#Roof top tent australia
maximus4x4nsw · 2 years
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wildtrakaustralia · 2 years
Best Roof Top Tent Australia
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The tents that we have in stock are only sourced from the best outdoor shelter manufacturers. We have carefully curated our collection so that there is something for everyone. From two-person tents to ones that you can fit five or six people, our roof top tents are varied in size and shape. One thing that they all have in common, though, is that they are all made from high-quality fabrics that are well suited to outdoor living. They are made to withstand heat, rain, and cold temperatures and to provide the ultimate protection while you are outdoors. Shop online by clicking on our website. 
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roofnestaustralia · 2 years
Are you an adventurer? Do you love to travel? Do you need a Roof Top Tent for your next trip? If so, then this is the product for you. It is durable, reliable, and sturdy. The tent is easy to assemble and take down. You can easily fit your car and other belongings inside the tent.
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ccamp1 · 4 months
Exploring the Great Outdoors: Top Roof Top Tent Camping Locations
Venturing into the great outdoors is a thrilling experience for nature enthusiasts. For those seeking a unique camping experience, rooftop tent camping has become increasingly popular. Here, we'll delve into some breathtaking roof top tent camping locations that offer a perfect blend of adventure and tranquillity.
Majestic Mountain Escapes
Escape the hustle and bustle of city life by heading to the mountains for an unforgettable rooftop tent camping experience. Envision awakening to the refreshing mountain air encircled by towering peaks. Locations like the Rocky Mountains in Colorado or the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee provide stunning views and ample opportunities for hiking and stargazing. Set up your rooftop tent and relish the serene beauty of nature.
Coastal Serenity
For those who prefer the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore, coastal camping is a dream come true. Picture yourself perched on a cliff, with the ocean stretching endlessly before you. The Great Ocean Road in Australia or the Pacific Coast Highway in California offers scenic coastal routes with convenient rooftop tent camping locations. Embrace the calming ambience, and let the waves lull you to sleep in your rooftop haven.
Desert Oasis Adventures
Embark on a unique desert adventure with rooftop tent camping in locations like the Sahara Desert or the Arizona Desert. The vast expanse of sand dunes and rock formations provides a surreal backdrop for camping enthusiasts. The absence of city lights makes these spots ideal for stargazing, offering a celestial spectacle every night. Set up your rooftop tent in the heart of the desert, where tranquillity and awe-inspiring landscapes converge.
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Forest Retreats
Take in the verdant surroundings of deep woodlands for a camping experience that's both intimate and rejuvenating. National parks such as Yellowstone in the United States or Daintree Rainforest in Australia offer rooftop tent camping locations amidst nature's bounty. Wake up to the melodies of birdsong and explore the hidden wonders of the forest during the day. These locations provide an immersive experience, allowing you to connect with the flora and fauna that thrive within.
Finding Your Perfect Rooftop Camper
As the popularity of rooftop tent camping grows, so does the availability of rooftop campers for sale. Whether you're a seasoned camper or a novice adventurer, investing in a reliable rooftop camper enhances your camping experience. These versatile campers are designed for convenience, providing a comfortable and secure space for a good night's sleep while keeping you close to nature.
Choosing the Right Rooftop Camper
When considering a rooftop camper for sale, it's essential to evaluate your specific needs. Look for features like easy setup, durability, and adequate space. A quality rooftop camper enhances your camping experience by providing a cosy retreat with the added benefit of being elevated from the ground. Explore different models and find the one that suits your camping style and preferences.
In conclusion, rooftop tent camping opens up a world of possibilities for nature lovers. From majestic mountains to serene coastlines and from enchanting forests to vast deserts, the options are diverse and captivating. To enhance your camping adventures, consider investing in a quality rooftop camper. For a wide range of reliable rooftop campers, visit ccamp.com.au. Elevate your camping experience with the perfect rooftop tent and embark on unforgettable outdoor journeys.
Source url:-https://sites.google.com/view/ccampcom68/home
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seaustraliavlogs · 5 months
Canopy Kitchen
Uncover the secrets of the perfect canopy setup for camping in Australia with our Mazda BT-50! Join us on the Gibb River Road for thrilling 4x4 experiences, explore the beauty of Fraser Island, and dive into the world of roof top tent camping. Our travel vlog offers a comprehensive Mazda BT-50 review for 2023, along with tips on slide-out pantry organization and creating the ultimate camp kitchen.
Click Here For More Info:-
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aussiecaravans · 1 year
What are the different types of caravans NSW?
Looking for caravans NSW? Why not? Many people fantasise about hitting the open road with a caravan to see our beautiful nation. Is there any other way to explore Australia than by travelling across the country by road?
It's possible to have a fantastic day just driving from place to place, chatting with people, and discovering hidden gems. Do you intend to use maps and guides to plan out your whole journey? Or do you like to "seize the day," as the saying goes?
There are always a few things you need to settle before you pull out of your own driveway. And that holds true regardless of the circumstances.
Caravans for sale in New South Wales
Getting a caravan is the first step. However, before you assume that this is a simple process, you should know that New South Wales is home to a wide variety of caravans designed to meet a variety of requirements. Doing some preliminary investigations may help avoid many potential problems later on. Find a reliable caravan dealer first.
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Give it a try first
If you have the opportunity and the time, it is always a good idea to give anything a try before purchasing it. You should hire a caravan for a weekend trip after you've decided on the kind you want to take. It's possible that the actual execution of that style won't match your expectations. You'll be relieved that you didn't part with too much cash before coming to that conclusion.
So, you've decided on a caravan and bought one. Before you load up your caravan and hit the road, you should give it a thorough cleaning. It's going to be your home for the next several days, so get used to it. As such, you should check that everything is tidy and secure before setting off.
So, what kind of trailer would suit you best?
1. Pop-up caravans NSW
These trailers look very much like standard trailers. They have spaces for setup and storage built right in. However, the roof must be folded down when not in use. And as such, the storage space is limited.
When you're ready to sleep in the van, all you have to do is pop the roof up approximately half a metre.
Pop-top caravans NSW are advantageous since they can be folded down so that they aren't as high as ordinary vans. And this may lessen the burden of towing in windy conditions. If you want to spend a lot of time on motorways and expressways, this is an excellent choice. They are also more convenient to keep in your own garage.
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2. Regular Caravan
Commonplace caravans are the kind that is likely to come to mind first when you think about caravans in New South Wales. These have a full height roof and four walls, making them "full-bodied." The van's dimensions are very customizable, with a length of up to 10 metres possible and axle counts ranging from one to three.
You can leave this caravan out in the elements and not worry about a thing when it's time to pitch a tent for the night. It's easy; just choose a suitable location and settle in. In addition to that, the inside of the van provides a respectable amount of room for storage. And when you're done with the campground, just lock the door behind you.
3. Pop-out caravans
Larger families may greatly benefit from these huge caravans NSW. Extra sleeping space may be found in the van's slide-out side bins. Because the additional beds are located outdoors, interior space is not sacrificed. As a result, it has as much space as a standard caravan, if not more.
This is an excellent solution for individuals or families who want more sleeping quarters but cannot sacrifice closet or cupboard space.
3. Motorhome
Anyone taking a lengthy vacation would greatly benefit from considering this option. The motorhome is a combination camper van and car. No assembly is required, and many of the conveniences of a home may be added on the inside. Keep in mind that, in addition to being your home, this RV doubles as your vehicle.
Are you staying in one place for an extended period of time and want to do some exploring? If that's the case, you'll have to lug your whole house with you since it also serves as your means of transportation.
Do you know for sure what kind of camper van will best fit your needs? In order to see them for yourself, be sure to visit a caravan and camping event in the city closest to you. Having the ability to go in and out of each vehicle and examine their features side by side is invaluable.
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4. Camper Trailer
These are somewhat similar to tent trailers. However, they are more robust. The caravan collapses down to a more manageable size when tucked within the trailer. As with the tent trailer, their minimal weight makes them suitable for towing by even a compact vehicle.
Camper trailers are more convenient and pleasant than tent trailers, and they're also simpler to set up.
5. Fifth-Wheelers
Fifth-wheelers are considerably more like RVs and need a substantial truck to pull them. These NSW caravans are pulled behind a bigger ute or vehicle, just as a semi-trailer is hitched to a truck.
You should contact ahead to make sure your chosen campground allows them, since their size means they are not welcomed at all campgrounds. The van is spacious and comfortable. The master bedroom is often a fantastic addition to the house.
6. Tent Trailer
This may be a viable choice for those who drive compact cars. A tent trailer is a trailer that comes with an attached tent that can be extended. The trailer is spacious enough to hold all of your tools, yet it's lightweight and simple to transport.
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aussiedisposals · 1 year
What Are Roof Top Tents? How Do They Work in Australia?
Roof top tents in Australia are a long-lasting, environmentally friendly solution to picnics and camping. The construction of a rooftop tent allows for easy installation on any type of vehicle and enables users to enjoy the outdoors without spoiling the view. For example, it can be installed on cars, vans, trucks, beds, jeeps or UTVs. Rooftop tents are an excellent option to camp in city spaces that are not designated for camping or have restricted access such as rooftops or easement areas.
The hiking tents, beach tents, and garden tents are a great way to make use of your free time. In the past, people only had the chance to use them during festivals or family get-togethers, but today you can find many different types of rooftop tents that can be used in any situation. They were developed as a solution how to keep cool during hot summers, but they also provide comfort in other types of weather conditions.
How Do Rooftop Tents Work?
Roof top tents are compact and easy to set up, with many different accessories and tools. The construction materials consist of nylon or polyester so they are lightweight and resist heat well. Also, they are easy to clean and do not require any additional maintenance. This lightweight structure and ease of use make them an ideal choice for camping. The selection of a rooftop tent can be based on personal preferences. Width and height is the most important aspect that influences how users evaluate the products. For example, if you are travelling with friends or family, you probably want to stay together, as this gives more comfort to everyone. 
If you plan to use your tents more than once a year, it is important to choose those that afford more sleeping areas so that everyone has the possibility to lie down comfortably.
Source: https://sleepingmats.blogspot.com/2023/02/what-are-roof-top-tents-how-do-they.html
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ctoindustriesau · 2 years
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CTO Industries is the best company for Roof Top Tent and they provide the cheapest roof tent in Australia. Our tent is huge and can accommodate three to four people. It can withstand any weather conditions such as cold, harsh summer, and even foggy days.
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cripplerage · 3 years
I need to go on a rant about my real estate so... cw for real estate, brief mention of c*m, homelessness and abuse, cockroaches, and capitalism.
I live in Queensland, Australia. I'm 19. I graduated highschool 2019, right before Covid. I tried to move out but failed because of covid and stayed living at my foster carer's. In around August, I had to leave suddenly due to the abuse in the home worsening. I was then couch surfing and ended up staying at my partner's parent's overcrowded house with him. Let's call my partner C. Not an ideal situation, but not on the streets either.
We couldn't stay for long, though, because they were moving and they couldn't take C or me with them. There were 2 problems with this:
1. It turns out that it's nearly impossible to get a rental without a renting history, which we obviously didn't have.
2. Our area began to face a very serious housing crisis.
We got more and more desperate, applying anywhere we could afford and reaching out to any and all organisations that might be able to help. In the end, we had one week left when we found out that one of C's siblings had once private rented a room from a guy, and the room was currently empty. Thank god. Again, narrowly avoiding living on the streets.
So, we now lived with someone I'll call A. And... it sucked. The room had a bunch of mold on the walls, A barely cleared any space for us in the kitchen, he would shave his whole head over the sink and never clean up the hairs (in the end, C did it.) He even would regularly leave his c*m unflushed in the toilet. Not to mention he said the rent would be one price before we moved in and then increased it after we moved in. And he tried to get us to lie to Centrelink that we were paying rent so that he wouldn't lose his benefit. AND he's a transphobic gamer man who screams slurs at people on Dota at all hours of the day/night.
But we had to stay, or we'd be homeless. Bit then it comes time to sign the lease, and the rent is increasing. A couldn't afford rent on his own. We don't want to stay that long obviously, so we're forced to move out so he can get someone who'll sign the lease with him.
Side note: when we moved put, he tried to get us to scrub the walls for him because he said it was our responsibility, even though it was the same as when we moved in. I was so mad at this point but also scared because he's a big man, so I planned on us leaving and saying we'd come back but then not. But after my foster carer secretly spoke with him, he mysteriously changed his mind... I guess she's not all bad!
Anyway, again, we're frantically searching for housing, though we had never stopped looking because we hated living with A. Again, nearly homeless. At this point, so many people were homeless that many of them had set up tents on the local showgrounds. Then, an organisation finally came through for us. All we had to do was sign a lease - it's a unit, we were saved!
This brings us to 3 weeks ago. The unit kinda sucks but we have no choice, so we sign. Luckily there isn't an end date, we just have to give notice when we leave. The unit is furnished - it's mandatory. It sounds like a good thing, but it means we're presumably paying extra rent for really crappy furniture and it has to stay. And when it needs fixing, we have to wait for the real estate to fix it.
So we discover, after moving all our cold food into the old shitty fridge with D-rock etched into it with a knife, that the fridge emits hot air instead of cold. It spoiled all our food. So we then have to rely on 2 minute noodles and takeout for over a week until the fridge is fixed. It turns out the issue was that the door jams just slightly open, so that even the light has turned off but it's not closed. We learn how to close it properly, and life goes on. Except the fridge is now only slightly cooler than room temp, and the freezer part is about as cold as the fridge should be. The doors had been closed properly, and the settings had actually been set on the coldest option - more than most fridges need and using more power.
So then we had to ask for another technician. They booked a time, but never showed up. It was too late in the day to call them before we realised they weren't just late. It's now been 3 weeks since we moved in and we still don't have a working fridge - we have to keep our milk in the freezer.
For context - we need a freezer. I have undiagnosed chronic pain. We don't know what it's from yet, but we do know that ice packs are the only thing that significantly helps. So you can imagine the fury I felt in bed one morning, in excruciating pain. I was unable to move; sobbing and nauseous, knowing that something as simple as an ice pack could make a world of difference... and not having any that were frozen because the freezer is broken.
On top of that, the washing machine didn't work, the toilet paper roll doesn't work properly, the blinds are very broken, the hanger rod in our cupboard is detached from the wall on one side, we have a cockroach infection that has been here since we arrived, and we have very loud possoms in the roof and even louder neighbours. All except the neighbours have been reported, only the washing machine has been fixed.
Which would be mostly ok in this timeframe. Except we've just been told that we have a house inspection in 2 weeks? The notice came less than a month after we signed the lease; the standard is 3 months. How are we supposed to be fully unpacked and tidy when we don't have a working fridge/freezer and I sometimes can't walk from the pain because of it?
I am just so mad and upset and I feel so helpless. I feel doomed to be in unstable housing forever. How can I focus on getting better when I literally found a giant cockroach on my pillow tonight???
By the way, we pay $210 a week for this shothole. And it's VERY small.
So anyway, this was part 1 of my war on capitalism and the government. And I didn't even MENTION the homelessness experiences I had as a kid. Let me know if you want to hear the injustices I've experienced in the health system, in the legal system, in the education system, or in the foster system next. Yes, I could write an essay on each of these... and I probably will.
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maximus4x4nsw · 2 years
Reasons to Invest in 4x4 Rooftop Tents in Australia!
If you are an outdoor enthusiast, you must have heard about rooftop tents. 4x4 rooftop tents in Australia are becoming more and more popular these days. But are they worth it? Let’s find out.
People carry a number of accessories when planning their outdoor trips to make them more comfortable and convenient. And one accessory that is grabbing a lot of attention these days is rooftop tents. 
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4x4 rooftop tents in Australia are known for their durability, mobility, and efficiency. These qualities make it easier for outdoor enthusiasts to explore the world in style with comfort. 
But if you are still confused about whether you should buy rooftop tents or not, this post will convince you to buy them. Having said that, here’s a list of some of the best reasons to buy the best rooftop tents Australia.
Reason 1. You will sleep off ground level
One of the biggest reasons to buy rooftop tents is that you won’t have to sleep on the ground. Hence, you have nothing to worry about dangerous animals, such as - snakes, spiders, or bears. In addition to this, you’ll also be safe from ground-level weather conditions like flooding. 
Reason 2. They are easy to set up
Another great advantage of the best rooftop tents in Australia is that they are super easy to set up. All you have to do is park your car and undo the latches to allow the tent to spring up. 
Reason 3. You get a comfortable sleeping platform
The third reason we’re mentioning here is that with 4x4 rooftop tents in Australia, you’ll get a comfortable sleeping platform. You can keep all of your bedding intact with your rooftop tents while you’re on the road. 
Time to Get Your Own Rooftop Tent
If you are seeking comfort, style, durability, and convenience, buy the best rooftop tents in Australia from Maximus 4x4. These tents do not take more than just a few seconds to set up. Simply release the hatches, and the gas-assisted struts will do their thing. 
Also Read: 4 Practical Reasons to Buy a Roof Top Tent in Australia!
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wildtrakaustralia · 2 years
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ccamp1 · 4 months
Exploring the Great Outdoors: Top Roof Top Tent Camping Location
Venturing into the great outdoors is a thrilling experience for nature enthusiasts. For those seeking a unique camping experience, rooftop tent camping has become increasingly popular. Here, we'll delve into some breathtaking roof top tent camping locations that offer a perfect blend of adventure and tranquillity.
Majestic Mountain Escapes
Escape the hustle and bustle of city life by heading to the mountains for an unforgettable rooftop tent camping experience. Envision awakening to the refreshing mountain air encircled by towering peaks. Locations like the Rocky Mountains in Colorado or the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee provide stunning views and ample opportunities for hiking and stargazing. Set up your rooftop tent and relish the serene beauty of nature.
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Coastal Serenity
For those who prefer the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore, coastal camping is a dream come true. Picture yourself perched on a cliff, with the ocean stretching endlessly before you. The Great Ocean Road in Australia or the Pacific Coast Highway in California offers scenic coastal routes with convenient rooftop tent camping locations. Embrace the calming ambience, and let the waves lull you to sleep in your rooftop haven.
Desert Oasis Adventures
 Embark on a unique desert adventure with rooftop tent camping in locations like the Sahara Desert or the Arizona Desert. The vast expanse of sand dunes and rock formations provides a surreal backdrop for camping enthusiasts. The absence of city lights makes these spots ideal for stargazing, offering a celestial spectacle every night. Set up your rooftop tent in the heart of the desert, where tranquillity and awe-inspiring landscapes converge.
Forest Retreats
Take in the verdant surroundings of deep woodlands for a camping experience that's both intimate and rejuvenating. National parks such as Yellowstone in the United States or Daintree Rainforest in Australia offer rooftop tent camping locations amidst nature's bounty. Wake up to the melodies of birdsong and explore the hidden wonders of the forest during the day. These locations provide an immersive experience, allowing you to connect with the flora and fauna that thrive within.
Finding Your Perfect Rooftop Camper
As the popularity of rooftop tent camping grows, so does the availability of rooftop campers for sale. Whether you're a seasoned camper or a novice adventurer, investing in a reliable rooftop camper enhances your camping experience. These versatile campers are designed for convenience, providing a comfortable and secure space for a good night's sleep while keeping you close to nature.
Choosing the Right Rooftop Camper
When considering a rooftop camper for sale, it's essential to evaluate your specific needs. Look for features like easy setup, durability, and adequate space. A quality rooftop camper enhances your camping experience by providing a cosy retreat with the added benefit of being elevated from the ground. Explore different models and find the one that suits your camping style and preferences.
In conclusion, rooftop tent camping opens up a world of possibilities for nature lovers. From majestic mountains to serene coastlines and from enchanting forests to vast deserts, the options are diverse and captivating. To enhance your camping adventures, consider investing in a quality rooftop camper. For a wide range of reliable rooftop campers, visit ccamp.com.au. Elevate your camping experience with the perfect rooftop tent and embark on unforgettable outdoor journeys.
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seaustraliavlogs · 5 months
Touring Set up
Discover the best route to travel Australia with SEAustraliaVlog's Mazda BT-50 review and canopy setup guide. Explore the Gibb River Road, camp under the stars with a roof top tent, and master the art of free camping. Our travel vlog showcases the 2023 Mazda BT-50 and provides insights into the top canopy setups for your cross-country adventure.
Click Here For More Info:-
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newstfionline · 4 years
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Tax cuts for the wealthy aren’t trickling down (CBS News) Do tax cuts for the wealthy really help the overall economy and “trickle down” to everyone else? It’s not a trickle question. David Hope of the London School of Economics and Julian Limberg of King’s College London examined 18 developed countries and did the math. “Per capita gross domestic product and unemployment rates were nearly identical after five years in countries that slashed taxes on the rich and in those that didn’t, the study found. But the analysis discovered one major change: The incomes of the rich grew much faster in countries where tax rates were lowered. Instead of trickling down to the middle class, tax cuts for the rich may not accomplish much more than help the rich keep more of their riches and exacerbate income inequality.” 50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down.
Suspected Russian Cyberattack Strikes at Heart of U.S. Government (Foreign Policy) As more details are revealed about Russia’s alleged hack of the U.S. government, it’s becoming clear that the breach is much worse than previously thought. On Thursday, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned that is “poses a grave risk” to federal, state, and local governments as well as private companies and organizations. There is a growing list of reported victims: the Centers for Disease Control, the Defense Department, State Department, Commerce Department, Department of Homeland Security, Treasury Department, the U.S. Postal Service, the National Institutes of Health, and the Department of Energy were all affected. “This is, I think, appears to be at this point the most serious cyberattack this country has ever endured,” Sen. Angus King, I-Maine said on NPR. Microsoft, which is helping to respond to the hack, noted that “the attack unfortunately represents a broad and successful espionage-based assault on both the confidential information of the U.S. Government and the tech tools used by firms to protect them … ongoing investigations reveal an attack that is remarkable for its scope, sophistication and impact.”
California hospitals buckle as virus cases surge (AP) Hospitals across California have all but run out of intensive care beds for COVID-19 patients, ambulances are backing up outside emergency rooms, and tents for triaging the sick are going up as the nation’s most populous state emerges as the latest epicenter of the U.S. outbreak. On Thursday, California reported a staggering 52,000 new cases in a single day—equal to what the entire U.S. was averaging in mid-October—and a one-day record of 379 deaths. More than 16,000 people are in the hospital with the coronavirus across the state, more than triple the number a month ago. Patients are being cared for at several overflow locations, including a former NBA arena in Sacramento, a former prison and a college gymnasium.
‘Unbelievable’ snowfall blankets parts of the Northeast (AP) The Northeast’s first whopper snowstorm of the season buried parts of upstate New York under more than 3 feet (1 meter) of snow, broke records in cities and towns across the region, and left plow drivers struggling to clear the roads as snow piled up at more than 4 inches (10 centimeters) per hour. “It was a very difficult, fast storm and it dropped an unbelievable amount of snow,” Tom Coppola, highway superintendent in charge of maintaining 100 miles (160 kilometers) of roads in the Albany suburb of Glenville, said Thursday. “It’s to the point where we’re having trouble pushing it with our plows.” The storm dropped 30 inches (76 centimeters) on Glenville between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. Thursday, leaving a silent scene of snow-clad trees, buried cars and laden roofs when the sun finally peeked through at noon. Much of Pennsylvania saw accumulations in the double digits. Boston had more than 9 inches (23 centimeters) of snow early Thursday morning.
1 in 5 prisoners in the US has had COVID-19, 1,700 have died (AP) One in every five state and federal prisoners in the United States has tested positive for the coronavirus, a rate more than four times as high as the general population. In some states, more than half of prisoners have been infected, according to data collected by The Associated Press and The Marshall Project. As the pandemic enters its 10th month—and as the first Americans begin to receive a long-awaited COVID-19 vaccine—at least 275,000 prisoners have been infected, more than 1,700 have died and the spread of the virus behind bars shows no sign of slowing. New cases in prisons this week reached their highest level since testing began in the spring, far outstripping previous peaks in April and August. As the virus spreads largely unchecked behind bars, prisoners can’t social distance and are dependent on the state for their safety and well-being.
Shut down by corona, Berlin restaurant opens for homeless (AP) The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t made life on the streets of Berlin any easier for Kaspars Breidaks. For three months, the 43-year-old Latvian has faced homeless shelters operating at reduced capacity so that people can be kept at a safe distance from one another. And with fewer Berliners going outdoors, it’s much harder to raise money by panhandling or collecting bottles to sell for recycling. But on a chilly winter morning this week Breidaks found himself with a free hot meal and a place to warm up, after the German capital’s biggest restaurant, the Hofbraeu Berlin—itself closed down due to coronavirus lockdown restrictions—shifted gears to help the homeless. It was a clear win-win proposition, said Hofbraeu manager Bjoern Schwarz. As well as helping out the homeless during tough times the city-funded project also gives needed work to employees—and provides the restaurant with welcome income. In cooperation with the city and two welfare organizations, the restaurant quickly developed a concept to take in up to 150 homeless people in two shifts every day until the end of the winter, and started serving meals on Tuesday.
Japan: Snow traps 1,000 drivers in frozen traffic jam (BBC) Rescuers are trying to free more than 1,000 vehicles which have been stranded on a highway for two days after a heavy snow storm struck Japan. Authorities have distributed food, fuel and blankets to the drivers on the Kanetsu expressway, which connects the capital Tokyo to Niigata, in the north. The snow, which began on Wednesday evening, has caused multiple traffic jams along the road. Officials have been using a combination of heavy machinery and physical labour to dig out the vehicles one by one, but around 1,000 cars were still stranded on the road as of Friday noon.
‘Nightmare’ Australia Housing Lockdown Called Breach of Human Rights (NYT) The sudden lockdown this summer of nine public housing towers in Melbourne that left 3,000 people without adequate food and medication and access to fresh air during the city’s second coronavirus wave breached human rights laws, an investigation found. The report, released on Thursday by the ombudsman in the state of Victoria, of which Melbourne is the capital, said that the residents had been effectively placed under house arrest for 14 days in July without warning. It deprived them of essential supports, as well as access to activities like outdoor exercise, the report said. The lockdown was not “compatible with residents’ human rights, including their right to humane treatment when deprived of liberty,” Deborah Glass, the Victorian ombudsman, wrote. The report recommended the state government apologize publicly to tower residents, as well as improve relationships and procedures at similarly high-risk accommodations in the city so that they might be better prepared for future outbreaks. Though Australia has won global praise for successfully slowing the spread of the coronavirus in the country, the report was a scathing rebuke of state officials’ decision to apply stringent measures to the public housing residents, who said they felt trapped and traumatized and suspected discrimination. Several described it as a “nightmare.”
Fiji says two dead as powerful cyclone tears across Pacific nation (Reuters) A powerful cyclone pounded Fiji, killing two people and leaving a trail of destruction across the Pacific Island nation, authorities said on Friday. Cyclone Yasa, a top category five storm, made landfall over Bua province on the northern island of Vanua Levu on Thursday evening, bringing torrential rain, widespread flooding and winds of up to 285 km per hour (177 miles) across the archipelago. Scores of houses were destroyed, while power was cut to some areas and roads blocked by fallen trees and flash flooding, authorities said. Officials with the Red Cross said authorities were scrambling to help affected communities. Adverse weather has hampered efforts by aid groups to dispatch assistance, with waves of more than 3 metres (10 ft) preventing ships leaving Suva.
Radio stations may be the real “e-learning” revolution (Rest of World) The impact of a student’s socioeconomic status on their access to education during the pandemic is playing out globally, exposing just how closely tied internet access is to educational opportunity. In Sub-Saharan Africa, over 85% of households lack access to the internet at home and 89% of students do not have access to a computer outside of school. On the African continent, expensive and unreliable internet reaches only 40% of the population. Many governments, companies, and NGOs think that throwing millions of dollars behind providing tablets is the best way to improve the quality of education, but this impulse overlooks infrastructural issues like access to the internet, teacher training, and the cost of upkeep that students need to use the tablets in the first place. “Even if we did have a device for every student, they would have nowhere to charge them,” Reshma Patel, the executive director of Impact Network, a nonprofit that provides education for over 6,000 kids in rural Zambia through community schools, told Rest of World. Impact-run schools adapted radio lessons, since a majority of their students live in homes without electricity. Faced with the shutdown of the 43 schools she supervises, Patel relied on the “forgotten stepchild of tech interventions” to reach students: radio. On the continent, radio has long been a window to the external world. Shoeshoe Qhu works as the station manager at Voice of Wits 88.1 FM, a university radio station in Johannesburg, South Africa. She grew up in a mountainous village of 100 homesteads without electricity or running water. While there wasn’t television, there was radio. As long as her family had access to batteries and a receiver, it was free. “If you wanted to hear what was happening everywhere else, you could only get it through the radio,” Qhu said. “I grew up with radio, and it gave me access to the world,” she added. “It meant everything.”
Watch those passwords (NYT) Dutch hacker Victor Gevers claims to have logged in to President Trump’s Twitter account six years ago by guessing the password: “yourefired.” Then he did it again. On Oct. 16, Gevers, 44, made an accurate guess, “maga2020!,” on his fifth try, according to Dutch prosecutors. Hacking is a crime in the Netherlands. But on Wednesday, Dutch officials said they would not press charges because Gevers had met the bar for “responsible disclosure,” demonstrating how easy it could be to gain access to the U.S. president’s handle: @realdonaldtrump.
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aussiedisposals · 2 years
Ensure that you Get your Mosquito Repellent for Camping While you are Outdoors
Mosquito repellent for camping necessities helps you stay safe. But, it does not imply that you cannot camp while being safe and well-prepared. No camping enthusiast in their right mind would pitch a tent without having a comprehensive first aid kit on hand. Going on a trip or helping to set up your tent and other goods at the campground truly makes you sweat, which releases endorphins. The right camping attire protects you from the elements. For instance, during the midday of a summer camping trip, it could be rather humid.
What are the Major Benefits of Rooftop Tents?
Australia offers a distinctive and pleasurable camping essentials alternative with rooftop tents. Although some would rather camp in hammocks, traditional tents, motorhomes, or even a hotel room, there are numerous advantages to using rooftop tents in Australia. Pop-up tents with bases and roof rack connections are the standard building blocks of rooftop tents. 
Rooftop tents can be made from a variety of tent components and with hundreds of different options, depending on your needs. What distinguishes a rooftop tent from a traditional tent erected on the ground, then? The primary issue to take into account while choosing between a rooftop tent as well as a ground-based tent is an elevation.
Get Quality Rooftops for a Successful Camping Trip!
It is quite unlikely that your rooftop tent would become home to pests that are typical to camping, such as mice, insects, ants, reptiles, and other creepy crawlies. Water and other ground-level threats are not a problem. Many individuals think that sleeping on the top of a car makes them feel safer than camping on the ground.
Those who follow the current trends are once again living the van life. All ages of people are discovering how much fun it is to convert an old van into a mobile home and live a unique life. Get in contact with professionals to learn more.
Source: https://sleepingmats.blogspot.com/2022/12/ensure-that-you-get-your-mosquito.html
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ctoindustriesau · 2 years
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