#Ruby Shelby
sparksetfire · 6 months
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PEAKY BLINDERS [2013-2022] 4.06 / 6.06
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padfootdaredmetoo · 1 year
Hey how are you hope you ok
I got a request for Tommy Shelby if that ok
So basically you and Tommy are dating and one day in a meeting you was having theses really bad stomach pains and you thought nothing of at than when u got home and I got worse and than u went to Tommy crying in pain still and he said you might be in labour ( u don’t know u pregnant) than he calls polly and then u gived birth to you boy or girl up to you and then next day every one was  Shock and yh hope that make sense u don’t have to do it x
Dear Anon,
Thank you for waiting! I changed things up a bit and I apologize for any mistakes as I'm editing on mobile at work. Hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: childbirth, mentions of Hugh stress and poor eating habits. Peaky related themes and magic.
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Dating Thomas was a life changing decision in more ways than you had originally realsied. Your whole life plan had been derailed by the constant ups and downs. 
Every new accomplishment and high was met with an even more dangerous low. You were along for the ride while managing your position at the book shop you owned. Long days and fun nights occupied these past few months so much that you realised that your period was late. 
Very late. 
You thought about it for a while and realised it was probably what used to happen when you were a teenager. High times of stress would stop it altogether. You had no other symptoms that women had told you about. No weird cravings, or morning sickness. Just lots of drama and stres.
You pushed the thought from your mind as you went about your usual routines. 
________6 months later____
You had come to the realisation that you must be barren. A fact that was difficult to come to terms with, however Tommy had said he wasnt interested in children any way. 
Looking at your self in the mirror you noticed a bit of weight on you and made a mental note to try and correct it by skiping meals for a while. Nothing big to worry about in comparison to another rival family causing chaos. You’d only just gotten sorted from being held captive a week ago. 
You already had so much on your shoulders at the book shop, orders were piling up and you were spending more and more late nights and early mornings. Tommy’s men escorting you and staying by the door while you worked. 
The multiple attempts on your life did nothing but add to the list of reasons you couldnt sleep at night. You were slowly falling apart. 
Cramps set in about mid day and you finally gave up. You called Tom letting him know you couldnt make it to lunch and went right to bed. Taking a much needed nap you woke up to even worse sets of pain. 
You grabbed your hot water bottle and tried to curl up on the couch with a book. Struggling through the sets of pain you began to wonder if something else was wrong. Wasn’t there an organ that could explode in your stomach? 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. 
Sitting across the table from the old woman, Polly thought back through time. Her eyes were dark and she had told her lots of things about her life that night. Gave her the curse of knowledge, knowing all too well that the girl was too weak to fight fate. And Polly had tried, every step of the way to fight it. 
It didnt surprise her that she was once again stuck at that wooden table. That the woman reflected on something said ages ago. 
A child. 
Polly’s heart sunk when she thought about the two children that were permanently out of her reach. A child? At this age. Not likely. 
The dream took a turn and woman shouted at her. 
“Go to her now before its too late.” And image of your face came into her mind and suddenly she was awake. The womans cold scream still echoing in her mind. 
Getting her clothes pulled on she quickly called Thomas. 
“Need to get to her place now” She said trying to pull on her boot at the same time. 
“Pol - why? What’s wrong?” The sound of panic in his voice made her reconsider your place within the family. 
“Just go, I’m on my way now.” She hung up the phone not wanting to waist anytime. On the drive over she thought about you and what this ment. 
There was no way of making sense of the situation. All the things she was told never made sense as a girl and wouldnt likely start to make sense now. She sighed defeated. She liked you well enough. Smart, kept Thomas in line, a bit soft hearted but she could see that changing the more you saw of the world. 
She parked and ran up the steps of your building. Opening the door she ould hear your soft cries as he tried to comfort you. 
“Pol what’s wrong with her.” 
“It’s a child.” Polly said moving into the kitchen seeing what supplies they were working with. 
“Fuck off.” You said a tone of disbelif. Coming back into the room she watched your face cycle through the many stages of panic. 
“Accept it so we can get on with it.” Polly said to the both of them. 
“Part of the prophecy. Flashbacks got me up in the middle of the night.” She watched as Tommy fell under the weight of her words. 
“Alright, love.” He kissed the top of your head. “It’s not going to make sense. So just let it happen.” You looked at up him your fear fading in the warmth of his gaze. 
“I dont think I can do it.” You groaned, tears welling up in your eyes. 
“It’s already happened. Pol saw it. That means you certainly can. Just have to make it from here to there.” 
After that you followed instructions, Polly was professional but couldnt help but feel a fondness growing for you. This was also a side of Tom she hadn’t seen since he was a small boy. He did everything without thought, never letting you out of his grip. 
“Tough girl.” He kissed your temple. “You can do it, gotta push again” 
Like many times before. Polly pulled a small little babe from their mother on the living room floor of a dingy flat in Birmingham. 
You collapsed against Tom and Polly went to work ensuring the child was alright. Smallest little girl she’d ever seen. Born too soon, quiet as a mouse as she looked up at her great aunt. Her heart was strong, and Polly knew just by holding her that this child, was significant in something bigger than all of them put together. 
She handed the girl off to her parents. Leaning back against the sofa sitting next to Thomas. He handed her a cigarette from his breast pocket. 
Taking a long drag, she realized she should give them space to enjoy the moment. Her bones had no interest in moving as the night, and previous months took a toll on her. 
“She predicted this? Why didn't you say something?”  Tom whispered stoking the cheek of his first child. 
Polly almost snapped at him, before registering his tone of voice. She’d never seen him this vulnerable. 
“She told me a lot of things, I was small at the time. None of you were born yet. It’s not specific stuff-” 
“Thank you.” You said with tears in your eyes. “I -I Don't know what to say.” 
“You shouldn't say, anything love. You're family now” 
You were the most exhausted you’d ever been, but a family meeting was unavoidable. That night was the last night you spent in your apartment. He’d carried you to the car the next morning to take you to his place. 
You watched him move around the massive kitchen. He got you a cushion before letting you sit at the head of the table. A cup of strange tea was placed in front of you as the family started to pile in. 
Ruby slept in your arm and you tried to relax as the family came close. You were friendly and warm with everyone but this was the first time they were seeing you as a permanent fixture in the family. 
“That must have been so scary love. Your body hid it so well” Emse came up to you putting her arm around you in a makeshift hug. “Look at her. So small. Pretty like her mum.” She sat close to you and you knew that it was because of her natural distaste for family meetings. Her posture told you if anyone got smart she’d chew them out. 
Arthur and John started to congratulate Tommy loudly and your stomach turned when they set on you. She was so small you didn't feel comfortable passing her around yet. What if that offended people? 
“Look at that! Next Shelby made a grand entrance like her da” Arthur kissed your cheek, his mustache tickling. “Good job, love.”
“Thanks,” You said softly. 
“God I hope she’s just like you Tom. Finally some payback.” John came over and lowered his voice once seeing her. “Fuck she’s so small. You can call us any time if you need anything. Got a truckload of baby clothes for ya.” 
“Really though, love. Call any time.” Esme said and you hoped more than anything you would get closer to her. 
The meeting started and Tommy made a grand speech. It didn't take long before Polly was rushing you back up to lie down in bed. When you woke up there was a ring on your wedding finger and a note on the bedside table. 
Gone to London for business. Be back tomorrow. 
You went back to the massive set of diamonds on your finger. It was talked about but you hadn't had the chance to think about it yet. 
There was a soft knock at the door and Esme poked her head in. 
“Staying while he’s away, do you need anything, love.” Without knowing what to do you just stuck your hand out at her. 
She looked at the ring. 
“When!” She whispered.
“Just woke up and it was there.” You whispered back in disbelief. 
“Such a Thomas thing to do.” She laughed and sat on the bed next to you. You both talked for hours and you were grateful she let you doze off and nap. 
You and Ruby fit right in.
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zablife · 9 months
Ruby's Tea Party
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Requested by @evita-shelby for my 2K celebration An Evening at Arrow House. Warning: 💀 A dark fic! Proceed with caution.
Making her way to the grand staircase to greet her guests, Mrs. Shelby stopped suddenly in the corridor to allow the melodious sound of a child's sweet voice to waft over her. She smiled to herself as she placed a gloved hand over her stomach, her secret still concealed beneath the layers of tulle. The idea of adding another little one to the household thrilled her because she'd already fallen deeply in love with Tommy's children, especially his daughter, Ruby.
"Is someone there?" little Ruby called, breaking her from her trance.
Peeking inside the nursery, Mrs. Shelby quickly apologized in a calm, reassuring voice. "It's only me, darling."
"Oh," she said, deflating a bit. Chewing the inside of her cheek, she added, "I wanted Daddy to say goodnight."
"He's downstairs--" Mrs. Shelby began before Ruby cut her off.
"I know. He said you were having a party and I wasn't allowed," she stated matter-of-factly, but the sadness that crept into her voice was unmistakable.
Rushing forward, her new stepmother kneeled before her saying, "He'll tuck you in later, I promise. You know you're very important to us, don't you?" Ruby only nodded slowly in reply. Lifting the child's chin to her eye level with one finger she joked, "Besides, who wants to spend an evening with boring adults? It looks as though you're having a lovely tea party here!"
Ruby brightened at the compliment, taking her stepmother by the hand to the small table. "I am! I have treats I helped bake. Would you like some?"
"Yes, please," Mrs. Shelby accepted with excitement, tucking her dress beneath her legs as she took up a place at the well appointed table. It was a charming miniature of everything in the dining room downstairs, so grown up and yet clearly the world of a child. She stifled a giggle with her hand as she noticed the toy horse sitting inside her empty tea cup.
She removed it so Ruby could pour some tea, a white liquid streaming from the pot. "Nanny said it had to be milk," Ruby sighed in disappointment.
"I like milk," Mrs. Shelby noted agreeably, removing a glove to choose a biscuit from the rose covered plate Ruby offered. Eating it in one bite, she noted Ruby's watchful gaze.
"Is it good?" the child asked breathlessly, eyes shining hopefully for a bit of praise.
Her stepmother swallowed the somewhat bitter tasting confection, chasing it with a sip of milk before proclaiming, "It's delicious!"
Ruby busied herself playing with the tiny horse and a toy gun, leaving Mrs. Shelby to wonder if she should break the silence with an apology.
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GIF credit @alicent-targaryen
She hadn't meant to disturb the girl's life with her sudden presence and the announcement of a baby. "Ruby, I understand you might feel upset about your father and I having a child together," she started, but Ruby shook her head in vehement denial.
"I'm not. I like the idea of a baby sister," she said, a smile brightening her whole face. The light soon faded from her eyes as something in the distance seemed to steal her attention. "But the gray man..." she hesitated.
"The gray man?" Mrs. Shelby asked in confusion. Then she spotted it, the extra place setting at the table she assumed was for Charlie. "Is that your imaginary friend?" she prodded.
"No!" Ruby shouted, head snapping back toward her stepmother so quickly the woman startled. "He tells me things..." Ruby gulped, unsure she should reveal what she knew.
"What sorts of things, love?" Mrs. Shelby worried, reaching for Ruby's small hand to comfort her.
Ruby's eyes drifted back to her stepmother's face slowly until they were locked in a steady gaze, unwavering in her certainty. "He said he's coming for you...to punish Daddy." She withdrew her hand as she gave the pronouncement, a determined look taking hold of her delicate features. "But I won't let him make you suffer like he did my mummy. Don't worry."
Mrs. Shelby froze, unsure how to respond to what was clearly a frightening delusion. She knew it must have been disconcerting for Ruby to watch her mother die under mysterious circumstances, so mentally and physically ill she had to be removed from the house. As she tried to recall the details Tommy had given, her head began to feel foggy and her arm went numb clutching for the edge of the small table. Ruby's words reverberated in her skull as though someone were speaking to her underwater. Her tongue felt thick and heavy as she tried to speak, only capable of uttering one word. "What?"
"Uncle Arthur taught me about kindness when my horse died. I know what to do now to help you," Ruby said sweetly, indicating toward the biscuits. Mrs. Shelby looked at Ruby's empty dish, only just realizing she hadn't consumed anything. The child placed her hand over her stepmother's, giving a gentle pat.
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GIF credit @alicent-targaryen
Feeling a mounting sense of dread course through her body, Mrs. Shelby tried to pull away, but only succeeded in falling face forward onto the plush rug. The pattern turned to fuzzy incoherent shapes as her eyes struggled to focus. She heard Ruby shriek, "Stay away from her!" as the colors faded to black.
"Oh, dear God!" Frances cried as she took in the sight of the unconscious lady of the house. Her quickened footsteps echoed through the house as she ran to retrieve Mr. Shelby.
When Tommy returned moments later, his eyes were wild with fear. He checked his wife's pulse, finding only a faint whisper pulsing at his fingertips and his stomach lurched as realized he might be losing her. "Ruby, what happened?" he begged, pushing the hair from his wife's face to take in her ashen complexion.
Ruby couldn't speak, her lower lip wobbling as her father shook her shoulders harshly, demanding answers. "What've you done?"
"I haven't been naughty! I haven't!" she cried, looking down at the crumpled figure before them. Looking back to her father, her dewy hazel eyes pleaded for understanding. "It was mercy, Daddy," she whispered.
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alicent-targaryen · 9 months
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RUBY SHELBY ▸ Peaky Blinders, 5.1
requested by @zablife
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hacked-wtsdz · 2 years
Isn’t it interesting how every time Tommy is in trouble or in pain he comes to women. Not like, to heal, but it always so happens that it’s women around him. He comes to Ada when he’s beaten up, twice. He is with May, Tatiana and Lizzie after Grace’s death, when he’s mentally unstable and deeply hurt. He comes to Esme when his daughter gets sick, and Linda is the first one to hear about his soon “death”. Polly is there, almost always. She is there after his breakdown. Grace is there when he is chased by the police, after he shoots his horse. She is there during his hallucinations, she is his hallucinations. Lizzie is there when he fails at shooting himself. Diana is there after his daughter dies. Ruby is there when he almost kills himself. Yeah, Tommy trusts men: his brothers, the clay-kickers, his uncle. But it’s women who always see him at his lowest, weakest, darkest points, and I think that it says something about him as a character and about a lot of other things in particular.
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impossibleheartflower · 9 months
These parallels hurt me :(
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I love the way tommy used to treat Finn, Finn would've been such a sweetheart if tommy just let him be
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evita-shelby · 3 months
Hi, July!! For your amazing idea:
🗡 the Gladiator Arena: send me a poll and the participants and let's see who wins the fight!
If you (the voters) could bring back one PB character back from the death this one could be: Ruby Shelby, Polly Gray, Michael Gray, Luca Changretta, Grace Burgess, John Shelby.
Good one Flor 🖤🖤 very tough question
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epiphaniiii · 2 years
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Peaky Blinders, S6
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divinekangaroo · 3 months
a home painted bright with blood and thorns - Ch 1/5 - pettiot - Peaky Blinders (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
After the S4-S6 election/marriage, pre-S5. Some months into Tommy and Lizzie's marriage.
This frequently absent father and husband considers that he often does his best work in extreme circumstances: time pressure, resource constraints, situational uncertainty, high stakes, and gross emotional wounding. He knows what to do, doesn't he?
No matter what sort of internal spiralling disaster cascade he's busily ignoring inside. No matter what badly considered spur of the moment decisions he makes to get through the moment that he might pay for later. No matter what—
Tommy Shelby/Lizzie Stark, Charles Shelby, Ruby Shelby, Frances, Various Shelby Household Maids, Charles Strong, Cyril the Dog | Domesticity, Intimacy Menstruation, Bodily Fluids, Bodily Solids, Bodily Functions, Babies, Lactation, Mental Health Issues, Repression, Abusive Families (Past), Attempts at Communicating, Trying Hard, Family Trauma, Family Feels, Nail-Biting, Household Dynamics, Absent Father, Avoidance, Deflection, Trying Sooooooooooo Hard, Distress, Comfort Sex, Dysfunctional Family
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archeryicons · 1 year
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peaky blinders tommylizzie twitter headers
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sparksetfire · 6 months
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PEAKY BLINDERS - "Did Polly send you?"
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winnie-the-monster · 1 year
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moral-terpitude · 2 years
Truly Updated Master List - as of March 3, 2024
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At the moment, I am updating The Dead Rabbit and Fourth Time's The Charm when I get to them. I am posting other pieces in between as I find time. Feel free to peruse all my writings below!
My requests are open.
Here is a link to click if you would like to be added to my taglist.
I got curious in the midst of some housekeeping, and as of Nov 9 there are 84,720 words contained in all my writings below, so please, enjoy!
If your here devouring my master list, please know I appreciate you! Also, please consider giving my page a follow!
With that being said, I don’t agree to any of my works being reposted or copied without my permission.
I made a playlist in case you want to see what goes on inside my brain.
Modern Tommy Shelby
Misadventures (Masterlist) - Updated March 3, 2024
All We Have Is Now
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed
Quiet Sunday Manic Monday Part Three Part Four
Part Five
Composition - 1058 Words • Repetition - 1626 Words
One Shots
Chiaroscuro - Tommy Shelby x Reader - Smut - 3,346 Words
Hell Above - 1,314 Words
Completed Works
The Woman in the Window - Tommy Shelby x OC - Smut
Part One - 2.613 Words
Part Two - 2,525 Words
Part Three - 1,727 Words
His Favorite - Tommy Shelby x OC - Smut
Part One - 1,139 Words
Part Two - 1,765 Words
Lost Letters
Part I - 1,577 Words
Part II - 3,315 Words
Hello, Operator
Part 1 - 1,569 Words
Part 2 - 2,334 Words
Tommy Shelby x male!reader
The Farrier’s Son
Part 1 - 1,354 Words
Part 2 - 1,466 Words
Piccadilly Circus - 517 Words
Long Series
The Dead Rabbit - 28,602 Words (Modern AU/ Reincarnation)
Fourth Time’s The Charm - 19,964 words
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
Headcannon (Naming their children)
On A Gathering Storm (in progress?) - 2,262 Words
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
SFW One Shots
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie - 611 Words - Tommy Shelby is the devil, but has he always been?
Driving Lessons - 1158 Words -Tommy teaches Ruby to drive, with an unexpected conversation.
After All - 335 Words - Polly helps her 18-year-old nephew solve a problem.
January - 310 Words - Tommy and Charlie have a plan.
Pinky Swears - 582 Words - Tommy makes a promise to Ada while home on leave.
Battue - 501 Words - Boxing Day shenanigans.
Royal Ascot - 258 Words -Ruby has no interest in being a debutante.
November - Tommy's wife is sought out by long forgotten family- 1,187 Words
200 Follower Celebration Requests
Sleep Talking - 283 Words
Christmas Eve - 206 Words
Nightmares (x male!reader) - 197 Words
Tired Eyes (x Alfie Solomons) - 206 Words
Heart of a Dog (x Arthur Shelby) - 349 Words
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lethargicmouse · 1 year
lizzie and tommy (:
I’ve always been a fan of Lizzie. I found her character so interesting, solely because I found her to be so tough, but also have so much love and femininity to her. However, I also liked Grace– she was strong and cunning and dang she fell for a gangster! However, I felt her character was underbaked (because she literally died. Great for Tommy’s character development– bad for Grace). What prompted me to write this all out was me running out of Lizzie and Tommy fics to read and turning to Tommy and Grace fics. The first (and frankly only one I read), was Thomas Shelby laughs in his sleep, or at least he used to.  by @i-just-look-at-pictures on AO3, and it really fleshed out Grace’s character for me, it filled in the holes in their relationship that the show didn’t cover. It made me realize how stark (haha), the differences between both relationships are. Grace gave us the forbidden love, marriage trope, love at first sight type deal whereas Lizzie gives us the redemption arc (literally RUBY.) and a slow burn. 
In my first watch-through of Peaky Blinders I loved Tommy and Grace’s dynamic– and I still do; however, after watching it back it was not the most healthy thing on the planet. But really what relationship with a man like Tommy can be? For me Tommy’s love for Grace was an obsession– she was a perfect posh girl and man, how could a girl like her fall in love with a guy like him?! But she did, because Tommy really liked her so he was soft Tommy with her. (That is why she fell in love with him, not like May who liked him for the thrill of a gangster– no shame on May, though. She is a strong woman who knows who she is. And I would totally fall for a hot gangster, too.) Grace challenged Tommy in ways women hadn’t before (excluding Polly because she’s more like a mother figure to him); however, she accepted him for the dirty gangster he was and didn’t try to fix him (because she was just as dirty as he was. Also, a lot of people say that Grace was Tommy in girl form– but helloooo ADA?!). For me, this is neither good nor bad, well maybe a little bad. Like I said before, Grace challenged him, but not in the ways that I feel like could’ve benefitted Tommy as a person, but then again Tommy wouldn’t have dared to soil his perfect Grace with the dirty dealings of the illegal business. So it was a fault all around, really, in my opinion. Grace could’ve thrived in the illegal business dealings (she’s a smart girl!), but it was the illegal business that was her demise. (I don’t believe for a second Lizzie had any intention of starting a war, and she didn’t start it. John did. Lizzie just wanted a normal life. But did she really like Angel, orrr was he a distraction from Tommy? We all know the truth.) Tommy ruined Grace, but look at how her death ruined him. Her apparition (originating from the stupid drugs) is the personification of his guilt. Grace doesn’t call him to the afterlife– his guilt for his gang business does! 
Lizzie however, was different. She was involved in the dirty business from the beginning. She knew who Tommy was pre-war, and she knows who he is now. And look at how she hoisted herself up out of the gutter. She took those typing classes to stop whoring. She tried to get out of it with John (but we all know how that went– and I personally don’t think that was Tommy keeping Lzzie for himself, that was Tommy protecting John). She took the initiative to clean up her life and Tommy just aided her in the fact by giving her a job (truthfully, all he has ever helped her with was money). Regardless of all that, I truly believe (and it’s evident–blatantly obvious even) that she was in love with Tommy from the beginning. Two of my favorite Tommy and Lzzie scenes are as follows: the one where she asks him to pretend like they’re ordinary people (kills me every time. Hurts my soul. My poor baby Lizzie girl.) and the typewriter scene where he offers her the job (the manner in which he went about it was stunning. I would’ve died.) 
As the story goes, Tommy goes back to Lizzie relatively quickly after Grace dies (excluding the Tatiana madness). I’ve seen posts that blame Lizzie for this, that she jumped on Tommy after Grace died because she was jealous. I have no doubt in my mind she was jealous– but she has enough decorum to withhold that and act like a lady. Lizzie grounds Tommy. Yes, they were toxic (My property? Not cool. Infidelity? Not healthy! Telling her to abort the baby? Nooo thanks– and she was so excited! “A piece of me and you” CRYING); however, I feel like they understood each other on another level. They’ve known each other for what, 15+ years? And they’ve been married for what, 8 of those years? Gosh, they know each other inside and out. Their relationship, obviously, is very sexually based. Lizzie was a whore for pity’s sake, and Tommy himself is probably the biggest whore on the show (literally seducing poor Jessie Eden for personal gain?!). I’m sure Lizzie was able to read Tommy like an open book and vice versa! Just look at how they push each other's buttons! Him telling her he still pays her for it, and her giving him the bullets in the mud. Neither was a good situation– a) that’s a horrific way to push someone when you know that bothers them b) that is not how you deal with a suicidal person. But look at all that harm and trauma we see they cause each other because of years of hurt from each other and others.  This is where we see Lizzie break for the first time, in my opinion. For her family comes first, even over her one-sided love, and Tommy was willing to break that family. 
Lizzie’s two best qualities (but perhaps it was also these that lead to her demise) were her unwavering loyalty and her ability to care. The former is probably why I relate to her so much. Even after Tommy screwed up her first chance at a normal life with John, left her to get raped at Epsom, told her she was property, let Diana publicly humiliate her, mocked her attempts at divorce, told her to abort their child, (I’m sure there’s more) she stayed. Because she freaking loved him and cared for him. He trusted her as a secretary to have a foot in both businesses, but he never trusted her like he trusted Grace (which is completely ironic to me because Grace betrayed all of them. But look at how much he is like Lizzie in this way. Forgiving personal transgressions because you love them sooooo much.), because he trusted Grace with his head– not the business. Lizzie was the opposite. Her loyalty to him was intertwined with her ability to care. Like the man himself said, “It was you who stopped my heart from breaking”. I’m not the best writer, but aniray conveys this perfectly in their fic A Bit of Soft (In a Broken Place). Lizzie is always there for him and cares for him. She fulfills his needs. Her ability to care was shown really, though, with the children. Charlie calls her mum (which I know a lot of people don’t like– but she took the child of the woman who she probably was jealous of and genuinely loved him as her own) and Charlie’s bond with Ruby is so adorable. Lizzie was meant to be a mom! And Tommy gave her that. And like I said earlier when Tommy was willing to give up his fatherly duties to be reunited with Grace, Lizzie reminded him of his duties at home (albeit in a not-so-nice way). Because that’s what really important to her. The well-being of those children. And that’s what finally drove her to leave, was Tommy’s craziness about Ruby’s illness and his lack of presence at her death. There is no doubt in my mind Tommy loved Ruby, and he really went to the ends of the earth to save her. But when he wasn’t there to hold her hand (and Lizzie’s hand) as she died, that’s what did it. Not the infidelity, not the sham of a marriage, not the drugs (she knew what she signed up for. A marriage for looks. She was ok with being the one who cared more.), but the lack of care (in the way she thought, and really it was the way that he needed to be, mattered). This is also why she couldn’t have been the black cat. A) She wanted to get as far away from her whoring days so she isn’t talking to Mosely B) she loves Tommy too much (to her own disgust) to betray him like that C) it’d hurt her family D) She was for sure at that violin recital! She wouldn’t’ve missed it for the world!
But really he did love her, Lizzie– definitely like he loved his family (she was family), and I think he definitely had the potential to be in love with her. He’s now realizing that she was essential to his life (because he likes nice, soft things). However, Lizzie (thank goodness) has realized he’s never brought anything good into her life (excluding Ruby, her angel), and the hurt outweighs the crumbs of kindness and left him. She doesn’t deserve him. Like I said earlier Lizzie, I believe, will be the catalyst for his redemption (Just look at how Ruby saved him!). Yes. They are toxic and their relationship in the show is most certainly not healthy one bit! But, there is potential for love. 
Here’s some fic recs that really illustrate their relationship:
For me all of these authors are amazing, I just stick to Lizzie/Tommy really. No Tommy/Alfie for me. All are on Ao3
* a lot of these are things that happened in the show with alternate happenings. The third one down though is stunning though. Like bro, it’s canon for me! 
Open Hands
A Touch of Change
A Bit of Soft (In a Broken Place)
A Different Kind of Love
Into the Mist
Slipping into Dreams
@deadendtracks :
*these two are series
Get it wrong, get it right
Possibility of a Blade
Someone is digging your grave right now, someone is drawing a bath to wash you      clean
No more canaries in the mine
The Last Second Ending
*series that’s au after season 6! Redemption! Strong Lizzie!!
The Siren Sings
@xxsparksxx :
@emjenenla :
Even though you don’t mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart
ANYWAY! Please talk to me about them I'm losing my mind.
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samcoving · 1 year
Ya know I’ll NEVER forgive SK for killing off Ruby Shelby bc she was SUPPOSED to be A STAR in a Hollywood movie and like you know missed  opportunity to have her gangster-political dad Tommy and crazy uncle Arthur constantly name dropping their daughter/niece “Ruby Shelby The Birmingham Bombshell” 
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
That fic you wrote about Tommy’s wife being depressed and the family coming round is now my favorite! And I loved that little bit about ruby insisting that tommy picks her outfit, I’d love like a little story or bigger headcanon about that if you wanted to write it
Anon! I'm so happy that you enjoyed that story! I rambled out a scene here and I hope you find it cozy <3
Thank you for waiting.
Original Post Here
No explicit content in this story. But please be mindful that Peaky Blinders does contain adult themes and content.
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“No!” Ruby shouted passionately still sitting in her tangled blankets. “Daddy didn’t pick it.” 
You tried to hold your temper in. Taking a deep breath you resisted the urge to start screaming at her. Things around the house were not optimal. You felt that you had failed as a parent by being unable to shield them from the stress crushing you and Tommy. 
Things were off and it only showed more as it impacted the kids. 
“Go back to bed.” You said removing yourself from the room. On the way down to the kitchens, you poked your head into Charlie’s room. 
“Ruby’s staying home today -” 
“Is it the dress thing again?” he interrupted pulling his school blazer off the back of his chair. 
“I’ve managed every day this week. But she’s finally won, I don't have it in me this morning.” You let out a sigh. “Fair is fair, you can stay in as well, love.” 
“Yes!” He tossed his blazer on the chair trading it for a wool sweater before running past you. “I’ll be out back, Love you!” 
You smiled, at least you could make one person happy today. You fixed the jacket on his chair and then made your way to the kitchen. You pulled out the wooden chair by the window and lit a cigarette. The wind was blowing fiercely causing the trees to sway, suddenly having the kids home for the day didn't seem like such a bad idea. 
Thomas wouldn't be back for another three days. You were hoping that whatever weather this was would blow over before he’d travel home. 
Ruby’s temper was the least of your worries in the grand scheme of things. Tommy was out there up to God knows what. You took a long drag as your head started to hurt just thinking about it. John went with him, which meant Esme was either here at the house or calling every two hours. 
You put some water in the kettle before opening the back door to call out for Charlie to come in as the rain had picked up. 
In Tommy’s study - 
“I’d like to speak to daddy please” Rubby mumbled into the receiver. 
“Where on earth is your mother? This is a private line you can’t -” A woman with a shrill voice answered, pinching the bridge of her nose. Strange people called in for him at all hours of the bloody day, but this was ridiculous she thought to herself. 
“I’M A SH-EL-BY PUT MY DA ON THE PHONE” Ruby demanded, determined to fix whatever mess took her dad away. There was a strange sound and she let out a frustrated grumble.
“Shelby.” Tommy’s voice rang out. 
“Daddy!” Tears welled up in her eyes and it got hard to speak. 
“Ruby! What’s wrong?!” He sat up immediately. 
“You-you - m-” She stuttered causing Tommy to clench his fist in the air. 
“Just calm down and tell daddy” His heart was pounding, and he felt his hands start to shake. Where the hell were you? Why would Ruby be on her own? 
“ I-I- Woke up this morning. Mmm-mummy wanted me to wear a dress- the green one -  but I - knowed that you- didn't pick it. Mmm, can you come home n-now” Her voice started to wobble. 
“Daddy?” She asked into the phone but soon realized that the line had gone dead at some point. Sighing in defeat she went to go find you to negotiate. 
You set out three mugs on the countertop. After filling yours with tea, you grabbed a clean pot and started on some hot cocoa. 
“Yes, darling.” 
“Can you please call daddy?’
“Sweetheart, he only has time to call before bed.” You told her and watched as she stuck her arms out above her head. You picked her up and placed her on the countertop. All rules were written off as the sounds of thunder ran across the sky. You felt uneasy, and playing games and breaking rules seemed to be the best way to hide it. 
“Are you making pancakes?” 
“And hot cocoa.” you smiled as her face lit up. 
The day passed easily, and you all stayed in the warm embrace of the kitchen. Laying down a blanket near the fire the three of you played cards and told jokes. The two of them made a massive mess trying to help cook stew for supper. You were having so much fun you didn't even realize that the day had passed. Soon you were sipping whiskey while Ruby slept against your chest. Charlie was talking to you about his horse, and well all sorts of random things about horses in history. You couldn't remember half the historical figures he was rambling about let alone what type of horse they had. 
You enjoyed the time you had with only them. Normally this time was reserved for Tommy, the business, or the family. But these moments of listening to him talk were too rare, something you would need to change. 
“Dad?” Charlie asked suddenly, looking behind you. You turned to look at the doorway and there he was. You suppressed a laugh once you realized something was wrong. 
“Darling what’s happened.” You stood up clutching Rubby to your chest tightly. Tommy came over and pulled her away from you. 
“You're home” She mumbled, her little hands clutching his jacket. After weeks of restless sleeps, she was too worn out to be excited. He held her tightly pressing his cheek against her head. 
Meeting his cold blue eyes, you sobered up from the soft moment.
“Help me get her to bed then.” He asked sounding defeated and worn out. You all moved upstairs and you kissed Charlie goodnight as he went about his own bedtime routine.
Tommy had gotten Ruby into her pjs, but it seemed even he struggled with her occasionally. She had her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he knelt beside her bed. 
"Please don't leave mummy." She said in a wet voice. Immediately your stomach dropped, why on earth would she have such a thought? Your own insecurities started to blow up as the silence stretched on. 
"Why would I leave mum? Eh? Best mum and wife there is." He said running a hand up and down her back. 
"Rosy's da is leaving her mum for a different mum. I don't want you to leave. It's not safe for us - I-I do-"
"Enough." He said firmly shutting her down. "There is nothing in this world that would take me away from mum, or you, or Charlie."
"But you go away all the time. Even the sky gets angry when you leave. What if one day you don’t come back?"
A worry you spent much of your life pushing down. Always Thomas against the world, but what if one day he doesn't win? 
He let out a sigh. 
"We live in England darling, the sky is always angry.” When seeing she wasn't satisfied with that answer he continued. “ I go away on business, not to see other people or start families." He said seriously. 
"Promise." She finally let go of his neck. You watched as he made a show of opening her closet doors. 
“Hmm. This is a tough choice.” He said sounding genuinely stuck. “Let's go with this one, eh?” He pulled a deep burgundy dress with long sleeves down from the top row of hanging dresses. 
You watched her give a nod of approval. With goodnights exchanged he arranged the blankets, and you stepped out into the hallway. He made his exit and gave you a strange look. 
“How does she know that it’s you that picks the dresses?” You thought of all the times he’d sent her to pick a dress only for Ruby to wake up and know it wasn't him. 
“I have no idea.” He shrugged. “Next time we’ll pick them out for the week I’m gone.” 
You followed him towards your bedroom. His words echo in your mind, and questions about why he was home so early start to boil over. 
Much like Ruby you were always fearful someone better would catch his eye, or that someone would get the best of him.
Undressing and getting ready for bed, the thoughts were pushed far out of your mind. There’s a simplicity to doing tasks next to the person you love. It was silent, and after so many years it could have seemed choreographed. Getting into bed next to him was bliss compared to the long nights spent alone. His arms found you pulling you into his warmth. 
“I thought something had happened. Ruby called me this morning and the line cut out.” 
“What - she doesn't even know how to use the phone -” 
“I taught her to in case of emergencies.” He responded cutting you off.
“That would have been good to know” You let out a sigh. 
“I just didn't know what would be waiting for me. The whole fucking city went dead.” 
“We played cards, cooked, told jokes, kept warm.” He placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
You heard the sounds of the storm picking up but felt nothing but the warmth and safety of his embrace. 
It didn't take long before there were two extra bodies entering. Ruby climbed up to tuck into Tommy’s other side and Charlie placed himself on the edge of your side of the bed. You ran your hand through his hair a few times then let him have his space.
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