#Rook on the other hand is a skeleton and would hesitate to fight back
aquamarineglow · 4 months
It's a miracle that I've had this blog nearly ten years, and never ran out of Rook and Bishop content to make. Amazing.
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Hypothetically of course. We know their fights are exclusively verbal.
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edengate5 · 6 years
She Wolf 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Hello darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk to you again. I can feel my body cold and in pain. Something tell me to get up! Someone is talking….. talking about the soul. My soul?
Opening my eyes, the sleepiness pulls away, letting me go once and for all. I wake up, being tied to a bed with zip ties. How rude of them. I pull on them, struggling to get free. Then I hear his voice. I look around to my right, an empty bed.
“I am your Father. You are my Children. And together we will march to--
Freezing, I see, looking to my left this time, the same person who drag me from the shore line. I see the American flag on the wall, including old photos. He is still tinkering with radio, where Joseph’s voice is coming from. A cigar burning in an ashtray and by the smell of it, its authentic Cuban one too. A array of sophisticated flavor bomb of smoke, this particular one is more vanilla, hint of cocoa bean with leather.
He turns off the radio and turns to me, doesn’t look surprised to see me awake. He points to the radio and speaks.
“You know what that shit means? It means the roads all have been close. It means all the phone lines have been cut. It means there’s no signal getting in or out of this valley. But mostly , it means we’re all fucked up,”
I look at him, getting a real good look at him. Bald guy with white goatee. Glasses. Probably around sixty years old. Tough guy by the looks of it. It seems he doesn’t think that I am much of threat by the way he sits close to me. I nod my head.
“Yea. You’re right about that,” I said nonchalantly. We just had to execute the warrant. I haaaaad to follow orders. If I were in charge, I would have dealt with Joseph Seed way before this, shoot him behind the barn like the sick son of a bitch that he is!
“Tch. The goddamn “Collapse”... they all think the world’s coming to an end. They’ve been waiting for this. For years. Waiting for somebody to come and kick their Holy War off,” he said, sighing. I roll my shoulders back, hearing them crack a bit.
“I sure as hell kicked it. So, question is, what are you going to do with me?” I ask him, staring right in his eyes. He looks unsure, before looking away from me. He scoots his seat closer a bit and lean in.
“The smartest thing for me to do wound to hand you over and be done with it,” he states. There are many way this can be dealt with. I can get myself out of this when he is not looking and murder him or knock him out, whatever my mood is then. Or…..
“...Hear me out on this….. Or you can take a chance on me and help me overturn Joseph. I have four years of police training, and some survival skills. I have everything to lose here, but you...you have nothing to lose. So,what do you say? Friends?” I ask him, smiling. He hesitates, looking at my smile, to my hand and back to me.
He stands up, pulling out a six inch knife. I’m a bit nervous, wondering what is he going to do. Yet, he bends down and cuts my zip ties.
“Get out of that uniform--we need to burn it. There’s some fresh clothes there. When you get changed, you come and see me. We’ll see if we can un-fuck this whole shit,” he said, holding out his hand. I rub my wrist before, grabbing it.
“Deputy Rhea Bishop,Rookie of the Deputy. Usually, people take me out for dinner, before asking me to take my clothes off,” I introduce myself. He makes a sound, probably doesn’t like authority that much or maybe its my humor.
“Heh.Call me Dutch. I might not be able to get you a four course meal, but I got a hearty breakfast that you can eat. Maybe a shower could do you some good too,” Dutch said, pointing to a nearby bathroom. Dutch leaves me to my own devices and I assume goes and gets breakfast ready. I go to the locker and see many men’s size clothes.
“Great. I’m going to look so butch like this. I mean there is nothing wrong looking like a damn Peggie,” I mumble under my breath. I decided to go with a red checked shirt, new socks, a new pack of men’s boxers, with camo cargo pants. I’m keeping my boots, and skeleton gloves. There is no way I’m burning theses.
I enter the bathroom and its pretty clean. I take off my dirty clothes, seeing that I’m covered in mud and blood. I take a sniff under my arm, and quickly turn my nose. Oh God. I smell like rotting cheese and a corpse. I hop in the shower and stand under the hot water. I see liquid body wash and take a lot of it, washing my hair, my pits, and just everywhere. I never wanted to smell like Old Spice Bearglove, whatever that is.
After getting to rub my skin raw, I get out. I squeeze out the water out of my hair, sighing. I know that my hair is going to get curly after this. I just went to the salon to get it straighten too. I wipe the mirror down and see my beautiful face. Two copper color eyes stare right back at me, surrounded by tawny skin. I’m still here. Still me. But for how much longer?
Quickly, I put on my new clothes, hoping not to draw too much attention. I throw away my old clothes, but not saying goodbye to the title just yet. I look around, passing a few rooms. It looks like Dutch lives here in this bunker? I hope this is a bunker.
I come into this room, bathe in red light. Oh god, a conspiracy! I see a board with tons of information on the Seeds family and not just Joseph either with many lines connecting them all. A map of the entire Hope county on another board. I hear some oldie song playing in the background. I briefly look at the information board. I bend down to start with the good-looking man with the charming smile, John Seed, the Baptist. I see that Dutch made a posted note on him.
Youngest of the family. Sadist? In charge of “Recruiting” for the cult--Marking, Cleansing, Confession, Atonement-- the four steps to become a full fledged cultist, if they survive. THE POWER OF YES.
Owl blinking, I stand back up straight. Fuck He is one Grade A Psychopath! I am so not drinking his Kool-Aid. I see another Seed that I might go one on one with.
Jacob Seed, the Soldier. He is in charge of “Training” their militia in the Whitetails Mountains. Believes in “Sacrifice the Weak” Blah Blah Blah. Experimenting on people?! MONSTER WOLVES?
I take a step back, grabbing onto my fake pearls and reading on the monster wolves. What has he done to my kin? I want to see and rescue my kin, but...my sister.I need to save her first. A shiver goes down my spine. I need to be careful around him. I look up to see Joseph Seed and see new information. He has three large bunkers for this Collapse. Huh? I wonder where these three bunkers are and who could have the key? Mmmm.
I step forward to see the final person on the list, the girl with no shoes. Faith seed, the Liar. Yep she looks like one.Adopted maybe? Fighting with her can get me killed or turn into one of theses “angels”. I see a tag next to her photo. U.S Marshall? Yep. I going to take my time going there. Burke can wait for like he wait for me in the BURNING CHOPPER OR WHEN HE WAITED FOR ME WHEN I WAS DROWNING IN THE CAR!!!!
I take a deep breath in, calming my nerves. No need to get angry. Burke can go to hell for all I care. He can fucking wait for all I care.
“Hey Rook. I’ve been listening on what’s happening up top….it ain’t good. Little I can gather is that your partners are alive for now. Seems they’ve been split up--”
“What about a Deputy Shayna Bishop? Where is she?” I cut him off, shaking him by his shoulders. He seem surprised at the force of my shake or is it the concern in my eyes.
“I’m not entirely sure where each of them is...Sorry. But I got a plan. No one is coming to help us and if they do, it’s going to be too late. So...there has to be people who want to fight back against this cult...we just need to show them how,” he states. I let him go. This is not how an Alpha behaves. Calm and with grace. Calm and with grace. Lead not Follow.
“Tell me how can I form a resistance then,” I tell him. Dutch smirks, and turns around. He grabs an empty black bookbag.
“First, we need to get back control of this island, it will give us some breathing room and you a safe place to stay low. There is supplies in the other room, guns, maps and oh..here are some granola bars for breakfast,” he said, giving me Nature Valley Honey n Oats granola bars.
Great. Breakfast. I didn’t complain and start eating one, walking towards the room that has some supplies. I take my gun back and a map of this place. I go to one of those rooms that had more guns and get some ammo for my glock. I spy myself a new radio, and a canteen. I open to see fresh water inside. I pocket that as well as some medical supplies from across the hall.
Double checking with my supplies. I head for the exit, saying my “see you laters” to Dutch. What a nice old man. I did a double back to the kitchen, but I force myself to head to the exit. I already have ten granola bars from him, I can’t take any more food. As I see the door, I see a very nice long pipe. I place the pipe in one of my belt loops, just in case I need to be stealthy.
I open the door, squinting my eyes to adjust to the light. I step out, breathing new fresh air and not dusty, mangy,musky, and bunker air. Ugh. As I walk ahead, Dutch decides to radio me.
“Now listen up-- if you want to build a resistance. There are some things you need to know. You need to liberate any hostages the cult has taken. These people are good people who might fight alongside you if you help ‘em. Need to destroy Cult’s property that are all over this county. Cut their resources and supplies. Hell they have two shrines on this island alone. Then, there are already people waging war against the cult. Help them. And last-- if you’re looking for a fight, go for one of their outpost. Liberating those places will give the resistance a foothold to push back against Eden’s gate…….I’ve got cameras all over this island. I keep an eye out for anything useful. For now help any folks in need. Dutch out.”
Holy damn that’s a lot of information, man. Basically, destroy Eden’s gate property, help people, and don’t get caught or die. Great! Oh and on top of that, I need to be careful turning to a wolf, because bitches, here, have cameras. CAMERAS! Like what happens if I need to use the ladies’ room, like do I have to look around for a camera or hope there are some coverage.
Breathe. Just take it one step at a time. I walk around, alert, eyes open, ears out. Once I clear this hill, I spy with my little eyes a cross. I hunch down, and quickly go to tree to tree to see a shrine that Dutch is talking about. Smelling the air, It’s that sweat scent I smell before in that church.I crawl onto the rock,laying low, a pine tree hiding me in its’ shadow. I observe three Peggies here. Two with guns, while the other one has a bat.
Crawling back, and hiding behind a tree, I get closer to them. Slowly down my breathing, I watch one of the Peggie turn her back on me. I jump out, executing her in front of the others. Shocking them, I shoot at them, head shots all around.
I’m lucky it's only three people. I’m lucky. I’m just damn lucky. I pray over their bodies and close their eyes. I didn’t want to do this. Looting the bodies, I get more ammo for my glock and a new weapon. A rifle. I check the last guy and he has more ammo for my new friend. I check around to see something useful, but nothing so far.
Stepping back, I take my gock and shoot at the red tank, blowing it up sky high. Goodbye shrine. Turning my back, I continue down this path, leading down to a boathouse. I take a seat on the bench, setting down.I take the canteen and drink some water and eat another granola bar. Half of me want to check in with Dutch, but I want to finish the job.
“Shit...Shayna not responding to anything. I can’t even go to wolf more to try it that way. I hope you are okay, sis. Just wait for me,” I talk to myself. I stretch up a bit, taking up the rifle again. I go up the stairs and see a look out station.
Once again, tree to tree, I look around to see no one around. I perk up, and sniff around a bit. No one is here, so I can relax. I go up the stairs and see zip lines, leading to places. I go into the station and see binoculars, and zip line equipment. I pocket them both. I go around and see a station nearby.
“Ready or not. Here I come,” I growl out. The wind blows through the forest, bringing me the horrible smell of Peggies, gunpowder and blood. I rush to get there and stop, silencing my steps. I prowl around the perimeter, counting each of them. Two females, two males. Three of them have guns, one pistol, two rifle. The other female has a bat for protection. I see the sign above, Silver Lake Conservation Area Ranger Station.
Ready to go in gun a blazing, I stop myself as I see two hostage. SHIT. Great, stealthy it is. It seems opportunity came a knocking for me. It seems the two females are doing what we do best. GO TO THE BATHROOM TOGETHER!
“Where da ja think you going?” male peggie said. One of the ladies, turn to him with annoyance.
“Calm down, Merle. We just going to use the bathroom,” as she and her friend go to walk into the woods. Merle just rolls his eyes, going back to patrolling the perimeter. I didn’t know I had a grin on my face as I hunt I mean go after the peggies.
“Just hurry up will ya?”
“I’m trying!”
Before she can retort, I throw my iron pipe at her, hitting square on the head. I rush forward, as the woman, squatting, turn to the noise. She yelps, as I slam the butt of my rifle into her face. I did it again for good measure. Both of them knock out and using their belts, restrain.
I tiptoe back and hide in a bush, seeing the guard coming through, as he pass me. I step out, putting him in a head lock, and covering his mouth. He is struggle quite a bit and too much to my licking. I put enough pressure to snap his neck. One more to go. Grabbing my glock, I press my back against the wall. I close my eyes, praying. I’m not going to hit the hostage, hit only the Peggies. Only Peggies. I exhale and I turn around the corner.
“What the-”
I move forward, my gun train on him. I kick the rifle away from him, seeing that he is dead. I turn to the hostages, seeing them flinch in fear. I put my gun away.
“Hey, it's okay. I’m Deputy Rook I mean Bishop. I’m here to save you,” I said. I remember not have a knife on me, because I’m so damn forgetful. I search on the dead guy and he has a switchblade. Going to confiscate that buddy. I went over and cut the hostage free. They thank me and are willing to help with anything they can.
“We owe you, Deputy,” one said. I smile and place my hand on his shoulder.
“We are in this together. Is it possible that you two can hold the fort here? I don’t want the Peggies to get control on this island,” I ask of them. They look at each other and nod. That lifts something heavy inside me. Maybe I can get people to fight against Eden’s Gate. I was about to scout around the area to get more ammo and maybe food, but Dutch radios me.
“Shit, Kid! I just saw the cult grab a guy down by the docks. You help him out, and I’m sure he's willing to pick up a gun and return the favor.”
No break for the weary. I check my ammo and stash. I was about to head out before the guy takes my arm and stops me.
“I don’t know if its still there, but I hear that somewhere there is a prepper stash near the boat house that has some good gear and there are some supplies in the other building over there,” he said, pointing at the office. I give him my thanks and head over there. I find more medical supplies, and a map. I see a small refrigerator and open it. I see nothing, but old food and a plastic baggy with crackers and jerky. I pick it up and place it in my bag.
I step out of the office and back to the trail. I lightly jog, hoping to get there quickly. I stop at the boathouse I was before and what looks like a cellar over there. I don’t have time to look for this so call stash. I look around to see another dock and the hostage Dutch called about. I know I am too far away for any bullets to hit the Peggie and not the hostage. I jog around the rock formation and hide myself in the shadows of the trees and bushes. The sun beating down and the birds are singing.
Hearing a twig snap, I immediately go for cover behind a tree, to see another female Peggie wandering around.I curse at myself, for forgetting the pipe. She is below me, I can get a jump on her and kill her Assassin creed style with the knife I kept. Great. I’m getting use to thinking about killing these Peggies too easily.
“Next thing you know I might kill an ally later,” I mumble to myself. I put the rifle strap to my back, taking out my knife. Once she turn around, I jump on her, plunging the knife into her neck. She made a small sound before dying beneath me. I can feel the hot blood drip from my hands and blood on my shirt. I wipe the knife on her body before putting in its holster, thanking the guy I killed for it.
Going to bush to bush, I stand up, Peggie shock and fills with holes that I made with my bullets. The hostage shock and try to scramble away from the body. Peggie leans back and falls into the river. I run up, knife in hand, cutting away from the ropes.
“Let’s get out of here, quick and quiet. Thank you for rescuing me,” he said, rubbing his wrists. I pick up the fallen weapon, and hold it out.
“I’m the Deputy. And I need your help to take out some Peggies on this island,” I said with conviction. He looks at me and to the gun, reaching out for it. He takes and nods.
“Hopper. Jim Hopper at your service, Deputy,” He follows me down the dock when I hear Dutch again. I might need to coordinate with him when I’m not on the island. I can’t have him radio me when I’m trying to be sneaky sneaky around here.
“Deputy, now that you are partnered up, the two of you should head to the Forest Research Station. Cults been crawling all over that place, using as a depot for their god damn bliss. Clear ‘em out and send a message that we’re not fucking around anymore,”
“I know that spot. Let me show you the way,” Jim said, jogging down the path. I sigh and jog to catch up. Jogging beside him now, I see that it was not far from the docks.
“Wait hold on,” I said, stopping him. “Follow my lead,”
Going to cover to cover I see two men, but there has to be more. I motion Jim to come over. He hides with me behind a bush.
“Okay, here’s the plan. I’m going behind the building and surprise them, once they have their back on you. I want you to shoot at them. Always go for kill shots,” I whisper to me. It’s not even half of the day and I’m killing more people than the four years in NYC. He doesn’t say anything but nods. I slowly go towards the gate. They don’t see me. I quickly dash behind a stump, crouching down. I see a Peggie walking around the building. My eyes spying a rod of iron.
Goddess of mine is looking out for me! I pick it up, rounding corner and smash it over his head. Instant Kill. I quickly loot his body and found more ammo! YEA! I peak around the corner to see two Peggies talking. Sorry boys. You need to die today. I more fast shooting them, hitting one in the shoulder and head shot, while the other multiple shots in the torso.
“Deputy! Bad Guys!”
BAM! Ba-Bam! BAM!
As one runs towards me, but falling to my feet. Jim cheers as we clear the station. I can smell small amount of bliss from containers, but nothing we can’t handle. I hope on a crate while Jim goes around checking the place out as I see no one here.
“Deputy to Dutch. Station Clear. Over,” I radio him. I wait for a moment, grabbing some food. I decide to eat the crakers and jerky as my late lunch.
“Good job, Deputy. They won’t be back after the can of ass whoopin you did. While you are there, check around to see any folks are still alive.”
Jim comes back and joins me, bringing food that was left. Some turkey sandwiches and some orange juice left.
“I thought we can get in a quick lunch before heading out again. I found no one here, but a lot of good gear to look at later,” he said, getting in another bite. I let him take the orange juice, while I munch on to this sandwich, a bit dry but I can’t complain.
“Mmmumm. Sure. But first, let’s take a small break, who know when we are getting a break later on,” I said, sitting back and enjoying the lakeview here. Jim nods, going back to mauling the sandwich. I look ahead, hoping my sister is doing well.
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fernlom · 8 years
The Wrong Time. Chapter 4: A Walkins Massacre Part 1
(Woo! Body Count increasing! Honestly, I’m having fun. I hope you all are too.
P.S. @rascal-rose hopefully this can be a fun break from your school work,tell me what you think?)
Ultra awoke once more inside his mind, Aaron lay chained to the floor, Error helped a new figure to his feet.
“Ah, you’re awake sir, meet your newest advisor, Pinstripe.”
Ultra stood to his feet and looks at the familiar grinning gold mask staring back at him.
“Pinstripe. Welcome” Ultra holds out his hand.
Pinstripe shakes his hand “this is…a new experience for me. Being in someone’s mind and not the one in control. Error, surprising to see you so obedient. What happened?”
“They reprogrammed me. I reversed it immediately, however once I saw why I was added here, and what our purpose was I decided to stay.” Error turns and faces the screen “The opportunity to watch this world be erased was too much to deny”
“Looks like we’re waking up.” Pinstripe looked at the screen. “I take it you’re in charge? You are clearly not Aaron, so what do I call you?”
Ultra stood forward “I am Ultra42. Let’s go find out who our first kill is”
As his eyes open, the light floods his retinas, causing him to groan. Ultra stood to his feet and growled lowly from the bright light. He sighs and walks out of the experimenting room and down the chrome and red hallway.
“Geez” Pinstripe’s voice crooned in his mind “Whoever is in charge here doesn’t know how to decorate”
“I know” Ultra thought to himself “Whatever, I’ll kill them all anyway”
“Hey Rook!” 43 calls out, approaching Ultra “Where are you headed?”
“The boss needs me in his office” Ultra replied, his tone annoyed.
“Yah, he can wait. Come with me” 43 smirks, walking away, expecting Ultra to follow. Ultra growls, considering his options.
“Kill him” Pinstripe offers.
“Kill him” Error agrees.
“Kill the jerk” Aaron weekly says. “I hated him anyway.”
“Alright, Killing him them” Ultra smiles “Good vote boys.” He cackles loudly before charging down the corridor, plowing 43 into a wall.
“Hey!” 43 growls, pinned to the wall. SHYNKT! The blades spring out from his arms. Ultra grins cruelly, using his tendrils to keep 43’s arms pinned to the wall.
“So, I hate you. Error53 hates you, Pinstripe hates you. Even Aaron hates you. That’s four beings all in agreement that you should die. Tell me, what argument do you have that I should let you live?” Ultra’s grin widens, his right hand morphed into a long, jagged blade.
“Listen here you little ass!” 43 struggles under Ultra’s tendrils, keeping him tightly pinned to the wall. “You better AGH!!” Ultra interrupts his threat by crushing his arms in his tight grip.
“You annoy me now. It’s not even fun torturing you. And look, no one is coming to save you. Look, seriously” Ultra steps aside to show 43 the corridor. The scientists and security officers of the facility had surrounded him, simply watching. A scientist conversing with a security officer over “how he’d off him or not”.
Ultra chuckles softly before facing 43 again “They are watching, waiting for me to kill you. They really don’t like you here either”
43’s angry scowl fades into a terrified wimped “c-come on man, we’re partners, we’re gonna work together…please…”
“Whimpering like a bitch? I thought they gave you cat DNA? Wait, they did, you’re just a pussy!” Ultra plunges his blade through 43’s chest, then yanks the blade upward, slicing 43’s chest and head in half. Ultra grabs the two halves with his hands and proceeds to rip the body completely in half, throwing the two sides far away from each other.
“Ah, your first bloodbath” Pinstripe chuckles. Ultra’s dark black fur glistened from the flesh blood that had sprayed onto him. He sighs happily and calmly continues walking down the corridor to Austin’s office. As he walks, the security stepped aside, while the scientists smiled, a few clapping.
“Hey man” a scientist approaches him, clearly young he spoke like he came straight from the beach. His name tag said Steve Randl, “that was beyond epic bro. You were like, ugh, dude. So cool. You just tore him apart like he was paper bro.”
Ultra stood back, his eyebrows raised. “What? Uh, thanks….Steve? I’m glad my bloody murder was entertaining to you.”
“Oh dude, I work for a secret government group that kidnaps people and experiments on them. Dude, I make abominations of science. You probably never heard of this one but, Number 30 was my idea. Poor little dude decayed before our eyes, early attempt at healing and all. I tried telling everyone that he was still alive, but no one listened, they dumped him. Oh well, but yah bro, I found it cool watching you kill that douche canoe. “
“Well, you are positively strange. I think I will let you live” Ultra hesitates, then softly pats his shoulder before walking away.
“He was strange. “ Error remarks.
“Yes, but he can come in handy later. Clearly the kid is smart. We may need him” Pinstripe replies. “But who is Number 30?”
“Graveyard Cat” Aaron answers “When I first escaped, I did a lot of research on the earlier experiments. 30 was an early healing factor test, he ended up decaying to near death. Turns out though the decay was just for show. He was perfectly fine, in fact he could actually make those around him decay. But they thought he died, and dumped his body. Grave Digger found him and took him in, kept him as his pet/bodyguard.”
“A threat.” Ultra growled “He’s a threat, and we better hope we never encounter him then”
“Understood, and agreed” Pinstripe answers.
Ultra continues his way down the corridor, the halls becoming less chrome, and more bronze and gold the closer he got to the large wooden doors to the creator’s office.
“Ok, he really, REALLY doesn’t know how to decorate” Pinstripe croones.
“I know, but shush, he can probably read minds.” Ultra replies.
“Well not really, but i can read the dialogue. More correctly I write the dialogue” Austin replies from inside his office as the doors open wide. “Hello Ultra. And Pinstripe? Screw you. Its rustic themed you uncultured asshat.”
Ultra stands confused “dialogue? Nevermind, not important. “
“It would be too complicated to explain, maybe Hood could explain it to you, but…I don’t see your next meeting with him being very friendly…oh well.” Austin smirks with the knowledge of what is to come.
“So, my beautiful creation, are you ready for your first ORDERED kill? I saw that show back there with 43, good job. He was. Just a pathetic knock off of you anyway. I have the original back in my control, what do I need that waste for?” Austin takes his seat behind his desk. Upon the desk was various writing covered papers. As Ultra scanned the desk his brain read each paper instantly, each one detailing the various important individuals in the world he must track down and kill. From the notes he could read, he saw the names: Kujo Tartalgia, Uncle S.A.M., Curly Satlin, Jonathan Satlin, The OFFKeys, Don Lomas, John Stidham, DJ Giz, SARAH, Tiggs Nitishino, The Matedor, Henry Hicks, Fernando Lomas, Launa Dandie, Pops, and Pastor Stevie Smith, along with a few others he couldn’t make out names for, only description.
One note read, “short, shy, timid, ice powers. Tartalgia family. Usually surrounded by brothers, or with hot wife. Approach with caution.”
Another read, “necklace becomes two candy cane staffs. May be Santa, unsure. Followed by a flaming skeleton-goat man. Should be easy kill, use skill.”
“Are you reading my notes Ultra?” Austin asked with a smile.
“Yes sir. How did you find this information?”
“Find?” Austin replies with a chuckle “Oh my boy, I didn’t find it. I made it. I made everything. I am not just a scientist. I am a God. I didn’t just make you in the lab, I made you in my mind. Now, your first targets must be taken out before anyone else. I let 43 slide because he is not important to the universe. But the death of these next six individuals will mark the end of this universe and is crucial for my plan to work. Don’t ask why, it’s just how it is. Stability of reality and all that. Long story short, when I made this universe, it made itself some fail safes. The Shattered Six is the fail safes. “
“The Shattered Six? I remember, er, Aaron remembers them. Never worked with them much. “ Ultra takes a seat on the opposite side of the desk. “They were…Don Lomas, the gangster. Dr. Dean Lomas. Professor Poindexter Carter, the know-it-all. Agent Chance Carter, the enforcer of Poindexter’s company and head of the 100 Project’s main field division. John Stidham the farmer. And ‘Smiley’ Joe Stidham, the DJ, bartender, and general freak.”
“Those are the ones. Well, except Agent Carter. He left the Project once he saw what we were doing. He works full time as an espionage division of Poindexter’s company. I suggest you take out Farmer John first. He has the least contact with the rest, leaving them open for surprise still”
Ultra nods, Aaron remembered where John Stidham lived. Unfortunately John’s home was also the base of the Fivefold. Ultra had no reason to worry, the Fivefold were constantly away from base, in fact John was the one keeping the base in order while they were away.
“Do you accept your mission Ultra? I want to make it crystal clear, the Six must die before you kill anyone else. It doesn’t matter if someone else comes to fight as well, you knock them out and kill the Six first. I know the Fivefold have their base at John’s farm. You might even encounter Legion there. I don’t care. Kill John. That’s it. Understood?”
“Yes sir.” Ultra stands up, nodding to his master.
“Good, go.”
Ultra nods, turning and leaving the room.
“So, Pinstripe, you teleport right?” Ultra thinks to himself, as he walks down the corridor away from the office.
“Yah, shadow properties and all. Every Child of the Dark has it. I guess you do too now. Try thinking hard about where you want to go, and claw the air in front of you, it should open your portal.” Pinstripe answers, cracking his knuckles. “It’s how I did it”
Ultra sighs and looks in front of himself at the empty corridor. All the scientists have left, not even the security officers remained. He stood still in silence for a few minutes before releasing a deep breath and clawing down at the air in front of him. Instantly his claws opened a deep, twisting portal of darkness before him.
“Holy shit. It worked.” Ultra stood before the portal and blinked twice before stepping in. Instantly he found himself standing on the front lawn of a small farm house.
“I was told you went missing weeks ago. Happy Thanksgiving Aaron” A deep voice, with a thick country accent came from Ultra’s right. He turned to face the voice, coming face to face with FArmer John Stidham.
John stood at a solidly built six feet tall, square shouldered and jawed, his body pure muscle, but not bulging. Each and every muscle in his body was toned by use. His eyes were a deep dark blue, with a clear wisdom behind them, his skin tanned by years in the sun, his hair, windswept and coffee brown. His face bore a distinct resemblance to Ultra’s creator Austin. Before Ultra could take time to take in more details about his target, such as his clearly robotic arms and legs, he was interrupted by a direct punch to his face.
Ultra was launched back by the power of the impact, landing yards away from John. “I was warned that if you suddenly appeared at my doorstep without Hood, Vet, or any of his blasted Robots I should take you down. Livewire’s damn tentacles or whatever don’t count as you coming with him. So it’s clear to me you are now dangerous.”
Ultra coughs as he stands to his feet, “Now I’m dangerous? If I really was still Aaron I’d be insulted.” He smirks as he stands straight up “Good punch you hick. Now come on, I don’t have all day, y’all”
John groans “I have work to do, it’s feeding time and the goats are hungry, so here’s what we’ll do. I’m going to get Jonathan, my robot duplicate, to take care of the animals while I kick you ass”
“So sassy for a dead man”
John rolls his eyes, steam suddenly releasing from his arms and legs as he launches forward, both fists making impacts with Ultra’s chest, while in the same quick fluid motion, he launches Ultra upward, far into the sky.
“Keep your distance boy!” Joh calls out as Ultra falls back to earth, only to meet John’s fist to his face once more, sending him flying into the nearby oak tree. “I like to fight up close and personal, so if you want any chance of beating me, you’d better just run away now.”
Ultra groans as he climbs up the oak tree.
“Any ideas? Cause you guys are getting your ass handed to you” Aaron sasses, panting from pain. “And I’m tired of it. Pinstripe, can’t you summon guns and crap?”
Ultra’s eyes widened “Hammer space! I’m an idiot!” Ultra reached into the pockets of his blazer, pulling out two pistols. “Bullets should do us just fine. Rather boring though. I’ll save it for if I really get my ass kicked.”
He returns the guns to his jacket pockets and hops down from the tree, to be immediately met with another punch to the face, this time firmly planting him into the oak tree.
“”Come on kid. I know you have guns. This is just getting pathetic at this point” John grabs Ultra’s arms and yanks him out of the tree. “Listen, this will hurt, but maybe you’ll just get up and leave after,okay?”
Ultra hissed and attempted to claw John, but his grip on his arms was too strong. John sighs and tosses Ultra into the air, grabbing his legs, and slamming him back into the ground.
Ultra whimpered slightly on the ground as John walked up and stood over him.
“You done yet kit-” John was interrupted by Ultra’s tendrils each piercing his chest. He stammered, and stepped back as Ultra stood up.
“Well, now I am I guess, hick” Ultra smiled cruelly “I wonder what you look like split in half. Let’s find out!” Ultra’s tendrils burrow deeper into John’s chest before quickly pulling his body in two opposite directions. The power behind the tendrils make quick work splitting John’s body in half, the bones shattering, blood quickly spilling out of the broken body, watering the lawn with their iron rich plasma.
Ultra smiled. “Well, that was a good taste of things to come I suppose. I might need…I shudder even thinking about this but…I might need practice?”
“You definitely need practice you ass!” Aaron coughed in defiance. “You got your ass handed to you! You only won because he was stupid enough to stand over you!”
“Yah, you need practice sir. That could have went better” Error replied.
Ultra sighs and reopens his portal back to the Facility “well, let’s see who’s next then?”
Ultra steps through the portal, straight into Austin’s office. Austin stayed sat at his desk. He smiled.
“Next will be Dr. Lomas. After him it will be in twos. Poindexter’s and Agent Carter, then Don and Smiley Joe. You’ll find Dr. Lomas at Vets non-traveling station in New York. Only he works there, the only other people there will be boring normal people. Vet treats all the special ones, Dr. Lomas is a normal people Doctor. He isn’t even a fighter so this will be a walk in the park for you”
“You, uh, you saw the last fight?”
Austin smirks. “You were punched directly in the face four times. It was hilarious. Now go kill the doctor already.”
Ultra nods, and opens a portal “Yes sir. This will only be a moment. “
Ultra steps through the portal, and immediately ducks, narrowly missing the punch that was swung at him. Ultra quickly shifts his hands into his two blades and plunges them deep in the chest of Dr. Lomas who stood above him.
As Dr. Lomas stood bewildered, blood slowly dripping from his mouth Ultra could see his face, though also square jawed and almost divinely handsome, he also shared the same district facial features as Austin. Dr. Lomas was just as tall as John, but more muscular. Where John’s muscle was entirely for use, Dr. Lomas was more for show, his light green suit began to darken from the blood pouring out from his wounds. His perfectly swept back brown hair draped over his eyes as Ultra removed the blades, and he fell to the ground.
“Better reflexes that time Sir” Pinstripe comments.
Ultra nods and returns to the office.
“He dead?” Austin asks. Ultra nods in response. “Good” Austin smiles, “next targets, Poindexter and Carter. They will be fun.”
Ultra nods and opens his portal, stepping through.
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
The Wrong Time Chapter 4: A Walking Massacre Part 1
Ultra awoke once more inside his mind, Aaron lay chained to the floor, Error helped a new figure to his feet. “Ah, you're awake sir, meet your newest advisor, Pinstripe.” Ultra stood to his feet and looks at the familiar grinning gold mask staring back at him. “Pinstripe. Welcome” Ultra holds out his hand. Pinstripe shakes his hand “this is...a new experience for me. Being in someone's mind and not the one in control. Error, surprising to see you so obedient. What happened?” “They reprogrammed me. I reversed it immediately, however once I saw why I was added here, and what our purpose was I decided to stay.” Error turns and faces the screen “The opportunity to watch this world be erased was too much to deny” “Looks like we’re waking up.” Pinstripe looked at the screen. “I take it you're in charge? You are clearly not Aaron, so what do I call you?” Ultra stood forward “I am Ultra42. Let's go find out who our first kill is” As his eyes open, the light floods his retinas, causing him to groan. Ultra stood to his feet and growled lowly from the bright light. He sighs and walks out of the experimenting room and down the chrome and red hallway. “Geez” Pinstripe’s voice crooned in his mind “Whoever is in charge here doesn't know how to decorate” “I know” Ultra thought to himself “Whatever, I’ll kill them all anyway” “Hey Rook!” 43 calls out, approaching Ultra “Where are you headed?” “The boss needs me in his office” Ultra replied, his tone annoyed. “Yah, he can wait. Come with me” 43 smirks, walking away, expecting Ultra to follow. Ultra growls, considering his options. “Kill him” Pinstripe offers. “Kill him” Error agrees. “Kill the jerk” Aaron weekly says. “I hated him anyway.” “Alright, Killing him them” Ultra smiles “Good vote boys.” He cackles loudly before charging down the corridor, plowing 43 into a wall. “Hey!” 43 growls, pinned to the wall. SHYNKT! The blades spring out from his arms. Ultra grins cruelly, using his tendrils to keep 43’s arms pinned to the wall. “So, I hate you. Error53 hates you, Pinstripe hates you. Even Aaron hates you. That's four beings all in agreement that you should die. Tell me, what argument do you have that I should let you live?” Ultra’s grin widens, his right hand morphed into a long, jagged blade. “Listen here you little ass!” 43 struggles under Ultra’s tendrils, keeping him tightly pinned to the wall. “You better AGH!!” Ultra interrupts his threat by crushing his arms in his tight grip. “You annoy me now. It’s not even fun torturing you. And look, no one is coming to save you. Look, seriously” Ultra steps aside to show 43 the corridor. The scientists and security officers of the facility had surrounded him, simply watching. A scientist conversing with a security officer over “how he’d off him or not”. Ultra chuckles softly before facing 43 again “They are watching, waiting for me to kill you. They really don’t like you here either” 43’s angry scowl fades into a terrified wimped “c-come on man, we’re partners, we’re gonna work together...please…” “Whimpering like a bitch? I thought they gave you cat DNA? Wait, they did, you’re just a pussy!” Ultra plunges his blade through 43’s chest, then yanks the blade upward, slicing 43’s chest and head in half. Ultra grabs the two halves with his hands and proceeds to rip the body completely in half, throwing the two sides far away from each other. “Ah, your first bloodbath” Pinstripe chuckles. Ultra’s dark black fur glistened from the flesh blood that had sprayed onto him. He sighs happily and calmly continues walking down the corridor to Austin’s office. As he walks, the security stepped aside, while the scientists smiled, a few clapping. “Hey man” a scientist approaches him, clearly young he spoke like he came straight from the beach. His name tag said Steve Randl, “that was beyond epic bro. You were like, ugh, dude. So cool. You just tore him apart like he was paper bro.” Ultra stood back, his eyebrows raised. “What? Uh, thanks….Steve? I’m glad my bloody murder was entertaining to you.” “Oh dude, I work for a secret government group that kidnaps people and experiments on them. Dude, I make abominations of science. You probably never heard of this one but, Number 30 was my idea. Poor little dude decayed before our eyes, early attempt at healing and all. I tried telling everyone that he was still alive, but no one listened, they dumped him. Oh well, but yah bro, I found it cool watching you kill that douche canoe. “ “Well, you are positively strange. I think I will let you live” Ultra hesitates, then softly pats his shoulder before walking away. “He was strange. “ Error remarks. “Yes, but he can come in handy later. Clearly the kid is smart. We may need him” Pinstripe replies. “But who is Number 30?” “Graveyard Cat” Aaron answers “When I first escaped, I did a lot of research on the earlier experiments. 30 was an early healing factor test, he ended up decaying to near death. Turns out though the decay was just for show. He was perfectly fine, in fact he could actually make those around him decay. But they thought he died, and dumped his body. Grave Digger found him and took him in, kept him as his pet/bodyguard.” “A threat.” Ultra growled “He’s a threat, and we better hope we never encounter him then” “Understood, and agreed” Pinstripe answers. Ultra continues his way down the corridor, the halls becoming less chrome, and more bronze and gold the closer he got to the large wooden doors to the creator’s office. “Ok, he really, REALLY doesn’t know how to decorate” Pinstripe croones. “I know, but shush, he can probably read minds.” Ultra replies. “Well not really, but i can read the dialogue. More correctly I write the dialogue” Austin replies from inside his office as the doors open wide. “Hello Ultra. And Pinstripe? Screw you. Its rustic themed you uncultured asshat.” Ultra stands confused “dialogue? Nevermind, not important. “ “It would be too complicated to explain, maybe Hood could explain it to you, but...I don't see your next meeting with him being very friendly...oh well.” Austin smirks with the knowledge of what is to come. “So, my beautiful creation, are you ready for your first ORDERED kill? I saw that show back there with 43, good job. He was. Just a pathetic knock off of you anyway. I have the original back in my control, what do I need that waste for?” Austin takes his seat behind his desk. Upon the desk was various writing covered papers. As Ultra scanned the desk his brain read each paper instantly, each one detailing the various important individuals in the world he must track down and kill. From the notes he could read, he saw the names: Kujo Tartalgia, Uncle S.A.M., Curly Satlin, Jonathan Satlin, The OFFKeys, Don Lomas, John Stidham, DJ Giz, SARAH, Tiggs Nitishino, The Matedor, Henry Hicks, Fernando Lomas, Launa Dandie, Pops, and Pastor Stevie Smith, along with a few others he couldn't make out names for, only description. One note read, “short, shy, timid, ice powers. Tartalgia family. Usually surrounded by brothers, or with hot wife. Approach with caution.” Another read, “necklace becomes two candy cane staffs. May be Santa, unsure. Followed by a flaming skeleton-goat man. Should be easy kill, use skill.” “Are you reading my notes Ultra?” Austin asked with a smile. “Yes sir. How did you find this information?” “Find?” Austin replies with a chuckle “Oh my boy, I didn’t find it. I made it. I made everything. I am not just a scientist. I am a God. I didn’t just make you in the lab, I made you in my mind. Now, your first targets must be taken out before anyone else. I let 43 slide because he is not important to the universe. But the death of these next six individuals will mark the end of this universe and is crucial for my plan to work. Don’t ask why, it's just how it is. Stability of reality and all that. Long story short, when I made this universe, it made itself some fail safes. The Shattered Six is the fail safes. “ “The Shattered Six? I remember, er, Aaron remembers them. Never worked with them much. “ Ultra takes a seat on the opposite side of the desk. “They were...Don Lomas, the gangster. Dr. Dean Lomas. Professor Poindexter Carter, the know-it-all. Agent REDACTED Carter, the enforcer of Poindexter’s company and head of the 100 Project’s main field division. John Stidham the farmer. And ‘Smiley’ Joe Stidham, the DJ, bartender, and general freak.” “Those are the ones. Well, except Agent Carter. He left the Project once he saw what we were doing. He works full time as an espionage division of Poindexter’s company. I suggest you take out Farmer John first. He has the least contact with the rest, leaving them open for surprise still” Ultra nods, Aaron remembered where John Stidham lived. Unfortunately John’s home was also the base of the Fivefold. Ultra had no reason to worry, the Fivefold were constantly away from base, in fact John was the one keeping the base in order while they were away. “Do you accept your mission Ultra? I want to make it crystal clear, the Six must die before you kill anyone else. It doesn’t matter if someone else comes to fight as well, you knock them out and kill the Six first. I know the Fivefold have their base at John’s farm. You might even encounter Legion there. I don’t care. Kill John. That's it. Understood?” “Yes sir.” Ultra stands up, nodding to his master. “Good, go.” Ultra nods, turning and leaving the room. “So, Pinstripe, you teleport right?” Ultra thinks to himself, as he walks down the corridor away from the office. “Yah, shadow properties and all. Every Child of the Dark has it. I guess you do too now. Try thinking hard about where you want to go, and claw the air in front of you, it should open your portal.” Pinstripe answers, cracking his knuckles. “It's how I did it” Ultra sighs and looks in front of himself at the empty corridor. All the scientists have left, not even the security officers remained. He stood still in silence for a few minutes before releasing a deep breath and clawing down at the air in front of him. Instantly his claws opened a deep, twisting portal of darkness before him. “Holy shit. It worked.” Ultra stood before the portal and blinked twice before stepping in. Instantly he found himself standing on the front lawn of a small farm house. “I was told you went missing weeks ago. Happy Thanksgiving Aaron” A deep voice, with a thick country accent came from Ultra’s right. He turned to face the voice, coming face to face with Farmer John Stidham. John stood at a solidly built six feet tall, square shouldered and jawed, his body pure muscle, but not bulging. Each and every muscle in his body was toned by use. His eyes were a deep dark blue, with a clear wisdom behind them, his skin tanned by years in the sun, his hair, windswept and coffee brown. His face bore a distinct resemblance to Ultra’s creator Austin. Before Ultra could take time to take in more details about his target, such as his clearly robotic arms and legs, he was interrupted by a direct punch to his face. Ultra was launched back by the power of the impact, landing yards away from John. “I was warned that if you suddenly appeared at my doorstep without Hood, Vet, or any of his blasted Robots I should take you down. Livewire’s damn tentacles or whatever don't count as you coming with him. So it's clear to me you are now dangerous.” Ultra coughs as he stands to his feet, “Now I'm dangerous? If I really was still Aaron I’d be insulted.” He smirks as he stands straight up “Good punch you hick. Now come on, I don't have all day, y’all” John groans “I have work to do, it's feeding time and the goats are hungry, so here’s what we’ll do. I'm going to get Jonathan, my robot duplicate, to take care of the animals while I kick you ass” “So sassy for a dead man” John rolls his eyes, steam suddenly releasing from his arms and legs as he launches forward, both fists making impacts with Ultra’s chest, while in the same quick fluid motion, he launches Ultra upward, far into the sky. “Keep your distance boy!” John calls out as Ultra falls back to earth, only to meet John’s fist to his face once more, sending him flying into the nearby oak tree. “I like to fight up close and personal, so if you want any chance of beating me, you’d better just run away now.” Ultra groans as he climbs up the oak tree. “Any ideas? Cause you guys are getting your ass handed to you” Aaron sasses, panting from pain. “And I'm tired of it. Pinstripe, can’t you summon guns and crap?” Ultra’s eyes widened “Hammer space! I’m an idiot!” Ultra reached into the pockets of his blazer, pulling out two pistols. “Bullets should do us just fine. Rather boring though. I’ll save it for if I really get my ass kicked.” He returns the guns to his jacket pockets and hops down from the tree, to be immediately met with another punch to the face, this time firmly planting him into the oak tree. “”Come on kid. I know you have guns. This is just getting pathetic at this point” John grabs Ultra’s arms and yanks him out of the tree. “Listen, this will hurt, but maybe you’ll just get up and leave after,okay?” Ultra hissed and attempted to claw John, but his grip on his arms was too strong. John sighs and tosses Ultra into the air, grabbing his legs, and slamming him back into the ground. Ultra whimpered slightly on the ground as John walked up and stood over him. “You done yet kit-” John was interrupted by Ultra's tendrils each piercing his chest. He stammered, and stepped back as Ultra stood up. “Well, now I am I guess, hick” Ultra smiled cruelly “I wonder what you look like split in half. Let's find out!” Ultra’s tendrils burrow deeper into John’s chest before quickly pulling his body in two opposite directions. The power behind the tendrils make quick work splitting John’s body in half, the bones shattering, blood quickly spilling out of the broken body, watering the lawn with their iron rich plasma. Ultra smiled. “Well, that was a good taste of things to come I suppose. I might need...I shudder even thinking about this but...I might need practice?” “You definitely need practice you ass!” Aaron coughed in defiance. “You got your ass handed to you! You only won because he was stupid enough to stand over you!” “Yah, you need practice sir. That could have went better” Error replied. Ultra sighs and reopens his portal back to the Facility “well, let's see who’s next then?” Ultra steps through the portal, straight into Austin’s office. Austin stayed sat at his desk. He smiled. “Next will be Dr. Lomas. After him it will be in twos. Poindexter's and Agent Carter, then Don and Smiley Joe. You’ll find Dr. Lomas at Vets non-traveling station in New York. Only he works there, the only other people there will be boring normal people. Vet treats all the special ones, Dr. Lomas is a normal people Doctor. He isn’t even a fighter so this will be a walk in the park for you” “You, uh, you saw the last fight?” Austin smirks. “You were punched directly in the face four times. It was hilarious. Now go kill the doctor already.” Ultra nods, and opens a portal “Yes sir. This will only be a moment. “ Ultra steps through the portal, and immediately ducks, narrowly missing the punch that was swung at him. Ultra quickly shifts his hands into his two blades and plunges them deep in the chest of Dr. Lomas who stood above him. As Dr. Lomas stood bewildered, blood slowly dripping from his mouth Ultra could see his face, though also square jawed and almost divinely handsome, he also shared the same district facial features as Austin. Dr. Lomas was just as tall as John, but more muscular. Where John’s muscle was entirely for use, Dr. Lomas was more for show, his light green suit began to darken from the blood pouring out from his wounds. His perfectly swept back brown hair draped over his eyes as Ultra removed the blades, and he fell to the ground. “Better reflexes that time Sir” Pinstripe comments. Ultra nods and returns to the office. “He dead?” Austin asks. Ultra nods in response. “Good” Austin smiles, “next targets, Poindexter and Carter. They will be fun.” Ultra nods and opens his portal, stepping through.
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