#Rural Zombies
daughter-cain · 3 months
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anotherdaypassesmeby · 5 months
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gothic-suburbia · 10 months
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curledupinmyarmchair · 6 months
Daryl x western coquette femcel loser
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i write him letters and he comes to me in my dreams
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hidden-jane-art · 6 months
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valocity95 · 2 years
i always found the idea of the early stages of a max-brooks-esc zombie apocalypse fun. like... its not really an issue yet but it could get worse very fast. its like. oh, honey, i forgot to tell you that when you walk home from school, you can only have 1 earbud in. and if anybody come at you from across the highway remember to pull your knife out. if theyre human theyll see it.
or like... people making jokes about it, possible school lockouts (in like a fun, oh yay no gym! kinda way), friends making plans to go Z hunting at 2 am on dares, having to swerve past Z's on late-night drives and yelling at them like deer, figuring out what candle wont really put you to sleep but will still give off good light, people in school bragging about what kind of weapons/security their family has
there are pros and cons, mostly cons, but think about it. instead of running to your car after you leave a store just in case theres a Z loose in the parking lot, you can just start farming and having potlucks at home or whatever. school would be cancelled more often... due to your u.s history teacher being zombified. sorry mrs. smith i hated you anyways??? forgot to brush your teeth this morning? it always smells like decaying flesh anyways so nobodys gonna notice!
obviously i am making it out to be more fun than it actually would be, but its the little things that make me find it funny.
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anuchart19 · 7 months
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Countryside, Zombie's Idyllic Retreat
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
Realistically I would never be in a horror movie because the second any unexplainable stimuli happened, I would scream “FUCK THAT” and vacate the premises
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starrierknight-main · 11 months
I feel like u would have a good zombie apocalypse plan or you could pull a good one out of your ass
it's true, my ass contains a wealth of knowledge!
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ourbygoneage · 1 year
Ch 18: The Long Way Around Verse 1
The sun is beating down on the four as they bike down the long road leading to Trace's parents' farm. Alice, still weak but recovering, is riding behind Erzabet. Rachelle and Tailor ride side by side, chatting about the pros and cons of different types of guns. It's been a few days since they left the survivor base, and they're all looking forward to a break.
As they finally pull up to the farm, Hank rushes out to greet them. "Trace, my boy!" he exclaims, pulling his son into a tight hug. "I'm so glad to see you're alright!"
Trace returns the hug with a smile. "I'm fine, Dad. We just needed to drop off a friend."
Hank turns to Alice, noticing her weakened state. "What happened to her?"
Erzabet chimes in. "She got injured, but we took care of her."
Rachelle takes over, leading Alice inside to check on her injuries. Tailor and Trace stay outside to catch up with Hank. Tailor notices that Hank's walking more smoothly than before, and he asks about it.
Hank grins. "That's all thanks to Rachelle. Those lessons and the insight into what all is going on has worked wonders. I feel like I can walk a mile now."
Tailor smiles back, feeling a sense of pride. "I'm glad it worked out. I'll have to come up with something for you to try next time."
As they talk, Erzabet comes back outside. "Hey, guys, I need to talk to you."
The three turn to her, sensing the urgency in her voice.
"I was thinking about the raiders' surgeon and something occurred to me," she says, looking a bit hesitant. "They were the one that gave us the satellite phone. They might be connected to the Illuminati."
Tailor furrows his brow, deep in thought. "That's interesting. Do you think it could be related to the surgical experiments?"
Rachelle nods in agreement. "It's worth looking into. We should talk to Jess and the others about it when we get back."
Trace glances at Alice's room, feeling a bit uneasy. "Yeah, we should definitely do that. But let's make sure Alice is okay first."
As the group settles in for the night, they discuss their plans for the next day. It's been a long journey, but they've come this far together. And they'll keep moving forward, one step at a time.
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daughter-cain · 4 months
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The farm~
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gothic-suburbia · 10 months
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cipheramnesia · 27 days
Don't put it in the tags if your favorite isn't here.
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jadeazora · 1 month
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One thing I thought was really cool about SV was all the light-horror vibes it had:
There's the descent into the forbidden Area Zero, an otherworldly place that Arven and your Raidon have a lot of trauma towards, coming across that destroyed lab and that weird, creepy moment with the Professor glitching out, finding out the original Professor was dead all along (And poor Arven will never know where his parent was buried), and the moment where the Paradise Protection Protocol tries to render you and your friends helpless before siccing the feral Raidon, the same Pokemon that killed his parent, on all of you. If you hadn't had the Professor's Raidon, we probably would have died down there and no one would have any idea what happened to us. (Including the professor's own son!)
Kieran's breakdown in the Teal Mask. I legit was getting low-key Higurashi vibes from it. (I think it's a mix of the rural Japanese town setting and some minor details like his pupils going to slits when he's upset, the tendency to scratch at himself, and where he's screaming at Carmine and the player calling them liars when he's confronted about having stole Ogerpon's mask.) I feel they scaled back with him a bit in the Indigo Disk, but man, before we see glimpses of him kinda becoming his old self again by the time we get down to Area Zero, I was worried how the situation with him would escalate. (Not helping was, at least before the Indigo Disk came out and it was revealed Pecharunt was a Mythical, I was big into the theory he was under Pecharunt's influence in a similar way to how Lusamine was under Nihilego's 😂)
Then Mochi Mayhem is basically a zombie movie without anybody actually being dead. There's the talk of some curse, you and Kieran end up being the only ones to remain unaffected, and are later pursued by the entire town and Kieran's only barely able to hold all of them off.
It was a nice progression from the horror vibes Legends Arceus had with you getting isekai'd and that whole fear of suddenly being alone being in an unknown place and not knowing anybody, plus them really leaning into that Pokemon can and will kill you, and later the banishing into certain doom with no one who will help you (at first) because they're afraid of Kamado starting a war, and your apparent best friend, the only one who initially was there for you, having been manipulating you the whole time with the intent to kill you (and pretty much everybody else) once you outlived your usefulness to him. Volo's betrayal was such a vicious gutpunch.
Makes me really excited to see if they keep up the light-horror vibes for ZA for sure 😁
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youryurigoddess · 9 months
“The farthing… has vanished”
Remember that line from the Nazi Zombie Flesheaters minisode? Sick and twisted. And we need to talk about the reason why, even though the magic trick in question is nowhere near as spectacular as the Bullet Catch. Let’s start with a quick recap:
The farthing was a British coin worth one quarter of a penny, discontinued in 1961 due to its plummeting worth. The reverse featured the image of a wren, one of Britain’s smallest songbirds with plumage in rather drab shades of beige and brown. Reminding you of someone?
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A popular design of a sixpence, the bigger coin in this set, minted in the 1920s and 30s depicted oak branches with acorns. Which means that seen from close quarters, so basically Crowley’s perspective, Aziraphale’s vanishing coin trick leaves empty branches with no bird in sight.
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As if that image wasn’t traumatizing enough for almost everyone in the Good Omens fandom post S02E06, the etymology of wren’s name in most European languages refers to royalty in some way. Like a literal king or otherwise supreme bird. That’s why killing a wren or harassing its nest is traditionally associated with bad luck. In certain parts of France it’s still believed that the robbing of a wren’s nest will render the culprit liable to be struck by lightning.
In Irish the wren is called a trickster, which connects to the ancient (as in: mentioned by Aristotle, Aesop, and Pliny) fable on how wren became crowned in the first place — by proving that intellect beats strength:
On one occasion a general assembly of birds resolved to chose for their king that bird which could mount highest into the air. This the eagle apparently did, and all were ready to accept his rule when a loud burst of song was heard, and perched upon the eagle’s back was seen an exultant wren that, a stowaway under its wing, had been carried aloft by the kingly candidate. The trickiness angered the eagle so much, says one tradition, that he struck the wren with his wing, which, since then, has been able to fly no higher than a hawthorn-bush. (Ernest Ingersoll)
In art and folklore this little bird symbolizes rebirth, immortality, protection, and the promise of spring. As a luckbringer it was supposedly present at the stable in Bethlehem when Christ was born; and and Irish proverb runs: “The robin and the wren are God’s two holy men.”
But there’s also a catch. According to legends, it was the flapping of the wings or the song of the wren that betrayed the first Christian martyr, Saint Stephen, while hiding from the mob, and led to his stoning by the Sanhedrin — the highest tribunal consisting of the Head Priest and the Jewish elders.
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That’s why December 26, his remembrance day, is celebrated in the UK and Ireland as Wren Day. Its highlight was a traditional bird hunt, where the wren as king of the birds was hunted and subsequently paraded through the town and rural areas on top of a pole or holly branch, decorated with ribbons and colored paper, as a substitute of the ancient human sacrifice of the Year King for winter solstice. The wren boys still travel from door to door singing, dancing, and playing music, demanding money to “bury the wren”, but fortunately no more animals are harmed in the process.
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With Aziraphale being chosen as the new Supreme Archangel and literally disappearing from the face of the earth in the season finale, his becoming a scapegoat or a sacrifice to a greater, communal goal might be a real possibility when something goes wrong with the Second Coming. The good news is that this level of danger should be enough to get the Ineffable Husbands back on speaking terms.
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teddyeyeseddie · 1 year
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Devil Horns & Mary Jane
Virgin!Eddie X Reader
(a/n hiiiii long time no see! Its been awhile but i am so glad to be back and bee bopping around brain rot city with @lofaewrites ! boy have i been cooking up some stuff in the kitchen for you guys! here’s my attempt at willing summer away, i mean it's practically halloween, right?)
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“For the last time I am not driving you to some haunted woods all the way in bum-fuck Indiana,” Eddie shouts, settling in on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. 
“Eddie, please,” Dustin begs, plopping down beside him, grabbing onto Eddie’s shoulder and shaking it. 
“Yeah, please Eddie. You promised you would take us to a haunted house this year!” Mike chimes in, pleading eyes looking down at Eddie. 
“I promised I would take you but I’m not taking you tonight, I have plans,” he motions to the TV in front of him, some horror film playing at a low volume. 
“Now shoo-'' Dustin's hand comes to shush Eddie, pointer finger smushed to Eddie’s pink lips. 
“I’ll tell them about what's under--'' It's Eddie’s turn to shush Dustin, his whole hand quick to cover Dustin’s mouth.
“Enough of that. Alright kids, load up,” Dusting snickers as he follows Eddie and his friends out of the trailer. 
The kids all pile in his van, Dustin settling in the front seat. Eddie’s hand smacks his as he attempts to change the radio, turning it back to his usual rock station.
The drive takes them out of town to a more rural area, the haunted woods and corn maze stretching for several acres. Eddie parks the Van, boots crunching in gravel as he steps out of the vehicle. He stuffs his hands in his jacket pocket, withdrawing a pack of camels. He lights one, taking several drags before stopping under a tree. 
“I’ll be waiting here for you guys,” he sends the group a salute as he leans up against the trunk. 
“Nope, you’re coming,” Max states bluntly, walking towards him and plucking the cigarette from his pursed lips before stomping on it. 
“Oof, alright,” Eddie raises his eyebrows before begrudgingly following the group toward the entrance of the haunted woods. 
“Beware!!” A badly dressed clown screams on Eddie’s right, causing Dustin to jump. 
“Oh this is going to be so epic,” Dustin says as he bumps into Eddie. He shrugs him off and straightens out his shoulders. 
The group pushes its way through a badly shredded sheet that is covered in fake blood, Eddie chuckles nervously to himself before entering through the “Gates of Hell”.
They walk for a bit through the woods, witches and zombies popping out periodically to try and get a rise out of the group. Eddie usually sees it coming, but still jumping at the inevitable scare. 
They make it to a small cabin in the middle of the woods, glass windows broken, Cobwebs stretching across the porch, the whole nine yards. Eddie ducks into the small doorway, being the first of his group to make the journey inside. He feels it out once he is in, the strobing lights making his head spin as he tries to make his way forward. 
Dustin follows in shortly after, putting his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, causing Eddie to jump. He shakes his head, hair tossing back in Dustin’s face. The group trudges forward, making it halfway through the house with no scares. Eddie is pretty sure the house is vacant of haunt employees. He begins to relax, shrugging Dustin’s hands off his shoulders as he makes his way through the house. 
He makes it to the bathroom where a bathtub sits. He begins to notice bubbles forming in the tub, getting closer to investigate despite his judgment. When he is standing over the tub, something jumps out, right in Eddie’s face. Eddie is quick to squeal, hands taking position before punching in front of him at the mass that just emerged from the bathtub. 
“Fuck-ow ow ow,” he pulls his hand back, shaking it out before realizing what just happened. 
He punched someone. 
He punched an employee. 
He rushes back to the tub, his hands coming to pull the workers mask off to reveal a doe eyed girl with the bloodiest of noses. 
“Shit shit shit. I am so sorry,” He grabs the bandana that is stuck in his back pocket and presses it to your nose. 
You let yourself be held up by Eddie as he walks you through the rest of the house, your mind is so fuzzy you’re not really sure what is going on.
He shakes your shoulder once you make it outside, looking down at you, his face illuminated by the residual strobing lights bleeding through the panes of the broken windows. 
He’s pretty, bangs disheveled and sticking to his forehead, leather jacket broadening his shoulders, pink tongue poking out from between his plump lips.
“Hey, Hey c'mon l-look at me,” he says from above you, your eyes finally focused on his, a grimace forming on your face as you come to.
“Did you punch me?” you question, hand finally coming to rub under your nose, blood painting your fingers. His hand comes to rub at the back of his neck, a shy smile forming on his face as he does so. 
“Yes?” he almost questions, “But, I am so so sorry, I did not expect someone to pop out of there. I’ve never even been to a haunted house before, I just say I like them so my friends don’t think I’m lame. I’m actually really terrified of them? I’ve never even punched someone before, not even when I got beat up in midd-”
“Eddie! For god’s sake let Y/N breathe,” Dustin groans, “Hi, Y/N. Are you okay?” He questions, coming to kneel beside you. 
“Yeah Dusty, I’m ok,” you say, smiling at him. 
“Y/N? Dusty?” Eddie asks, confused. 
“Y/N is my neighbor, it’s how I heard about the haunted woods in the first place,” Dustin reveals, holding his hand out to you in order to help you off the porch steps.
Eddie reaches his arm out, offering it to you. You take it, looping your arm in his as you walk down the hill and towards the exit of the haunted woods.
The two of you make small talk as you walk down, Eddie even lighting a cigarette and offering it to you. You decide fuck it after the night you’ve had and take several drags before giving it back to Eddie. 
“I really am so sorry I punched you,” Eddie says as he looks down at you, “I-I dont like hit women or anything like that, I didn’t even know you were a woman. Just like a mass of moss or something gross like th-” 
“EDDIE!”  you shout playfully, “Stop with the nervous rambling, it's fine! My nose isn’t broken and you got me out of work for the night,” 
“Seriously? No “I’m gonna press charges”? You do know who I am right? Half the town wants to see me in jail,”  he states bluntly.
“You’re a dork,” you say with a shrug, “I don’t think you’d survive in jail so I decided to spare you,” 
“Okay, ouch. I am not a dork,” Eddie defends, eyes trained forward as he walks with you.
“What do you do in your free time?”
“Play D&D, read, write music, watch horror films,” he states obviously.
“See, dork,” you bump your hip with his, smiling as you do so. Eddie meets your smile with a frown, his eyebrow furrowing as he looks at you. 
“Hey, c'mon you punched me in the face. I can say you’re a dork. Plus, I never said being a dork was a bad thing,” you reveal, arm unlocking from his as you approach a trailer that served as your bosses office. He was understanding as to what happened but had to understandingly ban Eddie from the haunted woods for the foreseeable future.
Eddie shrugs his shoulders at the news, stepping out of the trailer with you.
“It’s better than spending a night in jail,” Eddie says, digging in his pocket for his keys. 
“C’mon kids, load up,” Eddie shouts before turning back towards you. 
“Do you need a ride?” Eddie questions as he shoves his thumb towards his van.
You shake your head, pulling his bandana away from your nose. 
“Nah I got it, I’ll see you around?” you ask, “Gotta clean this up and give it to you somehow,”
“I’m sure I’ll see you soon,” Eddie responds. He gives you a small wave before retreating to his van. 
Eddie slides into the driver’s seat of the van, starting it up and peeling out of the gravel lot. 
“Dude- I can’t believe you punched her,” Dustin yells over the music. 
“Shut up, Dusty,” Eddie sneers. 
“And your hopeless attempt at flirting with her, oh my god you were so bad dude!” Dustin laughs at Eddie, his heart breaking a little bit at his words. 
Dustin was right. Eddie was hopeless when it came to women. His attempt at flirting tonight simply bleeding into embarrassing stories about himself. He was sure he blew it, no he was certain he had blown it. You can’t punch a pretty girl in the face and expect anything to go anywhere after that. 
Eddie goes home that night, kicking himself mentally for how the evening went.  He wishes he could be normal. He wishes his brain wouldn’t short circuit when a woman checked him out at the grocery store. He wishes he could be confident in himself. He wishes he wasn’t so fucking weird. 
That’s what Eddie Munson is, he decides. A weird, dorky, nerd. He’s going to die a virgin, he’s sure of it. 
He wakes the next morning with his hand throbbing. He groans when he thinks about how you feel if his hand feels the way it does. He rolls out of bed, opening and closing his hand, wincing at each contract of his skin. 
He ends up running late to work, van speeding down the road as he nears the vinyl shop. He pulls in right at 10, practically jumping out of his van and speed walking towards the entrance. He unlocks the door, pushing inside and turning on the lights. 
He’s busy putting on a record to play in the shop when the bell above the door begins to ring. He turns when he hears it, smiling when he sees who he’s met with. 
It's you. You’re wearing a pink skirt, a cream sweater thrown over it, not how Eddie would have ever imagined you to dress. 
“Y-Y/N?” Eddie stutters, record needle scratching loudly as he drops it. 
“Hi, Eddie,” you walk towards the counter, in the light of the storefront he sees that your right eye has turned a bright purple.
“Shit- I’m so sorry,” Eddie rasps, wincing as you tilt your face up to reveal the bruise on your cheek.
“Had to make you feel a little more sorry for me,” you say with a small chuckle. Eddie flashes you pleading eyes, silently begging you to stop messing with him. 
“Hey, it’s okay! I actually just came to bring this back,” you dig into your baby pink purse, pulling out Eddie’s now clean bandana.
“I uh, asked Dustin where I could find you,”
Eddie smiles and takes the bandana from your hand, tucking it into his back pocket. 
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” He sends you a salute as you back away from the counter.
“See ya around Eddie,”
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The next time you show up to his work, Eddie is high. He’d taken a few dabs in his car on his lunch break. The weed really takes over when you walk in. Pretty blue skirt flowing behind you, an oversized white sweater brushing the hem of your skirt causes his heart to do tiny little flips.
“Hey Eddie,” you squeak as you approach him. The bruise around your eye is almost completely healed and the swelling in your nose has gone down tremendously. You look better and Eddie is so happy to see that. 
“Hey trouble,” he rasps, a dopey smile on his face. He walks to where you’re standing, stopping once he reaches you, leaning over the counter. He smacks his gum, elbows resting on the glass as he looks down at you. 
“Trouble?” you quirk an eyebrow, hand on your hip as you scowl at him playfully. 
“It fits, sue me. What brings you in?” Eddie questions, rounding the counter and settling next to you. He leans against the counter, crossing his arms and legs as he looks over the expanse of the store. 
“Need a birthday present for a coworker. He’s throwing a halloween party for his birthday. He’s into stuff like you. Ya know, dorky stuff, metal, the whole lot,”
“Ah, I got just the thing. Iron Maiden released a new album this past month, just got the vinyls and 8 tracks in,” 
He makes his way to the ‘new arrivals’ section of the store, fingers skimming through records effortlessly. 
“Aha, here it is!” he shouts, handing it to you with a bow. He feels more confident like this, high and able to flirt and exist around you. 
“Milady…” he ushers you back to the counter, ringing you up. He bags your purchase, carefully handing it over the counter. 
“Have a good one, trouble,” he says with a smirk on his lips. You wave a small goodbye but stop before you’re able to make it out the door. You turn on your heels marching right up to Eddie Munson. 
“Will you be my date to this thing?” You’re standing right infront of him, so close you can smell weed, cigarettes and his cologne. 
“A Halloween party?” Eddie questions, head ticking to the side as he ponders the idea. 
“Sure thing, I’ll pick you up?” you nod and pluck a pencil out of the jar by the register, writing down your address on a scrap piece of your receipt. You hand it to Eddie, smiling widely as he takes it. 
“7:00, sweetheart,” 
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Eddie’s heart is pounding. He’s sure he’s on the verge of either keeling over or running for the hills. His high has worn off and he’s 99% sure any and all ability to be normal has left the building. His hands are shaking as he clips in his little red devil horns. He backs up from the mirror and looks at himself. Red sweater, black jeans and black boots was tonight’s ensemble. He adjusts the little horns in his hair, fluffing his bangs before walking out to the living room, hands still shaking as he collects his keys. 
“I’ll be late Wayne,” He shouts to his Uncle in the Kitchen. With that, he makes his way out to his van, hopping in and lighting a cigarette to help calm his nerves. 
He makes his way to your house, the ride and nicotine somewhat soothing his nerves. You see his van at the curb and bid your mom goodbye, stepping out into the cold October air. Eddie feels all the air leave his chest as he looks at you as you come down your porch stairs. You’re in that same oversized white sweater except this time it's over a white tennis skirt. Your hair is down in braids, a little halo atop your head. Eddie is pretty sure he dreamed you up, there is no way you are real he thinks to himself. 
You practically skip to Eddie’s van, Eddie getting out quickly in order to open the door for you. You slide into the passenger seat, Eddie climbing into the van shortly after. 
“An angel huh?” he asks nervously, causing you to blush. 
“Every devil needs his angel,” you shrug. It’s Eddie’s turn to blush, his red cheeks matching the horns tucked in his mess of curls. 
You make conversation as you drive. Albeit awkward conversation, but conversation nonetheless. Your friends warned you about this, how awkward it would be but honestly, you liked it. You liked how you could get under Eddie Munson’s skin. And in return, Eddie makes your heart flutter. No matter how many times your friends told you he was awkward or a nerd, you couldn’t stop thinking of the brown eyed blubbering idiot. 
You pull up to where the party is, a house on the outskirts of town. You spot a bonfire in the back surrounded by people, signaling that you’re at the right place. Eddie parks his van on the grass before getting out and rounding the car to help you out. 
You both trudge through the grass, making it back to the bonfire, present in hand. Eddie hangs back while you converse with your friends. You down several drinks, drinking too fast and feeling a little woozy. 
You find Eddie several minutes after you down your second drink. He has a red solo cup in hand, other hand in his pocket as he sips the mixture in the cup. 
“Hey Eds,” You say with a smile. 
“You’re being a wallflower,” You giggle, getting up on your tiptoes to adjust one of his horns. 
“I-I just don’t know anyone,” He shrugs his shoulders, taking a sip of his drink. You grab his hand once he’s done, dragging him to the fire and sitting on a log next to him. 
You don’t let go of him, Eddie smiling when your thumb begins to rub circles on the back of his hand. 
You comfort him for a moment before turning to him and beginning conversation. 
“So- you don't talk much do you?” you question as you take a sip of your drink. 
Eddie shakes his head, ducking it down in embarrassment. 
“Hey hey, it’s okay!” you reveal, smiling at him when he snaps his head back up. 
“I can talk enough for the both of us,” you babble, “My name's Y/N but you know that, and I know your name is Eddie,” vodka hits your tongue as you sip on your drink. 
“You’re a dorky metalhead and you drive a rickety old van that smells like weed so I assume you smoke?” you ask as you raise your eyebrows. 
“Deal. I uh- Deal,” Your eyes widen comically at his revelation. 
“You deal drugs?” you whisper-yell, a chuckle rising out of Eddie at your reaction.
“Yeah, mostly bud,” 
“Can we smoke?” 
He simply nods. You get up from your place on the log, hand gripping his as you pull him back towards the van. 
He opens the back for you, the two of you ducking in and settling in the back. He pulls out an old lunch box, digging in it until he can find his rolling papers. You watch him skillfully roll the joint, his hands finally steady. 
He brings the joint to his lips, holding it there as he flicks his lighter. The end of the joint blooms red, smoke flowing from Eddie’s mouth as he exhales. Eddie passes you the spliff, smiling widely at your doe eyed expression. 
You take a long drag, your exhale being cut off by dry coughing and hacking. Your cheeks burn bright red in the commotion. Eddie finds a half-drunk bottle of water and passes it to you. You hand him back the joint and gratefully accept the water, chugging the rest of the bottle. 
The rest of your smoke sesh goes off without a hitch, the two of you giggling at anything and
“You talk more when you’re high,” Eddie stops rolling the second joint of the night, looking up at you. 
“It’s hard making new friends. Weed makes me relax and not be so weird.” Eddie licks the rolling paper, focusing on the task at hand.
“You’re not weird..” 
“Says the girl who called me a dork the second she met me,”
“I am pretty sure I have endless passes to call you a dork, you punched me in the face and all,” Eddie sucks in his breath through his teeth, holding his hand up in defense.
“What was a pretty thing like you doing working there anyways?” he takes a drag of the joint, inhaling deeply before blowing all the smoke in your face.
“Eddie? Pretty thing? Are you flirting with me?” you reach towards him, hands meeting as you pass the spliff between you two. 
“I dunno trouble, am I?” he questions, mentally giving himself a pep talk to not screw this up. 
Eddie shifts in his seat, turning to face you.
“Would that bother you? If I was?” Eddie asks sweetly, doe eyes looking down at you. 
You shake your head, your heart races as he shifts closer to you. You’re sure he is going to kiss you, he's so close. Until, he isn't. He pulls away. 
He casts his eyes downward, nerves in his belly rising. 
“Eddie, what’s wrong?” 
“I-I’ve never?” 
“Kissed a girl?” you finish for him, your hand holding his as he nods his head. 
“Well come here then,” You peck his lips a few times, finally deepening the kiss and showing Eddie what to do. He catches on fast, the kiss quickly turning messy and desperate. You're straddling his lap when your hands slide underneath Eddie’s red sweater, a whimper escaping his lips when your cold fingers brush against his middle. 
“Can assume you haven’t done this either?” His eyes are blown wide as he looks up at you, lips pink and plump, cheeks red and splotchy. 
He shakes his head. You cup his jaw in your hand, drawing him in for a kiss before you pull away and whisper in his ear. 
“Just follow my lead,” 
Eddie shudders as your breath hits his neck. His cock is straining so painfully against his zipper and he’s pretty sure if he doesn’t get relief soon, he’ll explode. 
You sit back on your haunches, stripping yourself of your sweater and skirt, leaving you only in your halo. 
If Eddie wasn’t already painfully hard, the sight before him is enough to do so. Your naked body dressed only in a halo while the moonlight bleeds into his van has his mind whirling. He’s certain he’s died and gone to heaven. Because if all angels looked like this, he’d be on his knees every night. 
You giggle at the way he's staring, hands going to snake back under his sweater in order to strip it from his body. You pull it over his head, curls bouncing back to place after the sweater is fully removed, horns staying in place despite the disturbance. 
You start to work on his pants, unbuckling his belt and popping the button of his jeans. You kiss him softly when you dip your hand into his boxers. You giggle when he hisses, kissing his jaw when the hiss turns into a needy moan. You pump him a few times before withdrawing your hand from his boxers. 
“Let’s get out of these, yeah?” Eddie nods feverishly, gangly limbs moving fast to rid himself of his jeans. You draw in a breath when he is finally naked before you. He is so pretty, his cock is so pretty. It’s thick and just the right length, curving slightly to the left, following his hip bone and resting there. 
“Lay on your back,” you instruct, grabbing a random pillow from the floor and shoving it under Eddie’s head. 
“Now, enjoy yourself. Touch me however you want and for the love of god, don’t hold back,”
You throw your leg over his body, straddling his middle. You get on your knees, hovering above Eddie’s cock. You take it in your hand, direct it to your weeping hole, and sink down. You raise yourself slowly before dropping yourself back down, a little “oof” getting punched from Eddie’s lungs. You pick up your pace and deduce him to a moaning, needy mess. 
“F-fuck trouble, I- I’m. I can’t-” Eddie’s hands come to rest on your hips, pushing you down, forcing himself deeper inside of you. You feel him twitching inside of you, cum leaking from you and down his balls. 
Eddie is bright red when you look down at him, his mouth opening and closing as he tries to say something. He’s so caught up in his mind, reminding himself of how weird and pathetic he is he almost doesn't hear you. 
“That. Was so hot,” you reveal, his spent cock now softening inside you. 
Eddie chuckles, pushing you up his body to release his cock, settling you beside him. He draws you in tightly, your legs intertwined, cum leaking from you and staining the blanket beneath you. 
“Have I broken you?” you ask as you trace the tattoos that litter Eddie’s chest. 
“Somethin’ like that,” Eddie groans, lips coming to press a kiss to the crown of your head. 
The two of you sit there for a moment, breathing falling in line as you both enjoy the presence of each other. 
“You never told me why you work at a haunted house,” Eddie says, finally breaking the silence
“Oh- my brother is in charge of all the “cast members ", got me the gig and pays me well. Not really up my alley but it’s better than the mall,” you shrug, leaning up on your elbows to look outside.
“There’s more people outside, do you want to go back or…” Eddie quirks his eyebrow. 
“We can do that again?”
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