#Rooftop Solar Power Plant for Home
rishikakraftsolar · 9 days
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Rishika Kraft Solar specializes in residential solar rooftop panel installation in Gurgaon and Delhi, offering efficient and affordable solutions for sustainable energy. Our expert team ensures seamless installation, helping homeowners reduce electricity costs and embrace eco-friendly living with high-performance solar panels tailored to meet individual energy needs.
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centaurpowers · 1 year
Harnessing Solar Energy in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh: A Comprehensive Guide to On-Grid and Off-Grid Solar Systems for Homes
Solar System for home in Bhopal
The term "solar system" describes the group of asteroids that are gravitationally connected to the Sun. The planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other smaller bodies are all in orbit around the Sun, which serves as its centre star.
Solar System for home In Bhopal, India, a comprehensive solar power system for a residence requires a number of elements and factors. Please be aware that since then, prices and specific products might have changed, making it crucial to speak with local solar suppliers or installers to obtain the most recent information and quote that is tailored to your needs. Here is a general description of what to anticipate:
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Battery (Optional): Although most grid-connected solar systems don't need batteries (extra electricity can be fed back into the grid), some homeowners want to include battery storage for backup power during outages or to store excess energy for nighttime use.
Net metering: Net metering is a feature that is accessible in many locations, including Bhopal. You can do this to get credit for any surplus electricity you sell back to the grid. When your solar panels aren't producing enough electricity, such as on overcast days or at night, this helps offset electricity expenses.
Solar panels: Solar panels are the main device used to convert sunlight into electricity. Your energy usage and available roof space will determine how many panels you need. Generally speaking, you would prefer reliable brands of solar panels that are of good quality and efficiency.
Inverter: Solar panels provide direct current (DC), whereas dwellings use alternating current (AC). The inverter transforms the DC electricity generated by the panels into usable AC energy for your house.
Mounting Structure: To hold the solar panels on the roof, mounting structures that are both strong and resilient are required. The mounting solution chosen will depend on the kind of roof you have (concrete, metal, tile, etc.).
 On-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal -
 On-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal- The Indian state of Madhya Pradesh's capital, Bhopal, had been actively embracing solar energy options, including on-grid solar installations. A design where solar panels are connected to the nearby electrical grid is called an on-grid solar system, often referred to as a grid-tied solar system. Here are some pertinent details regarding on-grid solar systems in Bhopal:
Solar Installers and suppliers: On-grid solar solutions are provided by a number of solar installation businesses and suppliers in Bhopal. For the installation of on-grid solar systems on residential, commercial, and industrial premises, these businesses offer the required hardware, installation services, and support.
Government Initiatives: The government of Madhya Pradesh, like that of many other Indian states, has been pushing the use of solar energy through a number of initiatives, incentives, and subsidies. Increasing the installation of solar power systems, especially on-grid solar configurations, was the goal of these projects.
Off-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal -
Off-Grid Solar Systems in Bhopal - Off-grid solar systems are a great choice for locations with intermittent or restricted access to the main power grid. By producing and storing electricity locally, these systems offer a sustainable and unreliant energy source.
Off-grid solar systems were being used in Bhopal, like in many other regions of India, for a variety of purposes, including:
Residential use: To power lights, fans, refrigerators, and other necessary equipment, homeowners and small-business owners installed off-grid solar systems.
Agriculture: In order to water their farms even in remote locations without grid access, farmers are implementing solar-powered irrigation systems.
Rooftop Solar in Madhya Pradesh -
Rooftop Solar in Madhya Pradesh - Like many other Indian states, Madhya Pradesh has been encouraging and pushing the use of rooftop solar power generation. The state government has established a number of measures and legislation to encourage the installation of rooftop solar panels for users in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
For info:-  Industrial LED lights in Bhopal
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amplus-solar · 2 years
Large housing societies and commercial spaces can cut their power costs with a 50kW solar system. Find out how a 50kW capacity is right for you. Call Amplus Solar to receive a quote.
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cognitivejustice · 2 months
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Rural China goes solarpunk
Viewed from a distance, Lianxing looks more like a solar energy farm than a rural village of 457 households. There are solar photovoltaic panels on almost all its rooftops and in every courtyard.
For generations, residents of the village in Wuyuan county, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, depended on straw, firewood and coal for cooking and heating. But they have now abandoned those fuels, which often made their homes dirty, 40-year-old villager Shi Baohong said.
The new power generation facilities have also brought villagers a consistent stream of income with little effort. Shi earns almost 10,000 yuan ($1,400) a year from his solar PV panels and said there is still enough space between them to plant herbs and other cash crops in his courtyard of more than 300 square meters.
As China forges ahead with energy transition and rural vitalization, Lianxing and its almost 1,400 residents are a microcosm of the synergy that can be generated when the two campaigns are promoted simultaneously.
Local authorities said the distributed solar PV system in Lianxing went into operation in 2017, three years after villagers moved into new homes fitted with solar panels. Households in the village now make an average of 8,000 yuan a year from selling solar energy to the grid.
Villagers did not have to pay for the new houses or power generation facilities thanks to a land-use rights transfer project. After their resettlement, the land previously covered by the villagers' old, dilapidated houses was turned into more than 130 hectares of farmland.
"Villagers didn't pay even a single penny. It was a house-for-house deal, and that's not half bad," the village's Party chief, Li Chou, said.
All the costs for the new houses and solar panels were covered by the company that invested in a large-scale agricultural development project.
In Donglian village, in Gansu's Gaotai county, many families can earn 1,000 yuan a year without having to make any investment or do maintenance work. They lease their rooftops to a company for distributed solar PV development.
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solarpunkani · 9 months
The Lost Doll - A Short Story
To say that Arrden was in trouble didn’t even begin to describe his situation right now. He was screwed, utterly screwed, in deep doo doo. Deep.
He’d lost track of his little sister’s favorite doll again, a third strike on his record for being responsible. Not only that, but he’d lost it out in the city--where he and his sister weren’t even supposed to be in the first place! There was no way he would be able to explain himself to Mom and Dad without getting himself in trouble!
So there was only one solution. He’d have to go back out there and hunt it down, before either of them noticed it was gone.
“Arry! I want my dolly back!” his sister whined, but Arrden quietly shushed her.
“If you stay quiet, I’ll go get it and bring you some sweets!” he said.
Daisy hummed, her lip poking out into a powerful pout as she crossed her arms. “...gimme good sweets. From Junebugs!”
“Junebugs?!” what was he supposed to barter to get some of Junebugs’ candied fruit?! He was already pushing it just going out again, let alone bringing something to trade! “I can’t get anything from Junebugs, how about Missy Anne’s?”
Daisy responded by tilting her head back and yelling. “Daddyyy!”
“Okay, okay, okay! I’ll get you something from Junebugs, just don’t tell Dad yet!”
Daisy harrumphed, but nodded. At that same moment, their Dad came rushing up the stairs. “What’s going on up here, is everything alright?”
“I want uppies!!” Daisy beamed, reaching up with her little arms. Their dad laughed and reached down to pick her up, holding her close to his chest with a squeeze that made her giggle. While he was distracted, Arrden hurried downstairs to grab his bag and his skateboard.
“Hey, Arrden! Where’re you going?” his father called out.
Arrden froze in his tracks. Shit. “Uh! I wanted to go hang out at the library, maybe get more books!” That wasn’t entirely a lie--he did have to go to the library to check if they’d left the doll there during their earlier visit. And he did want to check out a book too.
“Alright, but can you get me some eggs from the Ferns on your way back? We’ll need them for breakfast tomorrow, bring her a few cuttings from the garden!”
Score! If he could take a few extra flower cuttings, he might be able to trade something for some Junebugs! “Okay, Dad! I won’t be too long, promise!”
Before his dad could ask any more questions, Arrden slipped out of the front door and hurried into the garden, picking the trimmers and two glass jars from the gardening table to set to work. Calendulas, rudbeckias, zinnias, and a few stems of milkweeds all found their way into the jar, which he placed into his tote as he slung it over his shoulder. He hopped over the fence, onto his skateboard, and was cruising out towards the rest of the town in a matter of moments. 
Gliding through the town on his board, he took a moment to appreciate it all--it was home, so he was used to it, but it really was so pretty. In school they’d been studying how things were just a few decades ago--an era he remembered faintly, but had no real fond memories for. He was younger than Daisy is now when their town started being remade into what it was, solar panels on every rooftop, gardens big and small bursting out of every crevice one could fit dirt into. Stained glass adorned practically every building, murals of suns and moons and plants and animals on any blank wall that wasn’t already overgrown with vining flowers. Maybe it was because he was old enough to ride around on a skateboard by himself, but things felt… smaller, than they did before. On bad days, it could be stifling, but on good days it was cozy. Most days were good days.
It didn’t take too long to get to the market plaza. He didn’t even have to look up to know he’d arrived, the light changing to pinks and oranges and yellows as he passed under the mess of fabric tarps overhanging the entire square. There were quite a few stands out today, some offering little baubles made of recycled plastic, or carved wooden statues of deer and bears and foxes, and the instrument maker was even offering a new guitar or two. Ooh, he’d have to save up for that. If he could prove himself responsible enough to maintain a spinning wheel, his friend Azzy had a few sheep, and they were always willing to give him wool to spin into yarn. Or better--if he could keep bees, to make honey and beeswax, that made for good trades.
Being responsible enough was the one thing he probably wasn’t today, since he’d lost his sister’s doll. 
Technically, Daisy had lost the doll, but it was still Arrden’s fault because he’d taken her out of the house while Dad was away at book club earlier. Oh, they’d explored the town together, gone everywhere Arrden knew she enjoyed, to cheer her up. She’d been stuck inside for days now--battling a nasty ear infection--but now that she was feeling better, she’d been begging to be let outside. Their parents said to wait just a few more days, to make sure she’d truly beaten it. Unfortunately, Arrden was weak to Daisy’s puppy dog eyes, and had whisked her away to explore all their favorite stomping grounds, getting her back home just before their dad got home. And apparently she’d dropped the doll somewhere on their adventures, and now here he was.
He stopped by the seed stand--Daisy always loved looking at the mystifying colors of Mister Peters’ glass gem corn, or reaching into the big bags of beans and letting them run through her little fingers. They’d definitely stopped here today--after all, Mister Peters’ son Kendall was working the stand, and he and Arrden had always been buddies.
“Hey, man!” Kendall beamed, reaching over the desk to tousle Arrden’s afro. Arrden mock-whined and nudged the taller boy off of him, rolling his eyes before sending him a grin. “You back again already? Did your Ma tell you to pick up more flower seeds? We're almost out of Liatris for the season.”
“Nah, it’s Ma’s working season. She doesn’t get back home till just before sunset. Did you see my sister’s doll anywhere around here? She lost it while we were out,” Arrden asked.
Kendall tutted at him, bead-adorned dreads swishing back and forth as he shook his head. “C’mon, man, you’re never gonna get those hives if you keep losing your sister’s stuff.”
“It’s not my fault she keeps dropping it! If she cares about it so much, you’d think she’d keep track of it better!”
“Yeah, and if you cared about getting those hives and that spinning wheel, you wouldn’t keep riskin’ it by taking her out with it.”
“Like she goes anywhere without it!”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” Kendall arched a brow at him. 
Arrden sighed. “I know, I know. But Daisy was so sad! I couldn’t not take her with me!” 
“Well, let’s just hope you get that doll back. Oh! Mrs. Fern wants me and Dad to plant a garden near her chicken coops next week, Dad said I can invite any friends I want. Next Saturday, nine AM, her place?”
“...won’t the chickens just eat all the seeds again, like they did last year?” 
“Oh, of course they’re going to, but Mrs. Fern’s gonna make us a big apple pie for all our hard work, and I know you want in on it.”
“You should’ve lead with the apple pie, man, I’m in! But I’ve gotta get going, text me about it later?”
“You know it! Good luck on finding that doll!”
Arrden left him with a final wave, hopping back onto his skateboard and wheeling off further into the market place.
Unfortunately, no other stands had his sister’s lost doll. He tried every other one they’d gone to--the bead and jewelry stand, the stand for the Watters’ farm selling baby chicks and a lamb, the one for the new artist that had moved to town a few months back--no such luck. 
The next best bet was the big, round, blue and yellow tent at the end of the marketplace. It was where Luna sang songs to entertain kids while their parents browsed the wares at the market in peace. It was never really Arrden’s thing growing up--he preferred poking his nose into his parents’ business, seeing what they were getting and running around making trouble for himself. But his sister loved the tent and ol’ Luna, and would beg to stop there even when it was just the two of them. So he ducked inside to check the seats.
Fortunately, Luna wasn’t performing right now. Instead, there was a younger girl, just tuning up the guitar in anticipation for the next batch of kids. She looked up with a bright smile as he stepped in. “Hello, there! Anything I can help you with?”
Arrden froze. That was not Old Lady Luna. That was Pretty Girl Sasi, the girl who sat in front of him in class. He definitely didn’t have a crush on her! Absolutely not, no matter how much his friends insisted he turned red as a tomato around her, he did not have a crush on her! She was just. Really pretty! And he didn’t know how to handle that!
“O-Oh, Sasi! I--I wasn’t expecting--I thought--Old Lady Luna--” he stammered, feeling his neck get hot.
“Luna’s my aunt, I’m helping her for the weekend in exchange for more guitar lessons.” Sasi said, standing to her feet and brushing long, silky black hair over her shoulder. “I’m sure she’d love to teach more people, if you wanted to do lessons together sometime?”
Honestly, Arrden had never had much interest in learning guitar, but now he was half-tempted to trade the flowers in his bag for that pretty new guitar at the instrument seller’s stand. “Oh! Uh--I--maybe! I’ll see if I can--ah--” his brain went numb for a second, and Sasi sent him an amused look as he briefly opened and closed his mouth like a fish. Wasn’t he here for something? Right! “Have you seen my sister’s doll? I--my sister was here earlier, and she lost her doll, and I dunno if it might’ve been here or… y’know. Y’know?”
Sasi giggled, making her way over to a basket tucked away to the side. “Well, I dunno what her doll looks like specifically, but my aunt always puts stuff kids leave behind in this basket. Wanna check?”
Arrden nodded and got to his knees, sorting through the basket a moment. There were a handful of dolls there--some little brown bears or orange foxes, others moreso resembling people, but none of them were Daisy’s little flower doll. He had to wonder if there were tons of brothers ripping and running around town trying to find their little siblings’ dolls today, or if these had been left for months and years with no owner. It made him a bit sad, and for a moment he missed his own little childhood doll, even though Black Cat still sat safely on a shelf in his room.
As he stood back up, Sasi frowned. “It’s not there? I hope you find it.”
“I hope so too. I’ve got a few more places to check, though, so fingers crossed!” Arden sighed, adjusting the strap of the bag on his shoulder. Sasi grinned, bangles clinking as she held up her own hands with their fingers crossed, prompting him to do the same. “Oh! My friend Kendall’s dad is planting flowers at Mrs. Ferns’ chicken coop next Saturday at nine, you’ll probably wanna ask him to be sure, but I think it’d be cool if you came! We’ll get apple pie after, too!”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude…” 
“I don’t think you’d be intruding! I mean--I’ll text Kendall and ask if you can come, but I doubt he’d say no!”
Sasi awkwardly rubbed her arm, her shoe nudging a divot into the soft dirt under them. “I’ve never really gardened before… I don’t think I’ve planted a seed since I was little, none of my family’s ever been good at it…”
“Oh! Between me and Kendall, you’ll be a pro in no time!”
“Then… maybe I’ll try it. Oh, I think my mom wanted to ask your dad to plant some moonflower seedlings by our gazebo… unless you wanted to come and do it sometime? We could trade numbers and figure out a time…”
Butterflies danced in Arrden’s stomach as he whipped his phone out of his pocket. “Y-Yeah, sure, let’s trade numbers--” unfortunately, he whipped it out so fast the phone flew out of his hand and plopped into the dirt by Sasi’s feet. The girl laughed a bit, bending down to get it and offer it back to him, and he smiled sheepishly. “Th-Thanks, Sasi…”
In just a few moments, the two had exchanged numbers and sent the customary ‘hey this is Arrden’ or ‘Hi this is Sasi’ texts, well on their way to expanding their friendship. Sasi even watched him leave from the opening of the tent, waving him goodbye as he skated away.
Arrden found himself humming a love song all the way to the pet store.
Right, he and Daisy had come here for cat food! After all, Arrden’s crime today hadn’t been leaving the house, but leaving the house with Daisy. He’d stopped to grab food and a new toy for their housecat, Shadow. Daisy had wanted to come along to see the adoptable puppies the Lees had raised, all ready to herd sheep on some other farmer’s land. Even though they didn’t have a farm, the puppies were still little fluffy bundles that Daisy just couldn’t resist playing with. However, he did send a few pics to Azzy, and had received some heart eye emojis in response. Who knows? Next time he went to their place, they might have a new bundle of joy bouncing around the fields. 
When he saw the puppies playing tug of war, his heart sank, but he instantly relaxed when he realized they were playing with a bundle of rope and not a little doll. Arrden doublechecked the rest of their outdoor pen, and even tried to peek into their dog house, before he decided ‘no way it's in there’ and instead made his way inside.
The shelves were well stocked with a variety of foods for a variety of animals, and all kinds of toys. There were even a few birds on display inside--he paused a moment to look at the fluffy-looking pigeons, and gently pat a couple of peachicks through the gaps in their cage. Tanks, leashes, training manuals, and treats were also available--a vast array of homemade cookies and biscuits with all kinds of berries and faux icing. ‘Human made, dog approved,’ the sign above them said. He’d been dared to eat one, a few years back, and truth be told he understood why the dogs liked them. Personally? Arrden wasn’t a fan.
He perused the entire store in search of his sister’s doll, double and triple checking the toy shelves to make sure he hadn’t missed it. God forbid, someone had traded for it thinking it was one of Mx. Miller’s handmade toys and already tossed it to the hounds. He tried to put that thought out of his mind.
After making one final loop around the store, Arrden approached the desk, where Mx. Miller was working on sewing up another pet toy out of scraps of old clothes and hand spun fabric. Right, a lot of people would donate their old and worn clothes to the shop so they could find new life as a beloved toy. At least, when they didn’t donate them to a teen hoping to learn embroidery or make new patches for their jacket. In that sense, Arrden and Mx. Miller were staunch competitors in the last life of beloved fabric market, if his patch-adorned vest had anything to say. 
“Hey, there! Can I help you with anything?” Mx. Miller asked as they looked up from their work. 
“Hi, uhm… my sister lost her doll earlier today, and I was wondering if you saw it by any chance? It’s about this big--” Arrden cupped his hand a little over a foot above the top of the counter. “--and looks like a white and yellow daisy, with green arms and legs.” 
Mx. Miller scrunched their nose--they must’ve seen all kinds of toys over the course of the day--and eventually shook their head. “I don’t remember seeing a doll like that. But if anyone brings one like that in, I’ll keep it in lost and found, alright?”
Arrden nodded quietly. “Okay! Thank you, Mx. Miller.” Arrden made his way out of the store, pausing a moment to ruffle one of the puppies’ heads a bit as it poked its head over the baby cage before he hopped back onto his skateboard and made his way off. 
No luck at the market, no luck at the music tent, no luck at the pet shop… his last hopes were the library, Mrs. Kitterling’s jewelry shop, or just… out in the street somewhere, stepped upon and dirty. Or worse. Someone had seen it and taken it, and Arrden was thoroughly screwed. 
He couldn’t lose hope. He’d stop by the library, cross his fingers, hope to any power there was that he found it alright. 
He felt the path change under the wheels of his board as he turned onto the Aster Town Library’s walkway. It was still old cobblestone, with a few cushiony low-growing groundcovers poking between the tracks. Comfy for shoes--or those who preferred to walk barefoot, like Sasi’s family--but not so great for itty bitty skateboard wheels, so he hopped off the board and tucked it under his arm and walked the rest of the way. To either side of the cobblestone path, there were gardens--to his left, an expansive meadow of wildflowers, almost like the garden at home, and to his right was a small pond with an array of koi and all kinds of other fish, their scales glittering like tiny drops of sunlight under the water’s surface. Dotted across both landscapes were benches, for people to enjoy a drink and a book while taking in the perfumed scent of flowers, or listening to the gentle trickle of the pond’s small waterfall. He checked all the outside benches, but deep down he knew Daisy’s doll wouldn’t be out here. These sitting spots were great and all, but Daisy spent most of her time in other spaces. 
Arden entered the library and placed his skateboard on the designated skateboard shelf by the door, which already had a couple of other tenants taking up slots. They were all a similar color to his, but he knew he’d be able to grab the right one--his was custom painted with a big yellow sunflower, spinning wheels and bees along the edges, and a couple of stickers in the blank spaces. He’d done everything but paint his name on the bottom of the board to mark it as his. Plus, everyone else had their boards painted--one had a bright big zinnia flower, with suns and moons both on the horizon, while another had a ferocious looking bear painted on with a wolf howling at the moon.
“Back again already?” Arrden turned to see one of the librarians, Mx. Kingsley, waving at him from the front desk. “You already returned your books, if that’s what you’re here for.”
“It’s not! Well, I do want more books, but--my sister lost her crochet doll, and I’m retracing my steps to try and find it. Did anyone turn it in?”
Mx. Kingsley shook their head, frowning a bit. “No, I’m sorry, I don’t remember any dolls being turned in today. I’ll go check the Lost and Found, why don’t you go ahead and look around while you get your books?” 
“Sounds like a plan. Thank you, Mx. Kingsley!” Arrden beamed, before heading off deeper into the library.
The library had always been one of his favorite places. When he wasn’t helping his parents with the garden, or hanging out with his friends after school, you could probably find Arrden tucked away somewhere on library grounds. He knew this place like the back of his hand--if he ever applied to volunteer here, no doubt he’d be let in, but he wanted to have a little bit more freedom before leashing himself to a formal volunteer position. Nevertheless, he was here all the time, and his sister Daisy was also becoming fond of the place. As Arrden perused the shelves, selecting a few books on beekeeping and wool spinning as well as a few novels, he took a moment to enjoy the pure library vibes. Small potted herbs grew on the shelves, bundles of mint to be snacked on, while posters for new books and fliers for town events adorned walls and bulletin boards all across the space. Every book in here was well-loved, the smell of old books mingling with the herbs and making everything just… heavenly. There were plenty of bright, sunny windows--some clear, most brightly colored stained glass works of trees and flowers sprouting out of open books--all with plenty of cushioned benches and rocking chairs and bean bags sprawled out underneath them. A few of the study rooms had been borrowed, a couple of kids studying in one, while the other had a handful of adults using the chalkboard to talk about something-or-another. Even still, Arrden knew his sister’s doll wouldn’t be in any of these places.
Instead, he stepped out the side door, and directly into the warm and cozy greenhouse area. A mix of colorful panels greeted him with spots of light on the ground, casting everything into an almost magical light. There were two large tables that were perfect for studying and craft sessions, potted herbs and even a few fruit trees along the sides of the walls, but best of all--a big, comfy chair, tucked into a corner with its own shelf of books nearby. This was his favorite spot in the library--and his sister’s too. Arrden was half-tempted to just sink into the big chair, curl up with one of his books, and let the hours pass as he lost himself among the pages of a story. The library was open through the night, but he’d never been allowed to stay past eight, because apparently fourteen was still too young to be out on his own late at night.
But no, he was here for a reason. So instead of settling into the chair, he checked the cushions to make sure the doll hadn’t been lost in the depth of it, but came up with nothing but a healthy dose of lint-fingers. Daisy’s doll wasn’t sitting on any of the tables or shelves either, nor was it on the floor. This was the only room Daisy ever liked to hang out in, so the odds of it being anywhere else were… slim.
As he made his way back to the front desk, he passed a shelf of books and a title stuck out to him--something about playing guitar for beginners. Well… it wouldn’t be so bad to do a bit of reading, would it? He took the book and tucked it under his arm with the others. 
“Find the books you’re looking for?” Mx. Miller asked as Arrden arrived to the desk.
“I did! Did you find my sister’s doll?”
The look on Mx. Miller’s face told him everything he needed to know, but even still they shook their head with a soft sigh. “There aren’t any dolls in the lost and found, kiddo. I hope you find it!”
Arrden sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I hope so too.” He placed his books on the counter, and Mx. Miller began scanning them out of the system. 
“More books on beekeeping and spinning? I’d think you’d be one of the resident experts by now!” they said with a soft laugh.
“I just wanna make sure I know all I can! I still gotta get my parents to let me have the gear and all.”
“Oh, I remember when I was trying to start with my crafts. It took ages to convince my parents I could run a spinning wheel without hurting myself, but one day one of my friends let me try spinning with the wheel she had at her place. When I came back with a nice bundle of finished yarn I’d spun myself, and less bandages than they expected, my parents let me go get my own wheel the next day.”
Arrden hummed. “Maybe… but I dunno anyone with a wheel who’d let me borrow it.”
Mx. Miller arched an eyebrow, gesturing with their eyes towards the craft room in the back. “You know, I just dropped one of my older wheels into the tool space for borrow. How about the next time you come around, you put your skills to the test? I’ve got some hemp I’ve already combed out but I never ended up doing anything with it, I’m more than happy to let you learn spinning with it!”
“You’re for real?” Arrden beamed. “I’d love to! Oh, maybe I can come right after school Tuesday?”
“I’ll be sure to bring it in, then!” Mx. Miller slid the books across the counter back to Arrden. “You keep on reading until then, alright? I can’t help you with the bees, after all.”
“Okay! Oh, did you want anything for--I mean, I can maybe bring you some of my mom’s flowers, or--”
“Oh, no, no! We don’t have to trade for it! I just love helping young learners, you know? Now get going! You’ve still gotta find that doll!”
Arrden gasped and shoved the books into his tote. “Right! Thank you again, Mx. Miller!” at that, he rushed out of the door, grabbing his board and hopping onto it as he made his way down the path. He made his way to the last possible place the doll could be--Mrs. Kitterlings’ place.
On his way there, though, he found himself stopping, hopping off his skateboard a moment to look at a garden. It was a small pollinator garden, the likes of dozens around town--but this one was special to him. Not because of the big beautiful mural of butterflies and bees stopping to drink on a giant Asclepias syriaca on the brick wall overlooking it all--though common milkweed was one of his favorites for growing and trading. But because he remembered, ever so faintly, helping to start this place.
This garden--the East Avenue Pollinator Pod Garden--was one of the first Pollinator Pods to be planted in the town, about eight years ago now. He was a little kid then, and didn’t see the bigger picture--how this pod was the cornerstone that would help transform this town into the community he knew it as today. No, Arrden was just one of dozens of grubby little six year olds who were excited to get to play with dirt without getting into trouble for it that day. The adults had been working on clearing out the empty lot for ages by that point, transforming the place from some old tire-and-junk filled lot into safe, empty ground ready for planting. Not that Arrden was around to appreciate it when that work had started. He remembered following his mom around with a little plastic trowel, carefully digging where she instructed so she could help him gently place tiny little seedlings into the holes he made, or helping to scatter coreopsis, rudbeckia, and liatris seeds around while he played tag with Azzy and Kendall. His dad helped him try and properly pronounce the names, though there was still awhile where Asclepias were ‘Sleepies’ and rudbeckias were ‘Rudy-Becky’s’. And he remembered coming down with his dad every week during his mom’s working season to help water the plants and watch the life slowly fill into a place that had been so empty and barren for so long. He remembered coming to celebrate while his mom’s work group added a paved walkway, and a fountain, and a bench dedicated to a Mrs. Lianne Kitterling--the mayor at the time who had started the initiative to green up their spaces and their lives in the tiny town of Charlesville (a few years later, they’d rename the town Aster, and adopt the sunflower as their symbol). After this garden, so many more changes came--more solar panels and wind turbines floating high above the city, gardens spreading around every corner of the city, initiatives to clean the forest that bordered their town’s northern side and restore the prairie that used to be to its south. New people moved in, entranced by the changes taking place--like Sasi’s family, and his mom’s best friend Miss Dianne--and helping to shape the town into the colorful place it is now. 
It was honestly hard to remember what things were like before, but maybe that was because he was so little when the changes started happening. In second grade, they changed the school year--only four days a week, and about four hours for each day, instead of the five days and six hours that had apparently been standard for decades before. He couldn’t imagine how he’d manage school and his friends and hobbies if he was spending five days in school, let alone six hours each day! His Dad said before he was born, the town switched to seasonal work--everyone could choose to either work from January to June, or July to December, at any job. Before that, everyone worked practically every day of the year, which Arrden could scarcely imagine now. Maybe all the changes hadn’t started with this garden after all, but in Arrden’s mind, watching the garden grow was the first time he realized things were changing and growing--just like the caterpillars who called the garden home. The city was in its cocoon, shifting and changing, and even now his mother said its wings were only just now unfurling. 
“Hey, Arrden!” 
Arrden was snapped out of his thoughts by the familiar voice calling his name, and turned in time to see his friend Azzy--and their friend, Flare--riding up on their own boards. Azzy pulled to a--somewhat clumsy--stop and hopped off their board to come join him. “What’s up? Looking at the old garden?”
“I don’t think it's that old, Az. But, uh, guess I got lost in thought seeing it.”
“I feel you, man.” they took off their helmet, long blonde hair cascading to past their shoulders. “I was just here last week, getting a few volunteer hours in filling the empty gaps with more seedlings. Felt like I got rocketed back to the past for a moment. Crazy how well everything grew in, I coulda sworn we accidentally trampled half those seedlings but now look at it all!”
“You trampled the seedlings. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the adults came in a few days later to replace the ones you stepped on, but who knows.”
“Azzy and I were heading to the skate park,” Flare said, stepping over. “You want in?” 
“Ooh! Yeah, you should totally come hang! There’s even gonna be a band performing later tonight!” Azzy beamed, green eyes alight with excitement.
Arrden sighed. “I wish, but I still have that 8 o'clock curfew. And I lost my sister’s doll. I’ve gotta find it before my parents find out, or else I’m never getting that spinning wheel!”
“You lost Daisy’s daisy?! Aw, you’re in for it, man!”
He groaned. “I know!! If it’s not in Mrs. Kitterling’s place, I’m done for! I dunno where else it could be!”
“Fingers crossed for you, then! Oh, wait, Flare, you wanted to stop in Kitterlings’ too, right?”
Flare nodded. “My mom wants more decorations for her locs, and I might get some for when she twists my hair soon” she groaned. “I’m gonna miss the puffs, but having to wash and dry it all every week is driving me crazy!!”
“Aw, I don’t find it so bad! When it's my hair care day, I just plop on the couch with some snacks and turn on some good movies!”
“I wish it were that simple, my mom expects me to do so much to it! I might end up liking the twists better, who knows until I get them in? I think some bee charms’ll help!”
“Oh, you like bees?”
“Her dad’s the head of the beekeeper’s guild in town! He has, like, twenty hives!” Azzy beamed.
“Yeah, he’s been teaching me how to manage hives since I was ten! I have two hives of my own, too!”
“Ooh! I’ve been wanting to learn beekeeping for the longest while, but I haven’t gotten any hands-on experience yet!” Arrden said “I’ve checked out just about every book on beekeeping the library has, but my parents still don’t think I’m ready for a hive…”
“Why not join the guild, maybe apprentice for one of the beekeepers? I know my dad loves teaching hands-on!”
Arrden blinked dumbly. “I can join the guild if I don’t have any hives yet?”
“Dude! Yeah?! How are you supposed to take care of a real hive if you’ve never been near one before! Look--” Flare dug her phone out of her overall pocket. “We’ve gotta trade numbers, I’ll get you hooked up with Dad and maybe you can come over when he’s teaching Sasi Friday after school.”
“Sasi’s learning beekeeping?!”
“Yeah, I dunno, she didn’t catch me as the type but she told me last week that someone sparked her interest in it.”
“Oooh, wonder who that could’ve been?” Azzy laughed, nudging Arrden in the ribs. Arrden briefly remembered his last interaction with Sasi when Azzy was nearby, how they’d nudged him into talking about his interests and he wound up infodumping about bees all lunch period instead of eating. He’d thought he’d totally embarrassed himself! Was she actually interested in it now?
“Uh! Well! L-Let’s trade numbers, then!” Arrden handed Flare his phone, and Flare handed hers to him. They plugged in each others numbers and sent introductory texts and then handed back the phones. “So, you guys are going into Kitterlings?”
“Yeah, c’mon!”
Mrs. Kitterlings’ shop wasn’t very far--in fact, it was just a door away from the wall the pollinator pod was up against. The awning over the door and windows were a bit faded with age, the gold paint spelling out Kitterlings’ Jewelry chipping off the brick surface they were painted onto. Well loved, his mother had always said, the building’s well loved.
Well loved it was, indeed, with a lot of the ladies in town. Mrs. Kitterling was one of the only jewelers in town, but she made lots of items--asides from necklaces and bracelets, she also made earrings, rings, loc decorations, hearing aid jewelry, and more. This was on top of her supposedly growing some of the best roses and daffodils for barter. Or maybe the ladies liked her so much because she used to be the mayor, and had relinquished her position to instead let decisions be made by a panel of citizens a few years back? After she’d retired from politics, she’d opened the shop and almost immediately was the talk of the town all over again. 
Either way, Arrden wasn’t much of a jewelry guy--he found it got in the way most of the time. But he had been here earlier to get a new bracelet for his sister, with a little daisy charm made out of recycled metal. So the odds of him having lost the doll here were fairly high.
Flare almost immediately got distracted by the loc decorations on display, little burlap baggies full of gold and silver ones on the shelf underneath, but Azzy accompanied him to the front desk. Mrs. Kitterling was talking to another woman--Mrs. Deere, one of the kindergarten teachers--about placing an order for a custom pair of earrings. Today, Mrs. Kitterling was wearing hearing aid jewelry that made her ears look like butterfly wings, adorned with a mix of wire and recycled glass gems. 
Once Mrs. Deere had finished placing her order, Mrs. Kitterling turned to the two teens with a smile. “Ah, young Arrden and Azzy! A pleasure seeing you here again, how can I help you?”
“Hi, Mrs. Kitterling. I, uh, lost my sister’s doll, did you see it by any chance?” Arrden asked.
“It’s, uhm, real important!” Azzy added, trying to back him up. Arrden appreciated the effort, Az.
Mrs. Kitterling hummed, adjusting her glasses. “Why, what does the doll look like?”
“It’s got a green body, and a big daisy flower for the head! Right, Arrden?” Azzy turned to Arrden, who nodded quietly.
“About… eight inches big, I think. Something like that.” Azzy procured their sketchbook from their bag, and Arrden nodded again. “About that big!”
“I think I did see a doll like that! I bet it's in the lost and found box, give me just one moment!” Mrs. Kitterling smiled before wheeling herself to the back room.
Arrden beamed, bouncing up and down a bit with Azzy. “She has it, she has it! Maybe I can get that spinning wheel after all!”
“Then we can team up and start making a buncha yarn! And you can learn how to spin hemp and stuff too!” they said.
“Your sister’s gonna be pretty damn happy too, right?” Flare said.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! That doll’s practically her best friend, she’s gonna be stoked!” Arrden gasped suddenly. “Shit! I still have to stop by the Ferns’ place to get eggs for my dad! And I promised Daisy I’d get her some Junebugs!”
“You’re going to Junebugs?!” Azzy gaped. “Hope you brought something good to trade!”
“...I’ve got some flowers?” Arrden opened his tote a bit to show the collection of cut flowers he’d brought. They were just a smidge wilted from spending the past hour or so traveling around town, but still fine to trade, right?
“That might be enough for some of a batch, but I dunno…” Azzy reached over and pat him on the back. “Fingers crossed for you, man.”
“Oh, god, you don’t think it’ll be enough? I dunno what I’m gonna do…”
Azzy hummed, tapping their chin. “I think they like raising insects. Any of those milkweeds got eggs on em?”
“Probably a couple, the monarchs have been going crazy in the garden lately.” Arden took out the milkweed stems and peered closely at the leaves. “I swear, it’d be harder to keep them away than to attract them… oh! When’d this guy get here?”
“Ooh, yeah, I see a caterpillar too! Right there!” Azzy said, pointing to a completely different leaf from the one Arrden was looking at. They then spotted the rather large caterpillar Arrden was staring at. “Oh! Guess you’ve got two! You might be good, then!”
“Oh, thank god.”
It was about then that Mrs. Kitterling wheeled her way back out to the front desk, smiling brightly as she set a little doll on the counter. “Little Daisy was still wearing a little necklace, too! Did you still want that, little Arrden?”
Arden huffed out a laugh, shaking his head. “No thank you, ma’am. Thanks for keeping Little Daisy safe!” It all made sense now--Daisy would always try and let her doll partake in activities, so she was probably taking necklaces off the shelves and putting them on the doll while Arrden handled the trade for the bracelet. Then she’d gotten so excited about putting her new bracelet on, she’d probably left the doll up on the counter. Then they had to hurry home to make it back before Dad finished with book club, and they’d forgotten it entirely… well, at least he had it back now! Just a few more errands, and he could bring it back before Daisy got impatient and told on him.
“Of course, of course! Was there anything else you needed?”
“Uhm,” Flare cut in. “I was actually wanting to trade for these bee decorations, if they’re available?”
“Oh, of course, Flare, dear! What did you have in mind?”
“I’ve gotta run a few more errands, but I’ll see you guys in school?” Arrden said, already backing up towards the door.
“Oh, definitely! See you!” Azzy beamed, waving goodbye as Arrden made his way out.
Truth be told, Arden was a bit fidgety the entire ride to the Ferns’ place. He was so relieved to have found the doll, but so anxious to let it out of his sight again, so he held it tight in his grip most of the way there. At least, until he decided he didn’t want to risk dropping it, so he’d put it in his tote bag to keep it safe. But with all the flowers and jars and books in his bag at this point, the doll kinda half-hung out of it, and so he’d get paranoid that it’d fall out so then he’d clutch it tight in his hand again… what was usually a maybe twenty minute ride from Mrs. Kitterlings to the Ferns’ stretched to about thirty just because of his indecisiveness.
It probably didn’t help that the roads up to the Ferns’ weren’t all too great. They lived out near the fields--not too far from Azzy, actually--but it was a route better suited for bikes and wagons. Dirt roads weren’t too good for skateboards, so Arrden ended up on foot a good chunk of the way. Not that he actually had to travel too too far up the road, as the Ferns kept a farm stand at the end of the long driveway to their house, stocked with cartons of the day’s fresh eggs from their amassment of chickens, quail, and pigeons. Early in the mornings, you could even find a few glass bottles of milk down in the cooler, or a few blocks of cheese and butter, or baskets of whatever fruit was in season up on the table. All you had to do was leave something of worthy trade in the exchange basket, like flower cuttings, or seeds, or handmade jewelry, or… anything, honestly. His dad said the Ferns practically begged people to take their eggs from them in the past, and yet every year they were more than eager to get more chicks to add to their flocks.
Arrden placed a jar of calendulas and rudbeckias on the trade counter, gently placing a carton of chicken eggs and a glass jar from the ‘givebacks’ counter into his bag. At least it gave him a safe place to sit Little Daisy--he imagined the doll felt quite comfortable, sitting nestled in a glass jar all to herself. After making sure everything was safe and secure, he made his way back down the dirt road, hopping onto his skateboard the instant it became a viable option.
The ride to Junebugs took him to basically the opposite side of town from his house back in the suburbs, not that it meant all too much to him. He liked the solitude he got from riding around on his skateboard, humming his favorite songs and feeling the wind in his hair. Still, the street lights might be coming on by the time he actually made it back. He’d worry about that later, for now he had to hurry to Junebugs before they closed shop for the day. Fortunately, he made it just in time--the sign still read ‘Open!’ on their front door. He enjoyed the perfumed scent of the serviceberry and apple flowers as he rode under their reaching branches on the pathway, the colorful pink blooms of native rhododendrons growing in bright surges around their trunks. Junebugs’ front garden was always a wonderful sight to see, though part of it was because being there almost always meant leaving with something sweet.
The front window counter was still open, so Arrden stepped off his board and made his way over to ding the little bell on the counter. “Just one moment!” a voice called out from further inside. Of course, Arrden didn’t mind waiting--waiting just meant getting to enjoy the scent of sugar syrups and honeys and glazes, the colorful sight of candied fruits and flowers alongside baked cookies and other pastries settled on drying racks. He could feel his mouth starting to water at just the thought of taking a bite of some. Unfortunately, he had to save all the candy for his sister, otherwise she’d definitely pitch a fit.
It didn’t take too long at all for Mx. Junebug to return to the counter. Their fingers were still stained with various colors from dealing with so many plants and candies, but they brushed it off on their apron and smiled. “Hey! I like your patches, kid. How can I help you?”
“Oh, uhm, thank you!! Uhm, do you have any candied strawberries? Or violets, maybe?”
Mx. Junebug leaned on the counter. “I have both right now, just finished a batch earlier today. What’re you wanting to trade for ‘em?”
“I! Have! Uhm…” Arrden set his tote bag on the counter and gently reached in to pull out the jar of flowers that remained--a handful of zinnias and milkweed, which fortunately the two caterpillars were still munching away on. “My mom grows lots of flowers! And these ones had some caterpillars on them! I heard you like them?”
Mx. Junebug’s eyes grew wide, and Arrden knew he had a good trade before they even said anything. “I will absolutely take those little buggies off your hand! Give me a moment to get you all set up, alright?” they said, taking the jar in both hands before disappearing further into the house. Arrden leaned against the wall by the counter, lazily watching bees fly around the serviceberry blossoms as he hummed under his breath. Ultimately, it didn’t take all too long for Junebug to come back with a small bioplastic baggie of candied strawberries and violets, tied off with a little bow of teal rope. “Here you go, kid! Hope you enjoy ‘em!”
“Thanks so much, Mx. Junebug!” Arrden grinned, waving before he hopped back onto his skateboard and made his way back onto the main streets.
The ride back home was fairly uneventful. For Arrden, at least. Things in Aster slowed down, sure, but they never came to a full halt. Even now, strings of fairy lights were beginning to turn on amongst the market’s awnings, powered by solar panels that had been collecting energy all afternoon. Though most stalls stayed closed through the night, the street instead became something akin to a giant party hall for those who preferred to be active through the night. Older teens and young adults danced to a collection of music--on one end of the street, there was a punk band performing, while on the other someone had brought a speaker and was playing party tunes from their phone. Arrden was half-tempted to join them--Kendall had been to a few night parties and said they were loads of fun--but if he didn’t get home soon, his parents would be upset. So he had to muster all his self-control to stay on his board and skate past the festivities, skate past the cozy-looking library that was all aglow as late night readers nestled into beanbags and chairs. Once he made it past the nightly temptations, though, it was just softly glowing street lamps until he made it back home.
As he stepped back inside, he was greeted with the sight of his mother resting on the couch with Daisy in her lap, watching TV. His dad was in the kitchen playing rock songs on the radio as he sang and cooked.
“Hey, Ma! Hey, Dad! I’m home!” Arrden beamed.
“Glad you’re home safe! Took you a bit longer than I was expecting, was everything alright?” his dad said, peeking out from the kitchen doorway.
“A bit, but I got sidetracked talking to some friends. Sorry I’m late, though.” he said, making his way into the kitchen to set his bag down before rushing back out to hug his mother. “Hey, Ma! How was work?”
“Oh, it was good! I was just telling Daisy about the new window we’re working on for the community center’s new makerspace! It’s going to be big and round, with a lovely big daisy!”
“Daisy! Like me!” Daisy beamed.
Arrden grinned and ruffled his sister’s hair. “Daisy, like you! I bet it’s gonna look great, Mama, you can build anything!”
His mother leaned over to give him a kiss on the forehead. “You’re a sweetheart, Arrden, you know that? So, what’re you gonna do tonight?”
“Uh, I checked out some books from the library that I wanna read! I left them in the kitchen, actually, let me go get them!” Arrden hopped up from the couch to duck back into the kitchen to scoop up his books--and Daisy’s doll, hopefully before his dad spotted it.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t so lucky--the doll was sitting in the jar, out on the counter beside his stack of books. He froze at the sight of it, and his father turned from the cooking to send him a look. Uh oh.
“Arrden? Let’s step outside a moment.” his father said, sliding a lid onto the simmering pasta sauce. “We need to chat.”
Uh oh.
Arrden nodded wordlessly, following his father out the back door into the backyard. There were a handful of fireflies flitting about as they made their way to the bench swing under the treehouse. His father leaned back in the seat, while Arrden sat hunched into his own shoulders. The silence was agonizing, as they sat out there, Arrden’s poor mind going wild with possibilities. He’d always tried to avoid getting into trouble with his parents, and he had a significant feeling that he was in trouble with his parents right now. Oh, he was never gonna get that spinning wheel at this rate, let alone a beehive!
“You went out to get Little Daisy back, didn’t you?” his father finally said, but he hadn’t looked away from the fireflies yet.
Arrden nodded quietly, then realized where his father’s eyes lay. “I-I did. I… wanted to bring it back before you realized it was gone, because…”
“Because you took Daisy out, even though we’d said she had to stay inside?”
“Y-Yes… I’m sorry, Dad, but she was being so sad, and I just wanted to cheer her up! We were safe the whole time, her ear didn’t even hurt at all, and--but… I shouldn’t have taken her, I’m sorry…”
His dad hummed. “I appreciate you looking out for your little sister, Arrden.” he let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. “Lord knows my older brothers wouldn't've done the same for me at your age. And I understand why you wanted to find the doll before it became a larger issue. I’m not mad at you for trying to find the doll.” Arrden let out a sigh of relief, but paused as his father turned to him and held up a finger. “But. I’m a bit upset that you took Daisy out into the town without permission. What would you have done if she’d gotten hurt, or if her ear infection got worse while you were out?”
“...you’re right, Dad… does this mean I can’t have a spinning wheel…?”
His dad’s eyebrows arched, and his locs shifted as he tilted his head. “...not necessarily. I think you were irresponsible to do what I told you not to, but I can also see you were being responsible by looking for Little Daisy and owning up to your mistake. I do wish you would be more honest with me, though--I would have helped you look if you’d told me. And you wouldn’t’ve had to get bribe candy for your sister, either.”
“Did she tell on me?” Arrden pouted. “She promised not to if I got her candy.”
“I noticed she didn’t have the doll, and she was honest with me when I asked.” another hum from his dad. “...I’ll talk with your mother about letting you have a spinning wheel, but if you break our trust again, we’ll be pushing it back by at least a month. Alright?”
Arrden nodded. “Alright. Thanks, Dad.”
His dad laughed, ruffling his hair a moment as he stood to his feet. “You’re a good kid, Arrden. There’s worse things you could be doing than taking your sister out to play. Now, come on in when you’re ready, alright?”
“Alright, Dad.” at that, his Dad made his way inside, closing the door behind him, leaving Arrden sitting alone on the bench outside. He sighed, looking up at where the stars were beginning to peek their way through the darkening sky. He stayed there awhile, watching the fireflies and moths dance around the meadow, listening to the rustling of the wind in the tree’s branches, the gentle creak as he swung slowly back and forth on the swing.
He was a pretty good kid, huh?
Special thanks to @1wren and @105ttt for beta-reading this fic for me!
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mightyflamethrower · 1 month
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Biden’s ironically named Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was supposed to create millions of green jobs and launch the “sustainable power” industry.
Subsidies flowed to support electric vehicles, wind farms, and solar energy.  We have been covering the slowdown in the EV market, and residents of the East Coast are questioning all the promises made by the wind energy companies after the Vineyard Wind blade failure.
Now, it’s time to turn our attention to solar power. SunPower, the company that provides solar panels to many Californian homes in the sunny Coachella Valley area, filed for bankruptcy this week.
It is the latest development in a saga that has seen the company facing numerous serious and seemingly escalating challenges over the past several months, including allegations about executives’ misconduct related to the company’s financial statements and a recent decision that SunPower would no longer offer new solar leases. Days after the latter announcement, Coachella Valley-based Renova Energy, which markets and installs SunPower systems, said it was ending its partnership with SunPower and temporarily pausing operations after not receiving required payments from SunPower. SunPower’s executive chairman wrote in a letter posted on the company’s website on Monday that the company had reached an agreement to sell certain divisions of its business and suggested it was looking for one or more buyers to take on the rest, including the company’s responsibilities to maintain solar systems it has previously sold or leased.
It is important to note that SunPower was the industry’s “darling” to understand the magnitude of this development.
Founded in 1985 by a Stanford professor, SunPower was, for the past two decades, a darling of the solar industry. The company helped build America’s biggest solar plant, called Solar Star and located near Rosamond, California, and has installed solar panels on more than 100,000 homes. The company’s stock price has fluctuated dramatically, peaking during the solar stock frenzy of late 2007. As recently as January 2021, SunPower’s valuation momentarily reached $10 billion, buoyed by the expansion of its residential solar panels program. But since then, the company’s value has cratered — and this year, its situation became particularly dire.
It is also important to note that earlier this month, the bankruptcy of a solar-powered company in South Florida created an array of problems on the South Coast of California. Subcontractors are scrambling to find ways to guarantee payment for work on homes with equipment from the firm.
Meanwhile, homeowners are regretting their misplaced trust in eco-activists and city officials.
The business — Electriq Power Inc. — was putting solar panels and batteries on Santa Barbara rooftops at no expense to homeowners and with the blessings of the cities of Santa Barbara, Goleta, and Carpinteria. But then Electriq filed Chapter 7 on May 3, freezing all its operations. This prompted one of its subcontractors, Axiom 360 of Grover Beach, to place mechanics liens on homes for which it had yet to be paid. This preserves Axiom’s options for full payment of its installation work and is not unusual among contractors. But for homeowners who didn’t expect any financial outlay, it came as a shock, especially as the recording notice lists foreclosure in 90 days among the penalties. “You’re helping the environment. You’re not paying high rates to Southern California Edison,” said homeowner Randy Freed, explaining why he signed on to Electriq’s PoweredUp Goleta program. He was pleased with the savings in the solar array and storage batteries, but then he received the mechanics lien in June. The possibility of foreclosure was unanticipated, Freed said, and he’d relied on the cities’ endorsements. “It’s a great program; we’ve checked them out,” he recalled the cities saying on a postcard he received.
Hot Air's Beege Welborne takes an in-depth look at the cascade of warnings that indicate SunPower and the residential solar market are in serious trouble. She also hits on a point that is true for all green energy schemes: Today’s technology cannot keep up with the promises being made about tomorrow.
The technology side still hasn’t ironed itself out and may never with as saturated as the market is. With interest rates as high as they are and home prices through the roof, no one wants to pay a fortune for something that’s not rock solid. …That “sustainable” growth is only possible once all the artificial supports are knocked away and the technology proves viable and worth the cost once and for all.
Of course, the solar industry isn’t helped by the fact that the cost savings for customers aren’t quite as lavish as originally promised.
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this Op-Ed from the New York Times:
To keep the lights on, many utility companies are proposing to build dozens of new power plants that burn natural gas. North Carolina-based Duke Energy alone wants to add 8.9 gigawatts of new gas-fired capacity — more than the entire country added in 2023. Using their own projections of soaring energy demands as justification, these companies are also pushing back on the climate targets set by their states and the Biden administration.
If state regulators sign off on these plans, they will be gambling with our country’s future. We need to electrify everything from cars to appliances to slow climate change, but we won’t be able to reach our climate goals if we power all of those machines with dirty energy.
There is a better way. But to get there, legislators will need to overhaul the incentives driving utilities to double down on natural gas, so that they can turn a profit without cooking the planet.
Companies like Duke, Dominion Energy and Georgia Power argue that they need more gas-fired plants to reliably provide power during times of peak demand — for instance, on a hot summer weekday afternoon when home cooling systems and data servers are all humming at maximum output, and the grid strains to keep up. But those peaks tend to materialize only for a few dozen hours per year, and there are ways to deal with them that don’t require a massive amount of new methane-burning infrastructure.
The real reason the utilities want to build these plants is quite simple: The more stuff they build, the more money they make. Regulators let utilities charge their customers enough money to cover what they spend on assets like combustion turbines and wires, plus a generous rate of return (up to 10 percent) for their investors. This longstanding arrangement incentivizes power providers to build expensive things whether society needs them or not, in lieu of lower-cost, cleaner options, and to invoke their duty to keep the lights on as a post hoc rationalization.
Fortunately, utilities have plenty of ways to meet this new need.
They include “virtual power plants” — when technologies such as home batteries, rooftop solar systems, smart water heaters and thermostats are linked together and managed via software to provide the same services as a conventional power plant. Utilities in Vermont, Colorado and Massachusetts are already using them, to quickly respond to rising demand at a much lower cost than operating natural gas combustion turbines. According to one estimate, virtual power plants could lower U.S. utilities’ costs by as much as $35 billion over the next decade.
Utilities could also accelerate efforts to replace outdated transmission lines with newer ones that can carry double the electric current and to bring more battery storage online. They can compensate customers for using less energy during times when demand is high and invest far more in energy efficiency, helping customers to adopt devices that use less electricity.
All of these solutions would save customers money and reduce carbon emissions. They could, according to a Department of Energy analysis, meet the entire projected growth in U.S. peak electricity demand over the next decade.
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pettypuppy-jonghyun · 2 years
Ignite | Lee Felix
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Summary: a fantasy au where Felix controls the power of the sun, and his lover controls the moon
Warnings: mention of death, darkness, a little angsty plz take precaution
Dedicated to Aly for all the support and motivation I've been given 💛
Song of inspiration: Ignite by K-391
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In a brick house with a wooden rooftop you can hear every drop of rain as it falls. The sound of it trickling down the plastic tubes set out against the sides, planted there to help prevent a leak, echoed in the small space. The wind pushed against the tarp that was put in place as a substitute for a front door.
It wasn't really a home anymore, could barely pass as a shelter from the rain, but it had been a home for someone long ago. A place that a family could gather every evening to share warm meals and laughter-things that sounded so comforting to me right now. A pleasantry this place could no longer afford.
It was far too cold to stay forever. My hands were rubbing furiously at my arms to keep warm as I paced beneath the wooden sheet that protected me from the storms wrath. A thin coat that barely clothed any skin was laying far from me, soaked in the energy-draining rain.
In this world, when the rain comes, our powers dim. There had only been a small number of storms like today that wiped the energy from so many souls, leaving so many people without a place to go and family to be with. This storm was destructive, and it didn't stop for days, taking away every person in its path. No one was spared. We had gone so long depending on our powers that it forced us to hide any spark of power in ourselves and abandoned our livelihoods, leaving many hopeless and lost.
It came out of nowhere. It was only a few days ago when I was back home studying for a final college entrance exam. My hair was bothering me a lot that day, so I wanted to use the moon's gravitational pull to hold it back. It was a petty and simple use of my powers, for how grand they really are. I didn't know then that taking advantage of it that day was all I had left. When I reached my hand up to snap my fingers and call upon the moon's power to my will, the lights in my house had gone out. I remember running down the stairs to question the blackout with my family, who'd already been outside on the porch before I could register.
The whole world was in a blackout simultaneously. Everyone was unable to use any power they had to keep the world running again, or else it was slowly drained from them until there was nothing left. Nothing of them and nothing of their power. The rain came soon after the sun went missing. It poured heavily in an instant with no way for anyone to prepare. My family went into hiding soon after.
"Where is the sun?" everyone asked. The life of our world revolved around the solar power from the sun, and without it, everyone's powers were all greatly weakened. Thus, a terrifying storm came brewing to suck away anything that was left. My family and I were separated quickly because of it.
"Where there's a moon there's a sun", they used to tell me all the time. I grew up hearing those words a thousand times like I brought the reassurance of the world's safety because I possessed Lunar magic. To those around me, I was the safety net they could fall on in uncertain times. But the more days that passed with no sun in sight, they began to lose faith in me.
A sudden harsh movement on the blue tarp catches my attention. I froze as I watched someone push past the barrier, barging into the shabby home and allowing rain in. My heart sped up from the fear of not being able to see who was in front of me. But the voice that called my name so sweetly put me at ease instantly.
"Oh Felix!" I cried out, reaching towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck. He embraced me just as tightly, squeezing me to his chest and burrowing his face in my shoulder. "You're alright!"
Felix pulled back, hand reaching up to tuck my wet hair behind my ear. His brown eyes glowed a brilliant gold as he looked at me tenderly. I knew he could see me perfectly, even in this darkness. Because he was the light.
Where there's a moon, there's a sun.
"My sweet love," he whispers. "I'm so glad I found you."
My head fell into his chest, his hand coming to the back of it to soothe me. I began to sob, fists clenching tightly on the lips of his jacket collar. The cold air made my throat sore but I couldn't pay much mind through my tears. I was so relieved to see him. He was okay. He was safe. And he was in my arms.
After a moment we separated enough to move from the tarp at the front of the house and towards the back where less water came through. He gently guided me by my arms while sitting us both down, never letting me go too many steps apart. His glowing eyes were all I had to see. I didn't want to look away in fear the light would leave me again and I'd be alone.
"You're freezing." His right hand brushed my cheeks that stung from the sharp air. "Let me warm you up."
Felix put his hands out like they hovered over an invisible globe. A yellow spark ignited in thin air, making me gasp. "Felix, stop!" My hand encaptured his to prevent any further action.
"You'll freeze to death if I don't use my power to heat you up."
I shook my head. "Please, I don't want to lose you. If the rain drains away your power you'll die. Felix, please."
He shrugged off my hands and continued to try another spark. "I control the sun, my luna. The only thing that brings light to darkness. I'm the reason this rain is here to begin with."
The spark created a sphere of power between the center of his palms. The warmth immediately radiated from its yellow hue, slowly drying up the rain droplets from my clothing. I sighed heavily, feeling relieved at the heat but still anxious about the rain. The storm clouds were still hovering above us. It wasn't safe to project power in such an unsecured place. Still, having him with me was such a reassurance in itself. He was my other half.
"Where have you been?" I finally mustered out the question, staring into the yellow glow with hazy eyes.
His gaze fluttered to my own, eyes softening. "Some things we are better off not knowing," he replied calmly, his voice not once wavering. "If I could tell you everything, I would. In due time."
Gently, I raised my fingers to hover over his glowing ball of heat. I had seen it so many times before over the years we've been together. To us, it was a great source of light when we stayed out late and wandered parts of the woods no one had ever been before. Our innocent memories of sharing powerful energy for the most piffling circumstances flashed through my mind as I now became so dependent on it. Scenes of us practicing how to use it in school arose.
When the tips of my fingers touched the protective bubble surrounding the power, the loud sounds of the rain suddenly quietened. The yellow hue pulsated at the sensation of my energy flowing into it, turning into an intense orange color. Felix rotated his wrists at the action, twirling the orb slightly before releasing it. It hovered in the air by itself like a miniature sun before us.
I looked up to the wooden plank where the leaks lessened. "The rain is calming," I announce, finding my heart beat coming back down a normal rate as well. "Do you think it will end soon?"
His beautiful freckles were luminated by his globe. The shadow of the light highlighting my favorite feature on him. The gold in his eyes less noticeable than it was in the dark. They met mine with a flicker of despair. He had suffered just as much as I did in this storm.
"My dear luna," he calls my nickname so sweetly. "You know this rain came because there was no sun, right? The storm came hurling into the world with no warning and took out so many loved ones."
My teeth gnaw at my bottom lips as I listened to him. "Felix, its not your fault," I pleaded.
He shook his head. "If the sun fades away, we are all left vulnerable. I'm the only sun this universe has."
"You can't control when your powers fade! You didn't have a choice."
Felix sighed heavily, grasping my hand in his and pulling it to his lap. He picked at my old nail polish softly. "When I left you that day, to follow my uncle, we realized something horrible about this storm. And my power."
I waited to hear his next words. I anticipated his every breath, too scared I'd be alone in the dark if he never spoke again. When my heart picked up, so did the rain.
"Where there's a moon, there's a sun," he quotes. "Because if there is no sun for the moon, the darkness of the moon shines the brightness. And the world is left as nothing but a black hole that everyone succumbs too. For the moon's only light is the sun."
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I had never heard that part of the quote before. I tightened my hand around his. "Where did you learn that?"
"The old cave down at the end of the village. Behind the waterfall. It's walls tell the legend of the moon goddess who fell in love with the sun god. When the sun god's power grew weak and was on the verge of extinction, after a new god with the power of the sun was born, the moon goddess's heart hardened. She vowed to destroy the universe if the new god replaced her lover, because it would be the cause of his death.
Her darkness reigned over the universe for a century. Gods and goddesses of all different powers came together to end her destruction. But the only way she could be stopped was if her lover's light luminated again. So the new god gifted the power back to the original sun god, allowing him to continue to live. The pair were always together to keep the peace once again. If the moon goddess appeared, dazzling in the nights sky, it meant the sun was not too far away."
"The moon goddess's powers belong to me," I continued, filling in the blanks. "And the sun to you. That's why those who gained the power of the sun and moon were fated to be lovers until death."
He nods, patting my hand. "This means that you also have gained her emotions and strong will with the power. When I left to tour the world with my uncle, even the promise to come back to you was not enough. The moon goddess was unhappy."
I retracted my hand as a shiver ran down my spine. My stomach curled as I processed the information he told me. I shook my head a few times, mumbling words under my breath. It was impossible to believe. Accepting the truth when it's put so plainly. The disturbing reason behind such a deadly rain.
"It's me," I whisper in distraught. "I created the rain."
Felix's hand cupped my cheek tenderly. "You had no control over it, my love. Please don't blame yourself. It's my fault too."
"How could you say that? When you didn't know this would happen? I caused a blackout for the entire world!"
He smiled bitterly. "This is the curse of our love. If we are ever far apart, my powers fade and your darkness reigns. We can't control it."
Tears began to silently fall down my face like a river stream. My lips trembled in fear as another sob broke through. "What are we going to do?"
He pulls me into his chest, holding me tightly. "We can't change the past," he admits sadly, recalling the many lives that may have been lost. "But we can stop the rain now. The longer it continues the worse this will get. I'm here now, so the rain can be put to an end."
"My mother's healing power!" I suggest at the sudden thought. "Those with healing powers can revive the souls who were lost!"
Felix's hand came to soothingly rub my back. "Though their powers would be weak upon revival, they may be able to get it back. It might take some time."
I sit silently, peering over his shoulders and to the damp ground. My mind spun at all the thoughts racing through it. I fiddled at the nail polish Felix was previously picking at. My heart pulsated against my chest in anxiety. Although it was absolutely terrifying at the idea all may have been potentially lost, I could swallow the idea it was fixable. As long as Felix was by my side, it was all going to be okay.
His hand clasped mine at our side. "I'm here now, so we can stop this rain. And save the people."
I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I didn't know how to control the storm, nor did I know that I even had the power to do so prior to him telling me. Still, I dug deep into the flame in my soul, calling upon the power of my ancestors to life and come forth. The orange globe reacted, it's light flickering over my eyelids. I mouthed ancestral words to myself until I heard the sound of the rains pitter patter come to an end.
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Why You Should Consider a Commercial Solar Panel
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If you are looking to build a new home or add a structure to your existing home, then it might be worthwhile to consider a commercial solar panel. They are a great way to get clean, renewable energy into your home, and can also save you money. In addition, many states offer a Clean Energy Credit, which can make your project even more affordable.
The costs of commercial solar panels have dropped dramatically over the past decade. As a result, many businesses of all sizes are taking advantage of the financial opportunities presented by this type of technology. In some cases, businesses may qualify for tax relief.
The federal government offers a 30% investment tax credit for installing a solar panel system. This rebate can lower the initial cost by up to $20,000 for some businesses. However, this credit will be stepped down after the year 2019.
Another federal program, the Clean Energy Credit, is another way to reduce the costs of installing a solar panel. The credit is equal to 30 percent of the total cost of the solar panel.
In addition to the federal incentives, local utility providers also offer rebate programs for renewable energy technology. The savings generated by a solar system can vary by state, but in general, a commercial system will pay for itself within six years.
When choosing solar panels for a commercial or residential property, it's important to find the most efficient model for your needs. This will help you maximize your energy use and reduce your costs. There are many factors that affect panel efficiency, including the type of cell and the number of cells.
Higher efficiency panels are designed to generate more electricity per square foot. They are also perfect for roofs with limited space. If you need to install a large amount of panels, you may be able to get more for your money with a less-efficient model.
Efficiency is a measure of how much sunlight is converted into electric power. It's measured under standard test conditions, which are based on the cell temperature and the level of irradiance. Solar irradiance is affected by the time of year, latitude and atmospheric conditions. Clouds and snow can cut down on the amount of sunlight that hits a solar panel.
Solar carports are a great way to protect your vehicles from the sun and rain. These canopies are easy to install, maintain and repair. They can also serve as mini power plants for your home or business.
Solar carports can save your company money on electricity and help reduce your carbon footprint. Aside from helping the environment, they are also a great marketing tool. As more people become eco-conscious, they will want to patronize businesses that are invested in the future of the planet.
Whether you own a restaurant, church, or auto dealership, your commercial property is a prime candidate for a solar carport. You may even be eligible for state or federal rebates. Depending on your location, you can sell any excess solar energy back to your utility provider.
Storage capacity for electricity
Adding storage capacity to your commercial solar panels helps to reduce the amount of electricity that you draw from the power grid. By having less power pulled, you can avoid the cost of peak price rates. Depending on your storage capacity, you can even shift energy from off-peak to on-peak times, which can help make your monthly electricity costs more predictable.
Battery-based systems can also provide backup power during outages. This can be especially important for schools and hospitals. They often have large campuses with lots of rooftop PV potential.
The United States has seen a surge in interest in pairing solar with battery storage over the past few years. While the technology has come a long way, it still has a way to go before it is fully utilized.
Clean energy credit
If you are installing a Solar system for commercial use, you might qualify for a clean energy credit. You can get up to 30 percent of the cost of the equipment. This tax break can be applied to any type of solar system. In addition to the federal credit, you may also qualify for a local or state rebate or subsidized loan.
In the past decade, the solar industry has created hundreds of thousands of new jobs and invested billions of dollars in the United States economy. As prices have fallen, more and more companies and nonprofits have invested in renewable energy projects.
A recent reconciliation bill, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, includes a new 30% solar tax credit, $370 billion in climate spending, and other funding measures. This will help reduce the cost of home energy, save American families up to $1,000 per year, and decrease carbon emissions by 40% by 2030.
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azurepowerseo · 2 days
Utility-Scale Solar and Energy Storage: The Future of Reliable Clean Energy
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The world is experiencing a transformative shift towards renewable energy, with utility-scale solar projects playing a crucial role in this transition. As nations work to meet climate goals and reduce carbon emissions, solar energy has emerged as one of the most promising solutions. However, for solar power to fully replace traditional energy sources, the integration of energy storage systems is becoming essential. This combination not only ensures reliable power supply but also strengthens the grid's stability, paving the way for a future dominated by clean energy.
What Is Utility-Scale Solar?
Utility-scale solar refers to large solar farms that generate electricity on a massive scale, typically for distribution through the grid to homes and businesses. Unlike rooftop solar systems designed for individual use, these solar farms can produce enough electricity to power entire cities. Top solar power companies worldwide are leading the way by constructing and managing these massive projects, which often cover hundreds of acres.
The Role of Energy Storage in Solar Power
While utility-scale solar is an efficient and eco-friendly way to produce energy, it has one significant limitation: solar power generation only happens during daylight hours. This makes it challenging to meet energy demand around the clock, especially during the night or cloudy days.
This is where energy storage comes in. By storing excess electricity generated during the day in batteries, utility-scale solar farms can provide a consistent power supply even when the sun isn't shining. Battery storage systems allow for the energy produced during peak sunlight hours to be used during times of high demand or when renewable energy generation is low.
How Solar-Plus-Storage Systems Work
In a solar-plus-storage system, energy generated by solar panels is stored in large batteries for later use. These systems help ensure that electricity is available when it’s needed most, allowing solar farms to operate similarly to traditional power plants. Large utility-scale solar projects often integrate these storage systems to offer a reliable power solution that can be dispatched on demand.
his seamless energy integration makes renewable energy a more practical choice for utilities, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and helping stabilize the grid. In areas with high renewable energy penetration, these storage solutions are essential for maintaining grid reliability and preventing blackouts.
Benefits of Combining Solar with Storage
1. Increased Reliability: Energy storage enhances the reliability of solar power by ensuring energy is available during non-sunlight hours. This is especially important for utilities needing a steady power supply for their customers.
2. Grid Stability: Utility-scale solar projects with storage systems can provide services such as frequency regulation and grid balancing, which are critical for maintaining the stability of the power grid.
3. Cost Savings: Over time, the cost of energy storage is expected to continue declining, making solar-plus-storage projects more affordable for utility companies and consumers alike.
4. Sustainability: By replacing fossil fuel plants with clean energy from utility-scale solar projects and storage, the world can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to global sustainability goals.
The Future of Renewable Energy with Solar-Plus-Storage
As the world’s top solar power companies continue to innovate, the integration of energy storage systems with utility-scale solar farms is expected to become the standard. This evolution will not only help meet the growing demand for renewable energy but also ensure that clean, reliable power is available at all times.
Countries across the globe are making significant investments in solar-plus-storage projects as part of their long-term renewable energy strategies. These projects are proving that large-scale solar, combined with energy storage, can deliver the reliability and consistency needed to replace traditional fossil fuel plants.
Utility-scale solar and energy storage represent the future of reliable clean energy. By integrating storage systems into large solar farms, top solar power companies are addressing one of the most significant challenges in renewable energy: intermittency. The result is a power system that is not only sustainable but also dependable, bringing us one step closer to a world powered entirely by renewable energy sources.
As utility-scale solar and energy storage technologies continue to evolve, they will play an increasingly vital role in transforming the energy landscape, ensuring that renewable energy becomes the foundation of the global power grid.
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estatedekho26 · 7 days
2bhk apartments/flats for sale in kondapur hyderabad
Finding Your Dream 2 BHK Apartment/Flat in Kondapur, Hyderabad
Picture this: you’re sipping your morning coffee on your balcony, enjoying the chirping of birds, and the hustle and bustle of Hyderabad is a distant hum. Sounds perfect, right? Well, if you’re looking for 2 BHK apartments/flats in Kondapur, Hyderabad, this could be your reality. Let’s dive into the perks of living in this vibrant area and how to snag the perfect 2 BHK that ticks all your boxes.
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Why Kondapur?
A Growing Hub
Kondapur has transformed from a quiet suburb to one of Hyderabad’s most sought-after residential and commercial hubs. Thanks to its strategic location near IT corridors like HITEC City and Gachibowli, Kondapur has become a magnet for professionals and families alike.
Connectivity at its Best
Forget those hair-pulling traffic jams. Kondapur boasts excellent connectivity with major roads like the Outer Ring Road (ORR) and multiple public transportation options. Whether you're commuting to work or heading out for a weekend getaway, getting around is a breeze.
Amenities Galore
From shopping malls and supermarkets to schools and hospitals, Kondapur has everything you need within arm's reach. Imagine having a leisurely brunch at a nearby café, running errands without the hassle of long drives, and knowing that top-notch healthcare facilities are just around the corner.
The Allure of 2 BHK Apartments/Flats
Perfect for Small Families or Couples
A 2 BHK apartment/flat, which stands for 2 bedrooms, a hall, and a kitchen, strikes the perfect balance between space and affordability. It's ideal for small families or couples who need just enough room to live comfortably without feeling overwhelmed by too much space.
Compared to larger apartments, 2 BHKs tend to be more budget-friendly. This means you can enjoy all the perks of living in Kondapur without breaking the bank. Plus, you’ll have some extra cash to splurge on that fancy coffee machine or a cozy reading nook.
Low Maintenance
Let’s face it, cleaning a massive apartment can be a chore. With a 2 BHK, you get just the right amount of space that’s manageable and easy to maintain. More time to binge-watch your favorite shows, less time scrubbing floors. Win-win!
Hunting for the Perfect 2 BHK apartment/flat in Kondapur
Do Your Homework
Before you dive into the sea of property listings, take some time to figure out what you really want. Make a list of must-haves and deal-breakers. Do you need a balcony to nurture your inner plant parent? Is a modular kitchen non-negotiable? Knowing what you want will help you narrow down your options.
Visit Multiple Properties
Sure, virtual tours are convenient, but nothing beats seeing a place in person. Visit multiple properties to get a feel for the space, the neighborhood, and the overall vibe. Trust me, you don’t want to sign a lease and then discover that your new neighbor plays the drums at 3 AM.
Check the Amenities
When checking out potential apartments, pay attention to the amenities offered. A gym, a swimming pool, and 24/7 security can make a huge difference in your living experience. Also, look for practical amenities like parking space, power backup, and water supply.
List of Must-Have Amenities
Gym: Because fitness goals don't achieve themselves.
Swimming Pool: Perfect for unwinding after a long day.
24/7 Security: Safety first, always.
Parking Space: No one likes circling the block for a spot.
Power Backup: Essential for those unexpected power cuts.
Water Supply: A constant, reliable water supply is a must.
Table of Popular 2 BHK Apartments/Flats in Kondapur
Apartment Name
Price Range (INR)
Key Features
Cozy Nest Apartments
50-60 Lakhs
Swimming Pool, Gym, Kids' Play Area
Elegant Heights
55-65 Lakhs
24/7 Security, Power Backup, Modular Kitchen
Urban Oasis
60-70 Lakhs
Rooftop Garden, Jogging Track, Clubhouse
Green Valley Residency
65-75 Lakhs
Eco-Friendly Design, Solar Power, Smart Homes
Sunshine Residency
70-80 Lakhs
Spacious Balconies, Indoor Games, Party Hall
Making the Move
Get Your Finances in Order
Before you start dreaming about your new life in Kondapur, make sure your finances are in check. Secure a pre-approved loan to know how much you can afford. This will save you from the heartbreak of falling in love with a place that’s out of your budget.
Negotiate Like a Pro
Don’t be afraid to negotiate. Whether it’s the rent, the deposit, or even the maintenance fees, there’s usually some wiggle room. Channel your inner haggler and you might just score a sweet deal.
Seal the Deal
Once you’ve found “the one,” it’s time to seal the deal. Read the agreement carefully, understand all the terms, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. After all, this is going to be your home, sweet home.
Final Thoughts
Living in Kondapur, Hyderabad, in a cozy 2 BHK apartment/flats is a dream come true for many. The perfect blend of urban amenities, great connectivity, and a welcoming community makes it an ideal place to call home. So, grab your checklist, put on your detective hat, and embark on the exciting journey of finding your dream 2 BHK apartments/flats in Kondapur. And remember, the perfect apartment is out there, waiting just for you! Happy house hunting!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 2 bhkApartments/Flats for Sale in Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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solispowersolution · 10 days
Solis Power Solution Shines Bright with Prestigious Award from REC India
We are happy to announce that Solis Power Solution, one of the major Indian solar companies, has received one of the most prestigious awards from Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) India by being ranked as Number 1 in Rajasthan in the solar business. This award recognizes our commitment and determination to propagate renewable energy in the country.
A Year of Exceptional Growth We have done more than 400 rooftop installations within the last year under PM Surya Ghar Yojana, one of the key flagship programs by the Indian government for solar power development. Alternatively, this is an unparalleled feat among the other major milestones achievable within any roadmap to bring about a sustainable future. Hence, our highly skilled team participated in designing the plants and putting them into operation, assuring those are the best examples of quality and performance.
A Decade of Excellence Solis Power Solution has been a pioneer in the solar industry for over 10 years, with a proven track record of providing innovative and reliable solar solutions to our customers. Our expertise and experience have enabled us to install over 1000 solar plants under the PM scheme in the past two years, making us one of the leading solar companies in India.
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The Importance of the PM Surya Ghar Yojana PM Suryagarh Yojana is one such unique initiative for the popularization of solar energy use throughout the nation. Under this scheme, economic support is provided for the installation of rooftop solar panels at individual homes, which is planned for reducing its consumption of fossil fuel. Thus, Solis Power Solutions played a crucial role in proving its efficacy with its comprehensive solar installation services, from advice to design, implementation, and maintenance.
Our knowledge and commitment have empowered us to provide thousands of households in Rajasthan with clean and, more importantly, affordable energy. In helping these homes make a switch to solar energy, we are reducing carbon footprints but also contributing towards India's ambitious target of 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030.
Thank You to Our Customers This would not have been possible without the trust of our valued customers in our expertise and services. Together we can make a difference in the world by promoting clean energy and building a better, more sustainable future.
Thank you, REC India, for this great honour through this award; it is recognized for the passion we have towards the encouragement of renewable energy in India. Our continuous mission shall be to give nothing but best-in-class solar solutions that are not only environment-friendly but also community-friendly.
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The Advantages of Solar Rooftop Systems for Homes
One of the most dependable and environmentally friendly forms of energy is solar energy. With growing concerns over climate change and increasing electricity bills, many homeowners are turning to solar rooftop systems. These systems are efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly, making them an excellent investment for any home. Installing a solar rooftop system can not only reduce your carbon footprint but also provide a reliable source of energy for years to come.
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A solar rooftop system is essentially a set of solar panels mounted on the roof of a building. These panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity using photovoltaic cells. The system is connected to an inverter, which transforms the direct current (DC) generated by the panels into alternating current (AC) suitable for household use. This process makes solar power systems highly efficient for generating electricity without causing environmental harm.
One of the significant benefits of installing a solar system for home use is the ability to reduce dependence on grid electricity. By harnessing solar power, homeowners can significantly cut down on their monthly energy bills. Solar power systems allow homeowners to produce their own energy, which can be stored in batteries for use during nighttime or cloudy days. This independence from the grid is especially valuable in regions where power outages are frequent or electricity costs are high.
In addition to providing electricity, solar energy can also be used for heating purposes. A solar hot water heater is a great option for those looking to reduce their reliance on traditional water heating systems. Solar water heaters work by using the sun’s energy to heat water, which can be used for various purposes, including bathing, washing, and household chores. Installing a solar hot water heater can lead to significant savings on utility bills while providing a consistent hot water supply.
The environmental benefits of solar power are equally important. Solar rooftop systems help reduce the emission of harmful greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which are typically produced by fossil fuel-based power plants. By switching to a renewable energy source like solar, homeowners can contribute to the global fight against climate change and help create a cleaner, greener future for the next generation.
Another advantage of solar rooftop systems is their low maintenance requirements. Once installed, the system operates quietly and efficiently with minimal upkeep. The solar panels have a long lifespan, typically lasting 25 to 30 years, making them a worthwhile long-term investment. Regular cleaning and occasional inspections are generally all that’s needed to keep the system functioning optimally.
Financial incentives are another reason why many homeowners opt for solar rooftop systems. Depending on the region, governments may offer tax credits, rebates, or other incentives to encourage the adoption of renewable energy. These financial benefits can offset the initial installation costs, making solar systems more accessible to a broader range of people.
In conclusion, installing a solar rooftop system is a smart decision for any homeowner looking to reduce energy costs, minimize environmental impact, and enjoy a reliable source of power. Whether you’re interested in generating electricity or installing a solar water heater, these systems offer numerous benefits with minimal downsides. With solar power becoming more affordable and accessible, now is the perfect time to make the switch to a cleaner, more sustainable energy solution for your home.
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mbmledlights · 12 days
Save on Energy Bills with MBM India Energy’s Rooftop Solar Plants in Bhopal and Madhya Pradesh
As the demand for sustainable energy solutions grows, rooftop solar plants have emerged as a smart investment for both residential and commercial properties. MBM India Energy, a top solar energy provider in Bhopal and throughout Madhya Pradesh, delivers cutting-edge rooftop solar plant solutions, enabling efficient and cost-effective harnessing of solar power. With a mission to promote clean energy, MBM India Energy delivers cost-effective solar power systems that contribute to reducing energy bills and protecting the environment.
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Why Choose a Rooftop Solar Plant?
Installing a rooftop solar plant in Bhopal or anywhere in Madhya Pradesh comes with several advantages. First and foremost, solar energy is a renewable resource, meaning you can generate power sustainably for years to come. It not only helps reduce your carbon footprint but also leads to significant savings on electricity bills. Furthermore, the government offers subsidies and incentives for adopting solar energy, making it an affordable solution for many households and businesses.
MBM India Energy offers tailored rooftop solar plant installations based on the energy consumption patterns of your home or business. Our systems are designed to maximize solar energy capture and efficiently convert it into usable electricity, ensuring that you get the most out of your investment.
Advantages of Rooftop Solar Plants in Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh enjoys abundant sunshine, making it a prime location for generating solar power. By installing a rooftop solar plant, homeowners and businesses can tap into this clean energy source and contribute to the state’s efforts toward renewable energy adoption.
MBM India Energy’s rooftop solar plant in Madhya Pradesh are designed to withstand local weather conditions and operate efficiently year-round. With expert engineers and high-quality materials, our installations provide long-lasting performance and minimal maintenance requirements.
Why MBM India Energy?
At MBM India Energy, we understand the unique energy needs of our customers. Our team of experienced professionals offers comprehensive solutions, including consultation, design, installation, and maintenance services for rooftop solar plants. Whether you're looking to reduce your energy costs or make an environmentally conscious choice, we ensure that our solar solutions meet the highest industry standards.
For more information on rooftop solar plant in Bhopal and across Madhya Pradesh, visit our website at https://mbmindiaenergy.com/solar-rooftop-plant.php and take a step towards a greener, more sustainable future with MBM India Energy.
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kiratrajsingh · 17 days
Kirat Raj Singh’s Community Action Plan to Combat Global Warming
Global warming continues to be one of the most pressing challenges of our time, and the need for collective action has never been more critical. Kirat Raj Singh, an environmental advocate, believes that real change starts at the grassroots level. His latest approach involves empowering communities to take tangible steps in combating global warming. By encouraging localized efforts and sustainable practices, Singh’s plan offers a blueprint for how neighborhoods and towns can work together to create a greener, more sustainable future.
The Science Behind Global Warming
Before diving into action steps, it is essential to understand the basic science of global warming. The phenomenon occurs when greenhouse gases—primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide—trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. Human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial agriculture contribute significantly to the increase in these gases.
The effects of global warming are far-reaching and severe:
Temperature rise: The Earth’s average temperature is rising at an unprecedented rate, leading to heatwaves and extreme weather conditions.
Melting polar ice caps: This contributes to rising sea levels, threatening coastal areas and leading to habitat destruction for marine wildlife.
Shifts in ecosystems: Many species are struggling to adapt to new climate patterns, leading to biodiversity loss and disruption of food chains.
Kirat Raj Singh emphasizes that understanding these realities helps communities see why immediate action is necessary. Only by grasping the severity of the problem can they be motivated to contribute to solutions.
Empowering Communities to Take Action
Singh’s approach to combating global warming centers on the idea that communities, when organized and informed, can drive significant environmental progress. He advocates for a multi-pronged strategy that focuses on both individual responsibility and collective action.
1. Embracing Renewable Energy
One of the most effective ways communities can combat global warming is by reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. Kirat Raj Singh suggests that local governments and community groups work together to transition to renewable energy sources. Key strategies include:
Solar energy: Communities can invest in solar panel installations on public buildings such as schools, community centers, and government offices. Solar energy is clean, renewable, and becoming increasingly affordable.
Wind energy: In areas with sufficient wind resources, communities can explore installing wind turbines to generate electricity. Small-scale wind farms can significantly reduce the dependence on coal or gas-powered electricity.
Community-wide energy audits: Singh recommends conducting energy audits to identify areas where energy consumption can be reduced. Encouraging homes and businesses to adopt energy-efficient appliances, lighting, and insulation can help cut down on unnecessary energy use.
2. Local Reforestation Efforts
Trees play a crucial role in mitigating global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Kirat Raj Singh highlights the importance of local reforestation projects and the preservation of green spaces. Communities can take the following steps:
Tree-planting events: Organize community events to plant trees in public spaces, schools, and parks. Partnering with environmental organizations can provide access to native tree species, ensuring that reforestation efforts are sustainable and appropriate for the local climate.
Preserving existing green spaces: In urban areas, maintaining parks, green belts, and nature reserves is critical. Communities should work with local governments to ensure these spaces are protected from development and degradation.
Greening urban areas: For cities and towns with limited space for new trees, encouraging residents to plant rooftop or balcony gardens can help add greenery and improve air quality.
3. Advocating for Sustainable Transportation
Transportation is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. Kirat Raj Singh’s plan advocates for sustainable transportation solutions that reduce the community’s carbon footprint. These include:
Carpooling programs: Encourage residents to share rides to work, school, and events. Carpooling reduces the number of vehicles on the road, cutting down on emissions and easing traffic congestion.
Bicycle-friendly infrastructure: Communities can push for more bike lanes, bike-sharing programs, and safe bicycle storage options. Bicycles are an environmentally friendly mode of transportation that can significantly reduce emissions.
Public transportation improvements: Advocate for better, more efficient public transportation options such as buses, trams, or light rail systems. Reliable public transport encourages residents to leave their cars at home.
4. Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Waste Management
Excessive consumption and waste are closely tied to environmental degradation and climate change. Kirat Raj Singh emphasizes the need for communities to embrace sustainable consumption habits and effective waste management programs. Some of his recommendations include:
Zero-waste initiatives: Communities can organize zero-waste workshops to educate residents about reducing, reusing, and recycling. Creating zero-waste goals for local businesses and households can help shift toward more sustainable practices.
Composting organic waste: Implement community-wide composting programs that reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. Composting organic materials like food scraps and yard waste produces nutrient-rich soil and reduces methane emissions from landfills.
Ban on single-use plastics: Communities can enact local ordinances to ban or limit single-use plastics, such as plastic bags and straws. Encouraging the use of reusable alternatives not only cuts down on waste but also helps protect oceans and waterways.
5. Engaging in Policy Advocacy
Kirat Raj Singh believes that long-term solutions to global warming require systemic changes at the policy level. He encourages communities to engage in advocacy efforts that push for stronger environmental regulations. These advocacy efforts could include:
Petitions for stronger emission standards: Communities can gather support for stricter emissions standards for industries and vehicles, helping to lower overall carbon output.
Incentives for renewable energy: Advocate for tax incentives or subsidies for residents and businesses that switch to renewable energy sources. By making renewable energy more affordable, communities can accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels.
Lobbying for green infrastructure investments: Communities should push for local and regional governments to invest in green infrastructure, such as energy-efficient public buildings, electric vehicle charging stations, and sustainable water management systems.
Building a Sustainable Future
Kirat Raj Singh’s guide offers a clear path for communities to make meaningful contributions in the fight against global warming. By focusing on renewable energy, sustainable consumption, reforestation, and policy advocacy, communities can become hubs of environmental action. Singh emphasizes that every small action counts, and when individuals and groups come together, they can create powerful change.
Global warming is a complex, global issue, but the solutions begin at the community level. Kirat Raj Singh’s vision is a world where everyone, from local governments to everyday citizens, works together to protect the planet and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
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solarkart · 17 days
Benefits of solar energy
The benefits of solar energy are numerous, both for individuals and society as a whole. Here are some key advantages:
1. Renewable and Sustainable
Solar energy is a renewable resource, meaning it won’t run out as long as the sun exists. This makes it a sustainable energy source for the long term.
2. Reduces Electricity Bills
Installing solar panels can significantly reduce or even eliminate electricity bills by generating your own power, especially in areas with abundant sunlight.
3. Low Maintenance Costs
Once installed, solar power systems require minimal maintenance. Solar panels are durable and can last for 25-30 years with minimal upkeep.
4. Environmentally Friendly
Solar energy reduces carbon emissions and helps combat climate change. It produces clean energy without emitting greenhouse gases or polluting the environment.
5. Energy Independence
Solar energy reduces dependence on fossil fuels and centralized power grids, allowing homes and businesses to become more self-sufficient.
6. Job Creation and Economic Growth
The solar industry is growing rapidly and is a major source of job creation, contributing to local economies.
7. Increases Property Value
Homes and businesses equipped with solar power systems often see an increase in property value due to the long-term energy savings.
8. Scalability
Solar power can be scaled from small residential rooftop installations to large solar farms, making it versatile for different applications and locations.
9. Reduces Power Loss
Distributed energy generation like rooftop solar panels reduces the transmission losses that occur when electricity is transported over long distances from power plants.
10. Government Incentives
Many governments offer incentives, rebates, and tax credits to promote solar energy adoption, reducing the upfront costs of installation.
These benefits make solar energy an attractive option for both individuals and businesses looking for clean, cost-effective, and sustainable energy solutions.
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