starwarsconceptart · 11 months
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Different pieces of concept art used for s3e13 of The Clone Wars titled “Monster,” featuring people of Dathomir.
Happy Halloween!
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bolithesenate · 8 months
nonhuman traits/special characteristics Serennians exhibit*, in no particular order:
Normal vocal communication of Serennians often is accompanied by a number of supplemental clicks and chirps with distinct meanings.
Many exhibit a prey drive akin to predator species like Togruta. Young Serennian children have to be trained out of it.
Black hair and eyes are common characteristics and it is true black, not dark brown. In the case of eyes this interacts funnily with Chiss genetics sometimes, resulting in completely black eyeballs, which often gets 'corrected' surgically.
Their stomachs are strong enough to eat raw meat and are resistant to most common and several uncommon parasites. On the flip side most Serennians are very lactose intolerant.
Even in the grand scope of things they have a really low percentage of Force-sensitives when measured against their total population. Practically all Force-sensitives born on Serenno are from immigrant families, in fact.
Many have infrared vision, a boon from their Chiss heritage, but it causes a number of eye issues, especially as they grow older.
Generally a lot of eye issues lol. Eyes are easy to fuck up.
Roughly a third of the population sheds their sets of teeth three times, with a second adult set coming in roughly around 20 that has three sets of incisors and only one set of molars. Correlations have been found in a heightened red meat consumption in teenage years and the development of this characteristic.
Even with modern technology Serenno's native populace has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the Mid Rim, simply because the long tern effects of Sith Alchemy result in a lot of birth defects and stillborn. Many couples looking to conceive actually get themselves tested beforehand if there will be any heightened chance for genetic degeneration or other heritable issues. This issue (and the proximity to Mandalorian Space) have resulted in adoption being very popular. Or they marry outside of their planet.
* some of these are more common or more pronounced depending on the individual
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charmwasjess · 10 months
Padme literally had more training to rule at age 14 than Dooku did running Serenno at age 60 and I genuinely believe the only reason he wasn’t immediately deposed was because Jenza was just so happy to have her only non-psychopath family member back (...an opinion that would age like milk) that she secretly fixed a lot of his early calamitous floundering behind his back.
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jedimemery · 2 years
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do you guys remember when tech was fighting with that clone trooper on Serenno behind the tree? we don’t get to see the end of it, but tech hobbles from behind the tree so it’s obvious he won. but that clone trooper, do you think he’s dead or stunned? the bad batch tries not to kill their brothers (which is honorable) but i don’t think tech had a chance to switch the settings to stun. imagine the ache he felt after doing that. sure, it’s just another reg. but that reg probably can’t help it. no clone likes the idea of killing their brother, and if you think tech probably didn’t care just take a second to remember umbara. the clones were forced to fight each other and they were absolutely heartbroken when they found out, enough to commit treason! tech looked so defeated as he came out from behind the tree and i don’t think it was only because of his fractured femur. the bad batch may be different but it’s still their brothers they are fighting.
how painful would it be to gun someone down and hear your own voice screaming at the end of the barrel?
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mksolomon1 · 5 months
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The Bad Batch, Season Two, Episode 2, Ruins of War
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aresielle · 9 months
I like when Serenno is replace by Serrano in fanfic. Count Dooku from the planete ham. It's a very funny mental picture.
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chimaeras501st · 2 years
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WIP of his Self portrait for the portfolio
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count-doodoo · 10 months
it occurs to me that if i liveblog the whole book in one thread the scrolling might drive everyone nuts. so this mess is all gonna be tagged djl liveblog.
(spoilers for jedi lost below the cut)
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god he's such a drama queen. he's describing HIS OWN ACTIONS. and yet, he says, "without warning".
also, star wars is ridiculous. HOOPALOO.
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IT'S A CHILD! (idk i cackled at that line for some reason)
WE USE IT TO PRACTICE AGAINST DUMMIES. LIKE YOU. OH MY GOD MAYBE IT'S GOOD HE NEVER REALLY MET OBI. we would not have survived the combined powers of their battlefield snark. fucking hells.
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also do karkran really not eat humans. because i can 100% see young dooku just Knowing that and nonchalantly being like "huh, he's an idiot. he thinks karkran would actually eat humans!"
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immortalizing this here because gods will i never fully understand the dooku-surname-mononym?-idk situation. even JENZA doesn't really understand it.
either way. love this nerdy idiot who just wants to learn about his planet's history!
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i love this???? his ass is so fucking dramatic. but it's so...interesting? to hear this sith lord so utterly cognizant of his own mortality. he's so keenly aware that he could have died here, and that history might have been forever changed. idk. i am having Feelings. PLUS the thoughts on everything the hall has survived, only to be brought low by the touch of a curious nerdy tween? *chef's kiss*
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perkybat · 2 years
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mm food
Serenno, the masqueraider, belongs to @samurajsonia
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sw5w · 5 months
This Vote is Very Important
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:04:05
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bolithesenate · 8 months
not to be a fanon girlie on main but I think we should consider taking away the 'human' label from Dooku
he comes from a planet that has at least one magic space dragon, was under Sith hegemony for a while and according to wookiepedia has enough of a chiss population that they count it distinctly.
honestly, the exact details I don't care about. Are most serennians part chiss? did the sith do some fucked-up genetic fuckery and alchemy on them that still has unexpected influences on their behavior/immune system?? Did they just evolve funny because that's the same planet that gave us the magic space dragon???
a combination of these?
something else entirely?
like. if we can decide that no, stewjoni are their own thing, then surely we can give the same treatment to Serenno
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andy-solo1 · 2 years
Legacy [Dad!Dooku] Part 1
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Words: 2,183
Warnings: Angst, cannon typical death, nightsister murder arc - - - - -  Count Dooku woke from his sleep as the sounds of someone screaming and crying carried through the air. He slowly slipped from his bed and walked over to the corner of the room. From the crib the screams came loud, silencing slightly as Dooku carefully picked up the one making all the noise. 
His son, barely more than a few months old, sobbed in his arms as Dooku held him. Never had Dooku imagined something like this could happen to him. His days as a jedi had turned his mind away from the possibility of ever having a child, but since he left the order, things had happened that he’d never expected. Now, he was here trying to comfort his son as the infant cried. 
Dooku carried his son back to his own bed and sat down on it as his son’s sobs slowly faded away as the boy looked up at him. Dooku felt a smile cross his features as he watched the boy. 
“I am so grateful to have you in my life, but perhaps next time you let me sleep through the night. Hmm?” Dooku said quietly. His son cooed softly and started to close his eyes. 
Dooku felt his smile grow more as he watched him. Of course, for all he loved his son, he also feared for him. Feared what his master could have done to the boy, and feared what could happen in the coming chaos that his master was planning, though those plans were still a few years away. Still, Dooku just hoped for his son to have a happy life. 
“Of everything I hope you can inherit from me, I hope the force isn’t one of them.” 
          Six years into the future, after an attack on his life by the dastardly Asajj                             Ventress, Dooku looks into getting a new apprentice
                                Only this apprentice betrays him as well
      Savage Opress of the Night Brothers was an agent for Ventress as the two                                team up. Both failing once more to kill Dooku
            Dooku, concerned and angered by the threats, increases security
                            For both himself, and his young son, Torrin
- - - - - - 
“Dad!” A young voice cried out as Dooku walked off of his ship. The count smiled as he watched his son running up to him. 
Dooku shifted onto his knees and groaned jokingly as the boy threw himself into his father’s arms. 
“Careful Torrin, you’ll knock your old man down one of these days.” 
“I’m not that strong dad.” Torrin laughed as Dooku gave the boy a hug before letting go and rising to his feet. 
“Not yet, but you will be.” Dooku hummed. “Now why don’t you tell me about your day and I can tell you a little bit about mine?” He asked as he began guiding his son inside. Torrin beamed and happily started chatting with his father about his day. 
- - -
On Dathomir, a dark plan was rising as Asajj Ventress returned home to her sisters. 
“I failed again to kill Dooku. That traitor Savage turned on me!” Ventress raged as Mother Talzin watched silently. 
“Perhaps it is time we find a new strategy then. Bring Dooku here to us. Your return is something he will get word of, perhaps that would draw him here.” Talzin mused. 
“No, that won’t be enough to get Dooku here.” Ventress sighed. She began to pace, as she tried to think of something. “He would need something more compelling to bring him here. Something that would make absolutely certain he came, and not just sent Grievous to deal with.” 
“Surely there is something that could bring Dooku here. You know him better than most.” Talzin replied, and Ventress stopped her pacing as an idea came to her. 
“Dooku, he has a son. A well kept secret of a son, but I made it my business to know as many of his secrets as I could.”
“Well, his son would certainly bring him here. It’s settled then, I’ll send a few of your sisters to…invite…the boy over.” 
- - - - 
The next day, Dooku woke with the sunrise on Serenno like he always had, but this day felt off. 
He couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right, and he wasn't even sure if it was the force or his own paranoia making him feel that way. Ever since the monster Savage Opress had turned on him, he'd been more cautious, more careful, and all the more angry. Even before that all, he'd made sure to keep Torrin safe, doubling his security for the boy's sake after the attempts upon Dooku's life. 
Now though, Dooku found himself walking towards his son's room with a growing feeling of dread and an emptiness in the force tugged at him. Normally he would let the boy sleep a few hours more before waking him, but today, something drove him to check. 
Dooku knew deep down when he opened the door he'd find the room empty, but he was still not prepared for it. He stared at the empty room, the sheets thrown off the bed much as if Torrin had simply gotten himself out of bed, but Dooku just knew his son hadn’t gotten himself up. 
Even still, something compelled him to call out for the boy, hoping that maybe, for once in his life, the boy had decided to rise early. “Torrin?” He called, a note of panic rising in his voice as he got no response. 
Dooku made his way through the house, continuing to call out for his son, hoping, despite knowing deep down. Torrin was no longer on Serenno. 
As he got to checking his office, his commlink went off with a new incoming message. He answered it, dreading it being his master, only to find the form of Mother Talzin staring back at him. 
“Mother Talzin,” Dooku growled coldly. “I’m afraid I’m rather busy at the moment, and rather upset with the betrayal I faced because of you.” 
“Oh I know you’re busy right now Count, but this is important.” Talzin replied calmly, irritating Dooku further. 
“I do not have time for this right now.” Dooku replied, moving to turn off the commlink. 
“It’s about your son.” Talzin replied, a wicked grin crossing her features now and Dooku froze.
“What have you done with him?” Dooku hissed. 
“Nothing, yet. We simply needed a way to get you to come to us, and now, you must.” 
“Show me that he is alright.” 
“Come find that out for yourself, Count.” Talzin replied, turning off the communication link. 
Dooku growled in rage before calming his temper. He knew he couldn’t go to Dathomir, it was what the nightsisters wanted and he wasn’t going to let himself fall into their trap. However, he needed to get his son back. Going back to his desk he sent out a call. 
“Count Dooku. Did you have a new mission for me?” General Grievous asked once he responded to the call. 
“I need you, and all the battle droids you want to go to Dathomir and you are to bring back my son with you, those witches have him and I intend for them to pay greatly for it. Kill them all.” 
- - - - - 
Torrin Serenno woke up feeling a cold aching darkness all around him. It was a cold feeling that seemed to leach all heat from his body and left his soul feeling hollow. His eyes snapped open and he looked around with wide eyes, gaze landing on one person he recognized from spying on meetings his father had.  
“Hello Torrin.” Ventress purred, looking down at the boy. “Don’t worry, we don’t plan on hurting you. We just needed your dad to come here and you were the easiest way to make that happen.” 
“Where am I?” Torrin asked, fear clear in his voice as it wavered. The last thing he remembered was waking up in the middle of the night to a sound only to pass out and find himself here now. 
“Dathomir.” Mother Talzin told him as she glided by. Torrin choked on a sob of fear at seeing her, scrambling back away from her. “Do not fear child.” She said to him before turning to two of the sisters “Guard him, and make sure he remains unharmed.” She ordered them before leaving with Ventress in tow. 
Torrin turned his fearful gaze towards the two remaining sisters. He felt like he was choking on the darkness around him as tears fell. The only thing he hoped for was for his father to come and rescue him soon. 
- - - - -
 “We have started the assault on Dathomir.” Grievous rasped, breaking into coughs after he finished. “We have yet to locate the boy.” 
“Find him. And kill anyone who gets in the way.” Dooku snapped before ending the call. Grievous was one of the few who knew of the Count’s son, since he’d wanted a security detail for the boy at all times and the droids report to Grievous. Dooku wasn’t entirely trusting of the cyborg to fully do what he asked, but he also knew he couldn’t have shown up on the planet first, lest he have been ambushed. 
Now though, he prepared to depart for Dathomir to wait for the witches to be dead or his son to be located. He recalled back to a time when Torrin was younger, terrified of a storm that raged outside of their home. 
The boy had made his way out of his bedroom and into his father's despite barely being able to walk on his own. Dooku had woken to finding his son in tears on the floor next to him. 
He had comforted his son then when the loud noises were too much for him. And now, he could only think of doing that again as he got ready to head out, waiting for word that his son had been found. He was certain his son was terrified, but once he was back in Dooku’s arms he would do anything to make sure his son felt safe again. 
- - - - -
Torrin shut his eyes tightly when the sounds of a fight reached his ears. He always hated loud noises, and now, now the noises were far too loud. 
But worse than that was the feeling, he felt like he could feel every single one of those bolts on his skin, feel the agony of thousands dying. He’d heard his father talk about the force before, how it could let you feel what others felt. 
Torrin had always wanted to be like that, to be more like his father. Now though, he wanted anything but this feeling. 
As time passed and the sounds got closer, he resorted to covering his ears with his hands, his eyes still closed tightly. If he focused enough, he hoped he would be able to pretend he was home, hiding away from a thunderstorm.  
When he finally dared to open his eyes,  the two women who’d been guarding him were gone, likely abandoning him to go help their sister’s. He quickly stood up and ran. He didn’t know where he was going, but he knew he had to get out. Away from the death, away from the choking darkness. 
Torrin got lost in the maze that was the inside of the sister’s home. He felt like he’d been wandering forever, trying to find his way out, when he suddenly felt a pull. It was like an invisible hand was gripping his, tugging him in the right direction. 
He followed the pull, and soon, the sounds of familiar voices drifted towards him. 
“I don’t care if you all run out of batteries, you will find him.” Dooku snapped at a group of battle droids that stood before him. 
“Dad!” Torrin shouted, tears falling fresh from his eyes again and Dooku quickly turned around to see the boy. Torrin ran and latched onto Dooku tightly when he reached him. 
The count quickly knelt down and pulled his son close, holding him in his arms for a few moments before pulling away and looking him over.
“Are you hurt?” 
Torrin shook his head, “I’m not hurt.” 
“I am so sorry this happened to you. This should never have happened.” Dooku said as he pulled his son close again. Torrin clung to his father tightly. 
“It’s not your fault dad.” 
“I’m just glad you’re okay. We’ll go home, and you are not going anywhere from now on without a droid escort.” Dooku picked up his son and carried him back to his ship. As they flew back towards Serenno, Torrin turned to look up at his father. 
“Yes Torrin?” 
“The force? Does it, does it pull you places? I got lost in there, but then I felt like someone was pulling me and it led me back to you.” Torrin explained. Dooku fell silent, a dark look crossing his features for a moment. Torrin thought it almost looked like fear crossing his Father’s features before the moment was gone. 
“The force can be like that. When we get home, we’ll look into it further. Alright?”
“Alright dad.”
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dougielombax · 1 year
So, what was it that the Empire was confiscating from Count Dooku’s castle on Serenno?
Seriously, did we ever find out?
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empiregothic · 2 years
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b-radley66 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/16 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ahsoka Tano/Original Character(s), Original Character/Original Characters Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Gora (Star Wars), Ramil (Star Wars), Jame Blackthorn | Bryne Covenant | Taliesin Croft |Tempest (Original Character), Dani Faygan |Ishta (Original Character), Nola Vorserrie |Seoladen (Original Character), Meglann Florlin |Ina|Hammer (Original Character), Phygus Baldrick | Touchstone (Original Character), Null-13 | Drop | Tarre Tredecima |Balor (Original Character), Talle Tredecima | Orla (Original Character), Alyysina Faygan’ii na’ Torstan’ii |Serquet |Sina, Draq' Bel Iblis (original character), Ano Lessi (Original Character), Wren Shysa (Original Character), Tarranic Vheh’yaim |Zegon Shysa (Original Character), Jetto Wasablim (Original Character), Jamelyn Blackthorn (Original Character), Nathaanan Betenn’ii (Original Character), Ardalen Nath (Original Character), Melis Nath (Original Character), Fennec Shand (cameo), Xizor (Star Wars), Dryden Vos Additional Tags: Family, Rebellion, Espionage, Love, Serenno, Serennoan Family Values, Corellian Family Values, Mandalorian Family Values, Caring for Family, Misdirection Series: Part 42 of Rise and Fight Again Summary:
Dooku’s Legacy! Ahsoka Tano and her Corellian cell, led by Bryne Covenant, delve deeply into a mystery on Serenno, home of the late Separatist leader and ex-Jedi Dooku. There they will confront leftover tyrannies from the Clone War, and aid a family member in reclaiming their life and their own legacy, while attempting to break the grip of a power-hungry galactic family on the world. All while searching for a missing family member of their own.
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