#Royalty are usually pretty racist
android-and-ale · 9 months
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Headcanon du jour: What if most Vulcan’s aren’t massively bigoted space racists?
The majority Vulcans we’ve met have essentially been Vulcan Royalty. You know, the institution which, here on Earth, is notorious for being bigoted, backwards, and inbred. 
Tuvok and T’Lynn aren’t like that. 
But then, they’re not direct descendants of Surak, son of a galactically famous ambassador, born and raised in the capital city of Shi’Khar, heirs to a massive estate on the homeworld, and educated in schools where admission to the elite Vulcan Science Academy is taken for granted. 
Spock is the adult Vulcan equivalent of Prince Archie, if Harry hadn’t left The Institution.
Of COURSE we get flashbacks of Vulcan kids bullying Spock! The Learning Center is equivalent to the sort of British Boarding School where they sent King Charles. These places are meant to break kids. They’re all about exclusivity and maintaining the elite status quo. After all, maintaining tradition is only logical, and holy shit do Vulcans love their rituals - even if those rituals include hardcore school bullying. 
Look at how the British royal family and media treat Meghan Markle. Now look at how all the Vulcans in Spock’s orbit treat Amanda Grayson. If Amanda had married a nice Vulcan biologist somewhere out in the colonies no one would have cared, but no, she married the single most high profile Vulcan Royalty of his generation. Plenty of Vulcans were no doubt jealous she snatched up that prize of a bondmate, then masked it as criticizing his choice for being “illogical in the extreme.” 
I like to think that most Vulcans are just out there living their best IDIC lives. 
Meanwhile, the S’chn T’gai family is out there living by Royalty Rules in everything they do. 
Mutiny? Pshaw. Our great grandmother T’Pau knows a guy who knows a guy who will make the paperwork disappear. Stealing a ship? Well, the family could buy it outright, but that would be gauche. Starting a cult? Sybok is a direct descendant of Surak himself. Who better to lead a revolution?
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three--rings · 8 days
So this whole Trump Racist Conspiracy on Immigrants Eating Pets thing...
It's the oldest smelliest Racist Uncle At Thanksgiving Shit. It doesn't matter the race or the location or the time period, people are accusing them of eating cats and dogs.
So, a personal story.
About 18 years ago I was working as a social worker and one day I was sent to a different county to help out in a public mental health clinic in a rural town that I normally didn't go to.
And lunchtime came around and the local workers were like, let's go each lunch. And there were not a lot of places to eat in this town. Like a McDonald's, a subway, and idk a few local places. They said we can go to the chinese buffet and me and my coworker were like cool let's go. And the psychiatrist there that day said he would go to lunch with us and treat us. Excellent!
So we go to this little chinese place and it's not, like, great. It's mediocre chinese all-you-can-eat buffet in a town with a dearth of asian people, yunno? But it's fine. It's edible. And we're all sitting there eating and we notice, hey, the psychiatrist doesn't have any food.
"Not eating lunch?" someone asks him.
"I don't eat Chinese food," he says.
"Oh?" Puzzled looks all around, like...this is a pretty weird statement, considering regardless of dietary concerns it's pretty easy to find something to eat, you know.
"No. You never know what that meat is," he says with confidence, with the air of someone older and wiser letting the young folks in on a secret. This man is probably late 60s, retired from normal practice. White, obviously, with a strong Texas accent (that pegs him as rural).
Silence and looks around the table. Nervous laughter. "Uh, what do you mean?"
"I mean I bet there no stray cats on the streets around here."
Longer silence as what this man is saying sinks in. Finally, my coworker, a black man who doesn't put up with much, says, "let me get this straight...you think we're eating cat right now?"
The doctor shrugs. "How do you know you're not?"
"You think it's easier for this restaurant to go catch cats and use them in the food than buying something at a store?"
More shrugging. Then he doubles down. "Hey I used to work in The Valley [the Rio Grande Valley, along the border with Mexico, an area with high poverty and like 90% hispanic] and I'll just tell you that there are no stray dogs down there."
Raised eyebrows and the looking down at your plates that happens when Racist Uncle starts going off. My coworker continues to challenge him a little, "No dogs. You looked everywhere..." etc.
You have to understand the power dynamics at play too. A psychiatrist in public mental health is the VERY TOP of the hierarchy. It's so hard to get a psychiatrist to come to the middle of nowhere and practice in shit conditions for shit (relative) pay. You don't usually get the best. So you have to treat them like royalty. What they says goes. They are treated with such deference. So we really were just in this situation of like...what the fuck do you do. Don't Piss Off The Doctor is a big rule. (I was really lucky that the clinic I usually worked at had a good young doctor out of Austin, who was bilingual and like...quirky? Always late? But provided good care.)
I did later find out this doctor had a reputation of the "don't be a female and find yourself alone with him" variety. Some people had been moved offices because they refused to work with him. But like, finding a replacement for him was virtually impossible.
Anyway, so that was the first time I had someone to my face talk about all the immigrants eating cats and dogs. And it wasn't even one of my patients! I heard a lot of shit at that job but never anything as blatantly racist as what that psychiatrist said. (Sexist? homophobic? okay yeah)
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kataraavatara · 9 months
Rhaenyra Targaryen is racist and classist, why do you like her?
Well, it’s a show and book about royalty so unless I was missing the secret proletariat protagonist George snuck in, they’re *all* pretty classist. I’m usually not with the “we’re just rooting for our favorite war criminals 🤪” crowd, but you have to admit it’s pretty slim pickings if you’re looking for a member of the medieval nobility who *isn’t* classist to some degree.
As for the racism, I can’t think of anything she’s done in show canon, so I’m guessing it’s in reference to her calling Nettles a “low creature” and thinking the only way she could possibly “seduce” Daemon was via sorcery, and ordering her execution? To me that read as paranoia, not racism. I wouldn’t invalidate someone else’s interpretation, but it simply isn’t mine.
Even setting all that aside, I can still appreciate her as a tragic figure with flaws, acknowledge she was a victim of misogyny and still not agree with all of her actions.
But who is YOUR favorite character, anon? How do they measure up? Why do you like them?
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eroscunt · 1 year
1996. no minors 🔞 (tbh i’d prefer 20+) tumblr deleted my prev blog-- it will be missed.
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queer/trans(nb&2S) probably a switch—idk bc i’m a virgin. not that virginity means much. or anything really.
✌️low energy so tagging is usually a no-go but there will be:
queer and trans bodies (not fetishized)
probably some normy porn bc thats what gets through the censors the most but i try to diversify as much as i can
monsters, orcs, aliens, robots, insects, the occasional furry (including p0kemon)
some kinds of roleplay (knights/royalty, master/servant, doctor/patient)
i think sex outdoors, or in the water is pretty hot
some more ~edgy~ kinks like cnc (the consent part is very important) but fantasy is fantasy
also somno… (idk ask me questions lol)
i like some spit and drool stuff…
bondage and toys 🧸 (light bdsm)
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i am not into (in no order):
potty stuff
dd/lg stuff
inflation or abnormally large body parts
gore or vore
pet play (at least like dog stuff)
racist and predatory age stuff
anti trans/fetishizing of intersex bodies
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den-of-eros · 5 months
pinned post
Hello! I'm Sloane or Eros (they/he). First and foremost, this is an 18+ ONLY blog, so minors and ageless DNI.
More about me, I am transmasc, bisexual (mostly t4t), and a dom switch. I am also pretty experimental, so kinks not mentioned in this post may appear.
My asks and DMs are open for all sorts of kinky depravity. The scenarios I write and post are fictional.
Please have your age clearly visible in your bio, or I will block you.
Feeling generous? Want me to do a custom concept or audio for you? Tip me at $erosbowstring and you will be rewarded.
--About, kinks, terms, DNI, below the cut--
About this blog:
Honestly, I'm just here to be a transgender who has lots of kinks. Concepts/posts that I write myself will be tagged #den of eros along with any content warnings that I can think of. Miscellaneous sfw posts that I write will be tagged as #stray shots. I will not be tagging reblogs so be forewarned.
Kinks include (but not limited to):
cnc & dubcon (incl intox, somno, etc)
knife play
primal play
various flavors of monster fucking
petplay (dom only)
priest/religious kinks
Hard limits (not DNI):
bathroom kinks
Titles you may call me: sir, prince (or any royalty terms really), daddy, open to others that you want to try (you will know if i don't like it)
Do NOT use these terms: kid/kiddo, angel, bunny, bitch, any femme terms. faggot and other more sensitive terms are reserved for those i am close to.
minors!!! racists, pedophiles, terfs, nazis, the usual. Misgendering/detrans!!! Other than that, kinks of all kinds are welcome to interact so long as RACK practices are in place IRL. We're all freaks here, let's just be safe and consensual freaks.
Last updated: 8/6/2024
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ourimpavidheroine · 1 year
just so you know, its racist to claim that prince wu is brown because he has a mother from the water tribe.
So this is the fourth Ask in the last 24 hours that I've gotten about my headcanoning Wu as being brown because he has a mother from the Water Tribe.
Now either somebody has written somewhere - on Tumblr, Discord, Twitter, I don't know - the erroneous information that in my fanfic Wu's mother is from the Water Tribe and folks have, without bothering to read my fic, decided to let me know how wrong I am OR it's a single Anon who has a real bug up their ass, but I will address it this once. Any other Asks about it are going to get instantly deleted.
Prince Wu, in my fanfic, does not have a mother from the Water Tribe. This is never stated anywhere in any of my fic and indeed, his mother is written about fairly frequently and in great detail.
My fic headcanons go as such:
Wu's father is a prince of the Hou-Ting house, the only one of his generation. His biological father is Queen Hou-Ting's (she of The Legend of Korra fame) younger brother, Zaichun. Zaichun had five wives, all of them but one political marriages. (This was pretty standard for Qing dynasty royalty, which is what the Hou-Ting family was based on.) His second wife (who was a nonbending Fire Nation noble lady) had a daughter who died very young; his third wife has his only son. This third wife was originally a Ba Sing Se kitchen maid and a concubine; she is given official consort status when she gives birth to the only (living) heir. The prince's first wife legally adopts the baby boy and raises him (poorly) to be the next ruler. It is from his Hou-Ting father that Wu gets his green Hou-Ting eyes, the rather large ears, the sweet smile and the very curly hair, which is a legacy from the kitchen maid who is his biological grandmother. (Again, all based on actual Qing Dynasty history, which is absolutely fascinating and chock full of fabulous royal drama.)
Wu's mother is the last of her house, a first tier noble home. First tier nobles are at the top of the food chain, extremely wealthy and usually with close familial/blood ties with the ruling family. (Beifongs are first tier, for example.) This is certainly the case with Wu's mother. It is from her that he gets his brown skin and large nose, as well as his thin build. Now. I did state, in one of my fics, that one of Wu's maternal great-grandmothers was a princess from the Northern Watertribe, a non-bender that came with a very large dowry and very favorable shipping/trade contracts, which Wu holds even after the death of his great-aunt. (In fact, I have made it clear more than once that while he certainly has a lot of wealth on the Hou-Ting side, it is his inheritance from his mother that is what really makes him so obscenely wealthy.)
Why did I bring up this Northern Water Tribe great-grandmother? To "give" Wu his brown skin? No. Not at all. In fact, if you'd actually read my fanfic, you'd know that Wu explains how all of the various royal and top tier noble families in the Earth Kingdom are very much inbred (happened in Qing Dynasty China, as well) and that royalty/nobility from other nations were brought in, and that included the Fire Nation before Sozin went all Genocide on them. Wu also mentions, off-handedly, that he is distantly related to Korra, Eska and Desna as well as King Bumi's descendants and that there was Fire Nation royalty in his father's bloodline back in the day as well.
CLEARLY Wu is meant to be South Asian; not only his skin color but his features reflect that, never mind his voice actor. (Sunil Malhotra's voice is always in my head for Wu.) If I had written that Wu had gotten his brown skin only from a single great-grandmother then how on earth would he have been so brown if the rest of his family had been strictly East Asian, including Queen Hou-Ting and his great-grandfather Kuei? A great-grandparent is only about 12.5% of your DNA. Wu very likely would have been considerably paler than he is if there had only been one brown great-grandmother. But he isn't. His warm brown skin is a legacy from his mother's entire family, whom I have established in my fic as being South Asian. In other words, think if an Inuit woman had married into a family from New Delhi. Her great-grandchild probably wouldn't resemble her very much.
TL:DR - Wu does have a Northern Water Tribe maternal great-grandmother, but she was brought into my fics for historical authenticity and not as an explanation for Wu's brown skin, which is clearly South Asian.
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angelick-me · 1 year
hiii my name is Andromeda! I'm 18 and I use any pronouns, tho I'm pretty femme irl so people usually just use she/her. I'm exploring my gender identity right now so the targeted posts I rb might be all over the place. If you're a wlw or mlm specific blog and don't want me interacting because of my big question mark of a gender, let me know! :)
My DMs and asks are open for anyone not on my DNI, but keep in mind I don't send photos and like 90% I am totally a sub!!
You can call me any nickname, masculine or feminine, I use Andy irl alot, tho in this blog context angel is very nice :))
I'm not sure about what kinks I like and don't like so this post will be updated as we go along!
Humiliation/Degredation. Breeding (but no actual preg.) Size difference. CNC kind of? I definitely like somno and like intox play. Monster stuff. Hierophilia (religious stuff) Angels n Demons too. Royalty kink a bit too maybe. Being tied up.
Raceplay. Bimbo stuff. Scent? Scat. Needles. Body Modification. Directly using the word ra•pe. Real Underage. Real Animals. Real Inc•est. Not rlly sure I like Daddy stuff either.
DNI- Racists, transphobes, terfs, swerfs, the like. no dickheads. no men over like.... 40 years old please.
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lya-dustin · 1 year
There's a huge complaints from poc readers that's recurring about not enough poc OCs out there so I do think there's a demand for them but it's just not being fulfilled because it's always usually white OCs a lot. If you're white writing a poc oc people don't like it. But there is a valid claim to needing more poc OCs. But I think while smut is hugely popular I think there isn't enough poc oc representation and not that it's not 'popular'. I don't know why your poc oc is not getting views but there is a huge appetite for them because its so grossly underrated. We need wider variety of OCs of all races etc but we are just not getting them. Keep writing tho
Oh yes, i get it.
The only way you offend poc when you write poc characters is by writing them in ways that are stereotypical or fetishist. Thats only when we gatekeep the characters or run you off the site.
I am latina, and because my experience in life is that of a woman of color and I know how to educate myself on the matter(there are alot of reasources on how to write poc which are very helpful), I am confident enough to write characters of different races and explore their stories as i write.
For example, Aemma’s fics deal with how racist westeros actually is and that despite being royalty isn't spared from people's bigotry and racism and how oppressive a patriarchal society actually is.
As for smut, yeah other non smut fics are popular and there are people who would read poc!reader/oc smut, because we love writing them. To reiterate, Smut reading/writng is wonderful and i am not speaking against it.
Its just sometimes it feels like you guys only read smut and that's pretty discouraging to those of us who write smut once on a blue moon(i am an asexual with extremely low libido, once every like 3 months i get the urge to write vague smut) or not at all.
As for other factors is that the green vs black thing in the hotd fandom really has people restricting what they read to keep themselves in imaginary lines. (I am team neither but I do not like writing characters who are okay with upholding the patriarchy as my writing tends to have the message of don't confrom to an unjust society, always rebel against it (which makes Alicent and some greens a villain because theor mission is to confrom to society and kill those who rise against it))
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thatonedumb-s-u-b · 1 year
Finally a pinned post that I’ve procrastinated long enough on making (now that I’m looking to procrastinate on other stuff)! You can call me Arson, Arry, or whatever pet name seems fitting at the moment This is an nsfw blog for me to post my horny thoughts and musings and hopefully give you a little something to get excited over. DNI: bigots (not cool with all the lgbtq+? racist? I don’t wanna talk to you), anyone only attracted to women (I’m a man), MAPS, blogs centered around my hard no’s Rules Absolutely NO MINORS I’m an adult and I would like to keep interactions to adults only RESPECT my pronouns (he/him)! Nothings a bigger boner killer. NO arguments! These are my personal ramblings for my personal tastes, not into something? Block me! It’s free! (Though please don’t be afraid to let me know I didn’t tag something properly just give me a little ‘hey could you’ and I’ll usually be pretty happy to!) HARD NO’S we all have them please don’t try to message me with them at all (will be listed below) If you want to send me asks or dm to flirt that’s more than fine! But I won’t tolerate unsolicited nudes, and I will keep the convo to tumblr I won’t move the conversation to discord/kik/whatever messaging app. That risks my privacy and anonymity This might not happen very often but occasionally I vent about it here if I drop PLEASE be a little respectful if you’re going to interact with those posts I’m a person not your blorbo Kinks I Post (the fun part! Will grow as needed) Royalty! (Sometimes I feel like a little prince and deserve to be treated like one!) Puppy/pet play Casual sex Free Use/cnc Somno Exhibitionism/public sex/risk of getting caught Praise Humiliation/degredation Bratty sub Power bottom (not always feeling like a sub) HARD NO’S (just don’t. No kink shame but no kink same) Gore Vore Bodily waste (may have VERY SPECIFIC and RARE exceptions? But my terms) Pregnancy! Will NEVER be sexy to me! De-transition!! Just don’t!
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pynkhues · 3 years
Hi again! I was just re-reading your meta about Logan’s use of emasculating language with Kendall and Roman, and how likely it is that Logan told Kendall to keep his sex life in line at an early age. Which like, ew gross. But also Logan must have been pretty focused on succession and dynasty at one point, his eldest son as his natural successor, and I then wonder how it ties in to him having married into aristocracy. Like, it’s kind of royal, right? This sort of ‘have your fun but make sure you get married and have kids, preferably with the right sort’ pressure on the eldest son. And so I then wonder about how much Kendall actually wanted to have kids, and how similar he might be to Caroline in that respect (who must also have had that same pressure to marry and reproduce applied to her by her own family). Although I do tend to feel that Kendall, when he does manage to engage with his children, is more loving towards them than Logan and Caroline ever were with him and his siblings. So maybe he did want to have kids after all, and his want of them happened to align with Logan’s desires. Which must have added another layer to the emotions in play when Iverson was born - the eldest son finally producing another son, dynasty secured for sexist racist grandpa. And then for both Kendall and Iverson to slowly come to represent failure in Logan’s eyes, because they both fail to meet Logan’s view of power and masculinity. Like, UGH. And ugh, this ask is a mess, I’m sorry! Just thinking about the Roys in royalty/dynastic terms gives me feelings because royalty is so very fucked up and usually means terrible things for the people living within that system.
Hi hi! And yeah, it’s all such fascinating things to think about.
In terms of the dynasty / succession stuff, and particularly Logan and Caroline’s relationship, I think it’s kind of this classic conflict between old money and new. Caroline brings with her not just the prestige of old money aristocracy, but with it the roots. She’s established in a way Logan wasn’t as a young man, and likely was still in the process of becoming when they met. There’s very often a sort of instability with new money that breeds insecurity, because ultimately that power and that wealth is unproven.
F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of my favourite authors, and it was a theme he was pretty obsessed with, I mean, gosh, it’s the entire crux of The Great Gatsby. Gatsby’s faking it until he makes it, and while he eventually makes his fortune before the novel starts, by that point, Daisy, who’s old money, has married somebody else who’s already established as old money.
It's probably best articulated in this quote:
‘However glorious might be his future as Jay Gatsby, he was at present a penniless young man without a past, and at any moment the invisible cloak of his uniform might slip from his shoulders. So he made the most of his time. He took what he could get, ravenously and unscrupulously—eventually he took Daisy one still October night, took her because he had no real right to touch her hand. He might have despised himself, for he had certainly taken her under false pretenses. I don’t mean that he had traded on his phantom millions, but he had deliberately given Daisy a sense of security; he let her believe that he was a person from much the same stratum as herself—that he was fully able to take care of her. As a matter of fact he had no such facilities—he had no comfortable family standing behind him and he was liable at the whim of an impersonal government to be blown anywhere about the world.’
I don’t think Logan was penniless when he met Caroline, but it’s canon that he grew up very poor, and I think a huge part of his attraction to her was about legitimising not just himself and his status, but that of any future children. (And actually, Connor too. I mean, I’ve talked about it on here a lot before, but the combination of Connor knowing so much about Caroline’s estates at Shiv’s wedding, and Connor being invited to Caroline’s makes me think Logan made active efforts to bring Logan up with him).
Logan is a character who’s strategizing even when he’s not, and we know legacy’s important to him, but I think writing his children a history different from his own was important to him too. Marrying Caroline meant any children he had with her would, technically, be old money. They’d have his name but her roots, which would be a way of sort of grafting himself onto her family tree, so to speak.
He got to give his children the best of both worlds, which honestly, I think he did and still does want. He never wanted them to have to scrape and survive – or 'take ravenously and unscrupulously', as Fitzgerald beautifully puts it, like he did – just after he gave that to them, he resented them for everything they had. Still resents them for it, gosh. Kendall was spot on when he told him in 1.07 that Logan was jealous of what he gave them, and he was especially right when he told him he couldn’t handle it.
A part of Logan lives through his kids and I think he wants to give them what he didn’t get to have as a way of giving it to himself. I think he wants to do that because he believes it'll heal his childhood trauma, but life doesn't work that way. His children are their own people, but because Logan can’t really differentiate, he views their flaws as his failings, as both a father and a man. That projection just perpetuates this cycle of abuse because the only way Logan was ever taught how to handle failure was through violence and taking what he could, so he takes whatever his children can give him, and tries to destroy whatever they can’t or whatever they won’t.
It’s vicious and fascinating and horrible and so, so compelling to me.
In that sense though, I tend to think Kendall having kids so young with Rava was actually more about Kendall than about Logan, at least consciously. I’m sure there was a lot of subconscious stuff happening in both of them, but timeline-wise, it makes for an interesting match. From Alan Ruck saying Connor’s 15 years older than Kendall, and Kendall turning 40 in s3, and, from my timeline I’ve been mocking up, it’s been maaaybe a year since Logan’s 80th in 1.01 – it would make Logan 25 when he had Connor. Given I think Iverson and Sophie are supposed to be somewhere between the age of 12 and 14, it’d put Kendall then at about 26 when he had them, and I think in terms of Kendall’s character (and his comparing in 2.08 at Dundee), that it feels believable that he’d be trying to match his father’s milestones.
It's an internalised way of trying to live up to his father's legacy, to following in his footsteps literally instead of figuratively, to making sure his dad knew that he was the one. He was the second born, but he was the prince to crown.
I could be wrong of course, and maybe Logan was putting the pressure on him, or Rava wanted them, or maybe their friends were doing it (although I doubt it just because the show has specifically had so many characters not have kids), but the fact that Sophie, if not Iverson too (although I do tend to think he’s biological), is pretty clearly adopted I think tells us there was a sense of wanting kids then and there.
Either way, I do think Logan would’ve responded positively to it in the first instance. I do think dynasty and succession is important to him, especially when you add to the fact that it’s generally third generation that transitions you from a new money house to an old money house. There’d be a certain class / prestige security for Logan in having grandchildren, and, like you said, it secures this dynasty for him. It pretty clearly rubs up against his extreme fear of aging, to say nothing of the fact that Sophie’s both a girl and not biological, and Iverson’s more or less textually autistic and not performing the correct sort of masculinity that Logan wants, but still, I do think he likes having them.
Even putting the dynasty stuff aside, I think it’s normal for people who’ve been abused and abandoned by family to want to create a big one to surround themselves with, even if they treat them badly. Logan feels, generally, that he has control over this new family he’s made for himself, and it’s a control he tries to exert almost absolutely. It’s legacy and succession, but it’s also a child pushing all his dolls and stuffed animals onto his bed and not letting anyone else touch them.
He was mistreated by his family, so he created a new one, but when that mistreatment is all you’ve ever known, for a man like Logan who refuses any help to reflect and grow, is it any wonder he mistreats them as well?
And you’re right too that that mistreatment just keeps spreading. Trauma is never contained to just one person, which is so beautifully encapsulated in this show, it just sprawls out and out and out, and the second traumatised people get an ounce of power, that sprawl just has vaster and vaster ramifications.
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relaxxattack · 3 years
So I've noticed there are certain stereotypes associated with certain blood colors in homestuck, do you have a list of any kind? I'd rather choose than just go off of birthday.
oh boy. it's very hard to explain in one shot-- they have a whole class society based off this in homestuck, and each color is a class level. each color has unique powers as well as a general place in society, and they're all very racist towards each other about their blood colors (although i think the correct term is "hemophobic")
here's my very very general summary:
the classes go in rainbow order, with red being the lowest slaves of society and fuchsia (pink) being the rulers/royalty.
there's only a few living fuchsiabloods at any time, but there's like millions of rustbloods being their slaves. but highbloods lifespans are much much longer then lowbloods (im talking thousands of years)
also their minds become more wack the higher up the caste ladder you go-- rustbloods are kinda normal, but highbloods often crave blood and violence and just act really off-the-rocker.
rustblood (red): lowest point of society, killed by highbloods for fun. they are very physically weak, but often have mild mind-powers like telekinesis. often related to the dead/ghosts
bronzeblood (orange/brownish): pretty much as low as the rusts, sometimes just also called rusts. can have psychic connections/communication with animals a lot of the time. are often called not that smart.
goldblood (yellow): just barely above rusts. still low class. they have telekinesis as well. they're associated with tech: a lot of them hack or create computers or something like that. they also have fucked up mind powers a lot of the time-- like, their stong telekinesis hurts them. they also have heterochromic eyes because gemini 
limebloods (bright green): were all killed off thousands of years ago, dunno anything about them
olivebloods (desaturated green): lower-middle class. often related to cats. they're usually good hunters and a lot of them take jobs as assasins.
jadebloods (jewel green): a rarer color (?). they all live underground and help raise hatching children. they're all like, babysitters and teachers, and they make sure the eggs hatch and get given to their animal guardians. they also usually have a high sense of fashion. well-off but not rich.
tealbloods (turquoise): high/upper class. usually work as doctors, lawyers, officers, etc. they're very smart and work hard. they all have a thing for justice and law.
ceruleanbloods (blue): these are rich people. they can all do pretty much whatever they want, which often involves stealing/killing since they are high enough of a color to crave blood. some of them can mind control people. they're also very hot (<- this is my opinion)
indigobloods (dark blue): nobility/EXTREMELY rich. these guys are super super physically strong. also can and will kill a lot. generally considered somehow nicer then cerulean though.
purplebloods (dark purple): literal clowns. i don't mean they're dumb: all purple bloods are actually part of a religious juggalo cult in canon. they drink faygo that's largely implied to be made with other troll's blood. they also go into a crazed violent rage if provoked. they're extremely murderous, but also never punished by law, because they are the HIGHEST land blood caste. they're the 1% of the land trolls. they're very fucking creepy.
violetbloods (purple-pink): seadwelling mermaid trolls. they hate land trolls and would probably commit genocide if they could. there's not really a lot of them and they don't interact with land trolls that much, but they're essentially royalty.
fuchsiabloods (pink): actual royalty. there's usually only two alive at any given time; the adult empress one off destroying galaxies and the princess on the planet.
each color also corresponds to a zodiac sign in order. rustbloods are aries, bronzebloods are taurus, and so on.
hope this helps, sorry it's a lot ;_;
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transfemstarscream · 3 years
I shouldn't be surprised because TF fandom is white af but it's creepy how obsessed with bloodlines, royalty, biological sparklings, etc fanfic writers are. like...I see you.
there are countless of fanfics that are dedicated to trying to justify eugenics, scenarios where attempts of genocide of (oppressed) people are successful or “developed further”, how these robots seek the “best races” and “half-breeds” are looked down upon, how the “gladiators” and/or “barbarians” seek to steal the “pretty trophies” (hint: these characters are usually described as either white or east asian, but mostly white), etc. like it really isn’t subtle at all.
hell, even with animated’s faulty premise that autobots/decepticons aren’t just factions but what you’re born as, people have somehow taken that to an EXTREME with how disgusting it is. the way people portray the animated autobots and decepticons just REEKS of bioessentialism— no matter how much you’re trying to convince me that you’re portraying the decepticon characters as tall, broading pervasive sharp-teeth studs as a way of proving they’re “biologically superior” to the autobots (which… is literally just awful by itself. what the fuck is wrong with you) you’re STILL doing it solely for the act of getting off to the “implications” of it. you’re just racist ableist pieces of shit.
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dirtyrottenraskel · 4 years
my take on yueki's personalities
notes / personality
cocky (but also like understated confidence - r e g a l af) 
kind of a nerd
maybe a little entitled, and a little bratty and suki loves to indulge her or to rile her up depending on her mood
seems soft but made of steel
strong sense of duty
socially intelligent - can be manipulative and suki (the dork) thinks it is so hot 
aloof queen bee typa beat
supportive, both in ur day to day and in going after your big moral life goals 
deep water - steady and powerful, often underestimated
untold depths, private yet surprisingly nurturing - master of deflecting away from herself
political nerd - well read, and when she has someone she trusts not to take advantage of her, she goes OFF 
distrusting of most people, has been used and ignored and underestimated her whole life
patient - homegirl knows how to play the long game
excellent at pai sho / chess 
she and suki have epic battles of wits - dif types of strategy but both are really into it and get a little too competitive (multiple board games have had to be replaced over the years)
loves travel bc wasn’t allowed to much, esp when she was sick 
was super repressed growing up - never let her be herself or really have any sort of independence
used to sneak out and wander around in rebellion and casually sabotage plans and decisions she didn’t agree with 
introverted, many opinions but keeps them to herself, discreet but well spoken
weaponizes secrets and information - doesn’t often use it but...she could
definitlyyyyy worries and overthinks and re-evaluates - worries ab social politics a lot
obsessive about picking things - wants it to be perfect
shes growing into her confidence as a leader
prefers quite intimate places
incredibly romantic
classic lit
planner for the future - visionary
kind / sweet / gentle - yes, but that’s also her “front” to a degree (seriously, i feel like she gets painted as so sweet and submissive and one dimensional by the fandom a lot of times and it freakin kills me)
INFJ-T (The Advocate) ((yes this is from 16p which i know is not super accurate but u can still catch her overall vibes from it ya know)
sensitive/reluctant to open up/perfectionist/prone to burnout/not a fan of the ordinary
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - puppy love crushes, laugh ab it now, get into deep late night talks about responsibilities and leading, water tribe culture, prank wars (no one believes sokka when he says yue is a mean prank master (expect suki comes to see it in action lol))
katara - <> badass women friendship, totally would go to matches and protests together, tough girl shit, waterbending practice/duels - start of cautious, but then get rough in a good way bc they trust each other, they do water tribe food adventures together
toph - indulges her chaos, bonding over stupid royal upbringings, odd yet weirdly endearing pair
zuko - both sort of standoffish gay royals, but once they come to see that they are friends - take up similar spaces though, so only hang out in a group or rarely by themselves, they do hang out at like political parties and stuff when they get more comfortable together
aang - <> he has an impressive world view, yue is super studied and well read, so she and aang nerd out over past cultures together, and also their peace keeping nature, they have tea together often - usually after she and katara wipe the floor w/ each other
clothing / aesthetic:
blues and pale colors
classy and understated wealth
like those cute feminine button down shirts
like cold weather classy
complicated braids
sort of soft girl aesthetic?
pleated skirts !!!
i feel like she would wear ethically sourced fur (i don’t wear fur but idk how to get it in an ethical way - maybe it’s just fake??)
knit sweaters and skinny jeans and heeled ankle boots
light academia !!!
hella funky earrings - to mark her native pride and also cuz gay
from my readings, tattoos have a lot of cultural significance for Inuit women, and so i feel like yue would totally have some (when she comes of age ofc) 
notes / personality 
also very strategic 
more spontaneous tho - will totally calculate the odds in a spilt second in her head and then just go for it
like still a careful planner, but willing to say fuck it, yolo if it seems right 
reflects on her mistakes, but more in like a healthy way - unless it was a leadership mistake, then it eats her up inside - worries more ab keeping her girls safe and making the right call
likes lively places
total bashful romantic
manages the present and the short term - realist
loves to do lists 
a little punch happy - loves to make violent threats, but also does it out of excitement and she’s just a really physical person tbh
steady, can come off as stubborn and abrasive but she really just wants what’s best for everyone she loves
harsh on herself and worries about her girls a lot 
always ends up in the oddest situations 
totally would kick someone’s ass for being racist/sexist/homophobic/etc 
dedicated to her training and her regime 
not a great cook, but she can manage 
would drink monsters 
has a weird relationship with femininity - took her awhile to reconcile strength and toughness and being assertive and aggressive with also wanting to feel pretty and feminine and embracing being a girl and how those things can coincide and amplify each other
abandonment issues - parents absent/dead 
was imprisoned - obvi she had several almost successful escape attempts, but she got really close to breaking 
was incredibly independent really early, grew up really fast and tries to make up for that now by sometimes being reckless 
tough/assertive/woman of action 
dry sense of humor/sarcastic - not good at nickname/pun humor tho
stubborn/judgmental/difficult to relax/difficulty expressing emotions/too selfless 
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - <>  man they’re like platonic soulmates - she beat him up, and now they spar all the time, totally funny and crack jokes all the time, go skating together, they do shitty art together, and then show their lovers after zuko and yue come back from their high society mixers, broke her out of prison, m/f friendship !!! 
katara - also sparring buddies (suki will throw down at any literally moment (and tbh so will katara)), not close but will hang in a group - go to each other for advice 
toph - <> listen these two wreak havoc together, they help each other out a lot, i feel like they’re shopping buddies (similar enough style to frequent the same shops) toph knows suki won’t judge her for wanting to feel pretty and suki knows toph will be honest, they are both blunt sarcastic assholes and get along like a house on fire 
zuko - <> shows zuko how to like,,,enjoy things (and how to let go of some of that pressure to be always right and the adult and in charge bc they were raised with so much responsibility on their shoulders even tho they were just kids)? she is also super protective of him (once she trusts him), one of the only ppl who can match suki fully in hand to hand combat, both do the Disappointed Parent Look when the group falls into chaos, but by themselves, the two of them end up in hijinks
aang- suki enjoys his optimism and they’re just chill bros, they love exploring abandoned placed together 
clothing / aesthetic
sporty and skater mixed 
ripped jeans, crewnecks, vans 
green and yellow and dark red 
gym clothes/athleisure - lifting style gym clothes - cut off t-shirts and bike shorts
skirts too, likes to play into femininity
she’s a gold jewelry kinda girl - but stuff that won’t hinder her movements 
necklaces that end in the hollow of her throat & occasionally rings
definitely cuffs all of her jeans (it’s just bisexual culture ya know)
so many crop tops - some came like that, some were more of a diy project
yueki’s relationship!!!
nerd/jock solidarity 
feel the burden of responsibility and the weight on their shoulders 
they create a safe space between them, full of trust and warmth and vulnerability 
yue will read suki sappy passages from poetry books while suki polishes her fans 
they slow dance in the kitchen a lot 
they get good at ordering takeout - and they have some weird decision making process that only they understand - bc neither of them are great cooks 
yue would feel jealous of suki and sokka, if it weren’t for how stupid in love sokka was with zuko and yue can see that suki really only has eyes for her 
yue is taller than suki and it amuses her to no end to pick suki up and carry her away from a fight (we all know suki could get away if she wanted to, but when ur hot tall sexy gf throws u over her shoulder,,,,,,u don’t complain)
joke they’ve adopted kataang and zukka, bc they’re all dummies, but in reality every last one of them is stupid LMAO 
they love to do each other’s hair and it’s like super intimate and really cute 
sometimes it’s these epic elaborate hairstyles and then at other times, they try to see how many ponytails they can fit on suki’s head and how many little braid yue can do 
they travel EVERYWHERE 
since yue is royalty and suki is her body guard,,,, well i mean, they totally have to see these kingdoms they are doing trade deals with in person 
it helps that they're friends with a lot of them 
they stay over in everything from camping so they can stargaze to ritzy hotels with hot tubs in the bathroom 
yue gives suki rocks she finds on all their travels and suki lines them up on their mantle around the pictures of them in increasingly weird locations 
suki loves guarding yue’s meetings bc she gets to watch her absolutely rip a new one into misogynistic old men and it never fails to bring her joy 
While yue doesn’t love getting attacked, the ruthless efficiency suki defends her with is like,,,,,stupid attractive 
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phykios · 4 years
people on ao3 were thirsty for this fic so... here you go, tumblr ❤ 
put on the red light M, sex work au, modern royalty au, no powers au  [read on ao3]
Sometimes, she really regrets being best friends with Piper.
Said best friend still gapes at her from across the table, jaw practically on the floor. “Never?”
Annabeth rolls her eyes. “Never.”
“Not even, like, at school?”
“When I would have had the time?” she asks. “I was attempting a five-year program in four years, and then… well, you know.” And she does know, all about the very exciting drama that went down in Annabeth’s senior year.
Piper is still flabbergasted. “Not even high school?”
Annabeth takes a sip of her drink. “I wasn’t exactly a hot commodity in high school.” She’d been passively pretty all her life, but she hadn’t exactly been what some might call Girlfriend material, capital G. She’d stuck to her fifteen year plan to the letter, eschewing most social contact, working herself into the ground to overcome ADHD by sheer force of will and get into Harvard, a plan which allowed approximately zero time for a boyfriend. Not that there were even boys that she had really liked at the time.
The only boy she had ever considered liking in that way, well. She had lost contact with him a while ago.
“I can’t believe this.”
“Believe it or not, Ripley, it’s true. I’ve never had sex. You happy?”
“I mean, if you don’t mind me asking, are you ace?” Piper asks. “Because that’s totally cool, of course.”
She shakes her head. “Definitely not ace.” She has a minor collection of personal massagers and insertable devices should she ever need to take care of an urge, and plenty of fantasies she can call on whenever the need arises--a system which has worked just fine for years.
“I just…” Piper stares, unconvincingly. “How?”
Shrugging, she takes another sip of coffee. “Just never got around to it, I guess.”
It’s not something she’s proud of, but by the same token, it’s not something that brings her shame, either. It is what it is; Annabeth, a notable workaholic, has never had sex with another person in her life. In some ways, it sucks, sure, but in other ways, it’s been a blessing in disguise. After all, no previous partners means that there’s no one to spread any dirt on the newly minted Princess Anja Elisabet of Sweden.
But Piper isn’t having it.
“Do you… want to have sex?” she asks. “Like, ever?”
As the daughter of one of the biggest movie stars in the world, she knows that Piper has had her fair share of high profile relationships, something that earned her a little bit of a nasty (and, quite frankly, racist) reputation among the paparazzi, which is ridiculous, since Piper is one of the most effortlessly gracious and classy people Annabeth knows. Piper does not go slinging herself and her partners around in the media like some of her contemporaries; instead, she likes to keep her personal details a bit closer to the chest, sharing them only with trusted confidants, like Annabeth, who knows full well how much Piper enjoys the act of sex. Sex for Piper isn’t dirty or taboo, it’s fun and it’s being close with other people, it’s liberating and exciting and intimate, and she extols its virtues whenever asked to give her opinion.
She makes sex sound really good, but never in a way that makes Annabeth feel ashamed for never having done it. Until now, of course. “Well… yeah,” says Annabeth. “I’d like to. I mean, I think it’d be kind of nice, you know, to do it at least once.”
“But then you’d have to start dating,” Piper surmises.
“Yeah,” says Annabeth, glumly.
Dating is a notorious problem for people in her line of work. Royalty, not architects, that is. Dating for architects is easy; just find someone who doesn’t mind the type A personalities and the obsession with work. Dating for royals is… significantly harder, and not really something she wants to engage with right now. She’s only been a royal for a few years, after all—she still feels like it’s a big cosmic joke, that someone is going to unearth some old documents or reveal a couple of forgeries that will bring the whole thing crashing down, and she doesn’t want to bring an outsider into all that drama, let alone deal with it herself.
Piper takes a sip of her drink, thoughtful, then lays out her next question carefully. “Have you ever considered a one-night stand?”
Annabeth stares. “You’re kidding me.”
“I’m not! People do it.”
“Yeah,” she scoffs, “people. Not me.”
“It’s really not hard,” Piper says, “I’ve done it plenty of times.”
“What, you want me to make a tinder?”
She laughs. “God, wouldn’t that be a riot. But no, I mean, there have to be other single royals or celebs around. Why not one of them?”
“Because they’re all insufferable social-climbing jackasses that make me want to rip my skull out of my face every time I’m forced to listen to them at a state dinner.”
“Okay, then.” Never one to be deterred, Piper pulls out her phone, then waits until Annabeth has taken a sip of her drink, presumably to keep her from immediately disagreeing, before dropping the bomb to end all bombs. “Let’s get you an escort.”
Annabeth snorts iced coffee directly out of her nose.
“Shit! Sorry!” Piper shoves a handful of napkins at her. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, do you need water?”
Wheezing, Annabeth shakes her head. “Give me a sec,” she coughs, fingers covering her mouth.
Thank God she’s got her trusty, anti-pap hat on. If anyone took a picture of her like this, her uncle would probably disown her.
“What the hell, Piper?” she rasps when she can finally breathe again.
“I’m so sorry, I should have timed that better.”
“No, I mean—”  she coughs again. “The other thing.”
She raises an eyebrow. “The escort?”
“Keep your voice down!” On instinct, she glances around the London cafe, looking for any stray microphones. Satisfied that no one is listening for the moment, she turns back to her insane best friend. “Yes, the… that thing.”
“It’s not that crazy,” says Piper, turning back to her phone. “We’ll find you a really nice one, someone super high class and discreet, draw up an NDA, and then you can cross it off your bucket list. Man or woman?”
“Man, but—" she sputters. “I—I can’t see a prostitute! Can you imagine the scandal if it got out?”
Forget the iced coffee thing. The princess of Sweden, caught with a hooker… Annabeth is nauseous just thinking about the media circus.
“Not a prostitute,” Piper corrects. “An escort.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
“Same umbrella, but no.” She types away, faster than Annabeth can keep track of. “Pimping is illegal here, but escorts usually have managers.”
“Be that as it may,” because Piper seems to have forgotten the key part of this conversation, “I can’t have sex with an escort.”
“Why not?”
“Because…” The million and a half legitimate reasons not to go through with it all fly through her mind, getting lost somewhere on the way to her mouth. “Because!”
Piper just smiles at her. “I’ll get you a really nice one, promise. Think of it as a late birthday present.”
“It’s September.”
“Early Christmas, then.” And she grins, full of teeth. “Just trust me, okay? Let me take care of it.”
Famous last words, she thinks, popping a bit of scone in her mouth.
7PM, the Dorchester Hotel. Dinner first, then… whatever, later.
Annabeth can’t help but arrive early. She’d never been a punctual person before, but apparently now it’s been beaten into her with all the rest of her princess training.
Five-star hotels are still something of a novelty for her, even though she’s stayed in quite a few by now. Thankfully she’s never stayed here before; she’d be too worried someone on staff would recognize her.
She had thought that she’d show up early, psych herself up a little, get emotionally prepared, or at least have a little time to calm her racing heart before her… date… showed up.
Unfortunately, as punctual as she is, apparently, he’s beaten her to the punch.
He’s exactly where he said he’d be, wearing exactly what he said he’d be wearing; black suit, blue tie, gold watch. Her heart is beating so loudly, she’s sure he can hear it from across the room. “Um, excuse me,” she asks, a little more timid than she’d like, sidling up to the man. “Paris?”
At his name--well, she assumes it’s his name, but it’s probably a pseudonym now that she thinks about it--he lifts his head up, his lips already quirking up in a smile that she can only describe as troublemaking. “Bethany?”
Right. She used a pseudonym as well. A second pseudonym—one other than Anja. “Yeah,” she smiles in return, her shakiness easing.
“Hey!” He stands up from his seat in the lounge, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. “It’s so nice to meet you!”
“You too.” She realizes with a pang; he is so tall. He’s tall, with broad shoulders and a trim waist, startlingly green eyes and thick, curly black hair. And… “You’re American?”
“I am,” he says, unashamed. “The accent gave me away, huh? Hope you weren’t looking for something else.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” she assures him. “I just wasn’t expecting it. It’s fine!"
He grins, crookedly, and she feels her heart skip a beat. “I’ll take it. Shall we head to dinner, then?”
Dinner was amazing, of course. The food, the atmosphere, and the company, she fully admits—all exceptional. Paris is an amazing conversationalist, she discovers, smart and funny and attentive, even gently teasing her a little. “You’re American, too, you know,” he’d said, sipping on his glass of wine, “so you can’t give me any grief over my lack of an accent.”
“I don’t live here,” she’d retorted, pointing her fork at him, “unlike some people I could mention.”
“Where do you live?”
“Ah, well—” Covering up her hesitation by taking a bite of chicken, she’d thought quickly. “Grew up in the States, but recently I moved to, um, Sweden, to be closer to my family.”
He’d nodded. “Expat, huh?”
“Something like that.”
He’d listened to her, really listened, chimed in at appropriate moments, made surprisingly insightful comments about her job and her life, and, well, he’s kind of perfect. If he weren’t an escort, he’d make an amazing boyfriend. She tells him as much, in the elevator on the way up to his room.
“Aw, thank you!” He smiles at her, a single dimple popping out under his strong cheekbones. “That’s very kind of you to say.”
“Why do you do this, anyway?” she asks. “I mean,” oh God, that question is some kind of faux pas isn’t it, Christ what the hell happened to all her etiquette training, “you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to—”
“No, it’s okay,” he says as the elevator door opens. They’re up on a high floor, where the higher high rollers like to stay, and she follows him as he walks confidently down the hallway. “It’s not an offensive question.”
Still, she feels pretty shitty for asking. “I’m sure you get asked that all the time.”
“Most clients honestly aren’t all that interested,” he admits, shrugging a shoulder. “They need something, I can provide it. It can be a little transactional at times, but I’ve met a lot of really cool people, so it all balances out in the end.” Arriving at their door, Paris swipes his keycard, holding it open for her like some kind of butler. “After you.”
The room is enormous, even for a five-star hotel. It is a full-on suite, with a seating area and separate bedroom, a large wooden desk off to one wall, a gorgeous, floor-to-ceiling window that looks onto Hyde Park, full of lights dotted about like mini constellations. “Wow,” she breathes, “look at that view.”
“I never get tired of it,” Paris says, coming up behind her. “No matter how many times I come here.”
“You come here a lot?” she asks. She almost follows it up with a question on how he can afford it, but she ruthlessly quashes that down.
“My clients like it,” is all he says.
“I’m not surprised, all that 1930s deco in the lobby. The façade is a little plain, though, in my opinion.”
“Oh yeah? How would you do it better, Miss Architect?” She gets the sense that he’s teasing her. It feels oddly intimate for the situation—he’s not a friend, or a boyfriend, or even a date. He’s an escort. Providing a service, as he put it. He shouldn’t be so friendly with her.
And yet. “Well, I love Neoclassical, but honestly, I’m not super into hotels.”
“What are you into, then?” Casually, he undoes his tie, sliding it off his neck. She swallows.
“Um.” Focus, girl. “Office buildings, monuments. I dunno. I just want to… I just want to build something good, you know? Something permanent. Proof that I was here, you know?”
“Something permanent, huh?” He speaks softly, a respectable distance away, but she’s drawn in anyway, by his open shirt collar and his easy demeanor and his stupid sea green eyes that remind her so much of— “That sounds really nice.”
Then he steps up to her. His hand, warm and big, draws up her arm, fingers tracing lightly over her skin, and she shivers. He cups her neck, fingering the hair at the base of her scalp, and leans in, his lips parted. He smells like salt, like the perfume of the wine they shared, like the sea on a sunny morning.
“Wait,” she murmurs against his lips.
Immediately, he pulls back. “Is something wrong?” he asks, concerned.
“No, no, it’s fine, I just—” She swallows, her heart racing. “I just need a minute.”
“Of course.” He takes a step back, and she has to stop herself from pulling him in further. “Do you need anything? Water, champagne? They always stock the minifridge.”
She shakes her head. “No, I’m fine. It’s just, I’ve never… done this before.”
“What, hire an escort?” He grins, rakish. “I can tell.”
“Not that—I mean, yes, that too, but I mean—I’ve never—” She huffs, annoyed she has to have this conversation twice in one week. “I’ve never had sex before, okay?”
That shocks him a little. His eyes widen, taken aback. “Oh.”
“Yeah.” Chuckling weakly, she rubs a hand on her arm, looking out the window. “So… yeah.”
“So, don’t take this the wrong way,” says Paris, “but, there are easier ways to get laid than by using a professional. I mean, I’m grateful for the business and all, but, well, look at you.” He looks her up and down, somehow simultaneously respectful and entirely indecent. “I don’t think you’d have a problem getting a date.”
“It’s… complicated.” Understatement of the fucking millennium. “My friend thought this would be the easiest way to… go about it.”
Paris laughs. “You don’t agree.”
“I don’t… not agree,” she says. “I’m just. A little nervous.”
He nods. “I’d bet.” Chewing his lip, he looks towards the bedroom suite, and Annabeth tries not to think about how those teeth would feel on her mouth instead. “How about this; why don’t you take a shower? It might help calm you down a bit.”
“Won’t you be lonely?” she quips, a moment of reckless bravery.
“I have a few calls I can make,” says Paris, eyes dancing. “Go on. Make yourself comfortable.”
She has to hand it to the five-star hotels; the shower is always outstanding. Amazing pressure, amazing heat, it definitely rivals the plumbing in some of the castles she’s stayed at. And the robes, always so soft and warm, though a little on the small side. This one just barely covers her ass, which she figures isn’t a huge problem for tonight, but still.
When she steps out of the bathroom, she can hear Paris talking. “Uh huh,” he says. “Yeah. No, it’s going great. Professor Kleio said she’d write me a recommendation. She was really impressed with the last build. Yeah.” She runs her fingers through her wet hair, pushing it back from her face. “No, the conference is next month. Probably. Pretty sure I can get Tyson to help, but I don’t think it’ll get that far before the end of the week. Uh huh.”
Paris had taken off his suit jacket at some point; she can see it hung up in the closet on a hanger, perfectly pressed. He’s still in his shirt, but he’s unbuttoned it, the sleeves rolled up around his forearms. It is effortlessly attractive, even from the back. She coughs lightly, unwilling to startle him, and he turns, giving her another up-and-down, this one decidedly less respectful than the first.
“Hey, I gotta go, I’ll call you tomorrow. Say hi to Estelle for me. Love you.” And he hangs up.
“Your girlfriend?” she asks.
He smiles, all soft. “My mom.”
Something in her melts at his tone. “Aw,” she coos. “Is she back in America?”
“Yeah. I don’t get to see her all that often, so I try to call her every day.”
It is so unfathomably sweet, sweet and… humanizing, as weird as that sounds. He’s not just an unbelievably handsome man with a jaw cut like a diamond and a five-star rating, according to Piper, he’s a person with a whole other life that she knows nothing about. It’s liberating, in its own way. She can make mistakes with him, and he’ll understand. He won’t judge her, not against his other clients, or even his other partners.
Swallowing, she slides the robe off her shoulders, slowly, achingly. Maybe he turned the heat up while she wasn’t looking, because all of a sudden, she feels hot all over, from her cheeks to her chest and down, and down. Maybe it’s all coming from him, from the heat of his gaze on her, his pink tongue coming out to wet his lips. She wants it, wants them, wants him, on her and in her and all over her.
But he stays on his side of the room, waiting for her to take the plunge.
She steps up to him, close but not touching, breathing in the heady, strong scent of him, raking her eyes up his body for a change. Even through his shirt, she can tell he’s fit, the exposed skin of his arms tanned a deep brown, thick, coarse, dark hair running up to his wrists. On his right arm, there is a black trident long and straight, crossed by an old, white scar. “What happened here?” she asks, lifting her hand to trace it, leaving visible goosebumps in its wake.
“Sailing accident,” he whispers. “Long time ago.”
There’d been a kid at her summer camp for troubled teens who’d gotten thrown off his boat and hurt like that, once. She remembered so vividly, because she’d been on infirmary duty that day, and all she could think about while wrapping up his arm was how fucking stupid he'd been, how he could have gotten himself really hurt, how badly she’d wanted to kiss him.
She'd moved across the country before she'd gotten the chance, though, and no one else had ever made her feel like that since. Until now. “Got any other ink to show me?”
But instead of answering, he leans down, and he kisses her.
She’s been kissed before. She’s never had sex, but she’s done some kissing in her life. It’s usually pretty awkward, in her experience, too much of one thing and never enough of another.
Nope, not Paris. Of course, he’s also a phenomenal kisser. Why she expected anything else, she’s not sure.
His hands come up to circle her neck again, his thumbs running against her cheekbones. He kisses her, pouring passion and intent into her, his mouth soft and sweet against hers. And then he slips her some tongue, and it’s a whole different ballgame.
“Take off your shirt,” she whispers into his mouth.
He does, effortlessly, without detaching himself from her. It’s a smooth, easy motion, and she is delighted to discover that he is as firm as she suspected he was, the muscles jumping under her touch.
Almost without her realizing it, he backs her up towards the bed, her knees hitting the edge of the mattress. He lays her out against the sheets, his bare chest hot against hers. “Before we go any further,” he says, and she can feel the vibrations of his voice all throughout her body, “tell me—have you ever made yourself come?”
She flushes at his words, the dirty talk which should sound stupid but instead comes out all sultry and sexy. “Yes,” she says, breath hitching as he nips at her neck. “Yes, I have.”
“Good.” He smiles into the skin of her collarbone, traveling down, and down, and down. “I want you to show me how.”
“Isn’t that,” she pants, “your job?”
“Hmm, you’re right.” He pushes her thighs apart with his shoulders, bright eyes staring up at her as he licks his lips. “Let me get to work, then.”
Breathing heavily, she curls her fingers into the ten thousand count sheets, eyes fixed on the ceiling pattern. She can’t look at the dark head between her legs, can only breathe in through her nose as he kisses up the skin of her thigh, higher and higher and higher until…
Jesus fucking lord almighty.
“I found the perfect guy for you.”
“Piper, come on.” Theses brunch dates of theirs were starting to get a little repetitive. “I let you set me up with a professional, but I draw the line at a blind date.”
“Have I steered you wrong yet, your highness?” Piper asks, knowing grin firmly on her face.
Annabeth blushes. So what if that night with Paris was the most incredible experience she’d ever had? Doesn’t mean she’s ready for a full-on relationship, yet. “No,” she says, rubbing her temples.
“Great!” Then she does something that Annabeth doesn’t expect—she starts packing up. “So he’ll be here in a few minutes.”
“Yeah,” she smiles, so bright it borders on painful, her nose scrunching up. “I invited him to brunch. But he’s really, really nice, I promise.”
“Does he know about—”
“No, he doesn’t, but if you wanted to spill, he’s a fantastic secret keeper.”
“How do you even know—”
Piper glances over Annabeth’s shoulder, eyes lighting up, waving a hand. “Friend of a friend of Jason, he’s a grad student at Cambridge, he’s doing his dissertation on naval history, so you know the king will love him.”
“Piper!” Annabeth half-calls, half-hisses at her friend as she stands up “Piper, you can’t just—”
“Hey,” says a voice behind her. A very familiar voice. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was joining us.” She turns around. Slowly. “Nice to meet you, I’m… Percy…” he trails off, sea green eyes widening behind a pair of thick, black glasses, beneath dark, curly hair. On his arm, a black trident stood out against his skin, straight and proud.
“Percy, meet Annabeth,” Piper says. “Annabeth, meet Percy. Okay, have fun you two!”
And she waltzes out of there, completely unaware of the absolute shitstorm she left in her wake.
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sagesilentfire · 4 years
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I'm looking for a trans sensitivity reader (for Marcie) and possibly a poc sensitivity reader (for the monsters vs mewmans plot), so if you're available, please tell me, and we'll figure something out.
Forgive my inability to draw humans, please.
I know this is a big departure from my usual content, so I'd like to make sure you know that watching SVTFOE is not necessary to enjoy this AU, as everything needed to understand the plot is explained in-story. In fact, I'd love to have someone who's never even heard of a svftoe to read it so I can make sure it makes its own logical sense.
(putting this under a read more for your scrolling purposes)
Hi. I'm Sage, and I would like to talk about a show I really liked. The past tense being the operative, as it used to be good, but...
I started watching SVTFOE after watching the great Steven Universe, which meant I had high expectations for it. And it met those expectations! From the beginning I was hooked. It was a good show. But as the seasons went on, it started to... rot.
Now, something to know about me is that I do not invest myself wisely. I love the things I love deeply and with passion. I get attached easily, and I love to theorize about the things I love. So I was heartbroken when SVTFOE ended the way it did, with none of my questions answered.
And when my theories were better than canon, well, that meant I had a new project: a complete rewrite of Star vs. the Forces of Evil. This AU will start similar to canon, but gradually diverge from it until it's something completely new. It will also have five separate "seasons".
So here's my AU: Star and Marcie and The Forces Of Evil (aka samatfoe). This AU will tear apart the scraps of lore that we got from SVTFOE and expand on it and make new lore, all narrated by my lovely OC, Sílthéy. And I promise I will get to as much as possible. If you're worried, check the titles of all of the chapters, which will hopefully reassure you that, yes, I will get to everything (or at least everything I've thought of ;)).
Dramatis Personae:
Star: Star will mostly stay the same in the first few seasons, but I'll try to have her actually grow and mature while staying a good person in the later seasons. She'll also be a bit more fire-aligned, because I wanted to be able to tell my Star and the canon Star apart easily. (She also doesn't get those wings until Mewberty.)
Marcie: is a trans girl. The entire second "episode" will be about her being trans. And I will, again, try to not have her act like a jerk in later seasons. She also won't be an adult trapped in a teenager's body, as that was waaay too weird for me. Instead she won't age in the Neverzone, period, and there will be an episode dedicated to her re-adjusting to Earth and discussing what the whole "spent a decade and a half in eight minutes" thing means for her. And, of course, she'll be more involved with the Mewni plot, as she will be interested in learning the lore behind Mewni from the beginning and push Star to find out more about Mewni.
Ludo: Ludo's story will not effectively end with the Battle for Mewni. He will get a redemption arc, with all the pitfalls and trip-ups that come with that. And all of his flaws and issues will be brought up, now just forgiving him for everything he did because he had bad parents. And Dennis will continue to be a cinnamon roll. Some things never change.
Buff Frog/Yvgeny: will not change. He is good lad.
Toffee: This is the big one. Where to start, and how to start it without spoiling everything I have planned? Well, let me tell you this: Toffee is getting a complete overhaul. For one thing, I now made them agender for various complicated reasons that will be revealed in-story, eventually. And for another thing, they will get an actual backstory and personality! Isn't that a novel idea! And they will not die abruptly and nonsensically in Battle for Mewni, so don't worry about that.
Jackie: Oh, Jackie. You poor dear. Jackie will not be delegated to the role of "one-time love interest who just skateboards out of the plot". First of all, Marcie will only have a squish (a platonic crush) on her, because I don't trust my aro/ace self with the weird things people in romantic love do to get together, but I do know what it's like to desperately want to be friends with someone. Secondly, while she will be out of the spotlight in later seasons, it'll be because she's on an exchange trip to France, not because we're abandoning her character and her world for no good reason.
Janna: never changes. Pretty sure she's the one constant of the multiverse.
Tom: will have his redemption arc earlier in the story so I can use him for things, but other than that will not change much.
Moon: First of all, she will not betray everything her daughter stands for by siding with Mina this time. There are plenty of other ways Mina could rise to power, so there's no need to ruin her character by making her do a stupid, illogical thing that even a five-year-old would see was stupid. I mean, she's still going to be kind of racist, but she's well-established to be level-headed and even a little clever, so she will not do something that would so obviously blow up in her face. Secondly, she will be a bad ruler, hence why Mewni is a total mess, but she will learn and become better and help Star's efforts to improve Mewni.
Glossaryck: is... changing. He won't "lose" his sanity for season three, but he will also not be in a totally heroic role. It's a complicated thing and a bit of a spoiler, so I'll leave it at that. Also, he's a dragon now Because Reasons (no, seriously, I have a reason for it. It's also a spoiler).
River: River will be goofy, like usual, but he won't be plot-destroyingly stupid. I'll try my best to not make you question why he's even king while still making him a foil to Moon. It's the tightrope I must walk.
Angie and Raphael: Will not completely disappear from the plot in later seasons, but will instead be like a second family to Star and will be a refuge when her overbearing Butterfly side gets too much.
Kelly: Will not be involved in a stupid romantic subplot with Marcie. Sorry. Other than that, Kelly will remain pretty much the same, aside from now being tiny, because that's just how she came out in my art. She's pretty cool.
Miss Heinous: Will not be Meteora this time around. I disliked how Heinous hurt so many people and was a horrible person, but as soon as her Tragic Backstory™ was revealed, all that pain and suffering she caused was ignored in favor of making her Super Duper Tragic™. So I'm separating the characters. Don't worry, though, she'll get the backstory and character arc she deserves.
Saint Olga: Saint Olga will be the main motivator for Miss Heinous's actions, as she is desperate to please the robot. Other than that, Saint Olga won't actually get much character. She's a bad guy, pure and simple.
Meteora: will not turn into a baby. She will deal with the consequences of her actions like a mature, responsible sixteen-year-old. But because she's sixteen, things won't be too harsh when she does snap. She'll still have her mother and father to help her and guide her.
Eclipsa: Regarding Eclipsa's design, I tried to make her fat, but... I don't know if it translates well in my art. I'm just not that good at art yet. But aside from that, making her cheekmarks dark gray (spades are a black card, not a red card! That bugged me so unreasonably much), and giving her as much of a connection to Toffee as the show implied, I'm not changing much about her. She was one of the good characters.
Globgor: Will have fought against mewmans in the past, but not have eaten them (what were the writers thinking?! Making your metaphorical poc eat people is... not good). And it will be more of a case of Star and Eclipsa knowing he is good and should be released from the crystal, but the general mewman populace not accepting it, until Cornonation, where he proves he's a good guy.
Shinjai: Is a new character I am thrilled to introduce to you all! She came from me thinking that for someone who supposedly wants to end mewman-monster racism, Star sure doesn't have any monster friends (Buff Frog doesn't count. He's an adult, and they don't really hang out so much). So here's Shinjai! She's a septarian, and is introduced instead of Princess Smooshy in Sleep Spells. She's a very minor minor monster noble, and her family has about as much political power as your average worm on a sidewalk after it rains, but all noble monsters must go to Saint Olga's Reform School for Wayward Royalty, so she runs away and gets help from Star and Marcie. She's mostly made to replace Pony Head: she's spunky and... uh, actually she's nothing like Pony Head. She's also unafraid of asking difficult questions and knows more about the plot than she lets on.
Rasticore: is very different from his canon counterpart: he only allies with Heinous and Saint Olga to keep an eye on them for ~someone~, and thoroughly dislikes them, despite agreeing to their mission. He also can regenerate as quickly as Toffee, he just chooses not to for ~reasons~. He also has a mysterious partner, but we all know it's – *gets clubbed over the head by Síthéy*
Mina: Making fun of mental illnesses isn't funny kids. Therefore, Mina is the only neurotypical member of the cast. She does boring neurotypical things like... I dunno, cleaning? And she's still a threat: bigotry and hatred are not exclusive to people with mental illnesses, after all.
Lilacia: Now, Lilacia Pegasus, the horse formerly known as Pony Head, will... exist. She won't be as overwhelmingly annoying, hopefully, as she is in canon. And to make sure she feels consequences for her actions, there will be a subplot in season two about her and Star growing apart as Star grows and leaves Lilacia's annoying party girl antics behind. Lilacia will have to realize that her immature actions are making Star leave her behind, and she'll have to grow as a person because of it.
Then there's a mysterious character who is very mysterious and does mysterious things and has a mysterious personality and is generally mysterious... mysterious. She'll be introduced in the second season and will be as mysterious as promised, I swear.
And finally, of course, it will be narrated by Sílthéy. She will tell this story, and her part in it, for all to hear. Or read? It's a bit of a strange medium, storytelling on paper. Or on a screen, whatever.
Now, of course, by now you must be wondering: What about the shipping? The shipping's the most important part, right? Well, here is my answer: There will be no ship wars. There will be no love dodecahedrons. There will be no cheating, no lies, no throwing other characters under the bus for stupid romantic drama. Why? BECAUSE STAR AND MARCIE ARE BOTH ARO/ACE. Suck on that, Starco! I am the last person to trust romantic drama with, so all of the romantic relationships in this bandwagon will be established, healthy relationships that have decades of chosen love and appreciation for one another behind them. And past!Tomstar and brief, schoolchild-crush-esque Star/Oskar but that doesn't count.
So, I believe that about wraps things up for this post. I'll start posting chapters soon, and will post two chapters every other week, and I'll release the descriptions of them two weeks before I post them. If you have any questions, please ask them! I want to work on my drawing skills, so I might even draw something for them!
Description for next episodes:
Star's Birthday: Star is a young, wild princess who is about to receive her family's most precious heirlooms.
Trouble in Diazland: Star is put under the care of the Diaz family, but can't quite seem to connect with their son, Marco.
And, finally, I have thank yous! These are mostly people I watched but haven't really interacted with yet, so if you get tagged know that you don't know me, I just followed you for svtfoe content. And for, you know, your personality.
Thanks to ankle-beez for being hilarious and reminding me why I made this AU when you relentlessly drag svtfoe. Thank you to @full-moon-phoenix, @dappercritter, and the lizard squad for my regular dose of Toffee. Thank you morningmark and @jess-the-vampire for keeping me invested in svtfoe as a whole. Thanks to svtfoe-critical and @twinklecupcake for good ideas. Thank you to TBlofeld on AO3 for your amazing AU, Monsters, Mewmans, Magic, that, while we took things and ran in completely opposite directions, still inspired me to complete mine. And thank you to Blue Order, whose deeply hilarious and deeply accurate video "How Star Vs the Forces of Evil Fell From Grace" inspired me to create this story in the first place. And, of course, thank you to whoever on the svtfoe wiki writes down the transcripts to every episode. You've helped me so much. I admit that I didn't follow all of your guys' advice, but you did help me get here, every one of you. So thank you.
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hms-chill · 5 years
RWRB Study Guide, Chapter 8
Hi y’all! I’m going through Casey McQuiston’s Red, White & Royal Blue and defining/explaining references! Feel free to follow along, or block the tag #rwrbStudyGuide if you’re not interested!
James I (203): James I/VI (First of England, Sixth of Scotland) is known for both translating the Bible and being just... so, so incredibly gay. The book mentions that he promoted a dumb jock to gentleman of the bedchamber, but it leaves out that 13-year-old James would just make out with dudes in public, and that the dumb jock (George Villers) was James’s third serious adult relationship. His friends introduced him to George because his last boyfriend was bad for the kingdom. 
George Eliot (205): Mary Anne Evans wrote under the pen name George Eliot to escape the stereotype that women could only write romances. She wrote seven novels, of which Middlemarch is the most famous, known for their realism and psychological insight.
Daniel Defoe (205): A pioneer of the English novel, Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe as well as a series of divisive political pamphlets and tracts.
Jonathan Swift (205): Irish political writer most famous for A Modest Proposal, a satirical piece that suggests cannibalism of infants as a more humane response to the British treatment of Ireland than letting them grow to starve in adulthood.
Dickens... “woman who languishes away in a crumbling mansion wearing her wedding gown” (205): Charles Dickens wrote stories concerned with the lower classes. This quote in particular refers to Miss Havisham from Great Expectations, who was left at the altar and refused to take off her wedding dress or even put away the food set out for the wedding.
Sense and Sensibility (205): This is probably Austen’s second most popular novel (after Pride and Prejudice); it follows the four Dashwood women in their move to a new home following the death of Mr. Dashwood. Like most of Austen’s novels, the opinionated narrator follows the women through a series of romantic mishaps, culminating in a happy ending.
Green American Money (206): Fun fact, British money is blue and orange and purple and all sorts of fun colors! It also all looks different, because (at least in Scotland) four banks are allowed to print pound notes, so there are four different designs all in circulation.
Sean Hannity (206): A conservative American political commentator.
Harvard rowing (206): Rowing is like... the bougiest of sports.
Pleiad (206): In Greek mythology, the pleiades were the daughters of the titan Atlas who became stars following his entrapment under the earth. They are remembered for their beauty and loyalty. Myths of the missing pleiad explain why only six of the seven stars are visible to the naked eye. According to some sources, the missing pleiad is Merope, who was shamed out of the sky for her relationship with a mortal.
Minute Maid Park (206): The baseball stadium associated with the Houston Astros baseball team; it seats just over 41,000.
Politico (207): An American political opinion news source.
Drop-kick Murphys (208): An American Celtic punk band. (listen here and here)
The Klan (209): The Ku Klux Klan, an incredibly racist organization that has been responsible for the lynching of thousands of people of color.
Kim Nam-June (210): Kim Nam-Joon, known as RM or Rap Monster, is the leader and rapper of the K-pop group BTS.
Milwaukee (211): The largest city in and main cultural center of Wisconsin, which is a “swing state”, meaning that it could go either way politically in a national election.
Seth Meyers (211): An American talk show host and comedian whose creatively titled show, Late Night with Seth Meyers, is liberal-leaning. He hosts celebrities and often chats about politics or the news.
Clear Crystal Quartz (211): Apparently the most “iconic” crystal, it is believed to be able to help with clarity and the achievement of goals.
Wimbledon (213): The oldest tennis tournament in the world, considered by many to be the most prestigious.
Royal Box (213): The royal box at Wimbledon is a section of the best seats, reserved for royalty and specially invited celebrity/politically powerful guests.
David Beckham (213): A former professional soccer player and current fashion icon known for being hot and wearing nice suits.
McQueen (214): Alexander McQueen was an openly gay British fashion designer who rose from a lower class background to become one of the most famous designers in the world. Though he died in 2010, his brand continues to be known for unconventional fashion shows and theatrical imagery. 
Dashikis (215): A colorful, ornate piece of clothing somewhere between a shirt and a tunic originally from West Africa.
Orangery (218): A very large greenhouse or conservatory designed for growing orange trees.
Woman at her Toilet (218): This painting shows a woman in her bedroom putting on her socks with a little dog next to her; you can see it here.
Baroque bed* (218): Baroque art was designed to show off a monarch’s power; it is incredibly extravagant (Versailles is pretty much the iconic Baroque thing; you can see more about it here).
The Killers (219): An American rock band formed in the early 2000s and known for having donated over $1 million to charity (they did “Mr. Brightside”). (listen here and here). According to McQuinston’s twitter, the song Henry plays is “When You Were Young”, which you can listen to here.
Dred Scott (219): In the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford case, the US supreme court ruled that the constitution did not extend to or protect Black folks. 
Nina Simone (219): An American singer/songwriter/political activist whose music spanned a variety of genres and whose activism focused largely on the civil rights movement and was largely influenced by her “friend” Lorraine Hansberry, a Black lesbian playwright. (You know Hozier’s “Nina Cried Power”? She’s Nina) (listen here and here)
Otis Redding (219): Considered one of the greatest singers in American pop music and was one of the foundational soul artists in the US. (listen here and here)
Brahms (219): A German composer known for sticking to more classical forms of music while his contemporaries often leaned toward more dramatic or opulent styles. (listen here and here)
Wagner** (219): A German composer who wrote both the music and the librettos for his operas; his works tend to be very complex, and he has been credited with beginning modern music. (listen here and here)
Romantic (219): Artistically, the Romantic movement was a direct response to industrialization that called for a return to and celebration of nature. Queerness was very much a part of this movement, as it was seen as a return to or celebration of one’s natural state (think Byron).
War of the Romantics (219): A music history term used to describe the split between conservative composers like Brahms who wanted to stick with the Baroque, opulent styles of the past century and radical progressive composers like Liszt, who favored newer styles that blended music with narrative and morals.
Liszt (219): A Hungarian composer known for a diverse body of work and his position as the leader of the radical progressive group in the War of the Romantics. (listen here and here)
Alexander Scriabin (219): Russian composer known for his atonal or dissonant music. (listen to the piece Henry mentions here)
Elton John’s “Your Song” (219): A song written before Elton John came out, but with his queerness in mind. In a 2013 interview, John referred to it as “a perfect song”, and that the lyrics (written by Bernie Taupin) got even better as he got older and sang it more. (listen here)
Consecrated (220): made holy.
DNC (221): The Democratic national conference, when members of the Democratic (liberal) party get together to prepare for a presidential race.
College Republicans of Vanderbilt University (221): Vanderbilt University is a private (and therefore more expensive) school in Nashville, Tennessee. Its location in the South and its price tag would both mark it as being more conservative.
Cage match (221): A type of wrestling match that takes place inside a steel cage; the most common way of winning is by escaping the cage, usually by climbing over the top.
Paul Ryan (222): A conservative retired politician and former Speaker of the House.
The Second Amendment (222): The second amendment grants Americans the right to bear arms (have guns).
Salon (222): An American news and opinion website with a politically liberal editorial stance.
Air Force One (222): the president’s plane
“My Canadian girlfriend” (223): A running joke that someone (often a high schooler) whose partner goes to another school or lives somewhere else is made up.
Five Guys (225): Five Guys Burger and Fries is a popular fast food burger chain across the US.
Vampire Weekend (225): An American indie rock band.
The general (226): the general election in November, when Americans would vote for their president
Plainclothes (226): out of uniform
The Beekman (226): A very fancy hotel in Lower Manhattan, near the Brooklyn Bridge.
NATO (233): the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an intergovernmental military alliance between 29 North American and European countries.
*every time I read this, I flinch just a little bit. Baroque architecture is just... so much, and the concept of a Baroque bed when beds/bedrooms are supposed to be simple to help you rest... It’s just so much and I hate it with all of my being. I’m sorry if you like Baroque furniture, but especially for Henry, who dreams of a simple life where he can just write and be anonymous... It’s a big yikes.
** Literally no one asked, but his stuff is just... it’s so boring? Like I’m sure it’s great to fall asleep to or calm down to, but I tried to listen to it while I wrote this and I just couldn’t. Liszt is better, but he’s no Mozart. Also? Mozart wrote BOPS. ONLY. “The Birdcatcher’s Song” slaps and no one can change my mind on that.
If there’s anything I missed or that you’d like more on, please let me know! And if you’d like to/are able, please consider buying me a ko-fi? I know not everyone can, and that’s fine, but these things take a lot of time/work and I’d really appreciate it!
Chapter 1 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 9
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