#Ruusan Reformation
sw5w · 5 months
This Vote is Very Important
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:04:05
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dustbunnyprophet · 2 years
Mandalorian Dating Systems and Calendars
After spending the whole afternoon developing a dating and calendar system for the Mando-centric fic I’m currently writing, I ended up with not one, but two different systems (and some headcanons about the Galactic Republic dating system).
For simplicity’s sake let’s assume the Galactic Republic uses predominantly the year of the Ruusan Reformation epoch for their dating system. The year 0 ARR (After the Ruusan Reformation) corresponds to the year 1000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). The calendar system is the Coruscant-based standard one with the year’s length being 368 days. The date notation is yyyy.ddd (e.g. 948.126 ARR is the 126th day of the year 948 After the Ruusan Reformation).
Mandalore was founded in 9991 BBY so they began their dating system with the Founding of Mandalore (FoM). I headcanon the Taungs decided to keep their calendar system unchanged after leaving Coruscant and eventually colonizing Mandalore which means a Mandalorian year has 368 days just like the Galactic Republic one. Unlike the latter, however, the Mandalorian year begins 67 days later (e.g. 9253.1 FoM, the first day of the year 9253 since the Founding of Mandalore would be 262.68 ARR). 
Why a 67 days discrepancy? It would be weirder if they were synchronised.
Since I cannot imagine the New Mandalorians would want to use the FoM as their dating system, and considering the movement began after the Mandalorian Excision, the New Mandalorian Calendar (NMC) system will use the Excision (738 BBY, 262 ARR, 9253 FoM) as year 0. The length of the year and the New Year are identical to the traditional Mandalorian calendar system.
So basically
0 BBY = 9991 FoM = 738 NMC = 1000 ARR
Cheat sheet:
BBY: Before the Battle of Yavin
FoM: Foundation of Mandalore
NMC: New Mandalorian Calendar
ARR: After the Ruusan Reformation
Some notable dates of Legend/Disney canon events in the various dating systems:
934 ARR (9925 FoM, 672 NMC, 66 BBY) Jango Fett is born
940 ARR (9931 FoM, 678 NMC, 60 BBY) the Mandalorian Civil War begins
943 ARR (9934 FoM, 681 NMC, 57 BBY) Obi-wan Kenobi is born
948 ARR (9939 FoM, 686 NMC, 52 BBY) the Battle of Korda VI is fought; Sheev Palpatine is elected Senator
955 ARR (9946 FoM, 693 NMC, 45 BBY) Obi-wan Kenobi becomes Master Jinn’s padawan
956 ARR (9947 FoM, 694 NMC, 44 BBY) the Battle of Galidraan is fought; the Stark Hyperspace War begins
959 ARR (9950 FoM, 697 NMC, 41 BBY) Anakin Skywalker is born
961 ARR (9952 FoM, 699 NMC, 39 BBY) Anakin and Shmi Skywalker are sold to Gardulla and begin their lives on Tatooine
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sri-fanfic · 1 year
Shamelessly stolen from CmptrWz
Star Wars, but the Jedi saw the Ruusan Reformation as an attempt to hobble them. They openly followed it, but in secret they divided into "public-facing" and "hidden" orders. Certain Jedi shadows and the high council on the "public-facing" side know of and can contact the "hidden" order. Said "hidden" order discovers, relatively early on, the hidden Sith and ensure that they're tracking them and preparing to deal with them…but are regularly a few steps behind them due to keeping more hidden than the Sith.
When the decision is made to put Jedi in charge of the clones, things are arranged such as to fully revoke the portions of the Reformation that stripped them of their military power in general. After all, they can't hold military ranks with that portion of the Reformation still legal! And instead of suspending it, it gets removed entirely. Palpatine suspects nothing, just sees it as an admittedly prudent course of action because it keeps the Jedi from breaking the law.
…then the hidden order shows up, fleets of ships, armor, etc. The clones aren't even needed as the war is decisively won by the Jedi before Palpatine can manage to get too much emergency power…and then they arrest him for being a Sith at the same time that they destroy the anchors to the dark side veil. He, of course, opposes being arrested through revealing that they're entirely correct…
Oh, and they only figured out Palpatine because he was stupid when he killed his master but were having trouble figuring out how to grab him before the whole "put the Jedi into military positions again" idea was brought up
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dapurinthos · 5 months
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the jedi high council, c. 55BBY through to the end in 19BBY, with further division by the legends 'permanent/long-term/short-term' seats, where the short-term is roughly a 5 year term. tera sinube is not right because he's on the council in 40bby, but i see him as the kind of person that wanders on and off the high council. plo koon also wanders in and out, because he goes out finding children every few years.
general headcanon is that, at the end of a five-year term, it can be renewed for another five years or they move to a long-term seat. colour basically shows who's sitting in the actual same chair. yes, if they leave the council and come back, they sit in the most recently vacated chair. no, you cannot be attached to a chair, ki-adi, you get a new one now. yaddle & shaak ti are the only ones who have stayed in their original chair and seat-type. the gold bit at 34/33bby should probably have micah giiett in it.
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kyliafanfiction · 8 months
I guess ultimately, my issue with the way some people emphasize that the Jedi code works and that the Jedi were doing really good and that they really didn't fail Anakin in any way (or at least not any way that can really lie in their fault), and the way the Order does things in the Prequels era is excellent and good overall is that -
In the Prequels, the Republic is broken. Republics don't collapse out of nowhere. Institutions don't just implode like the Republic's did for no reason. The Republic's fall was the result of generations of complacency, corruption, stultification, ossification, cutting short term deals, overreach, underaction - there's a reason so many people were onboard with the idea of an Empire at first, and it wasn't all just bribery, xenophobia and fear.
And I guess - I just can't accept that the Jedi were just humming along fine this whole time, without also turning inward too much, without also ossifying and becoming complacent. Because the Jedi were too bound up with the Republic for that to not be the case.
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arkhavens · 1 year
does anyone want a copy of the spreadsheet where i did some shit to figure out what day of the week(star wars or ours) any given day within any given standard year would be? i did bullshit where 2/3 holiday days go because theres like 0 info i could find on where those actually Go but thats a minor thing to change
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yes there's a lot of things to criticize about Star Wars but one thing i will always love it for is being so unabashedly tragic
i'm sure it's been said before, but one of the main things i think powers the SW fandom (fics in particular) is the (in)evitability of it all
time travel fix-its are one of the most popular sub-categories of fics that i've seen (for the prequels at least) but i see it much more rarely in other fandoms. i know each fandom has their own niches that they dig into but star wars fic writers took one look at this decades long story of people who were doomed from the start and said 'not in my house bitch'
and i'm never tired of it, because there's so many places where just one different action could have changed the story entirely, but didn't
was it over the moment Palpatine succeeded in feeding Anakin's fears and his distrust toward the Jedi? the moment the Sith gained control of the senate? what about when the war started, when the Jedi were made generals of men designed to be their executioners? what about when Dooku left the order? when Qui-Gon Jinn died, leaving barely-knighted Obi Wan Kenobi to raise a child he had no idea how to care for? when the Jedi massacred the Mandalorians at Galidraan, leaving Jango Fett primed (hah) for revenge? when Palpatine, and thus the Sith, first gained influence? when the Jedi were tied to the Republic, all the way back at the Ruusan Reformation?
there are so many little moments that turn into this huge web of cause and effect when you take a step back. and in canon, these characters are dooming themselves while we watch, but what reason do they have to do anything different? they don't know they're in a tragedy - its dramatic irony at its goddamn finest
but there's this thing about decisions: for it to be a choice, there has to be another option. and our heroes make their mistakes because that's what they do, while we aren't privy to that other option, leaving that little what-if. it's a favorite human pastime, to think about what might have been.
we start at episode 4, though, fourty or so years after what you could arguably call the start, and find ourselves watching the dominoes fall in place throughout 1, 2, and 3.
and we can hate the choices, hate the tragedy, hate what happened to our beloved characters, but we knew. we had the luxury of knowing.
it's a love story, it's political intrique, it's sci-fi at its finest, and they were dead from the start.
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lightsaber-dorphin · 5 months
Jedi Order Corps and Subdivisions
More of my worldbuilding for the inner structure of the Jedi Order. This time focusing on the Corps and the schools of thought/ roles within the Order.
Some of these are canon, others are my own creation. The Jedi consolidating to one temple on Coruscant during the Ruusan Reformation is canon, but I’ve taken my own liberties with it. Without further ado, lore!
Prior to the Ruusan Reformation, there were a number of independent denominations of the Jedi. Most of them merged into one order based in the Coruscant temple during what was called the Reunification.
Many denominations had different ideas of what a Jedi should be/ how they should use their powers. As a result, Jedi from certain traditions tended towards certain jobs within the reunified order. The corps and their branches formed as a result of certain traditions and teachings being passed down by Jedi who occupied certain roles.
The corps aren’t administrative divisions. Individual Jedi have their corps and branch affiliation listed on file as a marker of what they specialize in/ what they’re trained to do. Jedi are selected for missions based on their corps and the specifics of the mission, and answer to whichever body sent them on the mission. (see my Jedi Order Bureaucratic Structure)
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Reunified Jedi Order:
One permanent location on Coruscant
Wandering Jedi who are technically members of the Order & follow its precepts but don't answer to the Council
Individual members can and do have corps/ division affiliations, but the group as a whole doesn't have a corps/ division affiliation
Usually part of the Sentinels or EduCorps
People aren’t selected to be trained for these jobs it’s all volunteer work
A lot of people do it part-time or for short periods, but a few folks make it their permanent gig
Maintenance workers:
Sometimes someone says “what if instead of going on missions I patched all the holes in our drywall” and why would they stop them
Lots of part-time volunteers
Most are Sentinels, because their philosophy encourages learning random useful skills
Distribute supplies
The Order buys stuff in bulk and then Jedi pick it up from the quartermasters office
Jedi way of saying chef
Transport mechanics:
Do you know a Car Person? Imagine if they were a monk.
The most dedicated to preserving the Jedi way of life of any group in the Order
Without these unthanked warriors the Jedi Order would’ve been destroyed by late-stage capitalism
Most are Lore Keepers
Usually hired from the outside
Inspired by "Jedi Counsel” on ao3
Sometimes a Jedi goes to law school
Temple Guards:
Protect the temple and are its first responders
Based on the lore from "Nameless"
Very connected to the living force within the temple
A little spooky!
Education Corps:
Advance in rank via academic achievement
Maven is the title equivalent to Knight
Can have multiple padawans at one time (but usually don’t)
Lore Keepers:
Strongly believe in the importance of academics
Believe knowledge is the path to connection with the Force
Based on "The Librarian's Lineage"
Teaching is hugely important to the Jedi, and all Jedi teach & learn how to teach to some degree, but for Preceptors it’s their main focus
Like the MedCorps it has a lot of transfers
Normal Preceptors:
Classroom teachers
Have formal education training
Either work for the Department of Classes or the Department of Primary Classes
DoC and DoPC are roughly the same thing, except the DoPC is for the general education classes all Jedi take as children and the DoC is for elective and continuing education classes
Teach lightsaber classes
Have formal education training
Inspired by "Careless to Let It Fall" on ao3
Main differences are that there’s more than one & they take education classes
One lead crèchemaster and two-ish assistant crèchemasters per every 6-ish younglings
Formal training in early childhood education
Must serve as an assistant crèchemaster before being a lead crèchemaster
Assistant crèchemasters are from "aphelion" on ao3
Exploration Corps:
One-on-one apprenticeships
Rarely in the temple (unless they have a padawan, when they’re required to be there more often)
Usually have a bed in a communal room at the temple instead of their own apartment
Use Knight title. Yes this is sometimes confusing
Wandering explorers/ patrol the galaxy
Instead of responding to specific requests they visit places & are available if anyone wants their help
Specific purpose is to make sure the Jedi don’t neglect/ are unaware of certain parts of the galaxy just because it hasn’t requested Jedi aid in a while
Find potential Jedi and offer them a place in the Order
Bond with new initiates and ease their transition into the Order
Expertise in Force-temple ruins
An undead Sith~ sleeping in your bed. Who you gonna call? Ghost! Busters!
Work closely with the Lore Keepers
Most likely to become Wayfinders or leave the Order (by percentage not numbers)
“Former Jedi who got really interested in a niche of archaeology without many Force-related ruins” is a thing in the archaeology community
They can work on normal digs but the Senate won’t approve sending them/ use of Jedi funds
Medical Corps:
MedCorps padawans are very rare. Most members transfer in from another corps
Student healers from other corps have a healing mentor in charge of their healer training, separate from their lineage-master
Healer is the equivalent title to Knight. Healers-in-training are called Student Healers, no matter what their rank is
Knight Corps:
Knights being a fifth corps
This is the corps we see most in canon
One-on-one apprenticeships, Knight title
Focus on fighting abilities & lightsaber combat
Negotiators, ambassadors, diplomats
Focus on Force abilities
Focus on non-Jedi skills such as hacking
Considered a midpoint between Guardians and Consulars
Jedi spies
Answer to the High Council
Permanent/ long-term posting within a system
Agriculture Corps:
Focus on nature-related abilities
Grow most of the food for the Order
Very involved in disaster relief work
Rarely in the temple & usually have a bed in a communal room instead of a personal room
Have long-term postings & typically get settled there
Padawans are assigned to a group rather than an individual
Maven is the Knight-equivalent title
The chapter that inspired this whole project
Large-scale Force usage
Can revitalize uninhabitable areas
Use the Force to rapidly speed up regrowth, kickstart life on planets where there is none, etc.
Don’t believe in using the Force on the scale that Terraformers do
Use the Force to help individual plants grow, stave off rot and parasites, connect with animals, etc.
Creature specialists
Force-sensitive animal control
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bolithesenate · 7 months
i'm gonna be a brave soldier and say that the Jedi 100% have a wedding tradition
just that it is the most basic, lazy ass thing ever so people don't even realize it. Like, participants have to sign a form that wasn't updated since the Ruusan Reformation and if it doesn't get vetoed by a majority of the High Council within three weeks, you're good to go.
A reform was passed at some point because this circumstance just meant that drunk senior padawans flooded the Council with marriage requests, so now the match has to be witnessed by two High Councilors to begin with.
Which just means that the High Councilors now make it a game to marry and divorce each other.
also, there is a legal precedent of a lightsaber being called as witness to a murdercase or whatever, which directly implies lightsabers posess sentience and sane judgment. So there are so many Jedi literally married to their sabers.
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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By 9 ABY, the New Republic had liberated Coruscant, the Galactic capital, and established its government there. After leading the Rebellion and then the Republic through the heady days of the Galactic Civil War, Mon Mothma stepped down as Chancellor, leaving behind a Senate divided into four major power blocs.
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Progressive People's Party (center-left, 364 seats): The majority successor to the original Progressive Party which acted as the Rebellion's political wing in the Republic and Imperial Senates, the PPP is majority social democratic and socially progressive. As it carries the Progressive Party's reputation of being the "party of the Rebellion" and the standard-bearer of Mothmism, the PPP enjoys widespread popularity and is the largest party in the Senate, despite surging poll numbers for the opposition after a half-decade of PPP governance. Led by Leia Organa of Coruscant.
Liberal Party (center, 56 seats): Socially liberal and fiscally moderate, the Liberal Party is one of the few parties to survive from the time of the Old Republic in its current form. The Progressive Party was originally a splinter faction from the Liberals, and they affiliate with its successor the PPP in the government coalition. Led by Rees Vera of Mikkia.
Federalist Party (center-left, 39 seats): A social liberal party which advocates for increased decentralization of the New Republic and the establishment of devolved regional governments. Led by Boona Kalan of Taris.
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People's Union Party (far left, 122 seats): A socialist party which advocates for the restructuring of Galactic society on a free and equal basis, the transfer of the means of production into the hands of the working class, and the development of a socialist mode of production. In practical terms, the party is democratic socialist and draws strong support from industrial worlds and unions. Local parties such as the Communist Party of Corellia and the Gran Socialist Union are affiliates of the PUP. Led by Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia.
Reform Party (left, 44 seats): A democratic socialist party which argues for a fundamental restructuring of the New Republic into a "Federation of Free Alliances." A successor to the original Reform Party in the Old Republic. Led by Cal Omas of New Alderaan.
Libertarian Party (far left, 2 seats): A loose affiliation of anarchists. Collective leadership.
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Progressive Conservative Party (center right, 201 seats): A liberal conservative party which is hawkish on military matters and foreign affairs. Generally socially conservative with more liberal factions while remaining economically liberal. The minority splinter of the original Progressive Party. Led by Borsk Fey'lya of Bothawui.
Constitutionalist Party (center, 89 seats): A centrist party, and a revival of the Old Republic party of the same name. Advocates of a return to the structure of the Old Republic as it existed in the High Republic and Republic Classic eras, before what they see as its distortion under Palpatine. The text of the Ruusan Reformations serves as their guiding charter. Led by Waltyr Valorum of Hosnian Prime.
Free Hyperlanes Party (center right, 24 seats): A classical liberal party, economically hypercapitalist and disdainful of government intervention in the market, and supportive of corporations. Socially libertarian. Led by Udo Mopot of Giju.
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Galactic Unity Party (far right, 151 seats): A far right, traditionalist party which advocates for ultraconservative social policies and an immediate cessation of hostilities against the Imperial remnants, arguing that the war was won when the Core was liberated. Often accused of Imperial sympathies and of being a continuation of the Galactic Integralist Party, the state party under the Empire; several GIP Senators have reentered politics under the GUP banner. Led by Leida Mothma of Chandrila, the daughter of former Chancellor Mon Mothma, who does not share her mother's politics.
Core Alliance (right, 10 seats): A coalition of wealthy and influential Core worlds, whose priority is securing and expanding the privileges traditionally afforded them. Led by Jonas Piven of Alsakan.
Anti-Jedi Party (far right, 3 seats): One of the few parties to exist in its current form since the time of the Old Republic. Far right and conspiratorial, it gained some popularity after the Clone Wars due to a conspiracy theory spread by its leader about Emperor Sheev Palpatine being a secret Jedi who had worked with the Jedi Council to seize power, only to then betray his fellow Jedi in order to consolidate power around himself. Currently opposes the nascent New Jedi Order and has taken credit for Luke Skywalker having declined to base it on Coruscant. led by Alyx J'onzz of Tekaris.
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veryace-ficrecs · 2 months
Heyyy can you find some good Feemor focused fic? As non angsty as possible pls thank you!!!
Feemor-Centric Fic Recs
Ripples by Virodeil - Rated T
Feemor, newly knighted, is tasked to find a disturbance in the Force that keeps rippling. It is contained, for now, but neither the High Council nor the Shadow Corps wish to see it when it is not. And then he finds it, deep in the Mandalorian sector, and… becomes part of the ripple? He just wishes that a child would not have been drawn into this. Or even thousands upon thousands of them. And worse, judging by all that he hears and experiences there, that number might just grow.
into the statue that breathes by spoonks - Rated G
The night watch in the garden was supposed to be the calmest of them all. No mischievous Padawans “sneaking” in or out, or ne’er-do-well civilians conducting “business” around the lower-level entrances that they didn’t know existed. No the gardens was still, and it was like time was frozen in ice that slowly melted away with the rising of the sun. A slow drip, drip— Drip. Immediately Feemor turned towards the central waterfall. Someone was standing there. Whoever they were, they were small and moved through katas with their hands open like a greeting.
Of Crechemasters and Archivists by Mithril_and_Acorns - Rated G
The Clawmouse Clan was small, and it’s crechemaster was young, and some might even argue inexperienced—but those individuals were idiots and every Shadow knows that a being who decided to come between a crechemaster and their charge either had a death wish or lacked the intelligence Force gave slime…usually both. (Or) What would Obi-Wan’s childhood have been like if he had a crechemaster who actually paid attention to the manipulations of a meddling green troll and did something about it?
Shining Down On You by Batsutousai - Rated T
Feemor and Qui-Gon return to the Jedi Temple after their mission to the Trans-Gascon sector and give their report to the Council.
From the Ashes by Llamaal - Rated T
The temple was burning, the Jedi were dying, betrayed by one of their own. Feemor was one of the last Temple Guards standing, and they had a choice to make. Keep standing guard and join their siblings in death, or help the creche masters smuggle the little ones out. In the end, saving those innocent little lights was most important, so he grabbed one and ran with a prayer to the Force that they'd find safety from the new Sith Empire raising up from the ashes of the Jedi and Senate.
New Beginnings by nuyhyun - Rated T
[Set a few months after To Readjust] A confused vision brings Obi-wan to Feemor and they set off on a track to help the Mandalorians their order had slighted on Galidraan. They can’t let the senate catch on but, well, what's a little espionage in the fate of the galaxy? (I don’t think this will make sense without reading the previous one but you’re welcome to try, I’m aware it’s a bit of a read)
The Librarian’s Padawan by Mithril_and_Acorns - Rated T
Repudiation. A relic from before the Ruusan Reformation. Officially, it meant rejecting a concept as unauthorized or as having no binding force to a particular individual or contract. In practice it translated as being completely disowned from one’s lineage. Feemor had taken each day following his former master’s repudiation one step at a time, content to simply melt into the stacks of the Temple Archives and disappear into obscurity. Yet when he meets a youngling slated to be the next piece in Yoda’s plan for Qui-Gon Jinn, he finds that maybe the Force has more in store for him than he originally thought. or   Obi-Wan is adorable, Feemor isn’t about to let another youngling get hurt by Qui-Gon’s stupidity and Yoda’s manipulations, Jocasta is a BAMF grandma that likes to feed Obi-Wan cookies, and canon dies a fiery death on Mustafar.
Of Knights and Brothers by Tamloid - Rated T
“To withstand repudiation and come out the other side with confidence in your worth as a Jedi, with a deeper and more complete understanding of your innermost self… that, Masters, is a true Trial of Spirit. I can assure you of that.” In which Feemor is knighted, loses nearly everything, and rebuilds himself from the ground up with the help of his friends, his little brother, and a few helpful nudges from the Force to guide the way.
A Friend in Dangerous Times is a True Friend Indeed by BitterChocolateStars - Rated T
Newly Knighted Feemor has been a Guard for barely a year when the Jedi Order is attacked by a Sith-made droid army. He manages to smuggle barely a handful of younglings out of the Temple and flee. He will die before he lets the Sith have these last little lights in the Force.
the weight of regret by Cross_d_a - Rated E
Feemor Aylward dies by his Clone Commander’s hand, then wakes up 24 years in the past. Feemor has no idea what’s going on, but he’s going to do his damned best to fix whatever the kark just happened. Too bad he was never really involved in that whole Skywalker mess. Guess it’s time to actually get acquainted with his crazy disaster lineage. (Sidious is just confused about how all his pawns keep slipping out from beneath his thumb.)
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thehollowprince · 1 year
The other day, I saw a post in the Pro Jedi tags (mislabeled for rage farming) about how the "Jedi had it coming" and "they brought this upon themselves" (the usual nonsense). But one of the things that stood out to me was this person saying that all the Sith did was get back at the Jedi for their attacks on their species.
For those who might be confused, the Sith they were talking about were these guys.
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Not these guys
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Although the latter will come into play here momentarily.
Now, the whole premise here is that Palpatine's execution of Order 66 and the subsequent Jedi Purge were all just retaliation for what the Jedi Order "did" to the Sith species and the subsequent Sith Order way way back in the day.
Putting aside the fact that the Sith species was long extinct by the time of the Ruusan Reformation (1000 BBY) due to their own violent culture and their subsequent subjugation by the exiled Dark Jedi that would eventually claim the species name for their Order.
The Jedi did not set out to eradicate an entire species and culture. That species and the subsequent Order that arose from its intermingling with the dark-side users exiled from the Jedi Order attacked and attempted to force the rest of the galaxy to submit to their will and the Jedi struck back.
And when they were pushed back, the Sith (both species and order) did what they always do - they turned on each other. They cannibalized themselves because they were stopped from preying on others.
There are legitimate things to criticize the Jedi for, but defending the galaxy from continued attempts at enslavement and tyranny isn't one of them.
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Tug of War
Ok everyone,  here is another weird one.  Let’s get some house keeping out of the way first. 
This is set mid clone wars, where Palpatine does not quite have enough support to change the republic into an empire. 
For this, either there are no chips (and no order 66), or Palpatine does not want to activate the chips until the appointed hour, when his Empire is truly ready. Either way the clones side, pretty much exclusively with Jedi. 
This is very much an AU idea, with little connection to canon. 
Now the base of this is that Jedi finds out that Palpatine is the Sith Lord, however the twist is that (because Palpatine has been in charge of the laws for over a decade, plus the work of the other Sith before him) being a Sith Lord is not actually illegal. In addition Palpatine has been exceedingly careful about his conduct and contact with the separatists. Nothing he has done is illegal (practically nothing is illegal for him, due to his position as Supreme Chancellor, not even treason). Finally most of the galaxy, including most of the senate consider the Sith/Jedi split religious differences (Also from generations of careful Sith propaganda).
I want it clear that this take is not correct. Sith are evil, Palpatine very much included. It is only the result of centuries of work that ensured that this even happened.
All of this means that the Jedi very much are not able to oust Palpatine legally, and killing him would see the entire Order being classified as a terrorist organization, which is an automatic execution order for every member regardless of age.  
Now for twist number two. Due to the fact the Jedi were the founders of the Republic, declaring them traitors (an actual attempt to kill the Chancellor being the only exception,due to the Ruusan Reformation treaty) would destroy the Republic. And not in the way it will eventually become an empire kind of way. Instead whatever the power base (political and otherwise) the republic laws are built on, it is intrinsically tied to the Jedi Order’s existence. 
Look I am not sure how exactly it would work but work with me here.  Also this entire idea is meant to poke fun at the idea that laws are anything more immutable than a social contract we all agree to follow. 
All this means that until Palpatine is ready for his Empire to Rise, he cannot destroy the Jedi Order.  And he is found out to be a Sith just a little too early for that to happen. 
So now we have the Jedi on side, unable to eject the overt Sith in the Senate (also not able to leave due to their ties to the Republic).  On the Other Side we have an actual Sith running the government  but unable to kill the Jedi until he is fully ready to launch his empire.  Both still have to deal with a Senate that on a fundamental level does not understand goals, the methods, or the beliefs of either group (Jedi or Sith). 
And they still have to work together.  They still have to make plans and fight a war and deal with the Senate. Palpatine's entire schtick means that he has to keep up appearances, particularly since the Jedi have outright, and publicly, stated to him that the moment he is not the supreme chancellor (and thus it is no longer terrorism and treason to kill him) they are going kill him for being a Sith.  
Following this declaration there was a brief but intense debate in the Senate regarding this declaration and if it counted as threatening a government official/head of government.  It was eventually decided that the clarifying statement that they would only kill him when he was no longer in office meant that it was acceptable, since the Jedi are allowed to kill Sith (that is one of the oldest laws on the books, it fall in the ‘cannot change without destabilizing the Republic’), they just can’t kill a Sith that is also the Supreme Chancellor.  Unfortunately it was also decided that the Jedi, or Jedi allies, could not have any part of removing Palpatine from office; due to the declaration. 
So there is a small amount of ‘race to the finish line’ where the Jedi are still very much trying to end the war and/or maneuver Palpatine out of his position of power, so they can eliminate the Sith.  And Palpatine is working to extend the war, and thus his power, until he had the support needed to unveil his empire (he was set back quite a bit by the revelation that he is a Sith, enough people become suspicious of his motives that he can’t just declare an Empire) so that he could then kill the Jedi. 
The Jedi have an advantage in that there are 10,000 of them and they can trust each other and work together.  Palpatine is not able to trust anyone with his plans, not even his minions or other Sith since they all plan to betray each other. 
Palpatine has an advantage in that he, and his minions, will do things that no being with morals ever could. Not that being restricted by morals is a bad thing, but it does mean that Palpatine can take any action he wants to advance his plans with little concern with collateral damage. There are some days, particularly when that same collateral damage spends hours telling the Jedi that saved them exactly why the Jedi Order are baby stealing monsters, where various Jedi are slightly jealous of Palpatine’s lack of morals. 
Even weirder are the times when both the Sith and the Jedi agree on something, or their short term goals align. Neither group ever forgets that they are enemies who ultimately want to eliminate the other, but there are some days where Adi Gallia has been dealing with idiots in the Senate all day and wants to drink with possibly the only other Force user who deals with the same volume of Senate idiots in one day (look, Palpatine may capitalize on the fundamental misunderstanding the galaxy at large-and the Senate in particular-has about Force use and the difference between Sith and Jedi, but even he is going internally ‘I am trying to subjugate all of you and the Jedi are trying to stop me from subjugating all of you. These goals are not the same.’-I personally head canon that Palpatine is self aware enough to know that he is objectively evil, and is quite proud of that. I just want my bad guy to be an unrepentant ass, be aware that he is an unrepentant ass, and not feel any kind of guilt about that- ). Or every so often for the first year after the reveal Palpatine invites Obi Wan Kenobi to drink with him because Anakin has done something so ridiculous again (while trying to save Pame from something she had already taken care of) that it has managed to accidentally derail six of Palpatine's plots,  endanger two Jedi missions, injured no less than 50 troopers across three battalions, and almost took out the economy of a mid rim world.  Obi Wan goes because after the reveal Palpatine stopped trying to kill him personally (though he still go caught up in the occasional plot), and the Sith has surprisingly good taste in liquor (It should be noted that most of the friendly interactions with Palpatine seem to include heavy drinking and commiserating).  Or Mace Windu catching Palpatine’s eyes from across the Rotunda or some foolish gathering as some being is blathering on and they have just a moment of understanding and commiseration pass between them. 
It is only for the first year because that is when Anakin finally stops hanging around with Palpatine. Anakin also did not have a great grasp of the difference between Sith and Jedi and had bought fully into ‘Palpatine is my friend’.  Then one day they were talking about various Sith and Palpatine made the mistake of sharing a bit too much about drawing power from being in pain, and his (Palpatine’s) plans for the Vader suit.  He never said that the suit was for Anakin, but he was just a bit too gleeful in describing causing another being pain and it freaked Anakin out. 
After the reveal and this holding pattern there is at least one scene where Dooku pouts because Palpatine can drink with Jedi, but Dooku cannot have Tea with Jedi any longer. And it is not because Dooku is a Sith and only partially due to the fact that Dooku is the head of Separatists (thus the enemy). No the real reason that Dooku can not have tea with he Jedi any longer is because Jocasta Nu was told at the beginning of the war that Dooku had removed information from her archives and he knows that no one, not even Yoda, would keep his location a secret from her and risk her wrath. 
He had felt her wrath in the Force as soon as she was told, and that wrath had lingered. Very occasionally Palpatine considers trying to lure her to his side by telling her where she can find Dooku, but figures that she would usurp him and rule the galaxy with an iron fist within a standard week. 
And Palpatine had put far too much work into everything to be a minion again.
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araindragon · 3 months
I'm disappointed that there aren't full documents of all the historical happenings in Star Wars
What do you mean the Ruusan Reformation document doesn't exist? Or the Supercommado Codex? Or the full Clones Contract? You mean if I'm writing Anakin's analytical paper I have to make up the source quotes too??
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funny how people say the jedi needed reform and ALSO blame "everything wrong with the jedi" on the ruusan reformation. Do you want reform or is that the source of all bad things.
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magnetarbeam · 1 year
The TCW fix-it of my wildest dreams is a situation where the Jedi and clones and their various other allies break away from the so-called Republic and form a third faction in the Clone Wars, and the Jedi have to figure out, through trial and error and blood and sweat and tears, how to reform themselves out of the stagnation that they fell into throughout the Ruusan period, and how they need to interpret their duty now in light of having been forced to face the practical realities of a major war for the first time in the lifetime of anyone alive today, and seeing that they had grown too distant from the common citizens of the galaxy because they were limited by subordination to the galactic government.
Vaguely like Luke's Jedi in Legends, where the Order walked into hell, the fires tempered their metal, and when they came out their path was lit brighter than ever before.
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