesome corn...
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(I'm gay, but British aristocracy. I'm not crime!)
Nuh-uh, no you didn't.
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(This one got pulled up and thrown away because it wouldn't shut up, and it was pointing out more evil plants.)
And if, in the future, you wanted to keep burning ecosystems down with impunity, you could always take back all you said about the plant being evil, call it "oppressed" instead, and make another pass with the flamethrower to "save" it. You know, if any of your bridges are intact after a thousand years of flames, and you're still desperate to rule the world, you could try.
It's not working very well, but some of the people living in these damaged ecosystems have internalized the fact that the plants are evil (and a criminal underclass is useful), and the continued use of flamethrowers is not working out so hot either.
Ultimately, queerness was criminalized as a convenient excuse. While it worked, the colonizers overplayed their hands so badly that they no longer have the authority to de-criminalize it. It's not a real threat. It's not logical, it's not disprovable (you can't prove a negative), and it will persist as long as it's convenient to have an underclass to exploit. With capitalism calling the shots, I have no idea how we're going to fix this.
But you already have some great advice to follow if your very existence is a crime.
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[like and reblog if you want more like this, I am paying attention!]
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optikes · 10 months
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1 David Bailly (1584-1657) Dutch. Self Portrait with Vanitas Symbols (1651) oil on wood panel
2 Philippe de Champaigne (1602-74) Netherlands/France  Still-life with a skull (vanitas) (c1671)
3 Andy Warhol (1927-87) USA. from his Skull series.
4 Danie Mellor Piccaninny Paradise (2010) pastel, pencil, glitter, Swarovski crystal and wash on Saunders Waterford paper.
5 Danie Mellor (born 1971) Australian.  From rite to ritual, (2009) oil, wax pastel with pencil, glitter and Swarovski crystal on Saunders Waterford paper, 178x133.5cm.
6 eX de Medici (born 1959) Australian. Take #5 (2005) watercolour
Lara Cory  escapeintolife.com ....      As the viewer digs a little deeper, a better understanding of de Medici’s concerns with power and control through violence become apparent. Her art and her message is accessible. You don’t need an explanation to enjoy and appreciate the visually enticing guns and skulls, and yet you still sense the beguiling paradox of her work.The artist’s style and subject matter seem to perfectly encapsulate her intention and her expression. Her art reflects the precision of natural history illustration, from which she draws her influence, as well as from her experience as tattooist. The subject matter and technique are forged together in a highly original context. De Medici explains in an interview that her penchant for working in miniature is due to the patience and skill she learned during her years as a tattooist. According to de Medici,  tattoos are emblems that people choose to represent their ideas. The imagery of guns and skulls therefore arises from this symbolic approach to meaning. The gun is the weapon of ultimate power and the skull is the result of that power. An exquisite and gentle moth pelt disguises and also magnifies the awareness of extinction and the abuse of power. (Remember that de Medici volunteered at CSIRO, assisting with the classification of rare moth species.) De Medici’s “impossible guns” with triggers made up of the microscopic filaments of moth hide are emblems of defenseless beauty and destruction. The echoes of natural history illustration in her work, invites connections to humanity, biology and life as art. De Medici’s guns and skulls are also reminders of the end of life, violence, and the ravaging of the natural world.The colors that the artist uses to convey her meaning are not randomly selected. They combine variations of the wing pattern of the Tortricidae superfamily of Microlepidoptera—a very small species of moth, found in the Asia Pacific region—flashes of the British and US flags; colonial drawings of the crash of the flagship of the First Fleet, the shipwrecked Sirius on the Norfolk Island reef; the Mobil horse, the BHP logo, Monsanto, Blackwater and numerous other colors loaded with meaning.And so, the imagery and materials of de Medici’s guns and skulls combine to form an aggregate of associations, ideas and influences. She fuses the organic, vulnerable, biological characteristics of the moth and the skull with the artificial, man-made gun and notions of power. She explores a range of antithetical insights, from the resplendent pelts of extinct moths to the hard, cold fact of weaponry. The artist transforms the ugliness and cruelty of violence by showing us the final, irreversible result of that violence in beguiling beauty.
7 & 8 Ricky Swallow (b.1974) Australian. Everything is Nothing (2003)
9 & 10 Ricky Swallow iMan Prototypes (2001)  injection-molded resin with colour tint, edition of 34 units, each 16x11.5x18.5cm 
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touringcook · 2 years
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Picture: Monsanto, Portugal The Countdown Begins Work is finished. Now starting to count down the days until we can get away. Just got the last few bits and pieces to sort out before we hit the road. More stickers for the motorhome.... angles morte, headlight blips, name tags.....yes, Carol has got some stickers saying "Lottie". New water pump to fit.... the old one is leaking at the diaphragm. Wing mirror to spray paint. Sell the car. Dentist appointment on the 5th, then booked in for an upgrade to the leisure batteries on the 10th. That's it...then we are off..... first stop????? Honestly we have no idea. No plans. All we want to do is explore part of Europe we haven't been to before 🥰 In the meantime keep up to date with our adventures so far by visiting my blog at www.touringcook.com......I am publishing at least one post a week covering our travels around Scotland, France, Spain and Portugal. From then on I will aim to post weekly about this year's travels and you will also be able to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and polar steps. #touringcook #homecooked #homecooking #freshfood #vanlife #travel #localproduce #cooking #food #instafood #foodphotography #homemade #love #beautiful #yummy #photography #happy #travelphotography #instagood #photooftheday #picoftheday #homecook #vanlifefood #vanlifecooking #foodblog #instagram #fresh #portugal #Monsanto https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm8ipNXoWom/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pharahsgf · 2 years
Despite everything, I miss Allura... I remember the hype I felt the first season, being really excited to explore the series, then boom, they did all that. I never even finished it
the final season should just have been allura hitting haggar with a spiked baseball bat for twelve episodes that would have been a much better and more nuanced finale. death to monsanto
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vynzautomotive · 25 days
Global Biopesticides Market 
The global biopesticides market is expanding rapidly as the demand for sustainable agricultural practices increases. Biopesticides, derived from natural materials like animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals, offer a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chemical pesticides. They are widely used in agriculture to control pests, diseases, and weeds without harming the ecosystem.
Explore more-https://www.vynzresearch.com/chemicals-materials/biopesticides-market/request-sample
Market Drivers:
Increasing Demand for Organic Food:
The rising popularity of organic farming and the demand for organic food products are driving the adoption of biopesticides.
Environmental and Health Concerns:
Growing awareness about the harmful effects of synthetic pesticides on human health and the environment is leading to a shift toward biopesticides.
Government Regulations and Policies:
Stringent regulations on chemical pesticide usage and government support
Some of the key players operating in the global Biopesticides Industry are Bayer AG, BASF SE, The DOW Chemical Company, Monsanto Company, Marrone Bio Innovations Inc., Isagro SPA, Valent Biosciences Corporation, Certis Usa L.L.C., W. Neudorff GmbH Kg, Koppert B.V., Bioworks, Inc., and Camson Bio Technologies Limited.
VynZ Research
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secretofresearch · 2 months
Fibromyalgia Treatment Market In Trends By Growing Demand For Non-Opioid Pain Management Options
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The fibromyalgia treatment market comprises of drugs that provide relief from chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia. Conditions like widespread muscle aches, pain in joints, fatigue and sleep issues are commonly reported in fibromyalgia patients. Drugs like serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), pregabalin, duloxetine and milnacipran that enhance pain threshold and improve sleep quality are prescribed. Non-pharmacological therapies including exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy and stress management also aid in managing fibromyalgia.
The fibromyalgia treatment market is estimated to be valued at USD 3.07 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 3.86 Bn by 2031, exhibiting a compound annual growth rate CAGR of 3.3% from 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the fibromyalgia treatment are BASF, Syngenta, Bayer CropScience (formerly Monsanto), DowDuPont (now Corteva), FMC Corporation, ADAMA, Agricultural Solutions.
The rising prevalence of Fibromyalgia Treatment Market Demand coupled with lack of effective therapies available presently is driving the demand for non-opioid management options in the market. According to the National Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Association, an estimated 6-10 million Americans suffer from fibromyalgia annually.
Pharmaceutical companies are exploring novel therapeutic targets and delivery mechanisms for fibromyalgia treatment. Growing awareness about the chronic condition is also encouraging more patients to seek medical help and comply with prescribed treatment regimens. This in turn is favoring the expansion of fibromyalgia treatment market across international markets.
Market Key Trends
One key trend gaining traction in the Fibromyalgia Treatment Market Analysis is the focus on developing medicines targeting ion channels. Nav1.7 and Nav1.8 sodium channels are involved in maintaining fibromyalgic pain. Drugs modulating functions of these ion channels have potential to provide relief from chronic widespread pain with improved tolerability versus traditional options. Multiple pharmaceutical giants are exploring pre-clinical candidates for selective sodium channel modulation.
Porter’s Analysis
Threat of new entrants: The threat of new entrants is low as this is a complex disease area and requires a considerable R&D investment and expertise.
Bargaining power of buyers: The bargaining power of buyers is high as fibrodrugs are prescribed generically and buyers can negotiate prices.
Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers have moderate bargaining power as developing new drugs requires significant R&D costs and time along with regulatory approvals.
Threat of new substitutes: Threat of new substitutes is high as there are multiple treatment options available for fibromyalgia.
Competitive rivalry: Competitive rivalry is high among existing players to gain higher market share.
Geographical Regions
Currently, North America dominates the global fibromyalgia treatment market and accounts for the largest market share in terms of value. This high market share is attributed to factors such as the increasing prevalence of fibromyalgia, availability of reimbursement, and presence of well-established healthcare infrastructure.
The Asia Pacific region is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period owing to increasing awareness levels regarding fibromyalgia, rising healthcare investments, and growing focus of key players to tap opportunities in emerging Asian countries.
Get more insights on Fibromyalgia Treatment Market
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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dax-cooke · 3 months
From Farm to Fortune: The Rise of Agro Capitalism
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Agro capitalism, the large-scale industrialization and commercialization of agriculture, has transformed the way we produce and consume food. This system combines advanced technology, extensive financial investments, and large-scale operations to maximize productivity and profitability. The rise of agro capitalism has significant implications for food security, rural economies, and environmental sustainability. This article explores the evolution of agro capitalism, its benefits, challenges, and the future it holds for global agriculture. By understanding this transformative trend, we can better appreciate its impact on our food systems and consider the steps needed to address its complexities.
The Evolution of Agro Capitalism
Agro capitalism emerged as a response to the growing demand for food driven by population growth and urbanization. Over the past few decades, agriculture has shifted from small-scale, family-owned farms to large, corporate-owned agribusinesses. This transformation was fueled by advancements in agricultural technology, including mechanization, biotechnology, and data analytics​.
Large agribusinesses now dominate the global food supply chain, from seed production and farming to processing and distribution. Companies like Monsanto (now part of Bayer), Cargill, and John Deere have become household names, symbolizing the industrialization of agriculture. These corporations leverage economies of scale to reduce costs and increase efficiency, driving the consolidation of smaller farms into larger, more productive operations​. This shift has led to increased productivity and efficiency, but it has also raised concerns about the sustainability and equity of such practices.
Technological Advancements in Agro Capitalism
Technology plays a crucial role in the success of agro capitalism. Precision agriculture, for example, uses GPS, drones, and IoT devices to monitor and manage crops with incredible accuracy. These technologies help farmers optimize resource use, reduce waste, and improve crop yields. Precision farming techniques can pinpoint the exact amount of water, fertilizer, and pesticides needed, ensuring that crops receive the right inputs at the right time.
Biotechnology has also made significant contributions to agro capitalism. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are engineered to be more resistant to pests, diseases, and environmental stresses, leading to higher productivity and reduced reliance on chemical inputs. Innovations like CRISPR gene editing promise to revolutionize crop breeding, making it possible to develop new varieties with improved traits more quickly and efficiently​​. Moreover, advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning enable predictive analytics for crop management, further enhancing efficiency and productivity in agriculture.
Financial Investments and Market Dynamics
The financial aspect of agro capitalism involves substantial investments from both public and private sectors. Venture capital firms, institutional investors, and agribusiness corporations pour billions of dollars into agricultural research, technology development, and infrastructure. These investments are essential for driving innovation and scaling up operations to meet global food demand​.
The market dynamics of agro capitalism are characterized by global supply chains and commodity trading. Large agribusinesses operate across multiple countries, sourcing raw materials from diverse regions to ensure a steady supply of agricultural products. This globalization of agriculture has led to increased competition and efficiency but also raises concerns about the impact on local farmers and economies. The integration of financial markets with agricultural production means that fluctuations in global markets can have immediate and significant impacts on food prices and availability.
Environmental and Social Impacts
While agro capitalism has boosted agricultural productivity and food availability, it also poses significant environmental and social challenges. Large-scale monoculture farming depletes soil nutrients, reduces biodiversity, and contributes to environmental degradation. The heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides leads to soil and water pollution, affecting ecosystems and human health​.
Socially, the rise of agro capitalism often marginalizes smallholder farmers who cannot compete with large agribusinesses. This can lead to rural depopulation, loss of traditional farming practices, and increased poverty in farming communities. Moreover, the focus on profit maximization sometimes overlooks the welfare of agricultural workers, leading to poor working conditions and labor rights violations​. The consolidation of land and resources in the hands of a few large corporations can exacerbate inequalities and limit access to land for future generations of farmers.
The Role of Sustainability in Agro Capitalism
In response to these challenges, there is a growing emphasis on sustainability within agro capitalism. Sustainable agricultural practices aim to balance productivity with environmental stewardship and social responsibility. This includes adopting regenerative farming techniques, reducing chemical inputs, and promoting biodiversity​.
Many agribusinesses are now investing in sustainable technologies and practices to minimize their environmental footprint. For instance, companies are developing biodegradable packaging, renewable energy solutions, and carbon-neutral farming methods. These initiatives not only address environmental concerns but also appeal to increasingly eco-conscious consumers and investors​​. Additionally, sustainable practices such as integrated pest management and organic farming are being promoted to reduce dependency on synthetic chemicals and enhance ecosystem health.
Policy and Regulatory Frameworks
Government policies and regulatory frameworks play a critical role in shaping the landscape of agro capitalism. Regulations on land use, environmental protection, and food safety ensure that agricultural practices meet certain standards. Subsidies and incentives can also encourage the adoption of sustainable practices and support smallholder farmers​​.
International organizations like the FAO and the World Bank are actively involved in promoting sustainable agriculture and addressing the challenges posed by agro capitalism. These organizations provide funding, technical assistance, and policy guidance to help countries develop resilient and inclusive agricultural systems​​. Effective policy frameworks are essential for balancing the benefits of large-scale industrial agriculture with the need to protect environmental and social values.
The Future of Agro Capitalism
The future of agro capitalism will likely be shaped by ongoing technological advancements, market dynamics, and regulatory developments. Innovations in artificial intelligence, robotics, and biotechnology will continue to drive productivity and efficiency gains. However, addressing the environmental and social impacts of large-scale industrial agriculture will be crucial for ensuring its sustainability​.
As the world grapples with climate change and food security challenges, there will be a greater focus on creating resilient agricultural systems that can adapt to changing conditions. This includes developing climate-smart agriculture practices, enhancing food distribution networks, and promoting sustainable land management​​. The integration of agro capitalism with sustainable development goals can help align the interests of large agribusinesses with global efforts to combat hunger and environmental degradation.
Conclusion: Navigating the Complexities of Agro Capitalism
The rise of agro capitalism represents a significant shift in global agriculture, characterized by large-scale industrialization and commercialization. While this system has improved productivity and food availability, it also presents environmental and social challenges that must be addressed. By embracing sustainable practices, fostering innovation, and implementing supportive policies, we can navigate the complexities of agro capitalism and create a more resilient and equitable food system for the future​. The path forward requires a collaborative effort among governments, corporations, and communities to ensure that the benefits of agro capitalism are shared broadly and sustainably.
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europaworldtravels · 3 months
A Luxury Travel Through The Most Exclusive Destinations In Portugal
Portugal's allure has grown immensely over the past decade, and it's clear to see the reasons. Vibrant, vivid urban centres, an immensely underappreciated culinary landscape, a vast array of terrains from radiant coastlines to majestic valleys, and the genuine warmth of its people are the core of this nation. Perched on the extreme western frontier of Europe, Portugal promises endless exploration, from the welcoming beaches of the Algarve in the south to the heartfelt metropolises of Lisbon and Porto, not to mention its secluded islands and the sparsely populated summits along its northern frontier. This excitement surrounding Portugal shows no signs of waning.
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The luxurious aspect of Portugal presents a selection of refined and unique encounters. The luxury travel itineraries in Portugal are designed for the discerning voyager. A luxury tour to Portugal ensures a voyage of sophistication and grandeur. Uncover Portugal's premier treasures and set off on a memorable high-end yet luxury Portugal trip. If you are planning a luxury travel to Portugal, be sure to visit some of these beautiful places.
Stroll Through Braga: Nestled near Porto and Amarante, Braga serves as a gateway to Portugal's architectural marvels and storied past. Don't miss the majestic Bom Jesus do Monte. Equip yourself with bravery and hydration—the ascent is a true test of endurance!
Wander in Amarante: A stone's throw from Porto, Amarante beckons with its rich history. Marvel at the exquisite Ponte São Gonçalo and meander by the river, where quaint eateries tempt with local delicacies.
Savor Porto: In the north, Porto, a bustling metropolis, awaits. Its hilly terrain, adorned with cobblestone paths and delectable seafood, invites indulgence in its famed port wine—savour responsibly, as it's stronger than typical wines.
Uncover Sortelha: This diminutive hamlet, crowned by its commanding castle, transports visitors to medieval times. Traverse the castle grounds, but choose your footwear wisely for this historical journey.
Behold Monsanto: Close to the Spanish frontier, Monsanto, a village sculpted around a boulder, offers a singular experience. Its tiny population adds to its rural charm, making it a must-see destination.
Enchant in Sintra: Falling for Sintra is effortless. Cradled in the Sintra mountains, it boasts some of Europe's most exquisite castles. Pena Palace, Monserrate Palace, Moors Castle, and Sintra Palace are UNESCO-listed treasures not to be overlooked.
Unveil Cascais: Down the coast from Lisbon, the ancient fishing village of Cascais is an idyllic spot for relaxation and coastal splendour. Its must-visit sites are sure to captivate.
Gaze at Azores Waterfalls: The Azores, a volcanic archipelago, offer awe-inspiring vistas. Trails and landscapes here are unparalleled, with Poço da Alagoinha on Flores Island being a highlight.
Discover Lisbon: Portugal's capital, Lisbon, is a mosaic of charming districts. For panoramic city views, seek out the prime spots that showcase Lisbon's allure.
Explore Madeira Island: Between Portugal and the Canary Islands, Madeira's capital, Funchal, and its pristine countryside await exploration.
Reflect in Évora: Évora, a Roman city with UNESCO protection, is home to the Roman temple, Praça do Giraldo, and the Chapel of Bones within the Lgreja de Sao Francisco complex—a sight of historical significance.
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Europa World Travels specializes in luxury tourism and personalized itineraries in Portugal. They are one of the leading DMCs located in Portugal specialising in luxury travel and tailor-made itineraries focused on Portugal tourism.  To learn more about luxury travel in Portugal please visit https://www.europaworldtravels.com/ today!
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namansharma0950 · 4 months
From Vinegar to Versatility: Unveiling Acetic Acid's Production Journey and Multifaceted Applications
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Vinegar. That pantry staple we splash on salads and fries. But did you know this common household item packs a surprising scientific punch? The key ingredient in vinegar is Acetic Acid, a clear, colorless liquid with a powerful odor that's sure to clear your sinuses. Acetic Acid is much more than just a souring agent. It's a workhorse in the chemical world, playing a crucial role in the production of countless everyday items. From the plastics in your water bottle to the medicines in your cabinet, Acetic Acid might be lurking behind the scenes.
In this blog, we'll delve deeper into the fascinating world of Acetic Acid. We'll explore its surprising range of uses, from the industrial to the culinary, and uncover the science behind its unique properties. So, whether you're a curious cook or a science enthusiast, get ready to learn a whole new side to the humble vinegar you know and love!
Acetic Acid, a clear organic compound with a strong odor and tart flavor, is industrially synthesized through methanol carbonylation or ethylene oxidation. Methanol carbonylation is the preferred method over ethylene oxidation. Key technology providers for Acetic Acid production include British Petroleum, Celanese, Eastman's acetyls technology, and LyondellBasell. Similar to ethanol, Acetic Acid is a water-friendly solvent, readily mixing with water, chloroform, and hexane, and dissolving substances such as oils, sulfur, and iodine.
It serves as a chemical precursor for various compounds like acetic anhydride, esters, vinyl acetate monomer (VAM), and various polymers. Acetic Acid is also utilized in vinegar production, where it constitutes 5 percent of the solution, finding applications in the food and beverage industry for marinades, pickling solutions, and salad dressings. Additionally, vinegar, containing Acetic Acid, can be added during food preparation to minimize contamination in meat and poultry products.
Manufacturing Process
Acetic Acid primarily undergoes production through chemical methods, utilizing both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic processes. The predominant method involves the carbonylation of methanol, a process initially established by Monsanto, which has since progressed into the Cavita process. This evolved approach offers flexibility in catalyst selection and incorporates advancements in process intensification techniques.
Methanol carbonylation process:
• The carbonylation process, commonly referred to as the Monsanto process, stands as the predominant commercial method for synthesizing Acetic Acid.
• Methanol and carbon monoxide undergo a liquid-phase reaction under the influence of a rhodium (Rh)-based catalyst at temperatures ranging between 150 to 200 degrees Celsius and pressures between 30 to 50 bar, yielding Acetic Acid with a selectivity of around 95% and minor side products including formic acid and formaldehyde.
• In this process, hydrogen iodide serves as an alkali promoter, with the reaction occurring in the liquid phase and methyl acetate acting as a solvent using a homogeneous catalyst. The controlled introduction of water is necessary for the reaction, which is generated in situ through the reaction of methanol with hydrogen iodide.
• The reaction rate in the Monsanto process is directly influenced by the concentration of water. Byproducts such as CO2, H2, and methanol are generated during the reaction, with the produced methanol being recycled. Over time, the process has undergone evolution, with various strategies implemented to separate pure Acetic Acid from a mixture of water and byproducts. BP Chemicals modified this process by substituting the rhodium-based catalyst with an Iridium (Ir) catalyst, resulting in what is known as the Cavita process.
• The selection of Ir as a coordination metal presents a relatively more economical approach compared to rhodium. The use of an iridium catalyst enhances the overall reaction rate.
The following chemical reaction represents the same:
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Acetaldehyde oxidation process
• The acetaldehyde oxidation method was one of the largely used method used for synthesizing Acetic Acid. Initially, acetaldehyde was prepared through the oxidation of ethylene, employing palladium and copper chloride catalysts, after which it underwent further oxidation to yield Acetic Acid.
• Alternatively, a similar procedure utilizing cobalt and chromium-based catalysts has been documented, operating at a pressure of 55 bar and a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Another variant of this process involves a one-step conversion of ethylene to Acetic Acid, employing lead and lead-platinum based catalysts at elevated pressures, in contrast to the acetaldehyde oxidation method, albeit with lower Acetic Acid yields.
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Hydrocarbon oxidation process
• Petroleum-derived hydrocarbons, including butane and naphtha, serve as the primary sources for producing Acetic Acid, a crucial chemical compound, through a reaction catalyzed by cobalt acetate and chromium acetate.
• This chemical transformation unfolds within a relatively elevated temperature range of 150-230°C and under pressures ranging from 50 to 60 bar. The utilization of petroleum feedstock, comprising a diverse hydrocarbon blend, initiates a multifaceted reaction pathway leading to the synthesis of not only Acetic Acid but also a spectrum of byproducts, notably acetone, formic acid, and propionic acid, alongside the target compound. Consequently, the resultant Acetic Acid may not exhibit a high degree of purity due to the coexistence of these impurities.
• However, this process's strength lies in its capability to generate a mixture of volatile fatty acids, rendering it more suitable for applications necessitating such a blend. Therefore, while it may not yield pristine Acetic Acid, this method finds relevance in industrial contexts where a mixture of volatile fatty acids is desirable. This underscores the importance of understanding the nuanced outcomes of chemical processes and tailoring them to meet specific industrial requirements.
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Applications of Acetic Acid
1. Food & Beverages
Acetic Acid finds its primary application in the culinary sector, predominantly in the form of vinegar. Throughout history, it has served as a condiment, flavor enhancer, and preservative in pickling. Vinegar remains integral in various processed foods, including mayonnaise, due to its typical sour flavor and preserving properties. Acetic Acid finds application in preserving and pickling various food items such as vegetables and fruits, effectively thwarting spoilage and prolonging their shelf life. Its presence contributes to the characteristic tanginess observed in pickled foods.
2. Chemical Intermediates
Acetic Acid serves as a vital chemical reagent in the synthesis of various compounds. Its primary application lies in the production of vinyl acetate monomer, followed closely by acetic anhydride and ester production. While Acetic Acid is commonly associated with vinegar, its usage volume in this context is relatively minor compared to its extensive utilization in industrial processes for the production of essential chemical compounds. Acetic Acid serves as a foundational component in the production of various chemicals, including vinyl acetate, acetic anhydride, and acetate esters. Vinyl acetate is utilized in the synthesis of polyvinyl acetate, a versatile polymer applied in paints, adhesives, plastics, and textile finishes. Acetic anhydride finds application in the manufacturing of cellulose acetate fibers and plastics used in photographic film, clothing, and coatings. Furthermore, Acetic Acid plays a crucial role in the chemical process to produce purified terephthalic acid (PTA), essential for manufacturing PET plastic resin. PET resin is extensively employed in synthetic fibers, food containers, beverage bottles, and plastic films.
3. Cosmetics
Acetic Acid is a common component in many cosmetic items. It serves as an ingredient in hair conditioners, shampoos, and various other hair care products. Additionally, derivatives of Acetic Acid, such as alkyl acetates and acetate salts, contribute to the formulation of perfumes and skin conditioners. These derivatives play crucial roles in enhancing the effectiveness and sensory characteristics of cosmetic formulations, ensuring optimal performance and user satisfaction across a range of personal care applications.
4. Household Cleaners
Due to its acidic nature, Acetic Acid serves as a potent cleaning agent and disinfectant, commonly employed for sanitizing windows, countertops, and various surfaces in both residential and industrial environments. It presents a natural substitute for harsher chemicals and is particularly adept at removing limescale buildup in appliances like kettles and coffee makers. Its versatility extends to diverse cleaning tasks, offering an effective and eco-friendly solution for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.
Market Outlook
The Acetic Acid market is influenced by the combination of industrial, economic, and regulatory factors. The main factors that drive the demand are the growing need in different industries like textiles, packaging, automotive, and construction, where Acetic Acid is a key component in the production of vinyl acetate monomer (VAM), purified terephthalic acid (PTA), acetate esters, and solvents. Besides, the chemical industry, which is growing especially in the developing countries such as China and India, is one of the factors that leads to the increase of the demand for Acetic Acid since it is a basic material for the production of many chemicals. Besides, the increase in the adhesive and sealant industry, caused by the rising construction activities and the demand for consumer goods, also brings the Acetic Acid demand up. The fast urbanization and the infrastructure development projects across the globe also are the reason behind the growth of the market, as Acetic Acid is a necessary component of the construction materials like paints, coatings, and adhesives.
Acetic Acid Major Global Players
Major players in the Global Acetic Acid market are Celanese Corporation, Eastman Chemical Company, LyondellBasell Industries N.V., Yangtze River Acetyls Co. Ltd (YARACO), The Saudi International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem), INEOS PCG ACETYLS SDN BHD (IPASB), Lotte BP Chemical, Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizer and Chemicals, Formosa BP Chemicals Corporation, British Petroleum, Formosa BP Chemicals Corporation, Formosa INEOS Chemicals Corporation (FBPCC), EuroChem Group AG, and Others.
To sum up, the Acetic Acid market is set to keep on growing and changing due to a wide range of factors such as industrial demand, regulatory shifts and technological advancements. Acetic Acid is a very important chemical which has many applications in all the industries such as textiles, automotive, construction, and so on. Thus, it is the essential chemical for the processes and products. The growing chemical industry, especially in the developing economies, is the evidence of the growing demand of Acetic Acid as a basic chemical in chemical synthesis. Besides, the increasing of adhesive and sealant industry, the rapid urbanization and infrastructure development of the world and the need for Acetic Acid in the construction materials and consumer goods are also the reasons for the growth of the demand for Acetic Acid. Besides, the industry's transformation to the bio-based production methods and sustainability initiatives is proof of the shift towards the more eco-friendly practices. The market will keep on changing; hence it is important for the stakeholders to be up to date with these trends and developments so that they can take advantage of the emerging opportunities and at the same time avoid the possible problems. In a nutshell, the Acetic Acid market is expected to be a great one in the future, due to the innovation, diversification of demand, and sustainability imperatives.
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jayanthitbrc · 5 months
Exploring the Soil Active Herbicides Market Landscape
Overview and Scope Soil active herbicides also known as weed killers are herbicides that act on seeds, roots, or shoots of undesired plants, also known as weeds. Soil active herbicides are incorporated into the soil to control the growth of weeds and unwanted plants. Herbicides get rid of weeds that will otherwise compete for light, moisture, and nutrients with the crops, affecting the quality and quantity of produce. Sizing and Forecast The soil active herbicides market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $6.84  billion in 2023 to $7.29  billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.5%.  The soil active herbicides market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $9.21  billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.0%.  To access more details regarding this report, visit the link: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/soil-active-herbicides-global-market-report Segmentation & Regional Insights The soil active herbicides market covered in this report is segmented – 1) By Product Type: Synthetic Herbicides, Bio-Herbicides 2) By Crop: Cereals And Grains, Oilseeds And Pulses, Fruits And Vegetables, Other Crops   3) By Application: Pre-Plant, Pre-Emergence, Post-Emergence Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the soil active herbicides market share in 2023. The regions covered in the soil active herbicides market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa. Intrigued to explore the contents? Secure your hands-on sample copy of the report: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=8546&type=smp Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The growth of the population and changing dietary preferences towards plant-based food are expected to drive the growth of the soil-active herbicides market going forward. The population is increasing due to an imbalance between births and deaths, lack of family planning, migration, and others. Plant-based food refers to food that is completely obtained from plants and has no dairy, or meat products. People in developed and developing countries are getting cautious about their health and maintaining a regular diet that includes plant-based food. The rise in population needs more production of food to feed which increase the use of herbicides and other natural or chemical fertilizer which gives higher yield. Key Industry Players Major companies operating in the soil active herbicides market report are Bayer AG, BASF SE, Syngenta AG, DuPont de Nemours, Inc., ADAMA Ltd., Arysta LifeScience, Inc., Nufarm Limited, Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd., Shandong Binnong Tech Co., Ltd., FMC Corporation, Monsanto Company, UPL Ltd., Bhaskar Agrochemicals Limited, Dhanuka Agritech Limited, Insecticides  Limited The soil active herbicides market report table of contents includes: 1. Executive Summary 2. Market Characteristics 3. Market Trends And Strategies 4. Impact Of COVID-19 5. Market Size And Growth 6. Segmentation 7. Regional And Country Analysis . . . 27. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis Contact Us: The Business Research Company Europe: +44 207 1930 708 Asia: +91 88972 63534 Americas: +1 315 623 0293 Email: [email protected] Follow Us On: LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/the-business-research-company Twitter: https://twitter.com/tbrc_info Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBusinessResearchCompany YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24_fI0rV8cR5DxlCpgmyFQ Blog: https://blog.tbrc.info/ Healthcare Blog: https://healthcareresearchreports.com/ Global Market Model: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/global-market-model
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palmoilnews · 5 months
TOP NEWS Agricultural Commodities > Large ICE raw sugar delivery not necessarily bearish, traders say > Ivory Coast, Ghana unable to deliver up to 500,000 tons of pre-sold cocoa beans > Bird flu testing shows more dairy products are safe, US FDA says > GRAINS-Wheat inches higher as traders eye rains in Russia, US > Australia's Namoi Cotton at 17-year high on $89 mln off-market bid from Olam Agri > Egypt procures 1.1 mln metric tonnes of wheat in local harvest so far, document > COLUMN-Efficient US spring planting might not boost total crop acres -Braun > Ukraine's April grain exports rise to 6.3 mln tons, ministry says > Corteva beats estimates for quarterly profit on strong seed sales > Bayer's Monsanto wins reversal of $185 million PCBs verdict in Washington court > Scientists explore how to improve crop yields - on Mars > SOFTS-New York cocoa falls nearly $1,000 per ton in one session
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damasaknjigama · 5 months
The Real Culprit Behind Iowa's Water Quality Problems: Industrial Agriculture
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The Impact of Industrial Agriculture on Iowa's Water Quality Crisis
Allen Bonini, a retired environmental professional with nearly 45 years of experience, has a stark message for Iowans: the root cause of the state's water quality problems is industrial agriculture. In this article, we will explore Bonini's perspective on the issue, shedding light on the industrialization of agriculture in Iowa and the influence of commodity groups on public policy.
Bonini emphasizes that the image of a quaint, noble "farm family" is far from the reality of modern industrial agriculture. Most Iowa farms are privately held corporations worth millions of dollars, and only a small percentage of Iowans make their living solely from farming. This small group wields an outsized level of control and influence over public policy, thanks to the significant impact of commodity groups on Iowa politics.
The Influence of Commodity Groups on Public Policy
Bonini highlights the significant influence of commodity groups, such as the Farm Bureau, on public policy in Iowa. While these groups claim to represent the best interests of individual farmers, they often prioritize the interests of industrial agriculture. The Farm Bureau, in particular, leverages its economic and political clout to protect the industrial agriculture network, which includes major companies like Cargill, ADM, Bayer/Monsanto, DuPont Pioneer, and John Deere.
The Impact of Industrial Agriculture on Water Pollution
Bonini argues that industrial agriculture has a significant impact on water pollution in Iowa. Despite the essential role of clean water for all life forms, the responsibility for keeping Iowa's waters clean falls largely on voluntary commitments from farmers and landowners. The adoption of the federal Clean Water Act has not changed this dynamic.
Iowa's Nutrient Reduction Strategy, touted as a solution to the water pollution problem, relies on voluntary compliance from farmers. However, Bonini questions the effectiveness of this approach, pointing out that it has been in place for nearly three-quarters of a century without producing significant results. He challenges the notion that farmers will voluntarily change their practices without government subsidies, emphasizing the need for an alternative approach.
The Need for Change and Political Action
Bonini urges Iowans to consider an alternative approach to addressing the water quality crisis. He suggests harnessing the political strength of non-farming based Iowans to vote out politicians who prioritize the interests of industrial agriculture. With approximately 2.2 million voting-age adults in Iowa compared to around 87,000 full and part-time farmers, there is potential for a significant shift in political power.
He calls on Iowans to wake up from their complacency and take action before it is too late. Bonini acknowledges his own decision to leave the state, but he encourages Iowans to fight for a healthy and sustainable future for themselves and their children.
Allen Bonini's perspective on Iowa's water quality problems sheds light on the impact of industrial agriculture and the influence of commodity groups on public policy. He challenges the reliance on voluntary compliance from farmers and calls for a change in approach. Whether Iowans will heed his call and take back their state from the grips of industrial agriculture remains to be seen.
The battle for clean water in Iowa continues, and the outcome will have far-reaching implications for the state's future.
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