#Leva Tiree
owlart18 · 1 year
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Baby, I've been there before
I was at the point where all I really wanted was someone
And now I'm still hanging on
I was at the end of every tether waiting for what once was
Lyrics from “What Once Was” by Her’s
The song is not specifically relevant but it is what I was listening to on loop when I worked on this new plot point!
(Commission info here | Pride icon commission info here)
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ghostlystrangers · 2 years
i know vent posting is stupid and crytyping is cringe and i know i should be oevr something yhat happened months ago but ist mot fair and i jsut want help ive gotten help and its still not enoygh it will never be enoygh because atupid thinsg still trigger it and i miss them i miss them i miss them i miss them amd its not gair its not fair
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How great would it have been to have Lila and Diego’s marital problems actually be that they’re both tired of normal marital life, when both of them are secretly getting back into the superhero / assassin gig behind eachother’s backs?
Like, ok Diego can still has his infidelity suspicion plot, thinking lila is cheating on him with five (which is fake. Didn’t happen at all. We all agree right?) but it turns out that Lila and Five are actually meeting up to plot, talking about old commission stuff on the downlow. Diego sneaks out to find them having dinner and he’s heartbroken, but it’s actually them eating takeout over assassination plans with files all over the table detailing how to kill someone without a trace, with pictures of alleyway vantage points and sniper rifles.
I didn’t expect this to end up being A Whole Thing but I had to write it out. Full thing under the cut:
Meanwhile, Diego’s been lying to Lila about losing his job. He hasn’t shown up for work in weeks, and recently got fired. Levaing the family financially unstable. Diego’s still showing up to be a dad during his usual scheduled times, but he hasn’t been paid in a while and both parents seem to be pulled away in different directions. And now the kids have begun to notice. This comes to a peak when one of their kids spot someone in their house at night dressed in black, and they tell Lila later that they saw Batman. Obviously Lila sees right through this and confronts Diego, who confronts her right back over her infidelity. Lila laughs in his face, because he’d have to be insane to think she’s ever do that, and with Five?? The barely-legal teenager who killed her parents? Are you stupid?? (Stares directly at the camera). But Diego’s hurt. He can’t get a clear answer on what they’re doing because she doesn’t want to admit she’s tired of being a housewife and wants to kick ass again. All they can agree on is that this isn’t working anymore, neither of them are happy, and they just hurt each others feelings.
So this fight ends in Diego storming out. They’re on a break. Lila is heartbroken, the kids don’t know what’s going on, and Diego throws himself wholeheartedly into being a vigilante again. It’s shown he’s fighting some shady organization that seems to have far reaching ties—related to Reginald, Abigail, and their new reset empire. Lila doesn’t know what to do, she gets some in-laws to stay over and look after the kids as she goes out to look for him (to no avail) and it ends up being the day she and five planned on their big assassination happening. Lila caves and says to five he’s gotta do this himself because her family is falling apart. Five is annoyed and makes a quip about how this is why he never lets romantic attachments get in in the way of him doing a job (stares directly into camera).
So five takes his sniper rifle and goes to the location early, where he’s positioned to take out their mark. Lila is out looking for Diego, and Diego is kitted up, on his way to take out these shady people he’s been making a case on, and intends to stop what they’re doing before they do it.
Anyone pick up where this is going yet?
Diego shows up at the location—a shady laboratory owned in secret by Reginald Hargreeves. The place is familiar. Diego slips into an alleyway. but what’s this? We’ve seen It’s the exact same alleyway but from a different point of view! Five is perched on the roof with a sniper, looking down at him. He gets his quarry in his sights and takes one final, steadying breath. This mission is going exactly as planned. The idiot showed up right as predicted. He didn’t even come with backup this time. It’s a textbook fish in a barrel. It’s almost disappointing how this couldn’t be an easier kill. But maybe Five’s glory days are just behind him. He puts his finger on the trigger.
Cut to diego and Lila’s house. It’s dark inside. Gracie and the twins have been put to bed and the in-laws are tired and in the living room. A phone rings, and it’s Lila, calling to say she hasn’t found Diego and is hoping he came back, but it’s not the case. Lila says she’ll be back soon and the in-laws begin packing up to go home. Gracie stands in the hallway, overhearing. To her, her whole world is falling apart, and she runs back to the twin’s bedroom in tears. She can’t believe this is happening. The lights are turned off in the hallway and the house grows quiet. The front door opens and closes and it’s implied that the in-laws have just gone home. Mum will be back soon, but the twins won’t stop crying, so Gracie gets up to get them some milk and cookies to make them happy again. She steps out into the dark hallway
To see a man dressed like Batman, in full fight gear. And she looks up at him with hope in her eyes, saying “daddy?”
Only surprise! It’s not, and they grab her as she lets out a scream. We cut to Diego as he reaches to open the door at the end of the alley only to find it locked, and realize he’s been set up. He spins around only for a gunshot to sound, and it cuts to black.
Lila comes back to the house. Finds it trashed. Finds her Inlaws murdered in horrific fashion in the driveway. Gracie and the twins are gone. And the little domestic life she and Diego made destroyed as we cut back to Diego, bleeding out in the street from what looks like a fatal gunshot.
Then five comes down from his perch to confirm his kill, only to realize what he’s just done.
So there. Here’s a dramatic, non-cheating subplot that has a similar amount of stakes that we could’ve had with season 4. Maybe Lila and Five end up going on a crusade for everyone to get their powers back so they can bring Diego back from the dead. Maybe this is what leads them to the subway, to mess with the timeline again, because as commission agents they can’t let go of the idea that time can be fixed and it isn’t theirs to mess with anymore. Maybe this sends Lila over the edge, and when trapped in the subway with five—she tries to murder him instead!! After all, he’s not only killed her parents, he’s now killed her husband! Why not have five scramble to figure out a way back for all those years while running for his life? (While a scooby-doo like soundtrack plays and they get all turned around and confused). Maybe Diego isn’t actually dead in the end, and it’s all a bait and switch to fool Reginald, who was watching and lines the whole thing up to fuck with them. Taking the kids as a deterrent so they won’t dig any deeper. But maybe in the last second before five pulls the trigger five hesitates. Maybe he doesn’t have what it takes to murder anymore. He swore it off earlier—what glory is he really chasing anyway? Maybe he recognizes the gait of the person in the alley and makes a non-killing shot to just take them out. Maybe he saw ahead that this was a setup by Reginald and made an agreement with Diego and filled his vest full of blood packets. And he fully knows Lila and Diego are both doing secret little vigilante gigs behind each others backs but tells neither because he really doesn’t want to get in the way of some stuffy marital dispute. Nooooo thanks. He had enough of that when he and Delores were together and bickering constantly. Five just wants his family alive and happy in whatever timeline they end up. (Chokes the spirit of Steve Blackman just a little bit harder)
Anyway, everyone else thinks Diego is dead; and all get together again. Weddings and funerals uniting them once more, and each of them reveal how life didn’t turn out how they wanted on their own, and they get to bond and unite to track down Gracie and the twins. “One last time” they agree, to be heroes and finally do something right. To save some little kids. Members of their family! Innocent ones, who don’t deserve to be caught up in their mess. And it culminates in confronting Reginald once and for all and destroying the ill-gotten gains he warped the universe in his favor for. And Reginald’s gone the rest of them can finally have peace of mind. Maybe the timeline genuinely gets better now that one monocoled megalomaniacal maniac isn’t in the centre of the universe anymore. The very thing that doomed the timeline before. And now the umbrellas are able to disband and go on in their lives as normal people in a timeline that exists with no favouritism at all. It’s all just what they make of it
(and hey! Maybe Diego comes back out of hiding and saves the day! And he and Lila both confess they want to take more active roles outside of being parents. And their kids are wowed by the fact that their parents are both superheroes. And it’s cool and awesome and I don’t sob at a very tragic defeatist ending of all I hold dear).
I don’t know guys. There’s so many different ways the final season could’ve gone, but not in a million years would I have chosen to make it go the way it did. That’s a whole other post—but in the end, I just know I’ll be entertaining my own little ideas for what happens to these characters I’ve grown and loved, and keep them alive in my own heart and AU story ideas. Thats the true canon for me, and the rest is just… fuss and marigold dust
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gimmenctar · 4 months
imagino mto o jaemin com aquele jeitinho canalha dele sendo obcecado pelos seios e bumbum da namorada, toda vez que ela distraída com algo e ele chega por trás e deposita um tapa na bunda dela ou então quando eles estão deitando o mesmo apalpa os seios da mulher começa a apertar morder chupa-los
te conheci agora e já adorei muito sua escrita
o jaemin é popularmente conhecido por ser hiperfixado em peito e bunda, os amigos já nem reclamam mais. quando ele revelou isso pra você, foi uma faca de dois gumes. você obviamente se sente desejada, mas também não pode dar mole ao lado dele porque se não...
é comum que ele use seus peitinhos como travesseiro pra relaxar, mas hoje tá calor e você ta inquieta embaixo dele. percebendo seu incômodo, jaemin sugere que você tire a camisa. de primeira você nega, sabendo que o sorriso do cafajeste tem várias intenções por trás. jaemin é tão insistente que te vence, e ele não demora a enfiar seus mamilos na boca.
no início, você só ri da carência do namorado, mas ele leva muito a sério. ele te chupa com vontade, brinca com a sua sensibilidade bem do jeito que ele sabe que te deixa encharcada lá embaixo.
jaemin põe sua mão no pau enrijescido, já louco pra meter em você no estilo papai e mamãe e ver seus seios balançarem com a força que ele te fode.
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philomenie · 20 days
Hitman!Jolly fic
CN murder, violence, sex, organized crime, blood, angst, 18+
@jilliemiw86 @nojoyontheburn @reyadawn @dsireland86
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“If you keep cooking for me like this every day, I'm going to burst!” Olivia gasps blissfully, pushing her plate away. Jolly grins into his wine glass before taking a big sip, “I'm glad you like it!” “Absolutely!” Olivia smiles and leans back, ”Let's do the washing up tomorrow....” “Hmm, I'll clear up quickly.... Why don't you lie down on the couch... I'll be right there!” Jolly explains gently. “OK... but hurry up!” Olivia kisses him before heading into the living room. Jolly knows she must be dead tired after work, so he quickly puts everything away and into the dishwasher. When he has finished and goes to Olivia in the living room, she is curled up on the couch, already asleep.
Smiling, Jolly bends over her and lifts her up, causing her to open her eyes in shock, “It's all right, min Liv, I'm just putting you to bed!” he whispers tenderly and Olivia nestles trustingly in his arms as he takes her into the bedroom. He skillfully throws back the covers and lets himself slide into bed with her in his arms. Olivia immediately snuggles up to him, “I'm totally exhausted!” she sighs. “I know, min Liv, I've got you, sleep peacefully!” whispers Jolly tenderly. Tired, Olivia blinks up one last time before falling asleep, “I love you...” she whispers, smiling. “I love you too ....” Jolly kisses her on her forehead, watching her visibly relax and grow heavy in his arms.
„Innan jag träffade dig visste jag inte vad kärlek var ... du äger mitt hjärta, min själ, min kropp ... allt. Du gör mig komplett, gör mitt liv komplett ... Jag visste inte att jag behövde dig för att leva, för att verkligen leva, innan du var det enkel överlevnad..... Gud Liv, du är den mest värdefulla gåva jag någonsin har fått! Och det faktum att du vill ha mig känns fortfarande som en dröm som jag är rädd att jag ska vakna upp ur en dag ... Jag är din, bara din! Before I met you, I didn't know what love was... you own my heart, my soul, my body... everything. You complete me, make my life complete... I didn't know that I needed you to live, to really live, before you it was simple survival..... God Liv, you are the most precious gift I have ever received! And the fact that you want me still seems like a dream that I'm afraid I'll wake up from one day... I'm yours, yours alone!” he whispers with emotion in his voice and notices a tear running down his cheek. When Olivia moves in his arms and looks up at him, he is startled at first, “I thought you were asleep!” he whispers harshly. “Hmm, almost.... I love it when you speak Swedish!” she smiles and brushes the tear away with her fingertip, ‘What did you say to me!’ she wants to know. “That I love you... that I'm yours... only yours!” Jolly whispers harshly. “Mine!” Olivia nods, ‘And I'm yours!’ she kisses him on his soft lips. Jolly pulls her as close as he can, never wanting to let her go for a second.
“You want to talk, here I am!” explains Jolly as he closes the door to Kolja's office in his club behind him. “Sit down!” Kolja nods at him, pointing to an armchair in front of his desk, ‘Drink?’ he wants to know. Jolly shrugs his shoulder, “If you've got a beer there.....” Kolja snorts in amusement, “I can get it!” He opens the door and yells at one of the girls to bring a bottle of beer to his office. After Jolly has his beer, Kolja leans back in his desk chair, puts his fingertips together and looks appraisingly at Jolly, who calmly returns the look. “You killed the bastard who had Artur on his conscience.....” Kolja begins. “Hmm” nods Jolly. “Strange coincidence, don't you think?” he then wants to know from Jolly. “What exactly?” he asks. “Well... my father tells Artur to fuck off because he's unsuitable in his eyes. Artur then suddenly disappears and his body is found at our informant's....., a man Artur has nothing to do with.... It's all a bit strange, if you ask me!” Kolja looks at Jolly and waits. “Hmmm,” Jolly shrugs his shoulder.
“Then two of Artur's men have also disappeared, probably dead too.... His remaining man for everything is accordingly nervous!” explains Kolja. “His remaining man?” Jolly asks calmly, although he suddenly feels sick to his stomach at the thought that there is a third man who knows about him and Olivia. “Hmm, Fedor, he thinks it's all more than strange too!” grumbles Kolja, looking Jolly straight in the eye, ”And that's where you come in!” “In what way?” replies Jolly coldly, his nausea intensifying immensely, but remaining outwardly calm as ever. “My father..... HE must be the one who killed Artur. Anything else makes no sense at all!” Kolja grumbles and Jolly exhales, ”Talk to him! You're the only one he might tell the truth to. I just have to know!” “I can try!” concedes Jolly, ”But I don't know if he'll tell me anything!” “Just talk to him tomorrow!” nods Kolja. The men look at each other in silence. “Nadja, hmm?” Kolja then grins at Jolly, ”You could have had her! You know that!” “Hmm” Jolly nods slowly, ”I like her.....” “You're fucking her!” laughs Kolja. “Not anymore!” Jolly shakes his head and takes a deep pull from his bottle. “Because of Sergei?” Kolja wants to know “Hmm” nods Jolly, ”Otherwise it's just trouble!”
“Nadja certainly doesn't see it that way!” Kolja teases him. “She can, I see it that way!” Jolly tries to end the topic. “Do you have another one?” Kolja starts again. FUCK.... Just shut your stupid mouth, thinks Jolly annoyed and shakes his head, “No!” “Take Kira! She'd be a good match for you!” laughs Kolja. “I don't need anyone, thanks!” Jolly tries again. “Hmm,” Kolja grumbles, shaking his head, but finally stops talking about it. “Oh well.... I almost forgot!” Kolja then snorts, ”Kusma is here! As an outward sign of our connection, you're going to get another tattoo! With my initials and my mark! Just like all my other men!” Jolly presses his jaws together and has to breathe in and out calmly. Unbridled rage wells up inside him. So he is to be marked again.... For his new master, so to speak. Jolly lowers his eyelids so as not to give himself away and sips from the label of his beer bottle. To stall for time, he asks, “Hm, today?” “Why not today? I think it's a good time. You'll officially be my new right-hand man at Artur's wake!” smiles Kolja. “Hmmm” nods Jolly with an uneasy feeling in her stomach ‘And can I choose the position?’ he wants to know. “I'd like it on your right cheekbone!” explains Kolja, ‘KSW’ he adds.
Jolly just stares straight ahead, knowing that if he says anything or even moves now, he will completely lose his temper. Kolja looks at him challengingly and Jolly lifts his head, looks him straight in the eye, “NO! NOT in my fucking face!” he declares more than clearly. Kolja is speechless, just stares at Jolly, opens his mouth and closes it again, like a fish out of water, then clears his throat, “My other men get it in exactly the same place!” “But I'm your right-hand man and not one of your henchmen....” Jolly growls angrily. Kolja looks at him with narrowed eyes, “Maybe you're right....” he then concedes, “Very well... somewhere else then!” Jolly leans back, relieved that his face has been spared for the time being. What he is not spared, however, is the tattoo itself and Nadja. Kusma has routinely tattooed Kolja's initials and mark onto Jolly's skin and taped them directly below Semjon's initials. Jolly angrily pulls his shirt back on, while Kusma already has the next of Kolja's men under his needle. He is so distracted by his anger that he doesn't even notice Nadja stepping next to him. He only notices her when she runs her hand over his bare chest.
“It's been a long time since I've seen..... TOO long!” she smiles. Jolly takes her hand away, “What are you doing Nadja....” he growls and buttons up his shirt. Nadja stands in front of him and pushes her hands through his hair, claws into a tuft at the back of his head and pulls his head up so that he has to look at her. “Still HER?” Nadja hisses dangerously quietly. Jolly's gaze flickers briefly to the side to make sure no one hears them. “Still her.....” Nadja swallows realizing and looks at Jolly stunned, bending her mouth to his ear, “Don't worry... I won't betray you, but you will leave her! Otherwise......” Nadja leaves the sentence unfinished. In a flash, Jolly's hand moves forward and grips Nadja's throat. This time it's him who leans towards her ear, “Don't threaten me and especially not her.... Never do that again, do you understand me?” he growls, barely audible, and squeezes her throat even tighter, only to let go immediately afterwards. Gasping and holding her neck, Nadja stumbles back and looks at Jolly, her eyes wide with bewilderment. “You're out of your mind!” she then croaks, ”I hardly know you anymore!” “You never knew me!” Jolly throws at her. “But she does?” Nadja hisses jealously, ”She knows you? Don't tell me... she doesn't even know WHO you are, WHAT you are!” she laughs bitterly. Jolly steps up close to Nadja, “Yes, she knows me, she knows WHO I am, WHAT I am... and guess what, she still wants me!” he rumbles. Nadja's eyes widen in horror, “You told her the truth?” she swallows. “Yes, I did!” growls Jolly. “That's your death sentence!” Nadja chokes out. “Not if you keep your fucking mouth shut and leave me alone... Tomorrow you're getting engaged to Sergei... Get on his nerves or find yourself a new toy. I'm no longer available!” he grumbles. “You still don't get it, do you?” Nadja wants to know, ”You can't just play nice with your little bitch.....” Jolly looks at Nadja in disgust, “Jealousy doesn't suit you, Nadja!” he growls and leaves her standing there. FUCK... the evening is a disaster, he thinks to himself in despair. Nadja leaves him alone for the rest of the evening and Jolly longs for a suitable time to leave the party. Kolja is now drunk as a skunk, or at least it looks that way. Brooding to himself, he sips his vodka again and again. He detests vodka, but Kolja has insisted that a vodka toast be made in Artur's honor. Jolly's nerves are stretched to breaking point and he just wants to go home to his Liv.... He also resolves to contact Doi again on Sunday at the latest to ask him when the fucking papers will finally be ready..…
He flinches in irritation as his cell phone buzzes in his pocket. He quickly takes it out to see who is trying to contact him. Liv... He hastily presses her message and furrows his brows, reads her message again and then bangs his fist on the table. FUCK!!!! She can't possibly be serious, he thinks to himself and has to take a deep breath to stop himself from freaking out. Olivia has just informed him that she has been invited to her colleague's bachelorette party at short notice and, as this colleague is her immediate superior, she couldn't turn it down without upsetting her. So she is currently in a bar with her colleagues..... Jolly only has one question for Olivia, “WHERE?” Nervously he waits for her answer, when she comes he jumps up, goes to Kolja, who is lying with his face in Hanna's bosom. “Kolja....” Jolly shakes him, ”Kolja, can you hear me?” Kolja lifts his head sluggishly, “Hmm” “I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow!” Jolly explains curtly. “Hmm” Kolja mumbles and lets his face fall back onto Hanna's bosom, who smiles and strokes his hair. Jolly storms downstairs. The evening IS an absolute disaster!!!
Jolly enters the bar with a clenched jaw and looks around searchingly. It's crowded and stuffy, loud music blaring from the speakers. He still can't believe that Olivia has come here with him after everything that has happened. And especially without him..... He feels his heart race as he pushes his way through the crowd to get to the counter. “Hey... I'm looking for my girlfriend!” he says to the bartender, ”Tall, pretty, dark long curls. She's out with colleagues, bachelorette party.” he explains quickly. “Hmm” nods the bartender, ”They're upstairs, second floor!” “Thanks, man!” nods Jolly and is already on his way up, tying his hair back by forming the top half into a bun. When he reaches the second floor, he can immediately make out the group Olivia must be traveling with. FUCK... drunk women.... he thinks to himself resignedly as he makes out the giggling, laughing women. One or two male colleagues seem to be there too. Only WHERE is Liv, he thinks to himself and pushes forward to find her until he sees her. He pauses, stares at her. His Liv and another woman are dancing and laughing to the loud music. Her movements are smooth, she is completely caught up in the melody. Jolly can't tear his gaze away from her, nor can he move. The image in front of him has enchanted him, just as Liv has enchanted him.
He notices how a smile forms on his face and he relaxes. Jolly crosses his arms in front of his chest and just watches her, taking in the relaxed atmosphere. Until some asshole steps behind his Liv and definitely presses himself too close to her, daring to put his filthy hands on her hips. Liv tries to shake the guy off, which only makes the idiot laugh and grab her upper arm. He tries to pull her to him..... He tries, because Jolly is already beside him, gripping his wrist with an iron grip, squeezing brutally, making the asshole look at him in irritation. “You're putting your hands on the wrong woman!” he growls quietly, ‘She's mine!’ and steps even closer to the guy. Olivia, who has been watching all this speechlessly, sees Jolly's free hand twitch and immediately takes it in hers, “Nothing else has happened!” she whispers to him. Jolly has to control himself, he would love to beat the guy to a pulp. Not just because he touched his Liv, but also because the whole evening was just shit and this is the icing on the cake for him. But he tells himself to calm down and pushes the guy away, “Get out!” he snarls at him as he stumbles back. Olivia stands in front of Jolly, puts her arms around his neck, “Look at me!” she demands in an alcohol-soaked voice, “Nothing happened!”
Jolly's gaze flickers as he looks at her, “Because I got there in time!” he snorts angrily, but wraps his arms tightly around her waist and pulls her close, “I don't want you out at night without me!” he gulps, “I told you, there are too many idiots and lunatics out here!” Olivia snuggles up to him, “I really had my fun!” she chortles, “Except for that guy.....” “Hmm” grumbles Jolly, noticing how Olivia's colleagues are eyeing him curiously, ”Let's go home!” “In a minute.....” whines Olivia, ‘I want to dance with my boyfriend!’ grinning. “Heavens!” gasps Jolly in amusement, ”I can't dance!” “Hmmm, you'll learn then!” laughs Olivia and starts to move to the beat. Jolly feels overwhelmed at first, but then he moves with Olivia's body and rests his head against hers. “See?” she laughs, ‘I knew you could move... after all.....’ she raises an eyebrow teasingly and lets her gaze fall briefly on his crotch. Jolly leans towards her ear, “Just wait until we get back home, then I'll show you exactly HOW well I can move!” and kisses her neck tenderly.
Laughing, Olivia snuggles up to him, “Let's just have fun tonight, dance, have a drink... A date! A normal date between two normal people who love each other! PLEASE!” “Of course, min Liv!” Jolly kisses her lips and pulls Olivia close, ”Let's be just that tonight!” Jolly carries Olivia into her apartment and lays her down on the couch. “Stay here!” she giggles and kisses him on the lips. “I'll stay here... just let me lock the front door!” he smiles shaking his head as Olivia has definitely had too much to drink. When he comes back to her and sits down next to her on the couch, she reaches for the button placket of his shirt and starts to unbutton it. Smiling, he lets her do it, grabs her neck and kisses her deeply. Olivia impatiently pulls his shirt off his shoulders and then runs her hands over his bare chest, runs them down his sides, then stops and pauses in her movement. “What's that?” she wants to know, pushing him back so she can look at him. FUCK... that fucking tattoo, Jolly thinks. “Hmm, nothing else!” he tries to distract her.
“Don't bullshit me!” Olivia sits up, “Let me see, that's yet another new bandage!” “Yes.... No....” Jolly shakes his head, but then sighs and turns so that Olivia can see. Frowning, she looks at him. “A tattoo..... not by choice.... Kolja insisted on it..... his initials and his sign.....” explains Jolly. “Such an asshole......” Olivia hisses angrily. “Hmm, first he wanted me to get it on my cheekbone!” shrugs Jolly with his shoulder. Olivia looks at him speechless, then shakes her head, “We really need our new papers! You HAVE to get out of there!” “I'll call Doi on Sunday and ask!” Jolly kisses the top of her head. Olivia snuggles up to him, “I always want it to be like tonight...” she whispers. “Hmm, me too and we'll get that too, min Liv!” smiles Jolly, ”I'll make sure of that!
Groaning, Olivia pulls the comforter over her head and curls up under it, pressing her head against Jolly's chest, “Turn that fucking alarm clock off!” she croaks. Laughing, Jolly fishes for it and turns it off, then takes Olivia in his arms. “I feel sick....” she moans, ”And my head is still pounding... I'll never have another sip of alcohol!” Jolly laughs softly, “I'll make us breakfast, I'm sure you'll feel better afterwards!” “Hmm” Olivia grumbles, then looks at him, ‘Let's just stay in bed tonight!’ she looks at him pleadingly, ”I can call in sick.....” “Liv, you know I'd love nothing more than that....” sighs Jolly, ”But I have to go to the fucking engagement party. I can't NOT show up there. Even though I have absolutely no desire to!” “Say you're sick....” Olivia pleads with him. “I can't....” whispers Jolly harshly, ”I have to go there!” “Every time you're with these people, something happens. You get hurt or something....” whispers Olivia. “Not this time, I'm sure. It's just an engagement party! I have to go, stay a while and I'll be gone as soon as I can!” he assures her. “Promise me that nothing will happen to you!” Olivia looks into Jolly's eyes insistently. “I promise you!” Jolly kisses her, ”You go and have a shower, I'll make us breakfast in the meantime! And tomorrow we'll spend the whole day in bed!” “Promise?” Olivia wants to know. “Promise, min Liv!” Jolly smiles, pulls her close and kisses her deeply.
“Are you feeling better?” Jolly asks with a smile after Olivia has eaten her pancakes. “Hmm” she nods, ”A little....” “Do you want me to pick you up later?” Jolly wants to know. “Hmm” she nods, ”Although I don't know if I can leave on time today. It's always busier at the weekend!” “Never mind, I'll wait for you then!” explains Jolly and starts to clear the table. Olivia stands up, helps him, then grabs his hand, entwines her fingers in his, kisses him, “I love you!” she whispers, “More than I can say!” Moved, Jolly looks at her, gently strokes her cheek, then takes her chin in his hand and kisses her too, “You're my life, min Liv!” he whispers harshly, resting his forehead against hers. “I don't want to move...” whispers Olivia. “Hmm” smiles Jolly, ”If I could, I'd freeze this moment forever! But even if I can't, there will be thousands of moments like this!” “Will there?!” gulps Olivia, ”Swear to me!” “It will!” nods Jolly, ”You don't have to be afraid....” Olivia clings to him, “It's just.... When we're together, it's all good, but when you're away... I'm always afraid you won't come back!” “I come back, I come back every time... I can't help but keep coming back to you! You are my North Star, my Polar Star!” whispers Jolly as his lips gently kiss her neck. “Swear it!” she asks him again. “I swear to you!” Jolly kisses her. “You look elegant!” Olivia lets her eyes slide over Jolly, who is wearing a black suit, a dark gray shirt and a black tie. Black leather boots complete his outfit. He has tied his hair up in a half bun, wears his silver cross as an earring and silver rings. “You can hardly see any of the bruises!” Olivia nods as she strokes his face tenderly, ”Except for the scars!” Jolly takes her hand, kisses her fingertips, “They'll be the last!” he explains seriously, “Well, except for two!” he then qualifies. “Two new scars?” Olivia asks, frowning. “Hmm” nods Jolly, ”I want the bloody initials and marks off my skin. As soon as this is over, I'm going to remove them!” “You're not going to cut them out, are you?” Olivia looks at him in shock. Jolly shrugs his shoulder, “How else?!” “Oh, I'm not a doctor by any chance and can remove it painlessly, you idiot?!” she snarls at him. “If you would do that.....” whispers Jolly. “What do you think? Of course!” Olivia shakes her head, ”Nothing better than that! Then you'll be rid of the outward signs!” “Hmm!” nods Jolly, ‘Better today than tomorrow!’ he grumbles. Olivia looks at her watch, “You have to go!” she gulps. “Hmm, I'll pick you up from work afterwards!” he whispers, then looks into her eyes, smiles, ‘Min Liv!’ and kisses her lips tenderly.
The engagement party at Semjon's house is a typical Russian engagement party, lots of guests, lots of alcohol, loud blessings for the future bride and groom. Nadja and Sergej let themselves be celebrated. Nadja keeps showing off her sinfully expensive engagement ring, which all the women present look at, some enviously, some enthusiastically. Jolly stands on the sidelines, sipping from his bottle of beer and preferring to watch rather than be in the middle of the action. Kolja, like most of them, is drunk by now. So is Sergei, the groom-to-be, and Oleg, Nadja's father and Semjon's right-hand man. Semjon himself is probably sober, Jolly estimates, as he has hardly had anything to drink. Inga is sitting next to him, smiling and with her hand on his shoulder. The core of the Russian mafia is currently in one place.... A high risk in itself, if you look at it that way, Jolly thinks to himself. Nadja comes up to him and stands next to him.
“Nice party!” Jolly nods at her. “It could have been our engagement party!” Nadja starts again. Jolly rolls his eyes in annoyance, “Nadja.... Stop it! I'll never marry you!” “Because of her?!” she hisses immediately. “Yes!” nods Jolly, ”And because I know you.... It would never have worked out between us....” “We could have tried!” she retorts unusually fiercely and Jolly sees a tear flash in the corner of her eye, which she hastily wipes away. Jolly looks at her thoughtfully, “You always said there was nothing serious between us!” “Do you think I'm going to reveal my feelings? Let me get hurt, used like all the other women here are used?” she hisses at him. “Maybe it would have made a difference!” Jolly presses out after a while, ”I was in love with you....... In the beginning.....” Jolly admits strangely frankly. Nadja looks at him speechlessly, “In love?!” she croaks soundlessly. “Hmm” shrugs Jolly with his shoulder, ”But that doesn't matter now!” “Why didn't you say anything?” Nadja asks, stunned. “Why would I?! For the same reasons you did..... Besides, I was sure Semjon would kill me if I wanted to marry you!” explains Jolly, taking a swig from his bottle. “We could have had ANYTHING!” whispers Nadja tonelessly. Jolly shakes his head, “No... we've always had other life plans, Nadja. Don't kid yourself. It would never have worked out with us anyway!”
“You love her?” she suddenly wants to know from him again. “Yes... I do!” sighs Jolly, ”More than anything else in this fucking world. I'm happy with her, Nadja, and believe it or not, I wish you the same with Sergei from the bottom of my heart!” “I don't love him!” Nadja shakes her head. “Hmm, then use him, secure your power. You're right.... Kolja is no Semjon. Play your cards skillfully, maybe it'll be your turn soon!” explains Jolly. Nadja looks at him questioningly, “Do you know more than I do?” “Hmm, no!” Jolly shakes his head, ”I only got to spend time with Kolja...” Nadja laughs, puts her hand on his chest, “I'm really going to miss you Jolly.... Our time together!” “Wasn't the worst in all that shit!” grins Jolly. “No, definitely not!” laughs Nadja and becomes serious again, ”Take care of yourself.... Especially if you don't want to let her go. It could be dangerous for you and her!” “Thanks Nadja, I'll look after myself and her!” nods Jolly. “She's damn lucky!” Nadja chokes out and stretches up, kissing him on the lips. She takes her hands and puts them around his face. Jolly automatically puts his arm around Nadja's waist and lets the kiss happen, knowing it's a goodbye kiss. When Nadja lets go of him, tears run down her face, “I've always loved you!” she gulps. “Hmm,” nods Jolly.
“It's too late now.... I didn't think so!” she swallows again. “Nadja.... You are important to me. You'll always be important to me!” Jolly declares seriously. “That's really worth a lot to me!” Nadja nods, strokes his face one last time, then turns around, wipes the tears from her face and puts on her radiant smile again as she walks back to the other guests. Jolly looks after her with mixed feelings. Finding out that she loves him, has always loved him, is not so easy for him, as he was deeply in love with her at the beginning, which has changed over time, partly because he was never sure of her feelings. But if he had the choice between Nadja and Liv now, he wouldn't have to think about it for a second. His choice would always fall back on Liv.
He stands there lost in thought and doesn't even notice how hectic things suddenly become. It's only when Inga's shrill screams echo through the room that he looks up, startled. Jolly starts to move, pushing his way through the frozen people until he sees what is causing Inga's screams. Semjon is slumped in his chair, blood trickling from his nose and he is unconscious. Jolly himself is now frozen, his ears are ringing. He cannot comprehend what he is seeing. Is Semjon about to die? Inga sees him amidst the staring, shocked people and grabs him, shaking him “DO SOMETHING!” she yells at him, which brings Jolly out of his state of shock. “He has to go to hospital!” Jolly nods and wants to dial the emergency number.
“No, it'll take too long! You have to take him there! NOW!” Inga howls in despair. Jolly nods silently, FUCK.... The nearest hospital is the one where Liv works, he remembers off the top of his head, but all the others are far too far away. Kolja suddenly stands pale next to his father and sinks to his knees; “PAPA!” he wails, holding Semjon's hand. Jolly presses his jaws together, not knowing what to feel. Actually, he doesn't feel anything right now... except hope. Hope that this man here, to whom he owes everything bad and evil in his life, will finally die. Together with three other men, Jolly drags Semjon into his limousine. Jolly gets behind the wheel, waits until Inga and Kolja have got in and then drives off immediately. In the rear-view mirror, he can see that two other cars are following him. FUCK..... this could be a complete disaster, he fears. Especially if Olivia has to treat Semjon first, or if her colleagues recognize him as her boyfriend. FUCK!!! Inga makes a frantic phone call to Semjon's doctor, screaming at him to come to the hospital. Jolly is still clenching his jaw, hoping that Semjon will already be dead when they arrive at the hospital. But of course the bastard doesn't do him that favor.
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lucuslavigne · 1 year
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𖦹 Princesinha do papai!
Mingyu × Leitora.
๑: Mingyu sendo um tiquinho sem vergonha, Mingyu papai de menina pq sim !!!! E fluffy.
Espero que gostem.
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— Mingyu, Miyoung, venham comer!
— 'Tô indo mamãe! — viu a pequena correr com seu vestido de princesa, quase caindo, mas sendo amparada por Mingyu.
— Cuidado princesinha do papai. — alertou a menor. — Tire os sapatos antes de entrar em casa.
— 'Tá bom. — se apoiou no Kim para poder retirar as pequenas sapatilhas brilhosas dos pés, entrando em seguida.
— Aqui princesa Kim. — colocou o pratinho da mesma em cima da mesa, a sentando na cadeira.
— Obrigada mamãe. — agradeceu.
— Não vai comer querido? — o abraçou pela cintura, recebendo um beijo no topo de sua cabeça.
— O que eu quero comer, só de noite. — sussurrou em seu ouvido.
— Bobo! — o repreendeu.
— Por enquanto eu só quero um pouco do suco que você fez.
— Já te trago o suco. — se soltou do abraço, indo até a cozinha. — Comeu direitinho filha! Parabéns. — falou para a menina.
— 'Tava muito gostosa a comida mamãe! — te disse.
— É mesmo? — perguntou enquanto colocava o suco no copo.
— Sim! — respondeu.
— Então leva o suco lá pro' papai, fala que a mamãe já vai. — entregou com cuidado o copo para a garotinha.
— 'Tá bom mamãe. — pegou o copo e foi para a sala.
Aproveitou para organizar a cozinha, guardando as panelas, colocando a louça dentro da lava louças, limpou os resquícios de comida da mesa, coisas de sua rotina desde que virou mãe.
O quadro na parede onde continha uma foto sua ao lado de Mingyu durante a gravidez te fez dar um sorriso, não conseguia mais imaginar sua vida sem sua pequena Miyoung.
— Sorrindo boba por que? — sentiu o esposo lhe abraçar por trás.
— 'Tava lembrando da minha gravidez da Miyoung.
— Ah sim. — sorriu com você. — Bem que a gente podia dar um irmão pra' ela não é? — sussurrou.
— Vou pensar no seu caso. — deu risada e saiu andando.
— Ah, qual é amor! — falou.
— Por enquanto você tem que cuidar da princesinha do papai, senhor Kim. — riu enquanto pegava a filha no colo.
— Isso mesmo! — sua filha concordou, arrancando boas risadas de vocês.
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glittertism · 2 months
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[Id: handwritten text that reads "5 more minutes..." above a simple drawing of a gray cat turning off a digital clock. The cat is very flat on the ground. End id]
"Leva why are ur cats tired all the time" i am eepy. Next question
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ladylushton · 10 months
LH! Um modelo a ser seguido
— As suas fotos para a The Our Velvet serão daqui a meia hora, Luciana — Antonella diz, enfiando a cabeça pela porta — Acredito que a Hernández já esteja chegando.
— Obrigada, T… Espera, quem está chegando?!
Luciana vira o rosto tão rápido que seu pescoço estala, assustando-a.
— Martina Hernández, lembra? Vocês… Ah, sim, te entendo.
Luciana se desdobra no tapete emborrachado. Se alongar previamente é bem útil para as fotos, mas nenhuma modelo admite isso, e Martina jamais admitiria, obviamente, já que é uma mulher com a arrogância condizente com sua altura.
Antonella sai da pequena sala, afirmando que foi chamada no andar superior, deixando a outra sozinha sobre o tapete. Luciana permanece se alongando e entendendo as pernas, dobrando o pescoço, mexendo a cintura, apoiando os braços, e, inevitavelmente, pensando na mulher loira que está a caminho.
Internamente, ela se repreende por ainda se sentir afetada pela presença de Martina. Tudo aquilo aconteceu no passado e elas não eram tão conhecidas, mas ainda está lá, como uma ferida que nunca se fecha.
“Não serão todas as fotos”
“Todos já esqueceram”
“Nós nem trocaremos um único olhar”
“Não nos falamos já fazem oito anos, não faremos isso agora”
O problema é que ela ainda sente que isso é uma mentira mal contada por sua cabeça. Em cada evento, encontro e festas entre famosos, aqueles olhos azuis brilham para encontrar os de Luciana, mas parecem estar presos, loucos para se soltarem. Martina apenas fica parada, conversando com outras mulheres de sua terra e desviando os olhos para o próprio copo.
— Que se dane — Murmura para ninguém em específico, levantando-se do tapete e pegando o celular. Ela tem tempo, mas prefere subir até a área já arrumada do estúdio e ficar por lá antes do horário marcado.
Aparentemente, a revista cresceu desde o último ensaio que Luciana fez para suas páginas.
Há dois fotógrafos discutindo por conta da posição dos “guarda-chuvas” de iluminação, Luciana não os conhece, mas Antonella se esforça para não rir deles, como se fossem amigos.
— Lucci! Ainda bem que chegou cedo, quero te mostrar algo enquanto os dois não se acertam — A mulher ruiva fala, sorridente.
— “Eles” não! Por mim, esse lugar estaria impecável e pronto! — O homem mais baixo, com sobrancelhas grossas e expressivas reclama.
— “Impecável” como um galpão, está óbvio que a luz não vai favorecer nenhuma foto nesse ângulo! — O loiro esguio retruca, gesticulando com as mão em torno dos materiais.
Ambas se esforçam para não achar graça nessa briga idiota, parecem um casal de velhos vestidos com roupas modernas, de um jeito quase cômico. Antonella leva-a até uma área um pouco mais afastada, marcada por um tapetinho laranja.
— Lu!
Luciana atravessa a porta rapidamente, quase sufocando a outra com um abraço. Faz muito tempo que elas sequer se encontram.
— NGELA! Não acredito que você está aqui!
ngela é estilista há muito tempo, mas é a prima mais próxima de Luciana desde que elas nasceram. ngela também queria ser modelo, mas acabou se apaixonando pela arte de transformar panos em sua própria arte.
— Eu não poderia te largar aqui, não depois de ler os arquivos da planilha.
Luciana logo compreende o que ela quis dizer. Ambas sempre foram boas em descobrir o que não deviam.
— Anjinha, sabe que…
— Pssh, Luluzinha — Ambos os apelidos foram dados pela avó das mulheres — Sabe como eu sou, não é? Eu quero que você fique bem, coloque uma roupa bonita, tire fotos, ganhe dinheiro, aproveite sua folga… e fique bem. Faz isso por mim.
— Obrigada, ngela… Eu prometo que não vou matar ninguém! — Luciana sorri, tranquilizadora, ao sair da sala e fechar a porta.
Mas, assim que olha pra dentro do estúdio, prefere não ter prometido matar alguém.
Duas mulheres loiras estão nas escadas. Uma delas é alta, tem cabelos curtos e um olhar duro: Loreley, que sempre acompanha a modelo argentina.
Ao seu lado, sorrindo contidamente, está a loira latina com seu olhar enfadonhamente penetrante: Martina, a sombra pálida na cabeça da brasileira.
— Biondetta!
Loreley revira os olhos para o apelido, mas aceita o caloroso aperto de mão que recebe de Antonella.
— Hernández.
— 'da Silva.
Rígidas, as modelos cumprimentam-se, fazendo Loreley ficar tensa e se aproximar mais de Antonella. Os dedos de Martina são longos, mas muito frios, causando uma sensação estranha na mão de Luciana.
Faz muito tempo desde que elas não apertam as mãos, nem mesmo para as câmeras. Fotografar juntas, então… Sempre foi algo improvável, amargo e distante.
Mas aconteceu, e não vai ser a puxada brusca das mãos que impedirá a situação.
… … … …
— Isso! Andem com cuidado, pelo amor de Deus.
Luciana se pergunta se seu salário é bom o bastante para isso. Sim, ele é, mas ter que estar no mesmo traje que Martina é um pouquinho acima do que ela esperava.
— Posicionem-se de costas uma para a outra… Bom, meio de lado — Francis, o fotógrafo mais alto, instrui — Isso… Perfeito, continuem nessa pose!
O vestido claro delas é conectado por uma espécie de cauda, já que ele todo lembra uma espécie de manto ou túnica grega. Não é um peça de roupa comum, é mais como um atrativo de anúncio que ocupará duas páginas da revista aberta, com cada uma tomando um lado e o vestido conectando-as na dobra da folha.
ngela ficou bastante orgulhosa quando viu as duas vestidas nele, chegando a entregar uma pequena flor para que a prima "completasse" o visual. Aos olhos dos fotógrafos e das agentes, Luciana realmente elevou o nível do traje quase fantasioso; mas Martina estava, claramente, desgostando da situação em que se encontrava.
A maior parte das fotos que tiraram foram de enquadramento individual, com poucas exceções. Mas nenhuma realmente implicou tanto como essa, apesar de ela ter ficado realmente boa, com ambas portando rostos calmos e uma pose dócil totalmente encenada.
— Tella — Os dois realmente conhecem Antonella, e foi Arthur, o carrancudo, quem a chamou — Como está a anotação aí?
Ela observa a prancheta na mão, puxando outra folha para conferir.
— Depois dessa, falta apenas uma foto para liberar a Silva.
— Mas a Hernández estará liberada depois dessa, sr. Kirkland — Loreley diz, verificando suas próprias anotações e mordiscando a caneta gasta.
Poucos cliques sucedem essa verificação, e logo as modelos saem para tirar o vestido com ngela junto. É um pouco desconfortável ter que estar na presença das duas ao se despir, mas Luciana tenta não demonstrar nada, já que colocar a peça foi ainda mais constrangedor.
— Luciana, apenas vista mais esse aqui — ngela entrega um outro vestido longo — Sen…
— Martina — Interrompe — Pode me chamar de Martina.
— Martina, pode colocar a roupa que você deixou aqui e voltar. Há um lavabo ali do lado, se quiser.
— Muito obrigada — Agradece, indo pegar suas roupas.
Luciana vestiu-se em silêncio, se sentindo mais confortável por estar a sós com a prima.
— Mulher, você sabe que tudo foi um grande mal entendido, certo? Tudo foi esclarecid…
— Sossegue, ngela, faz muito tempo desde aquilo.
— Mas a outra já superou faz tempo, e você sabe muito bem disso.
A brasileira se cala ao ouvir. Bom, é verdade que ambas têm uma inimizade há muito tempo, mas Luciana nunca notou um único olhar furtivo em sua direção.
ngela sai do cômodo com um arzinho de superioridade, batendo os saltos e levando Luciana ao seu lado.
Antonella e Loreley conversavam animadamente, encostadas na parede, enquanto o fotógrafo fazia um sinal de positivo para que Luciana entrasse na mira da câmera. Ela ama fazer isso, ama mesmo, sentindo como se fosse outra pessoa enquanto posiciona-se sob o flash, deixando a claridade repentina levar o que pensa para bem longe, sobrando apenas uma mulher e um sonho dentro da roupa bonita.
Luciana sequer viu o tempo passar, logo Antonella chamou-a para ir trocar de roupa e comparecer ao escritório no andar de baixo. Ela obedece, caminhando até o lugar onde deixou as roupas, pensando que poderá se arrumar sozinha em meio às araras de roupas.
— Hernández?! — Surpreende-se ao fechar a porta e encontrar a argentina sentada em um pequeno divã, mas assume sua postura depressa — Se me der licença…
— Luciana, não se faça — Retruca — Não há nenhuma formalidade nessa sala e você sabe meu nome.
— Mas não gostaria de saber.
Martina quase ri da ousadia de Luciana, que sempre teve uma língua afiada, mas a brasileira estampa algo incompreensível no próprio rosto.
— Por favor — Pede, erguendo-se do divã — Me deixa conversar com você assim, sem ninguém que ouça, Luciana. Você não é obrigada a gostar disso, e eu também não estou gostando.
O tom intenso de Martina fez Luciana tirar a mão da maçaneta, inconscientemente.
— Aquilo ainda te consome?
A foto desgraçada que poderia ter acabado com ela, que deveria ter dezessete anos.
Luciana estava comendo algo, talvez um daqueles chocolates em forma de tubinho. Ela tinha o costume de segurar as comidas compridas entre os dedos, como se estivesse fumando, e fazia isso quando estava sozinha em seu espaço, longe das outras jovens aspirantes de modelo.
O problema era que ela não notou uma câmera em qualquer canto, clicando nela, nem contava com o poder da meia-luz do cômodo que conseguiria distorcer tudo com leves edições.
A foto de uma jovem nua fumando dentro do estúdio poderia trazer consequências graves em todos os níveis possíveis. Foi a partir dali que Luciana parou de acompanhar redes sociais: tudo é gerenciado por outras pessoas, já que a única rede que ela usa é para falar com a família e gente mais próxima.
Ninguém deveria saber onde ela estava, a não ser uma garota, outra jovem modelo, que tinha uma leve afinidade com a brasileira. Apenas Martina sabia onde ela estava, a não ser…
— Somos adultas, Martina. Mais próximas dos trinta do que dos dezessete, caso tenha esquecido, então pare de vir com essa sua baboseira para perto de mim.
A própria Luciana não acredita no que sai de sua boca. Ser grossa não é um costume dela, apesar de que a argentina não se abala.
— Baboseira? Baboseira é o que você faz, estúpida; quer dizer que é melhor do que eu sendo que eu nunca fui culpada! S…
— Nunca foi?! E o que eram aqueles editores que te rodeavam? E como alguém saberia onde eu estava? Você quase me tirou tudo o que eu tinha, meu sonho, minha família, minha dignidade!
A essa altura, Luciana já eleva o tom de voz, empertigando-se.
— Desgraçada! Você quem me queimou nesse dia, falando aquilo assim que ficou sabendo da foto, se afastando, e me deixou lá para ser chamada de invejosa!
Martina eleva a voz, mal deixando Luciana abrir a boca.
— Eu só não te culpo mais pois sei qual é a sensação.
Com a mão ágil, ela puxa o celular do cós da calça. Uma foto de aparência antiga inunda a visão de Luciana, e mostra uma jovem loira com um pijama dos Looney Tunes pressionando algo contra o braço. A imagem é escura demais para ver direito, mas Luciana não precisa de muita coisa para entender.
— Isso é…
— Pomada para mordida de insetos, mas parece uma seringa. Alguém fez isso com nós duas, Luciana, e passamos todo esse tempo odiando uma a outra sem motivo, pois você nunca enxergou além do seu nariz para me deixar explicar.
Ambas se encaram silenciosamente, pensando no que aconteceu durante todos esses anos de ressentimento por parte das duas.
— Eu enxergo muito além do meu nariz, sim, sua presunçosa. Eu não comecei a te amar só por ver essa foto, mas peço desculpas e… Eu… Admito que estive errada.
A frase sai baixa, como se ficasse presa na garganta de Luciana.
— Mas estou disposta a mudar, Martina — Conclui.
Martina dá um leve sorriso, revirando os olhos pela teimosia da outra. Ela pega a pequena flor que estava oculta atrás de si, considerando que essa conversa rápida já foi um bom avanço.
— Então… Que tal a gente sair hoje? Nem adianta dar desculpas, sei que você está livre e que sua agente vai passar um bom tempo fora, e suspeito muito que a Loreley esteja envolvida nisso.
Juntando coragem, Martina revela a flor e coloca-a atrás da orelha de Luciana, sorrindo mais abertamente. A própria Luciana também sorri, apesar de estar mais contida.
— Não esquenta, Hernández. Eu não quero fugir, não mais.
Luciana toca a flor em sua orelha, deixando seus dedos se brincarem nela enquanto seus olhos se perdem nos de Martina.
A foto que elas tiraram é referência à uma fanart da Zu-Art :
Antonella e Loreley são Itália e Alemanha (Feliciano e Ludwig, em APH), com aparência baseada nessa fanart:
Espero que tenham gostado <3
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cami-dialover · 2 months
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— A cena começa no terraço.
Yui: Aah… o clima está bom hoje.
(Será que vou ficar resfriada? Mas o céu estrelado está tão bonito hoje..)
(Deve ficar tudo bem se eu ficar aqui só mais um pouquinho, não é? …Pelo menos até eu terminar esse chocolate quente.
— Ayato aparece.
Yui: …!
Ayato: Então é aqui que você estava se escondendo.
Yui: A-ayato?!
Ayato: Sniff… Sniff… Que cheiro doce é esse?
Yui: Ah… é por causa do chocolate quente que eu fiz.
Ayato: Oh? E isso é gostoso?
Yui: (N-não sussure no meu ouvido!)
Ayato: …Ei!
Yui: V-você quer provar?
—> O alimentar. (S) Yui: Aqui. — Ela leva o copo para os lábios de Ayato. Ayato: Hm? O que é isso? Vai me dar na boquinha? Yui: V-vá em frente. Ayato: Se você insiste, eu vou provar um pouco. Mas é melhor você se preparar, se essa coisa tiver um gosto ruim você vai se ver comigo. Traga o copo mais pra perto… mais… Okay. — Ele toma um gole. Ayato: Geh!… É muito doce! Como você consegue beber isso? Yui: … Ayato: Phh… Ei! Eu não quero mais! Yui: Oh meu Deus, você acabou derrubando um pouco! Você deveria tomar cuidado, Ayato~ Ayato: Sua vadia… Você fez isso de propósito, não é? Yui: Hehe~ A vingança é doce! (Espera! Se eu fizer esse tipo de coisa, apenas virá para me assombrar mais tarde… Mas eu simplesmente não pude me segurar.) Ayato: Se é esse o caso, então eu também tenho uma coisinha em mente. —> O oferecer o copo; (M) Yui: Apenas um gole, okay? Aqui. Ayato: … Yui: (Huh? Ele não pegou o copo… Talvez ele não queira provar?) Ayato: Ao invés disso… Yui: Eh? Ayato: Eu… Prefiro provar isso.
— Ele joga um pouco de chocolate quente em Yui:
Yui: …Kya!
Ayato: Ops, foi sem querer! A minha mão escorregou, caiu nas suas roupas não é?
Yui: V-você definitivamente fez isso de propósito!
Ayato: Tire elas.
Yui: Eh…?!
Ayato: Elas vão ficar manchadas. Pra você tudo bem?
Yui: N-nesse caso… Vá para lá!
Ayato: Idiota. Qual o ponto de ainda se envergonhar? Tire elas logo. Bem na frente dos meus olhos.
Yui: I-isso…
Ayato: Vamos lá… Não fique enrolando! Se você não vai fazer isso por conta própria, eu deveria fazer isso por você?
Yui: …Não!
— As roupas de Yui foram rasgadas.
Ayato: Ah-Ah- Se você tivesse se comportado e me escutado, as suas roupas não teriam sido arruinadas.
Yui: Pare com isso, Ayato!
Ayato: Aah- Que enjoativo… Tem outros cheiros misturados com o do seu sangue.
— Ayato lambe o chocolate quente de Yui.
Yui: Aah- Não!
Ayato: Qual é o problema? Você se sujou toda e eu estou te ajudando a se limpar. …É muito doce. O doce do seu sangue é bom, mas esse aqui é demais. Hora de limpar a minha mulher…
— Ele morde ela.
Yui: N-não!
Ayato: Nn… Hehe, esse é o gosto que eu amo… É muito melhor do que aquela coisa, sabe?
Yui: (Aah!!)
Monologo Minha mente está enlouquecendo lentamente devido a sensação da delicada dor enquanto ele lambe o chocolate quente de meu peito e perfura a minha pele com suas presas. Entorpecente (痺れる) … Doloroso… Talvez eu tenha me acostumado com a sensação de ser mordida, mas de algum jeito não dói tanto quanto antes. A sensação que eu sinto ao invés de dor, é algo que eu nunca senti antes. Eu não deveria me deixar ser consumida por essa sensação (この感覚) ainda mais — Algo no fundo do meu coração me diz isso.
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umpedacodeabismo · 5 months
Você está realmente curado ou apenas distraído?
Você está realmente curado ou apenas distraído? É fácil se envolver na agitação da vida, constantemente passando de uma tarefa para outra, de uma distração para a próxima. Mas a verdadeira cura requer mais do que apenas fugas temporárias.
Tire um momento para refletir: você está lidando com as causas raiz de sua dor e lutas, ou está apenas encontrando maneiras de temporariamente entorpecer ou desviar sua atenção? A cura envolve enfrentar o desconforto de frente, abraçar a jornada de autodescoberta e fazer o trabalho interior necessário para o crescimento.
Distraia-se o quanto quiser, mas lembre-se de que a verdadeira cura requer um coração corajoso e disposto a confrontar suas feridas mais profundas. Pode não ser um caminho fácil, mas é um caminho que leva à transformação genuína e à paz duradoura.
Pause por um momento, cave fundo dentro de si e pergunte-se: Estou realmente curado ou apenas momentaneamente distraído? A escolha é sua, e as recompensas da verdadeira cura são imensuráveis.
A casa dos 20.
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owlart18 · 1 year
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Some frames from my most recent oc pmv to the song Runaway Kids by Harbour
(Commission info in pinned post)
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maryrose20070 · 7 months
Hey @giulia266eyes!
I got the Mimi Movie of the Late Christmas Special to JCDT: Save The Winter.
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Note: Mimi-Movie has Officially Released on February 13th, 2024.
Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gDlT9OYWplnb_OwFPkHTdh85NDiTJPhc/view?usp=sharing
Story Plot:
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Tecna The Barbie Visit Other The Household. She listen to Announce of JCDT is a Part of Crossover "Vyond" Characters, When Stella's Mother her Talk Each Early Someone Tecna decide to Travel Settlement Town with a Mother Call.
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JCDT House has Enjoy to Watch the Music Video of Levas Polka but Anyone focused to Watch like Themselves. Even Trixie who just a performs like a Failure during a Laughter, Concetta Remind Trixie Where Some Friendships a Good Memories and Damien Start to Tired after Watching Music Video Sometimes to Trixie does Agree for the Holiday Friendship for Supergroup Adventure and Ally.
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The Next Day. Four Crossovers Excited to go Travel of Mount Show. Concetta meet her Tecna. She hold her a lot of item and suitcase before to go. Expect to Jinx, Trixie and Damien talking for us. Tecna try to speak italian so hard to learn at the Social Language. Tecna call her Stella, she hurry to reason until kind of check the Information while happened to her. Ready to pack of Things and get in the Camperven before to go.
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Crossovers seat to Campervan. Concetta hear to Confused of near the Snow. During Tecna's Friend Calling, She get to Alexa Speaker on the Storage, then she say to Alexa Speaker while to play the song of Waterloo. Trixie yell at the Alexa Speaker listen to Concetta Dance and hear. It's too loud to listen on the Campervan during to Tecna her Drive. Trixie fight to Concetta while Damien can Defend to Trixie and Concetta play the song to decent problem. At the sign cautious of the Scenic Viewpoint. She can't drive to carefully then fall into the Mountain and Scream before the Crash in Spruce Tree. Tecna Cry after her crash the Campervan but she Suspect to Concetta listened the music too loud. Concetta apology to Tecna but she worry to Campervan for should hope to fix later.
When the stella and her Deer Ride to the Forest, She can help her Tecna and JCDT Band. Fortunately, She try to fix her Campervan while few minutes to Repair. When the Campervan has fix by Stella. She glad to Fixed her Campervan before Continue to Drive in the Campervan Roadtrip. She happy to Stella help to campervan repaired. Stella bring her these Donuts to share her Friends and Crossovers Band.
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Tecna and Stella her Four Crossovers Almost found at Settlement Town about of the Oldest Resident. Stella's Mother see to Campervan Found to her Daugther, She hug her Mother and the Four Crossovers Visiting to Settlement Town the House Resident. Stella tire to bring her Items and things her so quick to heavy. The Sonica hear to noise but she is surprise to visitors her house.
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Sonica's Father who see his look to Visitors and their Band. Sonica's Mother and her Step-mother looking at her Visitors came out, Expect to Sonica Love to JCDT Band. Her Mother don't like to Four Crossovers, She call the Negative Mention of Toxic Friends. But it's not a Toxic "Crossovers" Friends. She is Favorite Band of JCDT, Sonica ask to Mother Tolerate her the Four Crossovers as their Female Supporters. Sonica Glad to JCDT improved to Visiting their Sonica's Family.
Jimmy look up at his Damien who is sneaky boy at the girls visited to Sonica's House. Jimmy call his effeminate guy while Damien start to fight his Jimmy in the Fount of Christmas Tree Ruin Decorated. Sonica's Father Prepare to Stop Fighting of Two Duel, He is Trouble to Jimmy focused to Fight Against of Guy who be Jimmy his a Sexist. Damien is always Fine, He ask to Sonica's Father his Jimmy got Trouble and Damien decide his go to Up Stair on the Sonica's Room.
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Trixie Talk to Friends and Sonica. She ask to Sing the Song with her Friends at the Christmas Eve. Jinx ask to Trixie and Concetta who saw to Those fans invite the Concert, Concetta was Impressive to talk about of Radio Station whoever her see. When Bluechii Jackie is here on the Window her Sonica's Room, She Rival her Sonica who yell her distance the Window, She can't trust to Sonica but she is disrespect the Three "Crossovers" Girls, Sonica ask to Trixie for yell her Enemy. Damien hold his Dream Catcher in the Christmas Light but Sonica Say No, She not allowed the boy Invite in the Slumber Party. Trixie Told Sonica who Against the Boy in her Room. We're Gender equality to join the Slumber Party for Both.
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Damien ask to girls his listen it. He feel so badly reason about his Imagine to Incident of the Road Trip Problem. He Upset to kick in his Something and girls shocked her Damien his Bad Feeling as well. Sonica cheer up her Damien but she calm down to Damien his Feeling Issue and Sadness Reason. He almost fine to join his Slumber Party, He bring his Alexa Speaker before Those Girls are excited to Sing and Song.
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Stella and Tecna decorating her stage but she ask to stella her tired to Decorate of the Christmas Stage while almost to finish the Decoration. Eventually, Sonica's Parents and Step-Mother talking each other while Stella and Tecna ride to snowplow at Distance. She ask to Tecna her use to Megaphone before Fans and Visitors can hearing to Snowplow from the Travel Bus. The Bus Driver Named Sunnyman, He ask to Stella and Tecna going to Settlement Town at the Oldest Resident. Only One Bus and the Other Fans and visitors their decide to go.
Bluecii Cooked her Gingerbread cookies with a Cream and Candy Canes but the Step-Mother and Sonica's Father who they don't know who Cooked the Gingerbread Cookies and Somehow. When to hear for those Visitors Coming to Settlement Town while open the Door, She is Owner by Mary Rose instead the Giulia Beres her decide to talk the Bluecii and her Father for Greeting the Visitors. The Gingerbread Cookies for JCDT Band. The Four Crossovers are still singing but they're walking in the stair while Jimmy look out to the stair and then They slipping down into the Stair their outside and hitting their Mary and Giulia the Owners.
When Giulia and Mary close up her Four Crossovers is coming their Inside but she always surprise to JCDT are here. Concetta ask her Giulia who talk to each other. Expect to Sonica ask to giulia who incidentally reason for slipped the stair, it is badly incident to made by Someone. Jimmy Laugh to Prank in the Stair and Sonica yell her Jimmy behind to make his White Rope on the Stair but the Visitors looking at their Jimmy who is a Pranker about to Explain at his Prank Stair.
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Meanwhile, She made the own her Christmas Recipes such a Roast Chicken, Christmas Ham, and Christmas Salad with Eggs and those Vegetables. Sonica and her Friends, Crossovers, and the Owners can be handle at the Thanksgiving during for Christmas Eve. Sonica rude her Bluecii while her mother tell to listen on the Dinner. Using those Drinks such a Coca Cola for Teenagers and Alcoholic Drinks for Adult (Expecting to Sonica's Parents) and let's toasting of those Drinks.
Stella her Friends asking her Giulia and Mary Rose does somebody to talking on the Dinner. She glad her talk to Timmy his a Memory of the Owner at the Band, He talk his Parents while Glad to Celebrate Christmas until be Midnight Instead. Trixie ask to Owners of the JCDT, She Mention of the Radio Station who hear to listen the sing of song before to go.
The Sadness reason to mary rose ask her Four Crossovers does Imagined to Cancellation of the entire series white be disappointed of those Crossovers. Stella talk to Mary and Giulia about her imagine to Save of the Four Crossovers Joke and she laugh on the dinner while Crossovers and Owners looking at them. Jimmy Call his Two Crossovers at the near in the Car, Also the bad guys named Ruijin and Jayden the Troublemakers, He wore his Christmas Elf Outfits, Jayden drive his Car but he ask to phone call somewhere his live in the Settlement Town. Jimmy Determine Laugh for until prepare the sneaky of those Instruments before behind the stage.
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At Evening in the Christmas, Those visitors are something to buys in the Store. Ken being excited to the Christmas concert from JCDT. Stella meet her Ken but she ask to ken who excited to see at the Concert, They should be Decide to Stage before waiting their till the Concert.
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Jimmy and his friends looking at the JCDT Instruments before sneaking into the stage. When the Four Crossovers who mysterious to steal and sneak the stage or somebody those guys his close the door, We're panic their sneak by the Concert while Damien yell his behind to mention of Jimmy and his friends does sneaked.
The Announcement to Giulia Beres and Mary Rose with a Fans and Visitors Crowing at the Stage Concert to JCDT before the Band. When the Band is come to Stage. However, Those Fans are Shocked to Jimmy and his Friends Stolen his Instruments before to Band the song is actual Happened their JCDT Crossovers. He swearing to serval times during fans being Dislikes and Rudeness about the Wrong Song in the Stage Concert.
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When Two Men Arresting his Bad Boys and Jimmy could be stop play in the Stolen the Instrument. The Step-Mother told to jimmy can't focus to sneaky into the Concert, She take it santa beard off before Jimmy get his Trouble while step-mother ask to go home and leaving in the Concert. Expect the Owners and the Stella or Tecna got be Mad of the Jimmy and his Friends Arrested.
For Announce to Giulia Message Problem, JCDT isn't here after Jimmy Stolen the Band in the Stage who be Incident, Those Fans are Disappoint to Christmas Concert while Stage has been take of Break. Meanwhile, Stella find her Four Crossovers but they're gone, She When her check to Storage and who behind inside the Room while Four Crossovers are here, Unfortunately, They being Sad and Disappointed for Christmas Stage in the Concert. It's too late for Hurry at those Crossovers are not yet.
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Stella talk her Four Crossovers of the Incidentally Reason to JCDT Concert. She being cheer up to Four Crossovers and They're continue to playing the band before their Outside the Stage. They Should playing the New Song until for the teach it. Giulia and Mary Rose her Disappointed for Announce to Talk the JCDT Concert, It's doesn't to showing about the Fans and Visitors. Stella ask to learn the band with using for Instruments and Microphone. The Understanding of the Four Crossovers and get ready the play and band in the stage.
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After play the song of the band, Trixie and her Friends has greeting at those Fans. Tecna Happy her clap to see in the stage, We're decide to Celebrate the Christmas Eve instead the Christmas Day. Giulia and Mary Rose glad to seeing in the Stage, Continue to Playing the band during Record of the Radio Station to Giulia and Mary Rose until Christmas is come here.
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After Christmas Concert is over. Sonica's Parents glad to saw of the JCDT Crossovers Concert in the Last Christmas. Bluecii outside the window after Sonica Rivalry her Rude. Sonica Glad her Enjoyed to Four Crossovers while Moving out. The Reason to Trixie and her Friends talk to reason of the Band Problem, Sonica Shocked her Reason to JCDT who is Happened of their Band.
The Sad Reason to JCDT has Officially Disbanded due to explain for Four Crossovers and the leave for no reason. Sonica Cry her Hug to Trixie before Final Moment for Say Goodbye. Tecna Horn in her Campervan and those Crossovers Moving Out for Sonica's House, Expecting for Stella and her Mother Left.
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Leaving the Settlement Town, She decide to play the song her use to Alexa Speaker. And Listen the Song with Four Crossovers who been Like it. Stella's Mother and Tecna who Hear the Listen to Song while Playing so Loud. Stella Calm Down her Mother and Tecna, And now she can listen the song while Almost Happy.
And That's it for JCDT Crossovers and the Friends while Happily Ever After.
From Created The Late Christmas Story by Me.
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joseane-assis · 8 months
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💡 A inutilidade de resistir a Deus
Por que resistir a um chocolate é tão difícil e resistir a Deus é tão fácil?
Imagine a seguinte situação: você está seguindo uma dieta há alguns dias e, sem querer, descobre uma caixa cheia de bombons na dispensa. Tentador, não é mesmo? O simples fato de saber que os bombons estão ali pode mudar a maneira como você lida com a sua dieta. De certa forma, essa descoberta começa a trabalhar contra você.
Chega um momento da noite e você não resiste, pega um bombom e come, aliás, o que é um bombom se antes da dieta comia vários, questiona-se. Daí, mais uma vez, você quebrou a sua dieta.
Agora, pense em outra situação: alguns irmãos o convidam para participar de um evento evangelístico à noite. Ao pensar no horário, você percebe que será um grande esforço participar depois do trabalho. Então, os irmãos lembram que o próximo dia é feriado e você se lembra de que precisa jantar cedo.
Os irmãos sugerem que você jante com eles, mas você é irredutível e diz que tem evitado comer fora. Após insistência por trinta minutos, você acaba desistindo e não vai ao evento evangelístico.
Você se identifica com as situações descritas acima? Resistir à tentação de comer um doce pode parecer fácil, mas muitas vezes falhamos. Por outro lado, resistir a Deus pode parecer inútil, mas ainda assim tentamos competir em força. Fazer a vontade de Deus pode trazer benefícios para nós, mas requer um grande esforço contra os desejos de nossa carne.
Um exemplo disso pode ser visto na história de Jonas, que mesmo "fazendo a vontade de Deus", queria que fosse feito da sua maneira. Essa luta inútil o levou a um estado de desespero, mas mesmo assim Deus continuou sendo misericordioso, não só com ele, mas também com o povo de Nínive.
Embora fazer a vontade de Deus possa ser um desafio, isso é benéfico a nós mesmos. A obediência gera amor e gratidão, e quanto mais obedecemos, mais confiamos em Deus, deixando de lado nossa resistência inútil a Ele. Enquanto resistir a Deus nos leva a lugar nenhum, obedecê-Lo nos conduz a um caminho virtuoso de bênçãos. Vale a pena perseverar e escolher a obediência a Deus!
▪️Reveja como tem se relacionado com Deus. Caso tenha sido desobediente, peça perdão a Ele.
▪️Tire da sua mente que obedecer a Deus sempre será um "super trabalho"... tenha a Sua vontade como uma oportunidade.
▪️Pode parecer estranho, mas como lhe damos com as regras e desafios no dia a dia refletem como nos relacionamos com Deus. Reveja seus atos.
🙏Para Orar:
Senhor, peço perdão por resistir à Tua vontade. Quero aprender a obedecer-Te com alegria e ser moldado segundo a Tua vontade, reconhecendo que é sempre a melhor para mim. Amém.
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writtenoutbursts · 1 year
Carta aberta ao meu amor
Oi, meu amor. Me desculpa a demora, mas toda vez que eu começava a escrever, as lágrimas me faziam parar. Bom, de todas as "coisas" que já escrevi, essa é a mais difícil. Você conhece toda a nossa história. Você apareceu na minha vida quando eu nem imaginava sentir algo por outra pessoa. E você me fez sentir. É loucura pensar em como nos conhecemos tanto e sentimos tanto no decorrer desses anos, aconteceram tantas coisas que me fizeram querer desistir. Mas você sabe de tudo isso e sempre esteve lá, sempre me acolheu e me ajudou a seguir. Me ajudou mais do que sabe e imagina. Bastava sua voz, suas palavras, seu sorriso, e tudo se iluminava, você era meu sol. Eu tive tanto medo de te perder para a vida, tanto medo, que eu parti, parti na esperança de que você vivesse sua vida, esquecesse tudo sobre nós e seguisse em frente, mas que besteira, né?! Eu sei! E quando decidi te mandar uma mensagem novamente, bastou algumas palavras para tudo "voltar", tudo o que estava adormecido veio à tona, a familiaridade, nossas brincadeiras, os planos, o carinho, as preocupações, o desejo… Tudo voltou com mais força, intensidade e sentimento. É incrível como você se faz presente mesmo tão longe de mim, como me ganha, me enfraquece e fortalece. É incrível como me faz sentir tantas emoções em um curto espaço de tempo. É incrível como eu posso sentir o seu amor no pôr do sol, nas estrelas, na lua, no soprar do vento, através de uma música, de uma paisagem, de um filme, de um trecho de livro. Minha Delilah, minha Faye, minha Robin… minha Kah, eu sei como é difícil quando a vida nos leva a tomar decisões que machucam a alma, como um grande gole de uma bebida forte que queima todo o interior dos nossos corpos, e aqui estamos nós. Tomando uma decisão que nos destrói. Mas que sabemos o quanto é necessária. Eu só quero que saiba que eu nunca te esqueci e nunca serei capaz de tal feito. Você tem um lugar no meu coração que ninguém ocupou e ninguém ocupará, e acredite, você é única. Eu quero que você viva intensamente, que se permita errar (por mais que não acredite, você PODE errar), que chore, sorria, se permita, ame, ria até ficar sem fôlego, cante o mais alto que conseguir, coma tudo aquilo que tiver vontade, almeje tudo aquilo que sabe que é capaz de conquistar, que estude, e que tire um tempo para descansar. Assista suas séries, leia seus livros, vibre pelo seu Flamengo… Viva, meu amor. E cresça, conquiste o mundo e não desista nunca de todos os seus planos, você é capaz de realizar todos eles. Como eu já disse muitas vezes, eu lamberia seu cérebro. Me perdoe por todas às vezes que fui egoísta ao me afastar, por não ter te aplaudido presencialmente, por não ter te abraçado quando precisou e quis, por não ter te beijado todas as vezes que desejamos. Me perdoe por estar tão longe de ti. Por último, quero que saiba o quanto sou grata por sua vida, por sua primeira mensagem, por tudo que me fez sentir, por me dar um amor tão lindo e inesquecível. Isso não é um adeus, ok? Se cuida, meu Akai Ito. Eu te amo. Para sempre, sua… Michelle.
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undisputed-queer-a · 1 year
AEW doesn't do stories
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I don't know if you saw...but AEW Fans “Don’t get more storytelling across the board”. This comes from the well respected source Bully Ray, and for starters I want to address what Mr Ray...Mr Dudley said rather than just talking about the headline. Bubba said that Tony Khan is a 'matchmaker' and that is the reason why AEW fans don't get more storytelling across the board. And to a certain extent he's right. Ok...ok...ok I know Devon, Spike and Big Dick's brother is certainly wrong but just for a second cast your mind back to this years' revolution. The Elite fought The House of Black and the story for this match was simply 'The House of Black showed up and challenged The Elite' that was it and it was amazing! That show kicked arse and it was in my top three matches of the night, a night that featured Danielson/MJF's hour long spectacular, Hangman/Moxley's psycho sexual deathmatch (I'm a Hangmox supporter), the final burial and the tag fatal four way and Joe and Wardlow's HOS fight.
This match was great...this is why Buh Buh Ray is missing the point. Tony quite often does book matches that people want to see and then just let people get themselves excited and use that for build. And you know what that's fine. Because it bloody works. It sells tickets, it sells PPVs and people have a good time with it. Literally Forbidden Door 1 & 2 have been mostly been built on this.
But certainly our favourite TNA wrestler is certainly wrong and AEW fans have had a large amount of storytelling and there's lots of stories I could talk about and I'm sure you are thinking of some and obviously the name I am about to say is who you're thinking about...
Brandon Cutler...and...Peter Avalon.
No explanation needed. In 2020 AEW launched their now defunct AEW Dark show. Now newer AEW Fans might know it as the show where AEW shoved like 12 meaningless matches every week but originally it featured actual stars like Pretty Peter Avalon (no but like seriously the YB were on it often at the start among other stars mixed in with less experienced or exposed wrestlers.) Pretty Peter Avalon and Brandon Cutler are both on losing streaks they are a heel and face respectively, and after having both incurred countless singles losses Avalon's manager Librarian Leva Bates suggests that they form a team. Brandon thinks the idea might work, Peter takes more convincing but eventually they form 'The Initiative'. Their first tag match is against QT Marshall and Dustin Rhodes on AEW Dark #36 which they lost. They then lost to Jurassic Express. Well...Jurassic Express AND SCU and then the Young Bucks and then the Dark Order and then the express again and then the Butcher and The Blade and then The FTR and then Joey Janela and Sonny Kiss and then TH2 and then Chaos Project and then Private Party and then Avalon turns on Cutler.
Peter tired of losing realises that the only way to stop losing is to fight a loser. So the stage is set for the 52nd episode of Dark, Avalon versus Cutler losing streak versus losing streak. And I'll tell you this...it's a double count out draw! So they have a rematch a few weeks later. a rematch that ends in a double DQ. So 'Tony Khan' (the Young Bucks probably, really, if we're honest) organise a contract signing between the two on Being The Elite for a No Count out No Disqualification match between Pretty Peter Avalon and Brandon Cutler in which Brandon Cutler finally breaks his losing streak and beats Peter Avalon.
There you have it. It was a simple story told...pretty much perfectly. That's my proof that the brother to the Reverend is wrong. Even with AEW's youtube shows AEW fans get great storytelling. (I know AEW storytelling isn't always perfect, I'm not saying that AEW storytelling is always good but I'm saying that as fans we've had an ample amount of storytelling and AEW stories can be great even when just on Dark and BTE)
I don't know. I hope this illustrated my point well
This has been Undisputed Queer-a.
Slay The System, Shock The Cis-tem
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lucuslavigne · 1 year
Imagine um...
Jake que se condena grandemente por ter pensamentos tão sujos com a irmã do melhor amigo. Mas o que ele poderia fazer se você está tão, mas tão atraente? O jeito que seus quadris acompanhavam o ritmo da música o deixava alucinado, querendo descobrir se você rebolaria contra ele da mesma forma. A cintura que ele gostaria de segurar enquanto te tem em cima dele fazendo o que bem entender. Jake pensava tanto que nem reparou que você estava do lado dele.
— Pensando no que hein Jake? — perguntou amigável.
— Ahn? — olhou para o lado. — Ah, oi S/N! — te cumprimentou nervoso.
— Você 'tava me encarando, quer me falar alguma coisa? — mordeu os lábios.
Jake apenas ria nervoso demais para responder suas perguntas, o que você pensaria dele se ele respondesse?
— Ah, noona... — suspirou. — Eu não sei como te pedir isso.
— Quer ir p'ra um lugar mais sossegado? — o tocou no braço.
— Quero. — e assim sentiu o corpo ser puxado pela mulher, esbarrando nos outros convidados da festa sem se importarem. Jake podia sentir o olhar de Heeseung sobre si, mas não ligava para isso, apenas queria que aquela mulher fizesse o que quisesse com ele.
— Aqui 'tá bom. — parou. — Pode me falar o que quer agora gatinho. — sorriu.
Jake sorria, sentia o coração acelerado, mas o que o deixava em êxtase era a atenção que recebia de sua noona.
— Noona, eu gosto tanto de você. — abraçou a mais velha. — Por favor noona, me leva p'ra um quarto e faz o que quiser comigo. — se ajoelhou, implorando. — Eu prometo ser um bom menino, prometo mesmo, mas por favor cuida de mim. — abraçou uma das pernas da mulher.
A mulher ficou surpresa até certo ponto, sabia que Jake pediria algo assim, mas, de fato, não esperava que fosse dessa maneira.
— Você vai mesmo ser o meu bom menino Jake? — acariciou os fios do mais novo.
— Vou noona! — sentiu os olhos ficarem cheios de lágrimas.
— Então se levante e venha comigo. — o falou, quando o rapaz levantou, o pegou pela mão e o guiou até o próprio quarto, torcendo para que ninguém os atrapalhasse. A porta fora fechada e o corpo de Jake foi empurrado contra ela. Você beijava o pescoço de Jake com carinho, o segurava pelos pulsos para ele não te tocar. Sentia Jake tremendo, ansioso demais para o que estava prestes a acontecer. — Tire sua camiseta e se sente na cama. — disse.
— Sim noona. — respondeu, logo fazendo o que foi mandado.
O australiano se sentia mais empolgado que o normal, nenhuma mulher jamais havia feito ele se sentir assim. O coração acelerado, o pau latejando sem ao menos ter acontecido nada.
— Já 'tá duro assim Jake? — riu, vendo Jake abaixar a cabeça envergonhado. — A quanto tempo estava esperando por isso? — sentou no colo do rapaz.
— A muito tempo noona. — confessou. — Sempre que eu venho aqui, eu quero que você me puxe para o seu quarto e me use como bem entender.
— Vai ser o meu brinquedinho hoje então? — o puxou pela nuca, deixando apenas alguns poucos centímetros entre os rostos de vocês.
— Eu vou ser o que você quiser noona. — suspirou.
Ao escutar tal resposta, apenas puxou o mais novo para um beijo, o beijava com vontade, mas, sem deixar o carinho de lado, afinal, Jake era delicado, não podia quebrá-lo.
— Então seja bonzinho e fique sem nada nesse em seu corpinho lindo, pode ser? — falou mansa, acariciando o rosto bonito. Jake retirou a calça e a cueca de uma vez, se acomodou na cama novamente e aguardou a mais velha, um pouco envergonhado pela presença da mesma. — Não fique com vergonha querido. — o deu um beijo na bochecha. — Não vou fazer nada que você não vá gostar.
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