#Rukia and Orhime
luz8xx · 1 year
Which team y’all going for?
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Purple/blue 🔵🟣
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(Ps im not comparing them at all this is js for fun :)
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Ulquiorra Cifer (Bleach) - Oneshot
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“I’ll enjoy killing you reaper.”
The hand around your throat felt final. With your zanpakuto a good distance away, you really couldn’t see how this would end in your favor. In actuality, you should have known it was an ambush. Those two previous hollows had been taken down way too easily.
All it took was one viciously charged punch to your gut and you’d been knocked down. Now with its hand squeezing against your windpipe, you just prayed that it would be over quickly.
Your vision was becoming blurry, you could feel your consciousness slipping.
“Release her.”
There was a weight to those words, and your shaky gaze moved to the source of the order. All your mind seems to process are those emotionless green eyes. The hollow turned, still holding you off the ground. All you could offer was another grunt of pain.
“You would kill your own kind to protect a reaper.”
The hollow sounded almost disgusted.
“You are not my kind.”
Your savior lifted his hand, and the beam that shot out blasted the hollow’s head clean off. Your breath hitched, because the grip loosened almost immediately and your body was falling. You didn’t even have the strength to brace for the fall. You were caught, and your gaze shifted in his direction, trying to make sense of what little your brain could process before you finally gave in.
The next time your eyes opened, you were staring at a familiar ceiling. You blinked and when you turned your head, Unohana offered a smile.
“You’re awake.”
She looked altogether pleased that you were now conscious, and you had so many questions. Like how did you get there? What happened, who was the reaper that saved you?”
“It seems Ulquiorra-san made it just in time. I’m relieved that you’re alright.” Unohana wore a gentle look and you were happy, but the sentence seemed to play over in your head and that’s why you registered who had saved you.
She nodded, turning her head as she gestured to someone. When she walked away, you weren’t expecting the former Espada to be your rescuer.
“You..saved me?”
His tone was blank, his expression the very same.
While the alliance with them was solidified, it was still strange. Nel was easy to adjust to, after all she had been on your side from the beginning, but Grimmjow, even Harribel, it was weird. But obviously appreciated.
Now with all the wars done, they were as much a part of the Gotei 13 as any other reaper. So it shouldn’t be crazy that he would help. It was just the fact that you knew his personality. Before that moment, you wouldn’t have thought that he cared at all for you, much less your safety.
Suddenly you’re aware of how inadequate you are as a reaper.
“I guess it should be expected, I’m weak and useless.”
You laughed, but it was only to cover up your own inadequacies.
“You are weak.”
A bead of sweat ran down the side of your head at his very calm tone.
“Geez, he could have at least lied to me.”
It shouldn’t even be a surprise.
“But you are not useless.”
That made you turn. There was still a detachment to his gaze, but he was looking right at you.
“Everything in this world has a use, I have found mine. You will find yours.”
There was a sincerity in those words, even if he couldn’t display it on his face.
In that moment, you truly felt like you would indeed find your purpose.
Maybe that’s when your perspective on him started to change. After your recovery, you were back taking missions.
Your most recent one was with Shinji. While the assignment didn’t truly require a captain, you got the feeling that he just wanted to visit the Karakura. After all, he’d spent a few decades in the town. Now in casual clothing, the first place he stopped by was at Kisuke’s. Hiyori, Orihime, Ichigo and to your surprise Ulquiorra were all there sitting around the table. Ichigo was bantering with Hiyori, Orihime was just laughing happily at their antics and Ulquiorra stayed planted, almost blending into the background.
“Hey baldy you’re back.”
The nickname earned a yell.
“Stop calling me that you loudmouth shrimp!!”
She then persisted to grab him into a chokehold. At that point you realized how obvious it was that he missed his other home. A smile made its way on your face.
“(Y/N)-san, do you mind getting some more rice cakes? The store down the street sells the best ones. Kurosaki-kun ate all the rest.”
“I-I did not!”
His cheeks were burning and you were smiling.
“Hai, I’ll grab some more.”
“I will accompany you.”
Ulquiorra’s declaration earned looks from everyone in the room but Orihime. She was still wearing a bright smile.
Ichigo asked.
“Yes, she is weak. She needs someone to look after her.”
Shinji laughed and you puffed your cheeks that were now flushed.
“Y-You don’t have to keep saying it.” You grumble.
Ulquiorra was unfazed and you sighed.
“Let’s just go.”
In a matter of seconds you were out the door. You knew he wasn’t intentionally trying to be hurtful, he’s just very blunt.
“You have fully recovered.”
The statement drew your attention, and your cheeks heated when you realized he was looking at you. From the stare he must have been doing so the entire time you were walking.
“I-I’m okay.”
You stammered out.
“That’s good.”
That was all he said before he turned his gaze forward. In truth, you couldn’t read him. He gave so little away. You weren’t sure if he was being nice or simply making an inquiry just for some kind of confirmation. That’s why you felt you had to ask.
“Before..you said that you found a purpose, a use, what is it?”
His eyes were still directed ahead.
“To help other souls, the way that Orihime-san has helped me.”
For just a moment, you can hear just a spec of emotion and it’s possibly the most incredible thing you’ve ever seen, because a single act of kindness seems to have changed the views of someone who felt so far gone.
It was at that point that you realized that you truly did admire not just Orihime, but also Ulquiorra. Maybe that’s why you always felt so warm whenever he would even look in your direction.
Each encounter felt different, you grew closer.
“You’re weaker than all those fourth squad members.”
A few other reapers laughed at the statement and you gritted your teeth, clenching your fist.
Getting jumped by members in the eleventh squad was never ideal. They still thought they were the best of the best, and despite your clear irritation at the three men standing in front of you laughing, they were right.
You’re weak.
That’s why they always pushed you around. All you had done was drop off some papers when you caught them messing with a reaper from squad four. Of course you intervened, but now you’re backed into a wall and you’re certain you can’t take three of them, not all at once.
One of them cracked their knuckles and you flash stepped. You knew he assumed you were running away, that’s why when you reappeared, delivering a harsh kick to his face, his friends looked startled. He was down for the count in seconds, and you dropped low, taking another one down. His body hit the floor with a harsh thud, grunting at the pain.
For a while you were sure you had the upper hand. After all, one was unconscious and the other was at least rattled. The next attack you planned to deliver didn’t land. The last one moved quicker and you were grabbed by the back of your head as he slammed your face into the concrete. He grinned, adding pressure and you yelled out in pain.
“Serves you right.”
His hand moved to the back of your robes and he flung you. You expected to hit a wall, or at the very least the roof of a building, but someone caught you, slowing you down. Your feet skidded midair to a stop and when you looked over your shoulder, those green eyes seemed like recognition enough.
“Shit!! It’s Ulquiorra, I’m out of here!!”
The reaper who had been pummeling you dashed off and his conscious friend picked up the passed out one, running just as quickly. You huffed, face and ego bruised. They stepped on you like dirt, but one look at Ulquiorra had them booking it into next week. It was irritating, the reminder of your difference in power, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be mad at him. This was the second time he’d come to your rescue.
“Your abilities would be better dispensed if you weren’t afraid to utilize your zanpakuto.”
Your brows knitted and this time you turned to him fully. It dawned on you that he must have seen a part of the fight to make such a comment.
“You saw?”
Yet he hadn’t jumped right in. You weren’t sure why that made you feel a bit better. You know he thinks you're weak, but he didn’t immediately assume you wouldn’t be able to handle yourself. Despite your swollen cheek, you smiled.
You couldn’t seem to wipe the happy expression off your face and he looked a bit confused.
“You are happy I let them attack you?”
“Do you enjoy getting hurt?”
You just laughed, because it was funny how little he understood but still made an effort to try.
Time and time again he just seemed to be there.
His stare still the same, but his actions a reflection of someone who wanted to learn, to understand what it meant to protect, to care. After all he’d done, it felt right to treat him. That’s why you were now sitting in your quarters with a bowl of ramen placed in front of him.
“Eat up, there’s plenty!”
He just gave a nod, and you took a seat, chin in your palm as you watched him eat silently. You’ve realized for a while now that there was something underlyingly elegant about Ulquiorra. The way he spoke, carried himself, even ate. He just emits a certain type of energy.
You must have just been staring at him for a while, because he placed the chopsticks down and you blinked.
“I am done. It was delicious.”
You weren’t sure how such a monotone voice could sound so endearing.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
You took the empty bowl, heading over to your sink to clean the dish. Humming happily, you were barely paying mind to much but learning more about him. When the dish was cleaned, you placed it down, turning back to Ulquiorra who was not standing and just looking at you.
You blushed.
“I-Is something wrong?”
You laughed a bit awkwardly, inching out of the kitchen.
“T-Then why are you staring at me?”
“Because you are beautiful.”
If you weren’t red before, you sure as hell were now. You looked away with a nervous smile.
“You really need to work on your skills Ulquiorra-san.”
He may have been oblivious about every single thing, but the one thing that’s guaranteed is that you always felt safe with him. That’s why those little meetings continued. After a mission or even a tough day, you would decompress by inviting him over and just offering a meal, or conversation.
Regardless of how battered you got or what you went through, you always felt a bit better when you saw him. Those green eyes that were still so void of emotion, they felt like everything you needed. What others were put off by drew you in. That’s why when the most recent rumor, well it felt somewhat crippling.
“Did you hear, Ulquiorra-san was injured in battle?”
For a second you staggered, and you rushed over to the group.
“Did you say he was hurt!!”
They looked a bit startled.
“Y-Yes, apparently there was an encounter with a powerful enemy in the world of the living. I heard he’s in squad four be-”
You didn’t wait for the rest, you were dashing off to squad four. Your feet were moving briskly, and the second you landed in the barracks, you were rushing through the halls, almost running into a few reapers.
Your yell echoed and you made another sharp turn. The moment you entered the room, you saw those green eyes. You didn’t even wait for him to say anything, you basically jumped into his arms. He took a step back, eyes widening slightly at the contact as you clutched unto him desperately.
“You’re okay…”
You were sobbing, and he looked down, still fairly confused.
“Why is she crying?”
He couldn’t understand.
You pulled back slowly, staring at him. For a second you were searching for injury. As you fully took in his state, you couldn’t truly see any bruises, or at the very least a wound.
“Y-You’re not hurt..?”
“No. Zaraki-san made an unsanctioned trip to the world of the living to chase after Kurosaki Ichigo. The Head Captain asked me to follow to ensure the damage was at a minimum. Unfortunately he got to Kurosaki before I arrived."
Ulquiorra stepped to the side and Ichigo’s twitching form was laying on the bed. You sweatdropped.
It just goes to show how unreliable gossip is. 
You sighed, wiping your cheeks as you sniffled. You felt like a fool making a scene for nothing. Now thoroughly embarrassed, you just turned.
“W-Well I’m glad you’re okay!”
With that you were hightailing it in the opposite direction.
It was clear that just the thought of anything happening to him would be devastating to you. Before you knew it you’d become attached, that’s why with every little meeting at your barracks you felt a little more awkward. The moment you became aware of your feelings, you felt like he had too.
You jumped, and from his expression it’s clear he wanted to know why you were acting like a skittish cat. You swallowed, looking away, playing it off with a laugh. Suddenly being in your space with him alone felt like too much. It’s not like you could stop the visits altogether. Surely he would know something is up.
Also..you didn’t really want them to stop. The more you thought about it the more flustered you became.
“W-We should probably call it a night. L-Let me see you out.”
You jumped to your feet to do just that, but your legs chose that very moment to stop working. Your legs caught with each other and you tumble right into his chest with a grunt.
His hands came down to steady you, and when you looked up, you couldn’t move, almost stopped breathing. That emerald gaze was fixated on you and every fiber in your body just froze. You weren’t sure how to react, what to say. Your eyes shook and before you could stop yourself, you were pushing up on your toes as you pressed your lips to his. His eyes grew a fraction bigger, and yours stayed shut, terrified of rejection, or worse, disgust.
After a few moments, you pulled back with a shaky breath. Your lips quivered and your heart was beating aggressively against your rib cage. Ulquiorra still seemed to be collecting himself, and when he licked his lower lip and stared down at you, the next words were the last thing you were expecting.
“Be my wife.”
Your face flamed up.
You felt like you were going to overheat. You meant to say something, reason with him, but this time his head lowered and he leaned in, pressing a kiss to your awaiting lips. Your brows knitted, and the gentle way his hands held your shoulders made you want to melt on the spot. With your eyes closed, you could hear your heart more clearly.
When he pulled you closer, you felt something thumping and it became apparent that the noise wasn’t your heart rate beating harshly, but it was his. You all but melted. He took one step, and you moaned the second you realized he’s used his flash step, pressing you to the door.
The sound echoed in the room, the noises of your desperate kisses felt near sinful. Your lips were meeting and joining with a sense of urgency. You had no idea Ulquiorra could kiss so well. You were barely keeping yourself upright.
Your fingers gripped tighter into his robes, and when he pulled back, you were fighting to regain your breath. When you looked at him, it was the first time you could see his emotions clearly. He was breathing pretty calmly for someone who had just stolen not just your oxygen, but also your heart.
“You taste sweet.”
That confession was almost too much. You wanted to say just that, but he kissed you again and you whimpered, now very aware that there was no escape.
He had too much power.
For once, you could admit that you were indeed weak.
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foxydivaxx · 10 months
Zosan: Late Night Birthday Special
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Here it is. Zoro's birthday special. I set this in the AU I have created. Zoro gets a visit from a certain blondie. Just read on and see what I am talking about. Warning: Sexual content.
Zoro sighs as he walks into his swanky condo in Manhattan. Sure, today was his birthday but he purposely ignored all the birthday greetings from the others. Perhaps getting gunned down weeks ago might have made him a little too paranoid.
At first, he suspected Sukuna his rival, sort of friend, and Sanji's ex-lover. But after some investigation, Sukuna was found innocent of all crimes even though he had enough motive to do it as the bastard used to obsess over Sanji and almost killed him on more than one occasion.
As he enters the living room, he sees Sanji lying on the sofa in a seductive manner, dressed in a wine suit. His heart starts pounding. Some things sure do not change.
"Hello Marimo" he says, a playful smirk in place. The way the blonde says that childhood nickname of his often does things to him. Zoro gives him a curt nod, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. "Hi Curly."
Sanji slowly gets off the sofa and makes his way towards him. Once Sanji gets close to him, he traces his fingers across his chest, causing shivers to go down Zoro's spine. After all these years, Sanji still held that level of power over him.
Ever since that Sukuna incident that happened five years ago, the couple kept their distance, trying to pick up the pieces of their life. Same applies to the rest of the gang as well.
"You actually came back." Sanji giggles. "I could not stay away for that long darling. Besides, everyone needed that break to you know, recoup from all the drama and b.s. I mean, we were all a bunch of fucking kids. What do kids know?"
Zoro chuckles at that one. He had a point. "That's what happens when you give kids that much power and fame. It can intoxicate you." Sanji grins and wraps his arms around his ex's neck. "A little birdie told me that you do not want to celebrate your birthday."
Zoro sighed. "Yeah. After that shooting, I was not excited." Sanji then leans closer to his ear and whispers, "How about I change all that?" He then proceeds to slowly rub Zoro's crotch. The green-haired heir had to bite his lip. God he missed Sanji and this was one of the reasons why.
"What's the plan babe?"
Sanji smirked. "Glad you asked."
A couple minutes later, the couple are in the limo with their friends. Sanji managed to call the rest of the gang. Not their old friends but rather the new ones they made.
"Hold up?! How did these two end up together?!" Zoro exclaimed, pointing at Gojo and Nami. "Thank Sanji for that." says Gojo. Zoro stares at Sanji who smirks. "Well, how it happened is that Gojo here helped me pay for my dinner after my date stood me up. Sanji heard about that and called him and encouraged him to take me out for a bar date. The rest is history." says Nami as she sips some champagne. Gojo grins and wraps his arms around his new beau. "Best decision ever."
"Who would have thought that the great Gojo could mellow out like this?" says Zoro. "Still the same old Gee. Just a different flavour." says Gojo.
"Heard Usopp got engaged." says Eren. "What?!" Sanji's jaw dropped. "About time tbh." Zoro laughs. Mary flashes the 15 carat diamond ring. "Wooh!! Look at that bling!!" says Sanji. "Usopp got taste." says Gojo, chuckling. Usopp shrugs. "Anything for my princess." he says, kissing Mary on the cheek.
"What about you Luffy? Congrats on that Hollywood Star." says Sanji. The gang applauds Luffy who chuckles. "Thank you!! Thank you!! Much appreciated." says Luffy.
"Do not compliment him too much. His brain might explode." Sabo jokes. "Pfft...like you are one to talk." Everyone laughs. "Don't mind him." says Ace. "He was a sobbing mess that day though," says Shanks. "Who wouldn't be? Like that is a fucking huge honor," says Sanji .
It was great to see the entire gang back together. The last time this happened was 5 years ago and there was a lot of drama then thanks to the old crowd
"He got a point man." says Franky who is smoking a cigarette. "How about a toast ladies and gents?" Sanji suggest. Everyone grabs their glass and toasts to Zoro who grins at Sanji and then leans closer to him and whispers in his ear, "Thanks for this babe." Sanji smirks. "Anything for you my love." With that, the duo seal it with a kiss. "Aww." the girls all cooed. "Took them both long enough." Gojo jokes. Everyone laughs. Zoro smirks. Tonight was going to be a long night.
After hours of nonstop clubbing and partying, everyone heads home. "I cannot remember the last time we have had this much fun together." says Zoro as he and Sanji walk back into his condo.
"This is why I arranged all this for you Daddy." Hearing Sanji call him Daddy after all these years was enough to work wonders on his ever growing bulge. Without hesitation, Zoro pulls Sanji closer and begins to kiss those lips of his hungrily.
Sanji obliges him in kind, letting out a moan in response. "God I fucking miss you!!" The two start stripping and throwing their clothes around as they make a race to the bedroom.
Sanji gets on all fours on the bed and wiggles his ass. "Come get me big boy." Zoro chuckled and proceeds to lick and eat out Sanji's ass, earning more moans from the blonde.
He could have kept at it til Sanji came on the sheets but he would rather have his dick in that ass and fuck him senseless. Grabbing the lube from the bedside drawer, he pours some on his dick.
Once he was satisfied, he pushes his bulge into his lover who lets out a loud gasp. "F-Fuck...."
"Damn you are as tight as ever!!" He then begins to fuck the living daylights of Sanji who is reduced to a screaming, moaning mess. Normally, he owuld take it nice and slow but he knows Sanji well enough to know how impatient the blonde can get.
He keeps on going, trying to find that spot that he knows would drive Sanji crazy.
"Fuck!! Right there!!"
Zoro smirks and proceeds to keep on hitting that spot. Eventually, Sanji cums screaming his lover's name. Zoro follows suit and moans cumming hard into Sanji.
Once they were done, Zoro pulls out out of his lover and lies down on the bed. Sanji crawls towards him and liesdown next to him and cuddles him.
"Happy birthday Daddy." says Sanji. Zoro smiles and kisses Sanji on the forehead. "I owe you one babe." Best present ever.
What do you guys think?
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yasashite · 2 years
Tag Dump 1!
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fluffykitkat · 11 months
Rukia: What? You’re joking, I'm not aggressive!
Ichigo: Last Tuesday, you wacked me with a pair of crocs and stole my chocolate chips? While I said it was a gift from Orihime?
Rukia: Survival of the fittest, bitch. Besides orhime baked those and I already ate mine idiot
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dedahblog · 2 years
Ichiruki mutual eye reflection Trope
I love how such a simple, cliche romantic coded trope can say so much about what Ichigo and Rukia were feeling
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This person is here for me
He / she is here to save me
I know it
Because I trust this person
She /he is all what I see right now
And all of him /her is reflected in my eyes
It not only shows how grandiose Rukia and Ichigo were to each other at that time but it also emphasizes to the readers how heroic their entrances were
The point is whenever this trope happened in the SS arc or the fullbring arc, it is always the savior who get to be reflected in the eyes of the one being saved, not the opposite
Which is why this panel will never fail to amuse me
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Even in the SS arc, Rukia was never reflected even once in Ichigo's eyes because that's not how the trope works.
Like Orhime ... I know it might be hard for you to admit but Ichigo is not the problem here. x)
Basically :
Orhime (full angst) : Kurosaki-kun's eyes ... I am not reflected in them, **sobbing** whyyy ? Does that mean he isn't in love with me ? Does he even care about me ? .⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠.
Me : ... sweetie... did we ever see him reflected in yours in the first place ?
Orhime :
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I could do a lengthy rant about how much I love this loser but I'm going to restrain myself.
This is an IR post after all, maybe someday.
Please don't get offensive after reading this.
This post was made (for the laughs) to show the absurdity of the situation and Orhime's obliviousness about her own feelings.
Ichiruki has everything to shine by its own and doesn't need to be compared to the feelings of an orphan teenager suffering of dependency and fear of abandonment problems.
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lunaneko14 · 7 months
Hey, Luna hope you're having wonderful day.
I wanted to ask if you have ever thought about Chad and Orihime having a brother/sister relationship. Cause we see them together mostly all the time. He protected and trained with Orhime like a big brother and Orihime sent him some food and worried about him like a little sis. I just feel like their relationship was more so like that.
They could parallel Ichigo and Rukia except being humans with special powers that aren’t Quincy or Soul Reaper. And I totally get the opposite dynamic brother/sister vibe from Orihime and Chad.
Big sister/little brother- Rukia and Ichigo
Little Sister/Big brother- Orihime and Chad
Also Orihime and Chads relationship is the opposite in that they don’t fight like Ichigo and Rukia do.
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kaybkay8 · 2 years
Bleach. I absolutely love Bleach. It has some of the best relationships in anime. Surprising no one, I think early Bleach was expertly done. Also surprising no one, I think it got weaker and weaker as it continued. The idea of hollows all having spanish/Mexican themes was cringe. It's only made better by humanizing the arrancar. Chad, the half Mexican character having hollow powers without insinuating Orihimes powers as hollow based increased the cringe.
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I actually like the fights in Hueco Mundo for the most part. Just a few things led to the deterioration of the show. Orihime deciding on a mission in Hueco Mundo was promising for her character, but it was dropped completely. She should have insisted on returning to Karakura with Ichigo. Uryuu, Chad, and Renji were injured badly, so it made since for them to stay behind, especially Renji since he would fall victim to Aizen's illusions. Orihime and Rukia on the other hand should have gone. Neither would have fallen victim and could have been useful. Having another healer is always helpful, especially one with shielding capabilities. Rukia and Ichigo work well together, and neither would fall victim and I guarantee he wouldn't freeze about motives with her there. I'll get into that in a moment. I understand the need to show ichigo and his father having a moment, but the idea he couldn't with them there is ridiculous. Also making aizen plan ichigos conception is to much. All knowing villains are great, but you can't push them that far. Ichigo wondering why he's there all of a sudden is beyond stupid. This guy tried to kill his friends, there should be no freezing up. Have Orihime and Rukia go with Rangiku. Rangiku can have her moment with Gin, while they save their friends and hold off Aizen after gin fails until Ichigo gets there. Rukia gets majorly injured, Ichigo shows, giving him that final push to use final getsuga, while Orhime and Tatsuki get her, and others to safety. That would also give Tatsuki that explanation on screen. Once Aizens defeated, have Orihime use her power to eliminate the hogyoku like foreshadowed.
That would have rounded out Orihimes character much better. And utilized Rukia more. Maybe their friends join them while they are fending off Aizen. Just a thought. Just a little thought on where Bleach went wrong. I still love it. That doesn't mean I don't wish it went a bit differently. No I don't have a scenario for the final arc...that's a whole other monster.
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kitakashi · 1 year
yea turns out he was an arrancar so 😃 but then again something told me it wasn’t real.. his “performance” was off putting and I’m glad rukia didn’t let her guard down completely. she was half and half. I knew it was too good to be true. as for the spoiler it wasn’t something that I needed more investigation on bc if I keep watching I know it will get answered or mentioned… but the spoiler was a certain someone and his family are related to the shibas 🤯
NOOOO but hold up… I’m currently like on episode 164 and I wanna talk about it.. so by the looks of it ulquiora technically killed ichigo right? like he’s dead but if it wasn’t for grimmjow breaking orhime out to turn time back and revive him then it would have ended with our MC dead. that’s what I want your opinion on. that he died. that’s what it looked like to me. a certain show I’m watching has the same thing that the mc died but gets revived by a miracle.
as for the orhime ask i do hope this arc turns out the way I’m imagining it. if if doesn’t you’ll hear it from me again haha. also I was totally unaware of how the fandom treats her. she has a huge hate club and I was so surprised. they call her all kind of names and I was like wait hold up I’m bout to fight everyone on her behalf, orhime get behind me!! lol like the men mostly don’t like her and I’m like?? that’s a first bc y’all usually ogle over the women’s figure and stuff, but it also made me realize that at the end of the day that’s all they see. a fucking object. they don’t respect the person. it’s like for them it’s “damn she’s fine af, but fuck her i can’t stand her ass. she’s so useless” and that gets me fucking mad. I’d like to punch them through the screen if I could 😒
Kaien being absorbed and technically still existing but not sentient… it awful but at the same time a good guy like him would waste away with guilt had he been aware of what the hollow was doing. It gave Rukia some closure tho.
I mean 🤷‍♀️ Ichigo technically dies a lot? The hollow protects his mind in a way while Hime heals his body. If he wasn’t the main character I’d be concerned.
Shōnen anime doesn’t typically have a lot of strong female characters. Hime isnt alone. Sakura from Naruto. Lucy from Fairy Tail. Noelle from Black Clover. Nobara from Jujutsu Kaisen. Anzu/Tea from Yugioh. The list goes on and on. The leading female partner always receives hate. The funny part is, if you read interviews with the authors they say the FMC they created is their dream girl. I think a lot of people are unintentionally misogynistic. And others are simply jealous.
Another reason I don’t participate in fandom discussions. Too much hate. Don’t like a character? Scream to your bff if you have to and then just leave it alone.
Also, the anime typically cuts a lot especially in older animes and where do they cut it? First from the FMC. So people who only watch the anime are missing so much of the story. Maybe not plot wise but the actual depth of the characters. I’m stopping myself from ranting about how the Naruto anime ruined Sakura. And Yugioh anime making Anzu so useless. 😤
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bleachart12 · 6 months
📂 Be sure to watch the new official music video of Reaper by @senna__rin , and we hope you enjoy it📁
YouTube link: youtu.be/m6rC_bMPLG8?si…...
フォローする: @bleach_art12
#bleach #bleachanime #bleachmanga #bleachcosplay #bleach20th #bleach20thanniversary #burun_the_witch #anime #manga #ichigo #shkia #banki #orhime #rukia #renji #aizen #alistive #shorejump #shinji #shuishan #alibugstone
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magical-girl-coral · 4 years
Ichigo: You deserve a reward for putting up with me.
Orihime: Aw, Ichigo, you are my reward.
Renji: You deserve a reward for putting up with me.
Rukia: Yeah, you can be pretty annoying sometimes.
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hootjiggle · 4 years
This might be my last BBS related comic. So hopefully you all enjoy it.
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cosmic-canons · 4 years
Random Pocky Day Headcanons [Bleach]
IchiRuki @rukia-kuchiki-divided. Ichigo thinks the Pocky Game is stupid and childish, Rukia calls him a chicken, so he ends up playing it with her out of spite and to prove that he isn’t.
IshiHime @mz-pixies-playhouse Uryu got so nervous playing the pocky game with Orihime that he froze up and had to use Ransotengai to move his body for it
Renji: Got conned into working more hours at Urahara’s Shop so he could be the first to try the ‘pineapple flavoured pocky’ he’s marketing.
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dedahblog · 1 year
A two part analysis about Ichigo's fake emotional dependency and how beautifully Kub0 resolved it
I wrote this meta to criticize an aspect of IR relationship that is hardly considered a matter of concern.
It's the " Ichigo being a lost puppy without Rukia" trope
If you don't find any problem with it, then please ignore this post because it will be a waste of your time
What I love the most in ichiruki is their trust for each other and how they both inspire joy, hope and courage for each other mutually .
The lost puppy trope contradicts this notion in one way or another since it doesn't put their importance for the other in an equal footing.
That's why I started pondering how this unpleasant frame of mind was established
Is it true that Ichigo's lost without Rukia ?
If anything the last arc proves he wasn't.
so what does that leave ?
does that mean that she's no longer important to him ? Or was this mindset fictious in the first place ?
This is just a personal interpretation. I'm not claiming I can read Kub0's mind (I wish I could)
First of all, I'll start with the chapter that prompted that idea in the first place
It's strange how the world keeps rotating without you
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"It's a strange feeling.
Nothing seems out of place.
Even without Rukia, our world still keeps turning.
That's right.Rukia was originally from Soul Society (there). From the very start, there was never really a place where she belonged here
............if that's the case, what should I do?"
Kurosaki Ichigo, chapter 58
After Rukia was abducted, Ichigo was confused about how the world could continue to operate normally when she wasn't around.
In fact, while everyone was dealing with his life normally, he couldn't
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It's a strange feeling.
Nothing seems out of place.
Even without Rukia, our world still keeps turning.
What Ichigo failed to understand was that there was no reason why the world wouldn't rotate normally without one person.
He was the problem here
The reason he felt that way was simply because he was extremely saddened that Rukia was not by his side
The feeling he felt was so immense and so new to him that he couldn't associate it with any other thing he felt before.
Since he was oblivious to the depth of his feelings at that time, he couldn't fathom the reason behind all his melancholia.
Someone as clueless as him could just deduce from all this that he should just bring her back to Karakura so that the world "can function properly again".
And that's it. End of the drama
However, as I explained here, Ichigo can't be selfish when it comes to Rukia.
That's right.
Rukia was originally from Soul Society (there).
From the very start, there was never really a place where she belonged here
He respects her individuality too much to do that.
He refused to let himself selfishly decide a fate for her (after saving her that is) just because the world felt odd without her
But at the same time, he wanted to understand why he felt that Rukia belonged here in this world when she was originally from another place
(spoiler alert he will realise it after 400 chapters)
............if that's the case, what should I do?"
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Orhime unintentionally made him realise that the most important thing for now was not to ponder how the world could rotate without her but refocusing his attention on keeping Rukia alive and safe
And if Ichigo was sure of one thing, it was that the safest place for Rukia to be was by his side ( since he assumed everyone in SS wanted her dead)
He deduced that the reason he felt Rukia belonged here (with him) was because he was prioritising her safety (*)
Before he could give any closure to his confusion, Ichigo changed his train of thoughts and set his mind on one goal: after saving her, he would bring Rukia back to safety (by his side)
That's it. He just wants her to be safe with him... that's why he felt she belonged here no other reason
However, at the end, Rukia decided to stay in SS
Rukia being separated from Ichigo at the end of the SS arc is one of the best decisions Kub0 has ever made.
First of all, it made Ichigo aware why he wanted to save Rukia. Her being denied of hope is what triggered him to do his best for her.
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And I'm pretty sure that blockhead would never understand that if Rukia were to return home with him.
Secondly, Rukia knew Ichigo wanted her to go back with him and was expecting to be saddened by this news.
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By witnessing how he accepted her decision without any questioning, Rukia was made aware about how unconditional Ichigo's feelings are.
Last but not least, it forced Ichigo to slowly realise what the whole thing about the world couldn't rotate without Rukia actually meant
Again I'll emphasize slooooowly.
At first, he got it wrong again
At the beginning of the arrancar arc, when Ichigo didn't think he could win against his hollow, once Rukia expressed her admiration towards him, he became self confident again.
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Rukia's trust and opinion meant much more to him than his own impression of himself
Rukia's presence inspired him to be hopeful and courageous. From then, Ichigo deluded himself into thinking that what he felt at that time meant simply that Rukia was his anchor
That isn't of course totally false since Morita agreed on that but it's also can't summarized the depth of his feelings for her
However, by assuming that Rukia was so pivotal in his mental health, he was both belittling himself and her since she does have a life outside their relationship.
In short, he didn't learn jack shit
and his way of coping with his obliviousness was becoming a bit counterproductive as shown in this infamous poem
I can't go on in a world without you
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This poem is very similar to his thoughts when Rukia was abducted but this one is a bit self conscious ( at last !!!!!)
This time, Ichigo understood that the reason he felt the world couldn't rotate properly was stemed from him.
He was the one who couldn't keep up with its speed when Rukia isn't by his side
This can be cute in some ways but as I said, this isn't the aim of my meta
Just like when Rukia was abducted, he was finding excuses to explain feelings he never experienced before
Now, Ichigo could only justify his emotions for Rukia with the fact that he can't function properly without her, plain simple.
Even, other translations claim the original japanese text could even mean that he was rather unwilling to even try
And that goes well with my personal theory which is pretty much the heart of this analysis
Ichigo wasn't dependent on Rukia by need but by choice
His low self esteem and insecurity weren't the only reason why he felt worthless when she wasn't by his side.
I think Ichigo unconsciously wanted to be dependent on Rukia because he wanted her to feel as if he needed her :
He wanted her to have a reason to stay by his side because he was afraid of losing her.
(the same reason orhime wants to be dependent on Ichigo and that's for another topic)
However, he never seriously acted on this seemingly selfish thought because as I said Ichigo can't help but be selfless when it comes to Rukia
But he doesn't want to lose her either.
I know I already linked this post but I explain here in depth my own perception of the duality of his feelings
And when he lost his powers, he lost Rukia too.
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Part 2
(*) This is how I understood that scene, the anime team, on the other hand, had a different interpretation but in my humble opinion, it's out of character for dumbass Ichigo to be this self aware at this stage of the manga
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“Ano, Orihime... I just ate with Renji before arriving.” 
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