#Rose Swale
owlart18 · 1 year
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Of the mountains and by the sea~
Some more oc concept art using colour palettes! These palettes were made by @lemonlumens
(Commission info here)
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prettyfamous · 1 year
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Rose Byrne | DuJour | Greg Swales | Summer 2023
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see-arcane · 1 year
Goodbye, Mr. Swales. I'm sorry for how you ended. After all your talk of disbelief, of folktales and histories made of lies, of your long life spent in a world that no longer fears the wild dark and the monsters sensible people no longer see in it, you had yourself proven so terribly wrong at the end. The fool-talk was true for you as it skulked up the hill.
Though he was no barghest, the black dog that came to meet you was no sane animal known to God. Not on four legs. Not when he rose up on two. Did you startle back and snap yourself to death to seek mercy out of his reach? Or did you have his help to remove you, an impatient paw or hand put cold and tight on a brittle throat to be rid of a witness? You can never tell us now.
I wish you'd haunt a while, though you have no faith in ghosts.
Your young mourners could have used the warning.
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cravenwes · 1 year
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Rose Byrne photographed by Greg Swales for Dujour Magazine
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femalestunning · 1 year
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ROSE BYRNE photographed by Greg Swales for DuJour Summer 2023
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rherlotshadow · 3 months
Midsummer Song by Clinton Scollard Dawnings of amber and amethyst eves; Soft in the south wind the laughter of leaves; Breath of the poppy and death of the rose,-- Midsummer comes and midsummer goes! Dapple on cheek of the apple and plum; Honey-bees droning a die-away hum; Swales in a shimmer and dales in a doze,-- Midsummer comes and midsummer goes! Darting of dragon-fly, flutter of moth; Barley in windrow and wheat in the swath; Hush-song and thrush-song!--the mother-bird knows!-- Midsummer comes and midsummer goes! Moonlight and noonlight all glamour and gleam; Hillside and rillside a thrall to the dream; Capture the rapture before the days close!-- Midsummer comes and midsummer goes!
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yallemagne · 1 year
When Mina said "I wish he were here"
Mina always carries herself in such a way that she believes her emotions can't get the best of her, or at least, they shouldn't. She's a rational woman! She does not linger on her sadness, she does not divulge it to others!! She bottles it all up like a brave man would, I tell you!!
But her tone in that part of the entry, most specifically that line is that of a child crying out "it just isn't fair!" because it isn't! Jonathan should be home by now. And that is the extent of her exploration of her emotions, she permits herself one line, but all her anxiety and sadness are contained in that line.
Up rose Lenore as the red morn wore From weary visions starting; “Art faithless, Wilhelm, or, Wilhelm, art dead? 'Tis long since thy departing.”
And here and there and everywhere, Along the swarming ways, Went old man and boy, with the music of joy, On the gallant bands to gaze; And the young child shouted to spy the vaward, And trembling and blushing the bride pressed forward: But ah! for the sweet lips of Lenore The kiss and the greeting are vanished and o'er.
She's all alone on a cliff, she sees a band playing and a Salvation Army meeting taking place, and though they don't know the other is there, she sees them both, and as such, she is separate from them. She wishes she could see Jonathan, wherever he is, just to reassure herself that he's alive, that nothing awful's happened. But more than that, she wishes he were here with her, to see the sights, hear the sounds, to kiss in these moments alone.
From man to man all wildly she ran, With a swift and searching eye; But she felt alone in the mighty mass, As it crushed and crowded by: On hurried the troop, —a gladsome group,— And proudly the tall plumes wave and droop: She tore her hair and she turned her round, And madly she dashed her against the ground.
When she was surrounded by Lucy and the boisterous group of old men, she was still isolated, but she could never express that loneliness. When she remarks on Mr. Swales not pestering Lucy and instead giving her "double share" it isn't... bitterness per se. But it reflects how she feels the world is treating her right now. Things look bright for Lucy -- not so bright as they could be, but she will be well as soon as her fiancé visits. The same could be said for Mina, but she has no assurance that Jonathan is even alive. Short messages are customary coming from Mr. Holmwood, what with his affinity for sending telegrams, but coming from Jonathan? It's wrong. He's not even present in his letters home. Unlike Lenore, she is not fooled by the false Jonathan portrayed by his letters. If Death came masqueraded to sweep her away, she would not be hoodwinked.
“What pity to me does God impart? Woe, woe, woe! for my heavy heart!”
It just isn't fair that something awful would happen to them, now. They've done everything right! All their lives, they've never tried to make any waves, to cause a stir, to rock the boat-- they've been good, why would they be punished when all they've done is be good?!
There's no real answer and, unlike Lenore, she dare not ask the question. She can only wish he were with her.
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cedar-glade · 9 months
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Along the Little Miami Inbetween hamilton and clermont co is a section that maintains conglomerate mudstone layer and a lot of mud banks close enough to mudflats that you still get some classic mudflat species and riparian gravel bar species.
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The first is the winged monkey flower(Mimulus alatus) , known for winged squared of stems, though since Ohio gets both, if you need to collect seeds for bioswale forbes and want to differentiate them when the stem is brown, the peduncle, aka main stem that holds/bares a flower or a fruit attached to the stem, is almost sessile or near sessile, aka still there but close to not existing where as Allegheny is elongate.
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a gravel bar species requiring full sun is Hibiscus moscheutos or the swamp rose mallow, it's about as common as our other native Hibiscus laevis or the halberd leafed mallow; this species pictured has more common smaller colonies with pink flowers on average with what most assume as a non deeply lobed leaf differing from a halberd lobed white flower with taller plants on average and larger colonies.
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Wouldn't be a good gravel bar without falls redest sedum, Ditch stone crop! or is it a sedum really???, while we used to assume based on morphological features it is no longer placed in the genera Sedum and is Penthorum sedoides a non succulent water loving species that actually has found it's self as a member of the saxifrage order. It is one of two species that I know of in the genera, and is associated with it's own family as of now. It is also the only member of the genus within the United States. Side note: As a member or the saxifrage order I don't even know if this species utilizes CAM to be honest and it wouldnt benefit it if you think about it.
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Lindernia dubia
false pimpernel
Associated with the mudflats, it's funny because people call this and many others the mudflat ephemerals because they are brief and seasonal inbetween flood stages. These always look like a monkey flower at first glance before you know the species.
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Eclipta prostrata
Mudflat false daisy, a riparian and swale species but also very common on mudflats.
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Persicaria pensylvanica or pensylvania smart weed, is a robust flowering species that forms semi erect inflorescence that are peppered pink and white. and easy to differentiate when you look at a non frimbrate connected ocrea that sheathes both stem and petiole. you can see invasive Persicaria longiseta or oriental bristled ladies thumb with frimbrate ocrea in background :( spicy flowers on our natives less spicy on the non natives.
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ghostoffuturespast · 10 months
For this week's installment of Thirsty Thursday, we're going on a hike:
On his knees, River bowed before her, the setting of an altar as the breadth of him parted the shores of her legs wide. His wrists rested against the outer range of her hips, fingers reaching to ripple patterns along the divots of her back as she sunk onto her elbows. Gave into him. V shuddered as River laid a tributary of offerings on the lower swale of her stomach, a lush bountiful mouth playing between an open meadow and thicket fringes. Her body thrummed alive as the warmth of his lips pooled in the hollow of her navel and then rose up along the ridges of her ribs, settling in the hills and valleys of worn and weary bone. An illusion of bucolic. River's touch fed V just as much as it stripped her away. The scarred and weathered surface of her eroded with the lightest of rains and the gentlest whisper of breath. His veneration of her trailed higher, a slow and steadfast pilgrimage wound up the slopes of her body. The pleasure followed the swell of her left breast, switchbacked a path to chase the peak of a false summit. V’s fingers dug into the sheets as River's tongue eddied around her nipple, a languid current that swirled about before freeing itself to circle around the next. A low thunderous sigh escaped her chest along with a quake of muscles as hands ventured to carve out space beneath her spine. And in tandem, as the heavy silt of feathered silver dredged against her torso. V fought to not cave beneath the press of him. Fought the push and pull of being shaped into existence with him. And without him. The destruction. The thought lingered before the weight of River's caresses swept her up again, somehow devastated while simultaneously molding the tiniest parts of her back together. Creation. His mouth sprung forth from the crags of her collarbone and she tilted her head to let him cascade up the side of her neck. A velvet tongue slipped across skin then evaporated, a ghost of what it was before pluming behind the shell of her ear and clouding in her hair. A hand mingled with the strands, cool and hot fogging together to form something inseparable. His thumb swept across her cheek, tracing the scar that marred her face and compelling her to look. Brown and metal and amber. He held her with a bated gaze and bated breath, their worlds condensing down to just the two of them before V and River's lips finally met in the exultant headwaters of a kiss.
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dwsidecharacterpoll · 2 years
Ongoing list of characters who will be included in the bracket under the cut—still adding but please ask for any you don't see:
Clive (Rose)
Steward (The End of the World)
Raffalo from Crespellion (The End of the World)
Moxx of Balhoon (The End of the World)
Jabe (The End of the World)
Gwyneth (The Unquiet Dead)
Gabriel Sneed (The Unquiet Dead)
Redpath (The Unquiet Dead)
Toshiko Sato (Aliens of London/World War III)
Indra Ganesh (Aliens of London/World War III)
Diana Goddard (Dalek)
De Maggio (Dalek)
More under the cut!
Cathica (The Long Game)
Suki (The Long Game)
Nurse (The Long Game)
Sarah Clark and Stuart Hoskins (Father’s Day)
Dr. Constantine (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Nancy (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Kathy Salt (Boom Town)
Idris Hopper (Boom Town)
Rodrick (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Lynda Moss (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Unnamed Male Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Unnamed Female Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Danny Llewellyn (The Christmas Invasion)
Major Blake (The Christmas Invasion)
Alex (The Christmas Invasion)
Sally Jacobs (The Christmas Invasion)
Chip (New Earth)
Duke of Manhattan (New Earth)
Clovis (New Earth)
Novice Hame (New Earth)
Captain Reynolds (Tooth and Claw)
Lady Isobel and Sir Robert (Tooth and Claw)
Parsons (School Reunion)
Katherine (The Girl in the Fireplace)
Sally Phelan (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Rita-Ann Smith (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Mr. Crane (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Mrs. Moore (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
The Connellys (The Idiot’s Lantern)
Zachary Cross Flane (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ida Scott (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Danny Bartock (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Scooti Manista (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ursula Blake (Love and Monsters)
Bliss (Love and Monsters)
Bridget (Love and Monsters)
Mr. Skinner (Love and Monsters)
Trish Webber (Fear Her)
Yvonne Hartman (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday)
Dr. Rajesh Singh (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday)
Adeola (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday)
Gareth (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday)
Nerys (The Runaway Bride)
Julia Swales (Smith and Jones)
Mr. Stoker (Smith and Jones)
Oliver Morgenstern (Smith and Jones)
Dolly Bailey (The Shakespeare Code)
Milo and Cheen (Gridlock)
Pale Woman (Gridlock)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan and Valerie (Gridlock)
Businessman (Gridlock)
Alice and May Cassini (Gridlock)
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Solomon (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Sylvia Thaw (The Lazarus Experiment)
Jenny (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Tim Latimer (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Kath McDonnell (42)
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Kathy Nightingale (Blink)
Chantho (Utopia)
Professor Docherty (The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords)
Vivien Rook (The Sound of Drums)
Albert Dumphries (The Sound of Drums)
Thomas Milligan (The Last of the Time Lords)
Mr. Copper (Voyage of the Damned)
Morvin and Foon (Voyage of the Damned)
Bannakaffalatta (Voyage of the Damned)
Alonso Frane (Voyage of the Damned)
Penny Carter (Partners in Crime)
Caecilius (Fires of Pompeii)
Evelina (Fires of Pompeii)
Metella (Fires of Pompeii)
Quintus (Fires of Pompeii)
Soothsayer (Fires of Pompeii)
Ryder (Planet of the Ood)
Solana Mercurio (Planet of the Ood)
Ross Jenkins (The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky)
Cline (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Hath Peck (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Lady Eddison (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Miss Chandrakala (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Roger Curbishley (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Hugh Curbishley (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Robina Redmond (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Other Dave (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Proper Dave (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Strackman Lux (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Lee McAvoy (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Dee Dee Blasco (Midnight)
Professor Hobbes (Midnight)
Val, Biff, and Jethro Cane (Midnight)
Unnamed Hostess (Midnight)
Rocco Colasanto (Turn Left)
Jival Chowdry (Turn Left)
The Shadow Architect (The Stolen Earth)
The German Woman (The Stolen Earth)
Rosita Farisi (The Next Doctor)
Malcolm Taylor (Planet of the Dead)
Capt. Erisa Magambo (Planet of the Dead)
Barclay (Planet of the Dead)
DI McMillan (Planet of the Dead)
Lou and Carmen (Planet of the Dead)
Nathan (Planet of the Dead)
Angela Whittaker (Planet of the Dead)
Yuri Kerenski (The Waters of Mars)
Mia Bennett (The Waters of Mars)
Steffi Ehrlich (The Waters of Mars)
Roman Groom (The Waters of Mars)
Ed Gold (The Waters of Mars)
Maggie Cain (The Waters of Mars)
Tarak Ital (The Waters of Mars)
Joshua and Abigail Naismith (The End of Time)
Minnie Hooper (The End of Time)
Addams and Rossiter of Vinvocci (The End of Time)
Jeff (The Eleventh Hour)
Dr. Ramsden (The Eleventh Hour)
Lilian Breen (Victory of the Daleks)
Edwin Bracewell (Victory of the Daleks)
Guido (The Vampires of Venice)
Isabella (The Vampires of Venice)
Nasreen Chaudhry (The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood)
Ambrose Northover (The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood)
Sophie Benson (The Lodger)
The Unnamed Curator (Vincent and the Doctor)
Aunt Sharon (The Big Bang)
Amy’s parents (The Big Bang/The Pandorica Opens)
Dorium Maldovar (The Pandoria Opens)
Canton Everett Delaware III (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon)
Jennifer (The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People)
Lorna Bucket (A Good Man Goes To War)
Alex (Night Terrors)
Auntie and Uncle (The Doctor’s Wife)
Rita (The God Complex)
Howie Spragg (The God Complex)
Joe Buchanan (The God Complex)
Gibbis (The God Complex)
Cassandra (Asylum of the Daleks)
Harvey (Asylum of the Daleks)
Brian Williams (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
John Riddell (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Indira (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Ellie and Dave Oswald (Rings of Akhaten)
Onegin (Cold War)
Stepashin (Cold War)
Grisenko (Cold War)
Hila Tacorien (Hide)
Professor Alec Palmer (Hide)
Emma Grayling (Hide)
The Van Baalen brothers (Journey to the Center of the TARDIS)
Ada Gillyflower (The Crimson Horror)
Porridge (Nightmare in Silver)
Alice Ferrin (Nightmare in Silver)
Missy (Nightmare in Silver)
Handles (Time of the Doctor)
Tasha Lem (Time of the Doctor)
Clara’s Gran (Time of the Doctor)
Linda (Time of the Doctor)
Abramal and Marta (Time of the Doctor)
Journey Blue (Into the Dalek)
Gretchen Allison Carlisle (Into the Dalek)
Orson Pink (Listen)
Psi (Time Heist)
Sabra (Time Heist)
Adrian (The Caretaker)
Captain Lundvik (Kill the Moon)
Perkins (Mummy on the Orient Ecpress)
Rigsy (Flatline)
Seb (Death in Heaven/Dark Water)
Shona (Last Christmas)
Albert Smithe (Last Christmas)
Fiona Bellows (Last Christmas)
Ashley Carter (Last Christmas)
Jac (The Magician’s Apprentice)
O'Donnell (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Cass (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Lunn (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Bennett (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Lofty (The Girl who Died)
Walsh (The Zygon Invasion)
Anahson (Face the Raven)
The General (Hell Bent)
Ohila (Hell Bent)
Moira (The Pilot)
Heather (the Pilot)
Felicity (Knock Knock)
Paul (Knock Knock)
Harry (Knock Knock)
Pavel (Knock Knock)
Shireen (Knock Knock)
Dahh-Ren (Oxygen)
Abby (Oxygen)
Ivan (Oxygen)
Penny (Extremis)
Erica (the pyramid at the end of the world)
Colonel Babbit (pyramid)
Kar (The Eaters of Light)
Lucius, Simon, and Thracius (The Eaters of Light)
The Captain (Twice Upon a Time)
Karl (The Woman Who Fell to Earth)
Angstrom (The Ghost Monument)
Epzo (The Ghost Monument)
Jade McIntyre (Arachnids in the UK)
Astos (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Mabli (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Eve Cicero (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Yoss Inkl (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Prem (Demons of the Punjab)
Kira Arlo (kerblam)
Dan Cooper (kerblam)
Willa Twiston (the witchfinders)
Ribbons (it takes you away)
Andinio and Delph (The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos)
Lee Clayton (fugitive of the judoon)
Jamila and Gabriela (Praxeus)
Jake Willis and Adam Lang (Praxeus)
Tibo (Can You Hear Me?)
Shaw (Village of the Angels)
Professor Jericho (Village of the Angels)
Gerald and Jean (Village of the Angels)
Sarah (Eve of the Daleks)
Nick (Eve of the Daleks)
Ying Ki (Legend of the Sea Devils)
Ji-Hun (Sea Devils)
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owlart18 · 1 year
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Getting ready for this years art fight! I hope to see y'all there!
My page or search my username: Mapletail
(Commission info here | Pride icon commission info here)
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blogger360ncislarules · 5 months
EXCLUSIVE: Charlie Cox (Daredevil) has been tapped to star opposite Zooey Deschanel in Merv (working title), Amazon MGM Studios‘ rom-com from director Jessica Swale, which is now in production.
Others newly aboard the film include Chris Redd (SNL), Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond), David Hunt (Homeland), Ellyn Jameson (Barry), Wynn Everett (Palmer), Jasmine Mathews (Big George Foreman), and Joey Slotnick (Drive-Away Dolls). A first look still can be found above.
Written by Linsey Stewart and Dane Clark, Merv follows an estranged couple who learns that the dog they share is suffering from depression following their break-up. Subsequently, they awkwardly reconcile to take their pup on a sunny vacation in Florida over the holidays, in hopes of lifting his spirits.
Matt Baer and Roma Downey are the film’s producers.
Best known for his Marvel role of Matt Murdock/Daredevil, which he’ll soon be seen reprising in Disney+’s Daredevil: Born Again, Cox is best known on the film side for turns in Spider-Man: No Way Home and the Oscar-winning drama The Theory of Everything. Recently, he’s also been seen on shows like Disney+’s Echo, AMC+’s Kin, and Netflix’s Treason. The actor is represented by United Agents, UTA, and Range Media Partners.
Redd is repped by CAA, Ayala Cohen Management, and Schreck Rose Dapello; Heaton by UTA, Vault Entertainment, and Skrzyniarz & Mallean; Hunt by UTA, The Artists Partnership, and Skrzyniarz & Mallean; Jameson by CESD, Thruline Entertainment, and Ziffren Brittenham; Everett by Gersh, Principal Entertainment, and People Store; Mathews by Gersh and Red Letter Entertainment; and Slotnick by Artists & Representatives and Quest Entertainment & Management.
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Goodmorning Houses
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Continuing the story of the Sharma and Parajuli families and our task of land development and Vision of their jointly acquired thirteen ropanis land nestled amidst the awe-inspiring panorama of the Himalayas: we present to you The Good Morning Houses in Buchakot, Kavre.
The crafting of the land:
Inspired from our own action architecture in Suntakhan (2020) and Turiyam, we proposed land stabilization using a series of gabion wall. This technique is not only cost effective the land between the gabion walls can be used for landscape/plantation.
Strategically implementing culverts, swales alongside facilitates continued water flow tackling watershed management head-on.
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Intensifying Flora:
The landscape essence of the land area is further enhanced by carefully selected indigenous plant species. Utis which help in adding stability to slopes that tend to slip and erode will provide canopy of sun-filtering shade to coffee and cardamom. Moist loving plants like orchids, Zephyr lily, orange lily day blooms near the watershed area while roses, Kahili Ginger, Pink Dhatura flourishes in the sunlight.
Thorny Agavaceae and cacti were strategically placed to act as a natural boundary, adding both beauty and security to the site.
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Locating two cottages:
After dividing the land equally for the both families; and finding the best option for road access is from the northeast part of the land the focus was on creating a harmonious living space. The Sharma family cottage is placed at the level of +1416 m with North-east orientation. Meanwhile the Parajuli family the cottage placement is at + 1420 m with pure east orientation. The road weaving tales of connection and camaraderie between the family, complete with enough parking spots for both.
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All the preparation work and setting out has been done. Now let us hope for an equally careful, sensitive and pro-ecology implementation.
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turtlesandfrogs · 3 years
A technique for planting on hills. I'm sure there are many terms and traditions for this. If you're into permacture, you might recognize it as a sort of mini-swale. Basically, it serves as a way to help plants get established on hillsides, when you don't or can't terrace them.
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The idea is that you plant in a little pocket, such that the plant is a little more sheltered & such that whatever rain falls on or up-hill of the plant is captured so that it sinks in rather than contributing to runoff.
In this particular case, one of my clients has a bald patch on a hill side that they don't want to invest any money in, because they don't think anything can grow there. Thus, I have been slowly populating it with divisions and transplants from other parts of their yard, with permission, and am slowly changing their mind.
The soil is not in particularly great shape, because it's a very steep hill, and a dog has been using it for a pathway. So it's steep, bare of any mulch or plant life, compacted, and the soil is poor in organic matter. A lovely challenge, no?
Today I was deadheading & thinning their rose campion, a tough little plant that is drought tolerant and can grow in very poor soil. Here's the first one I planted (and you can see why I included the diagram, it is a bit hard to tell what's going on:
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On the left is an overhead view, right is a side-on view. Now, see what happens when you add water:
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It pools at the base of the plant, and then slowly soaks in. Ideally, I'd have a nutritive mulch to add on top, but alas. These are tough little guys, and now when the rains come, they'll actually get watered instead of all that water washing down hill.
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perzawa · 4 years
→ happy birthday!
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jumin han x fem! reader
desc: after a wonderful birthday spent with your family, you think that was all the night had to offer. that is, until jumin gives you just one more surprise. 
genre: smut
warnings: degradation, pet names, squirting, very very small mention of past trauma
word count: 2.8K 
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“now are you sure i can’t drive you both home? i’d love to say goodnight to my daughter in law that way,” the chairman said, kissing your hand. you didn’t oppose him dropping you guys off at home, but jumin consistently pleaded that he’d call a cab for the both of you and that was it. usually, when jumin had his mind set on something - no one could change it. so why object?
both you, and jumin, stood outside - patiently watching multiple cars pass by on the road. subconsciously, you rubbed the side of your arm, still in awe from the afternoon you spent with your family. it was your birthday, after all, so everyone decided to surprise you by taking you out. jumin originally planned to take you out alone and spend time with you himself, but mr. chairman objected, deciding everyone assumed it would be more respectful to wish you a happy birthday to your face. 
who were you to say no? 
jumin must’ve cared a lot, because he could really care less about being anywhere with his father and his new girlfriend of the year. or, for the week, he would say when he complained to you. she seemed extremely sweet, though, and was equally just as pretty. her hair was a radiant shade of blonde and her body was curved, dress exposing every corner of her figure. you could see why he’d be attracted to her in the first place. not only that, but she spoke with such elegance. words flowing smoothly anytime she opened her mouth to take a sip of her red wine. maybe you were a bit naïve, but you’d trust her with your life. 
jumin didn’t share the same thought process, sneering at her whenever she so much as asked if he wanted the salt and pepper shakers to be passed to him through the air or slid on the table. you couldn’t blame him, especially with the history he bore with his father and his unique taste in women. now, Jumin would never call you an idiot to your face, but when you didn’t have a problem with the women his father courted that particular time, he’d make a few comments under his breath about how you needed a lesson in not being a fool to obvious tricks. 
what could you say? seeing the best in people was your forte - for better or worse. that is how your relationship with jumin evolved, isn’t it?
“what’s got you so lost in thought?” he inquired, peeking over at you after a moment of checking his watch. the same one you got him last christmas.it made your heart swell to see him still wearing it. 
“oh, nothing,” you smiled back at him, rocking on your heels. “just really grateful you guys took me out. thanks, baby. i could use this.” 
he scrunched his eyebrows. “of course. it's your birthday.” 
“i know, but still.” you stared at the sidewalk with a small grin plastered on your features. you never actually celebrated your birthday. growing up, your parents were too busy to even remember most days, so you’d spend that special day cooped up in your room with your sister eating whatever you could find in the refrigerator until they arrived at home, crashing in bed as soon as they stepped foot in the house. the cycle always continued, for both you and your sister. jumin knew this. it was the first thing you told him when he tried to have fun with you on your last birthday. 
“you’re sweet.” he muttered, feigning a nonchalant attitude - when really, he was ecstatic to spend the day with the love of his life. 
“the day isn’t over yet,” he spotted the car pulling up in front of you both and held his hand out for you to take, taking your hand gently. “there’s still one thing i wanted to give you before your day is over. okay?” 
heat rose to your face, inciting you to smile wider than before. “a surprise? aw, jumin. you’re so sweet.” you lightly tapped his shoulder to showcase your gratitude, demeanor changing. the man only nodded and opened the door for you, both of you walking in together. it didn’t take long before you arrived home, jumin paying the cab before he took your hand once you both left the vehicle. he reached for his keys, slowly unlocking the door. thin arms pushed the large door open, jumin now smiling over at you once he witnessed your calm demeanor shift into a happier one. one that was more excited and a bit confused. 
you walked in slowly, your eyes watching the red lights and roses leading up the staircase. sure, it was a little cliché, but if jumin did this for you, it was special. 
“how? h-how did you have time?” you choked on your words, expression lighting up as you viewed the lights - eyes gazing over every crevice covered. 
“i paid jaehee,” he stated plainly, observing you for any other movements or hidden emotions. 
you blinked at him. you’d really have to take her on a spa trip after this to apologize. hell, if you knew it was his sadly overworked assistant, you’d just prefer to decorate the house yourself. 
“go on,” he spoke, motioning up the stairs. with patient breaths, your feet slowly stepped up each stair, different flowers on each shiny step. daisies, roses, chrysanthemums. they were so pretty - your heart swale in awe. 
“baby…” you whined, reaching the first room, your bedroom. your shaking hands twisted the handle on the door and pushed it open. now, there were candles here. they illuminated the large room, floor full of roses. heavy hands found themselves clutched over your heart. your grin widened, imagining all of the effort put into this. into pleasing you. 
you bit your bottom lip, strutting closer to the large bed you shared with your lover. there, two different toys had been placed on the sheets. you blinked at them and then blinked at Jumin, turning to face the toys again. “i-,” you trailed off, a clear understanding of what the surprise was now. you gulped, face burning in embarrassment now - eyes wider than ever. 
the tall man walked closer to you, stopping once his body was pressed against your back. he held onto your waist gently, his fingers tickling your soft skin in the dress you wore. 
“you’ve been working so hard, kitten. every single day,” he whispered in your ear. observing your shy, but welcoming reaction, he continued. “let daddy relax you.” 
you breathed out. “o-okay,” you whispered back. your body twitched at his lustful words, eyes focusing on the vibrator and purple dildo that stayed still on the sheets again. jumin held on tighter to your hips, pressing soft kisses to the sides and the back of your neck, whispering a compliment with each kiss. 
“you’re so pretty,” he whispered, kissing your earlobe. 
“and you’re all mine.” his quiet voice tickled the hairs on your skin, a quiet chuckle rumbling from his mouth. he swiped his tongue along your warm neck. 
“i want you so much. every day, i promise...”the man with raven hair admitted, voice low as he assaulted your neck, kissing the sides while he left purple bruises to blossom along your skin. a small moan fell from your lips and you leaned your head to the side - allowing him access. 
“so glad to have you. i’m so happy this is the fourth birthday i’ve spent with my baby.” 
you could feel a rush of blood speed between your legs, pussy gushing with arousal. you rubbed your legs together to abstain some type of friction on your clit, whining when his hands freed themselves from your waist. 
“i wanna see something. do you trust me to make you feel good, y/n?” even after four years together, he always made sure you were comfortable with everything taking place and you couldn’t help but respect that. this wasn’t your first time with him, but every time was always so perfect and comfortable. words couldn’t describe the type of man he was to you. you nodded eagerly, crawling on the bed as the mattress croaked. 
“wanna watch you play with yourself. would you like that, too?” his sultry tone caused your breathing to hitch, “you want that? you wanna see me stroke myself to you playing with that pussy of yours?” you caught a chill from the vulgarity of his word choice, nodding again. your body burned with lust, face just as hot as the rest of you. you grabbed both toys and positioned yourself on your back. biting your lip, you spread your legs and slid your panties down, kicking them to the floor. your dress was pulled up, exposing the heat between your legs, slick trailing down your thighs. 
“you get this wet from me barely touching you? god…” 
his words were like serums full of pleasure, causing you to gush more slick from your cavity. you’d never used a toy a day in your life, but it seemed easy. even then, you were an avid porn consumer. your diligent fingers pressed the plus sign and clicked it until the vibrations were as high as you needed them to be. jumin’s breath died in his throat as he viewed your sinful act intensely. you pushed the head of the vibrator to your aching clit, screaming from the pleasurable shock. jumin, palm pressed to his clothed cock, chuckled darkly - as he watched your innocent face contort into pure debauchery. the touch sent electricity into your body, empty hole gaping over nothing. you were quick, prodding the artificial cock against your opening to gather enough slick before pushing it in, the stretch sending you into another shock. your body arched off of the bed, eyes rolled back into your socket as you moved the vibrator around your sensitive nub, twitching with each roll of plastic on your body. after finding a good pace to fuck yourself at, you bit your lip and looked down at jumin. 
the man was almost moaning himself, palming his hardening cock, eyes lidded and pooling with lust while he watched you stuff your wet channel, wishing it were him. the overwhelming drag of the plastic against your milky walls caused your eyes to tear up, small, salty tears falling as you cried out, toes curling and uncurling the sheets beneath you. you could feel an overwhelming shock build in your stomach as you forced yourself to stare into the dark eyes of your lover - husband watching you fuck yourself. thrust after thrust, your pussy almost reached its peak - body still lustful and needy. the tears on your cheeks began to dry as the bud in your stomach snapped, walls spasming while you came over the plastic. 
jumin groaned, throwing his head back after painfully watching you have your way with your own body. he bit his lip and crawled on the bed, snatching his tie and hauling it across the room - jacket and shirt following after. your breath had died down now, body still wildly twitching, vibrator still assaulting your overused nerves. you whine, drool slipping from the corners of your mouth, stomach bubbling with pleasure again just to witness jumin watching you with such intensity. you could cum again and again just watching him watch you. 
he snatched the vibrator from your grasp, turning the toy off as he threw it on the ground. the dildo followed. 
“you’re so good, kitten. so, so good. you want daddy’s cock this time? are you ready - you okay with that?” 
still buzzed out, the most you could do was moan and nod eagerly, fingers running through your slit to gather slick on your digits, bringing them up to your husbands lips. wet eyelashes blinked up at him, tears drying a bit while newer ones still damped your cheeks. he took them into his mouth, sucking your fingers clean. with his tongue swirling over the thick liquid, jumin groaned, palming at himself from your taste alone. 
“please, jumin. hurry, i’m gonna get so wet again, please. please, please, please, i want you so much.” the words fell so easily from your lips with little to no hesitation. in such a state of babbling, you could care less about what you were saying - as long as your husband played into your blissed-out fantasy. 
wasting no time, he unbuckled his black pants - slim fingers wrapping around his thick cock. you backed into the bed frame, legs still spread wide, eyes glued to jumin’s cock. he groaned, rubbing his cock up and down your pussy to gather enough lube, wetting his dick enough to painlessly slip in. you gaped over nothing, fingers traveling down to rub your sensitive bud. jumin scooted himself closer to you, lifting your ass up in order to line himself up with your wet pussy, cock slipping in slightly. his head filled you, body heaving while you threw your arms around him. he pulled you into his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist as he replaced your spot against the bed frame. “fuck…” 
you could cum on the spot just from feeling him inside of you. just from feeling the head of his cock hit against the hilt of your pussy, walls swallowing his entire cock in an attempt to draw the man in deeper. the shocks of your stretched walls made you convulse, body shaking in pleasure and agony. 
“shit, you feel so good. so right. always,” he spoke in fragments, huffing out his breaths with each word he attempted to speak. you buried your nose into his neck, his hips thrusting upward, cock continuing its assault inside of your pussy. loud cries of antagonizing pleasure rang through the home, your nose now buried into his shoulder, grinding yourself on his lap. jumin gripped your ass, thick length working inside of you while your slick dripped to the shaft of his dick.
“jumin - god, so good. you feel so good,” you grunted, slipping your arm between you both to snake a finger down to your sensitive clit, pussy spamming around his hard length. jumin moaned, both of your pants and gasps of neediness bubbling in the air, loud enough for you both to hear each other but not high enough to receive a noise complaint. 
“kitten… fuck, your pussy’s - fuck, a mess. did I get you this wet?” he asked through strained moans and quiet grunts. 
embarrassed, your mouth instinctively stayed shut, simply rocking your heavy botty along his - meeting each quick thrust. 
“answer, good girl. go ahead. shit - know you’re embarrassed,” he pressed his moist lips to your neck, gripping your hair with one hand. you released a small moan, edging him to go on. he gripped the strands, “i know you want this. tell me who got you this way, tell me how much of a slut you are for me.”  
“jumin - please, you. you, you, you, you, you. god, fuck - i’m so fucking wet for you. feels so good inside me, gonna cum.” 
he thrust his cock into you at a faster place, the tip of his cock hitting against your g-spot. more tears rushed down your eyes and he wiped them away, whispering praises in your ear while he fucked his load into you, the branch in both of your stomachs snapping. for the first time, you’d both cum at the same time.  
jumin grunted, his hips stuttering inside of you, making sure no cum would escape. 
“gonna push this as deep as i can. make you a mommy.” you moaned at the implications that he would impregnate you, the thought causing your body to begin shaking, his quick-moving cock sparking a different feeling, an overwhelming one. you could feel the heat rush to your pussy, your body sore - but you kept fucking yourself onto him. couldn’t stop even if you tried. a warm feeling bubbled in your stomach, nails raking his pale back, marking him as yours and no one else’s. you clenched your toes, a clear liquid gushing from your pussy and onto the bed, wetting his chest in the process. You instantly fell backwards, head hitting the sheets on the bed with a loud screech.
your pussy twitched, his cock now slowly removing itself from your cavity while you laid exposed on the bed, breathing erratic and sped up. 
“squirting all over me. what a bad girl.” sweat rained down your forehead, as well as jumin’s, body paralyzed from the excessive amounts of pleasure rushing through you.
jumin pulled you off of him and was now on his knees, cock soaked in your juices. the over sensitivity made him groan before he tucked himself in. the man with raven hair leaned down into your ear, kissing your earlobes before whispering. 
“happy birthday, slut.”
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rosepoems · 3 years
Everything is Different
Paul Celan
Everything is different from what you think, from what I think, the flag still flutters, the little secrets are still secret, they still throw shadows, on this you live, I live, we live.
The silver coin on your tongue melts, it tastes of tomorrow, of forever, a road to Russia rises into your heart, the Karelian birch has waited, the name Osip comes toward you, you tell him what he already knows, he takes it, he takes it off you with hands, you detach his arms from their shoulder, the right, the left, you fasten yours in their stead, with hands, with fingers, with lines,
—what tore off, grows back together again— you have them now, so take them now, you have them both, the name, the name, the hand, the hand, there, take them as your pledge, he takes that too, and you have again what’s yours, what was his,
push air into your lungs, you row through the canals, lagoons, and grachten, in wordlight, no Why at the stern, no Where-to at the bow, a ram’s horn lifts you —Tekiah!— like a trumpet blast above nights into day, the augurs
maul each other, man has his peace, god has his, love returns to the beds, the hair of the women grows back, the inturned bud on their breasts rises to day again, toward life-, toward heart-lines it wakens in your hand, that rose along the loinpath,—
what is it called, you country behind the mountain, behind the year? I know what it’s called. Like the Winter’s Tale, it is called, it is called like the Summer’s Tale, your mother’s Three-Year-Land, that’s what it was, what it is, it wanders everywhere, like language, throw it away, throw it away, then you’ll have it again, like that pebble from the Moravian swale your thought carried to Prague, to the grave, all the graves, into life,
it’s long gone, like the letters, like all the lanterns, you must search for it again, there it is, it’s small, it lies there, [um die Ecke, da liegt er]
near Normandy-Niemen—in Bohemia, there, there, there, behind the house, in front of the house, white it is, white, it says: Today—counts. White it is, white, a water- surge rushes through it, a heartsurge, a river, you know its name, the banks hang heavy with day, like the name, you scan it, with your hand: Alba.
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